Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
障害科学 ( 東北大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    早稲田大学人間科学学術院 教授

  • 2008.04

    東北大学大学院医学系研究科 非常勤講師

  • 2019.04

    早稲田大学人間科学学術院 准教授

  • 2015.04

    尚絅学院大学総合人間科学部 非常勤講師

  • 2015.04

    Nagasaki University   Graduate School of Education

  • 2013.08

    長崎大学障がい学生支援室 准教授

  • 2009.04

    長崎大学保健・医療推進センター 准教授

  • 2005.04

    仙台白百合女子大学人間学部 非常勤講師

  • 2008.04

    Miyagi Gakuin Women's University   Faculty of Liberal Arts

  • 2007.04

    Tokyo University of Social Welfare, Junior College

  • 2006

    日本学生支援機構 非常勤講師

  • 2005

    東北労災病院附属看護専門学校 非常勤講師

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Education Background


    Tohoku University  


    Iwate University   Graduate School of Education  


    Tohoku Gakuin University   Faculty of Liberal Arts  

Committee Memberships

  • 2020.04

    日本ストレスマネジメント学会  事務局長

  • 2006

    日本行動医学学会  雑誌編集委員

Professional Memberships









Research Areas

  • Cognitive and brain science   EEG, ERP / Nutrition science and health science / Clinical psychology / General internal medicine / Hygiene and public health (laboratory)

Research Interests

  • eHealth

  • 腸内細菌

  • メンタルヘルス

  • 神経・生理心理学

  • 非薬物療法

  • セルフマネジメント

  • 過敏性腸症候群

  • 生活習慣病

  • 認知行動療法

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  • 第23回日本行動医学会学術総会優秀演題賞

    2017.03   日本行動医学会   身体感覚への病的警戒と消化管症状に対する不安が過敏性腸症候群の重症度に及ぼす影響

    Winner: 田山 淳

  • 日本ストレスマネジメント学会第13回学術大会学会奨励賞

    2014.11   日本ストレスマネジメント学会   高等教育機関における修学状況向上を目的とした心理介入とその効果

    Winner: 田山 淳

  • 第20回日本行動医学会学術総会内山記念賞

    2012.09   日本行動医学会   東日本大震災における災害医療支援者の外傷後ストレス症状-侵入的想起症状に対するコントロール可能性と外傷後ストレス症状との関連

    Winner: 田山 淳

  • 第50回全国大学保健管理研究集会一般研究発表優秀演題

    2012.09   全国大学保健管理協会   大学生に適した新規食行動質問票を作成

    Winner: 田山 淳

  • 第18回日本行動医学会学術総会ポスター発表優秀賞

    2011.12   日本行動医学会  

    Winner: 田山 淳

  • 第47回全国大学保健管理研究集会一般研究発表優秀演題

    2009.09   女子大学生を対象とした運動習慣形成プログラムの実践と課題 -セルフモニタリング法を含む集団認知行動的介入-

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  • The reliability and validity of a developed anxiety scale specific to primary focal hyperhidrosis symptoms

    Sayaka Ogawa, Jun Tayama, Hiroyuki Murota, Masakazu Kobayashi, Hirohisa Kinoshita, Seiko Nakamichi

    BioPsychoSocial Medicine   18 ( 1 )  2024.06

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    Patients with primary focal hyperhidrosis (hyperhidrosis) are known to have higher levels of anxiety induced by sweating than those who do not. However, in hyperhidrosis, no scale has been developed to measure anxiety specific to hyperhidrosis symptoms. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an anxiety scale specific to hyperhidrosis symptoms (ASSHS) and to verify its reliability and validity.


    Based on previous studies on hyperhidrosis and a preliminary survey conducted with 26 university students who met the diagnostic criteria for hyperhidrosis, 40 items that adequately reflected anxiety specific to hyperhidrosis symptoms were obtained. A survey was done to examine the internal consistency and validity of the our developed ASSHS. In total, 1,207 participants (680 male and 527 female; mean age ± standard deviation 18.7 ± 0.9 years) were included. A second survey (re-survey) was conducted three weeks later to verify the reliability. It included 201 participants (85 male and 116 female; mean age ± standard deviation 18.6 ± 0.7 years). The survey items included (1) the diagnostic criteria for hyperhidrosis, (2) our anxiety scale developed for primary focal hyperhidrosis symptoms (ASSHS), (3) Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS), (4) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), (5) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), (6) Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), and (7) presence of anxiety induced by sweating.


    The results of the factor analysis revealed 10 items with one factor, “anxiety specific to hyperhidrosis symptoms.” The alpha coefficient of the ASSHS was α = 0.94. The correlation coefficient between the scores at re-test was r = 0.75. A moderate positive correlation was found between the ASSHS, HDSS (r = 0.53), and anxiety induced by sweating (r = 0.47) (all p < 0.001). Additionally, participants with hyperhidrosis symptoms had significantly higher ASSHS scores than did those without hyperhidrosis symptoms (p < 0.001). Those with mild/moderate hyperhidrosis and those with severe hyperhidrosis had significantly higher the ASSHS scores than did those without hyperhidrosis (p < 0.001).


    This scale has sufficient reliability and validity as an instrument to measure anxiety specific to hyperhidrosis symptoms.



  • Efficacy of an eHealth self-management program in reducing irritable bowel syndrome symptom severity: a randomized controlled trial

    Jun Tayama, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Kohei Koizumi, Ryodai Yamamura, Ryo Okubo, Jun ichiro Kawahara, Kenji Inoue, Atsushi Takeoka, Shin Fukudo

    Scientific Reports   14 ( 1 )  2024.01

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    This study aimed to verify whether an eHealth-based self-management program can reduce irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptom severity. An open-label simple randomized controlled trial was conducted that compared an intervention group (n = 21) participating in an eHealth self-management program, which involved studying IBS-related information from an established self-help guide followed by in-built quizzes, with a treatment-as-usual group (n = 19) that, except for pharmacotherapy, had no treatment restrictions. Participants were female Japanese university students. The eHealth group received unlimited access to the self-management program for 8 weeks on computers and mobile devices. The primary outcome, participants’ severity of IBS symptoms assessed using the IBS-severity index (IBS-SI), and the secondary outcomes of participants’ quality of life, gut bacteria, and electroencephalography alpha and beta power percentages were measured at baseline and 8 weeks. A significant difference was found in the net change in IBS-SI scores between the eHealth and treatment-as-usual groups, and the former had significantly lower IBS-SI scores following the 8-week intervention than at baseline. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the net change in phylum Cyanobacteria between the eHealth and treatment-as-usual groups. Thus, the eHealth-based self-management program successfully reduced the severity of IBS symptoms.



  • Development and Validation of a Japanese-Language Questionnaire to Screen for Tension-Type Headaches and Migraines.

    Kaho Tanobe, Minori Machida, Ryo Motoya, Atsushi Takeoka, Daisuke Danno, Junichi Miyahara, Takao Takeshima, Hiroaki Kumano, Jun Tayama

    Cureus   15 ( 9 ) e44633  2023.09  [International journal]

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    Introduction Migraine and tension-type headache (TTH) are chronic diseases associated with significant socioeconomic losses and social and psychological impact (current global prevalence: 10% and 38%, respectively). Thus, they require accurate identification and classification. In clinical practice, validated screening tools able to quickly determine migraine and TTH with high sensitivity and specificity help provide an objective and multifaceted understanding of patients' headache symptoms. However, no tool has been developed or validated yet in Japan to ask multifaceted questions about headache-related symptoms in order to identify migraine and TTH and understand these symptoms. This study aimed to develop a questionnaire for screening TTH and migraine. Methods The study was conducted from March to June 2022 at a medical institution in Osaka, Japan. The questionnaire - comprising 24 questions that were generated based on the 3rd edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders - was used to screen for migraine and TTH, aiming for a deeper understanding of related symptoms. The participants were patients aged ≥18 years with at least one of the following diagnoses: migraine, TTH. The participants were asked to respond in writing or online. The inclusion criteria were age ≥18 years; headache patients attending a hospital; and diagnoses of at least one of the following: migraine, TTH. The informativeness and discriminating ability of the screening items were evaluated using the item response theory. Items with a calculated discrimination ≥1.35 (high or very high) were retained for screening purposes. Basic questions required to screen for primary headaches were retained, despite their limited computational discrimination power. Ultimately, nine and eight screening items were finalized for migraine and TTH, respectively. The previous neurologists' clinical diagnosis of each patient was used as the gold standard reference for calculating sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values regarding the screening items. Cohen's kappa coefficients with 95% CIs were also calculated to determine the agreement between the neurologists' clinical diagnosis and the questionnaire results. Results The study population comprised 69 patients aged 19-89 years who were assisted at a hospital division specializing in headache medicine and diagnosed by neurologists. Of these, 22 patients had migraine, 30 had TTH, and 17 had migraine/TTH. Comparing the neurologists' clinical diagnosis with our screening questionnaire results, the sensitivity and specificity were 72.7% and 86.7% for migraine and 50.0% and 86.4% for TTH, respectively. Conclusions Our brief screening tool was highly specific for diagnosing migraine and TTH in individuals with headache symptoms but lacked sufficient sensitivity, especially for TTH. The high specificity for migraine and TTH suggests that the screening tool we developed in this study can correctly identify those who do not have migraine and TTH. The sensitivity was also relatively high for migraine, suggesting that the tool can correctly identify migraine-positive individuals. However, the sensitivity for TTH was low. This tool could help clinicians in providing detailed course assessment of migraine symptoms and TTH symptoms; however, the issue of low sensitivity for TTH needs to be addressed.

    DOI PubMed

  • Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Japan, China, and South Korea: An International Cross-sectional Study

    Atsushi Takeoka, Takuya Kimura, Shintaro Hara, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Shin Fukudo, Jun Tayama

    Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility   29 ( 2 ) 229 - 237  2023.04



  • Preventive Effects of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in First-Year University Students at Risk for Depression: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial.

    Sayaka Ogawa, Masaki Hayashida, Jun Tayama, Tatsuo Saigo, Naoki Nakaya, Toshimasa Sone, Masakazu Kobayashi, Peter Bernick, Atsushi Takeoka, Susumu Shirabe

    Perceptual and motor skills   130 ( 2 ) 315125231153778 - 315125231153778  2023.01  [International journal]

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    High scores on Harm Avoidance (HA) on Cloniger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) have been identified as a risk factor for depression. Group cognitive-behavioral therapy (GCBT) has been found effective in preventing depression and improving depressive symptoms among university students. However, no randomized controlled trials of GCBT have been conducted with university students with high HA. Although we initiated a randomized controlled trial in this study, some participants submitted incomplete questionnaires at baseline interfering with assured randomization; therefore, we report this study as a non-randomized controlled trial. We evaluated whether a GCBT intervention would be effective at reducing HA and, thereby, preventing depression in university students with high HA. We performed final analysis of data on 59 participants in the intervention group and 60 in a control group. We used scores on the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) as the primary outcome measure and analysis of covariance to assess group differences on mean BDI-II change scores before the intervention and at six months and one year after the intervention. The intervention group had lower BDI-II scores than the control group at six months after the intervention. GCBT may have facilitated cognitive modification in individuals with high HA, or GCBT may have fostered mutual modeling by group participants. Thus, GCBT may contribute to reducing depressive symptoms in university students with high HA, and associated risk for developing depression.

    DOI PubMed


  • Development and Validation of the Cognitive Attentional Syndrome Scale 1 Revised–Japanese Version 1

    Minori Machida, Kaho Tanobe, Steve K. Lee, Shintaro Hara, Hiroaki Kumano, Jun Tayama

    Japanese Psychological Research    2023.01



  • Attention Bias Online Training:ABOTアプリケーションの開発と反復測定再現性と妥当性の検証

    滝澤 宏和, 田山 淳, 濱口 豊太

    行動医学研究   28 ( Suppl. ) 69 - 69  2023

  • Effects of work–family life support program on the work–family interface and mental health among Japanese dual‐earner couples with a preschool child: A randomized controlled trial

    Akihito Shimazu, Takeo Fujiwara, Noboru Iwata, Yoko Kato, Norito Kawakami, Nobuaki Maegawa, Mutsuhiro Nakao, Tetsuo Nomiyama, Miho Takahashi, Jun Tayama, Izumi Watai, Makiko Arima, Tomoko Hasegawa, Ko Matsudaira, Yutaka Matsuyama, Yoshimi Miyazawa, Kyoko Shimada, Masaya Takahashi, Mayumi Watanabe, Astushige Yamaguchi, Madoka Adachi, Makiko Tomida, Di Chen, Satomi Doi, Sachiko Hirano, Sanae Isokawa, Tomoko Kamijo, Toshio Kobayashi, Kichinosuke Matsuzaki, Naoko Moridaira, Yukari Nitto, Sayaka Ogawa, Mariko Sakurai, Natsu Sasaki, Mutsuko Tobayama, Kanako Yamauchi, Erika Obikane, Miyuki Odawara, Mariko Sakka, Kazuki Takeuchi, Masahito Tokita

    Journal of Occupational Health   65 ( 1 )  2023.01



  • Efficacy of a self-management program using an eHealth system to reduce symptom severity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome simultaneously with changes in gut microbiota: a randomized controlled trial

    Jun Tayama, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Kohei Koizumi, Ryodai Yamamura, Ryo Okubo, Jun-ichiro Kawahara, Kenji Inoue, Atsushi Takeoka, Antonius Schneider, Shin Fukudo

    medRxiv    2022.12

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether a self-management program using the eHealth system could reduce symptom severity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Impact of the intervention on quality of life and gut microbiota were also examined.


    This study was designed as an open label, simple randomized controlled trial comparing an intervention group that attended an eHealth self-management program and a treatment as usual group. Participants were Japanese women between the ages of 18 and 36. Forty symptomatic IBS individuals who met the inclusion criteria were recruited and randomly assigned to the two groups. The eHealth group received 8 weeks of unlimited access to the self-management program containing a wide variety of e-learning content. Participants’ severity of IBS symptoms, the main outcome, was assessed using the irritable bowel syndrome-severity index (IBS-SI) at baseline and 8 weeks. The secondary outcomes of participants’ quality of life and gut bacteria were also assessed at baseline and week 8.


    There was a significant difference in the net change in IBS severity index (IBS-SI) score between the eHealth and treatment as usual group (−50.1; 95% CI, −87.6 to -12.6; p = 0.010). The eHealth group had significantly lower IBS-SI scores following 8 weeks of intervention compared with the baseline scores (t = − 3.2, p < 0.01). The implementation of the eHealth program was accompanied by improvement of quality of life and decrease of phylum-level Cyanobacteria occupancy, respectively.


    The implementation of eHealth for IBS was shown to reduce IBS symptoms.

    Key Messages

    What is already known on this topic –eHealth programs based on diet and probiotic use have shown good results in reducing IBS symptoms

    What this study adds– a self-management program with an e-learning component based on a successful self-help guidebook for IBS

    How this study might affect research, practice or policy– The proposed eHealth model reduces symptoms and improves the quality of life of IBS patients, providing an efficient and cost-effective intervention option to be adopted in policy and practice, and creates scope for future research in food intake, exercise, and sleep management through eHealth for IBS.


  • Impact of livelihood and economic considerations on happiness in the Mekong River Basin, Cambodia

    Kei'ichiro IGUCHI, Jun TAYAMA, Hironori HAMASAKI, Takahiro OTA, Minoru WADA

    Aquaculture science   70 ( 4 ) 381 - 384  2022.12

  • Association of primary focal hyperhidrosis with anxiety induced by sweating: A cross-sectional study of Japanese university students focusing on the severity of hyperhidrosis and site of sweating.

    Sayaka Ogawa, Jun Tayama, Hiroyuki Murota, Masakazu Kobayashi, Hirohisa Kinoshita, Tomoya Nishino

    The Journal of dermatology   50 ( 3 ) 364 - 374  2022.10  [International journal]

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    Hyperhidrosis significantly reduces patients' quality of life, with many reporting feeling highly anxious. However, the relationship between hyperhidrosis and anxiety induced by sweating has not been examined in detail. The current study examined the relationship between: (1) the presence of hyperhidrosis symptoms, (2) hyperhidrosis severity, and (3) the sites of the most sweating and anxiety induced by sweating. A cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted among university students, and 1080 consenting participants (600 males and 480 females; mean age, 18.8 years) were included in the analysis. The survey items were: (1) diagnostic criteria for hyperhidrosis, (2) Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale, (3) presence of anxiety induced by sweating, and (4) site of the most sweating. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis adjusted for sex and age showed that the odds ratio (OR) for anxiety induced by sweating was significantly higher in participants who screened positive for hyperhidrosis than in those who screened negative (OR, 9.72 [95% CI, 5.80-16.27]). The OR of anxiety induced by sweating was 7.11 (95% CI, 3.99-12.65) for mild/moderate hyperhidrosis and 23.46 (95% CI, 7.15-76.93) for severe hyperhidrosis, compared with those who screened negative for hyperhidrosis. Compared with those who screened negative for hyperhidrosis, the OR for anxiety induced by sweating in those with the palmar, plantar, axillary, and head/face as the site of the most sweating was 7.74 (95% CI, 3.91-15.33), 14.86 (95% CI, 1.83-120.58), 16.92 (95% CI, 5.95-48.14), and 5.38 (95% CI, 1.39-20.74), respectively. Our findings suggest that participants who screened positive for hyperhidrosis, mild/moderate or severe, are at a higher risk of anxiety induced by sweating than participants who screened negative for hyperhidrosis.

    DOI PubMed


  • A method of generating a classifier that determines the presence or absence of IBS symptoms by supervised learning from the frequency analysis of electroencephalogram data.

    Kohei Koizumi, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Jun Tayama, Shin Fukudo

    Frontiers in bioscience (Landmark edition)   27 ( 6 ) 187 - 187  2022.06  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Young adults with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) occasionally exhibit specific abdominal symptoms, including abdominal pain associated with brain activity patterns. Decoded neural feedback (DecNef) is a biofeedback exercise that allows symptomatic people to exercise self-control over their brain activity patterns relative to those without symptoms. Thus, DecNef can be used to self-control abdominal pain in patients with IBS. To establish a DecNef practice for IBS, it is necessary to develop a classifier that can distinguish the electroencephalography (EEG) patterns (EEG signatures) of IBS between symptomatic and healthy people. Additionally, the accuracy of the "classifier" must be evaluated. METHODS: This study analyzed EEG data obtained from symptomatic and asymptomatic young adults with IBS to develop a support vector machine-based IBS classifier and verify its usefulness. EEG data were recorded for 28 university students with IBS and 24 without IBS. EEG data were frequency-analyzed by fast Fourier transform analysis, and IBS classifiers were created by supervised learning using a support vector machine. RESULTS: The diagnostic accuracy of IBS symptoms was verified for the whole brain and the frontal, parietal, and occipital regions. We estimated >90% accuracy of the IBS classifier in the whole brain and frontal region. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that EEG data can be used to determine the presence or absence of IBS symptoms. With the IBS classifier, EEG may help provide feedback regarding the presence or absence of symptoms to patients, which is the basis for developing self-management strategies for IBS.

    DOI PubMed


  • セルフ・コンパッションとマインドフルネスに着目した、頭痛による生活への支障のための短期介入プログラムの効果の検討

    田野邉 果穂, 大草 美咲, 内田 太朗, 小野 はるか, 畑 琴音, 町田 規憲, 本谷 亮, 熊野 宏昭, 田山 淳

    ストレスマネジメント研究   18 ( 1 ) 13 - 25  2022.03

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    【背景】片頭痛と緊張型頭痛は、有病率が高く(Penzien et al.,2005)、症状の慢性化や痛みによる生活への支障が見られる(Keefe et al.,2004)。慢性疼痛患者において、セルフ・コンパッション(Self-compassion:SC)は痛みによる生活への支障と負の相関関係にある(Wren et al.,2012)。【目的】本研究は、片頭痛、緊張型頭痛を有する学生に対してSCをベースとしたプログラムを行うことによる、SCの上昇(仮説1)および頭痛による生活への支障の低減(仮説2)について検討することを目的とした。【方法】対象者は19名(21.84±2.39歳)であった。介入期間は4週間で週に1度、計4回の対面セッションを設けて介入を実施した。介入はSCとマインドフルネスを主要素とした。介入の前後で各変数のデータを測定した。さらに介入の前後各1週間には、SC行動と頭痛の程度を測定する質問をメールで送信し、回答を求めた。分析は、対応のあるt検定、マルチレベル分散分析、マルチレベルロジスティック回帰分析を用いた。【結果と考察】SC尺度の下位尺度であるマインドフルネスの得点が介入後に増加した。理由としてはマインドフルネスに時間をかけたことが関係するかもしれない。一方で、それ以外の下位尺度のスコア上昇は認められなかった。日常生活場面における行動に限定したSC行動の尺度は、ほとんど全ての項目において有意に増加した。SC行動の尺度のスコアが上昇した理由としては、対象者が有する特性としてのSCの上昇が認められる一歩手前として、日常的なSCの行動が増加した可能性がある。頭痛による生活への支障は低減しなかった。理由としては、対象者に対し、痛みの維持と生活への支障と、破局的思考、逃避・回避行動の相互の関連についての十分な心理教育を行っていなかったことが関係している可能性がある。(著者抄録)

  • A Cross-sectional Study of Attention Bias for Facial Expression Stimulation in Patients with Stroke at the Convalescence Stage

    Hirokazu Takizawa, Toshiyuki Ishioka, Kohei Koizumi, Jun Tayama, Makoto Suzuki, Naoki Nakaya, Toyohiro Hamaguchi

    International Journal of Behavioral Medicine   28 ( 4 ) 511 - 522  2021.08

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    Background: Post-stroke depression increases the likelihood of adverse physical symptoms. Attentional bias (AB) for negative stimuli is important in depression onset, maintenance, and remission. Stroke is more likely in older adults, who can have reduced cognitive function. Individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can have delayed reaction times (RTs). We hypothesized that RT to select neutral facial expression is affected by depressive symptoms and cognitive function in patients with stroke. Methods: This study analyzed 61 patients with stroke. Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II) and Profile of Mood States (short version) scores were determined. Task stimuli comprised eight pairs of facial expressions containing affective (angry) and neutral faces. AB was measured as the RT to select the neutral face in two simultaneously presented images using attention bias modification (ABM) software. Patients were grouped according to depressive symptoms using BDI-II scores. Between-subject factors of depressive symptoms and cognitive function were determined by ANCOVA. Results: No significant interaction was found between depressive symptoms and cognitive function on RT. There was a main effect of cognitive function, but not depressive symptoms. In patients with hemiparesis and depressive symptoms, RT was significantly shorter in patients without MCI compared with patients with MCI. Conclusions: People with stroke and elevated depression symptoms with hemiparesis but without MCI quickly selected neutral facial expressions from neutral and aversive expressions, and thus do not need ABM to escape aversive stimuli. ABM in response to aversive stimuli may be useful in evaluating negative emotions in individuals with post-stroke depression without MCI.

