Updated on 2024/10/24


IMAIZUMI, Kazuhiko
Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Medical Sciences) ( Osaka University, Graduate Schoool of Medical Sciences, majored in Molecular Physiology of Physiological Sciences )
Master of Physical Education (MS, Exercise Physiology) ( Tokyo University of Education, Graduate Schoool of Physical Education, Master course, majored in Exercise Physiology )
Ⅰ. ご挨拶
学生時代、私は分子・細胞レベルからみた運動生理学に興味を持ち、この分野の研究者を目指しました。大学院進学後は主にヘムタンパク質による酸素輸送系の生理機能とその調節機構を検討しました。修士課程では骨格筋内のミオグロビンの動態をしらべ、博士課程ではヘモグロビンによる酸素輸送の調節機構を明確にするため、ヒトヘモグロビンの酸素平衡曲線を精密に測定し、得られたデータを Adair の四段階酸素化理論 (1925) に基づいて解析しました。これらの結果から、ヘモグロビンにおける各酸素化段階の分子種と各種陰イオン性リガンドとの相互作用について考察しました。その後の6年間は大阪大学医学部第一生理学教室(中馬一郎教授)および愛媛大学医学部第二生理学教室(志賀 健教授)においてヘム側鎖を化学修飾した再構成ヘモグロビンやミオグロビンの酸素平衡機能の変化、亜硝酸イオンによるオキシヘモグロビンの酸化機構およびヒト赤血球の集合形成とその機構をしらべました。
これ迄に多くの先生方や皆様方には枚挙に遑がないほどのご高配・ご指導・ご協力・ご支援などを賜り、まことに有難うございました。厚く御礼を申し上げます。早稲田大学における私自身の研究・教育活動 (2017年3月迄)も残り少なくなりましたが、今後ともご指導・ご鞭撻をいただきたく、略儀乍らご挨拶とお願いを申し上げます。

II. 研究分野
②基礎医学 / 生理学一般
③基礎医学 / 環境生理学(含体力医学・栄養生理学)

III. 主な研究課題

IV. Key words
③骨格筋の可塑性と β2‐アドレナリン受容体遺伝子発現との関連

V. 主要学会活動・大型研究プロジェクト活動・社会的活動等
①日本運動生理学会 【理事・英文機関誌(Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology) Editorial Board Member:1997-2000年度】
②International Sports Science Network forum in Nagano 【Vice-Chairman:1998-2001年度】
③日本生理学会 【常任幹事:2004‐2007年度, 英文機関誌(The Journal of Physiological Sciences) Editorial Board Member:2002-2005年度】
④日本体力医学会 【理事・評議員選考委員会委員長:2005‐2010年度、英文機関誌(The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine:JPFSM) The first Editor-in-Chief:2009‐2015年度】

①文部科学省・早稲田大学先端科学・健康医療融合研究機構スーパーCOE 【コアメンバー:2004-2008年度】
②文部科学省・早稲田大学人間科学学術院 学術フロンティア研究プロジェクト 【研究代表者:2005-2009年度】
③文部科学省・早稲田大学スポーツ科学学術院グローバルCOE 【研究メンバー:2009‐2013年度】

①科学技術庁諮問委員会【宇宙生物医学分野専門委員 :1998年4月‐1999年3月】
②東京都立大学大学院理学研究科外部点検評価委員会委員 【2001年7月‐2002年3月】
③【独】国立病院機構 西埼玉中央病院 受託研究・治験審査委員会 外部委員 【2008年4月‐現在迄】

◆受 賞
①日本運動生理学会第2回学会賞受賞 (2001年7月)

VI. 学歴・職歴
1969年3月 早稲田大学教育学部教育学科体育学専修卒業
1972年3月 東京教育大学大学院体育学研究科修士課程運動生理学専攻修了
1977年3月 大阪大学大学院医学研究科博士課程生理系分子生理学専攻修了
1977年4月 大阪大学医学部博士研究生(生理学第一講座、中馬一郎 教授)
1981年5月 愛媛大学助手 (医学部生理学第二講座、志賀 健 教授)
1982年4月 愛媛大学助手併任 (大学院医学研究科博士課程、志賀 健 教授)

1983年4月 上越教育大学助教授 (学校教育学部 生活・健康系教育講座)
1983年4月 上越教育大学助教授併任 (大学院学校教育研究科修士課程)
1996年6月 兵庫教育大学助教授併任 (大学院連合学校教育学研究科博士課程)
1998年1月 上越教育大学教授 (学校教育学部 生活・健康系教育講座)
1998年1月 上越教育大学教授併任 (大学院学校教育研究科修士課程)
1998年1月 兵庫教育大学教授併任 (大学院連合学校教育学研究科博士課程)

2001年5月 早稲田大学教授 (人間科学部人間健康科学科)
2001年5月 早稲田大学教授併任 (大学院人間科学研究科博士後期課程)
2003年4月 早稲田大学教授 (人間科学部健康福祉科学科)
2004年9月 早稲田大学教授 (人間科学学術院) 【現在迄】
2004年9月 早稲田大学人間科学学術院 人間総合研究センター副所長 【2006年9月迄】
2006年9月 早稲田大学人間科学学術院 副学術院長・人間総合研究センター所長 【2008年9月迄】
2009年4月 早稲田大学教授併任 (スポーツ科学学術院) 【2014年3月迄】

VII. 指導論文(上越教育大学・兵庫教育大学・早稲田大学:1983年4月~現在迄)
①卒業論文=87(73)編、②修士論文=33(21)編、 ③博士論文=6(5)編

VIII. 研究業績
1). Shiga T and Imaizumi K. (1973) Generation of phenoxy radicals by methemoglobin-hydrogen peroxide studied by electron paramagnetic resonance. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (New York, Academic Press/Elsevier), 154 : 540-547.

2). Shiga T and Imaizumi K. (1975) Electron spin resonance study on peroxidase- and oxidase-reactions of horse radish peroxidase and methemoglobin. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (New York, Academic Press/Elsevier), 167 : 469-479.

3). Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1978) On the validity of the spectrophotometric determination of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin:The wavelength dependence of observed oxygen equilibrium parameter values. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 83 : 1707-1713.

4). Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1979) The linkage between the four-step binding of oxygen and the binding of heterotropic anionic ligands in hemoglobin. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 86 : 1829-1840.

5). Kosaka H, Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1979) Stoichiometry of the reaction of oxyhemoglobin with nitrite. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 581 : 184-188.

6). Imaizumi K, Tyuma I, Imai K, Kosaka H and Ueda Y. (1980) In vivo studies on methemoglobin formation by sodium nitrite. International Archives of Occupational Environmental Health (Berlin and Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag), 45 : 97-104. 【DOI:10.1007/BF01274129】

7). Tyuma I, Ueda Y, Imaizumi K and Imai K. (1981) Prediction of the carbonmonoxyhemoglobin levels during and after carbon monoxide exposures in various animal species. Japanese Journal of Physiology (Tokyo), 31 : 131-143.

8). Kosaka H, Imaizumi K and Tyuma I. (1981) Mechanism of autocatalytic oxidation of oxyhemoglobin by nitrite, an intermediate detected by electron spin resonance. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 702 : 237-241.

9). Imaizumi K, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1982) Linkage between carbon dioxide binding and four-step oxygen binding to hemoglobin. Journal of Molecular Biology (London, Academic Press/Elsevier), 159 : 703-719.

10). Kawabe K, Imaizumi K, Imai K, Tyuma I, Ogoshi H, Iwahara T and Yoshida Z-I. (1982) Studies on reconstituted myoglobins and hemoglobins. I. Role of the heme side chains in the oxygenation of myoglobin. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 92 : 1703-1712.

11). Kawabe K, Imaizumi K, Yoshida Z-I, Imai K and Tyuma I. (1982) Studies on reconstituted myoglobins and hemoglobins. II. Role of the heme side chains in the oxygenation of hemoglobin. Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 92 : 1713-1722.

12). Kosaka H, Tyuma I and Imaizumi K. (1983) Mechanism of autocatalytic oxidation of oxyhemoglobin by nitrite. Biomedica et Biochimica Acta (Formerly titled "Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica") (Berlin), 42 : S144-S148.

13). Imaizumi K and Shiga T. (1983) Effects of immunoglobulins and IgG-fragments on human erythrocyte aggregation, studied by a rheoscope with TV image analyzer. Biorheology (Pergamon, USA), 20 : 569-577.

14). Shiga T, Imaizumi K, Harada N and Sekiya M. (1983) Kinetics of rouleaux formation using TV image analyzer.I. Human erythrocytes. American Journal of Physiology:Heart and Circulatory Physiology (Washington DC), 245 : H252-H258.

15). Shiga T, Imaizumi K, Maeda N and Kon K. (1983) Kinetics of rouleaux formation using TV image analyzer. II. Rat rythrocytes. American Journal of Physiology:Heart and Circulatory Physiology (Washington DC), 245 : H259-H264.

16). Maeda N, Kon K, Imaizumi K, Sekiya M and Shiga T. (1983) Alteration of rheological properties of human erythrocytes by crosslinking of membrane proteins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 735 : 104-112.

17). Imaizumi K, Imai A, Maruyama T and Shiga T. (1984) Inhibition of IgG-, F(ab)’2- and myeloma protein-induced erythrocyte aggregation, by small IgG-fragments. Clinical Hemorheology (Pergamon, USA), 4 : 431-439.

18). Maeda N, Imaizumi K, Sekiya M and Shiga T. (1984) Rheological characteristics of desialylated erythrocytes in relation to fibrinogen-induced aggregation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (Amsterdam, Elsevier), 776 : 151-158.

19). Sato M, Imaizumi K, Bessho T and Shiga T. (1984) Increased erythrocyte aggregation in diabetes mellitus and its relationship to glycosylated haemoglobin and retinopathy. Diabetologia (Springer-Verlag, Germany), 27 : 517-521. 【DOI:10.1007/BF00290387】

20). Maeda N, Imaizumi K, Kon K and Shiga T. (1987) A kinetic study on functional impairment of nitic oxide exposed rat erythrocytes. Environmental Health Perspectives (Bethesda, NIH:National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), 73 : 171-177.

21). Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (1992) Lowering and delaying actions of bovine bile on plasma ethanol levels in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 38 : 69-82. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.38.69】

22). Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (1993) Effects of vegetable oils and C18-unsaturated fatty acids on plasma ethanol levels and gastric empyuing in ethanol-administered rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 39 : 163-176. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.39.16】

23). Imaizumi K and Tachiyashiki K. (1994) Analysis of the growth of rat hindlimb skeletal muscles on the basis of DNA, RNA and protein levels. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba),1:25-32.

24). Imaizumi K and Tachiyashiki K. (1994) Biochemical and histological properties of muscle atrophy in C57BL/6J dy mice. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 1 : 33-40.

25). Imaizumi K and Tachiyashiki K. (1994) Effects of feeding levels and body weight loading on muscle mass and visceral organ size in rats. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 1 : 41-50

26). Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K and Jikihara K. (1996) Responses of visceral organ size and skeletal muscle mass during whole body suspension and recovery in rats. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 2 : 19-29.

27). Harada S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (1998) Effect of sex hormones on rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activity. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 44 : 625-639. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.44.625】

28). Harada S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2000) Sex-dependent developmental change of rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activity. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo),46 : 49-52. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.46.49】

29). Kato S, Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Toyota H, Mizuguchi J, Odawara M, Che X-F, Akiyama S, Abe A and Tomoda A. (2006) Anticancer effects of phenoxazine derivatives combined with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand on pancreatic cancer cell lines, KLM-1 and MIA-PaCa-2. Oncology Reports (Spandidos Pub, Greece), 15 : 843-848.

30). Shirato K, Motohashi N, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K, Tomoda A and Imaizumi K. (2006) Effects of two types of inactivity on the number of white blood cells in rats. European Journal of Applied Physiology (Springer-Verlag), 98 : 590-600. 【DOI:10.1007/s00421-006-0306-6】

31). Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Abe A and Tomoda A. (2007) Phenoxazine derivatives induce caspase-independent cell death in human glioblastoma cell lines, A-172 and U-251 MG. Oncology Reports (Spandidos Pub, Greece), 17 : 201-208.

32). Shirato K, Tanihata J, Motohashi N, Tachiyashiki K, Tomoda A and Imaizumi K. (2007) b2-agonist clenbuterol induced changes in the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (Tokyo, Elsevier), 104 : 146-152.【DOI:10.1254/jphs.FP0070267】

33). Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Abe A and Tomoda A. (2007) Phenoxazine derivatives 2-amino-4, 4a-dihydro-4a-phenoxazine-3-one and 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one-induced apoptosis through a caspase-independent metabolism in human neuroblastoma cell line NB-1 cells. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo), 30:331-336. 【DOI:10.1248/bpb.30.331】

34). Kasuga T, Tabuchi T, Shirato K, Imaizumi K and Tomoda A. (2007) Caspase-independent cell death revealed in human gastric cancer cell lines, MKL45 and KATO III treated with phenoxazine derivatives. Oncology Reports (Spandidos Pub, Greece), 17 : 409-415.

35). Terada M, Lyubaeva E, Ohira T, Netreba A, Kawano F, Okabe H, Aoyama T, Imaizumi K, Vinogradova O and Ohira Y. (2007) Responses of vastus lateralis muscle fibers to cycling training with different loading parameters in human. Japanese Journal of Aerrospace and Environmental Medicine (Tokyo), 44 : 59-64.

36). Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Miyazawa K, Takasaki A, Mizuguchi J, Che X-F, Akiyama S and Tomoda A. (2008) Apoptosis induction proceeded by mitochondrial depolarization in multiple myeloma cell line U266 by 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo), 31 : 62-67. 【DOI:10.1248/bpb.31.62】

37). Tanihata J, Suzuki N, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y, Imaizumi K and Takeda S. (2008) Downstream utrophin enhancer is required for expression of utrophin in skeletal muscle. Journal of Gene Medecine (John Wiley & Sons), 10 : 702-713. 【DOI:10.1002/jgm.1190】

38). Ohno H, Sakurai T, Hisajima T, Abe S, Kizaki T, Ogasawara J, Ishibashi Y, Imaizumi K, Takemasa T, Haga S, Kitadate K, Nishioka H and Fujii H. (2008) The supplementation of oligonol, the lychee fruitderived polyphenol converting into a low-molecular form, has a positive effect on fatigue during regular track- and field-training in young athletes. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 13 : 93-99.

39). Kizaki T, Takemasa T, Sakurai T, Izawa T, Hanawa T, Kamiya S, Haga S, Imaizumi K and Ohno H. (2008) Adaptation of macrophage to exercise training improves innate immunity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (Elsevier), 372 : 152-156. 【DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.05.005】

40). Motohashi N, Uezumi A, Yada E, Fukuda S, Fukushima K, Imaizumi K, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y and Takeda S. (2008) Muscle CD31(-) CD45(-) side population cells promote muscle regeneration by stimulating proliferation and migration of myoblasts. American Journal of Pathology (American Society of Investigative Pathology, Elsevier), 173 : 781-791. 【DOI:10.2353/ajpath.2008.070902】

41). Sato S, Nomura S, Kawano F, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2008) Effects of the b2-agonist clenbuterol on b1- and b2-adrenoceptor mRNA expressions of rat skeletal and left ventricle muscles. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (Tokyo, Elsevier), 107 : 393-400. 【DOI:10.1254/jphs.08097FP】

42). Nomura S, Ichinose T, Jinde M, Kawashima Y, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2008) Tea cathechins enhance the mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 in rat brown adipose tissue. Jounal of Nutritional Biochemistry (Elsevier), 19 : 840-847. 【DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2007.11.005】

43). Kizaki T, Shirato K, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Oh-ishi S, Matsuoka T, Izawa T, Imaizumi K, Haga S and Ohno H. (2009) β2-adrenergic receptor regulate Toll-like receptor 4-induced late-phase NF-kB activation. Molecular Immunology (Elsevier), 46 : 1195-1203. 【DOI:10.1016/j.molimm.2008.11.005】

44). Sakurai T, Izawa T, Kizaki T, Ogasawara J, Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Takahashi K, Ishida K and Ohno H. (2009) Exercise training decreases expression of inflammation-related adipokines through reduction of oxidetive stress in rat white adipose tissue. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (Elsevier), 379 : 606-609. 【DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2008.12.127】

45). Ohno H, Haga S, Takemasa T, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Shirato K, Ishibashi Y, Imaizumi K and KizakiT. (2009) Swimming training prevents induction of suppressor macrophages in mice during acute exposure to cold. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology (Tsukuba), 15 : 1-7.

46). Kato Y, Sawada A, Numao S, Miyauchi R, Imaizumi K, Sakamoto S and Suzuki M. (2009) Effect of light exercise after ingestion of a high-protein snack on plasma branched-chain amino acid concentrations in young adult females. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 55 : 106-111. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.55.106】

47). Someya Y, Tanihata J, Sato S, Kawano F, Shirato K, Sugiyama M, Nomura S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2009) Zinc-deficiency induced changes in the distribution of rat white blood cells. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 55 : 162-169. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.55.162】

48). Akimoto S, Tanihata J, Kawano F, Sato S, Takei Y, Shirato K, Someya Y, Nomura S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2009) Acute effects of dihydrocapsaicin and capsaicin on the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 55 : 282-287. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.55.282】

49). Ideno H, Takanabe R, Shimada A, Imaizumi K, Araki R, Abe M and Nifuji A. (2009) Protein related to DAN and cerberus (PRDC) inhibits osteoblastic differentiation and its suppression promotes osteogenesis in vitro. Experimental Cell Research (Elsevier), 315 : 474-484. 【DOI:10.1016/j.yexcr.2008.11.019】

50). Kawano F, Tanihata J, Sato S, Nomura S, Shiraishi A, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2009) Effects of dexamethasone on the expression of β1-, β2- and β3-adrenoceptor mRNAs in skeletal and left ventricle muscles in rats. Journal of Physiological Sciences (Tokyo, Springer), 59 : 383-390.【DOI:10.1007/s12576-009-0046-6】

51). Shirato K, Kizaki T, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Ishibashi Y, Iijima T, Okada C, Noguchi I, Imaizumi K, Taniguchi N and Ohno H. (2009) Hypoxia-inducible factor-1a suppresses the expression of macrophage
scavenger receptor 1. Pflugers Archives:European Journal of Physiology (Springer), 459 : 93-103.【DOI:10.1007/s00424-009-0702-y】

52). Sato S, Nomura S, Kawano F, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K.(2010) Adaptive effects of the β2-agonist clenbuterol on expression of b-adrenoceptor mRNA in rat fast-twitch fiber-rich muscles. Journal of Physiological Sciences (Tokyo, Springer), 60 : 119-127.【DOI:10.1007/s12576-009-0075-1】

53). Terada M, Lan Y-B, Kawano F, Ohira T, Higo Y, Nakai N, Imaizumi K, Ogura A, Nishimoto N, Adachi Y and Ohira Y. (2010) Myonucleus-related properties in soleus muscle fibers of mdx mice. Cells Tissues Organs (Karger), 191 : 248-259. 【DOI:10.1159/000240245】

54). Aritoshi S, Sato S, Kumazawa M, Ban T, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2010) Subacute effects of capsaicinoids on the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Jounal of Health Science (Tokyo), 56 : 99-103. 【DOI:10.1248/jhs.56.99】

55). Ohkaru Y, Arai N, Ohno H, Sato S, Sakakibara Y, Suzuki H, Aritoshi S, Akimoto S, Ban T, Tanihata J, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2010) Acute and subacute effects of dexamethasone on the number of white blood cells. Jounal of Health Science (Tokyo), 56 : 215-220. 【DOI:10.1248/jhs.56.215】

56). Imaizumi K, Sakakibara Y, Sasaki H, Sato S, Takei Y, Hiruma K, Ban T, Kawashima Y, Tanihata J and Tachiyashiki K. (2010) Lowering effects of allyl isothiocyanate on the number of lymphocyte and its subsets in rats. Journal of Health Science (Tokyo), 56 : 347-354. 【DOI:10.1248/jhs.56.347】

57). Imaizumi K, Sato S, Sakakibara Y, Mori S, Ohkuma M, Kawashima Y, Ban T, Sasaki H and Tachiyashiki K. (2010) Allyl isothiocyanate-induced changes in the distribution of white blood cells in rats.
Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 35 : 583-589. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.35.583】

58). Imaizumi K, Sato S, Kumazawa M, Arai N, Aritoshi S, Akimoto S, Sakakibara Y, Kawashima Y and Tachiyashiki T. (2011) Capsaicinoids-induced changes of plasma glucose, free fatty acid and glycerol concentrations in rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 101-108. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.101】

59). Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Sato S, Shirato K, Jinde M, Ishida S, Akimoto S, Kobayashi K, Sakakibara Y, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses in rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activities. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 109-11【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.109】

60). Sakakibara Y, Sato S, Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Different recovery responses from dietary zinc-deficiency in the distribution of rat granulocytes. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 57 : 197-201. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.57.197】

61). Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Shirato K, Sato S, Ideno H, Kobayashi K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011)Single administration effects of ethanol on the distribution of white blood cells in rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 347-355.【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.347】

62). Sato S, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Synthesized glucocorticoid, dexamethasone regulates the expression of b2-adrenoceptor and glucocorticoid receptor mRNAs but not proteins in slow-twitch soleus muscle of rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 479-486. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.479】

63). Sakakibara Y, Sato S, Shirato K, Arai N, Aritoshi S, Ogawa-Nakata N, Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Shiraishi A, Akimoto S, Ideno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi. (2011) Dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses in the thermogenesis of rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 36 : 681-685. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.36.681】

