Updated on 2025/03/10


SHIMIZU, Hiroshi
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Ph.D ( London School of Economics and Political Science )
Master of Arts ( Northwestern University )
Master of Commerce ( Hitotsubashi University )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Commerce   Professor

  • 2017.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Institute of Innovation Research   Professor

  • 2017.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Commerce and Management   Professor

  • 2011.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Institute of Innovation Research   Associate Professor

  • 2008.09

    Hitotsubashi University   Institute of Innovation Research   Assistant Professor

  • 2007.10

    アイントホーヘン工科大学(オランダ)   テクノロジーマネジメント部門イノベーション・スタディ   ポストドクトラル・リサーチフェロー

▼display all

Education Background

  • 2004.09

    London School of Economics and Political Science   Economic History Department  

  • 1997.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School, Division of Commerce  

  • 2001.09

    Northwestern University   Department of History   History of Science and Technology  


    Chuo University   Faculty of Commerce   Business Management  

Committee Memberships

  • 2016.07

    International Schumpeter Society  Board of Management

  • 2019.07

    組織学会  国際委員会

Professional Memberships


    Academy of Management


    Business History Society of Japan


    The Academic Association for Organizational Science


    International Joseph Alois Schumpeter Society

Research Areas

  • Business administration

Research Interests

  • アントレプレナーシップ

  • Innovation


  • Schumpeter Prize

    2021.07   International Schumpeter Society   General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the United States and Japan

  • 組織学会高宮賞

    2017.06   組織学会  

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    『ジェネラル・パーパス・テクノロジーのイノベーション -半導体レーザーの技術進化の日米比較-』

  • 日経・経済図書文化賞

    2016.11   日本経済新聞社・日本経済研究センター   『ジェネラル・パーパス・テクノロジーのイノベーション』



  • Who explores further? Evidence on R&D outsourcing from the survey of research and development

    Shotaro Yamaguchi, Ryuji Nitta, Yasushi Hara, Hiroshi Shimizu

    R&D Management    2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author



  • Apprenticeship and product quality: empirical analysis on the sake brewing industry

    Keisuke Hori, Yusuke Hoshino, Hiroshi Shimizu

    Management & Organizational History   15 ( 1 ) 40 - 64  2020.01  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author



  • Management of science, serendipity, and research performance: Evidence from a survey of scientists in Japan and the U.S.

    Kota Murayama, Makoto Nirei, Hiroshi Shimizu

    Research Policy   44 ( 4 ) 862 - 873  2015  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In science, research teams are increasing in size, which suggests that science is becoming more organisational. This paper aims to empirically investigate the effects of the division of labour in management and science on serendipity, which has been considered one of the great factors in science. Specifically, in examining the survey of scientists conducted in Japan and the U.S., this paper treats the following questions: Does pursuing serendipity really bring about better scientific outcomes? How does the division of labour in science influence serendipity and publication productivity? The empirical results suggest that serendipity actually brings about better research quality on average. It also finds that if the managerial role is played by a leading scientist in the team, this is positively associated with the quality of the paper through allowing researchers to pursue serendipitous findings. In contrast, if the managerial role and leading research role are played by different members, this has a positive association with the number of papers published, as the project size becomes larger. These results indicate there is a trade-off between serendipity and publication productivity in science via who plays the leading role in research and management. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Reassessing patent propensity: Evidence from a dataset of R&D awards, 1977-2004

    Roberto Fontana, Alessandro Nuvolari, Hiroshi Shimizu, Andrea Vezzulli

    RESEARCH POLICY   42 ( 10 ) 1780 - 1792  2013.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    It is well known that not all innovations are patented, but the exact volume of innovative activities undertaken outside the coverage of patent protection and, relatedly, the actual propensity to patent an innovation in different contexts remain, to a major degree, a matter of speculation. This paper presents an exploratory study comparing systematically patented and unpatented innovations over the period 1977-2004 across industrial sectors. The main data source is the 'R&D 100 Awards' competition organized by the journal Research and Development. Since 1963, the magazine has been awarding this prize to the 100 most technologically significant new products available for sale or licensing in the year preceding the judgments. We match the products winners of the R&D 100 awards competition with USPTO patents and we examine the variation of patent propensity across different contexts (industries, geographical areas and organizations). Finally we compare our findings with previous assessments of patent propensity based on several sources of data. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and the sources of breakthrough inventions: evidence from a data-set of R&D awards

    Roberto Fontana, Alessandro Nuvolari, Hiroshi Shimizu, Andrea Vezzulli

    JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICS   22 ( 4 ) 785 - 810  2012.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This paper examines the relationship between Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and the generation of breakthrough inventions. Our data source for breakthrough inventions is the "R&D 100 awards" competition organized each year by the magazine Research & Development. Since 1963, this magazine has been awarding this prize to 100 most technologically significant new products available for sale or licensing in the year preceding the judgment. We use USPTO patent data to measure the relevant dimensions of the technological regime prevailing in each sector and, on this basis, we provide a characterization of each sector in terms of the Schumpeter Mark I/Schumpeter Mark II archetypes. Our main finding is that breakthrough inventions are more likely to emerge in 'turbulent' Schumpeter Mark I type of contexts.