    DOI PubMed


  • 発汗による不安の検討 原発性局所多汗症症状に対する不安尺度の開発に向けたパイロットスタディ

    小川 さやか, 室田 浩之, 田山 淳, 西野 友哉

    発汗学   28 ( 1 ) 19 - 21  2021.07

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  • Efficacy of attention bias modification combined with cognitive behavioral therapy for reducing anxiety in patients with hematopoietic malignancies: a quasi-randomized controlled trial

    Koizumi Kohei, Hamaguchi Toyohiro, Tayama Jun, Ishioka Toshiyuki, Nakamura-Thomas Hiromi, Koike Yuji, Nakaya Naoki, Konno Michiko, Makita Shigeru

    Journal of Affective Disorders Reports   4   100122 - 100122  2021.04



  • 回復期脳卒中患者の表情刺激に対する注意バイアスには心理状態と認知機能が影響する

    滝澤 宏和, 小泉 浩平, 田山 淳, 中谷 直樹, 濱口 豊太

    行動医学研究   26 ( Suppl. ) 48 - 48  2021

  • Effect of internet-based attention bias modification on the anxiety of Japanese workers: A randomized controlled trial.

    Jun Tayama, Akihito Shimazu, Sayaka Ogawa, Naoki Nakaya

    Journal of occupational health   63 ( 1 ) e12229  2021.01  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    OBJECTIVES: This study comprised a randomized controlled trial to examine the effect of internet-based attention bias modification (iABM) on reducing workers' anxiety. METHODS: In total, 300 eligible participants were randomized according to sex and age; 180 were assigned to the intervention group and 120 to the control group. The word stimuli used in the iABM included eight positive words and eight neutral words. Participants were instructed to indicate the positive word's position as quickly and accurately as possible by tapping one of the two directions on display. The intervention included five sessions per participant over 1 month, resulting in a total of 600 trials. The main outcome measure was the total state anxiety score of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the net change in STAI scores between the intervention and control groups. The mean reaction time of the fifth session was significantly shorter than the mean reaction time of the first session. Furthermore, although there was no effect on the index of effect size Δ, the paired t-test showed a significant decrease in the anxiety score. CONCLUSIONS: The iABM intervention in this study did not enhance the amelioration of workers' anxiety when compared with the control condition.

    DOI PubMed


  • A Cross-sectional Study of Attention Bias for Facial Expression Stimulation in Patients with Stroke at the Convalescence Stage

    Hirokazu Takizawa, Toshiyuki Ishioka, Kohei Koizumi, Jun Tayama, Makoto Suzuki, Naoki Nakaya, Toyohiro Hamaguchi

    International Journal of Behavioral Medicine   28 ( 3 ) 401 - 401  2020.12  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Post-stroke depression increases the likelihood of adverse physical symptoms. Attentional bias (AB) for negative stimuli is important in depression onset, maintenance, and remission. Stroke is more likely in older adults, who can have reduced cognitive function. Individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can have delayed reaction times (RTs). We hypothesized that RT to select neutral facial expression is affected by depressive symptoms and cognitive function in patients with stroke. METHODS: This study analyzed 61 patients with stroke. Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II) and Profile of Mood States (short version) scores were determined. Task stimuli comprised eight pairs of facial expressions containing affective (angry) and neutral faces. AB was measured as the RT to select the neutral face in two simultaneously presented images using attention bias modification (ABM) software. Patients were grouped according to depressive symptoms using BDI-II scores. Between-subject factors of depressive symptoms and cognitive function were determined by ANCOVA. RESULTS: No significant interaction was found between depressive symptoms and cognitive function on RT. There was a main effect of cognitive function, but not depressive symptoms. In patients with hemiparesis and depressive symptoms, RT was significantly shorter in patients without MCI compared with patients with MCI. CONCLUSIONS: People with stroke and elevated depression symptoms with hemiparesis but without MCI quickly selected neutral facial expressions from neutral and aversive expressions, and thus do not need ABM to escape aversive stimuli. ABM in response to aversive stimuli may be useful in evaluating negative emotions in individuals with post-stroke depression without MCI.

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  • Intra-abdominal fat accumulation is an important predictor of metabolic syndrome in young adults.

    Masakazu Kobayashi, Sayaka Ogawa, Jun Tayama, Ikuko Sagara, Atsushi Takeoka, Peter Bernick, Tetsuya Kawano, Norio Abiru, Masaki Hayashida, Susumu Shirabe

    Medicine   99 ( 37 ) e22202  2020.09  [International journal]

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS), mainly caused by intra-abdominal fat (IAF) accumulation, is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The prevalence of MetS increases rapidly after the age of 40 years, and it is presumed that there is a substantial proportion of MetS in younger age groups. However, the association of IAF with MetS in adults aged 20 to 30 years has not been fully investigated.This study aimed to determine the prevalence of MetS and to verify whether IAF accumulation is associated with other MetS-related metabolic disorders including dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, and high blood glucose among the Japanese population in their 20s.In this cross-sectional study, IAF area (IAFA) and MetS-related metabolic parameters were evaluated in university students in their 20s (n = 1822, 21.5 ± 1.5 years). IAFA was measured using a non-invasive device, DUALSCAN, which can be readily measured through the dual impedance method. The participants were divided into four groups according to IAFA: 0-49.9, 50-74.9, 75-99.9, and ≥100 cm.MetS was prevalent in 3.3% and 0.0% of the males and females, respectively, according to the Japanese criteria of MetS. The sex- and lifestyle-adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for the three metabolic component levels of Mets were elevated in the larger IAFA groups compared to the smallest IAFA group, according to the level of IAFA. The levels particularly increased in participants with abdominal obesity, defined by both, IAFA and waist circumference rather than by waist circumference alone.IAF accumulation was significantly associated with MetS-related metabolic disorders in young adults. An evaluation of IAFA may contribute to the early prediction of the risk of developing MetS in the future.

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  • A Study on the Effect of Self-Compassion on the Disturbance of Daily Life caused by Headache

    Tanobe Kaho, Okusa Misaki, Uchida Taro, Ono Haruka, Hata Kotone, Machida Minori, Kumano Hiroaki, Tayama Jun

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   84   PD-147 - PD-147  2020.09

    DOI CiNii

  • ワーク・ライフ・バランスの向上を通じた健康支援 プログラムの開発

    島津 明人, 藤原 武男, 岩田 昇, 加藤 容子, 川上 憲人, 中尾 睦宏, 野見山 哲生, 高橋 美保, 田山 淳, 前川 伸晃, 渡井 いずみ, TWINstudyIIIプロジェクトチーム

    産業衛生学雑誌   62 ( 臨増 ) 519 - 519  2020.05

  • ワーク・ライフ・バランスの向上を通じた健康支援 プログラムの実施

    渡井 いずみ, 島津 明人, 藤原 武男, 岩田 昇, 加藤 容子, 川上 憲人, 前川 伸晃, 中尾 睦宏, 野見山 哲生, 高橋 美保, 田山 淳

    産業衛生学雑誌   62 ( 臨増 ) 519 - 519  2020.05

  • 修学不適応感を持つ大学生に対する認知行動療法の実践

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 矢内 希梨子, 林田 雅希, Bernick Peter, 古林 正和, 相良 郁子, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   57 ( 1 ) 276 - 278  2020.03

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  • 大学1年生を対象としたうつ予防のための集団認知行動療法の長期的効果の検討

    矢内 希梨子, 小川 さやか, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, Bernick Peter, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   57 ( 1 ) 279 - 281  2020.03

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    Temperament and Character Inventory下位因子のうち損害回避(HA)は鬱病の危険因子とされている。そこで本学では、HAが高く鬱病性障害のない1年生に対して鬱病の予防目的に集団認知行動療法(GCBT)を行い、1年後の調査で抑鬱症状の軽減が認められたことを以前報告した。今回、3年後の追跡調査を行い、GCBTの長期的効果について検討した。結果、3年後も効果が持続していることが明らかになった。

  • 修学不適応感を持つ大学生に対する認知行動療法の実践

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 矢内 希梨子, 林田 雅希, Bernick Peter, 古林 正和, 相良 郁子, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   57 ( 1 ) 276 - 278  2020.03

  • Relationship between attention bias and psychological index in individuals with chronic low back pain: A preliminary event-related potential study.

    Takayuki Tabira, Michio Maruta, Ko Matsudaira, Takashi Matsuo, Takashi Hasegawa, Akira Sagari, Gwanghee Han, Hiroki Takahashi, Jun Tayama

    Frontiers in human neuroscience   14   561726 - 561726  2020  [International journal]

    Authorship:Last author

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    Introduction: Attention bias towards pain-related information exists in patients with chronic pain, and recently, attention bias modification (ABM) training has been administered to patients with chronic pain. In this study, we conducted an attention bias modification task in conjunction with event-related potential measurements for individuals with chronic low back pain (LBP) and investigated the relationship between attention bias and psychological assessment. Methods: Eleven women and two men with chronic LBP participated in the study. Results: The Japanese version of the STarT Back Screening Tool (J-SBST) total score was significantly correlated with the N1 amplitude of Cz. The J-SBST psychological score was significantly correlated with the N1 amplitude of Cz and with reaction time (RT). The Japanese version of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and Japanese version of the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II) scores were significantly correlated with the P2 amplitude at Fz (only PCS), Cz, and Pz. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that J-SBST, which provides a comprehensive evaluation of psychological factors, PCN with measuring of catastrophizing in the context of actual or anticipated pain, and BDI-II, can likely help identify chronic LBP patients with attention bias. For chronic LBP patients who are classified according to J-SBST or PCN pain-related outcome improvement with ABM training can be expected.

    DOI PubMed


  • The effects of locomotor activity on gastrointestinal symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome among younger people: An observational study.

    Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Jun Tayama, Makoto Suzuki, Naoki Nakaya, Hirokazu Takizawa, Kohei Koizumi, Yoshifumi Amano, Motoyori Kanazawa, Shin Fukudo

    PloS one   15 ( 5 ) e0234089  2020  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common bowel disorder that manifests as unexplained abdominal pain or discomfort and bowel habit changes in the form of diarrhea, constipation, or alternating patterns of the two. Some evidences demonstrate that increased physical activity improves IBS symptoms. Hence, daily exercise is recommended in these patients. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between physical activity and gastrointestinal symptoms in 101 university students (female = 78) with IBS. Participants were examined by Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale (GSRS), and gait steps were measured for 1 week using a pedometer. The association between the GSRS score and pedometer counts was determined by ordinal logistic modeling analysis. The ordinal logistic regression model for GSRS and locomotor activity showed a significant stepwise fit (z = -3.05, p = 0.002). The logistic curve separated GSRS score of 5 points (moderately severe discomfort) from 2 points (minor discomfort) by locomotor activity. The probability for daily locomotor activity to discriminate between 5 and 4 points of GSRS (i.e., likely to have reverse symptoms) decreased in accordance with increment of steps per day: 78% probability for 4000 steps, 70% probability for 6000 steps, 59% probability for 8000 steps, and 48% probability for 10000 steps. This study demonstrated that the severity of GSRS is associated with the amount of walking in younger people with IBS. These results may be used as a measure to determine the daily step count to reduce the severity of gastrointestinal symptoms in individuals with IBS.

    DOI PubMed


  • Gambling symptoms, behaviors, and cognitive distortions in Japanese university students.

    Kengo Yokomitsu, Takanobu Sakai, Tomonari Irie, Jun Tayama, Hirokazu Furukawa, Mika Himachi, Junichiro Kanazawa, Munenaga Koda, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Hirofumi Matsuoka, Takuhiro Takada, Fumito Takahashi, Takahito Takahashi, Kaori Osawa

    Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy   14 ( 1 ) 51 - 51  2019.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between symptoms of gambling problems, gambling behaviours, and cognitive distortions among a university student population in Japan ages 20 to 29 years. We aimed to address the gap in knowledge of gambling disorders and treatment for this population. METHODS: Data were obtained from 1471 Japanese undergraduate students from 19 universities in Japan. Descriptive statistics and hierarchical multivariate regression analysis were used to investigate whether the factors of gambling cognitive distortions would have predictive effects on gambling disorder symptoms. RESULTS: Results indicated that 5.1% of the participants are classifiable as probable disordered gamblers. The bias of the gambling type to pachinko and pachislot was unique to gamblers in Japan. Of the students sampled, 342 self-reported gambling symptoms via the South Oaks Gambling Screen. Hierarchical multivariate regression analysis indicated that one domain of gambling cognitive distortions was associated significantly with gambling symptoms among the 342 symptomatic participants: gambling expectancy (β = 0.19, p < .05). The multivariate model explained 47% of the variance in the gambling symptoms. CONCLUSION: This study successfully contributed to the sparse research on university student gambling in Japan. Specifically, our results indicated a statistically significant relationship between gambling cognitive distortions and gambling disorder symptoms. These results can inform the development of preventive education and treatment for university students with gambling disorder in Japan. The report also describes needs for future research of university students with gambling disorder.

    DOI PubMed


  • ダイエットに関する非機能的信念を測定する尺度の開発 大学生を対象とした信頼性・妥当性の検証

    新川 広樹, 富家 直明, 蜂谷 愛, 村椿 智彦, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳

    CAMPUS HEALTH   56 ( 2 ) 96 - 103  2019.05  [Refereed]

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  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and psychological intervention for workers with mild to moderate depression: A double-blind randomized controlled trial.

    J Tayama, S Ogawa, N Nakaya, T Sone, T Hamaguchi, A Takeoka, K Hamazaki, H Okamura, J Yajima, M Kobayashi, M Hayashida, S Shirabe

    Journal of affective disorders   245   364 - 370  2019.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    BACKGROUND: This study assessed whether a combined intervention of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and psychoeducation better improved mild to moderate depression in workers compared to psychoeducation alone. METHODS: This study was a double-blinded, parallel group, randomized controlled trial that compared the intervention group, receiving omega-3 fatty acids, with a control group, receiving a placebo supplement. Participants receiving omega-3 fatty acids took 15 × 300 mg capsules per day for 12 weeks. The total daily dose of omega-3 PUFAs was 500 mg docosahexaenoic acid and 1000 mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The Beck Depression Inventory®-II (BDI-II) was used to assess the severity of depression after treatment. RESULTS: After 12 weeks of treatment, BDI-II scores were significantly lower in the placebo and omega-3 group, when compared to their respective baseline scores (Placebo: t = - 4.6, p < 0.01; Omega-3: t = - 7.3, p < 0.01). However, after 12 weeks of treatment, we found no significant difference between both groups with respect to changes in the BDI-II scores (0.7; 95% CI, - 0.7 to 2.1; p = 0.30). LIMITATIONS: This study did not measure blood omega-3 fatty acid concentration and presented a high-dropout rate. Moreover, our results may not be generalizable to other regions. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and psychoeducation and psychoeducation alone can contribute to an improvement in symptoms in people with mild to moderate depression. However, there is no difference between the interventions in ameliorating symptoms of depression.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effects of self-selected task content on the P300 component and reaction times

    Michio Maruta, Hiroki Takahashi, Gwanghee Han, Hironori Miyata, Takashi Matsuo, Seigo Koura, Jun Tayama, Takayuki Tabira

    ACTIVITAS NERVOSA SUPERIOR REDIVIVA   61 ( 3-4 ) 99 - 106  2019  [Refereed]

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of self-selection on motivation by measuring event-related potentials (ERPs) and reaction times (RTs), which are indicators of cognitive processing.DESIGN: Twenty healthy young Japanese adults participated in this study. The experiment performed had two conditions: a self-selection condition (the participant chooses the target stimulus) and a forced-selection condition (the target stimulus is specified by the others). Participants performed RT tasks under each condition, and ERPs were measured during the tasks. Subsequently, we analyzed the P300 component of the ERPs.RESULTS: In the self-selection condition, the P300 amplitude was significantly larger, and the RT was significantly shortened compared to the forced-selection condition. There was no significant difference in P300 latency between the self-selection and forced-selection conditions. Participants preferred to complete tasks in the self-selection condition.CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that self-selection enhances motivation and task performance. These results are important for promoting the supportive and rehabilitative effects of therapy for clients with reduced motivation.

  • 脳卒中患者における情動運動系の損傷の有無と抑うつ症状と注意バイアスの比較

    滝澤 宏和, 小泉 浩平, 田山 淳, 石岡 俊之, 濱口 豊太

    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌   21 ( 2 ) 59 - 59  2018.12

  • Factors associated with preschool workers' willingness to continue working.

    Jun Tayama, Yuri Yoshida, Ryoichiro Iwanaga, Akiko Tokunaga, Goro Tanaka, Akira Imamura, Akihito Shimazu, Susumu Shirabe

    Medicine   97 ( 49 ) e13530  2018.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    In industrialized countries, the turnover rate of preschool workers is extremely high and now represents a social problem. Consequently, it has become important to promote stable early care and educational environments for this population. Several factors related to working environments are known to affect turnover intention; however, the specific factors related to turnover intention among preschool workers have not yet been identified. Considering this, the objective of the present study was to determine factors associated with preschool workers' willingness to continue working.The participants of this study were 1137 preschool workers based in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the participants' data, with willingness to continue working for 5 years or more set as the dependent variable.Analysis of the results for all subjects clearly showed that male sex, older age, good mental health, high number of social supports, and good work engagement have a positive effect on willingness to continue working. Further, stratifying the participants in terms of age revealed that for preschool workers under 39 years, male sex, good mental health, high number of social supports, and good work engagement act positively in regard to willingness to continue working. Meanwhile, for those over 40 years, it was found that permanent employment and good work engagement act positively in this regard. Thus, work engagement was the only common factor between preschool workers under 39 and over 40.The findings of this cross-sectional study demonstrate that the factors associated with willingness to continue working among preschool workers differ between younger and older professionals. These findings underline the importance of considering age categories when attempting to maximize such professionals' willingness to continue working.

    DOI PubMed


  • Prevention of depression in first-year university students with high harm avoidance: Evaluation of the effects of group cognitive behavioral therapy at 1-year follow-up.

    Tatsuo Saigo, Masaki Hayashida, Jun Tayama, Sayaka Ogawa, Peter Bernick, Atsushi Takeoka, Susumu Shirabe

    Medicine   97 ( 44 ) e13009  2018.11  [International journal]

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    High harm avoidance (HA) scores on the temperament and character inventory appear to be a risk factor for depressive disorders and suicide. Since 2012, we have conducted group cognitive behavioral therapy (G-CBT) interventions for students at Nagasaki University with high HA and without depressive disorders, with the aim of preventing depression. Here, we report on the effects of the G-CBT at 1-year follow-up for the 2012 to 2015 period.Forty-two participants with high HA were included in the final analysis. Outcomes were measured with the Beck Depression Inventory II, Manifest Anxiety Scale, 28-item General Health Questionnaire, and Brief Core Schema Scales at baseline, and at 6-month, and 1-year follow-ups.Repeated-measures analyses of variance revealed a significant decrease in mean depressive symptom scores at the 6-month follow-up point; this decrease was maintained at 1 year. Improvements in cognitive schemas were also seen at 6 months and 1 year.We observed improvements in cognitive schemas associated with depression as a result of the G-CBT intervention, with effects maintained at 1 year post-intervention. This intervention may be effective in positively modifying the cognitions of students with HA and preventing future depression.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effect of attention bias modification on event-related potentials in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: A preliminary brain function and psycho-behavioral study

    J. Tayama, T. Saigo, S. Ogawa, A. Takeoka, T. Hamaguchi, K. Inoue, H. Okamura, J. Yajima, K. Matsudaira, S. Fukudo, S. Shirabe

    Neurogastroenterology and Motility   30  2018.10

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    © 2018 John Wiley &amp; Sons Ltd Background: Attention bias modification normalizes electroencephalographic abnormalities in alpha and beta power percentages related to attention in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Yet, it is unknown whether ABM contributes to the normalization of event-related potentials (ERP) in these patients. We hypothesized that ERP related to attention deficit would be normalized after ABM implementation in individuals with IBS. Methods: Thirteen patients with IBS and 10 control subjects completed a 2-month intervention that included five ABM sessions. Each session included 128 trials, resulting in a total of 640 trials during the study period. Event-related potentials were measured at the first and fifth sessions. As per the international 10-20 system for electroencephalographic electrode placement, right parietal P4 was evaluated to measure the attention component of facial expression processing. Key Results: A group comparison of P100 latency at P4 revealed that latencies were significantly different between groups in session 1 (IBS vs control, 108 ± 8 vs 97 ± 14; t = −2.51, P =.0203). This difference was absent in session 5 (94 ± 11 vs 93 ± 11, respectively; t = −0.397, P =.6954, r =.09), indicating an effect of ABM in the IBS group. Conclusions and inferences: Attention bias modification may have clinical utility for normalizing brain function and specifically attentional abnormalities in patients with IBS.



  • Increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome in university students due to gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety

    Tatsuo Saigo, Jun Tayama, Sayaka Ogawa, Peter J. Bernick, Atsushi Takeoka, Masaki Hayashida, Susumu Shirabe

    Acta Medica Nagasakiensia   61 ( 4 ) 137 - 143  2018.03

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    © 2018, Nagasaki University School of Medicine. All rights reserved. Background: Gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety (GSA) has been reported to impact symptom severity in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), suggesting that GSA may be an important treatment outcome. The present study explored whether higher levels of GSA were associated with increased risk of having IBS, and whether individuals with IBS were at greater risk for severe gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Methods: Participants comprised 1156 university students. The Rome III modular questionnaire was used to assess for IBS. GSA was measured using the Japanese version of the Visceral Sensitivity Index (VSI). IBS-SI was used to assess severity of GI symptoms. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: The prevalence rate of IBS (provisional diagnosis, based on Rome III questionnaire responses) was 21%. Logistic regression analysis was performed using the VSI cutoff point as the independent variable, and the presence or absence of IBS as the dependent variable. Results indicate that for individuals above the VSI cutoff point, the adjusted odds ratio for having IBS was 2.64 (95% CI: 1.87-3.71). Furthermore, results indicate that in participants with high GSA, adjusted odds ratios for severity of IBS symptoms were 0.44 (95% CI: 0.33-0.58) for subclinical, 1.15 (95% CI: 0.90–1.46) for mild symptoms, 2.19 (95% CI: 1.57–3.07) for moderate symptoms, and 5.63 (95% CI: 2.24–14.15) for severe symptoms. Conclusion: Higher VSI scores were associated with having risk factors for IBS and greater severity of IBS symptoms.

  • Anxiety, fatigue, and attentional bias toward threat in patients with hematopoietic tumors

    Kohei Koizumi, Jun Tayama, Toshiyuki Ishioka, Hiromi Nakamura-Thomas, Makoto Suzuki, Motohiko Hara, Shigeru Makita, Toyohiro Hamaguchi

    PLoS ONE   13 ( 2 ) e0192056  2018.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Cancer patients with hematopoietic tumors exhibit particularly high rates of anxiety disorders and depression, and often develop negative affect. In addition, psychological problems experienced by cancer patients impair their quality of life. When cancer patients feel anxious, they tend to direct their attention toward stimuli associated with threat in the surrounding environment. If attentional bias occurs in patients with hematopoietic tumors, who are at particular risk of developing negative affect, resolution of the bias could be useful in alleviating their anxiety. The current study examined the association between attentional bias and negative affect in patients with hematopoietic tumors and tested the hypothesis that negative affect would be more severe in those who exhibited greater attentional bias. Twenty-seven patients with hematopoietic tumors participated in the study. Reaction time (RT) was measured as the time between the presentation of the threatening and neutral images, and the subject’s button press to indicate choice (neutral expressions). Eight combinations of “threatening” expressions with high emotional valence and “neutral” expressions with low emotional valence were presented. The images used to measure attentional bias were taken from the Japanese Female Facial Expression Database and had been rated as expressive of anger, sadness, or neutrality, with predetermined emotional valence. Psychological testing was performed with the Profile of Mood States (POMS). To examine the association between attentional bias and negative affect, we calculated Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients for RTs and POMS. Subjects’ mean RT was 882.9 (SD = 100.9) ms, and 19 of the 27 subjects exhibited slower RTs relative to healthy individuals. RT was significantly positively correlated with Tension-Anxiety (r = .679, p &lt
    .01) and Fatigue (r = .585, p &lt
    .01) subscale scores. The results of the study suggested that attentional bias toward threatening expressions could be positively correlated with the mental intensity of anxiety and fatigue in patients with hematopoietic tumors.

    DOI PubMed


  • 肥満者の心理行動改善を目的とした新たな認知行動療法の開発

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 矢内 希梨子, 西郷 達雄, 古林 正和, 相良 郁子, 前田 真由美, 黒木 優子, 大坪 敬子, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   55 ( 1 ) 138 - 140  2018  [Refereed]

  • Type a behavior pattern and obesity in Japanese workers: A cross-sectional study

    Ogawa, S., Tayama, J., Saigo, T., Takeoka, A., Hayashida, M., Yamasaki, H., Shimizu, Y., Shirabe, S.

    Acta Medica Nagasakiensia   61 ( 3 ) 105 - 110  2018  [Refereed]

  • Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on mental health

    Jun Tayama

    Journal of Health Psychology Research   30 ( Special{\_}issue ) 243 - 249  2018  [Refereed]


  • Effect of attention bias modification on brain function and anxiety in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: A preliminary electroencephalogram and psycho-behavioral study

    J. Tayama, T. Saigo, S. Ogawa, A. Takeoka, T. Hamaguchi, M. Hayashida, S. Fukudo, S. Shirabe

    NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY   29 ( 12 )  2017.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    BackgroundGastrointestinal symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) show a reciprocal relationship with anxiety. In this intervention-based study, we investigated the utility of attention bias modification (ABM) therapy in patients with IBS. We hypothesized that IBS-related electroencephalographic abnormalities would be normalized after ABM therapy.
    MethodsSeventeen patients with IBS and 13 healthy subjects completed five ABM intervention sessions over a 2-month period. Each session included 128 ABM trials, resulting in a total of 640 trials across the intervention period. For each trial, subjects viewed a pair of facial expression images and were instructed to indicate the position of the neutral face as quickly and accurately as possible by pressing one of two buttons on a button box. Electroencephalography data (alpha and beta power percentages) were collected during the 1st and 5th sessions.
    Key ResultsGeneralized estimating equations of relative alpha power revealed a significant effect of period was identified at O2 (P=.036). Paired t tests revealed that ABM significantly increased relative alpha power at O2 in patients with IBS. Generalized estimating equation of relative beta power revealed a significant effect of the group x period interaction was identified at Pz (P=.035). Paired t tests revealed that ABM significantly decreased relative beta power at Pz in patients with IBS.
    Conclusions & InferencesAttention bias modification may normalize brain function related to attention and anxiety in patients with IBS.

    DOI PubMed


  • Psychological effects of Helicobacter pylori-associated atrophic gastritis in patients under 50years: A cross-sectional study

    Atsushi Takeoka, Jun Tayama, Masakazu Kobayashi, Ikuko Sagara, Sayaka Ogawa, Tatsuo Saigo, Masaki Hayashida, Hironori Yamasaki, Shin Fukudo, Susumu Shirabe

    HELICOBACTER   22 ( 6 ) e12445  2017.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    BackgroundWhile gastrointestinal function is known to be closely related to psychological status, the influence of Helicobacter pylori-associated atrophic gastritis is currently unknown. We aimed to determine whether atrophic gastritis status or H.pylori infection is associated with psychological distress or depressed mood.
    Materials and MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional, observational study involving 975 Japanese individuals (503 females; mean age, 448years) who underwent a health checkup. Psychological distress was defined as a Kessler-6 Scale score 13 and depressive mood as a Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale score16. The odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals assessing the risk of psychological distress or depressive mood associated with H.pylori infection (H.pylori-specific immunoglobulin G levels &gt;10U/mL) and atrophic gastritis status (pepsinogen I levels&lt;70g/L and pepsinogen I/II ratio&lt;3) were calculated using multiple logistic analysis adjusting for several covariates.
    ResultsIndividuals with atrophic gastritis had a significantly higher risk of experiencing psychological distress, with younger females (&lt;50years) displaying the highest risk for psychological distress and depressive mood regardless of H.pylori infection status. Among females aged &lt;50years, H.pylori-seropositive participants with atrophic gastritis (HP+AG+) showed the highest risk of psychological distress (OR, 16.4; 95% CI, 3.45-94.9) and depression (OR, 2.86; 95% CI, 1.31-6.05), using HP-AG- status as the reference.
    ConclusionsOur findings support the results of previous animal studies regarding the psychological response to gastritis in humans. Further studies are needed to elucidate whether H.pylori eradication provides psychological benefits.

    DOI PubMed


  • Item response theory-based validation of a short form of the Eating Behavior Scale for Japanese adults

    Jun Tayama, Sayaka Ogawa, Atsushi Takeoka, Masakazu Kobayashi, Susumu Shirabe

    MEDICINE   96 ( 42 ) e8334  2017.10  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    Obesity has become a serious social problem in industrialized countries in recent years. Clinically, although the evaluation of dietary behavior abnormalities is as important as any method of risk assessment for obesity, almost all the existing scales with many items may have numerous practical clinical difficulties. In this study, we aimed to prepare a short questionnaire to assess the dietary behavior abnormalities related to obesity. A total of 1032 individuals aged 20 to 59 years participated in the present study. Using item response theory (IRT), we selected the items for a short version from among 30 items of Sakata Eating Behavior Scale (EBS), which is widely used in Japan. As a result of the IRT-based analysis on the original 30-item version, 7 items were adopted as the short version. The correlation between the total score of the original EBS and the EBS short form was extremely high (r=0.93, P=.001). In examining the criterion validity, for all participants (n=1032), male (n=516), and female (n=516), the correlation coefficients between the total score of the EBS short form and body mass index (BMI) were r=0.26, r=0.28, and r=0.28, respectively. The results of the receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed with obesity BMI&gt;25kg/m(2) as a dependent variable, the value of the area under the curve in the ROC was significantly higher in the 7-item version than in the total score of the original items (P=.0005). In conclusion, the 7-item EBS short form was created. Furthermore, it was found that the EBS short form is a reliable and valid measure that can be used as an indicator of obesity in both clinical and research settings.

    DOI PubMed


  • Analysis of Difficult of University Learning in the Developmental Disorders Student

    吉田 ゆり, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 鈴木 保巳

    長崎大学教育学部紀要   3   183 - 190  2017.03

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    We started a special education nine years ago in Japan. We analyzed factors that difficult to study at university using interview materials.Research results show that it is deeply related to their fault factors and executive functions that makes schooling difficult.Just like adjusting the environment, it is important to support development.This research is a preliminary study toward the creation of a better development support program with the goal of self-actualization of university students.


  • Study of the assessment system for developmental disorders student support

    吉田 ゆり, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 鈴木 保巳

    長崎大学教育学部紀要   3   173 - 181  2017.03

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    We started a special education nine years ago in Japan. In our research, in order to discover the developmental disorders, it was found that the confirmation of mental health is valid. In particular, it is difficult to distinguish between social anxiety disorder ・In Students who are at risk of developmental disorders, have anxiety and maladaptive sense of university life. Therefore, the screening, a plurality of test batteryis essential.


  • 高リスク大学生に対するうつ病予防を目的とした集団認知行動療法の実践―質的分析を通したプログラムの有効性の検討

    小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 武岡 敦之, 林田 雅希, 調 漸, 田山 淳

    教育実践総合センター紀要   54 ( 1 ) 232 - 234  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • ピロリ菌関連胃炎とメンタルヘルスの関連

    古林正和, 武岡敦之, 田山淳, 小川さやか, 西郷達雄, 福原視美, 髙濱あかり, 林田雅希, 調 漸

    Campus Health   54 ( 1 ) 368  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • 大学生の休退学理由とTCIパーソナリティ特性との関連について

    髙濱あかり, 小川さやか, Peter Bernick, 西郷達雄, 富永ちはる, 田山淳, 林田雅希, 調 漸

    Campus Health   54 ( 1 ) 350 - 353  2017.03  [Refereed]

  • Impact of helicobacter pylori immunoglobulin G levels and atrophic gastritis status on risk of metabolic syndrome

    Atsushi Takeoka, Jun Tayama, Hironori Yamasaki, Masakazu Kobayashi, Sayaka Ogawa, Tatsuo Saigo, Masaki Hayashida, Susumu Shirabe

    PLOS ONE   11 ( 11 ) e0166588  2016.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is implicated in gastric and extra-gastric diseases. While gastritis-related chronic inflammation represents a known trigger of metabolic disturbances, whether metabolic syndrome (MetS) is affected by gastritis status remains unclear. We aimed to clarify the effect of HP-related gastritis on the risk of MetS.
    Materials and Methods
    We retrospectively enrolled patients undergoing screening for MetS between 2014 and 2015. Investigations included HP-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody assays to detect HP infection, and serum pepsinogen assays to evaluate atrophic gastritis status. The risk of MetS was evaluated via multiple logistic regression analyses with two covariates: serum HP infection status (IgG levels) and atrophic gastritis status (two criteria were applied; pepsinogen I/II ratio &lt; 3 or both pepsinogen I levels &lt;= 70 mu g/L and pepsinogen I/II ratio &lt; 3).
    Of 1,044 participants, 247 (23.7%) were HP seropositive, and 62 (6.0%) had MetS. HP seronegative and seropositive patients had similar risks of MetS. On the other hand, AG (defined in terms of serum PG I/II &lt; 3) was significant risk of MetS (OR of 2.52 [95% CI 1.05-7.52]). After stratification according to HP IgG concentration, patients with low HP infection status had the lowest MetS risk (defined as an odds ratio [OR] adjusted for age, sex, smoking, drinking and physical activity status). Taking this result as a reference, patients with negative, moderate, and high HP infection status had ORs (with 95% confidence intervals [CI]) of 2.15 (1.06-4.16), 3.69 (1.12-16.7), and 4.05 (1.05-26.8).
    HP-associated gastritis represents a risk factor for MetS. Research should determine why low and not negative HP infection status is associated with the lowest MetS risk.

    DOI PubMed

  • Intra-abdominal fat accumulation is a hypertension risk factor in young adulthood A cross-sectional study

    Atsushi Takeoka, Jun Tayama, Hironori Yamasaki, Masakazu Kobayashi, Sayaka Ogawa, Tatsuo Saigo, Hiroaki Kawano, Norio Abiru, Masaki Hayashida, Takahiro Maeda, Susumu Shirabe

    MEDICINE   95 ( 45 ) e5361  2016.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Accumulation of intra-abdominal fat is related to hypertension. Despite this, a relationship between hypertension and intra-abdominal fat in young adulthood is not clear. In this study, we verify whether intra-abdominal fat accumulation increases a hypertension risk in young adult subjects.
    In a cross-sectional study, intra-abdominal fat area was measured using a dual bioelectrical impedance analysis instrument in 697 university students (20.3 +/- 0.7 years, 425 men). Blood pressure and anthropometric factors were measured. Lifestyle variables including smoking, drinking, physical activity, and eating behavior were assessed with questionnaire. High blood pressure risk (systolic blood pressure &gt;= 130mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure &gt;= 85mm Hg) with increasing intra-abdominal fat area was evaluated.
    Participants were divided into 5 groups according to their intra-abdominal fat area (&lt;= 24.9, 25-49.9, 50-74.9, 75-99.9, and &gt;= 100 cm(2)). As compared with the values of the smallest intra-abdominal fat area group, the crude and lifestyle-adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were elevated in larger intra-abdominal fat area groups [OR 1.31, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.66-2.80; OR 3.38, 95% CI 1.60-7.57; OR 7.71, 95% CI 2.75-22.22; OR 18.74, 95% CI 3.93-105.64, respectively). The risk increase was observed only in men.
    Intra-abdominal fat accumulation is related to high blood pressure in men around 20 years of age. These results indicate the importance of evaluation and reduction of intra-abdominal fat to prevent hypertension.

    DOI PubMed


  • 脳卒中患者における注意バイアス修正練習の反応時間と正答率による適応基準作成

    滝澤 宏和, 濱口 豊太, 田山 淳, 冨家 直明, 石岡 俊之, 中村 裕美

    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌   19 ( 1 ) 63 - 63  2016.09

  • 大学生における病的ギャンブリング症状の潜在構造 taxometric analysisを用いて

    横光 健吾, 田山 淳, 高田 琢弘, 甲田 宗良, 金澤 潤一郎, 国里 愛彦, 高橋 高人, 高橋 史, 古川 洋和, 松岡 紘史

    日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌   51 ( 4 ) 179 - 179  2016.08  [Refereed]

  • Validation of the Japanese Version of the Body Vigilance Scale

    Tatsuo Saigo, Yoshitake Takebayashi, Jun Tayama, Peter J. Bernick, Norman B. Schmidt, Susumu Shirabe, Yuji Sakano

    PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS   118 ( 3 ) 918 - 936  2016.06  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The Body Vigilance Scale is a self-report measure of attention to bodily sensations. The measure was translated into Japanese and its reliability, validity, and factor structure were verified. Participants comprised 286 university students (age: 19 I years). All participants were administered the scale, along with several indices of anxiety (i.e., Anxiety Sensitivity Index, Short Health Anxiety Inventory Illness Likelihood Scale, Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). The Japanese version of the Body Vigilance Scale exhibited a unidimensional factor structure and strong internal consistency. Construct validity was demonstrated by significant correlations with the above measures. Results suggest that the Japanese version of the scale is a reliable, valid tool for measuring body vigilance in Japanese university students.

    DOI PubMed


  • Working long hours is associated with higher prevalence of diabetes in urban male Chinese Workers: The Rosai Karoshi Study

    Jun Tayama, Jue Li, Masanori Munakata

    STRESS AND HEALTH   32 ( 1 ) 84 - 87  2016.02  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    We investigated the relationship between number of weekly working hours and the prevalence of diabetes in the urban Chinese population. Data regarding anthropometric measurements, fasting blood glucose level and number of hours worked per week were collected from 2228 workers in Shanghai, China (M-age=44years; 64% men). Participants were divided into three groups according to the number of hours worked per week (&lt;45, 45-54 and 55), and multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted with diabetes as the dependent variable. Subjects with a HbA1c of 6.5% or above or those prescribed anti-diabetic medications were defined as having diabetes. The multivariate adjusted odds ratio for having diabetes was found to be significantly higher for those who worked 55h per week compared with those who worked &lt;45h per week, but only for men. This finding indicates that working long hours could be a risk factor for diabetes in Chinese male workers. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    DOI PubMed


  • A Controlled Trial of Behavioral Therapy in Rehabilitation for Immobility in Patients with Post-stroke Depression

    滝澤 宏和, 石岡 俊之, 田山 淳

    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of occupational therapy research   18 ( 1 ) 35 - 41  2015.09

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 抑うつにおける推論の誤りがもつ自己・他者志向性

    松田 幸久, 田山 淳, 川崎 康弘

    心身医学   55 ( 9 ) 1072 - 1072  2015.09  [Refereed]

  • 高不安者における視線・表情に対する注意バイアスの特徴

    新川 広樹, 大野 史博, 田山 淳, 富家 直明

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79回   427 - 427  2015.08  [Refereed]

  • Salt intake and mental distress among rural community-dwelling Japanese men.

    Yuji Shimizu, Koichiro Kadota, Jun Koyamatsu, Hirotomo Yamanashi, Mako Nagayoshi, Miki Noda, Takayuki Nishimura, Jun Tayama, Yasuhiro Nagata, Takahiro Maeda

    Journal of physiological anthropology   34 ( 1 ) 26 - 26  2015.06  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    BACKGROUND: Activated mineralocorticoid receptors influence the association between daily salt intake and blood pressure. A relatively low mineralocorticoid receptor function is reported to be a risk for mental distress such as depression. Since mental distress is also a known risk for hypertension and cardiovascular disease, understanding of the association between estimated daily salt intake and mental distress contributing to hypertension is important for risk estimation for cardiovascular disease. However, no single study has reported this association. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1014 Japanese men undergoing general health check-ups. Mental distress was diagnosed as a Kessler 6 scale score ≥5. We also classified mental distress by levels of hypertension. Estimated daily salt intake was calculated from a causal urine specimen. RESULTS: Independent from classical cardiovascular risk factors and thyroid disease, we found a significant inverse association between estimated daily salt intake and mental distress. When we analyzed for mental distress and hypertension, we also found a significant association. With the reference group being the lowest tertiles of estimated daily salt intake, the multivariable odds ratios (ORs) of mental distress and mental distress with hypertension for the highest tertiles were 0.50 (0.29-0.88) and 0.46 (0.22-0.96). CONCLUSIONS: Lower estimated daily salt intake is a significant risk of mental distress for rural community-dwelling Japanese men. Since depression is reported to be associated with cardiovascular disease, risk estimation for the lower intake of salt on mental distress, especially for mental distress with hypertension, may become an important tool to prevent cardiovascular disease.

    DOI PubMed


  • Maladjustment to Academic Life and Employment Anxiety in University Students with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Jun Tayama, Naoki Nakaya, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Tatsuo Saigo, Atsushi Takeoka, Toshimasa Sone, Shin Fukudo, Susumu Shirabe

    PLOS ONE   10 ( 6 ) e0129345  2015.06  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The present study tested our hypothesis that university students with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may experience less satisfactory academic lives than those of students without IBS. We also verified the hypothesis that university students with IBS might have higher employment anxiety than students without IBS might. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1,686 university students. Presence or absence of IBS was assessed via the Rome III Questionnaire. Two original items were used to evaluate academic life. The prevalence rates of IBS with diarrhea, IBS with constipation, mixed IBS, and unsubtyped IBS in the study population were 5%, 2%, 10%, and 3%, respectively. Regarding academic life, the proportions of participants who experienced maladjustment and employment anxiety were 29% and 50%, respectively. After adjusting for age, sex, and faculty, the odds ratios for maladjustment and employment anxiety were significantly higher in students who screened positively, relative to those who screened negatively, for IBS (OR, 1.62; 95% CI, 1.24-2.21; OR, 2.16; 95% CI, 1.68-2.81, respectively). In conclusion, maladjustment and anxiety over future employment were higher in university students with IBS relative to those without.

