Updated on 2024/10/24


ITO, Ichiro
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Job title
Professor Emeritus
(BLANK) ( 早稲田大学 )

Research Experience

  • 1987

    Waseda University, Assistant Professor

  • 1984

    Waseda University, Lecturer

  • 1979

    National Museum of Ethnology, Assistant

Education Background


    Waseda University   Graduate School, Division of Letters  


    Waseda University   Others  

Professional Memberships


    The Association for study of tolc arts


    The Japan Association of Comparative Literature


    The Japan Ethnological Association


    Association of Japanese Rusists

Research Interests

  • Slavic Literature, Slavic Ethnology



  • What is the Polkan?

    Folk   50/77-86  2005

  • ポルカンとは何か(下)

    なろうど   50/77-86  2005

  • What is the Polkan?

    Folk   49/11-18  2004

  • ポルカンとは何か(上)

    なろうど   49/11-18  2004

  • Green George

    North,South, East and West,2002   70-78  2004

  • 緑のゲオル ギオス

    東西南北2002   70-78  2004

  • Momotar? and Mamuna

    Folk   48/20-27  2004

  • 桃太郎とマムーナ

    なろうど   48/20-27  2004

  • Polyphony,Multivoicedness and Hybrid

    Anthropological studies   4/2-19  2003

  • ポリフォニー・多声法・異種混淆

    文化人類学研究   4/2-19  2003

  • The Origin and the Folk Customs of Vodka

    Comparative Studies of alcoholic drink     167 - 181  2003

  • ウォッカの起源と民俗

    酒をめぐる地域間比較研究     167 - 181  2003

  • Crimea as a Text

    Bulletin of Comparative Literature   38/79-100  2002

  • テクストとしてのクリミア

    比較文学年誌   38/79-100  2002

  • Rusalija and Rusal'naja nedelja

    Studies of Russian Folklore   9/13-22  2001

  • ルサーリヤとルサーリナヤ・ネデーリャ

    ロシア・フォークロア研究   9/13-22  2001

  • "A Turnip" in Ukrainian and Polish Folk tale

    Folk   43/17-22  2001

  • ウクライナとポーランドの「蕪」

    なろうど   43/17-22  2001

  • Stravinsky and Mandelshtam

    Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University   46輯,85-102  2001

  • ストラヴィンスキーとマンデリシュターム

    早稲田大学文学研究科紀要   46輯,85-102  2001

  • Mythology of Bear

    Folk   4/8-17  2000

  • 熊の神話学

    なろうど   41/8-17  2000

  • Flok vocabulary in "Primary Chron'cle(4) Perun

    Folk   40/27-32  2000

  • 『原初年代記』の民族語彙(4)ペルーン

    なろうど   40/27-32  2000

  • Nabokov "The Pale Fire" and "The Tale of Igor Campaign"

    Muse   /18,89-95  1999

  • ナボコフ『青白い炎』と『イーゴリ軍記』

    むうざ   /18,89-95  1999

  • Gogol, Ukrainian Brogue, Folk Culture

    Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University   39輯,79-92  1994

  • ゴーゴリ-ウクライナ・バロック-民衆文化

    早稲田大学文学研究科紀要   39輯,79-92  1994

  • The origin of the name 《White Russian》

    What is the Anthropology?   /,547-565  1989

  • ≪白ロシア≫の起源

    人類学とは何か   /,547-565  1989

  • Vij-origin of its name and image

    Studies of European Literature   /32,1-16  1985

  • ≪ヴィイ≫-名称とイメージの起源

    ヨーロッパ文学研究   /32,1-16  1985

  • Folklore as verbal bricolage

    Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology   6/2,283-318  1982

  • 言語的 ブリコラージュとしてのフォークロア

    国立民族学博物館研究報告   6/2,283-318  1982

  • Rain-making ritual and ritual songs in the Balkan

    Anthropology Quarterly   12/2,59-103  1981

  • The Werewolf Belief among the Slavic Peoples.

    Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology   6/4,767-796  1981

  • バルカンにおける降雨儀礼と儀礼歌

    季刊 人類学   12/2,59-103  1981

  • スラヴ人における人狼信仰

    国立民族学博物館研究報告   6/4,767-796  1981

  • Gogol and Ukrainian Folklore

    Studies of European Literature   /24,91-112  1976

  • Music as a semiotic system

    language   5/8,30-35  1976

  • ゴーゴリとウクライナ・フォークロア

    ヨーロッパ文学研究   /24,91-112  1976

  • 記号体系としての音楽

    言語   5/8,30-35  1976

  • Music and Language in Folksong

    Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University, Special Issue   1集,115-131  1975

  • 民謡における音楽と言語

    早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要別冊   1集,115-131  1975

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Books and Other Publications

