Updated on 2025/03/13


BANCHI, Yoshihiro
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering
Job title
Assistant Professor(non-tenure-track)

Research Areas

  • Human interface and interaction


  • Evaluating user experience of different angle VR images

    Yoshihiro Banchi, Takashi Kawai

    IS and T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology   2021 ( 2 )  2021

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    This paper describes a comparison of user experience of virtual reality (VR) image angles. 7 angles conditions are prepared and evaluated the user experience during viewing VR images with a headset by measuring subjective and objective indexes. Angle conditions were every 30 degrees from 180 to 360 degrees. From the results of the subjective indexes (reality, presence, and depth sensation), a 360-degree image was evaluated highest, and different evaluations were made between 240 and 270 degrees. In addition, from the results of the objective indexes (eye and head tracking), a tendency to spread the eye and head movement was found as the image angle increases.



  • Evaluating user experience of 180 and 360 degree images

    Yoshihiro Banchi, Keisuke Yoshikawa, Takashi Kawai

    IS and T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology   2020 ( 2 )  2020.01

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    This paper describes a comparison of user experience of virtual reality (VR) image format. The authors prepared the following four conditions and evaluated the user experience during viewing VR images with a headset by measuring subjective and objective indices
    Condition 1: monoscopic 180-degree image, Condition 2: stereoscopic 180-degree image, Condition 3: monoscopic 360-degree image, Condition 4: stereoscopic 360-degree image. From the results of the subjective indices (reality, presence, and depth sensation), condition 4 was evaluated highest, and conditions 2 and 3 were evaluated to the same extent. In addition, from the results of the objective indices (eye and head tracking), a tendency to suppress head movement was found in 180-degree images.



  • Effects of binocular parallax in 360-degree VR images on viewing behavior

    Yoshihiro Banchi, Keisuke Yoshikawa, Takashi Kawai

    IS and T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology   2019 ( 3 )  2019.01

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    The purpose of this research is to clarify the effects of binocular parallax in 360-degree images. Specifically, we measured and analyzed gazes during viewing stimuli for 60 seconds with different parallax distributions. The parallax distributions were four types of all 2D / all 3D / left and right 3D / front and back 3D. From the results, it was suggested that disparity distributions changed the viewing behavior with the passage of time, and even if parallax is added to a part of the image, the subjective stereoscopic effect increased. From these facts, it is suggested that there is effective 3D representation in the 360-degree images.



  • Effects of Chair swiveling on User experience During Viewing 360-Degree Images Using a Head-mounted Display

    Banchi Yoshihiro, Yoshikawa Keisuke, Kawai Takashi

    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan   23 ( 3 ) 217 - 227  2018

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    <p>The authors examined the effects of chair swiveling with the psycho-physiological effects of viewing short segments of 360° videos using a head-mounted display (HMD) in terms of the type of content. Twenty participants viewed 360° videos with varying features using an eye-tracking HMD consisting of a smartphone fitted in a case containing optics. Ten participants were seated on a swivel chair and the others on a fixed one. Objective indexes on gaze and body rotation and subjective indexes on simulator sickness, emotional reaction and immersion were measured. It was found that the features of content, especially camera motion, affect psychological effects like discomfort and observation behavior, and chair swiveling affects the behavior looking around, the reception of visual information and emotional response. It turns out that the rotating chair, which is easy to think that it supports the action the user sees, does not necessarily contribute to the user experience.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Scalable Conversion and User Experience of Viewing Immersive Stereoscopic Images using a Smartphone

    Banchi Yoshihiro, Morikawa Hiroyuki, Kawai Takashi

    The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers   72 ( 11 ) J201 - J207  2018

    DOI CiNii


  • G6-2 Behavioral and psychological effects by short time viewing 360 videos using a HMD

    Banchi Yoshihiro, Tsukada Shota, Yoshikawa Keisuke, Kawai Takashi

    The Japanese journal of ergonomics   53 ( 2 ) S600 - S603  2017

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    <p>The authors examined the psycho-physiological effects of viewing short segments of 360° videos using a head-mounted display (HMD) in terms of the type of content and the viewing environment. Twenty participants viewed 360° videos with varying features using an eye-tracking HMD consisting of a smartphone fitted in a case containing optics. Ten participants were seated on a swivel chair and the others on a fixed one. As objective indexes, changes in the direction of gaze and body rotation (shoulder and head) were measured during viewing. As subjective indexes, motion sickness, emotional reaction and presence and immersion were measured. The results of the objective indexes showed that gaze tended to focus on the center of the screen when there was more camera motion. Further, chair swiveling increased head motion and horizontal eye movement. Results of the subjective indexes showed that the content type affected subjective symptoms of sickness and emotional arousal. Furthermore, chair swiveling augmented these symptoms and decreased the arousal level. In conclusion, it is suggested that the behavioral and psychological responses of viewing short segments of 360° videos using an HMD are affected by both the characteristics of the content being viewed and the viewing environment.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Analysis of User Behavior Characteristics During Viewing 360-Degree Images Using a Simple Head-Mounted Display

