Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Department Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2009.04

    Joetsu University of Education

  • 2006.08

    University of Michigan   School of Education   Research Fellow

  • 2003.07

    University of Tsukuba   Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development

Education Background

  • 2000.10

    フランス・グルノーブル大学大学院   数学情報科学技術研究科  

Research Areas

  • Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education   Research in Mathematics Education / Science education   Research in Mathematics Education

Research Interests

  • 数学教育学

  • Inquiry

  • Mathematics teacher education

  • Preservice and insevice teacher training

  • proof and proving

  • Cultural perspective

  • 日本の算数・数学授業

  • Anthropological Theory of the Didactic

  • 教授学的状況理論

  • テクノロジー

▼display all


  • 学会奨励賞

    2023.12   全国数学教育学会   算数の探究型授業における教師の働きかけ ―小学校第3学年における SRP の授業実践を通して―

    Winner: 柳民範, 宮川健

  • 学会賞 学術研究部門

    2021.10   日本数学教育学会  

    Winner: 宮川健

  • 学会奨励賞

    2016.01   全国数学教育学会   中等教育を一貫する数学的活動に基づく論証指導の理論的基盤

    Winner: 宮川健, 真野祐輔, 岩崎秀樹, 國宗進, 溝口達也, 石井英真, 阿部好貴



  • Objects of study in research on mathematics teacher education

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education   27 ( 3 ) 291 - 294  2024.06



  • Didacticians introducing lesson study for the professional development of prospective mathematics teachers

    Riccardo Minisola, Ornella Robutti, Takeshi Miyakawa

    Asian Journal for Mathematics Education   3 ( 1 ) 3 - 28  2024.02  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Lesson study is recognised as a cultural activity and its implementation in a context different from Japan is a complex process. Researchers’ role in this process is assumed to be critical, although this has rarely been investigated. In this paper, we analyse a teaching experiment to introduce lesson study into a professional development course for prospective teachers at an Italian university, focusing our investigation on a group of researchers acting as teacher educators (didacticians). Using the anthropological theory of the didactic and meta-didactical transposition frameworks, we investigate their dual position as researchers and as teacher educators. We observe the evolution of the didacticians’ teacher-education praxeology (a model of practice and knowledge) during their interactions with prospective teachers. The results indicate that the didacticians’ teacher-education praxeology is distinguished, shaped, and actively influenced by their research praxeology. The results also imply that coordinating the two theoretical frameworks may guide the design and analysis of teachers’ professional development courses.


  • Theoretical Perspectives on Studying Mathematics Teacher Collaboration

    João Pedro da Ponte, Takeshi Miyakawa, Nicole Bannister, Boris Koichu, Birgit Pepin

    New ICMI Study Series   Part F2945   25 - 67  2024  [Refereed]

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    The aims of this chapter are: (i) to showcase the state-of-the-art for theoretical perspectives for studying mathematics teacher collaboration; (ii) to identify promising theoretical and methodological perspectives for future studies. The ideas that are synthesised in this chapter are based on the presentations, papers, and discussions that occurred as part of the ICMI Study 25 Conference. In this introductory section, we briefly review the results from the previous ICME-13 research survey on mathematics teacher collaboration (Robutti et al., 2016; Jaworski et al., 2017). These results, which functioned as a starting place for the Theme A Working Group, not only informed the organisation of our group but were also reified in the ICMI Study 25 Conference discussion document (IPC, 2019).



  • 探究型学習の設計に向けた基本認識論教授モデルの構築―定積分についての基本認識論モデルと授業実践をもとにして―

    成瀬政光, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会誌『数学教育学研究』   30 ( 1 ) 31 - 46  2024  [Refereed]

  • An anthropological point of view: exploring the Chinese and Japanese issues of translation about teaching resources

    Chongyang Wang, Yusuke Shinno, Binyan Xu, Takeshi Miyakawa

    ZDM – Mathematics Education   53 ( 3 ) 705 - 717  2023.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [International journal]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Last author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    The aim of this study is to advance understading of teachers’ and researchers’ work, in particular its cultural specificities, from a resource perspective by exploring the issues and challenges faced during the translation of a theoretical framework, the Documentational Approach to Didactics (DAD), from Western (English and French) to East Asian languages (Chinese and Japanese). A basic assumption is that the challenges encountered while translating are driven by the cultural and linguistic differences that exist between the West and East. Adopting the perspective of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD), we frame the translation work as a transposition process of research praxeology (a model of the researchers’ practices and knowledge) from a Western to an Eastern institution. We investigate this process to identify cultural elements at different levels (school, society, civilization, etc.) using the ATD framework. After translating a DAD article into Chinese and Japanese separately, we then worked collaboratively to identify similar or diverse translation issues and investigated their origins. Consequently, the results revealed a considerable difference between the West and East, and ample similarities between China and Japan, especially in terms of the researchers’ work and its relationship with the teachers’ work.



  • 「円上の格子点問題」の探究教材としての可能性

    角倉慧一朗, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会誌『数学教育学研究』,   29 ( 1 ) 55 - 68  2023  [Refereed]

  • 数学学習におけるプログラミングの居場所―コラッツ予想を題材にした探究型学習を通して―

    岸本大, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会誌『数学教育学研究』   29 ( 1 ) 41 - 53  2023  [Refereed]

  • 数学史を用いた定積分についての認識論的分析 : 探究型授業の設計・実践に向けて—An Epistemological Analysis on the Definite Integrals Using History of Mathematics : Toward the Design and Implementation of Inquiry-Based Learning

    成瀬 政光, 宮川 健

    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌 = Journal of JASME : research in mathematics education   29 ( 2 ) 45 - 61  2023  [Refereed]

  • Handling the diversity of research on mathematics teacher education

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education   25 ( 6 ) 633 - 636  2022.12



  • Teacher Learning in Collaborative Settings: Analysis of an Open Lesson

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Francisco J. García

    Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic     165 - 171  2022.01

     View Summary

    This is a report of the workshop aiming at investigating teacher learning in a specific collaborative setting of Japanese Open lesson within the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD). We especially rely on the notion of praxeology to characterize teacher practices and knowledge, and the notions of educational devices and infrastructure to characterize and investigate the collaborative settings of teacher learning.



  • Analyzing Mathematics Teachers’ Collective Work in Terms of the Inquiry

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic     91 - 102  2022.01

     View Summary

    Mathematics teachers working and learning through collaboration are gaining particular attention today in terms of a form of teacher professional development and an object of mathematics education research. The Japanese lesson study is one of the typical examples often referred to in such a context. In this lecture, focusing on the teachers’ work around the classroom teaching and the system of conditions and constraints that shapes them, we investigate how and to what extent different theoretical constructs of the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic allow us to analyze and better understand teachers’ collective work inside and outside the classroom. The key idea is to regard mathematics teachers’ work as a dynamic process of inquiry.




    Takeshi Miyakawa, Yusuke Shinno

    Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education   1   250 - 257  2021  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    This theoretical paper proposes a new perspective on identifying and characterizing the cultural specificities of proof and proving in the classrooms of a given country. To this end, based on the related literature, researchers propose “structure”, “language”, and “function” as a triplet of aspects that constitute proving activities. Researchers then exemplify each aspect in an example case of proving activities in a Japanese classroom and discuss how it allows us to characterize the cultural specificities of proof and proving.

