Research Experience
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/02/08
University of California, Los Angeles Department of Applied Linguisitcs Applied Linguistics
Georgetown University Department of Linguistics Teaching English as a Second Language
Hiroshima University School of Education English Education
Hiroshima University School of Educaiton English Education
Journal of Second Language Writing, 論集編集委員 (2006- )
Language Testing Editorial Board member
TOEIC Technical Panel Member, Institute for International Business Communication
The Institute for International Business Communication (IIBC) Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)
International Conference on Situating Strategy Use Scientific Committee Member
American Association of Applied Linguistics 2024 Coordinator of the Assessment and Evaluation Strand for AAAL 2015 proposal submissions
American Association of Applied Linguistics 2014 Language Assessment Strand Abstract Review Coordinator
TOEFL Committee of Examiners, ETS (2007-2011)
TOEFL 顧問審査委員, ETS (2007-2011)
Language Assessment Quaterly, Editorial Board Member (2003-2009)
Language Assessment Quaterly, 論集編集委員 (2003-2009)
Symposium on Second Language Writiing, Organizing Committee, Local Chair
第二言語ライティング学会, 年次総会現地主催委員 (2007)
TESOL Quarterly, Editorial Board Member (2002-2005)
TESOL Quarterly, 論集編集委員 (2002-2005)
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research Advisory Board member
Language Testing in Asia, 論集編集委員 (2011- )
Language Testing in Asia Editorial Board Member
Journal of Second Language Writing Editorial Board Member
American Association of Applied Linguistics 2025 Coordinator of the Reading, Writing, and Literacy (RWL) Strand for AAAL 2025 proposal submissions
American Association of Applied Linguistics Book Award Committee member
The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) Selected Papers Selection Committee member
Language Testing Editorial Board Member
Studies in Language Sciences, Associate Editor (2011- )
Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, International Advisory Board Member (2012- )
TOEFL ITP-CEFR Standard Setting Session Member, ETS (2011)
Educational Testing Service (ETS) TOEFL ITP-CEFR Standard Setting Committee Member
University of British, Columbia, Canada,Promotion Committee member, Uniersity of British Columbia, Canada(2011)
University of British, Columbia, Canada, 教授職外部昇任審査委員(2011)
The Nagoya Customs Office, External Consultant (2009-2011)
(International Language Testing Association) ILTA, ILTA Best Article Award Selection Committee Member (2010)
国際言語評価学会, 2010年度ベスト論文選考委員 (2010)
ILTA, Member-at-Large (2005-2006)
国際言語評価学会, 国際言語評価学会執行委員
Temple University, Japan, Doctoral Dissertation Committee, External Member (2001, 2003, 2006)
ILTA, Nominating Committee Member (2001-2002),
国際言語評価学会, 国際言語評価学会委員選考委員
The Japan Assoication of College English Teachers (JACET)
(International Language Testing Association) ILTA
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Langauges
American Association of Applied Linguistics
Symposium on Second Language Writiing
effects of study abroad experiences
language assessment
second language writing
Special Grant for the Promotion of Research
2019.05 Nagoya City University The impact of normative environments on learner motivation and L2 reading ability growth
Special Grant for the Promotion of Research Awarded for the Highest Ranked Paper on the 2017 Impact Index
2018.10 Nagoya City University
Abe Fellowship (granted by the Social Science Research Council and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership) to study at Georgetown University, Washington, DC and University of Melbourne, Australia for 11 months
TESL/Applied Linguistics Department, UCLA, Los Angeles, California Nida award (best qualifying paper of the year in Applied Linguistics)
Rotary International Foundation Full scholarship to study at Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Full scholarship to study at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan as an exchange student for one year
1980.09 Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Developmental trajectories of multicompetent writers: An ecological-historical approach to L1/L2 writing abilities and L2 proficiency
Miyuki Sasaki, Atsushi Mizumoto, Akira Murakami
Journal of the European Second Language Association 8 ( 1 ) 114 - 130 2024.10 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
What influences the comprehensibility of L2 writers' opinion texts by L2 readers? Interactions between textual characteristics and readers’ profiles
Miyuki Sasaki, Yui Suzukida, Kotaro Takizawa, Kazuya Saito
System 123 103352 - 103352 2024.07 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Introducing regression discontinuity design to applied linguistics
Miyuki Sasaki, Yuki Higuchi, Makiko Nakamuro, Carsten Roever, Tomoko Yashima
Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 9 ( 2 ) 217 - 244 2024.05 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Machine translation as a form of feedback on L2 writing
Miyuki Sasaki, Atsushi Mizumoto, Paul Kei Matsuda
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 2024.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Impact of studying abroad on language skill development: Regression discontinuity evidence from Japanese university students
Yuki Higuchi, Makiko Nakamuro, Carsten Roever, Miyuki Sasaki, Tomoko Yashima
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 70 ( 101284 ) 1 - 13 2023.08 [Refereed]
Validating a test of L2 routine formulae to detect pragmatics learning in stay abroad
Carsten Roever, Yuki Higuchi, Miyuki Sasaki, Tomoko Yashima, Makiko Nakamuro
Applied Pragmatics 4 2022.03 [Refereed]
Miyuki Sasaki, Kyoko Baba, Ryo Nitta, Paul Kei Matsuda
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 43 ( 3 ) 277 - 301 2020.09 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Yuki Higuchi, Miyuki Sasaki, Makiko Nakamuro
Asian Development Review 37 ( 2 ) 100 - 133 2020.09 [Refereed]
Developmental trajectories in L2 writing strategy use: A self-regulation perspective
Modern Language Journal 102 ( 2 ) 1 - 18 2018.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Yuki, Higuchi, Miyuki Sasaki, Makiko Nakamuro
RIETI Discussion Paper Series 17-E-030 2017 [Refereed]
Effects of study-abroad experiences on L2 writing: Past research and future perspectives
Miyuki Sasaki
Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language 17 ( 17 ) 97 - 111 2014 [Refereed] [Invited]
第24回第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)全国大会予稿集 24 113 - 117 2013 [Refereed] [Invited]
Changing relationships among L2 writing strategies, L2 proficiency, and L2 writing ability: A dynamic systems approach
Miyuki Sasaki, Naoko Taguchi, Tomoko Yashima
The JACET International Convention Proceedings: The JACET 51st International Convention 29 315 - 321 2012 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Effects of teaching metaknowledge and journal writing on Japanese university students’ EFL writing
Keiko Hirose, Miyuki Sasaki
JALT Journal 22 ( 1 ) 94 - 113 2000 [Refereed]
Investigating EFL students' production of speech acts: A comparison of production questionnaires and role plays
M Sasaki
JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS 30 ( 4 ) 457 - 484 1998.10 [Refereed]
Topic continuity in Japanese-English interlanguage
M Sasaki
IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics In Language Teaching 35 ( 1 ) 1 - 21 1997.02 [Refereed]
Explanatory variables for EFL students' expository writing
Miyuki Sasaki, Keiko Hirose
Language Learning 46 ( 1 ) 137 - 174 1996.03 [Refereed]
Authorship:Lead author
Relationships among second language proficiency, foreign language aptitude, and intelligence: A protocol analysis
Miyuki Sasaki
Language Learning 43 ( 4 ) 469 - 505 1993.12 [Refereed]
Relationships among second language proficiency, foreign language aptitude, and intelligence: A structural equation modeling approach
Miyuki Sasaki
Language Learning 43 ( 3 ) 313 - 344 1993.09 [Refereed]
An analysis of sentences with nonreferential there in spoken American English
Miyuki Sasaki
Word-Journal of the International Linguistic Association 42 ( 2 ) 157 - 178 1991.08 [Refereed]
Topic prominence in Japanese EFL students' existential constructions
Miyuki Sasaki
Language Learning 40 ( 3 ) 337 - 368 1990.09 [Refereed]
Copying, reading, and writing of kana and simple forms by Japanese preschoolers
Jun Yamada, Miyuki Sasaki, Naoko Motooka
PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS 66 ( 2 ) 387 - 394 1988.04 [Refereed]
Is UGUISU an exceptional 'idiosyncratic variation?': Another counterexample to the `natural order'
中国四国教育学会研究紀要 32 170 - 174 1987
Change in interclausal relation: Universal side of second language acquisition
中国地区英語教育学会研究紀要 17 43 - 53 1987
The concise companion to language assessment
Kunnan, Antony John( Part: Contributor, Chapter 31: Introspective methods (pp. 453-472))
John Wiley & Sons 2024.10 ISBN: 9781394179596
The science of learning English as a foreign language
Tatsuya Nakata, Yuichi Suzuki, Yo Hamada, Shuhei Kadota, Akira Hamada, Nobuhiro Kamiya, Ryo Nitta, Tomohito Hiromori, Wataru Suzuki, Miyuki Sasaki( Part: Joint author, Chapter 12 Learning English through study abroad (pp. 203-218))
Kenkyuusha 2022.04 ISBN: 9784327453077
Japanese stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS writing and speaking tests and their impact on communication and achievement. IELTS Research Reports Online Series
Noriko Iwashita, Miyuki Sasaki, Annita Stell, Megan Yucel( Part: Joint author)
IELTS 2021.04
Luke Plonsky, Aysenur Sagdic, Daniel, R. Isbell, Alison Mackeu, Peter I. De Costa, Tove Larsson, Shawn Loewen, Rhonda Oliver, Miyuki Sasaki, Nicole Tracy-Ventura, John Bitchener, Avizia Long, Kristopher Kyle, Graham Crookes, Bryan Smith, Rbecca Sachs, Heydi Byrnes, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Deborah Tannen, Kimberly Geeslin, Laura Gurzynski-Weiss( Part: Joint author, Living on the periphery: Cause of despair or source of hope? (pp. 60-62))
John Benjamins 2020.07 ISBN: 9789027207128
Transnational writing education: Theory, history, and practice
( Part: Joint author, Chapter 8: Effects of study-abroad experiences on L2 writing: Insights from published research)
Routledge 2018.06 ISBN: 9780815383505
The Handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing
( Part: Joint author, Chapter 8: L2 writers in study-abroad contexts)
De Gruyter Mouton 2018.02
L2 writing in the global context: Represented, underrepresented, and unrepresented voices
( Part: Joint author, Chapter 8: L2 writers in study-abroad contexts (pp. 163-178))
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2016.09
The Companion to Language Assessment
( Part: Joint author, Chapter 79: Introspective methods)
Wiley-Blackwell 2013
(English educaiton in Japan (pp. 51-52).)
東信堂 2012
Learning, teaching, and researching writing in foreign language contexts
Multilingual Matters 2009 ISBN: 9781847691842
Second language writing research: Perspectives on the process of knowledge construction
Lawrence Erlbaum 2005 ISBN: 0805850457
Writing for scholarly publication: Behind the scenes in language education
Lawrence Erlbaum 2003 ISBN: 0805842438
Individual differences and instructed language learning
John Benjamins 2002 ISBN: 9027216932
New directions for research in L2 writing
Kluwer Academic 2002 ISBN: 1402005385
Reflections on multiliterate lives
Multilingual Matters 2001 ISBN: 1853595225
Second language proficiency, foreign language aptitude, and intelligence: Quantitative and qualitative analyses
Peter Lang 1996 ISBN: 0820424978
Multilingual Matters 1995
英潮社新社 1991
The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching
John Wiley&Sons.
What influences L2 readers’ comprehensibility of L2 texts? Interactions between textual characteristics and readers’ profiles
Miyuki Sasaki, Yui Suzukida, Kotaro Takizawa, Kazuya Saito
Presentation date: 2024.03
Toward commensurability and diversity in complexity: Diverse approaches to second language acquisition/teaching (SLA/T) in dialogue
Miyuki Sasaki, Dwight Atkinson, Lourdes Ortega, Anamaria Sagre, Wander Lowie, Steven Thorne, Simona Pekarek-Doehler, Soren Eskildsen, Marije Michel
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Portland, OR
Presentation date: 2023.03
Impact of stay abroad on skills development and career choice: Evidence from Japanese high school and university students
Yuki Higuchi, Makiko Nakamuro, Miyuki Sasaki
Japanese Economic Association, Spring Convention
Presentation date: 2021.05
Emergence and transferability of audience awareness in writers of L2 Japanese through web-based exchanges
Miyuki Sasaki
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Virtual Conference
Presentation date: 2021.03
A non-deficit view of multilingual researchers: Transdisciplinary hopes? Inequities in journal publishing: A conversation with multilingual scholars
Miyuki Sasaki [Invited]
American Association for Applied Linguistics Webinar Series
Presentation date: 2021.01
Investigating L2 writing development: What lies ahead and beyond
Miyuki Sasaki [Invited]
ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council)-JSLARF (Japan Second Language Research Forum) Symposium
Presentation date: 2020.10
Development of L2 writing strategy use: Shared patterns and uniqueness
Public Research Talk, School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne
Presentation date: 2018.03
Development of L2 writing strategy use: A mixed methods approach
Symposium on Academic Writing in an L2 Context. University of Tokyo
Presentation date: 2018.01
Longitudinal Development in L1 and L2 Writing: Shared patterns and individual differences
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Portland, OR
Presentation date: 2017
Effects of study-abroad experiences on L2 writing: Insights from published research
Public Research Talk at the Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington DC
Presentation date: 2017
Impacts of online English learning on attitudes and English communicative abilities: Experimental evidence from Japanese high schoolers
Japanese Economic Association, Waseda University, Japan
Presentation date: 2016
Developmental trajectories in L2 writing strategy use: Systematicity and individuality
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Presentation date: 2016
Developmental trajectories in L2 writing strategy use: Systematicity and individuality
Second Language Research Forum. Teachers College, Columbia University. New York
Presentation date: 2016
Dynamic changes in the relationship between L1 and L2 writing abilities and L2 proficiency in Japanese multi-competent writers
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference
Presentation date: 2015
Longitudinal development in L1 and L2 writing: An ecological approach
Symposium on L2 Writing, OISE, University of Toronto
Presentation date: 2015
Japanese students’ longitud inal development in 2 writing strategy: A historical –ecological approach
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Shandong University, Auckland, New Zealand
Presentation date: 2015
Longitudinal developmentof L1 and L2 writing in Japanese students: An Ecological approach
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Portland, OR
Presentation date: 2014
Presentation date: 2014
Presentation date: 2014
Impacts of group motivational dynamics on Japanese students’ EFL development.
International Conference on Motivational Dynamics and Second Language Acquisition. University of Nottingham, Nottingham
Presentation date: 2014
第二言語習得研究会(JASLA)全国大会 広島大学
Presentation date: 2013
英語教育改革フォーラム. 東京国際大学.
Presentation date: 2013
Development of Japanese Students as Multicompetent Writers: An Ecological Perspective.
EFL Writing in East Asia: Crossing the Boarders. Chiba, Japan
Presentation date: 2013
English writing instruction in senior high schools in Japan: Its goals, its product, and its future
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Shandong University, Shandong, China
Presentation date: 2013
Reexamining writing assessment rubrics in the classroom
Annual Convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Dallas, Texas
Presentation date: 2013
Studies of Japanese EFL writers: Past, present, and future
The Fourth Symposium on Writing Centers in Asia. National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Presentation date: 2012
Effects of different learning environments on various types of English skills and knowledge in Japanese students: Mixed-method approaches
JACET 51st International Convention, Aichi Prefectural University, Aichi, Japan
Presentation date: 2012
Effects of varying lengths of study-abroad experiences on product and process in Japanese students learning to write in English
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinouis.
Presentation date: 2011
Effects of web-based communication tasks on L2 students’ development of a sense of audience
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Howard International House, Taipei
Presentation date: 2011
Becoming a writing researcher
Symposium on Second Language Writing at Howard International Hotel, Taipei.
Presentation date: 2011
A dynamic systems approach to interaction among L2 writing strategy use, L2 proficiency, and L2 writing ability as these develop in Japanese student
Paper presented at the Second Language Studies Lecture Series, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Presentation date: 2011
Effects of a six-week study-abroad program on L2 writing: A case study of four Japanese learners of English
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Atlanta
Presentation date: 2010
Japanese students learning to write in English: A longitudinal analysis of the effects of study-abroad experiences
Symposium on Second Language Writing, University of Murcia, Spain
Presentation date: 2010
What contributions can study of JapaneseEFL learners make to the field of L2 writing?
Symposium on Second Language Writing at the University of Murcia
Presentation date: 2010
Presentation date: 2010
L2 writing in EFL higher education. Presentation for the Writing Interest Section’s Academic Session
TESOL Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado
Presentation date: 2009
Changes in Japanese students’ English writing ability, strategy-use, and motivation during their 3.5 year university life
The 26th Conference of English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Presentation date: 2009
Presentation date: 2009
日本言語テスト学会 第13回全国研究大会
Presentation date: 2009
Writing in dual voices: A case study of an expert bilingual academicwriter
American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Washington, D.C
Presentation date: 2008
Japanese students learning to write in English for 3.5 years: Confirmatory andexploratory approaches
ILA 2008: World Congress of Applied Linguistics, University of Essen, Germany
Presentation date: 2008
Changes in EFL students’ writing over 3.5 years: Influences of study-abroad experiences and other socio-cognitive factors
Conference on Social and Cognitive Aspects of Second Language Learning and Teaching, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Presentation date: 2007
Changes in L2 writing ability and motivation over 3.5 years: A socio-cognitive account.
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Nagoya Gakuin University, Japan
Presentation date: 2007
The 150 Year history of English language assessment at schools in Japan.
International Conference on English Instruction and Assessment, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Presentation date: 2006
A comparison of production questionnairesand role plays assessing L2 pragmatic competence
Language Testing Research Colloquium, Ottawa
Presentation date: 2005
Autoehnography of L1 and L2 literacies
The annual convention of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Long Beach, California
Presentation date: 2004
Effects of study-abroad experiences on EFL writers: An exploratory multiple-data analysis
The annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics, Portland, Oregon
Presentation date: 2004
Autoethnography no kokoromi: Daini gengo de kaku to iukoto [An attempt of "aotoethnography: Writing in a second language]
E-Step Seminar, Hiroshima
Presentation date: 2004
Hypothesis generation and hypothesis testing: Two complementary studies of EFL writing processes
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Presentation date: 2002
A multiple-data analysis of the three-year development of EFL students' writing processes
The annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics, Salt Lake City, Utah
Presentation date: 2002
The development of EFL students' writing processes over a three year period
Pacific Second Language Research Forum, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Presentation date: 2001
Toward an empirical model of EFL students' writing processes
Symposium on Second Language Writing, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Presentation date: 2000
Toward an empirical model of L2 writing processes
Pacific Second Language Research Forum, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo
Presentation date: 1998
Assessing Japanese students' pragmatic competence in English as aforeign language: A comparison of production questionnaires and role plays
American Association of Applied Linguistics, Long Beach, California
Presentation date: 1995
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
Project Year :
佐々木 みゆき
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
Project Year :
佐々木 みゆき, 鎌倉 義士, 水本 篤, 秋山友香
To promote evidence-based policy making in education
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Project Year :
Japanese stakeholders’ perceptions of IELTS writing and speaking tests and their impacts on communication and achievement
IELTS® Research Grant
Project Year :
Noriko Iwashita, Annita Stell, Megan Yucel, The University of Queensland, Miyuki Sasaki, Nagoya City University
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
佐々木みゆき, 広瀬恵子
Project Year :
Project Year :
Project Year :
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (M2-1)
Graduate School of Education
2024 spring semester
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (M1-2)
Graduate School of Education
2024 fall semester
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (M1-1)
Graduate School of Education
2024 spring semester
Special Studies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language V-2
Graduate School of Education
2024 fall semester
Special Studies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language V-1
Graduate School of Education
2024 spring semester
Special Studies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language IV-2 (Culture and language education)
Graduate School of Education
2024 fall semester
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (M2-2)
Graduate School of Education
2024 fall semester
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (M-2)
Graduate School of Education
2024 fall semester
Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (M-1)
Graduate School of Education
2024 spring semester
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences Graduate School of Education
2024 鎌倉義士
2023 Yui Suzukida, Koytaro Takizawa, Kazuya Saito
2022 水本篤, Paul Kei Matsuda
2021 鈴木田優衣
Click to view the Scopus page. The data was downloaded from Scopus API in February 07, 2025, via and .