Updated on 2025/02/05


KONDO, Kazunari
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
(BLANK) ( 早稲田大学 )

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters   History  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Literature   History  

Professional Memberships










    the japanese historical council

Research Areas

  • History of Asia and Africa

Research Interests

  • Chinese History



  • 南宋地域社会の科挙と儒学—明州慶元府の場合—


    近世儒学研究の方法と課題     187 - 206  2006.02

  • 宋代科挙社会的形成—以明州慶元府為例


    厦門大学学報   2005 ( 6 ) 15 - 24  2005.11

  • 宋代の修譜と国政—青木報告によせて—

    井上徹・遠藤隆俊編『宋—明宗族の研究』 汲古書院刊     299 - 312  2005.03

  • 南宋四川類省試からみた地域の問題

    史観   151   15 - 29  2004.09

  • 『俄蔵黒水城文献』宋西北辺境軍政文書 裁判案件訳注稿(一)


    史滴   25  2003.12

  • 東坡「黄州寒食詩巻」と宋代士大夫


    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要   48  2003

  • John W. Chaffee; 〈I〉Branches of Heaven: A History of the Imperial Clan of Sung China〈/I〉


    東洋史研究   61-1  2002.06

  • 文人官僚蘇軾の対高麗政策


    史滴   23  2001

  • 南宋の端宗と帝


    月刊しにか   10-8  1999.07

  • The Political Features of Scholar-officials in Sung China

    Iwanami's The World History   9  1999

  • 宋代士大夫政治の特色

    岩波講座世界歴史   9  1999.01

  • 宋代士大夫政治の特色


    岩波講座世界歴史   9  1999

  • 蘇東坡と王安石

    月刊しにか   9;11  1998.11

  • On the Elegant Gathering in Western Garden, 1,2

    SHIKAN   /139・141,48-60,16-29  1998

  • 西園雅集考-宋代文人伝説の誕生-正,続


    史観   /139・141,48-60,16-29  1998

  • 王安石撰墓誌銘を読む—地域・人脈・党争

    中国史学/中国史学会   7;pp.171-191  1997.12

  • 東坡の犯罪—烏臺詩案の基礎的考察

    東方学会創立50周年記念 東方学論集/東方学会   pp.627-643  1997.05

  • On the Inscription Stones by Wang An-shi

    Studies in Chinese History   7/,171-191  1997

  • 王安石撰墓誌を読む


    中国史学   7/,171-191  1997

  • 宋元時代史の基本問題

    汲古書院    1996.07

  • 宋代の士大夫と社会

    中国史学の基本問題3宋元時代史の基本問題    1996.07

  • 宋史選挙志学校試

    宋史選挙志訳註(二)/東洋文庫    1996.03

  • ピーター・ボル著 唐宋変遷の再考

    史滴/早稲田大学東洋史懇話会   17  1995.12

  • 信頼できる司馬光の伝記

    東方/東方書店   170  1995.05

  • A Study of Cai Jing's Educational Policy and Civil Service Examinations

    The Journal of Oriental Researches   53/1,24-44  1994

  • 蔡京の科挙学校政策


    東洋史研究   53/1,24-44  1994

  • On the epitaph of S(]J1166[) X(]J1166[)n by Zh(]J1107[)ng F(]J1107[)ng-p(]J1131[)ng

    Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda Univ.   39,137-150  1993

  • 張方平「文安先生墓表」と弁姦論


    文学研究科紀要   39,137-150  1993

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Books and Other Publications