  • The effects of culture on mathematics lessons: an international comparative study of a collaboratively designed lesson

    Stéphane Clivaz, Takeshi Miyakawa

    Educational Studies in Mathematics   105 ( 1 ) 53 - 70  2020.09  [Refereed]  [International journal]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

     View Summary

    This paper reports the results of an international comparative study conducted in Switzerland and Japan of an elementary school mathematics lesson. The principal aim of the study was to advance understanding of the cultural specificities of a mathematics lesson in its totality using concrete examples of lesson design and implementation and of how cultural factors within and beyond the classroom/school shape and produce mathematics lessons in a particular country. We analysed two Grade 4 mathematics lessons designed and implemented in Switzerland and Japan by pre-service teachers in the context of a project-based international exchange programme. The lesson, initially designed collaboratively by the pre-service teachers of the two countries, was ultimately realised in different ways in each country. Specifically, we found differences between the Japanese and Swiss lessons in the structure of the lesson and validation of solutions. To elucidate these differences and identify the cultural factors that yield them, we analysed the resources developed and used during lesson design and implementation (lesson plans, official documents, and textbooks). Furthermore, we discuss three aspects of mathematics lessons that account for the main characteristics of each lesson: collective or individualistic teaching and learning, problem-solving lessons, and distance between theory and practice.



  • Implementing multidisciplinary study and research paths in Japanese lower secondary school teaching<br>Mise en œuvre de pistes d’études et de recherche multidisciplinaires dans l’enseignement du secondaire inférieur japonais

    Kenji Kuzuoka, Takeshi Miyakawa

    Educação Matemática Pesquisa : Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática   22 ( 4 ) 173 - 188  2020.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

     View Summary

    AbstractThis paper reports on results of teaching experiments with a study and research path carried out in Japanese lower secondary school classrooms. The generating question relates to the change of world population. Based on these results, we discuss the conditions and constraints for implementing inquiry in ordinary teaching in.Keyword: ATD, Study and Research Course, Questioning the world.RésuméDans cet article, nous présentons quelques résultats de l’expérimentation de parcours d’étude et de recherche qui est conduite dans les classes d’un établissement secondaire au collège au Japon. La question concernant le changement de population mondiale est utilisée. Nous discutons, en nous appuyant sur ces résultats, les conditions et les contraintes pour la mise en place d’une enquête dans une classe ordinaire au Japon.Mots-clés : TAD, Parcours d´Études et de Recherche, Questionnement du monde.


  • 教授人間学理論による授業に関わる教師の実践的営みの特徴づけ

    宮川健, 大滝孝治

    日本数学教育学会第8回春期研究大会論文集     45 - 52  2020.06

  • 世界探究パラダイムに基づく教科横断型探究活動の可能性―中等教育段階での授業実践を通して―

    根津雄一, 葛岡賢二, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会第8回春期研究大会論文集     37 - 44  2020.06

  • Some Linguistic Issues on the Teaching of Mathematical Proof

    Shinno, Y, Miyakawa, T, Mizoguchi, T, Hamanaka, H, Kunimune, S

    Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11)     318 - 325  2019.12  [Refereed]

  • Cultural effects on mathematics lessons: through the international collaborative development of a lesson in two countries

    Clivaz, S, Miyakawa, T

    Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11)     4824 - 4831  2019.12  [Refereed]  [International coauthorship]

  • Mathematics teachers as curriculum designers: an international perspective to develop a deeper understanding of the concept

    Birgit Pepin, Michèle Artigue, Verônica Gitirana, Takeshi Miyakawa, Kenneth Ruthven, Binyan Xu

    The 'Resource' Approach to Mathematics Education     121 - 143  2019.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [International coauthorship]


  • Teachers’ collective work inside and outside school as an essential source of mathematics teachers’ documentation work: experiences from Japan and China

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Binyan Xu

    The 'Resource' Approach to Mathematics Education     145 - 172  2019.11  [Refereed]  [Invited]  [International coauthorship]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author


  • The ecology of study and research paths in upper secondary school: the cases of Denmark and Japan

    Jessen, B, Otaki, K, Miyakawa, T, Hamanaka, H, Mizoguchi, T, Shinno, Y, Winsløw, C

    Working with the anthropological theory of the didactic: A comprehensive casebook     118 - 138  2019.10  [Refereed]


  • Pre-service teachers’ resources in the cross-cultural collaborative design of a mathematics lesson

    Miyakawa, T, Clivaz, S

    Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT3)     67 - 72  2019.09  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Paradidactic infrastructure for sharing and documenting mathematics teacher knowledge: a case study of “practice research” in Japan

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Carl Winsløw

    Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education   22 ( 3 ) 1 - 23  2019.06  [Refereed]  [International journal]  [International coauthorship]

     View Summary

    Japanese lesson study was introduced to the West in the late 1990s. Certain widely disseminated publications and classroom videos, and also reports on international surveys of students achievement, led many to consider that Japanese mathematics teaching is highly creative and effective, with lesson study as a main explanatory factor. As a result, substantial efforts have been deployed in many countries to engage mathematics teachers in lesson study. In this paper, we argue that lesson study is but one element of a comprehensive Japanese “infrastructure” for developing teacher knowledge, both personal and shared, and that the functions and workings of any particular element in this infrastructure cannot be fully understood when viewed in isolation. In this paper, we offer a systemic (institutional) analysis of how these “infrastructure” elements interact in crucial ways. Specifically we study two episodes where a teacher’s “practice research” is clearly motivated and supported by other infrastructural conditions, such as the possibility to present the outcomes at a regional teacher conference, and in a publication. Moreover, a central prerequisite for the creative part of “lesson planning” is a much more limited activity: the patient study and discussion of mathematical tasks and materials. This activity is also crucially supported by elements of the infrastructure.



  • 三角比の定義がもたらす概念理解 ~記号論的表現の視点から~


    上越数学教育研究   ( 34 ) 23 - 38  2019.03

  • Studying mathematics teachers interactions with curriculum materials through different lenses: Towards a deeper understanding of the processes at stake

    Luc Trouche, Verônica Gitirana, Takeshi Miyakawa, Birgit Pepin, Chongyang Wang

    International Journal of Educational Research   93   53 - 67  2019  [Refereed]

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    In this study we explore the interactions between teachers and resources during lesson preparation from different perspectives. We ask in which ways the crossing of perspectives help to develop deeper understandings of teacher interactions with curriculum resources. For doing this, we have chosen the following three theoretical frames: (1) Documentational Approach to Didactics (DAD); (2) Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD); and (3) Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). We chose data concerning two experienced mathematics teachers (at lower secondary school level) working together, preparing lessons on the topic of “algorithmics”, a topic newly introduced in grade 6 of the French curriculum, and hence a topic they had never taught before.



