Updated on 2025/03/12

Faculty of Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering
Job title
Assistant Professor(non-tenure-track)


  • Creation and Management of A Platform for Communication in the Fukushima Reconstruction

    Kwangho LEE, Yuji NAGAI, Kentaro NAKANO

    Journal of International Association of P2M   17 ( 2 ) 170 - 185  2023.03  [Refereed]

  • Recycling contributions of dumpsite waste pickers in Bantar Gebang, Indonesia

    Shunsuke Sasaki, Kohei Watanabe, Kwangho Lee, Niluh Widyaningsih, Youngmin Baek, Tetsuya Araki

    JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT   22 ( 5 ) 1662 - 1671  2020.09

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    Researchers and donors consider informal recyclers as an important part of improving waste management in developing countries. This study investigates data relating to the recycling rate of waste pickers in Bantar Gebang, Republic of Indonesia. The study estimates the net weight of soft plastic and hard plastic recycling achieved by these waste pickers. Data were obtained from qualitative and quantitative field surveys conducted over a total of 808 days, from February 2010 to January 2018. Based on 78 households with a total of 156 individuals, the average monthly weight of collected recyclables was 126.7 kg per household. The average monthly weight of collected recyclables on an individual basis varied between 81.0 and 63.3 kg, depending on the number of informal recyclers in the household. The estimated total weight of collected recyclables was 3617.6 tons per month. Bosses sold these collected recyclables to different recycling factories depending on the expected profit. It was estimated that the activities of the waste pickers produced at least 725.4 tons of recycled pellets of soft plastic and 280.8 tons of recycled pellets and flakes of hard plastic. The informal recycling rate for all waste and non-organic waste on the site was 1.6% and 9.3%, respectively.



  • Implementation and Analysis of Multi-Generation Co-Creation Project Management in Fukushima Reconstruction.

    NAKANO Kentaro, LEE Kwangho, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, MATSUOKA Shunji

    Journal of International Association of P2M   15 ( 1 ) 101 - 117  2020

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    Nine years have passed since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, but it is still difficult for residents to return to their homes in some municipalities. In addition, it takes 30 to 40 years to deal with the accident, which requires long-term efforts and decision-making across generations. In order to construct such a project for the reconstruction of Fukushima, co-creation project management by multigenerational and diverse actors is necessary. In this research, we analyze project continuity from the viewpoint of P2M, with the aim of realizing social innovation, which is a long-term strategy, through initiatives such as Future Sessions at the Fukushima Study Group.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Practice of Platform Management for Regional Problem Solving: Case Study of Academy and Fun Society of Fukushima Studies

    LEE Kwangho, NAGAI Yuji, MATSUOKA Shunji

    Journal of International Association of P2M   14 ( 1 ) 51 - 64  2019

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    The hard infrastructure developments are the central issue in Fukushima reconstruction in spite of over eight years that have passed since the Fukushima nuclear accident. Therefore the development of the software program which identifies and resolves problems from the view of local communities and residents for Fukushima reconstruction is still lacking. The scope of research of the Fukushima Hirono Research Center for Sustainable Region (FHRC) embraces whole communities and the organizations in the affected areas in Fukushima. Mainly, it functions as an academic research base on the creation of social innovation for Fukushima reconstruction. The FHRC is creating a project to solve the problem by clarifying Fukushima recovery issues by creating a place that dialogue-based with various actors across fields and multi-generation. This research analyzes the process of creating a place for social innovation and fostering social acceptance in Fukushima.

    DOI CiNii

  • P2M Theory and Social Acceptance on High Level Radioactive Waste (HLW) Geological Disposal: The Analytical Case of the Deficit Model Communication

    YAMADA Mika, MATSUOKA Shunji, LEE Kwang Ho, CHOI Yunhee

    Journal of International Association of P2M   14 ( 1 ) 396 - 414  2019  [Refereed]

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    Regarding the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in Japan, there has been no widespread public debate. As no candidate site selection has progressed and it is long way to proceed the HLW disposal project. In order to overcome this situation, currently, technical one-way communication by experts is conducted under assumption of citizen’s lack of technical safety. The approach has been criticized as a ”Deficit model”, but because of its ambiguity, it is still discussed today. This paper applies the method of P2M theory to aim the public debate of the HLW disposal by analyzing the citizen’s policy preference change with 4 social acceptance factors (technical, institutional, economic and regional factors). The “Deficit model” communication case is tested and shows the limit of the current dialogue project of the HLW geological disposal which is placing too much on the technical safety.

