Updated on 2025/03/14


KAZAMA, Kentaro
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor
Ph.D ( 北海道大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Science

  • 2016.06

    Hokkaido University   Graduate school of Fisheries Sciences

  • 2016.04

    Meijo University   Faculty of Agriculture

  • 2013.04

    JSPS   Postdoctral research fellow (Meijo University)

  • 2010.09

    Meijo University   Faculty of Agriculture   Postdoctral research fellow

  • 2010.04

    Hokkaido University   Faculty of Fisheries Sciences   Researcher

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Education Background

  • 2006.04

    Hokkaido University   Ph.D. in Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences  

  • 2004.04

    Hokkaido University   M.S. in Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences  

  • 2000.04

    Hokkaido University   Faculty of Fiheries Sciences  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.01

    日本鳥学会  代議員

  • 2022.09

    北海道奥尻町  環境省浮体式洋上風力発電モデル事業検討委員

  • 2022.06

    環境省  絶滅のおそれのある野生生物の選定・評価検討会鳥類分科会委員

  • 2022.04

    日本生態学会  自然保護専門委員会 再エネ部会

  • 2022.02

    海上保安庁  沈没した船舶等が海洋環境に及ぼす影響評価に関する アドバイザー

  • 2022.01

    日本鳥学会  庶務幹事

  • 2021.08

    環境省  エトピリカ保護増殖検討会

  • 2021.04

    環境省  環境影響審査助言員

  • 2021.02

    環境省  油等汚染事故の対応に係る分野別専門家

  • 2014.01

    日本鳥学会  英文誌編集委員

  • 2019.09

    日本鳥学会  基金運営委員会

  • 2022.03

    北海道利尻町  環境省浮体式洋上風力発電モデル事業検討委員

  • 2021.10

    経済産業省  洋上風力発電所アセスに係る検討委員会

  • 2019.06

    環境省  風力発電にかかるゾーニング事業検討委員会

  • 2018.07

    経済産業省  洋上風力発電所に係る環境影響評価検討委員会

  • 2015.07

    環境省  洋上風力発電所等に係る環境影響評価の基本的な考え方に関する検討会委員

  • 2016.03

    日本野鳥の会  風力発電に対する鳥類のセンシティビティマップ作りに関する検討会委員

  • 2013

    日本鳥学会  2013年度大会 事務局長

  • 2009

    日本鳥学会  2009年度大会 実行委員長 兼 事務局長

  • 2009

    Pacific Seabird Group  第36回年次大会 事務局

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Professional Memberships


    Pacific Seabird Group









Research Areas

  • Animal physiological chemistry, physiology and behavioral biology / Conservation of biological resources / Environmental dynamic analysis / Ecology and environment

Research Interests

  • Gull

  • Ornithology

  • Ecosystem Srevices

  • Great Cormorant

  • Stable Isotope

  • Insectivola

  • Seabirds

  • Marine Windfarm

  • Conservation Ecology

  • Nutrient cycling

  • Biogeochemistry

  • Physiological Ecology

  • Behavioral Ecology

  • Marine Ecology

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  • Kuroda award

    2016.09   Ornithological Society of Japan  

    Winner: Kentaro Kazama

  • 技術者研究表彰

    2016.07   日本動物園水族館協会  

    Winner: 風間健太郎



  • New host record for nematodes of the genus Soboliphyme (Nematoda: Soboliphymatidae) obtained from talpine moles in Japan

    Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine   29 ( 2 ) 35 - 39  2024.09  [Refereed]

  • 狭山丘陵におけるニホンジカの生息記録(2019–2023年)

    渡邉 英之, 吉原 正人, 石山 遥香, 梅崎 ゆず, 西川 大生, 風間 健太郎

    哺乳類科学   64 ( 2 ) 185 - 193  2024.08  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Assessing areas suitable for offshore wind energy considering potential risk to breeding seabirds in northern Japan

    Hideaki Obane, Kentaro Kazama, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Yu Nagai, Kenji Asano

    Marine Policy   160   105982 - 105982  2024.02  [Refereed]



  • Sensitivity maps and their application to minimise the impact of wind power facilities on birds

    関島恒夫, 浦達也, 赤坂卓美, 風間健太郎, 河口洋一, 綿貫豊

    保全生態学研究   28 ( 2 )  2024  [Refereed]


  • Black-tailed gulls alter their flight height and airspeed according to wind conditions during their coastal commuting trips

    A Kumagai, K Kazama, K Mikami, Y Watanuki

    Marine Ecology Progress Series   723   201 - 212  2023.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Seabirds are expected to increase their flight height in tailwind and to increase their airspeed in headwind during goal-oriented flight to minimize their cost of transport. To understand how flapping birds respond to variability in wind speed and direction experienced during their commuting flights between their breeding colony and foraging areas, we measured the flight height and speed of black-tailed gullsLarus crassirostrisusing GPS loggers. We analyzed the relationships between these flight parameters and local wind speed and direction. Over the course of the 2016 to 2018 breeding seasons, we tagged 105 birds at 2 colonies in northern Hokkaido, Japan. A total of 90 flight track-lines within a 500 m radius of 5 coastal meteorological stations were analyzed. The median flight height ranged from 0 to 153.8 m, and the median ground speed and airspeed were between 18.6-82.1 and 19.5-93.0 km h-1, respectively. Gulls flew higher with greater tailwind speed, supporting the hypothesis that birds utilize greater wind assistance at higher altitudes. Furthermore, gulls increased their airspeed under strong headwind conditions, suggesting they adjust airspeed to achieve the most cost-effective speed to reach their destination. Better understanding the drivers of seabird flight height is key to assessing the potential for collisions with wind turbines in coastal and offshore wind farms. These findings provide useful information to reduce collisions with coastal and offshore wind facilities.


  • Surveys of eleven species of wild and zoo birds and feeding experiments in white-tailed eagles reveal differences in the composition of the avian gut microbiome based on dietary habits between and within species

    Kohei OGASAWARA, Naoki YAMADA, Shouta MM NAKAYAMA, Yukiko WATANABE, Keisuke SAITO, Akane CHIBA, Yoshitaka UCHIDA, Kaoru UEDA, Yasunori TAKENAKA, Kentaro KAZAMA, Mami KAZAMA, Junya YAMAGISHI, Hazuki MIZUKAWA, Yoshinori IKENAKA, Mayumi ISHIZUKA

    Journal of Veterinary Medical Science   85 ( 12 ) 1355 - 1365  2023  [Refereed]

    DOI PubMed


  • Mapping the collision risk between two gull species and offshore wind turbines: Modelling and validation

    Katsura Mikami, Kentaro Kazama, Mami T. Kazama, Yutaka Watanuki

    Journal of Environmental Management   316  2022.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Promoting the use of renewable energy and conserving biodiversity are conflicting issues that need addressing. While the development of offshore wind facilities/turbines is accelerating, many seabirds have been exposed to collisions with wind turbines. We must identify high collision areas and avoid the construction of wind turbines in these spaces to reduce these conflicts. One solution is to develop useful finer scale sensitivity maps. In this study, we created a fine-scale map of collision risk by spatial modelling using information from bird flights at sea and explored the relative importance of each geographic variable relevant to the risk. Between 2016 and 2019, we collected 3D-location data from 117 black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris) of three colonies in two areas and 21 slaty-backed gulls (L. schistisagus) of four colonies in one area of northern Hokkaido, Japan. The spatial models that explain the occurrence of M-zone flight, which is the flight within the heights of high collision risk (20–140 m height), were constructed at a 1 km mesh using a random forest algorithm, a machine-learning tool. The model satisfactory predicted the spatial distribution of M-zone flights using geographic variables and species (correlation coefficient: 0.57–0.94), although data had some degrees of variation between species, years, colonies, and areas. Our model can be applied to other regions, as long as we have general topological information and the locations of colonies and harbors. The distance to the breeding colony and the nearest harbors were important, and the collision risk was 6–7 times higher within 15 km from the colonies and 5 km from harbors. Black-tailed gulls used different sites for foraging and commuting between years, whereas slaty-backed gulls used relatively consistent sites. These variations between species and among years suggest that collecting bird data over multiple years is necessary and effective for creating a generally applicable sensitivity map.