  • Team familiarity, task familiarity, and quality competition: Evidence from Japanese sake brewing

    Sen Zhang, Hang Yuan, Mengru Zhao, Donghoon Kim, Keisuke Hori, Yusuke Hoshino, Hiroshi Shimizu

    Journal of Wine Economics     1 - 19  2025.01

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    Using longitudinal data on teams and quality competition results, this study examines the impact of team and task familiarity on brewing excellence in the Japanese sake industry from 1956 to 2018. Sake production involves teamwork at every stage, but while some teams work together long term, others experience high turnover. The study highlights two factors: team familiarity, the collective experience of working together, and task familiarity, the individual experience of the task. High familiarity can strengthen team bonds and improve teamwork, but it can also limit the inflow of new knowledge and thus hinder innovation. This study uses data from national quality competitions and brewer lists, and considers the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 as an external shock to address endogeneity and estimate the causal relationship between familiarity and competition outcomes. The empirical results show that increases in both team and task familiarity are negatively associated with quality superiority.





    International Journal of Innovation Management    2024.07

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    This study investigates the strategic orchestration of New Product Development (NPD) teams, focusing on how age diversity influences their innovation capabilities within the competitive landscape of firms. As firms encounter an evolving demographic landscape, the role of team composition, particularly age diversity, becomes critical in tuning innovation and market alignment. This paper synthesises the disparate findings from the innovation management literature on the impact of age diversity, employing dual theoretical perspectives: information/decision-making and similarity/categorisation. The former suggests that age diversity brings diverse knowledge that boosts innovation, while the latter indicates it might hinder social cohesion and team performance. Addressing the gaps in existing research, this study explores tenure diversity and team familiarity as moderators in the age diversity–performance relationship. It hypothesises that tenure diversity can enhance knowledge exchange and innovation but may complicate social interactions, whereas high team familiarity might restrict new idea generation by homogenising knowledge. Empirical analysis conducted on a dataset of 21,370 observations from Japanese sake breweries reveals that tenure diversity and team familiarity are critical in moderating the effects of age diversity on NPD outcomes. These findings enrich the NPD literature by highlighting the importance of demographic diversity and provide new insights into managing age-related dynamics in team settings. The study underscores the need for managerial strategies that leverage demographic diversity to enhance NPD effectiveness.


  • Benesse Art Site Naoshima: Corporate Identity Building and Local Development (jointly worked)

    Nitta, Ryuji, Shotaro Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Shimizu

    Hitotsubashi Bussiness Review   66 ( 4 ) 110 - 123  2019.03

  • TBM: Green Entrepreneur Solving Environmental Problems by Innovation (jointly worked)

    Shimizu, Hiroshi, Taketoshi Yamaguchi, Nobuyoshi Yamasaki

    Hitotsubashi Bussiness Review   66 ( 4 ) 34 - 46  2019.03

  • イノベーションと流動性:企業の成長と脱成熟のジレンマ (共著)

    清水 洋, 山口 翔太郎, 金 東勲

    証券アナリストジャーナル   56 ( 6 ) 6 - 15  2018.06  [Invited]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Staying Young at Heart or Wisdom of Age: Longitudinal Analysis of Age and Performance in US and Japanese Firms (jointly worked)

    Yamaguchi, Shotaro, Ryuji Nitta, Yasushi Hara, Hiroshi Shimizu

    IIR Working Paper WP#18-41 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2018.06

  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (3rd, 2): Game Design and Marketing of "Space Invaders" (jointly worked)


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (2nd, 1): Development of "Sky Fighter" (jointly worked)


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (1st, 2): Since High School Days until Joining PMC (jointly worked)


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (1st, 1): Personal History until Junior High School Days (jointly worked)


  • Hideki Satoh, Oral History (3nd, 2): Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, the Turning into Software Developer (jointly worked)


  • Hideki Satoh, Oral History (3nd, 1): Hardware and Software in Games (jointly worked)


  • Hideki Satoh, Oral History (2nd, 2): Competition with Nintendo in Consumer Game Machine (jointly worked)


  • Hideki Satoh, Oral History (2nd, 1): The Outset of Developing TV Games (jointly worked)


  • Hideki Satoh, Oral History (1st, 2): From Junior High School until Entrance into SEGA (jointly worked)


  • Hideki Satoh, Oral History (1st, 1): The Life in Childhood (jointly worked)


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (3rd, 1): Process of Developing "Space Invaders" (jointly worked)


  • Tomohiro Nishikado, Oral History (2nd, 2): From Mechanical Games to Video Games (jointly worked)


  • Youji Kawaguchi, Oral History (1st, 2): The Pioneering Magazine of Consumer Games (jointly worked)


  • Youji Kawaguchi, Oral History (1st, 1): Before the Job of Publishing the Game Magazine (jointly worked)


  • Which Do You Prefer, Artisanal or Laboratory Made?: Tension between Science and Tradition in Sake Brewing (jointly worked)

    Keisuke Hori, Yusuke Hoshino, Shimizu Hiroshi

    Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management   51 ( 1 ) 1 - 16  2017.10

  • Spin-Outs and Patterns of Subsequent Innovation: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the US and Japan (jointly worked)

    Shimizu, Hiroshi, Naohiko Wakutsu

    IIR Working Paper WP#17-14 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2017.08

  • 時間を長くとりませんか

    清水 洋

    組織科学   50 ( 4 ) 85 - 85  2017.06

  • Innovation Is Becoming Low Hanging Fruit?

