Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Human Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
Doctor of Science ( Kyoto University )

Education Background


    Kyoto University   Faculty of Science   Department of geology and mineralogy  

Committee Memberships


    東京大学大気海洋研究所 協議会委員


    日本学術振興会 科学研究費員会専門委員

Professional Memberships










    American Geophysical Union


    American Geological Society

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Research Areas

  • Solid earth sciences

Research Interests

  • Limnology Environmental Geology Quaternary Geology Sedimentology


  • 日本第四紀学会論文賞


  • 瀬戸内海環境フォーラム優秀講演賞


  • 日本地質学会優秀講演賞


  • 日本第四紀学会論文賞


  • 日本地質学会優秀講演賞


  • 日本地質学会優秀講演賞


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  • Vegetation and endemic tree response to orbital-scale climate changes in the Japanese archipelago during the last glacial-interglacial cycle based on pollen records from Lake Biwa, western Japan

    Ryoma Hayashi, Hikaru Takahara, Yoshio Inouchi, Keiji Takemura, Yaeko Igarashi

    REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY   241   85 - 97  2017.06  [Refereed]

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    This study examined the orbital-scale vegetation response to seasonal climate changes related to the East Asian monsoon and ocean currents during the last glacial-interglacial cycle based on a new continuous pollen record from Lake Biwa, western Japan. During MIS 6, 4, and 2, pinaceous conifer forests were present in both inland and Japan Sea coastal areas around Lake Biwa, influenced by cold and dry conditions in both summer and winter. In contrast, deciduous broadleaved forests and evergreen forests grew during interglacial periods in MIS 5e and 1 under relatively warm and humid conditions in summer, as well as in winter. Fagus crenata, a tree endemic to the Japanese archipelago, was especially widely distributed during MIS 5e due in part to winter snowfall caused by warm current inflows in the Sea ofJapan. During MIS 5 and 3, temperate conifer trees were dominant. During periods of low summer insolation in MIS 5, the endemic tree Cryptomeria japonica became dominant in both inland and coastal areas of the region, likely as a result of high precipitation in early summer related to southward shifts of the summer monsoon front and moderate winter climate conditions. In contrast, Sciadopitys verticillata, which is also an endemic tree, had own habitat around inland areas of western Japan during the periods of high summer insolation in MIS 5. Climate fluctuations during the glacial-interglacial cycles created several ecological niches in time and space for each endemic tree in the Japanese archipelago. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • The relation between lake-level change and fossil diatom assemblages from off estuary of Echi River core in Lake Biwa

    Suzuki Takashi, Inouchi Yoshio, otsuka keisuke, Terada Yoshiki

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016  [Refereed]


  • Origin and sedimentation mechanism of event sediments in Lake Inawashiro, northern Japan

    Inouchi Yoshio, Suzuki Takashi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016  [Refereed]


  • Lake-level changes in Lake Biwa during the last 60,000 yrs

    Otsuka Keisuke, Inouchi Yoshi

    Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan   2016 ( 0 )  2016  [Refereed]


  • Sedimentation rate and sedimentary environment during the past 100 years in Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture, central Japan.

    Kanai Yutaka, Inouchi Yoshio

    BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF JAPAN   67 ( 3 ) 67 - 80  2016  [Refereed]

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    <p>Two core samples were taken from the northern basin of Lake Biwa in 2001 and 2014, and their sedimentation rates were determined using Pb-210 and Cs-137 methods. One of the sampling locations is off Imazu, near the deepest bottom of the lake and the other is off Takashima, shallower bottom like top of saddle. The average sedimentation rates were about 0.1 g/cm2/y (0.1–0.3 cm/y), which are within the range of conventional reports, although that of the former was a little higher than that of the latter. As for the core taken near the deepest bottom of the lake, much sediment with excess Pb-210 deposited before1960s, suggesting that they were supplied by flood and turbidity current. They are assumed to be caused by the seismic turbidites in 1981 and 1963 and the heavy rains and floods in1896, 1917, 1950s and 1960s. On the other hand, surface sediment of the core taken at off Takashima showed the variation of water content and Pb-210 concentration, which are ascribed to the disturbance and mixing by surface biota and/or human activities.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 過去約4.5万年間の琵琶湖古水位変動

    井内美郎, 山田和芳, 岡村眞, 松岡祐美, 里口保文, 芳賀裕樹, 林竜馬, 根上裕成, 村越貴之

    第23回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   23   213 - 218  2013.11

  • 福島県猪苗代湖湖底堆積物に記録された歴史的な古地震および古洪水の記録

    行木勝彦, 井内美郎, 長橋良隆

    第23回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   23   201 - 206  2013.11

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコア中の過去約13万年間の生物源シリカ含有率から見た古気候変遷

    村越貴之, 根上裕成, 山田和芳, 井内美郎

    第23回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   23   207 - 212  2013.11

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料中の生物源シリカ含有率から復元された過去約15万年間の東アジア夏季モンスーン変動

    根上裕成, 中西俊貴, 喜岡新, 井内美郎

    第22回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   22   57 - 62  2012  [Refereed]

  • 野尻湖湖水面変動の実態と人間生活への影響

    井内美郎, 中村祐貴, 公文富士夫, 井上卓彦, 近藤洋一

    第21回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   21   141 - 146  2011  [Refereed]

  • 長野県野尻湖における過去約4.5万年の湖水面変動と急激な寒冷化イベントとの対応

    中村祐貴, 井内美郎, 公文富士夫, 井上卓彦, 近藤洋一

    第21回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   21   135 - 140  2011  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖試料中の生物源シリカ含有率からみた過去約15万年間の気候変動とその要因

    根上裕成, 中西俊貴, 喜岡新, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第21回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   21   129 - 134  2011  [Refereed]

  • Orbital-scale vegetation variability during MIS 6,5,4 and 3 based on a pollen record from the Takashima-oki core in Lake Biwa, western Japan

    Ryoma Hayashi, Hikaru Takahara, Shusaku Yoshiokawa, Yoshio Inouchi

    Japan Journal of Palynology   56 ( 1 ) 5 - 12  2010  [Refereed]

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    The pollen record from the Takashima-oki core in Lake Biwa provides information on orbital-scale vegetation variability during MIS 6, 5, 4, and 3. Pinaceous conifers, such as Picea and Tsuga, became dominant around Lake Biwa in MIS 6. In the first half of the last interglacial, deciduous broad-leaved forests composed mainly of deciduous oaks and beech developed, whereas the development of evergreen forests was limited by cold winter due to low winter insolation. In the second half of this period, under a moderate winter climate, due to increasing winter insolation, evergreen oaks increased. Lagerstroemia trees were present throughout the entirety of the last interglacial period. Temperate conifers, such as Cryptomeria japonica, Sciadopitys verticillata, and Cupressaceae trees, were dominant during MIS 5. Cryptomeria japonica then became dominant, especially during the second half of MIS 5e, MIS 5c, and MIS 5a. During MIS 4, pinaceous conifers, such as Pinus subgenus Haploxylon, Tsuga, and Picea, increased again. Mixed forests composed of deciduous broad-leaved trees, temperate conifers, and pinaceous conifers expanded during MIS 3.


  • Using foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to detect an ocean-warming trend in the twentieth century from coastal shelf sediments in the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan

    Michinobu Kuwaes, Yuichi Hayamis, Hirotaka Oda, Azumi Yamashita, Atsuko Amano, Atsushi Kaneda, Minoru Ikehara, Yoshio Inouchi, Koji Omori, Hidetaka Takeoka, Hodaka Kawahata

    HOLOCENE   19 ( 2 ) 285 - 294  2009.03  [Refereed]

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    To assess abnormal warming of temperature in southwest Japan&apos;s coastal seas during the twentieth century, we developed a 200 yr interannually resolved record of planktonic and benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca-based temperature using neritic coastal sediment cores. The winter to late spring bottom temperature (50 m) record, based on benthic foraminiferal (Nonion japonicum) Mg/Ca ratios in the Bungo Channel (BC), showed consistent variation with observed temperatures on a five-year average basis. The BC bottom temperature record showed a significant increasing trend of 1.5 degrees C/100 yr during the twentieth century, which was never apparent in nineteenth century, That result suggests that our Mg/Ca-based thermometry approach using coastal benthic foraminifera can detect abnormally rising temperatures in neritic coastal seas in southwest Japan. The abnormal warming of winter to late spring bottom temperature in the BC contrasts with the lack of an increasing trend in the Globigerinoides ruber-based summer to autumn temperature for the upper 20 m in the slope region of southwest Japan and the lack of an increasing trend in the steric sea level in the region. These results indicate a warming trend of the neritic coastal ocean in southwest Japan, especially in winter to late spring. The timing of the onset of the prolonged abnormal high-temperature stage, which started in the early twentieth century, suggests a link of the neritic coastal ocean in Japan with human-induced global warming.


  • 野尻湖堆積物に基づく中部日本の過去7.2万年間の詳細な古気候復元

    公文富士夫, 河合小百合, 井内美郎

    旧石器研究   5   3 - 10  2009  [Refereed]

  • The Middle Pleistocene to Holocene tephrostratigraphy of the Takashima-oki core from Lake Biwa, central Japan

    Yasufumi Satoguchi, Yoshitaka Nagahashi, Akira Furusawa, Shusaku Yoshikawa, Yoshio Inouchi

    Journal of Geoscience, Osaka City University   51   47 - 58  2008  [Refereed]


  • Reconstruction of pollution history of organic contaminants in the upper Gulf of Thailand by using sediment cores: First report from Tropical Asia Core (TACO) project.

    Boonyatumanon, R. Wattayakorn, G. Amano, A. Inouchi Y, Takada H

    Marine Pollution Bulletin   54   554 - 565  2007  [Refereed]

  • Late Pleistocene to Holocene variations in sea conditions within the Seto Inland Sea, offshore Matsuyama City, Japan

    Shioya, F, Mii, T, Iwamoto, N, Inouchi Y

    Earth Science   61 ( 2 ) 103 - 115  2007  [Refereed]

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    The Seto Inland Sea formed during a rise in sea level following the Last Glacial Maximum. There are various studies of geological and geographical aspects of the formation of the Seto Inland Sea. This paper deals with temporal variations in sea conditions deduced from acoustic profiles around Nakajima Island, in the eastern part of the Houyo Islands, to the western side of Takanawa Peninsula within the western Seto Inland Sea. Our results indicate that seawater invaded this area approximately 11,000 years ago, when there were small bays to the north and southeast of Nakajima Island. Subsequent to this, the Imoko and Sekido Straits formed with caldrons. Following the formation of Takahama Strait, the shallow Ozu Bank began to form at the eastern part of the Tsurushima Strait.

    DOI CiNii

  • Reconstruction of Millenial-scale variations in the East Asian summer monsoon over the past 300 ka based on the total carbon content of sediment from Lake Biwa Japan.

    Iwamoto N, Inouchi Y

    Environmental Geology   52   1607 - 1616  2007  [Refereed]

  • Reconstruction of pollution history of organic contaminants in the upper Gulf of Thailand by using sediment cores: First report from Tropical Asia Core (TACO) project.

    Boonyatumanon, R. Wattayakorn, G. Amano, A. Inouchi Y, Takada H

    Marine Pollution Bulletin   54   554 - 565  2007

  • Seafloor environmental changes resulting from nineteenth century reclamation in Mishou Bay, Bungo Channel, southwest Japan

    Atsuko Amano, Naoya Iwamoto, Takahiko Inoue, Yoshio Inouchi

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY   50 ( 7 ) 989 - 999  2006.08  [Refereed]

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    This study reconstructed environmental changes to the seafloor associated with reclamation in Mishou Bay, Bungo Channel, Japan, based on measurements of sediment grain size, organic matter and sulfur contents of surface sediments and data from sediment cores. Grain size within sediment cores from the middle of Mishou Bay decreased from the beginning of the 1800s to the 1900s. In contrast, a grain size profile from the river mouth shows a gradual increase in grain size up through the sediment core. These changes in grain size indicate a decrease in tidal current velocity within the middle of the bay and that the delta system is gradually prograding from the river mouth. Records of organic matter composition and sulfur contents indicate that the effect of the river on seafloor sedimentation became stronger during the nineteenth century. These changes are related to reclamation during the late 1700s and 1800s. The decrease in sea area resulting from reclamation probably led to a decrease in tidal prism and current velocity. It is likely that the increasing effect of river water on sedimentation is associated with reclamation-related progradation of the river delta system.


  • Holocene climate changes in the monsoon/arid transition reflected by carbon concentration in Daihai Lake of Inner Mongolia

    JL Xiao, JT Wu, B Si, WD Liang, T Nakamura, BL Liu, Y Inouchi

    HOLOCENE   16 ( 4 ) 551 - 560  2006.06  [Refereed]

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    Two sediment cores recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake in north-central China were analysed at 2- to 4- cm intervals for total inorganic and organic carbon ( TIC and TOC) concentrations. The TIC concentration is inferred to reflect temperatures over the lake region and an increase in the TIC concentration implies an increase in the temperature. TOC concentration is considered to reflect the precipitation in the lake basin and higher TOC concentrations denote more precipitations. Thus AMS C-14 time series of the TIC and TOC records of Daihai Lake sediments uncovers a detailed history of changes in temperature and precipitation in north- central China during the last c. 12 000 yr. The Holocene, an epoch of postglacial warmth, started c. 11 500 cal. yr BP, and can be subdivided into three stages: the early ( c. 11 500 - 8100 cal. yr BP), middle ( c. 8100 - 3300 cal. yr BP) and the late Holocene ( c. 3300 - 0 cal. yr BP). The climate was warm and dry during the early Holocene, warm and wet during the middle Holocene, and in the late Holocene became cooler and drier but displayed a relatively warmer and wetter interval between c. 1700 and 1300 cal. yr BP. The Holocene Climatic Optimum, defined as a postglacial episode of both megathermal and megahumid climate, might have occurred in north- central China between c. 8100 and 3300 cal. yr BP, and the climate during this period was variable and punctuated by cool and/ or dry events. We infer that changes in the temperature were directly controlled by changes in summer solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere resulting from progressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters. Whereas an increase in the monsoonal precipitation could be closely related to an increase in the sea surface temperature of the low- latitude Pacific Ocean, an increase in the temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool and a westward shifted and strengthened Kuroshio Current in the western Pacific.


  • Identification of the source horizon of earthquake-jetted sand based on grain size characteristics and sand fraction composition.

    Inoue T. Kimura, K. Miyachi Y, HaraguchiT, Tanabe S, Inouchi Y

    Earth Science   60 ( 4 ) 315 - 324  2006  [Refereed]


  • 海域“沖積層”のシーケンス層序学的検討—大阪湾の例—.

    井内美郎, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子

    地質学論集   第59号 ( 59 ) 169 - 178  2006  [Refereed]


  • Holocene East Asian monsoonal precipitation pattern revealed by grain-size distribution of core sediments of Daihai Lake in Inner Mongolia of north-central China

    YJ Peng, J Xiao, T Nakamura, BL Liu, Y Inouchi

    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS   233 ( 3-4 ) 467 - 479  2005.05  [Refereed]

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    Two sediment cores recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake in north-central China were analysed at 2- to 4-cm intervals for grain-size distribution. Grain-size distributions of the lake sediments are inferred to be a proxy for past changes in East Asian monsoon precipitation, such that greater silt-size percentage and higher median grain size reflect increased monsoonal precipitation rates. The grain-size record of Daihai Lake sediments spanning the last ca 10,000 yr indicates that the monsoonal precipitation in the lake region can be divided into three stages: the Early, Middle and Late Holocene. During the Early Holocene before ca 7900 cal yr BP, the median grain size (Md) and the silt-fraction content were relatively low and constant, suggesting relatively low precipitation over the lake region. The Middle Holocene between ca 7900 and 3100 cal yr BP was marked by intensified and highly variable monsoonal precipitation, as indicated by high and variable Md values and silt contents of the lake sediments. During this period, average precipitation rate gradually increased from ca 7900 to 6900 cal yr BP, displayed intense oscillations between ca 6900 and 4400 cal yr BP, and exhibited a decreasing trend while fluctuating from ca 4400 to 3100 cal yr BP. Although generally high during the Middle Holocene, both the Md and the silt content assumed distinctly low values at the short intervals of ca 6500-6400, 6000-5900, 5700-5600, 4400-4200 cal yr BP, implying that monsoonal precipitation might have been significantly reduced during these intervals. During the Late Holocene since ca 3100 cal yr BP, grain-size values suggest that precipitation decreased. However, during the Late Holocene, relatively higher Md values and silt contents occurring between ca 1700 to 1000 cal yr BP may denote an intensification of hydrological cycles in the lake area. Changes in the East Asian monsoonal precipitation were not only directly linked with the changing seasonality of solar insolation resulting from progressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters, but also may have been closely related to variations in the temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool, in the intensity of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, and in the path and strength of the North Equatorial Current in the western Pacific. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 高杉由夫, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 橋本英資, 高橋 暁, 井内美郎, 村上和男, 三島康史

    環境省報告書平成16年度     31  2005  [Refereed]

  • 松山市沖の上部更新統〜完新統のシーケンス層序学的検討

    井内美郎, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 芦田貴史

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     203 - 208  2005  [Refereed]

  • 宍道湖西岸斐伊川河口域の堆積環境変遷史

    深井照平, 吉原裕紀, 市原季彦, 松木宏彰, 原口 強, 井上卓彦, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     197 - 202  2005  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の物性と気象観測結果との対応

    渡部 遼, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 齋藤笑子, 納谷友規, 熊谷道夫, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     185 - 190  2005  [Refereed]

  • 音波探査記録からみた琵琶湖の湖水面変動

    芦田貴史, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     179 - 184  2005  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県松山市沖の砂堆“大州”の砂浪移動様式

    吉原裕紀, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 布川裕也, 芦田貴史, 中原知明, 深井照平, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     147 - 152  2005  [Refereed]

  • 四万十川河口域の塩水楔とその時系列形状変化

    中原知明, 井上卓彦, 吹田歩, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     135 - 140  2005  [Refereed]

  • 皆生海岸漂砂系から美保湾への年間土砂移動量の推定.

    井上卓彦, 奥村 学, 原口 強, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    海岸工学論文集   52   626 - 630  2005  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 音波探査記録からみた美保湾の海底地質と宍道低地帯東部の後期更新世以降の地史.

    井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    地質学雑誌   111 ( 5 ) 255 - 268  2005  [Refereed]

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    Seismic survey using "Bubble Pulser" was carried out in Miho Bay off eastern Shinji lowland, Southwest Japan. Based on the seismic profiles, geologic history since the Late Pleistocene was reconstructed. Three distinctive reflectors, formed before the Jomon transgression were recognized in seismic profiles. The lowest reflector was formed before the last interglacial stage. The distinctive reflector in Sakaiminato area was recognized along old scour hole. The uppermost reflector was formed during the last glacial maximum. The geologic history since the late Pleistocene in the eastern Shinji lowland can be divided into following five stages. Stage 1 (MIS 6) was the regression period before the last interglacial. At stage 2 (MIS 5), the sea level was the same as of now, and also the old Yumigahama Peninsula was formed at the position where it is at the present. The erosional scour hole at the northern end of Yumigahama Peninsula was formed at this stage by the tidal current erosion. Topographical features similar to the present basin was formed. At stage 3 (MIS 4-3), scour hole was buried by clastic materials at the northern end of Yumigahama Peninsula. At stage 4 (MIS 2), valley system was formed during the late Pleistocene at eastern Shinji Lowland. At stage 5 (Holocene), present geographical features are formed after the Jomon transgression.

    DOI CiNii

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の粒子密度が示す過去約650万年間の気候変遷.

    岩本直哉, 川口優美, 井内美郎

    第四紀研究   44   79 - 92  2005  [Refereed]

  • Lake-level changes during the past 100,000 years at Lake Baikal, southern Siberia

    A Urabe, M Tateishi, Y Inouchi, H Matsuoka, T Inoue, A Dmytriev, OM Khlystov

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   62 ( 2 ) 214 - 222  2004.09  [Refereed]

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    Lake-level changes inferred from seismic surveying and core sampling of the floor of Lake Baikal near the Selenga River delta can be used to constrain regional climatic history and appear to be correlated to global climate changes represented by marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS). The reflection pattern and correlation to the isotope stages indicate that the topset and progradational foreset sediments of the deltas formed during periods of stable lake levels and warm climatic conditions. During warm stages, the lake level was high, and during cold stages it was low. The drop in the lake level due to cooling from MIS 5 through MIS 4 is estimated to be 33-38 m; from MIS 3 through MIS 2, it fell an additional 11-15 m. Because the lake level is chiefly controlled by evaporation and river input, we infer that more water was supplied to Lake Baikal during warm stages. (C) 2004 University of Washington. All rights reserved.


  • Holocene vegetation variation in the Daihai Lake region of north-central China: a direct indication of the Asian monsoon climatic history

    JL Xiao, QH Xu, T Nakamura, XL Yang, WD Liang, Y Inouchi

    QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   23 ( 14-15 ) 1669 - 1679  2004.07  [Refereed]

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    DH99a sediment core recovered at the center of Daihai Lake in north-central China was analyzed at 4-cm intervals for pollen assemblage and concentration. The pollen record spanning the last ca 10,000 yr revealed a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes over the Daihai Lake region during the Holocene. From ca 10,250 to 7900 cal yr BP, and herbs and shrubs dominated the lake basin in company with patches of mixed pine and broadleaved forests, indicating a mild and dry climatic condition. Over this period, the woody plants displayed an increasing trend, which may suggest a gradual increase in warmth and humidity. The period between ca 7900 and 4450 cal yr BP exhibits large-scale covers of mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests, marking a warm and humid climate. Changes in the composition of the forests indicate that both temperature and precipitation displayed obvious fluctuations during this period, i.e., cool and humid ca 7900-7250 cal yr BP, warm and slightly humid ca 7250-6050 cal yr BP, warm and humid between ca 6050 and 5100 cal yr BP, mild and slightly humid ca 5100-4800 cal yr BP, and mild and humid ca 4800-4450 cal yr BP. The period can be viewed as the Holocene optimum (characterized by a warm and moist climate) of north-central China, with the maximum (dominated both by warmest temperatures and by richest precipitations) occurring from ca 6050 to 5100 cal yr BP. During the period of ca 4450-2900 cal yr BP, the woody plants declined, and the climate generally became cooler and drier than the preceding period. This period is characterized by a cold, dry episode from ca 4450 to 3950 cal yr BP, a warm, slightly humid interval between ca 3950 and 3500 cal yr BP and a mild, slightly dry episode from ca 3500 to 2900 cal yr BP, and appears to be a transition from warm and humid to cold and dry climatic conditions. Since ca 2900 cal yr ago, the forests disappeared and the vegetation density decreased, reflecting a cool and dry climate. However, a relative recovery of the woody plants occurring between ca 1700 and 1350 cal yr BP may denote an increase both in temperature and in precipitation. Fluctuations in the climatic condition of the Daihai Lake region were not only related to changes in the seasonal distribution of solar insolation and in the axis and intensity of the ocean current in the western North Pacific but were also closely linked to variations in the position and strength of polar high-pressure systems and in the pattern and intensity of the Westerly winds. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Precipitation history of the Lake Biwa area in central Japan over the last 145 ka

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, K Takahashi

    BOREAS   33 ( 1 ) 74 - 81  2004.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g cm(-2) ka(-1)) to Lake Biwa of central Japan is developed as a proxy of variations in palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last c. 145 ka are characterized by 4 main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2 g cm(-2) ka(-1), and 5 main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the intervals with high FQF values occur from c. 128 to 78 ka BP, with peak values at c. 122, 101 and 82 ka BP; the fourth of two narrow peaks exists between c. 48 and 35 ka BP. Three main periods with lower FQF values intervene between intervals of high FQF values, and two others lie before c. 128 ka BP and after c. 35 ka BP. The data imply that palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment increased during the intervals of high FQF values, and decreased during the periods of lower FQF values. High FQF values between c. 48 and 35 ka BP are interpreted to reflect an effective runoff of meltwater from the surrounding mountains during the interstade of the last glaciation. Relatively low FQF values during the early Holocene are interpreted to reveal a sluggish northward retreat of the polar front in the North Pacific Ocean that suppressed the northward advance of the summer monsoonal front and regional precipitation. During the last interglaciation, the increasing trend of FQF values is interpreted to indicate a progressive expansion of the Sea of Japan related to the rise in global sea level, which increased moisture advection to, and precipitation within, the Lake Biwa region.


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 湯浅一郎, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 田辺弘道, 橋本英資, 高橋 暁, 長尾正之

    環境省報告書平成15年度     33  2004  [Refereed]

  • Large scale sand dredging and mode of slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inalnd Sea, Japan

    Y Inouchi, N Iwamoto, T Inoue, F Shioya

    OCEANS '04 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN '04, VOLS 1- 2, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. 1-4   4   66 - 70  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    During the last 40 years, a huge amount of sandy sediments were dredged from the seafloor of the Seto Inland Sea and hence sea bottom environments have been suffering various kinds of damages. For example, bottom topography and sediments of Mihara-seto Sea have been greatly changed. In order to clarify the possibility and the speed of restoration of bottom topography and sediments, precise depth measuring survey using SeaBat in regular time intervals were carried out. Comparison of depth between the data of old navigation chart and our survey shows the disappearance of large sand dunes. At the central part of the surveyed area, where the water depth was less than 20 meters, water depth exceeds 50 meters at present. Sediment composition also changed in the dredged areas from sandy to gravelly bottom.
    Sand waves stretching in north-south direction are distributed at the northern part of the surveyed area. Result of recent depth comparison indicates shifting of sand waves from the channels to the area far away. Their shifting velocity is estimated to be a maximum 40m per year. Their height, width and shifting velocity decreased toward the central part. However, other kinds of topographical changes were not observed in the surveyed area. In addition, based on bottom topography data obtained by SeaBat, it was found that the total volume of sediments in the area has not changed.
    Based on the data obtained during the last two years, it was also clear that the undulations made by sand dredging buried into flat bottom by the shifting of sandy sediments.
    Restoration of bottom topography in the area is less probable because of the little amount of sediments supplied by both channels but restoration of bottom sediments may be very much probable at areas of sand wave distribution.

  • 地層解析による皆生海岸の侵食・堆積過程.

    原口強, 米田明徳, 五十嵐厚夫, 井上卓彦, 井内美郎

    海岸工学論文集   51   561 - 565  2004  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 堆積物分布からみた日野川・皆生海岸流砂系における過去約400年間の環境変遷.

    井上卓彦, 米田明徳, 原口強, 五十嵐厚夫, 井内美郎

    海岸工学論文集   51   586 - 590  2004  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 愛媛県西部佐多岬半島の阿弥陀池および亀ケ池の堆積速度と堆積環境の変遷.

    金井豊, 井内美郎

    堆積学研究   58   93 - 103  2004  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県南部宇和海北灘湾における過去約100年間の底質環境変遷.

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    地質学雑誌   110 ( 9 ) 518 - 527  2004  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Bottoun environmental changes during the past 100 years in Kitanada Bay, Southwest Japan were reconstructed, based on the data on grain size, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total sulfur (TS) concentrations, ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen (C/N) and to total sulfur (C/S) in surface sediments and sediments cores. The grain size distribution pattern in surface sediment at the present study site showed predominance of coarser sediments around the bay mouth and more finer towards the bay interior, suggesting that tidal current is more swift around the bay mouth and its velocity decreases toward bay interior. The present results indicate a stagnant hydrodynamic condition in inner Kitanada Bay. High levels of TOC, TN and TS concentrations around fish farming cages in the north suggest the use of large quantities of organic substances for fish farming. Benthic environment has become highly reductive due to the supply of organic substances in combination with stagnant hydrodynamic environment. TOC and TN concentrations in sediment cores (33-79cm) showed an increase from 1970's when fish farming started. This result suggests that Kitanada Bay has become eutrophic due to fish farming. At the same time, grain size profiles show a decrease in grain size toward the top, while it is reverse in the southern and bay mouth area. This result suggests a transformation in the hydrodynamic environment by the resistance perpetrated on tidal current by fish cages. In the northern area of Kitanada Bay, hydrodynamic environment has become stagnant. In the southern and bay mouth area where no fish cages are observed, tidal current has become more agile. As the result, sea water exchange has become more active, and bottom environment has become less reductive.

    DOI CiNii

  • 近畿地方および八ヶ岳山麓における過去43万年間の広域テフラの層序と編年.

    長橋良隆, 吉川周作, 宮川ちひろ, 内山 高, 井内美郎

    第四紀研究   43   15 - 35  2004  [Refereed]


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書平成14年度     41  2003  [Refereed]

  • ナメクジウオ生息域、海砂採取海域としての瀬戸内海の砂堆の環境復元に向けた総合的研究

    井内美郎, 上田拓史, 奈良正和, 大森浩二

    日本沿岸域学会研究討論会2003講演概要集   16   31 - 34  2003  [Refereed]

  • 最近の地震で観察された液状化現象についてー芸予地震と宮城県地震を例にー

    井上卓彦, 井内美郎, 奈良正和, 榊原正幸, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 大平 亮, 中條喜友, 風岡 修

    .第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     445 - 450  2003  [Refereed]

  • 海底地形から試算・推定した瀬戸内海全域の海砂資源量

    井内美郎, 三井拓也, 川口優美, 斎藤笑子, 中條喜友, 布川裕也, 高杉由夫, 星加 章, 渡辺和明

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     553 - 558  2003  [Refereed]

  • 海砂採取後海域にみられるサンドウエーブと地形変化

    岩本直哉, 星加 章, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     547 - 552  2003  [Refereed]

  • 表層堆積物の粒度組成から見た海底砂堆「貝原」の形成過程.

    山本法証, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 大平 亮, 布川裕也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     537 - 540  2003  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県西海町(宿毛湾北西部海域)における底質環境

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集,     519 - 522  2003  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県北灘湾の底質と過去約100年間の底質環境変遷

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     513 - 518  2003  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県北条市沖の砂堆“大洲”の月別底質粒度変化

    布川裕也, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 中條喜友, 山本法証, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     541 - 556  2003  [Refereed]

  • 音波探査記録から見た宍道低地帯東部の後期更新世以降の地史

    井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     491 - 496  2003  [Refereed]

  • “沖積層”層序見直しの現状について


    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     509 - 512  2003  [Refereed]

  • 猫瀬戸東方海域の底質分布と海峡形成史

    中條喜友, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 布川裕也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     503 - 508  2003  [Refereed]

  • 燧灘東部海域で確認された第四系の海底地質構造の性状と連続性

    塩屋藤彦, 大平 亮, 三井拓也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     395 - 400  2003  [Refereed]

  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸海域の過去約1万年間の地史

    大平 亮, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     497 - 502  2003  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物にみる環境変遷とその要因—過去約14万年間の粒径変動からー

    齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     479 - 484  2003  [Refereed]

  • バイカル湖Posolskaya Bankの堆積物密度からみた過去約45万年間の気候変遷史

    川口優美, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     473 - 478  2003  [Refereed]

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の粒子密度が示す過去約1000万年間の環境変遷史

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     467 - 472  2003  [Refereed]

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の密度変化から見た過去約1000万年間の気候変遷史

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    月刊地球   42   68 - 77  2003  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県北灘湾における上げ潮流の流速場(予報)

    関口智寛, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    .愛媛大学理学部紀要   9・10   1 - 8  2003  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物の年間珪藻殻堆積量記録からみた過去約14万年間の降水量変動.

    加 三千宣, 吉川周作, 井内美郎

    第四紀研究   42   305 - 319  2003  [Refereed]

  • 粗粒・細粒砕屑物による急速埋没に対するナメクジウオBranchiostoma belcheri の耐性.