    DOI PubMed


  • Dynamic body acceleration improves mapping of at‐sea foraging behavior in black‐tailed gulls Larus crassirostris

    Rui Ma, Kentaro Kazama, Yogi C. Yasutake, Mami T. Kazama, Shota Tsukamoto, Yutaka Watanuki

    Journal of Avian Biology   2022 ( 10 )  2022.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Areas at which seabirds forage intensively can be discriminated by tracking the individuals' at-sea movements. However, such tracking data may not accurately reflect the birds' exact foraging locations. In addition to tracking data, gathering information on the dynamic body acceleration of individual birds may refine inferences on their foraging activity. Our aim was to classify the foraging behaviors of surface-feeding seabirds using data on their body acceleration and use this signal to discriminate areas where they forage intensively. Accordingly, we recorded the foraging movements and body acceleration data from seven and ten black-tailed gulls Larus crassirostris in 2017 and 2018, respectively, using GPS loggers and accelerometers. By referring to video footage of flying and foraging individuals, we were able to classify flying (flapping flight, gliding and hovering), foraging (surface plunging, hop plunging and swimming) and maintenance (drifting, preening, etc.) behaviors using the speed, body angle and cycle and amplitude of body acceleration of the birds. Foraging areas determined from acceleration data corresponded roughly with sections of low speed and area-restricted searching (ARS) identified from the GPS tracks. However, this study suggests that the occurrence of foraging behaviors may be overestimated based on low-speed trip sections, because birds may exhibit long periods of reduced movement devoted to maintenance. Opposite, the ARS-based approach may underestimate foraging behaviors since birds can forage without conducting an ARS. Therefore, our results show that the combined use of accelerometers and GPS tracking helps to adequately determine the important foraging areas of black-tailed gulls. Our approach may contribute to better discriminate ecologically or biologically significant areas in marine environments.



  • Correlation between molecular microbial community and nitrogen cycling on ornithogenic soil affected by tsunami in Japan

    Akifumi Hosoda, Mao Kurosaki, Kentaro Kazama, Hirotatsu Murano, Chitoshi Mizota, Yasuaki Niizuma

    Ecological Genetics and Genomics   23   100114 - 100114  2022.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The strongest earthquake of 2011 hit eastern Japan and triggered the Tohoku tsunami that severely affected the northeastern coast of Japan. The coastal soil ecology and seabird colonies were significantly changed by the tsunami. We investigated the physicochemical dynamics of ornithogenic nitrogen derived from the uric acid in seabird feces in soil splashed or flooded by the tsunami. The analyses suggested that soil leaching in areas flooded by the tsunami led to a change in ornithogenic nitrogen, particularly suppression of nitrification. In the present study, we performed next-generation sequencing (NGS) and statistical analyses to compare the bacterial community structures of ornithogenic soil in areas splashed or flooded by the tsunami, and identified how the suppression of nitrification affected the microbes in ornithogenic soils. The statistical analyses based on NGS revealed that the dynamics of NO3−-N in the splashed soils was affected by the structure of the microbial community involved in denitrification and/or dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, and that the dynamics of NH4+-N in the flooded soils was not affected by nitrifying bacteria. The results of the statistical analysis also indicated that the differences in microbial community composition detected between splashed and flooded soils affected their nitrogen cycling. Our results provide insights into the microbial effect of nitrogen cycling in soil environments affected by the tsunami.



  • 洋上風力発電の海鳥への影響を軽減するためのセンシティビティマップ作成手法とその課題

    風間 健太郎, 綿貫 豊

    保全生態学研究    2022  [Refereed]

  • 洋上風力発電の促進区域選定における海鳥への影響評価に関する考察

    尾羽 秀晃, 風間 健太郎, 橋本 啓史, 永井 雄宇, 朝野 賢司

    電力中央研究所 研究資料   No. Y1950X  2020  [Refereed]

  • Ecological functions of an animal's personality in a group

    Kazama Kentaro

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY   70 ( 1 ) 45 - 53  2020  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • Sensitivity mapping for seabirds and offshore wind power farms: A case study of Slaty-backed gulls in Hokkaido

    Sato Yuka, Akasaka Takumi, Yabuhara Yuki, Kazama Kentaro, Kawaguchi Yoichi

    Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology    2020  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    <p>Offshore wind energy is a renewable energy source that offers an opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while increasing energy security. However, many ecologists have suggested that offshore wind farms may have severe negative impacts on wildlife, especially seabirds. Thus, balancing seabird conservation with human energy demands is necessary when developing wind farms. Bird sensitivity mapping is a powerful and practical tool that can determine turbine collision risk within specific areas; however, sensitivity maps have seldom been generated for seabirds. Focusing on the Slaty-backed gull (Larus schistisagus), a red-listed species that often collides with wind turbines, we determined factors affecting habitat selection with the goal of reducing negative impacts of offshore wind farms. We then generated a sensitivity map using habitat modeling. GPS loggers set to record at 5-minute intervals between June and August 2018 were attached to six Slaty-backed gulls residing in Ochiishi Bay, Nemuro Prefecture, Japan. A Gaussian mixed model indicated that habitat selection was related to food availability (as determined by sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a content) and distance to the nest site. Sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a content were positively related area visitation frequency of Slaty-backed gulls, whereas distance to nest site was negatively correlated. Moreover, area visitation frequency was unchanged when the distance from the nest site was > 25 km. The sensitivity map indicated that areas both near and far from nest sites with potentially abundant food resources were high-risk areas with respect to turbine collisions for Slaty-backed gulls. Based on these results, we advocate the use of sensitivity mapping to reduce interactions between offshore wind farms and seabirds, especially for species that often forage far from their nest sites.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Bottom-up effects on coastal marine ecosystems due to nitrogen input from seabird feces.

    Kentaro Kazama

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   18 ( 2 ) 117 - 126  2019.07  [Refereed]

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    Breeding seabirds, often nest at high densities and supply large amounts of marine-derived nutrients, such as nitrogen, in their feces into the ecosystems surrounding their breeding colonies. It has been well demonstrated that the nitrogen supplied by seabirds (seabird-N) into terrestrial ecosystems has a strong bottom-up effect on both producers and consumers. The seabird-N can reach into the surrounding marine ecosystems near the colony through multiple pathways including the surface run-off of rainwater or leaching by ground water. However, in marine ecosystems the bottom-up effects of seabird-N have been rarely documented. A few studies using stable isotope analyses have reported that seabird-N enhances the productivity of both phytoplankton and macro algae. There have been more limited studies documenting similar positive effects of seabird-N on marine consumers. Very little is known about spatio-temporal variations in the effects of the seabird-N on marine ecosystems. To understand the ecosystem functions of seabirds in marine nutrient cycling and the bottom-up effects of seabird-N in marine ecosystems, further research is necessary.



  • Foraging behavior of Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes rearing chicks on the Ogasawara Islands

    Kazama Kentaro, Harada Tomoko, Deguchi Tomohiro, Suzuki Hajime, Watanuki Yutaka

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   18 ( 1 ) 27 - 37  2019.01  [Refereed]

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    Pelagic top predators that range widely over thousands of kilometres increase their turn rate and slow their movements within an area of mesoscale (<10(2) km). This behavior is known as "Area Restricted Search, or ARS" and is associated with aggregations of prey. Foraging range, diving behavior, and ARS were studied for nine Black-footed Albatrosses Phoebastria nigripes rearing chicks on Mukojima in the Ogasawara Islands, using GPS and time-depth data-loggers. Their prey composition was examined using regurgitations. They fed on fish, fish eggs and squid within a range of 96-427 km from the colony. They made shallow (0.6 +/- 0.2 m) dives in day-time (2.2 dives per hour of at sea time) but rarely did so at night (0.1 dives per hour of at sea time). ARS behavior was observed at the scale of 11-71 km during day- and night-time and tended to occur in locations with relatively high primary production.



  • Male and female Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris feed on the same prey species but use different feeding habitats

    Kentaro Kazama, Bungo Nishizawa, Shota Tsukamoto, Jordi E. Gonzalez, Mami T. Kazama, Yutaka Watanuki

    Journal of Ornithology   159 ( 4 ) 923 - 934  2018.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Sexual segregation in foraging habitats and associated diet differences have been reported in many seabirds. These sexual distinctions can be caused by differences in competitive ability or nutritional requirements. Here, we investigated the diets of male and female Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris by collecting regurgitations during the incubation period and examining foraging behaviours and habitat use via tracking with Global Positioning System data loggers. In both males and females, the regurgitations predominantly contained Japanese Sand Lance Ammodytes personatus. Females were more likely than males to make long foraging trips. Males frequently foraged in fishing ports and fish processing plants; however, females rarely foraged in these locations. Males favoured nearshore areas (< 50 m sea depth), whereas females expanded their foraging range to deeper areas near the ocean frontal zone. The observed sexual segregation in foraging habitat use despite consumption of the same prey might be derived from competitive exclusion by males, which have a larger body size and stronger competitive abilities than females, rather than from different nutritional requirements.



  • Preliminary record of Ixodes simplex simplex Neumann, 1906 (Acari : Ixodes), on bats (Chiroptera : Vespertilionidae) in Hokkaido, Aomori, Gunma, Saitama, and Gifu Prefectures, Japan

    Mamoru Takahashi, Hitoko Misumi, Michio Natsume, Kazuhiko Machida, Kentaro Kazama, Mami T. Kazama, Kuniko Kawai, Daichi Iwasawa, Masahiko Sato, Hiromi Fujita

      55   87 - 95  2018  [Refereed]

  • Annual variation in breeding numbers of two gull species in response to regional stock size and local availability of Japanese Sand Lance on Rishiri Island, northern Japan

    Kentaro Kazama, Masahiko Sato, Kazuki Kosugi

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   15 ( 1 ) 85 - 94  2016.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Breeding population abundance such as colony size of seabirds is not generally considered to be particularly sensitive to the annual dynamics of the food conditions because of the long life-span and high adult survival rate. However, in seabird species in which adults decide to breed or not depending on the food conditions, population abundance can respond sensitively to the annual variation in the food conditions. Here, we examine the effects of the regional annual stock abundance of Japanese Sand Lance Ammodytes personatus, and their local temporal availability during the egg-laying period on the size of a Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris and Slaty-backed Gull L. schistisagus, breeding colony over 12 years on Rishiri Island, northern Japan. The total number of nests of both gull species increased significantly with the regional annual stock abundance, but not with the local temporal availability of the sand lance. The number of Black-tailed Gull nests without eggs was significantly higher in the year with lower local temporal availability indicating that more Black-tailed Gull parents gave up egg-laying after nest building. Colony size in these species can be a useful indicator reflecting local food conditions.



