Updated on 2025/03/13


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor
Ph. D(Psychology) ( Kyushu University )
博士(工学) ( 東京理科大学 )







Research Experience

  • 2020.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2019.04

    Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University

  • 2016.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Education   Assistant Professor

  • 2012.04


  • 2009.04

    Kyushu University   Faculty of Human-Environment Studies   Assistant Professor

  • 2015.05

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Education   Research Assistant Professor

  • 2015.04

    The University of Tokyo   Graduate School of Education   Education Researcher

  • 2008.05


  • 2006.04


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Education Background

  • 2016.04

    Tokyo University of Science   Graduate School of Engineering   Doctoral Student  

  • 2006.04

    Kyushu University   Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Doctoral Course  

  • 2004.04

    Kyushu University   Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Master Course  

  • 2000.04

    Kyushu University   School of Education  

Committee Memberships

  • 2021.08

    日本笑い学会  理事

  • 2012.04

    知識共創フォーラム  実行委員

Professional Memberships




    Japan Society for Laughter and Humor Studies


    Japanese Cognitive Science Society


    The Japanese Psychological Association



Research Areas

  • Kansei informatics / Learning support system / Experimental psychology / Educational technology / Educational psychology / Cognitive science

Research Interests

  • 情報科学

  • 非線形科学

  • 認知科学

  • educational methodology

  • Rakugo performance

  • 認識論

  • 熟達化

  • Psychology of humor

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  • The 8th Award of The Japan Society for Laughter and Humor Studies (JSLHS)


    Winner: Ryota Nomura

  • 日本認知科学会2014年論文賞

    2015.10   日本認知科学会   話芸鑑賞時の自発的なまばたきの同期

    Winner: 野村 亮太, 岡田 猛

  • 特別優秀発表賞

    2014.12   日本心理学会  

    Winner: 野村 亮太, 岡田 猛

  • Graduate Student Award

    2007.06   International Society for Humor Studies  

    Winner: Ryota Nomura

  • 第14回学術奨励賞

    2019.12   東京理科大学 理窓博士会  

    Winner: 野村 亮太

  • 最優秀発表賞

    2017.09   非線形ワークショップ   自発性瞬目モデルによる瞬目間間隔(IBI)分布の再現

    Winner: 野村 亮太

  • 最優秀発表賞

    2016.09   非線形問題勉強会   ヒトの自発性瞬目モデル

    Winner: 野村 亮太

  • The 1st Paper Award of Forum for Knowledge Co-Creation

    2011.03   Forum for Knowledge Co-Creation  

    Winner: Ryota Nomura

▼display all



  • Reliability for music-induced heart rate synchronization

    Ryota Nomura

    Scientific Reports   14 ( 12200 ) 1 - 10  2024.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary


    Common inputs synchronize various biological systems, including human physical and cognitive processes. This mechanism potentially explains collective human emotions in theater as unintentional behavioral synchronization. However, the inter-subject correlation of physiological signals among individuals is small. Based on findings on the common-input synchronization of nonlinear systems, we hypothesized that individual differences in perceptual and cognitive systems reduce the reliability of physiological responses to aesthetic stimuli and, thus, disturb synchronization. We tested this by comparing the inter- and intra-subject Pearson’s correlation coefficients and nonlinear phase synchronization, calculated using instantaneous heart rate data measured while appreciating music. The results demonstrated that inter-subject correlations were consistently lower than intra-subject correlations, regardless of participants’ music preferences and daily moods. Further, music-induced heart rate synchronization depends on the reliability of physiological responses to musical pieces rather than mood or motivation. This study lays the foundation for future empirical research on collective emotions in theater.



