Updated on 2024/09/19


Faculty of Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor Emeritus
博士(工学) ( 早稲田大学 )

Professional Memberships


    International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)


    International Foundation for Production Research (IJPR)


    Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute (APDSI)


    European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)











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Research Areas

  • Business administration

Research Interests

  • Industrial & Management Systems Engineering,Operations and Production Management



  • 平成11年度先導的起業家育成システム実証事業-技術経営を主眼とした起業家育成システムの実証研究-(平成11年度通商産業省委託事業報告書)

    早稲田大学学外連携推進室    2000.03

  • 管理技術移転の革新 〜先進パッケージソフトの現状と将来②〜

    IEレビュー   Vol.41, No.1,(214号)  2000.03

  • Dynamic characteristics of an ASEAN-China global logistics system: a case investigation of car industry

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing -Technologies for New Millennium Manufacturing- / Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology    2000.03

  • 日系製造業の戦略行動分析

    商学論集 / 福島大学経済学会   第68巻,第3号  2000.03

  • 設備管理とIE

    (社)日本プラントメンテナンス協会    1999.10

  • 管理技術をもっと身近に 〜先進パッケージソフトの現状と将来〜

    IEレビュー   Vol.40, No.4,(212号)  1999.10

  • Designing of a pull type ordering system in the ICGCPS under considering transshipment and mixed-loading

    Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management / Japan Industrial Management Association    1999.10

  • On linkage among logistics strategy, action programmes and business performance: analysis of Japanese manufacturing industries in comparison with a logistics industry

    Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management / Japan Industrial Management Association    1999.10

  • A work assignment model for balancing handicapped workers' efficiency and satisfaction

    Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management / Japan Industrial Management Association    1999.10

  • 国際生産物流システムとその特性解析

    日本ロジスティクス・システム学会第2回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1999.09

  • 物流機能における戦略、アクションプログラム及びパフォーマンスに関する研究

    日本ロジスティクス・システム学会第2回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1999.09

  • 身障者の作業効率と満足度を考慮した作業割当てモデルについて

    日本ロジスティクス・システム学会第2回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1999.09

  • On international transfer of Japanese improvement technology: TPM scheme as a mobile tool

    Developing International Manufacturing Capabilities [Proceedings of the 4th International Manufacturing Research Forum] / The University of Cambridge    1999.09

  • Extended job assignment model for handicapped workers and its application

    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Production Research / University of Limerick   Vol.II  1999.08

  • A method of database distribution on a computer network of star-type topology

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation / Integrated Technology Systems Inc.    1999.08

  • A high mixed-rate line production system versus plural low mixed-rate systems

    Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Production Research / University of Limerick   Vol.II  1999.08

  • Resource allocation models for project management

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation / Integrated Technology Systems Inc.    1999.08

  • 設備管理とIE

    (社)日本プラントメンテナンス協会    1999.07

  • Japanese offshore manufacturing in Thailand: its difficulties and future perspective

    Integrated Manufacturing Systems:The International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management / MCB University Press   Vol.10, Nos. 3/4  1999.07


  • Factor analysis of international direct investment activities by logit model

    Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Logistics / S. G. Editoriali    1999.07

  • A case study on operations strategy of logistics industry: comparison analysis with manufacturing industry

    Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Logistics / S. G. Editoriali    1999.07

  • 早稲田の"学びすと"たち

    21世紀の大学/テレビ愛知・(株)日経映像    1999.06

  • Performance analysis of Japanese manufacturers by Data Envelopment Analysis: comparison among industries and factor of vigorousness

    Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference / Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute    1999.06

  • On selection of cost drivers for effective activity based costing -an empirical approach-

    Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference / Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute    1999.06

  • Design of global car production-logistics system for a future ASEAN-China region

    International Journal of Operations and Production Management / MCB University Press   Vol.19, Nos. 5/6  1999.06


  • 生産管理学研究室紹介

    早稲田工業経営学会誌   第65巻,第1号  1999.05

  • 第68回早慶レガッタ によせて

    早慶対抗競漕大会運営委員会    1999.04

  • Highest Quality Rating Paper Award

    The Editorial Advisory Board of ANBAR Electronic Intelligence (Citation of Excellence)    1999.04

  • 設備管理とIE

    (社)日本プラントメンテナンス協会    1999.04

  • 戦略としてのパフォーマンス改善

    日本ロジスティクス・システム学会主催産学交流委員会1999年度第1回講演会    1999.04

  • 設備管理とIE

    (社)日本プラントメンテナンス協会    1999.04

  • Designing of a production ordering system for the automobile repair parts

    International Journal of Production Economics / Elsevier Science B. V.   Vol.60/61  1999.04


  • Agility, adaptability and leanness: a comparison of concepts and a study of practice

    International Journal of Production Economics / Elsevier Science B. V.   Vol.60/61  1999.04


  • Trend of concurrent engineering implementation as a manufacturing strategic weapon

    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising / University of Nottingham    1999.03

  • Design of target operation time by using Bayes Formula: An approach for concurrent project progress management

    Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising / University of Nottingham    1999.03

  • A workload balancing procedure for product design processes and its application

    International Journal of Vehicle Design / Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.   21;1  1999.03


