Updated on 2024/10/24


FURUKAWA, Toshiaki
Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    School of Social Sciences, Waseda University

  • 2013.04


  • 2011.04

    Osaka University

Professional Memberships








    International Pragmatics Association

Research Areas

  • Linguistics

Research Interests

  • Discourse

  • Multilingualism

  • Identity

  • Hawai'i

Media Coverage

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  • 地名「カプーカキー」と「レッドヒル」の指標性 : ハワイの環境汚染問題をめぐる公聴会の会話分析

    大阪大学言語文化共同研究プロジェクト2023 応用会話分析研究: 米公聴会分析    2024


  • ハワイとハンセン病: 先住民による日布間移動

    移民研究年報   30   53 - 68  2024  [Refereed]

  • 保育士はどのように子ども間の揉め事に介入するか?: 東京都区部の保育所に関する単一事例研究

    古川敏明, ハウザー エリック, 大野光子

    社会言語科学   26 ( 1 ) 197 - 212  2023.10  [Refereed]


  • 言語再活性化運動とニューノーマルの実践 : コロナ禍のハワイ語ウェビナーʻAi Koleを事例として

    言語文化共同研究プロジェクト2022     14 - 23  2023.05


  • “He haole ʻoe?”: ハワイ語の引用と構築された対話の詩的構造化が指し示すリアリティ


    片岡邦好・武黒麻紀子・榎本剛士 (編), ポエティクスの新展開: プルリモーダルな実践の詩的解釈に向けて. ひつじ書房.     101 - 127  2022.11  [Refereed]

  • ハワイ語の再活性化における話者性: 第二言語使用と混血


    三宅和子・新井保裕(編). モビリティとことばをめぐる挑戦—社会言語学の新たな「移動」. ひつじ書房.     83 - 103  2021  [Refereed]

  • A Discourse Analytic Approach to Practices of Hawaiian Language Revitalization in the Mass Media

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    Indigenous Language Acquisition, Maintenance, and Loss and Current Language Policies     156 - 178  2021  [Refereed]

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    Scholars of language policy and planning (LPP) have recently started using ethnographic and discourse-analytic methods. Examining the collaborative sense-making activity of language users can shed light on how they construct their version or versions of reality by using semiotic resources, creating intertextual links, and referring to language ideologies. This study investigates an under-researched area in LPP: spoken discourse in media talk, specifically in media involved in indigenous language revitalization in Hawaiʻi. Using audio recordings of Ka Leo Hawaiʻi (The Hawaiian Voice) broadcast from the 1970s for over 25 years, the study explores the multilingual practices of the hosts, the guests, and the call-in listeners of the translingual contact zone of this Hawaiian language radio show by analyzing these participants' metapragmatic comments on the use of English and their bivalent utterances.


  • 第二言語としてのハワイ語使用に関する会話研究 : 母語話者カテゴリーMānaleo をめぐるやりとり

    古川 敏明, フルカワ トシアキ

    言語文化共同研究プロジェクト   ( 2018 ) 1 - 10  2019.05

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    応用会話分析研究 : 制度的会話におけるカテゴリー化と連鎖構造

    DOI CiNii

  • Place and membership categorization in a Hawaiian language radio show

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    PRAGMATICS AND SOCIETY   10 ( 3 ) 375 - 398  2019  [Refereed]

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    Recent articles by prominent scholars of discourse and interaction have renewed the debate over the relationship between membership categorization analysis (MCA) and conversation analysis (CA). Many consider CA and MCA as mutually informing, and that is the position I take in this paper. MCA has been conducted mainly with monolingual data, but in this study I examine Hawaiian language media talk by multilingual speakers. Place formulation is often intertwined with membership categorization, and I investigate how place is used to categorize people. Taking an MCA approach, I analyze the stories co-constructed by a radio show's host, guest, and callers, all of whom speak predominantly in Hawaiian but occasionally switch into English. The goals of the paper are twofold: (1) to illustrate the procedural consequentiality of initiating, maintaining, and terminating an "ultra-rich topic" (Sacks 1992: 75), that is, place; and (2) to show how place is used to do categorial work.



