Updated on 2025/03/13


HAYAMI, Hiroshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Global Center for Science and Engineering
Job title
Professor(without tenure)
博士 ( 北海道大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2020.04

    Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

  • 2012.04

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Industrial Science

  • 2009.04

    Tokyo University of Science

  • 1990.04

    Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • 1994.10

    Univerisity of Iowa   Visiting Scholar

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Committee Memberships

  • 2024.05

    首都高  トンネル換気付帯設備の運用・取扱に関する検討委員会(委員)

  • 2023.06

    東京都  環境影響評価審議会(委員)

  • 2022.09

    大気環境学会  記録編纂委員会(委員長)

  • 2021.01

    環境省 微小粒子状物質(PM2.5)・光化学オキシダント対策総合推進検討会  委員

  • 2018.11

    神奈川県  環境影響評価審査会(委員)

  • 2017

    大気環境学会  「大気環境未来60」募金委員会(副委員長)

  • 2010

    環境省  船舶航空機排出大気汚染物質削減技術・効果検討会(委員)

  • 2005

    International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences(IJAES)編集委員会(委員)

  • 2022.09

    大気環境学会  理事

  • 2022.09

    大気環境学会  論文賞選考委員会(副編集委員長)

  • 2022.09

    大気環境学会  編集委員会(副編集委員長)

  • 2014.09

    大気環境学会  理事会(常任理事)

  • 2014.09

    大気環境学会  論文賞選考委員会(委員長)

  • 2014.09

    大気環境学会  編集委員会(委員長)

  • 2007

    大気環境学会  都市大気エアロゾル分科会(幹事)

  • 2007

    大気環境学会  都市大気環境モデリング分科会(幹事)

  • 2014

    国交省  横浜港新規ふ頭地区埋立事業に係る環境影響評価技術検討委員会(委員)

  • 2017

    環境省  PM2.5等に関する文献調査業務アドバイザ(委員)

  • 2017

    経産省  大気環境に係る科学的知見等に関する調査検討会(委員)

  • 2014.04

    環境省  光化学オキシダントシミュレーションによる解析作業部会(委員)

  • 2015

    千葉県  微小粒子状物質(PM2.5)等対策検討調査検討会(委員)

  • 2014

    国交省  仮称東京港臨港道路南北線建設計画に係る環境影響評価技術検討委員会

  • 2013

    国交省  東京港国際海上コンテナターミナル(Y3)整備事業に係る環境影響評価技術検討委員会

  • 2015


  • 2012

    大気環境学会  編集委員会(副委員長)

  • 2012


  • 2010

    AJAE(Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment)編集委員会

  • 2012

    放医研  内部被ばく線量評価調査専門委員会

  • 2012


  • 2010

    国交省  船舶からの大気汚染物質放出規制海域(ECA)に関する技術検討委員会

  • 2010


  • 2012


  • 2010


  • 2009

    東京都  シミュレーションモデルによる微小粒子状物質等の濃度予測調査委託ワーキンググループ

  • 2009

    国交省  東京港環境影響評価技術検討委員会(委員)

  • 2006

    日本エアロゾル学会  編集委員会(委員)

  • 2008

    愛知県  光化学オキシダント対策検討会

  • 2007

    川崎市  大気汚染総合解析検討会

  • 2007


  • 2007


  • 2004


  • 2005


  • 2003

    The Third International Conference on Air Pollution Modeling and Simulation,International Scientific Board

  • 1999

    大気環境学会  編集委員会(委員)

  • 1998

    World Bank  Rains Asia Phase II Working group

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Research Areas

  • Environmental dynamic analysis


  • AJAE論文賞

    2023.09   大気環境学会   Detection of Ship Fuel Sulfur Contents in Exhaust Plumes at the Kanmon Straits, Japan, before and after the Global Sulfur Limit 2020

    Winner: 速水洋, 伊賀悠太, 板橋秀一, 三浦和彦, 森樹大, 櫻井達也

  • 学術賞

    2019.09   大気環境学会   二次大気汚染物質の動態に関する研究

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 大気環境学会論文賞

    2018.09   大気環境学会   都心上空と地上の大気質観測によるPM2.5等の高濃度時の立体解析―2015年12月上旬の事例―

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 大気環境学会論文賞

    2017.09   大気環境学会   微小粒子状物質中の炭素成分分析における正のアーティファクトの影響評価

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 大気環境学会最優秀論文賞

    2016   大気環境学会   トレーサー法を用いたわが国の硫酸塩濃度に対する国内外の発生源寄与評価

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 大気環境学会論文賞(AJAE部門)

    2015   大気環境学会   Numerical Simulation of Extreme Air Pollution by Fine Particulate Matter in China in Winter 2013

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 大気環境学会論文賞(ノート・速報部門)

    2015   大気環境学会   地上観測PM2.5と衛星観測AODの対応関係

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 環境科学会論文賞

    2013   環境科学会   東京都狛江市における降水組成の経年変化

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 日本風工学会出版賞

    2013   日本風工学会   Sea Breeze Blowing into Urban Areas: Mitigation of the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 大気環境学会論文賞(学術部門)

    2012   大気環境学会   北関東における微小粒子状物質のレセプターモデルと放射性炭素同位体比を組み合わせた発生源寄与率推定

    Winner: 速水 洋

  • 論文賞

    2009.09   大気環境学会   デニューダ・フィルタパック法により測定した半揮発性無機イオン成分の濃度の実態とガス・粒子分配

    Winner: 速水 洋, 藤田慎一

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  • Aerosol Spatial Distribution Observed by a Mobile Vehicle Lidar with Optics for Near-Range Detection

    Masanori Yabuki, Kazuhiko Miura, Tatsuhiro Mori, Hiroshi Hayami, Hiroaki Kuze

    Proceedings of the 30th International Laser Radar Conference, Springer Atmospheric Sciences. Springer, Cham,     303 - 309  2023.12  [Refereed]


  • Airborne hydrophilic microplastics in cloud water at high altitudes and their role in cloud formation

    Yize Wang, Hiroshi Okochi, Yuto Tani, Hiroshi Hayami, Yukiya Minami, Naoya Katsumi, Masaki Takeuchi, Atsuyuki Sorimachi, Yusuke Fujii, Mizuo Kajino, Kouji Adachi, Yasuhiro Ishihara, Yoko Iwamoto, Yasuhiro Niida

    Environmental Chemistry Letters   21 ( 6 ) 3055 - 3062  2023.12

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    Microplastic pollution is occurring in most ecosystem, yet their presence in high altitude clouds and their influence on cloud formation and climate change are poorly known. Here we analyzed microplastics in cloud water sampled at the summits of Japan mountains at 1300–3776 m altitude by attenuated total reflection imaging and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. We observed nine microplastics including polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, polymethyl methacrylate, polyamide 6, polycarbonate, ethylene–propylene copolymer or polyethylene–polypropylene alloy, polyurethane, and epoxy resin. Microplastic were fragmented, with mean concentrations ranging from 6.7 to 13.9 pieces per liter, and with Feret diameters ranging from 7.1 to 94.6 μm. Microplastics bearing hydrophilic groups such as carbonyl and/or hydroxyl groups were abundant, suggesting that they might have acted as condensation nuclei of cloud ice and water. Overall, our finding suggest that high-altitude microplastics cloud influence cloud formation and, in turn, might modify the climate.