  • TPMビジネススクール雑感

    日本プラントメンテナンス協会    1998.12

  • 企業における情報流の適正化に関する研究

    日本ロジスティクスシステム学会第1回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1998.11

  • ASEAN圏域における自動車生産物流ネットワークシステム設計に関する研究

    日本ロジスティクスシステム学会第1回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1998.11

  • 物流業の経営戦略に関する研究—製造業との比較分析

    日本ロジスティクスシステム学会第1回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1998.11

  • 身体障害者の身体能力を考慮した業務配置に関する研究:物流業務を例として

    日本ロジスティクスシステム学会第1回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1998.11

  • グローバル物流の要因分析—貿易と直接投資の視点から

    日本ロジスティクスシステム学会第1回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1998.11

  • 物流業務の進捗管理に関する一考察:ベイズの定理による要素業務の目標時間設定法

    日本ロジスティクスシステム学会第1回全国大会予稿集 / 神奈川大学    1998.11

  • A new approach to managing supply chain process of automobile repair parts

    Strategy-Driven Manufacturing: A Key for The New Millennium [Proc. of the International Symposium on Manufacturing Strategy] / Waseda University    1998.11

  • Total management for handicapped workers as a part of manufacturing strategy

    Strategy-Driven Manufacturing: A Key for The New Millennium [Proc. of the International Symposium on Manufacturing Strategy] / Waseda University    1998.11

  • Feature of Japanese manufacturing strategy: a key knowledge from Japanese Manufacturing Futures Survey

    Strategy-Driven Manufacturing: A Key for The New Millennium [Proc. of the International Symposium on Manufacturing Strategy] / Waseda University    1998.11

  • Manufacturing strategy linking with KAIZEN

    Strategy-Driven Manufacturing: A Key for The New Millennium [Proc. of the International Symposium on Manufacturing Strategy] / Waseda University    1998.11

  • Strategy-Driven Manufacturing: A key for the new Millennium [Proceedings of the International Symposium on Manufacturing Strategy]

    Operations & Production Management Laboratory, Waseda University   ISBN 4-9980716-0-2 C3050 5000E  1998.11

  • Job assignment models for handicapped workers

    Proc. of the 1st Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management / Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology    1998.10

  • A vehicle production-logistics system for ASEAN-Japan region: its impact to countries' industrial structures

    Proc. of the 1st Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management / Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology    1998.10

  • Production-distribution planning for the international co-operative global complementary production systems

    Proc. of the 4th China-Japan International Symposium on Industrial Management / Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics    1998.10

  • An integrated management procedure of multi-item mixed line production system - its hierarchical structure and performance evaluation -

    International Journal of Production Research / Taylor & Francis Ltd.   36;10  1998.10


  • International production-logistics: A comparison analysis of industrial structure in a current and future ASEAN-China region

    Working paper of the International Manufacturing: A Research Symposium / University of Cambridge    1998.09

  • Designing of a global production and supply system for the automobile repair parts

    Proc. of the 1998 Pacific Conference on Manufacturing / Industrial Research Institute Swinburne    1998.08

  • Design of database structure as an information infrastructure for decision making

    Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design & Automation / Integrated Systems Inc.    1998.08

  • Project progress management using Bayes estimation: An effective tool for design engineering

    Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design & Automation / Integrated Systems Inc.    1998.08

  • フレキシブル生産システムの運用方式に関する研究

    平成7年度〜平成8年度文部省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書    1998.08

  • Manufacturing strategy linking with KAIZEN

    International Management Programme - Japan / Boston University Graduate School of Management at Sanyo    1998.07

  • A study on determining a buffer stock level for the automobile repair parts

    Proc. of the Joint Conference of the 5th ICAT and Asia ICPR / National Chiao Tung University    1998.07

  • Performance evaluation of Japanese manufacturers by Data Envelopment Analysis - Some relevant knowledge from Manufacturing Futures Projects

    Performance Measurement - Theory and Practice [Proc. of the International Conference on Performance Measurement: Theory and Practice] / University of Cambridge    1998.07

  • Best Paper Award of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference

    Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute    1998.06

  • Manufacturing Strategy

    Panel of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference / Grand Hotel, Taipei    1998.06

  • Education Exchange

    Panel of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference / Grand Hotel, Taipei    1998.06

  • Strategies and activities of Japanese manufacturing in the globalised environment - results from 1996 Japan Manufacturing Futures Survey project (a transnational survey) -

    IMSE Technical Report 1998-3 / Waseda University    1998.06

  • Japanese manufacturers: Having consistent policies or fads ? - trends in manufacturing action programmes and competitive priorities from 1986 till 1996-

    IMSE Technical Report 1998-4 / Waseda University    1998.06

  • Models of skill management procedure and their applications

    Operations Management: Future Issues and Competitive Responses [Proc. of the 5th International Conference of European Operations Management Association] / University of Dublin, Trinity College    1998.06

  • Analysis of a global production and supply system for the automobile repair parts under stochastic transportation lead time

    Proc. of the 3rd Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology    1998.06

  • Global competence in manufacturing: from gridlock to dispersing MEGA competence/alliance

    Proc. of the 3rd Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology    1998.06

  • Activity-based evaluation for manufacturing system investment -in consideration of opportunity losses-

    Proc. of the 3rd Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology    1998.06

  • 生産戦略と改善活動

    社会経済生産性本部経営アカデミー    1998.05

  • Supply chain management in a global environment: a view from Japanese manufacturers

    International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications / Carfax Publishing Ltd.   1;1  1998.04

  • 生産戦略とTPM(招待講演)

    TPM総合研究所技術研究会,(社)日本プラントメンテナンス協会    1998.03

  • 1997年度 管理業務効率化のための汎用手順開発とその応用に関する研究報告書〜スキル管理モデル及び管理用データベースの設計モデルについて〜

    早稲田大学生産管理学研究室編    1998.03

  • Japanese Offshore Manufacturing: Its Recent Difficulties and Future Perspective

    EurOMA Workshop on International Operations / Aston University, Birmingham   ISBN 1-85449-271-3  1998.03

