2025/03/13 更新


シャオ リチュン
シャオ リチュン
国際学術院 国際教養学部
Ph.D. ( State University of New York at Buffalo )
Ph.D. ( State University of New York at Buffalo )


  • 2024年08月

    早稲田大学   国際学術院 国際教養学部   教授


  • 1998年08月

    State University of New York at Buffalo   Graduate School of Arts and Science   Comparative Literature  

  • 1991年09月

    National Taiwan University   Graduate School of Liberal Arts   Foreign Languages and Literatures  

  • 1987年09月

    National Chung Hsing University   College of Liberal Arts   Foreign Languages and Literatures  


  • 英文学、英語圏文学


  • Postcolonial Theory, Anglophone Postcolonial Literatures, Caribbean Literatures and Cultures, Literary and Cultural Theories, Psychoanalysis, Modernism, Contemporary Taiwan literature and Culture



  • Staging the World: Cross-Cultural (Il)literacy, Taiwan’s Mobile Stage Phenomenon, and Shen Chao-liang’s Stage Series

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Critical Arts South-North Cultural and Media Studies   34 ( 5 ) 87 - 106  2020年12月  [査読有り]  [国際誌]


    Through the lens of the photographer Shen Chao-liang, this paper examines the cultural ramifications of the mobile stages (fitted into and folded out of the backs of modified trucks) of Taiwanese roving vaudeville troupes—a common sight in the towns outside of Taiwan’s cities that, however, remains largely oblivious to public and media attention. What characterizes these stages in recent decades are the easily recognizable “global images” featured prominently on the backdrops—such as the Sydney Opera House, Hello Kitty, Arc de Triomphe, etc.—often in gaudy colours and tacky patterns, sometimes oddly juxtaposed. Based on both the mobile stage phenomenon and Shen’s representations, I explore what cultural literacy might entail and mean when it comes to cross-cultural encounters, as well as the “self-emptying” gesture in Taiwanese society’s enthusiastic embracement of “the world” from which, it perceives, it is relegated to insignificance. Shen sought to capture the image of the plebeian society in Taiwan by documenting the roving vaudeville troupes, but wound up focusing on the stage that showcases little to none of the cultural characteristics or elements of Taiwan known to either the locals or the outsiders, enacting a form of art mediation that does not simply suture the constitutive split in its photographic representations.



  • (Un)timely Reflections: Reading the Chinese Translation of Shu-mei Shih’s Visuality and Identity: Sinophone Articulations across the Pacific

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   43 ( 1 ) 213 - 222  2014年03月


  • Theoretical Thinking on the Fault Lines of Theory, Commonsense, and Reform

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   43 ( 1 ) 15 - 58  2014年  [査読有り]


  • Color (Un)conscious: Psychoanalysis, Resistance, and the Specter/Spectacle of Race

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies   36 ( 1 ) 159 - 187  2010年  [査読有り]


  • The Corruption of Slaves into Tyrants’: Toussaint, Haiti, and the Writing of Postcolonial Trauma postcolonial trauma

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    JOURNAL OF THE MIDWEST MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION   41 ( 1 ) 67 - 77  2008年  [査読有り]


  • The Black Body and Representations of the (In)human.” Thematic issue “Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture   9 ( 1 )  2007年  [査読有り]

  • Thanatos Gains the Upper Hand: Sadism, Jouissance, and Libidinal Economy

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies   29 ( 1 ) 47 - 66  2003年  [査読有り]


  • The Genes of Theory: An Interview with Yu-cheng Lee on Theory, Times, and Creative Writing

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   46 ( 4 ) 199 - 217  2017年12月


  • Taiwan and Theory: A Forum on the Keywords Taiwan Project and the Local Vocabulary of Theory

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   46 ( 4 ) 219 - 255  2017年12月


  • Through the Lens of Your Own Making: An Interview with Chung-Hsiung Lai on the Question of Theory

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   46 ( 2 ) 197 - 220  2017年06月


  • Tales of the Forking Paths of Theory: An Interview with Liao Ping-hui on the Question of Theory

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   45 ( 4 ) 251 - 274  2016年12月


  • Life of Theory/Theory in Life: An Interview with Hsien-hao Sebastian Liao on the Question of Theory

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   45 ( 2 ) 197 - 226  2016年06月


  • Flux and Void: An Interview with Chaoyang Liao on the Question of Theory

    HSIAO, Li-Chun

    Chung Wai Literary Quarterly   44 ( 3 ) 223 - 246  2015年09月




  • The Soldier-Writer, the Expatriate, and Cold War Modernism in Taiwan: Freedom in the Trenches