  • The ornithological application of stable isotope analysis INTRODUCTION

    Kentaro Kazama

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   14 ( 1 ) 1 - 2  2015.01  [Refereed]



  • Effects of Tsunami on ornithogenic nitrogen in soils at a Black-tailed Gull colony

    Kentaro Kazama, Hirotatsu Murano, Naoki Tomita, Akifumi Hosoda, Yasuaki Niizuma, Chitoshi Mizota

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   14 ( 1 ) 29 - 39  2015.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Large amounts of marine-derived nitrogen are carried ashore by seabirds in their feces (ornithogenic N). Various topological, meteorological; and environmental factors can affect microbial transformation of ornithogenic N altering the physical and biochemical conditions of the soils. Tsunami may be a factor affecting ornithgenic soil N dynamics leading to changes in soil conditions. We examined the effects of the tsunami triggered by the 11 March 2011 earthquake off the East Coast of Honshu. Japan, on ornithogenic soil N in the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris breeding colony on Kabushima (Kabu Island) four months after the disaster. There were no differences in the total N content in soils between tsunami splashed (upper half of the island) and flooded areas (lower half), and the visual topographv was comparable to that reported before the tsunami. It seems that the tsunami may not have extensively removed accumulated omitliogenic N in the soils, nor did it induce deposition of organic matter derived from marine sediments. However, delta N-15 values of soil N were lower in the area flooded by the tsunami than in the splashed area, suggesting the possibility that the tsunami caused leaching of ornithogenic N from the soil. Soils flooded by the tsunami contained higher levels of marine salts than those from the splashed area. N isotopic differences between NH4- and NO3-N were smaller in the flooded soils than in the splashed area. This indicates that nitrification of ornithogenic soil N is suppressed in the flooded area because of the remarkable increase in the salt concentration of the soil.



  • Ecosystem services provided by birds: an overview

    KAZAMA Kentaro

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   64 ( 1 ) 3 - 23  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Avian ecological functions can provide ecosystem service benefits to humans. Although the values of avian provisioning and cultural services are well understood, the values of supporting and regulating services are not. Through predation, transportation, and excretion, birds play various roles in terms of seed dispersal/pollination, controlling prey species populations, scavenging, and nutrient cycling. These behaviours provide benefits contributing to increased agricultural productivity, pest control, and habitat creation/maintenance for humans. Though attempts have been made recently to evaluate the economic significance of avian ecosystem services, such attempts remain scarce. In Japan, where people have traditionally enjoyed avian ecosystem services mainly in terms of their support of agricultural ecosystems, an understanding and evaluation of the value of avian ecosystem services is essential.


  • Assimilation efficiency and growth of Rhinoceros Auklet chicks fed with Japanese Sand Lance and krill

    KUME Yuna, NIIZUMA Yasuaki, KAZAMA Kentaro, ITO Motohiro, YAMASHITA Rei, WATANUKI Yutaka

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   64 ( 2 ) 219 - 226  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The assimilation efficiency and growth of Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata chicks (30-35 age of days) fed with Japanese Sand Lance Ammodytes personatus and Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba were investigated. Chicks were fed 79.4 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn; <clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>3.1 gwet /d (mean <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn; <clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>SD) of sand lance, which included 497.2 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn; <clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>14.9 kJ energy, 4.3 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn; <clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>0.2 g lipid, and 12.3 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn; <clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>0.5 g protein. Chicks were fed 129.3 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn; <clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>2.7 gwet /d krill, which include 746.8 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn;<clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>15.5 kJ energy, 3.1 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn;<clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>0.1 g lipid, and 23.3 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn;<clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>0.5 g protein. The assimilation efficiency (corrected with nitrogen retention) of the sand lance-fed chicks (82.8 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn;<clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>0.5%) was significantly higher than the krill-fed chicks (76.6 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn;<clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>0.6%). During the experiment, daily mass increments of the sand lance-fed chicks were 11.0 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn;<clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>4.7 (g/d, n=12) and of the krill-fed chicks 9.7 <clig:0><cotfcalt:0><calgf:ProportionalWidthForm>&plusmn;<clig:><cotfcalt:><calgf:>2.7 (g/d, n=14). Sand lance-fed chicks gained body mass significantly faster than did krill-fed chicks after controlling for the significant age effect. Krill may be inadequate for chick growth of the auklets due to the poorer lipid content, compared with sand lance.


  • Nutritional Composition and Energetic Values of Prey Species in Great Cormorant

    Niizuma Yasuaki, Tsuchiya Kenji, Kume Hitomi, Bessyo Toru, Kazama Kentaro

    Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology   45 ( 2 ) 93 - 97  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    We measured the nutritional composition and energetic values of 19 prey species of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in Chubu, central Japan. Samples were collected during 2005–2012 from several breeding colonies, fish markets, rivers, and the sea near colonies. Lipid content and energetic value (dry mass based) varied widely, from 0.6% and 12.43 kJ/g for red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii to 38.2% and 27.79 kJ/g for white-spotted conger Conger myriaster.

    DOI CiNii


  • Parental body condition affects egg volume in Rhinoceros Auklet but trophic level does not

    SUZUKI Yuya, ITO Motohiro, KAZAMA Kentaro, NIIZUMA Yasuaki, WATANUKI Yutaka

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   63 ( 2 ) 279 - 287  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Planktivorous alcid females feeding more on lower trophic prey, i.e. copepods, during the pre-breeding season, lay larger eggs. The Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata) is piscivorous, but feeds also on krill in the spring at Teuri Island, Hokkaido, Japan. To examine the factors affecting their egg volume, we measured body size, body condition and the nitrogen stable isotope ratio (&delta;15N, a proxy of trophic level TL) of blood and feathers of male and female parents incubating eggs in three years (2010, 2011 and 2012). In 2011 and 2012, we sampled eggs within one day of laying and measured &delta;15N and &delta;13C (carbon stable isotope ratio) of yolk, albumen and membrane and those of feathers and blood of the female parents. We also sampled stomach contents of adults using water off-loading technique during the laying and incubation period, and determined their prey composition. Female body condition and size as well as male body size positively affected the egg volume index. Birds fed on low (krill) and high (fish) trophic prey during the laying and incubation periods, while individual variation in the &delta;15N of blood cells that reflected TL during the pre-laying period did not affect the egg volume index. &delta;15N of breast feathers that reflected TL during the molting period also did not relate to egg volume index. &delta;15N and &delta;13C of feathers and blood of females did not correlate with those of egg yolk, albumen, or egg membrane.

    DOI CiNii

  • Movements and activities of male black-tailed gulls in breeding and sabbatical years

    Kentaro Kazama, Kazuhiko Hirata, Takashi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Akinori Takahashi, Yasuaki Niizuma, Philip N. Trathan, Yutaka Watanuki

    JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY   44 ( 6 ) 603 - 608  2013.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Long-lived animals sometimes skip one or more breeding seasons; however, little is known about their movements and activities during such sabbatical' periods. Here we present novel data on year-round movements and activities of two male black-tailed gulls Larus crassirostris during a sabbatical year. We compare the data with those in a year when they bred and with those of two other breeding males. The year-round migration routes of two sabbatical males were consistent with those of the breeding males: they returned to the breeding area but did not visit the colony in the sabbatical year. They landed more frequently on water (a potential index of foraging effort) during the non-breeding autumn and winter prior to the sabbatical year than before breeding. Sabbatical gulls may forage more intensively to recover body condition immediately after breeding.



  • Environmental factors affecting capture rate of the Japanese Water Shrew, Chimarrogale platycephala

    SAITOH Hiroaki, KAZAMA Kentaro, HINO Teruaki

    Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science)   53 ( 1 ) 117 - 121  2013.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Environmental factors affecting the capture rate of the Japanese water shrew Chimarrogale platycephala were investigated in the Kamikoshi River, Aichi, central Japan, from June to December in 2011. The shrews were significantly more frequently captured at confluences and in narrow secondary tributaries not shown on the 1/25,000 scale topographical map published by the Geographical Survey Institute. They were also more frequently captured within three days after heavy rainfall (over 150 mm/day). Soil inflow into the tributaries caused by pavement construction projects did not affect capture rate.<br>

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  • Inter-colonial and annual differences in food habits of Great Cormorants rearing chicks in the Chubu area of Japan

    TSUCHIYA Kenji, KAZAMA Kentaro, INOUE Yukiko, FUJII Hidenori, NIIZUMA Yasuaki

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   62 ( 1 ) 57 - 63  2013.04  [Refereed]

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    Few studies have been made so far of inter-colonial and annual variation in the diet of breeding Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. We investigated their diet during the chick rearing period by collecting regurgitates from five breeding colonies, in the Chubu area, central Japan, in 2009-2011. Those cormorants breeding in coastal colonies took mainly Flathead Mullet Mugil cephalus cephalus and Dotted Gizzard Shad Konosirus punctatus, while those breeding in inland colonies took a wide range of fishes in any given year. The frequency of introduced Red Swamp Crayfish Procambarus clarkii and native Oriental River Prawn Macrobrachium nipponense in the diet increased in years when frequencies of fishes decreased, at both inland and coastal colonies.


