Updated on 2025/03/13


HOSOMA, Hiromichi
Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
博士(理学博士) ( 京都大学大学院 )



Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2009

    The University of Shiga Prefecture   School of Human Cultures

  • 2007

    The University of Shiga Prefecture   School of Human Cultures

  • 2006

    The University of Shiga Prefecture   School of Human Cultures

  • 1995

    The University of Shiga Prefecture   School of Human Cultures

Professional Memberships







Research Areas

  • Cognitive science / Social psychology / Linguistics / Social welfare

Research Interests

  • 相互行為

  • 空間表現

  • 身体動作

  • 絵葉書

  • オノマトペ

  • 介護

  • elderly

  • multimodality

  • conversation analysis

  • gesture

  • 手話

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  • 相互行為におけるダイナミックタッチによる重さ表出—Representation of weight by dynamic touch in social interaction

    細馬 宏通

    言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 / 人工知能学会 [編]   100   134 - 136  2024

  • ラップの身体性・体験性・創造性・即興性をめぐって

    ダースレイダー, 細馬 宏通, 清水 大地, 村上 久, 阿部 廣二, 児玉 謙太郎

    人工知能   37 ( 6 ) 750 - 758  2022.11


  • Mummy, What’s His Name? The Interactive Nature of Working-From-Home with Children in a BBC Interview

    Hosoma Hiromichi

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   25 ( 1 ) 55 - 69  2022.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increasing number of online meetings being introduced as a work tool. In these meetings, children can enter the work environment. How can children participate in the world of adults in situations where work and parenting conflict? In this study, we examined this issue through a detailed analysis of a case in which an interviewee’s child entered a BBC News interview, focusing on speech, eye gaze changes, and body movements. In the after-the-fact reports, some of the child’s speech and actions were edited out, and the child was treated as if she had “invaded” the interview. However, this analysis revealed that the child did not simply seek one-way communication with her mother while her mother was working, but understood what actions she could take in the situation, and adjusted the timing of her speech, eye contact, and actions. In addition, the child maintained communication by using the formality of the presenter’s name-calling as a resource and by organizing her speech sequences according to that formality. Unlike what the media reports suggested, the child participated in the interaction actively by referring to limited cues and rules that are self-evident to adults.


  • How Can Latency in Telecommunication Affect Action Sequence Analysis?

    Hosoma Hiromichi, Muraoka Harumi

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   25 ( 1 ) 230 - 237  2022.09  [Refereed]

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    How latency is handled is significant in the analysis of telecommunication interactions. In this paper, we distinguished between “absolute time series” in which all participants are simultaneously viewed without equipment and “relative time series” which focuses on the perspective of each participant. We schematized how latency affects each participant by classifying the following cases: single events, synchronization, differences in inter-speech silence perceived by participants, overlap when multiple listeners simultaneously initiate speech as the next speaker, and overlap between the listener’s selection of the next speaker and the speaker’s continuation. We also discussed how to record communication with latency and how to reproduce relative time series when analyzing pre-existing video data, and illustrated the procedures with a simple case analysis.


  • 3D映画のミザンセヌ――『ダイヤルMを廻せ!』を捉え直す


    アンドレ・バザン研究   ( 5 )  2020

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 身体コミュニケーションに埋め込まれている「知」 : 認知症高齢者の食事介助を例に (特集 心を開くコミュニケーション)

    細馬 宏通

    月刊保団連   ( 1240 ) 25 - 30  2017.05  [Invited]


  • From Individual to Interactive Cognition : Sequence Analysis of Body Movements and Utterances in Interaction

    細馬 宏通

    表象   ( 11 ) 73 - 80  2017


  • Turning Pages as Interaction

      21 ( 1 ) 113 - 124  2014.03  [Refereed]


  • How human can interact with android? Multi-modal analysis of "three sisters, android version: A play"

    Hiromichi Hosoma, Mayumi Bono, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Oriza Hirata

    Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   29 ( 1 ) 60 - 68  2014  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    When the presence and the action of an android reach to those of human, andoroid can derive multi-modal action from human. How can human parties act with the android to organize the interaction and find the android as the social actor? We observed the development process of the play "Three Sisters, Android Version", and analyzed the multi-modal interaction between the android and human players in the process. As the result, the actors express the assessment of human likeness of the android with their utterances and body movements, and the border between human and machine was expressed with each modality in different way. Moreover, these expressions are not one-way product by the writer and director, but the product of repeated interactions between the actors and the android through the practice and rehearsals. Finally we discuss the possibility of "media equation" study using the direct observations of man-machine interaction.

    DOI CiNii


  • Hands and knowledge: Gesture as an epistemic engine in reminiscence therapy

    Hiromichi Hosoma

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)   7856   233 - 241  2013  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Conversation analyses have revealed that information imbalances between speakers and hearers are represented in their speech and drive the epistemic engine to equalize the imbalances. Considering multi-modal communication, however, information can also be conveyed by body movements and reveal the unspoken imbalances in detail. Group reminiscence therapy is used to treat elderly people who are developing dementia, but it is a conversation process in which the epistemic engine involves cultural differences among the participants. In the present study, detailed analyses of conversation during therapy showed that speakers can use gestures to show their epistemic status and the information imbalance between the participants
    hearers can imitate the speaker's gestures to show their understanding in the conversational sequence
    unspoken epistemic differences can be revealed by the difference between the gestures of the speaker and hearer
    and other participants can observe the difference visually and update a gesture to point out the unspoken difference. I discuss the multi-modal structure of an epistemic engine in reminiscence therapy and its implications for the care given to dementia patients. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.



  • Body Method of Interpretation : The Multimodal Interaction among Caregivers in Conferences of a Group Home for the Elderly

    HOSOMA Hiromichi

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   15 ( 1 ) 102 - 119  2012.09  [Refereed]

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    In group homes for the elderly, caregivers often use gestures to describe the past caregiver-elderly interaction during their monthly conferences. Do the members use not only the verbal but gestural documentary methods of interpretation to construct their realities? If so, how do caregivers use the "body method of interpretation," the gestural documentary method, to do their practice of interpretation? We address this question by analyzing scenes containing interactions in which a caregiver makes an utterance with a gesture and the other caregiver makes another to make a sequetial organization of gestures. We observed that the gestures of the caregivers repeated some aspects of the preceding gestures in the sequences to make an "interactive catchment" structure to interprete the preceding utterances. Moreover, unspoken knowledges of the caregiving method or of the elderly are often embeded in the catchment structure. In the process of the catchment sequence, the caregivers added new aspects in their movement which lead to updating knowledge. Thus, the interactive catchment is not just an individual activity to produce a gestural context, but an interactive activity to make a mutual context of gestures. The caregivers were seen to use these interactive catchment structures as clues to find relevance between the gestures, and thus achieve their practice of interpretation.

    DOI CiNii

  • "Performative awareness" of the tsukkomi role in Manzai talks and skit performances.

    Hosoma Hiromichi

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS   111 ( 190 ) 83 - 86  2011.08

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    How the comic and the stooge (the straight man) accomplish their multimodal interaction in Manzai talks or skit performances? We analyzed 2 Manzai talks and 2 skit performances of 1 pair performers, with or without the audience. The microanalysis showed that while or just after the "boke" utterance the stooge frequently started "Spontaneous body action (Body Nori)", which would be cut off to connect with "tsukkomi" action. The spontaneous body actions can be observed in the performances both with and without the audience, while the types of the actions can be different even within the pair ...


