Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
- ( Ochanomizu University )

Research Experience

  • 2020

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2006

    Saitama University   Faculty of Education   Associate Professor

  • 2016

    New York University   visiting scholar

  • 2011

    New York University   visiting scholar

  • 2004

    Ochanomizu University   Assistant Professor

Committee Memberships

  • 2024

    日本発達心理学会  発達心理学研究編集委員会副委員長

  • 2023

    日本心理学会  優秀論文賞選考委員会委員

  • 2020

    日本発達心理学会  発達心理学研究編集委員

  • 2017

    日本心理学会  国際委員会委員

  • 2017

    日本心理学会  心理学ワールド編集委員

  • 2017

    日本心理学会  学術大会委員会委員

  • 2017

    日本心理学会  国際賞選考委員会委員

  • 2014

    日本心理学会  教育研究委員会(博物館小委員会)委員

  • 2014

    日本発達心理学会  国際研究交流委員会委員

  • 2010

    日本発達心理学会  国内研究交流委員会委員

  • 2009

    日本教育心理学会  研究委員会委員

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Professional Memberships


    American Psychological Association






    Society for Research in Child Development



Research Areas

  • Educational psychology


  • 城戸奨励賞

    2001   日本教育心理学会  



  • Emotion or Evaluation: Cultural Differences in the Parental Socialization of Moral Judgement

    Sawa Senzaki, Jason M. Cowell, Yuki Shimizu, Destany Calma-Birling

    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience   16  2022.06  [Refereed]

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    Moral reasoning develops rapidly in early childhood. Recent evidence from cognitive neuroscience literature suggests that the development of moral reasoning is supported by an integration of cognitive and affective components. However, the role of culture in the development of moral reasoning in young children is under-investigated. Previous cross-cultural research suggests that culture shapes how people interpret other’s behaviors. In particular, people raised in independent cultures, such as the United States, tend to form impressions of others and attribute others’ behaviors to their personal dispositions more quickly than people raised in interdependent cultures, such as Japan. In the present cross-cultural study, we examined parents’ discourse with children in Japan and the United States. Parents and their 3- to 4-year-old children were asked to view and discuss cartoon characters depicting prosocial and antisocial acts. Results indicated that in both cultures, parents discussed about moral actions (e.g., helping, harming) of characters. Furthermore, United States parents were more likely to evaluate dispositional characteristics of characters based on their pro-social and anti-social acts, whereas Japanese parents were more likely to refer to emotion of the characters who got hurt. We discuss implications of cross-cultural differences and similarities in parental moral socialization and the development of moral reasoning in young children.



  • Different types of focus: Caregiver–child interaction and changes in preschool children’s attention in two cultures

    Sawa Senzaki, Yuki Shimizu

    Child Development    2022.01  [Refereed]



  • Attention allocation is a possible mediator of cultural variations in spontaneous trait and situation inferences: Eye-tracking evidence

    Yuki Shimizu, James S. Uleman

    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology   94   104115  2021.05  [Refereed]



  • The development of temperament and maternal perception of child: A cross-cultural examination in the United States and Japan

    Sawa Senzaki, Yuki Shimizu, Destany Calma-Birling

    Personality and Individual Differences   170   110407  2021.02  [Refereed]

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    © 2020 Previous research shows cross-cultural differences in adult personality and child temperament, yet the developmental origin of these cultural differences remains unclear. To understand a potential role of socialization grounded in cultural values, this study investigated culturally specific maternal perceptions of child and children's development of temperament in the U.S. and Japan. Maternal perception of child was assessed via maternal interview in the U.S. (n = 42) and Japan (n = 40). Six months after the interview, child's temperament was assessed. Cross-cultural differences in maternal perception of child and child's temperament, and the relation between the two were analyzed. US-American infants scored higher on the surgency/extraversion trait than Japanese infants, whereas Japanese infants scored higher on the negative affectivity/neuroticism trait than US-American infants. US-American mothers used more positive evaluation and private/autonomy descriptions of their infants, whereas Japanese mothers used more negative evaluation and context-specific descriptions of their infants by making references to other people, time, or location. Child's negative affectivity trait was closely related to maternal perception of child's social/context characteristics and negative evaluations. The findings provide support for the socio-cultural framework of temperament development and suggest an important consideration of cultural factors when designing educational and parenting programs.



