Updated on 2024/07/27


Faculty of Law, School of Law
Job title
Ph.D. ( Waseda University )

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Law, School of Law   Professor

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Law, School of Law   Associate Professor

  • 2018.04

    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Faculty of Law   Associate Professor

  • 2012.04

    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Faculty of Urban liberal Arts, School of Law and Politics   Associate Professor

  • 2011.04

    Institute of Intellectual Property   Research Fellow

  • 2011.08

    Australian National University   College of Law   Visiting Scholar

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Education Background

  • 2008.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Law  

  • 2006.04

    Waseda University   Graduate School of Law  

  • 2002.04

    Kanazawa University   Faculty of Law  

Professional Memberships

  • 2023.09

    Japan Association of Industrial Property Law

  • 2016.05

    International Law Association, Japan Branch

  • 2011.11


  • 2010.10


  • 2006.05


Research Areas

  • International law   Private International Law, Conflict of Laws


  • Case Note, Supreme Court, Decision, December 12 2017

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Japan Commercial Arbitration Journal   71 ( 6 ) 24 - 30  2024.06  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Basic Study on Patent Infringement in Private International Law: Two Explanations on Lex Protectionis by Ulmer and Martiny

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Annual of Industrial Property Law   ( 47 ) 158 - 175  2024.05  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Annexations and Territorial Conflicts in Private International Law: Some Comments from a Perspective of Prewar Japanese Law

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Waseda University Institute of Comparative Law: Online Forum Series   ( 2023-1 ) 1 - 7  2023.10  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Case Note, Intellectual Property High Court, Judgment, July 20 2022

    TANEMURA Yusuke

      ( 33 ) 333 - 336  2023.10  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, April 22 2022

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1585 ) 143 - 146  2023.05  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Party Autonomy in English Private International Law of Torts

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    早稲田大学法学会編『早稲田大学法学会百周年記念論文集 第四巻 展開・先端・国際法編』     375 - 402  2022.12

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, November 22 2021

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1577 ) 156 - 159  2022.10  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The Unification of Substantive Law and Private International Law in the Areas of Intellectual Property

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Waseda Law Review   97 ( 3 ) 73 - 102  2022.06  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Case Note, Osaka District Court, Judgment, January 21 2021

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1564 ) 139 - 142  2021.10  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Case Note, Tokyo High Court, Judgment, September 25 2019

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1552 ) 128 - 131  2020.11  [Refereed]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • "Justiciability" in Foreign Intellectual Property Rights Infringement Cases: Judgment of the UK Supreme Court in Lucasfilm v. Ainsworth

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Waseda Law Review   95 ( 3 ) 95 - 118  2020.03  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Case Note, Intellectual Property High Court, Judgment, February 7 2018

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1539 ) 137 - 140  2019.11  [Refereed]

  • Jurisdictional Approach in English Private International Law of Adoption

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Tokyo Metropolitan University Journal of Law and Politics   59 ( 2 ) 121 - 140  2019.01

  • Case Note, Tokyo High Court, Order, May 19 2017

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1523 ) 155 - 158  2018.09  [Refereed]

  • Case Note, Tokyo Family Court, Adjudication, February 19 2015

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1514 ) 128 - 131  2018.01  [Refereed]

  • Case Note, Supreme Court, Judgment, March 10 2016

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Hanrei Hyoron   ( 698 ) 7 - 11  2017.04  [Invited]

  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, September 5 2014

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1496 ) 115 - 118  2016.08  [Refereed]


  • Private International Law and Torts in Violation of International Law

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy   115 ( 1 ) 46 - 64  2016.05  [Refereed]


  • Application of Article 22 of the Act on General Rules for Application of Laws

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Tokyo Metropolitan University Journal of Law and Politics   56 ( 1 ) 633 - 663  2015.07

     View Summary

    前田雅英教授退職記念号 川村栄一教授退職記念号


  • Case Note, Osaka District Court, Judgment, March 21 2013

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1480 ) 131 - 134  2015.05  [Refereed]


  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, July 16 2014

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    the Hogaku seminar zoukan   ( 16 ) 337 - 340  2015.04  [Invited]


  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, October 21 2013

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1479 ) 308 - 309  2015.04  [Invited]

  • Case Note, Tokyo High Court, Judgment, February 28 2013

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1464 ) 136 - 139  2014.03  [Refereed]


  • A Study of Dicey's Theory of Private International Law

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Tokyo Metropolitan University Journal of Law and Politics   54 ( 2 ) 135 - 167  2014.01


  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, June 7 2011

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1451 ) 124 - 127  2013.03  [Refereed]


  • 'Proper Law of a Tort' and Victory over 'Acquired Rights' Theory in England

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Japanese yearbook of private international law   ( 15 ) 140 - 167  2013  [Refereed]