  • 教科横断型SRPにおける数学的な活動 ー「世界人口総和問題」を題材にした中学校での実践の分析ー

    葛岡賢二, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会誌 数学教育学研究   24 ( 1 ) 121 - 133  2018.03  [Refereed]

  • Challenges in curriculum development for mathematical proof in secondary school: Cultural dimensions to be considered

    Yusuke Shinno, Takeshi Miyakawa, Hideki Iwasaki, Susumu Kunimune, Tatsuya Mizoguchi, Terumasa Ishii, Yoshitaka Abe

    For the Learning of Mathematics   38 ( 1 ) 26 - 30  2018.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

  • Evolution of proof form in Japanese geometry textbooks

    Cousin, M, Miyakawa, T

    Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education     131 - 138  2017.12  [Refereed]

  • 平行四辺形になるための条件の真偽判断を通した証明的思考 -中等教育を一貫する論証指導の視座から-

    濱中裕明, 熊倉啓之, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第5回春期研究大会論文集     101 - 109  2017.06

  • 世界探究パラダイムに基づいたSRPと「問い」を軸とした数学学習


    日本数学教育学会 第5回春期研究大会論文集     173 - 180  2017.06

  • Comparative analysis on the nature of proof to be taught in geometry: the cases of French and Japanese lower secondary schools

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS   94 ( 1 ) 37 - 54  2017.01  [Refereed]

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    This paper reports the results of an international comparative study on the nature of proof to be taught in geometry. Proofs in French and Japanese lower secondary schools were explored by analyzing curricular documents: mathematics textbooks and national curricula. Analyses on the three aspects of proof-statement, proof, and theory-suggested by the notion of Mathematical Theorem showed differences in these aspects and also differences in the three functions of proof-justification, systematization, and communication-that are seemingly commonly performed in these countries. The results of analyses imply two major elements that form the nature of proof: (a) the nature of the geometrical theory that is chosen to teach and (b) the principal function of proof related to that theory. This paper suggests alternative approaches to teach proof and proving and shows that these approaches are deeply related to the way geometry is taught.



  • Le "school-based" développement professionnel des enseignants en mathématiques : deux pratiques collectives en Europe et au Japon

    Miyakawa, T, Pepin, B

    Enjeux et débats en didactique des mathématiques   1   145 - 177  2016.11  [Refereed]

  • Proving activities in inquiries using the Internet

    Otaki, K, Miyakawa, T, Hamanaka, H

    Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education   4   11 - 18  2016.08  [Refereed]

  • インターネットを用いた探究を通した論証指導 -問いを始点にした単元間をつなぐ数学的活動の事例-

    宮川健, 濵中裕明

    日本数学教育学会 第4回春期研究大会論文集   4   147 - 154  2016.06


  • 課題探究として証明することのカリキュラム開発 -領域「図形」のカリキュラム開発枠組みの精緻化-

    茅野公穂, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第4回春期研究大会論文集     163 - 166  2016.06

  • 「教員養成・教員研修」に関する反省的記述

    飯田慎司, 岩崎浩, 加藤久恵, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第4回春期研究大会論文集     271 - 278  2016.06

  • Change in in-service teachers' discourse during practice-based professional development in university

    Hiroshi Iwasaki, Takeshi Miyakawa

    Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education   3   89 - 96  2015.07  [Refereed]

  • A theoretical framework for curriculum development in the teaching of mathematical proof at the secondary school level

    Yuusuke Shinno, Takeshi Miyakawa, Hideki Iwasaki, Susumu Kunimune, Tatsuya Mizoguchi, Terumasa Ishii, Yoshitaka Abe

    Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education   4   169 - 176  2015.07  [Refereed]

  • 中等教育を一貫する論証指導の視点からみた一般性の扱いについて ~文字式を用いた代数的な証明の場合~

    宮川健, 國宗進

    日本数学教育学会 第3回春期研究大会論文集     45 - 52  2015.06

  • What is a good lesson in Japan? An analysis

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    Lesson Study: Challenges in Mathematics Education     327 - 349  2015.05



  • Theoretical Foundations of Teaching Mathematical Proof : A Framework for Curriculum Development Based on Mathematical Activities throughout Secondary Schools

    宮川 健, 真野 祐輔, 岩崎 秀樹, 國宗進, 溝口達也, 石井英真, 阿部好貴

    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌   21 ( 1 ) 63 - 73  2015.01  [Refereed]


  • Realizing Explorative Proving Lessons in the Unit "Translation, Reflection, and Rotation" of Grade 7(Process, Results and Challeges in Grade 7,<Special Issue>Curriculum Development of Proving)


    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   96 ( 9 ) 6 - 9  2014.09


  • 中等教育を一貫する論証指導を捉える枠組みの提案

    宮川健, 溝口達也

    日本数学教育学会 第2回春期研究大会論文集     41 - 48  2014.06  [Refereed]

  • Functions of proof: a comparative analysis of French and Japanese national curricula and textbooks

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT-2014)     333 - 338  2014  [Refereed]

  • Developing mathematics teacher knowledge: The paradidactic infrastructure of "open lesson" in Japan

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Carl Winsløw

    Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education   16 ( 3 ) 185 - 209  2013.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we first present a theoretical approach to study mathematics teacher knowledge and the conditions for developing it, which is firmly rooted in a systemic approach to didactic phenomena at large, namely the anthropological theory of the didactic. Then, a case of open lesson is presented and analysed, using this theoretical approach, to show how the format of open lesson contributes to the construction and diffusion of didactic knowledge in the community of mathematics teachers in Japan. The basic idea of this format is that teachers from other schools are invited to observe a class taught by a teacher then participate in a discussion session with him on the details of the lesson. For the case study, we analyse the lesson plan prepared for an open lesson, the observed lesson and the teachers' discussion. As a result, an open lesson session has been described as a specific form of post-didactic practice related directly to an actual observed lesson, and aiming specifically at elaborating the theoretical aspects of teacher's didactic practice in the lesson and beyond it. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.



  • The use of the message game for the learning of procedural explanations in junior high school geometry class

    ISHIKAWA Minoru, MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   94 ( 11 ) 2 - 11  2012.11


  • Ecology of Proof in French Lower Secondary School Geometry : A textbook analysis

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   94 ( 9 ) 2 - 11  2012.09



    Takeshi Miyakawa


     View Summary

    This paper reports a part of results of the international comparative study on the nature of proof in lower secondary school geometry. In order to clarify the different natures of proof in different countries, textbooks of two countries, France and Japan, are analysed, from the ecological perspective of the Anthropological theory of the didactic. The results of the analysis show several differences in what is called "proof", in the form of proof, in the interrelations between mathematical objects that the proof creates, and in the functions of proof.

  • High School Mathematics Textbooks in France(<Special Issue II>High School Mathematics Textbooks in Foreign Countries)

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   93 ( 7 ) 43 - 47  2011.07


  • Scientific features of the research in didactics of mathematics originating from France : toward a scientific research in mathematics education in Japan

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education Research journal of mathematical education   94 ( 0 ) 37 - 68  2011.05


  • H5 フランス前期中等教育における証明の生態 : 平面幾何領域の教科書分析から(H 証明(説明、論証を含む),論文発表の部)

    宮川 健

    数学教育論文発表会論文集   43 ( 1 ) 295 - 300  2010.11


  • Mathematics Textbooks in France(<Special Issue I>International Comparison of Mathematics Textbooks)

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   92 ( 5 ) 22 - 26  2010.05


  • Mathematics Textbooks in France(<Special Issue>International Comparison of Mathematics Textbooks)

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   92 ( 4 ) 27 - 31  2010.04


  • 我が国の数学教育における証明研究の課題と展望(数学的推論分科会,第42回数学教育論文発表会「課題別分科会」)

    茅野 公穂, 小松 孝太郎, 中川 裕之, 水谷 尚人, 宮川 健, 宮崎 樹夫

    数学教育論文発表会「課題別分科会」発表集録及び要項   42   64 - 69  2009.11


  • Didactical designs for students&apos; proportional reasoning: an "open approach" lesson and a "fundamental situation"

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Carl Winslow

    EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS   72 ( 2 ) 199 - 218  2009.11  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    In this paper, we analyze and compare two didactical designs for introducing primary school pupils to proportional reasoning in the context of plane polygons. One of them is well-documented in the literature; the other one is based on our own data and is accordingly presented and discussed in more detail in this paper. The two designs come from different cultural and intellectual environments: lesson study in Japan (implicitly based on the "open approach method") and "didactical engineering" in France (based on the theory of didactical situations). The general aim of our paper is to compare these two environments and their approaches to didactical design, basing our discussion on the concrete designs mentioned above. Clear differences among them are presented, while we also identify links which hold potential for integrating research and practice.