  • Cultural similarities and differences in the development of sociomoral judgments: An eye-tracking study

    Yuki Shimizu, Sawa Senzaki, Jason M. Cowell

    Cognitive Development   57   100974 - 100974  2021.01  [Refereed]



  • Early Learning Environments for the Development of Attention: Maternal Narratives in the United States and Japan

    Sawa Senzaki, Yuki Shimizu

    Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology   51 ( 3-4 ) 187 - 202  2020.05  [Refereed]

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    A large body of research has demonstrated cross-cultural differences in visual attention, especially between members of North American societies (e.g., Canada, United States) and East Asian societies (e.g., China, Japan, Korea). Despite an increasing number of studies suggesting an emergence of cross-cultural differences in early childhood, relatively little is known about how these culturally divergent patterns of attention are acquired and maintained. It has been largely assumed that socialization practices, especially parent-child interactions, contribute to the acquisition of cross-cultural differences in attention. By focusing on maternal narratives during the shared reading activity, this study examined the socialization contexts in which mothers direct their infants' attention in the United States (n = 50 dyads) and Japan (n = 53 dyads). Mothers in the United States and Japan read a picture book to their 6- to 18-month-old infants in the lab, and maternal narratives were coded to identify attention to focal objects and social interactions. Infants' sustained attention was also measured during shared reading. The findings demonstrated that during the shared reading activity, U.S. mothers were relatively more likely to focus on the focal objects than the background, whereas Japanese mothers were more likely to refer to the social interactions between focal objects and the background. Infants' age and gender were not related to maternal narratives, and infants' sustained attention was similar across cultures. Findings suggest significant cross-cultural differences in mother-infant interactions, which may act as scaffolds for infants to internalize their parents' cognitive styles.



  • The development of attention to singular vs. plural sets in preschool children: Insights from a cross-linguistic comparison between English and Japanese

    Sawa Senzaki, Jennifer Lanter, Yuki Shimizu

    Cognitive Development   52   100810  2019.10  [Refereed]

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    Languages differ in the ways speakers express the number of objects in a set. The English language, but not Japanese, requires grammatical differentiation of nouns for singular and plural forms (e.g., cat versus cats). The present study investigated whether this grammatical difference constrains the development of preschool children's attention to sets of 'one' versus 'more than one' using the card matching task in the U.S. and Japan. The task required the use of singular-plural information to match. Overall, 3- to 5-year-old children completed the task better than chance; however, language-specific patterns of development emerged. While English-speaking children did not show age-related differences in their attention to singular vs. plural sets, Japanese-speaking 4- and 5-year-olds performed significantly better than 3-year-olds. The results extend previous findings and provide insights for a multifaceted relation among age-related and linguistic specific factors on developmental pathways of children's attention to singular and plural sets of objects.



  • A cross-cultural examination of selective attention in Canada and Japan: The role of social context

    Sawa Senzaki, Sandra A Wiebe, Takahiro Masuda, Yuki Shimizu

    Cognitive Development   48   32 - 41  2018.10  [Refereed]



  • The Influence of Maternal Socialization on Infants' Social Evaluation in Two Cultures

    Yuki Shimizu, Sawa Senzaki, James S. Uleman

    Infancy   23 ( 5 ) 748 - 766  2018.09  [Refereed]



  • Responsibility: Cognitive fragments and collaborative coherence?

    James S Uleman, Yael Granot, Yuki Shimizu

    Behavioral and Brain Sciences   41  2018  [Refereed]  [Invited]

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    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>We describe additional research that expands upon many of Doris's points, focusing on collaboration (Ch. 5), selves, and identity (Ch. 8). We also suggest some elaboration of his treatment of dual process theories (Ch. 3). Finally, we ask whether collaborationist accounts confer logical consistency.</jats:p>



  • Why are negative behaviours likely to be immediately invoked traits? The effects of valence and frequency on spontaneous trait inferences

    Yuki Shimizu

    Asian Journal of Social Psychology   20 ( 3-4 ) 201 - 210  2017.07  [Refereed]

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    People make trait inferences immediately when observing others' behaviours. Previous studies reported that this spontaneous trait inference (STI) occurs more strongly from negative behaviours than from positive behaviours. However, what is responsible for this negativity bias in STI is unclear. In this study, two experiments investigated the effects of valence (an event's affective positivity or negativity) and frequency (how frequently the behaviour is observed in everyday life) on the occurrence of STI using an adapted version of a savings-in-relearning paradigm. Experiment 1 revealed that only valence affected the frequent occurrence of STI. In addition, the instructions to suppress impression formation or to focus attention on an actor's face made no difference to the results. In Experiment 2, the negativity bias in STIs was shown a week after exposure to the behavioural stimuli. These results suggest that the negativity bias in STIs occurs robustly, and the negative valence of observed behaviour is mostly responsible for the negativity bias in STI. The importance of immediate categorization of negative stimuli is discussed in terms of ecological priority.



  • Culture and emotion perception: comparing Canadian and Japanese children's and parents' context sensitivity.