    Shimizu, Hiroshi

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   64 ( 4 ) 90 - 98  2017.03


  • イノベーションに何が必要か(下)スピンアウトに功罪両面―累積的な技術改善に支障


    日本経済新聞    2016.12

  • Is Statistics the Most Powerful Approach in Management Studies?: Can't be!, But It is Being Constructed as "the Best"

    Shimizu, Hiroshi

    Management Philosophy   13 ( 2 ) 2 - 10  2016.10

  • コラム: 価値創りの新しいカタチ ― オープン・イノベーションを考える (1)-(5)


    一橋ビジネスレビュー   64 ( 1 ) 100 - 103  2016.06

  • やさしい経済学:イノベーションを考える 第1章 新しい価値とは


    日本経済新聞    2016.02

  • オリンパス:胃カメラとファイバースコープの開発 (共著)

    山口翔太郎, 清水洋

    一橋ビジネスレビュー   63 ( 2 ) 110 - 113  2015.09

  • 日本企業には適さないのか? (共著)

    清水洋, 諏訪暁彦

    米倉誠一郎・清水洋(編)『オープン・イノベーションのマネジメント:高い経営成果を生む仕組みづくり』     35 - 54  2015.03

  • 異なる知識をどのようにすり合わせるのか?

    清水 洋

    米倉誠一郎・清水洋(編)『オープン・イノベーションのマネジメント:高い経営成果を生む仕組みづくり』     111 - 138  2015.03

  • 技術革新を超える (共著)

    清水洋, 星野達也, 中井博之, 村上まり恵

    米倉誠一郎・清水洋(編)『オープン・イノベーションのマネジメント:高い経営成果を生む仕組みづくり』     257 - 277  2015.03

  • オープン・イノベーションと日本企業のチャレンジ

    清水 洋

    化学工業   66   67 - 72  2015.02

  • Collaboration and Innovation Speed: Evidence from a Prize Data-Set, 1955-2010 (jointly worked)

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Yusuke Hoshino

    IIR Working Paper WP#15-04 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2015.01

  • なぜ「本命」ではなかった彼らが成し遂げたのか

    清水 洋

    一橋ビジネスレビュー   62 ( 3 ) 94 - 99  2014.12

  • Vectran: Development of High-Functionality Fiber and its Applications at Kuraray Co., Ltd. (jointly worked)

    Keisuke Hori, Yusuke Hoshino, Hiroshi Shimizu

    IIR Working Paper WP#14-06 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2014.10

  • 世界で勝つためのイノベーション経営論

    清水 洋, 米倉 誠一郎

    経済界    2014.04

  • イノベーションの誤解

    清水 洋

    週刊エコノミスト    2014.03

  • イノベーションの大きな流れ

    清水 洋

    月刊監査役   2 ( 624 ) 26 - 37  2014.02


  • Entrepreneurial Spin-Outs and Vanishing Technological Trajectory: Laser Diodes in the U.S. and Japan (jointly worked)

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Naohiko Wakutsu

    IIR Working Paper WP#13-21 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2014.01

  • 経営史

    清水 洋

    『はじめての経営学』東洋経済新報社     174 - 191  2013.05

  • Management of Science, Serendipity, and Research Performance: Evidence from Scientists' Survey (jointly worked)

    Kota Murayama, Makoto Nirei, Hiroshi Shimizu

    IIR Working Paper WP#13-13 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2013.05

  • 科学技術イノベーション政策における経営学の役割 (共著)

    清水 洋, 青島 矢一

    研究技術計画   27 ( 3/4 ) 183 - 196  2013.04

  • Intermediary Functions and the Market for Innovation in Meiji and Taishō Japan

    Tom Nicholas, Hiroshi Shimizu

    The Business History Review   87 ( 1 ) 121 - 149  2013  [Refereed]

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    Japan experienced a transformational phase of technological development during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. We argue that an important, but so far neglected, factor was a developing market for innovation and a patent-attorney system that was conducive to rapid technical change. We support our hypothesis using patent data and we also present a detailed case study on Tomogorō Ono, a key developer of salt-production technology who used attorneys in connection with his patenting work at a time when Japan was still in the process of formally institutionalizing its patent-attorney system. In accordance with Lamoreaux and Sokoloff's 1999 influential study of trade in invention in the United States, our quantitative and qualitative evidence highlights how inventors and intermediaries in Japan interacted to create a market for new ideas. © 2013 The President and Fellows of Harvard College.