    奈良正和, 渡辺寛志, 井内美郎, 忽那定範, 柳沢 暁

    日本ベントス学会誌   57   97 - 105  2003  [Refereed]


  • 野尻湖湖底堆積物中の有機炭素・全窒素含有率および花粉分析に基づく約25000〜6000年前の気候変動.

    公文富士夫, 河合小百合, 井内美郎

    第四紀研究   42 ( 1 ) 13 - 26  2003  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and fossil pollen compositions have been measured at 1- to 2-cm intervals for the upper part of an all-core sample recovered from Lake Nojiri in 1988. TOC and TN contents rapidly increase from the depth zone of 610 to 540cm, with one reversal. The fossil pollen of cool-temperate deciduous trees also becomes abundant around this horizon. Subarctic conifers decrease from 730 to 540cm depth, with some fluctuations.<br>Judging from these results and sediment ages estimated with 14C dates and some marker tephras, the Last Glacial Maximum is reconstructed to have been around 20, 000yrsBP. A warming suggested by increasing fossil pollen of cool-temperate deciduous trees started around 15, 000yrsBP and lasted until about 11, 000yrsBP (about 12, 000calBP), being intercalated with some cooler phases. The warming was especially accelerated around 12, 000yrs BP (14, 000calBP). The cool phases recognized in the Late Last Glacial Age can be compared with the three Dryas periods in Northern Europe by pattern matching, but their ages are older by about 2, 000 to 3, 000 years. This discordance may be a key to understand the mechanism which controls short-term climate changes.<br>A slight cooling phase is also recognized around 9, 000yrsBP. This phase is characterized by decreases in TOC and TN contents, but is not so clearly seen in pollen compositions. This phase may be correlated to the Boreal period in Northern Europe.<br>This study presents the first detailed illustration of climate changes though the termination of the Last Glacial Age in central Japan. The studied core offers a useful standard of climate history, because it can be precisely correlated using the numerous marker tephras.

    DOI CiNii

  • 島根県・鳥取県中海における堆積速度と堆積環境.

    金井 豊, 山室真澄, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    地球化学   36   161 - 178  2003  [Refereed]

  • A diatom record for the past 400 ka from Lake Biwa in Japan correlates with global paleoclimatic trends

    M Kuwae, S Yoshikawa, Y Inouchi

    PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY   183 ( 3-4 ) 261 - 274  2002.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Detailed diatom records from a 140-m sediment core with a time resolution of approximately 1000-1500 yr were obtained from Lake Biwa to examine possible correlations between diatom concentrations and paleoclimatic changes during the last approximately 400 ka. In the sediments, the diatom assemblages are generally dominated by planktonic diatoms. The diatom stratigraphy is characterized by four zones with distinctly higher concentration values and 12 horizons with low concentration values. Diatom records from the 140-m core and another core indicate that these changes were not local phenomena, but occurred throughout the lake basin. Comparison of diatom concentration records with pollen records from Lake Biwa sediments indicates that higher diatom concentrations represent warmer and wetter climatic conditions. and that lower concentrations represent colder and drier climatic conditions. Comparison of diatom records from Lake Biwa with marine oxygen isotopic records shows that the number of peaks and their relative amplitudes are similar in both profiles; therefore, peaks and drops in diatom concentration profile might correlate with most oxygen isotopic events. This finding indicates that during approximately the last 400 ka, the changes in diatom concentration, represented as diatom productivity in Lake Biwa, correlate closely with global paleoclimatic changes at the scale of the Milankovitch cycle (precession cycles of 23 and 19 ka), and that diatom concentration was higher during warm events and lower during cold or cooling events. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書平成13年度     46  2002  [Refereed]

  • 宇和海表層堆積物の地球化学的特徴

    佐野栄, 関谷竜児, 井内美郎, 天野敦子

    愛媛大学教育学部紀要,第Ⅲ部,自然科学   23   13 - 24  2002  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県宇和海岩松湾における底質からみた季節変化

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     445 - 450  2002  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県松山市北方海域の砂堆“大洲”の底質季節変化

    布川裕也, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 鎌倉秀行, 為季克章, 中條喜友, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     439 - 444  2002  [Refereed]

  • 日野川-弓ヶ浜砂州-美保湾系における砕屑物の移動と堆積

    井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 為季克章, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     433 - 438  2002  [Refereed]

  • 瀬戸内海の海釜地形の成因について-海域“沖積層”の層序区分と関連して-

    井内美郎, 塩屋藤彦, 中條喜友

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     427 - 432  2002  [Refereed]

  • 音波探査記録からみた猫瀬戸周辺海域の過去約二万年間の海峡形成史

    中條喜友, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     421 - 426  2002  [Refereed]

  • 燧灘の海底断層系の特徴と堆積盆の状況(音波探査記録より)

    塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     415 - 420  2002  [Refereed]

  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸西部海域の過去約2万年間の地史

    大平 亮, 井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     409 - 414  2002  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物粒度変化からみた過去約15万年間の環境変遷

    齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     397 - 402  2002  [Refereed]

  • イカル湖パソリスコエバンクの堆積密度からみた気候変遷史

    川口優美, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     385 - 390  2002  [Refereed]

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度プロファイルからみたユーラシア大陸内陸部の高緯度地域における中新世後期の気候変動

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     379 - 384  2002  [Refereed]

  • 2001年芸予地震における愛媛県東予市周辺の液状化現象.

    榊原正幸, 井内美郎, 奈良正和

    地質学雑誌   108   XIII - XIV  2002  [Refereed]

  • 液状化地盤に関するジオスライサー調査


    愛媛大学芸予地震学術調査団最終報告書     43 - 53  2001  [Refereed]

  • 3-(1) 底泥化学分析調査


    宇和海漁場環境調査検討報告書     397 - 405  2001  [Refereed]

  • 3-(1) 底泥堆積速度調査


    宇和海漁場環境調査検討報告書     343 - 351  2001  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖湖底コア、年間珪藻殻堆積量から見た過去14万年間の日本の夏季降水量変動と東アジアモンスーン

    加 三千宣, 吉川周作, 井内美郎

    名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書   XIII   61 - 70  2001  [Refereed]

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書     52  2001  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県中島周辺海域の音波探査から見た過去約2万年間の古環境変遷

    三井拓也, 塩屋藤彦, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     251 - 256  2001  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県松山市沖堀江湾の底質分布

    大平 亮, 岩本直哉, 三井拓也, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     261 - 264  2001  [Refereed]

  • 熊本県天草郡羊角湾における堆積物から見た環境変遷

    西 綾乃, 天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     271 - 276  2001  [Refereed]

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度から見た過去500万年間の気候変遷史

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎, 大野一郎, 酒井英男

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集、     291 - 296  2001  [Refereed]

  • 海底堆積物から見た愛媛県宇和海の過去約100年間の環境変遷

    天野敦子, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     265 - 270  2001  [Refereed]

  • 燧灘西部海域の海底断層系と完新世堆積物

    塩屋藤彦, 三井拓也, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     277 - 282  2001  [Refereed]

  • 海砂採取海域の地形変化

    井内美郎, 岩本直哉, 三井拓也, 塩屋藤彦, 天野敦子

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     257 - 260  2001  [Refereed]

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題と砂堆の形成.


    地球環境   6   53 - 60  2001  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物の微粒炭分析による過去約13万年間の植物燃焼史.

    井上 淳, 高原 光, 吉川周作, 井内美郎

    第四紀研究   40   97 - 104  2001  [Refereed]

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題と砂堆の形成.


    地球環境   6   53 - 60  2001

  • Sedimentary features of the seismo-turbidites, Lake Biwa, Japan

    T Shiki, F Kumon, Y Inouchi, Y Kontani, T Sakamoto, M Tateishi, H Matsubara, K Fukuyama

    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY   135 ( 1-4 ) 37 - 50  2000.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Seismo-turbidite layers are deposited at the foot of the steep slope of the half graben in which Lake Biwa has accumulated. Sedimentary studies, especially of grain-size distribution of selected turbidites provide excellent information for clarifying the distinctive features of general seismo-turbidites. Development of the two constituent sublayers (lower sandy sublayer and upper silt sublayer), lack or limited appearances of traction-indicating structures and characteristic grain-size distribution in the two constituent sublayers are most remarkable and significant. The characteristic grain-size distribution features are coarse tail grading in a relatively thick sandy sublayer, exceptionally rapid distribution grading through the thin boundary interval between the two sublayers, height increase and fluctuation of the silt mode, and high clay content. Brief discussion was made on the causes of these sedimentary features. The need and importance of further comparative studies of various turbidites known triggering forces are emphasized. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 地質学的手法による環境変動解析に関する研究—湖水面変動と掘削試料による流域環境変化に関する研究


    バイカル湖の湖底泥を用いる長期環境変動の解析に関する国際共同研究成果報告書     158 - 170  2000  [Refereed]

  • 砂堆形成の多様性と資源量見積もり


    第10回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     143 - 148  2000  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県野忽那島沖の浅海砂堆「貝原」に見られる海底地形—ナローマルチビーム音響測深機SEABATを用いた観察(予報)—.

    奈良正和, 井内美郎

    堆積学研究   52 ( 52 ) 5 - 12  2000  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    High-resolution, three-dimensional submarine topographic mapping of Kaihara, a shallow marine sandridge, off Nogutsuna Island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan was carried out using a narrow multibeam echo sounder SEABAT 8101. Through the mapping, two kinds of topographic features suggesting directions of sediment transport, such as subaqueous dunes and obstacle marks, were recognized. The dunes are seen on the southern part of Kaihara and show asymmetrical forms with steeper west-northwestern and northwestern slopes suggesting that the directions of sediment transport are west-northwestward and northwestward. In the northeastern part, three obstacle marks having E-W and WSW-ENE trends are seen to the west and west-southwest of artificial fish-gathering constructions. The directions of sediment transportation in this area are thus westward and west-southwestward. As a large submarine caldron is situated on the east of Kaihara and surface sediments become finer from the caldron to Kaihara, the sediments comprising the Kaihara sandridge are interpreted to have transported from the caldron by tidal currents, which are known as most likely agents of sediment transportation in the Seto Inland Sea, and accumulated where the currents dispersed and lost their energy.

    DOI CiNii

  • 海砂資源量の推定—瀬戸内海東部海域の例

    井内美郎, 吉川尚伸, 三井拓也, 仲谷英夫

    第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     235 - 238  1999  [Refereed]


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題の最近の争点


    第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     231 - 234  1999  [Refereed]

  • East Asian monsoon variation during the last 130,000 Years: evidence from the Loess Plateau of central China and Lake Biwa of Japan

    JL Xiao, ZS An, TS Liu, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo

    QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   18 ( 1 ) 147 - 157  1999  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The loess-paleosol sequence on the Loess Plateau of central China constitutes an excellent proxy record of variations in Asian monsoon climate over the past 2.5 Ma. Magnetic susceptibility of loess and paleosols has been used as a proxy indicator for summer monsoon intensity, while the median diameter of quartz isolated from the loess and paleosols has been regarded as a proxy index of the strength of winter monsoon winds that were responsible for most of the dust transport. The eolian quartz flux to Lake Biwa of central Japan during the last 130,000 yr provides direct information on variations of the East Asian winter monsoon; whereas the fluvial quartz flux reflects significant changes in paleoprecipitation over the lake area. The intervals of high eolian quartz flux values during marine oxygen isotope substages 5d and 5b, and stages 4 and 2 correspond to the periods of large quartz median diameter values of the Chinese loess and paleosols, indicating strengthened winter monsoon winds; whereas the intervals of high fluvial quartz flux values during isotope substages 5e, 5c, and 5a, and stages 3 and 1 correlate to the periods of high magnetic susceptibility values of the Chinese loess and paleosols, suggesting increased summer monsoon intensity. Variations in winter monsoon strength indicated by the eolian quartz flux and quartz median diameter proxies bear a general inverse relation to those in summer monsoon intensity inferred from the fluvial quartz flux and magnetic susceptibility proxies. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • バイカル湖内上部堆積物の花粉分析.

    三好教夫, 竹内 徹, 片岡裕子, 上田圭一, 守田益宗, 河室公康, 高原 光, 長谷義隆, 井内美郎, 尾田武文, 箕浦幸治

    日本花粉学会会誌   45   27 - 43  1999  [Refereed]

  • 海砂採取の海底環境への影響

    井内美郎, 清水洋子, 丸岡範子

    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     255 - 260  1998  [Refereed]

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題の地質学的側面—海砂の科学的知見及び環境機能回復手法の提案—


    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     249 - 254  1998  [Refereed]


  • 青木湖底におけるボーリングコア試料の粒度分析

    間中理哉, 公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     307 - 312  1998  [Refereed]

  • 放射性核種を用いた中国Daihai湖およびBlackspring湖の堆積速度測定と堆積環境.

    金井豊, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    堆積学研究   47 ( 47 ) 55 - 70  1998  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Radionuclides distribution and chemical components in the two cored sediments in the two Chinese lakes were studied, and the rates of sedimentation were determined. The average sedimentation rate of Lake Daihai (DH-1), the inland lake, was about 0.3cm/y, which is in the range of those reported in some Japanese lakes. It is suggested that the chemical composition varied a little as the source of sediments changed. On the other hand, the average sedimentation rate of Lake Blackspring (KS-2), the closed lake, was calculated to be about 0.1cm/y, which is 1/3 of DH-1. The samples around 16-18cm depth of KS-2 core where water contents and chemical components varied largely, were estimated to have deposited 160-180y ago, and thereafter the different sediment might deposit. The inventories of Cs-137 in the Chinese lakes were larger than those expected from its relationships with excess Pb-210 in the Japanese lakes. This fact indicates the larger amount of Cs-137 fallout in China than in Japan, and a little loss of Cs-137 in the Chinese lakes.

    DOI CiNii

  • Eolian quartz flux to Lake Biwa, central Japan, over the past 145,000 years

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, TS Liu, ZS An

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   48 ( 1 ) 48 - 57  1997.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Eolian quartz flux (EQF, g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1)) to Lake Biwa, central Japan, provides direct information on variations of the East Asian winter monsoon, Lake Biwa sediments spanning the past ca, 145,000 yr are characterized by two main periods when EQF values were significantly greater than 5.50 g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1), and two main intervals during which EQF values were lower, Two periods with EQF values &gt;5.50 g cm(-2) (103 yr)(-1) occurred from ca. 145,000 to 125,000 and 73,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., while times of lower EQF values occurred from ca. 125,000 to 73,000 yr B.P. and around ca. 5500 yr B.P. Between ca. 125,000 and 73,000 yr B,P., three minimum EQF values and two intervening peaks of slightly higher EQF values are recorded. EQF increased markedly from ca. 73,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., whereas between ca. 53,000 and 20,000 yr B.P. the values recorded were relatively lower than those recorded during either the preceding or the subsequent episodes, The data imply that the East Asian winter monsoon strengthened during the periods when EQF values were high, and weakened during the intervals with low EQF values. The EQF record of Lake Biwa can be correlated with the grain-size record of the quartz fraction in Chinese loess and with the SPECMAP marine delta(18)O record, However, the EQF record apparently lags ca, 5000 yr behind the loess and delta(18)O records during stage 6/5 and 2/1 transitions and ca, 10,000 yr during stage 5/4 transition, These apparent lags could be due to problems with the chronology; alternatively, they may imply that the eolian quartz flux depended more on the extent of dust source regions than on wind intensity during these transitions. (C) 1997 University of Washington.

  • Biogenic silica record in Lake Biwa of central Japan over the past 145,000 years

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, TS Liu, ZS An

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   47 ( 3 ) 277 - 283  1997.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The record of the biogenic silica flux (BSF, g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1)) in Lake Biwa reflects changes in diatom productivity in the lake and provides information regarding changes in paleoclimatic conditions, The BSF record of Lake Biwa demonstrates five periods over the past ca, 145,000 yr when the BSF values were significantly greater than 7.5 g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1), and five intervals when they were lower, The data imply that paleoclimatic conditions were warmer and wetter from ca. 123,000 to 115,000, 103,000 to 95,000, 88,000 to 72,000, 57,000 to 32,000 yr B.P., and around ca. 6000 yr B.P, when the BSF values were greater, and relatively dry and cold from ca. 141,000 to 123,000 yr B.P. and during intervals between two of the five warm and wet episodes when the BSF values were lower. Time series of the BSF record can be correlated with the record of biogenic silica content in Lake Baikal and the marine oxygen isotope stages 1 through 6. Furthermore, the BSF values varied with much higher amplitude during the last interglaciation than during the last glaciation, probably implying that the diatom productivity in Lake Biwa was likewise more variable and had a larger range under interglacial conditions than under glacial conditions. (C) 1997 University of Washington.

  • 北海道周辺海域から採取された堆柱状試料中の重金属等濃度の鉛直変化

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 池原研

    .北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     182 - 193  1997  [Refereed]

  • 北海道西方海域の表層堆積物元素濃度分布

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     176 - 181  1997  [Refereed]

  • 石狩湾周辺の表層堆積物

    片山肇, 池原研, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     150 - 175  1997  [Refereed]

  • GH96航海で採取された底質試料とその処理

    池原研, 片山肇, 井内美郎, 倉本真一, 上嶋正人, 渡辺真人, 古宮正利, 前川竜男, 本山功, 濱田誠一, 長谷川四郎, 宇佐見和子

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     108 - 116  1997  [Refereed]

  • GH96航海の概要

    井内美郎, 駒沢正夫, 倉本真一

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     1 - 12  1997  [Refereed]

  • Fluvial Quartz flux to Lake Biwa of central Japan over the past 145000 years.

    J. Xiao, Inouchi, Y. Kumai, H.Yoshikawa, S. Kondo, Y. Liu T, An Z

    The Quaternary Research   36 ( 1 ) 17 - 27  1997  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Studies on sedimentary fluxes of quartz grains carried into Lake Biwa, central Japan by the streams and rivers from the surrounding catchments of the lake show that fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g/cm2·103yr) offers direct information on variations of paleoprecipitation in the lake area. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last ca. 145, 000 years are characterized generally by four main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2.00 g/cm2·103yr, and five main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the peaks with FQF values >2.00g/cm2·103yr occur from ca. 128, 000 to 78, 000yrs BP, and culminated at ca. 122, 000, 101, 000, and 82, 000yrs BP. Another one comprising three narrow peaks concentrated between ca. 48, 000 and 26, 000yrs BP. This interval of triple peaks displays much higher FQF values than during either the preceding or subsequent episodes. The data imply that paleoprecipitation in the lake area was greater during the intervals with high FQF values, which coincide with marine oxygen isotope substages 5e, 5c, and 5a, and stage 3, and was relatively less during isotope stages 6, 4, and 2.

    DOI CiNii

  • 島根県宍道湖の底質における堆積速度と堆積環境

    金井豊, 井内美郎, 山室真澄, 徳岡隆夫

    地球化学   32   71 - 85  1997  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物、過去40万年間の珪藻化石記録.

    加三千宣, 吉川周作, 井内美郎

    第四紀研究   36 ( 2 ) 113 - 122  1997  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In 1986, Takashima-oki core boring was carried out in the central part of Lake Biwa. The sediment samples are composed mainly of silty clay sediments extending over the past ca. 400, 000 years. The sediments are intercalated with many volcanic ash layers, and thus are rich in time control. We analyzed for diatom with high-resolution on the sediments, and have obtained the following results, <br>1. The variations of the total number of diatom valves in 1g dry sample, which is interpreted as the fluctuations of diatom productivity, have occurred widely off the main basin of Lake Biwa.<br>2. The profile of the total number of diatom valves during the past 400, 000 years shows good correlation with the marine oxygen isotope profile. The fluctuation of the total number of diatom valves in Lake Biwa reflects global climate changes sensitively. That is to say, the total number of diatom valves increases under warm and wet paleoclimatic conditions, and decreases under cold and dry conditions.<br>Stages 1 through 9 of the marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy can be recognized. Moreover, for the short-time fluctuations of the total number of diatom valves, correlation can be made with the detailed marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The Biwako diatom horizons (BDH) with rare diatom valves are well correlated with the coldclimate events of the marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The BDHs at 8.5m, 19.0m, 28.0m, 35.3m, 43.3m, 53.6m, 63.5m, 80.2m, 86.9 and 93.5m in depth correspond to stages 2.2, 4, 5.2 (5b), 5.4 (5d), 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 7.4, 8.2 and 8.4, respectively.

    DOI CiNii

  • 低バックグラウンド放射能測定システムによる長野県諏訪湖底質の放射能測定と体積速度の見積もり.

    金井豊, 井内美郎, 片山肇

    地質調査所月報   48   277 - 295  1997  [Refereed]

  • 北海道西岸海域から得られた表層堆積物中の有機物組成

    寺島美南子, 古宮正利, 井内美郎, 加藤喜久雄

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     223 - 228  1996  [Refereed]

  • 日本海盆北東部から得られた堆積物柱状試料における重金属等の鉛直変化

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 池原研

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     217 - 222  1996  [Refereed]

  • 北海道西方海域の表層堆積物元素濃度分布

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     206 - 216  1996  [Refereed]

  • GH95海域での帯磁率および測色計測定

    上嶋正人, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書,     146 - 155  1996  [Refereed]

  • GH95航海表層堆積物の軟X線写真撮影結果.

    管和哉, 井内美郎, 池原研

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     121 - 145  1996  [Refereed]

  • 海底写真による北海道西方海域南部の海底の状況

    井内美郎, 池原研, 本山功

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     106 - 115  1996  [Refereed]

  • 北海道西方沖から採取された柱状試料

    井内美郎, 池原研, 管和哉

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     86 - 105  1996  [Refereed]

  • 北海道西方海域南部の表層堆積物

    井内美郎, 池原研, 本山功

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     73 - 85  1996  [Refereed]

  • 積丹半島西方海域の水温、塩分濃度、泥温分布(1995年6-7月)

    池原研, 井内美郎, 古宮正利, 前川竜男

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     65 - 72  1996  [Refereed]

  • 北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書

    岡村行信, 航海の概要

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     1 - 12  1996  [Refereed]

  • Climatic Changes around Lake Biwa during the past 300000 years and 2000 years

    Y. Inouchi, Yokota S, Terashima S

    Proceedings of the 1995 Nagoya IGBP-PAGES/PEPII Symposium     109 - 114  1996  [Refereed]

  • Turbidites as records of intense paleoearthquakes in Lake Biwa Japan.

    Y. InouchiKinugasa, Y. Kumon, F. Nakano, S, Yasumatsu S, Shiki T

    Sedimentary Geology   104   117 - 124  1996  [Refereed]

  • 奥日光湯の湖の湖底堆積物の地球化学的研究.

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 谷口政碩

    地質調査所月報   47   457 - 469  1996  [Refereed]

  • 日本海盆東縁部から得られた堆積物柱状試料における重金属等の鉛直変化

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 片山肇

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     197 - 202  1995  [Refereed]

  • :GH94海域での帯磁率および測色計測定

    上嶋正人, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書,     136 - 144  1995  [Refereed]

  • 北海道南西沖の柱状堆積物試料

    井内美郎, 本山功, 片山肇, 管和哉

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     105 - 114  1995  [Refereed]

  • 北海道南西沖海域の表層堆積物

    井内美郎, 大塚雅之, 公文富士夫, 本山 功, 片山肇

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     63 - 88  1995  [Refereed]


  • GH94航海の概要

    岡村行信, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     1 - 9  1995  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田 聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成6年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1995  [Refereed]

  • 物理的・化学的測定及び堆積環境・湖内移流拡散に関する調査


    平成6年度科学技術振興調整費による「バイカル湖の湖底泥を用いる長期環境変動の解析に関する調査」報告書     81 - 110  1995  [Refereed]

  • 諏訪湖湖底堆積状況図

    安田 聡, 渡邊和明, 井内美郎

    地質調査所特殊地質図   34  1995  [Refereed]

  • 愛媛県下佐田岬の海跡湖の環境変遷史

    井内美郎, 池亀吾郎, 今井祥二, 岡本竜也

    第7回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     223 - 228  1995  [Refereed]

  • 粗粒三角州による開析谷埋積シーケンス:対馬、仁田湾の最上部更新・完新統.

    斉藤文紀, 横田節哉, 池田国昭, 羽坂俊一, 井内美郎, 赤松守雄, 松本英二, 山崎理子, 小栗一将, 大嶋和雄

    地質学論集   45 ( 45 ) 61 - 75  1995  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The sequence stratigraphic analysis on the latest Pleistocene-Holocene incised-valley fill of Nita Bay of the Tsushima Islands, Western Japan has been done, using the TN core taken from the dalta front of the Nita River delta. The sequence of the incised-valley fill is divided into three parts, 1) the lowest part: gravelly fluvial sediment, 2) the lower part: fining-upward deltaic sediment consisting of gravelly intertidal sediment and overlying sandy to muddy delta front sediment containing abundant plant fragments, and 3) the upper part: coarsening-upward deltaic sediment consisting of muddy prodelta sediment and sandy delta front sediment. These facies and stacking patterns have been controlled by the latest Pleistocene to Holocene sea-level changes. The maximum flooding surface situated between the lower and upper parts coincides with the end of Holocene sea-level rise, which is 6 ka in age from an age-known tephra of K-Ah tephra. The transgressive succession is characterized by thick, subtidal sediments containing abundant plant fragments and coarse grains. Regressive successionis characterized by upward-coarsening, thick delta front and prodelta sediments and formed a clear contrast between delta front and prodelta facies.


  • 湖沼底質試料の非破壊・密度構造分析への医療用X線CTスキャナの利用.

    稲崎富士, 井内美郎, 中野司

    地質調査所月報   46 ( 11 ) 629 - 642  1995  [Refereed]


  • 210Pb,137Cs法による長野県諏訪湖底質の堆積速度の見積もり.

    金井豊, 井内美郎, 片山肇, 斉藤文紀

    地質調査所月報   46   225 - 238  1995  [Refereed]

  • 環日本海における地球温暖化の影響に関する研究

    小玉喜三郎, 井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 横田節哉, 池田国昭, 羽坂俊一, 松本英二, 赤松守雄

    地球環境研究総合推進費平成5年度研究成果報告集(中間報告)     298 - 301  1994  [Refereed]

  • 音波探査による中海の塩水楔の検討とその意義

    徳岡隆夫, 大西郁夫, 高安克己, 三瓶良和, 瀬戸浩二, 安間恵, 土屋洋一, 井内美郎, 西村清和

    第3回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     155 - 160  1994  [Refereed]

  • 水平2次元1層モデルによる諏訪湖湖流の数値シミュレーション(1).

    松永恒雄, 大久保泰邦, 井内美郎

    地質調査所月報   45 ( 1 ) 39 - 50  1994  [Refereed]


  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    松永恒雄, 斎藤文紀, 井内美郎, 片山肇, 石原丈実, 稲崎富士, 寺島滋, 金井豊, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 吉川秀樹, 山口英利, 沖野外輝夫, 公文富士夫, 川村実

    平成5年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     47  1993  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    石原丈実, 井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 稲崎富士, 大久保泰邦, 松永恒雄, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 沖野外輝夫, 公文富士夫, 川村実

    平成4年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1993  [Refereed]

  • 水深比較法による諏訪湖の堆積速度分布

    井内美郎, 安田聡, 渡辺和明

    第3回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     139 - 144  1993  [Refereed]

  • 檜原湖湖底の岩屑なだれ堆積物地形.

    川辺禎久, 井内美郎, 曽屋龍典

    地質学論集   39 ( 39 ) 71 - 74  1993  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The 1888 eruption of Bandai volcano, Fukushima Pref. Northeast Japan is famous for its large debris avalanche that killed 461 people. After the eruption, the avalanche deposit dammed up the old river and made many lakes such as Lake Hibara, Lake Akimoto etc. To investigate the area of the avalanche deposit and structure of the deposit, side scan sonar survey was carryed out at Lake Hibara. Bathymetry and side scan sonar clearly showed the lake bottom fabric. The avalanche deposit with many hummocky mounds reached 11 km from the volcanic edifice, which collapsed in 1888, and covered former existed river which shows smooth bottom surface. The avalanche deposit was, also, divided into two parts from the density and the size of the mounds.


  • 古地震の震度支持者としての琵琶湖タービダイト.

    井内美郎, 衣笠善博, 公文富士夫, 安松貞夫, 中野聡志, 志岐常正

    地質学論集   39   61 - 70  1993  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の粒径分布.

    公文富士夫, 紙谷敏夫, 須藤浩一, 井内美郎

    地質学論集   39   53 - 60  1993  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング火山灰から見た中期更新世〜完新世の噴火火山史.

    吉川周作, 井内美郎

    地球科学   47   97 - 109  1993  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成3年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1992  [Refereed]

  • 霞ヶ浦・手賀沼底質中のクロロフィル類の初期続性作用.

    寺島美南子, 井内美郎

    地質調査所月報   43   153 - 164  1992  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成2年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1991  [Refereed]

  • 浅い湖沼の汚染底質の除去方法について

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子

    第1回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     267 - 272  1991  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼浚渫域の底質における元素の鉛直分布と化学的性質

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 斉藤文紀, 宮田雄一郎, 片山肇, 寺島美南子

    .地質調査所月報   42   387 - 407  1991  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコアの火山灰層序.

    吉川周作, 井内美郎

    地球科学   45   81 - 100  1991  [Refereed]


  • 琵琶湖底表層堆積物中の砂サイズ粒子の組成

    中野聡志, 井内美郎

    滋賀大学教育学部紀要   40   41 - 49  1990  [Refereed]

  • Origin of sand and its distribution pattern in the Seto Inland Sea southwest Japan.

    Y. Inouchi

    Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan   41   49 - 86  1990  [Refereed]

  • JLK-1 JLs-1 and JDo-1 GSJ rock reference samples of the “Sedimentary rock series”.

    A. Ando, Okai, T.Inouchi, Y. Igarashi, T. Sudo, S. Marumo, K. Ito S, Terashima S

    Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan   41   27 - 48  1990  [Refereed]

  • 内湾域“沖積層”区分の再検討-大阪湾を例として-.


    第四紀研究   29 ( 5 ) 405 - 416  1990  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In order to re-examine an earlier theory on the subdivision of the soft sediment which is sometimes called "Alluvium" in enclosed coastal seas, an acoustic survey was carried out in Osaka Bay. Although the tools which were used for the surveys differ, the depths of acoustic reflectors in the old and the new records correspond well. The results of the new acoustic survey and drilling show good correlation between the depths of the reflectors and those of tephra seams and facies boundaries, for example, between those of mud and sand or those of sand and gravel.<br>The earlier stratigraphic subdivision was based chiefly on differences in reflection patterns; the importance of reflectors as time markers was neglected. Consequently, the boundary between Alluvium A and Alluvium B in the earlier stratigraphy apparently crosses some reflectors. The distribution boundary between Alluvium A and Alluvium B on the sea floor was regarded as corresponding to that between sand and mud in the same area. This is, however, not correct. The combined thickness of Alluvium A and Alluvium B, which was supposed to equal that of total "Alluvium", only corresponds to that of the upper and middle muddy parts, excluding the channel areas.<br>On the basis of these facts, stratigraphy in enclosed coastal seas can be better understood, as follows. Unconsolidated muddy sediment, which forms the upper and middle parts of "Alluvium" in Japanese enclosed coastal seas, cannot be stratigraphically subdivided. The sandy part near the channel area and the muddy parts in the central bay and the area far away from the channels (both on the bottom surface) are in the relation of a contemporaneous heterotopic facies. The most obvious reflector in the acoustic record, which had been regarded as the boundary between "Alluvium" and the underlying strata, is better understood as the boundary between the upper and middle muddy "Alluvium" and the underlying "lower Alluvium". The previous stratigraphy for the subdivision of unconsolidated sediment in other enclosed coastal seas around the Japanese Islands should be corrected in a similar way.