  • 宋代中国科挙社会の研究


    汲古書院  2009.05 ISBN: 9784762925825

  • アジア地域文化学の構築—総論


    雄山閣『アジア地域文化学の構築—21世紀COEプログラム研究集成』早稲田大学アジア地域文化エンハンシング研究センター  2006.03

  • 黒水城出土文書宋代軍政文書の研究


    平成15年・16年度科学研究費補助金基盤C(2)研究成果報告書  2005.04

  • 南宋・金という時代


    『世界美術大全集東洋編六南宋・金』小学館  2000

  • 宋史選挙志訳註(三)補蔭


    宋史選挙志訳註(三) (財)東洋文庫  2000

  • 東坡の犯罪-『鳥臺詩案』の基礎的考察-


    東方学会創立五十周年記念東方学論集  1997

  • 宋代の士大夫と社会-黄(]G3261[)における礼の世界と法の世界-


    宋元時代史の基本問題:中国史学の基本問題3  1996

  • 宋史選挙志訳註(二)学校試


    宋史選挙志訳註(二)( 財)東洋文庫  1996

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Research Projects

  • Formation and Development of the Elite Society in Ningbo from the Perspective of Civil Service Examination System in China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONDO Kazunari, MORITA Kennji, SAKURAI Satomi, TURUNARI Hisasaki, IIYAMA Tomoyasu

     View Summary

    Having "civil service examination" as our key word, we will draw our attention to the Ningbo area and attempt to reveal the structure of the elite society through the Song, Yuan and Ming periods. The conclusions are as follows. The Northern Song was the time of the establishment of civil service examination system and formation of civil service examination society. The Southern Song was the time of the mature of civil service examination society and regional elite society. The elite society of Mingzhou needed a narrative of own history with own growth. Although the Yuan government abolished the civil service examination, the Mingzhou regional elite society continued and the works of Shi-da-fu in Mingzhou were published as the cultural heritage. The revival of civil service examination system made full mature of the civil- service examination society at Mingzhou district during Ming period. The Feng family especially Fengfang was the representative example of the traditional Shi-da-fu culture in Ningbo.

  • A Synthetic Research on Chaoye-Leiyao

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    WATANABE Hiroyoshi, AOKI Atsushi, HASEGAWA Yoshio, SODA Hiroshi, KONDO Kazunari

     View Summary

    Chaoye-Leiyao, a late Song publication, despite being widely recognized as a compact and useful guide to the interpretation of the Song administration, has not been well studied. Our project aims to reveal more about the compiler and history of this literature, and to compile its translation with annotation.
    To review and overview China's research situations concerning the study of Chaoye-Leiyao, we invited three leading Chinese scholars, Zhang Xiqing (Professor, Beijing University), Miao Shumei (Professor, Henan University), and Zhu Ruixi (Professor, Shanghai Teachers University) from January 2006 to January 2007, and had discussion sessions respectively.
    When we visited Beijing University in April 2006, we had further stimulating discussions from extensive viewpoints including text version, compiler, contents, and bibliography. At the university library we gained access to the original (the Hui Dong variorum) on which Siku Quanshu (the complete library in the four branches of literature) text was based, and discovered in the books a significant number of traces resulting from the Library clerks' revisory work besides Hui Dong's. We conducted detailed bibliographical checkup of the primary printed text at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Nanjing University, National Library of China, and National Central Library in Taiwan. The efforts resulted in the first book to introduce the Ming version of Chaoye-Leiyao to Japan.
    Our valuable discoveries include one about the identification of the compiler Zhao Sheng, whose occupation had not been determined. In Chong bian xiang bei sui jing, published by Tenri University, we detected two critical descriptions about him and concluded that he was not a government official but a bookstore keeper.
    The result of our project is reported in the publication of A Synthetic Research on Chaoye-Leiyao, which contains the complete 330 items of Japanese translation and annotation of the historical literature.