    DOI PubMed


  • 脳卒中後うつ症状患者の活動量を高める行動介入の効果

    滝澤 宏和, 濱口 豊太, 石岡 俊之, 笹尾 久美子, 中村 裕美, 萱場 一則, 中川 雅樹, 冨家 直明, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄

    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌   17 ( 2 ) 57 - 57  2015.03

  • デュアルスキャンを用いた青年期成人の内臓脂肪面積測定とメタボリックシンドローム診断基準項目の評価

    古林 正和, 山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 黒木 優子, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 阿比留 教生, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   52 ( 1 ) 121 - 123  2015.03  [Refereed]

  • 新入学生を対象としたうつ予防のための集団認知行動療法

    小川 さやか, 長崎大学保健, 医療推進センター, 西郷 達雄, 福原 視美, Bernick Peter, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   52 ( 1 ) 300 - 302  2015.03  [Refereed]

  • 年期成人の内臓脂肪と生活習慣の関連性

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 古林 正和, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 黒木 優子, 阿比留 教生, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   52 ( 1 ) 116 - 118  2015.03  [Refereed]

  • Factor structure of the Body Image Concern Inventory in a Japanese sample

    Masanori Tanaka, Jun Tayama, Tatsuyuki Arimura

    BODY IMAGE   13   18 - 21  2015.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the factor structure of the Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI) using a Japanese population as a web-based survey. Two thousand and sixty individuals (1030 women, 1030 men) ranging from 20 to 69 years of age (M=40, SD = 16) took part in the present research. A confirmatory factor analysis showed that the second-order factor model of the BICI, which had three first-order factors and one second-order factor of dysmorphic appearance concern was an adequate fit to the data. Additionally, the Cronbach's alpha values of the overall and three subscales of the BICI were adequate. Furthermore, measurement invariance tests revealed that the second-order factor model of the BICI had acceptable measurement invariance at the scale and factor-loading levels between genders. These findings suggested that the BICI was reliable, and able to compare its mean scores between women and men in Japan. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    DOI PubMed


  • 心身症の修業に関する研究 心身症のモデル病態における大学生の修業問題

    田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 富家 直明

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   78回   1246 - 1246  2014.08  [Refereed]

  • Gastrointestinal specific anxiety in irritable bowel syndrome: Validation of the Japanese version of the visceral sensitivity index for university students

    Tatsuo Saigo, Jun Tayama, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Naoki Nakaya, Tadaaki Tomiie, Peter J. Bernick, Motoyori Kanazawa, Jennifer S. Labus, Bruce D. Naliboff, Susumu Shirabe, Shin Fukudo

    BioPsychoSocial Medicine   8 ( 1 ) 10  2014.03  [Refereed]

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    Objective: The visceral sensitivity index (VSI) is a useful self-report measure of the gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety (GSA) of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Previous research has shown that worsening GSA in IBS patients is related to the severity of GI symptoms, suggesting that GSA is an important endpoint for intervention. However, there is currently no Japanese version of the VSI. We therefore translated the VSI into Japanese (VSI-J) and verified its reliability and validity.Material and methods: Participants were 349 university students aged 18 and 19 years and recruited from an academic class. We analyzed data from the VSI-J, Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD), and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Severity Index (IBS-SI). The internal consistency, stability, and factor structure of the VSI-J and its associations with anxiety, depression and severity measures were investigated.Results: The factor structure of the VSI-J is unidimensional and similar to that of the original VSI (Cronbach's α = 0.93). Construct validity was demonstrated by significant correlations with ASI (r = 0.43, p < 0.0001), HAD-ANX (r = 0.19, p = 0.0003), and IBS-SI scores (r = 0.45, p < 0.0001). Furthermore, the VSI-J was a significant predictor of severity scores on the IBS-SI and demonstrated good discriminant (p < 0.0001) and incremental (p < 0.0001) validity.Conclusion: These findings suggest that the VSI-J is a reliable and valid measure of visceral sensitivity. © 2014 Saigo et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.

    DOI PubMed


  • Characteristics of Interpersonal Perceptions among Undergraduate Students with High Body Dysmorphic Concern

    TANAKA Masanori, TAYAMA Jun

    Japanese Journal of Counseling Science   46 ( 4 ) 189 - 196  2013.11  [Refereed]

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    It has known that body dysmorphic concern has been elevated in adolescence. Previous studies revealed the specific characteristics of cognition and behavior among people with high body dysmorphic concern. However, there are lots of uncertainties about interpersonal perceptions of the adolescents with dysmorphic concerns. It is necessary to clarify their specific interpersonal perceptions for improving the accessibility to counseling and evolving the intervention technique. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of interpersonal perceptions among undergraduate students with high body dysmorphic concern. There were 281 undergraduate students (117 men, 164 women) who were asked to complete the questions about their demographic features, the Japanese version of Body Image Concern Inventory, Short Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale, Other-Consciousness Scale, and socially prescribed perfectionism scale which was included in Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. The results showed that individuals with high body dysmorphic concern had significant tendencies to be high levels of fear of negative evaluation from others, public other-consciousness, socially prescribed perfectionism in both men and women. In the case of women, individuals with high body dysmorphic concerns also showed significant high levels of private other-consciousness. It was suggested that individuals with high body dysmorphic concern might have serious problems with interpersonal perceptions.

    DOI CiNii

  • 青年期成人に適した新規食行動質問表の開発

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 淺雄 加奈子, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   50 ( 2 ) 57 - 62  2013.05

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  • メタボリックシンドロームの教職員に対するチーム医療の展開とその効果

    田山 淳, 淺雄 加奈子, 山崎 浩則, 中垣内 真樹, 篠崎 彰子, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   50 ( 1 ) 230 - 231  2013.03

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms of Disaster Medical Assistance Staff in the Great East Japan Earthquake: Relation to Controllability for Intrusion and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms

    SAIGO Tatsuo, NAKAJIMA Shun, OGAWA Sayaka, TAYAMA Jun

    Jpn J Behav Med   19 ( 1 ) 3 - 10  2013

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in disaster medical assistance staff 1.5 months after the earthquake in east Japan, and examine the relationship between controllability for intrusions and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Our hypothesis was that high controllability for intrusions is associated with mild post-traumatic stress symptoms. To investigate this hypothesis, we determined the prevalence of PTSD and the relationships among post-traumatic stress symptoms, peri-traumatic distress, depression and controllability for intrusions in 54 disaster medical assistance staff members (DMAT team, radiation medical assistance team, mass transport team, community medicine team). The results indicated that none of the staff developed PTSD. Statistical analysis showed negative correlations between controllability for post-traumatic stress symptoms, intrusions and hyperarousal. Comparing high controllability with low controllability, we found that the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms was higher in staff with low controllability than in those with high controllability. The results of this study suggest that high controllability for intrusion prevented post-traumatic stress symptoms.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effects of personality traits on the manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome.

    Jun Tayama, Naoki Nakaya, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Tadaaki Tomiie, Masae Shinozaki, Tatsuo Saigo, Susumu Shirabe, Shin Fukudo

    BioPsychoSocial medicine   6 ( 1 ) 20 - 20  2012.10  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have reported that patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) show high neuroticism. However, the precise association between the IBS subtypes and the degree of neuroticism in younger populations is largely unknown. We tested our hypothesis that subjects with diarrhea-predominant IBS may have a higher degree of neuroticism than subjects without IBS or those with other subtypes of IBS. We also verified the additional hypothesis that the severity of neuroticism might be correlated with the severity of IBS in younger populations. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of 557 university students, ranging in age from 18 to 21 years. Presence/ absence of IBS and determination of the IBS subtype was by the Rome II Modular Questionnaire, while the severity of IBS was determined by the IBS severity index (IBS-SI). The degree of neuroticism was evaluated using the Maudsely Personality Inventory (MPI). The presence/absence of psychological distress was measured with the K6 scale. RESULTS: Neuroticism scores in the subjects with diarrhea-predominant IBS were significantly higher than those in the non-IBS subjects or subjects with constipation-predominant IBS. The neuroticism scores were significantly correlated with the IBS-SI scores in all subjects with IBS. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that neuroticism is involved in the pathophysiology of IBS in young subjects, especially in that of the diarrhea-predominant subtype.

    DOI PubMed


  • Effect of baseline self-efficacy on physical activity and psychological stress after a one-week pedometer intervention

    Jun Tayama, Hironori Yamasaki, Mami Tamai, Masaki Hayashida, Susumu Shirabe, Kazuki Nishiura, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Tadaaki Tomiie, Naoki Nakaya

    PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS   114 ( 2 ) 407 - 418  2012.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    Physical activity and psychological stress were hypothesized to improve more in participants with high self-efficacy than in those with low and medium self-efficacy, after a one-week intervention. 39 female university students participated. The intervention had two steps: a lecture on self-monitoring and goal setting (160 min.) and a one-week pedometer intervention. Analyses were conducted on tertile groups according to self-efficacy at baseline. Pedometer step counts were higher in the high self-efficacy group than in the low self-efficacy group after intervention. Helplessness decreased time dependently after intervention only in the high-self-efficacy group. Because physical activity improved more in the high self-efficacy group after a one-week intervention, one hypothesis was supported.

    DOI PubMed


  • Tsunami damage and its impact on mental health

    Jun Tayama, Tatsuki Ichikawa, Katsuyuki Eguchi, Taro Yamamoto, Susumu Shirabe

    PSYCHOSOMATICS   53 ( 2 ) 196 - 197  2012.03  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

    DOI PubMed


  • 肥満に特異的な食行動異常を増悪させる心理的負担についての研究 大学生を対象とした横断的研究

    田山 淳, 山崎 浩則, 富家 直明, 村椿 智彦, 濱口 豊太, 新川 広樹, 小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 坂野 雄二, 福土 審, 調 漸

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   75回   1257 - 1257  2011.08  [Refereed]

  • Irrational Dieting Beliefs Scaleの開発および信頼性・妥当性の検証

    新川 広樹, 富家 直明, 村椿 智彦, 田山 淳, 濱口 豊太, 福土 審, 坂野 雄二

    心身医学   51 ( 6 ) 562 - 562  2011.06  [Refereed]

  • The effect of natural sound: Stress-related salivary amylase and mood states

    Ono A, Tayama J, Suzuki Y, Saito F, Yamaguchi M, Hattori T, Fukudo S

    62nd International Astronautical Congress 2011, IAC 2011   1   46 - 47  2011  [Refereed]

  • Feasibility and effects of physical exercise in daily life for patients with irritable bowel syndrome

    Hamaguchi T, Shimizu K, Tayama J, Tomiie T, Kanazawa Motoyori, Sakurai K, Fukudo Shin

    Int J Behav Med 17 (Suppl 1)     157 - 158  2010.12  [Refereed]

  • The effects of self efficacy on the outcome of group cognitive-behavioral intervention including the self-monitoring method

    Tayama J, Nishiura K, Hamaguchi T, Tomiie T, Tamai M, Yamasaki H, hayashida M, Shirabe S, Fukudo Shin

    Int J Behav Med 17 (Suppl 1)     160  2010.12  [Refereed]

  • The relationships of obesity to job stress, eating behavior, physical activity and social skills in part-timers in Japan

    Muratsubaki Tomohiko, Tomiie T, Tayama J, Sakano Y, Fukudo Shin

    Int J Behav Med 17 (Suppl 1)     193 - 194  2010.12  [Refereed]

  • 過敏性腸症候群有症状者の運動時にみられる体性知覚過敏

    清水 邦彦, 濱口 豊太, 大山 峰生, 櫻井 浩治, 田山 淳, 冨家 直明, 金澤 素, 福土 審

    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌   13 ( 2 ) 1 - 8  2010.12

  • ベックダイエットプログラムの肥満治療成果に関する速報

    村椿 智彦, 富家 直明, 本谷 亮, 田山 淳, 坂野 雄二, 福土 審

    心身医学   50 ( 6 ) 578 - 578  2010.06  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • 認知行動療法の健康教育への応用 女子大学生における食行動異常改善プログラムの効果と課題

    田山 淳, 富家 直明, 服部 朝美, 西浦 和樹

    日本認知療法学会・日本行動療法学会プログラム&抄録・発表論文集   9回・35回   179 - 179  2009.10  [Refereed]

  • Effect of alpha-helical CRH on quantitative electroencephalogram in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

    Tayama J, Sagami Y, Shimada Y, Hongo M, Fukudo S

    Neurogastroenterology and motility : the official journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society    2007.06

    Authorship:Lead author

    DOI PubMed


  • Role of corticotropin-releasing hormone in pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome.

    S.Fukudo, Y.Sagami, K.Nakaya, R.Hasegawa, Y.Shimada, J.Tayama, T.Nomura, Y.Endo, T.Shoji, K.Karahashi, M.kanazwa, M.Hongo

    Jounal of Psychosomatic Reseach   58   S10  2005.04  [Refereed]

  • Effect of a corticotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist on colonic sensory and motor function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

    Sagami Y, Shimada Y, Tayama J, Nomura T, Satake M, Endo Y, Shoji T, Karahashi K, Hongo M, Fukudo S

    Gut    2004.07

    DOI PubMed


  • Effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist on EEG power spectra in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

    Fukudo Shin, Tayama Jun, Sagami Yasuhiro, Shimada Yuko, Kano Michiko, Kanazawa Motoyori, Hongo Michio

    Gastroenterology   126   A5 - A5  2004.04  [Refereed]

  • Effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist on electroencephalogram in irritable bowel syndrome.

    Fukudo Shin, Tayama Jun, Sagami Yasuhiro, Shimada Yuko, Kano Michiko, Kanazawa Motoyori, Hongo Michio

    Psychosom Med   66   A42 - A42  2004.04  [Refereed]

  • Peripheral administration of CRH antagonist improves gastrointestinal motility, visceral perception, and negative moods in response to gut stimulation in IBS patients

    Y Sagami, Y Shimada, J Tayama, T Nomura, M Satake, Y Endo, T Shoji, K Karahashi, A Utsumi, M Hongo, S Fukudo

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH   55 ( 2 ) 120 - 120  2003.08  [Refereed]


  • Effect of corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist on autonomic function in visceral stimulation in humans.

    Fukudo Shin, Shimada Yuko, Sagami Yasuhiro, Tayama Jun, Kano Michiko, Kanazawa Motoyori, Nomura Taisuke, Hongo Michio

    Psychosom Med   65   A18 - A18  2003.04  [Refereed]

  • Brain processing and autonomic changes in perception-induced emotion.

    Fukudo Shin, Shimada Yuko, Sagami Yasuhiro, Tayama Jun, Kano Michiko, Kanazawa Motoyori, Nomura Taisuke, Hongo Michio

    J Psychosom Res   55   120 - 120  2003.04  [Refereed]

  • Effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist on autonomic function in irritable bowel syndrome

    S Fukudo, Y Shimada, Y Sagami, J Tayama, M Kano, M Kanazawa, T Nomura, M Hongo

    GASTROENTEROLOGY   124 ( 4 ) A222 - A222  2003.04  [Refereed]


  • 心身症のモデル病態における修業上の問題

    田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   52 ( 1 ) 168 - 170  [Refereed]

▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 心理学理論と心理的支援

    ミネルヴァ書房  2010

  • プライマリケアにおける鬱病診断の実際 Ⅶ. 各科臨床における鬱病診断 -虚血性心疾患,高血圧-

    ライフ・サイエンス社  2007

  • 動脈壁の硬化と老化

    メジカルビュー社  2007

  • ホモシステインとPWV

    先端医学社  2006

  • 心血管リスクを有する肥満患者の減量指導効果を阻害する心理行動学的要因について

    先端医学社  2006


  • 家族の対人関係と生活満足度に及ぼす要因に関する研究 ~食育との関連を中心として~


  • 生活習慣病の改善を目的としたセルフモニタリング法を含む認知行動的介入の効果検証


  • 生活習慣病患者の脈波伝播速度と心理行動学的特性の関連についての検討



  • 自己効力感と健康行動


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 基礎研究の精神的健康への貢献 -心身相関を理論的背景として発展しているメンタルヘルス分野-


    Presentation date: 2009

  • Effective coaching for women’s university students: Structural model of intrinsic motivation.

    The 11th European Congress of Psychology 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • Self Efficacy and Physical Activity

    The 11th European Congress of Psychology 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • 心理学研究の教育への貢献-メディア教育を中心として-


    Presentation date: 2008

  • Development of Eating Behavior Scale for High School Students and Study on the Factors Related to Himando

    International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • Reducing effects of stress reaction with brainstorming card game

    International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany 

    Presentation date: 2008

  • The brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is a better predictor for pulse pressure than augmentation index in Older Hypertensives

    The 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Fukuoka, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Psycho-behavioral obstacles to efficacy of dietary education in obese patients with cardiovascular risks

    The 21st Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Fukuoka, Japan. 

    Presentation date: 2006

  • Effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist on autonomic function in controls and patients with irritable bowel syndrome

    The 17th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA. 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist on autonomic function in irritable bowel syndrome

    The 104th Annual Meeting of American Gastroenterological Association, Orlando, USA 

    Presentation date: 2003

  • Effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist on autonomic function in visceral stimulation in humans

    The 61st Annual Meeting of American Psychosomatic Society, Phoenix, USA 

    Presentation date: 2003

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 看護大学生のスタディ・エンゲイジメントの充実に関連する要因の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    大川内 鉄二, 田山 淳, 草野 洋介, 安部 恵代, 武岡 敦之, 中島 洋子, 中島 富有子, 應戸 麻美

  • IBS用eHealthシステムでの学習が食改善を介して症状軽減に及ぼす効果

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    田山 淳, 武岡 敦之, 井ノ上 憲司, 小川 豊太

  • Development and verification practices of a neurofeedback device to self-control electroencephalography and brain-gut interactions.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • 原発性局所多汗症症状に対する不安尺度の開発及び不安軽減のための心理療法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    小川 さやか, 古林 正和, 木下 裕久, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 室田 浩之

     View Summary

    原発性局所多汗症(以下多汗症)は,頭部・顔面,手掌,足底,腋窩に,日常生活に支障をきたす程の大量の発汗を生じる状態である。多汗症患者は汗で書類が濡れてしまうのではないか,自分が触ったものに汗がついていないか心配になるなど,多汗症症状による不安を日常的に感じており,Quality of Life (QOL)の低下も報告されている。しかしながら,多汗症症状に特化した不安のアセスメント方法は確立されていない。そこで本研究では,多汗症症状に対する不安尺度の開発を行い,信頼性および妥当性を検証し(研究①),多汗症症状に対する不安が多汗症症状の重症度,QOLに与える影響を明らかにする(研究②)。さらに,作成した多汗症症状に対する不安尺度の有用性の検証を行い(研究③),多汗症症状の不安に有効な心理療法の開発につなげる(研究④)。これらの研究により,多汗症患者特有の不安を明らかにするとともに,多汗症患者のQOL向上を目指す。

  • 過敏性腸症候群を不安モデル症例とした新しい注意バイアス修正法の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    河原 純一郎, 田山 淳

     View Summary

    注意は主要な認知機能の1つであり,情報選択の役割を担う。物理的に顕著な属性をもつもの(閃光など)や現在遂行中の課題に関連するものごと(会話相手の声など)以外にも,自らが価値をおく対象(金銭など)や心的状況に一致した対象(心配ごと)にも注意は向く。本研究は不安な状態に関わる場面やものごとに注意が向きやすくなる状態である注意バイアスについて調べた。過敏性腸症候群(irritable bowel syndrome, IBS)の傾向をもつ対象者に対して,胃腸症状に関連した語はネガティブ語に比べて注意が向きやすいかを検討した。IBS患者は胃腸症状に関連した語を多く想起することが知られている。Tkalcic et al. (2014)はストループ課題を用いて,ストループ促進効果を報告している。一方で,古典的には抑うつ者は抑うつ関連語の反応時間が却って遅延する(Gotlib & McCann, 1984)。ストループ課題の場合はどの段階での干渉・促進課が判然としないため,本研究は胃腸症状に関わる状況脅威語(旅行,トイレなど)への注意バイアスをドットプローブ課題を用いて測定した。Tkalcic et al. (2014)で使用された語を入手し,日本語訳したのちに測定を行った。本年度も対面授業が抑制されていたため,実験室に来室した参加者の中にIBS傾向にある者の参加がほとんど得られなかった。状態不安と消化器症状関連語への注意バイアスとの関連を測定したところ,状態不安の高い個人は,消化器症状関連語に普段から注意を向け警戒している可能性があることがわかった。

  • 滑らかな行動を獲得する新しい介入戦略:神経活動の同期化と行動学習

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    鈴木 誠, 平田 晃正, 田山 淳, 田中 悟志, 鈴木 貴子, 小川 豊太

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    健常被験者8名を対象とした(男性4名,女性4名,平均年齢34.6歳).MRI装置を用いて撮像した頭部T1強調画像を3次元化し,ナビゲーションシステムを用いて左側一次運動野の手領域,運動前野,tACS電極,経頭蓋磁気刺激(TMS)コイル位置を同期させた.tACSについては,左側運動前野と右眼窩上に電極を設置し,0.5 mAおよび20 HzのtACSを約10分間行った.tACS中に一次運動野に対して5.00-5.05秒の刺激間隔でランダムにTMSを120回行った.また,tACSの前後にもTMSを20回行った.その結果,20 Hz tACSの0.5 πの位相におけるMEP振幅変動の最適モデルは,1-bin time lagを含む自己回帰(1)モデルであり,1.0 πの位相における最適モデルは3-bin time lagを含む自己回帰(3)モデルだった.しかし,20 Hz tACS中に位相によるMEP振幅の相違を認めなかった(Friedman’s test, p = 0.832).また,tACS前中後におけるMEP振幅の相違も認めなかった(Friedman’s test, p =0.417).

