Updated on 2024/10/24


EDMAN, Jesper Carl Goeran
Faculty of Commerce, School of Commerce
Job title
Jesper Edman's research focuses on how firm's strategies are shaped by - and shape - the external environment. Drawing primarily on theories from organizational sociology, Edman has examined how regulations and laws, cultural norms, and media discourse influence foreign market entry strategies, innovation, and the emergence of new industries. He is particularly interested in how Japanese firms are responding to institutional change resulting from globalization, and how these responses are in turn re-shaping Japanese markets and industries.

Edman's PhD dissertation on the Japanese banking industry received the Gunnar Hedlund Dissertation Award from the European International Business Association, as well as the Farmer Dissertation Award from the Academy of International Business. His subsequent has appeared in the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Management Studies, and Research on the Sociology of Organizations, among others. He has also produced consulting reports for both major private Japanese firms, and government associations, including the European Union. Edman serves on the editorial review boards of the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of International Business Studies, and the Global Strategy Journal.

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Commerce and Management   Associate Professor

  • 2015.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of Commerce and Management   Assistant Professor

  • 2011.04

    Hitotsubashi University   Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy   Assistant Professor


    Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Commerce and Management   Associate Professor

Professional Memberships

  • 2009.07

    Academy of Management

  • 2004.07

    Academy of International Business

Research Areas

  • Business administration

Research Interests

  • International business, Nationalism, Non-market strategies, Organizational Identity, Institutional Change


  • Best Reviewer Award

    2022.07   Journal of International Business Studies  

  • RIBA Research Award

    2020.09   Waseda University Research Institute of Business Administration  

  • Developmental Reviewer Award

    2020.08   Academy of Management Review  

  • Best Reviewer Award

    2020.07   Journal of International Business Studies  

  • Outstanding Reviewer Award

    2019.08   Academy of Management Review  

  • High-Impact Publication Award

    2019.03   Waseda University  

  • Best Reviewer Award

    2015.07   Journal of International Business Studies  

  • Farmer Best Dissertation Award

    2010.07   Academy of International Business  

  • The Institute of International Business Award in Memory of Gunnar Hedlund

    2009.12   European International Business Academy  

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  • Nationalist sentiments and the multinational enterprise: insights from organizational sociology

    Jesper Edman, Ilya R.P. Cuypers, Gokhan Ertug, Ruth V. Aguilera

    Journal of International Business Studies   55 ( 7 ) 825 - 839  2024.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    International business scholars have recognized the impact of political and economic nationalism on the multinational enterprise (MNE). We complement these approaches by highlighting the sociological manifestations of nationalism and their implications for the MNE. We argue that nationalist sentiments, i.e., widely shared assumptions of superiority over other nations and cultures, constitute an under-researched but critical element in international business (IB). Drawing insights from organizational sociology, we elucidate how nationalist sentiments manifest in the MNE’s external and internal environment. Specifically, we suggest that nationalist sentiments accentuate national institutional logics, generate status-based categorizations of foreign and domestic firms, and heighten emphasis on national organizational identities. These manifestations impact the MNE’s operations by limiting room for hybridization of dissimilar practices and routines, increasing the risk of discrimination and stereotyping by local audiences, and entrenching resistance to foreign ideas and practices among organizational members. We suggest that MNEs have three strategic choices in responding to nationalist sentiments: avoid their manifestations, mitigate their implications, or leverage nationalist sentiments to the MNE’s advantage. In sum, our framework provides a starting point for IB scholars to examine the strategic implications of nationalist sentiments for the MNE.



  • The Effect of Nationalism on Governance Choices in Cross-Border Collaborations

    Gokhan Ertug, Ilya R.P. Cuypers, Douglas Dow, Jesper Edman

    Journal of Management    2023.08

    Authorship:Last author



  • Slander, Shouts, and Silence: Incumbent Resistance to Disruptive Logics

    Jesper Edman, Stefan Arora-Jonsson

    Organization Theory   3 ( 2 ) 263178772210903 - 263178772210903  2022.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    This paper develops a typology of incumbent resistance to disruptive new logics. Although scholars of institutional change have studied public forms of resistance, a comprehensive understanding of how incumbents oppose disruptive new logics also necessitates attention to the quiet forms of resistance. Conceptualizing resistance as a form of institutional work, we draw on insights from the literatures on institutional change and social movements to develop a typology of public, hidden, and implicit resistance to disruptive logics. Broadening the understanding of resistance work to include its quiet forms enables institutional scholars to understand how field incumbents resist disruption and why such efforts may be successful. A broadened analysis of incumbent resistance is vital for theorizing the past and future resilience of some of the most central institutions of modern society, such as the carbon-based economy and democracy.



  • Entrenchment in status positions and the adoption of new norm-deviant organizational practices: Evidence from the Japanese banking industry, 1983-2005

    Jesper Edman, Alex Makarevich

    Organization Studies   42 ( 10 ) 1557 - 1580  2021.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

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    We examine the effect of status entrenchment on the adoption of new norm-deviant organizational practices. Identifying organizational age and status mobility as factors affecting entrenchment, we extend the middle-status conformity theory by explicating how entrenchment moderates the relationship between status and adoption. Using original data from the Japanese loan syndication market, we show that young and new-in-status banks have a lower propensity to follow status-based adoption behavior than actors entrenched in the same status positions. We discuss implication of these results for the understanding of new practice adoption and organizational status effects.



