Updated on 2024/06/30


Faculty of Law
Job title
Professor Emeritus
博士(法学) ( 東京大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2007

    Waseda University   Law School

  • 1991


  • 1983


  • 1972


  • 1969


Education Background


    University of Tokyo   Faculty of Laws  

Professional Memberships















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  • 紫綬褒章


  • 日本海法学会賞


  • 小町谷賞(日本海法学会)




  • 裁判における株価の算定ー日米比較をまじえて


    司法研修所論集   ( 122 ) 36 - 79  2013.03


  • 会社法制定の理念と会社法制見直しの行方


    ジュリスト   ( 1414 ) 95 - 100  2011.01

  • 子会社の役員等へのストック・オプションの付与


    商事法務   ( 1863 ) 4 - 9  2009.04

  • 「外国会社」とは何かー持分会社に相当するものの場合


    早稲田法学   83 ( 4 ) 1 - 34  2008.04


  • 事前の買収防衛策ー発動時の問題


    法の支配   ( 145 )  2007.04

  • 日本の公開会社における取締役の義務ー特に監督について


    商事法務   ( 1693 ) 4 - 10  2004.03


  • 商法規定の国際的適用関係


    国際私法年報   ( 2 ) 136 - 151  2000.10

  • 商取引における指図による占有移転


    法学協会雑誌   117 ( 2 ) 147 - 166  2000.02

  • 合併会計


    ジュリスト   ( 1116 )  1997.07

  • 「1993年の海上先取特権及び抵当権に関する国際条約」の成立


    海法会誌(復刊)   ( 37 )  1993.12

  • 社債法の改正


    ジュリスト   ( 1027 )  1993.07

  • 転換社債・新株引受権附社債と希薄化防止条項


    法曹時報   38 ( 11 )  1986.11

  • 海上先取特権・抵当権統一条約の改正草案について


    海法会誌(復刊)   ( 29 )  1985.12

  • 取引相場のない株式の評価


    法学協会百周年記念論文集第3巻所収、有斐閣    1983.10

  • 会社の支配・従属関係と従属会社少数株主の保護


    法学協会雑誌   96巻12号ー99巻2号  1979.12

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Books and Other Publications

  • 上場会社の株主


    「株式会社法大系」所収、有斐閣  2013.08

  • 商取引法(第7版)


    弘文堂  2013.05 ISBN: 9784335304583

  • 合併契約の不履行ー存続会社の不履行と相手方の救済


    「企業法・金融法の新潮流」所収、商事法務  2013.01

  • 合同会社制度のメリットー締出し防止策の側面


    「新しい時代の民事司法」所収、商事法務  2011.12

  • 財務諸表保険


    「保険学保険法学の課題と展望」所収、成文堂  2011.12

  • 役員等の連帯債務と免除の絶対的効力


    「現代企業法学の理論と動態」所収、成文堂  2011.10

  • 会社法の基本問題


    有斐閣  2011.06 ISBN: 9784641135949

  • 商取引法の基本問題


    有斐閣  2011.06 ISBN: 9784641135963

  • 支配権プレミアムとマイノリティ・ディスカウント


    「変革期の企業法」所収、商事法務  2011.03

  • 商取引法(第6版)


    弘文堂  2010.04

  • 株式会社法(第3版)


    有斐閣  2009.12

  • 商取引法(第5版)


    弘文堂  2009.04

  • 他人の生命の保険


    「保険法改正の論点」所収、法律文化社  2009.03

  • 会社法制の将来展望


    「企業法制の現状と課題」所収、日本評論社  2009.03

  • 株式会社法(第2版)


    有斐閣  2008.02

  • 株式会社法


    有斐閣  2006.09

  • 商取引法(第4版)


    弘文堂  2005.04

  • 株式会社・有限会社法(第4版)


