Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Social Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
経済学博士 ( 慶應義塾大学 )

Professional Memberships









Research Interests

  • 社会政策



  • 編集・解説

    産業別労働組合女性調査資料集成 全Ⅱ期 全14巻 日本図書センター    2014

  • 労働安全衛生におけるジェンダー

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   13 ( 2 )  2012.12

  • 監修・解説

    現代女性労働調査資料集成 全Ⅱ期 全19巻 日本図書センター    2012

  • 労働政策におけるジェンダー

    木本喜美子, 大森真紀, 室住眞麻子

    『社会政策のなかのジェンダー』 明石書店     36 - 54  2010.06

  • 解説

    戦後女性雇用資料集成 全Ⅱ期 全19巻 日本図書センター    2008

  • イギリスにおける労働安全衛生基準の形成

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   8 ( 2 ) 21 - 37  2007.12

  • 工場監督職における女性ー「隔離」と「融合」

    河村貞枝・今井けい編 『イギリス近現代女性史研究入門』 青木書店     173 - 187  2006.05

  • イギリスにおける危険業種規制と性差:過去と現在

    (大東文化大学)経済論集   ( 84 )  2005.03

  • Gender and Class in the British Factory Inspectorate

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   4 ( 2 )  2003.11

  • イギリス労働保護立法の展開 -工場法から商店法へ-

    早稲田社会科学総合研究   4 ( 1 )  2003.06

  • 戦間期のイギリス工場監督職 -性差と階級・再考ー

    (中央大学)経済学論纂   42 ( 6 )  2002.05

  • 少子化と高学歴女性のキャリア・ブレイク

    社団法人 生活経済政策研究所    2000.03

  • 「『女性と労働』ビッグバン」

    女性と労働21   27  1999

  • 雇用システムと労働基準

    日本労務学会第28回全国大会研究報告論集    1998.06

  • 「日系電機企業の海外進出と国内産業・雇用への影響」

    電機連合,電機総研    1998

  • 『社会政策を学ぶ人のために』

    世界思想社    1997

  • 女性ホワイトカラーの現状と問題点

    現代日本のホワイトカラー(社会政策学会年報 第39集)/御茶の水書房   pp.57-74  1995.06

  • 神代和欣・連合総研『戦後50年 産業・雇用・労働史』

    日本労働研究機構    1995

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 世紀転換期の女性労働 1990年代〜2000年代

    法律文化社  2014.03

  • イギリス女性工場監督職の史的研究 -性差と階級ー

    慶応義塾大学出版会  2001.05

  • 現代日本の女性労働 -M字型労働を考えるー

    日本評論社  1990.10

Research Projects

  • International Comparison of Social Democratic Economic Policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAGI Ikuro, OUCHI Hideaki, SUMIZAWA Hiroki, OMORI Maki, OKA Masato, KIMURA Takeshi

     View Summary

    We could clear up the following four points of remarks as the conclusion of our joint research.1. Typology of the welfare states and economic policies of the social democratic parties. We could find rather large differences in the economic policies among social democratic parties. Depending on such differences we have tried to classify the types of the policies. We think that the most important factor for our survey is how strongly each state intervene into the economic situation through economic, social and/or fiscal policies. From the this point of view we could find two types of policies among European social democratic parties, especially at the time when they were operating as the government parties; the first type is Northern European type and the second is Southern European type.2. The changes of the social democratic economic policies. As a result of our pursuadeing the changing course in the social democratic governments, we could find the trend that in 1980's, including Northern European case, Social Democrats decreases the degree of the state intervention into the economic situation. These trends have been promoted by such factors as the change of trade unions attitude,

  • International Comparison of Social Democratic Economic Policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKAGI Ikuro, OUCHI Hideaki, SUMIZAWA Hiroki, OMORI Maki, OKA Masato, KIMURA Takeshi

