Updated on 2024/10/24


KATO, Fumihiro
Research Council (Research Organization), Future Robotics Organization
Job title
Junior Researcher(Assistant Professor)
Ph.D. ( 2016.03 Computerational Intelligence and System Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology )
M.S. ( 2010.03 Mechanical Engineering, University of Electro-Communications )
B.S. ( 2008.03 Electronic Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications )

【略歴】1984 年 11 月 8 日福島県に生まれる。2003 年 3 月県立安積高等学校卒業、2008 年 3 月電気通信大学電気通信学部電子工学科を卒業後、電気通信大学大学院電気通信学研究科知能機械工学専攻に進学し、2010 年 3 月修士(工学)を授与される、東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科知能システム科学専攻博士課程に編入学し、2016 年 3 月博士(工学)の学位を授与される。

Research Experience

  • 2024.04

    東京電機大学 未来科学部 ロボット・メカトロニクス学科 非常勤講師

  • 2024.04

    早稲田大学 創造理工学部 総合機械工学科 兼担講師(非常勤講師)

  • 2023.04

    Waseda University   Future Robotics Organization

  • 2020.07

    The University of Tokyo   Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology   Co-operative research fellow

  • 2020.04

    Waseda University   Green Computing Systems Research Organization, Global Robot Academia Laboratory   Junior Researcher   Project Assistant Professor

  • 2016.04

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Gerontology Tachi Lab   Project Researcher

  • 2014.04

    TOSHIBA CORPORATION   R&D Center Interactive Media Lab.   permanent employee

  • 2013.04

    Japan Science and Technology Agency

  • 2010.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Research Fellowship for Young Scientists(DC1)

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Education Background

  • 2010.10

    Tokyo Institute of Technology   Computerational Intelligence and System Science, (Ph.D.)  

  • 2010.04

    The University of Electro-Communications   Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering  

  • 2008.04

    University of Electro-Communications   Mechanical Engineering  

  • 2004.04

    University of Electro-Communications   Electronic Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.04

    特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 VR技術者認定制度委員会  副委員長

  • 2024.01

    SIG Telexistence  Executive Secretary, Committee Member

  • 2023.10

    特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 IVRC実行委員会  実行委員、審査員

  • 2023.03

    計測自動制御学会  IMEKO委員会 委員

  • 2022.12

    IMEKO Technical Committee 17 (Measurement in Robotics, TC-17)  Committee (Scientific Secretary)

  • 2022

    IEEE Telepresence  Sub-Committee

  • 2022

    IROS WS : Horizons of an Extended Robotics Reality - a Converging Fuuture of XR and Robotics, Co-Organizer

  • 2019.04

    特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会  VR技術者認定制度委員会 委員

  • 2016.04

    SIG Telexistence  Committee Member

  • 2019.04

    特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会  学会誌編集委員会 委員

  • 2022.09

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第27回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 座長

  • 2021.12

    日本バイオフィードバック学会  第49回バイオフィードバック学会学術総会(BF2022) 懇親会委員長、出版副委員長

  • 2021.09

    The Virtual Reality Society of Japan  the 26th VRSJ Annual Conference Session Chair

  • 2020.09

    The Virtual Reality Society of Japan  the 25th VRSJ Annual Conference Session Chair

  • 2019.09

    IEEE/ISMCR2019 Session Chair/Co-Chair

  • 2019.09

    ICAT-EGVE 2019  Venue Chair

  • 2018.11

    ICAT-EGVE 2018 Session Chair

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Professional Memberships

  • 2024.04


  • 2023.01


  • 2017.10


  • 2010.07






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Research Areas

  • Intelligent robotics   バーチャルリアリティ / Perceptual information processing   バーチャルリアリティ / Robotics and intelligent system / Intelligent informatics   Heat Transfer simulation, Finite Element Method, Dynamical Rigid-body Simulation / Family and consumer sciences, and culture and living   調理科学 / Medical systems / Human interface and interaction / Kansei informatics / Intelligent informatics   機械学習

Research Interests

  • Virtual Reality

  • Telexistence

  • Haptics

  • Cooking Simulator

  • Finite Element Method

  • Thermal Conductive Simulation

  • Telemedicine

  • Media Informatics

  • HCI

  • Machine Learning

  • Food Engineering

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  • Best Paper Award

    2020.10   IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR 2020)   3D Head Pointer - Proposal of the manipulation method that enables the spatial localization for a wearable robot arm by head bobbing -

    Winner: Joy Oh, Kozo Ando, Shuhei Iizuka, Lena Guinot, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

  • Honorable Mention

    2018.11   ICAT-EGVE 2018   Soft Finger-tip Sensing Probe Based on Haptic Primary Colors

    Winner: Fumihiro Kato, Yasuyuki Inoue, Susumu Tachi

  • 社内表彰

    2016   株式会社 東芝  

    Winner: 加藤 史洋

  • Netexplo 2013 100 outstanding innovations

    2012.02   Cooking Simulator

    Winner: 加藤 史洋

  • 独立行政法人日本学生支援機構 第一種奨学金 特に優れた業績による返還免除 (2009.4 - 2010.3)


