Research Experience
— Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences
— 2005 Physical Fitness Research Institute
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/02/05
— Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences
— 2005 Physical Fitness Research Institute
Juntendo University Graduate School, Division of Physical Recreation
Fukuoka University of Education Faculty of Education Division of Health and Physical Education
Japanese Society of Public Health
Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion
Japan Epidemiological Association
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
Japan Society of Health Promotion
Japanes Association of Exercise Epidemiology
Health Promotion, Health Education, Lifestyle, Desease Prevention, Exercise Epidemiology
Effect of a worksite-based intervention program on metabolic parameters in middle-aged male white-collar workers: A randomized controlled trial
Chizuko Maruyama, Mika Kimura, Hisashi Okumura, Kenji Hayashi, Takashi Arao
PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 51 ( 1 ) 11 - 17 2010.07
甲斐裕子, 荒尾孝, 丸山尚子, 三村尚子
厚生の指標 55 ( 11 ) 1 - 7 2008.10
江川賢一, 種田行男, 荒尾孝, 松月弘恵, 白子みゆき, 葛西和可子
日本公衆衛生雑誌 54 ( 12 ) 847 - 856 2007.12
Impact of lifestyle intervention on physical activity and diet of Japanese workers
Takashi Arao, Yukio Oida, Chizuko Maruyama, Takashi Mutou, Satoru Sawada, Hiroe Matsuzuki, Yakiko Nakanishi
PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 45 ( 2-3 ) 146 - 152 2007.08
江川賢一, 種田行男, 荒尾孝, 松月弘恵, 白子みゆき
体力研究 103 ( 103 ) 10 - 23 2005.03
北畠義典, 種田行男, 永松俊哉, 神野宏司, 江川賢一, 真家英俊, 荒尾孝
体力研究 ( 102 ) 7 - 14 2004.03
荒尾 孝, 北畠義典
至文堂 ( 440 ) 64 - 74 2004.03
永松俊哉, 荒尾孝, 宮坂京子
体力研究 ( 102 ) 1 - 6 2004.03
Effects of a 5-year exercise-centered health-promoting programme on mortality and ADL impairment in the elderly
Y Oida, Y Kitabatake, Y Nishijima, T Nagamatsu, H Kohno, K Egawa, T Arao
AGE AND AGEING 32 ( 6 ) 585 - 592 2003.11
A 6-year cohort study on relationship between functional fitness and impairment of ADL in community-dwelling older persons
T Nagamatsu, Y Oida, Y Kitabatake, H Kohno, K Egawa, N Nezu, T Arao
JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 13 ( 3 ) 142 - 148 2003.05
江川賢一, 神野宏司, 種田行男, 永松俊哉, 北畠義典, 真家英俊, 荒尾孝
体力研究 ( 2003 ) 18 - 29 2003.03
保健の科学 45 557 - 583 2003
神野宏司, 江川賢一, 種田行男, 永松俊哉, 北畠義典, 真家英俊, 荒尾孝
体力研究 ( 100 ) 11 - 20 2002.03
江川賢一, 神野宏司, 種田行男, 永松俊哉, 北畠義典, 真家英俊, 荒尾孝
体力研究 ( 100 ) 1 - 10 2002.03
生活習慣病の予防と治療- リスクファクターとしての高血圧
臨床スポーツ医学 19 24 - 30 2002
運動疫学研究 4 1 - 9 2002
運動・スポーツ医学における疫学面からのアプローチ- 運動に関る疫学的指標とその評価
臨床スポーツ医学 18 773 - 779 2001
神野宏司, 古川覚, 内籐久士, 大迫正文, 山倉文幸, 荒尾孝
体力研究 ( 99 ) 25 - 27 2000.11
体育の科学 50 ( 11 ) 854 - 858 2000.11
永松俊哉, 種田行男, 北畠義典, 神野宏司, 江川賢一, 青木和江, メール優子, 真家英俊, 根津直美, 荒尾孝
体力研究 ( 99 ) 7 - 15 2000.11
神野宏司, 江川賢一, 種田行男, 永松俊哉, 北畠義典, 真家英俊, 西嶋洋子, 青木和江, メール優子, 荒尾孝
体力研究 ( 98 ) 1 - 9 2000.03
江川賢一, 荒尾孝, 種田行男, 西嶋洋子, 永松俊哉, 北畠義典, 神野宏司, 青木和江, 真家英俊
体力研究 ( 98 ) 18 - 29 2000.03
体育科学 29 66 - 73 2000
Asian Perspectives and Evidence on Health Promotion and Education
Takashi Arao
Springer 2010.10 ISBN: 9784431538882
臨床スポーツ医学 スポーツ栄養・食事ガイドー健康づくり施策における食・栄養・運動
荒尾孝, 稲山貴代
文光堂 2009.11
日本臨床 身体活動・運動と生活習慣病—中高年と身体活動・体力
日本臨床社 2009.04
中央労働災害防止協会 2009.02
荒尾 孝
株式会社メジカルビュー社 2008.11
熊谷秋三, 田中喜代次, 藤井宣晴, 澤田亨, 内藤義彦
医学出版 2008.10 ISBN: 9784287190012
荒尾孝, 北畠義典
財・健康体力づくり事業財団 2008.03
柳川洋, 中村好一, 児玉和紀, 三浦宣彦
日本公衆衛生協会 2006.10 ISBN: 4819201948
南山堂 2005.09
新企画出版社 2003
市村出版 2002
北大路書房 2001
Effect of cosmetic intervention on psycho-social function in institutionalized elderly people.