  • Vertical Profile of PM2.5 over the Seto Inland Sea Measured by Drone and Insight into Factors Causing a High PM2.5 Concentration Event in This Region

    Itahashi Syuichi, Shimadera Hikari, Hayami Hiroshi, Sakurai Tatsuya

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   57 ( 6 ) 129 - 138  2022.11

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    In Japan, there remain several regions where the air quality standard for PM2.5 have not been attained, and the Seto Inland Sea is one of them. To consider the reason for the high PM2.5 concentration in this region, the vertical profile of meteorological parameters and PM2.5 concentration were measured by drone at a site facing the Seto Inland Sea. We collected a total of 15 times measurements at 10, 30, 100, 300, 500 m a.s.l. during the 2020 autumn. The highest PM2.5 concentration was measured by drone at 6 AM on October 14. This high concentration was also observed by the nearest Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System (AEROS) measurement sites. Over the Seto Inland Sea, a higher PM2.5 concentration was observed from evening to night over Okayama prefecture, and subsequently observed during the morning over Kagawa prefecture. Combining the result of numerical modeling simulation, the stagnant air between the Chugoku and Shikoku mountains is a possible factor to cause high PM2.5. In addition, the long-range transport from the Asian continent is also an important factor to enhance PM2.5 in this region.


  • Detection of Ship Fuel Sulfur Contents in Exhaust Plumes at the Kanmon Straits, Japan, before and after the Global Sulfur Limit 2020

    Hiroshi Hayami, Yuta Iga, Syuichi Itahashi, Kazuhiko Miura, Tatsuhiro Mori, Tatsuya Sakurai

    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment   16 ( 3 ) 21 - 27  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author

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    The global limit on the sulfur content of ship fuel was reduced from 3.50% to 0.50% in January 2020 to reduce ship emissions of SO2 and particulate matter. We conducted observational campaigns before and after the new global limit was introduced to detect changes in coastal air quality. We measured ambient concentrations of SO2 and CO2 ship plumes on shore with the sniffing method under the Kanmon Bridge over the Kanmon Straits between Honshu and Kyusyu Islands, Japan, for several weeks in August to September in 2019 and 2020. The fuel sulfur content (FSC) estimated from our measurements mainly varied from 0.50% to 3.00% in 2019, whereas the range narrowed to 0.10% to 0.40% in 2020, showing that all the ships complied. The mean FSC in 2020 was reduced to 16% of that in 2019, which was consistent with the reduction in the ambient SO2 concentration. Sakurai et al. (2021) estimated that after the 2020 global limit was brought in, SO2 emissions from ships were reduced to 24% of their previous values by assuming that all ships have a FSC of 0.50%. Our results indicate the 2020 global limit led to much greater reductions in SO2 emissions from ships than expected.



  • Long-term trends of satellite-based fine-mode aerosol optical depth over the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, over two decades (2001-2020)

    Syuichi Itahashi, Tatsuya Sakurai, Hikari Shimadera, Shin Araki, Hiroshi Hayami

    Environmental Research Letters   16 ( 6 ) 064062 - 064062  2021.06

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    Air pollution over the Seto Inland Sea (SIS) is among the most severe of any region in Japan and is considered to be affected by both long-range and local pollution. To unravel the long-term trends of aerosol pollution over this region, in this study, measurements from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer instrument onboard the Terra satellite were analyzed over two decades, from 2001 to 2020. Fine-mode aerosol optical depth (AODf) was calculated to estimate the amount of aerosol produced by anthropogenic emissions. The results showed that the AODf over the SIS increased from 2001 to 2004, had a flat trend from 2005 to 2009, and decreased from 2010 to 2020. To clarify the impact of long-range transport from the Asian continent to the SIS, the AODf over the Yellow Sea was also investigated and was found to increase and level off during the 2000s, after which it decreased, especially after 2014. This decrease can be attributed to emission regulations in China. The above analysis suggests that the aerosol pollution status in the SIS during the late 2010s was similar to that during the early 2000s. Over the SIS, the lowest AODf value was found in 2020, with the values in January-March and June-July approximately 30% and 30%-60% lower than the average values during the same periods in 2018-2019, respectively. The reduction found in January-March could be related to the decline in the long-range transport with restrictions on human activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the reduction during June-July could be related to the decline of local emission sources. Considering the large SO2 decline in 2020, regulations on SO2 emitted from ships that started from 1 January 2020 are one possible factor for the improvement of aerosol pollution over the SIS in 2020.



  • Study on Global Limit for Marine Fuels Sulphur to better Air Quality

    Tatsuya SAKURAI, Hiroshi HAYAMI, Syuichi ITAHASHI, Hikari SHIMADERA, Shin ARAKI

    Journal of Environmental Conservation Engineering   50 ( 2 ) 70 - 75  2021.03


  • Model performance differences in fine-mode nitrate aerosol during wintertime over Japan in the J-STREAM model inter-comparison study

    Syuichi Itahashi, Kazuyo Yamaji, Satoru Chatani, Kyo Kitayama, Yu Morino, Tatsuya Nagashima, Masahiko Saito, Masayuki Takigawa, Tazuko Morikawa, Isao Kanda, Yukako Miya, Hiroaki Komatsu, Tatsuya Sakurai, Hikari Shimadera, Katsushige Uranishi, Yuzuru Fujiwara, Tomoaki Hashimoto, Hiroshi Hayami

    Atmosphere   11 ( 5 ) 511 - 511  2020.05  [Refereed]

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    © 2020 by the authors. In this study, the results for nitrate (NO3-) aerosol during winter from the first-phase model inter-comparison study of Japan's Study for Reference Air Quality Modeling (J-STREAM) were analyzed. To investigate the models' external and internal settings, the results were limited to Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) models. All submitted models generally underestimated NO3-over the urban areas in Japan (e.g., Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo); however, some model settings showed distinct behavior. The differences due to the model external settings were larger than the model internal settings. Emissions were an important factor, and emissions configured with lower NOx emissions and higher NH3 emissions led to a higher NO3-concentration as the NH3 was consumed under NH3-rich conditions. The model internal settings of the chemical mechanisms caused differences over China, and this could affect western Japan; however, the difference over Tokyo was lower. To obtain a higher NO3-concentration over the urban areas in Japan, the selection of the HONO option for the heterogenous reaction and the inline calculation of photolysis was desired. For future studies, the external settings of the boundary condition and the meteorological field require further investigation.