  • Superposed recurrence plots for reconstructing a common input applied to neurons

    Nomura, R, Fujiwara, K, Ikeguchi, T

    Physical Review E   106 ( 3 )  2022.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Rapid serial blinks: An index of temporally increased cognitive load

    Ryota Nomura, Shunichi Maruno

    PLOS ONE   14 ( 12 ) e0225897  2019.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Emotionally excited eyeblink-rate variability predicts an experience of transportation into the narrative world

    Ryota Nomura, Kojun Hino, Makoto Shimazu, Yingzong Liang, Takeshi Okada

    Frontiers in Psychology   6  2015.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Collective spectator communications such as oral presentations, movies, and storytelling performances are ubiquitous in human culture. This study investigated the effects of past viewing experiences and differences in expressive performance on an audience's transportive experience into a created world of a storytelling performance. In the experiment, 60 participants (mean age = 34.12 years, SD = 13.18 years, range 18-63 years) were assigned to watch one of two videotaped performances that were played (1) in an orthodox way for frequent viewers and (2) in a modified way aimed at easier comprehension for first-time viewers. Eyeblink synchronization among participants was quantified by employing distance-based measurements of spike trains, D-spike and D-interval (Victor and Purpura, 1997). The results indicated that even non-familiar participants' eyeblinks were synchronized as the story progressed and that the effect of the viewing experience on transportation was weak. Rather, the results of a multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the degrees of transportation could be predicted by a retrospectively reported humor experience and higher real-time variability (i.e., logarithmic transformed SD) of inter blink intervals during a performance viewing. The results are discussed from the viewpoint in which the extent of eyeblink synchronization and eyeblink-rate variability acts as an index of the inner experience of audience members.



  • Influence of crowd size on home advantage in the Japanese football league

    Ryota Nomura

    Frontiers in Sports and Active Living   4 ( 927774 ) 1 - 8  2022.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Benefit of questioning in university education: Cases of 2020 and 2021 online Cognitive Science of Theatre courses.

    Ryota Nomura

    Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   29 ( 2 ) 207 - 221  2022.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Proposal of a mindset for cross-boundary dialogue.

    Ryota Nomura, Takako Otabe, Shun'ichi Maruno

    Waseda Journal of Human Sciences   34 ( 2 ) 85 - 92  2021.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A quantitative analysis of the apprenticeship network in Rakugo (Japanese story-telling performance): A genealogy of artistic inheritance

    Ryota Nomura

      28   5 - 15  2021.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • 越境的マインドセットの構成要素とその機能-M-GTAを用いた越境的学びと実践のインタビュー分析-

    小田部貴子, 野村亮太, 一ノ瀬大一

    九州産業大学基礎教育センター研究紀要   11   25 - 36  2021.03  [Refereed]

  • Performer's impression scale: Construction of a scale and examination on the effects of rater's age, viewing experience, and gender.

    Ryota Nomura, Yumi Hughes

    Japanese Journal of Laughter and Humor Research   26   29 - 40  2019.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • 小学校・図工科における教師力育成のための研修実践とその効果

    野村亮太, 有原穂波, 小澤基弘

    美術教育学研究   51   257 - 264  2019.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Threshold-varying integrate-and-fire model reproduces distributions of spontaneous blink intervals.

    Nomura, R, Liang, Y.-Z, Morita, K, Fujiwara, K, Ikeguchi, T

    PLoS ONE   13 ( 10 ) e0206528  2018.10  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Spontaneous blinking is one of the most frequent human behaviours. While attentionally guided blinking may benefit human survival, the function of spontaneous frequent blinking in cognitive processes is poorly understood. To model human spontaneous blinking, we proposed a leaky integrate-and-fire model with a variable threshold which is assumed to represent physiological fluctuations during cognitive tasks. The proposed model is capable of reproducing bimodal, normal, and widespread peak-less distributions of inter-blink intervals as well as the more common popular positively skewed distributions. For bimodal distributions, the temporal positions of the two peaks depend on the baseline and the amplitude of the fluctuating threshold function. Parameters that reproduce experimentally derived bimodal distributions suggest that relatively slow oscillations (0.11-0.25 Hz) govern blink elicitations. The results also suggest that changes in blink rates would reflect fluctuations of threshold regulated by human internal states.

    DOI PubMed


  • 児童の版画作品を見る目の熟達―教員養成系大学美術科教員と教育実習を経験した大学生の比較を通して―

    野村亮太, 有原穂波, 八桁 健, 小澤基弘, 岡田 猛

      50   273 - 280  2018  [Refereed]

  • Comprehensive assessment of the impact of life habits on sleep disturbance, chronotype, and daytime sleepiness among high-school students.

