Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Assistant Professor(non-tenure-track)
Master ( Kobe College )
Docter ( Kobe College )
・多義的な知覚(the dress)に経験やコミュニケーションなどが与える影響についての研究

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda Unibersity   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2020.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2019.04

    Osaka City University   Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences   Research Fellow

  • 2016.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Senshu University Graduate School of Humanities   Postdoctorial Fellow (Restart)

  • 2009.04

    Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences   The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences.   Research Fellow

  • 2007.04

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science   Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences   Postdoctorial Fellow (Restart)

  • 2004.04

    Kobe College Graduate School of Human Sciences   Postdoctorial Fellow

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Education Background

  • 2001.04

    Kobe College  

  • 1999.04

    Kobe College  

  • 1994.04

    Kobe College   School of Human Sciences  

Professional Memberships


    Psychologia Society


    Psychonomic Society












    Psychonomic Society

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Research Areas

  • Experimental psychology

Research Interests

  • 実験系心理学

  • autobiographical memory

  • bilingal memory

  • false memory


  • Best paper award

    2017.09   Japan Creative Society   The psychological factors related to works with high subjective originality: An examination focusiong on praise and coaction by personal traits.

    Winner: IKEDA Kazuhiro, NISHIURA Kazuki, KAWASAKI Yayoi



  • The effect of previously acquired languages on third language acquisition

    Xiaoyu Luan, Masakazu kuno, Ayaka Sugawara, Yayoi Kawasaki, Eriko Sugimori

    Heliyon    2024.02



  • Effects of depressive and retelling tendencies on the subjective evaluation of memory characteristics: Examining the temporal distance, the tense, and the self of memory.

    IKEDA Kazuhiro, SEKIMOTO Akari, SATO Taku, KAWASAKI Yayoi, NISHIURA Kazuki

    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2023   39 - 39  2023


  • Cross-modal correspondence between visual information and taste perception of bitter foods and drinks

    Eriko Sugimori, Yayoi Kawasaki

    Food Quality and Preference   98  2022.01  [Refereed]

  • Color Judgments of #The Dress and #The Jacket in a Sample of Different Cultures

    Yayoi Kawasaki, J. Nick Reid, Kazuhiro Ikeda, Meiling Liu, Bodil S. A. Karlsson

    Perception   50 ( 3 ) 216 - 230  2021.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Two viral photographs, #The Dress and #The Jacket, have received recent attention in research on perception as the colors in these photos are ambiguous. In the current study, we examined perception of these photographs across three different cultural samples: Sweden (Western culture), China (Eastern culture), and India (between Western and Eastern cultures). Participants also answered questions about gender, age, morningness, and previous experience of the photographs. Analyses revealed that only age was a significant predictor for the perception of The Dress, as older people were more likely to perceive the colors as blue and black than white and gold. In contrast, multiple factors predicted perception of The Jacket, including age, previous experience, and country. Consistent with some previous research, this suggests that the perception of The Jacket is a different phenomenon from perception of The Dress and is influenced by additional factors, most notably culture.



  • Mental-Imagery-Based Mnemonic Training: A New Kind of Cognitive Training.

    Xiaoyu Luan, Yayoi Kawasaki, Qi Chen, Eriko Sugimori

    Frontiers in psychology   12   740829 - 740829  2021  [International journal]

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    We investigated the immediate and maintenance effects of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training on improving youths' working memory, long-term memory, arithmetic and spatial abilities, and fluid intelligence. In Experiment 1, 26 Chinese participants (15 boys, 11 girls) aged 10-16 years were divided into an experimental group that received 8 days of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training and a no-contact control group. Participants completed pre-, post-, and three follow-up tests (3, 6, and 12 months after the pre-test). In Experiment 2, 54 Chinese children (28 boys, 26 girls), all 12 years old, were divided into experimental and control groups. Participants completed pre-, post-, and follow-up tests (three months after the pre-test). Results showed that the training significantly affected long-term memory-related task performance but no effects were observed on working memory, arithmetic or spatial ability, or fluid intelligence-related tasks. Moreover, the effect of the training on long-term memory lasted up to one year; the more frequently the training was used, the more effective it was. A content analysis of the feedback submitted by parents of participants in Experiment 2 three months after the training showed that the children used the strategy more for memorizing content such as Chinese and English, as well as for musical scores. Furthermore, there was also the possibility that the training improved abilities and academic performance such as concentration and math performance. Our results provide a basis for the further exploration of mental-imagery-based mnemonic training as a novel training modality.