  • 下痢型IBSを対象とした暴露療法:消化管症状に対する不安条件付けの消去

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    西郷 達雄, 百々 尚美, 橋本 竜作, 田山 淳, 小川 豊太

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    2018年度においては、以下1~5について検討および研究作業を実施した。1.各測定に用いる備品および消耗品:心理的症状(消化管症状に対する不安:VSI、特性不安・状態不安:STAI-JYZ、抑うつ症状:BDI-II)および消化管症状(Rome3診断基準質問紙:RMQ3、IBS重症度:IBS-SI、消化管症状QOL:IBS-QOL)を測定するアンケートを準備した。生理学的検査の準備は既に終えている。2. 介入プログラム:認知行動療法のプログラムを作成するために資料および文献収集を行った。また、認知行動プログラムのホームワークで利用する注意バイアスプログラムが搭載されたタブレット端末を導入するために資料を収集した。3.実験手続き:生理学的検査として心拍変動を測定するが、どのストレス刺激を用いることが、より本研究の対象者のストレス評価に有用であるかを検討するために資料および文献を収集した。4. 倫理委員会への研究申請:本研究においては、ランダム化比較試験(RCT)デザインによる介入研究を行なう予定であるため、所属期間への倫理申請が承認された後、UMIN臨床試験登録に登録を行うことが決定した。5.UMIN臨床試験登録が終わり次第、オープントライアル試験を実施する。なお、研究協力者の対象である下痢型IBS者数が当初よりも少なることが想定されたため、下痢と便秘を繰り返す交代型IBS者も含めることを検討した。

  • 消化管知覚過敏を軽減させるニューラルフィードバック練習装置の開発

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    小川 豊太, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 鈴木 誠

     View Summary

    過敏性腸症候群(Irritable Bowel Syndrome:IBS)は国際診断基準であるROME Ⅳ1)に記された,腹痛,便通異常,心理的不安を呈する消化器機能異常によると想定される疾患群である.IBS有症状者は常時, 消化管からの知覚信号に注意を向けて腹痛を増悪させていると考えられる(Saigo T. 2015). 脳は特定の機能を果たしていないときに特徴的な神経機能結合 (Default Mode Network: DMN) を形成する(Killingsworth MA, 2010). IBSには脳領域間の機能結合の異常が指摘されている (Kilpatrick, 2015). IBSを健常群から弁別する分類子 (classifier) は脳機能画像研究により作成されており, 70%の精度で脳の構造画像からIBSかどうかを判別できるようになった (Labus JS. 2015). しかし, 脳波解析のDMNからIBSの腹痛を弁別できる分類子は未だ明らかにされていない. 本研究は (1) IBS有症状者の内臓知覚の認識過程の特徴を電気生理学的に検証し, (2) IBS症状を軽減させるDecNef開発を行った. IBS症状の有無がROME Ⅳ基準に基づいて判断されたIBS有症状者(IBS群)11人,無症状者(Non-IBS群)11人の脳波データを得て脳波解析を行った.各群のGSRSの中央値は,IBS群40点,Non-IBS群34点であり,Tielemansの分類によれば,本研究のIBS群の症状は軽症,Non-IBS群はほとんど症状なしであった.得られた脳波からα波,β波のパワースペクトラムを算出し,機械学習させて作成したclassifierの識別能力を評価した結果,IBS有症状正診率91.2%,無症状正診率89.8%,感度90.3%,特異度90.7%であった.

  • Study on construction of eHealth system for self-care of IBS symptoms and the effect.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))

    Project Year :


  • 相反性抑制機能を向上する新しい介入:電磁気刺激とフィードバックの統合効果

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    Project Year :


    鈴木 誠, 田山 淳, 田中 悟志, 小川 豊太, 鈴木 貴子

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    健常被験者8名を対象とした(男性1名,女性7名,平均年齢22.5歳).反復運動として,運動開始合図に対して素早く手関節を屈曲する単純反応課題を100回反復した.開始合図の150 ms後に経頭蓋磁気刺激を行い,橈側手根屈筋(FCR)および橈側手根伸筋(ECR)における運動準備中の運動誘発電位(MEP)振幅を観察した.FCRおよびECRにおけるMEP振幅を自然対数モデルに近似させ,FCRとECRにおける自然対数モデルの切片および傾きを,反復運動練習の前半と後半で二項検定を用いて比較した.その結果,運動準備中のMEP振幅は,FCRとECRともに運動開始に近づくほど振幅が低下する対数関数に近似した時系列変化を示した.しかし,FCRにおける自然対数の傾きは反復運動練習の後半まで維持されたものの,ECRでは反復運動練習の後半に傾きが減少した.

  • Effects of Cognitive Bias Modification on Mild Dementia Patients with Depression and Anxiety Symptoms

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tabira Takayuki

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of a new rehabilitation program, Attention Bias Modification (ABM), for psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety, which are highly prevalent in patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. The ABM is a program that corrects attentional biases caused by the emotional valence of stimuli. We analyzed the correlation between the reaction time of the attention bias modification and MMSE and behavioral psychological symptoms in 13 elderly patients with mild dementia who had depression and anxiety symptoms. In the ABM task targeting neutral stimuli, a significant correlation between reaction time and GDS15 was found, indicating an association between depressive responses and attentional bias. Percentage of reaction time targeting threatening and neutral stimuli was significantly associated with behavioral psychological symptoms.

  • Development of an executive function support program and practice of comprehensive support for students with developmental disorders

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIDA Yuri

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    In this study, we found that students with developmental disorders had difficulty with executive functioning, particularly in planning, which was directly related to academic difficulty, and that appropriate support did not lead to academic difficulty. In the case of the CIVUD-19, students had difficulty in obtaining and updating information, which made it difficult for them to receive support from their surroundings, further increasing their difficulties.
    Based on the results of the above assessment, it is beneficial to organize planning support with supporters by managing schedules and prioritizing what needs to be done, and we created a planning tool for this purpose using a tablet device. It is effective to continue to use the tool with the support of student supporters.

  • Well-being of the elderly who left their hometown after the nuclear disaster

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Mizuta Keizo

     View Summary

    It turned out that there are many elderly people who value their ties to their families and communities while experiencing the shocking experience of the nuclear accident.In addition, it is said that the number of returnees to Namie Town is about 1,500 (7%) as of April 2021.However, according to the questionnaire survey,people living outside Namie Town have little sense of belonging to the area, have a strong feeling for Namie Town, and many people leave their resident card as Namie Town.It turned out that there are manypeople who want to return to Namie Town if circumstances permit.

  • Long-term effects of group cognitive behavioral therapy for depression prevention in first-year university students

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HAYASHIDA Masaki

     View Summary

    High Harm Avoidance (HA) scores on the Temperament and Character Inventory are a risk factor for depression. The present study is a follow-up to a randomized controlled trial of a group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) program for depression prevention conducted with first-year university students with high HA scores. The present study examines GCBT effects on a reduction in depressive symptoms at three years after initial intervention. Current depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and general health were assessed. Data of 48 participants for whom complete data were obtained were statistically analyzed.
    At three years post-intervention, the intervention group (n = 30) exhibited significant decreases in both depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms, compared with pre-intervention. No significant differences were found in control group (n =18) scores on all measures. These results suggest that GCBT has a long-term effect on mood improvement in students with high HA.

  • Research on work-life balance and health support program for dual-earner couples with small children

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    SHIMAZU Akihito

     View Summary

    This study developed a new health support program focusing on work-life balance for dual-earner families with pre-school child(ren) (0-6 years old) and evaluated its effectiveness by a randomized controlled trial. Participants had two three-hour participatory programs that consist of three components (i.e., self-, couple-, and parent-child management). Intervention effects were evaluated using questionnaire surveys conducted before, 1 month after, and 3 months after the intervention. The intervention had significant or marginally significant effects on (1) work-life balance, work-life-balance self-efficacy and psychological stress response for participants, and (2) work-life-balance self-efficacy and psychological stress response for their partner.

  • Verification of maintenance and aggravation mechanism of IBS symptoms based on decision-making behavior and cognitive behavior theory

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    SAIGO Tatsuo, TAYAMA Jun, OGAWA Sayaka, HAMAGUCHI Toyohiro, TOMIIE Tadaaki, HAYASHIDA Masaki, MURATSUBAKI Tomohiko, TAKEBAYASHI Yoshitake

     View Summary

    Brain functions of IBS studies suggest that the orbital frontal cortex activity is associated with high anxiety and IBS symptoms severity. In this study, we used the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) to measure the reward prediction function of IBS, and verified changes in salivary S-IgA before and after the task. As a result, in the IBS group, the S-IgA concentration before IGT was significantly higher than in the healthy group. There was no significant difference IBS and Healthy group in IGT results. Moreover, while the S-IgA concentration increased before and after IGT only in the healthy group, the S-IgA concentration in the follow-up decreased in the IBS group from before IGT. From the results of this study, it was revealed that maintenance of high stress maintains the function of reward prediction in IBS.

  • Development of a comprehensive self-management method for behavior modification related to hospital visit and improvement of healing power in the patients with IBS.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    TAYAMA Jun

     View Summary

    In this study, we conducted a comprehensive self-management method for 27 patients with IBS. And we examined the effect of the intervention using stress hormone (cortisol) and brain indicators. As a result, through implementation of the comprehensive self-management method, the normalization of attention components of the brain and stress hormone was observed.

  • Effect of attention bias modification in older adult elderly patients with chronic pain using event-related potential

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Attention bias towards pain-related information exists in patients with chronic pain, and recently, attention bias modification (ABM) training has been administered to patients with chronic pain. In this study, we conducted attention bias measurement (dot-probe) task in conjunction with event-related potential measurements for elderly individuals with chronic low back pain (LBP) and investigated the relationship between attention bias and psychological assessment. Ten elderly women with chronic LBP participated in the study. The STarT Back psychological score was significantly correlated with the N1 amplitude of Cz and Pz and with RT. The Fear Avoidance-Beliefs Questionnaire score was significantly correlated with the N1 amplitude of Cz. For chronic LBP patients who are classified according to STarT Back, pain-related outcome improvement with ABM training can be expected.

  • Electrophysiological inspection of improvement of somatic hyperalgesia and gastrointestinal paresthesia by physical exercise

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    Hamaguchi Toyohiro

     View Summary

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized by central nervous system to processing visceral and somatic information recurrent abdominal pain and altered bowel habit. IBS symptom is known to reduce by exercise intervention. This study was tested effect of exercise for 4-week in 18 people with IBS and 10 asymptomatic participants and inspected the hypothesis that improvement and the desensitization of gastrointestinal symptoms produced. Results of gastrointestinal symptoms were significantly improved in high-locomotor activity group (more than 1,000 steps/day) than low-locomotor group. There were no significantly changes in somatic perception by exercise intervention in the both group. No difference of somatic perception was found on behalf of the difference in gastrointestinal symptom kept a 4-week momentum than 7,000 steps in IBS. These mechanisms should be demonstrated by analysis of the visceral and somatic information processing in human brain.

  • A comprehensive health-promoting program for the both of metabolic syndrome and mental health among adolescents.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Tomiie Tadaaki

     View Summary

    Although the cognitive behavior techniques appeared to be adopting as a preventive approach for the Mets in the school health settings, an effective index hasn’t been specified owing to many cognitive factors as construct validity were disorganized.It is not well known about the index of a mental health problem related to those factors.The purpose of this study was to develop the Dysfunctional Dieting Beliefs Scale (DDBS) to assess dysfunctional beliefs for weight management,and to develop other coping scales,and to validity of the comprehensive health-promoting program(COHAP) for the both of metabolic syndrome and mental health among adolescents.465 high school students and 172 college students participated in this study.The COHAP program succeeded in improving both eating habits and mental health efficiently.Especially,the DDBS showed acceptable reliability and validity to measure dysfunctional beliefs as intervention target for weight management during the COHAP program.

  • The development of group cognitive behavioral therapy aimed at focusing on psychological behavior for obese people

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    OGAWA Sayaka, HAYASHIDA Masaki, TAYAMA Jun, KOBAYASHI Masakazu, SAIGO Tatsuo

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to develop a group cognitive behavioral therapy that considering a personality characteristic of Type A behavior pattern, and we verified this program effect. Participants lost weight after this intervention compared to before this intervention. Participants declined the emotional eating and increased the restrained eating after this intervention compared to before this intervention. Therefore, it was possible that this intervention may lead to obesity improvement.

  • Explanation of brain mechanism during creative thinking and establishment of support system.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Nishiura Kazuki, SAWABE Yuko

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study was to reveal a psychological mechanism during creative problem solving. In the book of learning assessment(Nishiura, 2017), we had 9 effective findings: (1) research processes, (2) some kinds of valuable, (3) experimental design, (4) kinds of research papers, (5) operating suggestions. In addition, we found (6) emotional shift during brainstorming as indicator of depression, anxiety, optimist, effort, arousal, and avoidance. And then, (7)we confirmed temporal change of left and right temporal cortex with brain wave mapping. (8)We showed the evidence of outdoor education in the translated book “Swedish outdoor education enables us to get wisdoms and pleasures of living”. (9)We showed the effects of praise and coaction during decorating Christmas tree on a feeling of satisfaction on the work via two kinds of personalities (self-esteem and narcissism) by applying the scheme of game based education.

  • Construction and practice of a comprehensive assessment system for supporting developmental disorders university students

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    YOSHIDA Yuri

     View Summary

    For the purpose of constructing a comprehensive assessment system useful for supporting university students with developmental disorders, the screening scale was created and the results were verified.
    We conducted seven questionnaire tests for 250 first-year students (February), showed a high correlation between developmental disorder risk, social anxiety disorder, and college life maladaptation items, so that differential diagnostic items and mismatch Axis developmental disability screening scale. In addition, as a result of interviewing 12 people with high development risk (experimental group) ,1 year, improvement of the difficulty existed and continued, but while training was maintained, support was implemented There was a clear problem (GPA decline and leave of absence) occurred in the group that did not have developmental disorder risk (severe ASD risk: control group) after the first grade.Based on these results, a comprehensive assessment system model was presented.

  • Risk of visceral fat accumulation in young adulthood

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    YAMASAKI Hironori

     View Summary

    A relationship between hypertension and intra-abdominal fat (IAF) in young adulthood is not clear. In a cross-sectional study, intra-abdominal fat area was measured using a dual bioelectrical impedance analysis instrument in 697 university students (20.3±0.7 years, 425 men). Blood pressure and anthropometric factors were measured. Lifestyle variables including smoking, drinking, physical activity, and eating behavior were assessed with questionnaire. High blood pressure risk (SBP>-130mm Hg and/or DBP>-85mm Hg) with increasing IAF area was evaluated. Participants were divided into 5 groups according to their intra-abdominal fat area (-24.9, 25.0-49.9, 50-74.9, 75-99.9, and 100- cm2). As compared with the values of the smallest IAF area group, the lifestyle-adjusted odds ratios (ORs) were elevated (OR 1.31, 95% CI 0.66-2.80; OR 3.38, 95% CI 1.60-7.57; OR 7.71, 95% CI 2.75-22.22; OR 18.74, 95% CI 3.93-105.64, respectively). The risk increase was observed only in men.

  • Preventive Effects of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on University Students with High Risk for Depression

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAYASHIDA Masaki, OGAWA Sayaka, BERNICK Peter, FUKUHARA Nozomi

     View Summary

    Depressive disorders are one of the leading causes of years lost due to disability in young adults. The personality trait of harm avoidance (HA) has been associated with risk for depression. We examined the effect of group cognitive behavioral therapy (G-CBT) on preventing depression in first-year university students with high HA.
    Participants were randomly assigned to either the G-CBT program group or usual care group. Outcomes were measured by the Beck Depression Inventory, the 28-item General Health Questionnaire, and the Manifest Anxiety Scale. No statistically significant between-group differences in depressive symptoms were found at the end of the 12-month follow-up period. However, significant within-group decreases in depressive symptoms were observed in the G-CBT program group. The significant decrease in depressive symptoms sustained over the 12-month follow-up period within the intervention group indicates that G-CBT may, in the short-term, act to prevent depression.

  • Development of preventive method for exacerbation of depression by omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and group cognitive behavioral therapy.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIRABE Susumu

     View Summary

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and psychoeducation may improve depression. Severity of depression was lower in placebo and treated group compared to baseline. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and psychoeducation improved symptoms. Psychoeducation alone also ameliorated symptoms.

  • Research on an application for Internet Cognitive Behavioral Therapy using e-learning and networking system.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAI Masahiro

     View Summary

    In this study, the final result was confirmation for the contribution of improving human relations in Low-intensity Cognitive Behavioral Therapy application via the Internet. Low-intensity Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a method which improving the cognitive of words and psychological condition in interactions by self-guided program without therapists. This study conducted the implementation of Low-intensity Cognitive Behavioral Therapy e-learning contents and the effect confirmation experiment by the cognitive behavior recording in CBT system. As a result, our proposed method could be confirmed improvement effects for university students with tendencies in depression by this experiment.

  • Development of psychotherapy for improving psychological abnormalities of irritable bowel syndrome

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAYAMA Jun, HAMAGUCHI Toyohiro, TOMIIE Tadaaki, HAYASHIDA Masaki, SAIGO Tatsuo

     View Summary

    We carried out saliva cortisol test for the subject 27 people, EEG, ERP, threshold (sensory-pain), and psychological test, respectively. Then, we started interventions for each subject. By the end of study period, we finished the data analysis except EEG mapping. This study revealed that the shorter the reaction time with the increase of the number of attempts ABM. In addition, the value of cortisol after ABM intervention was significantly reduced as compared to the values of cortisol before baselinet. However, for pain threshold and sensory threshold, there was no change before and after the test. Because cortisol was decreased by intervention, ABM intervention may attenuate some biological stress markers.

  • Development of psychological scales to measure the gastrointestinal symptoms specific anxiety

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SAIGO Tatsuo, TAYAMA Jun, TOMIIE Tadaaki, HAMAGUCHI Toyohiro, HAYASHIDA Masaki

     View Summary

    In the present study, we report our newly developed Japanese version of the VSI (VSI-J) measuring gastrointestinal symptoms specific anxiety (GSA) and test its validity and reliability. As a result, the scale was found to be reliable and valid in a manner consistent with the original VSI. Further, VSI-J was a significant predictor of QOL on the IBSB-QOL. These results suggested that VSI-J may now be used to better assess the impact of interventions targeting the reduction of GSA in Japanese patients with IBS.

  • The role of Life Style Modification on Physical Activity in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    HAMAGUCHI Toyohiro, TAYAMA Jun, SAIGO Tatsuo, TOMIIE Tadaaki

     View Summary

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by chronic abdominal pain and abnormal bowel habituation. The symptoms of IBS are often aggravated by stress, which alters colonic motility and visceral perception. In addition, IBS is one of the serious causes of the early social maladjustment. In the treatment guidelines on digestive organ psychosomatic disorder (Fukudo, 2006), intervention to lifestyle modification including medication, teaching to eating habits and an exercise is shown as the first treatment stage. This study have highlighted the role of an exercise and lifestyle habits in IBS. This study reveals a possible association between exercise and lifestyle habits in IBS.

  • Health-nutrition beliefs and cognitive bias to keep ineffective dieting behaviors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IMADA Sumio, HASEGAWA Tomoko, SAKAI Nobuyuki, WADA Yuji, KIMURA Atsushi, TAYAMA Jun

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    This research deals with the problem of why it's hard to change unhealthy behavior. Although many people keep trying various weight loss efforts, not many realize that it has effective results and health benefits. In order to examine cognitive biases in dieters, study 1 compared the CRT(Frederick, 2005) scores for 900 dieters and 900 non-dieters( all females in range 15-59 years). No significant difference was seen between two samples, although dieters showed lower scores than non-dieters. Study 2 examined the role of impulsiveness( Dickman, 2000; Fossati et al., 2001) in analytic thinking for another two samples of dieters and non-dieters( each 540 females). Maladaptive impulsivity scores correlated with low CRT scores significantly. Although cognitive biases were not showed directly in dieters, it was showed that impulsiveness has important function to bridge System1 thinking with dieting behavior.

  • An development of convergent thinking tool and investigation of psychological mechanism on creative problem solving

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this study was to reveal a psychological mechanism during creative problem solving. To achieve the goal, we developed the card game for brainstorming, which was used to experience the game, and to learn the way of group thinking as represented by brainstorming. And then we acquired psychological data for being able to understand mental stress and cognitive coping style.
    We found that it enables the method of brainstorming card game to facilitate not only to create ideas, but also to relieve depression and for the subject with high desire of control to make an effort to improve the condition.

  • Prediction of metabolic syndrome: Identification of collage students at high risk for metabolic syndrome

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YAMASAKI Hironori, TAYAMA Jun

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    DualScan is a non-invasive analyzer for visceral fat area (VFA), which no radiation exposure was required. We measured VFA of young adults (427 males and 272 females) with DualScan, and analyzed the associations of VFA with waist circumferences (WC) and life-style, including eating behaviors, alcohol intake, smoking, regular exercise. The means of VFA were 41.5 cm^2 in male, 33.8 cm^2 in female. The association of VFA with WC was good for male (r=0.79). Logistic analysis with mean+1SD of VFA as dependent variable showed significant positive association of the scores in eating behaviors.

  • The development of a communication skills program for high school without unfairness of regional trait

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TOMIIE Tadaaki, OGAWA Toyohiro

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    Recently there are growing interests in child mental health and communication skills. We performed the following three researches.(1) Investigation which clarifies relation between communication skill and mental health for each area.(2) Development of the communication skill measure which can be used in each 5 section from an elementary school to a high school.(3) Public presentation of a communication education tool which utilized the above-mentioned 5 measure and the challenge of an experimental intervention study for a few schools.We got several conclusions. The child who resides in rural areas has a depression score higher than the child in urban areas. About the skill of expression of an opinion, and good will expression, the children who reside in rural areas were lower than in urban areas. We created the model social skill explains depression to be via a behavioral activation variable. Five communication skill measures were established for user available.

  • Effects of the cognitive behavioral intervention including the self-monitoring method on lifestyle-related disease.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAYAMA Jun

     View Summary

    We investigated that the effects of group cognitive-behavioral intervention including the self-monitoring method on improvement of lifestyle-related diseases. Intervention improved weight, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, alanine aminotransferase, and adiponectin. Three-month short intervention performed in this study might decrease of visceral fat.

  • The effect of cognitive-behavioral interventions for overweight and obese adults : Systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TOMIIE Tadaaki, TAYAMA Jun, OGAWA Toyohiro, MURATSUBAKI Tomohiko

     View Summary

    In this review, the effectiveness of different cognitive-behavioral interventions for overweight and obese adults was evaluated. Reviewed studies were obtained by computerized searches of The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and CINAHL. Studies involving cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavior therapy, and relaxation therapy were reviewed. Reviewed studies were published randomized controlled trials in which one of the outcome measures of the study was weight change. Meta-analyses were performed using a random effect model. Cognitive-behavioral therapy was found to result in significantly greater weight reductions and BMI reductions than control when assessed as a stand-alone weight loss strategy. The results of this review suggest that cognitive-behavioral therapy can help people who are overweight or obese by enhancing weight reduction. There were not enough studies to provide conclusive evidence about the effectiveness of relaxation therapy.

  • A study on effects of reducing stress responses with brainstorming card game.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NISHIURA Kazuki, TAYAMA Jun, IKEDA Kazuhiro

     View Summary

    The creative education demonstrates children can acquire feelings of self-determination and self-competence with frequent repetition of the learning through trial and error, or insight. With brainstorming card game, this study found that (1) the brainstorming differed from debate or discussion in a variety of ways, and (2) the brainstorming was useful of not only learning skills of problem solving, but also building human relationship.