64). Ichinose T, Nomura S, Someya Y, Akimoto S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Effect of endurance training supplemented with green tea extract on substrate metabolism during exercise in humans. Scandinavian Journal of Medecine and Science in Sports (John Wiley & Sons), 21 : 598-605. 【DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01077.x】

65). Sato S, Suzuki H, Tsujimoto H, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Casted-immmobilization downregulates glucocorticoid receptor level in rat slow-twich soleusmuscle. Life Sciences (Elsevier), 89 : 923-929. 【DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2011.10.008】

66). Sato S, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2011) Muscle plasticity and b2-adrenergic receptors : Adaptive responses of b2-adrenergic receptor expression to muscle hypertrophy and atrophy. BioMed Research International (Formerly titled "Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology", Cairo, Hindawi Pub), 2011 : Article ID 729598,10 pages.【DOI:10.1155/2011/729598】

67). Ohno H, Shirato K, Sakurai T, Ogasawara JE, Sumitani Y, Sato S, Imaizumi K, Ishida H and Kizaki T. (2012) Effect of exercise on HIF-1 and VEGF signaling. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 1-12. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.1】

68). Kizaki T, Sato S, Sakurai T, Ogasawara JE, Imaizumi K, Izawa T, Nagasawa J, Saitoh D, Haga S and Ohno H. (2012) The effects of exercise on macrophage functions. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 113-123. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.113】

69). Sato S, Shirato K, Kizaki T, Ohno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2012) Effects of b2-agonists and exercise on b2-adrenergic receptor signaling in skeletal muscles. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 139-144. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.139】

70). Shirato K, Kizaki T, Ohno H and Imaizumi K. (2012). Effects of exercise on the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and granulocytes in glycolylation. Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (Tokyo), 1 : 145-150. 【DOI:10.7600/jpfsm.1.145】

71). Higashino-Matsui Y, Shirato K, Suzuki Y, Kawashima Y, Someya Y, Sato S, Shiraishi A, Jinde M, Matsumoto A, Ideno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2012) Age-dependent effects of fasting on lipolysis and ketone body productions in rats. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (Tokyo, Springer), 17 : 157-163. 【DOI:10.1007/s12199-011-0231-0】

72). Nomura S, Kami K, Kawano F, Oke Y, Nakai N, Ohira T, Fujita R, Terada M, Imaizumi K and Ohira Y. (2012) Effects of hindlimb unloading on neurogenesis in the hippocampus of newly weaned rats.
Neuroscience Letters (Elsevier), 509 : 76-81. 【DOI:10.1016/j.neulet.2011.12.022】

73). Hashizume Y, Shirato K, Abe I, Kobayashi A, Mitsuhashi R, Shiono C, Sato S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2012) Diallyl disulfide reduced dose-dependently the number of lymphocyte subsets and monocytes in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo), 58 : 294-298. 【DOI:10.3177/jnsv.58.294】

74). Abe I, Shirato K, Hashizume Y, Mitsuhashi R, Kobayashi A, Shiono C, Sato S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2013) Folate-deficiency induced cell-specific changes in the distribution of lymphocytes and
granulocytes in rats. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (Tokyo, Springer), 18 : 76-84. 【DOI:10.1007/s12199-012-0286-6】

75). Ideno H, Shimada A, Imaizumi K, Kimura H, Abe M, Nakashima K and Nifuji A. (2013) Predominant expression of H3K9 methyltransferases in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes during mouse growth plate cartilage development. Gene Expression Patterns (Elsevier), 13 : 84-89. 【DOI:10.1016/j.gep.2013.01.002】

76). Shirato K, Sato S, Sato M, Hashizume Y, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2013) b2-Agonist clenbuterol suppresses bacterial phagocytosis of splenic macrophages expressing high levels of macrophage receptor with collageneous structure. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo), 36 : 475-480. 【DOI:10.1248/bpb.36.475】

77). Sato S, Shirato K, Mitsuhashi R, Inoue D, Kizaki T, Ohno H, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2013) Intracellular b2-adrenergic receptor signaling specificity in mouse skeletal muscle in response to single dose b2-agonist clenbuterol treatment and acute exercise. Jounal of Physiological Sciences (Tokyo, Springer), 63 : 211-218. 【DOI:10.1007/s12576-013-0253-z】

78). Hashizume Y, Shirato K, Sato S, Matsumoto A, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2013) Dose-dependent effects of diallyl disulfide on plasma glucose and free fatty acid levels in rats. Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 38 : 879-884. 【DOI:10.2131/jts.38.879】

79). Sato S, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Takahashi M, Izawa T, Imaizumi K, Taniguchi N, Ohno H and Kizaki K. (2014) A circadian clock gene, rev-erba,modulates the inflammatory function of macrophage through the negative regulation of Ccl2 expression. Jounal of Immunology (Bethesda, The American Society of Immunologists, Ltd), 192 : 407-417. 【DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1301982】

80). Ideno H, Shimada A, Kamiunten T, Imaizumi K, Kimura H, Araki R, Abe M, Nakashima K and Nifuji A. (2014) Search for conditions to detect epigenetic marks and nuclear proteins reliably in immunostaining of testis and cartilage. Journal of Histology (Cairo, Hindawi Pub), 2014 : Article ID 658294, 8 pages. 【DOI:10.1155/2014/658294】

81). Shirato K and Imaizumi K. (2014) Post-transcriptional suppression of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated inflammatory responses by middle-aged mice: a possoible role for eukaryotic initiation factor2a. International Journal of Inflammation (Cairo, Hindawi Pub), 2014 : Article ID 292986, 12 pages. 【DOI:10.1155/2014/292986】

82). Suzuki H, Tsujimoto H, Shirato K, Mitsuhashi R, Sato S, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2014) Clenbuterol attenuates immobilization-induced atrophy of type II fibers in the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus but not in the slow-twitch soleus muscle. Global Jounal of Human Anatomy and Physiology Research (Karachi, Pharma Pub), 1 :10-17.

83). Sato S, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Ishibashi Y, Oh-ishi S, Imaizumi K, Haga S, Hitomi Y, Izawa T, OhiraY, Ohno H and Kizaki T.(2014) Direct and indirect suppression of interleukin-6 gene expression in murine macrophages by nuclear orphan receptor REV-ERB alpha a. Scientific World Jounal (Cairo, Hindawi Pub), 2014 : Article ID : 685854, 10 pages. 【DOI:10.1155/2014/685854】

84). Hashizume Y, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. (2014) Diallyl disulfide administration increases the number of B-lymphocytes in the rat spleen. Fundamental Toxicological Sciences (Sendai), 1 : 125-131. 【DOI:10.2131/fts.1.115】

1). Imaizumi K, Maeda N, Imai A, Maruyama T and Shiga T. Accelerated velocity of red cell aggregation in multiple myeloma : a comparison with that induced by immunoglobulins and IgG-fragments. In : Progress in Microcirculation Research II (Courtice FC, Garlick DG and Perry MA, ed), The University Press of South Wales , Sydney, Australia, pp.134-138 (1984).

2). Satoh M, Imaizumi K, Bessho T and Shiga T. Increased red cell aggregation in diabetes mellitus, correlated to hemoglobin A1 contents. In : Progress in Microcirculation Research II (Courtice FC, Garlick DG and Perry MA, ed), The University Press of South Wales, Sydney, Australia, pp.150-154 (1984).

3). Maeda N, Seike M, Imaizumi K, Kon K and Shiga T. Erythrocyte aggregation induced by immunoglobulin G and related macromolecules studied with rheoscope-image analyzer-computer system.In:Microcirculation in Circulatory Disorders (Manabe H, Zweifach BW and Messmer KM, ed), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Berlin, Heiderberg, pp.439-444 (1988).

4). Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K and Ogita Z-I. Temperature dependence of swimming exercise-induced change in ethanol metabolism and thermoregulatory responses in the rat. In : High-Altitude Medical
Science (Ueda G, Kusama S and Voekel NF, ed), Shinshu University Press, Matsumoto, Japan, pp.436-453 (1988).

5). Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K and Sekiya M. Quantitative analysis of skeletal muscles in dysrophic mice as a model of nonexercise muscular atrophy. In : Fitness for the Aged, Disabled, and Industrial Worker(Kaneko M, ed), Human Kinetics Publisher, IL, USA, pp.169-177 (1990).

6). Imaizumi K. Effect of carbon dioxide on the four-step oxygen binding constants in human adult hemoglobin. In:High-Altitude Medicine (Ueda G, Reeves JT and Sekiguchi M, ed), Shinshu University Press, Matsumoto, Japan, pp.100-110 (1992).

7). Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. Effects of feeding levels and body weight loading on muscle size and visceral organ sizes in rats. In: Adapted Physical Activity -Health and Fitness- (Yabe K, Kusano K
and Nakata H, ed), Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Berlin, Heiderberg, pp.68-76 (1994).

8). Shiga T, Kosaka H, Kumura E, Tanaka S, kon K, Suda T, Imaizumi K and Maeda N. Fate of hemoglobin-NO, in vitro and in vivo. In : Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Kamada H, Ohya-Nishiguchi H and Yoshikawa T, ed), Nihon-Igakukan, Tokyo, Japan, pp.243-245 (1994).

9). Imaizumi K and Tachiyashiki K. Growth-related changes in DNA, RNA and protein levels in the hind-limb skeletal muscles of rats. In : The 1997 Nagano Symposium on Sports Sciences (Nose H, Nadel
ER and Morimoto T, ed), Cooper Publishing Group, IL, USA, pp.163-167 (1998).

10). Tachiyashiki K and Imaizumi K. Changes in visceral organ size and skeletal muscle mass during whole body suspension and recovery in rats. In : The 1997 Nagano Symoposium on Sports Sciences (Nose H, Nadel ER and Morimoto T, ed), Cooper Publishig Group, IL, USA , pp.168-172 (1998).

11). Nose H, Gisolfi CV and Imaizumi K. Exercise, Nutrition, and Environmental Stress Volume 1, Cooper Publishing Group, IL, USA, pp.1-277 (2001).

12). Nose H, Spriet C and Imaizumi K. Exercise, Nutrition, and Environmental Stress Volume 2, Cooper Publishig Group, IL, USA, pp.1-279 (2002).

13). Nose H, Mack GW and Imaizumi K. Exercise, Nutrition, and Environmental Stress Volume 3, Cooper Publishing Group, IL, USA, pp.1-283 (2003).

14). Shirato K and Imaizumi K. Mechanisms underlying the suppression of inflammatory responses in peritoneal macrophages of middle-aged mice. In :Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior and Health (K Kanosue, et al, eds), Springer Japan, Tokyo, pp.193-202 (2015). 【DOI:10.1007/978-4-431-55333-5_16】

15). Shirato K, Sa

Research Experience

  • 2009


  • 2001

    早稲田大学教授 (人間科学学術院・生体機能学,・5-現在迄)

  • 1998

    兵庫教育大学教授併任 (連合大学院博士課程・生理学,・1-2001・4)

  • 1998

    Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences (, Professor)

  • 1998

    Waseda University, Faculty of Human Sciences (Present, Professor)

  • 1996

    Hyogo University of Education, Joint-Graduate School (, Professor)

  • 1983

    Joetsu University of Education, Gaduate School (, Professor)

  • 1983

    Hyogo University of Education, Joint-Graduate School (, Associate Professor)

  • 1982

    Joetsu University of Education, Graduate School (, Associate Professor)

  • 1981

    Ehime University School of Medicine (, Assistant)

  • 1977

    Oska university, Medical School (, Research fellow)

▼display all

Education Background


    Osaka University Graduate School   Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Doctor Course   Molecular Physiology of Physiological Sciences  


    Waseda University   Faculty of Education   Physical Education  

Professional Memberships


    Japanese Society of Nutrition Food Science


    The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine

Research Areas

  • Medical biochemistry / Clinical pharmacy / Physiology

Research Interests

  • Molecular and Cellular physiology, Exercise physiology, Nutritional physiology


  • The 2-nd award of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology




  • 飲酒と健康増進

    今泉和彦, 川島 悠, 立屋敷かおる

    FOOD Style 21 (通巻212号:食品化学新聞社、東京)   19 ( 1 ) 59 - 62  2015.01

  • Diallyl disulfide administration increases the number of B-lymphocytes in the rat spleen

    Hashizume Y, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Fundamental Toxicological Sciences   1 ( 4 ) 115 - 121  2014.11

     View Summary

    Diallyl disulfide (DADS), the major sulfur compound in garlic, reduces the number of circulating T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and monocytes via activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. However, the translocation of those cells that migrate in response to DADS administration is still unclear. Therefore, in this study, we examined the effects of DADS administration on a number of lymphocyte subsets and monocyte-derived cells including macrophages (monocytes/macrophages) in spleen, the largest secondary lymphoid organ. Ten-wk-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered with DADS (dose = 20 mg/kg body weight) or equivalent volume of vehicle. The spleen was harvested 4 hr after administration, and then the splenic cells were isolated and the total number of cells was counted. T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, and monocytes/macrophages were fractionated by flow-cytometry and the total number of these cells was calculated. The total number of splenic cells was significantly increased by 1.18-fold after DADS administration. Among the lymphocyte subsets in the spleen, the number of B-lymphocytes significantly increased by 1.28-fold after DADS administration. The number of T-lymphocytes also showed a tendency to increase. However, the number of NK cells and monocytes/macrophages did not change after DADS administration. These results suggest that B-lymphocytes migrate from the circulation and translocate to the spleen in response to DADS administration.

    DOI CiNii

  • Direct and indirect suppression of interleukin-6-gene expression in murine macrophages by nuclear receptor REV-ERVα

    Sato S, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J, Shirato K, Ishibashi Y, Oh-ishi S, Imaizumi K, Haga S, Izawa T, Ohira, Ohno H, Kizaki T

    Scientific World Journal   2014 ( Article ID:685854 ) 1 - 10  2014.10


  • Clenbuterol attenuates immobilization-induced atrophy of type II fibers in the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus but not in the slow-twitch soleus muscle

    Suzuki H, Tsujimoto H, Shirato K, Mitsuhashi R, Sato S, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Global Journal of Human Anatomy and Physiology Research   1 ( 1 ) 10 - 17  2014.06

  • Post-transcriptional suppression of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated inflammatory responses by macrophages in middle-aged mice: A possible role for eucaryotic initiation factor 2α

    Shirato K, Imaizumi K

    International Journal of Inflammation   2014 ( Article ID 292986 ) 1 - 12  2014.04


  • Search for conditions to detect epigenetic marks and nuclear proteins in immunostaining of the testis and cartilage

    Ideno H, Shimada A, Kamiunten T, Imaizumi K, Nakamura Y, Kimura H, Araki R, Abe M, Nakashima K, Nifuji A

    Journal of Histology   2014 ( Article ID 658293 ) 1 - 8  2014.03


  • A Circadian Clock Gene, Rev-erb alpha, Modulates the Inflammatory Function of Macrophages through the Negative Regulation of Ccl2 Expression

    Shogo Sato, Takuya Sakurai, Junetsu Ogasawara, Motoko Takahashi, Tetsuya Izawa, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Naoyuki Taniguchi, Hideki Ohno, Takako Kizaki

    JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY   192 ( 1 ) 407 - 417  2014.01

     View Summary

    Disruption of the circadian rhythm is a contributory factor to clinical and pathophysiological conditions, including cancer, the metabolic syndrome, and inflammation. Chronic and systemic inflammation are a potential trigger of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease and are caused by the infiltration of large numbers of inflammatory macrophages into tissue. Although recent studies identified the circadian clock gene Rev-erb alpha, a member of the orphan nuclear receptors, as a key mediator between clockwork and inflammation, the molecular mechanism remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that Rev-erb alpha modulates the inflammatory function of macrophages through the direct regulation of Ccl2 expression. Clinical conditions associated with chronic and systemic inflammation, such as aging or obesity, dampened Rev-erb alpha gene expression in peritoneal macrophages from C57BL/6J mice. Rev-erb alpha agonists or overexpression of Rev-erb alpha in the murine macrophage cell line RAW264 suppressed the induction of Ccl2 following an LPS endotoxin challenge. We discovered that Rev-erb alpha represses Ccl2 expression directly through a Rev-erb alpha-binding motif in the Ccl2 promoter region. Rev-erb alpha also suppressed CCL2-activated signals, ERK and p38, which was recovered by the addition of exogenous CCL2. Further, Rev-erb alpha impaired cell adhesion and migration, which are inflammatory responses activated through the ERK- and p38-signaling pathways, respectively. Peritoneal macrophages from mice lacking Rev-erb alpha display increases in Ccl2 expression. These data suggest that Rev-erb alpha regulates the inflammatory infiltration of macrophages through the suppression of Ccl2 expression. Therefore, Rev-erb alpha may be a key link between aging-or obesity-associated impairment of clockwork and inflammation.


  • Intracellular β2-adrenergic receptor signaling specificity in mouse skeletal muscle in response to single-dose β2-agonist clenbuterol treatment and acute exercise

    Sato S, Shirato K, Mitsuhashi R, Inoue D, Kizaki T, Ohno H, Tachiyashiki, Imaizumi K

    Journal of Physiological Sciences   63 ( 3 ) 211 - 218  2013.06


  • β2-Agonist clenbuterol suppresses bacterial phagocytosis of splenic macrophages expressing high levels of macrophage receptor with collagenous structure

    Shirato K, Sato S, Sato M, Hashizume Y, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin   36 ( 3 ) 475 - 480  2013.04

     View Summary

    Splenic marginal zone macrophages expressing macrophage receptor with collagenous structure (MARCO) contribute to the clearance of blood-borne pathogens. We determined a splenic adherent cell fraction abundantly containing cells expressing a higher level of MARCO by flow cytometry, and examined the effects of daily administration of an anabolic dose of β2-agonist clenbuterol on the phagocytic capacity of the cells in mice. After 6 weeks of clenbuterol (1.0 mg/kg body weight/d) or vehicle administration to the mice, splenic adherent cells were isolated. These cells were separated into three cell-size subpopulations. Among them, the small-cell subpopulation contained abundantly the cells with markedly higher levels of MARCO and exhibited more intense phagocytic capacity against Escherichia coli, as compared with the other subpopulations. The phagocytic capacity of the small cells was significantly reduced after clenbuterol administration. These results suggest that the utilization of clenbuterol as doping drug impairs bacterial clearance in the spleen.

    DOI CiNii

  • Folate-deficiency induced cell-specific changes in the distribution of lymphocytes and granulocytes in rats

    Ikumi Abe, Ken Shirato, Yoko Hashizume, Ryosuke Mitsuhashi, Ayumu Kobayashi, Chikako Shiono, Shogo Sato, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi


     View Summary

    Objective Folate (vitamin B-9) plays key roles in cell growth and proliferation through regulating the synthesis and stabilization of DNA and RNA, and its deficiency leads to lymphocytopenia and granulocytopenia. However, precisely how folate deficiency affects the distribution of a variety of white blood cell subsets, including the minor population of basophils, and the cell specificity of the effects remain unclear. Therefore, we examined the effects of a folate-deficient diet on the circulating number of lymphocyte subsets [T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells] and granulocyte subsets (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils) in rats.
    Methods Rats were divided into two groups, with one receiving the folate-deficient diet (FAD group) and the other a control diet (CON group). All rats were pair-fed for 8 weeks.
    Results Plasma folate level was dramatically lower in the FAD group than in the CON group, and the level of homocysteine in the plasma, a predictor of folate deficiency was significantly higher in the FAD group than in the CON group. The number of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and NK cells was significantly lower in the FAD group than in the CON group by 0.73-, 0.49-, and 0.70-fold, respectively, indicating that B-lymphocytes are more sensitive to folate deficiency than the other lymphocyte subsets. As expected, the number of neutrophils and eosinophils was significantly lower in the FAD group than in the CON group. However, the number of basophils, the least common type of granulocyte, showed transiently an increasing tendency in the FAD group as compared with the CON group.
    Conclusion These results suggest that folate deficiency induces lymphocytopenia and granulocytopenia in a cell-specific manner.


  • Predominant expression of H3K9 methyltransferases in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes during mouse growth plate cartilage development

    Hisashi Ideno, Akemi Shimada, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Hiroshi Kimura, Masumi Abe, Kazuhisa Nakashima, Akira Nifuji

    Gene Expression Patterns   13 ( 3-4 ) 84 - 90  2013

     View Summary

    Histone lysine methylation (HKM) is an epigenetic change that establishes cell-specific gene expression and determines cell fates. In this study, we investigated the expression patterns of histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferases (H3K9MTases) G9a (euchromatic histone lysine N-methyltransferase 2, Ehmt2), GLP (euchromatic histone lysine N-methyltransferase 1, Ehmt1), SETDB1 (SET domain, bifurcated 1), PRDM2 (PR domain containing 2), SUV39H1 (suppressor of variegation 3-9 homolog 1), and SUV39H2, as well as the distribution of 3 types of HKM at histone H3 lysine 9: mono- (H3K9me1), di- (H3K9me2), or tri-methylation (H3K9me3), during mouse growth plate development. In the forelimb cartilage primordial at embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5), none of the H3K9MTases were detected and H3K9me1, H3K9me2, and H3K9me3 were scarcely detected. At E14.5, the H3K9MTases were expressed at low levels in proliferating chondrocytes and at high levels in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes. Among the H3K9 methylations, H3K9me1 and H3K9me3 were markedly noted in these chondrocytes. At E16.5, G9, GLP, SETDB1, PRDM2, SUV39H1, and SUV39H2, as well as H3K9me1, H3K9me2, and H3K9me3, were detected in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes in the growth plate. Western blotting and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed the distributions of G9 and GLP proteins and the expression of all the H3K9MTase mRNAs in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes. These data suggest that H3K9 methyltransferases are predominantly expressed in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes, and that they could be involved in the regulation of gene expression and progression of chondrocyte differentiation by affecting the methylation state of histone H3 lysine 9 in the mouse growth plate.© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed

  • Dose-dependent effects of diallyl disulfide on plasma glucose and free fatty acid levels in rats

    Yoko Hashizume, Ken Shirato, Shogo Sato, Akiko Matsumoto, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    Journal of Toxicological Sciences   38 ( 6 ) 879 - 884  2013

     View Summary

    The acute effects of oral administration of diallyl disulfide (DADS), the major organosulfur compound of garlic, on plasma glucose and free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations were examined in rats. Male, 10-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into DADS-free and DADS-administered (dose =10, 20, and 40 mg/kg body weight [BW]) groups. Plasma samples were prepared from whole blood drawn from the tail vein 0, 1,2, 4, and 6 hr after administration. The stomachs were isolated, and the contents were measured 8 hr after administration. In DADS-administered groups, plasma glucose concentrations were increased in a dose-dependent manner 1 hr after the administration. The increase was transient, except in groups administered 40 mg/kg BW of DADS, in which plasma glucose levels remained significantly higher than the DADS-free levels throughout the experimental period. Similar patterns were observed in the plasma FFA concentrations, although the significant differences were lower than those observed in the plasma glucose concentrations. The gastric contents were dose-dependently elevated after DADS administration. The increase was significant when 20 or 40 mg/kg BW of DADS was administered. These results suggest that oral administration of DADS can mobilize energy substrates into the blood, although a higher dose of DADS slows gastric emptying.