  • Model Inter-Comparison for PM2.5 Components over urban Areas in Japan in the J-STREAM Framework

    Kazuyo Yamaji, Satoru Chatani, Syuichi Itahashi, Masahiko Saito, Masayuki Takigawa, Tazuko Morikawa, Isao Kanda, Yukako Miya, Hiroaki Komatsu, Tatsuya Sakurai, Yu Morino, Kyo Kitayama, Tatsuya Nagashima, Hikari Shimadera, Katsushige Uranishi, Yuzuru Fujiwara, Tomoaki Hashimoto, Kengo Sudo, Takeshi Misaki, Hiroshi Hayami

    Atmosphere   11 ( 3 ) 222 - 222  2020.02  [Refereed]

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    A model inter-comparison of secondary pollutant simulations over urban areas in Japan, the first phase of Japan’s study for reference air quality modeling (J-STREAM Phase I), was conducted using 32 model settings. Simulated hourly concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which are primary pollutant precursors of particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 µm or less (PM2.5), showed good agreement with the observed concentrations, but most of the simulated hourly sulfur oxide (SO2) concentrations were much higher than the observations. Simulated concentrations of PM2.5 and its components were compared to daily observed concentrations by using the filter pack method at selected ambient air pollution monitoring stations (AAPMSs) for each season. In general, most models showed good agreement with the observed total PM2.5 mass concentration levels in each season and provided goal or criteria levels of model ensemble statistics in warmer seasons. The good performances of these models were associated with the simulated reproducibility of some dominant components, sulfates (SO42−) and ammonium (NH4+). The other simulated PM2.5 components, i.e., nitrates (NO3−), elemental carbon (EC), and organic carbon (OC), often show clear deviations from the observations. The considerable underestimations (approximately 30 µg/m3 for total PM2.5) of all participant models found on heavily polluted days with approximately 40–50 µg/m3 for total PM2.5 indicated some problems in the simulated local meteorology such as the atmospheric stability. This model inter-comparison suggests that these deviations may be owing to a need for further improvements both in the emission inventories and additional formation pathways in chemical transport models, and meteorological conditions also require improvement to simulate elevated atmospheric pollutants. Additional accumulated observations are likely needed to further evaluate the simulated concentrations and improve the model performance.



  • Identifying key factors influencing model performance on ground-level ozone over urban areas in Japan through model inter-comparisons

    Satoru Chatani, Kazuyo Yamaji, Syuichi Itahashi, Masahiko Saito, Masayuki Takigawa, Tazuko Morikawa, Isao Kanda, Yukako Miya, Hiroaki Komatsu, Tatsuya Sakurai, Yu Morino, Tatsuya Nagashima, Kyo Kitayama, Hikari Shimadera, Katsushige Uranishi, Yuzuru Fujiwara, Soma Shintani, Hiroshi Hayami

    Atmospheric Environment   223   117255 - 117255  2020.02  [Refereed]

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    Ozone is one of remaining air quality issues in Japan. Effective strategies are required to reduce ozone at the ground level. Regional chemical transport models are useful in investigating relationships between precursor emissions and ambient concentrations of secondary pollutants including ozone. Model performance on ozone concentrations over urban areas in Japan were thoroughly evaluated in model inter-comparisons conducted in Japan's study for reference air quality modeling (J-STREAM). Specifically, 33 models with different configurations including the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ), the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx), and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) participated. They realized inter-comparisons with an unprecedented number of different model configurations. All the participating models overestimated ozone concentrations by 22 ± 4.6 ppb over urban areas in Japan during the summer. Spatial and temporal variations in model performance suggest the influence of background ozone concentrations. Based on differences in the participating model configurations, halogen chemistry and deposition, dry deposition velocity, precursor emissions in other countries, and vertical transport were identified as the key factors influencing simulated background ozone concentrations. Specific sensitivity analyses were conducted to evaluate the effects of the key influencing factors. Halogen chemistry and deposition implemented in recent versions of CMAQ caused more than 10 ppb reduction of simulated ozone over the ocean surrounding Japan, while the original dry deposition schemes used in CAMx and WRF-Chem, without any effect of halogen, can also cause larger dry deposition. Horizontal and downward transport of ozone kept in a residual layer over the continent can spread the effect of precursor emissions in other countries to downwind regions, including Japan. Differences in vertical transport can alter the spatial extent of their effects. It is essential to improve the influence of the aforementioned key factors to realize better model performance on ozone concentrations over urban areas, not only in Japan, but all over the world.



  • Differences in model performance and source sensitivities for sulfate aerosol resulting from updates of the aqueous- and gas-phase oxidation pathways for a winter pollution episode in Tokyo, Japan

    Syuichi Itahashi, Kazuyo Yamaji, Satoru Chatani, Hiroshi Hayami

    Atmosphere   10 ( 9 ) 544  2019.09  [Refereed]

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    © 2019 by the authors. During the Japanese intercomparison study, Japan's Study for Reference Air Quality Modeling (J-STREAM), it was found that wintertime SO42- concentrations were underestimated over Japan with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. Previously, following two development phases, model performance was improved by refining the Fe- and Mn-catalyzed oxidation pathways and by including an additional aqueous-phase pathway via NO2 oxidation. In a third phase, we examined a winter haze period in December 2016, involving a gas-phase oxidation pathway whereby three stabilized Criegee intermediates (SCI) were incorporated into the model. We also included options for a kinetic mass transfer aqueous-phase calculation. According to statistical analysis, simulations compared well with hourly SO42- observations in Tokyo. Source sensitivities for four domestic emission sources (transportation, stationary combustion, fugitive VOC, and agricultural NH3) were investigated. During the haze period, contributions from other sources (overseas and volcanic emissions) dominated, while domestic sources, including transportation and fuel combustion, played a role in enhancing SO42- concentrations around Tokyo Bay. Updating the aqueous phase metal catalyzed and NO2 oxidation pathways lead to increase contribution from other sources, and the additional gas phase SCI chemistry provided a link between fugitive VOC emission and SO42- concentration via changes in O3 concentration.