  • Study on the Heishuicheng(黒水城) Documents on Military Affairs at the Northwest Frontier

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONDO Kazunari

     View Summary

    There is no other documents of the Song period with names of eras except the Heishui cheng Manuscripts (黒水城文献) which collected in Russia by P.K.Kozlov in 1909. These documents were published at last in 2000 from China and we can read them now. These names of eras are Zhenghe(政和), Xuanhe(宣和),Jingkang(靖康) of Northern Song, Jianyan(建炎) of Southern Song and Fuchang(阜昌) of Qi(斉) which was a puppet nation of Jin(金).
    This research examined the contents of these documents and annotated translation of some leaves on military affairs at the Northwest Frontier. Many of them are related to a trial on illegal provisions at the Fort Jintang(金湯). This place is located in the present Jintang village of Zhidan county(志丹県), Shanxi sheng(陜西省). Detailed contents are unknown. That is because all of documents are fragments. This region is an important frontal military base to Xixia dynasty(西夏) through all times of Northern Song period. Fort Jintang continued resisting Jurchen(女真) attack and did not surrender to it until the first year of Shaoxing(紹興),1131. We can find it from the name of Jianyan era. Fort Jintang, however, was often occupied by Xixia army and it was the era of Shenzong(神宗) period that the Northern Song became to rule it constantly. In the second year of Yuanfu(元符),1099, the walls of Fort Jintang were constructed by the order of the central government, which remain as relics now. The trial started by an accusation of one civilian whose name was Lishi(李適). There is no explanation about his status. But he was an influential person who can accuse local government officials include the commander of this fort. I suppose that he was a merchant of grain for this fort. This documents gives suggestions in order to understand the system of the granary warehouse that was the most important system for the rule of the borderland.

  • A Synthetic Research on The Policies of Economy and of Matters Relevant to It During the Sung Dynasty (960-1279)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIBA Yoshinobu, WATANABE Hiroyoshi, AOKI Atsushi, WANG Juirai, SODA Hiroshi, KONDO Kazunari

     View Summary

    The project was pushed forward by researchers who were grouped into three teams : (a) Team Studying Economic Treatises of The Sung Dynastic History(hereafter, ETSH), (b) That Studying The Sung Digest(SD), and (c) That Studying ChaoyeLeiyao.
    Team(a) had finished up the translation with annotation for the Chapters on Salt and Tea of the ETSH, and published the results with the title of Translaton with Annotation, Treatises on conomy, The Song Dynastic History(Series no. 5) in March, 2004. The team had also finished the most part of the draft for Translation with Annotation (no. 6 ), and is planning to publish the volume by March, 2006.
    Team(b) studied the chapters of economy of the SD, or the collection of detailed primary sources of economic and financial policies during the Song. On the basis of massive glossary-cards that had been extracted from the text of SD, the team first strived hard to counter-check each card against the text wherefrom it was extracted, and then edited the volume with the title of The Index to Place-Names contained in Chapters of Economy of the SD. The result is carried in this Report. As to the Index to General Terms, it is planned to edit and publish the volume by March 2006.
    Team(c) aimed at twin goals of making Translation with Annotation of Chaoye-Leiyao and of doing research into the bibliography of the same book. The book is a late song publication, and is noted for its usefulness as a guide of interpretation for the Song administration. The work for Translation with Annotation finished up for more than half of the book. The result, along with the detailed bibliographical inquiry is contained in this Report.

  • The historical feature of Chinese studies in Europe, America and China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONDO Kazunari

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    Keeping the characteristic methods of western Chinese studies in my mind, I tried to clarify a distinctive feature of the Chinese studies in Japan. I chose the problem of historical sources as a example. The summary is as follows.
    We may take as an example the 128 epitaphs written by Wang An-shi for inquiry. More than a third of those indicate the site of grave for the person buried is different from his or her home district. Since the Tang period it has become a custom for the Chinese people to visit the graves of their deceased relatives in the Qingiming Festival ; therefore graveyards are necessarily located in the outskirts of their residence. However, the stone epitaphs written by Wang does not accord with this practice. It seems to suggest the necessity of reconsidering localism then held by Northern Song scholars and the relationship between sacrifices at graveyard and sacrifices in ancestral temple. Should we read the epitaphs of Wang's clan, we would find that the members of his clan since his grandfather down were not buried in Lin-chuan. The fact he lived in Lin-chuan for no more than a few years would indicate the absence of close relationship between him and the district. But he called himself Wang from Lin-chuan throughout his lifetime. This is, I think, but a sense of localism.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KONDO Kazunari, TUCHIDA Kenjiro, MCMULLEN David, MCDERMOTT Joseph P.