  • On Design of Global Car Production-Logistics System in ASEAN-China Region

    EurOMA Workshop on International Operations / Aston University, Birmingham   ISBN 1-85449-271-3  1998.03

  • フレキシビリティのタイプの階層構造について

    HWANG Il-Hwan, KATAYAMA Hiroshi, NAKANE Jinichiro

    日本経営工学会誌 /日本経営工学会   第48巻,第6号 ( 6 ) 359 - 369  1998.02

     View Summary

    Recently it is widely noticed that manufacturing environments are surrounded with capricious market situations such as shorter product life cycle, higher product variety, shorter delivery times and so forth. In order to survive this highly uncertain market, the manufacturing systems are called for being capable of adapting themselves to these environmental conditions effectively and rapidly. With the understanding of both external and internal requests for manufacturing systems, the concept of flexibility which refers to the ability of a manufacturing system to effectively and rapidly respond to cost and environmental changes has attracted attention as an effective weapon to achieve the competitive advantages. In this context, a lot of researches on the manufacturing flexibility, especially its definitions, classifications, economic feasibility and its performance measurements, have been conducted, trying to understand it ranging from its nature to its effects on manufacturing performances. However, most of the literature have been devoted to the operational standpoint with modeling approaches, such as hardware requirements or optimal operation strategy for a specific FMS. Therefore it seems that current literature are unsuccessful in providing managerial insights with manufacturing strategic perspectives. In 1996,we performed a survey on manufacturing strategy, called MFP which has been conducted internationally since 1983. This survey was particularly designed to gather information on the competitive factors pertinent to the leading manufacturers in the world, and many an empirical evidence obtained from its survey data have been published. The objective of this paper is to examine the hierarchical structure of manufacturing flexibility types by using the structural equation modeling. And also, the paper provides strategic implications of the flexibility types which may shed some light on the directions of manufacturing strategy in flexibility.

    DOI CiNii

  • Strategies and Activities of Japanese Manufacturers in the Globalised Environment - Results from 1996 Japan Manufacturing Futures Survey Project (A Transnational Survey) -

    早稲田大学生産管理学研究室編    1997.12

  • Agility, adaptability and leanness: A comparison of concepts and a study of practice

    Aston Business School Research Paper Series RP 9732 / Aston University, Birmingham   ISBN 1 85449 336 1  1997.12

  • ビジネス・経営学辞典:"Business & Management Dictionary"

    中央経済社   ISBN 4-502-33896-6  1997.12

  • 生産戦略とIEの役割

    (財)社会経済生産性本部経営アカデミー    1997.11

  • Mathematical Programming Approach to the Plant Location Problem for the ICGCPS

    International Conference on Operations Research and Management Science    1997.11

  • 自動車補修部品の生産・物流システムの設計

    (社)日本経営工学会秋季研究大会予稿集 / 東京理科大学理工学部    1997.11

  • FMSにおけるコストとフレキシビリティの関係について

    (社)日本経営工学会秋季研究大会予稿集 / 東京理科大学理工学部    1997.11

  • 日本の製造業における競争優位性と柔軟性の意味について

    (社)日本経営工学会秋季研究大会予稿集 / 東京理科大学理工学部    1997.11

  • Vertical Integration in the Telecommunication Market

    Computers and Industrial Engineering / Elsevier Science Ltd.   Vol. 33  1997.11


  • Some Advanced Semiconductor Production-Inventory Management Systems and their Performances

    Computers and Industrial Engineering / Elsevier Science Ltd.   Vol. 33  1997.11


  • Global Manufacturing - Building customer partnerships as a competitive weapon -

    Financial Times Newsletters & Management Reports Asia Pacific   ISBN 962 661 115 4  1997.11

  • Manufacturing into the next Millennium (Panel Discussant)

    4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing    1997.10

  • 産学協同研究と留学生の役割

    留学交流 /編集:(財)日本国際教育協会/監修:文部省留学生課/出版:(株)ぎょうせい   Vol. 9, No. 10  1997.10

  • Systems Integration in Manufacturing Firm: Some empirical observations in Japan

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte. Ltd.   Vol. 1  1997.10

  • Flexibility: Its Meaning for Japanese Manufacturers

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte. Ltd.   Vol. 1  1997.10

  • Design of Agile Multi- line Production System for Volatile Market Environment

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte. Ltd.   Vol. 1  1997.10

  • Manufacturing Futures: Strategic Directions of Japanese Manufacturers observed from the Survey (Keynote Lecture)

    International Manufacturing: A Research Symposium / University of Cambridge    1997.09

  • 日本の製造業における柔軟性の意味と生産戦略について

    Fuji Business Review / 富士短期大学経営研究所   第14号 (Vol. 8, No. 1)  1997.09

  • Designing of a Production Ordering System for the Automobile Repair Parts

    Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Production Research / ICPR Committee, Osaka   Vol. 1  1997.08

  • Optimal Acquisition of Flexible Technology Considering Economies of Scope

    Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Production Research / ICPR Committee, Osaka   Vol. 1  1997.08

  • The Relationship between Competitive Priorities and Action Plans in New Product Development: Some Empirical Observations in Japan

    Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Production Research / ICPR Committee, Osaka   Vol. 2  1997.08

  • Two Layer Variant Configuration for ETO Manufacturers

    Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Production Research / ICPR Committee, Osaka   Vol. 2  1997.08

  • Post Lean Production Strategies - Adaptability and Agility Compared-

    Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Production Research / ICPR Committee, Osaka   Vol. 2  1997.08

  • Trade-offs between Production and Inventory Fluctuation with Disturbance Terms

    Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Production Research / ICPR Committee, Osaka   Vol.2  1997.08