  • Effect of Ambient Air Temperature on Food Intake of Captive Sub-adult Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo hanedae

    Kazama Kentaro, Iwamoto Mami T., Hori Yukiko, Niizuma Yasuaki

    Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology   45 ( 1 ) 46 - 52  2013  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Daily food intake and changes in body mass of five, hand-reared sub-adult Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo hanedae were measured in an outdoor cage over 117 days during winter and spring. During the period of the study, the five birds maintained almost constant body masses, despite variation in their daily food intake (they were fed ad lib). Daily food intake mass per unit body mass of individuals decreased significantly as the ambient air temperature increased, but daily body mass increment per unit body mass of individuals did not. These results indicate that the daily energy expenditure of cormorants decreases as ambient air temperature increases, probably because of the suppression of thermoregulation costs.

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  • Input of seabird-derived nitrogen into rice-paddy fields near a breeding/roosting colony of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), and its effects on wild grass

    Kentaro Kazama, Hirotatsu Murano, Kazuhide Tsuzuki, Hidenori Fujii, Yasuaki Niizuma, Chitoshi Mizota

    Applied Geochemistry   28   128 - 134  2013.01  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Terrestrial ecosystems near breeding/roosting colonies of piscivorous seabirds can receive a large amount of marine-derived N in the form of bird feces. It has been well demonstrated that N input from seabirds strongly affects plant communities in forests or coastal grasslands. The effects of nutrient input on plant communities in agricultural ecosystems near seabird colonies, however, have rarely been evaluated. This relationship was examined in rice-paddy fields irrigated by a pond system located near a colony of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in Aichi, central Japan. In the present study, spatial variations in N content (N %) and N stable isotope composition (δ15N) of soils and wild grass species together with the growth height of plants in paddy fields in early spring (fallow period) were examined. Soils had a higher N % and δ15N values in fields associated with an irrigation pond that had N input from cormorants. The δ15N values tended to be higher around the inlet of irrigation waters, relative to the outlet. These results indicate that cormorant-derived N was input into the paddy fields via the irrigation systems. Plants growing in soil with higher δ15N had higher δ15N in the above-ground part of the plants and had luxurious growth. A positive correlation in plant height and δ15N of NO3-N was observed in soil plough horizons. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.



  • Intraspecific Kleptoparasitism, Attacks on Chicks and Chick Adoption in Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris)

    Kentaro Kazama, Yasuaki Niizuma, Yutaka Watanuki

    WATERBIRDS   35 ( 4 ) 599 - 607  2012.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To understand the adaptive significance of colonial breeding, evaluating the costs and benefits that colonial breeding provides to individuals is necessary. To study some of these costs and benefits of colonial breeding, over 24,000 nest-hour observations of kleptoparasitism (stealing of food being fed to young), intraspecific attacks on and killing of chicks; and chick adoption were conducted in colonial breeding Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris) during two breeding seasons. Although kleptoparasitism was rarely observed (under 0.001 events/nest/observational hour), the occurrence of chick-attacks was 5-10 times higher (0.005-0.01 events/nest/observational hour) than that of kleptoparasitism, with over 10% of the attacks resulting in the death or disappearance of chicks. More than 60% of all attacks on chicks were by failed breeders and non-breeding adult floaters. The survival of attacked chicks reached 98-100% if they escaped into other nests and were accepted by "foster" adults, or if they were defended by non-parental,adults. Chick adoption and non-parental defense were more likely to be observed among breeding neighbors (52-60% of chick adoptions and almost all examples of non-parental defense) than among non-neighbors. An increased chick survival rate, resulting from nesting in close to proximity to conspecific neighbors, was considered as a factor promoting colonial breeding among the Laridae. Received 20 January 2012, accepted 5 August 2012.



  • Prey resources used for producing egg yolks in four species of seabirds: insight from stable-isotope ratios

    Motohiro Ito, Kentaro Kazama, Yasuaki Niizuma, Hiroshi Minami, Yuzan Tanaka, Yutaka Watanuki

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   11 ( 2 ) 113 - 119  2012.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Carbon and nitrogen stable-isotope ratios were measured in the egg yolks of four species of seabirds in Teuri Island and Rishiri Island, Japan. Delta N-15 of the yolks of Rhinoceros Auklets Cerorhinca monocerata (11.2-12.3 parts per thousand) and Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris (11.3-12.5 parts per thousand) were lower than those of Slaty-backed Gulls Larus schistisagus (13.4-14.2%0) and Japanese Cormorants Phalacrocorax capillatus (14.0-16.2 parts per thousand); suggesting that the former two species foraged mainly on low trophic level small fishes and sometimes on krill, while the latter two species fed on higher trophic level prey and larger fishes.



  • Consistent individual variations in aggressiveness and a behavioral syndrome across breeding contexts in different environments in the Black-tailed Gull

    Kentaro Kazama, Yasuaki Niizuma, Yutaka Watanuki

    JOURNAL OF ETHOLOGY   30 ( 2 ) 279 - 288  2012.05  [Refereed]

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    Individual behaviors of animals do not evolve separately; they do so in association with other behaviors caused by single shared genetic or physiological constraints and/or favored by selection. Thus, measuring behavioral syndromes-suites of correlated behaviors across different contexts-leads to a better understanding of the adaptive significance of variations in behaviors. However, relatively few studies have examined behavioral syndromes in wild animal populations in changing environments. We investigated a potential behavioral syndrome across antipredator nest defense, territorial defense, chick provisioning, and mating behaviors of male Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris in two successive years under different conspecific territorial intrusion risks and food conditions. Males that presented high levels of antipredator nest defense (aggressive antipredator defenders) against a crow decoy (crows are egg predators) defended their territories against conspecific intruders more frequently than did other males (nonaggressive antipredator defenders), independent of the risk of intrusion. Aggressive antipredator defenders also fed their chicks more frequently than nonaggressive males, but only in a year of low food availability. Taken together, this indicates that males show consistent aggressiveness regardless of breeding context (antipredator and territorial defense), but can regulate food provisioning according to food availability.



  • Accelerated growth rates in late-hatched Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata chicks depend on food conditions and growth stage: an experimental approach

    Fumi Hirose, Kentaro Kazama, Motohiro Ito, Yutaka Watanuki

    IBIS   154 ( 2 ) 296 - 306  2012.04  [Refereed]

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    In some bird species, the survival of chicks hatching later in the season is lower than those hatched earlier due to increased risk of predation and a seasonal decline in feeding conditions. To reduce these risks, it might be advantageous for late-hatched chicks to grow faster and hence fledge at younger age. In this experimental study, the growth rates of early- and late-hatched Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata chicks were compared under average and poor food supplies in captivity. Controlling for potentially confounding effects of chick mass at 10 days old, chick age and nest-chamber temperature, late-hatched chicks had higher wing growth rate than early-hatched chicks before attaining the minimum wing length required for fledgling under both average and poor food supplies. After attaining the minimum wing length, however, late-hatched chicks had a lower fledging mass, indicating a potential cost that could diminish the early advantage of fast wing growth.



  • Impacts of offshore wind farms on marine ecosystems (Understanding the effects of wind-farms on ecosystem)

    Kazama Kentaro

    Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology   17 ( 1 ) 107 - 122  2012  [Refereed]

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    Offshore wind-power generation is one of the fastest growing industries in many areas, especially Europe. Offshore wind farms (OWFs) can provide several economic benefits, but are potential threats to some marine organisms. Noises produced by exploration drilling and pile-driving during construction of OWFs can impede acoustic communication of fishes and marine mammals. Wind turbine bases with scour protection structures directly reduce the habitats of marine organisms and potentially affect their survival by altering oceanographic conditions and food availability. Collisions between turbines and flying birds have also been frequently observed at OWFs. Foraging seabirds and/or migratory terrestrial birds display avoidance responses to OWFs (e.g. detour flights around the turbines), and several researchers have modelled the additional energetic costs of such detour flights and potential impacts on the body condition of the birds. Further long-term studies are needed for various organisms at OWFs across a broad geographic distribution. Efforts to mitigate the impacts of OWFs on marine ecosystems should include the avoidance of OWF construction in areas harbouring important foraging areas and migratory routes, acoustic deterrence methods (e.g. bubble curtain) during construction, and turning off turbines during breeding and migrating seasons.