    Hajin Lee, Kristina Nand, Yuki Shimizu, Akira Takada, Miki Kodama M, Takahiko Masuda

    Culture and Brain   5 ( 2 ) 91 - 104  2017.07  [Refereed]

    DOI PubMed

  • Cultural Differences in Spontaneous Trait and Situation Inferences

    Hajin Lee, Yuki Shimizu, Takahiko Masuda, James S. Uleman

    Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology   48 ( 5 ) 627 - 643  2017.06  [Refereed]

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    Previous findings indicated that when people observe someone's behavior, they spontaneously infer the traits and situations that cause the target person's behavior. These inference processes are called spontaneous trait inferences (STIs) and spontaneous situation inferences (SSIs). While both patterns of inferences have been observed, no research has examined the extent to which people from different cultural backgrounds produce these inferences when information affords both trait and situation inferences. Based on the theoretical frameworks of social orientations and thinking styles, we hypothesized that European Canadians would be more likely to produce STIs than SSIs because of the individualistic/independent social orientation and the analytic thinking style dominant in North America, whereas Japanese would produce both STIs and SSIs equally because of the collectivistic/interdependent social orientation and the holistic thinking style dominant in East Asia. Employing the savings-in-relearning paradigm, we presented information that affords both STIs and SSIs and examined cultural differences in the extent of both inferences. The results supported our hypotheses. The relationships between culturally dominant styles of thought and the inference processes in impression formation are discussed.



  • Culture as automatic processes for making meaning: Spontaneous trait inferences

    Yuki Shimizu, Hajin Lee, James S. Uleman

    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology   69   79 - 85  2017.03  [Refereed]

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    Culture shapes how we interpret behavior, symbols, customs, and more. Its operation is largely implicit, unnoticed until we encounter other cultures. Therefore deep cultural differences should be most evident in automatic processes for interpreting events, including behavior. In two studies, we compared American and Japanese undergraduates' spontaneous (unintended and unconscious) trait inferences (STIs) from behavior descriptions. Both groups made STIs but Japanese made fewer. More important, estimates of the controlled (C) and automatic (A) components of their recall performance showed no differences on C, but A was greater for Americans. Thus westerners' greater reliance on traits, in intentional and spontaneous impressions, may reflect cultural differences in automatic processes for making and recalling meaning. The advantages of locating cultural differences in automatic processes are discussed. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • Cultural Differences in the Automaticity of Elemental Impression Formation

    Hajin Lee, Yuki Shimizu, James S. Uleman

    Social Cognition   33 ( 1 ) 1 - 19  2015.02  [Refereed]



  • Spontaneous trait inferences among Japanese children and adults: A developmental approach

    Yuki Shimizu

    Asian Journal of Social Psychology   15 ( 2 ) 112 - 121  2012.06  [Refereed]

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    Prior research has indicated that spontaneous trait inferences (STIs) occur more easily among fifth graders than among adults, although STIs generally develop only among Westerners. However, no prior studies on STI include Asian children. This study explored the development of STIs among Japanese fifth graders, seventh graders, and undergraduates. Experiments 1 and 2 used a relearning paradigm, and participants' recollections of photo-trait pairs after being presented with congruent behaviours were compared with those after being presented with incongruent behaviours. If participants showed better recollection after being presented with congruent behaviour descriptions (saving effects), this indicated that they had made STIs from the behaviour. The results showed that STIs occur among Japanese children and adults, although their occurrence was associated with a trait valence factor. STIs occurred to a small extent from positive-trait-implying descriptions only among fifth and seventh graders, not undergraduates. In contrast, STIs occurred clearly from negative-trait-implying descriptions in all age groups. The results of Experiment 3, which used a trait-rating task that required less storage capacity of long-term memory, confirmed that fifth and seventh graders, as well as adults, made spontaneous inferences of specific traits implied from behavioural descriptions and not a wide positivenegative framework. The developmental model of STIs depending on trait valence and culture is discussed.



  • Developmental Studies in Childhood and Adolescence : A Review


    The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan   51 ( 0 ) 11 - 21  2012  [Refereed]  [Invited]

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    The present paper surveyed domestic researches on the development in childhood and adolescence published in the Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, the Japanese Journal of Psychology, the Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology, and the Japanese Journal of Personality between July 2010 and June 2011, and The proceedings of the 53th Annual meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology.  Studies were reviewed in five categories ; self, person perception, interpersonal relationship, adjustment and mental health, and reaction to the emergency.  General trends of current studies and implications for future studies were discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • Spontaneous trait inferences among Japanese elementary, junior high-school, and university students

    Shimizu Yuki

    The Japanese journal of psychology   81 ( 5 ) 462 - 470  2010  [Refereed]

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    People tend to spontaneously make trait inferences from exposure to others' behaviors without the intention to do so. In the present study, two experiments investigated the occurrence of spontaneous trait inferences (STIs) among Japanese 5th graders, 7th graders, and undergraduates using a relearning paradigm. Participants' recollections of portrait-trait pairs after being presented with congruent behaviors were compared with their recollections after incongruent behaviors. If participants showed better recollections after being presented with congruent behavior descriptions, this indicated that they spontaneously inferred the actor's trait from the behavior. The results suggested that 5th and 7th graders as well as undergraduates showed STIs from behavior descriptions that implied negative traits, although they showed few STIs from descriptions that implied positive traits. It was assumed that STIs are developed by 10-11 years of age at the latest, and that the processes of STIs from negative and positive descriptions might differ.

