Updated on 2025/02/08

Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor


  • A study on the community disaster prevention activities of volunteer organizations in Indonesia and their members’ awareness: A case study of a collaborative community disaster prevention project between the Japanese and Indonesian Red Cross Societies

    Koyama Shutaro, Kawasumi Atsushi

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   58 ( 3 ) 1376 - 1383  2023.10

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    Since 2012, the Japanese Red Cross Society has organized a disaster prevention volunteer group (SIBAT) in the disaster-prone country of Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to clarify the actual situation of SIBAT's activities and their impact on the community. A focus group interview survey was conducted with 39 SIBAT members in four villages in the Indonesian province of Central Java. The results are as follows: (1) SIBAT has conducted a wide range of activities, participation in which has been inclusive of Indonesian residents. (2) Despite the existence of some issues related to the enhancement of SIBAT's activities, the group has effected changes in the community, such as improving disaster prevention awareness and disaster response capabilities.



    KOYAMA Shutaro, SHIMIZU Haruka

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   88 ( 807 ) 1702 - 1710  2023.05

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    This study investigated a non-profit housing support organization and aimed to clarify the actual situation and issues around efforts to prolong the residence of people who need special consideration to secure housing. The research method consisted of a questionnaire survey to 218 non-profit housing support organizations nationwide and an interview survey.

    In conclusion, the importance of comprehensive support by non-profit housing support organizations has become clear. Such comprehensive support measures included wide-ranging support initiatives, a support system involving various organizations and of different durations, and a support period that encompasses the time between moving in and moving out.


  • Research on the impact of changes in the living environment on people with disabilities and support activities: From the analysis of individual support records at the Center for Persons with Disabilities for half a year after the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Koyama Shutaro

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   57 ( 3 ) 824 - 831  2022.10

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    This study aims to understand the impact of changes in the living environment of people with disabilities affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The research analyzed support records for 89 cases and focused on their background, support needs, and response methods. The results are as follows. First, support needs for persons with disabilities were classified into five main categories: "housing," "bathing," "movement," "life-related," and "welfare-related." Second, response methods are divided into five categories, and were implemented depending on each situation. Third, considering that coordination is indispensable for the requirements of the living environment, it is important to get knowledge about the impact of changes in the living environment during disaster recovery.


  • The Activities and Evaluation of Community-based Organization related to Compact Living Bases: Questionnaire Survey for Local Government Staff in charge of Compact Living Bases

    Koyama Shutaro

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   56 ( 3 ) 712 - 718  2021.10

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    The promotion of compact living bases is now one of the popular means of enhancing the sustainability of local communities in rural areas. This study aims to clarify the actual situation of community-based activities related to compact living bases and to evaluate these activities. We conducted a questionnaire survey of the local governments.The results are as follows. First, half of the local governments have organized new community-based organizations, creating new activity plans. Second, they attempted to introduce new activities to sustain local communities in addition to traditional ones. Third, local governments can be categorized into four types by the degree of activities evaluation and management of community-based organizations.

    DOI CiNii

  • 災害時要援護者が地域で安全に暮らすための取り組みとその進展 : 個別避難支援計画,避難所運営マニュアル,みなし仮設住宅に着目して—Progress of the Efforts for People with Vulnerabilities in Disasters to Live Safely in the Community—特集 東日本大震災 : 被災地の10年をふりかえる

    古山 周太郎

    日本在宅ケア学会誌 = Journal of Japan Academy of Home Health Care / 日本在宅ケア学会 編   25 ( 1 ) 32 - 37  2021.09

  • The Acutal Conditions and Issues of the Support System for Vulnerable People through Evacuation Center Management Manuals

    KOYAMA Shutaro, FUKUTOME Kunihiro, TAGUCHI Saya

    Journal of Social Safety Science   35 ( 0 ) 181 - 189  2019

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    <p>This paper aims to clarify the actual conditions and issues for the supports for vulnerable people in the management manuals of local evacuation centers. We surveyed the manuals in Sendai city and conducted interviews with community members who committed the making manuals. The results are as follows. First, some manuals decided how to support for the vulnerable people and where they were allocated depending on their conditions. Second, these manuals were developed under the participation of various community members. Third, to promote the efficient support for vulnerable people in the shelter, it is necessary to try to do the evacuation and center management drills including them in the community.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • MOVING PROCESSES AND RECONSTRUCTIVE INTENTIONS OF HOUSEHOLDS UNDER THE HOUSING LEASE PROGRAM FOR DISASTER VICTIMS IN OFUNATO CITY:- Based on a questionnaire survey and interviews for households which secured houses in the city -

