Research Experience
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/14
Waseda University
Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
Waseda University School of Science and Engineering
Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering
情報処理学会 理事
日本ソフトウェア科学会 評議員
電子情報通信学会 理事
人工知能学会 理事
Ministry of Info. Communication Award
The Council for Info-communications Promotion Month, President Award
The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Best Paper Award
The ITU Association of Japan, Distinguished Achievement and Contribution Award
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Achievement Award
Science and Technology Agency, Distinguished Researchers' Award
The Institute of Electronics and communication Engineers, Yonezawa Youg Researchers' Award
丸善 2003
オ-ム社 1987
Information Infrastructure forMultimedia Applications and Telemedicine Projects in Japan
Presentation date: 1996
Next Generation Internet
Distributed-Cooperative Network Operation/Management based on Intelligent Agents Technology
Study on Resource Management for Next-generation Information Networks
SMS Text Messaging: A Ubiquitous Tool for Cheaper Medicine in the Philippines
Simonette Alzona Nisperos, Yoshiyori urano
Proceeding of ICACT 2011 1415 - 1419 2011
Replication with State Using the Self-Organizing Map Neural Network
Geofrey Cantara Soriano, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceeding fof ICACT 2011 383 - 388 2011
金光, 李吉憲, 中里秀則, 星合隆成, 浦野義頼
情報処理学会論文誌(ACSコンピューティングシステム) 4 ( 1 ) 111 - 146 2011
SMS Text Messaging: A Ubiquitous Tool for Cheaper Medicine in the Philippines
Simonette Alzona Nisperos, Yoshiyori urano
Proceeding of ICACT 2011 1415 - 1419 2011
Replication with State Using the Self-Organizing Map Neural Network
Geofrey Cantara Soriano, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceeding fof ICACT 2011 383 - 388 2011
LIU Song, URANO Yoshiyori, HIKI Shizuo
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 34 ( 3 ) 223 - 233 2010
A Blended Web-based and Mobile Learning System towards Ubiquitous Environment
Benilda Eleonor, V. Comendor, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2010) 170 - 172 2010
User Authentication on Smart Phones Using a Data Mining Method
Yujin Tang, Hidenori Nakazato, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceeding of i-Society 2011 187 - 192 2010
Direct Keyboard Mapping (DKM) Layout for Myanmar Fingerspelling Text Input
Ye kyaw Thu, Sai Aung Win Maung, Yoshiyori Urano
GITS/GITI Research Bulletin 2009-2010 127 - 135 2010
Direct Keyboard Mapping (DKM) for Myanmar Fingerspelling Text Input
Ye Kyaw Thu, Sai Aung Win Maung, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences, Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010 and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2010 267 - 275 2010
A Blended Web-based and Mobile Learning System towards Ubiquitous Environment
Benilda Eleonor, V. Comendor, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2010) 170 - 172 2010
User Authentication on Smart Phones Using a Data Mining Method
Yujin Tang, Hidenori Nakazato, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceeding of i-Society 2011 187 - 192 2010
Direct Keyboard Mapping (DKM) Layout for Myanmar Fingerspelling Text Input
Ye kyaw Thu, Sai Aung Win Maung, Yoshiyori Urano
GITS/GITI Research Bulletin 2009-2010 127 - 135 2010
Direct Keyboard Mapping (DKM) for Myanmar Fingerspelling Text Input
Ye Kyaw Thu, Sai Aung Win Maung, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences, Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010 and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2010 267 - 275 2010
Static task cluster size determination in homogeneous distributed systems
Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Gilhyon Lee, Hidenori Nakazato, Takashige Hoshiai, Yoshiyori Urano
Software Automatic Tuning: From Concepts to State-of-the-Art Results 229 - 252 2010
A user-adaptive symbol presentation for non-verbal communication
Hongyan Gao, Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA'10 801 - 806 2010
A selection-based item display for inquiring about the long-term care insurance system
