Updated on 2025/03/12


KITA, Akito
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
文学博士 ( 早稲田大学 )
文学修士 ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 1994

    同上 教授

  • 1985


  • 1981

    Rissho University   Faculty of Letters

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Education  

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Education

Research Interests

  • 学校自治、学校環境、教育権、子どもの権利



  • 子どものやさしいまちづくりー子どもの権利条約を生かす

    熊本学園大学社会福祉研究所報   ( 33 ) 131 - 157  2005.03  [Refereed]

  • 子どもにやさしいまちづくり(共著)

    日本評論社    2004.11  [Refereed]

  • 「権利基盤型アプローチ」にどう応えるか—教育 勧告実施に地域・学校自治の視点を

    子どもの権利研究   ( 5 ) 64 - 67  2004.07  [Refereed]

  • 子どもの権利と教育基本法

    法律時報増刊 教育基本法改正批判     149 - 152  2004.04  [Refereed]

  • 子どもの参加・自己決定的関与権の保障と自治立法

    法律時報   75 ( 9 ) 57 - 61  2003.08  [Refereed]

  • 子どもの権利条約と教育基本法

    日本教育政策学会年報   ( 10 ) 35 - 43  2003.06  [Refereed]

  • ハートの『子どもの参画』を読み解く

    『子ども・若者の参画—R・ハートの問題提起に応えて』/萌文社    2002.11  [Refereed]

  • 実践的子どもの権利学への道—子どもの権利規範の歴史的な形成過程をたどる

    子どもの権利研究   ( 創刊号 ) 3 - 9  2002.07  [Refereed]

  • 子どもの参加の権利の総合的保障と川崎条例

    教育   ( 677 )  2002.06  [Refereed]

  • 子ども参加支援論の構築と課題

    季刊子どもの権利条約   ( 15 )  2002.02  [Refereed]

  • 子どもの安全権と現代学校の課題

    教育   ( 672 )  2002.01  [Refereed]

  • 学校を開く・情報を開く—開かれた学校づくりを支える土台

    教育と文化   ( 25 )  2001.10  [Refereed]

  • 学校運営参加を支援する自治立法

    日本教育法学会編『講座現代教育法』/三省堂   3   250 - 264  2001.06  [Refereed]

  • 学校をめぐる選択と参加—子どもの参加の視点から

    日本教育政策学会年報   8   80 - 90  2001.06  [Refereed]

  • 子ども・若者参加で支援する実践的なポイント

    人権教育   ( 14 ) 13 - 19  2001.03  [Refereed]

  • 子ども白書(編著)

    草士文化    2001  [Refereed]

  • 解説教育六法(編著)

    三省堂    2001  [Refereed]

  • 子どもとNGOの活動を拠点とした教育改革

    『子育ち学へのアプローチ』 エイデル研究所     240 - 247  2000.06  [Refereed]

  • 子どもの権利条約の10年と制度改革

    世界の児童と母性   48巻   10 - 13  2000.04  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 現代学校改革と子どもの参加の権利(編著)

    学文社  2004.03

  • 川崎発・子どもの権利条例(共著)

    エイデル研究所  2002.05

  • 子どもオンブズパーソン(共著)

    日本評論社  2001.03

  • 新解説 子どもの権利条約(共著)

    日本評論社  2000.06

Research Projects

  • Research on the development of citizenship and the development of the community in the participation of children in the right to learn

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Kita Akito, Nakagawa Tomoo, Shimamura Sota, Otuka Saki, Morisaki Anna

     View Summary

    In this research, we visited the free space, listened to the selection meeting of the consignment company of the facility management by the participation of the first children in Japan conducted in Ishinomaki City, and interviewed people who experienced child voting in Naie Town, Hokkaido.
    It has become clear that children's participation increases their interest in the area even after growth and fosters citizenship such as voting behavior. For this purpose, adults need to understand the rights of their children and support their opinion and participation.And we confirmed that the place to guarantee children's right of learning needs to cooperate with the local community.