  • 三浦賞

    2010.03   日本機械学会  

    Winner: 加藤 史洋

  • 未踏ユース2008上期 スーパークリエータ

    2009.07   情報処理推進機構(IPA)   現実の料理で見えない調理状態の推測を支援する料理シミュレータの提案

    Winner: 加藤 史洋

  • 学生表彰

    2009.03   電気通信大学  

    Winner: 加藤 史洋

  • 学生表彰

    2007.03   電気通信大学  

    Winner: 加藤 史洋

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Media Coverage

  • 所さんのそこんトコロ 加熱調理シミュレータ

    TV or radio program

    テレビ東京   所さんのそこんトコロ  


  • BBC World News Click - Interactive Cooking Simulator

    TV or radio program

    Author: Myself  

    British BBC  




  • TELESAR VI: Telexistence Surrogate Anthropomorphic Robot VI

    Susumu Tachi, Yasuyuki Inoue, Fumihiro Kato

    International Journal of Humanoid Robotics   17 ( 5 )  2020.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © 2020 World Scientific Publishing Company. Telexistence refers to the general technology that allows humans to experience the real-Time sensation of being in another place, interacting with a remote environment, which may be real, virtual, or a combination of both. It also refers to an advanced type of teleoperation system that allows an operator behind the controls to perform remote tasks dexterously with the feeling of being in a surrogate robot working in a remote environment. Telexistence in a real environment through a virtual environment is also possible. The concept was originally proposed by the first author in 1980, and its feasibility has been demonstrated through the construction of alter-ego robot systems called Telexistence Surrogate Anthropomorphic Robot (TELESAR) I-V. TELESAR VI is a newly developed telexistence platform for the ACCEL Embodied Media Project. It was designed and implemented with a mechanically unconstrained full-body master cockpit and a 67 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) anthropomorphic avatar robot. The avatar robot can operate in a sitting position since the main area of operation is intended to be manipulation and gestural. The system provides a full-body experience of our extended "body schema,"which allows users to maintain an up-To-date representation in space of the positions of their different body parts, including their head, torso, arms, hands, and legs. All ten fingers of the avatar robot are equipped with force, vibration, and temperature sensors and can faithfully transmit these elements of haptic information. Thus, the combined use of the robot and audiovisual information actualizes the remote sense of existence, as if the users physically existed there, with the avatar robot serving as their new body. With this experience, users can perform tasks dexterously and feel the robot's body as their own, which provides the most simple and fundamental experience of a remote existence.



  • 餅つきVRを題材とした協調作業系における阿吽の呼吸の研究 合いの手による予備動作の効果検証

    神島 海音, 安藤 孝三, 岩崎 悠希子, 加藤 史洋, 岩田 浩康

    バイオフィードバック研究   50 ( 2 ) 110 - 110  2023.10

  • 筋電制御システムと力触覚フィードバックシステムによる身体幅感覚への影響の検証 拡張肢への身体性誘発によるながら作業の支援

    西田 野々香, 岩崎 悠希子, 加藤 史洋, Gowrishankar Ganesh, 岩田 浩康

    バイオフィードバック研究   50 ( 2 ) 110 - 110  2023.10

  • Development of a VR Training System for improvement of multitasking ability-Effective attentional resource expansion through graded cognitive burden-

    Suzuki Kouta, Iwasaki Yukiko, Sugimoto Maki, Nishida Nonoka, Teo Theophilus, Fukuoka Masaaki, Kato Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2023   2A1-I04  2023

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    When the robot arm is manipulated simultaneously with the natural body, it becomes multitasking, which places a significant burden on human cognitive abilities. We hypothesize that training that applies moderate attentional load in stages will expand the amount of effective attentional resource and improve multitasking ability. Therefore, we constructed two VR environments: a training stage to expand attentional resource by applying graded attentional load, and a test stage to evaluate the amount of attentional resource. We conducted several sets of training and evaluated the effective attentional resource in the test stage before and after the training, and compared the evaluations. The results suggested that training with graded attentional load can expand the effective attentional resources.


  • Research on Attention Management in Multi-presence- Verification of performance improvement effect by residual attention to extended body groups group according to subjective and bird's-eye view -

    Tsuji Ayumu, IWASAKI Yukiko, NISHIDA Nonoka, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2023   1P1-D11  2023

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    In recent years, research on augmented bodies that extend the capabilities of the human body has attracted much attention. Multi-presence, the topic of this paper, is one of the extended body studies, and is a system in which multiple extended bodies are operated by a single person. Until now, the role of presence in the parallel and multiple manipulation of extended bodies has not been clarified. From the validation test, subjective images with a high sense of presence were more likely to sustain residual attention associated with attention switching than overhead images with a low sense of presence, and task performance was improved. Thus, the results suggest the usefulness of increasing the sense of presence for each task when designing multi-presence.


  • Study on Robotic Palpation Hand- Interviews with dermatologists regarding palpation and classification of palpation movements -

    TAKEDA Hayato, KATO Fumihito, KAMISHIMA Kaito, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2023   2P1-C11  2023

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    Palpation is a noninvasive and quick medical procedure that can be used to estimate disease by directly touching the affected area. Palpation is a skill passed down from master to apprentice through experience, and quantification of palpation and its reproduction by an autonomous robot have not been realized. In this study, to define palpation movements, we interviewed dermatologists who frequently perform palpation in their medical practice, and measured / analyzed the posture and finger pressure during palpation. As a result, the palpation movements of physicians was classified into five types ( "rubbing," "pushing," "pinching," "rocking," and "kneading") based on differences in the trajectory of the fingertips and the affected area condition. Thus the requirement specifications to develop robot hand was achieved.