    DOI CiNii


  • Safety and Security of Child Life : New Developmental Approaches to Safety and Prevention Education

    UCHIDA Nobuko, NAKA Makiko, SHIMIZU Yuki

    The Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology   21 ( 4 ) 309 - 310  2010  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • Do Children Give Priority to Danger Avoidance or Prosocial Behavior? : A Fundamental Study on the Design of Safety Education

    Shimizu Yuki

    The Japanese Journal of Developmental Psychology   21 ( 4 ) 322 - 331  2010  [Refereed]

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    This study examined the development of strategies which children use between five and eight years of age, when faced with a dilemma of exhibiting prosocial behavior or avoiding a dangerous stranger. Participants were 85 children who were individually shown stories depicting a situation in which they were asked for help by a stranger. Results showed that children of both age groups (five- and seven-year olds) gave priority to danger avoidance. However, they were vulnerable to approaches made by strangers when the stranger's request was consistent with the child's desire. In addition, a positivity bias among young children formed the basis for their compliance with the stranger's request. These results have implications for the safety education of children in the transitional period between preschool and elementary school.

    DOI CiNii

  • 大学生と中学生における自発的特性推論-再学習課題を用いた検討-

    清水 由紀, 小森 めぐみ

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   71   3AM032 - 3AM032  2007.09

    DOI CiNii

  • PA054 パーソナリティ特性推論の発達過程 : 児童は他者について推論した複数の特性を関連づけられるか(ポスター発表A,研究発表)

    清水 由紀

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   47   54 - 54  2005

    DOI CiNii

  • スリランカ調査報告


    お茶の水女子大学子ども発達教育研究センター年報     40 - 42  2004

  • 開発途上国における幼児教育の実態および支援の現状に関する聞き取り調査


    お茶の水女子大学子ども発達教育研究センター年報   2   43 - 46  2004

  • 他者理解の発達過程--子どもは他者のパーソナリティ特性をどのように推論するのか

    清水 由紀

    人間文化論叢   6   119 - 128  2003


  • How do children adapt to classroom discourse? Quantitative and qualitative analyses of first grade homeroom activities

    Y Shimizu, N Uchida

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY   49 ( 3 ) 314 - 325  2001.09  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of the present study was to explore how first-grade children abjust to classroom discourse. Interactions observed in one first-grade homeroom in April (the first month of the school year in Japan) and in the subsequent July were compared by coding and interpretive analysis. The class had 40 children, half boys and half-girls; the teacher was a 40-year-old man with more than 20 years' teaching experience. The results showed that soon after the start of the school year, the first-grade teacher used different types of expressions, depending on what he was asking the children to do. Instructions regarding what the children should say in the classroom were give with polite explanations and directions, and the children repeated exactly what he told them to say. On the other hand, when he wanted the children to explain their own thoughts to their classmates, he modeled the form of reply, and the children imitated what he had said. In early July, after nearly 3 months in elementary school, children became able to initiate child-led activities that were rich in content and active. Additional data, including peer relations research, a questionnaire survey of parents, and interviews with the teacher indicated that the children's abjustment process was supported by formation of a relationship with their teacher and their peers, an increase in the children's interest in homeroom activities, and the teacher's appropriate recognition of the children.

    DOI CiNii


  • Development of trait inference: Do young children understand the causal relation of trait, motive, and behavior?

    Y Shimizu

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY   48 ( 3 ) 255 - 266  2000.09

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    The present study examined whether 3- to 6-year-old children understand trait-motive-behavior causality, and whether they know that traits cause behaviors over situations. Children listened to stories each of which included a motive, behavior, and an outcome. They then labeled the main character's chief trait, and predicted the character's behavior in a different context. The results showed that 3- and 4-year-olds understood trait-motive-behavior causality, but their understanding was not as complete as that of 5-and 6-year-olds. Children over the age of 5 understood that traits cause behaviors over situations, but only the fi-year-olds in the present study understood this completely. It was also suggested that a recency effect was observed in these young children's trait inference.


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Books and Other Publications

  • 社会性の発達と文化

    長谷川 真里, 佐久間路子, 林創 編, 「社会性の発達心理学」( Part: Contributor, 12章担当)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2024.03 ISBN: 9784779517914

  • 気質からBig Fiveへ

    谷 伊織, 阿部 晋吾, 小塩 真司編 「Big Fiveパーソナリティ・ハンドブック 5つの因子から「性格」を読み解く」( Part: Contributor)

    福村出版  2023.06 ISBN: 4571241054


  • 子どもの描画と心の発達

    小澤 基弘, ラクガキを考える会, 編, 「新装改訂版 ラクガキのすすめ」( Part: Contributor)

    あいり出版  2022.03 ISBN: 4865550976


  • 発達心理学から発達障害を捉える

    北洋輔, 平田正吾, 編「発達障害の心理学ー特別支援教育を支えるエビデンス」( Part: Contributor)