  • Spatiotemporal variations of fine particulate organic and elemental carbons in Greater Tokyo

    Hiroshi Hayami, Shinji Saito, Shuichi Hasegawa

    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment   13 ( 3 ) 161 - 170  2019  [Refereed]

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    © 2019 by Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment. Hourly concentrations of fine particulate OC and EC are monitored for more than one year by optical monitors at three sites in and out of Tokyo, Japan. Distances between the sites are 20 to 50 km. SOC concentrations are estimated from the OC and EC concentrations by an EC tracer method. Site A in an industrial site shows higher EC concentrations than site B in a residential area, but differences between the sites are much reduced for OC. Site C in a rural area, where measurements are available in colder months, shows pronounced seasonal variations with high peaks in October and December and characteristic diurnal variations in OC with the highest in the evening in October, due probably to open field burning. Photochemical formation of SOC is suggested but does not rise up so much OC concentrations in summer, which are quite lower than other seasons. A comparison between relative concentrations of EC among the sites and local emissions amounts indicates missing or considerable underestimation of EC emissions near the rural site C. Time lag correlations suggest transport of OC produced by open field burning around site C to site A. These findings would be useful for improving model performances in OC/EC predictions.



  • Model performance differences in sulfate aerosol in winter over Japan based on regional chemical transport models of CMAQ and CAMx

    Syuichi Itahashi, Kazuyo Yamaji, Satoru Chatani, Kunihiro Hisatsune, Shinji Saito, Hiroshi Hayami

    Atmosphere   9 ( 12 ) 488  2018.12  [Refereed]

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    © 2018 by the authors. Sulfate aerosol (SO 42- ) is a major component of particulate matter in Japan. The Japanese model intercomparison study, J-STREAM, found that although SO 42- is well captured by models, it is underestimated during winter. In the first phase of J-STREAM, we refined the Fe- and Mn-catalyzed oxidation and partly improved the underestimation. The winter haze in December 2016 was a target period in the second phase. The results from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) and Comprehensive Air quality Model with eXtentions (CAMx) regional chemical transport models were compared with observations from the network over Japan and intensive observations at Nagoya and Tokyo. Statistical analysis showed both models satisfied the suggested model performance criteria. CMAQ sensitivity simulations explained the improvements in model performance. CMAQ modeled lower SO 42- concentrations than CAMx, despite increased aqueous oxidation via the metal catalysis pathway and NO 2 reaction in CMAQ. Deposition explained this difference. A scatter plot demonstrated that the lower SO 42- concentration in CMAQ than in CAMx arose from the lower SO 2 concentration and higher SO 42- wet deposition in CMAQ. The dry deposition velocity caused the difference in SO 2 concentration. These results suggest the importance of deposition in improving our understanding of ambient concentration behavior.



  • Atmospheric Modeling of 137Cs Plumes From the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant-Evaluation of the Model Intercomparison Data of the Science Council of Japan

    K. Kitayama, Y. Morino, M. Takigawa, T. Nakajima, H. Hayami, H. Nagai, H. Terada, K. Saito, T. Shimbori, M. Kajino, T. T. Sekiyama, D. Didier, A. Mathieu, D. Quélo, T. Ohara, H. Tsuruta, Y. Oura, M. Ebihara, Y. Moriguchi, T. Shibata

    Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres   123 ( 14 ) 7754 - 7770  2018.07  [Refereed]

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    Since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident in March 2011, atmospheric simulation models have improved our understanding of the atmospheric behavior of radionuclides. Model intercomparisons provide valuable and useful information for evaluating the validity and variability of individual model results. In this study, we compared results of seven atmospheric transport models used to simulate 137Cs released from the FDNPP to the atmosphere. All model results used in this analysis had been submitted for a model intercomparison project of the Science Council of Japan (2014, http://www.scj.go.jp/en/report/index.html). Here we assessed model performance by comparing model results with observed hourly atmospheric concentrations of 137Cs, with a particular focus on nine plumes over the Tohoku and Kanto regions. The intercomparison results showed that model performance in reproducing 137Cs concentrations was highly variable among different models and plumes. In general, models better reproduced plumes that passed over many observation stations. The performance among the models was consistent with the simulated wind fields and the source terms used. We also assessed model performance in relation to accumulated 137Cs deposition. Simulated areas of high 137Cs deposition were consistent with the simulated 137Cs plume pathways, though the models that best simulated atmospheric 137Cs concentrations were different from those that best simulated deposition. The ensemble mean of all models consistently reproduced atmospheric 137Cs concentrations and deposition well, suggesting that use of a multimodel ensemble results in more effective and consistent model performance.


  • Urban air quality model inter-comparison study (UMICS) for improvement of PM<inf>2.5</inf> simulation in greater Tokyo Area of Japan

    Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami, Satoru Chatani, Tazuko Morikawa, Yu Morino, Yasuaki Mori, Kazuyo Yamaji, Seiji Nakatsuka, Toshimasa Ohara

    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment   12 ( 2 ) 139 - 152  2018.06  [Refereed]

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    © 2018, Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment. The urban model inter-comparison study (UMICS) was conducted in order to improve the performance of air quality models (AQMs) for simulating fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the Greater Tokyo Area of Japan. UMICS consists of three phases: the first phase focusing on elemental carbon (UMICS1), the second phase focusing on sulfate, nitrate and ammonium (UMICS2), and the third phase focusing on organic aerosol (OA) (UMICS 3). In UMICS2/3, all the participating AQMs were the Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system (CMAQ) with different configurations, and they similarly overestimated PM2.5 nitrate concentration and underestimated PM2.5 OA concentration. Various sensitivity analyses on CMAQ configurations, emissions and boundary concentrations, and meteorological fields were conducted in order to seek pathways for improvement of PM2.5 simulation. The sensitivity analyses revealed that PM2.5 nitrate concentration was highly sensitive to emissions of ammonia (NH3) and dry deposition of nitric acid (HNO3) and NH3, and PM2.5 OA concentration was highly sensitive to emissions of condensable organic compounds (COC). It was found that PM2.5 simulation was substantially improved by using modified monthly profile of NH3 emissions, larger dry deposition velocities of HNO3 and NH3, and additionally estimated COC emissions. Moreover, variability in PM2.5 simulation was estimated from the results of all the sensitivity analyses. The variabilities on CMAQ configurations, chemical inputs (emissions and boundary concentrations), and meteorological fields were 6.1-6.5, 9.7-10.9, and 10.3-12.3%, respectively.