    有斐閣  2005.02

  • ストック・オプションの費用計上と商法


    「商事法への提言」所収、商事法務  2004.06

  • 貿易・海上運送とEDI


    「海法大系」所収、商事法務  2003.07

  • 商人間の留置権の成否


    「現代ビジネス判例」所収、法律文化社  2003.03

  • ストック・オプションのコスト


    「商事法の展望」所収、有斐閣  1998.10

  • 日本銀行法の改正について


    「現代企業法の理論」所収、信山社  1998.03

  • 結合企業法の立法と解釈


    有斐閣  1995.12

  • 永久社債に関する諸問題


    「企業と法」(下)所収、有斐閣  1995.12

  • 社債の決済制度


    「現代企業立法の軌跡と展望」所収、商事法務研究会  1995.07

  • 手形保証とスタンドバイ信用状ーその独立性をめぐって


    「現代企業法の展開」所収、有斐閣  1990.01

  • 変額生命保険に関する保険業法および募取法上の諸問題


    国家学会百年記念「国家と市民」第3巻所収、有斐閣  1987.11

  • 社債の管理に関する受託会社の義務と責任


    「八十年代商事法の諸相」所収、有斐閣  1985.01

  • 日本の企業支配


    「岩波講座・基本法学7」所収、岩波書店  1983.07

  • 会社法人格否認の法理


    東京大学出版会  1980.12

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Research Projects

  • Study on current trends in shipping industry and their influences upon maritime law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OCHIAI Seiichi, EGASHIRA Kenjiro, IWAHARA Shinsaku, YAMASHITA Tomonobu, FUJITA Tomotaka, UCHIDA Takashi

     View Summary

    In this project it is intended that current problems of maritime law are researched in terms of transformation of shipping industry where the globalization is deeply progressed through wide spread of flag of convenience and strong competition in global market. Maritime law relates to a lot of aspects of shipping activities, for example, contracts of carriage of goods by sea, marine accident including environmental pollution, finance for shipbuilding and international trade, marine insurance and so on. Analysis of influences of changes of structures of shipping industry and practices upon such aspects is indispensable to modernization of maritime law. This study group analyzed changes of practices in each aspect and their economic backgrounds. Based upon such analysis members of the group tried to propose not only national but also international legislative solutions. Particularly they are strongly expected to contribute to the modernization of Japanese Commercial Code in a few years by the research results of this projects.

  • Impact on Corporation Law made by International Unification of Accounting Standards

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    EGASHIRA Kenjiro, KANDA Hideki, YAMASHITA Tomonobu, IWAHARA Shinsaku, FUJITA Tomotaka, MASUI Yoshihiro

     View Summary

    International unification of accounting standards owing to establishment of International Accounting Standards by IASB has a large impact on Japanese corporation law in two aspects. One is how its provisions concerning accounting should be amended in harmony with the international movements. The other is how it should cope with the changes of business conducts of companies brought about by the new accounting standards.
    Concerning the first point, we published several articles on the recent amendments of Japanese corporation law with regard to capital reserves and limitations on sources of dividends. The most important issue in the fixture is the Accounting Standard of Share-based Payment. Our conclusions on the issue are as follows. If Japanese corporation law is amended in harmony with the Exposure Draft on Share-based Payment of IASB, it must introduce the new idea which has not existed in Japan that the corporation may issue stock purchase/subscription warrants in exchange for services. There would be no serious problems in publicly-held corporations, if services are permitted as consideration for shares. However, some abuses might occur in the case of closely-held corporations which do not disclose any financial statements. Since there is a risk of overvaluation in services which have no market prices, the possibility should not be excluded that the corporation law requires the special resolution of shareholders meeting in case the corporations accept services as consideration of shares. Since services may be provided for a period of time, such amendment of corporation law is needed that payment by installment to stock purchase/subscription warrants is permitted. The principle of labor law that the wages shall always be paid in cash must be abolished.
    Concerning the second point, the most serious problem to Japanese corporations was so-called "legend" of the financial statements written in English in 2001. However, the auditor system and the new type of corporation (corporation with committees) have become the most important issue after the Enron scandal in autumn of 2001. The Accounting Standard of Impairment of Assets which is to be applied in Japan from 2005 has a great influence on he conducts of business of Japanese corporations by giving rise to a great number of M&A and restructuring activities today.

  • A Legislative Study on modernizing the law of business transactions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OCHIAI Seiichi, YAMASHITA Tomonobu, IWAHARA Shinsaku, EGASHIRA Kenjiro, FUJITA Tomotaka, KANDA Hideki

     View Summary

    Comparing with the corporate law, our law of business transactions is clearly out of date. If we look at the legislative situations of other developed or even some developing countries, we can find their laws of business transactions have been quite modernized. We cannot understand the reasons why our legislators are so slow to modernize our law of business transactions.
    We strongly believe our law of business transactions should be modernized in near future. Because it is very inconvenient and difficult for business people to predict precise legal outcomes of their business conducts under the present out-of-dated legal rules. Furthermore, the present rules are not friendly to consumers because of the too much strong principle of freedom of contract.
    Therefore, we intensively have made research works on modernizing our law of business transactions for four years. As the result of our works, we offer several proposals in order to modernize the present legal rules.