  • Reassessing patent propensity: Evidence from a dataset of R&D awards, 1977–2004

    Roberto Fontana, Aless, ro Nuvolari, Hiroshi Shimizu, Andrea Vezzulli

    Research Policy   42 ( 10 ) 1780 - 1792  2013

     View Summary

    It is well known that not all innovations are patented, but the exact volume of innovative activities undertaken outside the coverage of patent protection and, relatedly, the actual propensity to patent an innovation in different contexts remain, to a major degree, a matter of speculation. This paper presents an exploratory study comparing systematically patented and unpatented innovations over the period 1977-2004 across industrial sectors. The main data source is the 'R&amp
    D 100 Awards' competition organized by the journal Research and Development. Since 1963, the magazine has been awarding this prize to the 100 most technologically significant new products available for sale or licensing in the year preceding the judgments. We match the products winners of the R&amp
    D 100 awards competition with USPTO patents and we examine the variation of patent propensity across different contexts (industries, geographical areas and organizations). Finally we compare our findings with previous assessments of patent propensity based on several sources of data. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and the sources of breakthrough inventions: evidence from a data-set of R&D awards

    Fontana, Roberto, Nuvolari, Aless, ro, Shimizu, Hiroshi, Vezzulli, Andrea

    Long Term Economic Development     313 - 340  2013

  • 経営資源の補完を目指した日蘭合弁事業 超高強力ポリエチレン繊維「ダイニーマ®(Dyneema)」の開発 (共著)

    星野雄介, 清水洋

    IIRケーススタディ CASE#12-02(一橋大学イノベーション研究センター)    2012.06

  • A Pitfall of Environmental Policy: An analysis of “Eco-point Program” in Japan and its application to the renewable energy policy (jointly worked)

    Yaichi Aoshima, Hiroshi Shimizu

    IIR Working Paper WP#12-12 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2012.05

  • The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of the Okouchi Prizes and a Comparison with the R&D 100 Awards (jointly worked)

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Yusuke Hoshino

    IIR Working Paper WP#12-02 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2012.02

  • Business History

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Hitotsubashi Business Review    2011.03

  • 日本の業界団体:産業政策と企業の能力構築の共進化 (共著)

    清水洋, 米倉誠一郎

    制度転換期の企業と市場     195 - 220  2011.03


    Hiroshi Shimizu

    AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW   51 ( 1 ) 71 - 96  2011.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    United States organisations took a clear lead in semiconductor laser research until the mid-1970s. After the 1980s, many important breakthroughs were developed by Japanese organisations. Exploring the journal Applied Physics Letters, this study examines how semiconductor laser technology developed in these two countries and how this change in the country-level industrial leadership in the scientific research occurred. Examining the relationship among industrial organisations, research networks, and scientific breakthroughs, it discusses how these coevolved and how breakthroughs were channelled in different directions. R&D targets were channelled into small markets in the US, but were concentrated into the same markets in Japan.



  • Community Building Leadership in Science and Technology: Hayashi Izuo and Laser Diodes

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   58 ( 4 ) 52 - 65  2011.03


  • Role of doctoral scientists in corporate R&D in laser diode research in Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Yasushi Hara

    Prometheus (United Kingdom)   29 ( 1 ) 5 - 21  2011  [Refereed]

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    With the advancement of technology and increase in its complexity, the use of external information and resources provides companies with an important competitive advantage. In addition, the university-industry relationship has received attention with increases in the importance of science. Exploring papers on laser diodes published in Applied Physics Letters and patents from 1960 to 2000, this study analyses the roles of corporate scientists with doctoral degrees in laser diode technology. The study focuses on the different roles played by two types of doctoral scientists: university-based and industry-based. It explores both direct and indirect contributions of doctoral corporate scientists to R&amp
    D by examining their papers and patents. The results indicate that both types achieved a higher average number of papers and patents than non-doctoral scientists. Exploring the co-authors of doctoral scientists to determine the indirect effect of doctoral scientists on corporate R&amp
    D, this study observes that the co-authors of industry-based doctoral corporate scientists published more papers or filed more patents. This study confirms that industry-based doctoral corporate scientists play an important role in promoting corporate R&amp
    D by linking corporate R&amp
    D with university research. © 2011 Taylor &amp



  • How Well Does Knowledge Travel? The Transition from Energy to Commercial Application of Laser Diode Fabrication Technology (jointly worked)

    Shimizu,Hiroshi Shimizu, Satoshi Kudo

    Business and Economic History On-Line   9  2011.01

  • Book Review: Ulrike Schaede, Choose and Focus: Japanese Business Strategies for the 21st Century

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    the Journal of Asian Studies   69 ( 3 ) 916 - 918  2010.12

  • ソニー: MOCVD法による化合物半導体デバイスの開発と量産化 (共著)

    工藤悟志, 清水洋

    IIRケーススタディ CASE#10-09(一橋大学イノベーション研究センター)    2010.12

  • Science and Technology in the Lost Two Decades: R&D Efficiency and Changes in Resource Allocation

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Hitotsubashi Business Review   58 ( 2 ) 58 - 72  2010.12


  • Pitfalls of Open Innovation: Technological Trajectory in Laser Diodes in the United States and Japan (jointly worked)