  • Refinement of modeled aqueous-phase sulfate production via the fe- and Mn-catalyzed oxidation pathway

    Syuichi Itahashi, Kazuyo Yamaji, Satoru Chatani, Hiroshi Hayami

    Atmosphere   9 ( 4 )  2018.04  [Refereed]

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    © 2018 by the authors. We refined the aqueous-phase sulfate (SO42-) production in the state-of-the-art Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model during the Japanese model inter-comparison project, known as Japan's Study for Reference Air Quality Modeling (J-STREAM). In Japan, SO42- is the major component of PM2.5, and CMAQ reproduces the observed seasonal variation of SO42- with the summer maxima and winter minima. However, CMAQ underestimates the concentration during winter over Japan. Based on a review of the current modeling system, we identified a possible reason as being the inadequate aqueous-phase SO42- production by Fe- and Mn-catalyzed O2 oxidation. This is because these trace metals are not properly included in the Asian emission inventories. Fe and Mn observations over Japan showed that the model concentrations based on the latest Japanese emission inventory were substantially underestimated. Thus, we conducted sensitivity simulations where the modeled Fe and Mn concentrations were adjusted to the observed levels, the Fe and Mn solubilities were increased, and the oxidation rate constant was revised. Adjusting the concentration increased the SO42- concentration during winter, as did increasing the solubilities and revising the rate constant to consider pH dependencies. Statistical analysis showed that these sensitivity simulations improved model performance. The approach adopted in this study can partly improve model performance in terms of the underestimation of SO42- concentration during winter. From our findings, we demonstrated the importance of developing and evaluating trace metal emission inventories in Asia.



  • A 15-year record (2001-2015) of the ratio of nitrate to non-sea-salt sulfate in precipitation over East Asia

    Syuichi Itahashi, Keiya Yumimoto, Itsushi Uno, Hiroshi Hayami, Shin-Ichi Fujita, Yuepeng Pan, Yuesi Wang

    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics   18 ( 4 ) 2835 - 2852  2018.02  [Refereed]

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    Acidifying species in precipitation can have severe impacts on ecosystems. The chemical composition of precipitation is directly related to the amount of precipitation
    accordingly, it is difficult to identify long-term variation in chemical concentrations. The ratio of the nitrate (NO3) to non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO42) concentration in precipitation on an equivalent basis (hereinafter, Ratio) is a useful index to investigate the relative contributions of these acidifying species. To identify the long-term record of acidifying species in precipitation over East Asia, the region with the highest emissions worldwide, we compiled ground-based observations of the chemical composition of precipitation over China, Korea, and Japan from 2001 to 2015 based on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET). The spatial coverage was limited, but additional monitoring data for Japan, southern China, and northern China around Beijing were utilized. The period of analysis was divided into three phases: Phase I (2001-2005), Phase II (2006-2010), and Phase III (2011-2015). The behaviors of NO3 and nss-SO42 concentrations and hence the Ratio in precipitation were related to these precursors. The anthropogenic NOx and SO2 emissions and the NOxg•SO2 emission ratio were analyzed. Further, satellite observations of the NO2 and SO2 column density to capture the variation in emissions were applied. We found that the long-term trend in the NO3 concentration in precipitation was not related to the variation in NOx emission and the NO2 column. In comparison, the nss-SO42 concentration in precipitation over China, Korea, and Japan was partially connected to the changes in SO2 emissions from China, but the trends were not significant. The long-term trends of Ratio over China, Korea, and Japan were nearly flat during Phase I, increased significantly during Phase II, and were essentially flat again during Phase III. This variation in Ratio in East Asia clearly corresponded to the NOxg•SO2 emission ratio and the NO2g•SO2 column ratio in China. The initial flat trend during Phase I was due to increases in both NOx and SO2 emissions in China, the significantly increasing trend during Phase II was triggered by the increase in NOx emissions and decrease in SO2 emissions in China, and the return to a flat trend during Phase III was caused by declines in both NOx and SO2 emissions in China. These results suggest that emissions in China had a significant impact not only on China but also on downwind precipitation chemistry during the 15-year period of 2001-2015. In terms of wet deposition, the NO3 wet deposition over China, Korea, and Japan did not change dramatically, but the nss-SO42 wet deposition declined over China, Korea, and Japan from Phase II to III. These declines were caused by a strong decrease in the nss-SO42 concentration in precipitation accompanied by a reduction in SO2 emission from China, which counteracted the increase in precipitation. These findings indicated that the acidity of precipitation shifted from sulfur to nitrogen.



  • Overview of model inter-comparison in Japan's study for reference air quality modeling (J-STREAM)

    Satoru Chatani, Kazuyo Yamaji, Tatsuya Sakurai, Syuichi Itahashi, Hikari Shimadera, Kyo Kitayama, Hiroshi Hayami

    Atmosphere   9 ( 1 )  2018.01  [Refereed]

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    © 2018 by the authors. The inter-comparison of regional air quality models is an effective way to understand uncertainty in ambient pollutant concentrations simulated using various model configurations, as well as to find ways to improve model performance. Based on the outcomes and experiences of Japanese projects thus far, a new model inter-comparison project called Japan's study for reference air quality modeling (J-STREAM) has begun. The objective of J-STREAM is to establish reference air quality modeling for source apportionment and effective strategy making to suppress secondary air pollutants including PM2.5 and photochemical ozone in Japan through model inter-comparison. The first phase focuses on understanding the ranges and limitations in ambient PM2.5 and ozone concentrations simulated by participants using common input datasets. The second phase focuses on issues revealed in previous studies in simulating secondary inorganic aerosols, as well as on the three-dimensional characteristics of photochemical ozone as a new target. The third phase focuses on comparing source apportionments and sensitivities under heavy air pollution episodes simulated by participating models. Detailed understanding of model performance, uncertainty, and possible improvements to urban-scale air pollution involving secondary pollutants, as well as detailed sector-wise source apportionments over megacities in Japan are expected.