  • Sequential Structures of Gestures in Adjacency Pairs

    HOSOMA Hiromichi

    Cognitive studies   16 ( 1 ) 91 - 102  2009.03  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Preliminary Notes on the Sequential Organization of Smile and Laughter

    Hiromichi Hosoma

    NEW FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   5447   288 - 293  2009  [Refereed]

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    Sequence analysis of smiling revealed that participants control the timing of smiling in different ways than they do the timing of laughter. Though the sequence of smiling often follows a format of invitation, met by either acceptance or declination, the invitation is not required as with laughter. A smile can occur without an accompanying utterance or recognition point, and may signal the opening of a new topic. While laughter is often terminated quickly when the other speaks, a smile can be maintained while the other speaks or until the other's gaze elicits a different response. In multi-party interaction, laughter is broadcasted while smiles and gaze can be addressed to an individual party and thus play a different role in the interaction.



  • アニメーションはもう少しでしゃべり出す : 『東京ゴッドファーザーズ』に表れる声と身体の逸脱


    ユリイカ   52 ( 9 ) 200 - 215  2020.08

  • こまどりは死に、うたが始まる : 「クック=ロビン音頭」考

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   51 ( 3 ) 107 - 116  2019.03


  • ノイズの夢 : 『ハッピーアワー』の音声がもたらすこと

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   50 ( 12 ) 260 - 267  2018.09


  • 読み解く身体 : 『ホーホケキョ となりの山田くん』と『十二世紀のアニメーション』

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   50 ( 10 ) 197 - 207  2018.07


  • 犬のことば : 『犬ヶ島』の会話

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   50 ( 7 ) 89 - 93  2018.06


  • Workshop in the 40th Congress Community's "Ethos, Coordinated Body Skills, and Common Knowledge" Manifested by Activities in Traditional Festivals

    Enomoto Mika, Bono Mayumi, Hosoma Hiromichi, Den Yasuharu, Takanashi Katsuya, Teraoka Takehiro, Abe Kouji, Sakaida Rui

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   20 ( 2 ) 52 - 62  2018.03

    DOI CiNii

  • Indicating Occurrences in Live Sports Television Commentary : The Functions of 'Ko' Deictic Expressions and the Interjection 'Hora'

    劉 礫岩, 細馬 宏通

    質的心理学研究 = Japanese journal of qualitative psychology   ( 16 ) 46 - 62  2017  [Refereed]


  • 『レッツラゴン』が鳴らす声 (総特集 赤塚不二夫 : 81年目のバカなのだ)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   48 ( 15 ) 99 - 112  2016.11


  • 『漫画アクション』の片隅に : 『この世界の片隅に』の居場所 (特集 こうの史代 : 『夕凪の街 桜の国』『この世界の片隅に』『ぼおるぺん古事記』から『日の鳥』へ)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   48 ( 16 ) 48 - 57  2016.11


  • 他者の視点を得るための身体動作 : 認知症対応型共同生活介護施設(グループホーム)における介護者による過去に対する記述

    細馬 宏通

    人間文化 : 滋賀県立大学人間文化学部研究報告   41   2 - 7  2016.10


  • 緑の領域 : 『言の葉の庭』における光と影の中間的表現 (特集 新海誠 : 『ほしのこえ』から『君の名は。』へ)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   48 ( 13 ) 203 - 209  2016.09


  • 探索的フィールド解析―作業の繰り返しに見る共同行為の時間構造―


    人工知能学会言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会資料   76th   79  2016.02


  • 声と動作はいかに分割されうるか : 江口寿史『すすめ!!パイレーツ』のリズム (総特集 江口寿史)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   48 ( 2 ) 88 - 99  2016.02


  • An Interactional Study of Reporting Activity in Japanese Live Car Racing Commentary: Interjections as Event Markers and the Construction of Reporting Utterances

    Ryu Gakugan, Hosoma Hiromichi

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   18 ( 2 ) 37 - 52  2016  [Refereed]

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    <p>In live sports commentary, the participants (announcer and commentator(s)) frequently need to single out events to report while talking about other matters. The target events emerge from the ongoing situation, and can disappear instantly. By analyzing the recorded data of live TV car race commentary in Japanese, we show that the participants use interjections such as '<i>a</i>' or '<i>otto</i>' as a procedure to single out events instantly. Although both the announcer and the commentator(s) equally use this procedure, they construct subsequent reporting utterances of the event differently. We demonstrate how the participants orient to their different roles, and how they construct the reporting utterances interactively during the commentary.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Screen Practice of Travel Lectures and Travelogues

    細馬 宏通

    美学芸術学論集 = The journal of aesthethics and art theory   ( 12 ) 80 - 86  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • 繰り返しの隘路 (総特集 細田守の世界 : 『時をかける少女』『サマーウォーズ』『おおかみこどもの雨と雪』から『バケモノの子』へ)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   47 ( 12 ) 145 - 152  2015.09


  • Synchronized Behavior in Co-tellers as a Practice for Restoring Progressivity in Storytelling

    JOH Ayami, HOSOMA Hiromichi

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   16 ( 2 ) 32 - 49  2014.03  [Refereed]

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    The aim of this article is to investigate a practice for restoring the progressivity in storytelling when a storyteller is faced with trouble in delivering a story. In employing a conversation analytic approach, we analyze an instance of storytelling with three participants, two of whom are able to tell the story. In constellations where two participants are able to perform as co-tellers they sometimes produce synchronized behavior such as unison and gestural matching that rely on enhanced projectability through various resources. We call attention to gestural projectability and to resources that allow projection of the shape or the timing of the gesture that is to be produced. Unison and gestural matching are produced publicly. That is, their production process is visible to listeners when co-tellers produce them thorough fine-grained mutual monitoring of both speech and body movements. This suggests that unison and gestural matching can be utilized in order to resolve trouble concerning the pace of storytelling between co-tellers and that such phenomena play a key role in foreshadowing a return to progressivity in storytelling.

    DOI CiNii

  • 線と面 : 『かぐや姫の物語』がもたらしたアニメーション史の新しい地平 (特集 高畑勲『かぐや姫の物語』の世界)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   45 ( 17 ) 175 - 181  2013.12


  • "Third-Dimensionality" in Early Animated Cartoon in America

      ( 7 ) 52 - 67  2013


  • Sequence analysis of phonetic structure of onomatopoeic expression and the phase of gesture

      112 ( 176 ) 79 - 82  2012.08


  • 考えを表しあう身体 : 会話のなかのジェスチャーと身体動作 (特集 ジェスチャーとことば)

    細馬 宏通

    日本語学   31 ( 3 ) 28 - 38  2012.03


  • Embeded knowledge in caregivers' conversation : Gestural interaction in the conference

    HOSOMA Hiromichi, NAKAMURA Yoshitaka, JOU Ayami, YOSHIMURA Masaki

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS   110 ( 185 ) 13 - 18  2010.08

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    In the periodical conferences of an elderly group home, the caregivers often express their knowledge and experience with their speech and gesture. In this presentation, we focus on "extended gesture" (Hosoma 2009) to describe the interaction among caregivers in the conference. In an example, a caregiver X made a question (the First Pair Part of an adjacency pair) with her gesture, and the gesture was not retracted with the end of the utterance but was extended to the next turn of the other participants. When the others made the negative answers, X kept her gesture hold, and only after the p...


