Updated on 2024/10/24


Faculty of Law, Waseda Law School
Job title

Research Experience


    Kyoto University


    Former Institution /Organization Faculty of Law Department of Law   Professor

Research Areas

  • Criminal law


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Books and Other Publications

  • 有斐閣判例六法

    長谷部, 恭男, 佐伯, 仁志, 酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2020.10 ISBN: 9784641003415

  • 刑事訴訟法(第2版)

    酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2020.07 ISBN: 9784641139428

  • 入門刑事手続法(第8版)

    三井, 誠, 酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2020.04 ISBN: 9784641139435

  • 井上正仁先生古稀祝賀論文集

    酒巻, 匡, 大澤, 裕, 川出, 敏裕

    有斐閣  2019.02 ISBN: 9784641139312

  • ケースブック刑事訴訟法(第5版)

    井上, 正仁, 酒巻, 匡, 大澤, 裕, 川出, 敏裕, 堀江, 慎司, 池田, 公博, 笹倉, 宏紀

    有斐閣  2018.03 ISBN: 9784641139336

  • 入門刑事手続法(第7版)

    三井, 誠, 酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2017.03 ISBN: 9784641139244

  • 現代の裁判(第7版)

    市川, 正人, 酒巻, 匡, 山本, 和彦

    有斐閣  2017.03 ISBN: 9784641220959

  • 刑事訴訟法

    酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2015.11 ISBN: 9784641139060

  • 入門刑事手続法(第6版)

    酒巻 匡( Part: Joint author)

    有斐閣  2014.03

  • 刑事訴訟法の争点

    井上, 正仁, 酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2013.12 ISBN: 9784641113220

  • ケースブック刑事訴訟法(第4版)

    酒巻 匡( Part: Joint author)

    有斐閣  2013.10

  • 現代の裁判(第6版)

    酒巻 匡( Part: Joint author)

    有斐閣  2013.06

  • 三井誠先生古稀祝賀論文集

    井上, 正仁, 酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2012.01 ISBN: 9784641042872

  • 『入門刑事手続法(第5版)』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2010.05 ISBN: 4641042772

  • 条解刑事訴訟法(第4 版)

    酒巻匡( Part: Joint editor)

    編集代表、弘文堂  2009.12

  • 『刑事証拠開示の理論と実務』

    酒巻 匡

    判例タイムズ社  2009.11 ISBN: 4891861649

  • 刑事証拠開示の理論と実務

    酒巻, 匡

    判例タイムズ社  2009.11 ISBN: 9784891861643

  • 『ケースブック刑事訴訟法(第3版)』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2009.10 ISBN: 4641042667

  • 『難解な法律概念と裁判員裁判』司法研究報告書第61巻1号

    酒巻 匡

    司法研修所  2009.03

  • 『Q&A 平成19年犯罪被害者のための刑事手続関連法改正』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2008.11 ISBN: 4641042616

  • 『現代の裁判(第5版)』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2008.07 ISBN: 4641123632

  • 『改訂版 裁判の法と手続』共著

    酒巻 匡

    放送大学教育振興会  2008.03

  • 『ケースブック刑事訴訟法(第2版)』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2006.04

  • 『現代の裁判(第4版)』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2005.07

  • 『演習刑事訴訟法』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2005.04

  • 『ケースブック刑事訴訟法』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2004.04 ISBN: 4641042187

  • 『現代の裁判(第3版)』

    酒巻 匡

    有斐閣  2004.04

  • 『裁判の法と手続』

    酒巻 匡

    放送大学教育振興会  2004.04

  • 裁判の法と手続

    酒巻, 匡, 山本, 和彦

    放送大学教育振興会  2004.03 ISBN: 4595237286

  • 刑事証拠開示の研究

    酒巻, 匡

    弘文堂,デジタルパブリッシングサービス  2004 ISBN: 4335353014

  • 『現代の裁判(第2 版補訂)』

    酒巻匡( Part: Joint author)

    (平成15 年4 月、有斐閣)  2003

  • 入門刑事手続法

    三井, 誠, 酒巻, 匡

    有斐閣  2001.12 ISBN: 4641041938

  • 逐条解説犯罪被害者保護二法

    松尾, 浩也, 酒巻, 匡, 甲斐, 行夫, 神村, 昌通, 飯島, 泰

    有斐閣  2001.03 ISBN: 4641041946

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Research Projects

  • 刑事裁判における争点整理・事実認定を見据えた責任能力論の課題解決

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    安田 拓人, 岡田 幸之, 安藤 久美子, 樋口 亮介, 小池 信太郎, 酒巻 匡

  • 刑事裁判における争点整理・事実認定の指導指針となるべき実体法解釈論の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    安田 拓人, 小池 信太郎, 樋口 亮介, 岡田 幸之, 安藤 久美子, 酒巻 匡

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  • Legal Regulations on the Collection and Use of Information for Prosecuting and Preventing Crimes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Osawa Yutaka

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    The results of this research are the following two points.
    First, legal interpretation and legislative proposal regarding the three themes, which were (1) the continuous collection of personal information for prosecuting crimes, (2) the use of information for prosecuting crimes which was collected for the other purpose, and (3) the collection and use of information for preventing crimes, were presented.
    Second, through a cross-sectional examination of the above three themes, the basic theory regarding the collection and use of information for prosecuting and preventing crimes was presented.