    Shimura, A, Sakai, H, Takaesu, Y, Nomura, R, Komada, Y, Inoue, T

    Sleep Medicine   44   12 - 18  2017.04  [Refereed]


  • Changing the epistemic beliefs of undergraduates through inquiries in the classroom

    Ryota Nomura, Shunichi Maruno

    Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   65 ( 1 ) 145 - 159  2017  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    In previous studies, theorists proposed that students' beliefs about the nature of formal and working knowledge can be changed in accordance with the view of classes. The newer view emerges through learning activities. The 2 instructions in the present research were designed to use inquiries in order to foster a constructivist's view of classes. In Study 1, the participants were university students (N=70
    8 males, 62 females) in an introductory psychology class. The teacher had the students ask their own questions and discuss the lesson contents
    the teacher provided feedback in the next lecture. The results indicated that approximately two-thirds of the students came to believe that formal knowledge was more objectively justified or that working knowledge was more contextual and applicable, whereas the remaining students came to believe that the nature of all knowledge was lower. In Study 2, the participants were also university students (N=37
    4 males, 33 females) in an introductory psychology class. In addition to the procedures used in Study 1, the teacher instructed the students to focus on the value of questioning as one way to find diversified meanings of knowledge and as an origin of knowing new things. The results suggested that the students came to believe that formal knowledge was more objectively justified or that working knowledge was more applicable. These results imply that the "pleasure" that comes from knowing other points of view is a key for opening the door leading to an amicable settlement of the conflict between the existing and newer views of classes. However, the intervention effect of a single class was limited.



  • Assessing the appeal power of narrative performance by using eyeblink synchronization among audience

    Ryota Nomura, Takeshi Okada

    Computational and Cognitive Approaches to Narratology     304 - 321  2016.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    In this chapter, the authors showed that eyeblink synchronization enables researchers to investigate the appeal power of narrative performance empirically. The proposed method relies on the ability of audience members as epistemic agents to recognize and understand the performance. As spontaneous eyeblinks loosely co-vary with individual's allocation and release of attentions, the timings of eyeblinks could be entrained by the details of narrative performances as the common inputs. Thus, the standard basis accumulated by the collective eyeblink responses enables experimenter to judge whether or not a particular performance contains universal appeal to sense-making. Here, the authors introduced that the empirical studies to assess the appeal power of Rakugo (a traditional narrative performance). An expert artist, compared to a novice performer, created implicit breakpoints on participants' attentional process. It were discussed that the applicable scopes of the eyeblink relevant indices, upcoming research on eyeblink synchronization, and new research on human collective behaviors.



  • Interactions among Collective Spectators Facilitate Eyeblink Synchronization

    Ryota Nomura, Yingzong Liang, Takeshi Okada

    PLOS ONE   10 ( 10 ) 1 - 9  2015.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Whereas the entrainment of movements and aspirations among audience members has been known as a basis of collective excitement in the theater, the role of the entrainment of cognitive processes among audience members is still unclear. In the current study, temporal patterns of the audience's attention were observed using eyeblink responses. To determine the effect of interactions among audience members on cognitive entrainment, as well as its direction (attractive or repulsive), the eyeblink synchronization of the following two groups were compared: (1) the experimental condition, where the audience members (seven frequent viewers and seven first-time viewers) viewed live performances in situ, and (2) the control condition, where the audience members (15 frequent viewers and 15 first-time viewers) viewed videotaped performances in individual experimental settings (results reported in previous study.) The results of this study demonstrated that the mean values of a measure of asynchrony (i.e., D-interval) were much lower for the experimental condition than for the control condition. Frequent viewers had a moderate attractive effect that increased as the story progressed, while a strong attractive effect was observed throughout the story for first-time viewers. The attractive effect of interactions among a group of spectators was discussed from the viewpoint of cognitive and somatic entrainment in live performances.