  • Simultaneous Gestural Matching in Multi-Party Conversations

    JOH Ayami, HOSOMA Hiromichi

    Cognitive studies   16 ( 1 ) 103 - 119  2009.03  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Aug NISHIZAKA, The Body Distributed: An Ethnomethodological Study of Social Interaction, Keiso-shobo, 2008

    HOSOMA Hiromichi

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   11 ( 2 ) 99 - 101  2009

    DOI CiNii

  • 空間参照枠は会話の中でいかに構成されるか (特集 ことばと空間--言語に表れる身体性)

    細馬 宏通

    言語   37 ( 7 ) 27 - 35  2008.07


  • 多人数による日常の問題発見と解決のプロセス--環境要因とコミュニケーション要因

    細馬 宏通

    人間文化   22 ( 0 ) 27 - 32  2007.12


  • 身体・空間・他者:空間的身振りとその発達的変化

    荒川 歩, 大神 優子, 関根 和生, 毛利 真介, 河野 直子, 川野 健治, 細馬 宏通

    日本心理学会大会発表論文集   70 ( 0 ) WS030 - WS030  2006

    DOI CiNii

  • Redistribution of Body Resources in the Succession of a Traditional Folk Dance : An Attempt to Understand the Transformation of Nishiure Dengaku in Central Japan(<Special Theme>Body as the Resource for Culture)

    SUGAWARA Kazuyoshi, FUJITA Takanori, HOSOMA Hiromichi

    Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology   70 ( 2 ) 182 - 205  2005

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    <p>This article intends to elucidate the transformation of the patrimonial institution governing a traditional folk dance, called the Nishiure Dengaku, practiced in Misakubo, Shizuoka Prefecture, in central Japan. Dengaku Iiterally means "rice-paddy music," denoting the traditional folk dance that had developed in Japanese peasant culture before modernization. Generally, the succession of folk dance/music can be understood easily in terms of the process of distributing body resources. From that perspective, we pay special attention to the interactive organization in the rehearsal scene that enables the older dancers to pass on their physical techniques to younger dancers. Nisiure Dengaku, selected by the Japanese government as an intangible folk-cultural asset in 1976, is assumed to have continued for more than 200 years. Its primary practice consists of a festival called Kannon-sama, which is annually held on January 18 of the lunar calendar. During this all-night festival, 33 dance numbers of the ji-noh (ground dance), and 11-12 of the hane-noh (leaping dance) are performed: they are assumed to be devoted to the gods, who are syncretic of Buddhist and Shinto deities. The former numbers used to be assigned to 24 particular families of the village, who constituted an exclusive group called the noh-shu (dance-people). In each family, only the eldest son inherited from his father one of the numbers, or a set of numbers, of ji-noh. Since the late 1960s, however, that patrimonial institution was forced to be modified under the menace of depopulation: the ji-noh repertoires were redistributed among the remaining 14 families until the mid-1990s. Especially, a number of ji-noh parts that had once been assigned to families that died out became played instead by several skillful members of other families. It is assumed that the physical techniques were developed by the new dancers trough the voluntary contest of hane-noh, whose assignment is not prescribed by the patrimony. Our research, carried out from 2000 to 2005, revealed that all the performers of hane-noh were father-son pairs who were simultaneously participating in the festival. It is evident that in these families there is a rapid and successful succession of physical techniques from the older to the younger generation. A microanalysis of video records of the rehearsal scene illuminates a number of peculiar characteristics of interactive organization, in which instruction and learning consistently coordinate with each other. One of the noh-shu, endowed with an excellent talent for dancing, stated that the essence of mastering was to "watch and learn." However, there is a difficult dilemma to overcome between "watching" and "learning." If the novice wants to learn how to dance, he has to move his own body himself, imitating the instructor's body movement. However, the acting of most dancing includes a distinctive rotary motion of the whole body from 90 to 270 degrees, which often makes it impossible for the novice to keep watching his "model." In that respect, the bodily arrangement among the participants has critical importance: which of the side-by-side,backward, or face-to-face positions of the novice toward the instructor is most effective for his watching and learning? Also deserving of special attention is how the physical resources embedded in the rehearsal setting are exploited. The most important resource for the rehearsal is the drumming sounds, with parallel simulations of two or more different numbers sharing the same beat. The four sides of the room-sliding shutter, closet, entrance to the cooking room, and the front area in which the drum is set-represent the four directions of the two different stages: the indoor stage in the Chinju-sama eve, and the open air stage in the Kannon-sama festival. The most difficult task for novices is to successively turn their</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • 非言語行動における聞き手の役割:話し手志向・聞き手志向を超えて

    荒川歩, 高橋秀明, 木村昌紀, 細馬宏通, 磯友輝子, 坊農真弓, 古山宣洋, 西尾新, 安藤花恵

    立命館人間科学研究   9   121 - 141  2004.12  [Refereed]

  • 自分の「忘れ」に気づくこと--忘却の自然誌へのアプローチ

    細馬 宏通

    人間文化   16 ( 0 ) 53 - 58  2004.11


  • ニウス:物語と「事件」の通路--のぞきからくりの継子譚における物語構造

    細馬 宏通

    人間文化   16 ( 0 ) 2 - 11  2004.11


  • 対話における記憶の相互作用分析:情報受容者のことばとジェスチャーが果たす役割 (テーマ:一般)

    細馬 宏通

    言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会   40   51 - 56  2004.03


  • 対面会話におけるジェスチャーの空間参照枠と左右性 (テーマ:一般(第11回 社会言語科学研究大会と部分共催))

    細馬 宏通

    言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会   37   157 - 160  2003.03


  • 祭礼空間を語ることばとジェスチャー--水窪町西蒲田楽別当の語り (テーマ:一般(第11回 社会言語科学研究大会と部分共催))

    細馬 宏通

    言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会   37   47 - 51  2003.03


  • THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGICAL MODEL OF PEOPLE'S BEHAVIOR IN RIVER SPACE-The case of Inukami-river between Minami-aoyagi-bashi to Uo-ohashi-:The case of Inukami-river between Minami-aoyagi-bashi to Uo-ohashi

    SASAKI Kazuyuki, HOSOMA Hiromichi, KONDO Ryujirou

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G   31   405 - 415  2003

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    Practical use as park space of riverside land started in 1965. River improvement which used as the key "water intimacy" started in 1970. Both are the river improvement which supports all in the design thought of the single purpose. Therefore, the variety and the polysemy of behavior which a river naturaly has lost. The research which paid attention to this variety and polysemy exists. However, it is not taken into consideration about how people recognize river space.<BR>This study aims at development of biological model which paid attention to dynamic vision as a factor of behavior based on "The Ecological approach to visual perception (James J. Gibson, 1979)". Consequently, the biological model of an edge, a texture, and human behavior is shown 21 of 5 categories.

    DOI CiNii

  • 対人距離と発話内容がジェスチャーに与える影響 (テーマ 一般)

    細馬 宏通

    言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会   32   1 - 4  2001.06


  • 多人数による問題解決--1分間のマイクロ分析からわかること

    細馬 宏通

    言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会   ( 26 ) 27 - 32  1999.06


  • 分かちがたい行為--観察と身体 (特集=多様性の生物学)

    細馬 宏通

    現代思想   25 ( 7 ) 336 - 343  1997.06


  • 行動の直接観察とデータ解析

    細馬 宏通

    発達心理学研究   2 ( 2 ) 118 - 119  1991.09

    DOI CiNii



    JOURNAL OF ETHOLOGY   7 ( 1 ) 7 - 16  1989.06  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • フキダシ論 : マンガの声と身体

    細馬, 宏通

    青土社  2023.06 ISBN: 9784791775637

  • 鈴木雅雄・中田健太郎編『マンガメディア文化論 : フレームを越えて生きる方法』

    鈴木, 雅雄, 中田, 健太郎, 増田, 展大, 三輪, 健太朗, 鷲谷, 花, 宮本, 大人, 細馬, 宏通, 成相, 肇, 林, 道郎, 伊藤, 亜紗, Chen, Dominick, 藤本, 由香里, 西, 兼志, 伊藤, 剛( Part: Contributor, 絵を読む時間の発生:行為主体としての人物と画中スピーチ pp.195-225)

