Updated on 2025/02/12


Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
(BLANK) ( 東京大学 )
(BLANK) ( 東京大学 )

Professional Memberships






    国際社会学会(International Sociological Association)



Research Areas

  • Sociology


  • フランスに見る食と文化の国際社会学

    樽本 英樹

    細田典明編『北大文学研究科ライブラリ 10 食と文化-時空をこえた食卓から』北海道大学出版会:     219 - 247  2015  [Invited]

  • 国境を越える旅の社会学

    樽本 英樹

    細田典明編著『北大文学研究科ライブラリ 9 旅と交流-旅からみる世界と歴史』北海道大学出版会     235 - 253  2015  [Invited]

  • 2015a E'mergence et gestion des nouvelles tendances migratoires: le cas Japon (Traduit de l'anglais par Catherine Wihtol de Wenden et Myrna Giovanella)

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    , Migration Socie'te'   27 ( 157 ) 97 - 109  2015  [Invited]

  • Migration, Multicultural Crises and Asia

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Hyun-Chin Lim, Wolf Sch"afer, and Suk-Man Hwang (eds) Global Challenges in Asia: New Development Models and Regional Community Building, Seoul: Seoul National University Press     195 - 212  2014  [Invited]

  • The Transformation of Citizenship Institutions in the Global Migration Era

    TARUMOTO Hideki

      8   80 - 95  2014  [Invited]

  • 英国における人種主義とイスラモフォビア

    樽本 英樹

    小林真生編『移民ディアスポラ研究誌』第3号, 明石書店     156 - 63  2013  [Invited]

  • Towards a New Migration Management: Care Immigration Policy in Japan

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    IMIS-Beitr"age, Heft 40, Herausgegeben vom Vorstand, des Instituts fur Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universit"at Osnabr"uck     157 - 172  2012  [Invited]

  • Managing Borders and Migrants through Citizenship: A Japanese Case

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Eurasia Border Review   3 ( 2 ) 41 - 54  2012  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • Globalization as a Disorganizing Process of Communality

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    tits   16 ( 4 ) 42 - 46  2011.04  [Invited]

    DOI CiNii

  • Sovereignty Game, Asylum Policy and Healthy Being in Japan

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Wai Ling Lai, Yoshihide Sakurai and Hiromi Wada (eds) A Study of Healthy Being: From Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Tokyo: Azusa Shuppan:     153 - 167  2010

  • Theorizing International Norms and Immigrant Rights: Japanese Cases

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Hyun-Chin Lim, Wolf Sch"afer and Suk-Man Hwang (eds) The New Asias: the Global Futures of World Regions, Seoul and Washington: Seoul National University Press     227 - 247  2010  [Invited]

  • 公共圏と国際移民レジーム-トランスナショナルな規範を求めて

    樽本 英樹

    佐藤成基編『ナショナリズムとトランスナショナリズム』法政大学出版局     247 - 265  2009  [Invited]

  • 理論的アクチュアリティの探究-国際社会学から社会学一般へ

    樽本 英樹

    現代社会学理論研究   3   3 - 15  2009  [Invited]

  • Museums in Multicultural Societies: A Japanese Case

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    The National Folk Museum of Korea (ed) The Roles of Museums and Multiculture in Korea}, Seoul: The National Folk Museum of Korea     90 - 99  2009  [Invited]

  • Museums in Multicultural Societies: A Japanese Case

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    The National Folk Museum of Korea (ed) The Roles of Museums and Multiculture in Korea, Seoul: The National Folk Museum of Korea     203 - 215  2009  [Invited]

  • 特集:グローバリゼーション再考

    川崎 賢一, 樽本 英樹

    社会学評論   60 ( 3 ) 326 - 414  2009

  • Multicultural societies and normative sociology (Special issue: Living on global age)

    Colloquium   ( 4 ) 57 - 67  2009.01


  • Citizenship Models in the Age of International Migration

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Koichi Hasegawa and Naoki Yoshihara (eds) {\it Globalization, Minorities and Civil Society: Perspectives from Asian and Western Cities}, Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press [Revised from 樽本 (2001a)]     21 - 40  2008  [Invited]