  • "konichiwa and arigatogozaimas for your testimony" : 米公聴会における日本語使用と他者化

    古川 敏明, フルカワ トシアキ

    言語文化共同研究プロジェクト   ( 2017 ) 1 - 11  2018.05

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    応用会話分析研究 : 制度的会話での質問–応答連鎖

    DOI CiNii

  • Humor, laughter, and affect in multilingual comedy performances in Hawai‘i

    M. Prior & G. Kasper (Eds.), Emotion in multilingual interaction. John Benjamins.     267 - 287  2016  [Refereed]

  • Localizing humor through parodying white voice in Hawai'i stand-up comedy

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    TEXT & TALK   35 ( 6 ) 845 - 869  2015.12  [Refereed]

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    This discourse analytic study investigates the strategic use of represented talk and thought in Hawai'i stand-up comedy performances. Utilizing the methods and findings of membership categorization, and stylization, I analyze how Local comedians make discursive contrasts by deploying Pidgin (Hawai'i Creole) to voice Locals and by deploying "Haole" ('white') or racially parodied, mock English to voice non-Locals. Findings show that Local comedians and their audiences collaboratively manipulate and display their understanding of these culturally specific indexicals to co-create and localize humor. Analysis further shows that Local humor is a highly political act that is selectively designed for a particular sociolinguistic and cultural audience and sociopolitical context.



  • Language revitalization through a media practice:―What was the Hawaiian language radio program, Ka Leo Hawai'i, like?―

    Furukawa Toshiaki

    International Journal of Human Culture Studies   2015 ( 25 ) 16 - 24  2015

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    <p> This study analyzes a Hawaiian language radio program, Ka Leo Hawai'i, broadcast in Honolulu, Hawai'i. Based on a collection of recordings of over four hundred shows from the 1970s and 1980s, it attempts to describe what the program was like at that period. The program can be described as a media practice that formed and maintained a community through documenting the language and culture of Native Hawaiians. A central feature of the show was invited guests, many of whom were elders and native speakers of Hawaiian. After the program ended, the audio recordings were digitized, and they have been used for educational purposes and have continued to make a contribution to the revitalization of the Hawaiian language. These recordings are truly important because Hawaiian has almost no collections of audio recordings as large in volume and that were collected as systematically as Ka Leo Hawai'i. It is also not easy to generate new audio recordings of elderly native speakers because their number is now presumably under one hundred.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • ハワイ語新聞が創出する読者: 真珠湾攻撃2周年を報じるテクスト分析


    大阪大学大学院言語文化研究科 (編), 批判的社会言語学の方法 言語文化共同研究プロジェクト2012 (pp. 29-37).    2013

  • 真珠湾、パールハーバー、プウロア: ハワイ語新聞の予備的分析


    大阪大学大学院言語文化研究科 (編), 批判的社会言語学の方法 言語文化共同研究プロジェクト2011 (pp. 31-40)    2012

  • Humor-ing the Local: Multivocal performance in stand-up comedy in Hawai'i

    Toshiaki Furukawa


  • Intertextuality, mediation, and members' categories in focus groups on humor

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    Pragmatics & Society   1 ( 2 ) 258 - 284  2010  [Refereed]

  • A pragmatic study of the Hawai'i Creole discourse marker daswai in second generation Okinawan American speech

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    G. Kasper, H. thi Nguyen, D. Yoshimi, & J. K. Yoshioka (Eds.), Pragmatics & Language Learning (Vol. 12). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai‘i, National Foreign Language Resource Center.     65 - 87  2010  [Refereed]

  • "Don't get judgmental. Relax. It's fun. It's comedy!": Crossing, mockery, stake inoculation in Local comedy

    Toshiaki Furukawa

        273 - 283  2009  [Refereed]

  • Head/complement relations: Portmanteau code-switching between Japanese and English

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    Language and information sciences   6 ( 6 ) 283 - 292  2008  [Refereed]


  • "No flips in the pool": Discursive practice in Hawai'i Creole

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    Pragmatics   17 ( 3 ) 371 - 385  2007.09  [Refereed]