    水声社  2022.05 ISBN: 9784801006195

  • からだがかたどる発達 : 人・環境・時間のクロスモダリティ

    根ヶ山, 光一, 外山, 紀子( Part: Contributor, 第9章第3節「介護における利用者と介護者間の発達」pp.428-440)

    福村出版  2024.03 ISBN: 9784571230691

  • うたのしくみ(増補完全版)

    細馬, 宏通

    ぴあ株式会社関西支社  2021.03 ISBN: 9784835646251

  • 発話の権利

    定延, 利之( Part: Contributor, 再現行為とコ系指示語の「いま」性 pp.81-107)

    ひつじ書房  2020.12 ISBN: 9784894769830

  • 漂流の演劇 : 維新派のパースペクティブ

    永田, 靖( Part: Contributor, 『呼吸機械』(二〇〇八) 声とスケールの劇 pp.136-147)

    大阪大学出版会  2020.08 ISBN: 9784872596939

  • いだてん噺

    細馬, 宏通( Part: Sole author)

    河出書房新社  2020.07 ISBN: 9784309028927

  • 高畑勲をよむ : 文学とアニメーションの過去・現在・未来

    中丸, 禎子, 加藤, 敦子, 田中, 琢三, 兼岡, 理恵( Part: Contributor, 火と幽霊—『火垂るの墓』のアニメーション化について pp.108-127)

    三弥井書店  2020.04 ISBN: 9784838233663

  • ポップ・ミュージックを語る10の視点

    大和田, 俊之, 桝山, 寛, 牧村, 憲一, 柳樂, 光隆, MAM, 南田, 勝也, 冨田, 恵一, 渡辺, 志保(音楽ライター), 挾間, 美帆, 増田, 聡, 細馬, 宏通, 永冨, 真梨, 輪島, 裕介( Part: Contributor, デヴィッド・ボウイの「Away」感覚|〈スターマン〉〈ライフ・オン・マーズ?〉を読み解く)

    アルテスパブリッシング  2020.02 ISBN: 9784865592153

  • 質的研究法マッピング : 特徴をつかみ、活用するために

    佐藤, 達哉, 春日, 秀朗, 神崎, 真実( Part: Contributor, 3-4 エソロジー)

    新曜社  2019.09 ISBN: 9784788516472

  • ELAN入門 : 言語学・行動学からメディア研究まで

    細馬, 宏通, 菊地, 浩平( Part: Edit)

    ひつじ書房  2019.06 ISBN: 9784894767652

  • 二つの「この世界の片隅に」

    細馬宏通( Part: Sole author)

    青土社  2017.09 ISBN: 9784791770038

  • エドワード・ヤン : 再考/再見

    フィルムアート社, 鴻, 鴻, 田中, 竜輔, 山本, 純也( Part: Contributor, 「夏の終わりを告げる声——視聴覚的なできごととしての『ヤンヤン 夏の想い出』 pp.405-418)

    フィルムアート社  2017.08 ISBN: 9784845916412

  • 石崎雅人編『高齢者介護のコミュニケーション研究』

    細馬宏通( Part: Contributor, 「介護活動を表現する身体 」)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2017.03

  • 鈴木雅雄・中田健太郎編『マンガ視覚文化論:見る、聞く、話す』

    細馬宏通( Part: Joint author, 吹きだしの順序と帰属について)

    水声社  2017.03

  • 介護するからだ

    細馬 宏通

    医学書院  2016 ISBN: 9784260028028

  • 木村大治編『動物と出会う II:心と社会の生成』

    細馬宏通( Part: Joint author, 第三章:真似の相互行為論 pp.37-54)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2015.03

  • うたのしくみ

    細馬宏通( Part: Sole author)

    ぴあ  2014.03 ISBN: 9784835618760

  • 今日の「あまちゃん」から

    細馬, 宏通( Part: Sole author)

    河出書房新社  2013.12 ISBN: 9784309022376

  • ミッキーはなぜ口笛を吹くのか : アニメーションの表現史

    細馬 宏通

    新潮社  2013 ISBN: 9784106037351

  • 浅草十二階:塔の眺めと近代のまなざし(増補新版)

    細馬宏通( Part: Sole author)

    青土社  2011.08

  • 坊農真弓・高梨克也編『多人数インタラクションの分析手法』

    細馬宏通( Part: Joint author, 4.2節 pp.119-136)

    オーム社  2009.09

  • 篠原和子・片岡邦好編『ことば・空間・身体』(ひつじ書房)

    細馬宏通( Part: Joint author, 発話とジェスチャーはいかに話題の視点を表現するか? −日本語における左右概念を巡る個人内・個人間相互作用−)

    ひつじ書房  2008.03

  • 絵はがきのなかの彦根

    細馬宏通( Part: Sole author)

    サンライズ出版  2007.11 ISBN: 9784883251568

  • 絵はがきの時代

    細馬宏通( Part: Sole author)

    青土社  2006.06 ISBN: 4791762746

  • 串田秀也・定延利之・伝康晴編『活動としての文と発話』

    細馬宏通( Part: Joint author, 修復をとらえなおす pp.123-158)

    ひつじ書房  2005.10

  • 伊藤勇・徳川直人編『相互行為の社会心理学』

    細馬宏通( Part: Joint author, 9章(相互行為とメディア) pp.179-198)

    北樹出版  2002.10

  • 浅草十二階 : 塔の眺めと「近代」のまなざし

    細馬 宏通

    青土社  2001 ISBN: 4791758935

  • bit

    Hiromichi Hosoma( Part: Joint author, 338-349)


  • ステレオ : 感覚のメディア史 = Stereo : a view of the mind

    吉村 信, 細馬 宏通

    ペヨトル工房  1994 ISBN: 4893422073

▼display all


  • How latency in communication over computer networks affects conversation

    Hiromichi HOSOMA


    Presentation date: 2024.06

    Event date:
  • Action synchrony in Japanese Rock, Paper, Scissors: the structure of the utterances as a time frame of the movements

    Hiromichi HOSOMA

    Sociolinguistics Symposium 22 2018 

    Presentation date: 2018.06

    Event date:
  • Coordination between the phonetic structure of onomatopoeic expression and the phases of the accompanying gesture

    Hiromichi HOSOMA

    International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • 介護活動を表現するオノマトペ



    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • Conductor's Call and Body Movements in Collaborative Work: A Case Study of Dragging Activity in Nozawa-onsen Village Dosojin Festival



    Presentation date: 2017

  • How we achieve improvised synchrony of Rock Paper Scissors



    Presentation date: 2017

  • Extended gestures to manage the rule of the game interactively

    Hiromichi HOSOMA

    International Society for Gesture Study 

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • How the festival float realized the emergence of the interaction at the edge of a traditional Japanese fetivel

    Hiromichi Hosoma, Shunsuke Takeda, Hideyuki Ichikawa, Sachiko Yokota, Sachiyo Azuma, Yukari Sugiura, Masao Maruyama

    The International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis 

    Presentation date: 2015.08

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Theoretical and empirical study of the cognitive basis of spatio-temporal mapping

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • モアザンヒューマンの美学――動物論的転回以降の感性論的可能性

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    前川 修, 岩崎 秀雄, 水野 勝仁, 大橋 完太郎, 加須屋 誠, 松谷 容作, 岩城 覚久, 増田 展大, 細馬 宏通

  • 社会的ヘテロフォニーとしての漫才対話~オープンコミュニケーションの超分節性の解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    岡本 雅史, 阪田 真己子, 細馬 宏通, 大庭 真人

     View Summary


  • Empirical research on motion control function of rallying call and onomatopoeia in care interaction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    HOSOMA Hiromichi

     View Summary

    Caregiving is not about the caregiver unilaterally assisting the user, but about the caregiver and the user coordinating their physical movements with each other. Calls such as "yoissho" and "se-no," as well as onomatopoeic words such as "fluffy" and "chotto" uttered in various caregiving situations have rich accents in the phrases and can stretch or interrupt sounds in response to the accompanied movements. In this study, we researched that: 1. in the context of movement acquisition in sports and other activities, calls and onomatopoeia help individuals coordinate their movements: 2. the sound symbols in onomatopoeia are related to the attributes of the aspect they represent; 3. calls and onomatopoeia are timed at different times to stretch or interrupt sounds in response to movement; 4. vocalizations can be made by both caregivers and users, and they help each other coordinate the timing of the next action.