  • Un dispositif japonais pour le travail en équipe d’enseignants : étude collective d’une leçon

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Carl Winsløw

    Éducation et didactique   3 ( 1 ) 77 - 90  2009.03


  • フランスにおける数学教育と数学教授学 ([日仏教育学会]2009年度研究大会) -- (科学教育の今日的課題--子どもの理数離れをどうするか)

    宮川 健

    日仏教育学会年報   16 ( 16 ) 57 - 65  2009


  • When, how, and why prove theorems? A methodology for studying the perspective of geometry teachers

    Patricio Herbst, Takeshi Miyakawa

    ZDM   40 ( 3 ) 469 - 486  2008.03  [Refereed]



  • Japanese Lesson Study in Mathematics

    Masami Isoda, Max Stephens, Yutaka Ohara, Takeshi Miyakawa




  • Section 4.6: Textbooks and teaching guides

    Miyakawa, T.

    Japanese Lesson Study in Mathematics: Its Impact, Diversity and Potential for Educational Improvement    2007



  • Japanese lesson study in mathematics: Its impact, diversity and potential for educational improvement

    Isoda, M., Stephens, M., Ohara, Y., Miyakawa, T.

    Japanese Lesson Study in Mathematics: Its Impact, Diversity and Potential for Educational Improvement    2007



  • Foreword

    Isoda, M., Stephens, M., Ohara, Y., Miyakawa, T.

    Japanese Lesson Study in Mathematics: Its Impact, Diversity and Potential for Educational Improvement    2007



  • Japanese Lesson Study in Mathematics - Its Impact, Diversity and Potential for Educational Improvement

    Takeshi Miyakawa



  • Analysis of the Teaching and Learning Process using Graphing Software : From the Perspective of the Theory of Didactical Situations

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   89 ( 1 ) 2 - 12  2007.01



    Takeshi Miyakawa, Patricio Herbst


     View Summary

    We report preliminary results of research on the underlying rationality of geometry leaching, especially as regards to the role of proof in leaching theorems. Building on prior work on the classroom division of labor in situations of "doing proofs," we propose that the division of labor is different in situations when learning a theorem is at stake. In particular, the responsibility for producing a proof stays with the teacher, who may opt to produce the proof in a less stringent form than when students are doing proofs and who may do so for reasons other than conferring truth to the statement. We ground this claim on reactions from experienced geometry teachers to an animated representation of the teaching of theorems about medians in a triangle.

  • 線対称図形に対する知覚的認識と証明

    宮川 健

    筑波数学教育研究   0 ( 24 ) 21 - 30  2005


  • G1 線対称の作図と図形認識 : 問題の解決過程に注目して(G.【証明(説明,論証等を含む)】,論文発表の部)

    宮川 健

    数学教育論文発表会論文集   36 ( 0 ) 295 - 300  2003.10


  • 教授学的状況理論にもとづくコンセプションモデルに関する一考察

    宮川 健

    筑波数学教育研究   0 ( 21 ) 63 - 72  2002


  • I5 合理性の観点から見た証明と子どもの知識の関係 : 線対称に関する証明例を用いて(I 証明・論証,論文発表の部)

    宮川 健

    数学教育論文発表会論文集   34 ( 0 ) 343 - 348  2001.11


  • School Reform and Mathematics Education in France (Spesial Issues:Mathematics Education in the World (IV))

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   83 ( 10 ) 21 - 31  2001.10


  • Comparative Analysis in two MAthematics Curriculums of Lower Secondary School:in Japan and in France

    Miyakawa Takeshi

    Tsukuba journal of educational study in mathematics   20 ( 0 ) 57 - 66  2001


  • I3 推論構造から見た証明の特徴 : 演繹的推論とargumentatifな推論の構造比較から(I 証明・論証,論文発表の部)

    宮川 健

    数学教育論文発表会論文集   33 ( 0 ) 283 - 288  2000.11


  • New Perspectives for Secondary School Mathematics Reform : The Report on the Working Group for Action 3 in ICME 9

    ISODA Masami, Miyakawa Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   82 ( 11 ) 20 - 29  2000.11


  • Improvement of Understanding of Functional Relationship using Technology : Focused on misconception in graphing phenomena in real world

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   80 ( 1 ) 9 - 14  1998.01


▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • 新しい算数教育の理論と実践

    宮川 健( Part: Contributor, 第3章第3節 問題解決型授業に代わる新しい考え方としての「探究」)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2021.03 ISBN: 9784623091072

  • 新しい数学教育の理論と実践

    宮川健( Part: Contributor, 第6章第1節 初等幾何学の性格)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2019.03 ISBN: 9784623084296

  • Proceedings of the Re(s)sources 2018 international conference

    Gitirana, V, Miyakawa, T, Rafalska, M, Soury-Lavergne, S, Trouche, L( Part: Joint editor)

    ENS de Lyon  2018.05

     View Summary


  • 中学校数学科 つまずき指導事典

    礒田 正美, 小原 豊, 宮川 健, 松嵜 昭雄( Part: Joint author)

    明治図書出版  2014.02 ISBN: 4181151174



  • Studying the cultural diversity of mathematics lessons from an international perspective

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    International Workshop Methods and Tools in Mathematics Education Research (University of Torino, Italy) 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • Mathematics Education in Japan

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    Workshop on mathematics education in the world (Gazi University, Turkey) 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • Studying the cultural aspect of Japanese mathematics teaching and learning: an anthropological perspective

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    The Third International Symposium on Mathematics Education (East China Normal University, China) 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

    Event date:
  • Interdisciplinary Inquiry-based Learning with Queueing Situations: Investigating the Questions Triggering Mathematical Activities

    Nezu, Y, Miyakawa, T

    The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14) 

    Event date:
  • Concept of Collective Milieu to Understand the Japanese Mathematics Lesson

    Miyakawa, T, Batteau, V, Ryu, M

    The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14) 

    Event date:
  • A Possible Pathway of Mathematical Inquiry: How to Calculate the Cube Root of a Given Number by Using a Simple Pocket Calculator?

    Otaki, K, Hamanaka, H, Miyakawa, T

    The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-14) 

    Event date:
  • 教授人間学理論における論証と探究

    宮川健, 濵中裕明, 大滝孝治


    Presentation date: 2020.08

  • Proof and proving in a Japanese mathematics classroom

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    Presentation date: 2019.08

  • Teacher learning in collaborative settings: analysis of an open lesson

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Francisco J. García  [Invited]

    Intensive Research Programme: Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic and their consequences in curricula and in teacher education  (Spain)  Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • Paradidactic infrastructure for mathematics teachers’ collective work

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    Intensive Research Programme: Advances in the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic and their consequences in curricula and in teacher education  (Spain)  Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • How does the teacher manage inquiry-based learning during the neriage phase of problem solving lessons?

