Ⅰ. ご挨拶
学生時代、私は分子・細胞レベルからみた運動生理学に興味を持ち、この分野の研究者を目指しました。大学院進学後は主にヘムタンパク質による酸素輸送系の生理機能とその調節機構を検討しました。修士課程では骨格筋内のミオグロビンの動態をしらべ、博士課程ではヘモグロビンによる酸素輸送の調節機構を明確にするため、ヒトヘモグロビンの酸素平衡曲線を精密に測定し、得られたデータを Adair の四段階酸素化理論 (1925) に基づいて解析しました。これらの結果から、ヘモグロビンにおける各酸素化段階の分子種と各種陰イオン性リガンドとの相互作用について考察しました。その後の6年間は大阪大学医学部第一生理学教室(中馬一郎教授)および愛媛大学医学部第二生理学教室(志賀 健教授)においてヘム側鎖を化学修飾した再構成ヘモグロビンやミオグロビンの酸素平衡機能の変化、亜硝酸イオンによるオキシヘモグロビンの酸化機構およびヒト赤血球の集合形成とその機構をしらべました。
これ迄に多くの先生方や皆様方には枚挙に遑がないほどのご高配・ご指導・ご協力・ご支援などを賜り、まことに有難うございました。厚く御礼を申し上げます。早稲田大学における私自身の研究・教育活動 (2017年3月迄)も残り少なくなりましたが、今後ともご指導・ご鞭撻をいただきたく、略儀乍らご挨拶とお願いを申し上げます。
II. 研究分野
②基礎医学 / 生理学一般
③基礎医学 / 環境生理学(含体力医学・栄養生理学)
III. 主な研究課題
IV. Key words
③骨格筋の可塑性と β2‐アドレナリン受容体遺伝子発現との関連
V. 主要学会活動・大型研究プロジェクト活動・社会的活動等
①日本運動生理学会 【理事・英文機関誌(Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology) Editorial Board Member:1997-2000年度】
②International Sports Science Network forum in Nagano 【Vice-Chairman:1998-2001年度】
③日本生理学会 【常任幹事:2004‐2007年度, 英文機関誌(The Journal of Physiological Sciences) Editorial Board Member:2002-2005年度】
④日本体力医学会 【理事・評議員選考委員会委員長:2005‐2010年度、英文機関誌(The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine:JPFSM) The first Editor-in-Chief:2009‐2015年度】
①文部科学省・早稲田大学先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構スーパーCOE 【コアメンバー:2004-2008年度】
②文部科学省・早稲田大学人間科学学術院 学術フロンティア研究プロジェクト 【研究代表者:2005-2009年度】
③文部科学省・早稲田大学スポーツ科学学術院グローバルCOE 【研究メンバー:2009‐2013年度】
①科学技術庁諮問委員会【宇宙生物医学分野専門委員 :1998年4月‐1999年3月】
②東京都立大学大学院理学研究科外部点検評価委員会委員 【2001年7月‐2002年3月】
③【独】国立病院機構 西埼玉中央病院 受託研究・治験審査委員会 外部委員 【2008年4月‐現在迄】
◆受 賞
①日本運動生理学会第2回学会賞受賞 (2001年7月)
VI. 学歴・職歴
1969年3月 早稲田大学教育学部教育学科体育学専修卒業
1972年3月 東京教育大学大学院体育学研究科修士課程運動生理学専攻修了
1977年3月 大阪大学大学院医学研究科博士課程生理系分子生理学専攻修了
1977年4月 大阪大学医学部博士研究生(生理学第一講座、中馬一郎 教授)
1981年5月 愛媛大学助手 (医学部生理学第二講座、志賀 健 教授)
1982年4月 愛媛大学助手併任 (大学院医学研究科博士課程、志賀 健 教授)
1983年4月 上越教育大学助教授 (学校教育学部 生活・健康系教育講座)
1983年4月 上越教育大学助教授併任 (大学院学校教育研究科修士課程)
1996年6月 兵庫教育大学助教授併任 (大学院連合学校教育学研究科博士課程)
1998年1月 上越教育大学教授 (学校教育学部 生活・健康系教育講座)
1998年1月 上越教育大学教授併任 (大学院学校教育研究科修士課程)
1998年1月 兵庫教育大学教授併任 (大学院連合学校教育学研究科博士課程)
2001年5月 早稲田大学教授 (人間科学部人間健康科学科)
2001年5月 早稲田大学教授併任 (大学院人間科学研究科博士後期課程)
2003年4月 早稲田大学教授 (人間科学部健康福祉科学科)
2004年9月 早稲田大学教授 (人間科学学術院) 【現在迄】
2004年9月 早稲田大学人間科学学術院 人間総合研究センター副所長 【2006年9月迄】
2006年9月 早稲田大学人間科学学術院 副学術院長・人間総合研究センター所長 【2008年9月迄】
2009年4月 早稲田大学教授併任 (スポーツ科学学術院) 【2014年3月迄】
VII. 指導論文(上越教育大学・兵庫教育大学・早稲田大学:1983年4月~現在迄)
①卒業論文=87(73)編、②修士論文=33(21)編、 ③博士論文=6(5)編
VIII. 研究業績
1). Shiga T and Imaizumi K. (1973) Generation of phenoxy radicals by methemoglobin-hydrogen peroxide studied by electron paramagnetic resonance. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (New York, Academic Press/Elsevier), 154 : 540-547.