    DOI PubMed

  • Diallyl disulfide reduced dose-dependently the number of lymphocyte subsets and monocytes in rats

    Hashizume Y, Shirato K, Abe I, Kobayashi A, Mitsuhashi R, Shiono C, Sato S, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology   58 ( 4 ) 294 - 298  2012.08


  • Effect of exercise of HIF-1 anf VEGF signaling (Review)

    Ohno H, Shirato K, Sakurai T, Ogasawara JE, Sumitani Y, Sato S, Imaizumi K, Ishida H, Kizaki T

    Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   1 ( 1 ) 5 - 16  2012.05


  • Effects of exercise on macrophage functions (Review)

    Kizaki T, Sato S, Sakurai T, Ogasawara J-E, Imaizumi K, Izawa T, Nagasawa J, Haga S, Ohno H

    Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   1 ( 1 ) 113 - 123  2012.05


  • Effects of β2-agonists and exercise on β2-adrenergic receptor signaling in skeletal muscles (Review)

    Sato S, Shirato K, Kizaki T, Ohno H, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   1 ( 1 ) 139 - 144  2012.05


  • Effect of exercise on the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and glycolylation (Review)

    Shirato K, Kizaki T, Ohno H, Imaizumi K

    Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine   1 ( 1 ) 145 - 150  2012.05


  • Age-related effects of fasting on ketone body production during lipolysis in rats

    Yuriko Higashino-Matsui, Ken Shirato, Yuko Suzuki, Yu Kawashima, Yui Someya, Shogo Sato, Akira Shiraishi, Manabu Jinde, Akiko Matsumoto, Hisashi Ideno, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine   17 ( 2 ) 157 - 163  2012.03

     View Summary

    Objective The age-related effects of fasting on lipolysis, the production of ketone bodies, and plasma insulin levels were studied in male 3-, 8-, and 32-week-old Sprague- Dawley rats. Methods The rats were divided into fasting and control groups. The 3-, 8- and 32-week-old rats tolerated fasting for 2, 5, and 12 days, respectively. Results Fasting markedly reduced the weights of perirenal and periepididymal white adipose tissues in rats in the three age groups. The mean rates of reduction in both these adipose tissue weights during fasting periods were higher in the order of 3&gt
    32-week-old rats. Fasting transiently increased plasma free fatty acid (FFA), total ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate concentrations in the rats in the three age groups. However, plasma FFA, total ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate concentrations in the 3-week-old rats reached maximal peak within 2 days after the onset of fasting, although these concentrations in the 8- and 32-week-old rats took more than 2 days to reach the maximal peak. By contrast, the augmentation of plasma FFA, total ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate concentrations in the rats in the three age groups had declined at the end of each experimental period. Thus, the capacity for fat mobilization was associated with tolerance to fasting. Plasma insulin concentrations in the rats in the three age groups were dramatically reduced during fasting periods, although basal levels of insulin were higher in the order of 32&gt
    3 week-old rats. Conclusion These results suggest that differences in fat metabolism patterns among rats in the three age groups during prolonged fasting were partly reflected the metabolic turnover rates, plasma insulin levels, and amounts of fat storage. © The Japanese Society for Hygiene 2011.

    DOI PubMed

  • Effects of hindlimb unloading on neurogenesis in the hippocampus of newly weaned rats

    Sachiko Nomura, Katsuya Kami, Fuminori Kawano, Yoshihiko Oke, Naoya Nakai, Takashi Ohira, Ryo Fujita, Masahiro Terada, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Yoshinobu Ohira

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS   509 ( 2 ) 76 - 81  2012.02

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    Effects of hindlimb suspension (HS) and ambulation recovery on hippocampal neurogenesis of newly weaned rats were studied by using immunohistochemical techniques. The number of proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive (PCNA(+)) cells in the subgranular zone (SGZ) markedly decreased during normal growth. However, neither HS nor subsequent recovery caused additional changes in the number of PCNA. cells. The number of doublecortin-positive (DCX+) neurons decreased gradually during normal growth. HS resulted in a further decrease in these neurons. However, DCX+ cell numbers became identical to the levels in age-matched controls after 14 days of recovery. PCNA and DCX-double positive cells in the SGZ were also observed, and their cell numbers were not affected by HS and 14-day ambulation. Thus, HS suppressed the generation of DCX+ neurons without affecting PCNA(+) cells in the SGZ of weaned rats. Taken together, hippocampal neurogenesis in weaned rats was not severely affected by HS while it decreased significantly as they had grown. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Casted-immobilization downregulates glucocorticoid receptor expression in rat slow-twitch soleus muscle

    Shogo Sato, Hideki Suzuki, Hisaya Tsujimoto, Ken Shirato, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    LIFE SCIENCES   89 ( 25-26 ) 962 - 967  2011.12

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    Aims: Glucocorticoids bind to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and increase catabolism of muscle proteins via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Activation of beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR) in skeletal muscle has been shown to induce muscle hypertrophy by promoting muscle protein synthesis and/or attenuating protein degradation. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between disuse-induced muscle atrophy, and expression of GR and beta(2)-AR.
    Methods: Rats were subjected to casted-immobilization (knee and foot arthrodesis), a model for muscle disuse, for 10 days. Fast-twitch (extensor digitorum longus: EDL) and slow-twitch (soleus: SOL) muscles were isolated and subsequently used for analysis. The expression of GR and beta(2)-AR was analyzed by real-time RT-PCR and western blotting. In addition, we analyzed plasma catecholamine and corticosterone concentrations by ELISA.
    Key findings: Casted-immobilization-induced muscle atrophy was much greater in the SOL muscle than in the EDL muscle. Casted-immobilization decreased the expression of GR mRNA and protein in the SOL muscle but not in the EDL muscle. Although the expression of beta(2)-AR protein in the cytosol and membrane-rich fractions was not changed by casted-immobilization in either muscle, casted-immobilization decreased the expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA in the SOL muscle. Plasma catecholamine and corticosterone concentrations, however, were largely unaffected by casted-immobilization during the experimental period.
    Significance: This study provides evidence that casted-immobilization-induced muscle disuse downregulates GR expression in slow-twitch muscle. These results suggest that muscle disuse suppresses glucocorticoid signals, such as muscle protein breakdown and transcription of the beta(2)-AR gene, via downregulation of GR expression in slow-twitch muscle. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Muscle plasticity and β-adrenergic receptor :Adaptive responses of β2-adrenergic receptor expression to muscle hypertrophy and atrophy (Review)

    Sato S, Shirato K, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology   Volume 2011 ( Article ID 729598 ) 1 - 10  2011.11


  • Dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses in the thermogenesis of rats

    Yuko Sakakibara, Shogo Sato, Ken Shirato, Natsuko Arai, Shoko Aritoshi, Naho Ogawa-Nakata, Yu Kawashima, Yui Someya, Shunta Akimoto, Manabu Jinde, Akira Shiraishi, Hisashi Ideno, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES   36 ( 5 ) 681 - 685  2011.10

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    The aim of this study was to elucidate whether dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery play a role in controlling autonomic thermoregulation. We investigated the effects of dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery on autonomic thermoregulation by measuring the rectal temperature, an index of deep body temperature. The weaned male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into the dietary zinc-deficient diet (0.6 mg zinc/kg diet) group and the control diet (35.2 mg zinc/kg diet) group, and were fed for 4 weeks. In the recovery period, the rats of two groups were fed with the control diet for 3 weeks. The rectal temperature was significantly decreased throughout the period of zinc-deficiency and the hypothermic responses during the experimental period were recovered to the control group levels at least within 1 week in the recovery process from dietary zinc-deficiency. These results suggest that the deep temperature in rats was clearly associated with the dietary zinc intake levels.


  • Synthesized glucocorticoid, dexamethasone regulates the expressions of beta(2)-adrenoceptor and glucocorticoid receptor mRNAs but not proteins in slow-twitch soleus muscle of rats

    Shogo Sato, Ken Shirato, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES   36 ( 4 ) 479 - 486  2011.08

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    Effects of synthesized glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX, dose = 1.0 mg/kg body weight/day for 10 days) on the expressions of beta(2)-adrenoceptor (AR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) were studied in fast-twitch (extensor digitorum longus (EDL)) and slow-twitch fiber-rich (soleus(SOL)) muscles of rats. DEX decreased the expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA in SQL muscle without changing that in EDL muscle. The expression of beta(2)-AR protein in EDL and SQL muscles was not affected by DEX. DEX-induced decreased action of the expression of GR mRNA was much greater in SQL muscle than in EDL muscle. However, there were no differences in the expression of GR protein in EDL and SQL muscles. DEX also decreased mRNA expression of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB, transcription factor of beta(2)-AR mRNA) in SQL muscle, whereas increased that in EDL muscle. Further, DEX tended to increase mRNA expressions of post-transcription factors of beta(2)-AR mRNA in EDL muscle without changing those in SOL muscle. These results demonstrated that the expressions of beta(2)-AR and GR are regulated at mRNA levels but not protein levels by DEX. Further, these results also suggest that DEX-induced decrease in the expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA in slow-twitch fiber-rich SOL muscle is associated with the transcriptional regulations.


  • Single administration effects of ethanol on the distribution of white blood cells in rats

    Yu Kawashima, Yui Someya, Ken Shirato, Shogo Sato, Hisashi Ideno, Kyoko Kobayashi, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES   36 ( 3 ) 347 - 355  2011.06

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    Acute single administration effects of ethanol on the distribution of total white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil, monocyte and lymphocytes were studied in rats. Acute single administration effects of ethanol on the number of red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit were also examined. Male 8-week-old Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into the ethanol-administered (ETA) group and the control (CON) group. Two parts of an experiment, 1) 1st experiment : (ethanol dose : 1.0 g/kg body weight), and 2) 2nd experiment : (ethanol dose : 2.0 g/kg body weight) were carried out in rats. The rats were starved to 19:00, and deprived of diet for 12 hr and water for 1 hr before the single administration of ethanol. 1.0 or 2.0 g/kg body weight of ethanol (in 20% (w/w) ethanol) was orally administered to ETA group rats via a stainless stomach tube. In the CON group rats, 0.9% NaCl solution was orally given with the solution volume being equal, in the same manner. Single administration of 1.0 or 2.0 g/kg body weight of ethanol did not change the number of RBCs, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit. Single administration of 1.0 g/kg body weight of ethanol did not also change the number of WBCs. However, administration of 2.0 g/kg body weight of ethanol increased significantly the number of neutrophil, basophil, monocyte and total WBCs without changing the number of eosinophil and lymphocytes. These results suggest that single administration of 2.0 g/kg body weight of ethanol to rats increased markedly the number of the natural immunity cells without changing the number of acquired cells.


  • Different Recovery Responses from Dietary Zinc-Deficiency in the Distribution of Rat Granulocytes

    Yuko Sakakibara, Shogo Sato, Yu Kawashima, Yui Someya, Ken Sierato, Kaoru Tachiyashik, Kazuhiko Imaizumi


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    The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of the recovery from dietary zinc-deficiency on the number of total white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils, and plasma zinc and corticosterone concentrations in weanling male Sprague Dawley rats. Rats (n=34) of the zinc-deficient diet (0.6 mg zinc/kg diet) and control diet (35.2 mg zinc/kg diet) groups were fed for 4 wk, and then rats of both groups were fed with the control diet for 3 wk. Zinc-deficiency increased duration-dependently and clearly the number of total WBCs, neutrophils and eosinophils, and the increased numbers of these cells recovered to the control levels in week 2 of the recovery. On the other hand, the number of basophils increased by the zinc-deficiency recovered to the control levels in week 1 of the recovery. Zinc-deficiency significantly decreased plasma zinc concentrations by 85%, and markedly increased plasma corticosterone concentrations by 317%, as compared with the control group. In the recovery period, plasma zinc and corticosterone concentrations recovered to the control levels in week 2 of the recovery. These results suggest that zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses in the number of granulocytes and total WBCs are reversible, and their recovery rates depend on the subsets of granulocytes in rats.


  • Capsaicinoids-induced changes of plasma glucose, free fatty acid and glycerol concentrations in rats

    Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Shogo Sato, Mari Kumazawa, Natsuko Arai, Shoko Aritoshi, Shunta Akimoto, Yuko Sakakibara, Yu Kawashima, Kaoru Tachiyashiki

    JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES   36 ( 1 ) 109 - 116  2011.02

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    Red peppers are used as a spice for enhancing the palatability of foods. Two major capsaicinoids, dihydrocapsaicin (DHC) and capsaicin (CAP) are responsible for up to 90% of the total pungency of pepper fruits. These capsaicinoids are known to enhance energy metabolism and thermogenesis. However, there is a little information on the effects of capsaicinoids on the lipolysis and carbohydrate metabolism. We studied the effects of DHC and CAP on plasma glucose, free fatty acid (FFA) and glycerol concentrations in rats. Male six-week-old Sprague Dawley rats were divided into the DHC, CAP and control groups. Each capsaicinoid (dose = 3 mg/kg BW/day) was subcutaneously administered to rats for 10 days. DHC increased markedly plasma glucose, FFA and glycerol concentrations on day 1-10 by 14-35%, 61-103% and 108-174%, respectively, as compared with those of the control group. CAP increased relatively plasma glucose concentrations on day 1-3 by 15-17%, as compared with the control group. However, there were no significant differences in plasma glucose concentrations on day 7-10 among three groups. On the contrary, CAP did not change plasma FFA and glycerol concentrations on day 1-3. However, CAP increased markedly plasma FFA and glycerol concentrations on day 7-10 by 54-89% and 92-98%, respectively, as compared with the control group. DHC and CAP did not change the weights of white (perirenal and periepididymal) and brown (interscapular) adipose tissues. In conclusion, the effects of capsaicinoids on plasma glucose, FFA and glycerol concentrations were relatively higher in the DHC than in the CAP, and capsaicinoids did not change the weight of white and brown adipose tissues.


  • Dietary zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses in rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activities

    Yu Kawashima, Yui Someya, Shogo Sato, Ken Shirato, Manabu Jinde, Sanshi Ishida, Shunta Akimoto, Kyoko Kobayashi, Yuko Sakakibara, Yuko Suzuki, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES   36 ( 1 ) 101 - 108  2011.02

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    The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the effects of dietary zinc-deficient feeding and its recovery on liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; alcohol: NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC1.1.1.1) activities and plasma zinc levels in rats. The weaned male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into the zinc-deficient diet (ZDF: 1.9 mg zinc/kg diet) group and the control diet (53.5 mg zinc/kg diet) group, and were fed for 4 weeks. In the recovery periods, the rats of two groups were fed with the control diet for 3 weeks. Liver cytosolic protein content per body weight in the zinc-deficiency and its recovery period showed no significant changes between both groups. However, zinc-deficiency decreased significantly liver cytosolic ADH specific activity, total liver cytosolic ADH activity and total liver cytosolic ADH activity/body weight by 50%, 76% and 53%, respectively, as compared with the control diet group. Zinc-deficiency also decreased significantly plasma zinc concentration by 84%, as compared with the control diet group. On the contrary, no significant changes in liver cytosolic ADH specific activity, total liver cytosolic ADH activity and total liver cytosolic ADH activity/body weight in the recovery period were observed between both groups. Plasma zinc concentration in the recovery period was almost recovered to the control level. These results suggest that rat liver cytosolic ADH activity was clearly related to dietary zinc intake levels.


  • Effect of endurance training supplemented with green tea extract on substrate metabolism during exercise in humans

    Ichinose T, Nomura S, Someya Y, Akimoto, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports   21 ( 4 ) 598 - 605  2011.01


  • Allyl isothiocyanate-induced changes in the distribution of white blood cells in rats

    Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Shogo Sato, Yuko Sakakibara, Sayuri Mori, Masaki Ohkuma, Yu Kawashima, Takamasa Ban, Hiromi Sasaki, Kaoru Tachiyashiki

    JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES   35 ( 4 ) 583 - 589  2010.08

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    The main pungent component of wasabi (Eutrema japonica) is known to be isothiocyanate and its derivatives, volatile substances. Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) accounts for more than half of isothiocyanate derivatives. However, there is a little information on the effects of AITC on the immune system by analyzing the number of white blood cells (WBCs) over the course of days of AITC administration. In the present study, we studied the effects of AITC (dose=20 mg/kg body weight/day for 10 days, subcutaneous: s.c.) on the number of WBCs (total WBCs, lymphocytes, monocyte, neutrophil, basophil and eosinophil) and plasma corticosterone concentrations in adult male rats. Administration of AITC decreased significantly the number of total WBCs on days 1-4 post s.c. injection by 25-27%. Administration of AITC also decreased the number of lymphocytes on days 1-10 by 21-36% and monocyte on days 1-8 by 28-78%. However, administration of AITC increased the number of neutrophil on days 8-10 by 61-112%. AITC did not change the number of eosinophil and basophil. Plasma corticosterone concentrations during the experimental period were 4.7-8.4 times significantly higher in the AITC group than in the control group, indicating that AITC induced stress-responses. The relative weights of thymus and adrenals per body weight were significantly lower and clearly higher in the AITC group than in the control group, respectively. These results suggest that AITC-mediated stress-responses are at least in part attributable to changes in the number of circulating WBCs.


  • Lowering Effects of Allyl Isothiocyanate on the Number of Lymphocyte and Its Subsets in Rats

    Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Yuko Sakakibara, Hiromi Sasaki, Shogo Sato, Yumi Takei, Kaori Hiruma, Takamasa Ban, Yu Kawashima, Jun Tanihata, Kaoru Tachiyashiki

    JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE   56 ( 3 ) 347 - 354  2010.06

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    The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of a main pungent component of wasabi, allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), on the number of lymphocytes, T-lymphocyte, B-lymphocyte and natural killer (NK) cells and plasma corticosterone concentrations in rats. AITC was given as either single dosage [20 mg/kg body weight per day; subcutaneous (s.c.) and oral] or as a daily dosage (10 mg and 20 mg/kg body weight per day; s.c.) for 4 days for the hourly and daily assessment of changes in the numbers of lymphocytes, respectively. A single s.c. injection or oral administration of AITC significantly reduced the number of lymphocytes at 4 hr to approximately 0.68 times, indicating that decreased effects of AITC on the number of lymphocytes are independent on the administration route. Administration of AITC for 4 days reduced dose-dependently the number of lymphocytes, and significantly reduced the number of T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte to 0.79 and 0.60 times, respectively. However, the number of NK cells did not change by AITC. Administration of AITC increased plasma corticosterone concentrations at 4 day of post s.c. injection to 5.4-6.0 times. These results suggest that AITC-mediated immunosuppresion is at least in part attributable to changes in the number and distribution of lymphocyte and its subsets.


  • Acute and Subacute Effects of Dexamethasone on the Number of White Blood Cells in Rats

    Yasuhiko Ohkaru, Natsuko Arai, Hitoshi Ohno, Shogo Sato, Yuko Sakakibara, Hiroko Suzuki, Shoko Aritoshi, Shunta Akimoto, Takamasa Ban, Jun Tanihata, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE   56 ( 2 ) 215 - 220  2010.04

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    The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, on the immune system by analyzing the number of white blood cells (WBCs) over the course of hours and days of dexamethasone administration. Dexamethasone was given as either a single dosage [1.0 mg/kg body weight (BW); subcutaneous injection (s.c.)] or as a daily dosage (1.0 mg/kg BW per day; s.c.) for 10 days for the hourly and daily assessment of changes in the number of white blood cells, respectively. A single administration of dexamethasone markedly decreased the number of total WBCs, as well as the number of lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil and eosinophil subsets with a nadir at 8 hr post-injection. The number of these cells recovered to the control levels at 24 hr. The numbers of total WBCs, lymphocytes, monocyte, eosinophil and basophil were reduced by the daily administration of dexamethasone. However, the number of neutrophil was significantly higher at days 2 and 8 after the injection. These results suggest that glucocorticoid-mediated immunosuppressions are at least partly attributable to quantitative changes in the number of circulating WBCs.