  • Relationship between Pulse Wave Velocity and Type A Behavior Pattern in Patients with Lifestyle-related Disease

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAYAMA Jun

     View Summary

    We investigated the influence of type A behavior pattern (TABP) in men and women with arteriosclerosis. Although the male and female patients had similar ranges of age and systolic blood pressure, the brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) was higher in men than in women. The TABP was observed to indirectly increase the baPWV only in men. In this study, we demonstrated that TABP promoted drinking behavior in both men and women. Moreover, we found that drinking behavior strongly influenced liver function in men but not in women. Being well informed of the patient's psycho-behavioral aspects is indispensable for the prevention or treatment of arteriosclerosis in patients with a remarkable level of TABP. In addition, such psycho-behavioral factors appear to have greater importance in male patients than in female patients.

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  • スタディ・エンゲイジメントに影響する大学生のライフスタイル要因の研究

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 矢内 希梨子, 林田 雅希, 古林 正和, 相良 郁子, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   56 ( 1 ) 355 - 356  2019.03  [Refereed]

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Long-term effects of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for depression prevention in first-year university students

    Kiriko Yanai, Sayaka Ogawa, Masaki Hayashida, Jun Tayama, Tatsuo Saigo, Peter Bernick, Susumu Shirabe


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • スタディ・エンゲイジメントに影響する大学生のライフスタイル要因の研究

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 矢内 希梨子, 林田 雅希, 古林 正和, 相良 郁子, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   56回   95 - 95  2018.09

  • Validation of a Japanese Version of the Work Engagement Scale for Students

    Jun Tayama, Wilmar Schaufeli, Akihito Shimazu, Masanori Tanaka, Akari Takahama

    Japanese Psychological Research    2018.01

     View Summary

    © 2018 Japanese Psychological Association. Published by John Wiley &amp; Sons Australia, Ltd. We sought to verify the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Students (UWES-S-J). We examined 824 university students. We calculated the goodness of fit for a single-factor model and the three-factor model. The fit to the data was better for the three-factor than for the single-factor model, but all factors were highly positively correlated. Additionally, the UWES-S-J had good internal consistency and test–retest reliability. For the content validity, there were significant positive correlations between the UWES-S-J score and social support, a resilience scale, and subjective happiness. The UWES-S-J has good reliability and validity and may therefore be used to assess study engagement among Japanese students.


  • Support systems for students in Japanese higher education (3): Implementation of CBT for university students

    Sasaki Megumi, Tayama Jun, Takezawa Midori, Ogawa Sayaka, Kameyama Akiko, Suzuki Shinichi

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   82 ( 0 ) SS - 001-SS-001  2018

    DOI CiNii

  • 肥満者の心理行動改善を目的とした新たな認知行動療法の開発

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 古林 正和, 相良 郁子, 前田 真由美, 黒木 優子, 大坪 敬子, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   55回   61 - 61  2017.11

  • 過敏性腸症候群の安静EEGパターンはαパワー%を指標とした前頭部機能結合が低い

    濱口豊太, 鈴木誠, 原元彦, 田山淳

    臨床神経生理学   45 ( 5 ) 468 - 468  2017.10


  • 修学困難感とソーシャルサポートが精神的健康と学業成績に与える影響 医療系大学生を対象とした横断的研究

    西郷 達雄, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 武岡 敦之, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    医学教育   48 ( Suppl. ) 153 - 153  2017.08

  • 修学困難感とソーシャルサポートが精神的健康と学業成績に与える影響 医療系大学生を対象とした横断的研究

    西郷 達雄, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 武岡 敦之, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    医学教育   48 ( Suppl. ) 153 - 153  2017.08

  • 過敏性腸症候群における身体感覚に対する注意と消化管症状に対する不安が重症度に及ぼす影響

    西郷 達雄, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 村椿 智彦, 濱口 豊太, 富家 直明, 福土 審

    心身医学   57 ( 6 ) 640 - 640  2017.06

  • デュアルインピーダンス法を用いた大学生における内臓脂肪面積の評価

    古林 正和, 相良 郁子, 山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 前田 真由美, 黒木 優子, 大坪 敬子, 阿比留 教生, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    糖尿病   60 ( 2 ) 191 - 191  2017.02


    Hirokazu Takizawa, Jun Tayama, Tadaaki Tomiies, Toshiyuki Ishioka, Hiromi Nakamura, Toyohiro Hamaguchi


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


    J. Tayama, F. Saigou, S. Ogawa, T. Hamaguchi, K. Inoue, H. Okamura, J. Yajima, A. Takeoka, S. Fulatdo, S. Shirabe


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


    T. Hamaguchi, J. Tayama, T. Saigou, T. Tomiie, H. Takizawal, M. Kanazawa, S. Fukudo


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 大学生の休学退学理由とTCIパーソナリティ特性との関連について

    高濱 あかり, 小川 さやか, Bernick Peter, 西郷 達雄, 富永 ちはる, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   54回   95 - 95  2016.09

  • ピロリ菌関連胃炎とメンタルヘルスの関連について

    武岡 敦之, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 古林 正和, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   54回   101 - 101  2016.09

  • 大学生における病的ギャンブリング症状の潜在構造 taxometric analysisを用いて

    横光 健吾, 田山 淳, 高田 琢弘, 甲田 宗良, 金澤 潤一郎, 国里 愛彦, 高橋 高人, 高橋 史, 古川 洋和, 松岡 紘史

    日本アルコール・薬物医学会雑誌   51 ( 4 ) 179 - 179  2016.08

  • Having features of both eating quickly and type A behavior pattern, it is a risk factor for obesity

    Sayaka Ogawa, Tatsuo Saigo, Atsushi Takeoka, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Susumu Shirabe, Jun Tayama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   910 - 910  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Associations between perceived teasing experiences and dysmorphic concern, acceptance with cosmetic surgery in Japanese university students

    Masanori Tanaka, Yuko Yamamiya, Jun Tayama

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   152 - 152  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Higher levels of gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety are associated with increased risk of presence of irritable bowel syndrome

    Tatsuo Saigo, Jun Tayama, Sayaka Ogawa, Atsushi Takeoka, Toyohiro Hamaguchi, Naoki Nakaya, Shin Fukudo, Susumu Shirabe

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY   51   146 - 146  2016.07

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 大学生を対象とした消化器症状に対する不安によるIBS保有リスクの増加

    西郷達雄, 田山淳, 小川さやか, 濱口豊太, 富家直明, 福土審

    心身医学   56 ( 6 ) 634 - 634  2016.06


  • タイプA行動パターンと肥満との関連性

    山崎 浩則, 小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 野中 文陽, 有森 春香, 岡本 百々子, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    糖尿病   59 ( Suppl.1 ) S - 181  2016.04

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 日本人勤労者の肥満と心理行動学的要因の検討 タイプA行動パターンに注目して

    山崎 浩則, 野中 文陽, 小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 古林 正和, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    糖尿病   59 ( 4 ) 295 - 295  2016.04

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 青年期成人の内臓脂肪と生活習慣の関連性(第二報)

    古林 正和, 山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 前田 真由美, 清家 陽子, 黒木 優子, 大坪 敬子, 阿比留 教生, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   53 ( 1 ) 101 - 103  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • 修学集中困難感とソーシャルサポート満足感がメンタルヘルスに与える影響

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 高濱 あかり, Bernick Peter, 青山 友里, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   53 ( 1 ) 366 - 368  2016.03  [Refereed]

  • 学業成績、不安および抑うつと大学1年生の援助希求行動との関連

    Bernick Peter, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    全国大学メンタルヘルス研究会報告書   37回   97 - 101  2016.03


  • 日本人勤労者の肥満と心理行動学的要因の検討(タイプA行動パターンに注目して)

    山崎浩則, 野中文陽, 小川さやか, 田山淳, 古林正和, 阿比留教生, 調漸

    糖尿病(Web)   59 ( 4 ) 295(J‐STAGE)  2016


  • 過敏性腸症候群に対する注意バイアス修正法の介入効果

    田山淳, 西郷達雄, 小川さやか, 新川広樹, 富家直明, 矢島潤平, 岡村尚昌

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79回   413 - 413  2015.08


  • 大学生のソーシャルサポート満足感とメンタルヘルスの関連―修学不適応感との検討―

    小川さやか, 西郷達雄, 田山淳

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79th   422 - 422  2015.08


  • 注意欠如・多動性障害の障害特性に関する知識尺度(Literacy Scale of characteristics of ADHD:LS‐ADHD)開発の試み

    酒井貴庸, 金澤潤一郎, 西郷達雄, 田山淳, 設楽雅代, 武田俊信

    日本特殊教育学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM)   53rd   ROMBUNNO.P23-7  2015.08


  • 発達障害学生支援のためのアセスメントシステムの検討―社交不安障害と自閉症スペクトラム障害,困り感,GPAとの関連を中心に―

    吉田ゆり, 田山淳, 西郷達雄, 鈴木保巳

    日本特殊教育学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM)   53rd   ROMBUNNO.P12-14  2015.08


  • デュアルインピーダンス法による内臓脂肪の評価 青年期成人の生活習慣との関連性

    山崎 浩則, 古林 正和, 田山 淳, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 調 漸

    糖尿病   58 ( 8 ) 619 - 619  2015.08

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 青年期成人の内臓脂肪と生活習慣の関連性(第二報)

    古林 正和, 山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 前田 真由美, 清家 陽子, 黒木 優子, 大坪 敬子, 阿比留 教生, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   53回   36 - 36  2015.08

  • 修学集中困難感とソーシャルサポート満足感がメンタルヘルスに与える影響

    小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 高濱 あかり, Bernic Peter, 青山 友里, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   53回   94 - 94  2015.08

  • 高等教育における学生支援 予防的介入から治療的介入まで

    佐々木 恵, 田山 淳, 松井 めぐみ

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79回   SS(13) - SS(13)  2015.08

  • 過敏性腸症候群に対する注意バイアス修正法の介入効果

    田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 新川 広樹, 富家 直明, 矢島 潤平, 岡村 尚昌

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79回   413 - 413  2015.08

  • 大学生のソーシャルサポート満足感とメンタルヘルスの関連 修学不適応感との検討

    小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 田山 淳

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79回   422 - 422  2015.08

  • 高不安者における視線・表情に対する注意バイアスの特徴

    新川 広樹, 大野 史博, 田山 淳, 富家 直明

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   79回   427 - 427  2015.08

  • 大学生を対象とした日本語版VSIを利用した消化器症状に対する不安の調査

    西郷 達雄, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 濱口 豊太, 富家 直明, 福土 審

    心身医学   55 ( 6 ) 719 - 719  2015.06

  • 【障がいのある学生へのサポート】 発達障害を持つ若者の内面の苦悩と社会適応問題

    田山 淳

    CAMPUS HEALTH   52 ( 2 ) 34 - 39  2015.05

  • 新入学部生におけるソーシャルサポートと心理的苦痛との関連性の検証

    Bernick Peter, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   52 ( 1 ) 393 - 395  2015.03

  • Development of Eating Behavior Scale Focus on Nutritional Balance and Examine the Reliability and Validity

    Takako Utsumi, Jun Tayama, Kazuki Nishiura, Yuuko Chishima, Yumiko Yoshihara, Kimiko Oosaka, Kahori Kikuchi, Sayuri Nii, Mami Suzuki, Chieko Magara, Tohoku Rosai Hospital, Center for Health and Community Medicine Nagasaki University, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University

      ( 15 ) 33 - 40  2015.02


  • Type A behavior pattern in relation to obesity: a cross-sectional study in Japanese workers

    S. Ogawa, T. Saigo, A. Takeoka, H. Yamasaki, T. Hamaguchi, S. Shirabe, J. Tayama


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome in university students is associated with higher experiencing maladjustment and employment anxiety

    J. Tayama, N. Nakaya, T. Hamaguchi, T. Saigo, S. Ogawa, T. Sone, S. Fukudo, S. Susumu


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • デュアルインピーダンス法による内臓脂肪の評価~青年期成人の生活習慣との関連性~

    山崎浩則, 古林正和, 田山淳, 阿比留教生, 川上純, 調漸

    糖尿病(Web)   58 ( 8 ) 619(J‐STAGE)  2015


  • 抑うつにおける推論の誤りがもつ自己・他者志向性

    松田 幸久, 田山 淳, 川崎 康弘

    心身医学   55 ( 9 ) 1072 - 1072  2015

    DOI CiNii


    T. Hamaguchi, H. Takizawa, K. Sasao, T. Ishioka, J. Tayama, T. Tomiie, T. Saigou, T. H. Nakamura, K. Kayaba


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


    T. Hamaguchi, J. Tayama, T. Saigou, T. Tomiie, M. Kanazawa, K. Kayabal, S. Fukudo


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


    J. Tayama, S. Fukudo, N. Nakaya, T. Hamaguchi, T. Tomiie, M. Shinozaki, T. Saigo, S. Shirabe


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • 青年期成人の内臓脂肪と生活習慣の関連性

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 古林 正和, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 黒木 優子, 阿比留 教生, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   52回   34 - 34  2014.08

  • デュアルスキャンを用いた青年期成人の内臓脂肪面積の評価

    古林 正和, 山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 黒木 優子, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 阿比留 教生, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   52回   35 - 35  2014.08

  • 過敏性腸症候群の大学生における修業状況 心身症のモデル病態における修業上の問題

    田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 中谷 直樹, 濱口 豊太, 福士 審, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   52回   44 - 44  2014.08

  • 新入学生を対象としたうつ予防のための集団認知行動療法

    小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 福原 視美, Bernick Peter, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   52回   74 - 74  2014.08

  • 3ヵ月間の減量教室でみた、体重と腹囲と内臓脂肪面積の推移 DUALSCANの導入

    山崎 浩則, 淺雄 加奈子, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 川上 純, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    糖尿病   57 ( 5 ) 379 - 379  2014.05

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 青年期成人の内臓脂肪と生活習慣の関連性

    山崎 浩則, 古林 正和, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    糖尿病   57 ( Suppl.1 ) S - 463  2014.04

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 大学生の腹囲と内臓脂肪面積

    山崎 浩則, 前田 真由美, 淺雄 加奈子, 大坪 敬子, 脇浜 直子, 阿比留 教生, 古林 正和, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   51 ( 1 ) 282 - 283  2014.03  [Refereed]

  • うつ予防を目的とした集団認知行動療法の効果 ハイリスクな大学新入生への介入

    田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, Bernick Peter, 福原 視美, 濱口 豊太, 富家 直明, 中谷 直樹, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   51 ( 1 ) 455 - 457  2014.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary


  • A Survery on the support of university students with developmental disorders.

    YOSHIDA Yuri, TAYAMA Jun, SAIGO Tatuo, SUZUKI Yasumi

    Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University. Educational science   78   89 - 96  2014.03

     View Summary

    In Japan we started a special education six years ago. Eventually, Support for university students with developmental disorders was lagging behind. In this study, We examined the research trends on the development of the Disability Resource 12 years. As a result, reporting initiatives and practice case, trend research has preceded. And we found that the program development and assessment are lagging behind.


  • 大学生に適した新規食行動質問票の開発

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 浅雄 加奈子, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 調 漸

    糖尿病   56 ( 10 ) 807 - 807  2013.10

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 日本人勤労者の生活習慣を増悪させる心理行動学的要因の検討 タイプA行動パターンとの関連

    小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 田山 淳, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 調 漸, 山崎 浩則

    糖尿病   56 ( 10 ) 807 - 807  2013.10

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • メタボリックシンドローム患者に対するチーム医療の展開 集団認知行動療法の導入と効果

    田山 淳, 淺雄 加奈子, 中垣内 真樹, 篠崎 彰子, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 調 漸, 山崎 浩則

    糖尿病   56 ( 10 ) 807 - 807  2013.10

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 大学生の腹囲と内臓脂肪面積

    山崎 浩則, 前田 真由美, 淺雄 加奈子, 大坪 敬子, 脇浜 直子, 阿比留 教生, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   51回   87 - 87  2013.10

  • うつ予防を目的とした集団認知行動療法の効果 ハイリスクな大学新入生への介入

    田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, Bernick Peter, 福原 視美, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    全国大学保健管理研究集会プログラム・抄録集   51回   105 - 105  2013.10

  • The relationship between Type A Behaviour pattern and obesity in Japanese workers

    S. Ogawa, H. Ymasaki, T. Saigo, T. Hattori, T. Tomiie, T. Hamaguchi, S. Sirabe, M. Munakata, J. Tayama

    PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS   82   77 - 77  2013.09

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Long work time is associated with higher risk of diabetes in urban male workers

    J. Tayama, T. Hattor, J. Li, M. Munakata

    PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS   82   113 - 113  2013.09

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • PD-070 社会的スキル尺度の因子構造の発達的変化(学校心理学,ポスター発表)

    新川 広樹, 富家 直明, 田山 淳

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   55 ( 55 ) 333 - 333  2013.07

    DOI CiNii

  • 新入生のメンタルヘルス対策 健康診断における全員面接の導入

    Bernick Peter, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 富永 ちはる, 林田 雅希, 調 漸, 田山 淳

    CAMPUS HEALTH   50 ( 2 ) 221 - 226  2013.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary


  • 青年期成人に適した新規食行動質問票の作成

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 調 漸

    糖尿病   56 ( Suppl.1 ) S - 376  2013.04

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • メタボリックシンドローム患者を対象とした集団認知行動療法の効果

    田山 淳, 山崎 浩則, 中垣内 真樹, 篠崎 彰子, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 村椿 智彦, 新川 広樹, 富家 直明, 坂野 雄二, 福土 審, 調 漸

    糖尿病   56 ( Suppl.1 ) S - 236  2013.04

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Associations between Body Dysmorphic Concern and Alexithymia in Undergraduate Students

    Tanaka Masanori, Tayama Jun, Arimura Tatsuyuki

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   53 ( 4 ) 334 - 342  2013.04

     View Summary

    Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate associations between body dysmorphic concern and alexithymia in undergraduate students. Method : A total of 328 participants (male=187, female=141) filled out the questionnaires as follows ; the Japanese version of Body Image Concern Inventory (J-BICI), the Japanese version of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), and the negative affect scale within the Japanese version of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). J-BICI has three factors as follows ; Safety Behaviors for one&#039;s own appearance flaws (SB), Avoidant Behavior from one&#039;s own appearance flaws (AB), and Negative Evaluation for one&#039;s own appearance (NE). TAS-20 contains the following three factors ; Difficulty Identifying Feelings (DIF), Difficulty Describing Feelings (DDF), and Externally Oriented Thinking (EOT). Results : After controlling for negative affect, there were significant and positive correlations between J-BICI all subscales and DIE Especially, there was also a significant positive correlation between NE and DDF. Correlations between all subscales of J-BICI and EOT showed no significance. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis also revealed that DIF was associated with the all subscales of J-BICI positively. All subscales of J-BICI were not explained by DDF and EOT. Conclusion : These results suggested that there might be positive associations between body dysmorphic concern and DIF.

    DOI CiNii

  • 第6部 付録資料

    西原 俊明, 大橋 絵理, 木村 拓也, 田山 淳, 池田 光壱, 竹内 一真, 井ノ上 憲司

    長崎大学アドミッションセンター研究叢書 : Nagasaki university admission studies   3   67 - 156  2013.03


  • 9章 入学前教育における健康教育プログラムの効果

    田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 調 漸

    長崎大学アドミッションセンター研究叢書 : Nagasaki university admission studies   3   53 - 61  2013.03


  • Job Stress and Health Conditions of Japanese Workers in Shanghai : Japan-China Cooperative Study for the Prevention of Karoshi

    MUNAKATA Masanori, HATTORI Tomomi, KONNO Satoshi, TAYAMA Jun, LI Jue

      61 ( 2 ) 138 - 143  2013.03


  • 大学生に適した新規食行動質問票の開発

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 淺雄 加奈子, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   50 ( 1 ) 257 - 257  2013.03

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • 大学生のメンタルヘルスとIBS

    田山淳, 中谷直樹, 濱口豊太, 富家直明, 篠崎雅江, 西郷達雄, 調漸, 福土審

    行動医学研究   19 ( Supplement ) 55  2013.03


  • 新入生を対象とした健康診断におけるメンタルヘルス対策の導入

    Bernick Peter, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 富永 ちはる, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   50 ( 1 ) 435 - 435  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • 大学生の抑うつ症状軽減を目的とした集団認知行動療法の効果

    西郷 達雄, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか, 福原 視美, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   50 ( 1 ) 496 - 497  2013.03  [Refereed]

  • Factor Structure of the Japanese Version of Body Image Concern Inventory (j-BICI) : Confirmatory Factor Analysis

    田中 勝則, 田山 淳

    カウンセリング研究   46 ( 1 ) 11 - 17  2013.02

     View Summary

    Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI) is a brief and comprehensive self-report measure that is designed to assess the symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder. It is used in various countries. The Japanese version of BICI (J-BICI) has been developed. Although it had good reliability and validity, the factor structure of the J-BICI was inconsistent with previous studies. On the other hand, it was problematic that participants in some previous studies were almost all female. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factor structure of the J-BICI controlling for sex difference. 1227 undergraduate students (709 males [57.8%], 515 females [42.2%]) filled out the J-BICI. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the J-BICI had three interpretable factors: Safety Behaviors for one's own appearance flaws(SB), Avoidant Behaviors from one's own appearance flaws (AB), and Negative Evaluation for one's own appearance (NE). This three factors model was also common in both males and females. In addition, it was shown that these three factors had good internal consistency. These results indicated that three factors model of the J-BICI was the most interpretable and was not affected by sex of the participant.

