Research Experience
Waseda University School of Commerce
Osaka Sangyo University Faculty of Economics
Kyoto University Faculty of Economics
日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD)
Details of a Researcher
Updated on 2025/03/12
Waseda University School of Commerce
Osaka Sangyo University Faculty of Economics
Kyoto University Faculty of Economics
日本学術振興会 特別研究員(PD)
大阪大学大学院 経済学研究科
Shizuoka University
Association of Behavioral and Finance
Nippon Finance Association
Japanese Economic Association
The Operations Research Society of Japan
Behavioral Economics and Finance
Economics of Uncertainty
Financial Economics
Portfolio allocation problems between risky and ambiguous assets
Osaki Yusuke
Annals of Operations Research 2019.12 [Refereed]
The willingness to pay for health improvements under comorbidity ambiguity
Osaki Yusuke
Journal of Health Economics 66 91 - 100 2019.07 [Refereed]
Regret-sensitive treatment decisions
Yoichiro Fujii, Yusuke Osaki
Health Economic Review 8 ( 14 ) 2018.08 [Refereed]
Hedging and the competitive firm under ambiguous price and background risk
Yusuke Osaki, Kit Pong Wong, Long Yi
Bulletin of Economic Research 69 ( 4 ) E1 - E11 2017.10 [Refereed]
An economics premium principle under the smooth ambiguity aversion
Osaki YusukeYoichiro Fujii, Hideki Iwaki, Yusuke Osaki
Astin Bulletin 47 ( 3 ) 787 - 801 2017.09 [Refereed]
OSAKI Yusuke
Osaka Sangyo University journal of economics 17 ( 2 ) 127 - 140 2016.03 [Refereed]
A Theoretical Consideration on Firm's Production and Heding Strategy
IWAKI Hideki, OSAKI Yusuke
Osaka Sangyo University journal of economics 16 ( 1/2 ) 37 - 45 2015.03 [Refereed]
Portfolio choice and ambiguous background risk
Osaki YusukeYusuke Osaki, Harris Schlesinger
Working Paper, University of Alabama 2014.10
Higher-order Risk Aversion and its Intensities
OGAWA Kazuhito, OSAKI Yusuke, GOTO Tatsuya
Osaka Sangyo University journal of economics 15 ( 2/3 ) 75 - 88 2014.06 [Refereed]
Precautionary saving and ambiguity
Yusuke Osaki, Harris Schlesinger
The effect of uncertainty on saving : Theoretical examination of precautionary saving
OSAKI Yusuke, FUJII Yoichiro
Osaka Sangyo University journal of economics 15 ( 1 ) 31 - 43 2014.03 [Refereed]
An optimal life insurance policy in the continuous-time investment-consumption problem
Hideki Iwaki, Yusuke Osaki
Journal of Mathematical Finance 3 ( 2 ) 291 - 306 2013.05 [Refereed]
Noise risk and derivative price
Yusuke Osaki
Annual Research Bulletin of Osaka Sangyo University 5 33 - 43 2013.03 [Refereed]
The Effect of Regression Dependent Background Risk on Asset Prices
OSAKI Yusuke
Osaka Sangyo University journal of economics 14 ( 2 ) 197 - 205 2013.03 [Refereed]
Production and hedging decisions under smooth ambiguity aversion
Hideki Iwaki, Yusuke Osaki
SSRN Working Paper 2146577 2012.03
Optimal accounting policies under financial constraints: Aggressive versus conservative
Masatomo Akita, Yusuke Osaki
Economics Bulletin 31 ( 4 ) 3179 - 3191 2011.12 [Refereed]
A local index of risk apportionment
Yusuke Osaki
SSRN Working Paper 1803900 2011.04
Comparative risk aversion under background risk revisited
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
Economics Research International 2010 2010.12 [Refereed]
The monotonicity of asset prices with changes in risk
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
Economics, Management and Financial Markets 2 ( 1 ) 50 - 60 2007.03 [Refereed]
Studies on comparative statics of economic and financial decisions
Yusuke Osaki
Osaka University 2006.09 [Refereed]
A note on sufficient conditions of cross risk vulnerability
Yusuke Osaki
Disussion Papers in Econmics and Business 06-17, Osaka University 2006.06
Dependent background risks and asset prices
Yusuke Osaki
Economics Bulletin 4 ( 8 ) 1 - 8 2005.12 [Refereed]
The comparative statics of equilibrium derivative prices
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
RIMS Kokyuroku 1457 1 - 10 2005
Stock sale induced by anxiety in the face of risk
Osaki Yusuke