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  • Factors affecting individual variation in nest-defense intensity in colonially breeding Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris)

    Kentaro Kazama, Yasuaki Niizuma, Kentaro Q. Sakamoto, Yutaka Watanuki

    CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE ZOOLOGIE   89 ( 10 ) 938 - 944  2011.10  [Refereed]

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    The physiological state of parent birds combined with the value of their clutch may affect the intensity of their nest defense. In colonially breeding birds, nest-defense intensity may also be affected by the behavior of neighbors. We investigated individual variation in the nest-defense intensity among colonial Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris Vieillot, 1818) over 2 years. Only 30%-40% of males attacked a decoy of an egg predator (Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos Wagler, 1827)), and the other males and females rarely attacked. Males attacking the decoy had higher levels of plasma testosterone than males that did not attack. Each male&apos;s, but not female&apos;s, nest-defense intensity was consistent throughout the incubation period and also across years. The intensity was not related to egg-laying date, clutch size, or age of offspring. The intensity was likely to be higher when individuals had one or more neighbors, representing higher nest-defense intensity in the year where gulls had larger number of adjacent neighboring nests (5.23 nests), but this trend was not observed in the year where they had smaller number of the neighboring nests (3.73 nests). Thus, in addition to testosterone levels, behavior of neighbors also influences the nest-defense intensity.


  • The relationship between pink salmon biomass and the body condition of short-tailed shearwaters in the Bering Sea: can fish compete with seabirds?

    Kanako Toge, Rei Yamashita, Kentaro Kazama, Masaaki Fukuwaka, Orio Yamamura, Yutaka Watanuki

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES   278 ( 1718 ) 2584 - 2590  2011.09  [Refereed]

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    Seabirds and large fishes are important top predators in marine ecosystems, but few studies have explored the potential for competition between these groups. This study investigates the relationship between an observed biennial change of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) biomass in the central Bering Sea (23 times greater in odd-numbered than in even-numbered years) and the body condition and diet of the short-tailed shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris) that spends the post-breeding season there. Samples were collected with research gill nets over seven summers. Both species feed on krill, small fishes and squid. Although the mean pink salmon catch per unit effort (in mass) over the study region was not related significantly with shearwater&apos;s stomach content mass or prey composition, the pink salmon biomass showed a negative and significant relationship with the shearwater&apos;s body mass and liver mass (proxies of energy reserve). We interpret these results as evidence that fishes can negatively affect mean prey intake of seabirds if they feed on a shared prey in the pelagic ecosystem.



  • Testosterone and breeding behavior in male Black-tailed Gulls: an implant experiment

    Kentaro Kazama, Kentaro Q. Sakamoto, Yasuaki Niizuma, Yutaka Watanuki

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   10 ( 1 ) 13 - 19  2011.06  [Refereed]

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    Testosterone affects male sexual-, aggressive-, and parental-behaviors in bird species. To understand the breadth of the proximate contribution of testosterone to breeding behaviors in male Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris, sexual behaviors, aggressive behaviors against egg-predators and conspecifics, and chick-provisioning behavior of five testosterone-implanted males (T-males) were observed and compared with those of three control males (placebo-implanted; C-males). T-males showed significantly higher levels of courtship and copulation behaviors than C-males. The levels of aggressiveness against egg-predators and against conspecifics, and the rate of feeding of chicks did not differ between T- and C-males. These results suggest that sexual and mating behaviors in male Black-tailed Gulls may be affected by testosterone, while aggressive- and feeding-behaviors are affected by certain ecological factors, such as individual age, or a necessity for high levels of feeding by males, rather than by testosterone.



  • The physiological ecology of seabirds INTRODUCTION

    Kentaro Kazama, Yasuaki Niizuma

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   10 ( 1 ) 1 - 2  2011.06  [Refereed]



  • Within- and among-clutch variation in maternal yolk testosterone level in the Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris

    Naoki Tomita, Kentaro Kazama, Hidetsugu Sakai, Megumi Sato, Atsushi Saito, Masaoki Takagi, Yasuaki Niizuma

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   10 ( 1 ) 21 - 25  2011.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Mother birds can enhance growth and/or survival of chicks by supplying energetic and hormonal resources to the egg yolk (i.e. maternal effect). In several bird species, mothers supply higher level of testosterone to the eggs laid later within the clutch and enhance the growth of the chick to compensate for the disadvantage of the later hatching. As same as this within-clutch mechanism, mothers breeding later in the season can be expected to supply higher level of testosterone to the clutch. However, among-clutch seasonal variation in yolk testosterone levels has been rarely described. Here, we investigated among-clutch seasonal variation in the yolk testosterone level in Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris, as well as within-clutch variation. Mean yolk testosterone level of eggs laid later within the clutch ("b-eggs") was significantly higher than that of eggs laid earlier ("a-eggs"). The yolk testosterone levels of both a- and b-eggs of later breeders were significantly higher than those of earlier ones, while this trend was not observed in mean egg mass. Our results indicate that mothers establishing the clutch later in the season would invest more maternal testosterone into the clutch.



  • Beached bird surveys and ferry census for the seabird monitoring

    KAZAMA Kentaro, ITO Motohiro, TOMITA Naoki, NIIZUMA Yasuaki

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   60 ( 1 ) 12 - 18  2011.04  [Refereed]

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    Seabird populations, important components of the marine ecosystem, are decreasing due to human activity impacting the oceans. In order to conserve seabirds, it is essential to conduct monitoring studies of seabirds and to understand how factors affect the dynamics of their populations and their breeding success. Here we introduce methods of seabird monitoring on beaches and oceans, including beached bird surveys and ferry censuses, and explain their fundamental significance for monitoring studies. In beached bird surveys, researchers record the carcasses of seabirds found while walking along a certain length of beach. Citizens interested in seabird conservation can easily conduct such surveys and contribute to continuous monitoring studies. During censuses from ferries, researchers count the seabirds resting on the sea surface or flying from the vessel and record their behavior. Research vessels, trading ships and ferries can all be used for such censuses. Censuses from ferries are feasible for amateur birdwatchers with binoculars. Seabird researchers aim to identify &ldquo;Marine Important Bird Areas (Marine IBA)&rdquo;, areas and habitat seabirds use frequently. Ferry censuses can provide important information to detect Marine IBA. Beached bird surveys conducted by amateur birdwatchers play an important role in providing information on the occurrence of oil spills and bycatch in Marine IBA. Beached bird surveys and ferry censuses conducted by amateur birdwatchers are expected to be extended and carried out at many sites continuously.

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  • Observations of a hybridizing pair of Slaty-backed Gull and Glaucous-winged Gull, on Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan

    Kazama Kentaro, Hirata Kazuhiko, Sato Masahiko

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   60 ( 2 ) 241 - 245  2011  [Refereed]

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  • Individual differences in nest defense in the colonial breeding Black-tailed Gulls

    Kentaro Kazama, Yutaka Watanuki

    BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY   64 ( 8 ) 1239 - 1246  2010.08  [Refereed]

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    Often in colonial seabirds, all colony members are believed to defend against nest predators and experience equal nest predation risk. However, the variation of defense behavior among members and its reproductive consequences are largely unknown. We investigated (1) individual variation in the nest defense of breeding Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris against a natural egg predator, the Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos and (2) how this behavioral variation affects an individual&apos;s own nest predation risk and that of their neighbors. Results were compared between 2 years where crow attack levels were manipulated to average 5 and 22 times normal rates ("low" and "high" predation risk years, respectively) by the placement of varying numbers of artificial nests containing unguarded eggs at the perimeter of the gull colony. In both years, 23-38% of parents, mostly males, showed "aggressive" defense behavior (strikes or chases) against crows and decoys. Other "non-aggressive" gulls showed no defense. In the year of low predation risk, intrusion rates by crows (landing within 0.5 m of an individual gull&apos;s nest) were similar for aggressive and non-aggressive gulls. In the year of high predation risk, however, the rates of intrusion for aggressive gulls (4%) and for non-aggressive gulls with an aggressive neighbor (37%) were significantly lower than for non-aggressive gulls without an aggressive neighbor (76%). These results indicate that aggressive individuals reduce nest predation risk for themselves and conspecific neighbors in a colonially breeding species.



  • Experimental study of the effect of clutch size on nest defense intensity in Black-tailed Gulls

    Kentaro Kazama, Yasuaki Niizuma, Yutaka Watanuki

    ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE   9 ( 1 ) 93 - 100  2010.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Since parent birds are hypothesized to adjust the level of their nest defense against predators so as to enhance the survival of their offspring, parental nest defense is expected to increase in intensity in relation to increasing clutch size. Empirical studies of bird species, in which clutch sizes have been manipulated artificially, however, have produced results contradicting such expectations, partly, it is thought, because of various errors in experimental design, such as a lack of nesting habitat control, or providing too short a time for parents to assess the value of the manipulated clutch. Hence, further evidence needed to be gathered to clarify whether the basic hypothesis is adequately supported. We manipulated the clutch size of Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris and observed the responses of male parents to a crow decoy in controlled nesting habitats. The intensity of defense was not affected by the clutch size. Opportunities for future reproduction, or constant individual levels of aggressiveness of seem to best explain the observed intensity of nest defense in these long-lived Black-tailed Gulls, rather than the value of the current clutch.