     View Summary

    We could clear up the following four points of remarks as the conclusion of our joint research.
    1. Typology of the welfare states and economic policies of the social democratic parties. We could find rather large differences in the economic policies among social democratic parties. Depending on such differences we have tried to classify the types of the policies. We think that the most important factor for our survey is how strongly each state intervene into the economic situation through economic, social and/or fiscal policies. From the this point of view we could find two types of policies among European social democratic parties, especially at the time when they were operating as the government parties; the first type is Northern European type and the second is Southern European type.
    2. The changes of the social democratic economic policies. As a result of our pursuadeing the changing course in the social democratic governments, we could find the trend that in 1980's, including Northern European case, Social Democrats decreases the degree of the state intervention into the economic situation. These trends have been promoted by such factors as the change of trade unions attitude

  • Changes in the Retirement Process of older Workers against the Background of Aging and Industrial Restructuring - International Comparison

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIMURA Takeshhi, OMORI Maki, OKA Masato, TAKAGI Ikuro, TOKUNAGA Shigeyoshi

     View Summary

    (1) In Japan,in contrast to the early retirement trend of older workers in Western Europe, the "Teinen" age, a company-ruled factor for retirement, has been raised from 55 to 60. This has not raised the labor participation rate for males aged 55-59, but brought about the significant changes in the Japanese life-time employment practices. After having promoted this move, the state has pursued a policy to promote the employment of males aged60- 64 and is planning to raise the pension age, a state-ruled factor for retirement, from 60 to 65. The purpose of this research project was to identify, how the life-time employment practices has been altered and how the older workers aged 60 and over are re-employed on the micro-level of firms, on the basis of case studies. (2) From the case studies found are; the increasing trend of ejection of middle-aged and old workers from their parent companies in the form of "Shukko", the cessation of age-oriented treatment for workers aged 55 and over and, in some cases, the enforsement of re-employment scheme for males aged 60 and over. (3) As a result, we can conclude, the retirement process of older Japanese workers has become more gradual and indivi

  • Changes in the Retirement Process of older Workers against the Background of Aging and Industrial Restructuring - International Comparison

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIMURA Takeshhi, OMORI Maki, OKA Masato, TAKAGI Ikuro, TOKUNAGA Shigeyoshi

     View Summary

    (1) In Japan,in contrast to the early retirement trend of older workers in Western Europe, the "Teinen" age, a company-ruled factor for retirement, has been raised from 55 to 60. This has not raised the labor participation rate for males aged 55-59, but brought about the significant changes in the Japanese life-time employment practices. After having promoted this move, the state has pursued a policy to promote the employment of males aged60- 64 and is planning to raise the pension age, a state-ruled factor for retirement, from 60 to 65. The purpose of this research project was to identify, how the life-time employment practices has been altered and how the older workers aged 60 and over are re-employed on the micro-level of firms, on the basis of case studies. (2) From the case studies found are; the increasing trend of ejection of middle-aged and old workers from their parent companies in the form of "Shukko", the cessation of age-oriented treatment for workers aged 55 and over and, in some cases, the enforsement of re-employment scheme for males aged 60 and over. (3) As a result, we can conclude, the retirement process of older Japanese workers has become more gradual and indivi


Internal Special Research Projects

  • 19世紀末20世紀初頭におけるイギリス女性工場監督制度研究


     View Summary

     1999年度特定課題研究助成費の対象となった研究課題「19世紀末20世紀初頭におけるイギリス女性工場監督制度研究」について、当初の計画書で示したとおり、出版予定草稿(400字詰原稿用紙で約600枚)をほぼ完成することができた。そのうち約半分にあたる300枚は既発表の拙稿を大幅に手直ししたものであるが、あとの半分は、全面的な書き換えというよりも、むしろ書き下ろしに近い。 また、年度末には、特定課題研究助成費に加えて、個人研究費の一部も使って、ロンドンへ約4週間にわたり海外出張し、ロンドン経済大学図書館、大英図書館、イギリス公文書館などで、草稿の完成に必要な最終点検を行なった。なお、この海外出張に際しては、99年度特定課題研究と密接な関連性をもつ次の研究課題についても、情報収集を並行して行なっている。 「イギリス女性工場監督職の史的研究」と題する草稿は、2000年度中の出版の実現を期したい。