    DOI CiNii

  • Waste Flow Structure in Urban Area of Developing Country:—Kandy Municipal Council in Sri Lanka as a Case Study—

    LEE Kwangho, MATSUMOTO Reishi, MATSUOKA Shunji

    Journal of International Development Studies   24 ( 1 ) 15 - 31  2015

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    <p>It is very difficult to formulate a comprehensive and sustainable solid waste management plan in developing countries due to the lack of reliable source of basic waste data. The waste flow has not been comprehensively understood because many researchers (such as Thanh et al. 2010) focus on household waste of urban area. This study implemented a survey which considering the amount of waste generation, discharge amount, collection amount, disposal amount by analyzing each waste source of waste generation, including business sector, both household in waste collection and non-collection area. Taking waste generation variables into consideration such as income group and period (one week) to understand the life styles. This study analyzed the waste generation structure of Kandy MC in Sri Lanka comprehensively from the waste amount and composition survey. Although recyclable items are collected well by recycle agency, informal sector and waste collection workers comparatively, the results of the survey show that the organic waste accounts for more than 70 percent of all waste and the business waste accounts for 72 percent of the source of waste generation, this indicates that the lack of intermediate treatment facilities such as compost facility is the problem in Kandy MC. To understand the waste flow structure including business waste in urban area is critical point for future waste policy making in developing countries. In addition, the waste generation rate has a relation with income group, the high-income group has a significant difference on weekday and weekend in spite of the difference of waste generation rate by days within middle and low income group, and this shows no significant result in Kandy MC. Thus, taking high income group into consideration in future study is overarching to design waste management policy, such as separation collection.</p>

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • 「第6章 循環型社会形成と社会イノベーション:ごみ減量大作戦と協働ガバナンス」, 松岡俊二(編),『社会イノベーションと地域の持続性:場の形成と社会的受容性の醸成』


    有斐閣  2018.12 ISBN: 9784641165342


  • The evaluation of Fukushima reconstruction project utilizing the 3S model of the P2M theory

    Kwangho LEE, Kentaro NAKANO, Yuji NAGAI

    ASCON-IEEChE 2023, Proceedings of the 7th Asian Conference on Innovative Energy and Environmental Chemical Engineering 

    Presentation date: 2023.12

    Event date:
  • 地域社会課題解決事業におけるプログラムマネジメントに関する研究

    岡田久典, 永井祐二, 山本百合子, 中野健太郎, 李洸昊, 三津川真紀, 関研一


    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • 福島復興における対話の場の創出とそのマネジメント

    李洸昊, 永井祐二, 中野健太郎


    Presentation date: 2022.10

  • 災害廃棄物処理における社会イノベーション創発要因の分析:日本の災害事例から

    李洸昊, 永井祐二, 佐々木俊介

    国際開発学会 第21回春季大会 

    Presentation date: 2020.06

  • 福島復興における多世代共創プロジェクトマネジメントの実践と分析

    中野健太郎, 李洸昊, 永井祐二, 小野田弘士, 松岡俊二


    Presentation date: 2020.04

  • 開発途上国における学童の食習慣と栄養評価:インドネシアのスラム街を事例に

    橋本理紗, 佐々木俊介, 李洸昊, 友成真一


    Presentation date: 2020

  • 社会的受容性からみた市民の地層処分政策の選好要因:技術的安全性論だけでは社会的議論の形成は難しい

    山田美香, 松岡俊二, 李洸昊


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 福島復興における社会イノベーションと地域の持続性:専門知と地域知から福島復興知を考える

    松岡俊二, 朱鈺, Choi Yunhee, 山田美香, 李洸昊


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • P2M理論による高レベル放射性廃棄物(HLW)地層処分政策の社会的受容性の考察

    山田美香, 松岡俊二, 李洸昊


    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 福島復興における地域課題解決型プラットフォームマネジメントの実践

    李洸昊, 永井祐二, 松岡俊二


    Presentation date: 2019.05

  • 日本における高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分政策と社会的受容性

    松本礼史, 李洸昊


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 社会的受容性モデルによる核燃料サイクル関連施設の立地プロセス分析

    中川唯, 松本礼史, 松岡俊二, 吉田朗, 李洸昊


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • 資源循環型社会アプローチと社会イノベーション:静岡県掛川市のケース

    松本礼史, 島田剛, 鈴木政史, 李洸昊


    Presentation date: 2017.09

  • スリランカにおける廃棄物行政の効率性評価:スリランカ中央州の市町村の事例分析

    李洸昊, 松岡俊二, 松本礼史


    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • スリランカにおけるごみの流れの構造分析と廃棄物政策:WACS調査を踏まえて

    李洸昊, 松本礼史, 松岡俊二


    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • Cooperative governance of integrated solid waste management from a complex system perspective

    Lee, K, S. Matsuoka

    14th international waste management and landfill symposium 

    Presentation date: 2013.10

  • Formulate concept of guideline for planning, managements and maintenances for waste landfills in Sri Lank

    Lee, K, S. Matsuoka

    Proceedings of Conference on SL and JP collaborative research (SLJCR 2013) 

    Event date:
  • Integrated Solid Waste Management in Sri Lanka–Perspective of Endogenous Development