  • Detachable Body: Validating the Positional Relationship between Head and Arm

    Vitvasin Vimolmongkolporn, Yukiko Iwasaki, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, SII 2023    2023

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    The detachable body is the extended concept of the Supernumerary Robotic limbs (SRL), which can detach and attach from the user's body to the environment. This concept enables collaboration and multi-presence. However, in the previous research, the discussion of the positional relationship between modular body components is still unclear regarding the user's work efficiency. Therefore, the experiments were conducted to observe the effect of detached arm position on the work efficiency for effective work using modular bodies like detachable bodies. The first experiment compares work efficiency(time to finish task and distance error) when the positional relationship between the robotics head and arm is kept the same during attached/detached. Secondly, the comparison of the position variations during detached was also investigated. As a result, the time to finish the task in the detached case is significantly higher than in the attached case, suggesting the advantage of the attached case. Also, the tendency indicates that work efficiency dropped in positions over 39 cm horizontally. The overall suggest revamping the system through depth recognition, motor training, and input scaling. Also, the result of the position's variations can be considered as a design parameter to design hardware that improves the usability of the modular body system.



  • Engineering Analysis of One-sided State Transitions for the Derivation of Dual-Task Conditions

    Ayumu Tsuji, Joi Oh, Yukiko Iwasaki, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics     3085 - 3090  2023

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the intervention method among individuals by analyzing and categorizing how the performance on a dual task decreases when the required attentional load increases through a validation test. The validation test consisted of a dual task with two different tasks. As a result of the validation test, we hypothesized that there exists a one-sided state in which response delays occur in the low-priority task during the transition from the dual-task state, where the task is performed stably, to the saturation state, where all tasks are disrupted. Therefore, considering the one-sided state, we classified participants' attention distribution state into four states during the dual-task and analyzed the transition of the collapse model for individual. As a result, we were able to identify the one-sided state, classify the collapse models of the dual-task into three patterns, and propose appropriate timing of intervention methods for each pattern.



  • Numerical Analysis of Sagging Based on Rheological Properties of a Paint Film and Proposal for a Novel Index to Evaluate the Amount of Sag

    Yoshinobu Takahashi, Genichiro Tanaka, Fangshou Chang, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering    2023



  • Study on Attention Distribution for Supernumerary Limbs in Dual-task ―Effectiveness of Vibration Feedback for Limb Posture

    Kaito Kamishima, Fumihiro Kato, Yukiko Iwasaki, Nonoka Nishida, Hiroyasu Iwata

    proc. of The International Symposium on Measurement, Control, and Robotics (ISMCR 2022)    2022.09  [Refereed]

  • Palpation Robot System - Reproduction Method by Deep Neural Network of Skin Palpation Judgment Focusing on Softness Classification

    Fumihiro Kato, Takeya Adachi, Takumi Handa, Kaito Kamishima, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proc. of The International Symposium on Measurement, Control, and Robotics (ISMCR 2022)    2022.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Experiment assisting system with local augmented body (EASY-LAB) in dual presence environment

    Ahmed Alsereidi, Yukiko Iwasaki, Joi Oh, Vitvasin Vimolmongkolporn, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Journal of the International Measurement Confederation (ACTA-IMEKO)   11 ( 3 ) 1 - 6  2022.09  [Refereed]  [Invited]



  • Analysis and Observation of Behavioral Factors Contributing to Improvement of Embodiment to a Supernumerary Limb

    Nonoka Nishida, Yukiko Iwasaki, Theophilus Teo, Masaaki Fukuoka, Maki Sugimoto, Po-han Chen, Fumihiro Kato, Michiteru Kitazaki, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proc. of Augmented Humans     116 - 120  2022.03  [Refereed]



  • Study on Attention Distribution for Supernumerary Limbs in Dual task-Evaluation about Perception Verification Accuracy of Proprioceptive Sensation for Supernumerary Limbs Using Vibration Feedback-

    KAMISHIMA Kaito, IWASAKI Yukiko, NISHIDA Nonoka, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2022   1A1-N11  2022

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    Haptic Feedback Belt is the device which notice the supernumerary arm’s posture which is put on the arm’s user as vibration feedback. In this paper, we examine whether participants can perceive the supernumerary arm’s posture which leaves them with Haptic Feedback Belt on Dual task. Experiment was conducted to compare perception accuracy when they accomplished the recognizing task of supernumerary arm’s posture on Single task situation and Dual task situation. On Single task situation, they accomplished only the recognizing task. Then, on Dual task situation, they accomplished the recognizing task with pouring water into beakers with their own body. The results suggested that they can perceive the posture on Dual task situation as exactly as on Single task situation.


  • Analysis and Evaluation of Paint Film Thickness Variation due to Solvent Volatilization Based on Drying Rate Curves

    TAKAHASHI Yoshinobu, CHANG Fangshou, KATO Fumihiro, IWATA Hiroyasu

    The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan   2022   J121-05  2022

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    During the drying process of paints, the solvent contained in the paint volatilizes and the film thickness decreases. Since this property is highly dependent on the drying temperature and can affect the quality of the paint, appropriate temperature conditions and film thickness control are required. In this study, a model based on mass transfer theory was developed to calculate the paint film thickness at an arbitrary elapsed time. As a validation test, wet film thickness was measured by a non-contact film thickness gauge and compared with the analytical results. As a result, accurate paint film thickness prediction was achieved by setting appropriate parameters for different drying conditions.