2). Shiga T and Imaizumi K. (1975) Electron spin resonance study on peroxidase- and oxidase-reactions of horse radish peroxidase and methemoglobin. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (New York, Academic Press/Elsevier), 167 : 469-479.
3). Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1978) On the validity of the spectrophotometric determination of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin:The wavelength dependence of observed oxygen equilibrium parameter values. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 83 : 1707-1713.
4). Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1979) The linkage between the four-step binding of oxygen and the binding of heterotropic anionic ligands in hemoglobin. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 86 : 1829-1840.
5). Kosaka H, Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1979) Stoichiometry of the reaction of oxyhemoglobin with nitrite. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 581 : 184-188.
6). Imaizumi K, Tyuma I, Imai K, Kosaka H and Ueda Y. (1980) In vivo studies on methemoglobin formation by sodium nitrite. International Archives of Occupational Environmental Health (Berlin and Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag), 45 : 97-104. 【DOI:10.1007/BF01274129】
7). Tyuma I, Ueda Y, Imaizumi K and Imai K. (1981) Prediction of the carbonmonoxyhemoglobin levels during and after carbon monoxide exposures in various animal species. Japanese Journal of Physiology (Tokyo), 31 : 131-143.
8). Kosaka H, Imaizumi K and Tyuma I. (1981) Mechanism of autocatalytic oxidation of oxyhemoglobin by nitrite, an intermediate detected by electron spin resonance. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 702 : 237-241.
9). Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1982) Linkage between carbon dioxide binding and four-step oxygen binding to hemoglobin. Journal of Molecular Biology (London, Academic Press/Elsevier), 159 : 703-719.
10). Kawabe K, Imaizumi K, Imai K, Tyuma I, Ogoshi H, Iwahara T and Yoshida Z-I. (1982) Studies on reconstituted myoglobins and hemoglobins. I. Role of the heme side chains in the oxygenation of myoglobin. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 92 : 1703-1712.
11). Kawabe K, Imaizumi K, Yoshida Z-I, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1982) Studies on reconstituted myoglobins and hemoglobins. II. Role of the heme side chains in the oxygenation of hemoglobin. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 92 : 1713-1722.
12). Kosaka H, Tyuma I and Imaizumi K. (1983) Mechanism of autocatalytic oxidation of oxyhemoglobin by nitrite. Biomedica et Biochimica Acta (Formerly titled "Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica") (Berlin), 42 : S144-S148.
13). Imaizumi K and Shiga T. (1983) Effects of immunoglobulins and IgG-fragments on human erythrocyte aggregation, studied by a rheoscope with TV image analyzer. Biorheology (Pergamon, USA), 20 : 569-577.
14). Shiga T, Imaizumi K, Harada N and Sekiya M. (1983) Kinetics of rouleaux formation using TV image analyzer.I. Human erythrocytes. American Journal of Physiology:Heart and Circulatory Physiology (Washington DC), 245 : H252-H258.
15). Shiga T, Imaizumi K, Maeda N and Kon K. (1983) Kinetics of rouleaux formation using TV image analyzer. II. Rat rythrocytes. American Journal of Physiology:Heart and Circulatory Physiology (Washington DC), 245 : H259-H264.
16). Maeda N, Kon K, Imaizumi K, Sekiya M and Shiga T. (1983) Alteration of rheological properties of human erythrocytes by crosslinking of membrane proteins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 735 : 104-112.