  • Three-dimensional Analysis of Haze by PM2.5 and Other Pollutants Based on Ground- and Elevated-level Monitoring in Central Tokyo: Example in Early Part of December 2015

    Tanaka Kiyotaka, Hayami Hiroshi, Saino Hiroaki, Miura Kazuhiko, Itahashi Shuichi, Saito Shinji

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   52 ( 2 ) 51 - 58  2017  [Refereed]

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    &lt;p&gt;We have been monitoring the air pollutants at the Tokyo Skytree (TST) in order to understand the air quality over central Tokyo. Focusing on the haze event on the 9th and 10th December 2015, we analyzed the causes of the event and differences in the air quality between the ground and upper levels. In the afternoon on Dec. 9, as a result, higher concentrations of SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; were observed at 320 m AGL on Tokyo Skytree (H320) than near the ground surface (H10). It is likely that a boundary layer was formed from 18:00, and H320 had been influenced by large-point sources and ships. In the night of Dec. 10 when the PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; concentrations went over 90 μg/m&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; around central Tokyo, an inversion layer was formed associated with a local front (the so-called the Boso front line). This polluted air mass seemed to be centered at the southeastern part of the 23 wards of Tokyo and distributed below 200 m AGL from 22:00 to 23:00. We also found that the number concentration ratios (N&lt;sub&gt;H320&lt;/sub&gt;/N&lt;sub&gt;H10&lt;/sub&gt;) of smaller particles measured at H320 to H10 increased earlier than those of the larger particles.&lt;/p&gt;

    DOI CiNii

  • Chinese province-scale source apportionments for sulfate aerosol in 2005 evaluated by the tagged tracer method

    Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroshi Hayami, Keiya Yumimoto, Itsushi Uno

    ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION   220   1366 - 1375  2017.01  [Refereed]

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    Appropriate policies to improve air quality by reducing anthropogenic emissions are urgently needed. This is typified by the particulate matter (PM) problem and it is well known that one type of PM, sulfate aerosol (SO42-), has a large-scale impact due to long range transport. In this study we evaluate the source receptor relationships of SOi-over East Asia for 2005, when anthropogenic sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from China peaked. SO2 emissions from China have been declining since 2005-2006, so the possible maximum impact of Chinese contributions of SO42- is evaluated. This kind of information provides a foundation for policy making and the estimation of control effects. The tagged tracer method was applied to estimate the source apportionment of SO42- is for 31 Chinese province-scale regions. In addition, overall one-year source apportionments were evaluated to clarify the seasonal dependency. Model performance was confirmed by comparing with ground-based observations over mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, and the model results fully satisfied the performance goal for PM. We found the following results. Shandong and Hebei provinces, which were the largest and second largest SO2 sources in China, had the greatest impact over the whole of East Asia with apportionments of around 10-30% locally and around 5-15% in downwind receptor regions during the year. Despite large SO2 emissions, the impact of south China (e.g., Guizhou, Guangdong, and Sichuan provinces) was limited to local impact. These results suggest that the reduction policy in south China contributes to improving the local air quality, whereas policies in north and central China are beneficial for both the whole of China and downwind regions. Over Taiwan, Korea, and Japan, the impact of China was dominant; however, local contributions were important during summer. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.

    DOI PubMed


  • Source Apportionments of PM2.5 in Japan on 2010 Fiscal Year Evaluated by the Tracer Method on Regional Air Quality Model

    板橋秀一, 速水洋

    大気環境学会誌   51 ( 5 ) 197‐217 - 217  2016.09  [Refereed]

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    <p>Source apportionments of PM2.5 in Japan on 2010 fiscal year were evaluated based on the air quality model by applying the tagged tracer method. Source groups were divided into the total of 15; 10 domestic anthropogenic source, 3 foreign anthropogenic sources from China, Korea, and other regions, and ships and natural sources. The performances of the air quality model were validated through statistical analysis. Annual mean source apportionments averaged over Japan was the largest with 3.60 μg/m3 (33.9% as relative percentages) from domestic anthropogenic source and the second largest with 3.10 μg/m3 (29.2%) from anthropogenic emissions of China. Domestic source had the impacts in the following order; vehicle (7.4%), manufacturing industry (7.0%), livestock (5.5%), rest of domestic sources (5.4%), fertilization (2.8%), and power plant, machines, business boilers, waste incinerator (approximately 1–2%). From the viewpoint of long- and short-term standards, source apportionments were further evaluated for attainment and non-attainment sites. The results showed that the dominant influence of the transboundary air pollution over the Kyushu region especially for short-term standard. Over the Setouchi region, the impacts from manufacturing industry and ships were large. The attribution from vehicle was also important in the Kinki region. In the Kanto region, both of vehicle and manufacturing industry attributions were important for short-term standard, but vehicle was more significant source for long-term standard.</p>


  • Importance of coarse-mode nitrate produced via sea salt as atmospheric input to East Asian oceans

    Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroshi Hayami, Itsushi Uno, Xiaole Pan, Mitsuo Uematsu

    GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS   43 ( 10 ) 5483 - 5491  2016.05  [Refereed]

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    The atmospheric input of anthropogenic total reactive oxygenated nitrogen (NOy) to ocean regions in East Asia during 2002-2004 was revisited with an updated regional chemical transport model and the latest emissions inventory. The updated model treats both fine- and coarse-mode nitrate (NO3-). Coarse-mode NO3- is produced by the reaction of nitric acid (HNO3) and sea salt particles. The modeling system reproduced the atmospheric concentration and wet deposition amount of NO3- quantitatively compared with observations. The fraction of coarse-mode NO3- was also well captured. NOy deposition amounts over marginal seas and open oceans were 733 and 730 Gg N/yr, which are increases of 1.6- and 2.2-fold, respectively, by including coarse-mode NO3-. Anthropogenic NOx emissions from China were 5377 Gg N/yr, and 3060 Gg N/yr was exported from China; therefore, the NOy deposition amount over ocean regions in East Asia (1463 Gg N/yr) corresponded to almost half (48%) of the export amounts.