    DOI CiNii

  • 琵琶湖泥質粒子の堆堆積メカニズム.


    地質学論集   36   195 - 208  1990  [Refereed]

  • 野尻湖の湖底ボーリング試料と音波反射層との対比.

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    地質学論集   36   167 - 178  1990  [Refereed]


  • 霞ヶ浦の地史:海水準変動に影響された沿岸湖沼環境変遷史

    斉藤文紀, 井内美郎, 横田節哉

    .地質学論集   36   103 - 118  1990  [Refereed]

  • 霞ヶ浦湖底堆積物中のアミノ酸と単糖類.

    寺島美南子, 井内美郎

    地質調査所月報   41   641 - 655  1990  [Refereed]

  • 諏訪湖底質中の重金属、有機炭素、りん等14元素の地球化学的研究.

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 中尾征三, 米谷宏

    地質調査所月報   41 ( 4 ) 147 - 172  1990  [Refereed]


  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 星加章, 志岐常正, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 武蔵野実, 吉川周作, 久富邦彦, 前田広人, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁   63   47  1989  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖南部湖底状況図及び説明書

    村上文敏, 井内美郎

    特殊地質図シリーズ   29  1989  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層における放射性核種および物理量の鉛直変化特性

    太井子宏和, 井内美郎

    水資源研究センター研究報告   9   25 - 43  1989

  • 野尻湖底表層堆積物におけるマンガン、銅、鉛、亜鉛の挙動

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 中尾征三, 米谷宏

    .地質調査所月報   40   113 - 125  1989  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層における放射性核種および物理量の鉛直変化特性.

    太井子宏和, 井内美郎

    水資源研究センター研究報告   9   25 - 43  1989  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 星加章, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 武蔵野実, 吉川周作, 久富邦彦, 前田広人, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   62   57  1988  [Refereed]

  • Sedimentation mechanism of fine materials in LakeBiwa

    Y. Inouchi, Terashima S

    Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   23   567 - 572  1988

  • 中部地方、野尻湖の湖底堆積物

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   49 - 72  1988  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の砂粒組成

    中野聡志, 井内美郎

    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   11 - 22  1988  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖の堆積モデル


    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   49 - 72  1988  [Refereed]

  • 宍道湖底質表層部の重金属分布

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   7   33 - 37  1988

  • Sedimentation mechanism of fine materials in LakeBiwa.

    Y. Inouchi, Terashima S

    Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   23   567 - 572  1988  [Refereed]

  • 水戸市千波湖の湖底地形.

    池田国昭, 斉藤英二, 渡辺和明, 宮崎純一, 高橋治之, 桧山一明, 三浦伸公, 井内美郎

    地球科学   42 ( 5 ) 298 - 302  1988  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 宍道湖底質表層部の重金属分布.

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   7   33 - 37  1988  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 前田広人, 熊谷道夫, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   61   64  1987  [Refereed]

  • 中部地方野尻湖底堆積物の粒度分析(予報)

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    信州大学理学部紀要   22 ( 1 ) 39 - 48  1987  [Refereed]


  • 音探堆積速度算定法-音波探査で求めた琵琶湖の堆積速度-.


    地球科学   41   231 - 241  1987  [Refereed]

  • 音波探査による野尻湖底堆積物の層序と形成史.

    井内美郎, 公文富士夫, 小林雅弘, 近藤洋一, 後藤昌徳, 鈴木一久, 松岡弘和

    地団研専報   32   23 - 36  1987  [Refereed]


  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 斎藤文紀, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   60   64  1986  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 中尾征三, 竹内三郎, 吉川, 秀樹, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   59   74  1986  [Refereed]

  • 表層堆積物中のスズ存在量と堆積環境

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 米谷宏, 中尾征三, 三田直樹

    .地質調査所月報   37   117 - 137  1986  [Refereed]

  • 開口性沿岸海域開発に伴う底質汚染予測技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 鈴木泰輔, 松本英二, 池田国昭, 村瀬正, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   59   54  1985  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 木下泰正, 村上文敏, 斎藤文敏

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   59   155 - 164  1984  [Refereed]

  • 開口性沿岸海域開発に伴う底質汚染予測技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 鈴木泰輔, 池田国昭, 青木市太郎, 村瀬正, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   58   70  1984  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 小野寺公児, 大嶋和雄, 村上文敏, 木下泰正, 斎藤文紀, 青木市太郎, 斎藤英二

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   58   60  1984  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究


    水質汚濁研究   7   349 - 352  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物と古環境

    井内美郎, 大嶋和雄, 横田節哉

    月刊地球   6   502 - 506  1984  [Refereed]

  • 中海・宍道湖の自然史研究—その3サイドスキャンソナーとアトラスデソ20による宍道湖底の音波探査.

    木下泰正, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   3   167 - 170  1984  [Refereed]


  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究.


    水質汚濁研究   7   349 - 352  1984  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 木下泰正, 村上文敏, 小野寺公児, 大嶋和雄, 青木市太郎, 橋本智昌, 斎藤英二, 渡辺和明, 宮崎純一, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   57   67  1983  [Refereed]

  • Sulfur and carbon contents in the recent sediments and their relation to sedimentary environments.

    S. Terashima, Yonetani, H, Matsumoto E, Inouchi Y

    Bulletin of the Geological Suevey of Japan   34 ( 7 ) 361 - 382  1983  [Refereed]


  • 霞ヶ浦湖底泥の堆積速度-火山灰を用いた堆積速度算定法-.

    井内美郎, 斉藤文紀, 横田節哉

    地質学雑誌   89   125 - 128  1983  [Refereed]

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究

    井内美郎, 大嶋和雄, 岡村行信, 小野寺公児, 木下泰正, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 横田節哉, 青木市太郎, 渡辺和明

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   56   76  1982  [Refereed]

  • 瀬戸内海における表層堆積物分布.


    地質学雑誌   88   665 - 681  1982  [Refereed]

  • Bottom samples obtained by dredge and rock-corer from the area northeast of Hachijojima Island in the northern part of Ogasawara Arc

    Yuasa M.Inouchi Y, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   35 - 48  1981  [Refereed]

  • Sea bottom photographs from Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity

    InouchiY, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   53 - 64  1981  [Refereed]

  • Sediments on the Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity


    Cruise Report   16   49 - 52  1981  [Refereed]

  • 紋別沖表層堆積図

    木下泰正, 井内美郎, 西村清和, 西村昭

    海洋地質図シリーズ(地質調査所)16.   16  1981  [Refereed]

  • 龍神地域の地質

    徳岡隆夫, 原田哲朗, 井内美郎, 石上知良, 木村克己, 公文富士夫, 中條健次, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 鈴木博之, 谷口純造

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     69p.  1981  [Refereed]

  • 大隅海峡および周辺海域の堆積物と堆積史-大隅海峡の発達史と関連して-.


    地質調査所月報   32   693 - 716  1981  [Refereed]

  • 汚染底質堆積機構の研究

    大嶋和雄, 小野寺公児, 井内美郎, 横田節哉

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   55   77 - 100  1980  [Refereed]

  • 沖縄本島周辺海域の海底堆積物

    野原昌人, 大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 井内美郎, 池田国昭

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   54   ,61  1980  [Refereed]

  • 江住地域の地質

    立石雅昭, 別所孝範, 原田哲朗, 久富邦彦, 井内美郎, 石上知良, 公文富士夫, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 鈴木博之, 徳岡隆夫

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     65p.  1979  [Refereed]

  • 西津軽海盆表層堆積図

    井内美郎, 木下泰正, 村上文敏

    海洋地質図シリーズ(地質調査所)   12  1979  [Refereed]

  • 栗栖川地域の地質

    鈴木博之, 原田哲朗, 石上知良, 公文富士夫, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 立石雅昭, 徳岡隆夫, 井内美郎

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     54p.  1979  [Refereed]

  • 海底砂利賦存状況調査報告書

    有田正史, 木下泰正, 野原昌人, 井内美郎

    通産省     18p.  1978  [Refereed]

  • 紀伊水道南方の上部大陸斜面成立時期.

    井内美郎, 奥田義久, 吉田史郎

    地質学雑誌   84   91 - 93  1978  [Refereed]

  • 噴火湾および周辺海域の堆積物

    大嶋和雄, 井内美郎, 村上文敏, 松本英二, 横田節哉, 池田国昭, 谷津良太郎, 渡辺真治, 木村亨, 山屋政美

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   53   60  1977  [Refereed]

  • 汚染底質の調査方法

    大嶋和雄, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 井内美郎

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   52   244 - 249  1977  [Refereed]

  • 志布志湾および周辺海域の底質

    大嶋和雄, 井内美郎, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 小野寺公児, 野原昌人, 青木市太郎, 有田正史

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   52   56  1977  [Refereed]

  • 海底砂利賦存状況調査報告書

    有田正史, 木下泰正, 井内美郎

    通産省     17p.  1977  [Refereed]

  • 紀伊水道南方表層堆積図

    井内美郎, 木下泰正

    海洋地質図シリーズ   6  1977  [Refereed]

  • Results of a detailed survey of the Japan Trench and slope areas off Miyako

    Honza E.Onodera, K.Yuasa, M.Tamaki, K.Inouchi, Y.Nishimura K, Murakami F

    Cruise Report   7   112 - 119  1977  [Refereed]

  • Cored materials

    Inouchi Y.Yuasa M, Onodera K

    Cruise Report   7   78 - 79  1977  [Refereed]

  • Rocks and sediments

    Yuasa M, Inouchi Y, Onodera K, Kimura M

    Cruise Report   7   72 - 77  1977  [Refereed]

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey

    Tamaki K.Inouchi, Y.Murakami, Honza,E

    Cruise Report   7   50 - 71  1977  [Refereed]

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey

    Inouchi Y, Tamaki K

    Cruise Report   7   17 - 20  1977  [Refereed]

  • Cored material

    Honza E.Arita, M.Inouchi Y, Onodera K

    Cruise Report   6   23 - 24  1976  [Refereed]

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey

    HonzaE.OkudaY.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   20 - 22  1976  [Refereed]

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey

    Okuda Y.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   10 - 12  1976  [Refereed]

  • 底質調査と採泥法

    大嶋和雄, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 井内美郎

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   51   208 - 214  1976  [Refereed]

  • 汚染底質の調査技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 有田正史, 木下泰正, 井内美郎, 横田節哉, 小野寺公児, 青木市太郎

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   50   51  1976  [Refereed]

  • 室戸半島北東部、徳島県宍喰町周辺の四万十累層群古第三系-層位学的・堆積学的検討.

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    地質学雑誌   82   383 - 394  1976  [Refereed]

  • 汚染底質の調査技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 松本英二, 有田正史, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 木下泰正, 小野寺公児, 青木市太郎

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   49   48  1975  [Refereed]

  • 室戸半島東南部の四万十帯

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    四万十地向斜に関する総合的研究研究連絡誌   2   49 - 52  1973  [Refereed]

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Satoyama-Satoumi Ecosystems and Human Well-Being 13Western Japan cluster: Seto Inland Sea

    Osamu Matsuda, Yoshio Inouchi

    United Nations University Press  2012 ISBN: 9789280812107

  • 瀬戸内海の海底環境 第2章瀬戸内海の成立と海底地形 第8章 8.1 海砂採取の歴史・現状・今後


    恒星社厚生閣  2008.03 ISBN: 9784769910794

  • 陸水の事典 10項目

    井内美郎 ほか

    講談社  2006 ISBN: 406155221X

  • 湖沼調査—地形、地球環境調査計測事典


    フジテクノシステム  2003 ISBN: 4938555905

  • 地震と防災 第5章 仁科三湖の地形と堆積物から見た糸ー静線の活動像

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    信濃毎日新聞社  2002.02 ISBN: 4784099158

  • 海洋の堆積作用、地球環境ハンドブック


    朝倉書店  2002 ISBN: 4254180071

  • 明日を拓く地質学

    井内美郎, 岩松輝, 大矢暁, 徳岡隆夫, 湯佐泰久

    日本地質学会  2001

  • 地球環境変動の科学 バイカル湖ドリリングプロジェクト 3.バイカル湖の堆積層


    古今書院  1998.11 ISBN: 4772250239

  • 粒度分析法、砕屑物の研究法

    井内美郎, 公文富士雄

    地学団体研究会  1998

  • 瀬戸内海の成立と地形・地質.瀬戸内海の自然と環境


    社団法人瀬戸内海環境保全協会  1998

  • 新版地学辞典 5項目

    井内美郎 ほか

    平凡社  1996.10 ISBN: 4582115063

  • 地球の水圏ー海洋と陸水 新版地学教育講座10 3章3(4)湖沼の堆積物と歴史

    井内美郎, 高安克己

    東海大学出版会  1995.03 ISBN: 9784486013105

  • 霞ヶ浦の生い立ち.生物—地球環境の科学 南関東の自然誌


    朝倉書店  1995 ISBN: 4254160305

  • 霞ヶ浦の生い立ち.ひとと湖とのかかわりー霞ヶ浦—


    STEP  1994 ISBN: 4915834239

  • 湖沼調査法

    半田暢彦, 金成誠一, 井内美郎, 沖野外輝夫

    古今書院  1987 ISBN: 4772211039

  • 地質:瀬戸内海全域 日本全国沿岸海洋誌


    東海大学出版会  1985 ISBN: 4486008863

▼display all


  • 愛媛県中島周辺海域の音波探査から見た過去約2万年間の古環境変遷


  • 愛媛県松山市沖堀江湾の底質分布


  • 熊本県天草郡羊角湾における堆積物から見た環境変遷


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度から見た過去500万年間の気候変遷史


  • 海底堆積物から見た愛媛県宇和海の過去約100年間の環境変遷


  • 燧灘西部海域の海底断層系と完新世堆積物


  • 海砂採取海域の地形変化


  • 芸予地震による愛媛県下の液状化とその要因


  • 愛媛県中島周辺海域の音波探査から見た古環境変遷


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度から見た気候変遷史


  • 四国における河川礫についてー礫種・形状・円磨度ー


  • 燧灘西部海域の海底断層と砂堆の形状について(バブルパルサー記録より)


  • 芸予地震による愛媛県下の液状化とその要因


  • 愛媛県中島周辺海域の音波探査から見た古環境変遷


  • 愛媛県松山市沖堀江湾の底質分布


  • 熊本県天草郡羊角湾における堆積物から見た環境変遷


  • 琵琶湖、過去40万年間の珪藻生産量記録から推定される高解像度気候変動


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度から見た気候変遷史


  • 四国における河川礫についてー礫種・形状・円磨度ー


  • 燧灘西部海域の海底断層と砂堆の形状について(バブルパルサー記録より)


  • 愛媛県東予市の液状化現象の地質学的背景


  • 芸予地震による愛媛県下の液状化とその要因


  • 日野川—弓ヶ浜砂州—美保湾における砕屑物の移動と堆積


  • 海底堆積物から見た宇和海の過去約100年間の環境変遷


  • 愛媛県中島東側海域における底質分布とその形成メカニズム


  • 砂堆形成の多様性と資源量見積もり


  • 愛媛県中島町周辺海域の最近1万年間の古環境変遷


  • 燧灘西部海域の海底断層


  • バイカル湖の湖底堆積物密度による長期環境変動の解析


  • 中国内モンゴル、岱海湖底堆積物に記録された最終間氷期以降の気候・環境変動


  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物から見た環境変動


  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物の珪藻殻堆積量変化からみた過去3万年間の夏季降水量変動と中国の乾湿変動


  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物の高解像度珪藻殻堆積量記録からみた過去14万年間の夏季降水量変動と中国の乾湿変動


  • 愛媛県宇和海岩松湾における底質からみた季節変化


  • 愛媛県松山市北方海域の砂堆“大洲”の底質季節変化


  • 日野川−弓ヶ浜砂州−美保湾系における砕屑物の移動と堆積


  • 瀬戸内海の海釜地形の成因について−海域“沖積層”の層序区分と関連して−


  • 音波探査記録からみた猫瀬戸周辺海域の過去約二万年間の海峡形成史


  • 燧灘の海底断層系の特徴と堆積盆の状況(音波探査記録より)


  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸西部海域の過去約2万年間の地史


  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物粒度変化からみた過去約15万年間の環境変遷


  • バイカル湖パソリスコエバンクの堆積密度からみた気候変遷史


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度プロファイルからみたユーラシア大陸内陸部の高緯度地域における中新世後期の気候変動


  • 瀬戸内海の海釜地形の成因について


  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物粒度変化からみた過去約15万年間の環境変遷史


  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸西部海域の過去約2万年間の地史


  • バイカル湖パソリスコエバンクの堆積密度からみた過去約30万年間の気候変遷史


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度プロファイルからみたユーラシア大陸内陸部の高緯度地域における中新世後期の気候変遷


  • 音波探査記録から見た鳥取県西部・美保湾の海底地質


  • 松山市北方海域の砂堆、“大洲”の底質季節変化


  • 音波探査記録からみた猫瀬戸周辺海域の過去約2万年間の海峡形成史


  • 愛媛県宇和海岩松湾における底質の季節変化とその音響的変化


  • バイカル湖パソリスコエバンクの堆積密度からみた過去約30万年間の気候変遷史


  • 音波探査記録からみた猫瀬戸周辺海域の過去約2万年間の海峡形成史


  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸西部海域の過去約2万年間の地史


  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物粒度変化からみた過去約15万年間の環境変遷史


  • 瀬戸内海の海釜地形の成因について−再確認−


  • 愛媛県宇和海岩松湾における底質の季節変化とその音響的変化


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度プロファイルからみたユーラシア大陸内陸部の高緯度地域における中新世後期の気候変遷


  • 燧灘の海底地質について(バブルパルサー記録より)


  • 音波探査記録から見た鳥取県西部、美保湾の海底地質


  • ナメクジウオ生息域、海砂採取海域としての瀬戸内海の砂堆の環境


  • 海底地形から試算・推定した瀬戸内海全域の海砂資源量


  • 海砂採取後海域にみられるサンドウエーブと地形変化


  • 表層堆積物の粒度組成から見た海底砂堆「貝原」の形成過程


  • 愛媛県西海町(宿毛湾北西部海域)における底質環境


  • 愛媛県北灘湾の底質と過去約100年間の底質環境変遷


  • 愛媛県北条市沖の砂堆“大洲”の月別底質粒度変化


  • 音波探査記録から見た宍道低地帯東部の後期更新世以降の地史


  • “沖積層”層序見直しの現状について


  • 猫瀬戸東方海域の底質分布と海峡形成史


  • 燧灘東部海域で確認された第四系の海底地質構造の性状と連続性


  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸海域の過去約1万年間の地史


  • 愛媛県北灘湾における海底堆積物からみた過去約100年間の環境変遷


  • 愛媛県北条市沖の砂堆“大洲”の月別底質粒度変化


  • 音波探査記録からみた宍道低地帯東部の後期更新世以降の地史


  • 燧灘東部海域で確認された第四紀層の海底地質構造の連続性と性状


  • 海砂採取後の海域における地形変化—三原瀬戸を例に—


  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸海域の過去約1万年間の地史


  • 内湾域“沖積層”の層序区分について—瀬戸内海を例に—


  • 愛媛県松山市温泉郡中島町沖砂堆「貝原」の月毎の表層の粒度変化


  • 猫瀬戸東方海域の底質分布と海峡形成史


  • 愛媛県北条市沖の砂堆“大洲”の月別底質粒度変化


  • 音波探査記録からみた宍道低地帯東部の後期更新世以降の地史


  • 広島県三原瀬戸の海砂採取後海域にみられる砂漣地形とその地形変化


  • 愛媛県北灘湾における過去約100年間の底質環境変遷


  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸海域の過去約1万年間の地史


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂資源量試算について


  • ナメクジウオ生息域、海砂採取海域としての瀬戸内海の砂堆の環境復元に向けた総合的研究


  • 徳島県東部、板野町のジョガマル池湖底堆積物からみた過去約1000年間の環境変遷史(予察)


  • 琵琶湖高島沖コアの粒径変動にみる過去約20万年間の環境変遷


  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物の粒径変動からみた環境変遷とその要因


  • 琵琶湖高島沖の湖底堆積物にみる過去約20万年間の粒径変動


  • 琵琶湖高島沖コアにみる過去約20万年間の粒径変動


  • 琵琶湖堆積物の全炭素・全窒素含有率からみた過去40万年間の環境変遷


  • 徳島県東部板野町のジョガマル池湖底堆積物からみた過去約1000年間の環境変遷史


  • バイカル湖セレンガデルタ沖の湖底堆積物の粒子密度からみた環境変遷史


  • 中国内蒙古自治区「岱海」の湖底堆積物に記録された中国内陸部における過去約3万年間の環境変遷


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の粒子密度からみた環境変遷史


  • 中国内モンゴル自治区「岱海」の湖底堆積物に記録された中国内陸部における過去約3万年間の環境変遷


  • バイカル湖Posolskaya Bankの堆積物密度からみた気候変遷史


  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の密度が示す過去1000万年間の環境変遷史


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の物性と気象観測結果との対応


  • 音波探査記録からみた琵琶湖の湖水面変動


  • 琵琶湖ユニブーム音波探査記録からみた湖水位変動史


  • 野尻湖湖底堆積物の過去約4万年間の高分解能湖水面変動史


  • 最近約100年間の気象観測記録と琵琶湖堆積物諸物性との対応


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の物性と過去約100年間の気象観測データとの対応


  • 野尻湖湖底堆積物に記録された千年規模の高分解能湖水面変動史


  • 琵琶湖ユニブーム音波探査記録からみた湖水位変動史


  • 中国内モンゴル自治区岱海の湖底堆積物から見た最終氷期以降のモンスーン変遷


  • Environmental changes during the last 400000 years based on TCTN contents of Lake Biwa sediments


  • Environmental changes based on grain size record from lacustrine sediments of Lake Biwa


  • 琵琶湖の湖底表層柱状コアにみられる物性変動と、気象観測記録との対応


  • ユニブーム音波探査記録のシーケンス層序学的解析からみた琵琶湖の湖水位変動


  • ユニブーム音波探査記録からみた琵琶湖の湖水面変動史


  • 野尻湖ユニブーム音波探査記録に示される湖水面変動史


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物における物理量と過去約100年間の気象観測結果との対応


  • 琵琶湖堆積物の全炭素・全窒素含有率からみた過去約40万年間の環境変遷


  • 琵琶湖の音波探査記録およびボーリングコアから復元された過去約5万年間の湖水面変動史


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の粒子密度に記録された気象要素の検討


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の粒度組成と分布様式


  • 長野県野尻湖西部池尻川低地の10mコアにおけるテフラとその推定年代


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層柱状堆積物の粒子密度・粒度と気象観測データとの対応


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物中の生物源シリカ濃度と気象観測データの対応


  • 野尻湖西部池尻川低地の10mコアにおけるテフラとその年代推定


  • 琵琶湖音波探査記録およびボーリングコア試料からみた湖水面変動史


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物における過去およそ100年間の生物源シリカ濃度と気象観測データの対応


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の粒度組成と分布様式


  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の密度プロファイル及び気象観測データとの相関


  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の物理量と気象観測データとの対応


  • 琵琶湖表層柱状堆積物の物理量と気象観測データとの対応


  • 琵琶湖の全炭素含有率に基づく過去30万年間の千年スケールの東アジア夏季モンスーンの復元


  • 琵琶湖の音波探査記録及びボーリングコアからみた湖水面変動史


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物における過去約100年間の生物源シリカ濃度と気象観測データとの対応


  • 野尻湖西部池尻川低地の10mコアにおける主要テフラの年代


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の物理量変動と気象観測記録との関係


  • 琵琶湖音波探査記録からみた過去約3万5千年間の湖水面変動史

    日本堆積学会 2006年例会 

  • 吸光光度法によるBiogenic Silica濃度の測定


  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の物理量変化と気象観測データとの対応


  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の物性と気象観測記録との相関


  • 野尻湖西部池尻川低地の10mコアにおける主要テフラの年代


  • Reconstruction in East Asian Monsoon variations from sediments of Lake Biwa


  • 琵琶湖音波探査記録からみた過去約3万5千年間の湖水面変動史


  • 湖水面高度変動史の復元を指向した野尻湖表層堆積物の推積モデル

    日本堆積学会 2006年例会 

  • 野尻湖における過去約4万年間の湖水面変動史


  • 長野県北部野尻湖における堆積物分布と堆積モデル


  • 野尻湖柱状試料粒度プロファイル及び音波探査記録から見た湖水面変動


  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物の生物源シリカ含有率から見た気候変動史


  • 野尻湖表層堆積物の粒度組成から見た堆積環境


  • 中海浚渫凹地におけるいわゆる“ヘドロ”堆積物の識別について


  • 海砂採取後海域の海底環境変化—愛媛県大三島南方海域—


  • 野尻湖柱状試料の粒度プロファイルから見た湖水面変動


  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の生物源シリカ含有率から復元した過去の気候変動


  • 野尻湖表層堆積物の粒度及び元素濃度分布


  • 海砂採取後海域の海底環境変化—愛媛県大三島南方海域—


  • 中海浚渫凹地に見られるイベント堆積物


  • オリジナルの簡易軽量採泥器を用いた諏訪湖の堆積量の推定


  • 野尻湖柱状試料の粒度からみた湖水面変動


  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の生物源シリカ含有率測定から見た気候変動


  • 野尻湖表層堆積物の粒度組成及び分布


  • 中海浚渫凹地堆積物の性状とその構成物


  • 海砂採取後海域の海底環境変化—愛媛県大三島南方海域—


  • 中海表層試料の粒度分析結果からみるヘドロの分布様式


  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底掘削試料中の生物源シリカ含有率から見た過去約15万年間の環境変遷


  • 長野県野尻湖における音波探査記録の反射面と湖底ボーリング試料との対応


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料の生物源シリカ濃度から復元した過去約4万年間の高分解能古環境変遷


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料中の生物源シリカ含有率から推定される過去13万年間の東アジア夏季モンスーン変動


  • 長崎県壱岐周辺海域における海砂採取の環境地質学的課題


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコア試料中の生物源シリカ含有率等から見た過去約15万年間の環境変遷


  • 長野県北部野尻湖における音波探査記録反射面と湖底ボーリング試料との対応


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料の生物源シリカ含有率から復元した過去約3.5万年の高分解能古環境変遷


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料中の生物源シリカ含有率から推定される過去150kyrの東アジアモンスーン変動及び周期性


  • 長崎県壱岐周辺海域での海砂採取の課題


  • 中海浚渫窪地に見られるイベント堆積物とその起源


  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物中の生物源シリカ含有率から復元する古環境変動史


  • 野尻湖柱状試料の粒度プロファイル及び音波探査記録から見た湖水面変動


  • 栃木県奥日光湯ノ湖の湖底堆積物にみられる劇的洪水イベント


  • 野尻湖音波探査記録の反射面とテフラとの対応


  • 埼玉県所沢市三ヶ島地区における地下水長期連続観測結果


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコア中の生物源シリカ含有率から復元された過去約4.6万年間の古気温変遷


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコア中の生物源シリカ含有率から推定される過去約15万年間の古気候変遷


  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物の高分解能生物源シリカ濃度プロファイルに示される過去約4.6万年間の気温変動周期性


  • 群馬県北部、丸沼湖底堆積物にみられる洪水イベント


  • 野尻湖湖水面変動の実態と人間生活への影響


  • 長野県野尻湖における過去約4.5万年の湖水面変動と急激な寒冷化イベントとの対応


  • 琵琶湖試料中の生物源シリカ含有率からみた過去約15万年間の気候変動とその要因


  • 琵琶湖高島沖試料中の生物源シリカ含有率からみた過去約13万年間の古環境変動


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコア中の生物源シリカ含有率からみた過去約15万年の気候変動


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料の生物源シリカ含有率から復元した高分解能古環境変動史


  • 琵琶湖湖底堆積物の高分解能生物源シリカ濃度プロファイルに示される過去約4.6万年間の古環境変遷


  • Sequence stratigraphy that is independent of sea-level change- case study of Lake Nojiri, Nagano Prefecture, Japan -

  • 琵琶湖高島沖コア中の生物源シリカ濃度からみた過去約12〜25万年における気候変動


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料中の生物源シリカ含有率から推定される過去約12万年間の高分解能古気候変動


  • 野尻湖湖水位変動史から推定される近未来の水収支と人間生活への影響


  • 群馬県北東部の丸沼湖底堆積物からみた過去約80年間の洪水記録


  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料中の生物源シリカ含有率から復元された過去約15万年間の東アジア夏季モンスーン変動


  • 群馬県北東部の丸沼湖底堆積物からみた過去約80年間の洪水記録


  • 長野県野尻湖における過去約4.5万年の湖水面高度変遷とその要因


  • 琵琶湖高島沖コアの生物源シリカ濃度から見た過去約12〜25万年間における気候変動


  • 琵琶湖試料中の生物源シリカ含有率の過去約10万年間の変遷とその要因


  • Lake Level Changes during the past 100000 years in Lake Baikal

    2001 International Workshop for the Baikal and Hovsgol Drilling Project in Ulaanbaatar Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources Mongolian Academy of Sciences 

  • Large scale sand dredging in Seto Inland Sea Southwest Japan

    International Coastal Symposium. 

  • Sand dredging in the Seto Inland Sea and Geologic History of sand banks

    Techno- Ocean 2002.. 

  • Climate change from 25000 to 6000 years BP deduced from total organic carbon total nitrogen and pollen analyses of the drilled sediments at Lake Nojiri central Japan

    16th International Sedimentological Congress. 

  • Impact of fish farming on marine bottom environment in Kitanada Bay Southwest of Shikoku Island Japan

    5 th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology. 

  • Large scale sand dredging and slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inland Sea Japan

    5 th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology. 

  • Marine geology and sedimentation of clastic materials through the river in Miho Bay southwest Japan

    5 th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology. 

  • The Holocene paleogeography of Nakaumi Lagoon Yumigahama Sand Bar and Miho Bay

    International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments. 

  • Environmental changes in bottom sediments during the past 100 years in Kitanada Bay Ehime Prefecture Japan

    International Seminar on Restoration of Damaged Lagoon Environments. 

  • Volume Estimation of Drifting Coastal Sand as Basic Data for Protections against Coastal Erosion - Based on "Geoslicer" samples -


  • Large scale sand dredging and mode of slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inland Sea Japan.

    Oceans’04 MTS/IEEE and Techno-Ocean’04. 

  • Sea level Rise and Velocity Changes of Tidal Current around Eastern Neko Seto Strait Seto Inland Sea Japan


  • Bottom Environmental Changes during the Past 100 Years in Kitanada Bay Ehime Prefecture Southwest Japan


  • Human induced environmental changes in bottom sediments during the past 100 years in Kitanada Bay Ehime Prefecture Japan

    The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC). 

  • Sea level changes and geologic history in Miho Bay southwest Japan since the Late Pleistocene based on seismic profiles

    The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC). 

  • Large scale sand dredging and mode of slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inland Sea Japan

    The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC). 

  • Shifting veloccity of a large sand dune and its direction in the Seto Inland Sea Japan

    The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC). 

  • Environmental changes and their factors based on grain size fluctuation of the Takashima-oki core samples Lake Biwa Central Japan

    The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC) in Florence Italy 

  • Paleoclimatic changes based on the density measurement of sediments at the Posolskaya bank in Lake Baikal during the past 450000 years

    The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC) in Florence Italy 

  • Paleoenvironmental changes during the last 10 million years around Lake Baikal based on the density measurement of sediments- Focused on Quaternary climatic changes -

    The 32nd International Geological Congress (32IGC) in Florence Italy 

  • Enviromental changes during the late Pleistocene to Holocene within the Seto Inland Sea offshore Matsuyama city Japan.