17). Imaizumi K, Imai A, Maruyama T and Shiga T. (1984) Inhibition of IgG-, F(ab)’2- and myeloma protein-induced erythrocyte aggregation, by small IgG-fragments. Clinical Hemorheology (Pergamon, USA), 4 : 431-439.
18). Maeda N, Imaizumi K, Sekiya M and Shiga T. (1984) Rheological characteristics of desialylated erythrocytes in relation to fibrinogen-induced aggregation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 776 : 151-158.
19). Sato M, Imaizumi K, Bessho T and Shiga T. (1984) Increased erythrocyte aggregation in diabetes mellitus and its relationship to glycosylated haemoglobin and retinopathy. Diabetologia (Springer-Verlag, Germany), 27 : 517-521. 【DOI:10.1007/BF00290387】
20). Maeda N, Imaizumi K, Kon K and Shiga T. (1987) A kinetic study on functional impairment of nitic oxide exposed rat erythrocytes. Environmental Health Perspectives (Bethesda, NIH:National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), 73 : 171-177.
21). Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (1992) Lowering and delaying actions of bovine bile on plasma ethanol levels in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 38 : 69-82. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.38.69】
22). Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (1993) Effects of vegetable oils and C18-unsaturated fatty acids on plasma ethanol levels and gastric empyuing in ethanol-administered rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 39 : 163-176. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.39.16】
23). Imaizumi K and Tachiyashiki K. (1994) Analysis of the growth of rat hindlimb skeletal muscles on the basis of DNA, RNA and protein levels. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba),1:25-32.
24). Imaizumi K and Tachiyashiki K. (1994) Biochemical and histological properties of muscle atrophy in C57BL/6J dy mice. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 1 : 33-40.
25). Imaizumi K and Tachiyashiki K. (1994) Effects of feeding levels and body weight loading on muscle mass and visceral organ size in rats. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 1 : 41-50
26). Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K and Jikihara K. (1996) Responses of visceral organ size and skeletal muscle mass during whole body suspension and recovery in rats. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 2 : 19-29.
27). Harada S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (1998) Effect of sex hormones on rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activity. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 44 : 625-639. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.44.625】
28). Harada S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2000) Sex-dependent developmental change of rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activity. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo),46 : 49-52. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.46.49】
29). Kato S, Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Toyota H, Mizuguchi J, Odawara M, Che X-F, Akiyama S, Abe A and Tomoda A. (2006) Anticancer effects of phenoxazine derivatives combined with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand on pancreatic cancer cell lines, KLM-1 and MIA-PaCa-2. Oncology Reports (Spandidos Pub, Greece), 15 : 843-848.
30). Shirato K, Motohashi N, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K, Tomoda A and Imaizumi K. (2006) Effects of two types of inactivity on the number of white blood cells in rats. European Journal of Applied Physiology (Springer-Verlag), 98 : 590-600. 【DOI:10.1007/s00421-006-0306-6】
31). Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Abe A and Tomoda A. (2007) Phenoxazine derivatives induce caspase-independent cell death in human glioblastoma cell lines, A-172 and U-251 MG. Oncology Reports (Spandidos Pub, Greece), 17 : 201-208.
32). Shirato K, Tanihata J, Motohashi N, Tachiyashiki K, Tomoda A and Imaizumi K. (2007) b2-agonist clenbuterol induced changes in the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (Tokyo, Elsevier), 104 : 146-152.【DOI:10.1254/jphs.FP0070267】
33). Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Abe A and Tomoda A. (2007) Phenoxazine derivatives 2-amino-4, 4a-dihydro-4a-phenoxazine-3-one and 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one-induced apoptosis through a caspase-independent metabolism in human neuroblastoma cell line NB-1 cells. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo), 30:331-336. 【DOI:10.1248/bpb.30.331】
34). Kasuga T, Tabuchi T, Shirato K, Imaizumi K and Tomoda A. (2007) Caspase-independent cell death revealed in human gastric cancer cell lines, MKL45 and KATO III treated with phenoxazine derivatives. Oncology Reports (Spandidos Pub, Greece), 17 : 409-415.
35). Terada M, Lyubaeva E, Ohira T, Netreba A, Kawano F, Okabe H, Aoyama T, Imaizumi K, Vinogradova O and Ohira Y. (2007) Responses of vastus lateralis muscle fibers to cycling training with different loading parameters in human. Japanese Journal of Aerrospace and Environmental Medicine (Tokyo), 44 : 59-64.
36). Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Miyazawa K, Takasaki A, Mizuguchi J, Che X-F, Akiyama S and Tomoda A. (2008) Apoptosis induction proceeded by mitochondrial depolarization in multiple myeloma cell line U266 by 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo), 31 : 62-67. 【DOI:10.1248/bpb.31.62】
37). Tanihata J, Suzuki N, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y, Imaizumi K and Takeda S. (2008) Downstream utrophin enhancer is required for expression of utrophin in skeletal muscle. Journal of Gene Medecine (John Wiley & Sons), 10 : 702-713. 【DOI:10.1002/jgm.1190】
38). Ohno H, Sakurai T, Hisajima T, Abe S, Kizaki T, Ogasawara J, Ishibashi Y, Imaizumi K, Takemasa T, Haga S, Kitadate K, Nishioka H and Fujii H. (2008) The supplementation of oligonol, the lychee fruitderived polyphenol converting into a low-molecular form, has a positive effect on fatigue during regular track- and field-training in young athletes. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 13 : 93-99.
39). Kizaki T, Takemasa T, Sakurai T, Izawa T, Hanawa T, Kamiya S, Haga S, Imaizumi K and Ohno H. (2008) Adaptation of macrophage to exercise training improves innate immunity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (Elsevier), 372 : 152-156. 【DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.05.005】
40). Motohashi N, Uezumi A, Yada E, Fukuda S, Fukushima K, Imaizumi K, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y and Takeda S. (2008) Muscle CD31(-) CD45(-) side population cells promote muscle regeneration by stimulating proliferation and migration of myoblasts. American Journal of Pathology (American Society of Investigative Pathology, Elsevier), 173 : 781-791. 【DOI:10.2353/ajpath.2008.070902】
41). Sato S, Nomura S, Kawano F, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2008) Effects of the b2-agonist clenbuterol on b1- and b2-adrenoceptor mRNA expressions of rat skeletal and left ventricle muscles. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (Tokyo, Elsevier), 107 : 393-400. 【DOI:10.1254/jphs.08097FP】
42). Nomura S, Ichinose T, Jinde M, Kawashima Y, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2008) Tea cathechins enhance the mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 in rat brown adipose tissue. Jounal of Nutritional Biochemistry (Elsevier), 19 : 840-847. 【DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2007.11.005】
43). Kizaki T, Shirato K, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Oh-ishi S, Matsuoka T, Izawa T, Imaizumi K, Haga S and Ohno H. (2009) β2-adrenergic receptor regulate Toll-like receptor 4-induced late-phase NF-kB activation. Molecular Immunology (Elsevier), 46 : 1195-1203. 【DOI:10.1016/j.molimm.2008.11.005】
44). Sakurai T, Izawa T, Kizaki T, Ogasawara J, Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Takahashi K, Ishida K and Ohno H. (2009) Exercise training decreases expression of inflammation-related adipokines through reduction of oxidetive stress in rat white adipose tissue. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (Elsevier), 379 : 606-609. 【DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.12.127】
45). Ohno H, Haga S, Takemasa T, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Shirato K, Ishibashi Y, Imaizumi K and KizakiT. (2009) Swimming training prevents induction of suppressor macrophages in mice during acute exposure to cold. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 15 : 1-7.