  • Corporation Law in Transnational Aspects

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    EGASHIRA Kenjiro, YAMASHITA Tomonobu, IWAHARA Shinsaku, KASHIWAGI Noboru, MASUI Yoshihiro, DOGAUCHI Masato

     View Summary

    The purpose of this project is a comprehensive research of all the issues concerning the application of the Japanese Corporation Law to transnational affairs.
    The issues must be examined in two parts. The first is a choice-of-law problem : which country's law is to be applied to the affairs concerning corporation law ? The second is a constructive problem of substantive law : for example, whether the term "corporation" in the Japanese Corporation Law includes a "foreign corporation", if Japanese law is to be applied? Concerning the first problem, in addition to choice-of-law view points, examinations must be made from public-law view points (for example, extra-territorial application of public law) in some circumstances.
    Important legislative issues of the Japanese Corporation Law concerning foreign corporations include : (1) ambiguity of the provision dealing with quasi-foreign corporations, (2) defects of the provisions concerning foreign corporations (for example, insufficient disclosure of their financial statements), (3) ambiguity of treatment of foreign corporations in bondholders' meetings, mergers etc., (4) requirement of recognized legal entities.
    Most of the Corporation Law issues brought about by Japanese corporations' transnational activities can be solved adequately by the existing Corporation Law.

  • The economic analyzes of the corporate law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KANEMOTO Yoshitsugu, KURASAWA Motonari, KANDA Hideki, OCHIAI Seiichi, EGASHIRA Kenjiro, MIWA Yoshiro

     View Summary

    The purpose of this research project is to conduct economic analyzes of the Japanese institutional frameworks on stock companies and their business transactions. We focus on questions concerning the structure of corporate governance. The project consists of the three subgroups : (1) the stockholders' meeting and the board of directors, (2) the role of the stockholders' meeting and corporate governmance, and (3) the role of the management, Public regulation and market transactions. The following articles habe been written by the participants of the project, which will be published in a book, Economics of Corporate Law.
    H.Kanda and T.Fujita, "The characteristics, diversity, and changes of the corporate law"
    N.Yanagawa, "The stockholders' meeting and the board of directors"
    Y.Miwa, "Directors and the board of directors"
    Y.Miwa, "Derivative Suits"
    T.Matsumura, "Disclosure problems"
    M.Kurasawa, "The decision process of the stockholders' meeting"
    P.Xu, "Incentives of stockholders, directors, and auditors"
    Y.Kanemoto and T.Fujita, "Limited liability of stockholders and the protection of creditors"

  • Study of Legal Problems of Derivatives and Other New Financial Products

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    EGASHIRA Kenjiro, KURONUMA Etsuro, NAKAZATO Minoru, KANDA Hideki, IWAHARA Shinsaku, OCHIAI Seiichi

     View Summary

    This project intends to analyze the legal problems concerning the innovative financial products such as derivatives. Derivatives products are, because of their special characteristics, giving rise to complicated problems in many fields of law, such as civil- and commercial law, banking Law, securities law, tax law. Members of the project investigated law and practices of derivatives in Japan and foreign countries comprehensively, and presented the possible solutions under the existing Japanese legal system. Furthermore they tried to describe the new legislative measures that are required for the sound developments of the derivatives in Japan. Subjects taken up under the project are, for instance, treatment of derivatives transacions under the bankruptcy proceeding, and distinction derivatives from insurance or wager in the field of private law. In the fields of banking law and securities regulation, regulation on the OTC-derivatives and risk management system in the financial institutions concerning the derivatives are main topics. Some members of the project reported on the results of the reserch at the sympojium of the Japanese Society of Law of Finance in October 1998, and they also contributed greatly to the recent amendments of the Banking Act and the Securities Transaction Act.

  • 国際倒産に関する解釈論・立法論的研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(B))

  • ビジネス・プランニングの研究

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • ボーダレス化時代における法システムの再構築

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(学術創成研究費)

  • Financial Systems Reforms and Law

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