  • Analysis of Paint Film Thickness Distribution Based on Particle Method Considering Time Series Change of Flow

    Yoshinobu Takahashi, Fangshou Chang, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering   2022-August   397 - 404  2022

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    Here, the thickness distribution of a spray-painted film was analyzed by computational fluid dynamics, considering the change in the paint shape due to flow. We focused on the paint adhering to the target because this behavior has not been previously examined. The particle method was adopted for the calculation because it enabled a stable analysis of the paint droplets and the complex uneven surface of the coating film. A high-speed camera and image analysis were used to capture the spray painting and identify the values of the parameters. Using the developed model, we analyzed the change in the film thickness distribution for the scene of painting on a flat plate in the vertical direction. It was confirmed that the numerical and experimental data correlated for two conditions of the target distance.



  • Design and development of 6 DoFs detachable robotic head utilizing differential gear mechanism to imitate human head-waist motion

    Vitvasin VIMOLMONGKOLPORN, Fumihiro KATO, Takumi HANDA, Yukiko IWASAKI, Hiroyasu IWATA

    Proc. of IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2022)   ( TuAT4.2 ) 467 - 472  2022.01  [Refereed]

  • A 3D head pointer: a manipulation method that enables the spatial position and posture for supernumerary robotic limbs

    Joi Oh, Fumihiro Kato, Iwasaki Yukiko, Hiroyasu Iwata

    ACTA IMEKO   10 ( 3 ) 81 - 81  2021.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper introduces a novel interface ‘3D head pointer’ for the
    operation of a wearable robotic arm in 3D space. The developed system is
    intended to assist its user in the execution of routine tasks while
    operating a robotic arm. Previous studies have demonstrated the difficulty a
    user faces in simultaneously controlling a robotic arm and their own hands.
    The proposed method combines a head-based pointing device and voice
    recognition to manipulate the position and orientation as well as to switch
    between these two modes. In a virtual reality environment, the position
    instructions of the proposed system and its usefulness were evaluated by
    measuring the accuracy of the instructions and the time required using a
    fully immersive head-mounted display (HMD). In addition, the entire system,
    including posture instructions with two switching methods (voice recognition
    and head gestures), was evaluated using an optical transparent HMD. The
    obtained results displayed an accuracy of 1.25 cm and 3.56° with the 20-s
    time span necessary for communicating an instruction. These results
    demonstrate that voice recognition is a more effective switching method than
    head gestures.


  • Experiment Assisting System with Local Augmented Body (EASY-LAB) for Subject Experiments under the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yukiko Iwasaki, Joi Oh, Takumi Handa, Ahmed A. Sereidi, Vitvasin Vimolmongkolporn, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH 2021    2021.08

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    Since it is challenging to perceive space and objects with a video conferencing system, which communicates using only video and audio, there are difficulties in testing subjects in the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose the EASY-LAB system that allows an experimenter to perform observation and physical interaction with the subject even from a remote location actively. The proposed system displays the camera image on a HMD worn by the experimenter, which camera is mounted on a small 6 DOF robot arm end, allowing observation from an easy-to-see perspective. The experimenter can also instruct the subject using another robot arm with a laser pointer. The robot's joint angles are calculated by Inverse Kinematics from the experimenter's head movements, then reflected in the actual robot. Photon Unity Networking component was used for the synchronization process with remote locations. These devices are affordable, effortless to set up, and can be delivered to the subject's home. Finally, the proposed system was evaluated by four subjects, As a preliminary result, the mean pointing error was 1.1 cm, and the operation time was reduced by 60% compared with the conventional video conferencing system. This result indicated the EASY-LAB's capability, at least in tasks that require pointing and observation from various angles. The statistical study with more subjects will be conducted in the follow-up study.



  • Development of EMG Control System and Haptic Feedback Device for Inducing Agency and Ownership on an Additional Limb

    Nonoka NISHIDA, Yukiko IWASAKI, Joi OH, Takumi HANDA, Fumihiro KATO, Ganesh GOWRISHANKAR, Hiroyasu IWATA

    The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)   2021   2P3 - E03  2021


  • 3D Head Pointer: A manipulation method that enables the spatial localization for a wearable robot arm by head bobbing

    Joy Oh, Kozo Ando, Shuhei Iizuka, Lena Guinot, Fumihiro Kato, Hiroyasu Iwata

    Proc. of 23rd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics (ISMCR)    2020.10  [Refereed]


  • Development of a Telediagnosis System using Telexistence

    Junkai Fu, Fumihiro Kato, Yasuyuki Inoue, Susumu Tachi

    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan   25 ( 3 ) 277 - 283  2020.10  [Refereed]

  • 触原色原理に基づいた触覚提示システム

    井上康之, 中郁己, 加藤史洋, 舘暲

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌   25 ( 1 ) 86 - 94  2020  [Refereed]

  • Master-Slave Robot Hand Control Method based on Congruence of Vectors for Telexistence Hand Manipulation

