Updated on 2024/07/26


ONISHI, Koichiro
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
博士(経済学) ( 2007.03 一橋大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2023.09

    Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition   Visiting Senior Fellow

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2018.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2017.04

    Osaka Institute of Technology   Faculty of Intellectual Property   Associate Professor

  • 2009.04

    Osaka Institute of Technology   Faculty of Intellectual Property   Assistant Professor

  • 2014.07

    Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition   Visiting Senior Fellow

  • 2006.08

    National Institute of Science and Technology Policy   Research Fellow

  • 2005.04

    Institute of Intellectual Property   Research Fellow

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Research Areas

  • Economic policy

Research Interests

  • Industrial Organization

  • Innovation

  • Intellectual Property Right

  • Economics of science


  • 論文賞

    2019   日本知財学会  

  • 論文賞

    2010   研究・技術計画学会  



  • Impact of Financial Support Expansion on Restaurant Entries and Exits During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Oikawa, Masato, Koichiro Onishi

    Small Business Economics     1 - 45  2024.04  [Refereed]



  • Exploring the Gig Economy in Japan: A bank data-driven analysis of food delivery gig workers

    Kuroda, Sachiko, Koichiro Onishi

        1 - 33  2023.04

  • Information Advantage or Bias Related to Social Ties: Evidence from a peer review system for national research grants

    Koichiro Onishi, Hideo Owan

    RIETI Discussion Paper   22-E-096   1 - 48  2022.09

    Authorship:Corresponding author

  • Does patenting always help new firm survival? Understanding heterogeneity among exit routes

    Masatoshi Kato, Koichiro Onishi, Yuji Honjo

    Small Business Economics   59 ( 2 ) 449 - 475  2022.08  [Refereed]

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    While patents are a valuable resource ensuring the competitive advantage of firms, there is limited evidence on the role of patents in the survival and exit strategies of new firms. To fill the gap in the literature, we examine whether the effects of patenting on new firm survival vary according to exit routes (bankruptcy, merger, and voluntary liquidation), while considering the endogeneity of patenting. We use a large-scale sample of new firms in the Japanese manufacturing and information services sectors for the period 2003–2013. The findings indicate that new firms with a higher stock of patents are less likely to go bankrupt. Conversely, new firms with a higher stock of patents are more likely to exit via merger. These findings are consistent, regardless of whether patent stock is measured based on the patent applications or granted patents. Furthermore, we provide evidence that new firms with a higher stock of granted patents are more likely to voluntarily liquidate their businesses.

    Plain English Summary

    Can new firms enjoy a “patent premium” in terms of survival and exit outcomes? The findings of this study indicate that (1) patenting reduces the risk of bankruptcy, and (2) it increases the odds of exit via merger and voluntary liquidation. On the one hand, patenting ensures that new firms obtain competitive advantages, and thus, survive in the product market. On the other hand, it enables new firms to pursue successful exit strategies in the markets for ideas. This study concludes that new firms can enjoy a patent premium in terms of survival and exit outcomes. In promoting sustainable economic growth via entrepreneurship, policymakers need to shift their focus from creating more firms to creating innovative firms.



  • 日本の産業におけるイノベーションの専有可能性と技術機会の変容;1994-2020

    永田晃也, 後藤晃, 大西宏一郎

    NISTEP Discussion Paper No.210    2022.07

  • 日本の研究開発のスピルオーバー効果:長期データによる検証(1983-2019)

    枝村一磨, 長岡貞男, 大西宏一郎

    RIETI Discussion Paper No.22-J-024    2022.06

  • Patent Fee and Patent Quality: Evidence from Patent Fee Reduction Program in Japan

    Koichiro Onishi

    IIPR Discussion Paper No.2021-001    2021.12

  • Consumption responses to COVID-19 payments: Evidence from a natural experiment and bank account data

    So Kubota, Koichiro Onishi, Yuta Toyama

    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization   188   1 - 17  2021.08  [Refereed]