  • Factors of Vigorousness of Japanese Manufacturers - Statistical Analysis of the Data obtained by Japan Manufacturing Futures Survey Projects -

    Proc. of the 4th International Meeting of Decision Science Institute / Pitman Publishing, Australia   Part II  1997.07

  • What Japanese Manufacturers are Thinking on Supply Chain Management in the Recent Globalised Environment

    Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Logistics / S. G. Editoriali, Padova    1997.07

  • A Hierarchical Design Procedure of Multi-item Mixed Line Production System and Its Performance

    Proc. of the 4th International Meeting of Decision Science Institute / Pitman Publishing, Australia   Part II  1997.07

  • An ERP Based Information System Infrastructure for Managing the Entire Product Life Cycle in ETO Manufacturers

    Proc. of the 4th International Conference of European Operations Management Association / Canon Editorial, S. L., Barcelona    1997.06

  • Models for Project Term Management and Their Performance 〜As An Effective Service Function for Engineering to Order Industries〜

    Proc. of the 4th International Conference of European Operations Management Association / Canon Editorial, S. L., Barcelona    1997.06

  • Efforts towards Adaptability Enhancement: - How Manufacturing and Service Industries can Learn from Each Other -

    Proc. of the 4th International Conference of European Operations Management Association / Canon Editorial, S. L., Barcelona    1997.06

  • フレキシビィティのタイプとその相互関係について

    (社)日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集 / 成蹊大学    1997.05

  • 複数ラインの編成における工数安定化について

    (社)日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集 / 成蹊大学    1997.05

  • 工数資源配置によるプロジェクト期間の管理法について

    (社)日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集 / 成蹊大学    1997.05

  • FMS運用における負荷配分計画とディスパッチングの機能連携とその特性

    (社)日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集 / 成蹊大学    1997.05

  • The Effects of Systems Integration on Competitiveness in Manufacturing Firms: Some Empirical Observations in Japan

    Proc. of the '97 Spring Joint Conference of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society and the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineering / Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society and the Korean Institute of Industrial    1997.04

  • 技術情報移転と製品開発に関する研究

    新家健精編,平成7年度〜平成8年度文部省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B)研究成果報告書(研究課題番号07303016)    1997.03

  • Summary Report of International Management: Session II

    Asia- Pacific Conference on the Formation of a Regional Network for Higher Education and Research: Policies,Strategies and Administration/Ibuka Auditorium, Waseda University,Tokyo,Japan    1997.03

  • 管理業務効率化のための汎用手順開発とその応用に関する研究報告書

    早稲田大学生産管理学研究室編    1997.03

  • An ERP based Project Management Framework for Engineering to Order Manufacturers

    Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Design & Automation/Bangkok,Thailand    1997.03

  • Strategy of Manufacturing Companies in Thailand and their Action Plans

    Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Design & Automation/Bangkok,Thailand    1997.03

  • Business Process Improvement by Benchmarking 〜An Approach toward Automatic Benchmarking through Template Method〜

    Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Design & Automation/Bangkok,Thailand    1997.03

  • 相互補完・生産物流情報システムの設計

    平木秀作編,平成7年度〜平成8年度文部省科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書(研究課題番号07680466)    1997.03

  • A Job Loading Procedure as a Kernel Part of FMS Integrated Operating System and Its Evaluation

    International Journal of Management Science/Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society   2;1  1996.12

  • 生産戦略とアクションプラン

    (財)社会経済生産性本部経営アカデミー    1996.11

  • 生産戦略とIE

    設備管理パワーアップコース・テキスト/(社)日本プラントメンテナンス協会    1996.11

  • 中小企業における製品開発と技術情報移転

    研究技術計画学会第11回年次学術大会予稿集/大阪電気通信大学    1996.11

  • Emerging Issues of Operations and Production Management in Japan

    Invited Lecture at Seoul National University,Seoul,Korea    1996.10

  • The 1996 Findings of the Manufacturing Futures Project: Europe the US and Japan

    The International Meeting of the Manufacturing Roundtable/INSEAD Euro- Asia Centre,Fountainebleau,France    1996.10

  • Trends in Manufacturing Action Programmes and Competitive Priorities from 1986 to 1996 in Europe the US and Japan

    The International Meeting of the Manufacturing Roundtable/INSEAD Euro- Asia Centre,Fountainebleau,France    1996.10

  • Building Customer Partnerships As A Competitive Weapon? : The Right Choice for Globalising Competition

    INSEAD Working Paper 96/94/TM    1996.10

  • Mathematical Programming Approach to the International Co-operative Global Complementary Production Systems

    Proc. of the Pacific Conference on Manufacturing '96/Seoul,Korea    1996.10

  • Vertical Integration in the Telecommunication Market

    Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering/Kyongju,Korea    1996.10


  • Semiconductor Production- Inventory Management with Yield Monitoring

    Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering/Kyongju,Korea    1996.10

  • Target Chasing Method for Work Load Stabilisation of Production Line 〜Some Advances of Lean Management Technology〜

    Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering/Kyongju,Korea    1996.10

  • On a Two Stage Hierarchical Production Planning System for Process Industries

    International Journal of Production Economics/Elsevier Science B.V.   44  1996.09


  • 理工系の経営システム工学科って何を学ぶ?