    福村出版  2019.09 ISBN: 9784571121395

  • 児童期 友人とのかかわりと社会性の発達

    藤村 宣之, 編, 「発達心理学 周りの世界とかかわりながら人はいかに育つか」( Part: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2019 ISBN: 9784623084630

  • 自分の考えや思いを伝えることば

    宮里 暁美, 倉持 清美, 伊集院 理子, 野田 淳子 編 「領域言葉」( Part: Contributor)

    萌文書林  2018 ISBN: 9784893472595

  • 他者とかかわる心の発達心理学 : 子どもの社会性はどのように育つか

    清水 由紀, 林 創

    金子書房  2012 ISBN: 9784760828319

  • 児童期初期~後期における自己概念・向社会性の発達

    内田 伸子, 袖井 孝子 編「子どもの暮らしの安全・安心~命の教育へ」( Part: Contributor, 児童期初期~後期における自己概念・向社会性の発達, 危険回避と向社会性のジレンマをどう解決するか, 子どもの安全にかかわる対策とは.)

    金子書房  2010

  • 学校と子ども理解の心理学

    清水 由紀

    金子書房  2010 ISBN: 9784760823567

  • よくわかる乳幼児心理学

    ( Part: Contributor)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2008 ISBN: 9784623050000

  • リスク社会を生き抜くコミュニケーション力

    ( Part: Contributor)

    金子書房  2007 ISBN: 9784760895229

  • 事例で学ぶ保育内容 領域言葉

    萌文書林  2006

  • 清水由紀(単著) パーソナリティ特性推論の発達過程-幼児期・児童期を中心とした他者理解の発達モデル-

    風間書房  2005

  • 幼児教育ハンドブック お茶の水女子大学子ども発達教育研究センター


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Research Projects

  • Cultural differences in moral development and parent-child transference: A cognitive neuroscience approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • 児童に寄り添った「表現の見取り」を可能とする教員支援システムの創出とその効果検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    小澤 基弘, 綿貫 啓一, 清水 由紀, 野村 亮太

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  • 他者の性格についての自動的な判断における文化差

    村田学術振興財団  研究助成

    Project Year :


    清水 由紀

  • Mechanisms of culture-specific person perception: Japan-US comparison of spontaneous trait inferences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Shimzu Yuki

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    This study aimed to explore mediational mechanisms underlying the cross-cultural variations in the co-occurrence of spontaneous trait and situation inferences. Specifically, we investigated whether an analytic-holistic attention style mediates the relationship between culture and spontaneous inferences.
    The results of two experiments suggest that European Americans showed more spontaneous trait inferences than situation inferences, while Asian Americans and Japanese showed these inferences equally. Further, the investigation of the association between attention and spontaneous inferences revealed that cultural difference in attention allocation while observing behavioral scenes mediates between culture and the co-occurrence of spontaneous trait and situation inferences.

  • The construction of cross-cultural model on the development of automatic person perception: Exploring differences between Japan and U.S.(Fostering Joint International Research)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research)

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Yuki

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    This study aims to elucidate the ontogenetic origin and transmission process of culture-specific person cognition. Specifically, we examined how culture influences the development of moral inference and social evaluation in early childhood by an experimental approach.
    Three studies of children aged 6 months to 4 years and their parents suggested that culture-specific person cognition appeared around 3 years of age. Also, it is suggested that the parent's child-directed speech in preverbal infancy may serve as a scaffolding for the child to interpret the other's behavior and that culture-specific attentional processes. In addition, it is considered that we established the research base of developmental research by cultural psychology approaches, which is one of the few in the world.

  • The construction of cross-cultural model on the development of automatic person perception: Exploring differences between Japan and U.S.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Yuki

     View Summary

    This study investigated cultural variations in spontaneous (unintended and unconscious) trait inference (STI) by comparing Japanese participants with North American participants. Results indicate that 1) STIs occurred among both American and Japanese participants, 2) STIs were more frequent and more automatic among American than among Japanese participants, and 3) North Americans showed more STIs than spontaneous situation inferences (SSIs), whereas Japanese showed both STIs and SSIs equally.
    These results were analyzed based on cultural psychological theories such as thinking style and attribution style, and integrated in a theoretical model that depicts the universal and culture-specific natures of STIs. The results were published in some international journals.

  • A developmental approach to the process of automatic social cognition

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Yuki

     View Summary

    The present study investigated the developmental process of spontaneous trait inferences (STIs) by comparing children and adults. STI is an effortless and implicit process and occurs even when people are not instructed to make such inferences and when people do not have an explicit goal of trait inference. Previous studies had investigated the occurrences of STIs only among adults, so the developmental process of STIs has not been clear.
    In this study 276 fifth-graders, 205 seventh-graders, and 390 adults participated in five experiments using a false recognition paradigm and a relearning paradigm. The results suggested that STIs occurred from 9 years of age at the latest. In addition, it was indicated that STIs from behaviors that imply negative traits occur more frequently compared to STIs from behaviors that imply positive traits, and that this negativity effect was shown among children as well as adults.