  • Effect of Positive Artifact on the Measurement of Fine Particulate Carbonaceous Substances

    Saino Hiroaki, Hayami Hiroshi, Miura Kazuhiko

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   51 ( 3 ) 153 - 160  2016  [Refereed]

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    &lt;p&gt;This paper describes the gaseous organic carbon (OC) concentration in the PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; and positive artifact. The observations were done from April 2014 to March 2015 in Komae, Tokyo. In order to understand the influence of the gaseous OC, the measuring devices equipped with a denuder (denuder-filter method) and without a denuder (filter method) were simultaneously operated in parallel. The samples were analyzed for the OC concentrations by a thermal optical reflectance (TOR) method using a carbon analyzer manufactured by Sunset Laboratory. The average organic carbon concentrations were 2.8 μgC/m&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; (filter method) and 1.7 μgC/m&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt; (denuder-filter method). The mean gaseous OC concentration was estimated to be 1.1 μgC/m&lt;sup&gt;3&lt;/sup&gt;. It turned out that about 39% was the gaseous OC among the OC concentrations in the PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

    DOI CiNii

  • Variation of the ratio of nitrate to non-seasalt sulfate in precipitation over East Asia with emissions from China

    Syuichi Itahashi, Itsushi Uno, Hiroshi Hayami, Shin-ichi Fujita

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   118   87 - 97  2015.10  [Refereed]

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    Changes in anthropogenic emissions in East Asia will cause substantial variations in the precipitation chemistry. In particular, the effects of changes in China, where NOx emissions have been rising continuously and SO2 emissions peaked in 2005-2006, are important. The absolute chemical concentration in precipitation is inherently linked to the amount of precipitation; therefore, in this work we d) used the ratio of nitrate (NO3-) to non-seasalt sulfate (nss-SO42-) concentration in precipitation on an equivalent basis (hereinafter, Ratio). Here, we extend the method our previous study (Itahashi et al., 2014a) to Korea and China. We analyzed the long-term behavior of Ratio in precipitation during 2000-2011 and investigated the factors responsible for variations of Ratio in precipitation by using a model simulation with sensitivity analysis for emission changes in China. Ratio over Japan, Korea, and China decreased slightly or remained constant during 2000-2005 (first 6 years of 2000-2011) and subsequently increased during 2006-2011 (last 6 years of 2000-2011). Linear regression analysis of the observations showed significant increases in Ratio during 2006-2011: +3.4 +/- 1.0%/year, +13.2 +/- 4.1%/year, and +9.8 +/- 2.5%/year for Japan, Korea, and China, respectively (each p &lt; 0.05). These variations in Ratio corresponded closely to the changes in the NOx/SO2 emission ratio in China. This suggests that anthropogenic emissions from China were responsible for most of the variation in precipitation chemistry in East Asia. Model simulations for 2000-2011 and their reproducibility were validated by comparison with the observation dataset, and they captured the observed features well. Sensitivity analysis of emissions from China in the model simulation for 2009-2011 clarified that the increase in NOx emissions from China contributed to 55-60% of the increase in Ratio in China and around 50-55% in Korea and Japan; the contribution of the increase in NOx emissions was smaller in the region downwind of China. In contrast, the decline in SO2 emissions from China contributed below 40% in China and around 40-45% in Japan; the effect was larger in the region downwind of China. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.



  • Comprehensive study of emission source contributions for tropospheric ozone formation over East Asia

    Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroshi Hayami, Itsushi Uno

    Journal of Geophysical Research   120 ( 1 ) 331 - 358  2015.01  [Refereed]

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    Emission source contributions of tropospheric ozone (O3) were comprehensively investigated by using the higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM) for sensitivity analysis and the ozone source apportionment technology (OSAT) for mass balance analysis in the comprehensive air-quality model with extensions (CAMx). The response of O to emissions reductions at various levels in mainland China, Korea, and Japan were estimated and compared with results calculated by the brute force method (BFM) where one model parameter is varied at a time. Emissions were assessed at three receptor sites in Japan that experienced severe pollution events in May 2009. For emissions from China, HDDM assessed O3 response with a bias of only up to 3 ppbv (a relative error of 4.5%) even for a 50% reduction but failed to assess a more extreme reduction. OSAT was reasonably accurate at 100% reduction, with a −4 ppbv (−7%) bias, but was less accurate at moderate ranges of reduction (∼50-70%). For emissions from Korea and Japan, HDDM captured the nonlinear response at all receptor sites and at all reduction levels to within 1% in all but one case
    however, the bias of OSAT increased with the increasing reduction of emissions. One possible reason for this is that OSAT does not account for NO titration. To address this, a term for potential ozone (PO
    O3and NO2 together) was introduced. Using of PO instead of O3 improved the performance of OSAT, especially for emissions reductions from Korea and Japan. The proposed approach with PO refined the OSAT results and did not degrade HDDM performance.



  • Effect of NOx and VOC Controls for Surface Ozone Concentration in Summertime in Kanto Region of Japan

    Kiriyama Yusuke, Hayami Hiroshi, Itahashi Syuichi, Shimadera Hikari, Miura Kazuhiko, Nakatsuka Seiji, Morikawa Tazuko

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   50 ( 1 ) 8 - 15  2015  [Refereed]

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    In recent years, the concentrations of precursors of ozone have been decreasing in Japan, but the ground-level ozone concentrations tend to increase. During the summertime in the Kanto region, anthropogenic emission control in Japan is an important factor for decreasing the ozone concentration. In this study, we conducted an air quality simulation using WRF and CMAQ with the anthropogenic emissions data in 2000 and 2005 to verify the effect of the emission controls between 2000 and 2005 on the ozone concentration in the Kanto region. The NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; and VOC reductions contribute to the increase in the daytime maximum ozone in the central Tokyo surrounding area but to the decrease in the other areas of the Kanto region. For the NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; reduction case, the daytime maximum ozone was increased in a wide area of the plains. On the other hand, The VOC reduction effectively works to decrease the ozone concentration in the entire Kanto area. Based on the results of the ozone sensitive analysis for a high concentration day, the NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; sensitive and mixed sensitive regime account for half of the number of occurrences in inland Kanto area. Howeber, the VOC sensitive regime was the majority in the large city. These results show the effectiveness of the reduction of precursors to the decrease in the ozone concentration in each area of Kanto.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of Source Apportionments from Domestic/Overseas Impacts on Sulfate Aerosol Concentration in Japan on the Basis of Tagged Tracer Method in Regional Chemical Transport Model

    Itahashi Syuichi, Hayami Hiroshi

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   50 ( 3 ) 138 - 151  2015  [Refereed]

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    Source apportionments of domestic/overseas impacts on non-seasalt sulfate aerosol (nss-SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt;) concentration in Japan were analyzed on the basis of tagged tracer method in regional chemical transport model. The emission source groups were categorized into anthropogenic sources from China, Korea, and Japan, and natural sources from volcanic activity. To investigate the seasonal dependency of source apportionments, the representative months of January, April, July, and October on the year of 2005 were chosen in this analysis. A distinguishable feature of this study is that source apportionments of sulfur dioxide (SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;), which is a precursor of nss-SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt;, were also investigated. Modeling system with 36 km horizontal resolution well captured the seasonal variability of both SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; and nss-SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt;. In Japan, domestic impacts on SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; concentration was leading contributor (66.3% on average), however, transboundary air pollution with the contribution from China was dominant throughout seasons for nss-SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt; (50.6% on average). This is because the SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; concentration in China was one order of magnitude greater than that in Japan, therefore, nss-SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt; was chemically produced during long-range transport. During summer, SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; emitted from China was fully (&gt; 95%) converted into nss-SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt; and affected Japan. Impact from volcanic activity was also identified as the major contributor of nss-SO&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2-&lt;/sup&gt; concentration in Japan; they surpassed the anthropogenic Japanese domestic impacts during spring and autumn.