    Tsukada Shota, Hasegawa Yusuke, Banchi Yoshihiro, Morikawa Hiroyuki, Kawai Takashi

    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan   21 ( 4 ) 595 - 603  2016

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    <p>In this study, the authors examined behavioral characteristics during viewing 360-degree (360) images by measuring time-series change of body part rotations. In the experiment, two conditions were prepared. First was the HMD condition which a simple head-mounted display using a smartphone was used, and second was the LCD condition which a LC display with similar viewing angle was used. Four types of still images with different number of gaze targets were presented as the experimental stimuli. Under the two experimental conditions, body part rotations of the participants and subjective indexes on motion sickness and visual fatigue were measured and analyzed. From the results of the experiment, the authors found a common tendency of the late and peak in the time series rotation of body parts. The authors discussed further results of the experiment in terms of the basic tendencies of behavioral changes by viewing 360 images.</p>

    DOI CiNii

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  • Examination of ergonomic data augmentation technology using deep learning

    BANCHI Yoshihiro, TOMINO Nagakazu, YAMAGATA Tomohiro, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2021

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  • Evaluation and estimation of discomfort by physiological indexes during continuous work with Mixed Reality systems (2)

    Banchi Yoshihiro, Suzuki Shion, Tsuchiya Kento, Hirose Masato, Takahashi Ryu, Yamashita Riku, Kawai Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Evaluation and estimation of discomfort by physiological indexes during continuous work with Mixed Reality systems (1)

    Takahashi Ryu, Suzuki Shion, Tsuchiya Kento, Hirose Masato, Yamashita Riku, Banchi Yoshihiro, Kawai Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2021

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  • Estimation of motion sickness in automated vehicles using deep learning

    Kawai T., Banchi Y., Kashiwa T., Kuzu M., Takenaga T., Nakamura S., Yamashita R., Tsuchiya K.

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • Psycho-physiological effects by game play using a mixed reality headset

    BANCHI Yoshihiro, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2020

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  • 1F3-4 Evaluation of user experience while viewing 180-degree images using a HMD

    YOSHIKAWA Keisuke, BANCHI Yoshihiro, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 1F3-5 A basic study on time evaluation during virtual reality experience

    BANCHI Yoshihiro, YOSHIKAWA Keisuke, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2019

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  • 1F3-7 Evaluation of automated driving experience using VR simulation

    KAWAI Takashi, IGARASHI Toshifumi, BANCHI Yoshihiro, MOCHIZUKI Kenta, TSUCHIYA Kento

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • 1A4-3 Behavioral analysis while viewing 360-degree images using a HMD (2)

    YOSHIKAWA Keisuke, BANCHI Yoshihiro, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2018

    Event date:
  • 1A4-2 Behavioral Analysis while viewing 360-degree images using a HMD (1)

    BANCHI Yoshihiro, YOSHIKAWA Keisuke, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2018

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  • 1F4-3 Scalability and user experience in viewing a simple head-mounted display using a smartphone

    BANCHI Yoshihiro, TSUKADA Shota, HASEGAWA Yusuke, MORIKAWA Hiroyuki, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2016

    Event date:
  • 1F4-2 Analysis of user behavior during viewing 360-degree virtual reality images

    TSUKADA Shota, HASEGAWA Yusuke, BANCHI Yoshihiro, MORIKAWA Hiroyuki, KAWAI Takashi

    The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  Japan Ergonomics Society

    Presentation date: 2016

    Event date:
  • Effect of inter lenses distance of simple HMD using a smartphone on fusional limit in stereo vision

    TAKAHASHI Suguru, BANCHI Yoshihiro, TSUKADA Shota, HASEGAWA Yusuke, MORIKAWA Hiroyuki, OHTA Keiji, KAWAI Takashi

    PROCEEDINGS OF THE ITE WINTER ANNUAL CONVENTION  The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers

    Presentation date: 2015

    Event date:

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    In this study investigated the effect of the frame design of a simple smartphone HMD on the stereoscopic visionand considered the design requirements for comfortable viewing environment. The results showed a trend that the fusionallimit becomes nearer in a simple HMD.

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • XRにおける視覚的ユーザビリティ評価


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  • XRにおける人間工学データ拡張技術の検討


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  • クロスリアリティに関する基礎的な人間工学的研究


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  • VR映像のグループ視聴がユーザ体験に及ぼす影響


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  • VR空間におけるルームスケール・インタラクションがユーザ体験に与える影響


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  • バーチャルリアリティ空間における快適な移動表現に関する人間工学的検討


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