Updated on 2025/03/14


OMORI, Mikimasa
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor

Research Experience

  • 2020.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences

  • 2016.04

    Showa Women's University   Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Education Background

  • 2011.04

    Keio University   Graduate School of Human Relations  

  • 2009.04

    Keio University   Graduate School of Human Relations  

  • 2005.04

    Keio University  

  • 2001.04


Professional Memberships


    International Society for Autism Research


    Association for Behavior Analysis International













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Media Coverage



  • Increased observation of predictable visual stimuli in children with potential autism spectrum disorder

    Mikimasa Omori

    Scientific Reports   15 ( 1 )  2025.12

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    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often exhibit social communication impairments and restricted, repetitive behaviors (RRB). Previous studies have shown that children with ASD prefer observing repetitive movements over random movements, reflecting RRB symptoms, but the developmental timeline of this preference remains unclear. New evidence suggests that children with ASD may develop predictive processing abilities for repeated behaviors, providing insight into how they recognize and respond to predictable patterns. This study employed a preferential-looking paradigm to examine whether children with potential ASD demonstrated longer observation durations for predictable movements compared to typically developing (TD) children. Participants were presented with pairs of stimuli featuring predictable and unpredictable movements, which they freely observed side-by-side. Results showed that children with potential ASD spent significantly more time observing predictable movements, particularly during the latter part of the stimulus presentation. These findings suggest that a gradual increase in attention to predictable movements may reflect difficulties in learning cause-and-effect relationships between movement trajectories and the anticipation of complete shapes. This study highlights the potential utility of predictable movement stimuli as a behavioral marker for early ASD screening. It underscores the essential need for further research into predictive processing in children with ASD.

    DOI PubMed


  • Laterality of arm movement variability on copying and tracing

    Mikimasa Omori

    BTIW 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 Behavior Transformation by IoT International Workshop, Part of: ACM MobiSys 2024     25 - 26  2024.06

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    Handwriting is a complex behavior requiring the writer's visual, motor, and cognitive integration skills. Previous studies using motion analysis [1,2] have shown that children with handwriting difficulties (HD) showed more vertical variation in the writing arms than typically developing children during figure writing tasks. However, these studies did not evaluate the laterality of both sides of arms during handwriting. Moreover, previous studies [1,2] did not used figure tracing task and this task would help us find the arm movement variabilities without considering the visuo-motor integration difficulties. To investigate the laterality of arm movement variabilities, I asked participants to copy and trace the figures while their body movement was recorded with motion analysis software.



  • Why is it difficult for children and adults to follow a person’s eye gaze in polynomial social relationships with compound audio-visual stimuli: An eye-tracking study

    Misaki Oka, Mikimasa Omori

    PLoS ONE   18 ( 8 August )  2023.08

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    Acquiring triadic social interactions could facilitate language and communication skills in early infancy. However, studies have rarely investigated polynomial relationships, defined as relationships among the self, two or more people, and objects. During the development from a child to an adult, the responsiveness to a preferred stimulus modality changes from visual to auditory dominance. Nevertheless, how people observe compound visual stimuli in polynomial social relationships and why it is difficult to ignore auditory cues remain unclear. Moreover, there is a need to identify differences between children’s and adults’ observing latencies in the time to the first fixation when detecting a stimulus. This study examined whether participants (24 adults and 19 children) demonstrated similar gaze patterns under triadic and polyadic conditions. The participants observed a target visual stimulus looked at by a face stimulus while we presented spoken names, either congruent or incongruent with the target visual stimulus. The results indicated that when the number of people in social relationships increased, children and adults decreased fixations on the target face and the stimulus and showed a shorter mean fixation duration on the face. Moreover, children had longer latencies and more fixation errors for the target stimulus, which might reflect children’s difficulties in communicating with others. We expect that understanding children’s communication transition from triadic to polynomial social relationships with audio-visual stimulus congruencies would facilitate understanding language development and social communication patterns.