    Yasuyuki Inoue, Fumihiro Kato, Susumu Tachi

    Proceeding of the 22nd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics(ISMCR-2019)    2019.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © 2019 IEEE. This research focuses on robot hand control of telexistence robot to realize precise hand manipulation. A humanoid surrogate robot which possesses large number of DoF and works under master-slave controlling can reproduce operator's hand and finger movements, and therefore it will realize fine and delicate teleoperation as if the work were performed by operator's own hand. However, even though the robot hand moves with dexterity, the body size difference between operator and robot has great influence to the consistency of position and configuration of body-parts such as fingertips between them, and may lead the difficultly of manual teleoperation. The problem is how to manage various operator's body size and maintain the correspondence of the operator to the robot. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel method of robot hand control which is based on congruence of two vectors bellows: (1) thumb tip to opposite fingers and (2) point-of-view to thumb/fingers. Considering that the spatial relationship between thumb and opposite fingers are important to perform precise hand manipulation, to keep the vector makes replication of operator's handshape on the robot hand. Also, because the operator of telexistence robot sees robot's body-parts including hand via eye-camera as his/her surrogate body, to match the vector realizes consistent experiences about hand position and aids intuitive operation. The proposed method was implemented to the control system of newly developed telexistence robot 'TELESAR6' and the performance of hand manipulation using the method was evaluated.



  • Finger Motion Measurement System for Telexistence Hand Manipulation

    Yasuyuki Inoue, Fumihiro Kato, Susumu Tachi

    Proceeding of the 22nd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics(ISMCR-2019)    2019.09  [Refereed]

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    © 2019 IEEE. This research focuses on finger motion measurement system of telexistence robot to realize precise hand manipulation. Wearable sensor glove which measures operator's finger joint angles is used in most cases for reproducing his/her finger motion to robot hand. However, angle-based finger motion measurement is difficult to estimate correct position of fingertip because of hand shape difference between individuals. On the other hands, optical position measurement such as motion capture can obtain exact position, but has problem of measuring stability because of occlusion. To overcome this issue, we propose a finger motion measurement system which consists of sensor glove with motion capture. To calibrate individual differences, the kinematic parameters of operator's hand such as bone length are estimated at first, and then the hand model predicts fingertip position from sensor glove data. Once the parameters are obtained, both motion capture and hand model provide position of fingertip in parallel, and the measurement becomes more stably against occlusion. The performances of the proposed system regarding parameter estimation and precision accuracy were evaluated during finger movement in 3D space.



  • Haptic Display Glove Capable of Force/Vibration/Temperature

    Fumihiro Kato, Yasuyuki Inoue, Susumu Tachi

    Proceeding of the 22nd International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics(ISMCR-2019)    2019.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    © 2019 IEEE. Since human skin has tactile receptors for force, vibration, and temperature, if it can be presented, it is considered possible to present various textures based on the theory of haptic primary colors. In this study, we propose a haptic glove that enables the display of the three haptic elements. A haptic glove for one finger was developed by combining a thread drive actuator for force display from tactile to deep sensation and a vibration/temperature display device specialized for tactile presentation. We also showed that it is possible to present multiple softness to the finger. It is capable that combine the proposed haptic device and the vibro-thermal tactile unit to display Haptic Primary Colors. With our system, sensing of the finger is also capable of using a depth-sensing camera.



  • Tactile Sensation Reproducing Method of a Haptic Display that Presents Force, Vibration, and Temperature as Haptic Primary Colors

    Yuki Tajima, Fumihiro Kato, Yasuyuki Inoue, Susumu Tachi

      24 ( 1 ) 125 - 135  2019.03  [Refereed]

  • Enhancing bodily expression and communication capacity of telexistence robot with augmented reality

    Y. Inoue, M. Y. Saraiji, F. Kato, S. Tachi

    21st International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics, ISMCR 2018     49 - 52  2019  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    © (2018) by the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO). All rights reserved. This paper focuses on realization of embodied remote communication via telexistence robot with augmented reality (AR). Though a robot equipped with communication functions can realize natural conversation remotely, the robot has to reproduce bodily expressions of the robot user for achieving embodied communication. A humanoid is optimal shape for the purpose, but this kind of robot is currently expensive and difficult to popularize. By contrast, a 3DOF head-moving robot is easier to develop, but the bodily expression capacity is limited. To solve the trade-off problem, we propose an AR-based presentation system visualizing additional body-parts of head-moving robot. The developed system consists of a head-mounted display (HMD) worn by an operator, a 3DOF robot controlled by the operator's head movement, and see-through AR glasses worn by an interlocutor who faces the robot. For visualizing bodily expression, the system generates 3D-CG image of virtual avatar which copies operator's body movements, and projects the image onto both operator's HMD and interlocutor's glasses simultaneously. Consequently, proposed system provides body gesture functions to 3DOF robot, and achieves embodied remote communication.

  • Expansion of Bodily Expression Capability in Telexistence Robot using VR

    Yasuyuki Inoue, Yamen MHD Saraiji, Fumihiro Kato, Susumu Tachi

    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan   24 ( 1 ) 137 - 140  2019  [Refereed]

  • Soft Finger-tip Sensing Probe Based on Haptic Primary Colors.

    Fumihiro Kato, Yasuyuki Inoue, Susumu Tachi

    International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, ICAT-EGVE 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, November 7-9, 2018     107 - 114  2018  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • The Influence of Coherent Visuo-Tactile Feedback on Self-location in Telexistence

      23 ( 3 ) 119 - 127  2018  [Refereed]

  • 触原色原理に基づくCNNを用いた触覚の分類手法の提案

    加藤 史洋, 井上 康之, 田島 優輝, 舘 暲

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告 第11回テレイグジスタンス研究会     5 - 8  2017.12

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Observation of Mirror Reflection and Voluntary Self-Touch Enhance Self-Recognition for a Telexistence Robot

    Yasuyuki Inoue, Fumihiro Kato, M. H. D. Yamen Saraiji, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Susumu Tachi

    2017 IEEE VIRTUAL REALITY (VR)     345 - 346  2017  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we analyze the subjective feelings about the body of the operator of a telexistence system. We investigate whether a mirror reflection and self-touch affect body ownership and agency for a surrogate robot avatar in a virtual reality experiment. Results showed that the presence of tactile sensations synchronized with the view of self-touch events enhanced mirror self-recognition.