  • Assurance for Child Rights to Learning and Publicness of Education in Institutionalization of Alternative Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITA Akito, ABE Yoshie, AHN Eunkyung, NAGUMO Yuta, TAKAISHI Akito

     View Summary

    In Japan, there are development of practices about many types of learning outsides so-called traditional-typed schools: for examples, free school/space for children who don’t go to schools and alternative education/ schools based on a variety of educational theories. As a result of this research, it is clarified that, in this Japanese society of school-centered system, the institutionalization of these educational practices about many types of learning will enhance the assurance for the possibilities that children create their learning themselves and develop the publicness of education. In addition, in order to realize the institutionalization, it is necessary to assure the publicness of education more from civil society and to present a concrete model of the system and support to practically assure the child rights to learning, as attempting to overcome the school-centered social system

  • Comprehensive Study on the Implementation and Monitoring System of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    This study was to examine the implementation and institutional monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Japan and Asia, with a view to promoting the realization of children's rights. It succeeded in clarifying laws, institutions and policies that address children's issues comprehensively from the perspectives of children's rights rather than dealing with different issues separately.we were able to analyze laws, institutions, policies, measures and strategies about the implementation and institutional monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in municipalities in Japan, in Asian countries such as South Korea, Mongolia and Indonesia as well as at the United Nations and UNICEF, through field visits, interviews and questionnaire surveys. Another achievement of this study is that professional researchers and practitioners from different fields, such as education, welfare, and health as well as culture, were involved in comprehensive and practical research

  • A study on the verification of legal and initiatives of "school safety"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Yasuhiro, ADACHI Kazushi, KITA Akito, FUNAKI Masafumi, HORII Masamichi, MORI Hirohisa, YANAGIMOTO Yukako

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    In response to the occurrence of the Great East Japan Earthquake, "school safety" has become an issue.So, for initiatives related to safety enforcement situation and School Health and Safety Actin school, as well as to understand the national reality through a questionnaire survey, it was to understand the efforts through the visit survey to actively promote the school safety.In the questionnaire survey, well-known situation of provisions relating to "school safety" in the "School Health and Safety Act" is and that it was about 85%, and that the damage that was about 20% of the Great East Japan Earthquake was revealed. Then, visit the survey, that in the school that the location specific a problem there is a limit in the efforts of disaster prevention, also, such as whole school thing is necessary "safety education" for the sake of child injury prevention in schools has it been revealed

  • Comprehensive comparative study of Japan, South Korea and the United Nations on the development of cities where children are supported and children can participate

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITA Akito, AN Donhyon, I Jeyon, I Yanhi, KIMU Hyonuku, SAITOU Fuyuki, HIRANO Yuuji, KAN Una, OOKOUCHI Ayako

     View Summary

    (1) We could understand and examine the overview of the development of cities where children are supported and their participation promoted as well as the characteristics and challenges of municipal and school initiatives through : 1) collection of information and exchange of opinions a the national symposium of municipalities on "local autonomy and child policies"; 2) research of the local government on the Rights of the Child.(2) We could understand and examine the characteristics and challenges of the institutional mechanisms for support for children and children's participation as well as the overview of the relevant initiatives at the national and local levels through the Japan-Korea Joint Research conducted with the Korean Society on the Rights of the Child.(3) We could understand and examine the notion of support for children and city development under the international standards as well as challenges in the implementation of treaties through ; 1) research on the latest trends of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child ; and 2) consultations with researchers, including through cooperation in the organization of the Asian Forums on the Rights of the Child(2009 and 2011)

  • International Comparative Study about System and Activity to Secure Safety and Relief in Schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Yasuhiro, ADACHI Kazushi, KITA Akito, FUNAKI Masafumi, HORII Masamichi, MORI Hiroyasu, YANAGIMOTO Yukako

     View Summary

    We carried out questionary survey for the public primary schools and the public junior high schools, boards of education in Japan. Based on the findings, we clarified the present conditions and a problem about "School Safety" in Japan. On the other hand, I carried out a hearing investigation among the domestic and foreign schools, education boards etc. And we clarified the actual situation and problem about the systems and the activities to secure safety and relief in the schools