    KOYAMA Shutaro, MENO Fumitake

    Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)   81 ( 719 ) 163 - 170  2016

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    &nbsp;Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, the victims in the area, where their house ownership rate was far higher than the rented house one, have used the housing lease program for disaster victims. To examine their moving process, housing conditions and housing reconstruction trend, we conducted questionnaire surveys and interviews on residents have living in Ofunato City under this program through the disaster. We obtained the following results. (1)Many residents were able to acquire housing in the same or surrounding school district as where they lived before the disaster. (2)Many residents got the house with the help of relatives or acquaintances and some did so through real estate agents. (3)The victims living in the old houses experienced stress with the bad living environment and some repaired their old houses paying their own expenses. (4)They want to build their new houses near the original home locations both in city area and in coast area.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on the evacuation behaviors of local communities and the residents' disaster prevention awareness in the mountainous affected areas of different degrees:In the case of communities of Oto-cho in Gojo City, a Kii Peninsula flooded area

    Koyama Shutaro, Wada Hiroak

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   49 ( 3 ) 621 - 626  2014

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    The aim of this study is to know the actual condition of evacuation behaviors of local communities in mountainous areas on the flood or landslide and to clarify the residents' post-disaster prevention awareness of Oto-cho in Gojo City. We analyzed their comments and information of community meetings and their questionnaires. The results are as follows. On the disaster, the activities of local communities are classified into four types by their disaster and evacuation conditions. Some community people took refuge in their shelters in various ways and some ones stayed in their villages while making a recovery effort. The residents' disaster prevention awareness is strongly influenced by the disaster experience.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on the influence of villages' damage conditions and the villagers' consciousness on their intention of continuing to live in disaster affected mountainous areas:In case of changes of Oto-cho, Gojo City, a Kii peninsula flood affected area

    Koyama Shutaro

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   48 ( 3 ) 543 - 548  2013

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    This study aims to clarify changes of living enviroment of the flood affected villages and to know the villagge intention of continuing to live there. We conducted questionnaire surveys on residents of 40 years of age or more in Oto-cho, Gojo City. The results are as fellow. After the flood disaster, the living enviroments have been damaged and some residents feel their community weakened. These changes have influenced on stricken village life as well as not stricken one. Most of the villagers hope to continue living in their home villages, but some want to move to safe and convenient area. The stricken villages can't decide whether to continue living there.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Community Support through Cooperative and Collaborative Activities in the Public Temporary Housing:The Case Study of Kasetsu-supporting Network members' activities in Sumita, Iwate

    Koyama Shutaro, Nara Tomohiko, Kimura Naoki

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   47 ( 3 ) 361 - 366  2012

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    The aim of this study is to know the actual conditions of the community support in the public temporary housing estates in Sumita and to clarify the residents' awareness of the activities. We analyzed the diaries of Kasetsu-supporting Network's members' activities and conducted questionnarie surveysto the residents. The results are as follows. The community support activities are carried out in the members' cooperation and the quality of the support has changed for nine month. The residents and evaluate the interaction of each other and support members and participate the activities as a recreation. And older residents participate these activities more than younger ones.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study on the farm stands' role for settlement on the process of rehabilitation from earthquake disaster at Yamakoshi area : Focus on conscious of rural resident and visitor

    SEINO Takashi, KAWASUMI Atsushi, AOYAGI Satoshi, KOYAMA Shutaro

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   46 ( 3 ) 157 - 162  2011.10

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    The purpose of this study is to consider a role of the farm stands in Yamakoshi Distrct on the process of rehabilitation from Chuetsu earthquake disaster. In conclusion, We can grasp the character of Yamakoshi farm stands; member, operation, policy, usage, etc. and the conscious of staff and user of the farm stands through the result of investigations. It is considered that Yamakoshi farm stands have the following three roles of the farm stands in Yamakoshi District. The Yamakoshi farm stands are the places for exchange between local residents and visitors, the places for promoting the agricultural products and the places for cooperation of settlements and district.