    Li-Chun Hsiao( 担当: 単著)

    Lexington Books  2022年08月 ISBN: 1498569099  [査読有り]


  • The Indivisible Globe, the Indissoluble Nation: Universality, Postcoloniality, and Nationalism in the Age of Globalization

    HSIAO, Li-Chun( 担当: 単著)

    Stuttgart: ibidem Press, distributed by Columbia University Pres  2021年 ISBN: 9783838215242  [査読有り]

  • Keywords for Theory/Taiwan, Book chapter: De/fault

    HSIAO, Li-Chun, Eds.Dung-sheng Chen, Chia-ling Mei, Chaoyang Liao, Shu-mei Shih( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Taipei: Unitas  2019年03月  [査読有り]


  • Comparatizing Taiwan/ Book chapter: Far-fetched Lands: The Caribbean, Taiwan, and Submarine Relations

    HSIAO, Li-Chun, Eds.Ping-huei Liao, Shu-mei Shih( 担当: 分担執筆)

    New York: Routledge  2015年  [査読有り]

  • Feminist Criticism / Postcolonialism

    Eds. Kuei-fen Chiu, Li-Chun Hsiao

    Taipei: Council of Cultural Development of Executive Yuan, Taiwan  2010年

  • Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror/ Book chapter: The Black Body and Representations of the (In)human.” Thematic issue “Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror

    HSIAO.Li-Chun, Eds. Sophia, A. McClennen, Henry James Morello

    Purdue University Press  2010年 ISBN: 155753568X  [査読有り]

  • This Shipwreck of Fragments”: Historical Memory, Imaginary Identities, and Postcolonial Geography in Caribbean Culture and Literature

    HSIAO, Li-Chun, Ed. Li-Chun Hsiao( 担当: 編集)

    London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing  2009年  [査読有り]



  • A "state of the field” report on the studies of "critical theory" based in Asia

    Li-Chun Hsiao  [招待有り]

    The “What is Global Critical Theory?” Seminar organized by the Goldsmiths Center for Philosophy and Critical Thought, University of London  

    発表年月: 2023年12月





  • 国際学術院   国際コミュニケーション研究科


  • “The World Has Always Started without Us”: World Literature and the Preoccupation with the World in Taiwan Literature



    A working paper related to this project has been delivered in a presentationat the workshop on “What is Global CriticalTheory?” (an online event) organized by the Goldsmiths Center for Philosophyand Critical Thought, University of London, on December 14, 2023. The outcomeof the research has been organized in a paper format for journal submissionconsideration. In addition, the project has been incorporated into thetheoretical framework of a potential book project.  

  • A Cold War Division of Labor: The Aesthetics of Dread and the Rhetoric of Freedom in postwar Taiwan Literature



    A working paper based on this project was presented in an academicinternational conference held by Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea onJune 9, 2023. The outcome of the research has been organized in a paper format for journalsubmission consideration. In addition to this, the project has beenincorporated into the theoretical framework of a potential book project. 

  • Facing the Music: Calypso, Carnival Masking, and Postcolonial Resistance in The Dragon Can’t Dance



    This is a project for the academic year from Apr 01 2021 to Mar 31 2022.  During this period, I published a book on postcolonial studies that is related to one of the topics covered by this project--postcolonial resistance.Publication information about my book can be found at the link below:https://cup.columbia.ed/book/the-indivisible-globe-the-indissoluble-nation/9783838215242 Li-Chun Hsiao, The Indivisible Globe, the Indissoluble Nation: Universality, Postcoloniality, and Nationalism in the Age of Globalization.  Stuttgart: ibidem Press, distributed by Columbia University Press, 2021.

  • Borderline Theory: Charting Theoretical Frontiers in Caribbean Writings



    The project is in the stage of wrapping up the writing to be submitted for conference presentation consideration.  The draft received positive feedbacks from the scholars attended in an on-line workshop. The positive comments have further facilitated the writing moving forward in a smooth pace.   

  • Staging the World: Cross-Cultural (Il)literacy, the Mobile Stage Phenomenon in Taiwan, and Shen Chao-liang’s Stage



    With the support of this grant, the project has produced one journal article that has been accepted and published by a renowned journal, CRITICAL ARTS-SOUTH-NORTH CULTURAL AND MEDIA STUDIES with Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI). The publication has acknowledged this financial support. 

  • Soft-core Totalitarianism, Hard-core Modernism, and the Fascination of What's Not Difficult



    A working paper based on this project was presented in an academic international workshop held by American Studies Institute at Seoul National University. The project has been organized in a paper format for journal submission consideration. In addition to this, the project has been incorporated into a potential book project. 