     View Summary

    The study of Dr.McDermott focuses on basic re-evaluation of the importance of the Confucian virtue of friendship during the last century of Ming rules. Friendship aquired great political significance when it was judged by some major sixteenth and early seventeenth century Neo-Confucian thinkers, such as Ho Hsin-yin, Ku Hsien-ch'en etc. to be the most important human relationship and thus might provide a moral basis for criticizing the despotic realities of imperial rule. This critique served as the foundation for the famous full-scale attack on Ming imperial rule by Huan Tsung-hsi and Ku Yen-wu in the next generation. It also showed how another set of political values, stressing the importance of voluntary association and even equality in human relations, lay within the Confucian tradition.
    Prof.McMullen's article is as follows. In analyzing the concepts of Public and Private in the T'ang dynasty this essay limits itself to exploring the terminology that T'ang dynasty Chinese themselves most frequently used to discuss these concepts. In doing so it asks the following questions : What did medieval Chinese believe the relationship between public and private was and should be in their political system? Did they recognize a legitimate private sphere and it so what areas of experience did it concern and what efforts did they make to protect it? Given their apparently greater concern with public life than earlier or later Confucians did T'ang writers conceive of a non-offcial real in which political and social issues were independently and critically discussed? Finally was there a greater desire of freedom for the individual and thus of social and psychological private space in the T'ang than later on?

  • The Intemational Relations and Cultural Interchanges of East Asian History

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUKUI Shigemasa, YOSHIDA Junichi, FUJIIE Reinosuke, NAGASAWA Kazutoshi, KOGA Noboru, SAITO Makoto

     View Summary

    Hoving based on the individual reserches done by each investigator for the patt two years and attempted to aim the general survey for this project, we obtained such academic works and results as below.
    In the field of international relations and cultural interchanges between Korea and China, three members dealt with some problems regarding the domestication of Korea by the Han,a certain historical records of the Wei, the Korean embassies to the Liao and so on. In the realm of Central Asia and China, four investigators studied several aspects of Silk Road, Roman geography, Tarim basin nations, etc. In case of North Asia and China, three co-operators did research on China's external relations with Turk during the T'ang,with Japan during the Sung, with Mongol during the Sung - Yuan eras.
    In the sphere of Eastwest Asia and China, three researchers inquired into some documents and books produced and written through the three different dynasties. In terms of Japan and China, four scholars attempted to clarify various questions on legends, customs, laws, official messages addressed to the Sui emperor, etc., in the premodern history of East Asia.
    It may be undeniable to conclude that our results above mentioned are achieved as fully and satisfactorily as we intended and tried. However, we have a plan to publish a book of articles contributed by main investigators of this project in the near future.

  • 宋代士大夫の精神世界と地域社会

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • 国際学会「中国史学の現状と展望」に関する企画調査

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • marintime cross-cultural exchange in east asia and the formation of japanese traditional culture :interdisciplinary approach focusing on ningbo

