Updated on 2024/10/24


ASAKAWA, Tatsuto
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
博士(社会学) ( 2021.02 東京都立大学. )
Ph.D (Sociology) ( 2021.02 Tokyo Metropolitan University )
Mail Address

Research Experience

  • 2020.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Professor

  • 2006.04

    Meiji Gakuin University   Faculty of Sociology and Social Work   Professor

  • 2003

    Associate Professor

  • 1996

    Associate Professor

Education Background

  • 1992.04

    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences  


    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences  

  • 1990.04

    Tokyo Metropolitan University   Graduate School, Division of Social Sciences  


    Sophia University   Faculty of Literature  


    Sophia University   Faculty of Literature  

Committee Memberships

  • 2024.01

    Japan Consortium for Sociological Societies  Board Chairman

  • 2021.10

    Japan Association for Urban Sociology  president of JAUS

  • 2023.10

    日本社会学会  社会学系コンソーシアム担当理事、防災学術連携体担当理事

  • 2017.10

    日本都市社会学会  常任理事

  • 2015.09

    日本都市社会学会  理事

  • 2013.10

    日本都市社会学会  理事(企画委員会委員長)

  • 2012.11

    日本社会学会  財務委員会担当理事

  • 2012.11

    日本社会学会  研究活動委員会担当理事

  • 2011.10

    日本都市社会学会  常任理事

  • 2009.10

    日本都市社会学会  理事

▼display all

Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Sociology

Research Interests

  • Urban Sociology

  • 都市社会学,社会調査


  • The 12th Japanese Association of Urban Sociology Award

    2021.09   Japan Association for Urban Sociology  

    Winner: HASHIMOTO Kenji, ASAKAWA Tatsuto

  • シンフォニカ統計GIS活動奨励賞受賞

    2012.02   統計情報研究開発センター  

  • 第4回日本都市社会学会賞(磯村記念賞)




  • 社会とのつながりとフードデザート問題

    浅川達人, 岩間信之, 今井具子, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古

    老年社会科学   46 ( 1 ) 53 - 59  2024.04  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • フードデザート問題研究の概要

    岩間信之, 浅川達人, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志, 今井具子

    老年社会科学   46 ( 1 ) 41 - 46  2024.04  [Invited]

  • 社会地図で描き出す三大都市圏の社会空間構造:都市空間の比較社会学をめざして


    理論と方法   38 ( 1 ) 75 - 79  2023.08  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 外国にルーツのある子どもたちの成育環境と健康被害に関する地理的研究

    岩間 信之, 中島 美那子, 浅川 達人, 田中 耕市, 佐々木 緑, 駒木 伸比古, 池田 真志, 今井 具子, 貝沼 恵美

    E-journal GEO   18 ( 1 ) 170 - 185  2023.06  [Refereed]

  • 専門知、現場知と復興


    学術の動向   28 ( 3 ) 56 - 59  2023.03

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

  • すまい再建後の被災者の復興感と背景要因ー岩手県大槌町における災害公営住宅入居者への質問紙調査の結果を中心にー

    野坂真, 麦倉哲, 浅川達人

    地域社会学会年報   33   55 - 70  2021.06  [Refereed]

  • Changes in the Commercial Structure of an Area Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster: The Case of Yamada Town, Iwate Prefecture

    Nobuhiko KOMAKI, Nobuyuki IWAMA, Koichi TANAKA, Midori SASAKI, Masashi IKEDA, Tatsuto ASAKAWA

    Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi)   130 ( 2 ) 239 - 260  2021.04



  • 東日本大震災被災地における小売業の空間構造とその再編ー岩手県下閉伊郡山田町を事例としてー

    駒木伸比古, 岩間信之, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 池田真志, 浅川達人

    地学雑誌   130 ( 2 ) 1 - 22  2021.04  [Refereed]

  • マクロ統計データによる東日本大震災被災地の動向


    エストレーラ   ( 324 ) 2 - 9  2021.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Evaluation of Residents’ Shopping Environments in a Remote Area

    IWAMA Nobuyuki, ASAKAWA Tatsuto, TANAKA Koichi, SASAKI Midori, KOMAKI Nobuhiko, IKEDA Masashi, IMAI Tomoko, SEZAKI Ayako, NOSAKA Sakuya, FUJIMURA Natsumi

    E-journal GEO   15 ( 2 ) 200 - 220  2020  [Refereed]


  • Analysis with Access Indicators Encompassing Food Availability: A Multilevel Analysis of Factors that Prevent the Elderly from Maintaining a Healthy Diet

    Tatsuto Asakawa, Nobuyuki Iwama, Koichi Tanaka, Midori Sasaki, Nobuhiko Komaki, Masashi Ikeda, Tomoko Imai

    Journal of Food System Research   26 ( 2 ) 21 - 34  2019.10  [Refereed]


  • Old People's Living Environments and Food Deserts Issue : Reevaluation of Shopping Environment Using Healthy Eating Indicator Shopping Baskets

    岩間 信之, 浅川 達人, 田中 耕市, 佐々木 緑, 駒木 伸比古, 池田 真志, 今井 具子

    流通 : 日本流通学会誌 = Distribution studies : the journal of Japan Society for Distributive Sciences   ( 44 ) 111 - 119  2019.07


