Updated on 2024/12/21


UCHIDA, Katsuichi
Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Master of Law ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 1979

    Waseda University, Associate Professor

  • 1977

    Waseda University, Lecturer

  • 1974

    Waseda University, Research Assistant

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Law  

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Civil law

Research Interests

  • Civil Law,Social Law



  • 現代の都市と土地私法

    内田勝一, 鎌田薫, 浦川道太郎

    有斐閣     231 - 252  2001.06

  • 債権総論


    弘文堂     1 - 342  2000.10

  • 民法(全)

    水本浩, 内田勝一

    有斐閣     1 - 290  2000.05

  • 基本判例 民法総則・物権

    法学書院   160頁  1999.07

  • 立退料の提供と正当の事由

    民法の基本判例/有斐閣   p151-154  1999.05

  • 借地人の妻名義で保存登記された建物と借地権の対抗力

    民法判例百選II「第4版」/有斐閣    1996.03

  • 正当事由を補完する立ち退き料の提供ないし増額の申し出の時期

    私法判例リマークス/日本評論社   12 (1996上)  1996.02

  • 民法177条の第三者-賃貸人に対する賃料請求・解除

    民法判例百選I「第4版」/有斐閣    1996.02

  • イギリス不動産登記法

    民事月報/法務省民事局   50;11〜51;1  1995.11

  • 借地権の対抗力 等6編

    借地借家法の基礎知識 上(篠塚昭次=吉永順作=永田真三郎編)/青林書院    1995.10

  • 借地借家法制(戦後50年の法制)

    ジュリスト/有斐閣   1073  1995.08

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Books and Other Publications

  • 都市政策と住宅法制(共著) 著者名 現代の都市法

    東京大学出版会  1993

  • 借地・借家制度の比較研究(共著)

    東京大学出版会  1987

Research Projects

  • Comprehensive and Comparative Study of Civil Liability in the Era of Globalization of Legal System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AWAJI Takehisa, OTSUKA Tadashi, URAKAWA Michitaro, UCHIDA Katsuichi, GOTO Makinori, SHIBASAKI Satoru

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    This study project has acknowledged ;
    1 With relaxing ex-ante regulations, the putative aspect of civil liability as ex-post responsibility becomes important
    2 The role of the injunction as ex-ante remedy becomes important, especially in environmental law
    3 To secure safety of life, body, property, environment, privacy etc, contractual liability and tort liability have assumed more significant roles
    4 To secure the fairness in the transaction including the competitive order, contractual liability and tort liability have assumed more significant roles.
    We have studied how the above-mentioned phenomena have been accorded with the restructuring of the judicial procedure in each state, also with the harmonizing and unifying process of the judicial system across the boundaries of states.We have studied how they have been accepted, expanded or altered in this changes. Also, with this study, we were able to look to the future role of the civil liability law.
    Now we are confident we have conducted the effective project study in the civil liability law including consumer law and the commercial law which have gain the weight lately.

  • Study on the Research and Educational Methodology of Civil Law as a Liberal Arts Subject

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Katsuichi

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    In the United States, where the Law School system has been firmly established, there exist four different models of undergraduate legal education ; namely, Pre-law model, Liberal arts model, Inter-disciplinary model, and Vocational model. At the time of introducing professional graduate school of law in 2004, some legal scholars and educators emphasized the ideal of libera-art education as a purpose of undergraduate legal education. However, as the number of successful applicants of "Kisyu-Sya course" of a professional graduate school of law became the criteria of evaluating the quality of undergraduate school of law, so traditional legal education regained its popularity and the standpoint of legal study and civil law as a liberal-art education has faded away.

  • Comparative study on the theory of the civil society and the welfare state in civil law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Katsuichi