  • Adaptive effects of the beta(2)-agonist clenbuterol on expression of beta(2)-adrenoceptor mRNA in rat fast-twitch fiber-rich muscles

    Shogo Sato, Sachiko Nomura, Fuuun Kawano, Jun Tanihata, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   60 ( 2 ) 119 - 127  2010.03

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    Administration of the beta(2)-agonist clenbuterol has been shown to reduce the expression of beta(2)-adrenoceptor (AR) mRNA in fast-twitch fiber-rich (extensor digitorum longus, EDL) muscle without changing that in slow-twitch fiber-rich (soleus, SOL) muscle in rats. However, the regulatory mechanism for muscle fiber type-dependent down-regulation of the expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA induced by clenbuterol is still unclear. Therefore, mRNA expression of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory factors for beta(2)-AR mRNA levels in fast-twitch fiber-rich (EDL and plantaris, PLA) and slow-twitch fiber-rich (SOL) muscles in clenbuterol-administered (1.0 mg/kg body weight/day for 10 days, subcutaneous) rats was studied by real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Administration of clenbuterol significantly reduced expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA in EDL and PLA muscles without changing that in SOL muscle. Administration of clenbuterol also significantly reduced the mRNA expression of transcriptional regulatory factor (glucocorticoid receptor) and mRNA stabilizing factor (Hu antigen R) in EDL and PLA muscles without changing those in SOL muscle. These results suggest that muscle fiber type-dependent effects of clenbuterol on expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA are closely related to the down-regulation of mRNA expression of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory factors for beta(2)-AR mRNA levels.


  • Subacute Effects of Capsaicinoids on the Distribution of White Blood Cells in Rats

    Shoko Aritoshi, Shogo Sato, Mari Kumazawa, Takamasa Ban, Jun Tanihata, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE   56 ( 1 ) 99 - 103  2010.02

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    The subacute effects of dihydrocapsaincin (DHC) and capsaicin (CAP) (dose = 3 mg/kg body weight per day for 10 days, subcutaneous) on the number and distribution of white blood cells (WBCs) were studied in male adult rats. The administration of DHC and CAP for 10 days decreased significantly the number of total WBCs, lymphocytes and monocyte, and increased significantly the number of the neutrophil and eosinophil without changing the number of basophil. The administration of DHC significantly decreased thymus weight and increased adrenal weight, showing that DHC induced thymus atrophy and adrenal hypertrophy. These results suggest that capsaicinoids induced the decrease of acquired immunity responses and these phenomena may have in part participated in capsaicinoids-induced stress-responses in rats.


  • Myonucleus-Related Properties in Soleus Muscle Fibers of mdx Mice

    Masahiro Terada, Yong Bo Lan, Fuminori Kawano, Takashi Ohira, Yoko Higo, Naoya Nakai, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Akihiko Ogura, Norihiro Nishimoto, Yasuo Adachi, Yoshinobu Ohira

    CELLS TISSUES ORGANS   191 ( 3 ) 248 - 259  2010

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    Distribution and total number of myonuclei in single soleus muscle fibers, sampled from tendon to tendon, were analyzed in mdx and wild-type (WT) mice. Apoptotic myonuclei and the microscopic structure around the myonuclei were also analyzed. Three types of muscle fibers of mdx mice with myonuclear distribution at either central, peripheral, or both central and peripheral regions were observed in the longitudinal analyses. All of the myonuclei were located at the peripheral region in WT mice. The total number of myonuclei counted in the whole length of fibers with peripheral myonuclei only was 17% less in mdx than in WT mice (p < 0.05). But the total myonuclear numbers in mdx mouse fibers with different distribution (peripheral vs. central) of myonuclei were identical, and the peripheral nucleus was noted where the central nucleus was missing. Myonuclei located between the center and peripheral regions were also seen in the cross-sectional analyses of muscle fibers. The cross-sectional area and length of fibers, sarcomere number, myonuclear size, myosin heavy chain expression, satellite cell number and neuromuscular junction were identical between each type of fiber. Apoptosis was not detected in any myonuclei located either in central or peripheral regions of muscle fibers. Thus, it was suggested that apoptosis-related loss of central myonuclei and regeneration-related new accretion at the peripheral region is not the cause of different distribution of myonuclei seen in muscle fibers in mdx mice. However, it was speculated that cross-sectional migration of myonuclei from central to peripheral regions may be induced in response to regeneration, because the total myonuclear numbers in fibers with different distribution of myonuclei were identical, and the peripheral nucleus was noted where the central nucleus was missing. Further, myonuclei located between the center and peripheral regions were also seen. However, the question remains as to how or why nuclei might migrate to the periphery in a regenerating muscle fiber, since there was no microscopic evidence of any structural changes around the myonuclei that may be responsible for the movement of the nucleus. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


  • Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α suppresses the expression of macrophage scavenger receptor 1

    Shirato K, Kizaki T, Sakurai T, Ogasawara JE, Ishibashi Y, Iijima T, Okada C, Noguchi I, Imaizumi K, Taniguchi N, Ohno H

    Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology   459   93 - 103  2009.10


  • 骨格筋と心筋におけるβ1とβ2アドレナリン受容体遺伝子発現とその調節 (特集:伝達物質と受容体)

    佐藤章悟, 谷端 淳, 今泉和彦

    生体の科学 (医学書院)   60 ( 5 ) 426 - 427  2009.10


  • Effects of dexamethasone on the expression of beta(1)-, beta(2)- and beta(3)-adrenoceptor mRNAs in skeletal and left ventricle muscles in rats

    Fuuun Kawano, Jun Tanihata, Shogo Sato, Sachiko Nomura, Akira Shiraishi, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   59 ( 5 ) 383 - 390  2009.09

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    Glucocorticoids are known to increase the density and mRNA levels of beta-adrenoceptors (beta-AR) via the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in many tissues. However, the effects of these changes in the skeletal and cardiac muscles remain relatively unknown. We have investigated the effects of dexamethasone on the expression of the beta(1)-, beta(2)-, and beta(3)-AR mRNAs and GR mRNA in fast-twitch fiber-rich extensor digitorum longus (EDL), slow-twitch fiber-rich soleus (SOL), and left ventricle (LV) muscles by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Male rats were divided into a dexamethasone group and control group. The weight, RNA concentration, and total RNA content of EDL muscle were 0.76-, 0.85-, and 0.65-fold lower, respectively, in the dexamethasone group than in the control group. The weight, RNA concentration, and total RNA content of SOL muscle were 0.92-, 0.87-, and 0.81-fold lower, respectively, in the dexamethasone group than in the control group; these differences were significant. However, the weight/body weight and total RNA content/body weight of LV muscle were 1.38- and 1.39-fold higher, respectively, in the dexamethasone group than in the control group, respectively; these differences were also significant. Dexamethasone significantly decreased GR mRNA expression in EDL muscle without changing the expression of the beta(1)-, beta(2)-, and beta(3)-AR mRNAs. However, dexamethasone significantly decreased the expressions of beta(2)-AR and GR mRNAs in SOL muscle and significantly increased beta(1)-AR mRNA expression in LV muscle-without changing GR mRNA expression. These results suggest that the effects of dexamethasone on the expression of beta(1)- and beta(2)-AR mRNAs and muscle mass depend on the muscle contractile and/or constructive types.


  • beta(2)-Adrenergic receptor regulate Toll-like receptor 4-induced late-phase NF-kappa B activation

    Takako Kizaki, Ken Shirato, Takuya Sakurai, Jun-etsu Ogasawara, Shuji Oh-ishi, Takeshi Matsuoka, Tetsuya Izawa, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Shukoh Haga, Hideki Ohno

    MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY   46 ( 6 ) 1195 - 1203  2009.03

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    Stimulation of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) triggers myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88)-dependent early-phase NF-kappa B activation and Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor-inducing IFN-beta (TRIF)-dependent late-phase NF-kappa B activation. In a previous study, we have shown that beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR) functions as a negative regulator of NF-kappa B activation through beta-arrestin 2 in the macrophage cell line RAW264 and that down-regulation Of beta(2)AR expression in response to LIPS is essential for NF-kappa B activation and expression of its target gene, inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS II). Here, we demonstrate that beta(2)AR plays an important role in TRIF-dependent late-phase NF-kappa B activation. LPS-stimulated down-regulation was induced in MyD88-knockdown cells, but not in TRIF-knockdown cells, suggesting that NAR expression was down-regulated by the TRIF-dependent pathway. On the other hand, depletion Of beta(2)AR or beta-arrestin 2 expression by siRNA decreased cytoplasmic I kappa B alpha and abrogated late-phase I kappa B alpha degradation and NF-kappa B activation in response to LPS. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS II) expression was increased continuously during 24 h of LPS stimulation in control cells, but decreased in beta(2)AR or beta-arrestin 2-knockdown cells after 6 h of LPS stimulation. These findings suggest that beta(2)AR functions not only as a negative regulator of NF-kappa B activation, but also as a stabilizing factor of the NF-kappa B/I kappa B alpha complex through cytoplasmic beta-arrestin 2, and that TRIF-dependent down-regulation Of beta(2)AR expression increases the level of cytoplasmic NF-kappa B/I kappa B alpha complex free from beta-arrestin 2, leading to continuous late-phase NF-kappa B activation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Protein related to DAN and cerberus (PRDC) inhibits osteoblastic differentiation and its suppression promotes osteogenesis in vitro

    Ideno H, Takanabe R, Shimada A, Imaizumi K, Araki R, Abe M, Nifuji A

    Experimental Cell Research   315   474 - 484  2009.03


  • この人に聞くーその15-:酒と共に食を楽しむー酒酔い軽減の知恵ー

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦

    NEWS & REPORTS (社団法人・アルコール健康医学協会、東京)   15 ( 2 ) 8 - 10  2009.02

  • Cross-adaptation between swimming and immunomodulation through improved cold tolerance in mice

    Ohno H, Haga S, Takemasa T, Sakurai T, Ogasawara JE, Shirato K, Ishibashi Y, Imaizumi K, Kizaki T

    Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology   15 ( 1 ) 1 - 7  2009.02

  • Exercise training decreases expression of inflammation-related adipokines through reduction of oxidative stress in rat white adipose tissue

    Takuya Sakurai, Tetsuya Izawa, Takako Kizaki, Jun-Etsu Ogasawara, Ken Shirato, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Kazuto Takahashi, Hitoshi Ishida, Hideki Ohno


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    Increased oxidative stress in adipocytes causes dysregulated expression of inflammation-related adipokines. We have examined the effects of exercise training on oxidative stress in rat white adipose tissue (WAT), especially focusing on inflammation-related adipokines. The levels of lipid peroxidation in WAT of exercise-trained (TR) rats were lower than those ill Control (C) rats. The content of manganese-containing Superoxide dismutase in WAT of TR rats was increased as compared with those in C rats. In contrast, the expression of the NADPH oxidase NOX2 protein in WAT was downregulated by exercise training. Moreover, the levels of inflammation-related adipokines, Such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, in WAT of TR rats were lower than those in C rats. The effects of exercise training were more remarkable in visceral WAT than in subcutaneous. These results Suggest that exercise training decreases the expression of inflammation-related adipokines by reducing oxidative stress in WAT. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Effect of light resistance exercise after ingestion of a high-protein snack on plasma branched-chain amino acid concentrations in young adult females

    Yushi Kato, Atsushi Sawada, Shigeharu Numao, Ryoko Miyauchi, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Shizuo Sakamoto, Masashige Suzuki

    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology   55 ( 2 ) 106 - 111  2009

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    We have previously reported the preventive effects of light resistance exercise (voluntary tower climbing exercise) after ingestion of a high-protein snack (HPS) on muscle loss in glucocorticoid-injected rats. However, such studies have not been performed in humans. In this cross-over study, we examined the effect of light resistance exercise after ingestion of HPS on plasma branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) concentrations in humans. Seven healthy young adult females (aged 22.1±1.2 y) participated in this study. They were assigned to either an exercise group or a control group. Seven days after the first experiment, they were crossed over to the opposite intervention. The subjects ingested HPS (15 g protein, 18 g sugar) 3 h after breakfast (basal meal). The plasma BCAA concentrations increased at 30 min after HPS ingestion. The subjects in the exercise group performed light resistance exercise (15 min dumbbell exercise using 300 g brown-rice-filled fabric dumbbells) when the plasma BCAA concentrations were increased (60 min after the snack ingestion). The control group maintained a resting position during the experiment. Changes in the plasma BCAA concentrations between 60 and 90 min after HPS ingestion increased continuously in the control group (+ 27 μmol/L) but decreased in the exercise group (- 37 μmol/L). Therefore, light resistance exercise after HPS ingestion may be effective for utilization of plasma BCAA in humans.

    DOI PubMed

  • Zinc-deficiency induced changes in the distribution of rat white blood cells

    Yui Someya, Jun Tanihata, Shogo Sato, Fuuun Kawano, Ken Shirato, Mariko Sugiyama, Yu Kawashima, Sachiko Nomura, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology   55 ( 2 ) 162 - 169  2009

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    Zinc is known to play an important role for immune-functions. However, the effects of zinc-deficiency on the immune response system from the point of view of the distribution changes of the number of total white blood cells (WBCs) are still primarily unknown. Therefore, the effects of zinc-deficiency on the number of total WBCs, neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil, monocyte and lymphocytes (T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte and NK cell) were studied in rats. The weaned male rats were randomly divided into the zinc deficient diet (ZDD: 0.7 mg zinc/kg diet) group and the control diet (CON: 34.8 mg zinc/kg diet) group, and were pair-fed for 4 wk. The number of lymphocyte subsets, visceral organ weights, serum zinc, corticosterone and IL-6 concentrations were also determined. Zinc-deficiency increased duration-dependently the number of total white blood cells, granulocytes (neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil) and monocytes in 2-4 wk without changing the number of lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes or NK cells. The relative weights of thymus and adrenals were 0.63 times (p&lt
    0.01) lower and 1.60 times (p&lt
    0.001) higher in ZDD group than in CON group, respectively. Zinc-deficiency increased serum corticosterone concentration to 1.48 times (p&lt
    0.05) without changing serum IL-6 concentration, as compared with those of CON group. From these results, zinc-deficiency increases markedly the number of granulocytes and monocytes without changing the number of lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes or NK cells. These results also suggest that zinc-deficiency induces stress responses and the responses may have in part participated in increased actions of the number of granulocytes and monocytes during zinc-deficiency, and induce thymus atrophy and adrenal hypertrophy.

    DOI PubMed

  • Acute effects of dihydrocapsaicin and capsaicin on the distribution of white blood cells in rats

    Shunta Akimoto, Jun Tanihata, Fuuun Kawano, Shogo Sato, Yumi Takei, Ken Shirato, Yui Someya, Sachiko Nomura, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology   55 ( 3 ) 282 - 287  2009

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    The acute effects of dihydrocapsaicin (DHC) and capsaicin (CAP) on the number of white blood cells (WBCs), neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and NK cells, and serum corticosterone levels were studied in rats. Male 7-wk-old SD rats were divided into DHC (3.0 mg/kg BW), CAP (3.0 mg/ kg BW) and control (CON) groups. The number of total WBCs was 1.30-1.42 times significantly higher in the DHC group than in the CON group at 6-12 h. The number of neutrophils was 1.62 times significantly higher in the DHC group than in the CON group at 12 h. The number of total WBCs and neutrophils, however, showed no significant changes between the CAP and CON groups. The number of lymphocytes was 0.61 and 0.70 times significantly lower in the DHC and CAP groups than in the CON group at 3 h. The number of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes was 0.74 and 0.54 times lower in the DHC group than in the CON group, respectively. CAP, however, did not significantly change the number of T lymphocytes or B lymphocytes. No significant changes in the number of NK cells were observed among the three groups. CAP and DHC did not change the number of monocytes, eosinophils or basophils. No significant changes of the serum corticosterone levels were observed among the three groups. In conclusion, capsaicinoids decreased the number of acquired immunity cells, and increased the number of total WBCs and neutrophils without changing the number of monocytes, eosinophils or basophils. The magnitidue of these effects was relatively higher in DHC than in CAP.

    DOI PubMed

  • The supplementation of oligonol, the new lychee fruit-derived polyphenol converting into a low-molecular form, has a positive effect on a low-molecular form, has a positive effect on fatigue during regular track-and-field training in young athletes

    Ohno H, Sakurai T, Hisajima T, Abe S, kizaki T, Ogasawara JE, Ishibashi Y, Imaizumi K, T, Takemasa T, Haga S, Kitadate K, Nishioka H, Fujii H

    Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology   13 ( 4 ) 93 - 99  2008.12

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    Oligonol is a new lychee fruit-derived polyphenol converted into a low-molecular-form, which has improved absorption and strong antioxidative activity. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effects of Oligonol supplementation on perceived subjective mood states in addition to oxidative stress in 47 undergraduate athletes during 52 days of track-and-field training. This was a prospective single blind crossover study. The ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) responses were significantly (P<0.05) lower following Oligonol supplementation, suggesting that Oligonol intake caused the subjects to feel less fatigued during regular training. The results of our own questionnaire on fatigue and pain were as follows: Oligonol supplementation significantly (P<0.05) improved all the fatigue scores and tended to attenuate the feeling of three kinds of pains (muscular/anticular pain, lumbago, and menstrual pain), followed by a change fot the worse after the discontinuance of Oligonol intake. Unexpectedly, however, there were no definite changes in the Profile of Moods States (POMS) scores or oxidative stress markers (8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine and hexanoyl lysine) in urine after Oligonol supplementation. The results obtained suggest that Oligonol supplementation in young athletes shows significant subjective positive effects particularly on the feeling of fatigue during regular track-and-field training, possibly contributing to the maintenance of good conditioning.


  • Tea catechins enhance the mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 in rat brown adipose tissue

    Sachiko Nomura, Takashi Ichinose, Manabu Jinde, Yu Kawashima, Kaoru Tachlyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY   19 ( 12 ) 840 - 847  2008.12

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    The aim of the present study was to determine whether the antiobesity effects of tea catechins (TCs) are associated with the expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a high-fat (HF; 35% fat) diet for 5 weeks, then divided into four groups and fed an HF, HF with 0.5% TC (HFTC), normal-fat (NF; 5% fat) or NF with 0.5% TC (NFTC) diet for 8 weeks. At the end of the experimental period, perirenal and epididymal white adipose tissues (WATs) and interscapular BAT were isolated. The NFTC group had significantly lower perirenal WAT weights than the NF group (NF: 12.7 +/- 0.53 g; NFTC: 10.2 +/- 0.43 g; P &lt;.01), but the HF and HFTC groups did not differ significantly. TC intake had no effects on epididymal WAT weights. The NFTC and HFTC groups had significantly lower BAT weights than the NF and HF groups, respectively. The NFTC group had significantly higher UCP1 mRNA levels in BAT than the NF group (NF: 0.35 +/- 0.02; NFTC: 0.60 +/- 0.11; P &lt;.05), but the HF and HFTC groups did not differ significantly. Thus, TC intake in the context of the NF diet reduced perirenal WAT weight and up-regulated UCP1 mRNA expression in BAT. These results suggest that the suppressive effect of TC on body fat accumulation is associated with UCP1 expression in BAT. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


  • Muscle CD31(-) CD45(-) side population cells promote muscle regeneration by stimulating proliferation and migration of myoblasts

    Norio Motohashi, Akiyoshi Uezumi, Erica Yada, So-ichiro Fukada, Kazuhiro Fukushima, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Yuko Miyagoe-Suzuki, Shin'ichi Takeda

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY   173 ( 3 ) 781 - 791  2008.09

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    CD31(-) CD45(-) side population (SP) cells are a minor SP subfraction that have mesenchymal stem cell-like properties in uninjured skeletal muscle but that can expand on muscle injury. To clarify the role of these SP cells in muscle regeneration, we injected green fluorescent protein (GFP)positive myoblasts with or without CD31(-) CD45(-) SP cells into die tibialis anterior muscles of immunodeficient NOD/scid mice or dystrophin-deficient mdx mice. More GFP positive fibers were formed after co-transplantation than after transplantation of GFP positive myoblasts atone in both mdx and NOD/scid muscles. Moreover, grafted myoblasts were more widely distributed after co-transplantation than after transplantation of myoblasts atone. Immunohistochemistry with anti-phosphorylated histone H3 antibody revealed that CD31(-) CD45(-) SP cells stimulated cell division of co-grafted myoblasts. Genome-wide gene expression analyses showed that these SP cells specifically express a variety of extracellular matrix proteins, membrane proteins, and cytokines. We also found that they express high levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2 mRNA and gelatinase activity Furthermore, matrix metal loproteinase-2 derived from CD31(-) CD45(-) SP cells promoted migration of myoblasts in vivo. Our results suggest that CD31(-) CD45(-) SP cells support muscle regeneration by promoting proliferation and migration of myoblasts. Future studies to further define the molecular and cellular mechanisms of muscle regeneration will aid in the development of cell therapies for muscular dystrophy.


  • Effects of the beta(2)-agonist clenbuterol on beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptor mRNA expressions of rat skeletal and left ventricle muscles

    Shogo Sato, Sachiko Nomura, Fuuun Kawano, Jun Tanihata, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES   107 ( 4 ) 393 - 400  2008.08

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    The beta(2)-agonist clenbuterol [4-amino-alpha(t-butyl-amino)methyl-3,5-dichlorobenzyl alcohol] is used as a non-steroidal anabolic drug for sports doping. The effects of clenbuterol on the transcriptional process and mRNA stability of beta-adrenoceptor (beta-AR) in skeletal and cardiac muscles are still unknown. Therefore, we investigated the effects of clenbuterol on beta(1)- and beta(-)(2) mRNA expressions of fast-twitch fiber-rich extensor digitorum longus (EDL), slow-twitch fiber-rich soleus (SOL), and left ventricle (LV) muscles by real-time RT-PCR. Adult male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into the clenbuterol-administered group and control group. The administration (dose = 1.0 mg/kg body weight/day, s.c.) of clenbuterol was maintained for 10 days. The administration of clenbuterol significantly increased the weight, RNA concentration, and total RNA content of EDL muscle. No effects of clenbuterol on those of SOL and LV muscles, however, were observed. The administration of clenbuterol significantly decreased beta(1)-AR mRNA expression of LV muscle. Furthermore, the administration of clenbuterol significantly decreased,beta(2)-AR mRNA expression of EDL and LV muscles. No effect of clenbuterol on beta(2)-AR mRNA expression of SOL Muscle, however, was observed. These results Suggest that the effects of clenbuterol on beta(1)- and beta(2)-AR mRNA expressions and muscle hypertrophy depend on muscle Fiber types.