    蛍雪時代8月号/旺文社    1996.07

  • Production Research in Modern Japan : Issue in Honor of Professor Rintaro Muramatsu

    International Journal of Production Economics: Manufacturing System,Strategy & Design   44;1-2  1996.06

  • Factors of Manufacturing Vigorousness in Japanese Electro- Electrical Industries 〜Statistical Cause- Effect Analysis based on the Japan-side Result of Manufacturing Futures Survey Projects (MFP-Japan)〜

    Proc. of the 1st Asia- Pacific Conference of Decision Science Institute/The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,Hong Kong   1  1996.06

  • A Decision Support Procedure of International Production- Logistics System Design

    Proc. of the 1st Asia- Pacific Conference of Decision Science Institute/The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,Hong Kong   2  1996.06

  • A Rule-Based Dispatching Decision System for FMS and Its Performance

    Proc. of the 1st Asia- Pacific Conference of Decision Science Institute/The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology,Hong Kong   2  1996.06

  • Adaptable Production and Its Realisation: Some Cases of Japanese Manufacturers

    Proc. of the 2nd International Conference of the European Operations Management Association/London Business School,London,UK    1996.06

  • Line Production Systems and Their Design for Versatile Market Environment:Trade-off Analysis between Mixed and Switching Line Systems

    Proc. of the 2nd International Conference of the European Operations Management Association / London Business School, London,UK    1996.06

  • An Agile Design Procedure for a Line Production System in a Versatile Market Environment

    International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing/Taylor & Francis Ltd.   9;4  1996.06


  • 絶え間ない生産管理の進化に、ボーダーレス・ビジネスの未来を垣間見る

    1997早稲田大学入試ガイド    1996.05

  • FMSのためのディスパッチング・ルールベースとその性能

    (社)日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集/青山学院大学    1996.05

  • ライン切替方式と混合ライン方式の効率比較について

    (社)日本経営工学会春季大会予稿集/青山学院大学    1996.05

  • Lean Production in a Changing Competitive World: A Japanese Perspective

    International Journal of Operations and Production Management/MCB University Press   16;2  1996.02


  • 品質努力の経営成果への貢献度に関する研究-韓国製造業における統計的検証

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.11

  • これからの生産システムの方向

    鉄鋼のIE/(社)日本鉄鋼連盟   33;3  1995.07

  • On Design of International Parts Complementation System of Car Industries

    Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Logistics/University of Nottingham (Nottingham)    1995.07

  • Yield Estimation and Inventory Control for Memory Chip Manufacturing

    Technological Innovation and Global Challenges/Aston University (Birmingham)    1995.07

  • A Design Process Improvement Procedure and Its Application

    Technological Innovation and Global Challenges/Aston University (Birmingham)    1995.07

  • The Effects of Transportation Interval in Global Complementary Production Systems

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing /World Scientific Publishing   1  1995.07

  • An Agile Line Balancing Procedure for Versatile Market

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing /World Scientific Publishing   1  1995.07

  • 十代田先生のご定年に際して

    早稲田工業経営学会誌/早稲田工業経営学会   61;1  1995.06

  • 日米製造業における企業戦略の比較に関する研究-景気変動に対する企業戦略の決定について

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.05

  • 日本の製造業における創造戦略の方向に関する研究

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.05

  • 転換期を迎えた日本の製造業

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.05

  • エンジニアリング・マネジメントに関する研究-DFD手法を用いた設計アプローチの改善アプローチ

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.05

  • ビジネスプロセスのパフォーマンス改善に関する研究

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.05

  • FMSにおける階層型運用方式に関する研究

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.05

  • 品種切替型ライン生産システムの編成方式に関する研究

    日本経営工学会 春季大会予稿集/日本経営工学会    1995.05

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Research Projects

  • Study on the Production Scheduling and Logistic By Advanced Evolutionary Algorithms

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    GEN Mitsuo, KATAYAMA Hiroshi

     View Summary

    In this research, we provided a comprehensive survey of the current state-of-the-art in the use of EA in manufacturing and logistics systems.
    Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) refers to a manufacturing management process by which raw materials and production capacity are optimally allocated to meet demand. APS is especially well-suited to environments where simpler planning methods cannot adequately address complex trade-offs between competing priorities. In this research, we analyze the structure of integrated manufacturing system, and extract the mathematical model in advanced planning and scheduling field. According to the flexibility in APS, a multistage operation-based GA is developed as an effective approach for representing the information of flexible resources assignment in combinatorial scheduling problem. In terms of characters of different problem, effective local search techniques are combined to obtain active schedule, i.e. critical path local search, left shift local search.
    With the development of economic globalization and extension of worldwide electronic marketing, global enterprise services supported by universal supply chain and world-wide logistics become imperative for business world. How to manage logistics system efficiently thus has become a key issue for almost, all of the enterprises to reduce their various costs in today's keenly competitive environment of business, especially for many multinational companies. In this research, we concern the logistics systems using GM. lb solve the logistics problems, we proposed different GA approaches, Prufer number-based encoding method, priority-based encoding method, extended priority-based GA, and random path-based GA. The effectiveness and efficiency of GA approaches were investigated with various scales of logistics problems by comparing with recent related researches.

  • Productivity Reinforcement Technologies and Their Transfer in The Globalizing Era

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATAYAMA Hiroshi, HIRAKI Shusaku

     View Summary

    In this project, focusing on productivity reinforcement technologies among various management technologies utilizing in manufacturing scene, which have been providing one of the leading positions for Japanese manufacturing industries, their classification, pattern of transfer of each technology to offshore sites and other business functions, e.g.R & D, logistics, indirect work divisions, sales, methods of transfer, operational methods, further problems after the transfer and way of evaluation were investigated through case study. By this activity, some relevant ways to eliminate the burdens and obstacles of productivity reinforcement and road map for successful management technology transfer were aimed to develop.
    In year 2003, two sub committee, i.e.international committee and domestic committee, were established and various case studies of international and domestic companies were carried out under each committee, where approaches of productivity reinforcement, application of management technology and burdens to tackling with were captured through book review and interview to some of the representative companies.
    In year 2004, the activity performed in 2003 were continued for following up sessions and further investigation on framework of productivity reinforcement schemes, their elements, way of application, which were implemented in both global and domestic leading companies, was launched. This enables to perform comparison analyses of each category of industry in the global environment and clarify essential common as well as different elements embedded in each case. In November, 2004, regarding to this research project, we organized Intenational Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems in Wseda University in Tokyo and facilitated further interactive research work among participants.
    In year 2005, the final year of the project, further enhancement of productivity reinforcement technology was focused to tackle for technological durability as well as capability. As one of the results, case base of this technology constructed in this project guided us to develop a general transfer scheme of productivity reinforcement technology. Furthermore, proposed general scheme was implemented as trial in a collaborative company in Japan and feasibility, validity and effectiveness were evaluated.