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Takashi Hirao

    Business and Economic History On-Line   8  2010.10

  • Book Review: Choose and Focus: Japanese Business Strategies for the 21st Century by Ulrike Schaede

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    the Journal of Asian Studies   69 ( 3 ) 916 - 918  2010.09

  • Entrepreneurship in Pre World War II Japan: Organizational Innovation, the role and logic of the Zaibatsu (jointly worked)

    米倉誠一郎, 清水洋

    The Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times     501 - 526  2010.08  [Refereed]

  • Different evolutionary paths: Technological development of laser diodes in the US and Japan, 1960–2000

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Business History   52 ( 7 ) 1151 - 1181  2010  [Refereed]

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    Exploring the technological development of laser diodes from 1960 to 2000, this study examines how US and Japanese firms diverged from the same technological target to take separate evolutionary paths over time and came to be competitive in the different areas. Scrutinising the level of vertical integration, entrepreneurial start-ups, scientists' mobility and research networks, it shows that RD efforts were scattered over different technological domains, giving US firms the chance to obtain technological advantages in customised and small markets. RD efforts were concentrated in the same targeted markets in Japan, giving Japanese companies the opportunity to capture the markets offering the highest sales volumes.



  • Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs and Networks in the Case of Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan, 1960-2000

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Hitotsubashi University Center for Japanese Business Studies   114  2010.01

  • 株式会社東芝:0.6μm帯可視光半導体レーザの開発 (共著)

    工藤悟志, 清水洋

    IIRケーススタディ CASE#10-01(一橋大学イノベーション研究センター)    2010.01

  • The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of R&D Awards

    Roberto Fontana, Alessandro Nuvolari, Hiroshi Shimizu, Andrea Vezzulli

    IIR Working Paper WP#09-09 Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University    2009.12

  • Inter-Organizational Collaboration in Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan: University-Industry Relation

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Takashi Hirao

    International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness   4 ( 1 ) 15 - 21  2009.12

  • The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of R&D Awards (jointly worked)

    Roberto Fontana, Alessandro Nuvolari, Hiroshi Shimizu, Andrea Vezzulli

    Hitotsubashi University IIR Working Paper    2009.06

  • Networking and Scientific Breakthrough in Semiconductor Laser Technology in the US and Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Takashi Hirao


     View Summary

    By exploring the U.S. and Japanese engineers' networking and research outcome in semiconductor laser technology, this study aims to investigate how the central location in research networks among engineers influenced their research outcome. More concretely, exploring co-authored papers on semiconductor laser technology published in Applied Physics Letters, this study examines how structural location could be advantageous for U.S. and Japanese engineers and how they used networks in their research. It presents that degree centrality, which is measured by the number of direct ties, is positively associated with the number of citations that an engineer obtained for both U.S. and Japanese engineers. It also observes that betweenness, which locates the geodesic paths between all pairs of engineers and counts how frequently each engineer falls in each pathway, does not show significant influence on research outcome for both U.S. and Japanese engineers. Even though this paper presents that being centrally located with direct ties plays an important role in U.S. and Japanese research networks, it shows different network formation between U.S and Japanese engineers. It presents that U.S. engineers developed their networks beyond their organizational boundary, while Japanese engineers heavily relied on in-house networks.

  • Inter-organizational collaborative research networks in semiconductor lasers 1975–1994

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Takashi Hirao

    The Social Science Journal   46 ( 2 )  2009  [Refereed]



  • Collaborative Research Networks in Semiconductor Laser Technology, 1960-2000: A Comparative Perspective on Networks and Breakthroughs in the U.S. and Japan (jointly worked)

    清水 洋

    Business and Economic History On-Line   ( 6 )  2008.04

  • サウスウェスト航空:ポイント・システムの経営戦略

    清水 洋

    一橋ビジネスレビュー   53 ( 4 )  2007.04

  • The International History of Japanese Economic Thought and Policy, 1945-2000 (jointly worked)

    清水 洋(ローラ・ヘイン

    経済学史研究   47 ( 1 ) 79 - 93  2005.04  [Refereed]

  • ヤマト運輸 (共著)

    清水 洋

    有斐閣    2005.04

  • 茨城県東海村臨界事故:組織の危機管理

    清水 洋

    一橋ビジネスレビュー   50 ( 4 ) 146 - 161  2003.04


  • 産業政策と企業行動の社会的合成:石油化学工業の『利益なき繁栄』

    清水 洋

    企業の発展    2002.05

  • ヤマト運輸:競争とビジネスモデルの革新

    清水 洋

    一橋ビジネスレビュー   49 ( 1 ) 120 - 131  2001.04

  • Chisso Corporation and the Minamata Incident--Inconsistency in the Ends and Means of Chisso's Switch Over to the Petrochemical Industry

    SHIMIZU Hiroshi

    Japan business history review   35 ( 2 ) 75 - 94  2000.04  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The main object of this article is to analyze the strategy of Chisso Corporation when Minamata Disease became a social issue and to explain the paradox of the strategy. I scrutinize the decision-making process of Chisso, which was one of the leading firms in Japanese chemical industry and which caused Minamata disease, one of the worst pollution incidents in Japan. This article focuses on why Chisso increased production despite the knowledge that this would intensify the suffering as well as increase the number of victims.<BR>On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that increasing production, which only served to spread the suffering, was the means Chisso used to avoid the further expansion of Minamata disease. The backdrop of this paradox was a complex situation in which the policies of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's (MITI) and the local government, the strategies of rival firms, and technological change were intertwined.