  • Limitations of International Judicial Jurisdiction in Actions on Infringement of Foreign Intellectual Property Rights

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    国際商取引学会年報   ( 14 ) 90 - 100  2012  [Refereed]


  • The so-called "Mozambique rule"

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Waseda Law Review   87 ( 3 ) 91 - 130  2012


  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, November 26 2009

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1422 ) 153 - 156  2011.05  [Refereed]


  • The Formation and Development of Torts in the Conflict of Laws in England

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Waseda University     1 - 170  2011.03  [Refereed]

  • Development of Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine in Australia

    Researching Group, on Australian PIL

    Comparative law review   44 ( 3 ) 120 - 143  2011.03


  • Historical development of torts in the conflict of laws in England

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Waseda law journal   61 ( 2 ) 207 - 244  2011


  • The "proper law of a tort" and common law exception (1)

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Graduate school law review   ( 134 ) 177 - 198  2010


  • "Proper law of a tort" and common law exception (2)

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Graduate school law review   ( 135 ) 199 - 221  2010


  • Case Note, Fukuoka District Court, Iizuka Branch, Judgment, March 14 2008

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Monthly jurist   ( 1378 ) 205 - 208  2009.05  [Refereed]


  • The development of "proper law of a tort" in British theory

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Graduate school law review   ( 132 ) 205 - 230  2009


  • The significance of "proper law of a tort"

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    The Graduate school law review   ( 128 ) 89 - 113  2008


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Books and Other Publications

  • 国際民事手続法

    嶋拓哉, 高杉直( Part: Contributor, 第II章「3. 債務履行地管轄等」~「9. 不動産所在地管轄」(26-63頁)部分の執筆)

    勁草書房  2022.02 ISBN: 9784326451272

  • 国際私法判例百選[第3版]

    道垣内正人, 中西康( Part: Contributor, 70-71頁「34 不法行為(1)--投資に関する虚偽説明[東京高裁平成30.1.16判決] 」部分の執筆)

    有斐閣  2021.11 ISBN: 9784641115569

  • Encyclopedia of terminology for international business transaction

    Academy for International, Business Transactions( Part: Contributor)

    2021.04 ISBN: 9784502366512

  • 国際家族法の実務 : 問答式(追録89・90号)

    国際家族法実務研究会, 早川眞一郎( Part: Contributor, 第四章第一「夫婦が日本と外国とに別れて住んでいる場合の離婚裁判の国際裁判管轄」部分の執筆)

    新日本法規出版  2020.01

  • Torts in Private International Law

    TANEMURA Yusuke( Part: Sole author)

    2017.10 ISBN: 9784792333652

  • 国際私法 (プライマリ法学双書)

    木棚照一( Part: Joint author, 第3編第12章「不法行為・事務管理・不当利得」部分の執筆)

    成文堂  2016.04 ISBN: 4792333482


  • 国際〈家族と法〉

    青木清, 佐野寛, 青木 清, 佐野 寛( Part: Joint author, 第16講「非嫡出子」部分の執筆)

    八千代出版  2012.05 ISBN: 4842915722


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  • Transnational Act of Working of Network-related Invention and Scope of Effect of Japanese Patent Rights: Two Recent Judgments of Intellectual Property High Court of Japan

    TANEMURA Yusuke  [Invited]

    3rd KOPILA-PILAJ Joint Symposium of 2023 "Current Developments in the Law and Practice of Japanese Choice-of-Law Rules"  (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea)  Korea Private International Law Association

    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • Annexations and Territorial Conflicts in Private International Law: Some Comments from a Perspective of Prewar Japanese Law

    TANEMURA Yusuke  [Invited]

    International Early Career Researchers’ Forum “Recent Private Law Developments in Japan and Europe”  (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)  WASEDA University/ Universität Heidelberg

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • Private International Law Issues Related to Trade Secret Protection in Japan

    TANEMURA Yusuke  [Invited]

    Recent Development in Unfair Competition Law  (Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea)  Association of Content Property for Next Generation/ Law Research Institute, Incheon National University

    Presentation date: 2022.09

    Event date:
  • 知的財産分野における条約の機能と課題

    種村 佑介  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.09

    Event date:
  • Jurisdiction of the Japanese Courts in Internet Defamation Cases

    TANEMURA Yusuke  [Invited]

    Law Relating to Creative Industry to Promote 4th Industrial Revolution : Focused on Tradition and Innovation  (Seoul, Korea)  Institute of Legal Research, Chung-Ang University

    Presentation date: 2018.09

Research Projects

  • Development of the Methodology for Cross-National Analysis on Asian Private International Law Precedents