  • A Comparative Study of Remedy System for Children's Safety in Japan, Korea and International Communities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITA Akito, ARAMAKI Shigeto, HAMADA Shinji, HANDA Katsuhisa, TOHKO Uchida, MORITA Akimi, INOUE Hitoshi, YOSHINAGA Syozo, TSUCHIYA Kiyoshi, LEE Jaeyeon, LEE Yanghee, HWANG Ockkyeung, KANG Hyunah

  • A Study on the Educational Relationship of the Transformation in Local Communities and the Prospect of School Communities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITA Akito, YAMANISHI Yuji, ARAMAKI Shigeto, TASHIRO Takaaki, MATSUKURA Toshifumi, ABE Yoshie

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    The main points of our study are on teaching practice in Satsunai-kita primary school in Hokkai-do and the School Councils in Tsurugashima-city, Saitama. Results are following.First of all, from our research in Satsunai-kita primary school, we know teachers and children need to make good relations of trust for school reformation. And to make such a trust, teachers need to comprehend children as their partners. That is to say, frequent dialogue between them is important. In Satsunai-kita primary school, teachers' zeal and_effort ensure the opportunity for dialogue in teaching practice at school Because this activity requires substantial time, it is called "teaching of waiting." But some parents worry about the activity because it seems not so efficient. Therefore, one of the challenges to continue this activity in this school is making relationships between school (teachers) and parents.Secondly, as the research in the School Council in Tsurugashima-city, we conducted the inquiry survey. From the result, we know that at least the adult members think positively about the system of the council which is composed by the representatives of children, parents, community residents and teachers' participation. And as the effect of this council for the school reformation, to make relations between school, parents and community and sharing the information is the most mentioned statement in answers. In addition, the more concrete the effects are, the more needs the members of council feel for the system. We find that many adult members think positively about children's participation. And children participation is more likely to bear concrete effect

  • A Study on the Transformation of Schools and Other Forms of Education and the Regeneration of Educational Relationship in Communities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KITA Akito, OKI Kiyotake, YAMANISHI Yuji

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to examine the situations and challenges of parent's and resident's (children's) participation in school administration since school advisor system has been able to set up because of revised enforcement regulatons of schoool education law in January 2000. This was proved those three things as follows ;
    1 School advisor system was in effect of all prefecture schools in Gunmma, Gifu, Mie, Shiga, Oita, Kochi, Tokyo, Nagasaki and Okinawa at April 1st, 2001.
    2 "Survey on the set up situation of school advisor (and similar) system"was conducted in six prefecture except Tokyo, Nagasaki and Okinawa. According to this survey, school has been discussed with advisor and reflected advisor's opinion into school administration on the issues of "school goal and educataonal plan", "school administration general", "school events"and so on. School was found school advisor to be meaningful.
    3 However, there were many challenges. Firstly, the lack of regulations of the duty to protect privileged information caused contents of discussion to be limited. Secondly, school could not pay reward for advisor because the budget was insufficient. Lacking of the budget of carry on the plan, which proposed from advisor, may be this system ineffective. Thirdly, School had a difficulty in distinguishing school advisor from existing organizations such as PTA. It is possible that these challenges threat effectiveness of school advisor system and system itself without any urgent measures.
    Although this tried to clarify the situations and challenges of school advisor system, it has not examined measure solviig challenges yet. A further direction of this study will be examined the measures and surveyed other areas. Additionally this study also did fieldwork in specific areas to find factors of eestablishing and importance of managing participatory system. Fieldwork will be conducted continuously and examined this.