  • 介護場面における掛け声・オノマトペの動作調節機能に関する実証的研究


    Project Year :



  • The elucidation of the group learning mechanism of community-specific `ethos,' `coordinated body skills,' and `common knowledge'

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    We clarified the leaning mechanism of the community-specific `ethos,' `coordinated body skills,' and `common knowledge,' which are inherited from generation to generation through the preparatory works for a traditional festival. i) `Ethos': values, insight, and confidence that the members of the community have (e.g., consideration for others and the spirits of self-sacrifice); ii) `Coordinated body skills': collaborative techniques required for controlling the force and the placement of the bodies among the members (e.g., synchronization between the rhythm of singing and the operation on trees and ropes); and iii) `Knowledge': common knowledge about the usage of festival equipments and traditional conventions (e.g., the names of parts of woods and of rope knitting).
    We analyzed how the members of the community learn these `ethos,' `coordinated body skills,' and `common knowledge' through detailed video analysis, and revealed the model of the group learning.

  • Development of a communication-skill educational program for severely disabled children using an eye tracker device

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Ⅰ.To determine the extent of parents’Perception on the communication skills of severely disabled children dependent on a ventilator. The results show that parents have no choice but to strive to foster the development of their children’s communication skills on the basis of the slight changes in their reactions, with the lack of distinct signals or objective information from the children. In addition, only a few parents were using communication aids.
    Ⅱ.From our results, we ascertained four uses (positive effects) for our contents. We developed the contents of a hiragana script study as a tool for developing their communication skills. Our results suggest that our contents can easily be used for line-of-sight detection and assessment and can serve as a tool that can be an enjoyable experience for children. However, as our study involves eye movements, we will need to use an even more accurate eye tracker in future research.

  • Cross-cultural investigation on gestures and sign languages as interaction

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SUGAWARA Kazuyoshi

     View Summary

    This research revealed the organization of human interaction, by analyzing gestures and sign languages in a microscopic way. It established the ground for multi-modal ethnography by integrating the ideas of visual anthropology, communication theory, and ecological psychology in cross-cultural perspective. Especially, the coordination between utterances and body motions were analyzed in various socio-cultural contexts such as subsistence activity among the San African hunter-gatherers or Canadian Inuit, Indian possession ritual and traditional dance, festival in a Japanese local village, brewing of sake, deaf community, and mathematician argument. These investigations illuminated how the collective memory was embodied beneath the participants’ practices. Furthermore, comprehending as the expressive gestures the process through which the past incidents were narrated, we proposed a new theoretical framework that would transcend the dichotomy of perception versus representation.

  • 介護施設において高齢者・介護職員間で交わされる身体動作を用いた空間表現の研究


    Project Year :



  • Multimodal Analysis of Simultaneity and Sequentiality in "Utterances" in Spoken Japanese and Japanese Sign Language

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKANASHI Katsuya, BONO Mayumi, YASUI Eiko, HOSOMA Hiromichi, HORIUCHI Yasuo, HARADA Naomi, KANDA Kazuyuki, JOH Ayami

     View Summary

    This research explicates the temporal structures between linguistic and non-verbal behaviors in Spoken Japanese and Japanese Sign Language conversation. Using video recording of ordinary conversation in Spoken Japanese and in Japanese Sign Language, it is analyzed how"utterances"are synthesized from linguistic expressions and bodily behaviors such as gestures, and how such"utterances"construct sequential relations in conversation.

  • A spatial-temporal analysis of a MANZAI interaction focused on the information, emotion, and synchronization triggered by the laughter

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IIDA Hitoshi, OKAMOTO Masashi, OHBA Masato, ISHIMOTO Yuichi, SAKATA Mamiko, HOSOMA Hiromichi, ENOMOTO Mika

     View Summary

    In this study, we collected the whole Manzai performance data twice. The microanalysis showed that while or just after the "boke" utterance the stooge frequently started "Spontaneous body action(Body Nori)". The spontaneous body actions can be observed in the performances both with and without the audience, while the types of the actions can be different even within the pair of the same "boke". With motion capture, our analysis showed that the comic duo was conscious of their audience and changed their non-verbal behavior real-time.

  • A study of `utterance'structure of spoken and signed language, and gestures

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TAKANASHI Katsuya, HARADA Nawomi, TAKANASHI Katsuya, HORIUCHI Yasuo, KATAGIRI Yasuhiro, KANDA Kazuyuki, HOSOMA Hiromichi, HARADA Nawomi, HORIUCHI Yasuo, KANDA Kazuyuki, HOSOMA Hiromichi, BONO Mayumi, JOU Ayami

  • Longitudinal approach to the development of mother-infant communication and infant rearing support starting during the fetal period

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



     View Summary

    Several longitudinal studies were conducted to investigate how mother-infant communication is generated and how it develops throughout the fetal period and infancy. 1. Using four-dimensional ultrasonography, we found that fetuses opened their mouths before their hands came in contact with their mouths. Such anticipatory movements seem to be based on the knowledge of intersensorimotor relations in their bodies. Fetuses responded exclusively to their mothers' voices by opening their mouths wider, suggesting that they recognized their mothers' voices from among the other external stimuli. These findings suggest the experience-dependent nature of fetal development and need to consider the auditory stimulus provided by mothers. 2. From the neonatal period, longitudinal diagnostic tests of infants' development, semi-structured interviews with the mothers regarding offspring rearing, and a longitudinal questionnaire investigation on the behavior and life pattern of breastfeeding mothers and infants clarified that mothers' difficulty while living with their infants reached a peak around the end of the second month, when infants' proactive behavior increases. It was suggested that practical child rearing support soon after birth is helpful or necessary for mothers. 3. Longitudinal experimental investigations on the development of object manipulation, drawing, and eating behavior were conducted. The results were compared with corresponding data for chimpanzees ; we found that although chimpanzees possess abilities comparable to human infants in several behavioral aspects, human infants develop these behaviors through social communication with their caretakers, which is difficult to observe in chimpanzees. Shared imagination emerges among human infants earlier. The results suggested that human mothers experience conflicting emotions regarding their offspring when their infants' misbehave. 4. Developmental changes in infants' playing behavior through peer interaction were described through an observation in a group during an infant rearing peer support activity. Maternal consciousness for rearing infants was surveyed among these group participants.