Presentation date: 2010.07
Impact of the school-based intervention on physical activity and physical function in elementary school children
Presentation date: 2010.07
Community Approach to Obesity Management for the Elderly-An Asian Perspective
Presentation date: 2010.07
Community Approach to Health Improvement for the Elderly
Presentation date: 2010.07
Effect of health education program on dietary attitude and behavior in elementary school-chilren.
Presentation date: 2010.03
Effect of health education program on physical activity in elementary school-chilren.
Presentation date: 2010.03
Impact of the school-based intervention on physical activity in elementary school-children.
Presentation date: 2010.01
Improvement of eating behavior and diet-related attitude in elementary school children.
Presentation date: 2010.01
Parenting Stress in Mothers and its Associated Factors
Presentation date: 2010.01
Presentation date: 2009.10
Lifestyle modification program for physical activity and diet in middle aged community dwellers
Presentation date: 2009.10
Lifestyle modification program for physical activity and diet in middle aged community dwellers
Presentation date: 2009.06
Health Japan 21 -Prospect and Problems to be Solved-Physical activity for health and wellness promotion.
Presentation date: 2007.11
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Behavioral Approach vs Conventional Health Education for Weight-loss: One-year Follow-up
Presentation date: 2007.11
The Dietary Lifestyle Associated with the Risks of Obesity and Bone Fracture among Elementary and Junior High School Students in T City.
Presentation date: 2007.11
Community health promotion through sport and active lifestyle
Presentation date: 2007.09
Impact of Behavioral Intervention Program on Physical activity, Diet, and risk factors for Cardiovascular Diseases; a Randomized Control Trial in the Japanese community
Presentation date: 2007.08
Development of lifestyle modification program for physical activity and healthy diet in schoolchildren.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ARAO Takashi, INAYAMA Takayo, KITABATAKE Yoshinori, LJU Lijing, NAKAZATO Yoshimi, NEMOTO Yuuta, OOTAKI Hiromi
Development of lifestyle modification program for community based health care services.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
ARAO Takashi, KAI Yuko
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的萌芽研究)
科学研究費助成事業(早稲田大学) 科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(B))
Development of worksite health promotion program-ILSI-PAN
Development of community health promotion program
Cross sectional study on health status and lifestyle in school children
Development of intervention program for improvement of psycho-social function in frail elderly
Relationship between a definite aim in life and physical, mental, or social health status in community-dwelling people.
Effect of school intervention program for healthy lifestyle in elementary school children
Relationship between social activity and psychological health status in community-dwelling midle aged people
Parenting Stress of Mothers and its Associated Factors
Effect of health tourism on community activity and health promotion in a local community
Development of community health promotion system for population strategy
Development of community population strategy for improving health inequalities
Community Intervention の方法とその評価に関する研究
オーストラリア University of Queensland
2017 藤原 佳典, 根本 裕太