Hidehiro Kanemitsu, Hongyan Gao, Yoshiyori Urano
Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA'10 795 - 800 2010
呉剣明,楊達, 浦野義頼
電子情報通信学会論文誌 J88-D-I ( 2 ) 462 - 477 2005
Enabling Route Optimization for Large Networks with Location Privacy Consideration
Vu Truong Thanh, Yoshiyori Urano
ICEIC 2004 2004
呉剣明, 楊達, 浦野義頼
日本経済新聞 2004
Enabling Route Optimization for Large Networks with Location Privacy Consideration
Vu Truong Thanh, Yoshiyori Urano
ICEIC 2004 2004
WU Jianming, YANG Da, URANO Yoshiyori
Japan Journal of Educational Technology 27 ( 3 ) 295 - 304 2003
Multilevel and multilanguage database coding system for data normalization of veterinary database
Mohd Termizi Ghazali, Achmad Rully, Yoshiyori Urano
CITA'03 2003
Classroom teaching and learning:The need for flexiblity and collaboration in multimedia creation
Jamiran Bin Salam, Achmad Rully, Yoshiyori Urano
CITA'03 2003
Research on Interactive Chinese Language Education Platform Based On PHP and MySQL (in Chinese)
Song Liu, Jianming Wu, Yoshiyori Urano
The 3rd International Conference on new Technologies in Teaching and Learning Chinese 2003
Multilevel and multilanguage database coding system for data normalization of veterinary database
Mohd Termizi Ghazali, Achmad Rully, Yoshiyori Urano
CITA'03 2003
Classroom teaching and learning:The need for flexiblity and collaboration in multimedia creation
Jamiran Bin Salam, Achmad Rully, Yoshiyori Urano
CITA'03 2003
Research on Interactive Chinese Language Education Platform Based On PHP and MySQL (in Chinese)
Song Liu, Jianming Wu, Yoshiyori Urano
The 3rd International Conference on new Technologies in Teaching and Learning Chinese 2003
国際遠隔教育のシステム構築と運用に関する一考察 -HITによる日越実験プロジェクトから-
辻正次, 久保大三郎, 田岡文夫, 手嶋正章, 浦野美頼
情報通信学会誌 19 ( 3 ) 89 - 98 2002
朱青, 小舘亮之, 浦野義頼, 富永英義
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-Ⅱ J84-D-Ⅱ ( 1 ) 1 - 11 2001
Proceedings of The 1999 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security 331 - 336 1999
電子情報通信学会論文誌 J82-D-II ( 1 ) 29 - 38 1999
Assigning a Character Code to "Undefined Characters" by Undefined Character Processing System
Proceedings of 1999 International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 309 - 312 1999
Study on Profile-based Transmission of Prerecorded Video
H. Hirano, H.Yokota, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of APSITT'99 44 - 48 1999
Edit Detection System by Digital Watermarking of Video Contents Characteristic Information Based on Digital Signature
A. Kodate, K.Takeuchi, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of ICCC'99 ( 2 ) 341 - 348 1999
Admission Control in Multimedia Multicast Session
M. Ogai, H.Yokota, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of CITA'99 166 - 178 1999
小舘亮之, 竹内一樹, 浦野義頼, 富永英義
画像電子学会論文誌 28 ( 5 ) 585 - 595 1999
An Advanced Network Management System with Mobile Agents
Y. Miyoshi, K.Kamahora, Y-J Park, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of APCC'99 1196 - 1199 1999
Assigning a Character Code to "Undefined Characters" by Undefined Character Processing System
Proceedings of 1999 International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 309 - 312 1999
Study on Profile-based Transmission of Prerecorded Video
H. Hirano, H.Yokota, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of APSITT'99 44 - 48 1999
Edit Detection System by Digital Watermarking of Video Contents Characteristic Information Based on Digital Signature
A. Kodate, K.Takeuchi, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of ICCC'99 ( 2 ) 341 - 348 1999
Admission Control in Multimedia Multicast Session
M. Ogai, H.Yokota, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of CITA'99 166 - 178 1999
An Advanced Network Management System with Mobile Agents
Y. Miyoshi, K.Kamahora, Y-J Park, Y.Urano, H.Tominaga
Proceedings of APCC'99 1196 - 1199 1999
SCIS'98 8.2D 1998
IMPS'97 43 - 44 1997
Application of visualized human body as a 4D anatomical atlas
Proc. ICAT'97 135 - 140 1997
An Approach for Universal Character Coding Scheme
Proceedings of APCC'97 980 - 984 1997
杉山敬三, 小花貞夫, 鈴木健二, 浦野義頼
情報処理学会論文誌 37 ( 11 ) 2072 - 2079 1996
フィンランド ヘルシンキ大学