  • A Social Theory of Citizenship for International Migrants : A Perspective on a National Framework and International Environment

    Tarumoto Hideki

    Japanese sociological review   57 ( 4 ) 708 - 726  2007.03

     View Summary

    As its raison d'être, transnational and global sociology attempts analyses of globalized realities; however, it does not necessarily succeed in creating social theories. How can it create social theories using transnational/global sociological imagination ? This article focuses on the relationship between international migrants and citizenship in terms of policy and explores the prospects of theorization from three viewpoints. First, a research topic should be worth being theorized about and should have the potential to develop into one of the several forms of explanatory theories. Second, theorization regarding relationships between international migrants and citizenship substantiates the need to fully develop a national framework, such as the Hammar = Koido = Tarumoto model (the HKT model), in order to understand globalized realities. Finally, to transcend the limits of a national framework, the research incorporates international environment, where international regimes and international human rights norms exist, as a factor into a social theory. This investigation provides the following general implication for transnational and global sociology: The analysis of globalized realities should not underestimate national frameworks and should not deify transnational frameworks.

    DOI CiNii

  • Ethnic Equality Policy and Local Governance: A British Case

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    北海道大学文学研究科紀要   122   157 - 179  2007


  • Un nouveau mod`ele de politique d'immigration et de citoyennete'?: approche comparative `a partir de l'expe'rience japonaise

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Migration Socie'te'   17 ( 102 ) 305 - 330  2005  [Invited]

  • 『机上の練習問題』をこえて-実践的社会調査実習の規定因に関する計量分析

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    社会調査の教育と実践化についての総合的研究』(平成14年度-15年度科学研究費補助金 (基盤研究 (A)(1))「社会調査の教育と実践化についての総合的研究」(課題番号 14201023) 研究成果報告書 研究代表者 細谷 昂)     229 - 249  2004

  • Towards a Theory of Multicultural Societies

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    北海道大学大学院文学研究科社会システム科学講座編 2004『現代社会の社会学的地平-小林甫教授退官記念論文集』     84 - 96  2004

  • Multiculturalism in Japan: Citizenship Policy for Immigrants

    樽本 英樹

    , John Rex and Gurharpal Singh (eds) Governance in Multicultural Societies, Aldershot: Avebury [Reprinted from Tarumoto (2003b).]     214 - 226  2004  [Invited]

  • Is State Sovereignty Declining? An Exploration of Asylum Policy in Japan

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    International Journal on Multicultural Societies   6 ( 2 ) 133 - 151  2004  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • The Japanese Model of Immigration and Citizenship?

    Tarumoto Hideki

    The annual report on cultural science   110   左129 - 左158  2003.07


  • Multiculturalism in Japan: Citizenship Policy for Immigrants

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    International Journal on Multicultural Societies   5 ( 1 ) 88 - 103  2003  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • <Foreign Trends> A Preface on The Transnational Sociology of "Race Riots"

    Tarumoto Hideki

    Contemporary sociological studies   15   83 - 96  2002.06

     View Summary

    During the spring and summer of 2001, serious &quot;race riots&quot; happened in cities of Northern England, Britain. In this article, actual &quot;riots&quot; in Bradford, Oldham and Burnley will be described, and what the problems of the &quot;riots&quot; are, viewed from the perspective of transnational sociology, will be explored. First of all, &quot;race riots&quot; are understood as a physical and economic problem because they bring about a huge amount of physical and economic damage. This physical aspect of the &quot;riots&quot; is accompanied by a much deeper emotional challenge to the &quot;self-evident&quot; and accepted norms of British society. In particular, the norm of diversity and tolerance concerning immigrants and Ethnic Minorities has become unsettled, and the nationalistic norm of excluding immigrants and Ethnic Minorities has been empowered, due to the &quot;riots&quot;. What could be equated as a problem of the unsettled nature of social norms, will be viewed through the lense of transnational sociology which sees this as a problem of choosing a citizenship model as an alternative to the nation-state model. The &quot;race riots&quot; unsettled multicultural model of citizenship and put pressure on British society to backrush toward nation-state model based on the norm of assimilation and intolerance. In the aftermath of the &quot;riots&quot;, the British Home Office Secretary David Blunkett proposed citizenship policy which clearly shows a return to the nation-state model clearly. The problematique of the &quot;race riots&quot; goes beyond physical and economic categories. In terms of transnational sociology, a new focus is needed, since the symbolic aspect of the &quot;race riots&quot;, brought about by the unsettled nature of the multicultural model of citizenship, induced the participants in British society to be involved in the process of recreating the citizenship model as the social norm.