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    Civil law presupposes the civil society which is based on the civil liberty, freedom and equality, and at the same time, forms the foundation of market economy system which is based on the protection of private property and respect for the freedom of contract.
    Since the end of world war second, the political objective of both Western European countries and Japan has been an accomplishment of the welfare society although the degree of realization may differ from country to country. Japanese civil law theory during the early post war period, concentrated on the legal problems of the abolishment of semi-feudalistic employment relationship in labor relation, on agrarian tenants and right to commons in rural society, and on landlord and tenants in urban cities. Civil lawyers in Japan at that time wanted to modernize Japanese society, and to achieve a realization of civil liberty and equality. A comparison of the civil right, or law and the social right, or law became a main theme of discussion. They supported demands and movements of citizens for the protection of freedom and equality, and intended to establish legal theory for the advancement of civil and welfare society.
    By the end of 1960's, most of western countries and Japan accomplished the idea of welfare society, however, during the 1970's, owing to government expenditure cuts, the welfare state programs started to decline. During the 1990's, because of the globalization of economy, there arises a necessity to reorganize and reconstruct the welfare state.
    In the fields of political theory and sociology, instead of the idea of unification of national, new ideas, such as coexistence and solidarity were proposed, concepts of a social exclusion and an inclusion were used, in order to form the theory of citizenship.
    In recent days, however, most of civil law theorists concentrated to establish legal rules for the promotion of economic activities. They mainly discussed on the question of the formulation of legal infrastructure for market economy system. Then, they emphasized self decision and self responsibility. The legal theory which tried to encompass welfare elements into civil law and to achieve social justice and equality seemed to disappeared from the main stream of civil law.
    In this research, based on recent developments in political theory and sociology, the investigator intends to reconstruct civil law theory to achieve civil society which includes welfare elements into civil law, examines the history of post war civil law theory and tries to analyze theoretical structure of welfare orientated civil law theory.

  • Japanese Law in an International Context : Law in its Origin and Law in its Global Context

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NOMURA Minoru, HAYAKAWA Hiromichi, ISHIDA Makoto, KATO Tetsuo, UCHIDA Katsuichi, TSUCHIDA Kazuhiro

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    This project was conceived in connection to several ongoing projects by the Institute of Comparative Law of Waseda University since 2001, namely, "The New Stage of Comparative Law Study (2001-2002)", "Japanese Law in International Context (2003-2004)" and "Japanese Law in History and Comparison (2005-2006)." We investigated the formation process of Japanese law in its relations to foreign law, and consequently, we redefined the identity of Japanese law and evaluated its transplantation and resettlement outside of Japan.
    Our research achievements shall be summarized as follows:
    First, in the field of criminal law, we concluded that the "Iye" system-the patriarchal system of Japan-has hindered the establishment of "abandonment/Risikodelikt". In discussing the so-called "minute justice," which is a main feature of Japanese criminal procedure, we reevaluated the significance of the "Principle of substantive truth/Prinzip der materiellen Wahrheit."
    Secondly, in the field of Antitrust Law, we examined the regulations on the unfair competition clause, and critically analyzed the relation between the original Japanese Antitrust law and its American counterpart. Regarding the influence of American law on Japanese Legal Systems, we focused on bankruptcy law and corporate law, and discussed the background and the recent problems of radical Americanization of Japanese laws.
    In contrast to the globalization of laws discussed above, we turned our eyes to some confined areas, that is, the EU and Asia. We thoroughly examined EU enlargement and the subsequent transplantations of laws in newly admitted EU countries. Furthermore, we tackled the process of re-identification and re-definition of Central and Eastern European laws after the fall of the communist regimes, taking the example of Hungary. In Asia, we discussed how the constitutional review in Asian countries has developed. On the subject of the legal assistances from Japan, we scrutinized the revision of Vietnamese Civil Code, and examined the ongoing Japanese assistances in Taiwan, Manchuria, and in Northern China.
    These scholarly achievements will be soon published as Japanese Law in International Context : Law in its Origin and Law in its Global Context (Tokyo : Seibundo, 2006).

  • Internal and External Restrictions of the Freedom of Contract

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Katsuichi

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    This research clarifies internal and external restrictions over the freedom of contract. The contemporary welfare capitalist countries intervene into a market economy system in order to achieve socio-economic purposes. The background reasons, the methods to intervene, and the degree of intervention differ from country to country, however, most researchers agree that there are three different types, based on the differences of de-commodification and stratification of social services. In the field of legal studies, with regard to intervention through legislation and court decisions, there are two different types, formalism and realism. Within the realism intervention, market-individualism and consumer-welfarerism can be recognized.
    According to the results of recent research, the freedom of contract has been restricted by traditional ideals of equity and fairness until the end of 18th century. The concepts of a contractual justice, a true nature of contract, and an essential obligation of contract were used in French civil law. In German civil law, principles of the good morals and public policy were used and internal restrictions of contract are included in German Civil Code. In a contemporary welfare society, there are many examples of external restrictions over the freedom of contract based on the idea of the protection of socially and economically weaker parties. In French and German legal studies, these external restrictions are provided by special legislations. The separation of internal and external restrictions of the freedom of contract was not known in Japanese legal research, this research clarified the importance of this separation or classification.