    Batteau, V, Ryu, M, Miyakawa, T

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 小学校問題解決型授業における探究の導入可能性 〜第3学年「長さ」の実践の分析より〜

    柳民範, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会第49回研究発表会  (広島大学) 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • Some Linguistic Issues on the Teaching of Mathematical Proof

    Shinno, Y, Miyakawa, T, Mizoguchi, T, Hamanaka, H, Kunimune, S

    11th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11)  (Utrecht)  ERME

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • 研究者的探究における最初の問いについての考察

    根津雄一, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会第49回研究発表会  (広島大学) 

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • Cultural effects on mathematics lessons: through the international collaborative development of a lesson in two countries

    Clivaz, S, Miyakawa, T

    11th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11)  (Utrecht)  ERME

    Presentation date: 2019.02

  • ORに着目した分野横断的な探究型学習~世界探究パラダイムに基づいたSRPの視点からの授業設計~

    根津雄一, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 算数科授業における問いと答えの特徴~SRP型の探究の実現に向けて~

    柳民範, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会第51回秋期研究大会  岡山大学

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • 中学校における継続的な教科横断型探究の研究:「世界人口総和問題」と「新聞森林問題」の実践

    葛岡賢二, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 正方形の分割問題を用いた数量の変化に関する実践 -スイスとの共同での授業開発を通して-

    根津雄一, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • De Lyon (1969) à Shanghai (2020), les congrès ICME pour croiser les expériences d’enseignement et d’apprentissage des mathématiques dans le monde

    Binyan Xu, Takeshi Miyakawa, Luc Trouche

    Séminaire Ressources 2017-2018  (Lyon, France)  ENS de Lyon

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • L’établissement formateur et l’association formateur

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    Séminaire APMEP  (Paris)  APMEP

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Le partage du carré : deux « mêmes » leçons en Suisse et au Japon

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Stéphane Clivaz  [Invited]

    Congrès international Lesson Study  (Switzerland)  HEP Vaud

    Presentation date: 2018.06

  • Teachers collective work inside and outside school as an essential spring of mathematics teachers' documentation: Japanese and Chinese experiences

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Binyan Xu  [Invited]

    Re(s)sources 2018 International Conference  (France)  ENS de Lyon

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Panel Discussion: Mathematics Teachers as Designers

    Birgit Pepin, Michele Artigue, Veronica Gitirana, Takeshi Miyakawa, Kenneth Ruthven, Binyan Xu  [Invited]

    Re(s)sources 2018 International Conference  (France)  ENS de Lyon

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • 小学校における探究型の学習に関する研究~研究者の活動を基にしたSRPの可能性~

    柳民範, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会第6回春期研究大会  千葉大学

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Le travail collectif au Japon : le rapport entre chercheurs et acteurs du terrain

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    Rencontre internationale des LéA - 2018  (France)  ENS de Lyon

    Presentation date: 2018.05

  • Le travail documentaire des enseignants vu depuis le Japon : l’expérience des Lesson Studies

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    ReVEA Séminaire final  (Lyon, France)  IFE, ENS de Lyon

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • L’établissement formateur à l’international : Les lesson studies au Japon

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    Etablissement formateur : collectifs d’acteurs et développement professionnel  (Lyon, France)  IFE, ENS de Lyon

    Presentation date: 2018.03

  • 中学校における継続的な教科横断型探究の分析~「新聞森林問題」の実践を通して~

    葛岡賢二, 根津雄一, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会 第47回研究発表会 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • 小学校の探究型の学習におけるSRPの可能性についての一考察

    柳民範, 宮川健

    全国数学教育学会 第47回研究発表会 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • Implementing multidisciplinary study and research paths in Japanese lower secondary school teaching

    Kuzuoka, K, Miyakawa, T

    6th International Conference on the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic  (Autran, France) 

    Presentation date: 2018.01

  • Infrastructure paradidactique pour développer et partager les connaissances des enseignants en mathématiques : une étude de cas des travaux hors la classe

    Takeshi Miyakawa  [Invited]

    Séminaire LDAR  (Paris, France)  LDAR, Université Paris Diderot

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • 世界探究パラダイムに基づくSRPにおける主体的な活動~「世界人口総和問題」を題材にした中学校での実践を通して~

    葛岡賢二, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第50回秋期研究大会 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 高等学校数学科課題学習における SRP の生息可能性~黄金比を題材とした授業実践を通して~

    竹内元宏, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第50回秋期研究大会 

    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 教科横断型SRPにおける数学的な探究 ~「世界人口総和問題」を題材にした中学校での実践の分析~

    葛岡賢二, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • 中学校関数領域における教科横断型授業の実践 ~「世界人口総和問題」を題材にしたSRP~

    葛岡賢二, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第5回春期研究大会 

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • 高等学校数学科課題学習におけるSRPの可能性~黄金比を題材とした実践を通して~

    竹内元宏, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第5回春期研究大会 

    Presentation date: 2017.06

  • Evolution of proof form in Japanese geometry textbooks

    Cousin, M, Miyakawa, T

    10th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education.  (Dublin) 

    Presentation date: 2017.02

  • 大学生による不等式の捉え方について~学習困難性の一要因~

    坂岡昌子, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2017.01

  • 中学校関数領域における世界探究パラダイムに基づいた教科横断型授業 ~「世界人口総和問題」の検討を通して~

    葛岡賢二, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2017.01

  • 高等学校数学科課題学習におけるSRPの可能性

    竹内元宏, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2017.01

  • 不等式学習の困難性についての研究-大学生へのインタビュー調査を通して-

    坂岡昌子, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会第49回秋期研究大会  (弘前大学) 

    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 数学の授業における創発の生起と展開に関する研究 -授業というダイナミックな仕組み,意図的な仕掛けとの関係-

    岩崎浩, 宮川健, 松沢要一, 久保田和好, 渋木美知子, 花岡瞳美, 坂岡昌子


    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Curriculum development in the teaching of mathematical proof at the secondary schools in Japan

    T. Mizoguchi, H. Iwasaki, S. Kunimune, H. Hamanaka, T. Miyakawa, Y. Shinno, Y. Suginomoto, K. Otaki

    (Hambourg / Germany)  ICME-13

    Presentation date: 2016.07

  • 世界探究パラダイムに基づくSRPにおける論証活動 (2) ~電卓を用いた実践を通して~

    濵中裕明, 大滝孝治, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • 世界探究パラダイムに基づくSRPにおける論証活動 (1) ~理論的考察を通して~

    宮川健, 濵中裕明, 大滝孝治


    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • 不等式の性格と学校数学での扱いープラクセオロジーの視点からー

    坂岡昌子, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • 空間図形領域における中学生の角の捉え方と困難性ーコンセプションの視点からー

    三ツ間伸太朗, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2016.01

  • 三次元空間における角についての中学生のコンセプション

    三ツ間伸太朗, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • PME39における証明研究+α



    Presentation date: 2015.11

  • Le « school-based » développement professionnel des enseignants en mathématiques: deux pratiques collectives en Europe et au Japon

    Takeshi Miyakawa, Birgit Pepin  [Invited]

    18e école d'été de Didactique des Mathématiques  (Brest, France)  ARDM

    Presentation date: 2015.08

  • 日本の地域の教員研修 【特別企画】日本型数学教育の反省的記述を目指して



    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 空間における角の性格に起因する学習者の困難性~質問紙調査の結果から~