  • On Capability Evaluation of Disabled Workers and Design of Work Formation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATAYAMA Hiroshi

     View Summary

    Social participation of disable persons has been big issue for argument these years along with environmental & humanitarian issues that drive the "human" as a keyword. Generally, work process in business scene needs appropriate assignment of working resources to embody organizational performance. Because, bottleneck resources suffer the total performance. From this point of view, participation of disabled workers to business process as resources with restricted function creates tough problems in terms of efficiency & reliability.
    Thus, one of the important points for management in a business processing system involving disabled workers will be how to realize a balanced allocation of duties to each worker.
    Simultaneously, it must pay attention to job satisfaction as they tend to have various mental stresses or dissatisfaction due to their non-standardized body function.
    Based on these considerations, this research project aims to support participation of disabled workers to production activity through technological operational/aspects. More concretely, taking into consideration of some typical business processes involving disabled workers, design algorithm of work formation in consideration of work efficiency and job satisfaction level is proposed followed by validity study through its application.
    The feature of the proposed method is summarized as contribution on the development of optimal work assignment logic (Trade-off Analysis) taking into account of efficiency of processing and worker's satisfaction simultaneously. Adopted procedure, which is based on 8 step approach described in research proposal issued in 2000, was performed properly in 2000 and 2001 and accomplished the planned results.
    In 2000, "selection of objective work system for pilot study", "observation and recording working process", "design and creation of work execution database", "development of worker allocation model" and "Paper presentation of preliminary results" were effectively performed. In 2001, "Relationship analysis between work efficiency and job satisfaction by trade-off analysis", "application of developed method to actual cases and validity study" and "Final reporting" was executed with successful results.

  • Global Complementary Systems for Car Industries - Research in the ASEAN Region -

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HIRAKI Shusaku, ISHI Kazuyoshi, KATAYAMA Hiroshi, ICHIMURA Takaya, SU Yanming, KAMO Kineko

     View Summary

    The sales volume of cars in ASEAN 4 countries (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines) increased rapidly along with the remarkable economical growth until the bursting of bubble economy in Thailand in 1997. Japanese automobile manufacturers have developed the international cooperative global complementary production system (ICGCPS) by utilizing the BBC scheme contracted among the ASEAN countries in 1989. ICGCPS is a global production system with several production bases located in several countries. Each production base produces only a special kind of parts and components with the total demand required to all the participating countries, and supplies them to the other production bases. This research aimed to investigate the influence of the bursting of bubble economy on the automobile industry in ASEAN 4 and design of a production-logistics information system for the ICGCPS and got the following research results.
    (1) We investigated the actual global complementary production-logistics system of Japanese automobile manufacturers by interviewing the responsible managers and grasped the production-logistics information system for the ICGCPS and the influences of the bursting of bubble economy on the automobile manufacturers in ASEAN region.
    (2) We formulated a plant location model for the ICGCPS in the form of a mathematical programming problem and considered the way for determining the appropriate plant location.
    (3) We proposed an ordering model which considered not only the transportation lead time but also the transportation interval and clarified the effects of transportation lead time and interval on the variation of ordering and inventory quantities at the transportation process and the transported stock point.
    (4) We clarified the transportation methods of ICGCPS including depot.
    (5) We formulated a production, inventory and transportation model in the form of a mathematical programming problem and developed a way for determining an economic production-transportation schedule which minimizes the sum of inventory holding and transportation costs.

  • A Study on Design and Operations Management of Global Production-Logistics Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATAYAMA Hiroshi, NAKANE Junichiro

     View Summary

    In this project, based on the recognition of the recent structural change of business environment such as globalisation of production activity, variety diversification with shorter lead time in the market, and recognition of the related past researches on global production-logistics systems, framework and method of global production-logistics system management for manufacturing firms were investigated in terms of studying the following two sub-topics.
    1) How to design the global production-logistics network system for multiple production sites and multi market business environment.
    2) How to operate derived optimal global production-logistics system effectively.
    Namely, first topic includes production site allocation problem for effective capability for coping with demands and, in 1997, survey of manufacturing and logistics concerned firms as well as research/data survey were carried out. Standing on these results, design models for global production-logistics network were considered and a relevant design procedure was developed for optimal production site allocation and intra-logistics network.
    In 1998, examination of operation procedure for the derived system, characteristics analysis of the system by using LINGO non-linear mathematical programming package and WITNESS production-logistics simulator and feasibility study of the proposed system in various real business environment were performed. The results of these activities were published in some appropriate academic journals and conferences.
    The reasons of delayed submission of this final project report are as follows.
    1) Due to time consuming confirmation procedure to use copyright of the related articles that were included in international journals and conference proceedings.
    2) Due to major conference schedules where some relevant results were planned to publish.

