Updated on 2024/10/24


AMAKO, Satoshi
Faculty of International Research and Education
Job title
Professor Emeritus
法学修士 ( 東京都立大学 )
社会学博士 ( 一橋大学 )

Professional Memberships


    Japan Association for International Affairs


    Japan Association for Asian Studies

Research Areas

  • International relations / Politics

Research Interests

  • 比較政治、国際政治経済、地域研究(現代中国)、現代アジア論、日中関係論


  • 第1回アジア太平洋賞特別賞



Books and Other Publications

  • 日中対立—習近平の中国をよむ


    筑摩書房  2013.06

  • ”The Age of Asia Pacific Community"

    天児 慧

    EDUCA  2013.03

  • 日中「歴史の変わり目」を展望する


    勁草書房  2013.03 ISBN: 9784326302154

  • アジア地域統合講座 全12巻

    編集代表, 天児, 慧

    勁草書房  2011.04

  • アジア連合への道ー理論と人材育成の構想

    天児 慧

    筑摩書房  2010.06

  • 激動!中国の「現在」がわかる本

    天児 慧

    株式会社 レッカ社  2010.03

  • 中国・アジア・日本ー大国化する「巨龍」は脅威か

    天児 慧

    筑摩書房  2006.10

  • 日本人眼里的中国

    天児 慧

    中国社会科学文献出版社  2006.10

  • 巨龍の胎動ー毛沢東vs.鄧小平 (「中国の歴史」第11巻)

    天児 慧

    講談社  2004.11

  • 中国とどう付き合うか

    天児 慧

    NHK出版  2003.11

  • 等身大の中国

    天児 慧

    勁草書房  2003.01

  • 中華人民共和国史

    天児 慧

    岩波書店  1999.03

  • 中国ー溶変する社会主義大国 (「東アジアの国家と社会」 第1巻)

    天児 慧

    東京大学出版会  1992.10

  • 中国革命と基層幹部ー内戦期の政治動態

    天児 慧

    研文出版  1984.09

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Research Projects

  • A Study on Societal Aspect of China's Communist Party

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HISHIDA Masaharu, MORI Kazuko, AMAKO Satoshi, KATO Hiroyuki, TANG Liang, TAKAHARA Akio, KOJIMA Kazuko, ZHU Jianrong, ZHAO Hongwei, SUWA Kazuyuki, AKO Tomoko, MINAMI Yuko, NAKAOKA Mari, KAMO Tomoki, NAKAI Yoshifumi, WU Maosong, BAI Zhili, ZHENG Yongnian, JING Yuejin, ZHAO Xiumei

     View Summary

    Having identified the CPC as an "organization", the CPC's existence, although seemingly in crisis during a period of reform and opening up, has been ultimately with the critical elements strengthened by the internal and external environmental changes. Taking those changes as a good opportunity, the largest political party in the world and at the same time the largest-scale interests organization, is being reinforced by the restructuring of its base of existence and then consolidating its new raison d'etre.

  • Multilateral strategies among China and Neighbors-formation of new equilibration-

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIFUNE Emi, AMAKO Satoshi, HORIMOTO Takenori, OGASAWARA Yoshiyuki, KURATA Hideya, NOGUCHI Kazuhiko

     View Summary

    This project had done systematic analysis concerning the relational structures and the strategies of China and the neigbores. As outcomes of three years project, we piblishued Diplomacy of Rising China (Satoshi AMAKO and Emi MIFUNE eds., Tokyo : Keishoshobo,2010)、China and its Neighbors(Srikanth Kondapalli and Emi Mifune eds., New Delhi : Pentagon Press, and 2010.

  • Studies of East Asian Community with Reference to the Legacy of Empires

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    UMEMORI Naoyuki, MOURI Kazuko, WAKATABE Masazumi, MOTONO Eiichi, NAGAYO Susumu, OKAMOTO Koichi, KUDO Motoo, RI Sonshi, AMAKO Satoshi, TSUBOI Yoshiharu, FUKAGAWA Yukiko, RYU Ketsu, SHINODA Toru, OBIBATA Sumio, ANZAI Kunio, GOTO Kenichi, KURODA Kazuo, SONODA Shigeto, HIRANO Keniciro

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    Our project has contributed to scholarly investigations on East Asian Community in terms of the collection of historical materials on "Asianism" in postwar Japan, the promotion of mutual historical understandings between Japan and Korea, and the development of new methodologies for Asian Studies. The Construction of the database of Japan Socialist Party documents, the publication of three volume bulletins on "Historical Recognition in Japan and Korea," and three volume book series "Ajiagaku no susume (Introduction to Asian Studies)" are the examples of our accomplishments.