  • Entertainment Design of A Rakugo Artist(<Special Issue>Entertainment Design)

    NOMURA Ryota

    Special issue of Japanese Society for the Science of Design   22 ( 3 ) 42 - 45  2015

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • Spontaneous Synchronization of Eyeblinks during Story-Telling Performance

    Ryota Nomura, Takeshi Okada

    Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   21 ( 2 ) 226 - 244  2014.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Epistemic Beliefs Regarding a Class as a Collaborative Activity :


    The Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology   62 ( 4 ) 257 - 272  2014  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Critique on critical thinking from the viewpoint of personal epistemology

    Ryota Nomura, Shunichi Maruno

    Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   19 ( 1 ) 9 - 21  2012.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The nature that critical thinking (must) have depends on the individual's epistemological stance. That is, the focal point to be critical is epistmic judgment about origin of knowing, limiting the scope of critical thinking by itself in concordance with their own epistemological stance. This paper provides a framework to capture critical thinking adequately in accordance with personal epistemology (i.e., individuals' beliefs about the nature of knowledge and knowing). From the viewpoint of rewarding life, the current paper points out neglected 3 aspects of existing critical thinking conceptions which usually based on absolutism: (1) interrelationships between objection and subjection, or theory and self, (2) emergent critical thinking through interactions with others or circumstance, and (3) possibility of instrumental use of critical thinking along with the situational demands. This is the critical thinking as cognitive tools used for different purposes; absolutist's choice which fact is correct or incorrect in their representation of reality as well as evaluativist's responsible judgment and decision according to criteria of argument and evidence.

    DOI CiNii

  • Constructing a Coactivation Model for Explaining Humor Elicitation

    Ryota Nomura, Shunichi Maruno

    Psychology   2 ( 5 ) 477 - 485  2011.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • A Multiple Time-Scale Model for Personal Epistemology : A Proposal

    Ryota Nomura, Shunichi Maruno

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY   59 ( 2 ) 244 - 256  2011.06  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The present article purposes a multiple time scale model that integrates existing models of personal epistemology. The model's assumptions are as follows. (a) in one's mind, knowledge and knowing are not represented as systems of decontextualized conceptions, but rather as resources embedded in particular situations of cognitive activity, (b) there are 2 distinct hut interrelated domains of personal epistemology : general knowledge and knowledge for use (c) a tentative view of the world as a situated typical mental model in which framework knowledge is controlled is constructed through the interaction between an individuals personal epistemology and actual tasks that the person faces in cognitive activity : (d) in cases in which problems cannot be resolved within that framework. the incongruity motivates the individual to reconstruct alternative tentative views of the world; and (e) if the new tentative view which conflicts with the individual's existing view of the world is built through repeated cognitive activity, and the person's epistemic beliefs are highlights by the perspectives of other people or by educational intervention, the individuals beliefs are forced to change in accordance with the demand of the new tentative view of the world.



  • あなたにはこの芸人がおススメです ―芸人評価/位置づけ尺度(GELOS)の構成と信頼性・妥当性の検討―


    笑いの科学   2   57 - 62  2010  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • 小学生版J-GELOPH<6>の構成と信頼性・妥当性の検討

    野村亮太, 尾之上高哉, 丸野俊一

    笑い学研究   17   26 - 34  2010  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • 熟達した噺家の語りに<核>として現れる中心的な概念 : 共起ネットワークマッピングによる噺家の信念地図の作成

    野村 亮太, 丸野 俊一

    笑い学研究   16   12 - 23  2009.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • The relationships between real-time rating scores of subjective humor experience and smile/laughter scores

    Kyushu University psychological research   10   23 - 31  2009

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • なぜ"不調和解決"は"不調和"よりおもしろいか

    野村 亮太, 丸野 俊一

    笑い学研究   15   45 - 55  2008.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • Modeling of a Humor Elicitation Process in Vaudeville Settings

    NOMURA Ryota, MARUNO Shun'ichi

    Cognitive studies   15 ( 1 ) 188 - 201  2008.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • An integration of humor generation theories and a proposal of dynamical comprehension and elaboration theory