    DOI PubMed


  • Segment-Unit Reading Comprehension Training for Japanese Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Learning Disabilities

    Mikimasa Omori, Junichi Yamamoto


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    Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and learning disabilities (LDs) often experience reading difficulties. In particular, reading long passages can cause comprehension problems. We examined whether 8 Japanese students with ASD, 7 students with LDs, and 13 typically developing (TD) students improved their reading comprehension through two types of repeated reading training: whole-sentence-unit reading (WSUR) training and segment-unit reading (SUR) training. Participants undergoing WSUR training read whole sentences repeatedly. In SUR training, they repeatedly read a segment of a sentence in its correct spatial location. Results indicated that students with ASD and LDs showed greater improvement in reading comprehension after SUR training than after WSUR training, whereas both procedures were equally effective for TD students. Moreover, students with ASD showed only negligible reading comprehension improvements, whereas students with LDs showed intermediate improvements after WSUR training. These results suggest that sequentially presenting word segments can improve the reading comprehension of students with ASD and specific LDs.


  • Applied Machine Learning Method to Predict Children With ADHD Using Prefrontal Cortex Activity: A Multicenter Study in Japan

    Akira Yasumura, Mikimasa Omori, Ayako Fukuda, Junichi Takahashi, Yukiko Yasumura, Eiji Nakagawa, Toshihide Koike, Yushiro Yamashita, Tasuku Miyajima, Tatsuya Koeda, Masao Aihara, Hisateru Tachimori, Masumi Inagaki

    Journal of Attention Disorders   24 ( 14 ) 2012 - 2020  2020.12  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Objective: To establish valid, objective biomarkers for ADHD using machine learning. Method: Machine learning was used to predict disorder severity from new brain function data, using a support vector machine (SVM). A multicenter approach was used to collect data for machine learning training, including behavioral and physiological indicators, age, and reverse Stroop task (RST) data from 108 children with ADHD and 108 typically developing (TD) children. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to quantify change in prefrontal cortex oxygenated hemoglobin during RST. Verification data were from 62 children with ADHD and 37 TD children from six facilities in Japan. Results: The SVM general performance results showed sensitivity of 88.71%, specificity of 83.78%, and an overall discrimination rate of 86.25%. Conclusion: A SVM using an objective index from RST may be useful as an auxiliary biomarker for diagnosis for children with ADHD.

    DOI PubMed


  • Association of inattention with slow-spindle density in sleep EEG of children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

    Yoshihiko Saito, Yoshimi Kaga, Eiji Nakagawa, Mariko Okubo, Kosuke Kohashi, Mikimasa Omori, A. Fukuda, Masumi Inagaki

    Brain and Development   41 ( 9 ) 751 - 759  2019.10  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    © 2019 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology Objective: We evaluated the power of slow sleep spindles during sleep stage 2 to clarify their relationship with executive function, especially with attention, in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: Subjects were 21 children with ADHD and 18 aged-matched, typically developing children (TDC). ADHD subjects were divided into groups of only ADHD and ADHD + autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We employed the Continuous Performance Test (CPT) to measure attention. We focused on sleep spindle frequencies (12–14 Hz) in sleep stage 2 and performed a power spectral analysis using fast Fourier transform techniques and compared sleep spindles with the variability of reaction time in CPT. Results: In the CPT, reaction variabilities in ADHD and ADHD + ASD significantly differed from those in TDC. Twelve-hertz spindles were mainly distributed in the frontal pole and frontal area and 14-Hz spindles in the central area. The ratio of 12-Hz frontal spindle power was higher in ADHD than in TDC, especially in ADHD + ASD. Significant correlation between the ratio of 12-Hz spindles and reaction time variability was observed. Conclusions: Twelve-hertz frontal spindle EEG activity may have positive associations with sustained attention function. Slow frontal spindles may be useful as a biomarker of inattention in children with ADHD.

    DOI PubMed


  • Age-related differences in frontal lobe function in children with ADHD

    Akira Yasumura, Mikimasa Omori, Ayako Fukuda, Junichi Takahashi, Yukiko Yasumura, Eiji Nakagawa, Toshihide Koike, Yushiro Yamashita, Tasuku Miyajima, Tatsuya Koeda, Masao Aihara, Masumi Inagaki