  • 湿潤熱帯における小動物の行動戦略に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    日高 敏隆, 大塚 公雄, 細馬 宏通, 近 雅博, 疋田 努, 今福 道夫, 石井 実

     View Summary

    マレーシア湿潤熱帯は世界でももっとも生物相の豊かな地域であり, 貴重な場所である. われわれは過去4回にわたりこの地域で, 動物相, 小動物の行動, 生活史などについての調査をおこない, 興味深い成果を蓄績してきた.
    今回はその成果の上に立って, 昆虫を中心とした小動物の行動戦略を調査し, 熱帯における小動物の生活戦略の理解をさらに深めるとともに, 動物行動学・行動生態学の分野に新しい視野を開いてゆくことを目的とした.
    1)アルビジアを枯死させるAlbizia borerの調査を1985年に引続きBrumas植林地においておこない, 前回得た結論を確認するとともに, 少数ながら雄成虫を採集し, 現在その性フェロモンの解析をおこなっている.
    2)Brumas植林地およびsepilok原生林において, 家族生活をするので有名なクロツヤムシ9種, 51コロニーを調査し, 巣の創設様式, 家族構成などに関する貴重な資料を収集した. 帰途, 香港島山地において, 比較観察をおこない, 温帯・亜熱帯との比較における熱帯での生活様式について有益な示唆を得た.
    3)熱帯ではほとんど唯一の腐食者(scavenger)である糞虫相とそれらの行動について, Brumas植林地, Sepilok原生林, Sungai Manila草地における比較研究をおこない, コガネムシ亜科とマグソコガネ亜科という糞処理行動の異なるグループの分布と植生との関連を明らかにすることが出来た.
    4)熱帯にのみ見られるハラボソバチを中心にして, 真社会性アシナガバチ類の行動を, Brumas植林地とSepilok地区で観察した. ハラボソバチ類があちこちの巣の世話をすることなど, 理論的な示唆に富む事実を明きらかにし得た.
    5)各地(市街地を含む)の大小各種の水たまりに産卵するトンボ類について雄のなわばり行動を, 採用可能な代替戦略という観点から観察した. とくに多くの観察資料の得られた2種について, 現在詳しい解析をおこなっている.
    6)Sepilok原生林において, ヤモリ科, キノボリトカゲ科, トカゲ科, オオトカゲ科の4科29種のトカゲ類について, 熱帯種についてはほとんど調査のない体温調節行動を調べ, 貴重な資料を収集し得た. また採集個体について核型の調査をおこない, 目下そのデータを解析中である.
    7)その他, 各地において多くの小動物について予備的調査を行った. これらは今後の調査においてさらに研究を進める予定である.

▼display all


  • たばこと会話

    細馬 宏通

    TASC monthly / たばこ総合研究センター 編   ( 582 ) 4 - 10  2024.06

  • 校歌の宇宙—総特集 92年目の谷川俊太郎

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   56 ( 3 ) 93 - 103  2024.03

  • 共同討議 オーディオヴィジュアルの歴史における「アニソン(1960/1990)」 : テレビまんが、音盤、ノスタルジー—Panel Discussion : Anison in the History of the Audiovisual, 1960/1990 : Cartoon Shows, Vinyl Records, and Nostalgia—特集 アニソン的思考 : オーディオヴィジュアルの可能性

    石岡 良治, 輪島 裕介, 石田 美紀, 細馬 宏通, 橋本 一径

    表象 / 表象文化論学会 編   ( 16 ) 19 - 52  2022

  • 運動調整仮説 : オノマトペに随伴する動作の規則と多様性 (感性の認知科字と言語研究)

    細馬 宏通

    日本認知言語学会論文集 Papers from the National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association   16   506 - 510  2016


  • The Poetic Transformation of Visual Images in The Real Life of Sebastian Knight

    細馬 宏通

    Krug. New series = Круг   9   34 - 39  2016


  • Simultaneous body movements and interaction in rock paper scissors game

    HOSOMA Hiromichi

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS   111 ( 464 ) 1 - 2  2012.02


  • panpanyaの主題による四つの変奏—特集 panpanya : 夢遊するマンガの10年

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   56 ( 1 ) 113 - 120  2024.01

  • トクシュウ ヤマシタトモコ : 『 クイ モノ トコロ メイラク 』 『 HER 』 『 ヒバリ ノ アサ 』 『 サン カク マド ノ ソトガワ ワ ヨル 』 、 ソシテ 『 イコク ニッキ 』 エ

      55 ( 12 ) 137 - 148  2023.09

  • ゴダールの音を遡る—総特集 ジャン=リュック・ゴダール 1930-2022

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   55 ( 2 ) 405 - 415  2023.01

  • 振動と咆哮 : 『ケイコ 目を澄ませて』の音と声—特集 三宅唱

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   54 ( 14 ) 126 - 134  2022.12

  • ソウ トクシュウ ユアサセイメイ : 『 マインド ・ ゲーム 』 『 ヨジョウハン シンワ タイケイ 』 カラ 『 エイゾウケン ニワ テ オ ダス ナ!』 、 ソシテ 『 ケンオウ 』 エ

      54 ( 8 ) 8 - 17  2022.07

  • ソウ トクシュウ ユアサセイメイ : 『 マインド ・ ゲーム 』 『 ヨジョウハン シンワ タイケイ 』 カラ 『 エイゾウケン ニワ テ オ ダス ナ!』 、 ソシテ 『 ケンオウ 』 エ

      54 ( 8 ) 30 - 38  2022.07

  • Video Camera Paradox: How Can We Approach Touching?

    坊農真弓, 坊農真弓, 葛岡英明, 高梨克也, 伝康晴, 細馬宏通

    人工知能学会言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会資料   89th  2020


  • 対談 時が作るからだ、こえ、ことば (特集 歳月)

    伊藤 比呂美, 細馬 宏通

    すばる   40 ( 10 ) 186 - 201  2018.10


  • 大人のためのグリム童話 手をなくした少女 公開記念対談 セバスチャン・ローデンバック監督 細馬宏通 「手で描く」という快楽に導かれて (2018年 アニメーション映画のゆくえ)

    ローデンバック セバスチャン, 細馬 宏通

    キネマ旬報   ( 1788 ) 32 - 35  2018.09


  • 対談 アニメーションという旅路(stray)の途中で (総特集 決定版 ウェス・アンダーソンの世界 : 『犬ヶ島』へようこそ!)

    細馬 宏通, 土居 伸彰

    ユリイカ   50 ( 7 ) 64 - 77  2018.06


  • 『カルテット』『逃げるは恥だが役に立つ』主題歌を読み解く (特集 テレビドラマをつくる : 物語の生まれる場所) -- (物語のつくり方)

    細馬 宏通

    美術手帖 : monthly art magazine   70 ( 1064 ) 58 - 61  2018.02


  • んの彼方に (総特集 遠藤賢司 : 言音一致の純音楽家 1947-2017)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   49 ( 22 ) 206 - 209  2018.01


  • Writing and Reading on Twitter - Self and Others on The Timeline -

    細馬 宏通

    情報処理   59 ( 1 ) 4 - 7  2017.12

     View Summary

    いまやSNSは多くの人にとって身近なネットワークになっている.その中で,Twitterは,タイムラインに短い文章を埋め込むことができ,不特定多数に開かれており,各参加者が自他の発言を独自のタイムライン上に表示し,書いたり読んだりすることができる点で独自の読み書き環境である.そこで起こる「攻撃的な発言」や「嫌がらせ」に対して運営側は近年,対処を迫られている.多様な発言を分類する明快な倫理的基準を作るのは難しい.重要なことはTwitter Japanの措置がどのように行われ,どのような倫理的判断がそこで行われたかを明快にすること,また,基本的にアカウントの凍結は永久凍結ではなく,一時凍結を原則とし,倫理的基準に関する議論の推移によってアカウントを再び復活できるようにしておくことである.SNSという特定の会社が運営する発言環境や執筆環境が,驚くほど多くの人々によって利用されている現在,そこで行使される倫理的基準は,単なる一会社の判断基準であるにとどまらず,多くのユーザの記憶のあり方に関わっている.