    Lee, K, S. Matsuoka

    The 12th Expert Meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands 

    Presentation date: 2013.02

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  • 「世代を渡る長期的な社会的課題に対するP2Mの重要性について」

    永井 祐二, 李 洸昊, 中野 健太郎

    P2Mマガジン   12   122 - 126  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • 寄稿 地域課題解決型プロジェクトの実践とP2M適応の実情について

    永井 祐二, 中野 健太郎, 李 洸昊

    P2Mマガジン   13   81 - 85  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • 開発途上国における学童の食習慣と栄養評価:インドネシアのスラム街を事例に

    橋本理紗, 佐々木俊介, 李洸昊, 友成真一

    日本食育学会総会・学術大会講演・学術報告要旨集   8th  2020


  • Implementation and Analysis of Multi-Generation Co-Creation Project Management in Fukushima Reconstruction.

    NAKANO Kentaro, LEE Kwangho, NAGAI Yuji, ONODA Hiroshi, MATSUOKA Shunji

    Proceedings of International Association of P2M   2020 ( 0 ) 161 - 170  2020

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    Nine years have passed since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, but it is still difficult for residents to return to their homes in some municipalities. In addition, it takes 30 to 40 years to deal with the accident, which requires long-term efforts and decision-making across generations. In order to construct such a project for the reconstruction of Fukushima, co-creation project management by multigenerational and diverse actors is necessary. In this research, we analyze project continuity from the viewpoint of P2M, with the aim of realizing social innovation, which is a long-term strategy, through initiatives such as the Future Session at the Fukushima Study Group.

    DOI CiNii

  • The Practice of Platform Management for Regional Problem Solving:Case study of Academy and Fun Society of Fukushima Studies

    LEE Kwangho, NAGAI Yuji, MATSUOKA Shunji

    Proceedings of International Association of P2M   2019 ( 0 ) 64 - 76  2019

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    It is still missing of software program to identify issues for recovery of Fukushima from local communities and residents to work on their solutions that in spite of more than eight years have passed since the accident that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The scope of research of the Fukushima Hirono Research Center for Sustainable Region (FHRC) embraces whole communities and the organizations in the affected areas in Fukushima. Especially, it functions as an academic research base on creation of social innovation for Fukushima reconstruction. The FHRC creating a project to solve the problem by clarifying Fukushima recovery issues by creating a place that dialogue based with various actors across fields and multi-generation. This research analyzes the process of creating a place for social innovation and fostering social acceptance in Fukushima.

    DOI CiNii

  • P2M Theory and Social Acceptance on High Level Radioactive Waste (HLW) Geological Disposal:The Analytical Case of the Deficit Model Communication

    YAMADA Mika, MATSUOKA Shunji, LEE Kwang Ho, CHOI Yunhee

    Proceedings of International Association of P2M   2019 ( 0 ) 426 - 439  2019  [Refereed]

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    Regarding the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in Japan, there has been no widespread public debate. As no candidate site selection has progressed and it is long way to social acceptance. In order to overcome, technical one-way communication by experts is conducted under assumption of citizen's lack of technical safety is a main cause. The approach is criticized as a "Deficit model", but because of its ambiguity, it is still debated today. There is not enough research accumulation on its significance and limitations. This paper applies the method of P2M theory to social acceptance of the geological disposal of HLW by analyzing the citizen's attitude change by "Deficit model" communication case. And it shows the limit of the current dialogue project of the HLW geological disposal which is placing too much on the technical safety.

    DOI CiNii

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 災害廃棄物処理の効率性と社会イノベーションの関係分析


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  • 災害廃棄物処理におけるソーシャル・イノベーションの創発要因とメカニズム分析


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  • 持続可能な災害廃棄物処理システム構築に関する研究


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  • 日本の生ごみリサイクルシステムの途上国への適用モデルの開発:インドネシアを事例に

    2020   佐々木 俊介

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    It was difficult to conduct field research due to COVID-19, we changed the direction of our research. We analyzed the informal sector in waste management to understand the current waste management situation of Indonesia. We analyzed the recycling contributions and average income of dumpsite waste pickers in Indonesia. The average monthly weight of collected recyclables on an individual basis varied between 81.0 and 63.3kg, depending on the number of informal recyclers in the household. The estimated total weight of collected recyclables was 3617.6 tons per month. Bosses sold these collected recyclables to different recycling factories depending on the expected profit. It was estimated that the activities of the waste pickers produced at least 725.4 tons of recycled pellets of soft plastic and 280.8 tons of recycled pellets and flakes of hard plastic. The informal recycling rate for all waste and non-organic waste on the site was 1.6% and 9.3%. The average household income of a waste picker was USD 211.3. The six kinds of work associated with waste picking exist in the site. The total amount of debt repayments was within 20% of the total income. The average amount of saving was about 10% of the total income.

  • 効果的な災害廃棄物処理計画策定に関する研究

    2019   佐々木俊介

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