  • 食料品充足率を加味した食料品アクセスマップの開発

    岩間信之, 今井具子, 田中耕市, 浅川達人, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志

    フードシステム研究   25 ( 3 ) 81 - 96  2018.12  [Refereed]

  • 首都圏アンダークラスのメンタルヘルスー「非正規雇用者の基幹労働化」の帰結

    片瀬一男, 浅川達人

    東北学院大学教養学部論集   ( 179 ) 21 - 35  2018.03


  • 食品摂取多様性調査による分析ー大槌町災害復興公営住宅入居者調査よりー


    研究所年報   ( 48 ) 143 - 149  2018.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 東日本大震災津波被災地の25年後の姿ー人口分析&予測プログラムによる考察ー


    研究所年報   ( 47 ) 159 - 168  2017.02

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 地方都市におけるフードデザート問題−都市・農村混在地域における実証研究−

    浅川達人, 岩間信之, 田中耕市, 駒木伸比古

    日本都市社会学会年報   ( 34 ) 93 - 105  2016.09  [Refereed]

  • 食料品アクセスおよび家族・地域住民との繋がりを指標としたフードデザートの析出−県庁所在都市の都心部における事例研究−

    岩間信之, 浅川達人, 田中耕市, 駒木伸比古

    E-journal GEO   11 ( 1 ) 70 - 84  2016.06  [Refereed]

  • 『実験室』としての津波被災地ー災害リスクはコミュニティに共同性を創出し得るか


    研究所年報   46   109 - 118  2016.01

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Changes in the socio-spatial structure in the Tokyo Metropolitan area: Social area analysis of changes from 1990 to 2010

    Asakawa Tatsuto

    Development and Society   45 ( 3 ) 537 - 562  2016  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    The purpose of this research is to conduct a socio-spatial analysis on data from 1990, 2000, and 2010 using identical indices with the Tokyo Metropolitan area, spread over 4 prefectures and 1 city of Tokyo-to, Kanagawa-ken, Saitama-ken, Chiba-ken, Ibaraki-ken, as the analysis area and to use this to conduct a comparative time-based study. The analysis region was within a diameter of 60 km from the centre of Tokyo Station, and the Basic Grid Square was the unit of analysis and representation. The analysis results indicated that there were 3 types of changes including a) progress of decreasing birthrate and ageing population in almost all regions in the 60km area, b) changes arising in urban cores of polarization into new middle class and working class and accumulation of service jobs, c) changes arising in surrounding areas of accumulation of distribution facilities primarily in manufacturing.



  • 高齢者の健康的な食生活維持に対する阻害要因の分析ーGISおよびマルチレベル分析を用いたフードデザート問題の検討

    浅川達人, 岩間信之, 田中耕市, 駒木伸比古

    フードシステム研究   22 ( 2 ) 55 - 69  2015.09  [Refereed]

  • フードデザート地域における持続的な買い物弱者支援事業の提言に向けた地理学的研究―A市における生協移動販売事業を事例として―

    岩間信之, 浅川達人, 田中耕市, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志

    生協総研賞・助成事業研究論文集   11th   90 - 104  2015.01


  • フードデザート地域における持続的な買い物弱者支援事業の提言に向けた地理学的研究-茨城県牛久市における生協移動トラック事業を事例として-

    岩間信之, 浅川達人, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志

    第11回生協総研賞研究奨励助成事業研究論文集   11   1 - 15  2015.01

  • 商業機能の郊外化と買い物環境:岩手県山田町

    岩間信之, 田中耕市, 浅川達人, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古

    地理   ( 1月号 ) 14 - 21  2014.01  [Invited]

  • 特別推進プロジェクトの概要


    研究所年報   ( 43 ) 87 - 89  2013.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 『吉里吉里語辞典』アーカイブ化プロジェクト—その社会的意義について—


    Socially   21   15 - 20  2013.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A Quest for Structure and Agency within Urban Sociology:Thirty Years of Urban Social Trends in Japan

    ASAKAWA Tatsuto

    The Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology   2013 ( 31 ) 1 - 3  2013

    DOI CiNii

  • 東日本大震災被災地における食料品小売業の復興プロセスと仮設住宅居住者の生活環境問題

    岩間 信之, 佐々木 緑, 田中 耕市, 駒木 伸比古, 浅川 達人

    E-journal GEO   7 ( 2 ) 178 - 196  2013.01  [Refereed]

  • 特集 フードデザート(食の砂漠)問題:大都市部での調査事例


    エストレーラ   ( 224 ) 16-22  2012.11

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 東日本大震災復興支援活動と地域再生−岩手県大槌町吉里吉里を事例として


    学術の動向   17 ( 10 ) 70-75  2012.10

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 東日本大震災における被災者の生活再建と大学の役割−震災が浮き彫りにした生活調査の課題−


    社会福祉研究   ( 113 ) 2-8  2012.04

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 社会に役立つ社会学


    明治学院大学社会学・社会福祉学研究   ( 135 ) 177-183  2011.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 日本における食の砂漠:フードデザート問題の現状-茨城県水戸市の事例-

    岩間信之, 浅川達人, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志

    日本循環器予防学会誌   46 ( 1 ) 56-63 - 63  2011.02  [Refereed]


  • In order to restore the meaning of living: a sociological interpretation of human services

    The Meiji Gakuin sociology and social welfare review   ( 133 ) 159-170 - 170  2010.03