    Brain and Development   41 ( 7 ) 577 - 586  2019.08  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    © 2019 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology Background: The neural correlates of executive function disorders are thought to be predominantly localized within the prefrontal cortex (PFC). However, no study to date has investigated changes in this system across different age groups in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Thus, this study aimed to explore changes in PFC function in children with ADHD. Methods: Study participants included typically developing (TD) children (n = 140) and children with ADHD (n = 67) of primary school age. Behavioral executive functions and their neural basis were evaluated between the TD children and children with ADHD and also across different age periods (younger and older children). To examine executive function, inhibitory control was assessed using the reverse Stroop task, and PFC near-infrared spectroscopic measurements were used to investigate the neural mechanisms involved. Results: Both ADHD symptoms and the ability to inhibit color interference improved with age. Compared to TD children, children with ADHD demonstrated decreased activation of the right and middle PFC across all age groups. Interestingly, the left PFC appeared to play a compensatory role. Conclusion: Children with ADHD exhibited changes in PFC function that varied with age. Longitudinal studies are required to assess the potential of using PFC function as an early biomarker of ADHD.

    DOI PubMed


  • 学習支援における行動の計測と制御: 応用行動分析における工学的手法の応用


    計測と制御   58 ( 6 ) 415 - 418  2019.06  [Refereed]

  • Modeling Training of Child's Echoic Conversational Response for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: To Be a Good Listener.

    Natsumi Ishikawa, Mikimasa Omori, Jun-Ichi Yamamoto

    Behavior analysis in practice   12 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2019.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

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    Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have difficulties in responding to conversation with verbal language. These students often repeat what they hear, and their echoic behavior has a potentially communicative function. We define the echoic behavior when an individual repeats a peer's topic word with appropriate prosody within 3 s as the child's echoic conversational response. In this study, we examined the acquisition of the child's echoic conversational response skills and whether these skills could provide and generalize natural conversation for 4 students with ASD. During the training, students were instructed to imitate the topic word that the experimenter had used in the latest conversation. Students learned the child's echoic conversational response skills and improved their conversation skills. They even showed a slight generalization for nontraining materials through trainings and improvements in responding with new verbal responses. These findings suggested that expanding speakers' repertoires for students with ASD might facilitate improvement of natural conversation skills.

    DOI PubMed

  • 女子大学生・大学院生における書字運動と視線パターンの関連


    学苑   ( 940 ) 12 - 21  2019.02  [Refereed]

  • Predictive factors of success in neurofeedback training for children with ADHD

    Yasuko Okumura, Yosuke Kita, Mikimasa Omori, Kota Suzuki, Akira Yasumura, Ayako Fukuda, Masumi Inagaki

    Developmental Neurorehabilitation   22 ( 1 ) 3 - 12  2019.01  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    © 2017, © 2017 Taylor & Francis. Introduction: Neurofeedback (NF) training aims the enhancement of self-regulation over brain activities. While it is largely recognized as an effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the existence of non-learners has also been reported. The present study explored pre-training assessment indices that could predict learners prior to NF training. Methods: Twenty-two children with ADHD participated in slow cortical potential (SCP) NF training and completed pre- and post-training assessments. Participants were classified into learners or non-learners based on their progress in the SCP regulation, and pre-training indices that differentiate the two groups were examined by decision tree analysis. Results and Discussion: The learner rate in NF training was 45.5%. Learners were predicted by pre-training cognitive and neurophysiological measures regarding Stroop tasks, which suggested relatively intact executive function as their characteristics. Given that NF training is not universally effective for children with ADHD, further studies are necessary to establish application criteria.

    DOI PubMed


  • Kanji Writing Acquisition Through Sequential Stimulus Pairing in Japanese Students with Writing Difficulties

    Mikimasa Omori, Jun ichi Yamamoto

    Psychological Record   68 ( 2 ) 189 - 200  2018.06  [Refereed]