  • The building of the integrated model on the development of the person cognition

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Yuki

     View Summary

    Previous studies have reported that people tend to spontaneously make trait inferences from exposure to others' behaviors without the intention to do so. In the present study, three experiments investigated the occurrence of spontaneous trait inferences (STIs) among Japanese 5th-graders, 7th-graders, and undergraduates using the relearning paradigm. Results suggested that 5th- and 7th-graders as well as undergraduates showed STIs from behavior descriptions that implied negative traits, although they showed few STIs from descriptions that implied positive traits.

  • 幼児期から成人期までの他者理解の発達過程

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    清水 由紀

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    本研究では,「その人らしさ」の推論、すなわち「性格特性(personality trait)」の推論の発達過程を明らかにすることを目的とし、幼児期(5・6歳)から大学生までを対象とした実験および観察による検討を行った。

  • The investigation of actual situation of ECCE in Asian developing countries and formation of network for international cooperation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    UCHIDA Nobuko, MUTO Takashi, SAKAI Akira, HAMANO Takashi, SHIMIZU Yuki, SUTO Mikako

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual situation of Early Childhood Care and Education in Asian developing countries and make a good relationship with ECCE specialists in each country for the future development of international cooperation. In December 2006, we invited the three professors of the department of ECCE in Hanoi Teacher's University to Ochanomizu University. During this two week's interchange, we shared the rare opportunity to compare the theory and practice of ECCE in both countries. First, we guided them to the kindergartens and the nurseries which realized the ideal of Child-Centered Education. We discussed the advantages/disadvantages when they apply that Japanese method to their practices. It helped them to make clear the things how to prevent the children's right and improve the quality of ECCE. Second, we introduced the latest academic issues related to ECCE-developmental psychology, brain science, international nutrition, family sociology, children's culture, etc. Through these lectures, they can abundant their knowledge and experience in Child Study and can widen their viewpoint of teacher training curriculum. Third, we planed the symposium which Dr.Thai, the director of Hanoi Teacher's University, presented their results of uniformities of kindergarten and nurseries in Vietnam. It contributed Japanese scholars and government staff to reexamine the best way of holistic approach to ECCE.

  • 幼稚園から小学校への移行-小学校への適応に関わる要因の特定-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    清水 由紀

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  • コロナウイルスについて子どもと話すー発達に応じた伝え方とは?ー (特集 コロナ禍の子どもたち)

    清水 由紀

    チャイルドヘルス (診断と治療社)   25 ( 2 )  2022.02

  • コロナ禍における子どもの暮らしの安全・安心 -発達心理学から見る子どもへの関わり-(特集 子どもの安全・安心を支える)

    清水 由紀

    教育と医学 (慶應義塾大学出版会)   69 ( 2 ) 12 - 20  2021.03

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 子どもの人生で「信頼感」が育まれていく過程(特集 子どもが信頼する先生)

    清水 由紀

    児童心理   73   10 - 17  2019.03

  • The Developmental Process of White Lies in Young Childhood : Lie-telling as prosocial behaviors

    Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education   68 ( 2 ) 419 - 441  2019

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    We sometimes tell prosocial lies in order to stop someone from being upset by the truth. For example, when you receive a disappointing gift from your friend, you may tell him/her, "Thank you, I like this". White lies are observed even among young children. However, it is still unclear how they are motivated to tell white lies. Furthermore, little is known whether educational interventions promote young children to tell white lies in interpersonal settings. This study investigated what factors affect 4- to 6-year-old children's prosocial lie-telling and whether educational interventions are effective to promote children's white lie. Results suggest that around 70% of young children told white lies and evaluated telling white lies positively. The relationship between the development of theory of mind and that of white lie-telling was not significant. When asked the reason to tell a white lie, young children answered other-oriented motivations rather than self-oriented motivations. In addition, children were promoted to tell a white lie after instructed to think about others' reactions and feelings when they told a truth (i.e. "I do not like this"). These results indicate that young children's ability to tell white lies is higher than estimated in previous studies, and educational interventions are effective to promote their prosocial lie-telling. Findings contribute to understanding the trajectory of young children's prosocial development and have educational implications.

    DOI CiNii

  • Two-years-old Children's Nurturing Behaviors toward Infants In Multi-age Childcare : The Difference of Sex, Age, and Siblings assessed by Nursery Teachers

    Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education   68 ( 2 ) 257 - 267  2019

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    This study investigated 2-year-old children's "nurturing behaviors" toward infants using the questionnaire developed by the authors for the purpose of this study. Children's "nurturing behaviors" consisted of "caring," "assistance through adults or objects," and "touching or approaching." They engaged more often in "touching or approaching" than "caring" and "assistance through adults or objects." The nurturing behavior score was higher among children with younger siblings than children without younger siblings, among girls than boys, and among older children than younger children. In addition, younger girls engaged in "nurturing behaviors" as much as boys, but older girls engaged more in "nurturing behaviors" than boys. It was suggested that these differences of "nurturing behaviors" by sex or sibling may be affected by children's development of sex role.