  • Rethinking Discovery in Criminal Cases

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SAKAMAKI tadashi

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    The purpose of the research is comprehensive and critical analysis on the former academic and practical research materials on Discovery System in Criminal Cases. These theoretical and legal materials includes my own former academic publication, and foreign materials(U.S.,England, France,Germany)for comparative view. The result of research and rethinking on the issue:There would be no need to make comprehensive changes on the present system of discovery of evidence in criminal procedure, if not drastically changing over the basic way of Japanese criminal trial procedure(adversary trial system).Comprehensive disclosure of all prosecution evidence to defense at pretrial stage should not be accepted under adversary system of criminal procedure.

  • Interdisciplinary studies on the influence of the mental disorder to sentencing-decision

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    YASUDA Takuto

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    This project adopted intersisciplinary approach of criminal law and psychiatry and comparative jurisprudence approach, analyzed theinfluence of the mental disorder to sentencing-decision.

  • Interdisciplinary studies on the framework of the judicial judgement of doli capax and the content of the psyciatric exminations

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    YASUDA Takuto, OKADA Takayuki, ANDO Kumiko, SAKAMAKI Tadashi

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    We demonstrated that the content of the psyciatiric examinations schold be restricted to the field of psychiatry by reassessing the position of the examinations in the judicial forensic code of legal procedure.The content of it include analysis on the mechanism of the corresponding psychiatric symptoms which induced the corresponding crimes.
    Forensic, normative judgement of doli capax will be made on this analisis whether or not the person could have suppressed implus to commit corresponding crime with normal mental functions.

  • Research on the new means of collecting evidence in criminal procedure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    OSAWA Yutaka, INOUE Masahito, SAKAMAKI Tadashi, TANAKA Hiraku, KAWAIDE Toshihiro, SATOU Takayuki, IKEDA Kimihiro, SASAKURA Hiroki, INATANI Tatsuhiko, NARUSE Gou, OTANI Yuki

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    This research aims at examining the new methods of evidence collection on the recognition that traditional means of investigation and proof of the crime based on the interrogation of the suspect shows the deadlock. They consist of the new statement acquisition means and the objective evidence collection means. Members of this research project considered the concrete contents of the new system based on the survey of the criminal justice system in many foreign countries and the discussion in the special session for the new criminal justice system of a Legal System Investigation Commission.

  • Reconsider on the Appellate Review on Fact-Finding in Criminal Procedure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    SAKAMAKI Tadashi

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    This research project was planed to reconsider the practice of the appellate review on fact-finding of the trial court in Japanese Criminal Justice System. As the result,this research has proposed the clear and convincing review method,that has been originately built in the Japanese Criminal Procedure Law itself. The research products including legal articles publicized during the research term have successfully proposed the firm theoretical grounds for the continuing activity of the Japanese Supreme Court deciding on this issue.

  • Evidence Law in the Saibanin System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    INOUE Masahito, SAKAMAKI Tadashi, NAGANUMA Noriyoshi, TANAKA Hiraku, OSAWA Yutaka, KAWAIDE Toshihiro, SATOU Takayuki, IKEDA Kimihiro, SASAKURA Hiroki, INOUE Kazuharu, INATANI Tatsuhiko, NARUSE Gou

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    This research is on what the evidence law and practice should be in the criminal trial in which layperson participates after the introduction of Saibanin system. It takes up especially two kinds of evidence. The one is document including statement out of trial and the other is forensic evidence. The research is based on the comparative law study and the survey of practice of empirical study of Saibanin trial.

  • Analysis on Law and Practice of Pre-Trial Discovery in Criminal Procedure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SAKAMAKI Tadashi

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    Analyzing court practices on newly established pre-trial criminal discovery system, the research project have successfully proposed a general theoretical ground on discovery system and legal reasoning on individual practical issues.