  • A Study on Operating Procedure of Flexible Production Systems

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATAYAMA Hiroshi

     View Summary

    Business environment of manufacturing industries is in a huge pile of tough problems due to emerging globalisation, recent diversification of customer' needs and instability of world economy. In this project, recognising the necessity of flexibility enhancement to cope with these problems, some operating functions providing flexibility of production systems is investigated for the given production facilities. These functions are represented in terms of the software management packages. Considered production systems in this project include flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) as a kernel domain, line production systems as the popular facilities in assembly factories, batch production systems as often observed devices in process industries. Obtained results were published in terms of 18 papers in journals and selected paper books. These are classified into the following categories.
    1) Loading sub-system concerned issues : In this category, based on the FMS loading procedure developed by K.Shanker, a robust and flexible loading planning system, which enables to respond volatile market, was developed through algorithm improvement.
    2) Dispatching sub-system concerned issues : Aiming the same objective as the first category, an agile and effective job dispatching system was developed through investigation of dispatching procedures used in actual firms.
    3) Integrated system concerned issues : In this category, both loading and dispatching functions are integrated and some operation procedures, which actualise overall performance of production systems, were developed. Especially, these provide a new focusing stand point of hierarchical planning framework., where dispatching functions should seek optimisation under the constraint of the planning result of loading procedures.
    4) On their validity check and positioning in business scene : Based on the information collected through interviewing and questionnaire sending to the flexibility concerned enterprises, contents of flexibility the firms are desiring were considered and examined.
    5) Other contributions : As a miscellaneous category, emerging concepts such as lean/agile production, which are closely related with flexibility, were discussed and a new direction for improving manufactureing performance was provided.
    As the final remark, this project accomplished a certain contribution for flexibility enhancement through these outcomes.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ARAYA Kensei, HOSHINO Kyouji, SEKIYA Akira, KATAYAMA Hiroshi, ASADA Takayuki

     View Summary

    Our research results are summarized as following 7 points ;
    1) The results of the Questuonaire on small and middle size enterprizes in Tohoku region under the title "The product development and technology transfer of small and middle size enterprizes in Tohoku region".
    2) Success Factors of tie-up of Corporation, Regional government and University in Japanese Science Parks.
    3) On the oriental view points of Dr.Stafford Beer's remarks "May the whole earth be happy : Loka Samastat Sukhino Bhavantu".
    4) On the globalization of research developments-the case study of Japanese enterprizes with detection of success factors and new facts.
    5) Comparative analysis of Japanese manufacturing processes-Their strategies and activities in the globalized enviroment.
    6) Comparative analysis on the diffusion of FMS technologies between Taiwan and Fukushima prefecture.
    7) Record of our activities.

  • Theoretical Considerations and Applications on Managerial Cybernetics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ARAYA Kensei, NOGUCHI Kazuya, ASADA Takayuki, KATAYAMA Hiroshi, HOSHINO Kyoji, SEKIYA Shou

     View Summary

    We have mainly concerned with a viable system model developed by S. Beer in the field of managerial cybernetics. Our research results are devided into two parts, one is in some theoretical contributions and the other in some primary applications for existing organizations.
    With intensive mark on Beer's "The Heart of Enterprise", our group studied h is theory to have common understanding and managed to summarize the essencial part of the contributions as next brief sentences. A viable system model recognize five broad functions which must be carried out to maintain internal stability a nd adapt to a changing enviroment. These functions are labeled system 1 through system 5. System I consists of various operated elements System 2 performs regul ating functions against the conflict generated among operational activities. System 3 has the highest and now management functions. System 4 deals with the long run sighted or the external and future management functions. Finally system 5 w orks as the decision making of the whole organization. Moreover, we refered to the fundamental principles such as variety to variety, homeostacis principle and self-organization.
    As for application, our result which was presented at the IFIP international meeting is referred, then the case of sight-seeing system in Africa and national trade training organization in New Zealand are discussed. This time we focused on BOYA comany and some comments are stated. However, the construction of practical computer system for the viable system is remained as our future problems.

  • 納期の設定と管理に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • 生産・物流システムの最適設計に関する研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • On international comparison analysis of manufacturing strategy

  • Global Complementary Production System for Car Industries -Field Research in the ASEAN Region-