NFA 27th Annual Conference
Presentation date: 2019.06
Reciprocity is Different: Experimental Evidence from Trust Game between Japanese Domestic and International Students
Osaki Yusuke
The 22nd Experimental Social Science Conference
Presentation date: 2018.12
Mixed insurance as an optimal policy under rejoicing sensitivity
Yoichiro Fujii, Mahito Okura, Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2017.09
Mixed insurance as an optimal policy under rejoicing sensitivity
Yoichiro Fujii, Mahito Okura, Yusuke Osaki
2017 Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association
Presentation date: 2017.08
Portfolio allocation problems between risky and ambiguous assets
Takao Asano, Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2017.06
Hedging and the competitive firm under ambiguous price and background risk
Yusuke Osaki, Kit Pong Wong, Long Yi
Presentation date: 2015.06
Regret aversion and demand for mixed insurance
Yoichiro Fujii, Mahito Okura, Yusuke Osaki
The second East Asia RMI Insurance Workshop
Presentation date: 2015.01
Optimal penalty and accounting policy
Masatomo Akita, Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2014.10
Portfolio choice and ambiguous background risk
Yusuke Osaki, Harris Schlesinger
Presentation date: 2014.06
Precautionary saving and ambiguity
Yusuke Osaki, Harris Schlesinger
Presentation date: 2013.12
The effect of regret aversion on self-insurance and self-protection
Yoichiro Fujii, Yusuke Osaki
2013 Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association
Presentation date: 2013.07
The effect of regret aversion on self-insurance and self-protection
Yoichiro Fujii, Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2013.06
The dual theory of the smooth ambiguity model
Hideki Iwaki, Yusuke Osaki
The 39th European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists Annual Meeting
Presentation date: 2012.09
A local intensity of risk apportionment
Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2010.10
A local index of risk apportionment
Yusuke Osaki
2010 World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress
Presentation date: 2010.06
Some properties of subjective probabilities induced by optimal expectations
Hideki Iwaki, Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2010.03
Stochastic dominance representation of optimistic belief: Theory and applications
Yusuke Osaki, John Quiggin
2009 Daiwa Young Researchers' Workshop on Finance
Presentation date: 2009.03
Stochastic dominance representation of optimistic belief: Theory and applications
Yusuke Osaki, John Quiggin
Presentation date: 2007.06
Comparative risk aversion under background risk revisited
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2007.06
Comparative risk aversion under background risks revisited
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
International workshop on recent advances in stochastic operations research
Presentation date: 2005.08
The comparative statics on equilibrium derivative prices
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
The Nanzan 25th Anniversary Workshop on Finance
Presentation date: 2004.12
Presentation date: 2004.03
The comparative statics on equilibrium asset prices based on bull-ness and bear-ness
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
The second Euro-Japanese workshop on stochastic risk modelling for stochastic finance, insurance, production and reliability
Presentation date: 2002.09
Comparative statics of equilibrium asset prices based on bull-ness and bear-ness
Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki
Presentation date: 2002.08
尾崎祐介 [Invited]
Presentation date: 2002.06
日本学術振興会 若手研究(A)
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 若手研究(B)
Project Year :
日本学術振興会 研究活動スタート支援
Project Year :
The dual theory of the smooth ambiguity model
Hideki Iwaki, Kyoto, Sangyo University, Yusuke Osaki
Economic Theory 2013
Research Institute of Business Administration Concurrent Researcher
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