    DOI CiNii

  • Citizenship Model in the Age of International Migration

    Tarumoto Hideki

    Japanese sociological review   51 ( 4 ) 382 - 397  2001.03

     View Summary

    What should be the most important topic for transnational sociology in the 21st century? Some cases at the end of the 20th century signify a challenge to the nation-state. Transnational sociology should propose a new citizenship model which can replace that of the nation-state. The challenge to the nation-state derives from the acceleration and diversification of international migration, emerging universal human rights and a fear of losing social integration. The alternative models, which emphasize citizenship, are incompatible with the nation-state model. Shared culture, presupposed by birth or blood, cannot legitimize a new citizenship model for the 21st century. Transnational sociological imagination is needed in order to explore whether domicile or other factors can form the basis on which a new citizenship model can be established.

    DOI CiNii

  • 社会学的市民権論の性能と課題-比較移民政策論と戦後英国の経験から

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    年報社会学論集(関東社会学会)   13 ( 13 ) 1 - 13  2000  [Refereed]


  • 世代間社会移動と政治意識の再生産

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    片瀬一男編 1998『1995年SSM調査シリーズ 7 政治意識の現在』(平成6年度-9年度科学研究費補助金 (特別推進研究 (1))「現代日本の社会階層に関する全国調査研究」(課題番号 06101001) 研究成果報告書 研究代表者 盛山和夫)     117 - 129  1998

  • 英国におけるエスニック・デュアリズムと市民権

    樽本 英樹

    北海道大学文学部紀要   45 ( 3 ) 273 - 296  1997.03


  • 英国都市部における移民の住宅階層

    樽本 英樹

    都市問題   88 ( 1 ) 79 - 88  1997.01


  • エスニック・デュアリズムの存続と変容-1970年代英国におけるエスニック階層変動

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    社会学評論   47 ( 2 ) 32 - 45  1996  [Refereed]

  • 東京都政の政策志向と現実

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    現代都市の社会階層と集団・団体』(平成4年度-6年度科学研究費補助金 (一般研究A)「現代都市の社会階層と集団・団体」(課題番号 04401006) 研究成果報告書 研究代表者 似田貝香門):     201 - 210  1995

  • デュアリズムからの脱却の可能性-エスニック階層論の

    ソシオロゴス   ( 19 )  1995

  • 権力現象における共有知識の意義

    ソシオロゴス   ( 18 ) 1 - 14  1994

  • エスニック階層論の展開と課題

    関東社会学会年報社会学論集   ( 7 ) 61 - 72  1994

  • 権力論の構造-スティーブン・ルークスとニクラス・ルーマンの比較から

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    ソシオロゴス   17   216 - 228  1993  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 食と文化 (北大文学研究科ライブラリ8)

    細田 典明, 佐々木 啓, 守川 知子, 山本 文彦, 武田 雅哉, 大西 郁夫, 仁平 尊明, 樽本 英樹, 細田 典明( Part: Joint author)

    北海道大学出版会  2014.12 ISBN: 4832933884


  • 国際移民と市民権ガバナンス―日英比較の国際社会学 (MINERVA社会学叢書)

    樽本 英樹( Part: Sole author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2012.03 ISBN: 4623062562


  • 社会学を問う : 規範・理論・実証の緊張関係

    米村 千代, 数土 直紀, 野口 裕二, 樽本 英樹, 伊藤 賢一, 金野 美奈子, 常松 淳, 飯島 祐介, 赤川 学, 杉野 勇, 小林 盾, 神山 英紀, 伊藤 智樹

    勁草書房  2012 ISBN: 9784326602391

  • よくわかる国際社会学 (やわらかアカデミズム・わかるシリーズ)

    樽本 英樹( Part: Sole author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2009.07 ISBN: 4623054772