    DOI PubMed


  • 相手の普段と異なる行動が対人感情と原因帰属に 及ぼす効果

    豊田弘司, 川﨑弥生

    奈良教育大学 次世代教員養成センター研究紀要   5   1 - 7  2019.03

  • Impact of self-esteem and Narcissism on effect of the praise

    Ikeda Kazuhiro, Kawasaki Yayoi, Nishiura Kazuki, Koizumi Yoshiko, Iijima Noriko

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   81   1A-060 - 1A-060  2017.09

    DOI CiNii

  • 努力と成果の随伴性による原因帰属が動機づけに及ぼす効果

    豊田弘司, 川﨑弥生

    奈良教育大学次世代教員養成センター研究紀要   3   23 - 30  2017.03

  • 独創性の高い作品制作に関連する心理学的要因:個人特性を媒介したほめ言葉と共行動の効果の検討

    池田和浩, 西浦和樹, 川﨑弥生

    日本創造学会論文誌   20   49 - 65  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • Autobiographical memory functions in young Japanese men and women

    Yoichi Maki, Yayoi Kawasaki, Burcu Demiray, Steve M. J. Janssen

    MEMORY   23 ( 1 ) 11 - 24  2015.01  [Refereed]

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    The present study examined whether the three major functions of autobiographical memory observed in Western societies (i.e., directing-behaviour, social-bonding and self-continuity) also exist in an East Asian society. Two self-report measures were used to assess the autobiographical memory functions of Japanese men and women. Japanese young adults (N = 451, ages 17-28 years) first completed the original Thinking About Life Experiences (TALE) Questionnaire. They subsequently received three TALE items that represented memory functions and attempted to recall a specific instance of memory recall for each item. Confirmatory factor analyses on the TALE showed that the three functions were replicated in the current sample. However, Japanese participants reported lower levels of all three functions than American participants in a previous study. We also explored whether there was an effect of gender in this Japanese sample. Women reported higher levels of the self-continuity and social-bonding functions than men. Finally, participants recalled more specific instances of memory recall for the TALE items that had received higher ratings on the TALE, suggesting that the findings on the first measure were supported by the second measure. Results are discussed in relation to the functional approach to autobiographical memory in a cross-cultural context.



  • The Effects of Encouragement through Praise: Relationship between Praise and Collaborative Activity on Spontaneous Motivation.

    Ikeda Kazuhiro, Koizumi Yoshiko, Iijima Noriko, Kawasaki Yayoi, Nishiura Kazuki

    Research reports of Shokei Gakuin College   67 ( 67 ) 73 - 82  2014.12


  • Relationship between praise and collaborative activity on spontaneous motivation.

    Ikeda Kazuhiro, Koizumi Yoshiko, Iijima Noriko, Kawasaki Yayoi, Nishiura Kazuki

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   78   2AM-1-077 - 2AM-1-077  2014.09

    DOI CiNii

  • Usefullness of an illustrated visual aid to promote consumer risk perception on the amount of pesticide residue in food

    PARK Sora, MASUDA Tomohiro, MURAKOSHI Takuma, KAWASAKI Yayoi, UTSUMI Ken, KIMURA Atsushi, KOYAMA Shinichi, HIBINO Haruo, HINO Akihiro, WADA Yuji

    JJHEP   22 ( 2 ) 100 - 110  2014  [Refereed]