  • Comparative Study on the Legal Regulation of Private Rented Sector

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Katsuichi

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    The purposes of this study are to examine the future role of private rented sector in Japanese housing policy and to evaluate an effective legal regulation of private rented housing in Japan. In order to pursue these two objectives, the author examines present situations, main features of legal regulation and social functions of private rented sectors both in the U.K.and the U.S.
    There are 4 main research results from this study. The first is a theoritical study on the comparison of housing policy and law on privarte rented sectors in different countries. The author researched contemporary trends of housing studies in European countries, then empahsised the importance of recognizing the total structure of housing supply and housing consumption, and developed such basic concepts as the identity and diversity, and the different types and phasal developments.
    Secondly, the author investigated a background of an introduction of fixed term letting Act of 1999 in Japan, examined characteristics of this Act, studied prctical effects of this Act, and concluded an ineffectiveness of this Act.
    Thirdly, the author examined Housing Green Paper and Housing Policy Document both were published in 2000 by the Department of Environment, Transport and Regions, and made clear of present conditions of private rented housing and recent changes of rent regulation in Britain.
    Finally, the author traced development of landlord and tenant law in the U.S.since 1970's, and examined a development of state legislations in different States of the U.S.and Ordonances or Regulations in Cities and Towns. Also the author revealed a theoritical development in the Restatement of landlord and Tenant, and the Model Code of Landlord and Tenant.

  • The roles of the public and private sectors in urban policy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Katsuichi, NAKAJIMA Akiko, TONAKI Youann, SUZUKI Hiroshi, MAEDA Akihiko, SHIOZAKI Kennmei

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    During 1997 to 1999, we have examined the roles of public, private, and the third sectors in urban and housing policy field, comparing Japanese and British experience. In order to study actual situation of policy enforcement, we have done several field studies, such as a rehabilitation and renewal policy of urban housing in Tokyo and Birmingham, and a field research of regeneration policy of local cities like Fukushima. We have reached the following tentative conclusion.
    Since the election of new labor government in 1997, a socalled "the third way" policy has been pursued in many areas in the U.K.. In the fields of housing and urban policy, the partnership between public and private sectors has occupied a central position. On the contrary, the Japanese government even now emphasizes private initiatives and market mechanism, and has not developed any clear ideas for the promotion of the third sector.
    Non profit and non governmental organizations became the most important actors in the urban and housing policy both in Japan and the U.K.. Both government have encouraged people's voluntarily community involvement in urban and housing policy and then a concept of capacity building became the basic and fundamental idea.
    There is a distinctive movement toward a unified comprehensive urban and housing policy, and a social exclusion became a basic concept for evaluating and enforcing urban housing policy in the U.K.. However, in Japan there is no clear comprehensive concept like social exclusion and the need for the development of key concepts is urgent.
    Based on these research we are now in the process of writing 2 books, urban housing regeneration in the U.K. (written in Japanese) and housing and urban policy in Japan (in Japanese).

  • Comprehensive Study on the Direction of the Formation of Self Governning Land Use System in Contemporary Japanese Urban Land Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HARADA Sumitaka, YOSHIDA Katsumi, YASUMOTO Norio, MIKAMI Takahiro, KAINOU Michiatsu, IGARASHI Takayoshi

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    (1) With regard to the understanding of the total structure of urban land law, we have researched especially on the structural and functional changes of legal system resulted from the recent movements of the deregulation and devolution to local government. Also we have examined the effect of recent changes on the urban and city development. Some results of our research have been published in the special issues of April 1997 and February 1998 of "HORITSU JIHOU" . The followings are some of our results. Firstly recent movements do not strengthen people's power to control the formation of desirable common urban space, in spite of the emphasize of "self decision" and "self liability" . Secondly contents of devolution of urban planning power to local government are limited, comparing with western countries. Thirdly purposes of recent special measures intend to mobile land transaction and stimulate business. Fouthly these changes are not enough to support the direction of the formation of self governning land use system.
    (2) From the historical point of view, Japanese urban land law naw faceed a great turning point. The present Japanese urban land laws have inherited characteristics of pre war centralized legal system, established as highly development orientated land law through the period of rapid economic growth f 1960's and 1970's, and produced the "Buble Economy" of 1980's during the self devlopment of land policy. Therefore it is necessary for Japanese urban land law to leave from these historical problems and to establish new social rules for the formation of good housing and living environment in the much stable and matured period.
    (3) In order to establish new social rule, on the one hand, the Japanes land law have to remove many problems which explained in (1) of this summary, and on the other hand, it is necessary to devolve urban plannning power to local government based on local autonomy and citizens democracy, and to establish logic and the way to realize common and public interest of citizen, and to strengthen peoples power for the formation of good housing and living environment.