  • 樽本英樹 2001「ポストナショナル市民権は可能か-『アイデンティティの先験的選択』からの批判的検討」

    梶田孝道編『講座社会変動 第7巻 国際化とアイデンティティ』ミネルヴァ書房:94-120.  2001

  • Tarumoto, Hideki 2001 Is Post-National Citizenship a "Normal" Model?: An Exploration from the Viewpoint of "Transcendental Choice of Identity"

    Takamichi Kajita (ed.) Lectures of Social Change: Internationalisation and Identity, Kyoto: Mineruva shobo.  2001

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Research Projects

  • Citizenship Change and Social Integration of International Migration: An International Comparison

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Tarumoto Hideki

     View Summary

    Based on the issue of the challenge to the nation-state, This research explored relationship between change of citizenship institution and social integration of foreigners and international immigrants.Some countries have adopted relatively inclusive multicultural citizenship, thereby realising integration of foreigners/immigrants to a extent. However, due to increase of Muslim stayers and new immigrants/asylum seekers, they reconsider validity of multicultural citizenship. According to these experiences, countries with ethno-cultural citizenship like Japan will be pressed to introduce multicultural citizenship, following reconsideration of it.

  • Postnational Transformation of Citizenship Institutions from an International Comparative Perspective

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    TARUMOTO Hideki

     View Summary

    As globalisation is accelerated, postnational migration systems have been emergent and developed in the globe. What differences migration systems hold, what outcome they produce, and through what mechanism they appear? Through what mechanism does it produce the migration system, with relating to the other states, social groups, migrants and the society? To address these questions, this research takes two points. Firstly, with comparison to Western world, much less research has explored situations of migration in non-Western world. Asia is not an exception, although it has been remarkably shifting to multicultural societies. Secondly, a theoretical perspective is needed to examine the questions. With reference to a theoretical model, the Hammar=Koido=Tarumoto model (the HKT model), we approach mechanisms of development of migration systems. This exploration will lead us to comprehensive understanding emergence and development of postnational migration systems all over the world.

  • Transformation of Citizenship Institutions under Transnationalism

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


    Hideki TARUMOTO

     View Summary

    This research reconsiders the "challenge to the nation-state by international migration" from a theoretical perspective of citizenship and transnationalism. First, whilst international migration regimes acquire migration-regulating function, they do not fully hold rights-providing function which leads to development of the public sphere beyond national borders. Second, although care immigration policy in Japan controls migration of nurses and care workers, it can produce social change in terms of social reproduction drastically. Finally, East Asian countries share strict immigration policies but present some different characteristics such as diaspora policies.

  • International Migration and the Decline of State Sovereignty

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


    Hideki TARUMOTO

     View Summary

    This research has focused on one side of the "challenge to the nation-state" by international migrants, that is the decline of state sovereignty, that the number of researchers in the world involve the debate on. The reason why the debate has been finished yet is that the scholars fail to understand complexities of policy responses of the state. This research has taken the process: First, it investigated phenomenological significance of enlargement of immigrant rights that induces the decline of state sovereignty as the main factor. Second, although the existing research clings to seeking "theoretical frameworks beyond nation-state", this research insists that national frameworks such as the Hammar=Koido=Tarumoto model (the HKT model) should be developed thoroughly. Third, with using the national framework this research found crucial roles of international and domestic environments to enlarge immigrant rights. Fourth, these theoretical consideration were adopted to two Japanese cases: one is changes of immigration policy since 1990, and other is a reform of the foreign company trainees system. Fifth, to understand the decline of state sovereignty from the viewpoint of multicultural societies, the research took up the relation between social order and nouns. Finally, looking at British situations, it is described that not only national actors but also local actors induce the decline of state sovereignty in some cases, or support state sovereignty in other cases.This research successfully constructed theoretical frameworks to consider the "challenge to the nation-state" issue and adopted such theoretical findings to some empirical cases. As a next step, more elaborate empirical research should be undertaken in near future.