  • 東京における社会的つながり


    季刊家計経済研究   87 ( 87 ) 12-21  2010

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Social Area Analysis Reconsidered : Structural Comparison Between the Tokyo and Keihanshin Metropolitan Areas by Adopting the KS Method Cluster Analysis

    Asakawa Tatsuto

    Japanese sociological review   59 ( 234 ) 299-315 - 315  2008  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary

    Social area analysis has been developing as a method of factorial ecology. Factor analysis interprets factor structure using a few factors that possess big factor loading. Moreover, factor analysis ignores some factors with small factor loading. Therefore, it is pointed out that factor analysis may present a rough interpretation of the factor structure. In order to avoid this problem, the cluster analysis method is adopted. In statistical analysis software such as SPSS, hierarchical cluster analysis and K-means methods are generally adopted. Because neither method has the algorithms that extract the most suitable solution, analysts have to decide which solution is most suitable. Thus, it is said that using the cluster analysis method is very difficult.<br>The KS method cluster analysis can avoid these problems. Using the KS method, a structural comparison was drawn between the Tokyo and Keihanshin metropolitan areas. Data sets of the population census, which was carried out in 2000, were used. Further, the data sets of establishment and enterprise census, which was carried out in 2001, were also utilized. Both data sets were obtained free of cost. The units of analyses were cities, wards, towns, and villages, which were within a radius of 70km from Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, and Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, and the total number of units was 471. With regard to the Tokyo metropolitan area, social areas that were similar to the ones found by priority studies were discovered. With regard to the Keihanshin metropolitan area, a multiple core structure was discovered. It is believed that the KS method cluster analysis has the possibility to become one of the standard methods for social area analysis.

    DOI CiNii

  • 社会地区分析に用いるクラスター分析手法の比較研究―2000年北京市国勢調査データを用いて―


    社会学専攻紀要   ( 31 ) 79-111  2008

    Authorship:Lead author

  • A community of tolerance for diversity: in order to build up social ties

    The Meiji Gakuin sociology and social welfare review   ( 129 ) 163-175 - 175  2008

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 都市社会の構造と変動―三大都市圏の社会・空間構造の再編―


    日本都市社会学会年報   ( 25 ) 1 - 3  2007.09  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 統計の基礎:統計で調査をあきらめないために


    森岡清志(編)『ガイドブック社会調査第2版』    2007.09

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 情報と都市


    情報と社会―ここから未来へ    2006.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 都市圏の構造変容-変化の方向とその論理


    日本都市社会学会年報   24 ( 24 ) 57 - 71  2006  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • 大都市部における後期高齢者の社会的ネットワークと精神的健康

    原田謙, 杉澤秀博, 杉原陽子, 斎藤民, 浅川達人

    社会学評論   55 ( 4 ) 434 - 448  2005  [Refereed]

  • 大都市部における後期高齢者の「閉じこもり」に関連する要因――階層的地位と家族的地位に着目して

    原田謙, 杉澤秀博, 杉原陽子, 斎藤民, 浅川達人

    厚生の指標   52(4): 28-33 ( 4 ) 28 - 33  2005  [Refereed]


  • 血液透析患者の医療情報の授受に関する患者と医師の認知


    公衆衛生   69 ( 5 ) 394 - 397  2005  [Refereed]


  • 女性高齢者と地域社会


    生きがい研究   ( 11 ) 56 - 77  2005  [Invited]

  • 「血液透析患者の医療への参加」「患者会活動の意義と役割」「データの質」


    杉澤秀博・西三郎・山﨑親雄(編)『透析者のくらしと医療』    2005

    Authorship:Lead author

  • インナーシティにおける後期高齢者のパーソナル・ネットワークと社会階層

    原田謙, 浅川達人, 斎藤民, 小林江里香, 杉澤秀博

    老年社会科学   25(3): 291-301 ( 3 ) 291 - 301  2003  [Refereed]


  • 「人間関係を捉える」「近隣と友人」


    古谷野亘・安藤孝敏(編)『新社会老年学』    2003

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Characteristics of Others in the Social Network of Japanese Senior Men

    ASAKAWA Tatsuto

    17th World Congress of The International Association of Gerontology    2001.07

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 東京の社会地区分析



     View Summary

    JSAA Biennial Conference Japanese Studies Association of Australia

  • 高齢化と高齢者問題


    新版 生活問題の社会学 学文社   166 ( 181 )  2001.04

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 都市男性高齢者の社会関係


    老年社会科学   22 ( 22 ) 83-88 - 88  2000.04

    Authorship:Lead author

     View Summary



  • 都市度と友人ネットワーク


    森岡清志(編)『都市社会のパーソナルネットワーク』    2000.03

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 社会地図の意義と分析方法


      71   8 - 16  2000.03

  • Effects of functional decline on quality of life among the Japanese elderly

    T Asakawa, W Koyano, T Ando, H Shibata


     View Summary

    The effects of functional decline upon social networks, life satisfaction, and depression were observed and statistically tested in a longitudinal prospective design. Subjects were 692 Japanese elderly, aged sixty-five years or older, with high functional capacity at baseline. During a two-year period of follow-up, 12.3 percent of the subjects experienced functional decline. Repeated-measure analyses of covariance with statistical tests for simple main effects revealed that changes in the criterion variables significantly differed along with changes in functional health status when the effects of age, gender, and socioeconomic status were controlled. The subjects who experienced functional decline showed a larger decrease in the number of relatives, friends, and neighbors having frequent contacts, a larger decline in life satisfaction, and a larger increase in depression than those without functional decline. The results seem to confirm further the importance of functional health status as a prerequisite for higher quality of life in old age.