    DOI CiNii

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Books and Other Publications

  • 野生化するイノベーション

    清水 洋( Part: Sole author)

    新潮選書  2019.08

  • General Purpose Technology, Spin-Out, and Innovation: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the United States and Japan

    SHIMIZU Hiroshi( Part: Sole author)

    Springer  2019.05

  • Innovations in General Purpose Technology: Technological Development of Laser Diode in US and Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu( Part: Sole author)

    Yuhikaku  2016.03 ISBN: 9784641164697

  • イノベーション・マネジメント入門(第2版) (共著)

    清水洋, 青島 矢一( Part: Sole author, イノベーションと企業間システム)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2017.10 ISBN: 9784532134747

  • イノベーション・マネジメント入門(第2版) (共著)

    清水 洋, 青島 矢一( Part: Edit, イノベーションを実現する資源動員と知識創造)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2017.10 ISBN: 9784532134747

  • イノベーション・マネジメント入門(第2版) (共著)

    清水洋, 野間幹晴( Part: Joint author, イノベーションとアントレプレナーシップ)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2017.10 ISBN: 9784532134747

  • イノベーション・マネジメント入門(第2版) (共著)

    清水洋, 米倉誠一郎( Part: Edit, イノベーションの歴史)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2017.10 ISBN: 9784532134747

  • イノベーション・マネジメント入門(第2版)

    一橋大学イノベーション研究センター, 清水 洋( Part: Edit)

    日本経済新聞出版社  2017.10 ISBN: 9784532134747

  • オープン・イノベーションのマネジメント:高い経営成果を生む仕組みづくり

    米倉誠一郎, 清水洋( Part: Joint editor)

    有斐閣  2015.03 ISBN: 9784641164581

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  • Which Would You Prefer, Artisanal or Laboratory Made?: How Quantification Came into the Sake Brewery Industry

    Yamaguchi, Shotaro, Yasushi Hara, Hiroshi Shimizu

    The Business History Conference  (Denver, Colorado, USA) 

    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • How R&D Performance is Degraded by Rivals? Lngitudinal Analysis on Japanese Firms Based on Patent Data, and Research and Development Survey

    Shimizu, Hiroshi, Yasushi Hara, Shotaro Yamaguchi

    The 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference  (ACROS, Fukuoka, Japan) 

    Presentation date: 2016.11

  • Exploration Needs Stable Shareholders? Ownership Structure and R&D Strategy: The Case of the Electronics, Steel and Iron, and Pharmaceutical Industries in Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Yusuke Hoshino

    Business History Conference  Business History Conference

    Presentation date: 2014.03

  • Do Doctoral Degree and Prior Publication Matter? How Do They Vary across Countries? Science-Linkage and Technological Development in Laser Diodes

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Yasushi Hara

    Forth Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference 

    Presentation date: 2013.12

  • Does Collaboration Accelerate R&D? Evidence from a Data Set of the Okochi Prizes

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Yusuke Hoshino

    Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference 

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • Management of Science, Serendipity, and Research Performance: Evidence from Scientists’ Survey in the US and Japan

    Kota Murayama, Makoto Nirei, Hiroshi Shimizu

    International Schumpeter Society Conference 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • How Well Does Knowledge Travel? The Transition from Energy to Commercial Application of Laser Diode Fabrication Technology

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Kudo Satoshi

    Business History Conference 2011 Annual Meeting  (セントルイス) 

    Presentation date: 2011.03

  • 日本企業のコラボレーションによる新機能探索



    Presentation date: 2010.12

  • The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of R&D Awards

    Roberto Fontana, Alessandro Nuvorari, Hiroshi Shimizu, Andrea Vezzulli

    International Schumpeter Society Conference 2010 

    Presentation date: 2010.06

  • Pitfalls of Open Innovation: Technological Trajectory in Laser Diodes in the United States and Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Business History Conference 2010 Annual Meeting 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs and Networks in the Case of Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    International Conference on Business History (Fuji Conference) 

    Presentation date: 2010.03

  • Takashi Hirao・Networking and Scientific Breakthrough in Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation  (ベルギー) 

    Presentation date: 2009.09

  • The Sources of Invention 1963-2005. Evidence from a Dataset of R&D Awards

    Roberto Fontana, Alessandro Nuvorari, Hiroshi Shimizu, Andrea Vezzulli

    The 6th European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics  (ドイツ) 

    Presentation date: 2009.06

  • Breakthrough Illusions in the case of semiconductor laser technology in the US and Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference  (日本・東京) 

    Presentation date: 2009.02

  • The Ingenious Crowd: Great British Inventors and Their Patents

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Applied Econometrics Association, Patent and Innovation  (日本・東京) 