  • Seabirds as indicators of the state of the marine environment and its conservation

    Kazama Kentaro, Ito Motohiro, Niizuma Yasuaki, Sakurai Yasunori, Takada Hideshige, Sydeman William J., Croxall John P., Watanuki Yutaka

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   59 ( 1 ) 38 - 54  2010  [Refereed]

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    For sustainable use of marine resources, ecosystem based management is essential. However, collecting and integrating all the information needed is difficult. Thus it is important to use effective indicators of marine ecosystem change. Seabirds are believed to be useful biological indicators of marine ecosystem changes and marine pollution. In this paper, we review: 1) the responses of seabird to climate driven marine ecosystem changes, 2) the usefulness of seabirds as indicators of marine pollution and its potential effect on seabirds, 3) the status and conservation of albatrosses, focusing on the reduction of long-line by-catch. We review the seabird monitoring program globally and propose a seabird monitoring and network in Japan.

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  • Adoption of additional chicks from other nests by the Black-tailed Gull, in relation to chick age

    Kazama Kentaro, Fukuda Takayuki, Mori Yoshihisa

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   58 ( 1 ) 103 - 107  2009  [Refereed]

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    Although it is considered that adoption of unrelated chicks is not adaptive, several studies of ground-nesting colonial seabirds have reported adoption of unrelated chicks. These studies revealed experimentally that adoption occurs more frequently for chicks younger than around five days old whereas older chicks tend to be rejected. In experiments, individual unrelated chicks were added to host nests while at the same time individual host's chicks were removed so as to maintain the total number of chicks in each nest. However, it is unlikely that the total number of chicks is maintained after unrelated chicks are added under natural condition. In the present study of the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris, we added an unrelated chick to increase the total number chicks in a nest and investigated the occurrence of adoption in relation to chick' age. We found that, even if the total number of chicks increased, adoption occurred more frequently for younger chicks (less than 4&ndash;6 days old) than for older chicks, suggesting that (1) parents do not use the total number of chicks in their nest to recognize and discriminate additional unrelated chicks, and (2) the cost of adoption must not be very high even when it results in an increase in the total number of chicks.

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  • Relationship between telomere length and age in Black-tailed Gull

    Mizutani Yuichi, Tomita Naoki, Kazama Kentaro, Takahashi Hiroki, Hasegawa Osamu, Niizuma Yasuaki

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   58 ( 2 ) 192 - 195  2009  [Refereed]

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    We investigated telomere length of Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris (chick and adult) in Rishiri Island, Hokkaido and Kabushima, Aomori in relation to their age. DNAs were extracted from their bloods and detected telomere length. Telomere lengths were significantly decreased with gulls' age. But coefficient value was too small because of large variability of telomere length in both chick and adult. We suggest that it is difficult for Black-tailed Gull to estimate their age by using telomere length.

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  • Plasma Testosterone Levels of Incubating Black-tailed Gulls

    Kazama Kentaro, Q. Sakamoto Kentaro, Watanuki Yutaka

    Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology   39 ( 2 ) 112 - 116  2008  [Refereed]

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    In some avian species, male plasma testosterone levels are maximum during the courtship or copulation periods, but decline abruptly once incubation starts. However, testosterone levels of male Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris during the course of breeding remain unknown. In 2006, blood samples of 23 incubating males were collected at Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan and testosterone was measured by enzyme immunoassay kit. Plasma testosterone level (mean&plusmn;S.E.: 0.737&plusmn;0.282 ng/ml) was assumed to decline with elapsed days from the onset of incubation, as shown in other species.

    DOI CiNii


  • A record of a Red-footed Booby Sula sula from Rishiri Island, Hokkaido

    Kazama Kentaro, Sat&ocirc; Masahiko

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   57 ( 1 ) 30 - 32  2008  [Refereed]

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  • Responses in breeding behaviour of the black-tailed gull (Larus crassirostris) to different marine environments.

    Kazama Kentaro, Tomita Naoki, Ito Motohiro, Niizuma Yasuaki, Takagi Masaoki, Watanuki Yutaka, Okada Hisatake, Mawatari Shunsuke F, Suzuki Noriyuki, Gautam Pitamba

    Origin and evolution of natural diversity: proceedings of the international symposium 'The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity', from 1-5 October 2007 in Sapporo, Japan.     215 - 220  2008  [Refereed]

  • Factors affecting egg predation in black-tailed gulls

    Kentaro Kazama

    ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH   22 ( 4 ) 613 - 618  2007.07  [Refereed]

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    In colonial seabirds, nesting density, egg-laying date and nest microhabitat affect the probability of eggs being taken by avian predators. Jungle Crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) are dominant predators of eggs of Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris). Factors affecting the probability of gulls allowing the crows to attack their nests or depredate their eggs and the probability of eggs being taken were studied by direct observation and egg census, respectively. The effect of vegetation heights, position in the colony, egg-laying date and neighbour nests on the probability of eggs being taken were examined at multiple spatial scales. Gull nests were depredated more easily by larger groups of crows. Nests in peripheral areas (&lt; 4 m from the edge of the colony) were also depredated more easily by the crows walking on the ground. Although the nests where eggs were laid early in the season were depredated more frequently, such nests highly synchronised in egg laying within a &lt; 2-m radius were less likely to be depredated than less-synchronised nests. The nests in tall vegetation were less likely to be depredated though those having neighbour nests in tall vegetation were not. The number of neighbour nests did not affect the probability of eggs being taken. Antipredation effects of nesting microhabitats vary with spatial scales at which the crows search and attack the nests of gulls.



  • Estimation of breeding population size of Streaked Shearwaters on Sangan Island, Iwate, based on 3D topography by GIS.

    Matsumoto Kei, Kazama Kentaro, Sato Katsufumi, Oka Nariko

    Japanese Journal of Ornithology   56 ( 2 ) 170 - 175  2007  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    It has been common to estimate the number of nests and size of breeding populations of colonial seabirds based on two-dimensional (2D) areas. For seabirds breeding in areas with undulating topography, however, any nest distribution area based on the 2D area will be an underestimate, resulting in an underestimate of nest numbers. We investigated the nest density of Streaked Shearwaters according to the vegetation type on Sangan Island, Iwate, and estimated the total number of nests and breeding population in a three-dimensional (3D) area which reflected altitude, using geographical information system (GIS) and compared data with values obtained from a simple 2D area. The vegetation area obtained by the 3D method was 1.3 times that of the 2D area. Based on the conditions of the geographical feature, vegetation, and geology of Sangan Island, the total number of nests estimated by the 3D method was 1.2 times that of the 2D method. The population size parameters of Streaked Shearwaters breeding on Sangan Island obtained by the 3D method were estimated as 101,000 nests, 41,000 fledglings (=fledging nests), and 109,000 breeders during the hatching period. On another island off the same Sanriku coast, storm petrels have decreased in number, caused by the nesting activities of Streaked Shearwaters. It seems apparent that the large population of shearwaters on Sangan Island is excluding storm-petrels, including the endangered Swinhoe's Storm-petrel, from breeding.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • はじめてのフィールドワーク3 日本の鳥類編

    武田 浩平, 風間 健太郎, 森口 紗千子, 高橋 雅雄, 加藤 貴大, 長谷川 克, 安藤 温子, 山本 誉士, 小林 篤, 岡久 雄二, 武田 広子, 黒田 聖子, 松井 晋, 堀江 明香( Part: Joint author, 最北の島でウミネコをみる)

    東海大学出版部  2018.09 ISBN: 4486021657


  • 鳥の行動生態学

    風間健太郎, 江口 和洋( Part: Contributor, 鳥類の行動と生理)

    京都大学学術出版会  2016.03 ISBN: 4814000006


  • 行動生物学辞典

    風間健太郎, 上田 恵介, 菊水 健史, 坂上 貴之, 岡ノ谷 一夫, 辻 和希( Part: Contributor, 行動の可塑性、行動シンドローム、盗み寄生、パーソナリティ)

    東京化学同人  2013.11 ISBN: 4807908375


  • 厚岸町史 厚岸の生物 (編 厚岸町教育委員会)

    風間健太郎( Part: Contributor, オオセグロカモメ、ウミネコ、ウミウ)

    厚岸町  2012


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Research Projects

  • 海鳥に対する洋上風力発電のリスクを予測する実用的な環境アセスメント手法の確立

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    風間 健太郎

  • カモメ由来の栄養を取り込んだ利尻昆布は美味しくなるか? ~SDGsに根差した人とカモメが共存する利尻島を目指して~

    公益財団法人 サッポロ生物科学振興財団  研究助成

    Project Year :


  • Investigation of factors affecting population decline of Slaty-backed Gulls: impact assessment of human-derived food resource

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Kazama Kentaro

     View Summary

    Slaty-backed gulls whose population is rapidly decreasing in recent years, often use artificial diets such as fisheries or human garbage. In general, a strong depnedent on the artificial diets with lower energetic values may reduce the breeding performance of this species, but its effects were not well understood. In this study, GPS tracking and breeding monitoring were conducted to clarify the effects of the dependent on artificial diets of this species on breeding performance at the individual level. When individuals foraged in an artificial environment such as a fishing port or a fisheries processing plant, it took a long time from departure the nest to return back to the nest with diets, and the weight and energetic value of the diets was small. These results indicated that the feeding efficiency is reduced and the breeding performance is potentially reduced when individuals forage the artificial diets.