  • 高齢者の社会関係の構造と量

    浅川達人, 古谷野亘, 安藤孝敏, 児玉好信

    老年社会科学   21 ( 3 ) 329-338  1999.10  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Social support of older people in Australia and Japan

    H Kendig, W Koyano, T Asakawa, T Ando

    AGEING AND SOCIETY   19   185 - 207  1999.03

     View Summary

    Comparable networks surveys identified the informal relationships which provide social support to older people in urban Japan, provincial Japan, and urban Australia. Spouses, daughters, and sons were major providers of expressive support in all areas. Older Australians had more expressive support from friends while older Japanese had more instrumental support from daughters-in-law. The gender of the older people and their close ties were highly significant in all areas. The many similarities in the social support patterns contrast sharply with East and West differences in cultural prescripts and Living arrangements. In these two advanced countries with long life expectancies and high living standards, older people's interpersonal relationships may be converging on the basis of selective affection and choice, rather than obligation, with individuals in and beyond the household and family.

  • Effects of Intimate and Supportive Relationships on Well-Being in the Japanese Elderly

    ASAKAWA Tatsuto

    6th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology   4   25 - 29  1999.03

    Authorship:Lead author


▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • The Bottom Worker in East Asia: Composition and Transformation Under Neoliberal Globalization (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, 262)

    Tatsuto Asakawa( Part: Joint author, The Spatial Distribution of Bottom Workers in Tokyo)

    Brill Academic Pub  2023.07 ISBN: 9004678220


  • Student Governance of Fukashi

    ( Part: Contributor)

    2023.06 ISBN: 9784784074174

  • 都市を観る−社会地図で可視化した都市社会の構造

    浅川達人( Part: Sole author)

    春風社  2022.02

  • Urban Development and Social Change in Megacities in East Asia

    Wonnho Jang, ASAKAWA Tatsuto, Xiaocong Lu( Part: Contributor, Seoul, Tokyo and Shanghai: An Overview)

    Chuo University Press  2021.03

  • 鉄道は都市をどう変えるのか

    後藤範章( Part: Joint author, 社会地図でみる東京大都市圏; 社会地図でみる地方都市圏)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2021.03

  • Urban Food Deserts in Japan

    Nobuyuki Iwama, Tatsuto Asakawa, Koichi Tanaka, Midori Sasaki, Nobuhiko Komaki, Masashi Ikeda( Part: Joint author)

    Springer  2021

  • 格差社会と都市空間 : 東京圏の社会地図1990-2010

    橋本, 健二, 浅川, 達人( Part: Edit)

    鹿島出版会  2020.07 ISBN: 9784306073555

  • 移民政策と多文化コミュニティの道のり

    ( Part: Joint author, 財団・社会福祉法人・大学の三位一体で運営する集中学習支援教室)

    現代人文社  2018.09

  • 都市のフードデザート問題:ソーシャル・キャピタルの低下が招く街なかの「食の砂漠」

    岩間信之, 浅川達人, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志( Part: Joint author)

    農林統計協会  2017.01

  • 食品摂取と社会的要因

    ( Part: Joint author)

    ハーベスト社  2015.03

  • 現代コミュニティとは何か―「現代コミュニティの社会学」入門

    ( Part: Joint author)

    恒星社厚生閣  2014.06

  • 21世紀社会とは何か―「現代社会学」入門

    ( Part: Joint editor)

    恒星社厚生閣  2014.04

  • 調査方法の選択―調査票調査の場合

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • 調査対象の種類

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • 調査主題の設定

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • 社会地図

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • 予備調査 対象地の選定

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • 不採用になった主題図が教えてくれたこと

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • ソーシャルネットワーク

    ( Part: Sole author)

    丸善出版  2014.01

  • 東京の社会地図

    ( Part: Sole author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2013.04

  • 人間生態学と同心円地帯理論

    ( Part: Sole author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2013.04

  • ルイス・ワース

    ( Part: Sole author)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2013.04

  • フードデザート問題:無縁社会が生む「食の砂漠」

    岩間信之, 浅川達人, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志( Part: Joint author)

    農林統計協会  2011.06 ISBN: 9784541037671

  • Invitation to the Self-Study of Social Statistics

    ( Part: Sole author)

    2011.04 ISBN: 9784623060054

  • 現代都市とコミュニティ

    玉野和志( Part: Joint author)

    放送大学教育振興会  2010.03

  • 社会調査論

    佐藤健二, 山田一成( Part: Joint author)

    八千代出版  2009

     View Summary


  • 東京大都市圏の空間形成とコミュニティ

    玉野和志( Part: Joint author)

    古今書院  2009

  • 看護・福祉・医学統計学入門 SPSS入門から研究まで

    大櫛陽一, 春木康男, 松木秀明( Part: Joint author)

    福村出版  2007

  • 市民と社会を考えるために

    天川晃, 高木保興( Part: Joint author)

    放送大学教育振興会  2007

  • 現代コミュニティ論

    船津衛( Part: Joint author)