  • Re-Construction of Study for Chinese Diplomacy : Re-Bridge and Discussion between Contemporary Studies and Historical Approach on Chinese Diplomacy, for Long-term Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KAWASHIMA Shin, AMAKO Satoshi, MOTEGI Toshio, OKAMOTO Takashi, AOYAMA Rumi, HIRANO Satoshi

     View Summary

    On this project, two problems which are the origin of the gap between contemporary studies and historical approach on Chinese diplomacy are expected to be solved. The first one is the dis-dialogue between two academic fields (social sciences and history). In order to discuss and cope with this problem, this project consisted of six inter-disciplinary scholars and three foreign scholars. The second one is focused on the discourse of contemporary Chinese diplomacy and diplomatic history which is divided into two different parts at 1949. This project aims to get new perspective beyond 1949, not through easy historical factor like so called Chinese political culture.
    This report is composed of our organization, budget, and process of study, the list of our books and articles, and the research products by this project.
    This project prompts to make dialogue between two fields by symposium and meetings and publishes two books about Chinese diplomacy and diplomatic history. And we can create a kind of atmosphere to make book reviews and discuss issues around us each other. Furthermore, we find both of common and uncommon topics and aspects through two topics. For example of common ones, we find Chinese self-mage as big country, nationalistic diplomacy, international co-operative diplomacy and so on,
    But these are just our new study target because they leave somehow vague now. Among such problems, the most criticizing topic is just around so-called Chinese traditional diplomacy or tributary system. So we re-organize new research group to discuss this topic on Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research after Heisei 20, and continue to dialogue and co-study made under this project.

  • Social Corporatism in Contemporary China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HISHIDA Masaharu, AMAKO Satoshi, TANG Liang, MINAMI Yuko, KOJIMA Kazuko, ISHII Tomoaki

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    People' s Republic of China has been witnessing unprecedented transformation process in the light of the state-society relations. This research project has aimed at finding how the society in contemporary China has penetrated into the state' s sphere, focusing bottom-up process of autonomous society into the state governance.
    Since we signed the agreement with China Labour Institute in 2004 under the general scheme of this project, we have conducted joint research poll surveys on the behavior and awareness of trade unions directors at local grassroots level. 1811 samples from Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Guandong and other regions have been successfully collected and analyzed. Same sort of endeavor of scrutinizing grassroots level political leadership have been made at Sichuan Province. 200 samples of personal data of rural elites at County/Xian governments, congress and party branch including family background, academic achievement, career paths and even political awareness were obtained through joint research with Sichuan Academy of Social Science.
    In order to put these first-hand research findings into the international comparison and reference, this project had organized the international conference at December 10th, 2007 in Tokyo under the title of 'Governance in grassroots China'. On this opportunity, this research project has been summarized through the discussion with scholars from the other regions and disciplines, and the principal result of this research is scheduled to be published by the Hosei University Press in this coming autumn.

  • The Open-oriented China and India and Their Impact to Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AMAKO Satoshi, MIZUSHIMA Tukasa, YANAGISAWA Haruka, KATOU Hiroyuki, HIROSE Takako, SONODA Shigeto

     View Summary

    The research project that we would research the dynamic change of domestic and foreign relations of China andIndia and the interaction of both countries with comparative approach started from the Heisei 16 fiscal year, and the 17 fiscal year became the last year.
    (1)At first, on the main project activities.
    Like the last fiscal year, while continuing the regular study meeting, we performed research training camp from August 1 to 3, and each assignment persons made some intensive reports and exchanged mutual opinion relevant to it.
    We performed the intensive meeting a whole day on January 28, Heisei 18. to exchange about the writing outline and check the reaching point of research of each assignment person.
    Furthermore, we visited Delhi in India, Ham Rat Sal, Chandigarh, etc. from March 5 before the 12th, and took part in the academic symposium in the Java Haar Nehru university, the Punjab university, etc.. Simultaneously we carried out farm village inspection of every place etc..
    Finally, the publication plan about China and India is considered.
    As the fundamental theme, I : Governance, II : market,
    III : Mobility, IV : Identity, V : Strategy), and VI : Security, and it decided to arrange some answers by the ways of trying the reply of the point of argument setting up common in each item to from China side and India side,.