    17th International Sedimentological Congress(ISC 2006) 

  • Seafloor environmental changes resulting from nineteenth century reclamation in Mishou Bay Bungo Channel Southwest Japan.

    17th International Sedimentological Congress(ISC 2006) 

  • Sedimentation model for reconstruction of paleo-lake levels of Lake Nojiri central Japan

    17th International Sedimentological Congress(ISC 2006) Fukuoka Japan 

  • High-resolution record of lake level changes in Lake Nojiri central Japan during the past 40000 years

    33rd International Geological Congress Oslo 

  • A comprehensive restoration plan of Lake Nakaumi

    29th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment in Accra Ghana 

  • Temperature variation record in Lake Biwa, Japan during the last 46ka: based on correlation between observed mean summer temperature and biogenic silica content of surface cored sediments

    XVIII International Union for Quaternary Research Congress 

  • Lake-level change history of Nojiriko and its impct to human society

    The 33rd International Geological Congress (33IGC) in Brisbane Australia 

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Research Projects

  • Water balance prediction based on high resolution sedimentary climatic history

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Inouchi Yoshio

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    Periods of high lake level in Lake Biwa in glacial age correlate well with those of Heinrich events which shows abrupt cooling. The mechanism for this phenomena is that during glacial times, winter monsoon have been strengthened which result in heavy snow fall to Japanese island as well as catchment basin of Lake Biwa. Cored sediment taken at Takashima-oki drilling site and that off Echi river drilling records climatic change history and water balance history around Lake Biwa as well as that of Japanese island. Flow pattern of westerlies is strongly controlled by abrupt cooling events which cause teleconnection of global flow pattern and affecting limiting location of east Asian summer and winter monsoons

  • Mechanisms of East Asian Monsoon-Intensity variation based on high resolution paleoclimate record obtained from Lake Biwa proxy

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INOUCHI Yoshio

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    The purpose of this study is to clarify climate change history based on sedimentary proxy and to clarify variation mechanism of that change. Lake Biwa was selected as a model field and drilled sediment core taken at the central part of the lake was analyzed biogenic silica contents and total carbon contents as indicators of primary production in the lake. Lake level change history was clarified based on the analysis of acoustic records obtained at the coastal area and sand content profile of drilled core at shallow bottom. A periodicity of ca. 6000 years was shown in the primary production profile. The periodicity of this kind is only found in seasonal insolation change near equatorial area which means climatic variation around Japanese islands is sometimes affected by tropical climate change

  • Examination for a cycle of large-scale floods around Lake Biwa from identified with hyperpycnal flow deposits

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SATOGUCHI Yasufumi, INOUCHI Yoshio, HASHIMOTO Michinori, TAKEMURA Keiji

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    The object of this study is a knowing about records of large scale floods in a historical age by using historiographical materials and boring cores at offshore of Lake Biwa. We got some boring cores at offshore of the Echi river mouth and of the Kusatsu river mouth which are at east side of Lake Biwa. Sediment in term of thousands of years in their cores have been lost by erosion of about 100 years ago, so we could not get flood history in the historical age from a geology. Flood records around Lake Biwa were assembled and are listed from historiographical materials

  • High resolution-record reconstruction of past climate and water budget around Lake Biwa

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INOUCHI Yoshio

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    Correlations among analytical values of sediments and meteorological observation data show that mean summer temperature and biogenic silica content have the highest correlation. Based on the transfer function between biogenic silica content and mean summer temperature, temperature difference between the warmest period and that of coldest is about 10 degrees Celcius. Based on REDFIT3.5, 16 periodicities of variation in biogenic silica content through the last 140 thousand years are recognized

  • Studies on the function of sandridge-centric ecosystems in Seto Inland Sea and the restoration processes of the ecosystems from the deterioration due to sand mining

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEOKA Hidetaka, INOUCHI Yoshio, OMORI Koji, UEDA Hiroshi, NAKANO Shin-ichi, TAKAHASI Satoru

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    The present project aimed at revealing restoration processes of deteriorated environments of sandridge areas in Seto Inland Sea due to sand mining and roles of the sandridges in marine ecosystem. The major results are as follow.The long-term high accuracy monitoring of bottom topography in the mined area found out movement of sand wave and change in surface sediment from gravel to fine sediment in quite a small part of the mined area, while no topography change was found in other areas where tidal cm-rents are weak. The numerical experiments on the restoring processes revealed that, if there is enough son of sand in the surrounding area, the speed of sea bed rise by accumulation of sand is one to several millimeters per year and hence it will take ten to several tens of thousands of years for the sea bed mined to 40m deep to recover to 10m deep.The field surveys on the roles of sandridges on marine ecosystem revealed that, in spring tidal period, benthic microalgae on the sand surface is raised up by strong current resulting in supply of organic matter to nearby areas, and nutrients are also supplied to the surface layer enhancing primary production. This means that the sandridges

  • Reconstruction of paleo-environment based on the correlation between paleo-proxies of sediments and observed data

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    INOUCHI Yoshio

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    In order to reconstruct paleoclimatic changes quantitatively during the last 400,000 years in and around Lake Biwa, four short cores were recovered from lake bottom surface and correlation between proxies of sediment and equipment data were examined. Proxies of sediment were obtained by determination of sedimentary age using lead-210 method and several kinds of analytical data at each depth. Meteorological data were based on those of Hikone meteorological observatory. Good correlation existed between density of sediments, content of biogenic silica and mean annual temperature or mean temperature of May or September. These facts reflect that primary production in the lake is chiefly controlled by mean temperature during the bloom season of diatoms. Based on the transfer function established by correlation of mean temperature and density of sediment or content of biogenic silica of sediment, quantitative climatic change history of in and around Lake Biwa are discussed. Results of these studies were published as 15 refereed papers and presented as 64 oral presentations

  • Study on the long-term monitoring of the marine environments in the Seto Inland Sea and their predictions

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKEOKA Hidetaka, SUZUKI Satoru, INOUCHI Yoshio, TANABE Shinsuke, TAKEUCHI Ichiro, UEDA Hiroshi

     View Summary

    In this project, long-term monitoring of water quality including nutrients was conducted at the tip of Sada Peninsula by using the autonomous monitoring system. The long-term environmental variations of nearby areas were analysed by using the historical data and the sediment samples. Moreover, the structure of the ecosystem at present were surveyed.The major results relating to the nutrient environments of the Seto Inland Sea are as follow. (1) More than 60% of the nitrogen and phosphorous in the Seto Inland Sea are originated from the Pacific ocean. In case of Bungo Channel, supply of the nutrients from the Pacific Ocean is mainly carried out by the intrusion of cold, nutrient-rich water mass from the bottom layer of the shelf slope region south of the channel. (2)The intrusion of the nutrients into Bungo Channel varied at the decadal time scale. It generally decreased from 1980 to 2000, resulting in the decreases of the nutrient concentration and the spieces diversity of phytoplankton in Iyo-Nada.These are very important results showing the high possibility that the nutrient conditions and the ecosystems in the Seto Inland Sea can vary due to the variations of global ocean circul

  • 地質学発展のための総合戦略の構築

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  • 過去約4.5万年間の琵琶湖古水位変動

    井内美郎, 山田和芳, 岡村眞, 松岡祐美, 里口保文, 芳賀裕樹, 林竜馬, 根上裕成, 村越貴之

    第23回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   23   213 - 218  2013.11  [Refereed]

  • 福島県猪苗代湖湖底堆積物に記録された歴史的な古地震および古洪水の記録

    行木勝彦, 井内美郎, 長橋良隆

    第23回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   23   201 - 206  2013.11  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコア中の過去約13万年間の生物源シリカ含有率から見た古気候変遷

    村越貴之, 根上裕成, 山田和芳, 井内美郎

    第23回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   23   207 - 212  2013.11  [Refereed]

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング試料中の生物源シリカ含有率から復元された過去約15万年間の東アジア夏季モンスーン変動

    根上裕成, 中西俊貴, 喜岡新, 井内美郎

    第22回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   22   57 - 62  2012

  • 野尻湖湖水面変動の実態と人間生活への影響

    井内美郎, 中村祐貴, 公文富士夫, 井上卓彦, 近藤洋一

    第21回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   21   141 - 146  2011

  • 長野県野尻湖における過去約4.5万年の湖水面変動と急激な寒冷化イベントとの対応

    中村祐貴, 井内美郎, 公文富士夫, 井上卓彦, 近藤洋一

    第21回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   21   135 - 140  2011

  • 琵琶湖試料中の生物源シリカ含有率からみた過去約15万年間の気候変動とその要因

    根上裕成, 中西俊貴, 喜岡新, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第21回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集   21   129 - 134  2011

  • Orbital-scale vegetation variability during MIS 6,5,4 and 3 based on a pollen record from the Takashima-oki core in Lake Biwa, western Japan

    Ryoma Hayashi, Hikaru Takahara, Shusaku Yoshiokawa, Yoshio Inouchi

    Japan Journal of Palynology   56   5 - 12  2010


  • Orbital-scale vegetation variability during MIS 6,5,4 and 3 based on a pollen record from the Takashima-oki core in Lake Biwa, western Japan

    Ryoma Hayashi, Hikaru Takahara, Shusaku Yoshiokawa, Yoshio Inouchi

    Japan Journal of Palynology   56   5 - 12  2010


  • Using foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to detect an ocean-warming trend in the twentieth century from coastal shelf sediments in the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan

    Michinobu Kuwaes, Yuichi Hayamis, Hirotaka Oda, Azumi Yamashita, Atsuko Amano, Atsushi Kaneda, Minoru Ikehara, Yoshio Inouchi, Koji Omori, Hidetaka Takeoka, Hodaka Kawahata

    HOLOCENE   19 ( 2 ) 285 - 294  2009.03

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    To assess abnormal warming of temperature in southwest Japan&apos;s coastal seas during the twentieth century, we developed a 200 yr interannually resolved record of planktonic and benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca-based temperature using neritic coastal sediment cores. The winter to late spring bottom temperature (50 m) record, based on benthic foraminiferal (Nonion japonicum) Mg/Ca ratios in the Bungo Channel (BC), showed consistent variation with observed temperatures on a five-year average basis. The BC bottom temperature record showed a significant increasing trend of 1.5 degrees C/100 yr during the twentieth century, which was never apparent in nineteenth century, That result suggests that our Mg/Ca-based thermometry approach using coastal benthic foraminifera can detect abnormally rising temperatures in neritic coastal seas in southwest Japan. The abnormal warming of winter to late spring bottom temperature in the BC contrasts with the lack of an increasing trend in the Globigerinoides ruber-based summer to autumn temperature for the upper 20 m in the slope region of southwest Japan and the lack of an increasing trend in the steric sea level in the region. These results indicate a warming trend of the neritic coastal ocean in southwest Japan, especially in winter to late spring. The timing of the onset of the prolonged abnormal high-temperature stage, which started in the early twentieth century, suggests a link of the neritic coastal ocean in Japan with human-induced global warming.


  • Using foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios to detect an ocean-warming trend in the twentieth century from coastal shelf sediments in the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan

    Michinobu Kuwaes, Yuichi Hayamis, Hirotaka Oda, Azumi Yamashita, Atsuko Amano, Atsushi Kaneda, Minoru Ikehara, Yoshio Inouchi, Koji Omori, Hidetaka Takeoka, Hodaka Kawahata

    HOLOCENE   19 ( 2 ) 285 - 294  2009.03

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    To assess abnormal warming of temperature in southwest Japan&apos;s coastal seas during the twentieth century, we developed a 200 yr interannually resolved record of planktonic and benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca-based temperature using neritic coastal sediment cores. The winter to late spring bottom temperature (50 m) record, based on benthic foraminiferal (Nonion japonicum) Mg/Ca ratios in the Bungo Channel (BC), showed consistent variation with observed temperatures on a five-year average basis. The BC bottom temperature record showed a significant increasing trend of 1.5 degrees C/100 yr during the twentieth century, which was never apparent in nineteenth century, That result suggests that our Mg/Ca-based thermometry approach using coastal benthic foraminifera can detect abnormally rising temperatures in neritic coastal seas in southwest Japan. The abnormal warming of winter to late spring bottom temperature in the BC contrasts with the lack of an increasing trend in the Globigerinoides ruber-based summer to autumn temperature for the upper 20 m in the slope region of southwest Japan and the lack of an increasing trend in the steric sea level in the region. These results indicate a warming trend of the neritic coastal ocean in southwest Japan, especially in winter to late spring. The timing of the onset of the prolonged abnormal high-temperature stage, which started in the early twentieth century, suggests a link of the neritic coastal ocean in Japan with human-induced global warming.


  • 野尻湖堆積物に基づく中部日本の過去7.2万年間の詳細な古気候復元

    公文富士夫, 河合小百合, 井内美郎

    旧石器研究   5   3 - 10  2009

  • The Middle Pleistocene to Holocene tephrostratigraphy of the Takashima-oki core from Lake Biwa, central Japan

    Satoguchi Yasufumi, Nagahashi Yoshitaka, Furusawa Akira, Yoshikawa Shusaku, Inouchi Yoshio

    Journal of geosciences, Osaka City University   51   47 - 58  2008


  • The Middle Pleistocene to Holocene tephrostratigraphy of the Takashima-oki core from Lake Biwa, central Japan

    Yasufumi Satoguchi, Yoshitaka Nagahashi, Akira Furusawa, Shusaku Yoshikawa, Yoshio Inouchi

    Journal of Geoscience, Osaka City University   51   47 - 58  2008


  • Reconstruction of millennial-scale variations in the East Asian summer monsoon over the past 300 ka based on the total carbon content of sediment from Lake Biwa, Japan

    Naoya Iwamoto, Yoshio Inouchi

    Environmental Geology   52 ( 8 ) 1607 - 1616  2007.08

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    The total carbon content analysis for Takashima-oki core extracted from Lake Biwa with time resolutions of approximately 150 years was used to reconstruct millennial-scale climate change in the East Asian monsoon region over the past 300 ka. The total carbon content of the Takashima-oki core is an indirect proxy for the East Asian summer monsoon, because the total carbon content reflects primary productivity within the lake, which is controlled by precipitation in the catchment area. Using these data, we clarify temporal variations in the East Asian summer monsoon prior to MIS 5, which were previously unresolved. The observed variations show a ∼1,500-year cycle that is also recorded by paleoclimate indices in the North Atlantic region. We propose that the East Asian summer monsoon underwent abrupt millennium-scale changes during interglacial stages such as MIS 5 and 7. © 2006 Springer-Verlag.


  • Reconstruction of millennial-scale variations in the East Asian summer monsoon over the past 300 ka based on the total carbon content of sediment from Lake Biwa, Japan

    Naoya Iwamoto, Yoshio Inouchi

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY   52 ( 8 ) 1607 - 1616  2007.08

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    The total carbon content analysis for Takashima-oki core extracted from Lake Biwa with time resolutions of approximately 150 years was used to reconstruct millennial-scale climate change in the East Asian monsoon region over the past 300 ka. The total carbon content of the Takashima-oki core is an indirect proxy for the East Asian summer monsoon, because the total carbon content reflects primary productivity within the lake, which is controlled by precipitation in the catchment area. Using these data, we clarify temporal variations in the East Asian summer monsoon prior to MIS 5, which were previously unresolved. The observed variations show a -1,500-year cycle that is also recorded by paleoclimate indices in the North Atlantic region. We propose that the East Asian summer monsoon underwent abrupt millennium-scale changes during interglacial stages such as MIS 5 and 7.


  • Reconstruction of millennial-scale variations in the East Asian summer monsoon over the past 300 ka based on the total carbon content of sediment from Lake Biwa, Japan

    Naoya Iwamoto, Yoshio Inouchi

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY   52 ( 8 ) 1607 - 1616  2007.08

     View Summary

    The total carbon content analysis for Takashima-oki core extracted from Lake Biwa with time resolutions of approximately 150 years was used to reconstruct millennial-scale climate change in the East Asian monsoon region over the past 300 ka. The total carbon content of the Takashima-oki core is an indirect proxy for the East Asian summer monsoon, because the total carbon content reflects primary productivity within the lake, which is controlled by precipitation in the catchment area. Using these data, we clarify temporal variations in the East Asian summer monsoon prior to MIS 5, which were previously unresolved. The observed variations show a -1,500-year cycle that is also recorded by paleoclimate indices in the North Atlantic region. We propose that the East Asian summer monsoon underwent abrupt millennium-scale changes during interglacial stages such as MIS 5 and 7.


  • Reconstruction of pollution history of organic contaminants in the upper Gulf of Thailand by using sediment cores: First report from Tropical Asia Core (TACO) project

    Ruchaya Boonyatumanond, Gullaya Wattayakorn, Atsuko Amano, Yoshio Inouchi, Hideshige Takada

    MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN   54 ( 5 ) 554 - 565  2007.05

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    This paper reports the first reconstruction of a pollution history in tropical Asia from sediment cores. Four sediment core samples were collected from an offshore transect in the upper Gulf of Thailand and were analyzed for organic micropollutants. The cores were dated by measurement of 137 Cs and geochronometric molecular markers (linear alkylbenzenes, LABs; and tetrapropylene-type alkylbenzenes, TABs). Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations showed a subsurface maximum in layers corresponding to the 1970s, indicating the effectiveness of regulation of PCBs in Thailand. LAB concentrations increased over time, indicating the increase in input of sewage into the Gulf during the last 30 years. Hopanes, biomarkers of petroleum pollution, also increased over time, indicating that the inputs of automobile-derived hydrocarbons to the coastal zone has been increasing owing to the increased number of cars in Thailand since the 1950s. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) increased in the layers corresponding to the 1950s and 1960s, probably because of the increased inputs of automobile-de rived PAHs. PAH concentrations in the upper layers corresponding to the 1970s and later remained constant or increased. The absence of a subsurface maximum of PAHs contrasts with results observed in industrialized countries. This can be explained by the facts that the Thai economy did not depend on coal as an energy source in the 1960s and that economic growth has continued since the 1970s to the present. The deposition flux of PAHs and hopanes showed a dramatic offshore decrease, whereas that of LABs was uniform. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Reconstruction of pollution history of organic contaminants in the upper Gulf of Thailand by using sediment cores: First report from Tropical Asia Core (TACO) project

    Ruchaya Boonyatumanond, Gullaya Wattayakorn, Atsuko Amano, Yoshio Inouchi, Hideshige Takada

    MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN   54 ( 5 ) 554 - 565  2007.05

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    This paper reports the first reconstruction of a pollution history in tropical Asia from sediment cores. Four sediment core samples were collected from an offshore transect in the upper Gulf of Thailand and were analyzed for organic micropollutants. The cores were dated by measurement of 137 Cs and geochronometric molecular markers (linear alkylbenzenes, LABs; and tetrapropylene-type alkylbenzenes, TABs). Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations showed a subsurface maximum in layers corresponding to the 1970s, indicating the effectiveness of regulation of PCBs in Thailand. LAB concentrations increased over time, indicating the increase in input of sewage into the Gulf during the last 30 years. Hopanes, biomarkers of petroleum pollution, also increased over time, indicating that the inputs of automobile-derived hydrocarbons to the coastal zone has been increasing owing to the increased number of cars in Thailand since the 1950s. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) increased in the layers corresponding to the 1950s and 1960s, probably because of the increased inputs of automobile-de rived PAHs. PAH concentrations in the upper layers corresponding to the 1970s and later remained constant or increased. The absence of a subsurface maximum of PAHs contrasts with results observed in industrialized countries. This can be explained by the facts that the Thai economy did not depend on coal as an energy source in the 1960s and that economic growth has continued since the 1970s to the present. The deposition flux of PAHs and hopanes showed a dramatic offshore decrease, whereas that of LABs was uniform. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Reconstruction of pollution history of organic contaminants in the upper Gulf of Thailand by using sediment cores: First report from Tropical Asia Core (TACO) project

    Ruchaya Boonyatumanond, Gullaya Wattayakorn, Atsuko Amano, Yoshio Inouchi, Hideshige Takada

    MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN   54 ( 5 ) 554 - 565  2007.05

     View Summary

    This paper reports the first reconstruction of a pollution history in tropical Asia from sediment cores. Four sediment core samples were collected from an offshore transect in the upper Gulf of Thailand and were analyzed for organic micropollutants. The cores were dated by measurement of 137 Cs and geochronometric molecular markers (linear alkylbenzenes, LABs; and tetrapropylene-type alkylbenzenes, TABs). Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations showed a subsurface maximum in layers corresponding to the 1970s, indicating the effectiveness of regulation of PCBs in Thailand. LAB concentrations increased over time, indicating the increase in input of sewage into the Gulf during the last 30 years. Hopanes, biomarkers of petroleum pollution, also increased over time, indicating that the inputs of automobile-derived hydrocarbons to the coastal zone has been increasing owing to the increased number of cars in Thailand since the 1950s. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) increased in the layers corresponding to the 1950s and 1960s, probably because of the increased inputs of automobile-de rived PAHs. PAH concentrations in the upper layers corresponding to the 1970s and later remained constant or increased. The absence of a subsurface maximum of PAHs contrasts with results observed in industrialized countries. This can be explained by the facts that the Thai economy did not depend on coal as an energy source in the 1960s and that economic growth has continued since the 1970s to the present. The deposition flux of PAHs and hopanes showed a dramatic offshore decrease, whereas that of LABs was uniform. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Reconstruction of pollution history of organic contaminants in the upper Gulf of Thailand by using sediment cores: First report from Tropical Asia Core (TACO) project

    Ruchaya Boonyatumanond, Gullaya Wattayakorn, Atsuko Amano, Yoshio Inouchi, Hideshige Takada

    MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN   54 ( 5 ) 554 - 565  2007.05

     View Summary

    This paper reports the first reconstruction of a pollution history in tropical Asia from sediment cores. Four sediment core samples were collected from an offshore transect in the upper Gulf of Thailand and were analyzed for organic micropollutants. The cores were dated by measurement of 137 Cs and geochronometric molecular markers (linear alkylbenzenes, LABs; and tetrapropylene-type alkylbenzenes, TABs). Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations showed a subsurface maximum in layers corresponding to the 1970s, indicating the effectiveness of regulation of PCBs in Thailand. LAB concentrations increased over time, indicating the increase in input of sewage into the Gulf during the last 30 years. Hopanes, biomarkers of petroleum pollution, also increased over time, indicating that the inputs of automobile-derived hydrocarbons to the coastal zone has been increasing owing to the increased number of cars in Thailand since the 1950s. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) increased in the layers corresponding to the 1950s and 1960s, probably because of the increased inputs of automobile-de rived PAHs. PAH concentrations in the upper layers corresponding to the 1970s and later remained constant or increased. The absence of a subsurface maximum of PAHs contrasts with results observed in industrialized countries. This can be explained by the facts that the Thai economy did not depend on coal as an energy source in the 1960s and that economic growth has continued since the 1970s to the present. The deposition flux of PAHs and hopanes showed a dramatic offshore decrease, whereas that of LABs was uniform. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Late Pleistocene to Holocene variations in sea conditions within the Seto Inland Sea, offshore Matsuyama City, Japan

    SHIOYA Fujihiko, MII Takuya, IWAMOTO Naoya, INOUCHI Yoshio

    Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku)   61 ( 2 ) 103 - 115  2007

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    The Seto Inland Sea formed during a rise in sea level following the Last Glacial Maximum. There are various studies of geological and geographical aspects of the formation of the Seto Inland Sea. This paper deals with temporal variations in sea conditions deduced from acoustic profiles around Nakajima Island, in the eastern part of the Houyo Islands, to the western side of Takanawa Peninsula within the western Seto Inland Sea. Our results indicate that seawater invaded this area approximately 11,000 years ago, when there were small bays to the north and southeast of Nakajima Island. Subsequent to this, the Imoko and Sekido Straits formed with caldrons. Following the formation of Takahama Strait, the shallow Ozu Bank began to form at the eastern part of the Tsurushima Strait.

    DOI CiNii

  • Reconstruction of Millenial-scale variations in the East Asian summer monsoon over the past 300 ka based on the total carbon content of sediment from Lake Biwa Japan.

    Iwamoto N, Inouchi Y

    Environmental Geology   52   1607 - 1616  2007


  • Late Pleistocene to Holocene variations in sea conditions within the Seto Inland Sea, offshore Matsuyama City, Japan

    Shioya, F, Mii, T, Iwamoto, N, Inouchi Y

    Earth Science   61 ( 2 ) 103 - 115  2007

     View Summary

    The Seto Inland Sea formed during a rise in sea level following the Last Glacial Maximum. There are various studies of geological and geographical aspects of the formation of the Seto Inland Sea. This paper deals with temporal variations in sea conditions deduced from acoustic profiles around Nakajima Island, in the eastern part of the Houyo Islands, to the western side of Takanawa Peninsula within the western Seto Inland Sea. Our results indicate that seawater invaded this area approximately 11,000 years ago, when there were small bays to the north and southeast of Nakajima Island. Subsequent to this, the Imoko and Sekido Straits formed with caldrons. Following the formation of Takahama Strait, the shallow Ozu Bank began to form at the eastern part of the Tsurushima Strait.

    DOI CiNii

  • Seafloor environmental changes resulting from nineteenth century reclamation in Mishou Bay, Bungo Channel, southwest Japan

    Atsuko Amano, Naoya Iwamoto, Takahiko Inoue, Yoshio Inouchi

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY   50 ( 7 ) 989 - 999  2006.08

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    This study reconstructed environmental changes to the seafloor associated with reclamation in Mishou Bay, Bungo Channel, Japan, based on measurements of sediment grain size, organic matter and sulfur contents of surface sediments and data from sediment cores. Grain size within sediment cores from the middle of Mishou Bay decreased from the beginning of the 1800s to the 1900s. In contrast, a grain size profile from the river mouth shows a gradual increase in grain size up through the sediment core. These changes in grain size indicate a decrease in tidal current velocity within the middle of the bay and that the delta system is gradually prograding from the river mouth. Records of organic matter composition and sulfur contents indicate that the effect of the river on seafloor sedimentation became stronger during the nineteenth century. These changes are related to reclamation during the late 1700s and 1800s. The decrease in sea area resulting from reclamation probably led to a decrease in tidal prism and current velocity. It is likely that the increasing effect of river water on sedimentation is associated with reclamation-related progradation of the river delta system.


  • Seafloor environmental changes resulting from nineteenth century reclamation in Mishou Bay, Bungo Channel, southwest Japan

    Atsuko Amano, Naoya Iwamoto, Takahiko Inoue, Yoshio Inouchi

    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY   50 ( 7 ) 989 - 999  2006.08

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    This study reconstructed environmental changes to the seafloor associated with reclamation in Mishou Bay, Bungo Channel, Japan, based on measurements of sediment grain size, organic matter and sulfur contents of surface sediments and data from sediment cores. Grain size within sediment cores from the middle of Mishou Bay decreased from the beginning of the 1800s to the 1900s. In contrast, a grain size profile from the river mouth shows a gradual increase in grain size up through the sediment core. These changes in grain size indicate a decrease in tidal current velocity within the middle of the bay and that the delta system is gradually prograding from the river mouth. Records of organic matter composition and sulfur contents indicate that the effect of the river on seafloor sedimentation became stronger during the nineteenth century. These changes are related to reclamation during the late 1700s and 1800s. The decrease in sea area resulting from reclamation probably led to a decrease in tidal prism and current velocity. It is likely that the increasing effect of river water on sedimentation is associated with reclamation-related progradation of the river delta system.


  • Holocene climate changes in the monsoon/arid transition reflected by carbon concentration in Daihai Lake of Inner Mongolia

    JL Xiao, JT Wu, B Si, WD Liang, T Nakamura, BL Liu, Y Inouchi

    HOLOCENE   16 ( 4 ) 551 - 560  2006.06

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    Two sediment cores recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake in north-central China were analysed at 2- to 4- cm intervals for total inorganic and organic carbon ( TIC and TOC) concentrations. The TIC concentration is inferred to reflect temperatures over the lake region and an increase in the TIC concentration implies an increase in the temperature. TOC concentration is considered to reflect the precipitation in the lake basin and higher TOC concentrations denote more precipitations. Thus AMS C-14 time series of the TIC and TOC records of Daihai Lake sediments uncovers a detailed history of changes in temperature and precipitation in north- central China during the last c. 12 000 yr. The Holocene, an epoch of postglacial warmth, started c. 11 500 cal. yr BP, and can be subdivided into three stages: the early ( c. 11 500 - 8100 cal. yr BP), middle ( c. 8100 - 3300 cal. yr BP) and the late Holocene ( c. 3300 - 0 cal. yr BP). The climate was warm and dry during the early Holocene, warm and wet during the middle Holocene, and in the late Holocene became cooler and drier but displayed a relatively warmer and wetter interval between c. 1700 and 1300 cal. yr BP. The Holocene Climatic Optimum, defined as a postglacial episode of both megathermal and megahumid climate, might have occurred in north- central China between c. 8100 and 3300 cal. yr BP, and the climate during this period was variable and punctuated by cool and/ or dry events. We infer that changes in the temperature were directly controlled by changes in summer solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere resulting from progressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters. Whereas an increase in the monsoonal precipitation could be closely related to an increase in the sea surface temperature of the low- latitude Pacific Ocean, an increase in the temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool and a westward shifted and strengthened Kuroshio Current in the western Pacific.


  • Holocene climate changes in the monsoon/arid transition reflected by carbon concentration in Daihai Lake of Inner Mongolia

    JL Xiao, JT Wu, B Si, WD Liang, T Nakamura, BL Liu, Y Inouchi

    HOLOCENE   16 ( 4 ) 551 - 560  2006.06

     View Summary

    Two sediment cores recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake in north-central China were analysed at 2- to 4- cm intervals for total inorganic and organic carbon ( TIC and TOC) concentrations. The TIC concentration is inferred to reflect temperatures over the lake region and an increase in the TIC concentration implies an increase in the temperature. TOC concentration is considered to reflect the precipitation in the lake basin and higher TOC concentrations denote more precipitations. Thus AMS C-14 time series of the TIC and TOC records of Daihai Lake sediments uncovers a detailed history of changes in temperature and precipitation in north- central China during the last c. 12 000 yr. The Holocene, an epoch of postglacial warmth, started c. 11 500 cal. yr BP, and can be subdivided into three stages: the early ( c. 11 500 - 8100 cal. yr BP), middle ( c. 8100 - 3300 cal. yr BP) and the late Holocene ( c. 3300 - 0 cal. yr BP). The climate was warm and dry during the early Holocene, warm and wet during the middle Holocene, and in the late Holocene became cooler and drier but displayed a relatively warmer and wetter interval between c. 1700 and 1300 cal. yr BP. The Holocene Climatic Optimum, defined as a postglacial episode of both megathermal and megahumid climate, might have occurred in north- central China between c. 8100 and 3300 cal. yr BP, and the climate during this period was variable and punctuated by cool and/ or dry events. We infer that changes in the temperature were directly controlled by changes in summer solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere resulting from progressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters. Whereas an increase in the monsoonal precipitation could be closely related to an increase in the sea surface temperature of the low- latitude Pacific Ocean, an increase in the temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool and a westward shifted and strengthened Kuroshio Current in the western Pacific.


  • Identification of the source horizon of earthquake-jetted sand based on grain size characteristics and sand fraction composition.

    Inoue T. Kimura, K. Miyachi Y, HaraguchiT, Tanabe S, Inouchi Y

    Earth Science   60   315 - 324  2006


  • 海域“沖積層”のシーケンス層序学的検討―大阪湾の例―.