  • How Do Inventors Respond to Financial Incentives? Evidence from Unanticipated Court Decisions on Employees’ Inventions in Japan

    Koichiro Onishi, Hideo Owan, Sadao Nagaoka

    The Journal of Law and Economics   64 ( 2 ) 301 - 339  2021.05

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

     View Summary

    We use a novel panel data set of corporate inventors matched with their employers in Japan to examine the effects of output-based financial incentives on corporate inventors' performance. We exploit heterogeneous industry responses to Japanese court decisions that forced Japanese firms to introduce stronger incentives. We show, first, that only industries facing a high risk of employee-inventor lawsuits adopted or significantly strengthened financial incentives based on the commercial success of inventions in response to the court decisions. Our estimations reveal that stronger financial incentives in such industries reduced the number of highly cited patents and significantly decreased the incidence of science-based patents after technology-specific year effects are controlled for. These results show that the compulsion to remunerate employee-inventors on the basis of the commercial success of their inventions could distort the efficiency of corporate research and development and illustrate the importance of contracting freedom.</p>



  • Consumption Responses to COVID-19 Payments: Evidence from a Natural Experiment and Bank Account Data

    So Kubota, Koichiro Onishi, Yuta Toyama

    Covid Economics Vettd and Real-Time Papers   62   90 - 123  2020.12  [Refereed]

  • Graduate education and long‐term inventive performance: Evidence from undergraduates' choices during recessions

    Koichiro Onishi, Sadao Nagaoka

    Journal of Economics & Management Strategy   29 ( 3 ) 465 - 491  2020.07  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author



  • Heterogeneous Impacts of National Research Grants on Academic Productivity

    Koichiro Onishi, Hideo Owan

    RIETI Discussion Paper   20-E-052  2020

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • Intellectual Property Rights for Software and Accessibility to Venture Capitalists

    K. Onishi, I. Yamauchi

    RIETI Discussion Paper 18-E-036    2018

  • Causal Effects of Software Patents on Firm Growth: Evidence from a policy reform in Japan

    K. Onishi

    RIETI Discussion Paper 18-E-063    2018

  • 中小企業における特許保有・営業秘密とパフォーマンスの関係-特許審査請求料・特許料減免制度の非連続性を用いた分析-

    大西宏一郎, 西村陽一郎

    日本知財学会誌   Vol.15 ( No.2 ) 68 - 85  2018  [Refereed]

  • 途上国の知的財産制度の整備状況と日本企業の海外活動に関する研究


    特許庁委託平成25年度産業財産権研究推進事業報告書    2015

  • 中小企業における共同研究の有効性と成果の権利帰属に関する実証分析-特許の共同発明・共同出願の観点から-

    大西宏一郎, 枝村一磨, 山内勇

    日本政策金融公庫論集     43 - 60  2014  [Invited]

  • The effects of compensation plans for employee inventions on R&amp;D productivity: New evidence from Japanese panel data

    Koichiro Onishi

    Research Policy   42 ( 2 ) 367 - 378  2013  [Refereed]

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    This article reports the first results on how monetary compensation plans for employee inventions affect R&amp
    D productivity, based on the notable panel data of Japanese firms. The study finds that the introduction of revenue-based compensation plans that are linked to patent performance lead to an increase in the number of high cited patents, while this never leads to an increase in the number of patent applications. Furthermore, this is strongly effective in smaller firms. These results indicate that the monetary incentives based on patent performance are effective on enhancing the motivation of employee inventors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.



  • Does Tax Credit for R & D Induce Additional R & D Investment? : Analysis on the effects of gross R & D credit in Japan

    ONISHI Koichiro, NAGATA Akiya

    The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management   24 ( 4 ) 400 - 412  2010  [Refereed]

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    In this paper, we try to examine whether the tax credit program for gross R & D enforced in 2003 induced additional R & D investment in Japanese firms. We apply difference-in-difference model to estimate the impact of the tax credit by using the firm level data of the official statistics. We find no evidence that the firms which received the new tax credit significantly increase. their R & D expenditure as compared to non received ones. Our result doesn't change though we use several sub-samples to check its robustness. This indicates that there is room to improve existing tax credit program for R & D in Japan.