  • 国際移民の市民権に関する研究

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B))

    Project Year :


    樽本 英樹

     View Summary


  • From University to Work : Focusing on Engineering Graduates

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))

    Project Year :


    Kazushi HIRASAWA, 杉野 勇, Takayasu NAKAMURA, Kenji YAMAGUCHI, Hideki TARUMOTO

     View Summary

    The main purpose of this research is to clarify the structure of transition from university to work of engineering undergraduates and postgraduates and its change. We had an interview with teachers and administrators at the placement office in five universities, and carried out the mail survey of graduates who graduated from a state university between 1965 and 1994. 1,216 people answered the questionnaire. The main findings of this survey are as follows : (1)About 70 percent of graduates got their first job by recommendation of university teachers, the others got without it. (2)But the ability of candidates was not much higher than the others because they were recommended mainly by not their grades but "first come" or "rock-paper-scissors". (3)This tendency had been stable throughout this period. (4)Graduates who changed their first job until forty years old got higher status than those who did not. (5)Whether they got managerial posts depended upon their ability that they acquired at the university.

  • Quest for Practical Possibility of Social Theory

    Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))

    Project Year :


    Naoki SUDO, 金井 雅之, Manabu AKAGAWA, Yoshinori TOMIYAMA, Kazuo SEIYAMA, Kenichi ITO, 樽本 英樹, Masayuki KANAI

     View Summary

    This project had held twelve workshops at Gakushuin University for three years. Moreover, member of this project had reported their research results at academic societies, including international conferences. Titles of reports at workshops are these:(1) "Thoughts of Walt Disney", (2) "Evolution of Social Influence Networks in Uanimous Opinion Formation", (3) "Applicability of the Concept 'Social Capital'", (4) "Gender-power on Social Status Consciousness", (5) "Application of Dunkan Watts's Small World Simulation", (6) "Independence of Protestantism and Capitalism", (7) Meta-theoretical Consideration of Canonicity, (8) "Model Construction of Social Structure", (9) "Evolution of Distributive Justice in Social Influence Networks", (10) "Independency of Political Power from Legitimacy", (11) "Systematic Analysis of Evolution of Late Herbermas's Thoughts", (12) "Formation of norm for irrelevant in City as Public Space", (13) "Mechanism of Rising Legal Damages", (14) "About Simulation : Understanding/Description/Generation of <Society>", (15) "Constructivism and Unconstructed Reality", (16) "How does Altruistic Player Look at Games?", (17) "Escape from Free-riders", (18) "Impartiality of Ethical Judgment", (19) "Acceptance of Romantic Love in Modern Japan", (20) "Analysis of Non-diagonal Cells in Social Mobility Tables", (21) "Effects of Ties for Mobilization to Social Movements", (22) "Media and 'Trust'".In last year of this project, we wrote the report that includes 13 papers discussed by members at workshops of this project.

  • 先進福祉国家体制とエスニック階層

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


    樽本 英樹

  • 1980年代90年代英国におけるデュアリズムとエスニック階層

    文部科学省  科学研究費補助金(奨励研究(A))

    Project Year :


    樽本 英樹

     View Summary


  • 国際移民の市民権

  • 英国におけるエスニック集団と社会階層

  • ethnic studies

  • The Relation between Ethnic Groups and Social Stratification in the United Kingdom

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  • Streich, Gregory W. (樽本英樹 訳) 「人種的平等」

    樽本 英樹

    スクリブナー思想史大事典翻訳編集委員会 監訳 『スクリブナー思想史大事典』丸善出版. (Maryanne Cline Horowitz (ed. in chief) 2004 New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons.)    2016  [Invited]


  • 書評:安達智史『リベラル・ナショナリズムと多文化主義』

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    移民政策研究 (移民政策学会)   7   237 - 239  2015  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 多文化主義

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    社会調査協会編『社会調査事典』丸善出版     526 - 527  2014  [Invited]


  • 市民権

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    社会調査協会編『社会調査事典』丸善出版     528 - 529  2014  [Invited]


  • イギリスにおける社会調査

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    社会調査協会編『社会調査事典』丸善出版     724 - 727  2014  [Invited]


  • Research Committee 31 (Sociology of Migration) と国際化

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    日本における社会学関連学協会の国際化の現状と課題 科学研究費 22243038「日本における社会学教育・研究の国際化の加速をめざす総合的研究報告書 研究代表 伊藤公雄)     52 - 56  2013  [Invited]