46). Kato Y, Sawada A, Numao S, Miyauchi R, Imaizumi K, Sakamoto S and Suzuki M. (2009) Effect of light exercise after ingestion of a high-protein snack on plasma branched-chain amino acid concentrations in young adult females. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 55 : 106-111. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.55.106】
47). Someya Y, Tanihata J, Sato S, Kawano F, Shirato K, Sugiyama M, Nomura S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2009) Zinc-deficiency induced changes in the distribution of rat white blood cells. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 55 : 162-169. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.55.162】
48). Akimoto S, Tanihata J, Kawano F, Sato S, Takei Y, Shirato K, Someya Y, Nomura S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2009) Acute effects of dihydrocapsaicin and capsaicin on the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 55 : 282-287. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.55.282】
49). Ideno H, Takanabe R, Shimada A, Imaizumi K, Araki R, Abe M and Nifuji A. (2009) Protein related to DAN and cerberus (PRDC) inhibits osteoblastic differentiation and its suppression promotes osteogenesis in vitro. Experimental Cell Research (Elsevier), 315 : 474-484. 【DOI:10.1016/j.yexcr.2008.11.019】
50). Kawano F, Tanihata J, Sato S, Nomura S, Shiraishi A, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2009) Effects of dexamethasone on the expression of β1-, β2- and β3-adrenoceptor mRNAs in skeletal and left ventricle muscles in rats. Journal of Physiological Sciences (Tokyo, Springer), 59 : 383-390.【DOI:10.1007/s12576-009-0046-6】
51). Shirato K, Kizaki T, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Ishibashi Y, Iijima T, Okada C, Noguchi I, Imaizumi K, Taniguchi N and Ohno H. (2009) Hypoxia-inducible factor-1a suppresses the expression of macrophage
scavenger receptor 1. Pflugers Archives:European Journal of Physiology (Springer), 459 : 93-103.【DOI:10.1007/s00424-009-0702-y】
52). Sato S, Nomura S, Kawano F, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K.(2010) Adaptive effects of the β2-agonist clenbuterol on expression of b-adrenoceptor mRNA in rat fast-twitch fiber-rich muscles. Journal of Physiological Sciences (Tokyo, Springer), 60 : 119-127.【DOI:10.1007/s12576-009-0075-1】
53). Terada M, Lan Y-B, Kawano F, Ohira T, Higo Y, Nakai N, Imaizumi K, Ogura A, Nishimoto N, Adachi Y and Ohira Y. (2010) Myonucleus-related properties in soleus muscle fibers of mdx mice. Cells Tissues Organs (Karger), 191 : 248-259. 【DOI:10.1159/000240245】
54). Aritoshi S, Sato S, Kumazawa M, Ban T, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2010) Subacute effects of capsaicinoids on the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Jounal of Health Science (Tokyo), 56 : 99-103. 【DOI:10.1248/jhs.56.99】
55). Ohkaru Y, Arai N, Ohno H, Sato S, Sakakibara Y, Suzuki H, Aritoshi S, Akimoto S, Ban T, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2010) Acute and subacute effects of dexamethasone on the number of white blood cells. Jounal of Health Science (Tokyo), 56 : 215-220. 【DOI:10.1248/jhs.56.215】
56). Imaizumi K, Sakakibara Y, Sasaki H, Sato S, Takei Y, Hiruma K, Ban T, Kawashima Y, Tanihata J and Tachiyashiki K. (2010) Lowering effects of allyl isothiocyanate on the number of lymphocyte and its subsets in rats. Journal of Health Science (Tokyo), 56 : 347-354. 【DOI:10.1248/jhs.56.347】
57). Imaizumi K, Sato S, Sakakibara Y, Mori S, Ohkuma M, Kawashima Y, Ban T, Sasaki H and Tachiyashiki K. (2010) Allyl isothiocyanate-induced changes in the distribution of white blood cells in rats.
Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 35 : 583-589. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.35.583】
58). Imaizumi K, Sato S, Kumazawa M, Arai N, Aritoshi S, Akimoto S, Sakakibara Y, Kawashima Y and Tachiyashiki T. (2011) Capsaicinoids-induced changes of plasma glucose, free fatty acid and glycerol concentrations in rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 101-108. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.101】
59). Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Sato S, Shirato K, Jinde M, Ishida S, Akimoto S, Kobayashi K, Sakakibara Y, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses in rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activities. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 109-11【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.109】
60). Sakakibara Y, Sato S, Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Different recovery responses from dietary zinc-deficiency in the distribution of rat granulocytes. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 57 : 197-201. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.57.197】
61). Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Shirato K, Sato S, Ideno H, Kobayashi K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011)Single administration effects of ethanol on the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 347-355.【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.347】
62). Sato S, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Synthesized glucocorticoid, dexamethasone regulates the expression of b2-adrenoceptor and glucocorticoid receptor mRNAs but not proteins in slow-twitch soleus muscle of rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 479-486. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.479】
63). Sakakibara Y, Sato S, Shirato K, Arai N, Aritoshi S, Ogawa-Nakata N, Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Shiraishi A, Akimoto S, Ideno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi. (2011) Dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses in the thermogenesis of rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 681-685. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.681】