    心理学評論   51 ( 4 ) 500 - 525  2008  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • Exploring a Relational System between a Performer and Auience in Vaudeville Humor Elicitation Process

    NOMURA Ryota, MARUNO Shun'ichi

    Cognitive studies   14 ( 4 ) 494 - 508  2007.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluating cross-spectral methods for interpersonal coordinated motion

    Nomura Ryota, Maruno Shunichi

    Psychological research of Kyushu University   8   109 - 119  2007

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    According to qualitative research, a coordinated motion between a performer and audiences in vaudeville is considered a possible indicator to examine resonance that reflects thought stream of each audience. To quantitatively identify the coordinated motion, this study explored two methods of analyzing cross spectrum data; 1) Wavelet Transform (WT) and 2) Fourier Transform (FT). The sensitivity of both WT and FT was examined using Janken tasks (Japanese version of paper-scissors-stone) with three different conditions; 1) win by original rules, 2) win by delayed showing, and 3) lose by delayed showing. Sixteen graduate students (11 males and 5 females) were asked to play Janken with an experimenter 10 times in each task. The cross spectra were calculated with angular velocity of wrist motion. Results showed that compared with FT, WT was able to identify more differences between tasks in terms of degrees and aspects of the coordinated motion, reflecting its wide-area resolution. Thus, WT would be an advantageous tool for analyzing the coordinated motion in vaudeville settings.

    DOI CiNii

  • 落語の演者が用いる語りの方略がおもしろさに与える影響

    野村亮太, 丸野俊一

    笑い学研究   13   13 - 23  2006  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI CiNii

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 舞台と客席の近接学 ―ライブを支配する距離の法則

    野村 亮太( Part: Sole author)

    dZERO  2021.02 ISBN: 4907623399


  • プログラミング思考のレッスン 「私」を有能な演算装置にする

    野村 亮太( Part: Sole author)

    集英社  2019.06 ISBN: 4087210804


  • 落語の入り口ーー想像と創造のコミュニケーション (Next Creator Book)

    雲田はるこ, 春風亭一之輔, 広瀬和生, 壱岐紀仁, 田丸雅智, 石井徹也, 九龍ジョー, 太田省一, 野村亮太, 伊藤毅志, 渡邉寧久( Part: Joint author, 認知科学で読み解く(pp.118-125))

    フィルムアート社  2017.06 ISBN: 4845916428


  • 落語でつかむ話し方の極意―自己紹介に! スピーチに! プレゼンに! (NHKまる得マガジン)

    野村, 亮太, 立川, こはる, 日本放送協会, NHK出版( Part: Joint author)

    NHK出版  2017.03 ISBN: 4148272545


  • 口下手な人は知らない話し方の極意 認知科学で「話術」を磨く

    野村 亮太( Part: Sole author)

    集英社  2016.06 ISBN: 4087208370


  • ユーモア心理学ハンドブック

    野村 亮太, 雨宮 俊彦, 丸野 俊一( Part: Joint translator)

    北大路書房  2011.09 ISBN: 4762827665


▼display all


  • 表現研究における システム論的な分析単位 ―再構成された共通入力を用いて―

    野村亮太  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • Recurrence-based reconstruction of performer's input with using audience's blink responses

    Nomura, R  [Invited]

    Online liveness symposium: Conceptualising, practicing, and measuring liveness. Goldsmiths, University of London, UK. 

    Presentation date: 2021.03

    Event date:
  • 集合行動からみた感性センシング:心が動く瞬間の同期

    野村 亮太


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • Dynamical comprehension and elaboration theory in vaudeville settings.

    19th International ISHS Humor Conference in Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA.(Acceptance presentation for Graduate Student Award) 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • The power of music that move listener's heart—literally

    Ryota Nomura  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.07

    Event date:
  • 演者の熟達を定量化する―集団-交差信頼性 (cross-population reliability) の提案―



    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • Toward to establish a new research area 'Science of Live Performances'

    Nomura, R.  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • 人と人の「あいだ」に立ち現れる落語の「間」~ 認知科学から見た話術の世界 ~

    野村 亮太

    産業カウンセラー協会 特別講演会 

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • Ma in Rakugo Quantitatively Measured by Synchronization of Eyeblinks among Audience

    Ryota Nomura

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • Epistemic Beliefs about Knowledge-to-Use and Satisfaction toward Classes.