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study of Human Support System and its Role in the Mountainous Regions : The Case Study of the Activity of Yamakoshi-Satellite's members, in Nagaoka City

    KOYAMA Shutaro, KAWASUMI Atsushi, SEINO Takashi, AOYAGHI Satoshi

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   46 ( 3 ) 901 - 906  2011.10

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    The aim of this study is to clrify the issues of human support system in the mountainous regions. We investigated a daily record of activities of Yamakoshi-Satellites memberes, categorizing these activities into several types and calculating the work amount of every ones.The results are as follows. Their activities are so various. They supports not only the actions for regional revitalization but also habitants life and transport. And a trend of these supports changes for 2 years. In fact, the memberes works from planning to practicing with community in regioal revitalization activities unde the strong relationships between community and them.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study of the location of sanitarium for Hansen'disease

    KOYAMA Shutaro

    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan   ( 39 ) 913 - 918  2004.10

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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the geographical features of the sanitarium location for Hansen's disease. A typical feature is the isolation of the sanitariums from the city. And I focus on the idealistic sanitarium location, under the argument or theories of the public policy of the disease. As a conclusion, before 1907, it was suggested that the sanitariums should be put in good surroundings area such as woods to commit patients. After then, they were suggested to be located on warm islands both for preventing patients' escape and caring for them. In fact, the sanitariums founded in 1909 were put in less isolated surroundings, but in the 1930s, they were built on more isolated ones.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study of the institution of city mental hospitals - Theories of the mental hospital location and arrangement in the Meiji and Taisho eras

    Shutaro Koyama

    journal of the city planning institute of japan   38 ( 2 ) 141  2003  [Refereed]

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    The purpose of the thesis is to reveal the institution of city mental hospitals in the Meiji and Taisho eras. The way of study insists that we have the medical and social functions of mental hospitals and notic the relation between the functions, arrangement and location. As a conclusion, the two typed hospitals are classified by a medical function and the locations such as cities or villages have important meaning to the standard of classification. Secondly, the social function needs the public mental hospitals in the city. Third, in discussing mental hospital law, mental hospitals are classified by the population and are planed in good environment andconvenient location in the city. © 2003, The City Planning Institute of Japan. All rights reserved.



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Research Projects

  • 災害時要援護者が参画する包摂型地域防災プログラムの構築に関する基礎的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    古山 周太郎, 福留 邦洋, 川澄 厚志, 相馬 大祐, 小山田 建太

  • Research on the construction of regional disaster prevention measures programs for persons with disabilities and the formation of welfare communities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Koyama Shutaro

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    This study aimed to establish a regional disaster prevention program for persons with disabilities. First, we investigated the operation manuals for each evacuation center in Sendai City and discovered that, although detailed support contents were described in some cases, most did not mention alternatives for people with disabilities. One of the reasons was that people with disabilities were not involved in the planning process. Next, the disaster prevention efforts of the Independence Support Council were classified into nine categories based on the target and the implementing body. Interview surveys revealed that as people with disabilities worked on regional disaster prevention, the attitude of the residents changed and the people with disabilities were prepared for disasters. Finally, based on these results, we conducted evacuation drills involving people requiring assistance, and created a regional disaster prevention program.

  • Holistic residential support of private rental housing for housing distress persons in peacetime and emergency

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Arai Nobuyuki

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    In urban area equipped with rental housing market, the peacetime residential supports are enriched by the residential support council. In emergency, the victims move to the private rental houses to be used as temporary housing of urban area from local area. Therefore the depopulation of the local area advances. It is important that I expand supply of temporary housing more to prevent the population outflow to the urban area in the local area. Because the need to the private rental housing was concentrated, in the urban area, various confusion occurred and produced the case which refused the entering of the elderly person. We are demanded to develop simulation to secure a housing.

  • Homelessness Policy and the Role of Database Systems under the Law to Support the Independence of People in Need

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Dohi Masato, KASAI Nao

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    Research findings include:Under the current situation where the old Self-Independence Support Law for Homeless People and the new Self-Independence Support Law for People in Need co-exist, support pathways for rough sleepers that were developed under the old law are still remaining but have been transferred to within the funding framework of the new law. The database under the new law does not have individual traceability at any level and therefore its role is limited to providing macroscale statistics that do not meet the needs of local frontline work.
    Meanwhile, London has the most comprehensive database system for rough sleepers. The analysis of rough sleeping population has identified certain target groups, which has led new rough sleeping services specifically targeting these groups. Thus, the database enables a rapid policy response to the changing demographics of rough sleeping population. It also encourages stakeholders to have a shared understanding and policy goal.

  • The construction and significance of welfare community on people with disabilities in the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Koyama Shutaro

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    This research clarified the number of welfare facilities for people with disabilities in disaster-stricken area has increased after the disaster, thanks to the supports from the areas outside of affected ones.
    On the other hand, the disaster prevention for people with disabilities provided by the municipals was not progressed enough because of the less relationships between communities, organizations related to people with disabilities and risk management departments. Also, the lack of efficient way does not allow to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities. However, some independent living support councils have done various disaster prevention activities for them by cooperating with local communities.
    When taking the increasing demands on disaster prevention for people with disabilities into consideration, it can be considered that welfare community is possibly being constructed under the collaboration between local community members and other organizations.