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    Objective: We developed a visual aid on pesticide residue to promote better consumer understanding of risk control regarding amounts of pesticide residue in food, and examined the aid's effect on consumer risk perception relative to different design elements.<br>Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted for 80 graduate and undergraduate students to examine how participants would evaluate the risk posed by different levels of pesticide residue when the explanation was given using (1) text only, (2) text and a cumulative normal distribution function graph, or (3) text and an illustration vertically representing the amount of pesticide residue. After being presented with one of these three explanation conditions, participants were asked to use visual analogue scales to evaluate the risk presented in three separate scenarios. Data were subsequently analyzed using chi-square tests, with a correct response (CR) dichotomously defined as one in which the relative magnitude of the evaluated risk was sequentially congruent with the amount of pesticide residue presented.<br>Results: The results revealed differences between the overall expected and obtained CR ratios among explanation types for all questions (p\<0.05). A residual analysis indicated that CRs occurred more consistently than expected for the "text and illustration" condition (59.3-70.4%). Meanwhile, no difference was found between the expected and actual ratio of CRs for the "text only" condition (41.4-55.2%), and the ratio of CRs for the "text and graph" condition was lower than expected for two of the questions (16.7-33.3%).<br>Conclusion: One-dimensional illustration (text and illustration) is easier to understand and thus more useful as a tool to promote consumer risk perception on pesticide residue in food than the two-dimensional cumulative normal distribution function graph.

    DOI CiNii

  • Culture, Ambiguity Aversion and Choice in probability Judgments.

    Kuniko Adachi, Hiroshi Yama, Jean-Baptiste Van, der Henst, Hugo Mercier, Minoru Karasawa, Yayoi Kawasaki

    International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving   23   63 - 78  2013.09  [Refereed]

  • The effect of duration and self-choice effect on true and false memory.

    Kawasaki Yayoi, Itsukushima Yukio, Yama Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology   2012   25 - 25  2012

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    The self-choice effect is the superior memory performance observed when participants are allowed to choose the items at the study phase. Kawasaki, Itsukushima and Yama (2011, ICOM5) revealed that as for list words self-choice effect was observed, but as for critical lures no self-choice effect was observed with DRM paradigm. In this experiment, we investigated the effect of duration and self-choice effect on true memory and false memory. Participants studied DRM lists in forced-choice and self-choice conditions and took two recall tests immediately and 1-week later. As a main result, recall of list words decreased, but that of critical lures increased with the duration. Hence fuzzy trace theory was supported.

    DOI CiNii

  • Is the use of averaging in advice taking modulated by culture?

    Hugo Mercier, Hiroshi Yama, Yayoi Kawasaki, Kuniko Adachi, Jean-Baptiste Van Der Henst

    Journal of Cognition and Culture   12 ( 1-2 ) 1 - 16  2012  [Refereed]

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    Abstract Many recent experiments have explored the way people take advice into account. It has been observed that in so doing participants often rely on one of the two following strategies: averaging between the different opinions or choosing one of the opinions, as opposed to using more complex weighting strategies. While several factors that affect strategy choice have been investigated, no attention has been paid to potential cultural variations. Among the many relevant cross-cultural differences, results have show that Easterners tend to favor compromise more than Westerners, a difference that could translate into a greater preference for averaging in Eastern population. In Experiment 1, we confronted Japanese and French participants to two pieces of advice and asked them to form an aggregate answer. In Experiment 2, participants had to aggregate their own opinion and a piece of advice. In neither of the experiments were the Japanese more likely to use averaging than the French. Explanations for this robust absence of difference are suggested. The only difference that emerged was that the Japanese were more likely to choose the advice and less likely to choose their own answer than the French. Different interpretations of this result are discussed, including the possibility that it is an artefact of a theoretically irrelevant difference between the populations under study. © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2012.