    井内美郎, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子

    地質学論集   第59号 ( 59 ) 169 - 178  2006


  • 沖積層研究の新展開

    井内美郎, 稲崎富士, 卜部厚志, 岡孝雄, 木村克己, 斉藤文紀, 高安克己, 立石雅昭, 中山俊雄, 長谷義隆, 三田村宗樹

    日本地質学会     1 - 212  2006

  • Identification of the source horizon of earthquake-jetted sand based on grain size characteristics and sand fraction composition.

    Inoue T. Kimura, K. Miyachi Y, HaraguchiT, Tanabe S, Inouchi Y

    Earth Science   60   315 - 324  2006


  • Holocene East Asian monsoonal precipitation pattern revealed by grain-size distribution of core sediments of Daihai Lake in Inner Mongolia of north-central China

    YJ Peng, J Xiao, T Nakamura, BL Liu, Y Inouchi

    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS   233 ( 3-4 ) 467 - 479  2005.05

     View Summary

    Two sediment cores recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake in north-central China were analysed at 2- to 4-cm intervals for grain-size distribution. Grain-size distributions of the lake sediments are inferred to be a proxy for past changes in East Asian monsoon precipitation, such that greater silt-size percentage and higher median grain size reflect increased monsoonal precipitation rates. The grain-size record of Daihai Lake sediments spanning the last ca 10,000 yr indicates that the monsoonal precipitation in the lake region can be divided into three stages: the Early, Middle and Late Holocene. During the Early Holocene before ca 7900 cal yr BP, the median grain size (Md) and the silt-fraction content were relatively low and constant, suggesting relatively low precipitation over the lake region. The Middle Holocene between ca 7900 and 3100 cal yr BP was marked by intensified and highly variable monsoonal precipitation, as indicated by high and variable Md values and silt contents of the lake sediments. During this period, average precipitation rate gradually increased from ca 7900 to 6900 cal yr BP, displayed intense oscillations between ca 6900 and 4400 cal yr BP, and exhibited a decreasing trend while fluctuating from ca 4400 to 3100 cal yr BP. Although generally high during the Middle Holocene, both the Md and the silt content assumed distinctly low values at the short intervals of ca 6500-6400, 6000-5900, 5700-5600, 4400-4200 cal yr BP, implying that monsoonal precipitation might have been significantly reduced during these intervals. During the Late Holocene since ca 3100 cal yr BP, grain-size values suggest that precipitation decreased. However, during the Late Holocene, relatively higher Md values and silt contents occurring between ca 1700 to 1000 cal yr BP may denote an intensification of hydrological cycles in the lake area. Changes in the East Asian monsoonal precipitation were not only directly linked with the changing seasonality of solar insolation resulting from progressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters, but also may have been closely related to variations in the temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool, in the intensity of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, and in the path and strength of the North Equatorial Current in the western Pacific. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • Holocene East Asian monsoonal precipitation pattern revealed by grain-size distribution of core sediments of Daihai Lake in Inner Mongolia of north-central China

    YJ Peng, J Xiao, T Nakamura, BL Liu, Y Inouchi

    EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS   233 ( 3-4 ) 467 - 479  2005.05

     View Summary

    Two sediment cores recovered in the central part of Daihai Lake in north-central China were analysed at 2- to 4-cm intervals for grain-size distribution. Grain-size distributions of the lake sediments are inferred to be a proxy for past changes in East Asian monsoon precipitation, such that greater silt-size percentage and higher median grain size reflect increased monsoonal precipitation rates. The grain-size record of Daihai Lake sediments spanning the last ca 10,000 yr indicates that the monsoonal precipitation in the lake region can be divided into three stages: the Early, Middle and Late Holocene. During the Early Holocene before ca 7900 cal yr BP, the median grain size (Md) and the silt-fraction content were relatively low and constant, suggesting relatively low precipitation over the lake region. The Middle Holocene between ca 7900 and 3100 cal yr BP was marked by intensified and highly variable monsoonal precipitation, as indicated by high and variable Md values and silt contents of the lake sediments. During this period, average precipitation rate gradually increased from ca 7900 to 6900 cal yr BP, displayed intense oscillations between ca 6900 and 4400 cal yr BP, and exhibited a decreasing trend while fluctuating from ca 4400 to 3100 cal yr BP. Although generally high during the Middle Holocene, both the Md and the silt content assumed distinctly low values at the short intervals of ca 6500-6400, 6000-5900, 5700-5600, 4400-4200 cal yr BP, implying that monsoonal precipitation might have been significantly reduced during these intervals. During the Late Holocene since ca 3100 cal yr BP, grain-size values suggest that precipitation decreased. However, during the Late Holocene, relatively higher Md values and silt contents occurring between ca 1700 to 1000 cal yr BP may denote an intensification of hydrological cycles in the lake area. Changes in the East Asian monsoonal precipitation were not only directly linked with the changing seasonality of solar insolation resulting from progressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters, but also may have been closely related to variations in the temperature and size of the Western Pacific Warm Pool, in the intensity of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, and in the path and strength of the North Equatorial Current in the western Pacific. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 高杉由夫, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 橋本英資, 高橋 暁, 井内美郎, 村上和男, 三島康史

    環境省報告書平成16年度     31  2005

  • 松山市沖の上部更新統~完新統のシーケンス層序学的検討

    井内美郎, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 芦田貴史

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     203 - 208  2005

  • 宍道湖西岸斐伊川河口域の堆積環境変遷史

    深井照平, 吉原裕紀, 市原季彦, 松木宏彰, 原口 強, 井上卓彦, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     197 - 202  2005

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の物性と気象観測結果との対応

    渡部 遼, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 齋藤笑子, 納谷友規, 熊谷道夫, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     185 - 190  2005

  • 音波探査記録からみた琵琶湖の湖水面変動

    芦田貴史, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     179 - 184  2005

  • 愛媛県松山市沖の砂堆“大州”の砂浪移動様式

    吉原裕紀, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 布川裕也, 芦田貴史, 中原知明, 深井照平, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     147 - 152  2005

  • 四万十川河口域の塩水楔とその時系列形状変化

    中原知明, 井上卓彦, 吹田歩, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     135 - 140  2005

  • 皆生海岸漂砂系から美保湾への年間土砂移動量の推定.

    井上卓彦, 奥村 学, 原口 強, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    海岸工学論文集   52   626 - 630  2005

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    長期的な海岸地形保全には, 海岸流砂系全体の土砂動態の解明と理解が必要である.本研究では, 皆生海岸において, 沖合の美保湾で表層堆積物と柱状試料を採取し, 粒度分析と鉛-210法堆積速度測定を組み合わせ, 日野川・皆生海岸から美保湾内への土砂移動量を推定した. 底質調査結果から, 堆積物は美保湾内にほとんどトラップされ域外への移動はないと判断される. 海岸を形成している細粒砂以上の土砂の美保湾内への単位面積当り移動量は泥堆積域で約200ton/km2/年, 湾中央部で約1, 800ton/km2/年となる.これを海域全体に適用すると, 皆生海岸漂砂系外の水深9m以深に移動する細粒砂以上の年間土砂量は95, 000ton/年となる.

    DOI CiNii

  • Marine geology and geologic history of Miho Bay, Southwest Japan, since the Late Pleistocene based on seismic profiles

    Inoue Takahiko, Shioya Fujihiko, Iwamoto Naoya, Amano Atsuko, Inouchi Yoshio

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   111 ( 5 ) 255 - 268  2005

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    Seismic survey using "Bubble Pulser" was carried out in Miho Bay off eastern Shinji lowland, Southwest Japan. Based on the seismic profiles, geologic history since the Late Pleistocene was reconstructed. Three distinctive reflectors, formed before the Jomon transgression were recognized in seismic profiles. The lowest reflector was formed before the last interglacial stage. The distinctive reflector in Sakaiminato area was recognized along old scour hole. The uppermost reflector was formed during the last glacial maximum. The geologic history since the late Pleistocene in the eastern Shinji lowland can be divided into following five stages. Stage 1 (MIS 6) was the regression period before the last interglacial. At stage 2 (MIS 5), the sea level was the same as of now, and also the old Yumigahama Peninsula was formed at the position where it is at the present. The erosional scour hole at the northern end of Yumigahama Peninsula was formed at this stage by the tidal current erosion. Topographical features similar to the present basin was formed. At stage 3 (MIS 4-3), scour hole was buried by clastic materials at the northern end of Yumigahama Peninsula. At stage 4 (MIS 2), valley system was formed during the late Pleistocene at eastern Shinji Lowland. At stage 5 (Holocene), present geographical features are formed after the Jomon transgression.

    DOI CiNii

  • Paleoclimatic Changes during the Last 6.5 Million Years Based on the Particle Density Variation of Lake Baikal Sediments

    Iwamoto Naoya, Kawaguchi Masami, Inouchi Yoshio

    The Quat. Res.   44 ( 2 ) 79 - 92  2005

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    The particle density of BDP 98 core sediments (total length 674m) drilled in Lake Baikal in 1998 is controlled by their diatom valve contents. Deposition of abundant diatom valves occurs during warm periods, and clay particles with few diatom valves deposit during cold periods. Paleoclimates around Lake Baikal are reconstructed based on these facts.<br>Climatic history recorded in the BDP 98 core during the last 6.5Ma can be roughly classified into three phases based on the variation of particle density: Phase 3 (6.5-3.2Ma) of constant lower density, Phase 2 (3.2-1.8Ma) of abrupt shift to higher density, and Phase 1 (1.8Ma-to present) of high amplitude density changes with overall higher density. Climatic changes shown in the particle density profile of Phases 3 to 1 show a rough similarity with the δ18O record of benthic foraminifers of marine sediment cores.<br>Particle density of the BDP 98 core of Quaternary, Phase 1, also has good similarity with the δ18O record in a scale of tens of thousands years. Therefore, sediment ages and sedimentation rates of this period can be estimated by comparing the particle density profile of the BDP 98 core with the oxygen isotope ratio curve. Further, the biogenic silica content in sediments can also be estimated by particle density of the BDP 98 core postulating some other factors. Diatom production (biogenic silica flux), calculated from both biogenic silica content in sediments and sedimentation rate, fluctuates periodically in concordance with the δ18O record. These results also reveal some local characteristics of the Lake Baikal region such as cold periods of 1.77-1.45Ma and 0.9-0.8Ma, distinct cold events in interglacial periods since MIS 9, and the presence of a clear 100-kyr-frequency since 1.5Ma.

    DOI CiNii

  • 松山市沖の上部更新統~完新統のシーケンス層序学的検討.

    井内美郎, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 芦田貴史

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     203 - 208  2005

  • 宍道湖西岸斐伊川河口域の堆積環境変遷史.

    深井照平, 吉原裕紀, 市原季彦, 松木宏彰, 原口 強, 井上卓彦, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     197 - 202  2005

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層堆積物の物性と気象観測結果との対応.

    渡部 遼, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 齋藤笑子, 納谷友規, 熊谷道夫, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     185 - 190  2005

  • 音波探査記録からみた琵琶湖の湖水面変動.

    芦田貴史, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     179 - 184  2005

  • 愛媛県松山市沖の砂堆“大州”の砂浪移動様式.

    吉原裕紀, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 布川裕也, 芦田貴史, 中原知明, 深井照平, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     147 - 152  2005

  • 四万十川河口域の塩水楔とその時系列形状変化.

    中原知明, 井上卓彦, 吹田歩, 井内美郎

    第15回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     135 - 140  2005

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究.

    星加 章, 高杉由夫, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 橋本英資, 高橋 暁, 井内美郎, 村上和男, 三島康史

    環境省報告書平成16年度     31  2005

  • Lake-level changes during the past 100,000 years at Lake Baikal, southern Siberia

    A Urabe, M Tateishi, Y Inouchi, H Matsuoka, T Inoue, A Dmytriev, OM Khlystov

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   62 ( 2 ) 214 - 222  2004.09

     View Summary

    Lake-level changes inferred from seismic surveying and core sampling of the floor of Lake Baikal near the Selenga River delta can be used to constrain regional climatic history and appear to be correlated to global climate changes represented by marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS). The reflection pattern and correlation to the isotope stages indicate that the topset and progradational foreset sediments of the deltas formed during periods of stable lake levels and warm climatic conditions. During warm stages, the lake level was high, and during cold stages it was low. The drop in the lake level due to cooling from MIS 5 through MIS 4 is estimated to be 33-38 m; from MIS 3 through MIS 2, it fell an additional 11-15 m. Because the lake level is chiefly controlled by evaporation and river input, we infer that more water was supplied to Lake Baikal during warm stages. (C) 2004 University of Washington. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Lake-level changes during the past 100,000 years at Lake Baikal, southern Siberia

    A Urabe, M Tateishi, Y Inouchi, H Matsuoka, T Inoue, A Dmytriev, OM Khlystov

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   62 ( 2 ) 214 - 222  2004.09

     View Summary

    Lake-level changes inferred from seismic surveying and core sampling of the floor of Lake Baikal near the Selenga River delta can be used to constrain regional climatic history and appear to be correlated to global climate changes represented by marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS). The reflection pattern and correlation to the isotope stages indicate that the topset and progradational foreset sediments of the deltas formed during periods of stable lake levels and warm climatic conditions. During warm stages, the lake level was high, and during cold stages it was low. The drop in the lake level due to cooling from MIS 5 through MIS 4 is estimated to be 33-38 m; from MIS 3 through MIS 2, it fell an additional 11-15 m. Because the lake level is chiefly controlled by evaporation and river input, we infer that more water was supplied to Lake Baikal during warm stages. (C) 2004 University of Washington. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Holocene vegetation variation in the Daihai Lake region of north-central China: a direct indication of the Asian monsoon climatic history

    JL Xiao, QH Xu, T Nakamura, XL Yang, WD Liang, Y Inouchi

    QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   23 ( 14-15 ) 1669 - 1679  2004.07

     View Summary

    DH99a sediment core recovered at the center of Daihai Lake in north-central China was analyzed at 4-cm intervals for pollen assemblage and concentration. The pollen record spanning the last ca 10,000 yr revealed a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes over the Daihai Lake region during the Holocene. From ca 10,250 to 7900 cal yr BP, and herbs and shrubs dominated the lake basin in company with patches of mixed pine and broadleaved forests, indicating a mild and dry climatic condition. Over this period, the woody plants displayed an increasing trend, which may suggest a gradual increase in warmth and humidity. The period between ca 7900 and 4450 cal yr BP exhibits large-scale covers of mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests, marking a warm and humid climate. Changes in the composition of the forests indicate that both temperature and precipitation displayed obvious fluctuations during this period, i.e., cool and humid ca 7900-7250 cal yr BP, warm and slightly humid ca 7250-6050 cal yr BP, warm and humid between ca 6050 and 5100 cal yr BP, mild and slightly humid ca 5100-4800 cal yr BP, and mild and humid ca 4800-4450 cal yr BP. The period can be viewed as the Holocene optimum (characterized by a warm and moist climate) of north-central China, with the maximum (dominated both by warmest temperatures and by richest precipitations) occurring from ca 6050 to 5100 cal yr BP. During the period of ca 4450-2900 cal yr BP, the woody plants declined, and the climate generally became cooler and drier than the preceding period. This period is characterized by a cold, dry episode from ca 4450 to 3950 cal yr BP, a warm, slightly humid interval between ca 3950 and 3500 cal yr BP and a mild, slightly dry episode from ca 3500 to 2900 cal yr BP, and appears to be a transition from warm and humid to cold and dry climatic conditions. Since ca 2900 cal yr ago, the forests disappeared and the vegetation density decreased, reflecting a cool and dry climate. However, a relative recovery of the woody plants occurring between ca 1700 and 1350 cal yr BP may denote an increase both in temperature and in precipitation. Fluctuations in the climatic condition of the Daihai Lake region were not only related to changes in the seasonal distribution of solar insolation and in the axis and intensity of the ocean current in the western North Pacific but were also closely linked to variations in the position and strength of polar high-pressure systems and in the pattern and intensity of the Westerly winds. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Holocene vegetation variation in the Daihai Lake region of north-central China: a direct indication of the Asian monsoon climatic history

    JL Xiao, QH Xu, T Nakamura, XL Yang, WD Liang, Y Inouchi

    QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   23 ( 14-15 ) 1669 - 1679  2004.07

     View Summary

    DH99a sediment core recovered at the center of Daihai Lake in north-central China was analyzed at 4-cm intervals for pollen assemblage and concentration. The pollen record spanning the last ca 10,000 yr revealed a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes over the Daihai Lake region during the Holocene. From ca 10,250 to 7900 cal yr BP, and herbs and shrubs dominated the lake basin in company with patches of mixed pine and broadleaved forests, indicating a mild and dry climatic condition. Over this period, the woody plants displayed an increasing trend, which may suggest a gradual increase in warmth and humidity. The period between ca 7900 and 4450 cal yr BP exhibits large-scale covers of mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests, marking a warm and humid climate. Changes in the composition of the forests indicate that both temperature and precipitation displayed obvious fluctuations during this period, i.e., cool and humid ca 7900-7250 cal yr BP, warm and slightly humid ca 7250-6050 cal yr BP, warm and humid between ca 6050 and 5100 cal yr BP, mild and slightly humid ca 5100-4800 cal yr BP, and mild and humid ca 4800-4450 cal yr BP. The period can be viewed as the Holocene optimum (characterized by a warm and moist climate) of north-central China, with the maximum (dominated both by warmest temperatures and by richest precipitations) occurring from ca 6050 to 5100 cal yr BP. During the period of ca 4450-2900 cal yr BP, the woody plants declined, and the climate generally became cooler and drier than the preceding period. This period is characterized by a cold, dry episode from ca 4450 to 3950 cal yr BP, a warm, slightly humid interval between ca 3950 and 3500 cal yr BP and a mild, slightly dry episode from ca 3500 to 2900 cal yr BP, and appears to be a transition from warm and humid to cold and dry climatic conditions. Since ca 2900 cal yr ago, the forests disappeared and the vegetation density decreased, reflecting a cool and dry climate. However, a relative recovery of the woody plants occurring between ca 1700 and 1350 cal yr BP may denote an increase both in temperature and in precipitation. Fluctuations in the climatic condition of the Daihai Lake region were not only related to changes in the seasonal distribution of solar insolation and in the axis and intensity of the ocean current in the western North Pacific but were also closely linked to variations in the position and strength of polar high-pressure systems and in the pattern and intensity of the Westerly winds. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Precipitation history of the Lake Biwa area in central Japan over the last 145 ka

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, K Takahashi

    BOREAS   33 ( 1 ) 74 - 81  2004.03

     View Summary

    The fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g cm(-2) ka(-1)) to Lake Biwa of central Japan is developed as a proxy of variations in palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last c. 145 ka are characterized by 4 main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2 g cm(-2) ka(-1), and 5 main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the intervals with high FQF values occur from c. 128 to 78 ka BP, with peak values at c. 122, 101 and 82 ka BP; the fourth of two narrow peaks exists between c. 48 and 35 ka BP. Three main periods with lower FQF values intervene between intervals of high FQF values, and two others lie before c. 128 ka BP and after c. 35 ka BP. The data imply that palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment increased during the intervals of high FQF values, and decreased during the periods of lower FQF values. High FQF values between c. 48 and 35 ka BP are interpreted to reflect an effective runoff of meltwater from the surrounding mountains during the interstade of the last glaciation. Relatively low FQF values during the early Holocene are interpreted to reveal a sluggish northward retreat of the polar front in the North Pacific Ocean that suppressed the northward advance of the summer monsoonal front and regional precipitation. During the last interglaciation, the increasing trend of FQF values is interpreted to indicate a progressive expansion of the Sea of Japan related to the rise in global sea level, which increased moisture advection to, and precipitation within, the Lake Biwa region.


  • Precipitation history of the Lake Biwa area in central Japan over the last 145 ka

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, K Takahashi

    BOREAS   33 ( 1 ) 74 - 81  2004.03

     View Summary

    The fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g cm(-2) ka(-1)) to Lake Biwa of central Japan is developed as a proxy of variations in palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last c. 145 ka are characterized by 4 main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2 g cm(-2) ka(-1), and 5 main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the intervals with high FQF values occur from c. 128 to 78 ka BP, with peak values at c. 122, 101 and 82 ka BP; the fourth of two narrow peaks exists between c. 48 and 35 ka BP. Three main periods with lower FQF values intervene between intervals of high FQF values, and two others lie before c. 128 ka BP and after c. 35 ka BP. The data imply that palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment increased during the intervals of high FQF values, and decreased during the periods of lower FQF values. High FQF values between c. 48 and 35 ka BP are interpreted to reflect an effective runoff of meltwater from the surrounding mountains during the interstade of the last glaciation. Relatively low FQF values during the early Holocene are interpreted to reveal a sluggish northward retreat of the polar front in the North Pacific Ocean that suppressed the northward advance of the summer monsoonal front and regional precipitation. During the last interglaciation, the increasing trend of FQF values is interpreted to indicate a progressive expansion of the Sea of Japan related to the rise in global sea level, which increased moisture advection to, and precipitation within, the Lake Biwa region.


  • Precipitation history of the Lake Biwa area in central Japan over the last 145 ka

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, K Takahashi

    BOREAS   33 ( 1 ) 74 - 81  2004.03

     View Summary

    The fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g cm(-2) ka(-1)) to Lake Biwa of central Japan is developed as a proxy of variations in palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last c. 145 ka are characterized by 4 main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2 g cm(-2) ka(-1), and 5 main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the intervals with high FQF values occur from c. 128 to 78 ka BP, with peak values at c. 122, 101 and 82 ka BP; the fourth of two narrow peaks exists between c. 48 and 35 ka BP. Three main periods with lower FQF values intervene between intervals of high FQF values, and two others lie before c. 128 ka BP and after c. 35 ka BP. The data imply that palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment increased during the intervals of high FQF values, and decreased during the periods of lower FQF values. High FQF values between c. 48 and 35 ka BP are interpreted to reflect an effective runoff of meltwater from the surrounding mountains during the interstade of the last glaciation. Relatively low FQF values during the early Holocene are interpreted to reveal a sluggish northward retreat of the polar front in the North Pacific Ocean that suppressed the northward advance of the summer monsoonal front and regional precipitation. During the last interglaciation, the increasing trend of FQF values is interpreted to indicate a progressive expansion of the Sea of Japan related to the rise in global sea level, which increased moisture advection to, and precipitation within, the Lake Biwa region.


  • Precipitation history of the Lake Biwa area in central Japan over the last 145 ka

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, K Takahashi

    BOREAS   33 ( 1 ) 74 - 81  2004.03

     View Summary

    The fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g cm(-2) ka(-1)) to Lake Biwa of central Japan is developed as a proxy of variations in palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last c. 145 ka are characterized by 4 main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2 g cm(-2) ka(-1), and 5 main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the intervals with high FQF values occur from c. 128 to 78 ka BP, with peak values at c. 122, 101 and 82 ka BP; the fourth of two narrow peaks exists between c. 48 and 35 ka BP. Three main periods with lower FQF values intervene between intervals of high FQF values, and two others lie before c. 128 ka BP and after c. 35 ka BP. The data imply that palaeoprecipitation over the lake catchment increased during the intervals of high FQF values, and decreased during the periods of lower FQF values. High FQF values between c. 48 and 35 ka BP are interpreted to reflect an effective runoff of meltwater from the surrounding mountains during the interstade of the last glaciation. Relatively low FQF values during the early Holocene are interpreted to reveal a sluggish northward retreat of the polar front in the North Pacific Ocean that suppressed the northward advance of the summer monsoonal front and regional precipitation. During the last interglaciation, the increasing trend of FQF values is interpreted to indicate a progressive expansion of the Sea of Japan related to the rise in global sea level, which increased moisture advection to, and precipitation within, the Lake Biwa region.


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 湯浅一郎, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 田辺弘道, 橋本英資, 高橋 暁, 長尾正之

    環境省報告書平成15年度     33  2004

  • Large scale sand dredging and mode of slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inland Sea Japan

    Y. Inouchi, Iwamoto, N. Inoue T, Shioya F

    CD-Rom Proceedings of Oceans’04 MTS/IEEE and Techno-Ocean’   4   66 - 70  2004

  • Large scale sand dredging and mode of slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inalnd Sea, Japan

    Y Inouchi, N Iwamoto, T Inoue, F Shioya

    OCEANS '04 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN '04, VOLS 1- 2, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. 1-4   4   66 - 70  2004

     View Summary

    During the last 40 years, a huge amount of sandy sediments were dredged from the seafloor of the Seto Inland Sea and hence sea bottom environments have been suffering various kinds of damages. For example, bottom topography and sediments of Mihara-seto Sea have been greatly changed. In order to clarify the possibility and the speed of restoration of bottom topography and sediments, precise depth measuring survey using SeaBat in regular time intervals were carried out. Comparison of depth between the data of old navigation chart and our survey shows the disappearance of large sand dunes. At the central part of the surveyed area, where the water depth was less than 20 meters, water depth exceeds 50 meters at present. Sediment composition also changed in the dredged areas from sandy to gravelly bottom.
    Sand waves stretching in north-south direction are distributed at the northern part of the surveyed area. Result of recent depth comparison indicates shifting of sand waves from the channels to the area far away. Their shifting velocity is estimated to be a maximum 40m per year. Their height, width and shifting velocity decreased toward the central part. However, other kinds of topographical changes were not observed in the surveyed area. In addition, based on bottom topography data obtained by SeaBat, it was found that the total volume of sediments in the area has not changed.
    Based on the data obtained during the last two years, it was also clear that the undulations made by sand dredging buried into flat bottom by the shifting of sandy sediments.
    Restoration of bottom topography in the area is less probable because of the little amount of sediments supplied by both channels but restoration of bottom sediments may be very much probable at areas of sand wave distribution.

  • Large scale sand dredging and mode of slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inalnd Sea, Japan

    Y Inouchi, N Iwamoto, T Inoue, F Shioya


     View Summary

    During the last 40 years, a huge amount of sandy sediments were dredged from the seafloor of the Seto Inland Sea and hence sea bottom environments have been suffering various kinds of damages. For example, bottom topography and sediments of Mihara-seto Sea have been greatly changed. In order to clarify the possibility and the speed of restoration of bottom topography and sediments, precise depth measuring survey using SeaBat in regular time intervals were carried out. Comparison of depth between the data of old navigation chart and our survey shows the disappearance of large sand dunes. At the central part of the surveyed area, where the water depth was less than 20 meters, water depth exceeds 50 meters at present. Sediment composition also changed in the dredged areas from sandy to gravelly bottom.
    Sand waves stretching in north-south direction are distributed at the northern part of the surveyed area. Result of recent depth comparison indicates shifting of sand waves from the channels to the area far away. Their shifting velocity is estimated to be a maximum 40m per year. Their height, width and shifting velocity decreased toward the central part. However, other kinds of topographical changes were not observed in the surveyed area. In addition, based on bottom topography data obtained by SeaBat, it was found that the total volume of sediments in the area has not changed.
    Based on the data obtained during the last two years, it was also clear that the undulations made by sand dredging buried into flat bottom by the shifting of sandy sediments.
    Restoration of bottom topography in the area is less probable because of the little amount of sediments supplied by both channels but restoration of bottom sediments may be very much probable at areas of sand wave distribution.

  • 琵琶湖高島沖の湖底堆積物にみる過去約20万年間の粒径変動.

    齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     83 - 92  2004

  • 琵琶湖堆積物の全炭素・全窒素含有率からみた過去約40万年間の環境変遷.

    岩本直哉, 齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     75 - 82  2004

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の粒子密度からみた環境変遷史.

    川口優美, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     67 - 74  2004

  • 海砂採取後海域における海底地形と粒度組成から見た堆積物粒度の回復過程.

    原田英明, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 中條喜友, 布川裕也, 奥村 学, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     59 - 66  2004

  • 表層堆積物分布と海底地形の変化からみた大洲砂堆の堆積物移動形態.

    布川裕也, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 中條喜友, 関口智寛, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     53 - 58  2004

  • 愛媛県南部御荘湾における過去約200年間の海底表層環境変遷.

    天野敦子, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     47 - 52  2004

  • 美保湾南部日野川河口域の過去約200年間の堆積史.

    奥村 学, 井上卓彦, 天野敦子, 岩本直哉, 米田明徳, 五十嵐厚夫, 原口強, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     37 - 46  2004

  • 鳥取県西部、境港地域における過去約3000年間の堆積史.

    井上卓彦, 米田明徳, 原口強, 五十嵐厚夫, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     29 - 36  2004

  • 猫瀬戸東方海域における海水面上昇過程と潮流速の変化.

    中條喜友, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 布川裕也, 原田英明, 井内美郎

    第14回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集(論説)     21 - 28  2004

  • 地層解析による皆生海岸の侵食・堆積過程.

    原口強, 米田明徳, 五十嵐厚夫, 井上卓彦, 井内美郎

    海岸工学論文集   51   561 - 565  2004

     View Summary

    皆生海岸での長期的な海岸地形の変形過程を, 地層解析の視点から明らかにする調査をおこなった.同海岸での侵食・堆積域の代表各1測線で計9地点の地層をジオスライサーで連続的に採取した.採取試料の堆積物解析から地層を9ユニットに区分し, 各々の堆積環境を推定した.年代測定により, かんな流し開始以前, 同期問中, 同終了以降に, 地層を区別した.侵食域では, かんな流し期間中の堆積物が削剥されながら海岸線が後退し, 堆積域では, 堆積物の付加により堆積場の浅海化と堆積物の粗粒化を伴いながら海岸線が前進することを, 堆積物から認定した.

    DOI CiNii

  • 堆積物分布からみた日野川・皆生海岸流砂系における過去約400年間の環境変遷.

    井上卓彦, 米田明徳, 原口強, 五十嵐厚夫, 井内美郎

    海岸工学論文集   51   586 - 590  2004

     View Summary

    鳥取県皆生海岸では, 離岸堤群が完成するまで海岸線の後退が続いた.長期的に海岸を保全するには, 海岸の土砂動態と長期的な変遷過程を解明する必要がある.そのために, 日野川流域および皆生海岸で表層堆積物を採取し, また現在の侵食域と堆積域それぞれの沿岸海域でジオスライサーを用いて柱状試料を採取し, 粒度分析・鉱物組成分析・花粉分析と放射年代測定 (炭素-14と鉛-210) を組み合わせ, 日野川・皆生海岸流砂系の過去約400年間の環境変遷を推定した.侵食域では17世紀から「かんな流し」による急激な海岸線の前進があり, 20世紀初めのかんな流し終了に伴ない海岸侵食が始まった.堆積域では砂州の前進に起因する堆積速度の増大が認められた.

    DOI CiNii

  • Sedimentation rates and environmental changes of Lakes Amida and Kamegaike, Ehime Prefecture, Japan

    Kanai Yutaka, Inouchi Yoshio

    Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan   58 ( 58 ) 93 - 103  2004

     View Summary

    To investigate the Recent lacustrine sedimentary environments, 16 bottom samples and 2 cores from Lake Amida and 7 bottom samples and a single core from Lake Kamegaike, both in Ehime Prefecture, Japan, were analyzed in terms of sedimentation rates and grain size distribution.<br>In Lake Amida, the average sedimentation rate calculated from a core taken at a shallower water depth site was 1.35cm/y, which is faster than the average rate of 0.92cm/y calculated from another core taken at a deeper site in the same lake. In the core from Lake Kamegaike, an increase of the sedimentation rate from 0.54cm/y to 1.36cm/y was detected at the core depth of 60cm. The surface of this increase is dated to be ca. 1954, which roughly corresponds the time when a water gate was constructed. This increase would be explained as an effect of the gate that should have prevented the suspended matter in the lake to flow out into the sea.<br>The sedimentation rates obtained in this study were generally larger than those in other Japanese lakes. This may be due to a probable higher rate of soil erosion and transportation, because the area around the lakes of this study has been exploited largely for agriculture such as orange fields. In addition, the variation of depth profiles of Pb-214 and K of the three cores is well correlated to artifact events such as shore protection and road works, which suggests that such events should have affected even on the distribution of nuclides.<br>These results have given some important clues to study sedimentation models and environmental changes of lakes.