    三ツ間伸太朗, 宮川健


    Presentation date: 2015.06

  • 見取図における空間図形の把握の複雑さについて

    三ツ間伸太朗, 五十嵐慶太, 宮川健

    日本数学教育学会 第47回秋期研究大会  日本数学教育学会

    Presentation date: 2014.11

  • 標本の大きさに関する問題における確率的・統計的思考―病院の問題を例に―

    五十嵐 慶太, 宮川 健

    全国数学教育学会第39回研究発表会  (広島大学)  全国数学教育学会

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • 中等教育を一貫する数学的活動に基づく論証指導カリキュラムの開発研究:局所的組織化を捉える理論的枠組みの設定

    真野 祐輔, 宮川 健, 岩崎 秀樹, 國宗 進, 溝口 達也, 石井 英真, 阿部 好貴

    全国数学教育学会第39回研究発表会  (広島大学)  全国数学教育学会

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • 教授工学の視点からみた理論と実践の往還―三角形の決定条件を事例に―

    中村 圭貴, 宮川 健

    全国数学教育学会第39回研究発表会  (広島大学)  全国数学教育学会

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • Comparative study on proof in geometry: an analysis of textbooks of France, USA, and Japan

    Takeshi Miyakawa

    ICME-12  (Seoul) 

    Presentation date: 2012.07

  • Didactics of Mathematics in France : Its Scientific Development

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi  [Invited]

    数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌 

    Presentation date: 2011.06

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 数学科教師教育における教材開発原理の活用とその検証:協働型探究活動に焦点を当てて

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    小松 孝太郎, 中川 裕之, 真野 祐輔, 辻山 洋介, 濱中 裕明, 宮川 健, 村田 翔吾

  • 世界探究パラダイムに基づいた新しい教師教育の展開

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    宮川 健, 濱中 裕明, 川添 充, 吉川 昌慶, 大滝 孝治, 袴田 綾斗

  • International Comparative Study on the Influences of Ordinary Language in Mathematical Argumentation in Mathematics Classrooms

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))

    Project Year :


  • 数学教師のメチエ(仕事・専門性):日本・スイス・スウェーデンの国際比較を通して

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的研究(萌芽)

    Project Year :


    宮川 健, 大滝 孝治

     View Summary


  • 学校数学における協働型探究活動を促進する教材の開発原理の構築と検証

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    小松 孝太郎, 中川 裕之, 真野 祐輔, 辻山 洋介, 宮川 健, 濱中 裕明

     View Summary


  • A cultural-anthropological study on argumentation and proof throughout the secondary mathematics education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • Development of methods for the assessment of non-cognitive skills specific to subject content and activities in academic achievement theory in subject pedagogy.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    SHIMIZU Shizumi

     View Summary

    "The aim of this study was to develop an assessment method for non-cognitive skills specific to subject content and activities. To achieve this aim, the concept of non-cognitive skills was defined based on the five characteristic factors (BIG FIVE). Next, in order to develop an assessment method in line with the characteristics of the subject, we then focused on the non-cognitive skills specific to the content and activities of the subject and set up a theoretical framework by combining the three aspects of the Courses of Study goal "the ability towards learning and humanity" and the five characteristic factors of non-cognitive skills. A framework was set up.
    Based on this framework, questionnaires for teachers' evaluation were developed in line with the scale development method, a social survey was conducted, and based on the analysis process, an optimal multiple regression model was determined and a method for multi-layering the evaluation judged by teachers in the survey was found."

  • Viability of the mathematics teaching based on the paradigm of questioning the world in Japanese secondary school

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Miyakawa Takeshi

     View Summary

    The aim of this project is to study the characteristics and viability of the mathematics teaching based on the paradigm of questioning the world (called SRP) in Japanese secondary school. In SRP, students can use anything they need (such as internet and books) and study mathematics as necessary in order to construct an answer to a given question, like the researcher's inquiry process. Through four years of project period, we carried out several teaching experiments in various schooling levels, from elementary school to university, and in different formats (e.g., mono- or multi-discipline, long or short terms). The analyses of data allowed us to reveal the positive aspects as well as the challenges for implementing SRP in Japan. We could also disseminate our results through different international and national conferences and journals.

  • Universal Designing of Explorative Curriculum and Evaluation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Iwanaga Yasuo

     View Summary

    This study showed the following results; 1) the conception of non-cognitive skills special to contents/activities of a subject, 2) the methods for assessing non-cognitive skills raised by curriculum of explorative proving in school mathematics, 3) the universal design of specifying the teachers’ assessment methods. Concerning 2), we developed the models of teachers’ assessment on the contents in junior high school mathematics statistically. Concerning 3), we adopted the methods to develop the models of teachers’ assessment to UK teachers, and specified the problems to be solved accompanying with designing the method universal.

  • グローバル教員育成のためのプロジェクト型国際交流プログラム における学生の学び

    上越教育大学  平成29年度上越教育大学研究プロジェクト

    Project Year :



  • Mathematics teacher learning in different settings of teacher training(Fostering Joint International Research)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Miyakawa Takeshi, TROUCHE Luc

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    This international collaborative research project is based on the previous study on the mathematics teacher learning in different settings of teachers' collective work. Through my one-year stay in the French Institute of Education of ENS de Lyon in France and the collaboration with the international researchers of the institute, I collected the data of teachers' collective work in various settings in France, and investigated the role of such collective work on the one hand and the conditions that makes such collective work viable in outside or inside school and the constraints that hinder it on the other. During my stay in France, I could carry out very fruitful research activities -- not only the collaboration with the researchers of the institute, but also several invited lectures, evaluation committee of PhD dissertation, another collaborative research project with Swiss team, etc. -- which allowed me to expand my international network of mathematics education research.

  • 教科教育カリキュラム構想のための基礎的研究-「21世紀を生き抜くための能力」の「思考力」と教科固有の見方・考え方の観点から-

    上越教育大学  平成28年度上越教育大学研究プロジェクト

    Project Year :



  • 「協働リフレクション」を軸とした算数・数学科における互恵的学習場の解明とそれに基づくアクティブ・ラーニングの教材及び授業方法の開発研究

    上越教育大学  平成27年度上越教育大学研究プロジェクト

    Project Year :



  • 学会による日本型数学教育の国際的発信を目指した基盤研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A))

    Project Year :


    植田 敦三

  • 日本の数学教師の専門的知識の資料化

    日本学術振興会  外国人研究者再招へい事業

    Project Year :


    Carl Winslow

  • Research on curriculum development of mathematical proof by networking mathematical activities within and between the domains consistent in secondary education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this research as a whole is to build a theoretical framework for teaching of mathematical proof consistent in secondary education and develop a curriculum of this domain based on mathematical activities with using the framework. The main outcomes of this research are described in accordance with the following four working topics: ① analysing of earlier researches on mathematical proof;②clarifying the idea of teaching mathematical proof consistent in secondary education; ③ establishing a framework for networking mathematical activities within and between the domains for curriculum development; ④ developing some didactic situations based on mathematical activities.
    In addition, an international seminar was held with foreign researchers, and some research results were published in a distinguished international journal in mathematics education.

  • Development of Teaching Method based on Curriculum of Explorative Proving and their Verification by Scientific Evidence

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Shimizu Shizumi

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    In order to develop teaching methods based on the curriculum of explorative proving and verify their effect in lower secondary education, this study firstly defined the concept of teaching methods based on the curriculum of explorative proving as follows: the methods for realizing the shifts of learning levels in the frameworks for developing the curriculum of explorative proving. Next, according to each framework of four domains of lower secondary school mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Function, Data Handling), domain-specific teaching methods were developed, and their effects and limitations were clarified.