  • Temporal distribution of autobiographical memory: Uncovering the reminiscence bump in Japanese young and middle-aged adults

    Yayoi Kawasaki, Steve M. J. Janssen, Tomoyoshi Inoue

    JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH   53 ( 1 ) 86 - 96  2011.03  [Refereed]

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    The reminiscence bump is the effect that people recall more personal events from their teenage period than from adjacent lifetime periods. The effect is generally found in studies that divide the results of participants, who were at least 40 years old, into age bins of 10 years. In this study, the temporal distribution of autobiographical memories of Japanese young and middle-aged adults was examined. Because the questionnaire was presented on the internet, many participants could take part (N = 252). By dividing the personal events into smaller age bins and applying a mathematical method that corrects for the increased recall of recent events, a reminiscence bump could be identified in the memories of young adults. The location of the reminiscence bump of young adults was similar to the location of the reminiscence bump of middle-aged adults.



  • A cross-cultural study of hindsight bias and conditional probabilistic reasoning

    Hiroshi Yama, Ken I. Manktelow, Hugo Mercier, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Kyung Soo Do, Yayoi Kawasaki, Kuniko Adachi

    THINKING & REASONING   16 ( 4 ) 346 - 371  2010  [Refereed]

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    Hindsight bias is a mistaken belief that one could have predicted a given outcome once the outcome is known. Choi and Nisbett (2000) reported that Koreans showed stronger hindsight bias than Americans, and explained the results using the distinction between analytic cognition (Westerners) and holistic cognition (Easterners). The purpose of the present study was to see whether hindsight bias is stronger among Easterners than among Westerners using a probability judgement task, and to test an oexplicit-implicito hypothesis and a orule-dialecticso hypothesis. We predicted that the implicit process is more active among Easterners to generate hindsight bias, and that Easterners are more dialectical thinkers, whereas Westerners are more rule-based thinkers. French, British, Japanese, and Korean participants were asked to make probabilistic judgements in a Good Samaritan scenario (Experiment 1) and in a scenario including conditional probabilistic judgement (Experiment 2). In both Experiments, we presume that the implicit revision of causal models is made just by being given unexpected outcome information, and that explicit revision is made by being asked to point out possible factors for an unexpected outcome. In the results Easterners showed greater hindsight bias generally and it was greater in the Good Samaritan scenario. We conclude that the reason why hindsight bias was lower among Westerners is primarily that they tried to follow a rule to suppress the bias.



  • A dual process model for cultural differences in thought

    Hiroshi Yama, Miwa Nishioka, Tomoko Horishita, Yayoi Kawasaki, Junichi Taniguchi

    Mind and Society   6 ( 2 ) 143 - 172  2007.11  [Refereed]

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    Nisbett et al. (Psychol Rev 108:291-310, 2001) claim that East Asians are likely to use holistic thought to solve problems, whereas Westerners use analytic thought more, and discuss the differences in the frame of the individualism/collectivism distinction. The holistic versus analytic distinction has been the greatest point of interest of dual process theories, which imply that human thinking has two sub processes. We apply a revised dual process model that proposes meme-acquired goals in both systems to explain cultural differences in thought. According to this, gene-installed goals are universal across cultures, whereas meme-acquired goals depend upon culture. To introduce a dual process model means that we discuss adaptation both in terms of culture and natural selection. Hence, we propose an interactive view that supports an adaptive relation between mind and culture. © 2007 Fondazione Rosselli.



  • A dual process model for cultural differences in thought. A cross-cultural study of hindsight bias and conditional probabilistic reasoning.

    Hiroshi Yama, Miwa Nishioka, Tomoko Horishita, Yayoi Kawasaki, Jyun-ichi Taniguchi

    Mind and Society   6 ( 2 ) 143 - 172  2007.02  [Refereed]

  • Dealing with contradiction in a communicative context: A cross-cultural study.