    DOI CiNii

  • Bottom environmental changes during the past 100 years in Kitanada Bay, Ehime Prefecture, Southwest Japan

    Amano Atsuko, Inoue Takahiko, Iwamoto Naoya, Shioya Fujihiko, Inouchi Yoshio

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   110 ( 9 ) 518 - 527  2004

     View Summary

    Bottoun environmental changes during the past 100 years in Kitanada Bay, Southwest Japan were reconstructed, based on the data on grain size, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total sulfur (TS) concentrations, ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen (C/N) and to total sulfur (C/S) in surface sediments and sediments cores. The grain size distribution pattern in surface sediment at the present study site showed predominance of coarser sediments around the bay mouth and more finer towards the bay interior, suggesting that tidal current is more swift around the bay mouth and its velocity decreases toward bay interior. The present results indicate a stagnant hydrodynamic condition in inner Kitanada Bay. High levels of TOC, TN and TS concentrations around fish farming cages in the north suggest the use of large quantities of organic substances for fish farming. Benthic environment has become highly reductive due to the supply of organic substances in combination with stagnant hydrodynamic environment. TOC and TN concentrations in sediment cores (33-79cm) showed an increase from 1970's when fish farming started. This result suggests that Kitanada Bay has become eutrophic due to fish farming. At the same time, grain size profiles show a decrease in grain size toward the top, while it is reverse in the southern and bay mouth area. This result suggests a transformation in the hydrodynamic environment by the resistance perpetrated on tidal current by fish cages. In the northern area of Kitanada Bay, hydrodynamic environment has become stagnant. In the southern and bay mouth area where no fish cages are observed, tidal current has become more agile. As the result, sea water exchange has become more active, and bottom environment has become less reductive.

    DOI CiNii

  • 近畿地方および八ヶ岳山麓における過去43万年間の広域テフラの層序と編年.

    長橋良隆, 吉川周作, 宮川ちひろ, 内山 高, 井内美郎

    第四紀研究   43 ( 1 ) 15 - 35  2004

    DOI CiNii

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究.

    星加 章, 湯浅一郎, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 田辺弘道, 橋本英資, 高橋 暁, 長尾正之

    環境省報告書平成15年度     33  2004

  • Large scale sand dredging and mode of slow recovery of sand dunes in the Seto Inalnd Sea, Japan

    Y Inouchi, N Iwamoto, T Inoue, F Shioya


     View Summary

    During the last 40 years, a huge amount of sandy sediments were dredged from the seafloor of the Seto Inland Sea and hence sea bottom environments have been suffering various kinds of damages. For example, bottom topography and sediments of Mihara-seto Sea have been greatly changed. In order to clarify the possibility and the speed of restoration of bottom topography and sediments, precise depth measuring survey using SeaBat in regular time intervals were carried out. Comparison of depth between the data of old navigation chart and our survey shows the disappearance of large sand dunes. At the central part of the surveyed area, where the water depth was less than 20 meters, water depth exceeds 50 meters at present. Sediment composition also changed in the dredged areas from sandy to gravelly bottom.
    Sand waves stretching in north-south direction are distributed at the northern part of the surveyed area. Result of recent depth comparison indicates shifting of sand waves from the channels to the area far away. Their shifting velocity is estimated to be a maximum 40m per year. Their height, width and shifting velocity decreased toward the central part. However, other kinds of topographical changes were not observed in the surveyed area. In addition, based on bottom topography data obtained by SeaBat, it was found that the total volume of sediments in the area has not changed.
    Based on the data obtained during the last two years, it was also clear that the undulations made by sand dredging buried into flat bottom by the shifting of sandy sediments.
    Restoration of bottom topography in the area is less probable because of the little amount of sediments supplied by both channels but restoration of bottom sediments may be very much probable at areas of sand wave distribution.

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書平成14年度     41  2003

  • ナメクジウオ生息域、海砂採取海域としての瀬戸内海の砂堆の環境復元に向けた総合的研究

    井内美郎, 上田拓史, 奈良正和, 大森浩二

    日本沿岸域学会研究討論会2003講演概要集   16   31 - 34  2003

  • 最近の地震で観察された液状化現象についてー芸予地震と宮城県地震を例にー

    井上卓彦, 井内美郎, 奈良正和, 榊原正幸, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 大平 亮, 中條喜友, 風岡 修

    .第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     445 - 450  2003

  • 海底地形から試算・推定した瀬戸内海全域の海砂資源量

    井内美郎, 三井拓也, 川口優美, 斎藤笑子, 中條喜友, 布川裕也, 高杉由夫, 星加 章, 渡辺和明

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     553 - 558  2003

  • 海砂採取後海域にみられるサンドウエーブと地形変化

    岩本直哉, 星加 章, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     547 - 552  2003

  • 愛媛県西海町(宿毛湾北西部海域)における底質環境

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集,     519 - 522  2003

  • 愛媛県北灘湾の底質と過去約100年間の底質環境変遷

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     513 - 518  2003

  • 愛媛県北条市沖の砂堆“大洲”の月別底質粒度変化

    布川裕也, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 中條喜友, 山本法証, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     541 - 556  2003

  • 音波探査記録から見た宍道低地帯東部の後期更新世以降の地史

    井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     491 - 496  2003

  • “沖積層”層序見直しの現状について


    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     509 - 512  2003

  • 猫瀬戸東方海域の底質分布と海峡形成史

    中條喜友, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 布川裕也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     503 - 508  2003

  • 燧灘東部海域で確認された第四系の海底地質構造の性状と連続性

    塩屋藤彦, 大平 亮, 三井拓也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     395 - 400  2003

  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸海域の過去約1万年間の地史

    大平 亮, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     497 - 502  2003

  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物にみる環境変遷とその要因―過去約14万年間の粒径変動からー

    齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     479 - 484  2003

  • バイカル湖Posolskaya Bankの堆積物密度からみた過去約45万年間の気候変遷史

    川口優美, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     473 - 478  2003

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の粒子密度が示す過去約1000万年間の環境変遷史

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     467 - 472  2003

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の密度変化から見た過去約1000万年間の気候変遷史

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    月刊地球   42   68 - 77  2003


  • 愛媛県北灘湾における上げ潮流の流速場(予報)

    関口智寛, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    .愛媛大学理学部紀要   9・10   1 - 8  2003

  • A Record of Precipitation Change for the Past 140 ka Based on Diatom Valve Flux in Lake,Biwa Japan

    KUWAE Michinobu, YOSHIKAWA Shusaku, INOUCHI Yoshio

    The Quat. Res.   42 ( 5 ) 305 - 319  2003

     View Summary

    For high-resolution reconstruction of climate change in Lake Biwa catchment area, we have analyzed concentration of diatom valve (DVC; valves g-1) and diatom valve flux (DVF; valves cm-2 yr-1) for the past 140ka using the upper part of a 140-m core from Takashima-oki. Time resolution of sampling intervals is 150 to 500 years.<br>The DVF records show higher values during the Holocene (0-7ka) and the last interglacial age (68-135ka) than the present value. By contrast, during the last glacial age (7-68ka) the DVF is relatively low. In addition, the DVF record shows millennial-scale fluctuations over the last 140ka.<br>We have checked the relationship among the DVF, sedimentation rate, and climatic parameters such as temperature, snow depth, and precipitation. We concluded that the DVF reflects diatom productivity, which is strongly controlled by the precipitation level of the preceding summer period.<br>If the DVF can be a proxy for precipitation, the characteristics of the precipitation around Lake Biwa are summarized as follow: the low-level duration during 56-68ka, corresponding to the oxygen-isotope stage 4, is longer than that during the LGM (oxygen-isotope stage 2); after 8ka, the levels gradually rise toward 5.5ka, and increased levels occur at 3 and 5.5ka.<br>The pattern and the episodic events in the record of the DVF in the Lake Biwa sediment can be very closely correlated to the Dansgaard-Oeschger episodes in the North Atlantic climatic record which is revealed from the Greenland ice core. This concordance indicates a possible teleconnection between the precipitation over Japan and temperature over the North Atlantic. The possible mechanism of the teleconnection might be related to changes in westerlies which are driven by temperature changes over the North Atlantic.

    DOI CiNii

  • 粗粒・細粒砕屑物による急速埋没に対するナメクジウオBranchiostoma belcheri の耐性.

    奈良正和, 渡辺寛志, 井内美郎, 忽那定範, 柳沢 暁

    日本ベントス学会誌   57   97 - 105  2003

    DOI CiNii

  • Climate Changes between 25,000 and 6,000yrsBP Deduced from TOC, TN, and Fossil Pollen Analyses of a Sediment Core from Lake Nojiri, Central Japan

    KUMON Fujio, KAWAI Sayuri, INOUCHI Yoshio

    The Quat. Res.   42 ( 1 ) 13 - 26  2003

     View Summary

    Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and fossil pollen compositions have been measured at 1- to 2-cm intervals for the upper part of an all-core sample recovered from Lake Nojiri in 1988. TOC and TN contents rapidly increase from the depth zone of 610 to 540cm, with one reversal. The fossil pollen of cool-temperate deciduous trees also becomes abundant around this horizon. Subarctic conifers decrease from 730 to 540cm depth, with some fluctuations.<br>Judging from these results and sediment ages estimated with 14C dates and some marker tephras, the Last Glacial Maximum is reconstructed to have been around 20, 000yrsBP. A warming suggested by increasing fossil pollen of cool-temperate deciduous trees started around 15, 000yrsBP and lasted until about 11, 000yrsBP (about 12, 000calBP), being intercalated with some cooler phases. The warming was especially accelerated around 12, 000yrs BP (14, 000calBP). The cool phases recognized in the Late Last Glacial Age can be compared with the three Dryas periods in Northern Europe by pattern matching, but their ages are older by about 2, 000 to 3, 000 years. This discordance may be a key to understand the mechanism which controls short-term climate changes.<br>A slight cooling phase is also recognized around 9, 000yrsBP. This phase is characterized by decreases in TOC and TN contents, but is not so clearly seen in pollen compositions. This phase may be correlated to the Boreal period in Northern Europe.<br>This study presents the first detailed illustration of climate changes though the termination of the Last Glacial Age in central Japan. The studied core offers a useful standard of climate history, because it can be precisely correlated using the numerous marker tephras.

    DOI CiNii

  • Sedimentation rate and environment of Lake Nakaumi, Shimane and Tottori Prefecture

    KANAI Yutaka, YAMAMURO Masumi, INOUCHI Yoshio, TOKUOKA Takao

    Chikyukagaku   36 ( 4 ) 161 - 178  2003

     View Summary

    In order to study sedimentation environments and sedimentation rates of Lake Nakaumi, Shimane and Tottori Prefectures, the Pb-210 and Cs-137 radioactivities were measured in 14 cores taken on the September in 1996. The sedimentation rate varied in the range of 0.1-1.9 cm/y. Those of the western and southern areas are larger, because some rivers run into the lake at there. Detrital materials are transported through the Ohhashi river, the Iu (Ou) river and the Iinashi river and deposit near the estuaries. Such a high sedimentation rate is supported by the chemical components such as U and K (Pb-214 and K-40) in the sediments, because they suggest the provenance. The fluxes and inventories of radionuclides that indicate the rate and the amount of accumulation correlated with the sedimentation rates. The inventories of excess Pb-210 and Cs-137 are in good correlation with each other (R=0.87). However the ratios of excess Pb-210 inventory to Cs-137 inventory for the cores of Lake Nakaumi are about 11, between those for the Sea of Japan (about 38) and Lake Shinji (about 5). The sources of radionuclides are supposed to be terrestrial fallout, suspended particles carried from rivers and seawater. Although the terrestrial fallout may be the major source, it is considered that the others are more important in contrast to the case of Lake Shinji.

    DOI CiNii

  • 愛媛県北灘湾における上げ潮流の流速場(予報).

    関口智寛, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    愛媛大学理学部紀要   第9・10巻   1 - 8  2003

  • ナメクジウオ生息域、海砂採取海域としての瀬戸内海の砂堆の環境復元に向けた総合的研究.

    井内美郎, 上田拓史, 奈良正和, 大森浩二

    日本沿岸域学会研究討論会2003講演概要集   No.16   31 - 34  2003

  • 最近の地震で観察された液状化現象についてー芸予地震と宮城県地震を例にー.

    井上卓彦, 井内美郎, 奈良正和, 榊原正幸, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 大平 亮, 中條喜友, 風岡 修

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     445 - 450  2003

  • 海底地形から試算・推定した瀬戸内海全域の海砂資源量.

    井内美郎, 三井拓也, 川口優美, 斎藤笑子, 中條喜友, 布川裕也, 高杉由夫, 星加 章, 渡辺和明

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     553 - 558  2003

  • 海砂採取後海域にみられるサンドウエーブと地形変化.

    岩本直哉, 星加 章, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     547 - 552  2003

  • 表層堆積物の粒度組成から見た海底砂堆「貝原」の形成過程.

    山本法証, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 大平 亮, 布川裕也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     537 - 540  2003

  • 愛媛県西海町(宿毛湾北西部海域)における底質環境.

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     519 - 522  2003

  • 愛媛県北灘湾の底質と過去約100年間の底質環境変遷.

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     513 - 518  2003

  • 愛媛県北条市沖の砂堆“大洲”の月別底質粒度変化.

    布川裕也, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 中條喜友, 山本法証, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     541 - 556  2003

  • 音波探査記録から見た宍道低地帯東部の後期更新世以降の地史.

    井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 岩本直哉, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     491 - 496  2003

  • “沖積層”層序見直しの現状について.


    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     509 - 512  2003

  • 猫瀬戸東方海域の底質分布と海峡形成史.

    中條喜友, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 布川裕也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     503 - 508  2003

  • 燧灘東部海域で確認された第四系の海底地質構造の性状と連続性.

    塩屋藤彦, 大平 亮, 三井拓也, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     395 - 400  2003

  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸海域の過去約1万年間の地史.

    大平 亮, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     497 - 502  2003

  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物にみる環境変遷とその要因―過去約14万年間の粒径変動からー.

    齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     479 - 484  2003

  • バイカル湖Posolskaya Bankの堆積物密度からみた過去約45万年間の気候変遷史.

    川口優美, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     473 - 478  2003

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の粒子密度が示す過去約1000万年間の環境変遷史.

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第13回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     467 - 472  2003

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物の密度変化から見た過去約1000万年間の気候変遷史.

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    月刊地球   42   68 - 77  2003


  • 愛媛県北灘湾における上げ潮流の流速場(予報).

    関口智寛, 天野敦子, 井内美郎

    愛媛大学理学部紀要   第9・10巻   1 - 8  2003

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究.

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書平成14年度     41  2003

  • A diatom record for the past 400 ka from Lake Biwa in Japan correlates with global paleoclimatic trends

    Michinobu Kuwae, Shusaku Yoshikawa, Yoshio Inouchi

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology   183 ( 3-4 ) 261 - 274  2002.07

     View Summary

    Detailed diatom records from a 140-m sediment core with a time resolution of approximately 1000-1500 yr were obtained from Lake Biwa to examine possible correlations between diatom concentrations and paleoclimatic changes during the last approximately 400 ka. In the sediments, the diatom assemblages are generally dominated by planktonic diatoms. The diatom stratigraphy is characterized by four zones with distinctly higher concentration values and 12 horizons with low concentration values. Diatom records from the 140-m core and another core indicate that these changes were not local phenomena, but occurred throughout the lake basin. Comparison of diatom concentration records with pollen records from Lake Biwa sediments indicates that higher diatom concentrations represent warmer and wetter climatic conditions, and that lower concentrations represent colder and drier climatic conditions. Comparison of diatom records from Lake Biwa with marine oxygen isotopic records shows that the number of peaks and their relative amplitudes are similar in both profiles
    therefore, peaks and drops in diatom concentration profile might correlate with most oxygen isotopic events. This finding indicates that during approximately the last 400 ka, the changes in diatom concentration, represented as diatom productivity in Lake Biwa, correlate closely with global paleoclimatic changes at the scale of the Milankovitch cycle (precession cycles of 23 and 19 ka), and that diatom concentration was higher during warm events and lower during cold or cooling events. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • A diatom record for the past 400 ka from Lake Biwa in Japan correlates with global paleoclimatic trends

    M Kuwae, S Yoshikawa, Y Inouchi


     View Summary

    Detailed diatom records from a 140-m sediment core with a time resolution of approximately 1000-1500 yr were obtained from Lake Biwa to examine possible correlations between diatom concentrations and paleoclimatic changes during the last approximately 400 ka. In the sediments, the diatom assemblages are generally dominated by planktonic diatoms. The diatom stratigraphy is characterized by four zones with distinctly higher concentration values and 12 horizons with low concentration values. Diatom records from the 140-m core and another core indicate that these changes were not local phenomena, but occurred throughout the lake basin. Comparison of diatom concentration records with pollen records from Lake Biwa sediments indicates that higher diatom concentrations represent warmer and wetter climatic conditions. and that lower concentrations represent colder and drier climatic conditions. Comparison of diatom records from Lake Biwa with marine oxygen isotopic records shows that the number of peaks and their relative amplitudes are similar in both profiles; therefore, peaks and drops in diatom concentration profile might correlate with most oxygen isotopic events. This finding indicates that during approximately the last 400 ka, the changes in diatom concentration, represented as diatom productivity in Lake Biwa, correlate closely with global paleoclimatic changes at the scale of the Milankovitch cycle (precession cycles of 23 and 19 ka), and that diatom concentration was higher during warm events and lower during cold or cooling events. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書平成13年度     46  2002

  • 宇和海表層堆積物の地球化学的特徴

    佐野栄, 関谷竜児, 井内美郎, 天野敦子

    愛媛大学教育学部紀要,第Ⅲ部,自然科学   23   13 - 24  2002

  • 愛媛県宇和海岩松湾における底質からみた季節変化

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     445 - 450  2002

  • 愛媛県松山市北方海域の砂堆“大洲”の底質季節変化

    布川裕也, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 鎌倉秀行, 為季克章, 中條喜友, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     439 - 444  2002

  • 日野川-弓ヶ浜砂州-美保湾系における砕屑物の移動と堆積

    井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 為季克章, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     433 - 438  2002

  • 瀬戸内海の海釜地形の成因について-海域“沖積層”の層序区分と関連して-

    井内美郎, 塩屋藤彦, 中條喜友

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     427 - 432  2002

  • 音波探査記録からみた猫瀬戸周辺海域の過去約二万年間の海峡形成史

    中條喜友, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     421 - 426  2002

  • 燧灘の海底断層系の特徴と堆積盆の状況(音波探査記録より)

    塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     415 - 420  2002

  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸西部海域の過去約2万年間の地史

    大平 亮, 井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     409 - 414  2002

  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物粒度変化からみた過去約15万年間の環境変遷

    齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     397 - 402  2002

  • イカル湖パソリスコエバンクの堆積密度からみた気候変遷史

    川口優美, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     385 - 390  2002

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度プロファイルからみたユーラシア大陸内陸部の高緯度地域における中新世後期の気候変動

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     379 - 384  2002

  • Sand dredging in the Seto Inland Sea and Geologic History of sand banks.

    Inouchi Y

    Proceedings of Techno- Ocean 2002     1 - 4  2002

  • 宇和海表層堆積物の地球化学的特徴.

    佐野栄, 関谷竜児, 井内美郎, 天野敦子

    愛媛大学教育学部紀要第Ⅲ部自然科学   23   13 - 24  2002

  • 2001年芸予地震における愛媛県東予市周辺の液状化現象.

    榊原正幸, 井内美郎, 奈良正和

    地質学雑誌   108   XIII-XIV  2002

  • 愛媛県宇和海岩松湾における底質からみた季節変化.

    天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 岩本直哉, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     445 - 450  2002

  • 愛媛県松山市北方海域の砂堆“大洲”の底質季節変化.

    布川裕也, 岩本直哉, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 鎌倉秀行, 為季克章, 中條喜友, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     439 - 444  2002

  • 日野川-弓ヶ浜砂州-美保湾系における砕屑物の移動と堆積.

    井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 為季克章, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     433 - 438  2002

  • 瀬戸内海の海釜地形の成因について-海域“沖積層”の層序区分と関連して-.

    井内美郎, 塩屋藤彦, 中條喜友

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     427 - 432  2002

  • 音波探査記録からみた猫瀬戸周辺海域の過去約二万年間の海峡形成史.

    中條喜友, 塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     421 - 426  2002

  • 燧灘の海底断層系の特徴と堆積盆の状況(音波探査記録より) .

    塩屋藤彦, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     415 - 420  2002

  • 音波探査記録からみた備讃瀬戸西部海域の過去約2万年間の地史.

    大平 亮, 井上卓彦, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     409 - 414  2002

  • 琵琶湖高島沖湖底堆積物粒度変化からみた過去約15万年間の環境変遷.

    齋藤笑子, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     397 - 402  2002

  • バイカル湖パソリスコエバンクの堆積密度からみた気候変遷史.

    川口優美, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     385 - 390  2002

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度プロファイルからみたユーラシア大陸内陸部の高緯度地域における中新世後期の気候変動.

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第12回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     379 - 384  2002

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究.

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書平成13年度     46  2002

  • Sand dredging in the Seto Inland Sea and Geologic History of sand banks.

    Inouchi Y

    Proceedings of Techno- Ocean 2002     1 - 4  2002

  • 3-(1) 底泥化学分析調査


    宇和海漁場環境調査検討報告書     397 - 405  2001

  • 3-(1) 底泥堆積速度調査


    宇和海漁場環境調査検討報告書     343 - 351  2001

  • 琵琶湖湖底コア、年間珪藻殻堆積量から見た過去14万年間の日本の夏季降水量変動と東アジアモンスーン

    加 三千宣, 吉川周作, 井内美郎

    名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書   XIII   61 - 70  2001

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書     52  2001

  • 愛媛県中島周辺海域の音波探査から見た過去約2万年間の古環境変遷

    三井拓也, 塩屋藤彦, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     251 - 256  2001

  • 愛媛県松山市沖堀江湾の底質分布

    大平 亮, 岩本直哉, 三井拓也, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     261 - 264  2001

  • 熊本県天草郡羊角湾における堆積物から見た環境変遷

    西 綾乃, 天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     271 - 276  2001

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度から見た過去500万年間の気候変遷史

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎, 大野一郎, 酒井英男

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集、     291 - 296  2001

  • 海底堆積物から見た愛媛県宇和海の過去約100年間の環境変遷

    天野敦子, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     265 - 270  2001

  • 燧灘西部海域の海底断層系と完新世堆積物

    塩屋藤彦, 三井拓也, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     277 - 282  2001

  • 海砂採取海域の地形変化

    井内美郎, 岩本直哉, 三井拓也, 塩屋藤彦, 天野敦子

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     257 - 260  2001

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題と砂堆の形成


    地球環境   6   53 - 60  2001

  • Reconstuction of Fire History during the Last 130ka by Analysis of Microscopic Charcoal in Lake Biwa Sediment


    The Quat. Res.   40 ( 2 ) 97 - 104  2001

     View Summary

    In this study, Lake Biwa sediment covering the last 130ka is examined by analysis of the abundance of microscopic charcoal. Based on the abundance variation, the last 130ka is divided into four periods: 130ka to 10ka, 10ka to 1.5ka, 1.5ka to A. D. 1920, and since 1920. Charcoal abundance was low between about 130ka and 10ka, which indicates that climatic variation has not greatly influenced the frequency of forest fires. Charcoal abundance increased markedly from 10ka, and the highest abundance of charcoal between about 10ka and 1.5ka was associated with the ancient human activities after the Jomon period. The reduction of charcoal abundance since about 1.5ka was probably derived from changes in ancient human activities: the shift to agricultural activities and so on. Charcoal abundance has increased since 1920 due to combustion of organic substances for fuel. Consequently, charcoal abundance evidence suggests that variation of fire frequency around Lake Biwa was affected more by human activities than by climatic variation.

    DOI CiNii

  • 愛媛県中島周辺海域の音波探査から見た過去約2万年間の古環境変遷.

    三井拓也, 塩屋藤彦, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     251 - 256  2001

  • 愛媛県松山市沖堀江湾の底質分布.

    大平 亮, 岩本直哉, 三井拓也, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     261 - 264  2001

  • 熊本県天草郡羊角湾における堆積物から見た環境変遷.

    西 綾乃, 天野敦子, 井上卓彦, 大平 亮, 塩屋藤彦, 井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     271 - 276  2001

  • バイカル湖湖底堆積物密度から見た過去500万年間の気候変遷史.

    岩本直哉, 井内美郎, 大野一郎, 酒井英男

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     291 - 296  2001

  • 海底堆積物から見た愛媛県宇和海の過去約100年間の環境変遷.

    天野敦子, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     265 - 270  2001

  • 燧灘西部海域の海底断層系と完新世堆積物.

    塩屋藤彦, 三井拓也, 岩本直哉, 井内美郎

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     277 - 282  2001

  • 海砂採取海域の地形変化.

    井内美郎, 岩本直哉, 三井拓也, 塩屋藤彦, 天野敦子

    第11回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     257 - 260  2001

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題と砂堆の形成.


    地球環境   6   53 - 60  2001

  • 液状化地盤に関するジオスライサー調査


    愛媛大学芸予地震学術調査団最終報告書     43 - 53  2001

  • 3-(1) 底泥化学分析調査.


    宇和海漁場環境調査検討報告書     397 - 405  2001

  • 3-(1) 底泥堆積速度調査.


    宇和海漁場環境調査検討報告書     343 - 351  2001

  • 琵琶湖湖底コア、年間珪藻殻堆積量から見た過去14万年間の日本の夏季降水量変動と東アジアモンスーン.

    加 三千宣, 吉川周作, 井内美郎

    名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書   (XIII)   61 - 70  2001

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂利資源採取による広域的環境影響評価と管理に関する研究.

    星加 章, 三島康史, 井内美郎, 高杉由夫, 橋本英資, 長尾正之, 村上和男, 田辺弘道, 湯浅一郎, 高橋 暁

    環境省報告書   平成12年度   52  2001

  • Sedimentary features of the seismo-turbidites, Lake Biwa, Japan

    T Shiki, F Kumon, Y Inouchi, Y Kontani, T Sakamoto, M Tateishi, H Matsubara, K Fukuyama

    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY   135 ( 1-4 ) 37 - 50  2000.09

     View Summary

    Seismo-turbidite layers are deposited at the foot of the steep slope of the half graben in which Lake Biwa has accumulated. Sedimentary studies, especially of grain-size distribution of selected turbidites provide excellent information for clarifying the distinctive features of general seismo-turbidites. Development of the two constituent sublayers (lower sandy sublayer and upper silt sublayer), lack or limited appearances of traction-indicating structures and characteristic grain-size distribution in the two constituent sublayers are most remarkable and significant. The characteristic grain-size distribution features are coarse tail grading in a relatively thick sandy sublayer, exceptionally rapid distribution grading through the thin boundary interval between the two sublayers, height increase and fluctuation of the silt mode, and high clay content. Brief discussion was made on the causes of these sedimentary features. The need and importance of further comparative studies of various turbidites known triggering forces are emphasized. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • Sedimentary features of the seismo-turbidites, Lake Biwa, Japan

    T Shiki, F Kumon, Y Inouchi, Y Kontani, T Sakamoto, M Tateishi, H Matsubara, K Fukuyama

    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY   135 ( 1-4 ) 37 - 50  2000.09

     View Summary

    Seismo-turbidite layers are deposited at the foot of the steep slope of the half graben in which Lake Biwa has accumulated. Sedimentary studies, especially of grain-size distribution of selected turbidites provide excellent information for clarifying the distinctive features of general seismo-turbidites. Development of the two constituent sublayers (lower sandy sublayer and upper silt sublayer), lack or limited appearances of traction-indicating structures and characteristic grain-size distribution in the two constituent sublayers are most remarkable and significant. The characteristic grain-size distribution features are coarse tail grading in a relatively thick sandy sublayer, exceptionally rapid distribution grading through the thin boundary interval between the two sublayers, height increase and fluctuation of the silt mode, and high clay content. Brief discussion was made on the causes of these sedimentary features. The need and importance of further comparative studies of various turbidites known triggering forces are emphasized. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • 地質学的手法による環境変動解析に関する研究―湖水面変動と掘削試料による流域環境変化に関する研究


    バイカル湖の湖底泥を用いる長期環境変動の解析に関する国際共同研究成果報告書     158 - 170  2000

  • 砂堆形成の多様性と資源量見積もり


    第10回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     143 - 148  2000

  • Submarine topography of Kaihara, a shallow marine sandridge, off Nogutsuna Island, Ehime Prefecture, Japan:observations using narrow multibeam echo sounder SEABAT (a preliminary report)

    Nara Masakazu, Inouchi Yoshio

    Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan   52 ( 52 ) 5 - 12  2000

     View Summary

    High-resolution, three-dimensional submarine topographic mapping of Kaihara, a shallow marine sandridge, off Nogutsuna Island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan was carried out using a narrow multibeam echo sounder SEABAT 8101. Through the mapping, two kinds of topographic features suggesting directions of sediment transport, such as subaqueous dunes and obstacle marks, were recognized. The dunes are seen on the southern part of Kaihara and show asymmetrical forms with steeper west-northwestern and northwestern slopes suggesting that the directions of sediment transport are west-northwestward and northwestward. In the northeastern part, three obstacle marks having E-W and WSW-ENE trends are seen to the west and west-southwest of artificial fish-gathering constructions. The directions of sediment transportation in this area are thus westward and west-southwestward. As a large submarine caldron is situated on the east of Kaihara and surface sediments become finer from the caldron to Kaihara, the sediments comprising the Kaihara sandridge are interpreted to have transported from the caldron by tidal currents, which are known as most likely agents of sediment transportation in the Seto Inland Sea, and accumulated where the currents dispersed and lost their energy.

    DOI CiNii

  • 砂堆形成の多様性と資源量見積もり.


    第10回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     143 - 148  2000

  • 地質学的手法による環境変動解析に関する研究―湖水面変動と掘削試料による流域環境変化に関する研究.


    バイカル湖の湖底泥を用いる長期環境変動の解析に関する国際共同研究成果報告書     158 - 170  2000

  • 海砂資源量の推定―瀬戸内海東部海域の例

    井内美郎, 吉川尚伸, 三井拓也, 仲谷英夫

    第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     235 - 238  1999

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題の最近の争点


    第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     231 - 234  1999

  • East Asian monsoon variation during the last 130,000 Years: evidence from the Loess Plateau of central China and Lake Biwa of Japan

    JL Xiao, ZS An, TS Liu, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo

    QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   18 ( 1 ) 147 - 157  1999

     View Summary

    The loess-paleosol sequence on the Loess Plateau of central China constitutes an excellent proxy record of variations in Asian monsoon climate over the past 2.5 Ma. Magnetic susceptibility of loess and paleosols has been used as a proxy indicator for summer monsoon intensity, while the median diameter of quartz isolated from the loess and paleosols has been regarded as a proxy index of the strength of winter monsoon winds that were responsible for most of the dust transport. The eolian quartz flux to Lake Biwa of central Japan during the last 130,000 yr provides direct information on variations of the East Asian winter monsoon; whereas the fluvial quartz flux reflects significant changes in paleoprecipitation over the lake area. The intervals of high eolian quartz flux values during marine oxygen isotope substages 5d and 5b, and stages 4 and 2 correspond to the periods of large quartz median diameter values of the Chinese loess and paleosols, indicating strengthened winter monsoon winds; whereas the intervals of high fluvial quartz flux values during isotope substages 5e, 5c, and 5a, and stages 3 and 1 correlate to the periods of high magnetic susceptibility values of the Chinese loess and paleosols, suggesting increased summer monsoon intensity. Variations in winter monsoon strength indicated by the eolian quartz flux and quartz median diameter proxies bear a general inverse relation to those in summer monsoon intensity inferred from the fluvial quartz flux and magnetic susceptibility proxies. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • バイカル湖内上部堆積物の花粉分析.