  • Reserch on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Local Municipalities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAI Ken-ichi, HIROSAWA Akira, NOMURA Takeshi, KITA Akito, ARAMAKI Shigeto

     View Summary

    Local municipalities have a great role in the implementation and dissemination of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and a variety of initiatives have been taken at that level. At the present stage, the focus has begun to be shifted from the mere publicity and education to the development of institutions to ensure the rights of the child mild. The implementation of the concluding observations to Japan, adopted by the U.N.Committee on the Rights of the Child in June 1998, is a priority for local municipalities as well when they are to implement the Convention.In the area of child rights remedies, it is noted that Kawanishi City introduced the Local Ordinance on the Ombudsperson for Children's Human Rights. The Ombudsperson is mandated to provide remedies for and prevent violations of children' s rights and to make recommendations for institutional improvements, being given the power to investigate, make recommendations and express opinions.With regard to expression of views and participation by children, the Nakano Ward Local Ordinance on the Participation of Residents in the Administration of Education is to be noted. It reconfirimsis the principle of and mechanisms for residents' participation and ensures opportunities for children to express their views and participate. With regard to children' s participation in the creation of child-related facilities, an important initiative has been taken by Heartland Haciman Parliament in Onte-Hachiman City, Shiga Prefecture. Its characteristics are that children participate in the planning of playgrounds or the constructors selection process and that it attempts to help individual children develop the ability to express their views and participate through workshops and other methods.Kawasaki City is developing a comprehensive Children' s Rights Local Ordinance on the basis of its experiences. It considers to include the dissemination of the Convention, the promotion of child-related policies, relevant mechanisms and child rights remedies in the local ordinance. It also puts emphasis on the enactment process and explores ways of participation by residents including children

  • Research on the Legal System protecting the Rights of the Child in Modern Society.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAI Kenichi, KITA Akito, MORIKATU Imahasi, MORI Hideki, TONAMI Kouji, URANO Toyokazu

     View Summary

    In this research, we investigate the problems which arise in the legal system that is aimed to protect the rights of the child. We made following points clear. 1)In Japan , there comes the movement towards providing the institutions to protect the rights of the child before the conflicts are taken into the court. 2)The main feature of Convention on the Rights of the Child which was adopted on 20th November 1989 by the United Nations, can be found in its treating the child not only as the object of protection but also as the subject who can exercise his own rights. For example this convention provides the right to express his or her own views and right to freedom of expression, thought, conscience, and religion. 3)The school rule -that is called "kosoku" in Japan- which enforces the certain type of hair style to the students, or prohibits them from getting driving license is unconstitutional. It violates the students' right to self-determination, or the right of expressing themselves through their hairstyle. Moreover, such school rule cannot be considered as the legal standard of school discipline

  • いじめ、虐待など子どもの権利侵害に関する校内救済システムの研究

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 社会的養護における「子ども支援」のありかた


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  • 子ども支援・救済・予防システムと子どもにやさしいまちづくりに関する総合的研究

    2017   荒牧 重人

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  • 困難を抱えた子どもへの支援、救済・予防のためのシステムと実践に関する総合的な研究

    2016   荒牧重人

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  • 特別なニーズを持つ子どもの親の支援方法とシステムについて日本・韓国の比較研究

    2011   安部 芳絵

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  • 新たな学校運営システムと教育関係の動態的変化に関する研究


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  • 子ども参加型学校共同体づくりにおける「学校・家庭・地域」及び「子ども・おとな」の関係論的研究


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    本研究では、学校と地域との関係、子どもとおとなとの関係に焦点をあてて研究を行った。具体的には下記を研究対象として、フィールドワーク調査を行った。(1)北海道幕別町立札内北小学校の「子ども参加」実践に関する研究調査 本対象ではこれまで、実践場面への観察調査と教職員へのインタビュー調査を行い、実践の成立要因や過程等について明らかにしてきた。本年度は、同校の卒業生に対するヒアリング調査を実施した。この調査から、実践を支える子どもと教職員との間のパートナーシップ的な関係が明らかになった。(2)埼玉県鶴ヶ島市学校協議会に関する研究調査 これまでの調査研究では、学校協議会への継続的な観察調査に加え、おとな協議委員に対しアンケート調査等を行ってきた。本年度は、学校協議会が年間5回開催されており、その必要性が認識され、成果をあげていると考えられる中学校の子ども協議委員7名に対してヒアリング調査を行った。調査から、学校協議会が、子ども協議委員にとっても学校づくりに有意義な成果をもたらしていることが明らかになった。(3)福島県三春町の学校・地域における関係 -学校運営協議会の先進的導入地の調査研究 同町は、1980年代から自治体発の教育改革を先進的に進めてきており、2004年に法制化された「学校運営協議会」の研究指定を文部科学省から受け、導入設置に取り組んでいる。昨年度は同町を訪問し、教育委員会担当者(教育次長)に対して、教育改革の成果と今日的課題、学校運営協議会設置の在り方についてヒアリング調査を行った。今年度は、同氏を東京に招き、さらに詳しく現状についてヒアリングを行った。