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Protection of Intellectual Property in the East Asian Community: Comparison with the US, EU and International Trends

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 萌芽期における日本の国際私法ー穂積文書の検討を中心として

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    竹下 啓介, 櫻田 嘉章, 道垣内 正人, 北澤 安紀, 種村 佑介

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  • Problems of Private International Law for Protection of Legal Interests in Information Society: New Approach from the Perspective of East Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    TANEMURA Yusuke

     View Summary

    In this research project, international joint research was conducted with Korean and Chinese researchers or practitioners, focusing on the protection of various 'legal interests' that have come to have new value to be protected in the information society due to rapid changes such as the fourth industrial revolution.
    In FY 2019 and FY 2021, international symposia were held, inviting researchers and practitioners from South Korea and China. And I have also conducted a thorough search of the literature, with particular emphasis on theoretical study on international intellectual property law, and made presentations at relevant conferences and research meetings, and published research papers.

  • Torts in Private International Law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results

    Project Year :


    TANEMURA Yusuke


  • II. Activities of Related Academic Associations in Japan: 2. Kokusai Shiho Gakkai (Private International Law Association of Japan, established in 1949)

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Japanese Yearbook of International Law   66   612 - 617  2024.02  [Invited]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Meeting report  

  • The Law Applicable to Infringement of Trade Secrets: Report on a Workshop held at Incheon National University

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Intellectual Property Journal   ( 23 ) 52 - 57  2022.12  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • Case Note, Tokyo District Court, Judgment, April 21 2021

    TANEMURA Yusuke

        1 - 8  2022.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  

  • 国際取引法研究の最前線:第111回 私の研究紹介⑦国際取引法学の基礎研究としての比較国際私法

    種村 佑介

    国際商事法務   49 ( 11 ) 1414 - 1417  2021.11  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • II. Activities of Related Academic Associations in Japan: 2. Kokusai Shiho Gakkai (Private International Law Association of Japan, established in 1949)

    TANEMURA Yusuke, ONOGI Hisashi

    Japanese Yearbook of International Law   62   509 - 515  2020.03  [Invited]  [Domestic journal]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Meeting report  

  • 知的財産分野における条約の機能と課題 (研究報告・質疑討論の要旨)

    種村 佑介

    国際法外交雑誌   118 ( 3 ) 122 - 122  2019.11  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Meeting report  

  • 国際関係法(私法系)論文式試験解説

    種村 佑介

    司法試験の問題と解説2018(別冊法学セミナー)   ( 254 ) 297 - 302  2018.09  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 国際関係法(私法系)論文式試験解説

    種村 佑介

    司法試験の問題と解説2017(別冊法学セミナー)   ( 249 ) 289 - 294  2017.09  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • Kokusai Keizai Ho Koza II―Torihiki, Zaisan, Tetsuzuki [International Economic Law II: Transactions, Property and Procedure] edited by Japan Association of International Economic Law, represented by Noboru Kashiwagi

    TANEMURA Yusuke

    Japanese Yearbook of International Law   58   409 - 414  2016.03  [Refereed]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 国際私法 (特集 尖閣諸島問題) -- (2013年主要文献目録 国際法,国際私法,国際政治・外交史)

    種村 佑介, 松永, 詩乃美

    国際法外交雑誌   113 ( 2 ) 257 - 274  2014.08

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • 国際私法 (特集 国連海洋法条約採択30周年) -- (2012年主要文献目録 国際法,国際私法,国際政治・外交史)

    申 美穂, 種村 佑介

    国際法外交雑誌   112 ( 2 ) 362 - 384  2013.08

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • Relationship between the law applicable to infringements of intellectual property rights and the law applicable to torts

    TANEMURA Yusuke

        1 - 30  2012.06  [Refereed]

    Internal/External technical report, pre-print, etc.  

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  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 知的財産分野における統一法の機能と課題:東アジアの視点から

    2021   金彦叔, 伊藤敬也, 千昶民, 李圭鎬, 李榮鐘, 李洁琼

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     本研究課題では、研究代表者が行ってきた知的財産分野における法統一の実現に向けた基礎理論的研究の集大成として、2021年度に日中韓の国際私法・知的財産法分野の研究者らを招き、本学にて国際シンポジウムを開催した。このシンポジウムは残念ながらコロナ禍によりオンライン開催となったものの、補助を利用してオンライン設備の増強などの対応をした結果、国内外から研究者のみならず学生や一般の方からも多くの参加者を得、成功裡に終えることができた。 本シンポジウムの成果の一部は、『比較法学』55巻3号(2022年)に公表している。また、研究代表者自身の研究成果は、『早稲田法学』97巻3号(2022年)に公表予定である。