    三好教夫, 竹内 徹, 片岡裕子, 上田圭一, 守田益宗, 河室公康, 高原 光, 長谷義隆, 井内美郎, 尾田武文, 箕浦幸治

    日本花粉学会会誌   45   27 - 43  1999

  • 海砂資源量の推定―瀬戸内海東部海域の例.

    井内美郎, 吉川尚伸, 三井拓也, 仲谷英夫

    第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     235 - 238  1999

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題の最近の争点.


    第9回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     231 - 234  1999

  • East Asian monsoon variation during the last 130,000 Years: evidence from the Loess Plateau of central China and Lake Biwa of Japan

    JL Xiao, ZS An, TS Liu, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo

    QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   18 ( 1 ) 147 - 157  1999

     View Summary

    The loess-paleosol sequence on the Loess Plateau of central China constitutes an excellent proxy record of variations in Asian monsoon climate over the past 2.5 Ma. Magnetic susceptibility of loess and paleosols has been used as a proxy indicator for summer monsoon intensity, while the median diameter of quartz isolated from the loess and paleosols has been regarded as a proxy index of the strength of winter monsoon winds that were responsible for most of the dust transport. The eolian quartz flux to Lake Biwa of central Japan during the last 130,000 yr provides direct information on variations of the East Asian winter monsoon; whereas the fluvial quartz flux reflects significant changes in paleoprecipitation over the lake area. The intervals of high eolian quartz flux values during marine oxygen isotope substages 5d and 5b, and stages 4 and 2 correspond to the periods of large quartz median diameter values of the Chinese loess and paleosols, indicating strengthened winter monsoon winds; whereas the intervals of high fluvial quartz flux values during isotope substages 5e, 5c, and 5a, and stages 3 and 1 correlate to the periods of high magnetic susceptibility values of the Chinese loess and paleosols, suggesting increased summer monsoon intensity. Variations in winter monsoon strength indicated by the eolian quartz flux and quartz median diameter proxies bear a general inverse relation to those in summer monsoon intensity inferred from the fluvial quartz flux and magnetic susceptibility proxies. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI CiNii

  • 海砂採取の海底環境への影響

    井内美郎, 清水洋子, 丸岡範子

    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     255 - 260  1998

  • 青木湖底におけるボーリングコア試料の粒度分析

    間中理哉, 公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     307 - 312  1998

  • Measurement of sedimentation rate at Daihai and Blackspring Lakes in China using radioactive nuclides and their sedimentary environment

    Kanai Yutaka, Inouchi Yoshio, Tokuoka Takao

    Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan   47 ( 47 ) 55 - 70  1998

     View Summary

    Radionuclides distribution and chemical components in the two cored sediments in the two Chinese lakes were studied, and the rates of sedimentation were determined. The average sedimentation rate of Lake Daihai (DH-1), the inland lake, was about 0.3cm/y, which is in the range of those reported in some Japanese lakes. It is suggested that the chemical composition varied a little as the source of sediments changed. On the other hand, the average sedimentation rate of Lake Blackspring (KS-2), the closed lake, was calculated to be about 0.1cm/y, which is 1/3 of DH-1. The samples around 16-18cm depth of KS-2 core where water contents and chemical components varied largely, were estimated to have deposited 160-180y ago, and thereafter the different sediment might deposit. The inventories of Cs-137 in the Chinese lakes were larger than those expected from its relationships with excess Pb-210 in the Japanese lakes. This fact indicates the larger amount of Cs-137 fallout in China than in Japan, and a little loss of Cs-137 in the Chinese lakes.

    DOI CiNii

  • バイカル湖の堆積層.地球環境変動の科学


    古今書院     43 - 56  1998

  • 海砂採取の海底環境への影響.

    井内美郎, 清水洋子, 丸岡範子

    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     255 - 260  1998

  • 瀬戸内海の海砂問題の地質学的側面―海砂の科学的知見及び環境機能回復手法の提案―


    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     249 - 254  1998

  • 青木湖底におけるボーリングコア試料の粒度分析.

    間中理哉, 公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    第8回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     307 - 312  1998

  • Eolian quartz flux to Lake Biwa, central Japan, over the past 145,000 years

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, TS Liu, ZS An

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   48 ( 1 ) 48 - 57  1997.07

     View Summary

    Eolian quartz flux (EQF, g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1)) to Lake Biwa, central Japan, provides direct information on variations of the East Asian winter monsoon, Lake Biwa sediments spanning the past ca, 145,000 yr are characterized by two main periods when EQF values were significantly greater than 5.50 g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1), and two main intervals during which EQF values were lower, Two periods with EQF values &gt;5.50 g cm(-2) (103 yr)(-1) occurred from ca. 145,000 to 125,000 and 73,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., while times of lower EQF values occurred from ca. 125,000 to 73,000 yr B.P. and around ca. 5500 yr B.P. Between ca. 125,000 and 73,000 yr B,P., three minimum EQF values and two intervening peaks of slightly higher EQF values are recorded. EQF increased markedly from ca. 73,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., whereas between ca. 53,000 and 20,000 yr B.P. the values recorded were relatively lower than those recorded during either the preceding or the subsequent episodes, The data imply that the East Asian winter monsoon strengthened during the periods when EQF values were high, and weakened during the intervals with low EQF values. The EQF record of Lake Biwa can be correlated with the grain-size record of the quartz fraction in Chinese loess and with the SPECMAP marine delta(18)O record, However, the EQF record apparently lags ca, 5000 yr behind the loess and delta(18)O records during stage 6/5 and 2/1 transitions and ca, 10,000 yr during stage 5/4 transition, These apparent lags could be due to problems with the chronology; alternatively, they may imply that the eolian quartz flux depended more on the extent of dust source regions than on wind intensity during these transitions. (C) 1997 University of Washington.

    DOI CiNii

  • Eolian quartz flux to Lake Biwa, central Japan, over the past 145,000 years

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, TS Liu, ZS An

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   48 ( 1 ) 48 - 57  1997.07

     View Summary

    Eolian quartz flux (EQF, g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1)) to Lake Biwa, central Japan, provides direct information on variations of the East Asian winter monsoon, Lake Biwa sediments spanning the past ca, 145,000 yr are characterized by two main periods when EQF values were significantly greater than 5.50 g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1), and two main intervals during which EQF values were lower, Two periods with EQF values &gt;5.50 g cm(-2) (103 yr)(-1) occurred from ca. 145,000 to 125,000 and 73,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., while times of lower EQF values occurred from ca. 125,000 to 73,000 yr B.P. and around ca. 5500 yr B.P. Between ca. 125,000 and 73,000 yr B,P., three minimum EQF values and two intervening peaks of slightly higher EQF values are recorded. EQF increased markedly from ca. 73,000 to 13,000 yr B.P., whereas between ca. 53,000 and 20,000 yr B.P. the values recorded were relatively lower than those recorded during either the preceding or the subsequent episodes, The data imply that the East Asian winter monsoon strengthened during the periods when EQF values were high, and weakened during the intervals with low EQF values. The EQF record of Lake Biwa can be correlated with the grain-size record of the quartz fraction in Chinese loess and with the SPECMAP marine delta(18)O record, However, the EQF record apparently lags ca, 5000 yr behind the loess and delta(18)O records during stage 6/5 and 2/1 transitions and ca, 10,000 yr during stage 5/4 transition, These apparent lags could be due to problems with the chronology; alternatively, they may imply that the eolian quartz flux depended more on the extent of dust source regions than on wind intensity during these transitions. (C) 1997 University of Washington.

    DOI CiNii

  • Biogenic silica record in Lake Biwa of central Japan over the past 145,000 years

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, TS Liu, ZS An

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   47 ( 3 ) 277 - 283  1997.05

     View Summary

    The record of the biogenic silica flux (BSF, g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1)) in Lake Biwa reflects changes in diatom productivity in the lake and provides information regarding changes in paleoclimatic conditions, The BSF record of Lake Biwa demonstrates five periods over the past ca, 145,000 yr when the BSF values were significantly greater than 7.5 g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1), and five intervals when they were lower, The data imply that paleoclimatic conditions were warmer and wetter from ca. 123,000 to 115,000, 103,000 to 95,000, 88,000 to 72,000, 57,000 to 32,000 yr B.P., and around ca. 6000 yr B.P, when the BSF values were greater, and relatively dry and cold from ca. 141,000 to 123,000 yr B.P. and during intervals between two of the five warm and wet episodes when the BSF values were lower. Time series of the BSF record can be correlated with the record of biogenic silica content in Lake Baikal and the marine oxygen isotope stages 1 through 6. Furthermore, the BSF values varied with much higher amplitude during the last interglaciation than during the last glaciation, probably implying that the diatom productivity in Lake Biwa was likewise more variable and had a larger range under interglacial conditions than under glacial conditions. (C) 1997 University of Washington.

    DOI CiNii

  • Biogenic silica record in Lake Biwa of central Japan over the past 145,000 years

    JL Xiao, Y Inouchi, H Kumai, S Yoshikawa, Y Kondo, TS Liu, ZS An

    QUATERNARY RESEARCH   47 ( 3 ) 277 - 283  1997.05

     View Summary

    The record of the biogenic silica flux (BSF, g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1)) in Lake Biwa reflects changes in diatom productivity in the lake and provides information regarding changes in paleoclimatic conditions, The BSF record of Lake Biwa demonstrates five periods over the past ca, 145,000 yr when the BSF values were significantly greater than 7.5 g cm(-2) (10(3) yr)(-1), and five intervals when they were lower, The data imply that paleoclimatic conditions were warmer and wetter from ca. 123,000 to 115,000, 103,000 to 95,000, 88,000 to 72,000, 57,000 to 32,000 yr B.P., and around ca. 6000 yr B.P, when the BSF values were greater, and relatively dry and cold from ca. 141,000 to 123,000 yr B.P. and during intervals between two of the five warm and wet episodes when the BSF values were lower. Time series of the BSF record can be correlated with the record of biogenic silica content in Lake Baikal and the marine oxygen isotope stages 1 through 6. Furthermore, the BSF values varied with much higher amplitude during the last interglaciation than during the last glaciation, probably implying that the diatom productivity in Lake Biwa was likewise more variable and had a larger range under interglacial conditions than under glacial conditions. (C) 1997 University of Washington.

    DOI CiNii

  • 北海道周辺海域から採取された堆柱状試料中の重金属等濃度の鉛直変化

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 池原研

    .北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     182 - 193  1997

  • 北海道西方海域の表層堆積物元素濃度分布

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     176 - 181  1997

  • 石狩湾周辺の表層堆積物

    片山肇, 池原研, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     150 - 175  1997

  • GH96航海で採取された底質試料とその処理

    池原研, 片山肇, 井内美郎, 倉本真一, 上嶋正人, 渡辺真人, 古宮正利, 前川竜男, 本山功, 濱田誠一, 長谷川四郎, 宇佐見和子

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     108 - 116  1997

  • GH96航海の概要

    井内美郎, 駒沢正夫, 倉本真一

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     1 - 12  1997

  • Fluvial Quartz Flux to Lake Biwa of Central Japan over the Past 145,000 Years

    XIAO Jule, INOUCHI Yoshio, KUMAI Hisao, YOSHIKAWA Shusaku, KONDO Yoichi, LIU Tungsheng, AN Ahisheng

    The Quat. Res.   36 ( 1 ) 17 - 27  1997

     View Summary

    Studies on sedimentary fluxes of quartz grains carried into Lake Biwa, central Japan by the streams and rivers from the surrounding catchments of the lake show that fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g/cm2·103yr) offers direct information on variations of paleoprecipitation in the lake area. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last ca. 145, 000 years are characterized generally by four main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2.00 g/cm2·103yr, and five main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the peaks with FQF values >2.00g/cm2·103yr occur from ca. 128, 000 to 78, 000yrs BP, and culminated at ca. 122, 000, 101, 000, and 82, 000yrs BP. Another one comprising three narrow peaks concentrated between ca. 48, 000 and 26, 000yrs BP. This interval of triple peaks displays much higher FQF values than during either the preceding or subsequent episodes. The data imply that paleoprecipitation in the lake area was greater during the intervals with high FQF values, which coincide with marine oxygen isotope substages 5e, 5c, and 5a, and stage 3, and was relatively less during isotope stages 6, 4, and 2.

    DOI CiNii

  • 島根県宍道湖の底質における堆積速度と堆積環境

    金井豊, 井内美郎, 山室真澄, 徳岡隆夫

    地球化学   32   71 - 85  1997


  • Diatom Records from Lacustrine Sediments of Lake Biwa during the Past 400,000 Years

    KUWAE Michinobu, YOSHIKAWA Shusaku, INOUCHI Yoshio

    The Quat. Res.   36 ( 2 ) 113 - 122  1997

     View Summary

    In 1986, Takashima-oki core boring was carried out in the central part of Lake Biwa. The sediment samples are composed mainly of silty clay sediments extending over the past ca. 400, 000 years. The sediments are intercalated with many volcanic ash layers, and thus are rich in time control. We analyzed for diatom with high-resolution on the sediments, and have obtained the following results, <br>1. The variations of the total number of diatom valves in 1g dry sample, which is interpreted as the fluctuations of diatom productivity, have occurred widely off the main basin of Lake Biwa.<br>2. The profile of the total number of diatom valves during the past 400, 000 years shows good correlation with the marine oxygen isotope profile. The fluctuation of the total number of diatom valves in Lake Biwa reflects global climate changes sensitively. That is to say, the total number of diatom valves increases under warm and wet paleoclimatic conditions, and decreases under cold and dry conditions.<br>Stages 1 through 9 of the marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy can be recognized. Moreover, for the short-time fluctuations of the total number of diatom valves, correlation can be made with the detailed marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The Biwako diatom horizons (BDH) with rare diatom valves are well correlated with the coldclimate events of the marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy. The BDHs at 8.5m, 19.0m, 28.0m, 35.3m, 43.3m, 53.6m, 63.5m, 80.2m, 86.9 and 93.5m in depth correspond to stages 2.2, 4, 5.2 (5b), 5.4 (5d), 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 7.4, 8.2 and 8.4, respectively.

    DOI CiNii

  • 低バックグラウンド放射能測定システムによる長野県諏訪湖底質の放射能測定と体積速度の見積もり.

    金井豊, 井内美郎, 片山肇

    地質調査所月報   48   277 - 295  1997

  • 北海道周辺海域から採取された堆柱状試料中の重金属等濃度の鉛直変化.

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 池原研

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     182 - 193  1997

  • 北海道西方海域の表層堆積物元素濃度分布.

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     176 - 181  1997

  • 石狩湾周辺の表層堆積物.

    片山肇, 池原研, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     150 - 175  1997

  • GH96航海で採取された底質試料とその処理.

    池原研, 片山肇, 井内美郎, 倉本真一, 上嶋正人, 渡辺真人, 古宮正利, 前川竜男, 本山功, 濱田誠一, 長谷川四郎, 宇佐見和子

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     106 - 116  1997

  • GH96航海の概要.

    井内美郎, 駒沢正夫, 倉本真一

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     1 - 12  1997

  • Fluvial Quartz flux to Lake Biwa of central Japan over the past 145000 years.

    J. Xiao, Inouchi, Y. Kumai, H.Yoshikawa, S. Kondo, Y. Liu T, An Z

    The Quaternary Research   36 ( 1 ) 17 - 27  1997

     View Summary

    Studies on sedimentary fluxes of quartz grains carried into Lake Biwa, central Japan by the streams and rivers from the surrounding catchments of the lake show that fluvial quartz flux (FQF, g/cm2·103yr) offers direct information on variations of paleoprecipitation in the lake area. Lake Biwa sediments spanning the last ca. 145, 000 years are characterized generally by four main intervals when the FQF values were significantly greater than 2.00 g/cm2·103yr, and five main periods during which FQF values were lower. Three of the peaks with FQF values >2.00g/cm2·103yr occur from ca. 128, 000 to 78, 000yrs BP, and culminated at ca. 122, 000, 101, 000, and 82, 000yrs BP. Another one comprising three narrow peaks concentrated between ca. 48, 000 and 26, 000yrs BP. This interval of triple peaks displays much higher FQF values than during either the preceding or subsequent episodes. The data imply that paleoprecipitation in the lake area was greater during the intervals with high FQF values, which coincide with marine oxygen isotope substages 5e, 5c, and 5a, and stage 3, and was relatively less during isotope stages 6, 4, and 2.

    DOI CiNii

  • Turbidites as records of intense palaeoearthquakes in Lake Biwa, Japan

    Yoshio, I, Y Kinugasa, F Kumon, S Nakano, S Yasumatsu, T Shiki

    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY   104 ( 1-4 ) 117 - 125  1996.07

     View Summary

    Some 20 turbidites were collected in the uppermost 3 m of surface sediments in Lake Biwa, southwest Japan. These turbidites coil-elate in age to historical earthquakes that caused severe loss of lives and property near Lake Biwa. The age of each turbidite was estimated precisely, based on sedimentation rate (by weight) and the age of tephra markers below the turbidites. The magnitudes and epicentas of major historical earthquakes during the last 1300 years are available from historical documents. Empirical equations relating intensity, distance to the epicentre and magnitude enable us to calculate the ground shaking at Lake Biwa from these historical earthquakes. Earthquakes having intensity stronger than grade IVL on the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) earthquake scale, that is 44 gal acceleration at Lake Biwa, all coincide with the turbidite ages. This intensity is apparently the lower threshold for turbidity-current initiation in Lake Biwa.

    DOI CiNii

  • 北海道西岸海域から得られた表層堆積物中の有機物組成

    寺島美南子, 古宮正利, 井内美郎, 加藤喜久雄

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     223 - 228  1996

  • 日本海盆北東部から得られた堆積物柱状試料における重金属等の鉛直変化

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 池原研

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     217 - 222  1996

  • 北海道西方海域の表層堆積物元素濃度分布

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     206 - 216  1996

  • GH95海域での帯磁率および測色計測定

    上嶋正人, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書,     146 - 155  1996

  • GH95航海表層堆積物の軟X線写真撮影結果.

    管和哉, 井内美郎, 池原研

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成8年度研究概要報告書     121 - 145  1996

  • 海底写真による北海道西方海域南部の海底の状況

    井内美郎, 池原研, 本山功

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     106 - 115  1996

  • 北海道西方沖から採取された柱状試料

    井内美郎, 池原研, 管和哉

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     86 - 105  1996

  • 北海道西方海域南部の表層堆積物

    井内美郎, 池原研, 本山功

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     73 - 85  1996

  • 積丹半島西方海域の水温、塩分濃度、泥温分布(1995年6-7月)

    池原研, 井内美郎, 古宮正利, 前川竜男

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     65 - 72  1996

  • 北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書

    岡村行信, 航海の概要

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     1 - 12  1996

  • Climatic Changes around Lake Biwa during the past 300000 years and 2000 years

    Y. Inouchi, Yokota S, Terashima S

    Proceedings of the 1995 Nagoya IGBP-PAGES/PEPII Symposium     109 - 114  1996

  • Climatic Changes around Lake Biwa during the past 300000 years and 2000 years

    Y. Inouchi, Yokota S, Terashima S

    Proceedings of the 1995 Nagoya IGBP-PAGES/PEPII Symposium     109 - 114  1996

  • Climatic Changes around Lake Biwa during the past 300000 years and 2000 years.

    Y. Inouchi Yokota, S. Terashima S

    Proceedings of the 1995 Nagoya IGBP-PAGES/PEPII Symposium     109 - 114  1996

  • 奥日光湯の湖の湖底堆積物の地球化学的研究.

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 谷口政碩

    地質調査所月報   47   457 - 469  1996

  • 北海道西岸海域から得られた表層堆積物中の有機物組成.

    寺島美南子, 古宮正利, 井内美郎, 加藤喜久雄

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     223 - 228  1996

  • 日本海盆北東部から得られた堆積物柱状試料における重金属等の鉛直変化.

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 池原研

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     217 - 222  1996

  • 北海道西方海域の表層堆積物元素濃度分布.

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     206 - 216  1996

  • GH95海域での帯磁率および測色計測定.

    上嶋正人, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     146 - 155  1996

  • GH95航海表層堆積物の軟X線写真撮影結果.

    管和哉, 井内美郎, 池原研

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     121 - 145  1996

  • 海底写真による北海道西方海域南部の海底の状況.

    井内美郎, 池原研, 本山功

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     106 - 115  1996

  • 北海道西方沖から採取された柱状試料.

    井内美郎, 池原研, 管和哉

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     86 - 105  1996

  • 北海道西方海域南部の表層堆積物.

    井内美郎, 池原研, 本山功

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     73 - 85  1996

  • 積丹半島西方海域の水温、塩分濃度、泥温分布(1995年6-7月).

    池原研, 井内美郎, 古宮正利, 前川竜男

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     65 - 72  1996

  • GH95航海の概要.

    岡村行信, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成7年度研究概要報告書     1 - 12  1996

  • Turbidites as records of intense palaeoearthquakes in Lake Biwa, Japan

    Yoshio Inouchi, Yoshihiro Kinugasa, Fujio Kumon, Satoshi Nakano, Sadao Yasumatsu, Tsunemasa Shiki

    Sedimentary Geology   104 ( 1-4 ) 117 - 125  1996

     View Summary

    Some 20 turbidites were collected in the uppermost 3 m of surface sediments in Lake Biwa, southwest Japan. These turbidites correlate in age to historical earthquakes that caused severe loss of lives and property near Lake Biwa. The age of each turbidite was estimated precisely, based on sedimentation rate (by weight) and the age of tephra markers below the turbidites. The magnitudes and epicentres of major historical earthquakes during the last 1300 years are available from historical documents. Empirical equations relating intensity, distance to the epicentre and magnitude enable us to calculate the ground shaking at Lake Biwa from these historical earthquakes. Earthquakes having intensity stronger than grade IVL on the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) earthquake scale, that is 44 gal acceleration at Lake Biwa, all coincide with the turbidite ages. This intensity is apparently the lower threshold for turbidity-current initiation in Lake Biwa.

    DOI CiNii

  • Climatic Changes around Lake Biwa during the past 300000 years and 2000 years.

    Y. Inouchi Yokota, S. Terashima S

    Proceedings of the 1995 Nagoya IGBP-PAGES/PEPII Symposium     109 - 114  1996

  • 日本海盆東縁部から得られた堆積物柱状試料における重金属等の鉛直変化

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 片山肇

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     197 - 202  1995

  • :GH94海域での帯磁率および測色計測定

    上嶋正人, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書,     136 - 144  1995

  • 北海道南西沖の柱状堆積物試料

    井内美郎, 本山功, 片山肇, 管和哉

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     105 - 114  1995

  • 北海道南西沖海域の表層堆積物

    井内美郎, 大塚雅之, 公文富士夫, 本山 功, 片山肇

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     63 - 88  1995

  • GH94航海の概要

    岡村行信, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     1 - 9  1995

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田 聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成6年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1995

  • 物理的・化学的測定及び堆積環境・湖内移流拡散に関する調査


    平成6年度科学技術振興調整費による「バイカル湖の湖底泥を用いる長期環境変動の解析に関する調査」報告書     81 - 110  1995

  • 諏訪湖湖底堆積状況図

    安田 聡, 渡邊和明, 井内美郎

    地質調査所特殊地質図   34  1995

  • 愛媛県下佐田岬の海跡湖の環境変遷史

    井内美郎, 池亀吾郎, 今井祥二, 岡本竜也

    第7回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     223 - 228  1995

  • Sequence stratigraphy of an incised-valley fill consisting of the latest Pleistocene-Holocene coarse-grained delta, Nita Bay of the Tsushima Islands, Western Japan

    Saito Yoshiki, Ikeda Kuniaki, Inouchi Yoshio, Matsumoto Eiji, Oguri Kazumasa, Yokota Setsuya, Hasaka Toshikazu, Akamatsu Morio, Yamazaki Noriko, Ohshima Kazuo

    The Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan.   45 ( 45 ) 61 - 75  1995

     View Summary

    The sequence stratigraphic analysis on the latest Pleistocene-Holocene incised-valley fill of Nita Bay of the Tsushima Islands, Western Japan has been done, using the TN core taken from the dalta front of the Nita River delta. The sequence of the incised-valley fill is divided into three parts, 1) the lowest part: gravelly fluvial sediment, 2) the lower part: fining-upward deltaic sediment consisting of gravelly intertidal sediment and overlying sandy to muddy delta front sediment containing abundant plant fragments, and 3) the upper part: coarsening-upward deltaic sediment consisting of muddy prodelta sediment and sandy delta front sediment. These facies and stacking patterns have been controlled by the latest Pleistocene to Holocene sea-level changes. The maximum flooding surface situated between the lower and upper parts coincides with the end of Holocene sea-level rise, which is 6 ka in age from an age-known tephra of K-Ah tephra. The transgressive succession is characterized by thick, subtidal sediments containing abundant plant fragments and coarse grains. Regressive successionis characterized by upward-coarsening, thick delta front and prodelta sediments and formed a clear contrast between delta front and prodelta facies.


  • 湖沼底質試料の非破壊・密度構造分析への医療用X線CTスキャナの利用.

    稲崎富士, 井内美郎, 中野司

    地質調査所月報   46   629 - 642  1995

  • 210Pb,137Cs法による長野県諏訪湖底質の堆積速度の見積もり.

    金井豊, 井内美郎, 片山肇, 斉藤文紀

    地質調査所月報   46   225 - 238  1995

  • 愛媛県下佐田岬の海跡湖の環境変遷史.

    井内美郎, 池亀吾郎, 今井祥二, 岡本竜也

    第7回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     223 - 228  1995

  • 日本海盆東縁部から得られた堆積物柱状試料における重金属等の鉛直変化.

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 片山肇

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     197 - 202  1995

  • GH94海域での帯磁率および測色計測定.

    上嶋正人, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     136 - 144  1995

  • 北海道南西沖の柱状堆積物試料.

    井内美郎, 本山功, 片山肇, 管和哉

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     105 - 114  1995

  • 北海道南西沖海域の表層堆積物.

    井内美郎, 大塚雅之, 公文富士夫, 本山 功, 片山肇

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     63 - 88  1995

  • GH94航海の概要.

    岡村行信, 井内美郎

    北海道西方海域の環境変動に関する総合的研究平成6年度研究概要報告書     1 - 9  1995

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田 聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成6年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1995

  • 物理的・化学的測定及び堆積環境・湖内移流拡散に関する調査.


    平成6年度科学技術振興調整費による「バイカル湖の湖底泥を用いる長期環境変動の解析に関する調査」報告書     81 - 110  1995

  • 諏訪湖湖底堆積状況図.

    安田 聡, 渡邊和明, 井内美郎

    地質調査所特殊地質図   No.34.  1995

  • 環日本海における地球温暖化の影響に関する研究

    小玉喜三郎, 井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 横田節哉, 池田国昭, 羽坂俊一, 松本英二, 赤松守雄

    地球環境研究総合推進費平成5年度研究成果報告集(中間報告)     298 - 301  1994

  • 音波探査による中海の塩水楔の検討とその意義

    徳岡隆夫, 大西郁夫, 高安克己, 三瓶良和, 瀬戸浩二, 安間恵, 土屋洋一, 井内美郎, 西村清和

    第3回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     155 - 160  1994

  • 水平2次元1層モデルによる諏訪湖湖流の数値シミュレーション(1).

    松永恒雄, 大久保泰邦, 井内美郎

    地質調査所月報   45 ( 1 ) 39 - 50  1994


  • 音波探査による中海の塩水楔の検討とその意義.

    徳岡隆夫, 大西郁夫, 高安克己, 三瓶良和, 瀬戸浩二, 安間恵, 土屋洋一, 井内美郎, 西村清和

    第3回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     155 - 160  1994

  • 環日本海における地球温暖化の影響に関する研究.

    小玉喜三郎, 井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 横田節哉, 池田国昭, 羽坂俊一, 松本英二, 赤松守雄

    地球環境研究総合推進費平成5年度研究成果報告集(中間報告)   Ⅰ   298 - 301  1994

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    松永恒雄, 斎藤文紀, 井内美郎, 片山肇, 石原丈実, 稲崎富士, 寺島滋, 金井豊, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 吉川秀樹, 山口英利, 沖野外輝夫, 公文富士夫, 川村実

    平成5年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     47  1993

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    石原丈実, 井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 稲崎富士, 大久保泰邦, 松永恒雄, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 沖野外輝夫, 公文富士夫, 川村実

    平成4年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1993

  • 水深比較法による諏訪湖の堆積速度分布

    井内美郎, 安田聡, 渡辺和明

    第3回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     139 - 144  1993

  • Volcanic Debris Avalanche Deposits in Lake Hibara

    Kawabe Yoshihisa, Inouchi Yoshio, Soya Tatsunori

    The Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan.   39 ( 39 ) 71 - 74  1993

     View Summary

    The 1888 eruption of Bandai volcano, Fukushima Pref. Northeast Japan is famous for its large debris avalanche that killed 461 people. After the eruption, the avalanche deposit dammed up the old river and made many lakes such as Lake Hibara, Lake Akimoto etc. To investigate the area of the avalanche deposit and structure of the deposit, side scan sonar survey was carryed out at Lake Hibara. Bathymetry and side scan sonar clearly showed the lake bottom fabric. The avalanche deposit with many hummocky mounds reached 11 km from the volcanic edifice, which collapsed in 1888, and covered former existed river which shows smooth bottom surface. The avalanche deposit was, also, divided into two parts from the density and the size of the mounds.


  • 古地震の震度支持者としての琵琶湖タービダイト.

    井内美郎, 衣笠善博, 公文富士夫, 安松貞夫, 中野聡志, 志岐常正

    地質学論集   39   61 - 70  1993

  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の粒径分布.

    公文富士夫, 紙谷敏夫, 須藤浩一, 井内美郎

    地質学論集   39   53 - 60  1993

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリング火山灰から見た中期更新世~完新世の噴火火山史.

    吉川周作, 井内美郎

    地球科学   47   97 - 109  1993


  • 続 湖沼の成因と環境・地質、地質学論集

    徳岡隆夫, 安間恵, 井内美郎

    日本地質学会     1 - 189  1993

  • 水深比較法による諏訪湖の堆積速度分布.

    井内美郎, 安田聡, 渡辺和明

    第3回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     139 - 144  1993

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究.

    松永恒雄, 斎藤文紀, 井内美郎, 片山肇, 石原丈実, 稲崎富士, 寺島滋, 金井豊, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 吉川秀樹, 山口英利, 沖野外輝夫, 公文富士夫, 川村実

    平成5年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     47  1993

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究.

    石原丈実, 井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 稲崎富士, 大久保泰邦, 松永恒雄, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 沖野外輝夫, 公文富士夫, 川村実

    平成4年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1993

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成3年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1992

  • 霞ヶ浦・手賀沼底質中のクロロフィル類の初期続性作用.

