Research Experience
Waseda University, Assistant Professor
Waseda University, Lecturer
National Museum of Ethnology, Assistant
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/14
Waseda University, Assistant Professor
Waseda University, Lecturer
National Museum of Ethnology, Assistant
Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Letters
Waseda University Others
The Association for study of tolc arts
The Japan Association of Comparative Literature
The Japan Ethnological Association
Association of Japanese Rusists
Slavic Literature, Slavic Ethnology
What is the Polkan?
Folk 50/77-86 2005
なろうど 50/77-86 2005
What is the Polkan?
Folk 49/11-18 2004
なろうど 49/11-18 2004
Green George
North,South, East and West,2002 70-78 2004
緑のゲオル ギオス
東西南北2002 70-78 2004
Momotar? and Mamuna
Folk 48/20-27 2004
なろうど 48/20-27 2004
Polyphony,Multivoicedness and Hybrid
Anthropological studies 4/2-19 2003
文化人類学研究 4/2-19 2003
The Origin and the Folk Customs of Vodka
Comparative Studies of alcoholic drink 167 - 181 2003
酒をめぐる地域間比較研究 167 - 181 2003
Crimea as a Text
Bulletin of Comparative Literature 38/79-100 2002
比較文学年誌 38/79-100 2002
Rusalija and Rusal'naja nedelja
Studies of Russian Folklore 9/13-22 2001
ロシア・フォークロア研究 9/13-22 2001
"A Turnip" in Ukrainian and Polish Folk tale
Folk 43/17-22 2001
なろうど 43/17-22 2001
Stravinsky and Mandelshtam
Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University 46輯,85-102 2001
早稲田大学文学研究科紀要 46輯,85-102 2001
Mythology of Bear
Folk 4/8-17 2000
なろうど 41/8-17 2000
Flok vocabulary in "Primary Chron'cle(4) Perun
Folk 40/27-32 2000
なろうど 40/27-32 2000
Nabokov "The Pale Fire" and "The Tale of Igor Campaign"
Muse /18,89-95 1999
むうざ /18,89-95 1999
Gogol, Ukrainian Brogue, Folk Culture
Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University 39輯,79-92 1994
早稲田大学文学研究科紀要 39輯,79-92 1994
The origin of the name 《White Russian》
What is the Anthropology? /,547-565 1989
人類学とは何か /,547-565 1989
Vij-origin of its name and image
Studies of European Literature /32,1-16 1985
ヨーロッパ文学研究 /32,1-16 1985
Folklore as verbal bricolage
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 6/2,283-318 1982
言語的 ブリコラージュとしてのフォークロア
国立民族学博物館研究報告 6/2,283-318 1982
Rain-making ritual and ritual songs in the Balkan
Anthropology Quarterly 12/2,59-103 1981
The Werewolf Belief among the Slavic Peoples.
Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 6/4,767-796 1981
季刊 人類学 12/2,59-103 1981
国立民族学博物館研究報告 6/4,767-796 1981
Gogol and Ukrainian Folklore
Studies of European Literature /24,91-112 1976
Music as a semiotic system
language 5/8,30-35 1976
ヨーロッパ文学研究 /24,91-112 1976
言語 5/8,30-35 1976
Music and Language in Folksong
Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University, Special Issue 1集,115-131 1975
早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要別冊 1集,115-131 1975
A Side of stravinsky's Japonism
Into the Forest of Russian Culture 2001
ロシア文化の森へ 2001
Masha is not allowed to cross a river
Toyo Press 2001
東洋書店 2001
Freeway Russian Language
Natsume Press 1993
フリーウェイ ロシア語
ナツメ社 1993
Russian Folk Tale and Folk Belief
The World of Russian Folk Tale 1991
ロシア民話の世界 1991
Ethnological Survey in Svidnik Province, East Slovakia
Ethnological Survey in Kemerovo Province, West Siberia
Ethnological Survey in Rodopi Province, Bulgaria
Subjects and Methodological Problems in Contrastive and Comparative Studies of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
NAKAJIMA Yumi, BANNAI Tokuaki, SATO Akihiro, NUMANO Mitsuyoshi, MOCHIZUKI Tetsuo, ITO Ichiro
The Awaking of Ethnic Consciousness in European Periphery
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
SHOJI Hiroshi, NUMANO Mitsuyoshi, NAKAI Kazuo, ITO Ichiro, HATANAKA Sachiko
Subjects and Methodological Problems in Contrastive and Comparative Studies of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
Comparative and Contrastive Studies in Slavic Linguistics and Literatures