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    Linguistic: hybridity is the process of the authorial unmasking of another's speech, through a language that is double-accented and double-styled. The present study investigates how linguistic resources, especially code-switching is used for meaning making in local comedy shows in Hawai'i. Local comedy is inseparable from the use of carnivalistic act. This act deconstructs attempts at stabilizing social systems by being playfully and non-violently subversive. While there are many-studies of language and humor, there are much fewer studies on the use of code-switching in comedy. The present study is particularly interested in the latter and specifically addresses Bakhtin's work on carnival. It is often maintained that ethnic jokes marginalize those of Filipino origin as the Other. However, the present paper claims that both functions of comedy - marginalizing of the Other and disrupting of official views of reality - are inseparably intertwined. Andy Bumatai, a local comic, tactically achieves carnivalistic effects while negotiating and juggling his subjectivity. Given this, code-switching as well as language selection can be a powerful tool for doublevoicing. Little is known about the pragmatics of pidgin and creole languages. Hence, the present study provides a starting point for future projects on the discursive practice in Hawai'i Creole.



  • Hawai'i Creole English and its linguistic publics: An interpretive, qualitative study of attitudes towards Hawai'i Creole English

    Toshiaki Furukawa


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Books and Other Publications

  • オセアニア文化事典

    ( Part: Contributor)

    丸善出版  2024.10 ISBN: 9784621310076

  • ハワイ語で話そう

    古川敏明, 土肥麻衣子( Part: Joint author)

    白水社  2021.06

  • わたしの外国語漂流記 : 未知なる言葉と格闘した25人の物語

    河出書房新社, 阿部, 賢一

    河出書房新社  2020.02 ISBN: 9784309617213

  • ハワイ語の世界

    ( Part: Sole author)


  • ハワイを知るための60章

    山本, 真鳥, 山田, 亨

    明石書店  2013.02 ISBN: 9784750337531

  • 言語と貧困 : 負の連鎖の中で生きる世界の言語的マイノリティ

    松原, 好次, 山本, 忠行, 石原, 忠佳, 井上, 恵子(言語学), 岡戸, 浩子, 柿原, 武史, Carreira Matsuzaki, Junko, 河原, 俊昭, 江田, 優子ペギー, 近藤, 功(日本語教育), 杉野, 俊子, 砂野, 幸稔, 田中, 富士美, 長谷川, 瑞穂, 八田, 洋子, 原, 隆幸, 樋口, 謙一郎, 福島, 知枝子, 古川, 敏明, 山川, 智子

    明石書店  2012.08 ISBN: 9784750336466

  • 多言語社会がやってきた : 世界の言語政策Q&A

    河原, 俊昭, 山本, 忠行

    くろしお出版  2004.06 ISBN: 9784874243077

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Research Projects

  • ハワイ語新聞を一次資料とする危機言語の復活とメディア利用に関する談話分析的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(A))

    Project Year :


    古川 敏明

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  • ハワイ語を事例とする危機言語の世代間継承とメディア利用に関する談話分析的研究

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • The revitalization of endangered languages and their use in media: A conversation analytical study of a Hawaiian language radio program

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


  • An interactional analysis of a Hawaiian language radio program

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    FURUKAWA Toshiaki, DOI Maiko, TANAKA Manakō, MARTIN Kalikoaloha

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    This study analyzes a Hawaiian language radio program, Ka Leo Hawai‘i, broadcast in Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Based on a collection of recordings of over four hundred shows from the 1970s and 1980s, it attempts to describe what the program was like at that period. The program can be described as a media practice that formed and maintained a community through documenting the language and culture of Native Hawaiians.

  • An interactional analysis of multilingual conversational data that include Hawaiian and other languages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up

    Project Year :


    FURUKAWA Toshiaki, DOI Maiko

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    The purpose of the present study is to introduce an interactional perspective into research on the Hawaiian language, which is one of the most successful cases of endangered language revitalization. I examined what participants achieved in multilingual conversation that can be either Hawaiian-dominant or English-dominant. I found that the participants did not necessarily respond explicitly to language switches that the participants made between what, from the researcher’s point of view, are individual languages. In other words, using English resources while speaking in a Hawaiian-dominant variety and vice versa is, from the participants’ point of view, a hybrid language practice that I refer to as “doing Hawaiian language.”