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 新出土武義徐謂禮文書の基礎的研究


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     2005年6月、浙江省金華市武義県郊外の一基の南宋墓が盗掘され、事件を調査した公安は、盗掘品がほとんど売り捌れたなかで、一連の官文書のみが残っていることを確認した。2011年3月に写真を入手した武義県博物館は、早速その真偽の認定や盗掘人の供述に基づく現地の発掘調査を始め、もと浙江大学、現人民大学教授包偉民氏を中心とする研究会を立ち上げた。早くも2012年11月には全文の写真と移録文を掲載した報告書の刊行報告会が現地で開催された。その報告書『武義南宋徐謂禮文書』によると、官文書とは、南宋後半の官僚であった徐謂禮の「錄白告身」「録白敕黄」「録白印紙」の三種類であった。2013年3月にはこの文書を課題とする最初の学会が北京の人民大学で開催され、海外からは唯一、私のゼミ出身で宋代官文書を研究対象の一つとする小林隆道PD(東洋文庫 当時)が出席、報告した。そのときの報告論文17本と報告書に掲載された包教授の概括論文を併せると、文書の解題的な基礎論考は出揃ったと思われる。そこで、この文書の「南宋官僚制度とその運用についての従来の研究に及ぼす影響」が次の段階の基礎的研究として浮かび上がってくる。本特定課題は、では、そのために今後どのような課題を設定し、それをどのような角度から分析すれば本文書の歴史的意義が明らかになるのかについて基礎的考察をおこなった。 出土した三種の文書は、当時の官僚が常時携帯した公文書で、本人の官僚としての正式な身分を証明する皇帝・政府発行の辞令(告身)、実際に従事する職務〈差遣〉への任命状(敕黄)と、官僚としての経歴を記した履歴書(印紙)である。錄白とは、それらの写しを意味するが、役所に保存される原本とは別に公印も捺され本人に渡される副本で原本と同じ正式な公文書扱いである。これらのことは文献史料から知られていたことであるが、実物や形式の記載内容が残る告身と敕黄に対し、史料に用語として頻出する印紙(印紙暦子)は、それがどのような内容をもったものかは分からなかった。今回の出土文書は、徐謂禮が生前保持していた録白をさらにコピーして墓に入れたもので、写しとはいえ何が書かれているかを示す具体的な史料が初めて出てきたのである。本研究は、その印紙について考察した。 印紙全80項目を一読すると、以下のことが分かる。印紙は官僚が最初の差遣を受けたときに吏部が発給する。その印紙原本は役所が保存し、各自はその写しである錄白印紙(白紙に移録の意か)を副本として携帯する。中央を含めた赴任先で着任や離任、職務遂行、勤務評価のための書類提出など官僚としての仕事はすべてもれなく書き込み、それを所属官庁に定期的に提出し、原本印紙に書き込む、と同時に錄白にも記載内容が事実であることの証明を受ける。これを批書といい、外任のときは所属の州が批書した。印紙は印紙暦子といい、年月ごとに記事が記され、記載事項が増加すれば新しい紙を粘添して、官僚生活が終わるまで書き続けた。 実例に則して検討すると、例えば朱熹について次のような事情が明らかとなる。朱熹は、殿試の合格順位が低かったために3年間の自宅待機の後、紹興21年に左迪功郎の官位を受け福建路泉州同安県主簿に任命された。しかし泉州同安県に主簿として実際に赴任したのは23年の秋であった。やがてそこでの任期が終わった紹興26年の秋、『朱子年譜』は『語類』を引き、所属の泉州に赴き「候批書(批書をまつ)」と記す。この意味がよく分からなかったが、徐謂禮文書を参照すれば、主簿としての履歴を書いた錄白印紙を泉州官庁に提出し、その記載が誤りではないことを州から証明してもらい(批書)、同時に記録を原本に転載する作業を待っていたことだと理解できる。『語類』は、その待機期間に「客邸」で館人から『孟子』一冊を借りて読み、熟読することで『孟子』理解の手掛かりを初めて得たと記す。これは朱熹自身の言葉であるから、やがて『孟子集註』に結実する朱子学の『孟子』解釈の第一歩が紹興27年秋7月27歳の時に泉州であったことが明らかとなる。これ以外にも、『朱子年譜』の官僚としての朱熹に関係する記載事項を徐謂禮文書と対照することで、かれの取った行動や当時の具体的状況が明らかになる点が多々あると予想される。一つだけ追加すると、『朱子文集』巻22「申建寧府状一」「同二」「謝改官宮觀奏状」は、45歳になった淳熙元年、朱熹自ら望んだからであるが、27年に及ぶ長い官僚見習い的な地位である選人身分から、辞退しきれずに京官の宣教郎に改官されたときの建寧府と中央政府に宛てた申状と謝表である。その中に「望闕遥謝祗受訖」という文言があり、この具体的情況が今一つ分かりにくかった。ところが徐謂禮の録白印紙三「寶慶元年(1225)二月 日、進寶赦恩轉承事郎」は、武義県に居住する徐が、このとき赦恩によって承事郎の官位(録白告身二に収録)を得、その通知を受けて婺州(当時の金華)に赴き提出して批書を受けた印紙の録白であるが、その5行目から6行目に「望闕遥謝祗受訖」と書かれており、地方で告身を授与される官僚が、受領するときに遥か都の御所を拝して謝する動作を示すことと理解できる。外任の地方官が、どこで新しい告身を受領し、その際の一連の手続きがどのように行われたのかが、「徐謂禮文書」によって明らかになる。些細なことであるが、宋代官僚政治制度の具体的なイメージを喚起する上で貴重な史料となるのである。 この他、伝記資料として重要な墓誌とともに、納められた墓から出土する、同じく伝記資料である壙記が墓誌とどのように区別されるかが曖昧であった。内容上、官歴に特化した壙記が印紙に基づき制作されたことなどを明らかにした。