  • 洋上風力発電に対する日本の海鳥の脆弱性評価手法の確立

    Project Year :


  • Effect of habitat use of seabirds during the non-breeding season on physiological state and behavior in the following breeding season

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    Kazama Kentaro, NIIZUMA Yasuaki, TAKAHASHI Akinori, HASHIMOTO Hiroshi

     View Summary

    This study investigated distribution and feeding behaviors of Black-tailed Gulls during non-breeding season by using miniature animal-born position recorder. Then we investigated links among those distribution/behaviors, physiological condition at the start of subsequent breeding, and reproductive investment, to examine carry-over effect from the non-breeding to breeding season.
    Since the recorder could not be recovered due to artificial disturbance etc., we could not investigate detail of the distribution and behavior during non-breeding season as an originally plan. However, blood analysis and stable isotope analysis of feathers revealed that the reproductive investment of the gulls would be determined by the blood antioxidant levels at the start of of the breeding, and the level would be affected by the habitat use during previous non-breeding season.

  • 変動する海洋環境下での海鳥による窒素供給が沿岸海洋生態系におよぼす影響の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    風間 健太郎

     View Summary


  • 海鳥の糞による窒素供給が沿岸海洋生態系におよぼす影響の解明

    公益信託 ミキモト海洋生態研究助成基金

    Project Year :



▼display all


  • A Record of a Juvenile Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus off Rishiri Island

    平松未帆, 風間健太郎

    利尻研究   ( 43 )  2024


  • A Record of Flowering Dwarf Bamboos in Rishiri Island

    冨岡森理, 佐藤雅彦, 風間健太郎

    利尻研究   ( 43 )  2024


  • Comparison of avian gut microbiota between grain- and fish-diet habit

    小笠原浩平, 山田尚輝, 千葉茜, 内田義崇, 境秀文, 竹中康進, 風間健太郎, 風間麻未, 山岸潤也, 池中良徳, 中山翔太, 石塚真由美

    日本野生動物医学会大会・講演要旨集   29th  2023


  • ウミネコは情報探索のためすこしだけゆっくり飛ぶか?

    三上かつら, 風間健太郎, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2023  2023


  • 外来種ガビチョウの個体数増加が在来鳥類に及ぼす影響

    西川大生, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2023  2023


  • 北海道枝幸町ウミネコ営巣地における陸生哺乳類侵入防止フェンス設置の効果

    中込大河, 大槻正遼, 村山良子, 風間麻未, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • 地域の魚類資源をめぐる水族館の飼育動物と野生の繁殖海鳥との競合

    鎌野真穂, 堀本高矩, 風間麻未, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • オジロワシによる撹乱が繁殖中のウミネコにもたらす付加的飛翔エネルギーコスト

    中込大河, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • 複数種の中型哺乳類捕食者がウミネコの繁殖におよぼす間接的影響

    大槻正遼, 中込大河, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • オオセグロカモメの人為起源餌の利用によるヒナの生残への影響

    杉浦恭子, 稲本俊太, 安武与樹クロス, 小高歩, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • 抱卵期のウミネコにおける食性と採餌環境利用の性差の年変動

    稲本俊太, 小高歩, 杉浦恭子, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • 巣材として持ち込まれたプラスチックゴミがウミネコの抱卵温度に与える影響

    小高歩, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • ウミネコは防波堤の上をなぞるように飛ぶ

    三上かつら, 風間健太郎, 風間麻未, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • ウミネコの飛行高度と風

    熊谷文, 風間健太郎, 三上かつら, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2022  2022


  • Long-term change of effects of nitrogen derived from Black-tailed Gull feces on coastal marine ecosystems

    戸邉星良, 山本梨津己, 風間麻未, 村野宏達, 新妻靖章, 風間健太郎

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)   69th  2022


  • Does consumption of natural fish stocks by aquarium-keeping animals affect wild populations of breeding seabirds?

    鎌野真穂, 堀本高矩, 風間麻未, 風間健太郎

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)   69th  2022


  • 北海道枝幸町ウミネコ営巣地における外来種アライグマの侵入とその潜在的脅威

    大槻正遼, 林航平, 橋本詩津久, 風間麻未, 村山良子, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2021 (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 北海道利尻島におけるオオセグロカモメの人為起源餌の利用が繁殖成績に与える潜在的影響

    杉浦恭子, 小高歩, 綿貫豊, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2021 (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 洋上風力発電リスク評価のためのウミネコの好適採食場所と風車ブレード高飛翔場所の予測

    風間健太郎, 塚本祥太, 風間麻未, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2021 (CD-ROM)  2021


  • オオセグロカモメは安定,ウミネコはあちこち:2種の海域利用パターンを3次元で比較する

    三上かつら, 風間健太郎, 風間麻未, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2021 (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 北海道北部における海鳥3種の巣材に利用されたプラスチックゴミの種類と量

    小高歩, 杉浦恭子, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2021 (CD-ROM)  2021


  • 風力発電 社会受容性に向けた状況と施策 洋上風力発電が海鳥におよぼす影響とその評価における課題


    風力エネルギー   45 ( 3 )  2021


  • Marine wind power and seabirds

    KAZAMA Kentaro

    Impact Assessment   19 ( 1 ) 26 - 28  2021


  • 「洋上風力発電と環境アセスメント」

    村山 武彦, 堀上 勝, 斉藤 長, 風間 健太郎, 赤松 友成

    環境アセスメント学会誌   19 ( 1 ) 35 - 43  2021

    DOI CiNii

  • 海鳥 漁業に貢献 ウミネコのフンが昆布の栄養源に


    野鳥   85 ( 1 )  2020


  • For interpretation of animal personality and its implications for ecology: Introduction

    Atsumi Keisuke, Sakai Osamu, Kazama Kentaro

    JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY   70 ( 1 ) 31 - 32  2020

    DOI CiNii

  • 日本のモグラから初めて得られたSoboliphyme属線虫について

    横畑泰志, 風間麻未, 風間健太郎, 風間健太郎, 若林郁夫

    日本野生動物医学会大会・講演要旨集   25th  2019


  • サギ類集団繁殖地における地域住民主体の防除対策

    森部絢嗣, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2019  2019


  • 北海道利尻島における海鳥類保護の現状とその要因

    風間麻未, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2019  2019


  • 北海道北部における繁殖海鳥へのウミドリマダニの寄生状況

    風間健太郎, 高橋守, 新倉(座本)綾, 沖山幹, 佐藤雅彦, 風間麻未

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2019  2019


  • カモメ類を指標にした洋上風発衝突リスクマップ

    綿貫豊, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2019  2019


  • ウミネコとニワトリの初期栄養特性の比較

    太田能之, 久木田結愛, 長谷川悦子, 白石純一, 風間麻未, 風間健太郎, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2018   95  2018.09


  • オオセグロカモメとワシカモメの季節移動と通年の環境利用:漁港への高い依存性

    風間健太郎, 先崎啓究, 安武与樹クロス, 馬鋭, 橋本詩津久, 先崎愛子, 風間麻未, 西沢文吾, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2018   93  2018.09


  • The effects of nitrogen input by seabirds on nearshore ecosystems


    海洋と生物   40 ( 2 ) 184 - 190  2018.04

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • トラッキングデータによる風発リスクマップの可能性とその課題

    綿貫豊, 風間健太郎

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)   65th  2018


  • 北海道北部で繁殖するウミネコとオオセグロカモメに対する侵略的外来種アライグマの脅威

    風間麻未, 橋本詩津久, 林航平, 臼井平, 高畠孝宗, 村山良子, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2018  2018


  • 加速度計を用いたウミネコの採餌トリップ中の行動分類

    馬鋭, 風間健太郎, 塚本祥太, 風間麻未, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2018  2018


  • オジロワシの飛来頻度とカモメ捕食量

    橋本詩津久, 風間健太郎, 松田実希, 風間麻未, 高畠孝宗, 村山良子, 白木彩子, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2018  2018


  • 北海道礼文島トド島で繁殖するウトウの採餌海域

    安積紗羅々, 風間健太郎, 馬鋭, 風間麻未, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2018  2018


  • ウミネコの食性と採餌環境利用の性差

    風間健太郎, 西沢文吾, 塚本祥太, JORDI Gonzalez E, 風間麻未, 綿貫豊

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)   65th   ROMBUNNO.P2‐224 (WEB ONLY)  2018


  • Impact of marine wind farm on seabirds


    海洋と生物   39 ( 5 ) 430 - 435  2017.10

    CiNii J-GLOBAL

  • 抱卵期のウミネコの採餌環境利用の性差

    風間健太郎, 西沢文吾, 塚本祥太, GONZALEZ Jordi E, 風間麻未, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2017   71  2017.09