    DOI CiNii

  • 液晶ディスプレイ産業における知識スピルオーバーと研究開発の生産性


    研究 技術 計画   21   88 - 104  2007  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • クラスターはイノベーションの質を高めるのか

    西村陽一郎, 大西宏一郎, 真保智行

    日本企業研究のフロンティア   ( 2 ) 73 - 88  2006  [Refereed]

  • 特許ライセンスの契約形態の決定要因 -企業規模と特許の藪-

    大西宏一郎, 岡田羊祐

    日本経済研究   52 ( 52 ) 44 - 66  2005  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


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Books and Other Publications

  • 産業組織のエッセンス

    明城聡, 大西宏一郎( Part: Joint author)

    有斐閣  2022.09 ISBN: 9784641151000

Research Projects

  • The effect of patent system on patent quality

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • *Economic Analysis of Diverse Work Styles: Effects on Working Hours, Health, and Productivity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 我が国企業経営における「過去の経験」と「企業人の行動」に関する実証分析

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    西村 陽一郎, 蟹 雅代, 山内 勇, 大西 宏一郎, 鈴木 健嗣

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  • International comparative study on establishment, business development and growth of university-/public research institute- originated venture companies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


  • 中小企業に対する特許料・審査請求料の減免制度と資金制約に関する分析

    公益財団法人全国銀行学術研究振興財団  研究活動に対する助成

    Project Year :



  • Corporate Patent Strategy: Perspective from CEO Succession

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    NISHIMURA Yoichiro

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    First, our study reveals that CEO succession is likely to initiate strategic change whereas social ties between prior CEO and new CEO is unlikely to initiate strategic change. Second, patent strategy after CEO succession is more likely to be fluctuated over years if new CEO who has IP career in the past was succeeded than new CEO without IP career in the past. Third, executives including new CEOs who have IP career in the past is likely to adopt differentiated IP strategy from average strategy within the same industry. Lastly, executive including new CEOs who are able to exclusively concentrate on IP duty is likely to adopt differentiated IP strategy from average strategy within the same industry.

  • Patent System and Firm performance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Onishi Koichiro

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    In this study, we empirically examine the impact of patenting in SMEs on financing and performance. We find that patenting by SMEs increase their accessibility to venture capital funding relative to firms that do not, and also improve firm performance. The results also show that the expansion of the scope of software patents and the patent fee reduction schemes also play a significant contribution to the performance of SMEs in Japan.

  • Basic Research Regarding the Effect of Kakenhi on Research Productivity

    Project Year :


  • The effect of graduate education on inventive performance

    Project Year :


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    Using individuals’ life-cycle invention data, we investigate how graduate education affects inventive performance and inventors’ ability to absorb and combine diverse knowledge sources. We use the status of college labor markets as instrumental variables to control for the endogeneity of educational choice, our primary instrumental variable being the difference between the unemployment rate and its natural rate by academic field. We find that graduate education, induced by the instrumental variables, significantly enhances inventive performance (10-14%) and the scope of exploited knowledge, exceeding the levels implied by OLS. Graduate education can have a significant causal effect on inventive capability and performance

  • Knowledge exploitation and patent system

    Project Year :


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    With the introduction of the pre-grant publication system in Japan and US as natural experiments, this research project has found that the pre-grant publication not only increased the speed of knowledge diffusion from the invention, but also enhanced the first mover advantage of the disclosed invention on average. Also, we analyzed the effect of the introduction of the mandatory disclosure of prior arts in Japan in 2002, and found that the quality of disclosure improved, with the effect of shortening the examination period, and that the predictive power of inventor citations with respect to the patent value also increased. Consistent with these results, we also found that the extent to which the patent examination reduces the scope of the patent is greater as the applicant's disclosure quality is lower. In addition, we obtained new findings on the inventor's ability to absorb knowledge, the information constraint on the Patent Office, and the knowledge flow effect of grace period