    The 7th International Conference of Cognitive Science (ICCS2010) 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • The Influence of Little J-GELOPH and Empathy on Prosocial Behaviors.

    The 22nd International ISHS Humor Conference 

    Presentation date: 2010

  • Dynamical Elaboration Riding on Ripples of Funniness.

    LIBM: First International Workshop on Laughter in Interaction and Body Movement, Asakikawa, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Constructing and Testing Humor Elicitation Models.

    XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Dynamical elaboration riding on ripples of funniness.

    LIBM: First International Workshop on Laughter in Interaction and Body Movement. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Constructing and testing humor elicitation models.

    XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany. 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • おもしろさのオンゴーイングな評定と事後評定との関係


    Presentation date: 2007

  • 観客どうしの協調と“場”のよしあしとの関係


    Presentation date: 2007

  • Time for Elaboration Process: Ride on A Ripple of Funniness.

    The 19th International ISHS Humor Conference, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, USA. 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • Time for elaboration process: Ride on a ripple of funniness.

    19th International ISHS Humor Conference in Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. 

    Presentation date: 2007

  • 演者と観客の“引き込み現象”を定量的に計測するための手法の提案と評価


    Presentation date: 2006

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Elucidating the Mechanisms of Collective Emotion Emergence through Field Sensing

    Project Year :


    Ryota Nomura, Naoki Masuda, Yutaka Shimada

  • Reconstructing common inputs that elicit audience's collective behaviors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Ryota Nomura, Yutaka Shimada

  • 数理的アプローチによる劇場コミュニケーションの統合的理解

    科学研究費補助金 (基盤研究(C) 特設分野研究))

    Project Year :


    野村 亮太

  • 対話を取り入れた授業を実現する熟練教師の「わざ」の可視化と修練方法の確立

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費補助金 (若手研究(B))

    Project Year :


    野村 亮太

     View Summary


  • 非線形力学系理論に基づく人間行動データ解析基盤の構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    島田 裕, 野村 亮太

  • 行動指標を用いた広告動画に対する好意度予測

    公益財団法人吉田秀雄記念事業財団  研究助成金

    Project Year :



  • 児童に寄り添った「表現の見取り」を可能とする教員支援システムの創出とその効果検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小澤 基弘, 綿貫 啓一, 清水 由紀, 野村 亮太

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  • Designing learning enviroments that develop cross-boundary explanation skills and skill improvement processes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MARUNO Shunichi

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    In this study, we newly proposed the concept of cross-border mindset as a psychological concept that plays an important role in the process of cross-border learning, which involves overcoming boundaries, creating new knowledge and values, and opening up a new world, and clarified its characteristics and functions for the first time.
    Based on the characteristics and functions of the mindset, we conducted interviews with staff members of educational institutions and developed a spiral process model in which the cross-border mindset that promotes cross-border learning and practice is gradually formed through repeated experiences. However, in order to refine the model and propose a highly objective, effective, and concrete learning environment design, longitudinal research on educational practice with high ecological validity is essential.

  • 落語の表現技法を活用した教師力育成・研修プログラムの開発

    日本教育弘済会  日教弘本部奨励金

    Project Year :


    野村 亮太

  • Diagnosis the individual capabilities of cross-boundary explanation and develop supporting programs to foster the capabilities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Maruno Syunichi

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    In this research, we focused on “capabilities of cross-boundary explanation” which play the critical roles in the process of problem finding and problem solving. Especially, this capability is important for the creative dialogues among various people who have the different way of viewing and thinking. Our aims were to diagnosis the individual capabilities of cross-boundary explanation and then develop supporting programs to foster the capabilities.
    The results of this research demonstrated as follows: (1) In the situations where cross-boundary explanation is offered, sensitivity is necessary for people to perceive the gaps between their own ideas and other persons’ ideas and (2) the capability of cross-boundary explanation tend to emerge during meaning-creating contexts. Based on these findings, we constructed a measurement tool to diagnosis individual’s capability of cross-boundary explanation and provided a proposal to foster these capabilities.