    Presentation date: 2008.12

  • 半導体レーザーにおける科学的ブレークスルー:エンジニアの流動性とネットワーク

    清水洋, 平尾毅

    商品学会  (日本・長野) 

    Presentation date: 2008.06

  • Inter-Organisational Research Networks in Semiconductor Laser Technology, 1960-2000

    Hiroshi Shimizu, Takashi Hirao

    Business History Conference 2008 Annual Meeting  (アメリカ・カリフォルニア) 

    Presentation date: 2008.04

  • Competition, Knowledge Spillover, and Technological Change: Technological Development of Semiconductor Lasers 1960-1990

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Economic History Society 2007 Annual Conference  (イギリス・エグゼター) 

    Presentation date: 2007.04

  • Research Networks and Knowledge Spillovers in Semiconductor Laser Technology in North America, Europe, and Japan

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    British Association For Japanese Studies Annual Conference  (イギリス・ノリッチ) 

    Presentation date: 2007.03

  • Competition and Technological Change, the OMCS project in Semiconductor Laser Technology

    Hiroshi Shimizu

    Mitsubishi Bank Foundation International Conference; Exploring New Perspectives on Management  (日本・神奈川) 

    Presentation date: 2006.08

  • 利益なき繁栄考察:石油化学工業における産業政策と企業行動の合成

    清水 洋

    経営史学会関東部会  (日本・東京) 

    Presentation date: 2001.05

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Research Projects

  • スピンアウトと人材の流動性が汎用性の高い技術のイノベーションに与える影響

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


  • Innovation in Science and Technology

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • International Comparative Study of Scientists Network

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Spin-out and General Purpose Technology

    Project Year :


  • The Technological Development of Semiconductor Lasers

    Project Year :


  • 日本の産業動態の研究:マルチレベル・アプローチ

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    淺羽 茂, 山野井 順一, 鳥田 友起, ALEXANDER・JEAN・LuC COAD, 井口 衡, 三橋 平, 清水 洋, 枝村 一磨

  • 領域横断的リンケージに注目したイノベーションシステムの実証的解明

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    青島 矢一, 大山 睦, 江藤 学, 和泉 章, 中島 賢太郎, 吉岡 徹, カン ビョンウ, 延岡 健太郎, 軽部 大, 清水 洋, パドロン・エルナンデス イバ

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    (1)組織間リンケージとセクター間リンケージに関係する革新活動・資源動員については,主要4産業を選び,VC,CVC、事業会社によるスタートアップ投資やM&Aの実態と推移を,日本,米国,中国市場間で比較して分析を行い,論文として発表した.また,日本の上場企業については,スタートアップ投資と財務データと紐付けたデータベースを作成し,スタートアップ投資を促す要因の解明を行い,海外学会で発表した.(2)「セクター間リンケージ」については,公的セクターの役割に注目して,日本の産総研,ドイツのフラウンホーファ,台湾のITRIの比較分析を行った.(3)大企業によるスタートアップ企業への資源動員については,構造タンパク質を事業化したSpiber社の事例と,旭化成のCVCの事例を分析してケース論文として発表した.また,パナソニック,NTTドコモ,日立製作所のCVCを含む,日米欧の代表的なCVCについてそれらの戦略目標に注目した比較分析を行い論文を発表した.(4)企業内外のコミュニケーションネットワークに関しては,特にオンラインコミュニケーションに注目して,そのイノベーションへの影響を分析し,発表を行った.また,企業組織内部のイノベーションプロセスを解明するため,脱炭素化に関する国際的イニシアティブであるScience Based Target Initiative(SBTi)の参加企業6社より調査協力を得て,構造化質問票調査を聞き取り調査と並行して行った.

  • Empirical Research on Corporate Entrepreneurship

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • 伝統産業における熟練とイノベーションの実証研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    星野 雄介, 堀 圭介, 清水 洋, 原 泰史, 金 東勲

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    また、本研究の関連分野で投稿を進めていた論文がいくつか掲載された。特に強調すべきは、査読付き英文学会誌に掲載された” Apprenticeship and product quality: empirical analysis on the sake brewing industry” であった。この論文は、現行の研究プロジェクトの前段にあたるものである。日本酒産業では従来、農閑期に杜氏(酒造現場の責任者)を酒蔵が雇うことで日本酒を生産している。その杜氏を季節雇用のままとするか、正社員として雇用するかによって、鑑評会で受賞するか、すなわち高い品質の製品を生み出せるかどうかを検討した。分析の結果について、統計的な有意差が出ることが明らかにされた。
    ただし、順調ではなかった点もある。それは、COVID-19によって、各種学会が開催されなかったり、オンライン開催となってしまったことである。特に、申請者らが重視しているイノベーション分野の著名学会であるInternational Schumpeter Societyが延期となったのは、仕方ないとはいえ、研究の進捗に若干の影響を与えた。

  • Mobility and Innovation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • Managerial Resource Mobility and Innovation:Longitudinal Comparative Analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (A))

    Project Year :


  • Longitudinal International Comparison of Entreprenuership

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Yonekura Seiichiro

     View Summary

    This research project has scrutinized corporate entrepreneurship by examining firm age, new entrants, and ROA volatility. We show that US firms lose efficiency, as measured by total asset turnover as they age, whereas Japanese firms’ability to generate profit from sales declines. By examining the technological distance, we calculate resource allocation rigidity of the firms. The results show at all ages, Japanese firms are more rigid than their US counterparts, although the slope is steeper in the case of US firms. These observations suggest that Japanese firms’operating profit margins decline as they age because they are less likely to change how they allocate resources and tend to stay in their existing business sectors, even if they are underperforming.