  • 中国科挙制度からみた呉興士人社会の形成と展開


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     中国「近世」史の前半に位置する宋代と元代は、政権を担当した王朝政府の在り方からみると対照的といえる。唐末五代の政治的分裂期を終息させ、再び天下を統一した宋朝は、しかし歴代の他の統一王朝に比べその版図は最小ともいえる範囲にとどまった。反対に元朝はモンゴル帝国の一部として広大なユーラシア大陸とのつながりのなかでモンゴルを中核とする多民族複合国家(杉山正明氏の表現)として展開した。これを中華文明という枠で考えると、宋は「近世」中国社会の担い手として新たに士人と呼ばれる読書人層が生まれた時代であり、かれらは科挙の合格者、受験者とその予備軍からなり士人層を構成した。これは中華文明の粋を具現する士人社会が、国家制度である科挙とのかかわりの中から出現したことを意味する。元代は、その士人層が拠る科挙が廃止、ないし実質的に廃され、その結果、士人層は、国家と繋がる路が著しく制限される中で活動せねばならなくなり、その統治階層としての立場は変質を余儀なくされた。 呉興と称される湖州は、北宋南宋を通じての科挙合格者の動向が南宋期になると時代を追うごとに逓減するという傾向を示す。実は、経済の先進地帯・文化の淵藪といわれる中国東南部にあって浙西の諸州は軒並み同様の傾向を示し、逆に増加傾向を示す浙東諸州と好対照なのである。かといって経済・文化の面で前者が後者に遅れをとるようになったわけではない。何故こうした現象が起るのか検討が必要になる。 南宋から元にかけて活動した呉興の趙孟頫は、宋の宗室でありながら元朝の五代の皇帝に仕え、元を代表とする文人官僚として一生を送った。一方、南宋の都杭州臨安府の賑わいを活写した武林旧事をはじめ膨大な著作を著わした周密は、代々の官僚の家に生まれ、恩蔭によって官を得たが、南宋滅亡後は元に仕えず遺民として過ごした。その生き方が対蹠的な二人に、趙孟頫がその代表作である鵲華秋色図を周密の為に画き上げ贈ったように、親密な交流があったことは、士大夫とよばれるかれらの生き方が単純ではないことを示唆する。しかし乾隆帝愛蔵のこの図巻は甚だ疑問の多い作品である。この真偽の定かでない鵲華秋色図を手がかりに両人の関係、ひいては呉興士人社会の実像に迫ってみた。

  • 中国文人伝説の誕生-西園雅集考-


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