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    © 2018, Association for Behavior Analysis International. In Japan, both typically developing students and students with developmental disabilities often exhibit difficulties with Kanji (Japanese ideogram) writing. These students sometimes demonstrate mirror writing (retrography), suggesting that they have difficulty in locating the parts of Kanji words rather than in writing itself. We examined whether five students with writing difficulties could learn and maintain the stimulus relations among Kanji words, spoken sounds, and corresponding pictures required for writing skills by using two types of pairing procedures: sequential stimulus pairing (SSP) and stimulus pairing (SP). In the SSP procedure, one of the two parts of a Kanji word was presented on the one side of a display, and the other part was sequentially presented on the other side, prior to presentation of the whole Kanji word. In the SP procedure, the whole Kanji word and its spoken sound were presented first, followed by its corresponding picture. The effects of training, as measured by writing performance and the number of training blocks to meet a mastery criterion, were evaluated by means of binominal tests and analysis of variance. The results showed that all students learned to correctly write Kanji words using both procedures, although the SSP procedure required fewer training blocks and enabled students to maintain their knowledge longer. These results suggest that presenting the parts of a stimulus sequentially in their correct spatial location made it easier to observe the Kanji stimuli and might therefore facilitate the acquisition of Kanji writing skills.



  • Sentence Reading Comprehension by Means of Training in Segment-Unit Reading for Japanese Children with Intellectual Disabilities.

    Mikimasa Omori, Jun-Ichi Yamamoto

    Behavior analysis in practice   11 ( 1 ) 9 - 18  2018.03  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Children with intellectual disabilities (ID) often have difficulty in sentence reading and comprehension. Previous studies have shown that training in segment-unit reading (SUR) facilitates the acquisition of sentence reading comprehension skills for Japanese students with ID. However, it remains unknown whether SUR training is also effective for individuals unable to read sentences and can generalize to untrained sentences. In this study, we examined the improvement and generalization of sentence reading accuracy and comprehension for two children with ID through SUR training with listening comprehensible sentences. During training, the segments were sequentially presented in their correct spatial locations, and participants read them aloud. After the training, participants' reading accuracy and comprehension improved for both trained and untrained sentences. The results suggest that presenting the components of stimuli sequentially in their correct spatial locations is key to facilitating the development of sentence reading accuracy and comprehension for individuals with ID.

    DOI PubMed

  • ADHD児におけるニューロフィードバック療法の効果予測

    奥村 安寿子, 北 洋輔, 大森 幹真, 鈴木 浩太, 福田 亜矢子, 安村 明, 稲垣 真澄

    認知神経科学   18 ( 2 ) 86_2 - 86_2  2016

    DOI CiNii

  • Spelling Instruction by Stimulus Pairing in Japanese Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effects of Stimulus Presentation Order

    Mikimasa Omori, Jun ichi Yamamoto

    Psychological Record   65 ( 2 ) 401 - 410  2015.06  [Refereed]

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    © 2015, Association for Behavior Analysis International. Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have difficulties in learning stimulus relations in spelling. Using the two-stimulus pairing procedure, we examined the emergence of stimulus relations between Japanese and English words by comparing the spelling performance of five students with ASD with that of five typically developing students. In the Japanese-English pairing procedure, a Japanese word was presented first, followed by its English translation, and in the English-Japanese pairing, an English word was presented first, followed by its Japanese translation. Training effects were evaluated with a sign test and analysis of variance. All the students correctly spelled the English words in both procedures. The Japanese-English pairing procedure required fewer training blocks than the English-Japanese pairing procedure. In the Japanese-English pairing, students with ASD required fewer training blocks than typically developing students. These results suggest that presenting already established words (i.e., Japanese) first might better facilitate the emergence of stimulus relations in a stimulus pairing procedure.



  • Clinical utility of an array comparative genomic hybridization analysis for Williams syndrome

    Tatsuhiko Yagihashi, Chiharu Torii, Reiko Takahashi, Mikimasa Omori, Rika Kosaki, Hiroshi Yoshihashi, Masahiro Ihara, Yasuyo Minagawa-Kawai, Junichi Yamamoto, Takao Takahashi, Kenjiro Kosaki

    Congenital Anomalies   54 ( 4 ) 225 - 227  2014.11  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    © 2014 Japanese Teratology Society. To reveal the relation between intellectual disability and the deleted intervals in Williams syndrome, we performed an array comparative genomic hybridization analysis and standardized developmental testing for 11 patients diagnosed as having Williams syndrome based on fluorescent in situ hybridization testing. One patient had a large 4.2-Mb deletion spanning distally beyond the common 1.5-Mb intervals observed in 10/11 patients. We formulated a linear equation describing the developmental age of the 10 patients with the common deletion; the developmental age of the patient with the 4.2-Mb deletion was significantly below the expectation (developmental age=0.51×chronological age). The large deletion may account for the severe intellectual disability; therefore, the use of array comparative genomic hybridization may provide practical information regarding individuals with Williams syndrome.