  • Classification Method of Tactile Feeling using Stacked Autoencoder Based on Haptic Primary Colors

    Fumihiro Kato, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Yasuyuki Inoue, Susumu Tachi

    2017 IEEE VIRTUAL REALITY (VR)     391 - 392  2017  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    We have developed a classification method of tactile feeling using a stacked autoencoder-based neural network on haptic primary colors. The haptic primary colors principle is a concept of decomposing the human sensation of tactile feeling into force, vibration, and temperature. Images were obtained from variation in the frequency of the time series of the tactile feeling obtained when tracing a surface of an object, features were extracted by employing a stacked autoencoder using a neural network with two hidden layers, and supervised learning was conducted. We confirmed that the tactile feeling for three different surface materials can be classified with an accuracy of 82.0 [%].



  • テレイグジスタンスにおける自己身体像の変化:鏡像認知を用いた研究

    井上康之, 加藤史洋, SARAIJI MHD Y, FERNANDO Charith L, 舘暲

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会研究報告 第22回 テレイグジスタンス研究会   1   13 - 14  2017

  • Real‐Time Heat Transfer Simulation for Reproduction of Heat Cooking in VR

    Fumihiro Kato, Satoru Onohara, Hironori Mitake, Shoichi Hasegawa

    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan   21 ( 1 ) 163 - 172  2016.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    We propose a real-time heat transfer simulation method which visualize heat behavior in virtual cooking interactively. Our method is a combination of finite element heat transfer simulation and rigid body dynamics simulation. We achieved to reproduce temperature changes on the surface of both a beef and an iron plate as cookware. Proposed simulator also targets changes of boundary condition; e.g.between the air and solid objects or solid objects and solid objects. The rigid body dynamics simulation calculates the collision between solid objects. An experimental implementation showed the computation speed is high enough for cookery with a multi-thread computation. We aim that our method will be useful for cooking technique practice, cookery prediction and cookery game.

    DOI CiNii

  • Interactive Cooking Simulator:-showing food ingredients appearance changes in frying pan cooking

    Fumihiro Kato, Shoichi Hasegawa

    CEA 2013 - Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities     33 - 38  2013  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    We propose \\Interactive Cooking Simulator" which provides users with information of physical and chemical reaction state during cooking process. This system helps users to understand the physical and chemical changes that occurs during cooking process using visual information. We need to experience various cooking operations and the effects of each one to understand them well. However, we cannot sense the effects of the cooking operations in real-time. e.g., temperature, cooking progress of inner foods. For example, temperature inside the food ingredients during cooking can not be seen even with thermography camera. On the other hand, the cooking simulator can simulate inside states of the food ingredients and can present it to the users. We believe that the proposed system helps user to understand cooking operation effects. © Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).



  • Stuffed toys alive! Cuddly robots from fantasy world

    Yohei Yamashita, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Hironori Mitake, Yutaka Takase, Fumihiro Kato, Ikumi Susa, Shoichi Hasegawa, Makoto Sato

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH'12     80  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Stuffed toys live with all ages and hold them in some physical and mental aspects. With the soft feel and cute characters, stuffed toys play with them, sleep together and listen to their complaints. These roles of stuffed toys show that people imagine stuffed toys are interactive creature. Indeed, there are many stories and movies in which stuffed toys work as living characters. However, stuffed toys in real world are just dolls and they cannot move and react. © 2012 ACM.



  • Stuffed toys alive! Cuddly robots from fantasy world

    Yohei Yamashita, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Hironori Mitake, Yutaka Takase, Fumihiro Kato, Ikumi Susa, Shoichi Hasegawa, Makoto Sato

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH'12     20  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Stuffed toys live with all ages and hold them in some physical and mental aspects. With the soft feel and cute characters, stuffed toys play with them, sleep together and listen to their complaints. These roles of stuffed toys show that people imagine stuffed toys are interactive creature. Indeed, there are many stories and movies in which stuffed toys work as living characters. However, stuffed toys in real world are just dolls and they cannot move and react. © 2012 ACM.



  • Realtime sonification of the center of gravity for skiing

    Shoichi Hasegawa, Seiichiro Ishijima, Fumihiro Kato, Hironori Mitake, Makoto Sato

    ACM International Conference Proceeding Series     11  2012  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Control of body position is important in skiing. During turn, novice skiers often lean back and lose their control. Leaning back is natural reaction for people. They are afraid of the slope or speed. We develop a device to provide realtime sonification feedback of the center of gravity of the skier. The device guides the position of skier. A preliminary experiment shows possibility of improvements that the user become to be able to control their position immediately and even to overcome the afraid of slope and speed. Copyright 2012 ACM.



  • Interactive cooking simulator: to understand cooking operation deeply.