  • A Side of stravinsky's Japonism

    Into the Forest of Russian Culture  2001

  • ストラヴィンスキーのジャポニスムの一側面

    ロシア文化の森へ  2001

  • Masha is not allowed to cross a river

    Toyo Press  2001

  • マーシャは川を渡れない

    東洋書店  2001

  • Freeway Russian Language

    Natsume Press  1993

  • フリーウェイ ロシア語

    ナツメ社  1993

  • Russian Folk Tale and Folk Belief

    The World of Russian Folk Tale  1991

  • ロシア民話と民間信仰

    ロシア民話の世界  1991

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  • Ethnological Survey in Svidnik Province, East Slovakia



  • Ethnological Survey in Kemerovo Province, West Siberia



  • Ethnological Survey in Rodopi Province, Bulgaria



Research Projects

  • Subjects and Methodological Problems in Contrastive and Comparative Studies of Slavic Languages and Literatures

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAKAJIMA Yumi, BANNAI Tokuaki, SATO Akihiro, NUMANO Mitsuyoshi, MOCHIZUKI Tetsuo, ITO Ichiro

     View Summary

    1. Making Slavic research materials published in Japan more accessible from abroad.2. Establishing a new research network and promoting Japanese-Slavic comparative studies through it.The first task involved the conversion of bibliographical catalogues of Slavic research papers to electronic format and incorporating them into a common database. In 2006, we made that database available on our website together with a specialized search engine. We have also been preparing for our participation in the XIV International Congress of Slavists to be held in Macedonia later this year. We have organized a delegation, held research meetings and discussed future joint undertakings at home as well as ways to promote Japanese Slavic research abroad.In pursuing our second objective, we offered assistance to young researchers from Slavic countries striving to obtain degrees in Japan. We created opportunities for them to report on their own research in 2005 by arranging meetings and discussions. We also strengthened our cooperation with researchers engaged in Japanese language education in Slovenia, shortly after its accession to the EU. Again, this was done through a specially organized research me

  • The Awaking of Ethnic Consciousness in European Periphery

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHOJI Hiroshi, NUMANO Mitsuyoshi, NAKAI Kazuo, ITO Ichiro, HATANAKA Sachiko

     View Summary

    Alongside the radical political change in the Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the Soviet Union during the last decade, we have seen various forms of ethnic awaking and the reorganization of ethnic consciousness among these peoples. The present study has aimed to investigate the on-going process of these changes, particularly in relation to the etho-national conflicts and movements raging in such a extent in the Eastern Europe as never since the World War II.Sources were collected mainly through face-to-face interviews with people in order to approach the manifold and dynamic aspects of their ethnic consciousness. The objects of interviews, which were carried out in Russia, the Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania and Canada, fell into three groups : 1) different social and age groups of a target nationality ; 2) peripheral groups and those who are in a close contact with different nationalities and 3) emigrants or exiles segregated long from a main group. In addition, data were also collected from neighboring nationalities in terms of their attitudes toward a target nationality.On the basis of the data the following interim conclusions have been so far yeilded. The ethnic consciousnes

  • Subjects and Methodological Problems in Contrastive and Comparative Studies of Slavic Languages and Literatures.

     View Summary

    This project was formed to achieve two objectives :1.To plan the Japanese delegation to The Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists and to establish and maintain relationships with foreign scholars.2.To survey studies being done concerning Slavic languages and literatures in Japan and examining future subjects in this field.Concerning #1 :In 2002 each group decided who to send and what to be presented at the congress. Our workshop constructed an outline in October. Following, Nakajima, (chief of the Japan Slavists' Association) gathered papers for the congress and also coordinated with the host country head office. The collections of essays, including the papers for the congress, were published in March 2003. The congress was held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in August 2003 where five speakers Yumi Nakajima, Akihiro Sato, Keiko Mitani, Shinichi Murata, and Ichiro Ito were sent together with the group's leader Junichi Sato. Every foreign scholar highly evaluated all presentations made by these five speakers. As Japan was the only country in Asia to send a delegation to the congress, the executive committee encouraged our active participation in the future.Concerning #2 :In 2002 and

  • Comparative and Contrastive Studies in Slavic Linguistics and Literatures

     View Summary

    Our research group, which brings together a host of excellent scholars working in the field of Slavic Studies, appraised current academic trends and set new research directions and objectives, to be pursued at a time following the turmoil caused by the collapse of former Yugoslavia and the structural changes that the European Union has recently gone through. We intensified the exchange between researchers in and outside Slavic countries and improved the existing network for sharing academic achievements, while contributing the results of our own research to publications aimed at the general reader


Internal Special Research Projects

  • スラブ・ユーラシア地域民衆文化の横断的研究―日本の視点から


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  • ロシア・東欧の民衆文化における聖ゲオルギオス表象の変容


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     前年度に引き続き「ロシア・東欧の民衆文化における聖ゲオルギオス表象の変容」についての文献研究を進めた。また交付された研究費によって内外の関連研究文献を収集した。2016年度春期には特別研究休暇を利用してクロアチアにおいて当該テーマに関するフィールド・ワークを行う予定である。 また本年度には、早稲田大学大学院文学研究科紀要に「ブルガリア・フォークロアにおける「聖ゲオルギオスの竜退治」-キリスト教伝説と民間暦ー」を執筆した。