64). Ichinose T, Nomura S, Someya Y, Akimoto S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Effect of endurance training supplemented with green tea extract on substrate metabolism during exercise in humans. Scandinavian Journal of Medecine and Science in Sports (John Wiley & Sons), 21 : 598-605. 【DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01077.x】
65). Sato S, Suzuki H, Tsujimoto H, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Casted-immmobilization downregulates glucocorticoid receptor level in rat slow-twich soleusmuscle. Life Sciences (Elsevier), 89 : 923-929. 【DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2011.10.008】
66). Sato S, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Muscle plasticity and b2-adrenergic receptors : Adaptive responses of b2-adrenergic receptor expression to muscle hypertrophy and atrophy. BioMed Research International (Formerly titled "Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology", Cairo, Hindawi Pub), 2011 : Article ID 729598,10 pages.【DOI:10.1155/2011/729598】
67). Ohno H, Shirato K, Sakurai T, Ogasawara JE, Sumitani Y, Sato S, Imaizumi K, Ishida H and Kizaki T. (2012) Effect of exercise on HIF-1 and VEGF signaling. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 1-12. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.1】
68). Kizaki T, Sato S, Sakurai T, Ogasawara JE, Imaizumi K, Izawa T, Nagasawa J, Saitoh D, Haga S and Ohno H. (2012) The effects of exercise on macrophage functions. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 113-123. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.113】
69). Sato S, Shirato K, Kizaki T, Ohno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2012) Effects of b2-agonists and exercise on b2-adrenergic receptor signaling in skeletal muscles. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 139-144. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.139】
70). Shirato K, Kizaki T, Ohno H and Imaizumi K. (2012). Effects of exercise on the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and granulocytes in glycolylation. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 145-150. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.145】
71). Higashino-Matsui Y, Shirato K, Suzuki Y, Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Sato S, Shiraishi A, Jinde M, Matsumoto A, Ideno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2012) Age-dependent effects of fasting on lipolysis and ketone body productions in rats. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (Tokyo, Springer), 17 : 157-163. 【DOI:10.1007/s12199-011-0231-0】
72). Nomura S, Kami K, Kawano F, Oke Y, Nakai N, Ohira T, Fujita R, Terada M, Imaizumi K and Ohira Y. (2012) Effects of hindlimb unloading on neurogenesis in the hippocampus of newly weaned rats.
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73). Hashizume Y, Shirato K, Abe I, Kobayashi A, Mitsuhashi R, Shiono C, Sato S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2012) Diallyl disulfide reduced dose-dependently the number of lymphocyte subsets and monocytes in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 58 : 294-298. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.58.294】
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75). Ideno H, Shimada A, Imaizumi K, Kimura H, Abe M, Nakashima K and Nifuji A. (2013) Predominant expression of H3K9 methyltransferases in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes during mouse growth plate cartilage development. Gene Expression Patterns (Elsevier), 13 : 84-89. 【DOI:10.1016/j.gep.2013.01.002】
76). Shirato K, Sato S, Sato M, Hashizume Y, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2013) b2-Agonist clenbuterol suppresses bacterial phagocytosis of splenic macrophages expressing high levels of macrophage receptor with collageneous structure. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo), 36 : 475-480. 【DOI:10.1248/bpb.36.475】
77). Sato S, Shirato K, Mitsuhashi R, Inoue D, Kizaki T, Ohno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2013) Intracellular b2-adrenergic receptor signaling specificity in mouse skeletal muscle in response to single dose b2-agonist clenbuterol treatment and acute exercise. Jounal of Physiological Sciences (Tokyo, Springer), 63 : 211-218. 【DOI:10.1007/s12576-013-0253-z】
78). Hashizume Y, Shirato K, Sato S, Matsumoto A, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2013) Dose-dependent effects of diallyl disulfide on plasma glucose and free fatty acid levels in rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 38 : 879-884. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.38.879】
79). Sato S, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Takahashi M, Izawa T, Imaizumi K, Taniguchi N, Ohno H and Kizaki K. (2014) A circadian clock gene, rev-erba,modulates the inflammatory function of macrophage through the negative regulation of Ccl2 expression. Jounal of Immunology (Bethesda, The American Society of Immunologists, Ltd), 192 : 407-417. 【DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1301982】
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81). Shirato K and Imaizumi K. (2014) Post-transcriptional suppression of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated inflammatory responses by middle-aged mice: a possoible role for eukaryotic initiation factor2a. International Journal of Inflammation (Cairo, Hindawi Pub), 2014 : Article ID 292986, 12 pages. 【DOI:10.1155/2014/292986】
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