    Fumihiro Kato, Yusuke Hanaoka, Tu, Nguyen Ngoc, Danial Keoki, Hironori Mitake, Takafumi Aoki, Shoichi Hasegawa

    ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technologies, SIGGRAPH '09, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, August 3-7, 2009     14:1  2009  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Culinary art designer

    Fumihiro Kato, Mina Shiina, Takashi Tokizaki, Hironori Mitake, Takafumi Aoki, Shoichi Hasegawa

    SIGGRAPH'08 - ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 Posters     132  2008  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author



▼display all


  • VRの最新動向 人間の5感VRの技術開発とビジネス展開の可能性

    加藤 史洋  [Invited]

    日本工業大学大学院MOTセミナー『デジタル破壊とM&Aを意識したオープンイノベーション』- デジタル技術の先端情報を知り、自社へ取り込む日 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 肉肉シミュレータ

    加藤 史洋  [Invited]

    全日本食学会肉料理部会 第1回 肉肉カンファレンス 

    Presentation date: 2017

  • 研究室でのコミュニケーション事例,「ネット飲み会しよう!―研究の場のコミュニケーションを考える―」

    加藤 史洋  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2011

  • Interactive Cooking Simulator,

    Fumihiro Kato  [Invited]

    Entertainment Computing SIGGRAPH 2009 E-Tech Reprise(OS) 

    Presentation date: 2009

Research Projects

  • Research on a remote palpation system that can measure and recognize the viscoelasticity and temperature of the skin and present it to doctors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

    Project Year :


  • 実時間シミュレーションにより調理状況の認識・予測を行う実調理支援システムの実現

    科学研究費補助金  特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    加藤 史洋

  • Development of Cookin Training System - using Raltime Heat Transfer and Dynamical Rigid-body Simulation-

    Project Year :


  • 現実の料理で見えない調理状態の推測を支援する料理シミュレータの提案

    (独)情報処理推進機構  未踏IT人材発掘・育成事業

    Project Year :


    加藤 史洋

  • カメラ搭載ラジコン操作可能な飛行船の開発と実展示

    科学技術振興機構(JST)  スーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)

    Project Year :


    加藤史洋, 駒木根陽平, 穂積裕一, 梁取春光, 木村

  • 蒸気拡散法により、タンパク質(卵白由来リゾチーム)の良好な(大きくて傷の少ない)結晶化条件を探る。

    宇宙開発事業団(NASDA)  STS-107教育プログラム(タンパク質結晶実験) 予選ファンディング

    Project Year :


    加藤史洋, 駒木根陽平, 穂積裕一, 本田, 梁取春光

  • ホバークラフトの開発と搭乗展示

    東北電力  うつくしま未来博東北電力・東京電力共同館「ゆめラボ グゥースゥーピィー」

    Project Year :


    加藤史洋, 駒木根陽平, 穂積裕一, 梁取春光

▼display all


  • 医師の5種触察を再現する触診ハンドに関する研究-2指つまみ揺動を可能とする回内外・並進関節機構の設計-

    竹田隼, 加藤史洋, 神島海音, 岩田浩康

    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM)   41st  2023


  • 餅つきVRを題材とした協調作業系における阿吽の呼吸の研究-合いの手による予備動作の効果検証-

    神島海音, 安藤孝三, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康

    日本バイオフィードバック学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   49th  2022


  • 筋電制御システムと力触覚フィードバックシステムによる身体幅感覚への影響の検証-拡張肢への身体性誘発によるながら作業の支援-

    西田野々香, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, GOWRISHANKAR Ganesh, 岩田浩康

    日本バイオフィードバック学会学術総会プログラム・抄録集   49th  2022


  • Jizai Safari: VR Space for Immersive Experience in New Body

    鈴木康太, 岩崎悠希子, 杉本麻樹, TEO Theophilus, 福岡正彬, 西田野々香, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   27th  2022


  • 拡張身体の身体化に関する研究-第二報:身体性誘発による要求注意量の低減とパフォーマンス向上効果の検証-

    西田野々香, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, GANESH Gowrishankar, 岩田浩康

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   27th  2022


  • Development of an Immersive VR Coating Training Simulator Based on a Dynamic Coating Thickness Distribution Model

    城後賢, 高橋慶伸, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   27th  2022


  • Proposal for a Visual/Haptic/Temperature Sensor that Enables Simultaneous Visual and Palpatory Inspection

    LIU Zihao, 加藤史洋, 神島海音, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   23rd  2022


  • ロボット塗装作業に向けた塗膜積層モデルの評価

    張舫碩, 高橋 慶伸, 加藤 史洋, 岩田 浩康

    第22回 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2021)   ( 3A1-05 )  2021.12

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • VRリハビリテーション : 特性と臨床応用—デジタル化する理学療法

    安田 和弘, 加藤 史洋, 佐武 陸史, 岩田 浩康

    理学療法ジャーナル   55 ( 11 ) 1237 - 1242  2021.11


  • 流動による経時変化を考慮した粒子法に基づく塗装の膜厚分布解析

    高橋 慶伸, 張 舫碩, 加藤 史洋, 岩田 浩康

    日本機械学会 第34回計算力学講演会 (CMD'2021)     paper no.U00202  2021.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 遠隔触診システムの研究 (第1報) ~遠隔診療の調査と医師ヒアリングまとめ~

    神島 海音, 加藤 史洋, 半田 匠, 岩田 浩康

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第26回大会     3D2-1  2021.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 拡張身体の身体化に関する研究 -第一報:装着型ロボットアームの能動制御と手先方向提示による身体幅感覚への影響-