  • Downstream utrophin enhancer is required for expressin of utrophin in skeletal muscle

    Tanihata J, Suzuki N, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y, Imaizumi K, Takeda S

    Journal of Gene Medicine   10   702 - 713  2008.06


  • Adaptation of macrophages to exercise training improves innate immunity

    Kizaki T, Takemasa T, Sakurai T, Izawa T, Hanawa T, Kamiya S, Haga S, Imaizumi K, Ohno H

    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications   372 ( 2 ) 152 - 156  2008.06

    DOI CiNii

  • Apoptosis induction preceded by mitochondrial depolarization in multiple myeloma cell line U266 by 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one

    Ken Shirato, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Keisuke Miyazawa, Akira Takasaki, Junichiro Mizuguchi, Xiao-Fang Che, Shinichi Akiyama, Akio Tomoda

    Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin   31 ( 1 ) 62 - 67  2008.01

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the mechanism of apoptosis in human multiple myeloma cell line, U266, caused by 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one (Phx-3). Flow-cytometrical and morphological analyses showed that Phx-3 increased the population of annexin V-positive cells including early stage apoptotic cells and late stage apoptotic cells and induced DNA fragmentation or apoptotic body formation in U266 cells, indicating that Phx-3 induced the apoptosis of U266 cells. Activity of caspase-3 was extensively increased in U266 cells treated with Phx-3 time-dependently within 24 h, but this Phx-3-stimulated activity of the enzyme in the cells was completely cancelled by the addition of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone (z-VAD-fmk), a pan-caspase inhibitor. The addition of z-VAD-fmk almost blocked the apoptotic effect of Phx-3 against U266 cells, indicating that Phx-3-induced apoptosis of U266 cells was dependent on a caspase signaling pathway. Moreover, the apoptosis of U266 cells occurred after the induction of cell cycle arrest of the cells in the S and G2/M phase, the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, and activation of caspase-3 reached maximum, which were caused by Phx-3 within 24 h. These results support the views that the apoptosis of U266 cells caused by Phx-3 may be preceded by the cell cycle arrest, depolarization of mitochondria and activation of caspase-3. These results support the view that Phx-3 may be utilized in future as chemotherapeutic agent against multiple myeloma which is extremely refractory to chemotherapy. © 2008 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.

    DOI PubMed

  • Responses of vastus lateralis muscle fibers to cycling training with different loading parameters in human

    Terada M, Lyubaeva, Ohira T, Netreba A, Kawano H, Okabe H, Aoyama T, Imaizumi k, Vinogradova O, Ohira Y

    Japanese Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine   44 ( 2 ) 59 - 64  2007.06


  • VISION マクロの視点から生体機能を探る重要性


    日本生理学雑誌   69 ( 9 ) 269 - 270  2007.03

  • Phenoxazine derivatives induce caspase-independent cell death in human glioblastoma cell lines, A-172 and U-251 MG

    Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Abe K, Tomoda A

    Oncology Reports   17   201 - 208  2007.02


  • Caspase-independent cell death revealed in human gastric cancer cell lines, MKN45 and KATO III treated with phenoxazine derivatives

    Teruhiko Kasuga, Takafumi Tabuchi, Ken Shirato, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Akio Tomoda

    ONCOLOGY REPORTS   17 ( 2 ) 409 - 415  2007.02

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    We examined whether phenoxazine derivatives such as 2-amino-4,4 alpha-dihydro-4 alpha,7-dimethyl-3H-phenoxazine3-one (Phx-1) and 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one (Phx-3) may have anticancer effects on the human gastric cancer cell lines, MKN45, MKN74, MKN7 and KATO III in vitro. Phx-1 inhibited the growth of these cancer cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The IC50 was approximately 65, 25, 100 and 70 mu M for MKN45, MKN74, MKN7 and KATO III respectively, after 72 h. Phx-3 exerted stronger antiproliferative effects against these cancer cells (lC(50): approximately 5, 1, 10 and 10 mu M for MKN45, MKN74, MKN7 and KATO 111, respectively, after 72 h) than Phx-1. Phx-1 and Phx-3 increased the population of TUNEL-positive cells in MKN45 and KATO III time-dependently from 24 to 72 h, suggesting that Phx-1 and Phx-3 have apoptotic activity against these gastric cancer cells. The activity of effector caspase-3 significantly increased in MKN45 treated with Phx-3 for 24 h, but did not altered in the cells treated with Phx-1 for 24 h. When z-VAD-ftnk, a pan-caspase inhibitor, was co-treated for 24 h, Phx-3-stimulated caspase-3 activity in MKN45 was reversed to the levels of normal activity, while the antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of Phx-3 against the cells were maintained. The activity of caspase-3 was not activated in KATO III by 24 h exposure for Phx-1 or Phx-3. In conclusion, both phenoxazines prevent the growth of the human gastric cancer cell lines, MKN45 and KATO III in vitro, and cause the apoptosis of these cell lines via a caspase-independent pathway. Although the intracellular action mechanisms of Phx-1 and Phx-3 are still unclear, these phenoxazines may be useful for the treatment of gastric cancer in the future.

  • β2-Agonist clenbuterol induced changes in the disribution of white blood cells in rats

    Shirato K, Tanihata J, Motohashi N, Tachiyashiki K, Tomoda A, Imaizumi K

    Journal of Pharmacological Sciences   104 ( 2 ) 146 - 152  2007.02


  • Phenoxazine derivatives 2-amino-4,4 alpha-dihydro-4 alpha-phenoxazine-3-one and 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one-induced apoptosis through a caspase-independent mechanism in human neuroblastoma cell line NB-1 cells

    Ken Shirato, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Akihisa Abe, Akio Tomoda

    BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN   30 ( 2 ) 331 - 336  2007.02

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    The aim of the present study was to determine whether phenoxazines such as 2-amino-4,4-alpha-dihydro-4 alpha-phenoxazine-3-one (Phx-1) and 2-aminophenoxazine-3-one (Phx-3) may suppress the proliferation of human neuroblastoma cell line, NB-1 that is refractory to chemotherapeutic agents, inducing apoptosis through the activation of caspase pathway or not. Phx-1 and Phx-3 suppressed the proliferation of NB-1 cells extensively dependent on dose and time. The IC50 of Phx-1 and Phx-3 was about 20 mu m and 0.5 mu m, respectively, when the cells were treated with Phx-1 or Phx-3 for 72 h. Phx-1 and Phx-3 caused the mixed types of cell death-apoptosis and necrosis-in NB-1 cells, which was detected by flow cytometry. The induction of apoptosis/necrosis caused by these phenoxazines seemed to be correlated dominantly with the caspase independent pathway, because the increased activity of effector caspase 3/7 in NB-1 cells caused by 50,mu m Phx-1 or 20 mu m Phx-3 was completely cancelled by the addition of z-VAD-fmk, a pan-caspase inhibitor, but such phenoxazines-suppressed viability of NB-1 cells was not recovered to normal levels by this inhibitor. The results of this study demonstrate that Phx-1 and Phx-3 have antitumor activity against the neuroblastoma cell line, NB-1, though the IC50 was extremely low for Phx-3, inducing the mixed types of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, caspase-independently.


  • Anticancer effects of phenoxazine derivatives combined with tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand on pancreatic cancer cell lines, KLM-1 and MIA-PaCa-2

    Kato S, Shirato K, Imaizumi K, Toyota H, Mizuguchi J, Odawara M, Che X-F, Akiyama S, Abe A, Tomoda A

    Oncology Reports   15   843 - 848  2006.12


  • Effects of two types of inactivity on the number of white blood cells in rats

    Ken Shirato, Norio Motohashi, Jun Tanihata, Kaoru Tachiyashiki, Akio Tomoda, Kazuhiko Imaizumi

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY   98 ( 6 ) 590 - 600  2006.12

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    Prolonged inactivity is known to induce changes in responses of many physiological defense systems such as the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenocortical axis, the sympathetic nervous system, and immuno-responsive systems. However, effects of various types of inactivity on immuno-responsive systems are still unknown. Therefore, the effects of two types of inactivity (immobilization: IMM and whole body suspension: WBS) on the number of white blood cells were studied in rats. Rats were divided into the control group and each inactivity group to compare the number of total white blood cells, lymphocytes, monocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil during the experimental periods. Both IMM and WBS were maintained for 11 days. IMM markedly increased the number of total white blood cells, monocyte, neutrophil, and eosinophil in the 1st to 10th day. However, the number of total white blood cells, monocyte, neutrophil, and eosinophil during the experiment of WBS were characterized by the presence of a lag phase followed by the significant increased actions. IMM did not change the number of basophil during the experimental period. However, WBS increased the number of basophil in the 1st to 8th day to 2.8-4.8 times, compared with the values of the control. Both IMM and WBS did not change the number of lymphocytes. From these results, WBS increases the number of natural immunity cells without changing acquired immunity cells, and there are different responses in the number of total white blood cells, monocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil, and basophil between IMM and WBS.


  • 小中学生における箸の持ち方と鉛筆の持ち方との関連

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦

    日本調理科学会誌   38 ( 5 ) 356 - 362  2005.10


  • 箸およびスプーン使用時の利き手と非利き手の比較と箸のトレーニング効果

    立屋敷かおる, 杉田泰葉, 今泉和彦

    日本調理科学会誌   38 ( 5 ) 350 - 354  2005.10


  • 箸使用時の利き手と非利き手のパフォーマンスに対する視覚の関与

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦

    日本調理科学会誌   38 ( 4 ) 236 - 242  2005.08


  • 【教育講座】 飲酒と健康

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる

    体力科学 (日本体力医学会)   54 ( 3 ) 279 - 286  2005.06

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    The present article briefly overviews the principal pathway of ethanol metabolism in the liver cell and hormonal regulations of ethanol metabolism, and a relationship between alcohol drinking volume (=alcohol consumption) and the degree of alcohol intoxication. This article also focuses on a possible mechanism of sex difference in rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity, and the effects of bile, bile acids, vegetable oils and unsaturated fatty acids on plasma ethanol levels and gastric emptying in ethanol-administered rats. Finally, the recent findings concernig a relationship between alcohol drinking and human health are described.

    DOI CiNii

  • 包丁による調理操作のパフォーマンスと調節能に対する利き手と非利き手の比較と解析

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦

    日本調理科学会誌   39 ( 1 ) 31 - 35  2005.02

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    The difference was studied between use of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand in the cutting performance and control by women of a kitchen knife. Each subject was instructed to slice a radish to a thickness of 5 mm, the number of radish slices cut in 15 sec and the actual thickness of each being measured. The number of radish slices cut by the kitchen knife held in the dominant hand was significantly greater than when held in the non-dominant hand. The actual thickness of radish slices cut by the dominant hand was almost the same as the specified 5 mm, while those by the non-dominant hand tended to be thicker. The percentage of radish slices which were not fully cut was significantly higher by the non-dominant hand than by the dominant hand. These results indicate that the cutting performance and control of a kitchen knife held in the non-dominant hand were inferior to the levels achieved by the dominant hand.

    DOI CiNii

  • Sex-dependent developmental change of rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activity

    S Harada, K Tachiyashiki, K Imaizumi


     View Summary

    Rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is the principal enzyme which catalyzes the oxidation of ethanol. ADH activity is known to be significantly higher in females than in males. However, the precise mechanism of the sex-difference in ADH activity is uncertain. Recently we have shown that the inhibitory action of androgen and the slight facilitatory actions of progestin and estrogen are involved in the mechanism of sex-difference in adult rat liver ADH activity In the present study we studied the difference of the postnatal developmental changes of ADH activity between males and females. ADH activity increased rapidly after birth up to about 12 d of age, and was not different in the two sexes. In female rats, ADH activity peaked at about 30 d of age and then increased gradually to plateau levels. However, the ADH activity of male rats fell markedly between 30 and 45 d old, and the reduced enzyme activity was observed until 104 d old. In conclusion, the ADH activity of male rats fell between 30 and 45 d after birth. At the ages over the turning point, the ADH activity was significantly lower in male than in female rats.


  • スポーツ活動と赤血球機能 (総説)

    今泉和彦, 志賀 健

    臨床スポーツ医学   15 ( 12 ) 1333 - 1338  1998.12


  • Effect of sex hormones on rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activity

    S Harada, K Tachiyashiki, K Imaizumi


     View Summary

    Rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity is known to be significantly higher in females than in males. To elucidate a possible mechanism of sex difference in the ADH activities, we studied the in vivo effects of the administrations of beta-estradiol, progesterone or testosterone, and castrations (orchiectomy and ovariectomy) on the ADH activities in male and female Sprague-Dawley adult rats. Furthermore: we studied the ADH activities in six liver portions of sham-operated male, orchiectomized male, and female rats. The ADH activities were higher in orchiectomized male rats than in sham-operated male rats. These results were observed in all liver portions. The administration of testosterone (5 mg/kg BW, twice a day for 7 d) to orchiectomized male rats significantly decreased ADH activities. The ADH activities in ovariectomized female rats were comparable with those in sham-opepated female rats. The administration of beta-estradiol (50 mu g/kg BW, once every 2 d for 20 d) or progesterone (75 mu g/kg BW, once every 2 d for 20 d) to rats increased the ADH activities in males more than in females. Those results suggest that the inhibitory action of androgen and the slight facilitatory actions of progestin and estrogen are involved in the mechanism of sex difference in adult rat liver cytosolic ADH activity.


  • 微小重力環境下における筋の萎縮とその機構 (総説)

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる

    運動・物理療法 (日本理学診療医学会)   8   262 - 269  1997.06

  • 利き手投げと非利き手投げにおける投動作パターンおよび投距離の比較とその解析

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる, 滝澤裕治, 村上晴久, 直原 幹

    体力科学 (日本体力医学会)   46 ( 2 ) 161 - 177  1997.04

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    The difference between the dominant hand and the non-dominant hand in overarm throwing motions and ball-throwing distances were studied in student women. The subjects were divided into a trained group and an untrained group. A switch thrower, categorized in the training group, was also examined. The throwing time, moving distance and mean velocity of the ball in the overall throwing phase, back-swing phase and acceleration phase were determined by a high-speed video analysis system. Seven empirical parameters estimated from the overall throwing motion were also introduced. These physical quantities and parameters were compared between the dominant and non-dominant hands. The ball-throwing distances in the trained and untrained groups were 2.58 and 1.73 times higher for the dominant hand than for the non-dominant hand, respectively. The difference in these values for both the hands of the switch thrower, however, were very small. The throwing time, moving time, and mean ball velocity in the back-swing phase in the trained group were 1.16, 1.65 and 1.35 times higher for the dominant hand than for the non-dominant hand, respectively. These phenomena were not observed in the untrained group and the switch thrower. The mean ball velocities in the acceleration phase for the trained and untrained groups were 2.0 and 1.5 times higher for the dominant hand than for the non-dominant hand, respectively. These values were more highly correlated with the ball-throwing distance in the trained group than in the untrained group. Significant correlations between seven parameters and ball-throwing distance were all observed for the dominant hand. However, only three of these parameters showed significant correlations for the non-dominant hand. These results show that the relationship between ball-throwing distance and throwing motion is closer for the dominant hand than for the non-dominant hand. In the present paper, possible roles of the dominant and non-dominant hands in the relationship between throwing motion and ball-throwing distance are also discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • Response of visceral organ size and skeletal muscle mass during whole body suspension and recovery in rats

    Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K, Jikihara K

    Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology   2 ( 1 ) 19 - 29  1996.02

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    The effects of whole body suspension and recovery on the wet weights of visceral organs (thymus, heart, liver, spleen, adrenals, kidney, and testis) and skeletal muscles (soleus [SOL] and gastrocnemius [GAS]) were studied in adult male rats. Whole body suspension and recovery in pair-fed conditions were maintained for 12 days and 10 days, respectively. The rats were divided into three groups: cage control (CON), whole body suspended (WBS), and suspension harness-fitted/non-suspended constraint control (SHF). The relative wet weights (as a function of body weight) of the adrenals, kidney, heart, and testis showed a marked increase with the advance of suspension. In the recovery period, the relative wet weights of the adrenals and kidney gradually returned to control levels in 7-10 days. However, the relative wet weights of the testis and heart did not decrease to normal within 10 days. Conversely, the relative wet weights of the thymus, spleen, and liver were decreased significantly by suspension, and the weights of these three visceral organs returned to control levels completely in 2-7 days. Similar phenomena were observed in the SHF group. The order of the degree of suspension-induced size change of visceral organs was CON < WBS∼__=SHF group. Further, the recovery rate of the antigravity slow-twitch SOL muscle was markedly slower than that of the first-twitch GAS muscle. Muscle mass loss of 35% and 10% of body weight was observed in SOL and GAS muscles, respectively, of the WBS group at the 12th day of suspension. The relative wet weight of the GAS muscle decreased by suspension returned to control levels by the 4th day of recovery. That of the SOL muscle, however, did not, even after 10 days. The relative wet weights of the GAS and SOL muscles in the SHF group were similar to those of the CON group, suggesting that the unloading of body weight from hindlimbs induces muscle atrophy. We conclude that visceral organ size change may be induced by suspension and/or restraint stresses, and the dagree and rates of recovery differ from organ to organ


  • ラットの体重、血清コレステロールレベルおよび腎臓と精巣周囲の脂肪細胞に及ぼす乾燥酵母の影響

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦

    日本栄養・食糧学会誌   47 ( 3 ) 233 - 239  1994.06

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    The effects of dried yeast (DY) on body weight, serum cholesterol levels, and perirenal and periepididymal adipose tissue cells were studied in young and old rats. The rats were fed with 0% (control), 12.5% and 25% DY diets. In the 25% DY group, the body weights of young rats were lower than in the control group. A DY dose-dependent decrease in body weight was observed. No correlation was observed between change in body weight and food or water intake, and DY did not affect the body weight of old rats. The effects of DY on serum total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels in young rats were less marked than those in old rats. However, serum total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels in DY-fed old rats were significantly lower than those in the control rats, and this lowering effect was dependent on DY dose. The radius and volume of cells in periepididymal adipose tissue of DY-fed old rats were significantly higher than those in the control rats. The numbers of cells in periepididymal and perirenal adipose tissues in 25% DY-fed rats were lower than those in the control rats. It is concluded that dried yeast reduces body weight gain in young rats, and changes the serum cholesterol level and the radius, volume and number of cells in the periepididymal adipose tissue of old rats.

    DOI CiNii

  • Biochemical and histological properties of muscle atrophy model in C57BL/6J-dy mice

    Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K

    Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology   1 ( 1 ) 33 - 40  1994.02

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    To clarify the cellular changes occuring during muscle atrophy, biochemical and histological properties in the hindlimb muscle of 5- and 9-week-old male dystrophic (C57BL/6J-dy: dy/dy, homozygous) mice were compared with those of control (dy/?, heterozygous) mice. The muscle protein was fractionated into sarcoplasm, myofibril, and stroma. Muscle weight in dystrophic mice was 31-37% (p<0.001) of that in the controls, while DNA and RNA concentrations in dystrophic mice were 2.5-2.8 (p<0.001) and 1.5-1.8 times (p<0.001) higher, respectively, than the controls. However, total DNA and RNA contents in muscle were 71% (p<0.001) and 56% (p<0.001), respectively, of the control values in 9-week-old dystrophic mice, representing significant reductions. Protein concentration in dystrophic muscle was 81-83% of the control values. The order of decrease of each muscle protein fraction in dystrophic mice was myofibril > stroma > sarcoplasm, indicating that the degree of the reduction in protein level differs between fractions. The apparent cell volume (protein/DNA ratio) in dystophic mice was 30-33% (p<0.001) of the control animals. From these results, muscle atrophy in dystrophic mice may be induced partly by (a) decreased ribosomal capacity (decrease of RNA/protein ratio), and (b) decreases in DNA transcription rate and protein synthesis (decrease of RNA/DNA ratio). The number of nuclei/mm^2 in dystrophic mice was 1.6 times (p<0.001) higher than that in controls. However, the number of fibers/mm^2 in dystrophic mice was 53% (p<0.001) of the control animals. The ratio of number of centronuclei to number of nuclei in dystrophic mice was 9.8 times (p<0.001) higher than that in controls. The mean value of the frequency distribution of the cross-sectional area of fibers per unit area of muscle tissue in dystrophic mice was significantly lower than that of the controls. In conclusion, these biochemical and histological properties in hindlimb muscles of C57BL/6J-dy mice may provide a basis on which to pursue the study of disuse muscle atrophy.