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Overseas Activities

  • グローバル化時代における生産管理技術とその移転に関する研究


    アメリカ   ハーバード大学

    イギリス   ケンブリッジ大学

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 生産戦略の国際比較に関する調査研究

    1997   中根甚一郎, 黄一煥

     View Summary

    本研究では、国際的規模で進展している近年の急速なグローバル化、顧客ニーズの多様化、環境意識の高揚等を背景として顕在化しつつある、わが国製造業に内在する構造的な問題点を明らかにし、閉塞状態を打開する処方箋について検討している。研究の方法としては、調査を中心とする一連の分析手順によって個々の製造業の現状と戦略、及び将来の方向性を定量的に把握し、考察を加えている。実施した調査は、1983年より米国BOSTON大学、仏国欧州経営大学院大学(INSEAD)、及び拙研究室の関連研究者を中心に、定期的に実施されている国際調査研究(製造業の未来に関する調査研究:Manufacturing Futures Survey Project:MFP)の一環として位置づけられ、日本、米国、仏国(EU)、韓国、シンガポール、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、メキシコ、台湾、中国の10ヵ国が参画し、世界的視野に立った生産戦略動向の分析をなし得ている。得られた調査結果は1996年10月に仏国INSEADにおける国際会議に持ち寄り、国際比較論の立場から検討吟味された。一方、日本国内の製造業の生産戦略動向についても同時並行的に分析がなされ、上述の会議においてその概要が発表された。さらに、これらの結果を踏まえて、長期的国際生産戦略動向分析(主として統計的分析手法を援用)等、より深い各国相互の定量的比較分析を行い、これらの活動を通してわが国製造業の国際的視野からの戦略論的位置付けを可能ならしめている。なお、既発表の共同研究成果は、22件に及び、それらは以下のカテゴリーに分けることができる。1)国際戦略比較関連:これは、わが国と、その代表的海外生産拠点であるタイ国での日系製造業の戦略比較や北米、ヨーロッパ、日本の成熟工業圏域と新興工業圏域との戦略に関するベンチマーキング等から成っている(業績番号 2, 3, 10, 15, 17, 22)。2)国内戦略関連:これは、日本国内の製造業が生産戦略問題をどのように捉え、如何にアプローチしようとしているかに関わるものであり、「フレキシビリティ」や「統合化」、「サプライチェーン」、「元気さ」等に焦点を当てて実態分析を行っている(業績番号1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20)。3)一般的な戦略項目関連:これは、「フレキシビリティ」や「機敏性」,「適応性」,「リ-ン」等のような戦略上の差別化項目についてこれらの本質や役割について論じたものである(業績番号 5, 8, 14, 21)。研究成果の発表:計22件1)Katayama, H. et al.,1996.6, "Factors of Manufacturing Vigorousness in Japanese Electro- Electrical Industries ~Statistical Cause-Effect Analysis based on the Japan- side Result of Manufacturing Futures Survey Projects (MFP-Japan)~, Proc. of the 1st Asia- Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 77-86, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong.2)De Meyer, A., Katayama, H. et al., 1996.10, Building Customer Partnerships As A Competitive Weapon ? : The Right Choice for Globalising Competition, INSEAD Working Paper 96/94/TM.3)Katayama, H. et al, 1997.3, Strategy of Manufacturing Companies in Thailand and their Action Plans, Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Design & Automation, pp. 515-518, Bangkok.4)Lee, D. J. and Katayama, H., 1997.4, The Effects of Systems Integration on Competitiveness in Manufacturing Firms: Some Empirical Observations in Japan, Proc. of '97 Spring Joint Conference of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society(MS) and the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineering(IE), pp. 745-748, Pohang.5)Katayama, H. et al., 1997.6, Efforts towards Adaptability Enhancement: - How Manufacturing and Service Industries can Learn from Each Other -", Managing Service Operations, pp. 199-204, Barcelona.6)Katayama, H. et al., 1997.7, What Japanese Manufacturers are Thinking on Supply Chain Management in the Recent Globalised Environment, Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Logistics, pp. 97-107, Padua.7)Katayama, H. et al., 1997.7, Factors of Vigorousness of Japanese Manufacturers - Statistical Analysis of the Data obtained by Japan Manufacturing Futures Survey Projects -, Proc. of the 4th International Meeting of Decision Science Institute, pp. 567-569, Sydney.8)Katayama, H. et al., 1997.8, Post Lean Production Strategies - Adaptability and Agility Compared-, Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Production Research, pp. 1510-1513, Osaka.9)片山 博 他,1997.9,「日本の製造業における柔軟性の意味と生産戦略について」,Fuji Business Review, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 28-35.10)Katayama, H., 1997.9, Manufacturing Futures, Keynote Lecture for the International Manufacturing: A Research Symposium, University of Cambridge Cambridge, Appendix 2, pp. 1-8.11)Katayama, H. et al., 1997.10, Flexibility: Its Meaning for Japanese Manufacturers, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 1, pp. 91-100, Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte. Ltd.12)Lee, D. J., Katayama, H. et al., 1997.10, Systems Integration in Manufacturing Firm: Some empirical observations in Japan, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 1, pp. 71-80, Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte. Ltd.13)片山 博 他,1997.11, 「日本の製造業における競争優位性と柔軟性の意味について」,(社)日本経営工学会秋季研究大会予稿集,東京理科大学理工学部,pp.206-207.14)黄 一煥,片山 博 他,1998.2, 「フレキシビリティのタイプの階層構造について」,日本経営工学会誌(JIMA),第48巻,第6号,pp.360-369.15)Katayama, H. et al., 1998.3, Japanese Offshore Manufacturing: Its Recent Difficulties and Future Perspective, Workshop on International Operations, pp. 116-129, Aston Business School, Birmingham, ISBN 1-85449-271-3.16)Katayama, H., 1998.4, Supply chain management in a global environment: a view from Japanese manufacturers, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 57-74.17)Katayama, H. et al., 1998.6, Global Competence in Manufacturing: From Gridlock to Dispersing MEGA Competence/Alliance, Proc. of the 2nd Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Meeting, Summary Paper Version: pp. 260-262, Full Paper Version: 10 pages in CDROM, Taipei.18)Katayama, H. et al., 1998.6, Strategies and Activities of Japanese Manufacturing in the Globalised Environment - Results from 1996 Japan Manufacturing Futures Survey Project (A Transnational Survey)-, IMSE Technical Report, 1998-3, P. 1-105, Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University.19)Katayama, H. et al., 1998.6, Japanese manufacturers: Having consistent policies or fads ? - Trends in manufacturing action programmes and competitive priorities from 1986 till 1996-, IMSE Technical Report, 1998-4, P. 1-22, Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University.20)Katayama, H. et al., 1998.7, Performance evaluation of Japanese manufacturers by Data Envelopment Analysis - Some relevant knowledge from Manufacturing Futures Projects, Performance Measurement - Theory and Practice, Vol. 2, pp. 551-558, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.21)Katayama, H. et al., 1999, Agility, Adaptability and Leanness: A comparison of concepts and a study of practice, International Journal of Production Economics(Forthcoming).22)Katayama, H. et al., 1999, Japanese offshore manufacturing in Thailand: Its difficulties and future perspective, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Forthcoming).