    西田 野々香, 岩﨑 悠希子, 加藤 史洋, ゴウリシャンカー・ガネッシュ, 岩田 浩康

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第26回大会     1C3-7  2021.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 拡張身体へのAgency, Ownership誘発を目指した筋電制御システムと力触覚FBデバイスの開発

    西田 野々香, 岩﨑悠希子, 王卓毅, 半田匠, 加藤史洋, ゴウリシャンカー, ガネッシュ(フランス国立科学研究センター, 岩田浩康

    日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会(Robomech2021)     2P3-E03  2021.06

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 鉱山ショベルの掘削効率化に関する研究 : 掘削抵抗解析に基づく個別要素法パラメータ同定システムの設計

    水嶋 済也, 山村 真司, 佐藤 隆哉, 水越 勇一, 加藤 史洋, 亀﨑 允啓, 岩田 浩康

    建設機械   57 ( 6 ) 38 - 43  2021.06


  • Verification of the requirements for establishing symbiotic collaboration between robots and individuals-Focus on VR rice cake making-

    安藤孝三, 岩崎悠希子, 加藤史洋, 岩田浩康

    計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(CD-ROM)   21st  2020


  • Construction and Evaluation about Tactile Sensor for a Finger of a Humanoid Robot


    日本ロボット学会誌   37 ( 5 ) 409‐413(J‐STAGE)  2019

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • テレイグジスタンスの研究(第93報)―精緻な手指作業を実現するマスタースレーブ計算手法―

    井上康之, 加藤史洋, 舘暲

    第23回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集     11C-4  2018.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • テレイグジスタンスの研究 第94報―VR空間内で物体固有の触感を提示可能な触覚提示システムの提案―

    中郁己, 加藤 史洋, 井上 康之, 舘 暲

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第23回大会 技術展示     11C-5  2018.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • テレイグジスタンスの研究(第89報)―テレイグジスタンスのためのロボットシミュレーションシステム―

    井上 康之, Saraiji MHD Yamen, Fernando Charith, 加藤 史洋, 山崎 喬輔, 田島優輝, 舘暲

    第22回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集     1G2-01  2017.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • テレイグジスタンスの研究(第90報)―三人称視点で観察される自己身体への接触が自己の定位に与える影響の検証―

    山崎喬輔, 山崎喬輔, 井上康之, サライジ ムハマドヤメン, 加藤史洋, 舘暲

    第22回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集     1G2-02  2017.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • テレイグジスタンスの研究(第91報)―振動/力/温度を触原色とした触感の機械学習手法の提案―

    加藤史洋, 井上康之, 田島優輝, 舘暲

    第22回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集     1G2-03  2017.09

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • テレイグジスタンスの研究(第92報)―力/振動/温度を触原色とする触感の提示手法と提示装置の提案―

    田島優輝, 加藤史洋, 井上康之, 舘暲

    第22回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集     1G2-04  2017.09

    Authorship:Corresponding author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 表面モデルによるリアルタイム液体シミュレーション

    瀬下渉, 加藤史洋, 三武裕玄, 長谷川晶一

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   18th   ROMBUNNO.22C-1 - 354  2013.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 多様な反応動作を行う柔らかいぬいぐるみロボット

    山下洋平, 三武裕玄, 高瀬裕, 加藤史洋, 須佐育弥, 長谷川晶一, 佐藤誠

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   17th   ROMBUNNO.33E-3  2012.09


  • 料理シミュレータのための有限要素法による熱伝導シミュレータ

    加藤史洋, 長谷川晶一

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   16th   ROMBUNNO.32C-5  2011.09

    Authorship:Lead author


  • SIGGRAPH2010

    加藤 史洋

    ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌 = Journal of Human Interface Society : human interface   12 ( 4 ) 273 - 273  2010.11

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • 体験型料理シミュレータ

    加藤史洋, 三武裕玄, 長谷川晶一

    日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集(CD-ROM)   15th   ROMBUNNO.2D2-2 - 393  2010.09

    Authorship:Lead author

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 弦の振動の研究

    福島県立安積高等学校物理部(加藤 史洋, 駒木根 陽平, 梁取 春光)

    福島県高等学校文化連盟総合文化祭科学専門部会 第14回 生徒理科研究発表会並びに作品展示会    2001.11

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 逢瀬川流域の水質調査、大気環境調査


    こどもエコクラブ全国フェスティバル 2000 in ながの    2000.03

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 逢瀬川流域の水質調査 講演(郡山市民文化センター)

    加藤史洋, 高坂伶, 郡山第六中学校, 自然科学部各位, 佐々木清

    口頭発表(郡山市民文化祭)    1999  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

▼display all

Industrial Property Rights

  • 情報処理装置、ロボットハンド制御システム、及びロボットハンド制御プログラム

    井上 康之, 舘 暲, 加藤 史洋


  • 物品の管理装置、その管理方法、及び、管理プログラム

    加藤 史洋, 株式会社


  • 換気機能付き靴の中敷

    加藤 史洋



  • CV (Sept. 2022)



Teaching Experience

  • Advanced Mechatronics

    Tokyo Denki University  


  • VR技術者認定講習会2022 第4章バーチャル世界の構成手法



  • VR技術者認定講習会2021 第4章バーチャル世界の構成手法




Social Activities

  • 日本ロボット学会誌 解説


  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Creative Science and Engineering