  • Prospects of Border-Cross Transactions and Multilayered Economic Corridors in Indochia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIRAISHI Masaya, KAKIZAKI Ichiro, KURIHARA Hirohide, SUZUKI Motoyoshi, KATO Hiroyuki, FURUTA Motoo

     View Summary

    (1)The project members made frequent research trips in a group or independently to border areas and crossing national boundaries along East-West and North-South corridors in Indochina and the Mekong sub-region. On those occasions, they often gave chances to graduate students to accompany so that the project would bring educational aspects. They also visited many governmental agencies, enterprises and other organizations to obtain first-hand information and also research institutes and universities to exchange and cooperate on the concerned topics.
    (2)In Japan, they organized study meetings and open lecture meetings two or three times each year, where they themselves made interim reports on their research topic and on the results of recent field trips, thus sharing information and ideas, and at the same time invited other researchers and specialists as guest speakers.
    (3)The project closely cooperated with the projects of COE : Creation of Contemporary Asian Studies at Waseda University the Initiative for Attractive Education of Waseda Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, and others The project members also participated in international conferences and workshops held in Vietnam, Thailand and France. Through these activities, they diffused their information and ideas to the outside and at the same time brought back good impacts on the project.
    (4)The project chief was a moderator of a symposium : Prospects of Mekong Sub-regional Development at the bi-annual Conference of Japan Association of Southeast Asian History held in Kyoto in December 2004, where the project core members and some collaborators gave papers and comments. It was a good chance for them to make public the mid-term outcomes of the research project.
    The project also organized an international workshop : Greater Mekong Sub-regional Cooperation. and East-West Economic Corridor with an effective cooperation of the Vietnam Institute of World Economics and Politics. The workshop was held in Hanoi in February 2006 and its proceedings (in English and Vietnamese, 311 pages) was co-edited by Shiraishi and the Director of the above Institute.
    The final research report (in Japanese, 193 pages) was printed in March 2006, which included research papers written by the project members and some collaborators.

  • Research of Regional Development in the Inner Region of China : An Interdisciplinary Analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KATO Hiroyuki, NAKAGANE Katsuji, MORI Kazuko, HISHIDA Masaharu, MARUKAWA Tomoo, KAJITANI Kai

     View Summary

    We conducted the field studies in Guangyuan city, Sichuang province, in December 2002, and March and November 2003. The supplementary field studies were done in Kaxgar city, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, in August 2003, and in Nanchong city, Sichuan province, in December 2003. In addition we held an international symposium at Dujiangyan city, Sichuang province, on November 4-5, 2004 and we published a collection of articles in China.
    The results of our research revealed four new findings.
    1.The process of globalization has increased regional disparity between inner and coastal region in China. It has become a critical situation for medium and small-sized cities in inner region in particular. More government investment in infrastructure has not always been able to narrow the gap.
    2.There were four serious problems which county, town and village governments in the inner region faced. They were : (1)a severe financial situation where almost all of the government budgets had gone to pay salaries, a situation called "Chi fan cai zheng"; (2)lack of budgets from formal sources ; (3)severe cumulative debt ; and (4)lack of man power and materials to perform public services like medical care and education.
    3.It became clear that the role which education spending plays in developing area is important. While it was necessary to transfer the financial burden for disbursement of education from township and village governments to county governments to maintain the standard of education in poor areas, policy makers must pay considerable attention to how to increase rate of returns to education to better utilize limited resources effectively.
    4.We found new controversies about the policy of incentives to promote land transactions. While circular migration between rural and urban areas has increased because of globalization, the transfer of land operation rights to active farmers has become more important for a more effective use of uncultivated lands. However, according to our field studies, the rate of return on agriculture is so low that these transfers have been ineffective in improving farmland use. As a result, the amount of neglected farmland increased.
    This survey focused mainly on the activities of county governments, enterprises and intermediate organizations. It made us keenly realize that we need to use microeconomics in order to analyze how village governments and rural households determine production and consumption. Such further studies are needed.

  • New Triangle Relations between US. China and Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AMAKO Satoshi

     View Summary

    This research project has started from Apri 1 of 2000 and finished at March of 2003. The main purpose was to make clear the mutual recognition of decision makers and decision making process on the several political issues in 1990s among China, US, Taiwan and Japan.
    In the first year, I tried not only to visit to these places to collect some related documents and to interview some important persons who were concerned, but also to organize workshops with young researchers and graduate students. Through these researches, I deepened to understand the image to China of US, Taiwan and the image to US of China. In the second year, I tried to interview some brains of China and Taiwan in order to understand their recognition and strategy to US and Japan. In the third year, I had six times to attend the conferences of the 30^<th> anniversary of China-Japan normalization China and discussed on some important issues such as China-Japan, China-Taiwan China-US relations with many China's scholars. In addition, I had some chances to talk with famous US scholers on China Politics such as Ramon H.Myers(Professor of Stanford University) Harry Harding, Mike Mochizuki(Professors of George Washington University). I have just witten academic reports on the relations among US-China, Japan-China, Taiwan-China on the basis of these researches.