  • 情動の新しい運動場 : 矢野顕子の声とピアノ (総特集 矢野顕子 : ピアノが愛した女。…矢野顕子の40年)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   49 ( 2 ) 58 - 64  2017.02


  • 公開対談 「観察」することの驚きと歓び

    六車 由実, 細馬 宏通

    訪問看護と介護   21 ( 10 ) 753 - 759  2016.10


  • 対談 亀井若菜『語りだす絵巻 : 「粉河寺縁起絵巻」「信貴山縁起絵巻」「掃墨物語絵巻」論』 2015年度 芸術選奨 文部科学大臣賞 受賞記念 亀井若菜・細馬宏通 「粉河寺縁起絵巻」を読み解く

    亀井 若菜, 細馬 宏通

    人間文化 : 滋賀県立大学人間文化学部研究報告   41   38 - 44  2016.10


  • ゆるみ、反発、一時停止 : 介護のなかにからだを見つける (特集 老い衰えゆくからだ : 話す・動くから考える)

    細馬 宏通

    談 : speak, talk, and think   ( 107 ) 9 - 16,18-35  2016


  • Extensity of Screen Practice, Review of Archaeology of Screens in Early Modern Japan by Okubo Ryo

    細馬 宏通

    表象   ( 10 ) 280 - 284  2016


  • 促音のポケット : RCサクセション「トランジスタ・ラジオ」 (特集 批評再生塾 第一期、総代発表!) -- (課題と回答)

    細馬 宏通

    小説tripper : トリッパー     78 - 80  2016


  • 本 おしゃべりと旅が生んだ物語 : 竹宮惠子『少年の名はジルベール』

    細馬 宏通

    こころ   31   170 - 173  2016


  • 圏と星座 : アルバム『リトルメロディ』の声 (特集 七尾旅人 : 無数の声が「うた」であることの最初の証明)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   47 ( 10 ) 122 - 126  2015.07


  • 歌と言い伝え (特集 クラムボン)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   47 ( 4 ) 146 - 151  2015.03


  • Steps to writing research papers based on observational data: Describing human behavior in time series

    Toyama Noriko, Hosoma Hiromichi, Negayama Koichi, Den Yasuharu, Takanashi Katsuya

    The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association   78 ( 0 ) SS - 041-SS-041  2014

    DOI CiNii

  • 対談 アニメの歴史を変える映画 : 『かぐや姫の物語』を体験する (特集 高畑勲『かぐや姫の物語』の世界)

    奈良 美智, 細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   45 ( 17 ) 158 - 174  2013.12


  • パワーズ・オブ・十(じゅう) (総特集 岡村靖幸)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   45 ( 8 ) 208 - 213  2013.07


  • How "androidness" is organized in conversation? : Multi-modal analysis of Three Sisters, Android Version : A Play

      67   25 - 30  2013.02


  • 奥行きの魔術 絵はがきとパノラマ。 (特集 空から見た東京の今昔)

    細馬 宏通

    東京人   28 ( 1 ) 74 - 79  2013.01


  • 日曜の朝 : 「マームとジプシー」のリフレインと場所 (特集 この小劇場を観よ!2013)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   45 ( 1 ) 164 - 169  2013.01


  • 浅草十二階の明治。 (特集 タワー)

    細馬 宏通

    東京人   27 ( 6 ) 60 - 65  2012.05


  • 巻頭インタビュー ケアする人々(4)細馬宏通さん 微視的にケアのプロセスを「記述」する--介護現場のコミュニケーション分析が見せてくれるもの

    細馬 宏通

    訪問看護と介護   16 ( 4 ) 267 - 272  2011.04


  • History of individual behavior

    Biological science   62 ( 2 ) 79 - 81  2011.02


  • Special Issue: Multimodal Interaction Analysis

    HOSOMA Hiromichi, KATAOKA Kuniyoshi, MURAI Junichiro, OKADA Misao

    The Japanese Journal of Language in Society   14 ( 1 ) 1 - 4  2011

    DOI CiNii

  • How is Simultaneous Gestural Matching organized in Multi-Party Conversations? : Focusing on the Timing of Gesture Phases

    JOH Ayami, HOSOMA Hiromichi

    IEICE technical report   110 ( 313 ) 25 - 28  2010.11

     View Summary

    Analyzing gestures produced same shape at same time by more than one person (simultaneous gestural matching) shows simultaneous gestural matching is not accidental but achieved while predicting the timing and the content of gesture should come next from their speech and their hand motion by participants. This paper focuses on the timing of gesture phases and discusses the clues simultaneous gestural matching is needed.


  • 本の記憶、ページの記憶 (特集 電子書籍を読む!)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   42 ( 9 ) 100 - 105  2010.08


  • 模倣する身体 (ポピュラーカルチャーシンポジウム パクリ--ポピュラー・カルチャーにおける模倣と流用)

    細馬 宏通

    ポピュラーカルチャー研究   4 ( 1 ) 58 - 67  2010


  • 行動の来歴、個体の来歴 (総特集 昆虫主義)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   41 ( 11 ) 87 - 93  2009.09


  • 歌を育てたカナリアのために (総特集 初音ミク--ネットに舞い降りた天使)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   40 ( 15 ) 30 - 36  2008.12


  • Character view point gestures of cavers

    HOSOMA Hiromichi

    Technical report of IEICE. HCS   108 ( 187 ) 19 - 20  2008.08


  • オランダ日和--フェルメールと両眼視 (特集 フェルメール)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   40 ( 9 ) 121 - 130  2008.08


  • 趣味と戦争 絵はがき蒐集と紀念スタンプ (特集 戦争とメディア、そして生活) -- (戦争とメディア、そして生活)

    細馬 宏通

    アジア遊学   0 ( 111 ) 60 - 69  2008.07


  • Units of Analysis for Gesture Studies : Gesture Unit(<Commentary Series>Methodology for Analyzing Multi-Party Interaction)

    HOSOMA Hiromichi, Hiromichi Hosoma, Faculty of Human Culture University of Shiga Prefecture

    Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence   23 ( 3 ) 390 - 396  2008.05


  • 障害児・者と音楽家による即興音楽活動から学ぶもの(自主シンポジウム62,日本特殊教育学会第45回大会シンポジウム報告)

    有働 眞理子, 高野 美由紀, 沼田 里衣, 林 加奈, 森本 アリ, 細馬 宏通

    特殊教育学研究   45 ( 5 ) 357 - 358  2008.01


  • 投書家熊楠と投書空間としての『ネイチャー』 (特集 南方熊楠)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   40 ( 1 ) 96 - 102  2008.01


  • 忘れものと『東京物語』--忘却の自然誌へのアプローチ(2)

    細馬 宏通

    人間文化   22 ( 0 ) 33 - 40  2007.12


  • 『音の海』という体験 (総特集 大友良英)

    大友 良英, 細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   39 ( 9 ) 239 - 260  2007.07


  • 追想の捕球法--『花男』論 (特集 松本大洋)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   39 ( 1 ) 155 - 165  2007.01


  • PH (総特集 稲垣足穂)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   38 ( 11 ) 173 - 181  2006.09


  • 行為の3D空間--『スーパーマリオ64』と『ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ』 (特集 任天堂/Nintendo--遊びの哲学)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   38 ( 6 ) 190 - 197  2006.06


  • 絵はがきの時代(15)彩色と痕跡

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   37 ( 10 ) 232 - 238  2005.09


  • 論考1 空間をめぐって(4)わたしが音を聴いている場所 (特集 音を聴く/音をつくる--音楽の新たな地平に向かって)

    細馬 宏通

    ダイアテキスト   ( 16 ) 70 - 79  2005.09


  • 絵はがきの時代(14)万博からの挨拶

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   37 ( 7 ) 20 - 27  2005.07