    Jean-Baptiste Van, der Henst, Hugo Mercier, Hiroshi Yama, Yayaoi Kawasaki, Kuniko Adachi

    Intercultural Pragamatics   3-4   487 - 502  2006.12  [Refereed]



  • The choosing versus rejecting of a person : An explanation of self-critical bias


    Japanese Journal of Social Psychology ( Before 1996, Research in Social Psychology )   21 ( 3 ) 226 - 232  2006.02  [Refereed]

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    Shafir (1993) found that people select an alternative which is positive on some dimensions and negative on others more often than one with average dimensions. We applied his methodology to the choice of a person. It is argued that Japanese people prefer a person with an average disposition. But is it that they really prefer this or that they believe that others do? We presented a scenario where two persons wanted to join a party with your group. One was positive on some dimensions and negative on others, whereas the other had an average disposition. One hundred and seven female students were asked to choose one of the two persons, and 113 female students were asked to reject one of the two. They were also asked to infer which person the other members of their group would choose or reject. The results were that our participants chose and rejected the person with positive and negative dimensions in the self-decision condition, whereas they inferred that other members would choose the average person. These imply that self-critical bias may reflect an adaptive strategy as to the selection of persons.

    DOI CiNii

  • The difference between implicit and explicit associative processes at study in creating false memory in the DRM paradigm

    Y Kawasaki, H Yama

    MEMORY   14 ( 1 ) 68 - 78  2006.01  [Refereed]

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    The effects of implicit and explicit associative processes for false recognition were examined by manipulating exposure duration of studied items; 20 ms or 2000 ms. Participants studied lists of words that were high associates to a nonpresented word (critical lure) in either condition. After learning each list, they took a recognition test and remember/know judgements immediately (Experiment 1) or 1 minute later (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, know responses for critical lures were more in the 20 ms than in the 2000 ms conditions, while remember responses for them were more in the 2000 ms condition. Implicit associative processes create familiarity of critical lures, and explicit associative processes create details of false memories. Comparing the results of Experiment 1 with those of Experiment 2, remember responses for critical lures were increased with the prolonged time only in the 20 ms condition. Characteristics of false memory made by implicit associative processes could be changed by prolonged time.



  • 潜在的な連想と顕在的な連想が生成する虚記憶に保持時間が与える影響(日本基礎心理学会第23回大会,大会発表要旨)

    川崎 弥生

    基礎心理学研究   23 ( 2 ) 248 - 248  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • Creating False Memories Using Japanese Words with the Paradigm of Roediger & McDermott (1995)

    Yayoi KAWASAKI, Hiroshi YAMA

    論集   51 ( 2 ) 209 - 220  2004.12

     View Summary

    This experiment was designed to examine false memories. Twenty-five participants listened to eight lists of 15words. Each list was composed of associates of a single non-presented word: critical lure. After listening to each list, they took immediate free recall tests or solved math problems. In the recall test, 60% of the critical lures and 55% of list items in the middle positions were recalled. Five minutes after learning, they took a final recognition test. The proportion of false recognition of the critical lures were 92% (falsely recalled) and 74% (not recalled). The results suggest that the participants had difficulty in discriminating what they imaged from what they really heard.

    DOI CiNii

  • Cross-linguistic false recognition: How do japanese-dominant bilinguals process two languages: Japanese and english?

    Yayoi Miyaji-Kawasaki, Tomoyoshi Inoue, Hiroshi Yama

    Psychologia   46 ( 4 ) 255 - 267  2004.01  [Refereed]

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    The present study applied the false memory experimental paradigm to the functional independence-interdependence issue of bilinguals. Seventy-four Japanese university students who had learned English for at least seven years participated in a list-learning experiment. Most of them were considered as Japanese-dominant bilinguals. Twelve 15-word-list (180 words) were successively presented. Each list was constructed so that a non-presented word (CNW) would be falsely recognized. Six lists were presented in Japanese and the other six lists were presented in English. Half of the recognition test words were presented in English and the rest in Japanese. These factors were orthogonal. The results showed that, although hit rates were higher when the list language and the test language matched, false-alarm rates of CNWs were higher when the test language was Japanese. These supported the unbalanced, independent storage model, which was proposed in the present study.