    DOI PubMed


  • 知的障害を伴う自閉症のある生徒における文節単位読み訓練の効果

    中川浩子, 大森幹真, 菅佐原洋, 山本淳一

    特殊教育学研究   51 ( 3 ) 269 - 278  2013.04  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Stimulus pairing training for Kanji reading skills in students with developmental disabilities

    Mikimasa Omori, Jun ichi Yamamoto

    Research in Developmental Disabilities   34 ( 4 ) 1109 - 1118  2013.04  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Japanese students with developmental disabilities often exhibit difficulties in reading, particularly in Kanji (ideogram) reading, and in acquiring the equivalence relations between pictures, written words, and sounds. Previous research suggested that one student with autism could acquire Kanji reading along with equivalence relations through stimulus pairing training. However, maintenance rates tended to be very low, possibly due to the lack of picture stimuli. In this study, we examined the acquisition and maintenance of Kanji reading skills through stimulus pairing training using corresponding pictures for six students with developmental disabilities. We prepared stimulus pairs consisting of picture stimuli that the students could name along with a corresponding Kanji character that they could not read. All students successfully acquired and maintained the Kanji reading skills through this procedure. These findings suggest that the nameability of picture stimuli in stimulus pairing training may facilitate the acquisition and maintenance of equivalence relations for reading. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.

    DOI PubMed



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Books and Other Publications

  • 実践障害児教育2013年8月号

    大森幹真(「読む」行動を支援するために必要な、 行動レパートリーの把握)

    学研教育出版  2013

  • Logic and Sensibility

    Shigeru Watanabe (Ed). Yamamoto Jun-ichi, Omori Mikimasa( Part: Contributor, Equivalence relations of reading, writing, comprehending and expressing in students with developmental disabilities)

    Keio University Press  2012 ISBN: 9784766419276

Research Projects

  • 発達障害児を対象とした多角的診断支援システムの開発および支援方法の確立

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    安村 明, 西川 里織, 小手川 耕平, 大森 幹真, 安村 由希子

  • つづり字反応の獲得と拡張による英語学習困難児の早期発見・早期支援方法の開発と運用

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    大森 幹真

  • 自閉症スペクトラムの対人社会性の解明-主題統覚検査の物語反応と視覚運動から-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    田中 奈緒子, 木村 あやの, 大森 幹真

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    本研究の目的は、自閉スペクトラム症(ASD:autism spectrum disorder)の成人を対象に主題統覚検査(以下、TAT)実施時における視線運動を計測し、産出された物語と視線情報を用いてTATの物語産出時の認知・思考プロセスを検討し、ASDの対人社会性の特徴を解明することである。

  • Constructing the science of learning support area by showing the transformative processes of learning, motor, and neural basis in children with developmental disabilities

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Omori Mikimasa

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    In this study, I tried to construct an integrated area, science of learning support, by providing learning support for typically developing children (TDC) and children with developmental disabilities, taking a continuous view of their learning stages, and clarifying the changes in "reading, writing, and observing" behaviors associated with the acquisition and stage transition process of literacy learning. Results of eye movements revealed that the children in letter-word reading stages and children with learning difficulties showed shorter mean fixation duration in writing tasks than those in sentence reading stages and TDC. I also found that eye-movement patterns of children with developmental disabilities improved along with literacy skills improvements. Furthermore, segment-unit reading training facilitated the reading comprehension improvements for both TDC and children with developmental disabilities, indicating that this training may lead to the transition to the reading stage.

  • Research of behavioral and neural mechanism assessments and supporting writing skills acquisition for overcoming the "Writing difficulty"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up

    Project Year :


    Omori Mikimasa

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    In this study, we first analyze the eye movement patterns and motor functioning during handwriting for students with developmental disabilities, and typically developing students and adults by using an eye-tracker. Our results showed that students with developmental disabilities showed longer fixation duration and greater number of fixation during copying task than motor coordination skill matched typically developing adults.
    We also examine whether observing or copying the segment by sequential stimulus presentation is effective for our participants to improve their writing skills and develop their eye movement patterns and motor functioning. Our results showed that students with writing difficulties acquired Kanji writing skills via observing sequentially presented parts of Kanji stimuli. In other copying task, students with developmental disabilities improved their percentages of fixated during sentence copying task through copying sequentially presented segments.