  • A study on the growth of high-tech start-ups: Emprical evidence from the perspective of technology and governance

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Honjo Yuji, YAMADA Kazuo

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    This study examines the determinants of post-entry performance of high-tech start-ups in Japan to identify the process from entrepreneurship to innovation. In this study, we newly construct a data set of high-tech start-ups by matching some data sources. Using this data set, we investigate how entrepreneurs’ human capital, including technological ability, and governance at founding affect the post-entry performance of firms. Moreover, we provide some evidence on what factors affect the growth of high-tech start-ups, which will lead to policies to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in high-tech start-ups.

  • The Determinants of Research Productivity among Inventors

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    ONISHI Koichiro

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    In this paper, I first examine the effect of revenue-based payment for employee inventors on inventive productivity using firm level micro data. Second, I investigate the relationship between education level and productivity among inventors. Lastly, I study how joint researches between large firm, SMEs and universities are conducted and who acquire the right of research outputs through joint research in fuel cell area.

  • Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Research Program on the Innovation Process

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    CHUMA Hiroyuki, NAGAOKA Sadao, YONEKURA Seiichiro, AOSHIMA Yaichi, NOBEOKA Kentaro, AKAIKE Shinichi, ETOH Manabu, OWAN Hideo, IJICHI Tomohiro, ONISHI Koichiro, HONJO Yuji, NAKAMURA Kenta, TSUKADA Naotoshi, MATSUSHIMA Kazunari, NISHIMURA Junich, MITSUAKI Hosono, IGAMI Masatsura

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    Collaborating with world-wide industrial, governmental and academic organizations, the research conducted the unique questionnaire surveys of R&D projects and consortia in science-based industries together with large number of the related intensive and cross-bordering fieldworks about them, and clarified the essential characteristics and/or weakness of innovation processes of those industries in Japan. It also provided the novel theoretical and empirical frameworks/methodologies for investigating the relevant polices and strategies to enhance the performance of those R&D activities

  • 研究者に対するインセンティブ設計と知的生産性に関する研究


    Project Year :


  • Construction Process of World's Top Class Research Center

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    NAGATA Akiya, UENO Akira, HASEGAWA Koichi, ONISHI Koichiro, SHINOZAKI Kaori

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    This research is implemented to clarify the basic conditions for the construction of world's top class research centers, which is targeted by 3rd science and technology basic plan in Japan. By using the case analyses for some excellent research centers in Europe and North America, this research produced the results as follows. The promotion program for construction of research center must to involve the variety correspond to the differences in the construction factors of top class research center by research fields. A strategy aiming to lead the new research field is continually necessary to sustain the top class position for the research centers.

  • 発明報奨制度と研究者のインセンティブ

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)

    Project Year :


    大西 宏一郎

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  • 大学院教育と発明プロセス、パフォーマンス

    大西 宏一郎

    統計   74 ( 8 ) 4 - 13  2023.08  [Invited]

    Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 経済学者が読み解く 現代社会のリアル(第106回)一律10万円の給付金で家計消費は増えたのか

    久保田 荘, 大西 宏一郎, 遠山 祐太

    週刊東洋経済   ( 6975 ) 84 - 85  2021.03


  • 政府統計調査の調査制度の比較分析と問題点の整理―知的財産ライセンス収支項目を中心に

    大西宏一郎, 西村陽一郎

    日本知財学会誌   17 ( 1 ) 23 - 30  2020  [Invited]

  • 日本産業の基礎研究と産学連携のイノベーション効果とスピルオーバー効果

    長岡貞男, 枝村一磨, 大西宏一郎, 塚田尚稔, 内藤祐介, 門脇諒

    RIETI Discussion Paper   20-J-001  2020

  • 日本企業の模倣被害データを用いた知的財産インデックスの説明力の検証


    統計   70巻 ( 11号 ) 20 - 26  2019  [Invited]