  • Analysis of growth of rat hindlimb skeletal muscles on the basis of DNA, RNA and protein contents

    Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K

    Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology   1 ( 1 ) 25 - 32  1994.02

  • Effects of feeding levels and body weight loading on muscle mass and visceral organ size in rats

    Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K

    Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology   1 ( 1 ) 33 - 40  1994.02

  • ココナッツ油によるエタノール投与ラットの血漿エタノールの変動

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 原田咲織, 森 章子

    日本栄養・食糧学会誌   46 ( 3 ) 123 - 129  1993.06





     View Summary

    The effects of vegetable oils (soybean oil and coconut oil) and C18-unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid, C18:1; linoleic acid, C18:2; linolenic acid, C18:3) on plasma ethanol levels in male rats (6 weeks old) were investigated. Vegetable oils decreased and delayed the peak of plasma ethanol concentration: a dose-response to vegetable oils was observed in the concentration and time to maximum concentration of plasma ethanol but no change in disappearance time. These phenomena were observed in two conditions: 1) oral administration of vegetable oils before oral intubation of ethanol and 2) simultaneous oral administration of vegetable oils and ethanol. Similar responses were obtained in three C18-unsaturated fatty acids. No changes in hepatic alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase isozyme (high K(m) and low K(m)) activities were observed. The remaining rate of ethanol in stomach was significantly higher with administration of vegetable oils or linoleic acid. A high negative correlation between the maximum plasma ethanol concentration and the remaining rate of ethanol in stomach was found. These results suggest that the slowing of the gastric emptying is a major mechanism for the decreasing and delaying effects on plasma ethanol levels by vegetable oils. The present paper also suggests that fatty acids may participate in the decreasing and delaying actions on the peak of plasma ethanol concentration by vegetable oils.


  • Taurine抱合型胆汁酸による血漿エタノール濃度の変動作用ーin vivoレベルの解析ー

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる

    アルコール代謝と肝   11   6 - 11  1992.10

  • ヒト混合唾液量の簡易測定法

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 清水由紀子

    日本栄養・食糧学会誌   45 ( 2 ) 117 - 122  1992.04

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    A simplified method for measuring the weight of whole saliva secreted from human salivary glands under physiological conditions was examined using absorbant cotton. The optimal conditions for measurement were determined to be as follows: size of cotton: 3×3cm-4×cm (square shape); saliva collection time: 2min; interval between saliva collections: 4 min. Using this procedure, it was possible to assess the whole saliva weight of young female students under physiological conditions with adequate reproducibility. Examples of the effects of voluntary will on human whole saliva secretion determined by this method are also presented.

    DOI CiNii

  • ヒト混合唾液量に及ぼす木の芽およびレモン皮の影響

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 森 章子

    日本栄養・食糧学会誌   45 ( 2 ) 123 - 129  1992.04





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    The effects of bovine bile (50-400 mg.kg-1 BW) on plasma ethanol levels in male rats (6-8 weeks old) were examined. Bovine bile decreased and delayed the peak of plasma ethanol concentration: a dose response to bovine bile was observed in the concentration and time to maximum concentration of ethanol but no change in disappearance rate. These phenomena were observed in two conditions: 1) oral administration of bovine bile before oral intubation of ethanol (1.0 g.kg-1 BW) and 2) simultaneous oral administration of bovine bile and ethanol. Similar responses were obtained in taurocholic acid. No changes in hepatic alcohol and aldehyde (low K(m) and high K(m)) dehydrogenase activities were observed. The remaining rate of ethanol in stomach was significantly higher with administration of bovine bile. A negative correlation between the maximum ethanol concentration and the remaining rate of ethanol in stomach was found. The intestinal absorption rate of ethanol decreased significantly in the presence of bovine bile. These results suggest that the delay of the gastric emptying and/or the decrease of the intestinal absorption rate of ethanol are major mechanisms for the decreasing and delaying effects on plasma ethanol by bovine bile. The present paper also suggests that bile acids such as taurocholic acid may participate in the lowering and delaying actions on the peak of plasma ethanol concentration by bovine bile.


  • 血漿エタノールレベルに及ぼすコール酸の抱合型、非抱合型およびアミノ酸の影響ーin vivoレベルの定量的解析ー

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる

    アルコール代謝と肝   10   106 - 113  1991.06


  • 筋萎縮に伴う核酸およびタンパク質の変化

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる

    Japanese Journal of Sports Sciences (日本バイオメカニクス学会)   10 ( 6 ) 621 - 628  1991.06

  • 胆汁と胆汁酸による血漿エタノールの低下作用の機構

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦

    アルコール代謝と肝   9   55 - 60  1990.06

  • 有機酸による血中エタノール濃度の低下作用と胃排出機能の連関

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 荻田善一

    アルコール代謝と肝   7   75 - 84  1988.03


  • 遊泳運動による摂取エタノールの生体内分布の変動と体温調節反応

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる, 鷹股 亮, 荻田善一

    アルコール代謝と肝   7   85 - 93  1988.03

  • エタノールの生体内分布の動的解析

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる, 鷹股 亮, 戸田典子, 蒲田直明

    アルコール代謝と肝   6   66 - 74  1987.07


  • ラット肝アルコール脱水素活性の部位差、性差および発育差

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 荻田善一

    日本栄養・食糧学会誌   40 ( 3 ) 207 - 212  1987.06

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    Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity and protein content in the liver of SD rats were determined to clarify the differences in liver portion, sex and age. 1) ADH activity in each liver portion was not identical. ADH activity and protein content showed maximum values in the lobus hepatis sinistra lateralis. Both values of ADH activity and protein content in the processus caudatus and processus papillaris were significantly smaller than those in other portions. 2) ADH activity and total ADH activity in the liver of female rats were 2 times and 1.5 times higher than those of male rats, respectively. 3) ADH activity increased lineally from birth to about 12 days and reached the adult level 2 weeks from birth. Total ADH activity increased sigmoidally with postnatal days. The Michaelis constants for ethanol and NAD in rats from 3 to 215 days from birth were constant. The results indicate that the developmental change in ADH activity is attributed to the increase in the specific activity and not to the change in the affinity.

    DOI CiNii

  • 亜硝酸イオンによる牛筋組織中のヘムタンパク質の酸化還元反応過程の解析

    立屋敷かおる, 上杉公仁子, 今泉和彦

    日本栄養・食糧学会誌   40 ( 3 ) 221 - 226  1987.06

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    The reaction processes of oxidation and reduction of hemoproteins in steer muscle by nitrite (NO2-) were kinetically studied. Oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) was used to compare with muscle hemoproteins in the oxidation process. Oxidation of muscle hemoproteins and HbO2 by NO2- proceeded according to the apparent first order kinetics and the sigmoidal mode, respectively. The addition of H2O2 or catalase clearly modified the oxidation of HbO2 but not of muscle hemoprotein. Muscle hemes and HbO2 differed significantly in the mode of oxidation of hemoprotein by NO2-. The reduction rate of muscle met-hemes increased with the decrease of [NO2-] / [heme] at pH 6.0 and 7.4 and at 5°C. The reduction rate of muscle met-hemes was about 20% higher at pH 7.4 than that at pH 6.0. When [NO2-] / [heme] was 1 at pH 7.4, about 16 days were essential to the complete reduction of musclemet-hemes. The absorption spectrum of muscle hemes after complete reduction was similar to that of HbNO or MbNO.

    DOI CiNii

  • 血漿エタノールレベルの日内変動に対する胃内容物の役割ーin vivoレベルの検討ー

    立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 戸田典子, 鷹股亮, 上杉公仁子, 荻田善一

    日本栄養・食糧学会誌   40 ( 1 ) 35 - 42  1987.02

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    To investigate the mechanism responsible for the circadian variation of elimination processes of ethanol (EtOH), EtOH (100mg/100g B.W.) was orally administered to female Sprague-Dawley rats at 8: 00 and 20: 00 under non-fasting conditions, and EtOH concentration in plasma prepared from tail venous blood was determined with gaschromatograph at constant intervals. The intakes of feed and water 12 hours before oral administration of EtOH were also measured to elucidate the relationship between feed intake or water intake and each parameter obtained from the time course of plasma EtOH concentration (p [EtOH]). Immediately after EtOH was disappeared in Plasma, the rats were decapitated. Concentration of EtOH in stomach and the content in stomach for each rat were measured, and specific activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in liver was determined spectrophotometrically at 37°C and pH 9. Solid feed and water were given to rats ad libitum during the light period (8: 00-20: 00) and the dark period (20: 00-8: 00). The feed intakes from 20: 00 to 8: 00 and from 8: 00 to 20: 00 were 5.7±1.6mg·g-1 B.W. ·hr-1 and 1.6±0.7mg·g-1 B.W. ·hr-1, respectively. The former was bigger than the latter. The water intake during the dark period was 2.2 times bigger than that during the light period. Therefore, the feed and water intakes during the dark period were higher than those during the light period. The max. p [EtOH] (A), the time to reach max. p [EtOH] (B), the time of pEtOH disappearance (C) and integration value of pEtOH (D) obtained from the dark period were 2.0, 1.5, 1.6 and 3.2 times bigger than those obtained from the light period, respectively. This means that there is the diurnal rhythm of the time course of p [EtOH]. Liver ADH activity showed nonsignificant change between the light period and the dark period. The remaining rates of EtOH in the stomach (= (Content of EtOH in stomach/total content of EtOH administered) ×100) were 25.8±10.7% for the light period, and 0.3±0.4% for the dark period, the former was 86 times higher than the latter. Therefore, A, B, C and D showed the diurnal variation under the non-fasting conditions. However, apparent decay rate constant (k) of EtOH showed no diurnal variation in both groups. There was bigh negative correlation (γ≅ -0.8) between each parameter (A, B, C and D) except k value and the remaining rate of EtOH in stomach. From these results, it is likely that the diurnal rhythm of p [EtOH] under non-fasting conditions is controlled by the remaining rate of EtOH in stomach and independent of the change of liver ADH activity.

    DOI CiNii

  • A kinetic study on functional impairment of nitric oxide-exposed rat erythrocytes

    N. Maeda, K. Imaizumi, K. Kon, T. Shiga

    Environmental Health Perspectives   73 ( 2 ) 171 - 177  1987

    DOI PubMed

  • 肝エタノール代謝に及ぼす運動の影響

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる, 佐々木友子, 長野 肇, 大滝優子, 鷹股 亮

    アルコール代謝と肝   5   242 - 250  1986.02

  • Increased erythrocyte aggregation in diabetes mellitus and its relationship to glycosylated haemoglobin and retinopathy

    Satoh M, Imaizumi K, Bessyo M, Shiga T

    Diabetologia   25 ( 3 ) 517 - 521  1984.07

  • 一酸化窒素吸入ラット血液中のヘモグロンビン障害の反応速度論

    前田信治, 昆 和典, 今泉和彦, 志賀 健

    大気汚染学会誌 (大気環境科学会)   19 ( 3 ) 239 - 246  1984.06

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    Acute in vivo exposure of rat (Sprague-Dawley SPF, male; body weight, 320±10g) to 100 and 200 ppm NO was performed in a small exposure chamber, and the time course of nitrosylhemoglobin (Hb-NO) and methemoglobin (Met Hb) formation in blood was simulated by the computer.<BR>(1) The exposure chamber (volume, 1400 ml) for single rat was constructed so as to minimize NO2 formation by the reaction of NO with O2. The rat was anesthetized under NO exposure in the chamber by ether.<BR>(2) The content of Hb-NO and Met Hb in the blood approached to a steady state at 30 to 60 min after exposure to 100 and 200 ppm NO. The concentration of Met Hb was 7 to 15 times of those of Hb-NO. Both hemoglobins disappeared within a half time of 20 min by the successive exposure to fresh air.<BR>(3) The computer simulation for Hb-NO and Met Hb formation under NO exposure was carried out on the simplified reaction model by varying the following velocity constants: the association of 02 with deoxyhemoglobin, the dissociation of 02 from oxyhemoglobin, the association of NO with deoxyhemoglobin, the conversion of Hb-NO to Met Hb, and the reduction of Met Hb. The processes with unknown mechanisms were included in some velocity constants. The time courses of Hb-NO and Met Hb was semiquantitatively discussed on the basis of the computed kinetic parameters.<BR>(4) In conclusion, (i) Hb-NO content under a steady inhalation of NO is maintained at fairly low level (0.4% for 100 ppm NO), (ii) Met Hb content is also kept at low level (less than 10% for 100 ppm NO) due to the enzymatic reduction of Met Hb in red cells. However (iii) the activity of Met Hb reductase seems to be inhibited by exposure to higher concentrations of NO.

    DOI CiNii

  • 一酸化窒素の赤血球レオロジーに及ぼす影響ー特に膜タンパク質の障害と関連してー

    前田信治, 今泉和彦, 昆 和典, 志賀 健

    大気汚染学会誌 (大気環境科学会)   19 ( 3 ) 283 - 291  1984.06


  • Inhibition of IgG-, F(ab')2-and myeloma protein-induced erythrocyte aggregation, by small IgG-fragments

    Imaizumi K, Imai A, Maruyama T, Shiga T

    Clinical Hemorheology   4 ( 3 ) 431 - 439  1984.04

  • Rheological characteristics of desialylated erythrocytes in relation to fibrinogen-induced aggregation

    Maeda N, Imaizumi K, Sekiya M, Shiga T

    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta   776 ( 2 ) 151 - 158  1984.03


  • Effects of immunoglobulins and Ig G-fragments on the human erythrocyte aggregation, studied by a sheoscope combined with image analyzer

    Imaizumi K, Shiga T

    Biorheology   20 ( 4 ) 569 - 577  1983.06

  • Mechanism of autocatalytic oxidation of oxyhemoglobin with nitrite

    Kosaka H, Tyuma I, Imaizumi K

    Biomedica et Biochimica Acta   42   S144 - S148  1983.05

  • Alteration of rheological properties of human erythrocytes by crosslinking by membrane protein

    Maeda N, Kon K, Imaizumi K, Sekiya M, Shiga T

    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta   735 ( 1 ) 104 - 112  1983.04

  • Kinetics of rouleax formation using TV image analyzer. II. rat erythrocytes

    Shiga T, Imaizumi K, Maeda N, Sekiya M

    American Journal of Physiology   254 ( 2 ) H259 - H264  1983.04

  • Kinetics of rouleax formation using TV image analyzer. I. human erythrocytes

    Shiga T, Imaizumi K, Harada N, Sekiya M

    American Journal of Physiology   254 ( 2 ) H252 - H258  1983.04

  • Studies on reconstituted myoglobins and hemoglobins. II. role of the heme side chains in the oxygenation of myoglobin

    Kawabe K, Imaizumi K, Yoshida Z-I, Imai K, Tyuma I

    Journal of Biochemistry   92 ( 6 ) 1713 - 1722  1982.12

  • Studies on reconstituted myoglobins and hemoglobins. I. role of the heme side chains in the oxygenation of myoglobin

    Kawabe K, Imaizumi k, imai K, Tyuma I, Ogoshi H, Iwahara T, Yoshida Z-I

    Journal of Biochemistry   92 ( 6 ) 1713 - 1722  1982.12

  • Linkage between carbon dioxide binding and the four-step oxygen binding to hemoglobin

    Imaizumi K, Imai K, Tyuma I

    Journal of Molecular Biology   159 ( 3 ) 703 - 719  1982.03


  • The mechanism of autocatalytic oxidation of oxyhemoglobin by nitrite : an intermediate detected by electron spin resonance

    Kosaka H, Imaizumi k, Tyuma I

    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta   702 ( 2 ) 237 - 241  1981.03



    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY   31 ( 2 ) 131 - 143  1981


  • In vivo studies on methemoglobin formation by sodium nitrite

    Imaizumi K, Tyuma I, Imai K, Kosaka H, Ueda Y

    International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health   44 ( 2 ) 97 - 104  1980.12

  • The linkage between the four-step binding of oxygen and the binding of heterotropic anionic ligands in hemoglobin

    Imaizumi K, Imai K, Tyuma I

    Journal of Biochemistry   86 ( 6 ) 1829 - 1840  1979.12

  • Stoichiometry of the reaction of oxyhemoglobin with nitrite

    Kosaka H, Imaizumi K, Imai K, Tyuma I

    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta   581 ( 2 ) 181 - 185  1979.02

  • On the validity of the spectrophotometric determination of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin : the wavelength dependence of observed oxygen equilibrium values

    Imaizumi K, Imai K, Tyuma I

    Journal of Biochemistry   83 ( 6 ) 1707 - 1713  1978.12

  • Electorn spin resonance study on peroxidase-and oxidase-reactions of horse radish peroxidase and methemoglobin

    Shiga T, Imaizumi K

    Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics   167 ( 3 ) 469 - 479  1975.06


  • Generation of phenoxy radicals by methemoglobin by hydrogen peroxide studied by electron paramagnetic resonance

    Shiga T, Imaizumi K

    Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics   154 ( 3 ) 540 - 547  1973.04

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Functional roles of β2-adrenergic receptors in skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy. In:Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior and Health (Eds. Kanosue K, Oshima S, Cao Z-B and Oka K).

    Sato S, Shirato K, Mitsuhashi R, Suzuki H, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Springer Japan, Tokyo、eBook, Chapter 18, pp.213-234, 【DOI:10.1007/978-4-431-55333-5_18】  2015.08

  • Effects of β2-agonist administration on bacterial phagocytosis by splenic macrophages in mice. In:Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior and Health (Eds. Kanosue K, Oshima S, Cao Z-B and Oka K).

    Shirato K, Sato S, Sato M, Hashizume Y, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Springer Japan, Tokyo, eBook, Chapter 17, pp.203-212, 【DOI:10.1007/978-4-431-55333-5_17】  2015.08

  • Mechanisms underlying the suppression of inflammatory responses in peritoneal macrophages of middle-aged mice. In:Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior and Health (Eds. Kanosue K, Oshima S, Cao Z-B and Oka K).

    Shirato K, Imaizumi K

    Springer Japan, Tokyo, eBook, Chapter 16、pp.193-202、【DOI:10.1007/978-4-431-55333-5_16】  2015.08

  • アルコール摂取は褐色脂肪組織活性を亢進させるか (Topix 15)、pp.148-149、『ここまでわかった 燃える褐色脂肪の不思議』 (斉藤昌之・大野秀樹編)

    白土 健, 今泉和彦

    NAP<http://www.nap-ltd.co.jp/>・東京  2013.06 ISBN: 9784905168256

  • ①救急管理、pp.307-316、②心電図 (ECG) の解釈、pp.317-322、『アメリカスポーツ医学会:運動負荷試験と運動プログラム』 (日本体力医学会体力科学編集委員会<鈴木政登・今泉和彦>監訳)

    川島 悠, 今泉和彦, 川島 悠, 今泉和彦, 全頁監修

    南江堂<http://www.nankodo.co.jp/>・東京  2011.07 ISBN: 9784524262168

  • ①運動とサプリメントと免疫、pp.251-257、②運動とアルコールと免疫、pp.358-363、③運動と低圧・低酸素と免疫、pp.364-369、『運動と免疫ーからだをまもる運動のふしぎー』 (大野秀樹・木崎節子編集)

    谷端 淳, 立屋敷 かおる, 今泉和彦, 谷端 淳, 立屋敷 かおる, 今泉和彦, 白土 健, 木崎節子, 今泉和彦

    NAP<http://www.nap-ltd.co.jp/>・東京  2009.09 ISBN: 9784931411883

  • 飲酒と健康との関連-エタノールの代謝と吸収の栄養生理学-、pp.40-57、『現代人間科学講座第3巻・健康福祉・人間科学』 (中島義明・木村一郎編集)

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる

    朝倉書店・東京  2008.06 ISBN: 9784254505283

  • ①栄養と健康、pp.16-17、②休養と健康、pp.18-19、『生命・医療・福祉ハンドブック』 (早稲田大学生命・生体・福祉研究所編)

    今泉和彦, 今泉和彦

    コロナ社<http:www.coronasya.co.jp>・東京  2007.02 ISBN: 9784339070910

  • ①救急管理、②心電図 (ECG) の解釈、『アメリカスポーツ医学会:運動処方の指針(原書第7版)-運動負荷試験と運動プログラム』 (日本体力医学会体力科学編集委員会<本間生夫・鈴木政登>監訳)

    一之瀬 貴, 野村幸子, 今泉和彦, 野村幸子, 一之瀬 貴, 今泉和彦

    南江堂<http://www.nankodo.co.jp/>・東京  2006.10 ISBN: 4524242341

  • 『最新スポーツ科学事典』 ((社)日本体育学会監修)、血液全般担当(分担執筆)


    平凡社<http://www.heibonsha.co.jp/> ・東京  2006.10

  • Exercise, Nutrition, and Environmental Stress Volume 3、pp.1-283

    Editors, Nose H, Mack G, Imaizumi K, 頁

    Cooper Publishing Group, LLC, MI, USA  2003.01 ISBN: 1884125832

  • 運動と赤血球・白血球凝固線溶系、pp.284-291、『トレーニング生理学』 (芳賀脩光・大野秀樹編集)


    杏林書院<htt://kyorin-shoin.co.jp>・東京  2003.01 ISBN: 4764410524

  • Exercise, Nutrition, and Environmental Stress Volume 2、pp.1-279

    Editors:Nose H, Spriet LL, Imaizumi K, 頁

    Cooper Publishing Group, LLC, MI, USA  2002.03

  • 『運動生理・生化学辞典』 (大野秀樹・井澤鉄也ほか編集)、『血液』:46項目担当・編集・分担執筆

    今泉和彦, フィールドエディター

    大修館書店<http://www.taishukan.co.jp>・東京  2001.07 ISBN: 4469062154

  • Exercise, Nutrition, and Enviroinmental Stress Volume 1、pp.1-288

    Editors:Nose H, Gisolfi CV, Imaizumi K, 頁

    Cooper Publishing Group, LLC, MI, USA  2001.07 ISBN: 1884125743

  • The 1997 Nagano Symposium on Sports Sciences (Edited by Nose H, Nadel ER and Morimoto T), ①Growth-related changes in DNA, RNA, and protein levels in the hindlimb skeletal muscles of rats. pp.163-167,②Changes in visceral organ size and skeletal muscle mass

    Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K, Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Cooper Publishing Group, LLC, IN, USA  1998.10 ISBN: 1884125719

  • 運動時における酸素平衡機能、pp.87-98、『呼吸-運動に対する応答とトレーニング効果』 (宮村美晴・古賀俊策・安田好文編集)

    中馬一郎, 今泉和彦

    NAP<http://www.nap-ltd.co.jp/>・東京  1998.09 ISBN: 4931411061

  • ①タンパク質濃度の測定法. pp.37-41、②RNA, mRNA, DNAの分離・定量法. pp.46-56 ,③ウエスタンブロット法によるタンパク質・酵素の定量法.pp.57-62、『最新運動生理科学実験法-分子・細胞・組織レベルからのアプローチ-』 (今泉和彦・石原昭彦編集)

    今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 立屋敷かおる, 若槻 徹, 光永伸一郎, 山本三毅夫, 佐久間慶子, 立屋敷かおる, 今泉和彦, 光永伸一郎, 佐久間慶子, 全頁編集

    大修館書店<http://www.taishukan.co.jp>・東京  1998.07 ISBN: 446926394X

  • ①血液と運動、②メタロチオインと運動、『活性酸素と運動』 (大野秀樹他編集)

    今泉和彦, 今泉和彦

    杏林書院<htt://kyorin-shoin.co.jp>・東京  1998.02 ISBN: 9784764410381

  • Fate of hemoglobin-NO, in vitro and in vivo. In:Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Edited by Kamada H, Ohya-Nishiguchi H and Yoshikawa T), pp.243-245

    Shiga T, Kosaka H, Kumura E, Tanaka S, Kon K, Suda T, Imaizumi K, Maeda N

    Nihon-Igakukan, Tokyo  1995.06 ISBN: 4890442480

  • Effects of feeding levels and body weight loading on muscle size and visceral organ size in rats. In:Adapted Physical Activity-Health and Fitness- (Edited by Yabe K, Kusano K and Nakata H), pp.68-76

    Tachiyashiki K, Imaizumi K

    Springer-Verlag, Tokyo-Berlin  1994.08 ISBN: 4431701435

  • Effects of carbon dioxide on the four-step oxygen binding constants in human adult hemoglobin. In:High-Altitude Medicine (Edited by Ueda G, Reeves JT and Sekiguchi M), pp.100-110

    Imaizumi K

    Shinshu University Press, Matsumoto  1992.10 ISBN: 4915860000

  • Quantitative analysis of skeletal muscles in dystrophic mice as a model of nonexercise muscular atrophy. In:Fitness for the Aged, Disabled, and Industrial Worker (Edited by Kaneko M),pp.169-177

    Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K

    Human Kinetics Publishera, Inc, IL, USA  1990.05 ISBN: 0873222628

  • Erythrocyte aggregation induced by immunoglobulin G and related macromolecules studied with rheoscope-image analyzer-computer system. In:Microcirculation in Circulatory Disorders (Edited by ManabeH, Zweifach BW and Messmer K), pp.439-444

    Maeda N, Seike M, Imaizumi K, Kon K, Shiga T

    Springer-Verlag, Tokyo-Berlin  1988.08 ISBN: 443170034X

  • Temperature dependence of swimming exercise-induced change in ethanol metabolism and thermoregulatory responses in the rat. In : High-altitude Medical Science (Edited by Ueda G, Kusama S and Voelkel NF), pp.436-453

    Imaizumi K, Tachiyashiki K, Ogita Z-I

    Shinsyu University Press,Matsumoto  1988.06

  • Increased red cell aggregation in diabetes mellitus, correlated to hemoglobin A1 contents. In: Progress in Microcirculation Research II (Edited by Courtice FC, Galick DG and Perry MA), pp.150-154

    Satoh M, Imaizumi K, Bassho T, Shiga T

    The University Press of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia  1984.03 ISBN: 0858234408

  • Accelerated velocity of red vell aggregation in multiple myeloma:a comparison with that induced by immunohlobulins and IgG-fragments. In: Progress in Microcirculation Research II (Edited by Courtice FC, Galick DG and Perry MA), pp.134-138

    Imaizumi K, Maeda N, Imai A, Maruyama A, Shiga T

    The University Press of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia  1984.03 ISBN: 0858234408

▼display all


  • ◆マウス腹腔マクロファージのo-結合型 N-アセチルグルコサミン修飾に及ぼす自発性運動の影響

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ◆ニンニクの主要含硫化合物(diallyl sulfides)投与によるラット総白血球および総リンパ球数の応答

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ◆亜鉛欠乏による幼齢ラットの成長抑制とinsulin-like growth factor-1の遺伝子発現応答

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ◆亜鉛欠乏による成熟ラットの直腸温および褐色脂肪細胞のUCP1発現の応答

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ◆亜鉛欠乏による成熟および幼齢の各ラットの白血球系細胞の応答

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • ◆Voluntary exercise reduces o-linked N-acetylglucosamine levels in murine macrophages

    Presentation date: 2015.09

  • Enzyme-treated asparagus extract attenuates hydrogen peroxide-induced matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in murine dermal L929.

    Presentation date: 2015.07

  • Role of clock gene Rev-erb alpha in high glucose-induced augmentation of macrophage pro-inflammatory responses

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • Effect of hyperglycemia on the expression of clock gene Rev-erbα in macrophages

    Presentation date: 2014.10

  • ◆ギプス固定によるラット速筋II型線維の萎縮はβ2-作動薬投与で抑制される

    Presentation date: 2014.09

  • Drinking and its health promotion

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Molecular mechanism of suppressive effects of glucosamine on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated inflammatory responses of macrophages

    Presentation date: 2014.06

  • ◆Post-transcriptional suppression of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated inflammatory responses by macrophages in middle-aged mice.

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • ◆Attenuating effects of β2-agonist clenbuterol on cast-immobilization induced atrophy of skeletal muscle fibers in rats:Histochemical analysis

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • ◆時計遺伝子Rev-erbα1はMCP遺伝子の発現を抑制しマクロファージ免疫機能を制御する

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • ◆ギプス固定によるラット骨格筋の萎縮に対するクレンブテロ−ルの抑制作用

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • ◆加齢に伴うマクロファージ炎症性応答低下のメカニズムの解析

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • ◆Suppressive effects of glucosamon macrophage inflammatory responses are mediated by endoplasmic reticulum stress

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • Casted-immobilization-induced changes 0f uncoupling protein expression levels in muscles and brown adipose tissue in rats

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • Effects of zinc-deficiency on the zinc-transportor expression levels and zinc concentrations in skeletal muscles of rats

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • Effects od folate-deficiency on the number of lymphocyte and granulocyte subsets in rats

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • Effects od diallyl disulfide on the number of lymphocyte subsets and monocyte in rats

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • The expression levels of glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase in murine resident peritoneal macrophages is increased with aging

    Presentation date: 2013.05

  • ◆Effects of aging on the regulatory mechanisms of O-linked-N-acetylglucosamine modification in murine naive peritoneal macrophages.

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Region-specific CpG demethylation patterns of the myogenin promoter is required for myoD mediated myogenic conversion from fibroblasts into myoblasts

    Presentation date: 2012.12

  • The enzyme-treated Asparagus officinalis extract shows anti-stress effects in neural cells and prevents cognitive impairment in senescence-accelerated mice

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • ◆運動は肥満による脂肪組織のデルマトポンチン発現増加を減弱させる

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • MyoD-induced myogenic conversion requires cell proliferation

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • ◆マウス褐色脂肪組織のUCP1 mRNA発現に及ぼす運動トレーニングおよび β‐作動薬投与の影響

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • ◆亜鉛欠乏後及び欠乏解除後のラット骨格筋亜鉛トランスポーターのmRNA発現応答

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • ◆Diallyl disulfide経口投与によるラットリンパ球サブセット数および単球数の容量依存的低下作用

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • ◆葉酸欠乏によるラットのリンパ球サブセット数および単球数の特異的な応答

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • ◆マウス脾臓辺縁帯マクロファージの細胞貪食能はβ‐作動薬投与により抑制される

    Presentation date: 2012.09

  • ◆The extract from stems of Asparagus offinalis enhances the expression of heat shock proteins and shows anti-stress effects in neural cells.

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • ◆Effects of β‐agonist administration and voluntary exercise training on the phagocytic capacity of splenic marginal zone macrophages in mice

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • ◆Acute effects of diallyl disulfide on the number of lymphocyte and its subsets, and plasma corticosterone levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • ◆Folate-deficiency-induced changes in the number of lymphocyte and its subsets and plasma homocysteine levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • ◆不活動に伴うラット各種白血球系細胞数の応答

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • ◆マクロファージの糖鎖構造に及ぼす低酸素暴露の影響

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 体力科学,60(6):690 (2011)

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • ◆ギプス固定によるラットヒラメ筋のグルココルチコイド受容体発現は低下する

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • ◆DNAメチル化阻害剤とHDAC阻害剤の同時作用による筋細胞への分化抑制

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • 体力科学,60(6):695 (2011)

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • ◆Casted-immobilization suppressed glucocorticois signals by down-regulating glucocorticoid receptor in rat soleus muscle

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • ◆Effects of casted-immobilization on the expressions of b-adrenergic receptors, glucocorticoid receptor and uncoupling proteins in brown and white adipose tissues of rats

    Presentation date: 2011.09

  • ◆Hypoxia reduced b1,6-GlcNAc branched N-glycan levels on integrin b1 in mouse macrophage raw264.7

    Presentation date: 2011.06

  • ◆多細胞間葉系細胞10T1/2をモデルとした筋肉細胞、多細胞への選択的分化制御

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • ワサビの主要辛味成分・Allyl isothiocyanateによるラットリンパ球とそのサブセット数の応答

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • ◆唐辛子とワサビの主要辛味成分によるラット白血球系細胞数の応答とその比較

    Presentation date: 2010.09

  • ◆骨格筋のβ2−アドレナリン受容体遺伝子発現に及ぼすクレンブテロールおよびデキサメタゾンの影響

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • ◆亜鉛欠乏および亜鉛欠乏解除後のラット白血球系細胞数の応答特性

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • ◆骨格筋の可塑性とβ2‐アドレナリン受容体遺伝子発現との関連

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • ◆Effects of clenbuterol and dexamethasone on the expression of β2-adrenoceptor mRNA in rat skeletal muscles.

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • ◆Zinc-deficiency and its recovery responses on the distribution of white blood cells in rats.

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • ◆Effects of allyl isothiocyanate on the number of lymphocyte and its subsets in rats.

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • ◆Effects of allyl isothiocyanate on the number of white blood cells and plasma corticosterone levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2010.05

  • ◆運動トレーニングによる脂肪細胞の脂肪分解亢進にはadipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL)の発現変化が関与する

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • ◆亜鉛欠乏および亜鉛欠乏解除後のラット白血球系細胞数の応答特性

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • ◆ラット骨格筋βアドレナリン受容体mRNAおよびグルココルチコイド受容体mRNA発現に及ぼすデキサメタゾンの影響

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • BMP antagonist PRDCの発現抑制による骨形成の促進

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • ◆骨格筋と心筋のβ2‐アドレナリン受容体のmRNA発現とその調節因子に及ぼすβ2‐アゴニスト、クレンブテロールの影響

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • ◆Acute effects of allyl isothiocyanate on the distribution of white blood cells and lipolysis in rats

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Subacute effects of dihydrocapsaicin and capsaicin on the distribution of white blood cells, and plasma free fatty acid, glycerol and glucose levels in rats

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Downstream utrophin enhancer is required for expression of utrophin in skeletal muscle

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Hypoxia-inducible factor-α regulates expression of mRNA for macrophage scavenger receptor 1

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Hindlimb suspension impairs hippocampal nerurogenesis in wean rats.

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Effect of the β2-agonist clenbuterol on β1- and β2-adrenoceptor mRNA expressions of rat skeletal and left ventricle muscles

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Zinc-deficiency induced changes in the distribution of rat white blood cells

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Effects of dexamethasone on β1-, β2- and β3-adrenoceptor mRNA expressions of skeletal and left ventricle muscles in rats

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆Effects of dihydrocapsaicin and capsaicin on the distribution of white blood cells in rats

    Presentation date: 2009.07

  • ◆New lychee fruit-derived polyphenol Olygonol converted into a low-molecular form improves exercise-induced fatigue

    Presentation date: 2009.04

  • ◆β2‐アゴニスト・クレンブテロールによるラット骨格筋・心筋におけるβ‐アドレナリン受容体mRNA発現への影響

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • ◆デキサメタゾン投与によるラット骨格筋β‐アドレナリン受容体mRNA発現の応答

    Presentation date: 2008.09

  • ◆Effect of Oligonol on lipolysis in primary rat adipocytes.

    Presentation date: 2008.07

  • ◆Effects of tea catechins on uncoupling proteins mRNA expressions in rat brown adipose tissues.

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • ◆Capsaicinoid-induced changes in the number of white blood cells in rats.

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • ◆Effect of β2-agonist, clenbuterol on the mRNA expression of β adrenoceptors in skeletal muscles and left ventricle of rats.

    Presentation date: 2008.03

  • ◆Antioxidative/anti-inflammatory effects of the new lychee-derived polyphenol Olygonol converted into a low-molecular form in white adipose tissue.

    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • ◆Metabolic adaptation to endurance training combined with tea catechin ingestion

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • ◆Cotransplantation of muscle-derived side population (SP) cells with myoblasts promoted the muscle regeneration

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • ◆The new lychee-derived polyphenol Oligonol converted into a low-molecular form has antioxidatave/anti-inflammatory effects in adipocytes.

    Presentation date: 2007.07

  • ◆Lowering effects of tea catechin intake on adipose tissue weight in high fat fed rats

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • ◆Effects of β2-agonist, clenbuterol on the number of white blood cells in rats

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • ◆Effects zinc-deficiency on the number of white blood cells in rats

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • ◆Two types of inactivity-induced changes of the number of white blood cells in rats

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • ◆Effects of tea catechins on lypolysis and UCP1 mRNA expression in rat adipose tissues

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • ◆Tea catechin intake enhances fat utilization during prolonged exercise after endurance training in humans

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • ◆Caspase-independent cell death of human glioblastoma cell lines, A-172 and U-251 MG induced by phenoxazine derivatives.

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • ◆Tea catheins modulate UCP1 mRNA expression in rat brown adipose tissue.

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • ◆Anti-obesity effects of tea catechins are enhanced by the switch from high-fat to normal-fat diet in rats.

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • ◆Effects of aerobic training and tea catechin intake on endurance capacity and substrate utilization during prolonged exercise in humans.

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • ◆Anticancer effects of novel phenoxazine derivatives against pancreatic cancer cell lines.

    Presentation date: 2006.10

  • ◆茶カテキン長期摂取によるラット白色脂肪細胞の脂肪分解反応

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • ◆高脂肪食および標準脂肪食ラットの脂質代謝に及ぼす茶カテキンの影響

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • ◆亜鉛欠乏によるラット肝臓のCytosol内Alcohol dehydrogenase活性の低下作用と欠乏解除後の回復過程

    Presentation date: 2006.09

  • ◆Anticancer activities of novel phenoxazines against pancreatic cancer cell lines

    Presentation date: 2006.07

  • ◆Dietary zinc deficiency increases the number of peripheral granulocytes in rats.

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • ◆Zinc deficiency induced changes of the numbers, volume and distribution width of red blood cells in rats.

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • ◆Zinc deficiency induced changes of rat liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activity and the recovery effect.

    Presentation date: 2006.03

  • ◆Hypokinesia/Hypodynamia およびβ2‐agonist投与によるラット白血球レベルの変動

    Presentation date: 2005.09

  • ◆Muscle atrophy-induced changes of cathepsin and dipeptide levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • ◆Effects of skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy on muscle DNA, RNA and protein levels.

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • ◆Changes of plasma β-hydroxybutulate and acetoacetate level during fasting in three life-stage rats.

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • ◆Effects of hypokinesia/hypodynamia and β-agonist on white blood cell levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • ◆In vivo effecta of iron-deficiency on white blood cell and white adipose tissue mass levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • ◆Effects of fasing on the activities of liver alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehydedehydrogenase in three life-stage rats.

    Presentation date: 2005.05

  • ◆β2-agonistによる骨格筋の肥大と代謝レベルの変動 (シンポジウム : 骨格筋に関わるホルモン・作動薬・生体内情報伝達物質)

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • ◆飲酒と健康(教育講演)

    Presentation date: 2004.09

  • ◆In vivo effect of glucocorticoid, dexamethasone on plasma energy substrate levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • ◆Food deprivationon-induced changes of liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activities in infant, adult and aged rats.

    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • ◆In vivo effects of hydrocortisone on plasma energy substrate levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • ◆Comparisons among three life-stages in capsaicin-induced changes of plasma energy substrate levels in rats.

    Presentation date: 2004.05

  • ◆Species- and sex-dendences of mouse liver cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase activities.

    Presentation date: 2004.05

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Study on the antiatrophic effects of clenbuterol in skeletal muscle atrophy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The β2-agonist clenbuterol increases muscle mass by promoting muscle protein synthesis and/or attenuating protein degradation. This study was to investigate the effect of clenbuterol administration on immobilization atrophy in rat skeletal muscle. The findings of the present study showed that clenbuterol attenuated the decrease in muscle mass and single fiber cross-sectional area in the extensor digitorum longus muscle, but did not in soleus muscle. These results suggested that antiatrophic effects are specific for the fast-twitch muscle on the immobilization atrophy in rat skeletal muscle.

  • The relationship between the laterality of chopstick manipulation and vision-recognition feed-back system in humans : Electromyograph analyses

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The purpose of the present study is to elucidate the relationship between the laterality of chopstick manipulation and vision-recognition feed-back system in healthy human subjects. The effects of training on the transfer time of the stick sample by chopsticks in the dominant hand non-dominant hand were examined in the vision-free and vision cutoff conditions. In the present study, electromyograms of flexor pollicis brevis, flexor digitorum superficialis, brachio radialis and flexor carpi radialis muscles discharged during hand flexion, hand extension and pickup of stick sample with chopsticks were analyzed before and after training. From these results, training of chopstick manipulation improved nerve-muscle coordination.

  • Ergogenic effects of β_2-agonist, clenbuterol and glucocorticoid in rats

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    The ergogenic effects of/β_2-agonist, clenbuterol (CLE : 0.01-1.0 mg/kg BW) on plasma glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, insulin and cyclic AMP concentrations, and plasma volume ratio were studied in rats (1-st Experiment). Effects of CLE (1.0 mg/kg BW/day for 10 days), whole body suspension (WBS for 10 days) and immobilization (IMM for 10 days) on the number of white blood cells in rats (2-nd Experiment).
    1-st Experiment :
    1)CLE increased significantly the plasma glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol and insulin concentrations in the dose-dependent manner. 2)CLE increased significantly the plasma volume ratio(=ratio of plasma volume to total blood volume) in the dose-dependent manner and the increase of plasma volume ratio was maintained over 10 hours after the admistration, suggesting the increasing action of CLE to extracellular fluid volume. 3)No significant changes of plasma cyclic AMP concentration were observed in CLE admistration. These results indicate that CLE increases dose-dependently plasma glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, insulin concentrations, and extracellullar fluid volume (=plasma volume ratio) without changing plasma cyclic AMP concentrations.
    2-nd Experiment :
    1)Numbers of total white blood cells in the IMM, WBS groups were significantly higher than those in the control (CON) groups. No effects of numbers of total white blood cells, however, were observed in CLE-administration. 2)Numbers of neutrophil and monocyte in the IMM, WBS and CLE-administration groups were significantly higher than those in the CON groups. 3)Numbers of lymphocytes did not change with the IMM and WBS. CLE-administration, however, decreased significantly the numbers of lymphocytes to approximately 0.56 times, as compared with the CON group. 4)The IMM and WBS increased signicantly the numbers of basophil than in the CON groups. No significant effects of the numbers of basophil, however, were observed in CLE-administration. 5)The IMM and WBS increased significantly the numbers of eosinophil than in the CON groups. On the contrary, the numbers of eosinophil in CLE-administration group were about 0.53 times significantly lower than those in the CON group. 6)Thymus weights in three groupswere 0.65-0.83 times significantly lower than in the CON groups. Adrenal weights in three groups were also relatively higher than those in the CON groups.
    In conclusion, the IMM, WBS and CLE-administration increased markedly the numbers of neutrophils and monocytes. Although the IMM and WBS increased total white blood cells, the WBS increased more markedly the numbers of monocytes, lymphocytes and basophils than in the IMM. CLE-administration, however, decreased the numbers of lymphocytes and eosinophils.

  • Linkage between whole body suspension-induced muscle a trophy and muscle proteolysis in rats

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of whole body suspension on skeletal muscle lysosomal cathepsin B and J activities and muscle dipeptide (anserine and carnosine) contents in rats. Six week male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into the control (CON) group and whole body suspended (WBS) group. The rats of the WBS group were maintained under whole body suspension for 10 days. On the morning of the experimental day, slow-twitch muscle (soleus : SOL) and fast-twitch muscle (gastrocnemius : GAS) were isolated and weighed. Adrenal glands, spleen and thymus also were immediately removed and weighed. Muscle lysosomal cathepsin B and J activities were assayed by fluorimetry, and muscle anserine and carnosine contents were analyzed by HPLC method. The relative weight of SOL muscles was 0.67 times (p<0.001) lower in the WBS group than in the CON group, and that of GAS muscle was not changed by WBS. Lysosomal cathepsin B and J activities in SOL muscles were 2.3 times and 2,2 times, respectively, significantly higher in the WBS group than in the CON group. These lysosomal enzyme activities in GAS muscles, however, were not changed by WBS. Carnosine and anserine contents in SOL muscles were 0.56 times and 0.78 times, respectively, significantly lower in the WBS group than in the CON group. However, these dipeptide contents in GAS muscles were not changed by WBS. These results suggest that whole body suspension-induced SOL muscle atrophy in rats may be associated with higher hydrolytic enzyme activity in slow-twitch muscles.