    DOI CiNii

  • 発達段階からみたいじめ (特集 いじめ再考)

    清水 由紀

    児童心理   72 ( 6 ) 523 - 529  2018.05


  • 相手を思いやる心の発達 (特集 思いやりを言葉にできない子)

    清水 由紀

    児童心理   71 ( 10 ) 779 - 786  2017.07


  • Story Time Reflects Cross-Cultural Differences in Attentional Patterns in Infancy

    Sawa Senzaki, Yuki Shimizu

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   313 - 313  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • The role of culture in Japanese and American mothers' descriptions about others and their children

    Yuki Shimizu, Sawa Senzaki

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   312 - 313  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 子どもの社会的発達と「わるくち」 (特集 子どものわるくち・かげぐち)

    清水 由紀

    児童心理   69 ( 16 ) 1303 - 1309  2015.11


  • 文化によって異なるパーソナリティ理解の発達 (特集 他者のこころの理解と発達)

    清水 由紀

    発達   36 ( 144 ) 27 - 32  2015


  • 子どもの「いい人」「悪い人」の判断--他者との関係づくりを促す性格の推論 (特集 子どもの悪と倫理)

    清水 由紀

    発達   32 ( 127 ) 11 - 17  2011


  • 幼児・児童は向社会的行動と危険回避行動のいずれを優先させるか-誘う人物との欲求の一致度の要因の検討

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    幼児の安全教育に関する総合的研究 幼児の危険認識の発達に及ぼす社会・文化的要因の影響 財団法人セコム科学技術振興財団研究助成 平成19年度研究成果報告書     61 - 75  2008

  • 他者理解能力における児童と成人の比較


    総合研究機構研究プロジェクト成果発表会 : ポスター展示    2008

  • 他者理解能力における児童と成人の比較


    総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書   6 (平成19年度)  2008

  • Spontaneous trait inferences among Japanese children and college students.

    Yuki Shimizu, Megumi Komori

    Proceedings of 9th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology    2008

  • Danger avoidance or prosocial behavior?

    Yuki Shimizu

    Proceedings of 20th Biennial ISSBD(International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development) Meeting    2008

  • 幼児の対人葛藤場面における自己と他者の要求の調整 性格特性に応じた他者の解決方略の予測は可能か

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    幼児の安全教育に関する総合的研究 幼児の危険認識の発達に及ぼす社会・文化的要因の影響 財団法人セコム科学技術振興財団研究助成 平成18年度研究成果報告書   2   89 - 103  2007

  • 幼児期・児童期における他者理解の発達過程ー性格特性の推論の発達を中心にー


    総合研究機構研究プロジェクト研究成果報告書   5 (18年度)   325 - 326  2007

  • 子どもの対人認知の発達過程

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    幼児の安全教育に関する総合的研究 幼児の危険認識の発達に及ぼす社会・文化的要因の影響 財団法人セコム科学技術振興財団研究助成 平成17年度研究成果報告書     57 - 90  2006

  • 幼稚園から小学校への移行時におけることばの発達.

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    幼児教育と小学校教育をつなぐ-幼小連携の現状と課題     93 - 105  2005

  • 幼稚園から小学校への移行時におけることばの発達.

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    幼児教育と小学校教育をつなぐ-幼小連携の現状と課題     93 - 105  2005

  • 幼児教育に関する途上国協力強化のための拠点システム構築 -幼児教育に関する情報収集と幼児教育モデルの提案-

    清水由紀, 藤江康彦, 無藤隆, 外山紀子, 野口隆子, 坪川紅美, 瀬田智恵子, 松井愛奈

    お茶の水女子大学 21世紀COEプロジェクト「誕生から死までの人間発達科学」平成15年度報告書     82 - 126  2004

  • The linguistic development at the transition from preschool to elementary school

    SHIMIZU Yuki, UCHIDA Nobuko

    Bulletin of the Research Center for Child and Adolescent Development and Education, Ochanomizu University   2 ( 2 ) 71 - 81  2004


  • 幼児教育に関する途上国協力強化のための拠点システム構築 -幼児教育に関する情報収集と幼児教育モデルの提案-

    清水由紀, 藤江康彦, 無藤隆, 外山紀子, 野口隆子, 坪川紅美, 瀬田智恵子, 松井愛奈

    お茶の水女子大学 21世紀COEプロジェクト「誕生から死までの人間発達科学」平成15年度報告書     82 - 126  2004

  • 一次的ことばから二次的ことばへの移行

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    お茶の水女子大学 21世紀COEプロジェクト「誕生から死までの人間発達科学」平成15年度報告書     71 - 81  2004

  • 学校文化への適応過程-一次的ことばから二次的ことばへの移行-

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    月刊言語   32 ( 10 ) 98 - 103  2003