  • A Comprehensive Study of Laws Against Organized Crime

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    SHIOMI Jun, SAKAMAKI Tadashi, TAKAYAMA Kanako, YASUDA Takuto, HORIE Shinji, NAKAMORI Yoshihiko

     View Summary

    Criminal regulations to deal with organized crime require special consideration. However, breaking with Japan's traditional legal framework of criminallaw to introduce a conspiracy law in the name of international cooperation is a serious issue, because it will undercut existing human rights protections. It is also vital that the proceeds of crime are not stripped from people without due adherence to appropriate principles. Procedures for the investigation, prosecution, and trial judgment of organized crime cases need to be defined with great care, based on a thorough review of the fundamental principles of the country's legal system.

  • Victim Participation in the Criminal Procedure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    INOUE Masahito, SAEKI Hitoshi, SAKAMAKI Tadashi, NAGANUMA Noriyoshi, TANAKA Hiraku, OHSAWA Yutaka, KAWAIDE Toshihiro, SATOU Takayuki, IKEDA Kimihiro, SASAKURA Hiroki, INOUE Kazuharu, NARUSE Gou

  • 公判前整理手続規定の解釈と多様な運用可能性

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 萌芽研究

    Project Year :


    酒巻 匡

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  • Computer Crimes and Criminal Procedure-New Measures for Criminal Investigation

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    SAKAMAKI Tadashi, INOUYE Masahito, NAGANUMA Noriyoshi, KAWAIDE Toshihiro, OSAWA Yutaka, TANAKA Hiraku

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    1.The end results of this research project are as follows ;
    (1)Finding out and analyzing the procedural law issues relating to the present and the new various investigative measures against computercrimes and so-called cybercrimes, in comparative perspective (including analytical studies on the European Convention on Cybercrimes ).
    (2)Based on the theoretical and the comparative analysis, having proposed the fundamental legal principles and the new legislative models on the particular investigative measures that could be introduced into the Japanese criminal investigation procedure.
    2.Some members of this research project have participated in and have dedicated to the discussions at the Criminal Law Subcommittee of the Legislative Council at the Japanese Ministry of Justice, that has presented new legislation proposals as the domestic legislation for the acceptance of the European Convention on Cybercrimes including investigative measures against cybercrimes.
    3.The particular procedural law issues analyzed are as follows ;
    (1)The transferability of the new compulsory measures for seizing computer data itself directly rather than the tangible objects carrying electromagnetic data, based on the examination of theoretical consistency with the present system of the compulsory measures in Japanese criminal investigation process.
    (2)The theoretical and practical possibility of new investigative measures to order a person to submit computer data in his possession or control and retain those data.
    (3)So-called data conservation order that enable the investigative authorities to order the expeditious preservation of specified computer data, including traffic data, which have been stored by means of a computer system.
    (4)So-called remote access investigation responding to computer network systems, that enable the investigative authorities to gain access to a remote computer electronically connected to the computer to be examined.

  • Protection of Witness in Criminal Justice System

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    SAKAMAKI Tadashi, INOUE Masahito, KAWAIDE Toshihiro, OSAWA Yutaka, TANAKA Hiraku, IKEDA Kimihiro

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    (1) Head investigator Sakamaki and investigator Kawaide, Naganuma have written and published the articles on protection of witness (including victim witness) and protective legal measures for cooperative informant witnesses in administration of Japanese criminal justice system including legislative proposal. (see, 11).
    These published articles will be included in Report of this research project.
    (2) At the research meetings held several times various legal issues relating to protection of witness (including protection and care for victim witness, protective measures for cooperative informant, protection against intimidation of witness, etc.) have been discussed in both administrative and legislative perspective. The results of the discussions have been published as the legal articles above.
    Head investigator Sakamaki and investigator Kawaide and Naganuma also have been members of the governmental Advisory Committee for Legislation (Hosei-shingikai, Ministry of Justice), Criminal Law Division and Juvenile Justice Division. At these Divisions head investigator and both investigators have discussed and proposed the legal idea on protection of witness for new legislations and administration of criminal justice system.
    (3) Research results of legal system and administration relating to protection of witness in European countries (England, Germany, France) will be included in Report of this research project.

  • The legal analyze on Organized Crime from the viewpoint of substantive and procedural law

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    MITSUI Makoto, SAKAMAKI Tadashi, HASHIZUME Takashi, UESHIMA Kazutaka