  • Biochemical and Histological Studies on the Possible Mechanism of Mouse Muscular Hypotrophy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The homo-type(dy/dy) and hetero-type(dy/?) of male C57BL/6J-dy mice(5-6 wks and 8-9 wks old) were used to elucidate biochemically and histologically the possible mechanism of non-exercise muscular hypotrophy. Whole hindlimb muscles were minced with scissors, and homogenized with 25mM phosphate buffer(pH 7.4) at 0゜C. The homogenate was fractionated into buffer-soluble(F-1), 1.2M KCl-soluble(F-2), 1.2M KCl-insoluble(F-3), ribonucleic acid(RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) and protein. Serial cross section(10 <mu> m thick) of paraffin embedded M. gasrocnemius and M. soleus were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The numbers of nucleus and muscle fiber per unit area( <1mm^2> ) and the area of cross section of muscle fiber were determined. 1). [DNA] and [RNA] of hindlimb muscles in dy/dy mice was 2.5-2.8 times and 1.5-1.8 times higher than that in dy/? mice, respectively. Each nucleic acid concentration decreased significantly by muscular hypotrophy. 2). [protein] of the muscle tissue in dy/dy mice was 1.22 times lower than that in dy/? mice. 3). Apparent muscle cell volume in dy/dy mice estimated from [protein]/DNA and muscle weight/DNA, was 7.9 times and 3.0-3.4 times lower than those in dy? mice, respectively. 4). The order of decrease of protein contents in each muscle fraction by muscle hypotrophy was F-2>F-3>F-1, indicating that the decrease of protein content is not identical with each fraction. 5). Electrophoretic pattern of muscle proteins in each fraction was changed drastically by muscle hypotrophy, indicating that the hypotrophy changes the fractional composition ratio of muscle proteins. 6). The numbers of nucleus in dy/dy mice was 1.9 times larger than that in dy/? mice. 7). The ratio of the number of centronucleus to total numbers of nucleus in dy/dy mice was 9.5 times larger than that in dy/? mice. 8). Area frequency distribution of muscles in dy/dy mice deviated from the normal distribution profile in dy/? mice. The mean area(0.0049 <mm^2> ) of the cross section in dy/dy mice was 0.68 times smaller than that(0.0072 <mm^2> ) in dy/? mice. 9). The possible mechanism of muscle hypotrophy was discussed in detail.

  • ガーリックオイルの主要成分と生体防御系機能との関連

    科学研究費助成事業(上越教育大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))

  • 亜鉛欠乏によるアドレナリン受容体・脱共役タンパク質遺伝子発現・免疫・ストレス応答

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 料理に添えるものの香りや外観が生体の自律機能にいかに影響するか

    科学研究費助成事業(上越教育大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(C))

  • グルココルチコイドによる骨格筋容積の可塑的変化とその分子機構

    科学研究費助成事業(上越教育大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))

  • 運動・ドーピング薬物・アルコール・香辛料・栄養素欠乏による白血球系細胞の応答

    科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学)  科学研究費助成事業(萌芽研究)

  • Functional role of adrenergic receptor in skeletal muscle plasticity

  • Effects of tea catechins on endurance capacity and substrate utilization in human

  • Effects of tea catechins on the mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 in rat brown adipose tissue

  • ライフステージに応じた健康増進と多様性維持プロジェクト


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 亜鉛欠乏による成熟ラット網状赤血球細胞数と網状赤血球内ヘモグロビン濃度の動態

    2014   白土 健

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    Zinc is known to play an important role forimmune-functions. Recently, we showed that zinc-deficiency in the weaned ratsfor 4 weeks increased the duration-dependently the number of total white bloodcells, granulocytes (neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil) and monocytes in 2-4wks, without changing the number of lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytesor natural killer (NK) cells. These results suggest that zinc-deficiencyinduced cell-specific changes in the distribution of granulocytes andlymphocytes in rats. However, precisely how zinc-deficiency affects thedistribution of a variety of matured red cells, including the minor populationof reticulocytes, and the cell specificity of the effects remain unclear.Therefore, we investigated the effects of zinc-deficiency on the circulatingnumber of matured red cells and reticulocytes in adult rats. Male 10-week-oldSprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into the zinc-deficient diet (ZDD:0.7mgZn/kg diet) group and the control diet (CON:34.8mg Zn/kg diet) group and werefed for 10 weeks. The analyses of the number of matured red cells andreticulocytes, hemoglobin concentrations of matured red cells andreticulocytes, and hematocrit values during the experimental period wereperformed by a flow cytometry technique (Model SF-3000, Sysmex Co). Plasma zincconcentrations during the experimental period were 0.51-0.75 timessignificantly lower in the ZDD group than in the CON group. The numbers ofmatured red cells in both groups increased with the progress of theexperimental period. However, the numbers of matured red cells in the ZDD groupwere gradually inhibited during the experimenal period, as compared with thosein the CON group. The numbers of red blood cells of the ZDD group in 8-9 weekswere 0.89-0.90 times significantly lower than those of the CON group. On the contrary, thenumbers of reticulocytes of the ZDD group in 2-6 weeks were 0.62-0.83 timessignificantlly lower than those of the CON group. The relative ratio of thenumber of reticulocytes to the number of total blood cells in 2-6 weeks were0.62-0.86 times significantly lower in the ZDD group than in the CON group.However, no significant differences between both groups in the relative ratioswere observed in 8-10 weeks. On the other hand, reticulocyte hemoglobinconcentrations in 2-8 weeks were 1.03-1.07 times significantly higher in theZDD group than in the CON group. These results indicate that zinc-deficiency inadult male rats induced reticulocytopenia in 2-6 weeks and then decreased numberof matured red cells in 8-10 weeks. Further studies are needed to clarify themechanism of zinc-deficiency-induced reticulocytopenia in adult male rats.

  • 亜鉛欠乏による骨格筋の成長抑制における糖鎖遺伝子の機能的役割

    2014   白土 健

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    Zinc is one of the essential trace elements for all organisms, and is second in abundance to iron in the body. It is generally accepted that zinc is a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes and about 60% of zinc is contained in skeletal muscle development and its adaptive responses are not fully elucidated. In the present study, we studied the effects of zinc-deficiency on the expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) receptor (IGF-1R) indifferent types of skeletal muscles in weaned rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with a zinc-deficient diet (0.6mg zinc/kg diet) or control diet (35.2 mg/kg diet) for 4 weeks. After the experiment for 2 and 4 weeks, the slow-twitch soleus (SOL) and fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were isolated. Zinc-deficiency for 4 weeks caused a significant reduction in the relative weight of EDL muscles to the body weight. However, that of SOL muscles was not changed by zinc-deficiency. IGF1-R mRNA expression in EDL muscles significantly increased by 1.26- and 1.28-fold in 2 and 4 weeks after the onset of zinc-deficiency, respectively, whereas significant changes were not observed in SOL muscles. By contrast, IGF-1R protein expression in SOL muscles significantly increased by 2.07-fold in 4 weeks after the onset of zinc-deficiency, although significant changes were not observed in EDL muscles. These results suggest that the increased expression og IGF1-R protein in SOL muscles in response to zinc-deficiency play an important role in the attenuation of delayed development of SOL muscles due to reduced plasma levels of IGF-1.

  • ガーリックの含硫化合物成分摂取によるラットの生体防御機能の亜急性応答と生理的役割


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    1. Dose-dependent effects of diallyl disulfide on the number of lymphocyte subsets in rats Diallyl disulfide (DADS) is a major sulfur compound of garlic, and exerts antiinflamatory, immune-modulatory, andenhancing sympathetic activity effects. However, it still remains unclear how DADS affects the distribution of white blood cell subsets, which is essential to execute effective immune responses and partially regulated by adrenal glucocorticoids. In the first paper, therefore, we examined the dose-dependent effects of DADS administration on the circulating number of white blood cells (WBCs) and lymphocyte subsets, and plasma corticosterone concentration in rats. Male 10-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into the DADS-free and DADS-orally administered (dose=10, 20, and 40mg/kg BW) groups. Blood samples were collected from the tail vein at 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 hour after the administration. DADS administration decreased dose- and time-dependently the circulating number of total WBCs, total lymphocytes, and monocytes. Within the lymphocyte subsets, the circulating number of T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes was significantly reduced 4 hour after DADS administration in a dose-dependent manner, although that of natural killer (NK) cells was not affected. On the other hand, although DADS administration did not significantly change the circulating number of neurtophils, the circulating number of eosinophils and basophils showed a decreasing tendency after DADS administration. In contrast, plasma coriticosterone concentration was increased 2 hour after DADS administration in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that DADS administration reduces the circulating number of monocytes and lymphocytes, including especially acquired cells, via the action of corticosterone, and the effects are induced in a dose-dependent manner. 2. Dose-dependent effects of diallyl disulfide on plasma glucose and free fatty acid concentrations in rats In the first paper, we demonstrated that oral administration of DADS (dose=10-40mg/kg BW), the major organosulfur compound of garlic, reduced the circulating number of monocytes and B- and T-lymphocytes in a dose-dependent manner via the action of corticosterone in adult rats. Glucocorticoid action as well as enhanced sympathetic nerve activity can mobilize energy substrates such as glucose and free fatty acid (FFA) into the blood by inducing glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver and lipolysis. However, there is a little information on the effects of DADS intake on lipolysis and carbohydrate metabolism. In the second paper, therefore, we examined the dose-dependent responses of plasma glucose and FFA concentrations, in adult rats after oral administration of DADS. We also measured gastric contents as an index of impaired gastric function. Male 10-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into DADS-free and DADS-administered (dose=10, 20, and 40mg/kg BW) groups. Plasma samples were prepared from whole blood drawn from the tail vein 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 hour after administration. The stomachs were isolated, and the contents were measured 8 hour after administration. In DADS-administered groups, plasma glucose concentrations were increased in a dose-dependent manner 1 hr after the administration. The increase was transient, except in groups administered 40mg/kg BW of DADS, in which plasma glucose levels remained significantly higher than the DADS-free levels throughout the experimental period. Similar patterns were observed in the plasma FFA concentrations. The gastric contents were dose-dependently elevated after DADS administration. The increase was significant when 20 or 40mg/kg BW of DADS was administered. These results suggest that oral administration of DADS can mobilize energy substrates into the blood, although a higher dose of DADS slows gastric emptying.3. Diallyl disulfide accumulates the number of B-lymphocytes in the rat spleen  In the first paper, we demonstrated that diallyl disulfide (DADS), the major organosulfur compound in garlic, reduced the number T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocyte, and monocytes via activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary- adrenal axis. However, the translocation of these cells that migrate to in responses to DADS administration is still unclear. In the third paper, therefore, we examined the effects of DADS administration on a number of lymphocyte subsets and monocytes-derived cells including macrophages (monocytes/macrophages) in spleen, the largest secondary lymphonoid organ. Male 10-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administered with DADS (dose=20mg/kg BW) or equivalent volume of vehicle. The spleen was harvested 4 hour after administration, and then the splenic cells were isolated, and the total number of cells was counted. T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, and monocytes/macrophages were fractionated by flow-cytometry and the total number of these cells was calculated. The total number of splenic cells was significantly increased by 1.18-fold after DADS administration. Among the lymphocyte subsets in the spleen, the number of B-lymphocytes was significantly increased by 1.28-fold after DADS administration. The number of T-lymphocytes also showed a tendency to increase. However, the number of NK cells, and monocytes/macrophages did not change after DADS administration. These results suggest that B-lymphocytes migrate from the circulation and translocate to the spleen in response to DADS administration.

  • 骨格筋の可塑性に及ぼすβ2-アドレナリン受容体発現レベルの応答とその機能的役割

    2011   白土 健

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    【研究の背景と目的】骨格筋サイズは筋活動量の増減によって可塑的に変動する。一方、最近では高齢者や各種疾患者および宇宙飛行士の筋萎縮の予防や筋萎縮からの回復を目的とした研究が進展している。これまで、私達はこのような骨格筋の可塑的なサイズ変化の一部を担う生体内のホルモン受容体のうちβ2-adrenergic receptor(β2-AR)およびglucocorticoid receptor (GR)の発現レベルの変化について系統的に研究してきた。そこで本研究では、身体不活動による筋萎縮機構をさらに明らかにするため、ギプス固定によってラットの筋活動量を著しく低下させたとき、骨格筋内のβ2-ARと GR mRNA・タンパク質発現レベルがどのように応答するかをしらべた。【方法】約8週齢の雄性Sprague Dawleyラットをpentobarbital(dose=45mg/kg body weight)麻酔下で膝関節および足関節をギプスで固定した群と対照群とに群分けをし、その11日後に遅筋線維の比率が高いヒラメ筋(SOL: soleus)と速筋線維の比率が高い長指伸筋(EDL:extensor digitorum longus)を摘出・秤量した。両骨格筋のRNAおよびタンパク質を常法により抽出し、GRとβ2-ARの遺伝子発現はreal-time RT-PCR法で、タンパク質発現はWestern blot法で定量した。【結果】ギプス固定によりラット骨格筋の相対重量、総RNA量および総タンパク質濃度はSOL筋で低下したが、EDL筋では変化しなかった。これらの結果より、ギプス固定による筋萎縮作用は抗重力筋の遅筋に対して特異的であることが確認された。実験期間中の血漿内アドレナリン・ノルアドレナリン・コルチコステロンの各濃度はギプス固定によって変化がみられなかった。筋内GR mRNA・タンパク質発現はギプス固定によりSOL筋で特異的に低下した。骨格筋細胞内のGRおよびリガンドの複合体は筋萎縮関連遺伝子の転写を正に制御していることから、GR発現レベルの低下は遅筋での筋萎縮に対する抑制的な応答であると推定できる。また、β2-AR mRNA発現もギプス固定によりSOL筋で特異的に低下したが、β2-ARタンパク質発現は両筋共にギプス固定による変動がみられなかった。β2-AR遺伝子上にはglucocorticoid receptor element(GRE)が存在することから、GR発現量の低下によってβ2-ARの転写が抑制されたものと推定できる。【結論】ギプス固定によりGR発現レベルは遅筋のSOL筋で特異的に低下する。その結果、GRの下流シグナル伝達が抑制され、筋タンパク質分解やβ2-ARのような標的遺伝子の発現あるいは抗炎症反応などの応答が弱まるものと推定できる。

  • アルコール嗜好性と肝臓内エタノール代謝及び血漿エタノールクリアランスとの関連

    2005   立屋敷かおる

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    [目的]飲酒(=エタノール摂取)によって生体内に取り込まれたアルコールは、胃および小腸から門脈を介して肝臓に輸送される。この肝臓内でアルコールはAlcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), Microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS) および Catalase によって酸化・分解されることが知られている。この三種類の酵素のうち、総アルコール量の約80%がADHにより、約15-20%はMEOSにより、約2%がCatalase によって触媒されることは多くの報告で明らかにされている。一方、肝臓内でアルコールの酸化・分解に主要な役割を担っているADH の活性は、エタノールの嗜好性の程度と関係することが私達の結果で明確にされている。即ちエタノール嗜好性が高いC57BL/6Jマウス肝臓内cytosol内ADHの活性はエタノール嗜好性の低いDBA/2Jマウスのそれに比べて有意に高かった。本研究ではエタノール嗜好性が高いほどエタノールクリアランスが高いか否かを明確にするため、エタノール嗜好性が高いC57BL/6Jマウスと低いDBA/2Jマウスの肝臓内cytosol内ADHの活性及びエタノールクリヤランスについてしらべた。[方法]C57BL/6J雄性マウスとDBA/2J雄性マウス(いずれも8週齢)に1g/kg体重のエタノールを経口投与し、経時的に採血して血漿を得た。各群の血漿中のエタノール濃度をガスクロマトグラフ装置で測定した。エタノールクリヤランスの指標は、血漿エタノール濃度を時間に対してプロットした全面積の逆数(=∑値)とした。血漿からエタノールが消失する3時間後に常法により全てのマウスの肝臓内cytosol画分を超遠心法にて調製した。それらの画分中のADH活性を分光学的に測定・解析した。[結果と考察]∑値はC57BL/6JマウスがDBA/2Jマウスより1.4倍有意に高かった。この結果はエタノール嗜好性の高いマウスの方がエタノール嗜好性の低いマウスよるエタノールの消失速度が高いことを強く示唆している。また、肝臓内ADH活性はC57BL/6JマウスがDBA/2Jマウスより1.6倍有意に高く、エタノール嗜好性が高いマウスの方がエタノール嗜好性が低いマウスより肝臓内でのエタノール分解能が明らかに高いことを示唆している。[まとめ]エタノール嗜好性の程度は肝臓内ADH活性や血漿内エタノール消失速度の程度と密接に関連する。

  • タンパク質合成ステロイドおよびβ2アゴニストによる骨格筋肥大効果と体質改善効果

    2005   立屋敷かおる, 一之瀬 貴

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    【目的】タンパク質合成アンドロジェニックステロイドおよびβ2アゴニストの一つであるクレンブテロール (Clenbuterol:CLE) による骨格筋タンパク質量の増加作用とそのメカニズムを明確にするため、CLEをラットに投与した際の5種類の骨格筋の重量とタンパク質量、血漿内エネルギー基質(グルコース、トリグリセリド、総コレステロール)、インスリン、サイクリックAMPの各濃度、および血漿容量比(=全血液量に対する血漿量の比率)が如何に変動するかを検討した。【方法】8週齢Sprague Dawley系雄性ラットに0.05~1.0mg/kg体重/dayのCLE量を頸背部皮下より投与し、ヒラメ筋(SOL), ヒフク筋(GAS), 足底筋(PLA), 前脛骨筋(TIB), 長指伸筋(EDL)の各重量とタンパク質量を測定した。また、1.0mg/kg体重のCLE量をラットに投与した際の血漿内エネルギー基質、インスリン、サイクリックAMPの各濃度および血漿容量比などを経時的に測定・解析した。【結果と考察】①CLEをラットに投与すると、GAS, PLA, TIB, EDLなどの速筋の重量やタンパク質量は投与日数と投与量にほぼ比例して有意に増加したが、遅筋のSOLでは有意な変化がみられず、筋タイプによってその効果が異なっていた。②1.0mg/kg体重のCLE量をラットに投与して1時間後の血漿グルコース濃度は投与前の2.2倍、トリグリセリド濃度は1.9倍に増加し、この増加作用はdose-dependent であった。③血漿中の総コレステロール濃度もCLE投与で時間の経過と共に増加し、劇的な変動が観察された。④CLE投与によって血漿内インスリン濃度は有意に増加したが、血漿サイクリックAMP濃度は変動がみられなかった。⑤血漿容量比はCLE投与後著しく上昇し、細胞外腋量の増加が明らかに認められた。この結果より、CLE投与によって血漿内水分が見かけ上多くなり、例えばドーピング薬物が生体内に存在していた場合にはその薬物が希釈されてマスキング作用を持つ可能性があることを示唆する。【結論】CLE投与はラットの4種類の速筋重量とタンパク質量を投与の量と日数にほぼ依存して増加させ、血漿エネルギー基質とインスリンの各濃度および血漿容量比を有意に増加させる。

  • エタノールの嗜好性と非嗜好性マウスにおける肝臓内エタノール代謝関連酵素活性の比較


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    Purpose : Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH;alcohol:NAD+ oxidoreductase) is the principal enzyme responsible for ethanol oxidation. Although the exact physiological role of ADH is less understood, it catalyzes the reduction or oxidation of a variety of steroidal and non-steroidal substrates in addition to ethanol. It is well established that ethanol preferences are important factors for evaluating the ethanol drinking capacity. However, the relationship between ethanol preference and ethanol drinking capacity is unknown. The elucidation of this problem is essential for better understanding of ethanol drinking-induced physiological actions. On the other hand, ethanol drinking capacities are known to be obviously higher in C57BL/6J (=high ethanol preference) mice than in DBA/2J (=low ethanol preference) mice. Little information, however, is available concerning the relation between ADH activity and the level of ethanol preference in mice. Therefore, the present study was examined to clarify the relation between C57BL/6J and mice and DBA/2J mice in the ADH activities and the preference for ethanol. The relation between male and female in ADH activities in both strain mice was also studied.Methods and Materials : 7 weeks old male and female C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice were used. All liver homogenates were prepared in ice-cold 0.1 % Triton X-100 in 0.9 % NaCl solution. Liver cytosolic fractions were prepared by ultracentrifuge (105,000 g for 60 min), and used for the determination of ADH activity. The ADH activities were assayed at 38℃ and pH 9.0 and expressed as the amount of enzyme that produces 1 nmol of NADH per min per mg protein. Results and Conclusion : The liver weight per body weight showed no significant difference in parallel between two species (C57BL/6J and DBA/2J) in both sexes or both sexes in two species. However, the specific ADH activities and total ADH activities of both strain mice were about 1.33 times significantly higher in female than in male. These results agreed with our recent findings in rats (J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 46 : 49-52, 2000). The specific ADH activities and total ADH activities of male and female C57BL/6J mice were about 1.54&#8211;1.56 times significantly higher than those of male and female DBA/2J mice, suggesting that the liver ADH activities depend upon the level of the preference for ethanol and are influenced by sex-hormones.

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