    DOI CiNii


  • Making Japanese lists which induce false memory at high probability for the DRM paradigm

    KAWASAKI Yayoi, YAMA Hiroshi

    The Japanese Journal of PSychological Science   21 ( 1 ) 21 - 26  2002.09  [Refereed]

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    As a way to investigate false memory in the laboratory, the DRM paradigm (Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm; Roediger & McDermott, 1995) has received much attention recently. This study was conducted to make 15-word Japanese lists which induce false memory of critical nonpresented words (CNWs) at high probabilities for the DRM paradigm. In experiment 1, we made 30 candidate lists each consisting of 12 words from Umemoto (1969)'s word association test and tested the false recall rates of CNWs. In experiment 2, we added 3 more words, to make 15-word lists, to each of the 16 lists which induced false recall at high probabilities in experiment 1, and tested the false recall rates of CNWs. Then in experiment 3, we changed some words in the 8 lists that induced false recall of CNWs at low probabilities in experiment 2 to improve the false recall rates, and again tested the false recall rates of CNWs. Finally we could propose 12 lists of 15 Japanese words that induce false memory at high probabilities (average: 70%, range: 38〜88%).

    DOI CiNii

  • 提示色および鮮明さ判断からみる虚記憶の性質(発表要旨,日本動物心理学会第61回大会・日本基礎心理学会第20回大会合同大会)

    宮地 弥生, 山 祐嗣

    基礎心理学研究   20 ( 2 ) 222 - 222  2002

    DOI CiNii

  • 虚記憶を生成する連想に警告が与える影響

    宮地 弥生, 山 祐嗣

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   44   622 - 622  2002

    DOI CiNii

  • 提示時間が実際の記憶と虚記憶とに与える影響(研究発表D,VII.第19回大会発表要旨)

    宮地 弥生, 山 祐嗣

    基礎心理学研究   19 ( 2 ) 141 - 141  2001

    DOI CiNii

  • 虚記憶と実際の記憶とは本当に区別できないのか? : Roediger & McDermott (1995)のパラダイムを用いた検討(研究発表F,AVプレゼンテーション,VII.第18回大会発表要旨)

    宮地 弥生, 山 祐嗣

    基礎心理学研究   18 ( 2 ) 207 - 207  2000

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications


  • 日英二言語処理過程の検討


  • Research about the information processing of bilingal.


Research Projects

  • 抑うつを予測する新たな認知的記憶特性に着目した転換的語り直しの心理回復効果の検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    池田 和浩, 佐藤 拓, 西浦 和樹, 川崎 弥生

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    具体的には,未来のメンタルタイムトラベル能力を示すエピソード未来思考と,個々人が過去を他者に語る際の認知的特性の関係を検証した。加えて,認知特性と心理的健康の関連性を検証するため,主観的希望感とうつの特性も調査した。62名の参加者がオンラインにて次の質問項目に回答した。(1)EFT-T, (2) Re-TALE, (3) QIDS-SR, (4) HHS。
    EFT-Tのテスト作成者からコーディング基準を直接譲りうけ,筆者と英語が堪能な分担研究者(川﨑氏)とで翻訳を行ったのち,翻訳した基準を用いて得られたエピソード未来思考を分類した(1 = 具体的な未来思考,2 = 拡張された未来思考,3 = カテゴライズされた未来の思考,4 = セマンティック・アソシエイト,5 = 誤った/無関係な回答)。また,先行研究に従い,分析に際しては,基準をさらに純粋な具体的未来思考(1)と,その他(2~5)の二種類にまとめた。加えて,ReTALEおよびHHSの信頼性を確認したところαは.8から.9であった。

  • 虚記憶の生成を抑制する検索過程の働きの解明

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :



  • 国際学会参加費補助

    神戸女学院めぐみ会  一般奨学金

    Project Year :



  • 符号化における学習項目の処理の深さが虚記憶の生成に与える影響

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :



  • Cross-cultural studies on the human resolution of contradiction

    Project Year :


    Hiroshi Yama

  • Research about autobiographical memory

    Project Year :


  • 虚記憶の出現過程についての研究

    神戸女学院めぐみ会  一般奨学金

    Project Year :



  • Research about the information processing of bilingal

  • Research about the process of creating false memory

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Teaching Experience

  • 学生生活とセルフマネジメント



  • Study skill

    Waseda University  


  • 2年次演習(心理学)



  • 心理学基礎実験2


  • 基礎心理学特殊講義7(記憶)