  • International Project on Mathematics Education for Future Development under the Globalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ISODA Masami

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    UN set sustainable development goals (SDGs) as new issues. ASEAN Community has formulated the 7 priority areas for education and launched education reform for the first five years. The purpose of this research is to promote the development of teaching materials that will bring up children with future-building skills. A conflicting society can be overcame by using unknown variable, the future target of manipulation of potential relationships and plausible reasoning. Mathematical and statistical methods are essential for creating future scenarios. The research engaged teaching material development related to functional future prediction based on causality and future prediction based on probable reasoning, and lesson study with each country to develop the teaching material. On the APEC meetings, the research widely influenced the results to the world.

  • The evolution of geometrical proof in Japanese secondary schools since Meiji era

    Project Year :


    Takeshi Miyakawa

  • 中等教育を一貫する論証カリキュラム開発のためのモデル教材設計

    全国数学教育学会  平成27年度 ヒラバヤシ基金研究助成

    Project Year :



  • Mathematics teacher learning in professional development: the cases of teachers' local meetings and professional degree programme

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Miyakawa Takeshi, WINSLOW Carl

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    The aim of this research project is to advance understanding on the characteristics and the roles of two different settings for mathematics teachers professional development, the local or regional meetings for mathematics teachers on the one hand and the professional degree programme in the university on the other. The analyses of data collected in the two settings imply that teachers' collective work is not enough to develop theoretical knowledge on teaching and the resource provided to the teachers from outside plays a crucial role. Further, we specifies that it is the Japanese paradidactic infrastructure including lesson studies that allows different teacher learning.

  • Development and Feasibility of Curriculum for Explorative explanation based on Scientific Evidences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWANAGA Yasuo

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    This study firstly defined explorative explanations as activities produced by the interactions among generating propositions (planning/construction), generating explanations (planning/construction), examining/improving/advancing. Next, in all of four content areas of junior high school mathematics (“Number and Expression”, “Geometry”, “Function”, “Handling data”), four kinds of curriculum frameworks corresponding to these areas were developed with reference to the characteristics of explanation peculiar to each area. By applying these frameworks, tables connecting contents with activities along with National curriculum of Japan. Finally, the series of lessons based on the tables were planned and implemented, the feasibility of these curricula was confirmed, and research problems worthy to approach are identified.

  • A Developmental Study on Curriculum of Argumentation Teaching Based on Mathematical Activity throughout Secondary Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    IWASAKI Hideki, KUNIMUNE Susumu, MIZOGUCHI Tatsuya, MIYAKAWA Takeshi, ISHII Terumasa, ABE Yoshitaka, SHINNO Yusuke

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    In this research project aims at creating theoretical foundations of teaching mathematical proof and argumentation for the sake of curriculum development based on the mathematical activities throughout secondary schools. The research outcome is that we constructed a theoretical framework for curriculum development in the teaching mathematical proof by means of the idea of “local organization” introduced by Freudenthal and the idea of “mathematical theorem” proposed by Mariotti et al. In terms of this framework, we considered the mathematics curriculum and developed a teaching unit at the secondary school level. We also organized a thematic study group at the spring conference of Japan Society of Mathematical Education in June 2014, and made research presentations with regard to the objective of the curriculum development, a teaching unit as a model, mathematical activities through the unit, and curriculum assessment and literacy.

  • Developing multilingual systems for supporting proof learning to improve the international learning situation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MATSUOKA Yasushi, MIYAZAKI Mikio, DU Wei, MIYAKAWA Takeshi

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    The purpose of this study is to develop multilingual (English / Chinese) systems available internationally for supporting the proof learning in order to improve the international learning situation of proof. To achieve this purpose, for the Japanese version of the already developed, with the addition of video content of manipulative demonstrations and the implementation of the functions to register the users, incorporating the content in Teacher's Guide book already. On the basis of these outcomes, referring to the curriculum and textbooks of Chinese and English-speaking countries, we have developed the Chinese version and English version of proof learning support system.

  • Comparative study on the ecology of proof in school mathematics through the analysis of mathematics textbooks and national curricula of Japan, France, and USA

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

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    The aim of this study is to explore the ecology of proof in school mathematics of three different countries: France, US, and Japan. Through the analysis of mathematics textbooks and national curricula, I identified first several differences in the forms of proof and the functions of proof, and second different elements (conditions and constraints) that result in these natures of proof. In particular, I have shown that the "raisons d'etre" of proof, that is the reason why the proof is necessary in mathematics, are different in France and in Japan.

  • Mathematics Lesson in Japan : focusing on the state of knowledge in mathematical activity

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(若手研究(スタートアップ), 研究活動スタート支援)

    Project Year :


    Takeshi MIYAKAWA, ヴィンシュロウ カール

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    The study explores the nature of mathematical knowledge emerging during the activity in Japanese mathematics lesson. I show, as a result of the analysis of a concrete example, that the mathematical knowledge at stake in the lesson is formed as a result of the interaction with teacher's knowledge of different levels such as on the policy of institution, on the mathematical contents of textbook, on the method of interaction with students, etc. The result points out the necessity of understanding teacher's perception on the mathematical activity in order to better understand the state of knowledge during the activity. The study also identifies different states of knowledge taken into consideration in the descriptions of what is called "mathematical activity" in Japanese course of study and in previous research works in Japan.

  • Development of Exhibition on Mathematics for Science Museum

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


    Masami ISODA, 宮川 健, 清水 静海, 小川 義和, 田中 二郎, 長崎 栄三, 小原 豊, 佐々木 建昭

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    Higher goal of this study is to develop the mathematics teaching materials which can be used in the world effectively. Specifically, the purpose is to arouse the desire to learn mathematics, to make use of the system of exhibition or educative system of the scientific museum as the institution to provide an opportunity to learn more deeply, to develop the mathematical exhibition and experiment materials for the scientific museums and to provide the concrete hands-on program of education on mathematical. With the cooperation of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Education Board of Ushiku city, Education Board of Tsukuba city, Kasukabe High School of Saitama Prefecture and Omiya High School of Saitama Prefecture, we did case development of the mathematical exhibition and experiment materials for the scientific museums for three years. The accumulated cases sorted by the field are as following six areas: (1) mathematical perspective, (2) mathematical transformations, (3) mathematical mechanism, (4) mathematical music scales, (5) mathematical measurement, (6) others. The developed products feature is to be able to learn various things not depending on the school year or the stage school. The report shows the case examples. The developed materials got a lot of attentions both domestic and international. Within Japan, it had attracted attention in the points of the connection and collaboration of elementary school and junior high school, the connection and collaboration of junior high school and high school, and the connection and collaboration of high school and university. Therefore we were requested of the publication of the case study book for the walk-in lesson. In the mathematical transformations, we developed the software and it can be viewed on the WEB. Outside of Japan, we realized the invited speaker at international conferences twice (South Korea, Hong Kong), and once the entire speech (Taiwan), a study presentation (Rome) and two courses abroad (Philippines, Honduras), Especially in the International Conference of the International Committee of Mathematics Education on the 100th anniversary, we watched the linage of the historical development of teaching materials in Europe. Also, we did the investigation about the way to present effectively. In the Philippines and Honduras the developed software will be used. By showing the product on the WEB, we realized the development of mathematical exhibition materials that are useful in the various situations as we expected. We are asked that they want to make use of the products in SHH and SPP. The exhibition in a museum is the future challenge, but the products have already been able to utilize in the educational field.