  • Comparative Study on Urban Regeneration Policy

  • 賃貸住宅市場の変貌と交渉力格差論の視点からの法規制の方向性の研究

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • Comparative study of Urban Renewal Policy

  • Amendment of Civil Code in Vietnam

  • Relationship among Public, Private and the Third Secortos in Urban Policy

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 契約自由原則の民法内在的論理による制限と外在的政策的理由による制限とに関する研究


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     現代の福祉国家においては、国家は市場経済を前提としつつ、一定の社会経済的な目的を達成するために、社会経済過程に介入をする。本研究では、福祉国家の諸類型についての考察を前提として、民法における基本原則である契約自由の原則の制約制限について検討を加えた。本研究では、契約自由原則に関しては、民法内在的な論理に基づく制約と、外在的・政策的理由による制限とがあるとして、制限についての二つの異なる形態を分析した。 契約自由の内在的制約原理としての、契約の本性、契約正義、公序良俗、信義則等の原理と、契約法の各領域における、消費者保護、社会的弱者保護等政策的理由に基づく制限とは発生的には異なること。政策的理由による制限は、民法典の外部に特別法として生成するが、民法の拠って立つ社会哲学である、国家像の変化に伴い、福祉国家としての性格が強化されるにともない、民法典に組み込まれていく傾向が見られる。組み込みに際しては、両者の区分分けが行われ、公法的規制、特別の政策的配慮に基づく規制は民法典には組み込まれることなく、特別法として存在する。このプロセスがもっとも明確なのはドイツ法における賃貸借法改正である。 このことを念頭に置いて、賃貸借法における制約の形態を分析し、戦後の民法学に見られる居住権という論理に基づく賃貸借法の再構成は、住宅政策との関連においてその特性を浮き彫りにしたが、それ故に、民法内在的な論理との結びつきが希薄になり、ドイツ法に見られるような民法典の基本原則への影響が見られなかった。しかも労働法のような政策的理由付けの強固さが見られなかったが故に、特別法領域としての独立性にも乏しいという状態を生じさせてしまった。 以上のようにこの研究では、福祉国家の類型による法的介入の相違、契約自由原則制限における二つの異なる論理、賃貸借法の分野における分析の3点についての考察が加えられた。

  • サプライヤーシステム契約の研究


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     本研究の目的は、中小零細企業と大企業との間の取引関係を分析し、取引関係において法の果たす役割を検討することである。実際には極めて多様な関係が存在し、しかも業種により異なるのであるが、本研究では特定の企業との間の継続的かつ従属的な下請負関係を特徴とする「系列型構造」と、多様な業種の特殊な技術を有する中小企業が集積し、それらが蜘蛛の巣状のネットワークとして関係を結び、その基盤の上に不特定の大企業との取引関係が結ばれる「ネットワーク型構造」という二つの基本的概念を用いて分析をした。技術の観点からすると、中小企業の技術水準が低く、大企業の開発した量産型技術をより低コストで実現する場合には系列型構造が成立し、ネットワーク型構造は中小企業の有する技術水準が高度で先端的な場合に成立することが確かめられた。 「系列型構造」においては、社会経済的な従属性の故に、独立した当事者関係が形成されず、明確な権利義務関係からなる法的関係が取り結ばれることが少ない。「ネットワーク型構造」において、新規技術の共同開発を複数の企業間でおこなう場合には、一定の期日までに参加各企業が技術の完成をすることが内容となっており、契約による関係づけもみられる。しかし、一般的には、「ネットワーク型構造」においても契約的な関係が成立していないことが多い。取引の対象となる製品が大企業向けの試作品であることが多く、技術要求に臨機応変に対応することが必要であり、当事者の関心は新規技術の開発に向けられており、しかも試作品の価格は高額ではなく、常に瑕疵がないわけではないことも当事者間では理解されており、不履行による損害賠償が問題となることは少ない結果、固定性・画一性を特徴とする契約的・法的関係が取り結ばれることは少ないことが明確になった。 「ネットワーク型構造」の法学的研究は本研究が嚆矢であり、未だ未成熟である。今後、十分に実態調査をおこない、その結果を踏まえ、理論化を完成させ、独立した論考として公表したいと考えている。

  • 現代都市における居住法の意義に関する基礎的研究


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    19世紀から始まった都市化、産業化の中で、西欧諸国においては、独自のしかも重要な社会問題として、住宅問題が登場した。これまで、小職は、イギリスにおける住宅法の発展過程についての研究を行ってきた。本研究は、それをうけて、第一に、現代都市における住宅問題・土地問題を対象にして、国家がおこなってきた住宅問題解決への政策的介入の諸類型を明確にし、第二に、体系的介入の論理的構造を分析し、法制度の構造分析をおこない、第三に、政策、法の背後にある、思想を明らかにすることを目的としている。本年は、現代日本の居住問題を居住者の権利という観点から考察し、その基本的構成要素を明らかにすることに努めた。一九八〇年代後半からのいわゆるバブル期を経て、都市における居住地の階層的分化が著しくなっている。このような中では、国民の権利としての居住を保障するための公共政策の進展が不可欠である。しかし、規制緩和、民営化、脱福祉国家論の横行する今日の我が国では、住宅政策への公共的介入が弱まっている。本研究では、このような状況に変革を迫るため、居住法・住宅法の基本的な構造要素を明らかにし、現代国家においても、その課題が存在していることを明らかにした。 本研究成果の一面は、下記の論文によって公刊した。なお、本研究を発展させるものとして、小職が代表者となり、文部省科学研究費国際学術共同研究をえて、おこなっている「都市政策における公共・民間・第三セクターの機能分担のあり方」がある。この研究はバーミンガム大学都市地域研究センター、および日本研究センターの研究者と共同して研究を行っている。研究成果の発表1997年 「都市における居住問題」岩波書店発行11月 『講座現代の法第9巻・都市と法』所収

  • 住宅政策の新しい動きについての研究


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     本研究において、1980年代から90年代にかけての欧米諸国の住宅政策は、「市場の失敗」と「政府の失敗」という時代的な背景の下で、非営利団体による住宅供給及び分権化された地方自治体の総合的住宅戦略によって特徴づけられることを明らかにした。また、アジア諸国においても住民の自主的な住宅建設運動が住宅政策の中心になっていることを示した。これに対して、90年代のわが国においては、規制緩和、民間市場の重視という政策が進められる中で、アジア・アメリカ・ヨーロッパに見られるような新たな方向への胎動は未だ極めて弱いことを指摘し、今後、地方分権化の深化、ボランタリズムの深化によって、住宅政策の中心的部分にも変化が生じる可能性を指摘した。 この研究の一部は、『講座現代居住』第4巻所収の「都市定住の権利」(東大出版会・1996年10月)、第5巻所収の「世界の居住運動一序論」(同11月)において、すでに公刊したところである。さらに、今年度において、法律学的な観点を踏まえて、「住宅問題と法」(岩波講座『現代の法』第9巻『都市と法』所収予定)と題する論文として公表した(97年12月)。また、イギリスの住宅政策・都市計画の歴史的な発展と現状と関連させつつ、バーミンガム大学の研究者との国際学術共同研究を進めているところである。

  • 民法学史の研究序説


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    本研究は我国民法学の歴史的研究を目的とするものであるが,今年度は現行民法典の所有権規定の制定過程から戦前までの理論史を研究した。 その結果,(1)民法典の制定過程においては,天賦人権説的な自然権としての所有権,絶対的な権利としての所有権という考え方と法令の制限の範囲内で認められ,国家によってその権利内容が制約されるのは当然であるという考え方が対立していた。(2)この対立関係は明治憲法における財産権保障のあり方と密接に関連していたこと。(3)しかし,その後は,制定過程におけるこのような緊張関係が民法学の中では必ずしも十分には理解されず,条文の極めて形式的な解釈が行われるに止まっていったこと。(4)戦時体制では共同体的な所有権理論が主張され,一定の支持を得ていたこと。などを明らかにした。 民法学史研究会の研究成果の一部は獨協法学に掲載されたが,研究成果の全体は信山社から二巻本として刊行されることになっており,本研究者の研究成果はそれに含まれることになっている。