  • 地域社会の変容と学校コミュニティの可能性に関する教育関係論的研究

    2004   山西 優二

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     本研究では、子どもの参加を保障する取り組みを行っている自治体と学校に焦点をあてて、「子ども参加」の制度的、実践的な実態とその課題を導くことを目的とした。北海道奈井江町や福島県三春町を訪れたほか、継続的に調査している以下の対象において次のような研究を行った。 北海道幕別町では、教職員及び児童生徒の説明員としての出席を認めた「学校運営協議会」を実施している。本研究では教育委員会でこの実施状況について情報提供を受け、協議した。また、町立札内北小学校における調査を行った。これまでも継続的に調査対象としてきた本校においては、教科外活動における子どもの参加にとりわけ意義と成果が見出されてきた。そうした本校は、そのようにして参加の力を徐々につけてきたと見られる子どもが、いかに普段の授業に参加できるのかという課題を抱えている。本研究では、教育方法学専攻の研究者を加えて学校に赴き、主に授業中の子どもたちと教師との関わりの様子を観察し、放課後には教職員との意見交流・協議を行った。 埼玉県鶴ヶ島市の「学校協議会」は、学校評議員制度のように学校外の保護者や地域住民の意見を学校づくりに反映させるとともに、学校内の子どもや教職員の意見も反映させようとするものである。現在、市内のすべての公立小・中学校13校に学校協議会が設置され、実施運用されている。本研究では、学校協議会について実際の協議会を継続的に傍聴してきた。また、2003年8月~10月にかけては、全ての学校協議会の協議委員156名(今回は子ども委員を除く)に対して、アンケート形式で「学校協議会と子ども参加に関する意識・実態調査」を行った。これを分析することにより、協議会への「子ども参加」によって学校協議会の活動を活性化させるとともに、具体的な学校づくりに結実したという効果があることが明らかになった。この調査の結果を中間報告として協議委員、小・中学校校長、教育委員会関係者に対して提供し、協議した。

  • 地域における学校など教育形態の変容と教育関係の再生に関する研究


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     今年度は、昨年度の研究蓄積を踏まえながら、昨年度に引き続き、特定地域(北海道幕別町・士幌町、埼玉県鶴ケ島市)の実地調査を行い、並行して全国規模のアンケート調査(群馬・岐阜・三重・滋賀・大分・高知の6県)を実施し、ミクロ的視野・マクロ的視野の両方から本テーマの考察を行った。 実地調査では、子どもの学校参加実践を進める北海道幕別町立札内北小学校、子どもの学校参加実践を1989年度より進めている士幌町立士幌中央中学校を、さらに、学校評議員制度の類似制度である学校協議会を導入し、子ども・保護者・住民の学校参加を進めている埼玉県鶴ケ島市立富士見中学校を訪れた。各地域の特性を踏まえつつ、参加制度を根付かせるための要素と参加制度運営上のポイントの析出に努めた。 また、平成12年度・13年度に行われた、文部科学省(旧・文部省)によるアンケート調査「都道府県立・指定都市立学校における学校評議員及びその類似制度の設置状況」を参照し、平成12年度の調査で学校評議員制度を全校実施しているとした前述の6県を対象としたアンケート調査「学校評議員(もしくは類似)制度の実施に関する学校調査」を、平成13年10月~12月に実施した。現在、調査票の回収を終え、分析に入っている。アンケート調査の分析結果は、平成14年夏に行われる日本教育学会において報告し、平成14年度末までに作成する報告書にて詳細を明らかにする予定である。

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