    寺島美南子, 井内美郎

    地質調査所月報   43   153 - 164  1992

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成3年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1992

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成2年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1991

  • 浅い湖沼の汚染底質の除去方法について

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子

    第1回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     267 - 272  1991

  • 湖沼浚渫域の底質における元素の鉛直分布と化学的性質

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 斉藤文紀, 宮田雄一郎, 片山肇, 寺島美南子

    .地質調査所月報   42   387 - 407  1991

  • 琵琶湖高島沖ボーリングコアの火山灰層序.

    吉川周作, 井内美郎

    地球科学   45   81 - 100  1991


  • 浅い湖沼の汚染底質の除去方法について.

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子

    第1回環境地質学シンポジウム論文集     267 - 272  1991

  • 湖沼汚染底質の浄化手法に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 斎藤文紀, 片山肇, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹

    平成2年度国立機関公害防止等試験研究成果報告書     58  1991

  • 琵琶湖底表層堆積物中の砂サイズ粒子の組成

    中野聡志, 井内美郎

    滋賀大学教育学部紀要   40   41 - 49  1990

  • Origin of sand and its distribution pattern in the Seto Inland Sea southwest Japan.

    Y. Inouchi

    Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan   41   49 - 86  1990

  • JLK-1 JLs-1 and JDo-1 GSJ rock reference samples of the “Sedimentary rock series”.

    A. Ando, Okai, T.Inouchi, Y. Igarashi, T. Sudo, S. Marumo, K. Ito S, Terashima S

    Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan   41   27 - 48  1990

  • Reconsideration of the subdivision of "Alluvium" in enclosed coastal seas. The example of Osaka Bay.:The Example of Osaka Bay

    INOUCHI Yoshio

    The Quat. Res.   29 ( 5 ) 405 - 416  1990

     View Summary

    In order to re-examine an earlier theory on the subdivision of the soft sediment which is sometimes called "Alluvium" in enclosed coastal seas, an acoustic survey was carried out in Osaka Bay. Although the tools which were used for the surveys differ, the depths of acoustic reflectors in the old and the new records correspond well. The results of the new acoustic survey and drilling show good correlation between the depths of the reflectors and those of tephra seams and facies boundaries, for example, between those of mud and sand or those of sand and gravel.<br>The earlier stratigraphic subdivision was based chiefly on differences in reflection patterns; the importance of reflectors as time markers was neglected. Consequently, the boundary between Alluvium A and Alluvium B in the earlier stratigraphy apparently crosses some reflectors. The distribution boundary between Alluvium A and Alluvium B on the sea floor was regarded as corresponding to that between sand and mud in the same area. This is, however, not correct. The combined thickness of Alluvium A and Alluvium B, which was supposed to equal that of total "Alluvium", only corresponds to that of the upper and middle muddy parts, excluding the channel areas.<br>On the basis of these facts, stratigraphy in enclosed coastal seas can be better understood, as follows. Unconsolidated muddy sediment, which forms the upper and middle parts of "Alluvium" in Japanese enclosed coastal seas, cannot be stratigraphically subdivided. The sandy part near the channel area and the muddy parts in the central bay and the area far away from the channels (both on the bottom surface) are in the relation of a contemporaneous heterotopic facies. The most obvious reflector in the acoustic record, which had been regarded as the boundary between "Alluvium" and the underlying strata, is better understood as the boundary between the upper and middle muddy "Alluvium" and the underlying "lower Alluvium". The previous stratigraphy for the subdivision of unconsolidated sediment in other enclosed coastal seas around the Japanese Islands should be corrected in a similar way.

    DOI CiNii

  • 琵琶湖泥質粒子の堆堆積メカニズム.


    地質学論集   36   195 - 208  1990

  • 野尻湖の湖底ボーリング試料と音波反射層との対比.

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    地質学論集   36   167 - 178  1990

  • 霞ヶ浦の地史:海水準変動に影響された沿岸湖沼環境変遷史

    斉藤文紀, 井内美郎, 横田節哉

    .地質学論集   36   103 - 118  1990

  • 湖沼の成因と環境・地質、地質学論集

    井内美郎, 徳岡隆夫, 高安克己, 安間恵, 牧野泰彦, 楡井久

    日本地質学会     1 - 262  1990

  • 琵琶湖底表層堆積物中の砂サイズ粒子の組成.

    中野聡志, 井内美郎

    滋賀大学教育学部紀要   40   41 - 49  1990

  • 霞ヶ浦湖底堆積物中のアミノ酸と単糖類.

    寺島美南子, 井内美郎

    地質調査所月報   41   641 - 655  1990

  • 諏訪湖底質中の重金属、有機炭素、りん等14元素の地球化学的研究.

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 中尾征三, 米谷宏

    地質調査所月報   41   147 - 172  1990

  • Origin of sand and its distribution pattern in the Seto Inland Sea southwest Japan.

    Y. Inouchi

    Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan   41   49 - 86  1990

  • JLK-1 JLs-1 and JDo-1 GSJ rock reference samples of the “Sedimentary rock series”.

    A. Ando, Okai, T.Inouchi, Y. Igarashi, T. Sudo, S. Marumo, K. Ito S, Terashima S

    Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan   41   27 - 48  1990

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 星加章, 志岐常正, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 武蔵野実, 吉川周作, 久富邦彦, 前田広人, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁   63   47  1989

  • 琵琶湖南部湖底状況図及び説明書

    村上文敏, 井内美郎

    特殊地質図シリーズ   29  1989

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層における放射性核種および物理量の鉛直変化特性

    太井子宏和, 井内美郎

    水資源研究センター研究報告   9   25 - 43  1989

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層における放射性核種および物理量の鉛直変化特性.

    太井子宏和, 井内美郎

    水資源研究センター研究報告   9   25 - 43  1989

  • 野尻湖底表層堆積物におけるマンガン、銅、鉛、亜鉛の挙動

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 中尾征三, 米谷宏

    .地質調査所月報   40   113 - 125  1989

  • 琵琶湖湖底表層における放射性核種および物理量の鉛直変化特性.

    太井子宏和, 井内美郎

    水資源研究センター研究報告   9   25 - 43  1989

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 宮田雄一郎, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 安田聡, 斎藤英二, 渡邊和明, 宮崎純一, 星加章, 志岐常正, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 武蔵野実, 吉川周作, 久富邦彦, 前田広人, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   63   47  1989

  • 琵琶湖南部湖底状況図及び説明書.

    村上文敏, 井内美郎

    特殊地質図シリーズ   No.29.  1989

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 星加章, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 武蔵野実, 吉川周作, 久富邦彦, 前田広人, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   62   57  1988

  • Sedimentation mechanism of fine materials in LakeBiwa

    Y. Inouchi, Terashima S

    Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   23   567 - 572  1988

  • 中部地方、野尻湖の湖底堆積物

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   49 - 72  1988

  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の砂粒組成

    中野聡志, 井内美郎

    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   11 - 22  1988

  • 琵琶湖の堆積モデル


    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   49 - 72  1988

  • 宍道湖底質表層部の重金属分布

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   7   33 - 37  1988

  • 宍道湖底質表層部の重金属分布.

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   7   33 - 37  1988

  • Sedimentation mechanism of fine materials in LakeBiwa

    Y. Inouchi, Terashima S

    Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   23   567 - 572  1988

  • Sedimentation mechanism of fine materials in LakeBiwa.

    Y. Inouchi, Terashima S

    Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   23   567 - 572  1988

  • Bottom topography of Lake Senba-ko in Mito City, Central Japan

    Ikeda Kuniaki, Saito Eiji, Watanabe Kazuaki, Miyazaki Jun-ichi, Takahashi Haruyuki, Hiyama Kazuaki, Miura Nobuaki, Inouchi Yoshio

    Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku)   42 ( 5 ) 298 - 302  1988

    DOI CiNii

  • 中部地方、野尻湖の湖底堆積物.

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   49 - 72  1988

  • 琵琶湖表層堆積物の砂粒組成.

    中野聡志, 井内美郎

    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   11 - 22  1988

  • 琵琶湖の堆積モデル.


    砕屑性堆積物の研究   5   49 - 72  1988

  • 宍道湖底質表層部の重金属分布.

    横田節哉, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   7   33 - 37  1988

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 星加章, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 武蔵野実, 吉川周作, 久富邦彦, 前田広人, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   62   57  1988

  • Sedimentation mechanism of fine materials in LakeBiwa.

    Y. Inouchi, Terashima S

    Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.   23   567 - 572  1988

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 前田広人, 熊谷道夫, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   61   64  1987

  • 中部地方野尻湖底堆積物の粒度分析(予報)

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    信州大学理学部紀要   22   39 - 48  1987

  • Acoustic estimation method of sedimentation rate

    INOUCHI Yoshio

    Earth Science (Chikyu Kagaku)   41 ( 4 ) 231 - 241  1987

     View Summary

    A method to estimate mass sedimentation rate is proposed in the following procedure; 1. drafting of isopach map of sediment based on the depth of specific reflector in acoustic (UNIBOOM) record, 2. making vertical prone of standard water content in sediments at selected point(s) in the area, 3. conversion of the data of water content into those of dry weight and cumulative dry weight of sediments, 4. age determination of the critical reflector, (in general, some of reflectors are age-known tephras.) 5. making a standard curve of " thickness versus sedimentation rate" through dividing cumulative dry weight in each depth by sedimentary age of the reflector, 6. conversion of thickness of sediments into sedimentation rate by using that curve. In Lake Biwa, depths of reflectors beneath the bottom coincide with those of the top of corresponding sediment layers which contain more than 1% of sand. Consequently, thickness of sediment can be caluculated easily based on the acoustic record. Vertical profile of water content is obtainde using drilled samples in the area. It is converted into that of dry weight and cumulative dry weight profiles, assuming that specific gravity of sediment grains to be 2.65 and that all pores in sediments are filled with water. In Lake Biwa, the top of Kikai-Akahoya tephra (K-Ah; aged ca. 6300 Y. B. P.) makes a good reflector. Mean sedimetation rate in the whole area of Lake Biwa, obtained by this method, is 38.2 mg/cm_2/year. Comparison between the results and the rates by 210Pb, 137Cs and specified tephra methods shows good correlation, with a few exceptions. The result of isotope method show a little smaller values than those of acoustic method. There are several factors to make an error in this methd. They are; 1. difference between sediment thickness obtaind through acoustic record and the real thickness, caused by vertical change of acoustic velocity (This is, however, negligible in Lake Biwa.), 2. areal difference of water content, 3. difference in degrees of compaction with time and depth, 4. age determination error (As for 14C dating, they are within a few percent.), 5. sporadic sedimentation, such as turbidite, 6. change of sedimentation rate in recent years caused by the anthropogenic deformation of surrounding land area. As there are many active and non active volcanoes in Japan, many volcanic ash seams can be found in the lake and shallow sea sediments. Consequently, this method will be applied in various lakes and shallow sea areas with muddy sediments.

    DOI CiNii

  • 音波探査による野尻湖底堆積物の層序と形成史.

    井内美郎, 公文富士夫, 小林雅弘, 近藤洋一, 後藤昌徳, 鈴木一久, 松岡弘和

    地団研専報   32   23 - 36  1987

  • 中部地方野尻湖底堆積物の粒度分析(予報).

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    信州大学理学部紀要   22   39 - 48  1987

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫, 中野聡志, 遠藤修一, 前田広人, 熊谷道夫, 近藤洋一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   61   64  1987

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 斎藤文紀, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   60   64  1986

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 中尾征三, 竹内三郎, 吉川, 秀樹, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   59   74  1986

  • 表層堆積物中のスズ存在量と堆積環境

    寺島滋, 井内美郎, 米谷宏, 中尾征三, 三田直樹

    .地質調査所月報   37   117 - 137  1986

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 中尾征三, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 斎藤文紀, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子, 竹内三郎, 吉川秀樹, 志岐常正, 太井子宏和, 徳岡隆夫, 公文富士夫

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   60   64  1986

  • 湖沼汚染底質の堆積機構解明に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 中尾征三, 竹内三郎, 吉川, 秀樹, 寺島滋, 寺島美南子

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   59   74  1986

  • 開口性沿岸海域開発に伴う底質汚染予測技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 鈴木泰輔, 松本英二, 池田国昭, 村瀬正, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   59   54  1985

  • 開口性沿岸海域開発に伴う底質汚染予測技術に関する研究.

    大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 鈴木泰輔, 松本英二, 池田国昭, 村瀬正, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   59   64  1985

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 木下泰正, 村上文敏, 斎藤文敏

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   59   155 - 164  1984

  • 開口性沿岸海域開発に伴う底質汚染予測技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 鈴木泰輔, 池田国昭, 青木市太郎, 村瀬正, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   58   70  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 小野寺公児, 大嶋和雄, 村上文敏, 木下泰正, 斎藤文紀, 青木市太郎, 斎藤英二

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   58   60  1984

  • 中海・宍道湖の自然史研究―その3サイドスキャンソナーとアトラスデソ20による宍道湖底の音波探査

    木下泰正, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   3   167 - 170  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究


    水質汚濁研究   7 ( 6 ) 349 - 352  1984

    DOI CiNii

  • 湖沼堆積物と古環境

    井内美郎, 大嶋和雄, 横田節哉

    月刊地球   6   502 - 506  1984

  • 中海・宍道湖の自然史研究―その3サイドスキャンソナーとアトラスデソ20による宍道湖底の音波探査.

    木下泰正, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   3   167 - 170  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究.


    水質汚濁研究   7 ( 6 ) 349 - 352  1984

    DOI CiNii

  • 中海・宍道湖の自然史研究―その3サイドスキャンソナーとアトラスデソ20による宍道湖底の音波探査.

    木下泰正, 井内美郎

    島根大学地質学研究報告   3   167 - 170  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究.


    水質汚濁研究   7 ( 6 ) 349 - 352  1984

    DOI CiNii

  • 湖沼堆積物と古環境.

    井内美郎, 大嶋和雄, 横田節哉

    月刊地球   6   502 - 506  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術.

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 木下泰正, 村上文敏, 斎藤文敏

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   59   155 - 164  1984

  • 開口性沿岸海域開発に伴う底質汚染予測技術に関する研究.

    大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 鈴木泰輔, 池田国昭, 青木市太郎, 村瀬正, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   58   70  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 小野寺公児, 大嶋和雄, 村上文敏, 木下泰正, 斎藤文紀, 青木市太郎, 斎藤英二

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   58   60  1984

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 木下泰正, 村上文敏, 小野寺公児, 大嶋和雄, 青木市太郎, 橋本智昌, 斎藤英二, 渡辺和明, 宮崎純一, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   57   67  1983

  • Sulfur and carbon contents in the recent sediments and their relation to sedimentary environments.

    S. Terashima, Yonetani, H, Matsumoto E, Inouchi Y

    Bulletin of the Geological Suevey of Japan   34   361 - 382  1983

  • Sedimentation rate of Lake Kasumigaura sediments:Sedimentation rate calculation by tephra

    INOUCHI Yoshio, SAITO Yoshiki, YOKOTA Setsuya

    Journal of the Geological Society of Japan   89 ( 2 ) 125 - 128  1983

    DOI CiNii

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 横田節哉, 斎藤文紀, 木下泰正, 村上文敏, 小野寺公児, 大嶋和雄, 青木市太郎, 橋本智昌, 斎藤英二, 渡辺和明, 宮崎純一, 羽坂俊一

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   57   67  1983

  • Sulfur and carbon contents in the recent sediments and their relation to sedimentary environments.

    S. Terashima, Yonetani, H, Matsumoto E, Inouchi Y

    Bulletin of the Geological Suevey of Japan   34   361 - 382  1983

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究

    井内美郎, 大嶋和雄, 岡村行信, 小野寺公児, 木下泰正, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 横田節哉, 青木市太郎, 渡辺和明

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   56   76  1982

  • 瀬戸内海における表層堆積物分布.


    地質学雑誌   88 ( 8 ) 665 - 681  1982

    DOI CiNii

  • 湖沼堆積物の調査技術に関する研究.

    井内美郎, 大嶋和雄, 岡村行信, 小野寺公児, 木下泰正, 斎藤文紀, 村上文敏, 横田節哉, 青木市太郎, 渡辺和明

    環境保全成果集(環境庁)   56   76  1982

  • Bottom samples obtained by dredge and rock-corer from the area northeast of Hachijojima Island in the northern part of Ogasawara Arc

    Yuasa M.Inouchi Y, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   35 - 48  1981

  • Sea bottom photographs from Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity

    InouchiY, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   53 - 64  1981

  • Sediments on the Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity


    Cruise Report   16   49 - 52  1981

  • 紋別沖表層堆積図

    木下泰正, 井内美郎, 西村清和, 西村昭

    海洋地質図シリーズ(地質調査所)16.   16  1981

  • 龍神地域の地質

    徳岡隆夫, 原田哲朗, 井内美郎, 石上知良, 木村克己, 公文富士夫, 中條健次, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 鈴木博之, 谷口純造

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     69p.  1981

  • Bottom samples obtained by dredge and rock-corer from the area northeast of Hachijojima Island in the northern part of Ogasawara Arc

    Yuasa M.Inouchi Y, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   35 - 48  1981

  • Sea bottom photographs from Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity

    InouchiY, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   53 - 64  1981

  • Sediments on the Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity


    Cruise Report   16   49 - 52  1981

  • Bottom samples obtained by dredge and rock-corer from the area northeast of Hachijojima Island in the northern part of Ogasawara Arc.

    YuasaM.InouchiY, KinoshitaY

    Cruise Report   16   35 - 48  1981

  • Sea bottom photographs from Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity.

    InouchiY, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   53 - 64  1981

  • Sediments on the Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity.


    Cruise Report   16   49 - 52  1981

  • 大隅海峡および周辺海域の堆積物と堆積史-大隅海峡の発達史と関連して-.


    地質調査所月報   32   693 - 716  1981

  • 紋別沖表層堆積図.

    木下泰正, 井内美郎, 西村清和, 西村昭

    海洋地質図シリーズ(地質調査所)   No.16.  1981

  • 龍神地域の地質.

    徳岡隆夫, 原田哲朗, 井内美郎, 石上知良, 木村克己, 公文富士夫, 中條健次, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 鈴木博之, 谷口純造

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     69p.  1981

  • Bottom samples obtained by dredge and rock-corer from the area northeast of Hachijojima Island in the northern part of Ogasawara Arc.

    YuasaM.InouchiY, KinoshitaY

    Cruise Report   16   35 - 48  1981

  • Sea bottom photographs from Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity.

    InouchiY, Kinoshita Y

    Cruise Report   16   53 - 64  1981

  • Sediments on the Shinkurose Bank and its vicinity.


    Cruise Report   16   49 - 52  1981

  • 汚染底質堆積機構の研究

    大嶋和雄, 小野寺公児, 井内美郎, 横田節哉

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   55   77 - 100  1980

  • 沖縄本島周辺海域の海底堆積物

    野原昌人, 大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 井内美郎, 池田国昭

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   54   ,61  1980

  • 汚染底質堆積機構の研究.

    大嶋和雄, 小野寺公児, 井内美郎, 横田節哉

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   55   77 - 100  1980

  • 沖縄本島周辺海域の海底堆積物.

    野原昌人, 大嶋和雄, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 井内美郎, 池田国昭

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   54   61  1980

  • 江住地域の地質

    立石雅昭, 別所孝範, 原田哲朗, 久富邦彦, 井内美郎, 石上知良, 公文富士夫, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 鈴木博之, 徳岡隆夫

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     65p.  1979

  • 西津軽海盆表層堆積図

    井内美郎, 木下泰正, 村上文敏

    海洋地質図シリーズ(地質調査所)   12  1979

  • 栗栖川地域の地質

    鈴木博之, 原田哲朗, 石上知良, 公文富士夫, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 立石雅昭, 徳岡隆夫, 井内美郎

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     54p.  1979

  • 江住地域の地質.

    立石雅昭, 別所孝範, 原田哲朗, 久富邦彦, 井内美郎, 石上知良, 公文富士夫, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 鈴木博之, 徳岡隆夫

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     65p.  1979

  • 西津軽海盆表層堆積図.

    井内美郎, 木下泰正, 村上文敏

    海洋地質図シリーズ(地質調査所)   No.12.  1979

  • 栗栖川地域の地質.

    鈴木博之, 原田哲朗, 石上知良, 公文富士夫, 中屋志津男, 坂本隆彦, 立石雅昭, 徳岡隆夫, 井内美郎

    地域地質研究報告(5万分の1図幅)     54p.  1979

  • 海底砂利賦存状況調査報告書

    有田正史, 木下泰正, 野原昌人, 井内美郎

    通産省     18p.  1978

  • 紀伊水道南方の上部大陸斜面成立時期.

    井内美郎, 奥田義久, 吉田史郎

    地質学雑誌   84 ( 2 ) 91 - 93  1978

    DOI CiNii

  • 海底砂利賦存状況調査報告書.

    有田正史, 木下泰正, 野原昌人, 井内美郎

    通産省     18p.  1978

  • 噴火湾および周辺海域の堆積物

    大嶋和雄, 井内美郎, 村上文敏, 松本英二, 横田節哉, 池田国昭, 谷津良太郎, 渡辺真治, 木村亨, 山屋政美

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   53   60  1977

  • 汚染底質の調査方法

    大嶋和雄, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 井内美郎

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   52   244 - 249  1977

  • 志布志湾および周辺海域の底質

    大嶋和雄, 井内美郎, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 小野寺公児, 野原昌人, 青木市太郎, 有田正史

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   52   56  1977

  • 海底砂利賦存状況調査報告書

    有田正史, 木下泰正, 井内美郎

    通産省     17p.  1977

  • 紀伊水道南方表層堆積図

    井内美郎, 木下泰正

    海洋地質図シリーズ   6  1977

  • Results of a detailed survey of the Japan Trench and slope areas off Miyako

    Honza E.Onodera, K.Yuasa, M.Tamaki, K.Inouchi, Y.Nishimura K, Murakami F

    Cruise Report   7   112 - 119  1977

  • Cored materials

    Inouchi Y.Yuasa M, Onodera K

    Cruise Report   7   78 - 79  1977

  • Rocks and sediments

    Yuasa M, Inouchi Y, Onodera K, Kimura M

    Cruise Report   7   72 - 77  1977

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey

    Tamaki K.Inouchi, Y.Murakami, Honza,E

    Cruise Report   7   50 - 71  1977

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey

    Inouchi Y, Tamaki K

    Cruise Report   7   17 - 20  1977

  • Cored materials

    Inouchi Y.Yuasa M, Onodera K

    Cruise Report   7   78 - 79  1977

  • Rocks and sediments

    Yuasa M, Inouchi Y, Onodera K, Kimura M

    Cruise Report   7   72 - 77  1977

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey

    Tamaki K.Inouchi, Y.Murakami, Honza,E

    Cruise Report   7   50 - 71  1977

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey

    Inouchi Y, Tamaki K

    Cruise Report   7   17 - 20  1977

  • Results of a detailed survey of the Japan Trench and slope areas off Miyako.

    HonzaE.OnoderaK.YuasaM.TamakiK.InouchiY.NishimuraK, MurakamiF

    Cruise Report   7   112 - 119  1977

  • Cored materials.

    Inouchi Y.YuasaM, OnoderaK

    Cruise Report   7   78 - 79  1977

  • Rocks and sediments.

    YuasaM.InouchiY.OnoderaK, Kimura,M

    Cruise Report   7   72 - 77  1977

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey.

    TamakiK.InouchiY.MurakamiF, HonzaE

    Cruise Report   7   50 - 71  1977

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey.

    InouchiY, TamakiK

    Cruise Report   7   17 - 20  1977

  • 噴火湾および周辺海域の堆積物.

    大嶋和雄, 井内美郎, 村上文敏, 松本英二, 横田節哉, 池田国昭, 谷津良太郎, 渡辺真治, 木村亨, 山屋政美

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   53   60  1977

  • 汚染底質の調査方法.

    大嶋和雄, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 井内美郎

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   52   244 - 249  1977

  • 志布志湾および周辺海域の底質.

    大嶋和雄, 井内美郎, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 村上文敏, 小野寺公児, 野原昌人, 青木市太郎, 有田正史

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   52   56  1977

  • 海底砂利賦存状況調査報告書.

    有田正史, 木下泰正, 井内美郎

    通産省     17p  1977

  • 紀伊水道南方表層堆積図.

    井内美郎, 木下泰正

    海洋地質図シリーズ   No.6.  1977

  • Results of a detailed survey of the Japan Trench and slope areas off Miyako.

    HonzaE.OnoderaK.YuasaM.TamakiK.InouchiY.NishimuraK, MurakamiF

    Cruise Report   7   112 - 119  1977

  • Cored materials.

    Inouchi Y.YuasaM, OnoderaK

    Cruise Report   7   78 - 79  1977

  • Rocks and sediments.

    YuasaM.InouchiY.OnoderaK, Kimura,M

    Cruise Report   7   72 - 77  1977

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey.

    TamakiK.InouchiY.MurakamiF, HonzaE

    Cruise Report   7   50 - 71  1977

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey.

    InouchiY, TamakiK

    Cruise Report   7   17 - 20  1977

  • Cored material

    Honza E.Arita, M.Inouchi Y, Onodera K

    Cruise Report   6   23 - 24  1976

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey

    HonzaE.OkudaY.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   20 - 22  1976

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey

    Okuda Y.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   10 - 12  1976

  • 底質調査と採泥法

    大嶋和雄, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 井内美郎

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   51   208 - 214  1976

  • 汚染底質の調査技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 有田正史, 木下泰正, 井内美郎, 横田節哉, 小野寺公児, 青木市太郎

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   50   51  1976

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey

    HonzaE.OkudaY.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   20 - 22  1976

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey

    Okuda Y.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   10 - 12  1976

  • Cored material.

    HonzaE.AritaM.InouchiY, Onodera K

    Cruise Report   6   23 - 24  1976

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey.

    HonzaE.OkudaY.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   20 - 22  1976

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey.

    OkudaY.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   10 - 12  1976

  • 室戸半島北東部、徳島県宍喰町周辺の四万十累層群古第三系-層位学的・堆積学的検討.

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    地質学雑誌   82 ( 6 ) 383 - 394  1976

    DOI CiNii

  • 底質調査と採泥法.

    大嶋和雄, 木下泰正, 横田節哉, 井内美郎

    産業公害防止技術(工業技術院)   51   208 - 214  1976

  • 汚染底質の調査技術に関する研究.

    大嶋和雄, 有田正史, 木下泰正, 井内美郎, 横田節哉, 小野寺公児, 青木市太郎

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   50   51  1976

  • Cored material.

    HonzaE.AritaM.InouchiY, Onodera K

    Cruise Report   6   23 - 24  1976

  • Continuous seismic reflection profiling survey.

    HonzaE.OkudaY.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   20 - 22  1976

  • 3.5kHz echo sounder profiling survey.

    OkudaY.TamakiK, InouchiY

    Cruise Report   6   10 - 12  1976

  • 汚染底質の調査技術に関する研究

    大嶋和雄, 松本英二, 有田正史, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 木下泰正, 小野寺公児, 青木市太郎

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   49   48  1975

  • 汚染底質の調査技術に関する研究.

    大嶋和雄, 松本英二, 有田正史, 横田節哉, 井内美郎, 木下泰正, 小野寺公児, 青木市太郎

    環境保全研究成果集(環境庁)   49   48  1975

  • 室戸半島東南部の四万十帯

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    四万十地向斜に関する総合的研究研究連絡誌   2   49 - 52  1973

  • 室戸半島東南部の四万十帯.

    公文富士夫, 井内美郎

    四万十地向斜に関する総合的研究研究連絡誌   2   49 - 52  1973

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Social Activities

  • NHKテレビ 四国スペシャル 豊穣の海 瀬戸内海


  • NHK BSハイビジョンスペシャル 生命の海 瀬戸内海


  • NHKテレビ NHKスペシャル 瀬戸内海 豊かさのメカニズム


  • NHK教育テレビ サイエンスアイ 名物研究室

  • NHKテレビ 7時ニュース 全国版

  • TBSテレビ ニュースの森

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 湖底堆積物を用いた古地震記録復元に関する基礎研究


     View Summary

    日本列島は世界有数の地震の発生域であり,過去に大きな地震や洪水・土砂災害を経験している.自然災害の被害軽減のためには,過去に発生した地震・津波・洪水などの頻度・規模・被害範囲をより正しく認識することが必要である.歴史時代においては,これら自然災害の記録は古文書などの文献資料や災害記念碑などに残されている.しかし,先史時代においては,その記録すら残されていない.一方,湖底堆積物には自然環境の歴史が記録されているとされ,近年の研究では,湖水面変動や気候変動のほか地震・津波・洪水などの災害イベントについての研究もなされている(例えば,井内ほか,1993;井内,2000など).本研究では,湖底堆積物からイベント堆積物を検出し,その発生要因を地震起源と洪水起源に分類して歴史的な古地震や古洪水の記録との対応を検討することによって,古文書等に記録されていない,より古い時代まで遡って災害史の復元をする手法を確立することを目的とした. 本研究の対象とする猪苗代湖湖底堆積物「IWコア」は,猪苗代湖の湖心付近で最深部に近い,水深90.1mの地点において,2012年に福島大学により掘削された約30mの湖底堆積物のうち,表層部1.99mのコアである.この試料について色相分布・堆積構造の記載後,軟X線写真撮影,含水率測定,粒度測定などを行った.含水率は層厚0.5cm間隔,粒度は層厚1.0cm(イベント堆積物付近は0.5cm)間隔で分析した.堆積物は暗緑灰色シルト質粘土が主体で,直径数ミリメートル以下の黒色の斑点が点在し,暗色部が縞状に分布する.湖底から深度35cm~43cmの層準は灰褐色のシルト層で,長瀬川の洪水による泥流と考えられている.深度178cmには榛名二ツ岳伊香保テフラ(Hr-FP:6世紀中葉),深度182cmには榛名二ツ岳渋川テフラ(Hr-FA:6世紀初頭)が確認されている. 軟X線写真でX線の透過がやや劣る暗色の層準は,通常の堆積層に対して相対的に含水率がやや低く,やや粗粒である.地震によるイベント堆積物は,砂層として肉眼で認められる場合,含水率プロファイルの極小値を示す場合,粒度プロファイルの極大値を示す場合,軟X線写真で暗く写る場合があり,多くのイベント堆積物はそれら単独または組み合わせで識別される.本研究では,軟X線写真で暗色部の層準と粒度プロファイルの極大値付近の層準に着目して,イベント堆積物を識別した.識別したイベント堆積物には,下層から上層に向かって逆級化に始まり正級化に終わる,細粒部と粗粒部の繰り返しが見られる,陸源の植物片を含む,という特徴が複数認められる層準がいくつかある.これらの層準はハイパーピクナル流堆積物である可能性が高く(齋藤ほか,2005),洪水起源と考えた(以下,ハイパーピクナイト層という).また,これらを除くイベント堆積物の層準は地震起源と考えた(以下,タービダイト層という).次に,深度35cm~43cmの灰褐色シルト層について着目し,深度43cmの泥流堆積層最下部を1888年噴火後と仮定し,また深度178cmのHr-FPテフラの年代を555年(下司ほか,2011)と仮定することで年代指標とし,平均堆積速度からタービダイト層およびハイパーピクナイト層の堆積年代を推定した.推定したタービダイト層の年代は,歴史的な古地震の年代とよく一致した.それらの古地震について,猪苗代湖における推定震度を勝又・徳永(1971)および村松(1969)に基づき算出したところ,猪苗代湖中心部における推定震度がⅤの下限(気象庁震度階級5弱,計測震度4.5)以上の古地震が該当することがわかった.したがって,タービダイト層を発生させ得る歴史的な古地震の震度下限閾値は,震度Ⅴの下限と推定される.また,ハイパーピクナイト層の推定年代は,記録に残っている洪水年代とよく一致した.