    Meeting report  

  • 書評:宮島 喬・吉村真子編著『現代社会研究叢書7 移民・マイノリティと変容する世界』

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    社会学評論   64 ( 2 ) 317 - 318  2013

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 書評:山田信行『世界システムという考え方-批判的入門

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    社会学評論   64 ( 3 ) 517 - 519  2013  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 国境を越える人々が社会を変えていく-人のグローバル化の網羅的な記述」(書評:S・カースルズ/M・J・ミラー著『国際移民の時代 [第4版]』)

    樽本 英樹

    『図書新聞』第3016号 2011年06月04日   ( 3016 )  2011.06  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Book Review

    Tarumoto Hideki

    Japanese sociological review   61 ( 3 ) 353 - 354  2010.12

    DOI CiNii

  • 書評:西山康雄・西山人重子編著『イギリスのガバナンス型まちづくリー社会的企業による都市再生』

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    東海社会学会年報   2   128 - 130  2010  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • 書評:田辺俊介『ナショナル・アイデンティティの国際比較

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    理論と方法(数理社会学会)   48   289 - 291  2010  [Invited]

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • Introduction

    Kawasaki Kenichi, Tarumoto Hideki

    Japanese sociological review   60 ( 3 ) 326 - 329  2009.12

    DOI CiNii

  • Book Review

    Tarumoto Hideki

    Japanese sociological review   59 ( 2 ) 438 - 439  2008.09

    DOI CiNii

  • 知識の構成的関心 (翻訳)

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Nick Crossley (監訳者 西原和久, 訳者代表 杉本学・郭基煥・阿部純一郎)『社会学キーコンセプト―批判的社会理論の基礎概念57』新泉社:265-70. (Nick Crossley 2005 {\it Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory}, London: Sage     177 - 181  2008  [Invited]


  • 承認:承認への欲望と闘争(翻訳)

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    Nick Crossley (監訳者 西原和久, 訳者代表 杉本学・郭基煥・阿部純一郎)『社会学キーコンセプト―批判的社会理論の基礎概念57』新泉社:377-88. (Nick Crossley 2005 {\it Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory, London: Sage     256 - 265  2008  [Invited]


  • ロンドンにおける移民分布地図

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    『現代用語の基礎知識』自由国民社     1 - 1  2007  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 英国は国境を守れるか?-非正規移民・難民と移民政策の攻防

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    APFS・渡戸一郎・鈴木江理子編『在留特別許可と日本の移民政策-「移民選別」時代の到来』明石書店     78 - 79  2007  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • John Rex 多文化主義・市民権・階級分析(樽本英樹・人見泰弘・高橋奈津子 訳)

    TARUMOTO Hideki

    『現代社会学研究』(北海道社会学会)   17   72 - 78  2004


  • <書評>奥山眞知著『イスラエルの政治文化とシチズンシップ』

    樽本 英樹

    社会学評論   53 ( 3 ) 443 - 444  2002.12

    DOI CiNii

  • Tarumoto, Hideki 2001 Citizenship model in the Age of International Migration

    Japanese Sociological Review   Vol. 51 No. 4:4-19  2001

  • An Expolation of Citizenship Perspective from the Viewpoint of Postwar Britain : Toward an International Comparison of Immigration Policies

    Annual Review of Sociology   13   1 - 13  2000

  • <書評>佐久間孝正著『変貌する多民族国家イギリス : 「多文化」と「多分化」にゆれる教育』

    樽本 英樹

    社会学評論   50 ( 1 ) 134* - 136  1999.06

    DOI CiNii

  • Book Reviews

    Tarumoto Hideki

    Sociological theory and methods   14 ( 2 ) 140 - 143  1999


  • How to Get the Upper Hand

    Sociologos   ( 19 )  1995

  • The Significance of Common Knowledge on Social Power

    Sociologos   ( 18 ) 1 - 14  1994

  • An Exploration for the Theory of Ethnic Stratification

    The Annual Review of Kanto Sociological Association   ( 7 ) 61 - 72  1994

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • エスニック文化による社会的境界構築の機能-音楽文化としてのジャズに着目して


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