    放送大学教育振興会  2006

  • 社会調査

    原純輔( Part: Joint author)


  • 21世紀の社会学

    船津衛, 山田真茂留( Part: Joint author)

    放送大学教育振興会  2005

  • 新編東京圏の社会地図1975-90

    倉沢進( Part: Joint author)

    東京大学出版会  2004

▼display all


  • 日本におけるフードデザート問題:東京都郊外の団地を事例として



  • 社会学事典

    日本社会学会社会学事典刊行委員会  Other 


     View Summary



  • 大規模災害からの復興の地域的最適解に関する総合的研究2023(1) 標本調査からみた復興の「地域的最適解」:地域特性に基づく分析



    Presentation date: 2023.10

    Event date:
  • Analysis of Change in Urban Socio-spatial Structure

    Tatsuto Asakawa, Yuki Hirahara, Shingo Tsumaki

    The 41st Congress of Japan Association for Urban Sociology 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • Factor Analysis of Health Disparities in Japan's Three Metropolises

    Tatsuto Asakawa

    The Twenty-fifth Asian Studies Conference Japan 

    Presentation date: 2023.07

    Event date:
  • The Spatial Distribution of Bottom Workers

    Tatsuto Asakawa

    XX ISA World Congress of Sociology 

    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • 社会とのつながりとフードデザート問題

    浅川達人  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.06

    Event date:
  • 社会地図と質問紙調査の統合

    浅川達人  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2023.03

  • 個人、家族、地域における調整過程とライフコース(2):地域社会における調整過程



    Presentation date: 2023.03

  • 三大都市圏における格差拡大の進行過程とその社会的帰結に関する研究(3)健康格差の要因分析:社会地区分析と質問紙調査の統合



    Presentation date: 2022.11

    Event date:
  • 社会地図で描き出す三大都市圏の社会空間構造

    浅川達人  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2022.08

    Event date:
  • 三大都市圏の社会空間構造ー都市空間の比較社会学をめざして

    浅川達人, 平原幸輝, 妻木進吾


    Presentation date: 2022.07

    Event date:
  • 三大都市圏の社会空間構造ー(1)人口、家族、住宅に関する分析

    浅川達人, 平原幸輝, 妻木進吾


    Presentation date: 2021.09

    Event date:
  • 大規模災害からの復興の地域的最適解に関する総合的研究2020(4)

    浅川達人, 川副早央里


    Presentation date: 2020.10

  • 都市のフードデザート問題

    浅川達人, 岩間信之, 田中耕市, 佐々木緑, 駒木伸比古, 池田真志, 今井具子


    Presentation date: 2019.10

  • 東京圏における格差拡大の進行過程とその社会的帰結に関する研究 (2)社会空間構造の経年変化


    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 交通インパクトと都市・地域社会の構造変動(1)交通インパクトの社会地区分析と埼京線沿線地域の事例分析

    後藤範章, 浅川達人


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 第都市部における格差拡大の進行過程とその社会的帰結に関する調査(2) 信頼感・社会関係資本に関する地域類型を考慮したマルチレベル分析:社会地区分析と標本調査の接合


    Presentation date: 2017.11

  • 大槌町災害復興公営住宅入居者調査報告(2)食品摂取多様性調査による分析


    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 新線開業の社会・経済的効果に関する実証的研究(2)―埼京線・SR・TXと北陸新幹線・九州新幹線を事例とする第二次報告―

    後藤範章, 田代英美, 浅川達人, 小山雄一郎, 松林秀樹, 松橋達矢


    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • 東京大都市圏の構造変化の方向と論理:1990年から2010年までの変化に関する考察


    Presentation date: 2016.10

  • Socio-Spatial Structure Analysis of Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Based on "Social Atlas of Metropolitan Tokyo"

    XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology  (Yokohama)  International Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Resilience Strategies Carried by the Residents and Volunteers: A Study of Great East Japan Earthquake

    XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology  (Yokohama)  International Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2014.07

  • Reconstruction support for the Tsunami Disaster Sites, and Sociology

    California Sociological Association  (Berkeley)  California Sociological Association

    Presentation date: 2013.11

  • 東京大都市圏の社会・空間構造変容ー2000年から2010年までの変化に関する考察

    日本都市社会学会第31回大会  (熊本)  日本都市社会学会

    Presentation date: 2013.09

  • 地域社会と子どもの防犯―都市社会学の観点から

    日本犯罪社会学会第37回大会  (国士舘大学世田谷キャンパス) 

    Presentation date: 2010.10

     View Summary


  • 東京大都市圏の形成過程


    Presentation date: 2007.11

  • 都市社会の構造と変動(シンポジウム)


    Presentation date: 2006.09

     View Summary


  • 分極化仮説からみた東京圏の構造変容


    Presentation date: 2005.09

  • 東京圏の社会地図


    第22回日本都市社会学会大会  (大阪市立大学) 

    Presentation date: 2004.09

▼display all

Research Projects

  • 外国にルーツのある子どもの成育環境と健康被害に関する地理学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    岩間 信之, 浅川 達人, 田中 耕市, 佐々木 緑, 駒木 伸比古, 池田 真志, 今井 具子, 中島 美那子, 貝沼 恵美