  • ウミネコのGPSトラッキングによる洋上風力発電リスクマップの作成

    風間健太郎, 綿貫豊

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web)   64th  2017


  • 水槽内のコサギによる陸上植栽への窒素供給を可視化する:水鳥が提供する生態系サービスの水族館における展示の可能性

    風間麻未, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2016  2016


  • Ecosystem services provided by birds: an overview

    風間健太郎, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会誌   64 ( 1 )  2015


  • 一時的な水場利用制限によるカワネズミの生態展示と長期飼育の両立

    風間麻未, 田上正隆, 風間健太郎, 風間健太郎, 立川佳晴

    動物園水族館雑誌   56 ( 4 )  2015


  • A Simple Captive-Care System for Japanese Water Shrews in an Aquarium

    風間麻未, 田上正隆, 立川佳晴, 風間健太郎, 風間健太郎

    動物園水族館雑誌   56 ( 4 )  2015


  • 観光地における給餌による繁殖中のウミネコの栄養状態への影響

    加藤由佳, 新妻靖章, 水谷友一, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2015  2015


  • カワウ営巣地におけるアオサギによる非侵襲的餌略奪

    土屋健児, 風間健太郎, 新妻靖章

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2015  2015


  • ウミネコオスによる産卵前の配偶者防衛行動の効果とコスト

    風間健太郎, 風間健太郎, 浅井綾加, 風間麻未, 神藤定生, 新妻靖章, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2015  2015


  • 人工飼育下のカワガラス亜成鳥の摂餌量および体重変化量に対する外部気温の影響

    風間麻未, 風間健太郎, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2015  2015


  • 海鳥繁殖地を考慮した洋上風力発電建設アボイドマップの作成

    風間健太郎, 伊藤元裕, 橋本啓史, 先崎啓究, 長谷川理

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集   60th  2013


  • ウミネコ集団営巣地における隣接個体間の血縁度と対補食者防衛強度の個体変異との関連

    風間健太郎, 風間健太郎, 浅井綾加, 浅井綾加, 神藤定生, 長谷川理, 新妻靖章, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2013  2013


  • ウミネコ集団営巣地における個体間の血縁関係

    浅井綾加, 浅井綾加, 風間健太郎, 風間健太郎, 神藤定生, 長谷川理, 新妻靖章, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2013  2013


  • 農耕地および沿岸生態系において海鳥が担う物質共給の役割

    風間健太郎, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2013  2013


  • ウミネコにおける求愛給餌が繁殖に与える影響

    永田瑞穂, 新妻靖章, 水谷友一, 風間健太郎

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2013  2013


  • ウミネコの非繁殖期の渡り移動と行動:繁殖した個体と繁殖を見送った個体との比較

    風間健太郎, 平田和彦, 山本誉士, 橋本啓史, 高橋晃周, 新妻靖章, TRATHAN P.N., 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2012  2012


  • オキアミとイカナゴを給餌したウトウ雛の消化率と成長

    粂佑奈, 新妻靖章, 風間健太郎, 伊藤元裕, 山下麗, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2012  2012


  • ウミネコにおける年齢と繁殖成功の関係

    新妻靖章, 富田直樹, 風間健太郎

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集   58th  2011


  • ウミネコの繁殖前の食性が繁殖投資量におよぼす影響

    風間健太郎, 鈴木優也, 富田直樹, 伊藤元裕, 新妻靖章, 綿貫豊

    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集   58th  2011


  • 洋上風力発電が鳥類にもたらす影響


    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集   58th  2011


  • 人工飼育下のカワウ亜成鳥の摂餌量および体重増加量に対する外部気温の影響

    岩本麻未, 風間健太郎, 堀江俊介, 新妻靖章

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2011  2011


  • ウトウの産卵前の餌が卵容積に及ぼす影響

    鈴木優也, 伊藤元裕, 風間健太郎, 新妻靖章, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2011  2011


  • ウミネコが肥やす磯:糞由来窒素が営巣地直下の磯の海藻,植物プランクトン,および固着生物におよぼす影響

    風間健太郎, 都築一秀, 早川未祐, 村野宏達, 藤井英紀, 佐藤雅彦, 溝田智俊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2011  2011


  • カワウが肥やす水田:営巣地に隣接する水田において糞由来窒素が草本類に与える影響

    風間健太郎, 都築一秀, 早川未祐, 村野宏達, 新妻靖章, 溝田智俊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2011  2011


  • 行動シンドローム(behavioral syndrome)の集団繁殖における機能

    風間健太郎, 新妻靖章, 綿貫豊

    日本動物行動学会大会発表要旨集   29th (Web)  2010


  • 繁殖期におけるウミネコの様々な行動の関連

    風間健太郎, 新妻靖章, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2010  2010


  • ウミネコの対捕食者防衛強度の個体変異:集団繁殖における機能と意義

    風間健太郎, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2009  2009


  • ウミネコのテロメア変化と年齢の関係

    水谷友一, 富田直樹, 風間健太郎, 成田憙一, 成田章, 高橋弘樹, 長谷川理, 新妻靖明

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2008  2008


  • ウミネコの巣防衛強度を決める要因

    風間健太郎, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2008  2008


  • 育雛初期におけるクロアシアホウドリの探索・採餌行動について

    原田知子, 出口智広, 風間健太郎, 鈴木創, 綿貫豊

    日本鳥学会大会講演要旨集   2008  2008


  • ハシブトガラスによる卵捕食に対するウミネコの反応の個体差と集団営巣における機能


    日本生態学会大会講演要旨集   53rd  2006


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Teaching Experience

  • 動物生態学



  • Environmental biology training

    Waseda University  


  • Basic Ecology

    Waseda University  


  • 保全生態学特論



  • Animal Ecology

    Waseda University  


  • ブッダセミナー(特別講義)

    京都大学 霊長類学・ワイルドライフサイエンスリーディング大学院  

  • 科学の最前線と歴史


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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 海鳥巣内のプラスチックゴミが巣内環境変化を通じて孵化率におよぼす影響


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     現在、流出したプラスチックによる海洋生態系の汚染が深刻化している。プラスチックが巣材として利用されることで、巣内の湿度や温度が変化することが明らかとなっているが、そうした変化が孵化成功率やヒナの成長・生残におよぼす影響は不明である。 本研究では、北海道利尻島で繁殖する海鳥2種(ウミネコ、オオセグロカモメ)の巣内のプラスチックが抱卵中の巣内環境の変化を通じて孵化率におよぼす影響を解明した。2023年6~8月に北海道利尻島において、2種の海鳥繁殖地で踏査により巣材中のプラスチックの種類、個数、重量を測定した。プラスチックを含む巣に温度ロガーを設置し、プラスチック取り込みによる巣内温度と湿度の変化を測定すると同時に各巣の孵化状況をモニタリングし、プラスチック巣材が孵化成功率におよぼす影響を調べた。 プラスチックを含む巣ではそうでない巣に比べて、親鳥が継続して抱卵している場合には抱卵温度の低下は見られなかったが、親鳥が抱卵を中断して巣を離れた際の卵温度の低下速度が大きかった。またその傾向は外気温が低い時ほど顕著であった。巣へのプラスチックの混入は、巣の断熱性や保温性を低下させることが示唆された。 一方、プラスチックを含む巣の孵化率は、含まない巣に比べて低下するわけではなかった。これは、今回の研究条件下では巣に含まれるプラスチックの量が少なく、巣の断熱性や保温性の低下がそれほど顕著でなかったためと考えられた。今後、環境中のプラスチック量が増加し、巣への混入量も増加した際にはより深刻な影響が顕在化する可能性がある。

  • 海鳥巣内のプラスチックゴミが抱卵温度におよぼす影響


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  • プラスチックゴミの海鳥巣への取り込みが巣内微環境に及ぼす影響

    2021   小高歩

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  • 日本における海鳥の海洋プラスチック汚染状況の把握:巣材への取り込み量調査


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    本研究では、北海道北部で繁殖する海鳥3種(ウミネコ、オオセグロカモメ、ウミウ)の巣材へのプラスチック取り込み状況を調べた。2020年6~8月に北海道利尻島と枝幸町において、3種の海鳥繁殖地で合計150巣を対象に踏査により巣材中のプラスチックの種類、個数、重量を測定した。 調査の結果、利尻、礼文、稚内で繁殖するオオセグロカモメの約80%、利尻と枝幸で繁殖するウミネコの約70%、および利尻で繁殖するウミウの約80%の巣にプラスチックが持ち込まれていた。プラスチックの多くは漁具であった。本研究により、近年欧州を中心に懸念が高まっている海鳥へのプラスチック汚染が、日本においても深刻であることが明らかとなった。これらのプラスチック汚染が、絡まりなど海鳥へいかなる死亡リスクをもたらしているかを今後明らかにする。

  • オオセグロカモメの人工環境利用が生理状態に及ぼす影響の解明


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  • 日本におけるオオセグロカモメの個体数急減要因の解明


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