  • A Study on Usage of Private Rental Housing as Temporary Housing for Disaster Victim after Great East Japan Earthquake

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Arai Nobuyuki, MENO Fumitake, Koyama Shutaro

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    Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, the housing lease program for disaster victim supplied private rental houses as temporary housing. We investigated this study in Sendai city and Iwate prefecture, for the purpose of grasping actual situation and problem from the viewpoint of the resident. As the result, the following things became clear. Because some families made a mistake a household and a house scale match it, some families separated. In the local area, problems occurred in old houses. In process of the search for house, they often relied on relatives and acquaintances without the real estate agency. Because it was difficult to secure a house in a hometown, in the household where making a domiciliary search became late, I will live in the distant place. In the case of the house rebuilding, they had decreased intention to return to the hometown.

  • Basic study for co-operation of homeless support database system among the organizations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    We have expanded and implemented the database system, which we constructed in Kawasaki city. Now our database contains about14000data of over 4000 homeless people. As running this system, we investigated homeless supporting NPO’s interests for sharing and co-operating the individual database system with other organizations and institutions. Almost all of NPOs recognize the merits of sharing database system but also point out the difficulties like protecting personal information, use policy agreement and cost. We did survey on the homeless policy, particularly individual database system in New York, San Francisco and Washington State in U.S.A. It is understood that the Continuum of care policy has been implemented efficiently. HMIS(homeless management information system ) is constructed and work successfully because it set with fund flow.

  • A study on the cooperation between the regional industry and the welfare support for the dwellers in restoration public housing.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMADA Yoshibumi, FUJII Toshinobu, KOYAMA Shutaro, KAWASUMI Atsushi, SEINO Takashi

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    8 years have passed since the mid Niigata prefectural earthquake in 2004 occurred. The construction of Restoration public housing in each community contributed to return hometown for the suffers including the elderly people had difficulty in reconstructing their home by themselves due to the financing. These days, however, the number of unoccupied rooms of restoration public housing is increasing. The background of this problem is caused by the graying of inhabitants and the insufficiency of medical and welfare facilities in this district. This study aims at contributing to the planning and managing restoration housing by the questionnaire and factual investigation to grasp how the inhabitants use their living environment and make their living in this district.

  • Studies on the Activation of Housing Support System for Disabled People and the Welfare Community Formation in Regional Independent Living Support Councils

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KOYAMA Shutaro

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    The aim of this study is to know the actual condition of housing support systems for disabled person and the welfare community formation in regional independent living support councils of local communities. I surveyed the activities of regional independent living support councils on their web pages and analyzed comments and information of councils' meetings.
    The results are as follows. The housing support activities of independent living support councils are organized in part and classified into four types by the aims and member's role. Almost council points out their management's weakness and some have problems of the corporation between the housing sector and the welfare sector. The welfare community formation is started through the solving problems of housing for disabled person.

  • Total Support System and Database Construction to cope with Homelessness

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    DOHI Masato, KOYAMA Syuutarou, SUGITA Sanae

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    We have constructed the database system of Homeless persons in Kawasaki City, cooperating with Homeless support NGO. This system now accumulates 45, 000 data of 3, 000 homeless people. Using this database, we are able to grasp and understand well the situation like the obstacles to get out homeless or social resource distribution for homeless on individual base. We surveyed Australia and England homeless policy, particularly database system. With sincere cooperation of governmental offices and NGOs, we could find several important points to tackle with Homelessness. The key findings are reported in Japanese academic papers.

  • 障害者福祉における地域空間の領域性に関する研究〜計画と生活支援の空間に着目して〜

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    古山 周太郎

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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 地区防災計画及び災害時支え合いマップにみる災害時要援護者への対応と地域への影響


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  • 居住支援法人における住宅確保要配慮者への支援の取り組みと課題


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    本研究では、全国の非営利型の居住支援法人を対象としてヒアリング調査を実施することで、住宅確保要配慮者の居住継続に向けた取り組みの実態と課題を明らかにすることを目的とした。居住支援法人は、2017 年の制度化から一定期間が経過し、支援活動の大枠の姿や課題が見えてきている。居住支援法人の活動実態や居住支援に関する意見を構造化した結果、居住支援法人の実施する支援は、多岐にわたる活動内容と複数組織が連携するといった活動と組織の包括性をもつ。それに加えて対象者との関わる時期の包括性、さらには、個人の意識から地域レベルの取り組みまで、関わる領域の包括性といった、3つの包括性をもつことが明らかとなった。

  • 介護分野における外国人技能実習生の仕事と生活の実態と課題


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  • 介護分野における外国人技能実習生の受け入れの実態に関する研究


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