  • 人口減少社会における格差拡大の進行過程とその社会的帰結に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    浅川 達人, 橋本健二, 佐藤香, 樋口直人, 丹辺宣彦, 妻木進吾, 武田尚子, 津田好美, 石田光規, KWON ARAM

  • Study on the processes of disparity expansion and their social consequences in Japanese three metropolitan areas

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • 大規模災害からの復興の地域的最適解に関する総合的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


    浦野 正樹, 長谷川 公一, 宍戸 邦章, 室井 研二, 黒田 由彦, 高木 竜輔, 浅川 達人, 田中 重好, 川副 早央里, 池田 恵子, 大矢根 淳, 岩井 紀子, 吉野 英岐

     View Summary


  • 生鮮・加工食料の充実度を加味した全国版食料品アクセスマップの作成

    文科省  基盤B

    Project Year :


  • 東アジア巨大都市における新自由主義型都市計画制度の成果と形成過程

    文科省  基盤B

    Project Year :


  • 大都市部における格差拡大の進行過程とその社会的帰結に関する計量的研究

    文科省  基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


  • 農山漁村におけるフードデザートの析出ー店舗の食品群充足度調査を用いた学祭研究

    文科省  基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


  • 交通インパクトの社会学的効果に関する研究ー量と質とビジュアルの混合研究法

    日本大学  基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


  • The study of the consensus building among new stakeholders and community rebuilding in the process of the reconstruction from the disaster

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHINO Hideki, TANAKA Shigeyoshi, KURODA Yoshihiko, YAMASHITA Yusuke, URANO Masaki, ASAKAWA Tatsuhito, SUGA Mashiho, ONOZAWA Akiko, WATADO Ichiro, OHYANE Jun

     View Summary

    In this project, we analyze the process of recontiruction of houses and community from Great East Japan earthquake. We did research activities in Kamaishi city in Iwate Prefecture, Natori city and Iwanuma city in Miyagi Prefecture and Iwaki city in Fukushima Prefecture. We recognize municiparities, public support insutitutions, neiborhood groups,universities and vounteer groups as verious stakeholders and research their consensus building process which made formations or characteristics of constiruction. We find that consensus building are cocerned in habitants' needs and realized by their positive participation in the process of negotiation, these are the important factors to succeed proper construction.
    And We investigate the situation of inhabitants mainly in the public collective houses by questioanire test. We find the active relationship between habitants is not yet regenerated and some serious problems in their mind and community for susutaining their life.

  • 東日本大震災と日本社会の再建ー地震,津波,原発震災の被害とその克服の道

    福島大学  基盤研究(A)

    Project Year :


  • 被災地仮設住宅における高齢者の孤立と生活環境の悪化に関する地理学的考察

    茨城キリスト教大学  基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


  • 少子高齢化社会おける食料品アクセス問題の動向とその解決方策に関する研究

    農林水産政策研究所  基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


  • 持続的な地域社会の構築に関する研究

    Project Year :


  • 現代日本の地域社会における<つながり>の位相ー新しい協働システムの構築にむけて―


    Project Year :


  • Interdisciplinary Research of Changing Metropolitan Structure and Multinucleated Urban Area Planning

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    FUJII Tadashi, ITOH Osamu, ITOH Satoru, TANI Kenji, TSUTSUMI Jun, TOMITA Kazuaki, TOYODA Tetsuya, MATSUBARA Mitsuya, YAMASHITA Hiroki, YAMASHITA Minetoshi, ASAKAWA Tatsuto, TAKAGI Koichi, TANIGUCHI Mamoru, YAMASHITA Jun

     View Summary

    After the review about the researches in regard to multinucleated metropolitan areas, the geographical and sociological analysis of major metropolitan areas showed that those spatial pattern are changing to mosaic from concentric, and life spaces are shrinking. This trend means importance of multinucleated compact city vision which has various cores with different functions or characteristics. We also approached international comparison about the such kinds of trends of cores and advanced urban plans of metropolitan areas.

  • 防犯活動に関する社会学的要因の検討


    Project Year :


  • 子どもの被害測定と防犯活動の実証的基盤の確立


    Project Year :


  • GISによるバブル経済崩壊以降の東京・大阪圏の都市空間構造比較に対する学際的研究

    日本学術振興会  基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


  • On the Study of Social Networks in Urban Situations.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIOKA Kiyoshi, NAKAO Keiko, TAMANO Kazushi, WADA Kiyomi, KANEKO Isamu, YASUKOCHI Keiko, TAKAGI Koichi, ASSAKAWA Tatsuto, KUBOTA Shigeru, ITO Tairo, HAYASHI Takuya

     View Summary

    This study explores the effects of personal network and social capital on the urban local community. The dataset used here comes from the survey research in the Setagaya Ward of Tokyo in 2008 and 2009. The research in 2008 had 8,000 samples. The response rate was 65.3%. The research in 2009 had 10,000 samples. The response rate was 54.5%. Both two researches conducted in mail method, we can say the response rates reached high level. The analytical results include many interesting findings.

