Updated on 2025/03/12


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Job title

Research Projects

  • 19世紀前半英国女性作家による視覚的表象の系譜と国民性意識形成に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    皆本 智美

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    本研究は研究対象年代を「ナショナリティ」の認識から構成される「想像の共同体」意識と「ナショナリズム」が渾然一体となって変容しながら、両者が相互に強化されていった時代と捉え、19世紀前半を中心に活動した女性作家の作品における視覚的表象の分析を通して、その様態を明らかにすることをめざすものである。近年の研究においては、18世紀にヨーロッパ大陸を見聞した女性たちのtravel writingが注目を集めるようになってきた一方、ヴィクトリア朝に入ってからの女性作家たちの大陸との関わりについては個別作家研究の枠内にとどまりがちであり、大陸文化・思想への傾倒や幻滅・反発といった一枚岩的な解釈が見られる傾向にあったので、本研究においては両時代を接続する時期として19世紀前半に着目した。本年度は、対象年代における一次資料と先行研究文献を精読・分析し、論文執筆の準備を行った。18世紀までに確立されていた風景の美学が感受性の言説と連結されていく端緒を前年度の研究でつかんだので、本年度は「感受性の時代」の女性作家たちが眼差しを向ける対象を土地から人へとずらしながら、あるいは人を包摂する環境の美学へと再解釈していく過程について、特にメアリ・ウルストンクラフトとメアリ・シェリーの大陸体験についてのnarrativeを分析し、考察を深めた。

  • Representations of 'English' Corinne and Female Celebrities: A Study of Jewsbury Sisters and Bronte Sisters

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Minamoto Tomomi

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    This study aims to elucidate two issues and the relations between the two, if any, through examining how British writers responded to “Corinne, or Italy” written by Madame de Stael. First, the issue of the public sphere for British women in the early nineteenth century is examined, specifically the female celebrities in that period and the problems they faced. Second, their consciousness of nationalities then emerging is explored. In the works by the Jewsbury Sisters and Charlotte Bronte, the main objects of this study, British female characters tend to be set against those from continental Europe, some of whom are represented as celebrities, but their relations are complicated. These relations attest to the intricate and ambivalent attitudes of the British toward European nations.

  • A Study in English "Corinne" and Female Celebrity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MINAMOTO Tomomi

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    While Felicia Hemans was said to be good at depicting the sufferings of women under the wars, Letitia Landon often dealt with the sufferings of women in love affairs. Despite the differences between the two, both of them contributed to establishing English "Corinne" as a woman torn between the ideal of femininity and her career. Not only did they represent English "Corinne" in their works, they themselves were represented as English "Corinne" during the period when English nationalism was on the rise.

  • A Study on Felicia Hemans and Letitia Elizabeth Landon

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MINAMOTO Tomomi

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    This study elucidated the influences of Felicia Hemans and Letitia Elizabeth Landon on the later writers in England through research into their works and their reception in early nineteenth-century England.

  • A Study on Early Nineteenth-century Literary Annuals and Women Writers

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :




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