  • 動的な「演者-観客-観客系」の視点から捉えた噺家熟達化過程の解明


    Project Year :


    野村 亮太

  • Development of effective child-directed classroom teaching through "discussion and reciprocal learning"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MARUNO shunichi, MATUO Go, NOMURA Ryouta, OTABE Takako

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    Purposes of present studies were to examine the folowing four probelems and develop the effective dialogic-centerd classroom teaching(DCCT) method.Four problems were as follow:(1)how teachers develop their discourse strategies to establish the DCCT,(2)how students aware and learn the meaning of classroom ground-rules from reflection and from each other,(3)how classroom teaching-style are depend on personal epistemology,(4)how children cultivate not only critical thinking but cognitive- or emotinal empathy through DCCT.
    Main findings were as follow:(1)teachers change their discourse strategies acoording to levels of children's dialogical collaboration,(2)opportunities for sharing others points of view and reflecting upon the students' own standpoin are essential to the deeped DCCT,(3)teaching style are depend on his/her personal episyemology, and (4) The levels of teachers' expertise for DCCT infulence those of cultivation of children's critical thinking and empathy.

  • 創造的な問題解決を支える個人の認識論の獲得・変容過程の解明


    Project Year :


    野村 亮太

  • 関係性の中に拓かれるユーモア生成メカニズムの解明


    Project Year :



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  • Cognitive Science of Theatre Laboratory, Department of Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences

    Ryota Nomura

    Waseda Journal of Human Sciences   36 ( 2 ) 263 - 264  2023.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Estimation of interactions among audience members in vaudeville settings

    NOMURA Ryota, OKADA Takeshi

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS   114 ( 273 ) 13 - 18  2014.10

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    Recently, some researcher has explored that synchronization of eye-blinks among appreciators who view a movie or Rakugo performance. In the current study, the eye-blink synchronization (=less temporal discrepancy of eye-blink between two persons or more) was calculated using eye-blinks responses gain from two groups; (1) audience members (6 out of 21 first-time viewers and 6 out of 31 frequent viewers) who were viewing a live Rakugo performance in situ and (2) audience members (15 first-time viewers and 15 frequent viewers) who were viewing the videotaped performance in experimental settings. The results demonstrated that the mean values and deviations of temporal discrepancy (D^<interval>) were much lower within among audience members in situ than those of the individual experimental settings. Regarding audience member who had almost no knowledge about Rakugo, the D^<interval> s of group settings were approximately 50% compared to that of individual settings. These findings suggest that interactions in vaudeville setting seemed to influence each other in attractive way and it may contribute to create a "field" that would guide audience to synchronization.


  • 身体知に媒介されるユーモア生成過程 : 演者と観客の引き込み現象による検討

    野村 亮太, 丸野 俊一

    日本認知科学会大会発表論文集 = Annual meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society   23   416 - 419  2006.08



  • The embodied rhetorics for teachers: Learned from Rakugo―A Japanese traditional story-telling performance

  • プログラミング思考のレッスン


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  • やわらかな知性~認知科学から視た落語~

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Teaching Experience

  • Cognitive Science of Theatre

    Waseda University  


  • 学校教育心理学


  • 心理統計法特論


  • 子ども理解の心理学


  • 心理学実験法


  • 学習心理学


  • 認知心理学


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Academic Activities

  • Society of Cognitive Process and Experiencing

    Academic society, research group, etc.

  • Frontiers in Psychology

    Peer review

  • Learning and Individual Differences

    Peer review

  • 認知科学

    Peer review


  • 心理学研究

    Peer review


  • 人間科学研究

    Peer review


  • 笑い学研究


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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • スポーツのオンライン観戦における一体感の創出


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  • マルチチャネル心拍同時計測によるフィールド実験


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  • ライブネス(liveness)の生起条件の解明


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  • ライブ・パフォーマンスで生じるクオリア(lineness)の解明


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  • 集合的感情の簡便な計測・解析手法の開発


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