  • Empirical Research on Personal Networks Comparison between Cities.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIOKA Kiyoshi, TAMANO Kazushi, YASUKOCHI Keiko, ITO Tairo, YABE Takuya, TAKAGI Koichi

     View Summary

    This project is based on two sets of surveys. The first one was a mail survey conducted in three cities (Fukuoka, Kumamoto, and Tokushima), with the sample consisting of 9,000 randomly selected individuals, 3,000 from each city. After a pre-survey in 2003, research hypotheses were further deliberated and the questionnaire was revised for the main survey that was conducted in 2004. The primary focus of this survey was to access the determinants of individuals' personal networks. These included ecological factors (e.g., size of population and years in residence), individual attributes (e.g., sex and age), family-related variables, and socio-economic status. The analyses centered around the issues on the relationship between the population size and personal networks, an on-going debate within the discipline of urban sociology. Our survey design that employed three cities varying in population size enabled us to assess the effect of ecological factors on personal networks. Our results indicated that the larger the population size, the smaller the number of kins and neighbors were in personal networks. There was no difference among the three cities in terms of the total number of friends in networks; however, the respondents in larger cities had a greater number of friends who lived between 30 and 90 minutes from themselves, even after all other variables were controlled for.
    The second set of survey was carried out in 2005. This was a case study of a community in downtown Tokyo. 300 members of a neighborhood association were interviewed using a questionnaire. In addition, intensive interviews were given to the officials of the association. Through these interviews we were able to analyze how community residents' personal networks have changed as the community went through structural changes over time.

  • Reseach in relation to the work of the married women and their personal networks.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUKOCHI Keiko, MORIOKA Kiyoshi, NAKAO Keiko, INADUKI Tadashi, ANDO Kiwamu, ASAKAWA Tatsuto

     View Summary

    The aim of this research is to clarify how degrees of urbanism affect the married women's work, how the personal networks can help married women decide how to work or if they can continue working or not, how much effect other circumstances like housework responsibility or possibility of using nursery services have on their decision of keeping their jobs.
    1.With these aims of research, we conducted a survey at the academic year 2003(September 2003) in Fukuoka City (except Nishi-Ku) and Tokushima City, mailing a questionnaire to 2,200 samples (Age 30-49,women) in each place. Whether a woman is married or not, a married woman has a job or not, the married women's individual network system is like and how the household duties are shared between the couple are asked in the questionnaire. We have received 754 valid answers in Fukuoka City and 874 in Tokushima City.
    2.In the academic year 2004,we analyzed the data. The major findings from the analysis, whose details are described in ‘A Report on Research Results', are ;
    (1)In Tokushima City, more married women who have children work. That is, the lower the degree of urbanism is, the bigger the number of mothers with having jobs is. The ratio of mothers having jobs is 68.0% for Fukuoka and 74.3% for Tokushima, and the difference was significant.
    (2)In this finding, we are convinced that the rule of Douglas-Arisawa works. (High income of spouses prevents housewives from having jobs)
    (3)The factors enabling the married women in Tokushima City to work are there is less social movement and there are many 3-generation-families.
    (4)Other factors are that kin networks which can provide nursery services are more developed there.
    (These((3)(4)) mean that living with couples' parent(s) and having more kin networks promote housewives to having jobs.)
    (5)More women who have graduated from national universities have job than those who have graduated from private universities.

  • 首都圏の社会地区―社会地区分析の手法の開発および社会地図の作成

    文部科学省  基盤研究(A)(1)

    Project Year :


  • The Study of Extended Personal Networks with the Analysis of New Year Cards

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MORIOKA Kiyoshi, YASUKOUCHI Keiko, EGAMI Wataru, KANEKO Isamu, ASAKAWA Tatsuto, KUBOTA Shigeru

     View Summary

    This project was carried out for the follewing two purposes. One is to grasp individuals' extended personal networks (including those of strong ties as well as weak ties) by conducting case studies with the use of New Year's cards as a data-base. The other is to understand the inner structure of individuals' networks focusing on those of their intimate relationships by conducting a mail survey.
    Case studies were carried out in three cities for different purposes. In Mitaka-city, case studies of those who engage in the administration of a community center were conducted. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristics of the residents' participation in their local community and its interrelationships with their extended personal networks. In Fukuoka-city, case studies of elderly residents were carried out in Chuo-ku and Nishi-ku in order to capture transforming processes of their extended personal networks through life course. In Tokushima-city, case studies of the leaders who directed a local protest movement were carried out for the purpose of investigating the processes in which networks are mobilized for collecting signatures for a petition. From the results of the case studies described above, we obtained many interesting findings.
    Furthermore, from the results of the pretest conducted in 1999, we found that there are not necessary differences between face-to-face interviews and mail surveys in the accuracy ef respondents' answers to the questions that ask about interrelationships among the five persons mentioned as their close friends. Thus, in 2000, we randomly sampled eight regions (shi and ku) of Tokyo Prefecture and conducted a mail survey of a total sample of 2,000. The eight regions consist of Bunkyo-ku, Shinagawa-ku, Ohta-ku, Setagaya-ku, Hachiohji-shi, Oume-shi. Higashimurayama-shi, and Tama-shi. 2000 questionnaires were distributed according to the proportion of the population in the eight regions, and 656 valid samples were collected (the response rate was 33.2%). After the data-cleaning and analysis, we made reports on themes such as the examination of variables determining the network structure, and the relations of status attainment with the network structure, and so on. Part I of the report discusses the results of these analyses, and Part II discusses the results of the analyses from the case studies.