    DOI CiNii

  • PG-062 児童生徒の発達段階に応じた社会的スキルを測定する尺度の作成(2) : 中学校・高等学校の生徒指導に向けて(学校心理学,ポスター発表)

    富家 直明, 新川 広樹, 田山 淳

    日本教育心理学会総会発表論文集   54 ( 54 ) 754 - 754  2012.11

    DOI CiNii


    T. Toyohiro, K. Shimizu, J. Tayama, T. Tomiie, T. Saigou, M. Kanazawa, K. Sakurai, S. Fukudo


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  


    J. Tayama, N. Nakaya, T. Hamaguchi, T. Tomiie, M. Shinozaki, T. Saigo, M. Hayashida, S. Fukudo


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • メタボリックシンドロームの教職員に対するチーム医療の展開とその効果

    田山 淳, 淺雄 加奈子, 山崎 浩則, 中垣内 真樹, 篠崎 彰子, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 4 ) 80 - 80  2012.09

  • 大学生に適した新規食行動質問票の開発

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 淺雄 加奈子, 阿比留 教生, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 4 ) 82 - 82  2012.09

  • 新入生を対象とした健康診断におけるメンタルヘルス対策の導入

    Bernick Peter, 田山 淳, 富永 ちはる, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 4 ) 102 - 102  2012.09  [Refereed]

  • 大学生の抑うつ症状軽減を目的とした集団認知行動療法の効果

    西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 福原 視美, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 4 ) 109 - 109  2012.09  [Refereed]

  • IBSと心気症::Body VigilanceがIBSのsubtypeの重症度に及ぼす影響

    西郷達雄, 田山淳, 冨家直明, 濱口豊太, 篠崎雅江, 坂野雄二, 福土審

    心身医学   52 ( 6 ) 558 - 558  2012.06


  • Basic Surveys Concerning Mobile Phone Addiction among High School Students

    Tayama Jun, Saigo Tatsuo, Ogawa Sayaka, Kimura Takuya, Tomiya Naoki, Nishiura Kazuki

    Journal of developmental science Miyagi Gakuin Women's College   ( 12 ) 39 - 46  2012.03


  • 長崎大学入学前教育における科学実験講義の狙い : スイッチバック方式の教材の提案と実践

    池田 光壱, 木村 拓也, 田山 淳

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   0 ( 22 ) 303 - 308  2012.03


  • 大学生の甲状腺疾患

    黒木 優子, 山崎 浩則, 大坪 敬子, 前田 真由美, 淺雄 加奈子, 玉井 慎美, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 安藤 隆雄, 石丸 忠彦, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 1 ) 188 - 189  2012.02  [Refereed]

  • 大学1年生を対象とした健康診断におけるメンタルヘルス対策の導入

    Bernick Peter J, 田山 淳, 富永 ちはる, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 1 ) 213 - 215  2012.02  [Refereed]

  • 教職員を対象とした健康診断におけるメンタルヘルス対策の導入

    田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 山崎 浩則, 玉井 眞美, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 1 ) 230 - 232  2012.02  [Refereed]

  • 東日本大震災におけるPTSD 災害医療支援職員に対する予防介入の実践

    小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 福原 視美, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   49 ( 1 ) 450 - 451  2012.02  [Refereed]

  • 減量を目的とした集団認知行動療法の有効性

    村椿智彦, 富家直明, 本谷亮, 田山淳, 森下城, 鹿野理子, 金澤素, 坂野雄二, 福土審

    生活習慣病認知行動療法研究会プログラム・抄録集   7th   14  2012


  • 大学生の過敏性腸症候群とメンタルヘルスの関連について (平成24年度 第34回全国大学メンタルヘルス研究会 大学メンタルヘルスの新しい光を求めて)

    田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか

    全国大学メンタルヘルス研究会報告書 : 学生支援合同フォーラム   34   58 - 62  2012


  • 大学新入生のうつ予防を目的とした集団認知行動療法の効果 (平成24年度 第34回全国大学メンタルヘルス研究会 大学メンタルヘルスの新しい光を求めて)

    西郷 達雄, 田山 淳, 小川 さやか

    全国大学メンタルヘルス研究会報告書 : 学生支援合同フォーラム   34   63 - 68  2012


  • Influence of 'Persistence' on Changing Moods of Peer Support

    Matsuda Yukihisa, Tayama Jun

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   52 ( 5 ) 396 - 404  2012

     View Summary

    Objectives : Peer-support refers to supports offered to people who have the same problem producing psychological stress. In this study, we examined whether 'persistence' in a person's psychological traits (Cloninger et al.) affects his or her changing moods by performing peer-support. Subjects : Twenty eight undergraduates participated in this study. All of them completed question items of 'persistence' which were parts of Temperament and Character Inventory. Methods : Subjects were assessed them mood using the Profile of Mood State (POMS) before performing peer-support (Baseline). After a week, peer-support had conducted. At the beginning, subjects were remainded of a stress event that they felt stressful. Then, their mood was assessed (Pre-support). The peer-support was conducted for 30 min, and their mood was assessed again (Post-support). Results : The median score for 'persistence' were obtained as a criterion for classing groups. Then, subjects were divided into high or low groups. The mean POMS scores were submitted to tow-way ANOVAs with group and period. In the fatigue factor of POMS, interaction between group and period was found. The high 'persistence' group showed a significant decreasing in POMS score in the post-support condition as a changing mood after performing peer-support. In contrast, the low 'persistence' group did not show such a counseling effect. POMS scores in baseline condition, pre-support condition, and post-support condition were at the same level. Conclusion : The results indicated that changing moods of peer-support were affected by the degree of 'persistence' in a person's psychological traits.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of the Self-Other Focused Thinking Error Scale (SOFT) in Depression(Symposium/How Can Psychotherapy Exercise Its Power to Move the Society Forward?)

    Matsuda Yukihisa, Tayama Jun

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   52 ( 9 ) 835 - 844  2012

     View Summary

    Objectives : The aim of this study was to develop the brief version of thinking error questionnaire and to confirm its reliability and validity. Subjects and methods : Subjects were 325 normal undergraduate and technical college students (male=158, female=167). All participants completed the brief version of thinking error questionnaire with 20 items. One hundred twenty three of them completed the self-rating questionnaire for depression (SRQ-D), 38 subjects completed the stress response scale (SRS-18), and 157 subjects completed the state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) and brief version of stress coping questionnaire. Factor analysis using the promax rotation method was carried out. Then, Pearson correlation coefficients between the brief version of thinking error questionnaire and other questionnaires were calculated. Results : The results of factor analysis revealed that the brief version of thinking error questionnaire which was made in this study had two factors. The questionnaire was named "Self-Other Focused Thinking Error Scale" (SOFT). The first factor was named self-focused logical thinking error. The second factor was named other-focused logical thinking error. Cronbach's α indicated that SOFT had enough reliability. The results of Peason correlation coefficients were such that, positive correlation between the first factor and state anxiety, trait anxiety, stress response. The negative correlation between the first factor and the amount of stress coping was also showed. The second factor and trait anxiety showed a positive correlation ; however, other combinations between the second factor and other questionnaires did not reach significant correlations. The different pattern of correlation was defined by two different factors of focusing of logical thinking error which were self-focusing and other-focusing. The results of total score were identical with the results of the first factor. The results of total score indicated that SOFT had high validity. Conclusion : The resultant 10-item SOFT was obtained. The SOFT could test the tendency of the logical thinking error. Further research using SOFT in clinical samples is needed.

    DOI CiNii

  • The effect of natural sound: Stress-related salivary amylase and mood states

    Ayako Ono, Jun Tayama, Yôiti Suzuki, Fumitaka Saito, Masaki Yamaguchi, Tomomi Hattori, Shin Fukudo

    62nd International Astronautical Congress 2011, IAC 2011   1   46 - 47  2011.12

  • P1-57 東日本大震災における災害医療救援車の心理的苦痛:複数のトラウマ体験が与える影響についての検討(一般演題(ポスター),現在から未来へ 我が国における認知行動療法の展開)

    西郷 達雄, 小川 さやか, 福原 視美, バーニック ピーター, 田山 淳

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   ( 37 ) 274 - 275  2011.11


  • 食行動異常の測定領域から見たIDBSの構成概念

    新川 広樹, 富家 直明, 村椿 智彦, 田山 淳, 坂野 雄二

    日本行動療法学会大会発表論文集   37回 ( 37 ) 252 - 253  2011.11


  • 大学生の甲状腺疾患

    山崎 浩則, 前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 淺雄 加奈子, 黒木 優子, 玉井 慎美, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 安藤 隆雄, 石丸 忠彦, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 3 ) 69 - 69  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 大学1年生を対象とした健康診断におけるメンタルヘルス対策の導入

    Bernick Peter J, 田山 淳, 西郷 達雄, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 3 ) 71 - 71  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 教職員を対象とした健康診断におけるメンタルヘルス対策の導入

    田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 山崎 浩則, 玉井 眞美, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 3 ) 73 - 73  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • 東日本大震災におけるPTSD 災害医療支援職員に対する予防介入の実践

    小川 さやか, 西郷 達雄, 福原 視美, 田山 淳, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 3 ) 97 - 97  2011.10  [Refereed]

  • Association between Body Dysmorphic Concern and Perfectionism Cognition among College Students

    田中 勝則, 田山 淳

    認知療法研究 = Japanese journal of cognitive therapy   4 ( 2 ) 140 - 148  2011.09


  • P-1 Irrational Dieting Beliefs Scaleの開発および信頼性・妥当性の検証(治療技法他,ポスターディスカッション,今,心身医学に求められるもの-基礎から臨床まで-,第52回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会)

    新川 広樹, 富家 直明, 村椿 智彦, 田山 淳, 濱口 豊太, 福土 審, 坂野 雄二

    心身医学   51 ( 6 )  2011.06


  • 大学生版食行動調査票の開発 その信頼性と妥当性

    山崎 浩則, 田山 淳, 阿比留 教生, 川上 純, 調 漸

    糖尿病   54 ( Suppl.1 ) S - 108  2011.04

  • The Relationship between Mobile Phone Addiction and Psycho-Behavioral Factors among High School Students

    Tayama Jun

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   51 ( 3 ) 245 - 253  2011.03

     View Summary

    The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between mobile phone addiction and psycho-behavioral factors among high school students. Six hundred and fifty seven high school students replied to scales about the mobile phone addiction and stress response. Results indicate that a high degree of mobile phone addiction is related to high stress responses in high school students. It was disclosed that these stress responses were aggravated by the high degree of mobile phone addiction evoked high dependence against mobile phone use. Furthermore, it was suggested that a high degree of mobile phone addiction caused some kinds of maladjusted behaviors. Mobile phone is a useful tool for high school students. However, it is possible that a high degree of mobile phone addiction evokes various psycho-behavioral aberrations.

    DOI CiNii

  • 職員向けMetS改善教室(ススムンピック)による高分子アディポネクチンの有用性

    淺雄 加奈子, 山崎 浩則, 篠崎 彰子, 中垣内 真樹, 大坪 敬子, 前田 真由美, 玉井 慎美, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 1 ) 153 - 154  2011.02  [Refereed]

  • 大学生版食行動質問票の開発 項目反応理論を用いた尺度の精査及び信頼性・妥当性の検証

    田山 淳, 山崎 浩則, 林田 雅希, 玉井 慎美, 木村 拓也, 中垣内 真樹, 富家 直明, 濱口 豊太, 中谷 直樹, 山本 玲子, 福士 審, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 1 ) 186 - 188  2011.02  [Refereed]

  • 肥満学生への保健指導の取り組みについて

    前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 淺雄 加奈子, 山崎 浩則, 玉井 慎美, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 1 ) 189 - 190  2011.02  [Refereed]

  • 長崎大学で流行した新型インフルエンザ(AH1N1/2009/pdm) 対策本部の設置、問題点、罹患情報収集ウェブシステムの構築

    山崎 浩則, 浅野 加奈子, 大坪 敬子, 前田 真由美, 田山 淳, 玉井 慎美, 林田 雅希, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 1 ) 332 - 334  2011.02  [Refereed]

  • 悩み事および相談希望の有無とパーソナリティの関連について クロニンジャーの気質と性格検査による検討

    林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 山崎 浩則, 玉井 慎美, 前田 真由美, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   48 ( 1 ) 373 - 374  2011.02  [Refereed]

  • Development of the Japanese Version of Body Image Concern Inventory

    Tanaka Masanori, Arimura Tatsuyuki, Tayama Jun

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   51 ( 2 ) 162 - 169  2011.02

     View Summary

    Objectives: The purpose of this study is to develop the Japanese Version of Body Image Concern Inventory (J-BICI), which is a self-rating scale to assess a body dysmorphic concern. We evaluated the factor structure, reliability and validity of J-BICI. Method: Subjects were 577 normal undergraduate (male=327, female=250) students. They completed the J-BICI and some other related questionnaires (Dysmorphic concern Examination; DCE, Self-rating Depression Scale; SDS, Drive for Thinness and Bulimia subscale of Eating Disorder Inventory-91; abbreviated EDI-91, Japanese 32item short version of Padua Inventory; J-PI32). Factor analysis using promax lotation method was carried out. Result: Factor analysis was carried out and identified three interpretable factors. These factors were as follows: (1) safety behavior for one&#039;s own appearance flaws, (2) avoidant behavior from one&#039;s own appearance flaws, (3) negative evaluation for one&#039;s own appearance. These factors had high degrees of internal consistency and good test-retest reliability. In addition, there were significant correlation and discrimination between J-BICI and other related questionnaires. Conclusion: In this study, it was shown that J-BICI had good reliability and validity as a measure of body dysmorphic concern.

    DOI CiNii

  • The relationship of individual differences in musical mood induction and personality trait by the tree drawing test

    富家 直明, 村椿 智彦, 田山 淳

    北海道医療大学心理科学部研究紀要   0 ( 7 ) 27 - 34  2011


  • The effect of brief group cognitive behavioral approach on abnormal eating behavior

    Jun Tayama, Yukihisa Matsuda, Takako Utumi, Kazuki Nishiura, Nagasaki University, Toyama University, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University

    Journal of developmental science, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University   ( 11 ) 53 - 60  2011

    DOI CiNii

  • The Relationship between Changing Mode and Stress Coping Strategies in Peer-Support

    MATSUDA Yukihisa, TAYAMA Jun

    Japanese Journal of Counseling Science   44 ( 2 ) 118 - 126  2011

     View Summary

    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between stress coping strategies and the effect of participating in a peer-support group. Forty-six participants who completed the stress coping strategies questionnaire attended a peer-support group. The results showed that the high problem focused coping group and high frequency coping group showed a decrease in psychological stress reactions, while the low group did not show that effect in this activity. The low problem/emotion ratio group showed a decrease in psychological stress reactions, while the high problem/emotion ratio group did not show that affect in fatigue and anger. In conclusion, different effects of peer-support depending on the stress coping strategies used were revealed.

    DOI CiNii

  • 職員向けMetS改善教室(ススムンピック)による高分子アディポネクチンの有用性

    淺雄 加奈子, 山崎 浩則, 篠崎 彰子, 中垣内 真樹, 大坪 敬子, 前田 真由美, 玉井 慎美, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   47 ( 3 ) 71 - 71  2010.10

  • 大学生版食行動質問票の開発 項目反応理論を用いた尺度の精査及び信頼性・妥当性の検証

    田山 淳, 山崎 浩則, 林田 雅希, 玉井 慎美, 木村 拓也, 中垣内 真樹, 富家 直明, 濱口 豊太, 中谷 直樹, 山本 玲子, 福土 審, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   47 ( 3 ) 75 - 75  2010.10

  • 肥満学生への保健指導の取り組みについて

    前田 真由美, 大坪 敬子, 淺雄 加奈子, 山崎 浩則, 玉井 慎美, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   47 ( 3 ) 75 - 75  2010.10

  • 長崎大学で流行した新型インフルエンザ(AH1N1/2009/pdm) 対策本部の設置、問題点、罹患情報収集ウェブシステムの構築

    山崎 浩則, 大坪 敬子, 前田 真由美, 浅雄 加奈子, 林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 玉井 慎美, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   47 ( 3 ) 90 - 90  2010.10

  • 悩み事および相談希望の有無とパーソナリティの関連について クロニンジャーの気質と性格検査による検討

    林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 山崎 浩則, 玉井 眞美, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   47 ( 3 ) 95 - 95  2010.10

  • 肥満に関連する食行動異常についての心理学的研究

    田山 淳

    日本病態栄養学会誌   13 ( 3 ) 207 - 215  2010.09



    Masanori Tanaka, Jun Tayama, Tastuyuki Arimura, Masashi Sugawara


    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • P-65 セルフモニタリング法を含む集団認知行動的介入の効果に対する自己効力感の影響について(心理療法・他,ポスターディスカッション,ストレス時代の『こころ』と『からだ』,第51回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会)

    田山 淳, 西浦 一樹, 服部 朝美, 富家 直明

    心身医学   50 ( 6 ) 595 - 595  2010.06

    DOI CiNii

  • 若年成人におけるHOMA-IRでみたインスリン抵抗性と動脈硬化危険因子

    山崎 浩則, 林田 雅希, 大坪 敬子, 前田 真由美, 阿比留 教生, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   47 ( 1 ) 222 - 222  2010.02

  • 休・退学者のTCI検査結果から見たパーソナリティー特性

    林田 雅希, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   47 ( 1 ) 364 - 366  2010.02  [Refereed]

  • Development of a brief stress coping scale using item response theory

    Yukihisa Matsuda, Jun Tayama, Kazuki Nishiura, Takuya Kimura, Kanazawa Institute of Tecnology, Nagasaki University, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University, Nagasaku University

    Journal of developmental science, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University   ( 10 ) 1 - 7  2010

    DOI CiNii

  • 若年成人におけるHOMA-IR でみたインスリン抵抗性と動脈硬化危険因子

    山崎浩則, 尾崎方子, 林田雅希, 前田真由美, 大坪敬子, 浅雄加奈子, 玉井慎美, 阿比留教生, 田山淳,調 漸

    Campus Health   47 ( 2 ) 127 - 132  2010

  • 女子大学生を対象とした運動習慣形成プログラムの実践と課題 -セルフモニタリング法を含む集団認知行動的介入-

    田山淳, 西浦和樹, 林田雅希, 山崎浩則, 調 漸

    Campus Health   47 ( 2 ) 85 - 90  2010

  • 青年期女性の食行動に関する心理学的研究

    田山淳, 西浦和樹, 菅原正和

    岩手大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター研究紀要   ( 9 ) 117 - 124  2010

  • Relationship of Weight Loss and Physical Activity Determined by Hearing in Male Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

    SATOH Tomonori, TAYAMA Jun, NEMOTO Yuki, YOSHIHARA Yumiko, SUZUKI Keiko, MUNAKATA Masanori, MIURA Yukio

    Japanese journal of occupational medicine and traumatology   58 ( 1 ) 9 - 14  2010


  • Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance Estimated by HOMA-IR in Youth

    Hironori Yamasaki, Masako Ozaki, Masaki Hayashida, Mayumi Maeda, Noriko Otsubo, Kanako Asao, Mami Tamai, Norio Abiru, Jun Tayama, Susumu Shirabe

    Campus Health   47 ( 2 ) 127 - 132  2010

  • A practice of program for forming exercise habits among female college students : A group cognitive-behavioral intervention including self-monitoring method

    Jun Tayama, Kazuki Nishiura, Masaki Hayashida, Hironori Yamasaki, Susumu Shirabe

    Campus Health   47 ( 2 ) 85 - 90  2010

  • A Psychological Research of Abnormal Eating Behaviors in Adolescent Women

    Jun Tayama, Kazuki Nishiura, Masakazu Sugawara

    The Journal of Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practices   ( 9 ) 117 - 124  2010

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    The prevalence of obesity and overweight among adolescent women has dramatically increased in Japan. One of the reasons for this increase in body weight is abnormal eating behavior. However, it is not clear what effect age has on abnormal eating behaviors specifically across the age range of adolescent women. We therefore investigated the effect age has on abnormal eating behaviors among early- and lateadolescent women. Results showed that the level of abnormal eating behavior was higher in the lateadolescent women than in the early-adolescent women. According to the increase in age, eating as diversion, overfeeding and irregular eating become moreprevalent among adolescence women. In this study, we clarified that increasing age negatively affects the eating behaviors among adolescent-women.現在,成人同様,青年期における肥満を有する者の割合が増加している。肥満の主な原因として,食行動異常が知られている。青年期では,男性に比べ女性の食行動異常が顕著であり,その対策や介入方法の整備は急務である。しかしながら,青年期女性における年齢と食行動異常の関連については詳しく検討されていない。本研究では,青年期女性を対象として,食行動異常の発達的変化について検討することを目的とした。対象は高校生と大学生511名であった。食行動異常の調査は,標準化された質問紙を用いて,代理摂食,過食,リズム異常,食べ方,食事内容について行った。食行動異常の下位尺度の合計点は,高校生に比べ有意に大学生で高い値を示した。各食行動異常を目的変数とした重回帰分析の結果,代理摂食,過食,リズム異常のそれぞれに対して,年齢が修飾因子となることが明らかになった。代理摂食,過食,リズム異常は,心理的な要因,特に心理的ストレスとの関連が強い。その上,心理的ストレスは青年期においてさえも,加齢に伴い上昇することが知られている。青年期女性における,年齢上昇に伴う代理摂食,過食,リズム異常の増加は,年齢上昇に伴う心理的ストレスの増強と関連する可能性がある。本研究では,青年期女性において,年齢上昇が,代理摂食,過食,リズム異常を増悪させることを明らかにした。


  • Relationship of Weight Loss and Physical Activity Determined by Hearing in Male Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

    Tomonori Satoh, Jun Tayama, Yuki Nemoto, Yumiko Yoshihara, Keiko Suzuki, Masanori Munakata, Yukio Miura

    Japanese Journal of Occupational Medicine and Traumatology   58 ( 1 ) 9 - 14  2010.01


  • Development of a brief stress coping scale using item response theory

    Yukihisa Matsuda, Jun Tayama, Kazuki Nishiura, Takuya Kimura, Kanazawa Institute of Tecnology, Nagasaki University, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University, Nagasaku University

    Journal of developmental science, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University   ( 10 ) 1 - 7  2010

    DOI CiNii

  • A Study on Development of Educational Tools in Brainstorming and Effects of Reducing Stress Responses and Rule Learning on its Method


    Japan journal of educational technology   33 ( suppl. ) 177 - 180  2009.12

     View Summary


    DOI CiNii

  • 若年成人におけるHOMA-IRでみたインスリン抵抗性と動脈硬化危険因子

    山崎 浩則, 林田 雅希, 大坪 敬子, 前田 真由美, 阿比留 教生, 田山 淳, 調 漸

    CAMPUS HEALTH   46 ( 3 ) 64 - 64  2009.09

  • Brain-Gut Interactions in Irritable Bowel Syndrome(Symposium/Psychosomatic Disorders as Revealed by Brain Science)

    Fukudo Shin, Kanazawa Motoyori, Kano Michiko, Watanabe Satoshi, Hamaguchi Toyohiro, Tayama Jun, Terui Takahiro, Sagami Yasuhiro, Shoji Tomotaka, Endo Yuka, Morishita Joe, Tashiro Manabu, Yanai Kazuhiko, Hongo Michio

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   49 ( 4 ) 299 - 304  2009.04

     View Summary

    Psychosomatic disorders are the states with physical disorders, which are either organic or functional and originated from and/or aggravated by psychosocial stressors. The pathophysiology of psychosomatic disorders has been investigated mainly on autonomic nervous system and endocrine system. Recent advances in neuroscience enabled us to explore the brain mechanism of these disorders and emotion formation and typical example is irritable bowel syndrome. Noxious stimulation to the gut activates the anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, insula, and so on. The activation of the anterior cingulate cortex is known to relate to depression, whereas the activation of the amygdala results in anxiety. Therefore, the common pathway between formation of visceral pain and that of negative emotion is suggested. Emotion is originated from the signal given to the peripheral sensory organs and initially it is perceived as olfaction, vision, audition, taste, and bodily sensation in the brain. Among these, role of bodily sensation whose prototype is visceral perception (interoception) in emotion formation will be clarified in the future.