  • Research on China's Grassroots Governance and Its Impact to Political Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HISHIDA Masaharu, SATO Hiroshi, AMAKO Satoshi, MOHRI Kazuko, SONODA Shigeto, OHSHIMA Kazutsugu

     View Summary

    China's grassroots society, in rural in particular, has been transforming its traditional function and structures. Due to the changing interests and diversifying behavior of rural population brought by market economy, elections of the village leaders demonstrate unprecedented development in terms of electoral process and voting system.
    In spite of this general direction of the development, however, several results of our field surveys show the negative trend of the village elections monopolized and controlled by the old an new forces such as family clan newly emerging entrepreneurs and underground societies as well as local party cells.
    The difficulty to gauge its impact to Chinese political system mainly stems from its ambiguity of the concept of "democratization" as well as its political sensitiveness in China's political climate. Survey results show that even local party leaders still fail to obtain clear prospect of future steering the new electoral system due to acute social change.
    Based upon these micro-level findings, we still can draw a tentative conclusion that tremendous impact of grassroots development to macro political structure has already made China's policy of empowering grassroots governance reached to an irreversible level.

  • Joint Research on Emerging 'Middle Class' in China

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SONODA Shigeto, YAN Shanping, NAKAMURA Norihiro, HISHIDA Masaharu, AMAKO Satoshi, WANK David L.

     View Summary

    Our project aims at doing questionnaire survey of emerging "middle classes" in contemporary China because there is a lack of first-hand data on this area for several reasons. In order to make our survey fully prepared, Japanese scholars on Chinese affairs with sociological interest and Chinese sociologists (including Taiwanese and Hong Kong counterparts) who are interested in comparative study of social stratification and mobility organized research team.
    We selected Tianjin city and Qiongqin city as research target because of comparability. In 1997, we did Tianjin survey In Tianjin, we picked out 1,200 citizen sample in 17 street committees in 6 districts and 800 middle class sample for fear we could get few sample of middle class. In 1998, we did Chongqin survey. In Chongqin, the number of sample is 1,026 in 6 street committees in 5 districts and no middle class survey was tried because of tight budget.
    Comparing the result of two survey, we can roughly point out that in Chongqin 1) they are much money-oriented probably because of low level of income, 2) they are less interested in political election, and 3) they are much more heavily influenced by national companies.
    It is only in this January when we could get the data of Chongqin, so it's too early to publish final report. So, we'll continue our effort to interpret the results so that we could get clear image about changing social stratification in contemporary China.

  • Structural Change in Chinese Politics and Revival of Regional Power

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    AMAKO Satoshi, SAWADA Yukari, ZHAO Hongwei, KOKUBUN Ryosei, NAKAI Yoshihumi, TANG Liang

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    This team conducted research into the structure of rule in the Peoples Republic of China, the relations of the center with the regions, policymaking, the role of bureaucratic system in politic and the economy, the dynamics of regional politics and related issue.
    The subject of our team is to analyze whether the change of the relation between center and regions has brought out the change of Political system itself or not. That is still debating.
    Tang Liang has researched personnel management of CCP and concluded that CCP has sill controled regions strongly. Thao Hongwei has analyzed double roles and functions of a secretary of province party committee. Sawada Yukari has researched the fact-findings of social guarantee system on regional levels. She indicated that although social structural changes has occurred since starting reform and open-door policy, social guarantee system by regional government has not fulfilled function fully. Nakai Yashihumi carried out research into the relation between center and regional government on the foreign economic policies by inquirying the case studies of north-east areas. Kokuhun Ryosei tried to analyze changes the bureaucratic system on the top of these members.

  • Structural Change in Contemporary China --Interdisciplinary Approaches to Structural Change in China : In Quest of a New China Research Paradigm

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORI Kazuko, HISHIDA Masaharu, NAKAGANE Katsuji, AMAKO Satoshi, NISHIMURA Shigeo, KOJIMA Reiitsu, TANAKA Kyoko