  • 特許の審査請求料等の減免制度の利用が企業の特許登録等に与える影響


    Patent Studies   No.68   35 - 50  2019  [Invited]

  • How does Graduate Education Affect Inventive Performance? Evidence from Undergraduates' Choices during Recessions

    K. Onishi, S. Nagaoka

    RIETI Discussion Paper 18-E-016    2018

  • 特許行動に関する基礎分析-企業の基本属性の視点-

    沈政郁, 大西宏一郎, 本庄裕司

    Discussion Paper 2017.2. 京都産業大学    2017

  • 家族企業の特許行動に関する基礎分析

    沈政郁, 大西宏一郎

    Discussion Paper 2017.3. 京都産業大学    2017

  • 審査請求料等の減免制度が企業活動に与える効果について


    『我が国の知的財産制度が経済に果たす役割に関する調査報告書』    2017

  • Do patenting always help new-firm survival?

    M. Kato, K. Onishi, Y. Honjyo

    Kwansei Gakuin Discussion Paper 159    2017

  • オープン・クローズ戦略と特許化・利用行動との関係

    大西宏一郎, 西村陽一郎

    『我が国の知的財産制度が経済に果たす役割に関する調査報告書』    2016

  • 企業パフォーマンスと知的財産権の貢献に関する調査

    山内勇, 長岡貞男, 大西宏一郎

    『我が国の知的財産制度が経済に果たす役割に関する調査報告書』    2016

  • Monetary Incentives for Corporate Inventors: Intrinsic Motivation, Project Selection and Inventive Performance

    K. Onishi, H. Owan, S. Nagaoka

    RIETI Discussion Paper 15-E-071    2015

  • 発明者へのインセンティブ設計:理論と実証

    長岡貞男, 大西宏一郎

    RIETI Discussion Paper 14-J-044    2014

  • How to Trace Mobile Inventors in Japanese Patent Data? A Unique Name Approach

    I. Yamauchi, K. Onishi, T. Suzuki

    IIPR Discussion Paper Series, 2014-01    2014

  • ソフトウェア特許の権利範囲の拡大とソフトウェアベンチャーの収益性、資金調達

    大西宏一郎, 林茂樹, 山内勇

    『我が国経済の新たな成長に向けた産業財産権の出願行動等に関する分析調査報告書』    2012

  • 発明者から見た2000年代初頭の日本のイノベーション過程:イノベーション力強化への課題

    塚田尚稔, 長岡貞男, 大西宏一郎

    RIETI Discussion Paper 12-J-033    2012

  • Life-cycle Productivity of Industrial Inventors: Education and Other Determinants

    K. Onishi, S. Nagaoka

    RIETI Discussion Paper 12-E-059    2012

  • Standardization and Accuracy of Japanese Patent Applicant Names

    K. Onishi, Y. Nishimura, N. Tsukada, I. Yamaichi, T. Shimbo, M. Kani, K. Nakamura

    IIPR Discussion Paper No.2012-001    2012

  • Do software patents induce R&D incentive?

    Research on intellectual property   ( 6 ) 169 - 186  2009.11


  • 企業の研究開発活動と知的財産制度に関する研究

    大西 宏一郎

    メルク   ( 2 ) 42 - 51  2007.10


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Research Institute

  • 2023

    Center for Data Science   Concurrent Researcher

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 研究費の配分と研究者の行動や成果等について


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  • みずほ銀行の個人・法人口座データを用いたギグワーク等の分析

    2022   黒田祥子

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  • みずほ銀行の個人・法人口座データを用いた経済分析

    2021   黒田祥子

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  • みずほ銀行の個人・法人口座データを用いた経済分析


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  • 花粉の飛散量の増大が労働生産性や社会生活に与える影響


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  • 特許審査請求手数料・特許料の減免制度が中小企業の特許出願行動等に与える影響


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