  • Research on a Couple's Network System in Urban Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YASUKOCHI Keiko, ASAKAWA Tatsuto, MORIOKA Kiyoshi, NAKAO keiko, TAKAGI Koichi, KUBOTA Shigeru

     View Summary

    The aim of this research is to clarify how degrees of urbanism affect a couple's individual network system and how a wife's employment interrelates with the couple's network system and urbanism.
    1. With these aims of research, we conducted a survey at the end of academic year 1998 (March, 1999) in Fukuoka City, Okayama city and Tokushima City, mailing a questionnaire to 700 samples in each place. Whether a wife has a job or not, what a couple's individual network system is like and how the household duties are shared between the couple are asked in the questionnaire. The subject was all female ranging between 30 to 49 years old. 851 answers (40.5%) were collected, of which 835 (39.8%) were effective.
    2. In the academic year 1999, we analyzed the data. The major findings from the analysis, whose details are described in 'A Report on Research Results', are; (1)the lower the degree of urbanism is, the bigger the number of mothers with full-time employment is. The ratio was 10.4% for Fukuoka, 16.4% for Okayama and 23.4% for Tokushima and the difference was significant. (2)the factors enabling the mothers in Tokushima to work full-time are there is less social movement and they have their own kin living in less than 30 minutes' travel. (There was no significant difference in the corresponding number of husbands' kin living nearby.) The high rate of mothers who have a profession or who work for public offices should be also included. (3)more mothers turned out to be employed whose own mothers had work when they entered an elementary school. (4)women's desire to work or not, is not consistent, and their desire to work (or not) after marriage is subject be regulated by the modes of their husbands' work.

  • パソコン-ネットワークを媒介として成立している高齢者の社会関係に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    浅川 達人

     View Summary

    調査は大手商用ネットワークであるNifty Serveが開設するメロウフォーラムの電子会議室にシグオペより許可を得て調査票を掲載し、回答を電子メールにて受け取る方法で1997年1月に実施し28名(男性:25名、女性:3名)より回答を得た。回答者の平均年齢は64.9±7.1歳であり、会員制の電子会議室に頻繁にアクセスした者(9.3±5.4回/週)で、学歴がかなり高い者(旧制高校卒、新制大学卒を合わせて50%)という特徴を持つ。オフラインでのネットワークの規模を、頻繁に交流のある他者の数を用いて、東京都の代表サンプル(「中高年の生活と意識に関する都民調査」1992年東京都老人総合研究所)と比較しつつみると、別居子、兄弟・親戚、近隣についてはほぼ同じ程度であったものの、友人に関しては本調査では5.8±7.0人と東京都4.9±8.5人よりも大きな規模を示していた。これらの結果は、オンラインでのコミュニケーションが現実のつきあいを阻害するのではなく、むしろ現実での社会関係を活発に形成・維持している者がオンラインでのコミュニケーションをも積極的に利用していると考えるべきであることを示唆している。

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  • 震災による買い物環境の変化の記録―フードデザート研究の視点から

    駒木 伸比古, 岩間 信之, 田中 耕市, 浅川達人, 佐々木 緑, 池田 真志

    季刊地理学   70 ( 1 ) 62 - 62  2018.03  [Invited]

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  

  • Current status and challenges of food desert problems-undernutrition risk elderly people lurking in the city

    ASAKAWA Tatsuto

      100 ( 10 )  2017.10  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 都市のフードデザート問題ー食料品アクセスとソーシャル・キャピタルー


    TASC MONTHLY   ( 498 ) 13 - 18  2017.06  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)  


  • 街なかに潜む低栄養リスク高齢者ー都市のフードデザート問題


    都市問題   108 ( 6 ) 27 - 32  2017.06  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  


  • 社会的弱者とフードデザート問題


    教育と医学   65 ( 6 ) 34 - 41  2017.06  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 岩手県山田町での仮設住宅団地と災害公営住宅の買い物環境

    岩間 信之, 浅川 達人, 田中 耕市, 佐々木 緑, 駒木 伸比古

    季刊地理学   66 ( 3 ) 210  2015.01

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


  • 岩手県山田町での商業機能の復興プロセスと郊外化の現状・課題

    駒木 伸比古, 佐々木 緑, 岩間 信之, 浅川 達人, 田中 耕市

    季刊地理学   66 ( 3 ) 209  2015.01

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference)  


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  • Faculty of Science and Engineering   School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2021

    Waseda Institute for Sustainable Community and Risk Management   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 日本の三大都市圏における格差拡大の進行過程とその社会的帰結に関する研究


     View Summary

     研究成果を、2023年7月2日に行われたAsian Studies Conference Japanの「Session 25: Widening Inequality and Its Social Consequences in Three Major Japanese Metropolises」において報告した。 このセッションの座長は浅川が担当し、討論者としてYuki ASAHINA先生(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)に参加していただいた。報告者と報告タイトルは下記の通りである。1) Yuki Hirahara, Waseda University&nbsp; The Spatial Structure of Three Major Japanese Metropolises and Their Regional Characteristics2) Tatsuto Asakawa, Waseda University&nbsp; Factor Analysis of Health Disparities in Japan's Three Major Metropolises3) Aram Kwon, Waseda University&nbsp; Does the Relationship between Social Class and Social Consciousness Vary across Urban Areas? Findings of an Analysis of Three Major Japanese Metropolises4) Kazuo Katase, Tohoku-gakuin University&nbsp; Mental Health of NonRegular Workers in Three Major Japanese Metropolises