     View Summary

    In twenty years of reform-and-open up policy, China realized about 10% annual rate of growth and entered into the interdependent relations in the world, as a Regional Power.
    Our research analyzed these changes in China, focusing on seven specific themes which included center-local relations, marketization of economy, state-society relations, human beings in development, historical continuity and discontinuity, relations with the ethnic-minorities and Taiwan, Hongkong, China in Asia-Pacific region. The general team engaged in the work for contriving the new method of analysis, for organising interdisciplinary research on the structural changes, and in promoting the international exchanges and in the public information. We held six times general research assembly, invited 30 foreign scholars, collaborated with the research team on Slavic World, held symposium with Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences twice, published 12 volumes of Chinα Area Studies Series and collected basic materials.
    We talked over and over again on above mentioned seven themes and came to the provisional conclusion ; 1) if we assume that there are three stages of metamorphosis of China, the first structural change, the second structural change and systemic change which goes with the marketization and democratization, 20 years of reform and open-up policy was the beginning of the first stage. Now China is passing into the second stage urged by the Asian monetary crisis. 2) The feature of the first stage is that the traditional structure of dualism (center/local, planned/market, state/society) has changed into trilateral structure (center/middle/lowest, planed/half market/market). 3) When we see into the future of China, we can use the experience of Taiwan and South Korea, as the useful vandage, which transfered from the low development to economic growth, from the authoritarian-regime to the democracy (East Asian Model).

  • China's Economic Changes and Its Impact to Social Stucture

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HISIDA Masaharu, KATO Hiroyuki, DU Jin, AMAKO Satoshi, OHSHIMA Kazutsugu, SATO Hiroshi, SONODA Shigeto

     View Summary

    - China's Leadership still holds strong desire to join the World Trade Organization albeit domestic hesitation and external suspicion toward its reform schedule. Along this line, an anti-US sentiment prevalent among not only decision-making circle, but also mass as a whole must be drawn special attention.
    - Grass-root society, in rural in particular, has been transforming its traditional function and structures. Due to the changing interests and diversifying behavior of rural population brought by market economy, rural election of the village leaders demonstrates unprecedented development in terms of electoral process and voting system.
    - Immigrant laborers, mainly from rural villages to coastal areas, are good example to gauge changing traditional relation between the rural and urban communities. Research poll conducted in Dalian discovered that immigrant income are relatively higher than their home villages' average and that their remittance has been playing significant role in their families.
    -The difficulty to conduct research focusing the emergence of middle class in contemporary China mainly stems from its ambiguity of its concept as well as its political sensitiveness in China's political climate. Survey results show that even nouveau-riche strata still fail to obtain clear class image themselves due to rapid social change.
    Based upon these micro-level findings, we can draw a tentative conclusion that tremendous impact of economic development to social structure has already made China's policy of introducing market forces and external economic link reached to an irreversible level.

  • 太平洋圏における島嶼地域の自立化と国際協力に関する学際的考察一沖縄の役割を志向して

    科学研究費助成事業(琉球大学)  科学研究費助成事業(一般研究(A))

  • 東アジアの発展モデルII:政治と国際関係

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 東アジアの発展モデルII:政治と国際関係

    科学研究費助成事業(東京大学)  科学研究費助成事業(重点領域研究)

  • 現代中国の構造変動に関する学際的研究にかかわる予備的調査・作業

    科学研究費助成事業(横浜市立大学)  科学研究費助成事業(総合研究(B))

  • Joint Studies on the New International Orders in East Asia

  • Comparative Studies on European and Asian Regional Integration considering International Politics--Norms, Security, Borders and Immigration

  • 中国共産党に関する政治社会学的実証研究ーー中南海研究(II)

    科学研究費助成事業(法政大学)  科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(A))

  • 早稲田大学研究プロジェクト「アジア・ヒューマン・コミュニティー」

  • グローバルCOEプログラム「アジア地域統合のための世界的人材育成拠点」

  • 人間文化研究機構・地域研究推進事業「現代中国地域研究」

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  • 今こそアジア知的ネットワーク構築が必要である。早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究科に集まれ!


Overseas Activities

  • ヨーロッパの視点から東アジア統合を考える






Internal Special Research Projects

  • アジア地域統合と「ソフト・パワー」:理論的・実証的アプローチによる比較研究


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    &nbsp;ソフト・パワーを通じた外交のありかたや、災害、金融、テロリズム、感染症のような危機に対応できるリージョナルな協力関係の構築をめぐって理論研究と事例研究を行うことを目指した。&nbsp;(1)国際シンポジウムの実施2015年2月5日(木曜)に、国際シンポジウムNatural Disasters and Human Mobilities: Research on Non-traditionalSecurity in East Asiaを開催した。第1部:自然災害 第2部:グローバル化の下での人の移動にともなう諸課題に焦点をあてた。(2)英文翻訳 ソフト・パワー外交をめぐる論文の翻訳&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;