  • 関数グラフソフトGRAPESを用いた数学学習のメカニズムの解明へ向けて

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))

    Project Year :


    宮川 健

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  • 数学オリンピック上位国と我が国との数学に秀でた生徒の育成方略に関する比較研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究)

    Project Year :


    礒田 正美, 宮川 健, 清水 静海, 渡邊 公夫, 長岡 亮介, 飯高 茂

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  • 代数・幾何・微積分の動的理解を促す「使える数学」教材サイトの開発に関する研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(特定領域研究)

    Project Year :


    礒田 正美, 宮川 健, 小原 豊

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  • 数学教育におけるアーギュメンテーションの国際比較研究に向けた理論的枠組み

    宮川 健

    日本科学教育学会年会論文集   47   237 - 238  2023

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    Ryoto Hakamata, Fiene Bredow, Christine Knipping, Takeshi Miyakawa, Yusuke Shinno

    Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education   4   221  2022

  • 算数教育における主体的な探究型学習ー研究者の活動をモデルにしたSRPの授業実践を通してー

    柳民範, 宮川健

    日本科学教育学会研究報告   34 ( 5 ) 41 - 44  2020.03


  • 高等学校における数学科と情報科の教科横断型探究の実践ー研究者の探究をモデルとしたSRPを拠り所にー

    根津雄一, 宮川健

    日本科学教育学会研究報告   34 ( 5 ) 45 - 48  2020.03


  • 教授人間学理論における論証と探究

    宮川 健, 濵中 裕明, 大滝 孝治

    日本科学教育学会年会論文集   44   191 - 194  2020

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    本研究における主たる問いは,論証もしくは証明がその必要性から‘自然’に発生してくるような探 究はどのようなもののだろうか,探究における論証の位置づけはいかなるものであろうか,といったものである. この問いに答えるため,本稿では,「教授人間学理論」で提起されている「世界探究パラダイム」と呼ばれる指導 観に基づいた探究活動における論証もしくは証明の位置づけを検討する.この探究活動は,問いや疑問を追究し, 答えを作り出すために,インターネットや文献など使えるものは何でも用い,必要なものは必要に応じて学習す るといった研究者の探究をモデルとするものである.具体的には,ATD の諸概念についての理論的な検討,およ び探究の具体的事例の検討を通して,探究における論証が,主に,方法を追求する上で既存の回答を理解するこ と,自らの回答の正しさを他者に示すことに生じうることを示す.

    DOI CiNii

  • 「数学をする」ということ-近年の数学教育学研究の動向から-


    みんなで創る愉しい算数・数学の授業     30 - 31  2017.06

  • 科学としての数学教育学


    教科内容構成特論「算数・数学」     127 - 152  2017.03

  • 教授学的転置の25年

    M. ボスク, J. ガスコン, 大滝孝治, 宮川健

    上越数学教育研究   32   105 - 118  2017.03

  • 国際学会による若手研究者の育成機会の現状と展望:数学教育学の場合

    真野祐輔, 溝口達也, 宮川健, 大滝孝治

    日本科学教育学会研究会研究報告   32 ( 5 ) 51 - 54  2017

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    本稿では,数学教育学研究者を取り巻く状況から,国際学会による若手研究者の育成機会の現状と展望を共有することを目的とし,わが国における若手研究者育成に関する議論の一助としたい。近年,国際学会による若手研究者の育成機会は多様化してきている。本稿では,それらを5 つの型(ワークショップ型,レクチャー型,セミナー型,国際ジャーナル投稿支援型,サマースクール型)に整理して紹介するとともに,今後のわが国の若手研究者育成に対する示唆を述べる。


  • 明日の社会における数学指導-来たるべきカウンタ-パラダイムの弁護-

    Y. シュバラール, 大滝孝治, 宮川健

    上越数学教育研究   31   73 - 87  2016.03

  • 「数学の国」フランス(!?)における数学教育


    数研出版 チャート.Info No. 6     1 - 4  2014.08

  • 座右の書 Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics


    明治図書 教育科学数学教育,8月号     108 - 109  2014.08

  • Didactics of Mathematics in France : Its Scientific Development

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Research in mathematics education : journal of JASME   18 ( 1 ) 119 - 123  2012


  • Introducing the Unit with Comparison : Difference and Construction of Units

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education. Mathematical education   92 ( 12 ) "72 - 73"-"144-145"  2010.12


  • 1B1-E2 Toward a theoretical framework for assessment of mathematical knowledge and competences in proving

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

      34 ( 0 ) 77 - 80  2010.09

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 1B2-G3 Specificity of Proof in School Mathematics

    MIYAKAWA Takeshi

      32 ( 0 ) 155 - 156  2008.08


  • 1E1-K3 Development of e-Learning Contents with ICT in Informatics Focused on secondary level software training(English Session)

    BANJAC Olivera, MIYAKAWA Takeshi, YAHARA Hiroki, ISODA Masami

      30   263 - 264  2006.08


  • Development of Learning Contents with ICT on Mathematics and Informatics

    PJANIC Karmelita, MINDOLJEVIC Valentina, PETKOVIC Ljubomir, MIYAKAWA Takeshi, ISODA Masami

      29   601 - 602  2005.08


  • 8J5-21 Lesson Study Approach For Educational Cooperation

    ISODA Masami, OHARA Yutaka, MIYAKAWA Takeshi

      28 ( 0 ) 313 - 314  2004.07


  • 講演記録 数構成の問題--ピアジェ心理学における部分・全体関係

    Parrat-Dayan Silvia, 宮川 健

    筑波数学教育研究   0 ( 21 ) 93 - 98  2002


  • ミスコンセプションの解消にテクノロジーがどう寄与するか : CBLやCDAを用いたその実践(15.CBL/CDAによる指導法の開発,口頭発表の部)

    宮川 健

    数学教育論文発表会論文集   29 ( 0 ) 653 - 654  1996.11


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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本の算数授業の構造についてのスイスとの国際共同研究


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    本研究は,これまでに実施してきたスイスとの国際共同研究をさらに発展させるものである.本研究課題は2020年度から2021年度にかけて進めてきたものである(途中,コロナ禍による中断期間あり).主な研究活動は,これまでに収集したデータの分析を進め,国際会議や国際学術誌に成果発表をすることであった.本研究に関わり,2020年度には国際学術誌に二本の論文が掲載され,その内の一本については ESM という数学教育学分野のトップジャーナルであった.2021年度は,ハイブリッドで開催された第14回数学教育世界会議 (ICME-14) で成果発表するとともに,成果を国際学術誌で発表するための論文執筆を進め,一本が投稿中,もう一本が執筆中である.

  • リソースを通して国際比較の視点から算数・数学教師の仕事を問い直す


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    本研究の目的は,算数・数学教師が授業の準備や教員研修の活動などで用いる様々な資料(リソース)を通して,国際比較の視点から教師の仕事を理解し問い直すことである.これは,これまでにフランス・リヨン高等師範学校と進めてきた国際共同研究をさらに発展させようとするものである.2019年度は,これまでに進めてきた共同研究を継続すること,本研究テーマに関わって新たな方向性を見いだすことを主眼とした.具体的には,共同研究者の進めるリソースに関する多国語プロジェクトに参加するとともに,ポルトガル・リスボンで開催された「数学教師の協働」をテーマとしたICMI Study 25という国際会議に参加し,研究を進める上での理論的枠組みについて検討した.

  • 数学授業の国際共同デザインにおける学生教員のリソース

    2019   Stephane CLIVAZ

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