Updated on 2025/03/13


SATOH, Shigeru
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor Emeritus
工学博士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2020.06

    日本都市計画学会  名誉会員

  • 2012

    日本建築学会  名誉会員

  • 2011

    日本学術会議  連携会員

  • 2008

    自治体学会  顧問

Professional Memberships

  • 1995.04

    International Sminar for Urban Forum









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Research Areas

  • Architectural planning and city planning

Research Interests

  • Urban Design and Planning, Urban Regeneration, Community Design, Urban Morphology, cultural landscape, Historical Cities, Hue, Design Simulation


  • 大隈記念学術褒賞

    2014.10   早稲田大学  

  • 住総研清水康雄賞

    2013.10   住総研  

  • 都市住宅学会賞


  • 日本建築学会賞


  • 日本都市計画学会石川賞(共同)




  • エコデモ、日本のまちづくりと出会う


    Bio City   ( 74 )  2018  [Invited]

  • Japanese castle towns as models for contemporary urban planning

    Shigeru Satoh

    Cultures of Sustainability and Wellbeing: Theories, Histories and Policies     269 - 280  2017.11



    SUGANO Keisuke, OKITSU Ryutaro, SATOH Shigeru

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 第731号 ) 141 - 151  2017  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    &nbsp;It is observed that the urban compositions of pre-modern Japanese Castle Towns were built in harmony with rich diversities in Nature. This research is done by analysing the urban planning of the middle age cities built by Nanbu Clan.<br>&nbsp;These Nanbu cities appeared with unobstructed views of the sacred mountains; the town installations were placed on the concentric circle line in which the Iwakura Rock appeared as the concentric centre. These castle towns in Nanbu Region in Tohoku are believed to be planned in symbiosis with Nature; yet, the exact motivation behind such planning phenomenon is not scientifically evident and justifiable. In order to, thus, discover their planning intensions, these worshipping objects in the Region shall be listed, and their relations with the urban compositions may be objectively tackled and grasped.<br>&nbsp;This research is based on the hypothesis that the town distributions were planned to correspond with the sacred mountains and Iwakura Rocks in the region; it concerns itself with how the urban planning of Morioka and Hachinohe, both pre-modern castle towns built by Sannohe-Nanbu the head house, were affected by the following three aspects: 1) the street composition as the urban framework, 2) the deployment of major facilities, and 3) the locations of Nanbu Clan temples. This investigation is verified by means of GIS.<br>&nbsp;First, the city main streets that set up the urban framework may be classified into two types: the axis and the fluctuation with the vista to the mountains. From the axis type of main street and the main portion of the fluctuation type of main street as well, the object mountain appears with unobstructed view of sacred mountain top. All the side streets are either parallel or perpendicular to either type of main street. In Morioka Castle Town, the Eboshiiwa Iwakura the worshipping object is located on the intersection point where the extension line of the Ohte Street, the highway that links the castle gate, meets the extension line of the Ohshu main street. Both Ohte and Ohshu intersect each other in 60&deg; of angle.<br>&nbsp;Second, this paper tackles the special phenomenon of Morioka castle town, treating the sacred Iwakura Rock as the centre of the concentric circle on which the major installations were placed on the circumference; further, from the northeast angle of the Iwakura, the temples that guards the northeast Demon's gate was built; moreover, a castle gate was built near the Iwakura and the moat was constructed with the bended portion to be adjacent to the Iwakura. All these are verified.<br>&nbsp;Third, these areas that were built with the high-ranked temples which were related with Nanbu Clan are studied; this research tries to verify the vista from the town streets and the entrance paths of the temples that were related to Nanbu-daimyō to the sacred object mountains like Mount Nansho and Mount Hayachine.<br>&nbsp;Basing on the above, the specific interrelation between the urban compositions of pre-modern castle towns and the religious objects in the regions of Nanbu Sovereign could be manifested. Since the Middle Age, the Nanbu Clan has ruled the Nanbu Region and bonded to the aboriginal culture in the Tohoku of Japan; their urban planning of town distribution were processed with respect to their religious objects - Sacred Mountains and Iwakura Rocks - can be reasonably verified.

    DOI CiNii


    ABE Toshihiko, FUJIOKA Makoto, SATOH Shigeru

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   82 ( 735 ) 1221 - 1230  2017  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    &nbsp;Over 5 years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. In many tsunami-affected municipalities, the reconstruction of infrastructure such as roads, ports, seawalls, or the preparation of tsunami-safe, raised building land is proceeding relatively well, following municipal reconstruction plans. This is due to a lack of communication and community involvement in reconstruction plans. In such situation, it would be effective to set up a community development council, which is a special form of public private partnership between the local government, residents, and landowners. The council would facilitate the communication between all the involved stakeholders and take care of the management of shared facilities such as shops or housing.<br>&nbsp;At the Naiwan area of Kesennuma city, in Miyagi prefecture, the planning of invasive, large-scale coastal protections was proceeding without consensus being formed among the affected citizens of the area. Most of the public discourses materialized around the reconstruction of the infrastructure such as the seawall that would protect the Naiwan area, but debates about the overall recovery program with the reconstruction of buildings and community facilities didn't proceed accordingly. In order to reach a consensus, the members of the municipal reconstruction council enlisted the support of Waseda University, to which also the author belongs. The facilitation of the reconstruction planning process was promoted in the form of a participatory action research.<br>&nbsp;This research was conducted in order to document and analyze the importance of establishment of community development corporations promoted in the form of a participatory action research. Our team supported the council with reaching an agreement for the overall recovery program and to prepare the field for individual reconstruction projects. The team facilitated this process by organizing discussion rounds and by using different physical as well as digital models of the area. In many disaster-affected areas of Tohoku the reconstruction of private residences and shops is still lagging behind and therefore a careful analysis of Naiwan's widely recognized and groundbreaking recovery planning process is of great importance.<br>&nbsp;At first, we will explore and analyze the main issues of the Naiwan area, which had to be resolved through the reconstruction process. At the Naiwan area, a reconstruction planning council was established by the local citizens, in order to raise resistance against and develop alternatives to controversial government plans for the construction of large-scale and invasive coastal protections. However, beyond the issue of the hotly debated seawall, the discussion about the detailed local reconstruction program including the rebuilding of residences and shops as well as the establishment of a Machizukuri enterprise for the implementation of plans, didn't take place in the council.<br>&nbsp;Next, in order to facilitate a wider discussion process and reanimate the stagnant reconstruction planning process, we designed a process to reach an agreement between all the stakeholder by soliciting and discussing creative ideas from the subcommittee in Management Conference, and then explaining and discussing the in wider plenary sessions.<br>&nbsp;At the Management Conference, we supported the consensus formation from the broader development of plan to the development of the respective private project plans by utilizing workshops and various innovative communication and visualization formats by PDCA, plan-do-check-act cycle.<br>&nbsp;Based on these results, we evaluated the result of the above reconstruction planning process, from the establishment of council to the development of recommendations and plans, as well as the establishment of community development corporations as business.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • Japanese machizukuri and community engagement : history, method and practice

    Satoh, Shigeru

    Routledge  2020 ISBN: 9780367193522

  • まちづくり図解

    佐藤, 滋, 内田, 奈芳美, 野田, 明宏, 益尾, 孝祐

    鹿島出版会  2017.06 ISBN: 9784306073371

  • まちづくり教書

    佐藤, 滋, 饗庭, 伸, 内田, 奈芳美

    鹿島出版会  2017.02 ISBN: 9784306073333

  • 新版:図説城下町都市

    佐藤, 滋, 城下町都市研究体

    鹿島出版会  2015.02 ISBN: 9784306073111

  • 東日本大震災からの復興まちづくり

    佐藤 滋

    大月書店  2011.12

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  • 嘉隆帝陵の参拝経路における空間特性と周辺集落による管理の実態

    中西美裕, 寺澤裕実子, 古川尚彬, 佐藤滋


    Presentation date: 2017

    Event date:
  • Methodology for Establishing the Appropriate Protected Area based on the Analysis of Old Drawings ; In case of Gia Long Mausoleum, Hue

    Hiroki YAMADA, Shigeru SATOH, Shigeo TANAKA, Yukihiro HIRAI, Susumu KAWAHARA, Keisuke SUGANO

    Restauro Archeologico, edited by Firenze 

    Presentation date: 2022

  • Historic Eco-Museum of Hue-A lesson from the Gia Long Tomb

    Shigeru SATOH  [Invited]

    World Heritage City Lab- Historic Cities, Climate Change, Water, and Energy, UNESCO 

    Presentation date: 2021

  • 14031 Consideration to the "Cho-gai Community" formation by nuclear accident victims

    Sato Wataru

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

    Event date:
  • 7121 The study on the creation of Pre-recovering town planning database and possibility of utilization

    MAKINO Souta, SATO Shigeru, ABE Toshihiko

    Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting 

    Presentation date: 2015.09

    Event date:

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Research Projects

  • Participatory research on the implementation of regional management by cultural heritage areas and their ecological networks

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Sustainable management planning theory of historical and ecological environment in the Huong River basin area of Vietnam

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Methods for the management and sustainable development of the historical environment of the Royal Tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty and their surrounding areas, Vietnam

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Satoh Shigeru, HIRAI Yukihiro, Urdaniz Alba Victoria Zamarbide, TANAKA Shigeo

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    The research examined the possibilities for management and sustainable development of the historical environment of the Royal Tombs of the Nguyen Dynasty, Vietnam. The obtained results were as follows:
    -First of all, the historical water management systems in four Royal Tombs and the surrounding settlements were studied. Here, an analysis of the different infrastructures that compose them was conducted, their roles were clarified, and an inventory of their state of conservation and possible restoration was made. Second, the study focused on emperor Gia Long s Tomb area on a broad scale (beyond current heritage zoning). A detailed analysis of the relationships between the local ecological systems and the cultural landscape was conducted. Third, based on the above, we designed and developed a participatory eco-study tour. This also served to create a new living for the local villagers, who contribute to the sustainable development of the village with their daily activities.

  • Tradsitional Urban Design Method Reespect to Surrounding Natural Setting

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Satoh Shigeru, SUGANO Keisuke

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    Our research group has already confirmed through the research so far, that in the castle town city and the Hokkaido colonial city, the city form respect to the view of the surrounding mountains, have particular characteristics. In this research, we conducted precise measurements using a geographic information system and GPS, and elucidated the traditional urban design method by numerical analysis. In other words, I revealed the relation of urban form to the geographical condition including the flow of river and the height of land. On the castle town cities, an accurate map at the end of the Edo period is prepared to analyze various traditional urban designs including various landscape axes.In addition, by questionnaire to local governments, the results clarified by the above research are adapted to the city design such as recent urban landscape plan in some advanced cities.In addition, we created a database that organizes these pieces of information on a geographic information system

  • Improvement of Peripheral Village Environment surrounding the Nguyen Imperial Tomb through Action Reaearch

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Satoh Shigeru

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    This research tries to present a planning method for the World Heritage Site, Hue-Vietnam alternative to strict building controls or resettlement in protection zones and the buffers, which has been implemented in this region until now. The peripheral villages of the Nguyen Imperial Tombs make use of the historical water systems, exploit the neighboring forests and influence on the local landscape with their daily activity. But including the historical water systems, the Hue’s unique cultural landscapes would require a more integrated approach than just the definition of such monumental control areas.For that purpose, a field researchwas carried out in 2014.Based on the analysis, we came up with 6 topics for sustainable development and a hypothetical scenario for progressive action. These ideas and scenario were discussed with local inhabitants through a participatory workshop in 2015 in terms of enhancing the sustainable management of the Imperial Tomb and the historical-eco system

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Industrial Property Rights

  • 都市再生支援ツール

    佐藤 滋, 早田 宰, 真野 洋介, 志村 秀明



Overseas Activities

  • 都市設計・計画の視点から見た東日本大震災の復興計画の歴史的評価と現地記録の作成


    パレスチナ   エリコ市役所、ILAUDワークショップ

    イタリア   フェッラーら大学、フェラーラ市役所、フルウリ市役所、ラクイラ市役所

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 環境共生都市の空間構成原理の解明

    2014   久保勝裕

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  • 近世城下町を基盤とする地方都市における明治・大正期の官庁街の建設と都心改造に関する研究


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     本研究では城下町基盤への官庁施設の設置の実態と、それが城下町の近代都心形成に与えた影響を分析した。分析方法は、官庁施設の設置当初から現在まで約30年おきに(1900、1930、1960、1995)1/10000の地図を作成し、以下の3要素の関連を分析した。尚、近代における官庁施設設置は、初めて本庁舎が置かれた場所に着目した。 建築:官庁施設・教育施設・医療施設・文化施設・民間施設、 骨格:街路・都市計画街路、 自然環境:河川・堀・水路・山 その結果、官庁施設を都市改造の手段として積極的に用いた例が3都市に見られた。山形、宇都宮では県令三島通庸のもと、寺社地であった城下域周縁部の街道の延長上等に新たな街路をひき、そのアイストップに県庁をおき、街路の両側に公共施設を設置して新たな都市景観を構築した。甲府では県令藤村紫郎により城郭の再開発が行われ、大手道沿いに県庁をはじめとした藤村式と呼ばれる建築様式の官庁施設等が整備された。 県庁設置後建設された官庁施設の設置には、大きく2つの型が見られた。 .城下町基盤を生かし、城郭周辺部への官庁施設の設置 城郭周辺部は城下町の近代化において最も改造され、官庁施設の建設はその結果でもあった。城郭周辺に官庁施設が設置された都市は21都市あり、その設置パターンは以下の5類型が存在した。官庁施設は城郭の中でも既存の商業地区に近い場所に多く設置された。 城中心型、大手門(広小路)周辺型、大手道沿い型、町家域方向集中型、街道挟み型 2.城下域周縁部に官庁施設を設置城郭ではなく 城下域の周縁部に官庁施設を設置する都市があり、以下の2つの類型があった。 城下域周縁部集中型、城下域周縁部分散型 以上のように、明治の官舎街とその後の都市の近代化過程での都心改造の関係を明らかにした。