  • Development of a predicting system for children with ADHD

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)

    Project Year :


    yasumura akira, INAGAKI Masumi, NAKAGAWA Eiji, YAMASHITA Yushiro, AIHARA Masao, MIYAJIMA Tasuku, OMORI Mikimasa, FUKUDA Ayako, TACHIMORI Hisateru, YASUMURA Yukiko

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    The researchers devised a method to predict the severity of children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among developmental disorders using brain function measurement, and have applied for international patent (US). Then, in order to search for ADHD biomarkers, the diagnostic prediction accuracy was examined by applying machine learning to behavior during inhibition task and frontal cerebral blood flow dynamics. As a result, accuracy of sensitivity 88.7%, specificity 83.8%, area under the receiver operation characteristic curve 0.90 was obtained. It was shown that the evaluation method of restraint task using machine learning has high utility as diagnostic aid for children with ADHD. Research results were published in international scientific journals.

  • Integrating reading-writing skills and social skills for school adaptation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Yamamoto Junichi, OMORI Takahide, Omori Mikimasa, ISHIKAWA Natsumi, ISHIZUKA Yuka, SEKINE Satoru

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    We newly developed computer-based teaching programs for establishing reading-writing skills and social skills with stimulus-paring, video modeling and feedback in children with developmental disabilities. We integrated both of the programs into a comprehensive developmental support program with hierarchical structure and flowchart branch for preschool and school-aged children. We conducted the intervention at university laboratory and at home consecutively and evaluated the effect of the program. The results showed that the following intervention procedures using a computer-based teaching program were effective for the acquisition of skills; focusing on appropriate behaviors, maximizing learning opportunities, and providing intensive reinforcement. Application of the computer-based teaching program at home facilitated the generalization and maintenance. These results are discussed in terms of the provision in the community via internet for dissemination of developmental support.

  • 発達障がい児の学習スキルズ・社会スキルズ獲得のための融合的教育支援研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    大森 幹真

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  • 発達障がい児の読み・書き・理解へのコンピュータ支援教育:学習・神経科学による分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    大森 幹真

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    本年度の研究の目的は, 発達障がい児と定型発達児に対して, 昨年度完成した「読み」「書き」「理解」が包括的に学習可能なコンピュータ支援指導教材と紙指導教材を用いて, 「文字・単語読み」, 「文章読み」, 「文章理解と流暢性」という3段階に分けて, 縦断的に段階的な介入を行い, 脳機能や視線移動との関連を明らかにすることであった。平成25年度の研究実施状況は, 以下の2点であった。1. 支援指導の継続とe-Learning教材としての実装化 : 前年から引き続き, コンピュータ教材, または紙教材を用いて「読み」「書き」「理解」が包括的に学習可能な支援指導・評価を継続して行い, 「文章理解」獲得のための学習支援教材を再開発した。文節を単位にした時系列的な刺激提示による繰り返し読みが, 文章全体を単位として繰り返し読みを行った時よりも, 発達障がい児の文章理解向上に効果的であったことを明らかにした。一方で定型発達児は, 両訓練間で差がみられなかったものの, 文章全体を単位とした繰り返し読みでの文章理解の向上が, 発達障がい児のものよりも大きく見られたことも示した。これらの結果を第39回国際行動分析学会(ABAI)で発表し, Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis Student Presenter Grantを受賞した。2. 英語用のコンピュータ教材の開発 : ワシントン州シアトルのMimiosprout社との国際共同研究として, 同社が開発した, フォニックスを基盤にしたe-Learning教材であるMimiosprout Early Readingを用いて, 日本人児童の英語の読みスキルが向上するかを検討した。その結果, 同教材を用いることで, 英語文章の読みの正確性と流暢性は向上したが, 語いの増加や文章理解の向上は認められなかった。そのため, 日本語と英語を時間的に近接させて対提示を行う補助教材を作成した。その結果, 語いと文章理解の向上が認められた。

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  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)