  • 学校文化への適応過程-一次的ことばから二次的ことばへの移行-

    清水由紀, 内田伸子

    月刊言語   32 ( 10 ) 98 - 103  2003


  • Kido Award : Recipients' Comments

    清水 由紀

    教育心理学年報   41   207 - 207  2001


  • 幼児における特性推論の発達 -特性・動機・行動の因果関係の理解-


    教育心理学研究   48   255 - 266  2000


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 他者の表情認知に関する比較文化研究


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    Emotional communication plays an important role in human social life. It involves how emotions are presented and recognized, but the rules of how emotions are expressed and decoded vary from culture to culture. The rule involves “masking” which means concealing a genuine emotion by displaying a different emotion that one does not genuinely feel. The current study examined cultural differences in the decoding of “masking” rule between Japanese and Chinese people when perceiving dynamic facial expressions. There were two research questions for the current study: 1) Do Japanese and Chinese participants would evaluate and decode masking smiles differently? 2) Are there cultural differences in attention to eye regions when perceiving dynamic facial expressions? The participants were displayed morphed-movie stimuli which changed angry to smiling face. Then, they were asked to evaluate the emotion of the actor. Their attention to eye regions while seeing the face changing movie was also measured using an eye tracker. Results indicated that, although there were no cultural differences in the subjective evaluations of emotions, the attention process while watching the changing facial expressions differed between cultures. Japanese people fixated longer in the eye regions compared to Chinese people when perceiving dynamic facial expressions. The current study provided empirical evidence of cultural differences in the applications of decoding rule of facial expressions within East Asian cultures.

  • 他者の認知の文化差に関する認知神経科学的検討:日米の比較を通して


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    People spontaneously infer various characteristics from others’ behavior. This spontaneous trait inference (STI) and spontaneous situation inference (SSI) can occur simultaneously as a result of unintended processes. Literature suggests that various factors yield individual differences in the occurrences of spontaneous inferences. However, it is still unclear whether individual’s autistic traits affect the occurrence of spontaneous trait and situation inferences.&nbsp;This study aimed to investigate whether attention bias to person against situation differ depending on the intensity of autistic traits, and whether the attention bias is related to the occurrences of STI and SSI. Experiment 1 (n=106) examined the participants’ attention bias to person against situation and its relationship with the tendency to infer others’ traits spontaneously. Participants’ attention bias to person was measured by using eye-tracking paradigm, and their spontaneous trait and situation inferences were measured by using the false recognition paradigm. Experiment 2 (n=47) measured participants’ event-related potentials (ERPs) to sensitively detect the occurrence of STIs.We were not able to collect American data due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but in the future, we plan to conduct EEG experiments on Japanese and American participants.

  • 自発的特性推論の生起プロセスの検討


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    他者の行動を見た時に,行為者の特性を自発的に推論する自発的特性推論の生起について,そのメカニズムを認知神経科学的に検討した。実験1では大学生48名を対象として実験を行い,自発的特性推論の生起時の脳波を測定した。また,アンケートにより各参加者の認知傾向を調べた。分析の結果,事象関連電位(event-related potential, ERP)のN400成分の特徴が,各参加者の認知傾向によって異なり得ることが示唆された。実験2では大学生50名を対象として実験を行い,行動観察時の視線が自発的特性推論の生起にどのように関連しているのか,またそこには認知傾向に媒介されているのかどうかを検討した。実験2については来年度も継続して実施予定である。

  • 道徳発達の文化差と親子間の転移:認知神経科学的アプローチによる検討

    2020   先崎沙和, Jason Cowell

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    日本人とアメリカ人の幼児およびその親を対象として,道徳理解の発達に関する実験的検討を行った。視線や脳波という言語に依存しない指標を用いることによって,より直接的に2つの文化の比較をすることができる。本課題では,視線および脳波測定において必要となる情報の収集を目的とした。具体的には,昨年度までに実施した日米の幼児を対象とした予備実験のデータを分析した。道徳的場面の観察時の視線を測定し,道徳的認知のプロセスについて推測した。また,親子の相互作用の様子を観察し,子どもの道徳理解との関連が予測されるのかどうかについて検討した。これらの予備的な分析により実験計画が具体化し,2021年度の科研費基盤(B)の採択につながった。またこれまでの成果の一部を国際誌であるCognitive Developmentに投稿し採択された。

  • 道徳的認知に関する認知神経科学的基盤の解明


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    他者の行動観察時に,その人の道徳的特性をどのように認知するのかについて,実験的アプローチにより視線を指標とした検討を行った。その結果,道徳的認知には行動場面のどの要素に視線を向けるかといった注意過程が大きく影響していることが明らかになった。またこのような注意過程には,文化差があることが示された。具体的には,アメリカ人と日本人のいずれも人物により目を向けるが,日本人は状況にも目を向けやすいことが明らかになった。成果を国際誌(Journal of Experimental Social Psychology)に投稿し採択された。