    DOI CiNii

  • 過敏性腸症候群における脳腸相関

    福土 審, 金澤 素, 鹿野 理子, 渡辺 諭史, 濱口 豊太, 田山 淳, 照井 隆広, 相模 泰宏, 庄司 知隆, 遠藤 由香, 森下 城, 田代 学, 谷内 一彦, 本郷 道夫

    心身医学   49 ( 4 ) 299 - 304  2009


  • Effect of hypertension and abnormal eating behaviors on obesity index in early abolescents

    TAYAMA Jun, SUGAWARA Masakazu

    The Journal of Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practices   8 ( 8 ) 131 - 134  2009


  • Effect of hypertension and abnormal eating behaviors on obesity index in early abolescents

    田山 淳, 菅原 正和

    The Journal of Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practices   ( 8 ) 131 - 134  2009

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    我が国において,成人の肥満者の割合が増加傾向にある.小・中学校・高校における男女合計での肥満傾向児童生徒の割合も成人と同様,平成2年から著しい増加している.文部科学省は平成17年に食育基本法を制定し,学校及び家庭等における積極的な食青に関する取り組みを開始した. 肥満の修飾因子としては,遺伝要因,環境要因の両者の関与が認められており,その他様々な要因が明らかになってきている.中でも特に注目されているのが,食行動である.食行動異常は,過食(bulimia,overfeeding),早食い(eatingquickly),代理摂食(eatingasdiversion),無茶食い(bingeeating),夜間摂食(nighteating)等が際立っている.我が国では,坂田(1997)が,成人の肥満症患者に特異的な食行動異常に関して,(1)体質に関する認識,(2)空腹感・食動機,(3)代理摂食,(4)満腹感覚,(5)食べ方,(6)食事内容,(7)リズム異常の7領域に分類している.なお,青年期に見られる食行動異常を因子分析にて検討した先行研究では,代理摂食,過食,リズム異常,食べ方,食事内容の5因子が抽出されている.代理摂食は,無茶食い等に代表される摂食行動であるが,肥満の第一の原因と考えられている.また,リズム異常は,食生活リズムの乱れを示し,食べ方は,主として早食いを示す. 肥満を修飾する身体的な要因も様々であるが,遺伝子においての代表格はレプチンである.レプチン濃度の高さは肥満と関連するが,近年の研究では,レプチン濃度が食行動に関連することも明らかになってきている.さらに,血圧も肥満との関連が強い.肥満は,インスリン抵抗性を引き起こし,高血圧,糖尿病,脂質異常症の発症リスクを増加させることが知られている. 本研究では,肥満の修飾因子を,身体指標から血圧,行動指標から食行動を取り上げ,青年期前期の青年の高血圧と食行動異常がそれぞれどの程度肥満に影響を与えるかを検討した.


  • The Relationship between School Attendance and the Tree Drawing Test in Junior High School Students

    Tayama Jun

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   48 ( 12 ) 1033 - 1041  2008.12

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    Recently, over 100,000 junior high school students in Japan refuse to attend school. The decrease in attendance is assumed to be a sign of maladjusted behaviors and is conceived to be a serious social problem. It is important to clarify characteristics of the student&#039;s personality in order to improve their school attendance rates. We carried out the tree drawing test for 37 junior high school students (20 males and 17 females) to examine the relationship between their classroom attendance and personality characteristics. In addition, we carried out the two paper questionnaires, Satisfaction with School Life Scale and Motivation with School Life Scale. The result of having analyzed the questionnaire showed that the lack of attendance at school was connected with the lowness of a feeling that they belong to the class, and the lowness of motivation to take a proper course of study. According to the tree drawing test, children who have poor attendance rates drew trees with a weak brushstroke. Furthermore, these same children drew a tree top with a notched shape in it. The features of these tree drawing tests reveal that they might have feeling of depression, maladjustment, a conservative tendency and oversensitivity. The results of this research suggests that improvemens in the depressive or maladjusted mode might improve students&#039; overall school attendance. In conclusion, this study clarifies that there exists a relationship between junior high school students attendance rates and certain features of the tree drawing test.

    DOI CiNii

  • Role of Corticotropin-releasing Hormone in Pathophysiology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(Symposium : Frontiers Research and Practice in Psychosomatic Medicine)

    Fukudo Shin, Hamaguchi Toyohiro, Nakaya Kumi, Tayama Jun, Kano Michiko, Kanazawa Motoyori, Sagami Yasuhiro, Shoji Tomotaka, Endo Yuka, Itoh Masatoshi, Yanai Kazuhiko, Hongo Michio

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   48 ( 7 ) 619 - 623  2008.07

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is representative disorder to which biopsychosocial model is well adapted. In Rome III critera, IBS is defined by recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least 3 days per month in the last 3 months associated with 2 or more of the following : improvement with defecation, onset associated with a change in frequency of stool, and/or onset associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool. Pathophysiology of IBS is characterized by gastrointestinal dysmotility, visceral hypersensitivity, and psychological abnormality. Initially these three factors were considered to be independent but gradually the mutual relationship among them was clarified. This relationship has been conceptualized as brain-gut interactions. Typical manifestation of brain-gut interactions is brain imaging during visceral perception. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is a plausible candidate of regulating brain-gut interactions in IBS patients. We showed that peripheral administration of CRH aggravated visceral sensorimotor function as well as adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) response in IBS patients. We then administered alpha-helical CRH (ahCRH), a non-selective CRH receptor antagonist to IBS patients and found improvement of colonic hypermotility, abdominal pain, anxiety, and decreased power of alpha wave in electroencephalogram induced by visceral stimulation. Activation of CRH-R1 causes colonic hypermotility, whereas stimulation of CRH-R2 inhibits gastric emptying. CRH likely plays an important role in pathophysiology of IBS.

    DOI CiNii

  • Development of an Eating Behavior Scale for High School Students and Study on the Factors Related to Himando

    Tayama Jun, Watanabe Satoshi, Nishiura Kzuki, Munakata Masanori, Fukudo Shin

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   48 ( 3 ) 217 - 227  2008.03

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    Background ・ Eating behavior is a serious problem among adolescents in Japan. However, there is no reliable questionnaire to assess abnormality of the eating behavior. The purpose of this study is to develop an eating behavior scale for high school students and to investigate the eating behavior factor structure associated with Himand (seriously under weight, slightly under weight, healthy weight range, over weight, obese). Subjects and method : The subjects consisted of 950 high school students (male = 791 ; female = 159). The subjects completed the questionnaire consisting of 30 items. Results : Factor analysis was carried out and five dimensions were identified. Those factors were as follows : CD eating as diversion, (2)overfeeding, (3)eating quickly, (4)irregular eating, (5)content of meals. The abnormality level of eating behavior was higher in the female group than in the male group. The results of ANOVA that was performed with Himando as the dependent variable and five factors of eating behavior, the significant group effect was detected on eating as diversion, overfeeding, eating quickly, and content of meals factors. Conclusion : In this study, we developed an eating behavior scale for high school students. In high school students, gender difference effects their eating behavior. We found that the abnormality level of eating behavior was higher in the very under weight group, slightly under weight group, over weight group and obese group than in the healthy weight range group.

    DOI CiNii

  • Eating behavior and psychological stress in young women

    田山 淳, 菅原 正和

    The Journal of Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practices   7 ( 7 ) 97 - 101  2008


  • A study on development and evaluation of educational tools for creativity: reducing effects of stress responses on brainstorming method

    Journal of developmental science, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University   8 ( 8 ) 71 - 80  2008


  • A psychological study on development and practice of the health education program: a case of improvement through media exposure with the application of cognitive behavior therapy to an overweight child

    田山 淳, 西浦 和樹, 高橋 憲子

    Journal of developmental science, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University   8 ( 8 ) 39 - 49  2008


  • 軽症鬱病 -循環器疾患との関連-

    田山淳, 宗像正徳

    治療学   42 ( 2 ) 31 - 34  2008

  • Normal and Abnormal Brain Processing of Interoception and Emotion(Symposium : Brain Mechanism of Normal and Abnormal Emotional Processing : Exploring Black Box of Emotion and Mind-Body Interaction)

    Fukudo Shin, Hamaguchi Toyohiro, Kano Michiko, Tayama Jun, Kanazawa Motoyori, Sagami Yasuhiro, Shoji Tomotaka, Endo Yuka, Itoh Masatoshi, Yanai Kazuhiko, Hongo Michio

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   47 ( 8 ) 691 - 695  2007.08

     View Summary

    Mind-body relationship may be clarified by investigation of normal and abnormal brain processing of interoception and emotion. In particular, research findings in pathophysiological mechanism of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) would be useful for applying the methodology to psychosomatic disorders in general. We measured regional cerebral blood flow by positron emission tomography (PET) with injecting H215O saline under the stimulation of the colon. The gut was distended with barostat bag. By distention, the thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex, insula, and prefrontal cortex were activated. Abdominal pain and anxiety well correlated with activation of these structures. There are some differences in the patterns of brain activation between healthy subjects and patients with IBS. The findings of interoception and emotion in IBS is suggested to be generalized to the other disorders.

    DOI CiNii

  • Effect of alpha-helical CRH on quantitative electroencephalogram in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

    J. Tayama, Y. Sagami, Y. Shimada, M. Hongo, S. Fukudo

    NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY   19 ( 6 ) 471 - 483  2007.06

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    Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may have a higher tone of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in the brain. We tested our hypothesis that peripheral administration of CRH antagonist, a-helical CRH9-41 (alpha hCRH), improves decreased alpha power spectra and increased beta power spectra of electroencephalogram (EEG) in IBS patients. A barostat bag was inserted to the descending colon of 10 normal controls and 10 IBS patients. The EEG power spectra and topography were measured during baseline period and colonic distention period with the administration of saline followed by the administration of 10 mu g kg(-1) of ahCRH. IBS patients showed a significantly lower alpha power percentage and a higher beta power percentage than normal controls during baseline. Colonic distention induced a decrease in the alpha power percentage and an increase in the beta power percentage in both groups without difference between groups. After the administration of ahCRH, changes in the EEG power spectra in response to colonic distention were blunted and the differences in the EEG power spectra between IBS patients and controls vanished. Peripheral administration of ahCRH almost normalized EEG activities in IBS patients. Our data strongly suggest that CRH plays an important role in IBS.

    DOI PubMed

  • 臨床検査指標として捉える動脈硬化の危険因子 -ホモシステイン-

    田山淳, 宗像正徳

    Lipid   18 ( 5 ) 56 - 60  2007

  • メタボリックシンドローム -高血圧-

    田山淳, 宗像正徳

    心療内科   11 ( 5 ) 317 - 324  2007

  • Normal and Abnormal Brain Processing of Interoception and Emotion(Symposium : Brain Mechanism of Normal and Abnormal Emotional Processing : Exploring Black Box of Emotion and Mind-Body Interaction)

    Fukudo Shin, Hamaguchi Toyohiro, Kano Michiko, Tayama Jun, Kanazawa Motoyori, Sagami Yasuhiro, Shoji Tomotaka, Endo Yuka, Itoh Masatoshi, Yanai Kazuhiko, Hongo Michio

    Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine   47 ( 8 ) 691 - 695  2007

     View Summary

    Mind-body relationship may be clarified by investigation of normal and abnormal brain processing of interoception and emotion. In particular, research findings in pathophysiological mechanism of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) would be useful for applying the methodology to psychosomatic disorders in general. We measured regional cerebral blood flow by positron emission tomography (PET) with injecting H215O saline under the stimulation of the colon. The gut was distended with barostat bag. By distention, the thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex, insula, and prefrontal cortex were activated. Abdominal pain and anxiety well correlated with activation of these structures. There are some differences in the patterns of brain activation between healthy subjects and patients with IBS. The findings of interoception and emotion in IBS is suggested to be generalized to the other disorders.

    DOI CiNii

  • Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is a better contributor for pulse pressure regulation than augmentation index in old hypertensives

    Jun Tayama, Masanori Munakata, Tohru Nunokawa, Kaoru Yoshinaga, Takayoshi Toyota

    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION   24   261 - 261  2006.12

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Psycho-behavioral obstacles to efficacy of dietary education in obese patients with cardiovascular risks

    Kotoko Baba, Jun Tayama, Yumiko Yoshihara, Kouko Yoshida, Yukiko Chiba, Yoshiko Watanabe, Takayoshi Toyota, Masanori Munakata

    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION   24   347 - 347  2006.12

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Higher Plasma Homocysteine Concentration Is Associated with More Advanced Systemic Arterial Stiffness and Greater Blood Pressure Response to Stress in Hypertensive Patients

    Jun Tayama, Masanori Munakata, Kaoru Yoshinaga, Takayoshi Toyota

    HYPERTENSION RESEARCH   29 ( 6 ) 403 - 409  2006.06

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia has been reported to be associated with both vascular structure alteration and increased cardiovascular risk. This study examined whether hyperhomocysteinemia causes increased systemic arterial stiffness, thereby enhancing blood pressure response to stress in hypertensive patients. In 50 treated hypertensive patients, we studied brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (PWV), a new measure for arterial stiffness, blood pressure response to stress, and blood pressure recovery after stress. Autonomic nervous activities were examined by spectral analysis of blood pressure and RR interval variabilities. Total plasma homocysteine and neurohumoral parameters were determined from fasting blood. Brachial-ankle PWV correlated with age (r=0.64, p&lt;0.001), plasma homocysteine concentration (r=0.35, p&lt;0.05), and systolic blood pressure (SBP) (r=0.62, p&lt;0.001). Higher plasma homocysteine concentration was independently associated with greater brachial-ankle PWV (beta=0.388, p=0.01). We classified the subjects into high homocysteine (7.3 nmol/ml or over) and low homocysteine (7.2 nmol/ml or below) groups. Baseline SBP, plasma renin activity, aldosterone, and norepinephrine concentrations were similar between the two groups. However, the SBP values during stress and the recovery periods were higher in the high homocysteine group than the low homocysteine group even after adjusting for sex and age. The behavior of sympathetic vasomotor activity did not differ between the two groups. These data suggest that higher plasma homocysteine concentration is associated with increased systemic arterial stiffness, which may enhance blood pressure reactivity to stress in hypertensive patients. (Hypertens Res 2006; 29: 403-409)

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • TEGによる人格特性と高校生の登校行動

    田山 淳, 田多英興

    東北学院大学人間情報学研究所紀要   11   91 - 98  2006


  • The Relationships between Depression and Aggressiveness in High School Students

    田山 淳, 菅原 正和

    The journal of Clinical Research Center for Child Development and Educational Practices   5   97 - 100  2006


  • The Relationship Between Attendance Performances and the Personality Traits Measured by Egogram (TEG) in High School Students

    Jun Tayama, Hideoki Tada

    Journal of Human Informatics   11   91 - 98  2006

  • Brachial-Ankle Pulse Wave Velocity as a Novel Measure of Arterial Stiffness: Present Evidences and Perspectives

    Masanori Munakata, Tohru Nunokawa, Jun Tayama, Kaoru Yoshinaga, Takayoshi Toyota

    Current Hypertension Reviews   1 ( 3 ) 223 - 234  2005.11

    DOI CiNii

  • Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is an independent predictor for urinary albumin excretion in patients with essential hypertension - Japanese trial on prognostic implication of pulse wave velocity (J-TOPP) study

    M Munakata, J Tayama, T Nunokawa, K Yoshinaga, T Toyota

    JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION   23   S312 - S312  2005.06

    Research paper, summary (international conference)  

  • Higher brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is associated with more advanced carotid atherosclerosis in end-stage renal disease

    M Munakata, J Sakuraba, J Tayama, T Furuta, A Yusa, T Nunokawa, K Yoshinaga, T Toyota

    HYPERTENSION RESEARCH   28 ( 1 ) 9 - 14  2005.01

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    Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is a new measure of arterial stiffness. We examined whether higher brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity is associated with more advanced carotid atherosclerosis and left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with end-stage renal disease, and whether this effect would be mediated by the influence of wave reflection on central arterial pressure. In 68 patients with end stage renal disease, we examined blood pressures, brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and the augmentation index of the left common carotid artery, a measure of the impact of wave reflection on the systolic peak in central arteries. The degree of carotid atherosclerosis was quantified by a plaque score and maximum intimal-medial thickness. Echocardiography was used to determine the left ventricular mass index. In simple regression analysis, brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity was correlated with both plaque score and maximum intimal-medial thickness (r=0.420, p &lt; 0.001 and r=0.452, p &lt; 0.0005, respectively) but not with left ventricular mass index. Multiple regression analysis was performed with the plaque score or maximum intimal-medial thickness as the dependent variable and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and known clinical risk factors as the independent variables. The brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity was an independent risk factor for both plaque score (beta=0.006, p=0.004) and maximum intimal-medial thickness (beta=0.008, p=0.04). Independent risk factors for left ventricular mass index were left ventricular diastolic dimension (beta =3.509, p=0.000007) and augmentation index (beta=0.580, p=0.04). The brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity was unrelated to augmentation index in patients with end stage renal disease. In conclusion, higher brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity was found to be a risk factor for carotid atherosclerosis in patients with end-stage renal disease; this effect was independent of the influence of wave reflection on central arterial pressure. The brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity was unrelated to left ventricular structure.

    DOI PubMed CiNii

  • Effect of a corticotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist on colonic sensory and motor function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

    Y Sagami, Y Shimada, J Tayama, T Nomura, M Satake, Y Endo, T Shoji, K Karahashi, M Hongo, S Fukudo

    GUT   53 ( 7 ) 958 - 964  2004.07

     View Summary

    Background and aims: Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) is a major mediator of the stress response in the brain-gut axis. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is presumed to be a disorder of the brain-gut link associated with an exaggerated response to stress. We hypothesised that peripheral administration of alpha-helical CRH (alphahCRH), a non-selective CRH receptor antagonist, would improve gastrointestinal motility, visceral perception, and negative mood in response to gut stimulation in IBS patients.
    Methods: Ten normal healthy subjects and 10 IBS patients, diagnosed according to the Rome II criteria, were studied. The tone of the descending colon and intraluminal pressure of the sigmoid colon were measured at baseline, during rectal electrical stimulation (ES), and at recovery after administration of saline. Visceral perception after colonic distension or rectal ES was evaluated as threshold values on an ordinate scale. The same measurements were repeated after administration of alphahCRH (10 mug/kg).
    Results: ES induced significantly higher motility indices of the colon in IBS patients compared with controls. This response was significantly suppressed in IBS patients but not in controls after administration of ahCRH. Administration of alphahCRH induced a significant increase in the barostat bag volume of controls but not in that of IBS patients. alphahCRH significantly reduced the ordinate scale of abdominal pain and anxiety evoked by ES in IBS patients. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and serum cortisol levels were generally not suppressed by alphahCRH.
    Conclusion: Peripheral administration of alphahCRH improves gastrointestinal motility, visceral perception, and negative mood in response to gut stimulation, without affecting the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in IBS patients.

    DOI PubMed

  • 8.内臓刺激時の心臓自律神経反応(第53回 日本心身医学会東北地方会 演題抄録)(学会報告)(地方会抄録)

    島田 有子, 相模 泰宏, 田山 淳, 金澤 素, 本郷 道夫, 福土 審

    心身医学   42 ( 10 ) 691 - 691  2002.10

    DOI CiNii

  • 心理療法におけるEMDRのメカニズム(II)

    菅原正和, 芦沢志帆子, 田山 淳

    岩手大学教育学部研究年報   60 ( 2 ) 49 - 59  2001

  • 心理療法におけるEMDRのメカニズム(I)-EMDRプロトコルの刺激条件に関する生理心理学的検討-

    菅原正和, 田山 淳

    岩手大学教育学部研究年報   60 ( 1 ) 1 - 9  2000

  • The organic mechanisms of EMDR in Psychotherapy (I) : an analysis of stimulous conditions on EMDR protocol

    Sugawara Masakazu, Tayama Jun

    Annual report of the Faculty of Education, University of Iwate   60 ( 1 ) 1 - 9  2000


  • An analysis of stimulous conditions on EMDR protocol (II) : saccadic eye movements

    Sugawara Masakazu, Ashizawa Shihoko, Tayama Jun

    Annual report of the Faculty of Education, University of Iwate   60 ( 2 ) 49 - 59  2000


  • The Effeccts of Pleasant and Unpleasant Sounds on Peripheral Autonomic-Nervous Activities

    Tayama Jun, Tada Hideoki, Sugawara Masakazu

    The journal of the Center for Educational Research and Practices   10   1 - 13  2000


  • 快・不快聴覚刺激が末梢自律神経系の活動指標に及ぼす影響 -プレチスモグラム(Plethysmogram), 瞬目反射, SPRによる分析を中心として-

    田山 淳, 田多英興, 菅原正和

    岩手大学教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター研究紀要   10   1 - 13  1999

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