  • 絵はがきの時代(12)絵はがきと旅

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   37 ( 5 ) 20 - 24  2005.05


  • 絵はがきの時代(10)発信者カール・ルイス

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   37 ( 3 ) 19 - 25  2005.03


  • 絵はがきの時代(9)カードとディスプレイ

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   37 ( 2 ) 20 - 25  2005.02


  • パノラマ館から博覧会へ--見るものと世界をつなぐ「視線」の変化 (日本の博覧会--寺下勍コレクション)

    細馬 宏通

    別冊太陽   ( 133 ) 175 - 180  2005.02


  • 封書から絵はがきへ--開かれた絵とことば (特集 ヴィジュアル・カルチャー・スタディーズ--作品からイメージへ)

    細馬 宏通

    美術フォーラム21   12 ( 0 ) 26 - 33  2005


  • 絵はがきの時代(7)絵はがきの中の奥行き

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 13 ) 22 - 28  2004.12


  • 絵はがきの時代(6)夜と昼のあいだ

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 12 ) 22 - 27  2004.11


  • 絵はがきの時代(5)洪水と空白

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 11 ) 19 - 25  2004.10


  • 金属の肺、のびあがる体--松本隆の詞とドラマーの生理 (特集 はっぴいえんど--35年目の夏なんです) -- (風街の創造者)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 9 ) 63 - 73  2004.09


  • 絵はがきの時代(4)あらかじめ失われる旅

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 8 ) 8 - 15  2004.08


  • 絵はがきの時代(3)アルプスからの挨拶

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 7 ) 8 - 15  2004.07


  • 絵はがきの時代(2)セルロイド・エイジ

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 6 ) 28 - 34  2004.06


  • 絵はがきの時代 漏らすメディア

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   36 ( 5 ) 8 - 14  2004.05


  • チューリング・テストと対話アルゴリズム (特集 CODE/コモンズ/ソフトウェア--創造の原理と権利) -- (CODE/コモンズ/ソフトウェアの観念史)

    細馬 宏通

    インタ-コミュニケ-ション   13 ( 1 ) 76 - 79  2004


  • Photo Slides of the Eruption of Bandai-san in 1888

    OSAKO Masahiro, SATO Hiroshi, HOSOMA Hiromichi

    Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering   26   1 - 9  2003.12

     View Summary

    Glass photo slides of the eruption of Bandai-san in 1888 are in geophysical collections of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Many pictures of the distractive event in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture were recorded on dry photographic plates, and slide shows on the eruption were held for relief to victims of the disaster. However, a large part of the photographs and the slides have been lost. The slide set in the NSM collection contains 24 photographs taken by W. K. Burton and few other anonymous photographers accompanying with scientists who surveyed the eruption immediately after. The slides, some of which are colored, were probably projected in a public lecture held at Hitotsubashi Hall of the Imperial University in Tokyo. The lecture was presented by K. Sekiya (the first professor of seismology) who performed the study on the eruption of Bandai-san as the principal investigator.


  • 討論 私たちがつくりたい「日本の記憶」コレクション (「日本の記憶(ジャパニーズ・メモリー)」のつくりかた(1))

    大串 夏身, 細馬 宏通, 松下 眞也

    季刊・本とコンピュータ. 第二期   ( 7 ) 160 - 173  2003


  • Eメール往復書簡 テキストとしての本・物体としての本 (特集 未来図書目録)

    久保田 晃弘, 細馬 宏通

    インタ-コミュニケ-ション   11 ( 2 ) 105 - 123  2002


  • 声と合いの手 (特集 山田風太郎)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   33 ( 14 ) 162 - 167  2001.12


  • レイモンド・スコット--電子音楽の理想宮 (特集 21世紀のための音/音楽ガイド--インターコミュニケーション・ミレニアム・ディスクガイド)

    細馬 宏通

    インタ-コミュニケ-ション   10 ( 1 ) 100 - 108  2001


  • 動物たちの気になる行動(23)人間の身振りを観察する--日常会話の身振り分析への招待

    細馬 宏通

    遺伝   54 ( 11 ) 63 - 65  2000.11


  • ブニュエルの朝の歌--『昇天峠』をめぐる眠り (特集 ブニュエル--生誕100年記念特集) -- (増殖、氾濫、侵犯)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   32 ( 12 ) 174 - 179  2000.09


  • 塔の眺め(最終回)十二階という現在

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   32 ( 5 ) 193 - 213  2000.04


  • 塔の眺め(8)啄木の凌雲閣

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   31 ( 12 ) 226 - 239  1999.11


  • 塔の眺め(7)花袋の「描寫」とパノラマの時代

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   31 ( 10 ) 239 - 249  1999.09


  • 塔の眺め(6)パノラマという現実

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   31 ( 8 ) 220 - 229  1999.07


  • 塔の眺め(5)垂直のメディア・平面のメディア

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   31 ( 7 ) 250 - 256  1999.06


  • 塔の眺め 3 目睫の間にあるもの

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   31 ( 5 ) 230 - 237  1999.04


  • 塔の眺め--浅草12階というランドマーク (特集 終末論)

    細馬 宏通

    ユリイカ   31 ( 2 ) 180 - 195  1999.02


  • 教養講座「エレベ-タ-という文化」-4-エレベ-タ-と関東大震災後の文学

    細馬 宏通

    エレベ-タ界   33 ( 130 ) 25 - 29  1998.04


  • 「エレベ-タ-という文化」(3)エレベ-タ-の時間

    細馬 宏通

    エレベ-タ界   32 ( 129 ) 33 - 35  1998.01


  • 「カットアップ・ソフト」の罠--「ドクタ-バロウズ」をめぐって (特集 バロウズのいない世界)

    細馬 宏通, 陣野 俊史

    ユリイカ   29 ( 14 ) 238 - 246  1997.11


  • 教養講座 「エレベ-タ-という文化」 (2) 漫画におけるエレベ-タ-

    細馬 宏通

    エレベ-タ界   32 ( 128 ) 54 - 58  1997.10


  • 「エレベ-タ-という文化」(1)報道に見るエレベ-タ-という場

    細馬 宏通

    エレベ-タ界   32 ( 126 ) 17 - 21  1997.04



    Hosoma Hiromichi

    IPSJ SIG Notes   96 ( 119 ) 1 - 1  1996.11


  • 行動観察入門--行動をことばにする (人間行動の生物学<特集>)

    細馬 宏通

    遺伝   49 ( 10 ) p27 - 31  1995.10


  • 当世文字顔事情--パソコン通信でのさまざまな使われ方

    細馬 宏通

    科学朝日   53 ( 10 ) p120 - 122  1993.10


  • F07 クワエダシャクの枝模倣の効果について(行動)

    細馬 宏通

    日本応用動物昆虫学会大会講演要旨   ( 30 ) 51 - 51  1986.06


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Internal Special Research Projects

  • アニメーション化の微視的分析:異なるメディア間での翻案がもつ制約と可能性


     View Summary

    1. 作画内の時間構造分析、2. 絵コンテと作画間の時間構造の比較分析、3. 視覚障害者用の音響キューによるアニメーション表現の翻訳の分析を行った。いずれの場合も、まずELANによってアニメーションのショット分析を行い、各ショットとカットの構造を記述した上で、1に関してはショット間比較を、2に関しては絵コンテと実際に描かれた作画の比較を行った。3に関しては、アクションRPGゲーム「Last of Us」の視覚障害者用音響キューを対象に、アニメーションの各ショットで用いられる空間表現が音響キューによってどのように表現し直され、それがどのような空間認知をもたらしているかを分析した。