  • Spin-out, Labor Mobility, and General Purpose Technology

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Shimizu Hiroshi

     View Summary

    This research project aimed exploring the relationship among spin-outs, labor mobility, and innovations in general purpose technology. It showed that the cumulative features of technological development gradually disappeared due to the surge in entrepreneurial spin-outs in the industry in the U.S. Subsequent technological development plays an important role when a technology is still in a nascent stage. Thus, R&D competition in cumulative technological development contributes to technological development until the technology fully matures. According to the technological trajectory perspective, entrepreneurial spin-outs can hinder technological development when the technology is at a nascent stage, because the cumulative effects of incremental innovations on the technological trajectory could disappear if the R&D personnel are thinned out to target different sub-markets.

  • Experimental Study on relation between researchers' knowledge creation process and national research promotion policy.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Shinichi Akaike, Tomizawa Hiroyuki, Igami Masatuna, Nagaoka Sadao, Shimizu Hiroshi

     View Summary

    The number of Nobel Prizes is widely used for an indicator representing a nation’s scientific and technological performances. There are some existing works mainly focus on the preference of Nobel Laureates and it is rarely to use bibliographic data of Laureates to evaluate his/her research works and its spillover process.
    In our study, we have found that (1) majority of Nobel Laureates starts his core invention and/or scientific discoveries around mid-30s, (2) from the in-depth qualitative analysis for twenty-one Nobel Laureates from Japan, they have characteristics that (a.) non-linear path to proceed early scientific carrier, (b.) active collaboration with scientists in another disciplines, and (c.) has foreign study experiences to get state-of-the-art knowledge from front runner scientific communities.

  • Collaboration and Innovation in Japanese Firms: Dynamics of New Product Development

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YONEKURA Seiichiro, SHIMAMOTO Minoru, CHOI Eugine, MIYAZAKI Kunio, HIRAO Takeshi, KAWAI Kazuhisa, HOSHINO Yusuke, SHIMIZU Hiroshi

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    This research project aims exploring how Japanese firms strategically utilizes external resources and develops new products. Recently, the "Open Innovation" has gathered much attention. It has been indicated that Japanese firms were behind in Open Innovation. This research project has scrutinized the Japanese management systems and explored why Japanese firms were behind. More concretely, it has argued how to organize collaboration projects efficiently and how external resources could be strategically utilized by Japanese firms. Parts of the research results were published in "Open Innovation Management" in 2015.

  • Innovation Pattens in General Purpose Technologies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Hiroshi

     View Summary

    By exploring the patterns of technological development in the laser diode, fiber, and industrial machinery industries in the U.S. and Japan and theoretically examining market conditions and institutions that promote entrepreneurial spin-outs from a parental company, this research project aims to reveal how the existence and absence of entrepreneurial spin-out influence the ways in which technological trajectories emerge.
    The case studies show that vibrant entrepreneurial spin-out could hinder technological development, since the cumulative effects of incremental innovations on the technological trajectories could vanish if many firms spin out to target untapped sub-markets.

  • Research Network and Innovation US and Japan Comparative Analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Hiroshi

     View Summary

    This project explored the relationship between research networks and innovations in the U. S. and Japan in the field of laser diodes based on patent and bibliographic analysis and interviews. It observed that the research networks highly developed in the U. S. and many of the technological innovations were developed through the networks. The networks were very sporadic and not developed in Japan. R & D targets were channeled into small and niche markets in the U. S. through the well-developed research networks, but were concentrated into the same markets in Japan. The concentrated R & D targets promoted the development of basic technologies.

  • Research Project on the Knowledge Creation Process in Science and the Creation of Innovation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NAGAOKA Sadao, IJICHI Tomohiro, OWAN Hideo, NIREI Makoto, IGAMI Masatsura, SHIMIZU Hiroshi, WALSH John, ETO Manabu

     View Summary

    The project successfully completed the first large scale survey over the Japanese and US scientists on “Knowledge creation process in science” (2100 responses from Japan and 2300 responses in the US, focusing 2001-2006 published papers). Exploiting this, the research yielded new findings and insights on the importance and the effect of the research at Pasteur quadrant, the role of young scholars in team based research, the source and effect of internationalization of research team, the tradeoff involved in the separation of management and research, and the ex-ante recognition by the scientists of priority competition and its effect, and all the others.

  • Research Networks of the Optoelectronics Industry

    Project Year :


  • Patent System and Invention in the U.K.

    Project Year :


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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Research Institute

  • 2019

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher