Research Experience
Waseda University Institute for Advanced Study Assistant Professor
Waseda University Institute for Research in Contemporary Political and Economic Affairs Research Associate
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/09
Waseda University Institute for Advanced Study Assistant Professor
Waseda University Institute for Research in Contemporary Political and Economic Affairs Research Associate
Waseda University Graduate School of Political Science PhD Political Science
Waseda University Graduate School of Political Science MA Political Science
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London Faculty of Languages and Cultures BA Japanese
Japanese Political Science Association
Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research
European Consortium for Political Research
American Political Science Association
Sebastian Jungkunz, Robert A Fahey, Airo Hino
Political Studies 2024.07 [Refereed]
Support for Conspiracy Beliefs among Japanese Citizens as seen through Public Opinion Surveys
Robert A. Fahey
Chuo Koron 137 ( 12 ) 62 - 69 2023.11 [Invited]
Authorship:Lead author
How populist attitudes scales fail to capture support for populists in power
Sebastian Jungkunz, Robert A. Fahey, Airo Hino
PLOS ONE 16 ( 12 ) e0261658 - e0261658 2021.12 [Refereed]
Robert Fahey
The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics 317 - 350 2021.03 [Refereed] [Invited] [International journal]
Authorship:Lead author
Covariance in diurnal patterns of suicide-related expressions on Twitter and recorded suicide deaths.
Robert A Fahey, Jeremy Boo, Michiko Ueda
Social science & medicine (1982) 253 112960 - 112960 2020.05 [Refereed] [International journal]
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
Japan: Political Developments and Data in 2023: Financial Scandals Hasten the Ruling Party's Polling Decline
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 2024.07 [Refereed]
Japan: Political Developments and Data in 2022
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 2023.06 [Refereed]
Japan: Political Developments and Data in 2021
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 61 ( 1 ) 264 - 286 2022.12 [Refereed]
From Filter Bubble to Social Divide: Social Polarisation in Europe and Japan
Robert A. Fahey, Stefano Camatarri
Value Politics in Japan and Europe 79 - 102 2021.12 [Invited]
Authorship:Lead author
Populism and Conspiracy Belief in Japan
Robert A. Fahey
Yoron: Journal of the Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research 127 11 - 21 2021.03 [Domestic journal]
Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author
Sentiment Analysis and Social Media
Robert Fahey
The SAGE Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations 534 - 551 2020.04 [Refereed] [Invited]
Can we estimate "voters' true intentions" from social media data?
Robert Fahey
2019.03 [Invited] [Domestic journal]
Authorship:Lead author
From conspiracy theory movement to challenger party: why the case of Japan’s Sanseito isn’t more widely replicated
Robert A. Fahey, Romeo Marcantuoni
ECPR General Conference 2024
Presentation date: 2024.08
Structure and Identity in an Online Conspiracy Theory Community: Real-Time Conspiracy Narrative Formation in Japan following the Assassination of Abe Shinzō
Robert A. Fahey
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Conference
Presentation date: 2023.04
Political polarisation and the tendency to spread "Fake News" on Japanese social networks.
Robert A. Fahey
Japanese Political Science Association General Meeting 2022
Presentation date: 2022.10
Populism and Conspiracy Belief in Japan
Robert A. Fahey
Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference
Presentation date: 2020.11
From Filter Bubble to Social Cleavage: Online Polarisation Across Nations
Robert A. Fahey, Stefano Camatarri
2020 APSA Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2020.09
Belief in Conspiracy Theories and Socio-Political Identity in Japan
Airo Hino, Robert A. Fahey, Stefano Camatarri
2020 APSA Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2020.09
Estimating the True Beliefs of Voters from Social Media Data: A Case Study of the 2017 Japanese Election
Robert A. Fahey
Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference
Presentation date: 2018.11
Exploring Support for Japan’s New Opposition Parties with Twitter Data
Robert A. Fahey
APSA Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2018.09
Populist Sentiment in Japan’s 2017 General Election: Evidence from Social Media
Robert A. Faey
ECPR General Meeting
Presentation date: 2018.08
Agenda-Setting Dynamics Revisited in Social Media: Evidence of “Public Agenda-Setting” from Japan
Airo Hino, Luigi Curini, Robert A. Fahey
International Political Science Association World Congress
Presentation date: 2023.07
Conspiracy theory communities on social media in Japan
Robert A. Fahey [Invited]
UTokyo Center for Contemporary Japanese Studies Early Career Scholar Forum
Presentation date: 2022.12
Tracing the spread of conspiracy theories and fake news over social media platforms in Japan
Robert A. Fahey [Invited]
Socioeconomic Networks and Network Science Workshop
Presentation date: 2022.08
Populism and Political Trust in Europe and Japan
Robert A. Fahey, Airo Hino, Sebastian Jungkunz [Invited]
3rd EU-Japan Conference: Democracy at the Crossroads: Populism and its Consequences on Political Trust
Presentation date: 2019.12
Populist Attitudes and Party Preferences in Japan
Robert A. Fahey, Airo Hino, Sebastian Jungkunz
Northeast Workshop on Japanese Politics
Presentation date: 2019.08
Measuring Societal Polarisation in Multiple Dimensions using Social Media Data
Robert A. Fahey [Invited]
Values in European and Japanese Politics Conference
Presentation date: 2019.03
Online Discussion of Suicide and its Real-World Effects
Robert A. Fahey, Michiko Ueda
Society as Data Symposium
Presentation date: 2019.01
The Use of Conspiracy Beliefs in Political Rhetoric and its Influence on Citizens' Attitudes
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Project Year :
A Cross-National Study of Conspiracy Theory Beliefs and their Influence on Political Behaviour
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Project Year :
A New Approach to Measuring Political and Social Polarisation in Developed Nations
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up
Project Year :
Fahey Robert Andrew
The Paradox of Mainstreamed Populists: Enriching the Elite Concept and Renewed Measurements of Populism
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year :
The Japanese Database of Populism Studies: New Insights and Contributions
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
Project Year :
Media and Suicide
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)
Project Year :
Introduction to Political Analysis
Aoyama Gakuin University
Nationalism and Japanese Politics
Aoyama Gakuin University
Political Text Analysis
Waseda University
Quantitative Political Analysis
Waseda University
Big Data Analytics: Social Network Analysis
University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences
Data Access and Regulation III: Data Management
University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences
Faculty of Political Science and Economics School of Political Science and Economics
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