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    The purpose of this research project is to find out and analyze the legal issues on Organized Crime from the viewpoint of substantive and procedural law.
    The main subject of the analysis is the recent legislation against Organized Crime, which has passed the Diet in August 1999. Comparison with the German and the Anglo-American law is taken seriously. Particular issues are as follows.
    【encircled1】Does the new legislation on wiretapping violate the warrant requirement and due process of law which the Constitution requires?
    【encircled2】The system of immunity grants. Can Japanese criminal justice system introduce this legal method? How is the Japanese Supreme Court thinking about this point?
    【encircled3】the expansion of the punishment (range) on money-laundering. Does the rational basis of wider scope of the punishment exist?
    【encircled4】The aggravated punishment against the member of the organized crime. Why is a gang staff punished heavily? Why is his responsibility serious> Or, is the illegality of his act more serious?
    【encircled5】The analysis on property punishment system. Comparative study in particular with the recent law revision in Germany.
    【encircled6】the necessary conditions of a charge of auction disturbance activity. The recent decision of the Supreme Court on this issue is examined.
    Conclusion is as follows. The new Legislation seems to be in the fundamentally proper direction. But, still many problems are left. Because the research activities were focused on the fundamental issues, particular application about the concrete problem is still insufficient so far. Further continuing research is needed for comprehensive study.

  • Legal Regulations on the New Methods of Criminal Investigation and Evidence

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    INOUYE Masahito, SATO Takayuki, OSAWA Yutaka, SAKAMAKI Tadashi, NAGANUMA Noriyoshi, TANAKA Hiraku

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    Japan has been experiencing a big change in crime situation as the results of rapid scientific, technical developments and highly information-oriented as well as internationalized society those developments have brought about. Especially, organized crime has become diversified, wide-ranged or internationalized, and mechanized. Making use of the highly developed communication system, it has become easier for criminal oraganization to commit crimes with less risk of detection by the law enforcement authorities. There have been many proposals for various coutermeasures against these trends, including the interception of wire and oral communications, the sting operation, and the witness immunity. In this research project, the researchers have examined the possible constitutional and statutory issues associated with those measures through the comparative and theroretical analises, and gained a prospect for the desirable resolution of the problems (PRODUCTS OF RESEARCH Nos.1-6). The basic theoretical framework the researchers have built regarding the constitutional warrant requirements has proved of great use in resolving many legal issues in the conventional Search and seizure (PRODUCTS OF RESEARCH Nos.7-12).
    The findings of the research have been presented and focused the spotlight of attention at the 74th, 75th, and 76th annual conferences of the Criminal Law Society of Japan on May 25,1996, May 24,1997 and May 23,1998. The researchers believe the research also has made a constructive contribution to the recent discussion on anti-organized crime legislation.

  • Investigation and Prosecution of White Collar Crime

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    SAKAMAKI Tadashi

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    The purpose of this research is to identify and to analyze disinctive procedural issues on investigation and prosecution of white collar crime.
    The research methods are comparative study of legal developments among several countries (for example, the United States and Germany), and analysis of Japanese practice and procedure.
    The main topics of the research on Japanese practice are as follows ;
    1)legal issues on search and seizure of corporation documents and records in white collar crime investigation, 2)distinctive features of the target of white collar crime prosecution, in particular, the difficulty of gathering statements and oral evidence from the defendants or wothnesses, 3)interrelation and interaction between prosecution and administrative agencys.

  • 訴追免除(刑事免責)の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    酒巻 匡

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  • 訴追免除(刑事免責)の研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 奨励研究(A)

    Project Year :


    酒巻 匡

  • 犯罪の捜査・立証における科学の利用とその限界

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 総合研究(A)

    Project Year :


    三井 誠, 大澤 裕, 酒巻 匡, 長沼 範良, 井上 正仁, 松尾 浩也

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    1.2回の研究会を開催し、研究分担者が検討中のテーマならびに既に論文を執筆ないし公刊したテーマにつき、報告を行い、全員で討議した。 従前の研究状況を総賢して、刑事手続法上の問題点を抽出して検討を加えた個別テーマとして、次のものがある。「毛髪鑑定とその証拠能力」「強制的な体液の採取に附随する刑事手続法上の問題点」「筆跡鑑定とその証拠能力」「検証としての写真撮影とこれに対する不服申立の可否」「情報の押収」

  • Criminal Justice Reform in England & Wales

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research (A)

    Project Year :


    MITSUI Makoto, OSAWA Yutaka, TANAKA Hiraku, SAKAMAKI Tadashi, NAGANUMA Noriyoshi, INOUYE Masahito

     View Summary

    The Aim of this Project is a comprehensive study of " The Police & Criminal Evidence Act 1984." and " The Prosecution of Offences Act 1985" in England & Wales.
    We have accomplished our aim to translate completely of those Acts and collect materials and documentary records concerning Police in England & Wales.
    We are now writing articles on Stop & Search : Entry, Search & Seizure, Arrest, Dention, Questioning and Treatment of Persons by Police, Evidence in Criminal Proceedings, Police Complaints & Discipline, Police-General, and Protection of Offences, taking partial charge of this whole Project.
    These results are now being published in "Juristo".

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  • Faculty of Law   School of Law

  • Faculty of Law   Graduate School of Law