  • Empty Categories and Industry Emergence: The Rise and Fall of JapaneseJi-biru

    Jesper Edman, Christina L. Ahmadjian

    Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Emergence     109 - 140  2017.03  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Reconciling the advantages and liabilities of foreignness: Towards an identity-based framework

    Jesper Edman

    Journal of International Business Studies   47 ( 6 ) 674 - 694  2016.12  [Refereed]

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    This article leverages identity theory to address the question of when and how foreignness acts as an advantage and liability for the MNE subsidiary. Applying an organizational identity lens, I delineate how subsidiaries manage their foreignness by accentuating and attenuating internal and external organizational attributes. Drawing on this conceptualization, I theorize how an accentuated foreign identity moderates context-specific advantages and liabilities. In offering a more nuanced understanding of how subsidiaries actively manage their foreignness, and its contextual implications, an identity-based framework helps to both explain and reconcile the advantages and liabilities of foreignness.



  • Cultivating Foreignness: How Organizations Maintain and Leverage Minority Identities

    Jesper Edman

    Journal of Management Studies   53 ( 1 ) 55 - 88  2016.01  [Refereed]

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    Scholars increasingly recognize that organizational fields contain minority identities, linked to alternative logics. Extant work has been largely silent on how such minority identities are maintained, and what their implications are for organizational agency. I contribute to filling this gap by examining how organizations cultivate minority identities, and how such identities both enable and constrain agency. Employing the foreignness of multinational enterprise subsidiaries as a particular case of minority identity, I find that managers actively cultivate minority identities by embedding into niche networks, reinforcing alternative expectations, and categorizing themselves into distinct collective identities. These elements of the minority identity enable particular forms of agency - internal experimentation and an external license to deviate - while constraining others - adaptation to the dominant logic and positioning in mature market segments. The findings extend theory by highlighting how minority identities are generated and sustained, as well as their implications for agency.



  • MNE institutional advantage: How subunits shape, transpose and evade host country institutions

    Patrick Regner, Jesper Edman

    Journal of International Business Studies   45 ( 3 ) 275 - 302  2014.04  [Refereed]

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    Scholars increasingly emphasize the impact of institutions on multinational enterprises (MNEs), but the opposite relationship has attracted less research that is, MNE agency in relation to institutions. Based on a comparative case study of six MNEs from the United States and Sweden, this paper remedies this. It explores and explicates MNE subunits' strategic responses to host country institutional constraints and opportunities in five different regions. A new-institutional approach is adopted, which allows for an investigation of MNE subunit agency in relation to normative and cognitive institutions, as well as regulative ones. This fine-grained analysis reveals not only what kinds of responses MNE subunits invoke, but why and how they are able to respond. We identify four strategic responses by which subunits shape, transpose and evade institutions in the pursuit of competitive advantage: Innovation, Arbitrage, Circumvention and Adaptation. These responses are driven by three key enablers: multinationality, foreignness and institutional ambiguity - that serve to enhance and heighten three mechanisms: reflexivity, role expectations and resources. By linking the enablers and the mechanisms to specific types of strategic responses in a framework and typology, the paper not only contributes to emerging research on the interplay between MNEs, institutions and strategy, but to strategy practice.



  • Fleeting fleet street: The ephemeral nature of institutional media effects

    Stefan Jonsson, Jesper Edman

    Organizations and the Media: Organizing in a Mediatized World     62 - 78  2014.01  [Refereed]  [Invited]



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  • Home Research/Policy Papers Discussion Papers (English) FY2021 Do Japanese Expatriates Matter for Foreign Subsidiary Performance? A Role-Based Analysis of Three-Wave Panel Data

    Jesper Edman, Riki Takeuchi

    RIETI Discussion Paper Series 

    Presentation date: 2021.06

Research Projects



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Academic Activities

  • Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Review

    Peer review

  • Editorial Review Board, Global Strategy Journal

    Peer review

  • Editorial Review Board, Journal of International Business Studies

    Peer review

  • Editorial Review Board, Academy of Management Collections

    Academic research

  • IM Division Doctoral Consortium Chair, Academy of Management

    Academic society, research group, etc.

    International Management Division, Academy of Management  


Research Institute

  • 2018

    Research Institute of Business Administration   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • Creating a global organizational identity at Japanese companies


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    In a studyof two Japanese companies, I found that internationalization often leads to organizationalidentity conflicts, centered on the company’s historic values, beliefs andpractices, and the way they may be changing. One reason for conflict is that whiletop-level management often espouses global traits (e.g. diversity, use ofEnglish, international market focus, etc), these aspects are often miscommunicatedto middle management, leading the latter tend to re-emphasize their Japaneseidentity. Middle management often uses terms introduced by top management, butin practice their Japanese identity is still important. Identity conflict alsoarises due to geographical distance. When global headquarters are separatedfrom national headquarters, it can lead to a feeling of distrust and disconnect.This is often heightened by companies’ well-meaning efforts to place foreignemployees in the same location. Such concentration of foreign staff results in abifurcation of the organizational identity, such that one part becomes “global”while the other sees itself as Japanese. This negatively affects knowledge-sharingand may eventually lead to organizational divestiture. In order to offset the identityconflicts that arise during internationalization, companies should co-locate globaland national staff, and ensure that top management’s strategies are understood bymiddle management.