  • 基礎演習2


  • 社会心理学


  • 発達と学習(教職)


  • 心理学2


  • 心理学1


  • 心理学概論(教職)


  • 心理学への招待Ⅱ


  • 心理学への招待Ⅰ


  • 心理学入門


  • 行動科学概論


  • 行動科学入門


  • 心理学中級実験


  • 心理学初級実験


  • 心理学


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日英2言語の単語リストを用いた虚記憶の生成過程の検討_2


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    本年は日本語リストの意味的関連性の強さが虚記憶の生成に及ぼす影響を調べた。川崎・大久保(2019)は,リスト項目の意味的関連性の強さを操作したDRMパラダイム用の単語リストを作成し,意味的関連性の強さが虚記憶に及ぼす影響を調べた。リストの半分(12リスト)では各リストの最初の項目は強い連想値(50%以上)を持ち,残りの半分(12リスト)では各リストの最初の項目は中程度の連想値を持った。しかし,2つのリスト条件間でルアー語の虚再生率に有意な差は認められなかった。そこで本研究では,想起順序の影響を分析することにより,リスト項目によってどのようにルアー語の虚再生が誘発されるかを調べた。具体的には,ルアー語の虚再生が発生した場合にルアー語が何番目に思い出されるのかを2つの種類のリストで比較した。その結果,2つの条件間で思い出される順序に有意な差はみられなかった。それに加えて,この結果からMINERVA 2を用いて2種のリストについてそれぞれ12個のリストで1,000回のシミュレーションを行った。その結果,ルアー語が虚再生される率は中程度のリストよりも最初の項目の連想価が強いリストの方が有意に高いと予測された。また,ルアー語が虚再生される場合,中程度のリストよりも最初の項目の連想価が高いリストの方が早めに想起されることが予測された。今後はルアー語の虚再生を生み出す要因を検討することで,推定値と実際のデータとのギャップを埋めることを試みる。

  • 日英2言語の単語リストを用いた虚記憶の生成過程の検討


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    実際には起こらなかったことを、実際に起こったこととして誤って思い出すことを虚記憶という(Roediger & McDermott, 1995)。申請者は、この虚記憶の生成過程を単語リスト学習パラダイムで検討してきた。このパラダイムでは、単語の連想関係を基に、実験参加者に1つの非提示語を連想させ提示語として誤って想起するように作成された単語リストを用いる。しかし同じように連想基準表の連想価を基に単語リストを作成しても、その単語リスト毎に虚記憶の虚再生率が異なる(e.g., 宮地・山, 2001)。本研究では、これまで申請者が作成した日本語と英語の単語リスト(Miyaji-Kawasaki, Inoue, &Yama, 2004)の性質をCann,McRae, & Katz (2011)を参考に、虚記憶の生成率がリスト語からの連想価だけでなく、同意語や反意語の数、単語の品詞などから予測できるかを分析中である。

  • 単語リストの性質を用いた虚記憶生起モデルの作成


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    実際には起こらなかったことを、実際に起こったこととして誤って思い出すことを虚記憶という(Roediger & McDermott, 1995)。この虚記憶の生成過程を検討する方法として単語リスト学習パラダイム(以下DRMパラダイム)がある。DRMパラダイムでは、単語の連想関係を基に、実験参加者に1つの非提示語を連想させ提示語として誤って想起するように作成された単語リストを用いる(e.g., 宮地・山, 2001)。しかし同じように連想基準表の連想価を基に単語リストを作成しても、その単語リスト毎に虚記憶の虚再生率が大幅に異なることがわかっている(e.g., 宮地・山, 2001)。そこで本研究では、これまで作成されたDRMパラダイムに使用される日本語の単語リスト(e.g., 宮地・山, 2001; Kawasaki & Okubo, 2019)を用いて、Cann,McRae, & Katz(2011)を参考に、虚記憶の生成率が同意語や反意語の数、単語の品詞などから予測できるかを分析中である。

  • 虚記憶の生成に検索過程が与える影響


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