  • 保育コミュニケーションにおけるスタンス試論

    古川 敏明, Furukawa Toshiaki, フルカワ トシアキ

    言語文化共同研究プロジェクト   ( 2019 ) 11 - 17  2020.07

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    応用会話分析研究 : 制度的会話におけるスタンスの構築と役割

    DOI CiNii

  • Review of the book Exploring Multilingual Hawaiʻi: Language Use and Language Ideologies in a Diverse Society

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    Pragmatics & Society   11 ( 3 ) 483 - 486  2020

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Hawaiian language newspapers and travelogues on the late nineteenth century Japan:―D. Keaweamahi, S. Goto, and M. Goto―

    Furukawa Toshiaki

    International Journal of Human Culture Studies   2018 ( 28 ) 508 - 510  2018

    DOI CiNii

  • A letter from Japan:―A travelogue by a Native Hawaiian visitor to Japan in the late nineteenth century―

    Furukawa Toshiaki

    International Journal of Human Culture Studies   2017 ( 27 ) 205 - 209  2017

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    <p> As part of a larger, ongoing study on Hawaiian language newspapers, this report describes a travelogue written by David Keaweamahi, a Native Hawaiian who visited Japan in the late nineteenth century. Keaweamahi's travelogue was published in Hawaiian language newspapers as a series of articles under the headline, "He Leta Mai Iapana Mai" (A Letter from Japan). A preliminary analysis of these articles has revealed interesting aspects of the flow of people from Hawai'i to Japan in the late nineteenth century, which has been much less researched than immigration from Japan to Hawai'i in the same period.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Taking an interdisciplinary approach to Hawaiian language newspapers:―An analysis of articles regarding Japan, Japanese, and Japanese immigrants―

    Furukawa Toshiaki

    International Journal of Human Culture Studies   2015 ( 25 ) 126 - 130  2015

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    <p> The Hawaiian language has an exceptionally large body of resources for an indigenous language, including Hawaiian language newspapers, which have been used primarily for research on Native Hawaiians. However, these newspapers contain much information on various matters, not all of which are focused on the indigenous people. The present paper reports a study on issues relating to Japan, Japanese, and Japanese immigrants that was conducted by using Hawaiian language newspapers as the primary resource. It investigates newspaper articles published between 1904 and 1946 and collected in 2014, and it analyzes the way these articles describe Japanese people in Hawai'i.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Book Reviews : Okinawa University Institute for Regional Studies (Ed.) : Reviving the Ryukyuan languages

      ( 15 ) 207 - 211  2013

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  


  • Using Hawaiian language newspapers generates unique research [Review of the book Mai pa‘a i ka leo: Historical voice in Hawaiian primary materials, looking forward and listening back]

    Toshiaki Furukawa

    International Journal of Sociology of Language   218   217 - 220  2012

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

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  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

Internal Special Research Projects

  • ハワイ語を事例とする危機言語の世代間継承とメディア利用に関する談話分析的研究


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  • ハワイ語を事例とする危機言語の世代間継承とメディア利用に関する談話分析的研究


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  • ハワイ語を事例とする危機言語の世代間継承とメディア利用に関する談話分析的研究


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  • ハワイ語ラジオ番組を事例とする危機言語の復活とメディア利用に関する会話分析的研究


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    本研究は,ハワイ語の記録を目指して1970〜90年代に収録されたハワイ語ラジオ番組Ka Leo Hawaiʻiにおけるハワイ語を含む多言語な相互行為を分析するプロジェクトである.特にKa Leo Hawai'iの第二期に着目し,研究協力者数名から支援を受け,ハワイ語の第二言語使用者が多く登場する放送回の音声ファイルを文字起こしし,多言語なやりとりやメンバーシップカテゴリーの使用場面を検証した.その結果,今年度は,先住民言語の獲得・維持・喪失と言語政策をテーマとする論文集に,これまでの成果を一部発表することができた.

  • ハワイ語ラジオ番組を事例とする危機言語の復活とメディア利用に関する会話分析的研究


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