    DOI CiNii

  • Evaluation of the effect of regional pollutants and residual ozone on ozone concentrations in the morning in the Inland of the Kanto region

    Yusuke Kiriyama, Hikari Shimadera, Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroshi Hayami, Kazuhiko Miura

    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment   9 ( 1 ) 1 - 11  2015  [Refereed]

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    Increasing ozone concentrations are observed over Japan from year to year. One cause of high ozone concentration in the Kanto region, which includes areas inland from large coastal cities such as metropolitan Tokyo, is the transportation of precursors by sea breezes. However, high ozone concentrations are also observed in the morning, before sea breezes approach inland areas. In this point, there would be a possibility of residual ozone existing above the nocturnal boundary layer affects the ozone concentration in the following morning. In this study, we utilized the Weather Research and Forecasting model and the Community Multiscale Air Quality model to evaluate the effect of regional precursors and residual ozone on ozone concentrations over the inland Kanto region. The results show that precursors emitted from non-metropolitan areas affected inland ozone concentrations more than did precursors from metropolitan areas. Moreover, calculated results indicate downward transportation of residual ozone, resulting in increased concentration. The residual ozone was also affected by precursors emitted from non-metropolitan areas.



  • Comprehensive study of emission source contributions for tropospheric ozone formation over East Asia

    Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroshi Hayami, Itsushi Uno

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   120 ( 1 ) 331 - 358  2015.01  [Refereed]

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    Emission source contributions of tropospheric ozone (O-3) were comprehensively investigated by using the higher-order decoupled direct method (HDDM) for sensitivity analysis and the ozone source apportionment technology (OSAT) for mass balance analysis in the comprehensive air-quality model with extensions (CAMx). The response of O-3 to emissions reductions at various levels in mainland China, Korea, and Japan were estimated and compared with results calculated by the brute force method (BFM) where one model parameter is varied at a time. Emissions were assessed at three receptor sites in Japan that experienced severe pollution events in May 2009. For emissions from China, HDDM assessed O-3 response with a bias of only up to 3 ppbv (a relative error of 4.5%) even for a 50% reduction but failed to assess a more extreme reduction. OSAT was reasonably accurate at 100% reduction, with a -4 ppbv (-7%) bias, but was less accurate at moderate ranges of reduction (approximate to 50-70%). For emissions from Korea and Japan, HDDM captured the nonlinear response at all receptor sites and at all reduction levels to within 1% in all but one case; however, the bias of OSAT increased with the increasing reduction of emissions. One possible reason for this is that OSAT does not account for NO titration. To address this, a term for potential ozone (PO; O-3 and NO2 together) was introduced. Using of PO instead of O-3 improved the performance of OSAT, especially for emissions reductions from Korea and Japan. The proposed approach with PO refined the OSAT results and did not degrade HDDM performance.
    Key Points



  • Modeling investigation of controlling factors in the increasing ratio of nitrate to non-seasalt sulfate in precipitation over Japan

    Syuichi Itahashi, Itsushi Uno, Hiroshi Hayami, Shin-ichi Fujita

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   92   171 - 177  2014.08  [Refereed]

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    Anthropogenic emissions in East Asia have been increasing during the three decades since 1980, as the population of East Asia has grown and the economies in East Asian countries have expanded. This has been particularly true in China, where NOx emissions have been rising continuously. However, because of fuel-gas desulfurization systems introduced as part of China's 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010), SO2 emissions in China reached a peak in 2005-2006 and have declined since then. These drastic changes in emission levels of acidifying species are likely to have caused substantial changes in the precipitation chemistry. The absolute concentration of compounds in precipitation is inherently linked to precipitation amount; therefore, we use the ratio of nitrate (NO3-) to non-seasalt sulfate (nss-SO42-) concentration in precipitation as an index for evaluating acidification, which we call Ratio. In this study, we analyzed the long-term behavior of Ratio in precipitation over the Japanese archipelago during 2000-2011 and estimated the factors responsible for changes in Ratio in precipitation by using a model simulation. This analysis showed that Ratio was relatively constant at 0.5-0.6 between 2000 and 2005, and subsequently increased to 0.6-0.7 between 2006 and 2011. These changes in Ratio corresponded remarkably well to the changes of NOx/SO2 emissions ratio in China; this correspondence suggests that anthropogenic emissions from China were responsible for most of the change in precipitation chemistry over Japan. Sensitivity analysis elucidated that the increase in NOx emissions and the decrease in SO2 emissions contributed equally to the increases in Ratio. Considering both emission changes in China enables to capture the observed increasing trend of Ratio in Japan. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Sensitivity analyses of factors influencing CMAQ performance for fine particulate nitrate

    Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami, Satoru Chatani, Yu Morino, Yasuaki Mori, Tazuko Morikawa, Kazuyo Yamaji, Toshimasa Ohara

    JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION   64 ( 4 ) 374 - 387  2014.04  [Refereed]

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    Improvement of air quality models is required so that they can be utilized to design effective control strategies for fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system was applied to the Greater Tokyo Area of Japan in winter 2010 and summer 2011. The model results were compared with observed concentrations of PM2.5 sulfate (SO42-), nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium, and gaseous nitric acid (HNO3) and ammonia (NH3). The model approximately reproduced PM2.5 SO42- concentration, but clearly overestimated PM2.5 NO3- concentration, which was attributed to overestimation of production of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). This study conducted sensitivity analyses of factors associated with the model performance for PM2.5 NO3- concentration, including temperature and relative humidity, emission of nitrogen oxides, seasonal variation of NH3 emission, HNO3 and NH3 dry deposition velocities, and heterogeneous reaction probability of dinitrogen pentoxide. Change in NH3 emission directly affected NH3 concentration, and substantially affected NH4NO3 concentration. Higher dry deposition velocities of HNO3 and NH3 led to substantial reductions of concentrations of the gaseous species and NH4NO3. Because uncertainties in NH3 emission and dry deposition processes are probably large, these processes may be key factors for improvement of the model performance for PM2.5 NO3-.Implications:The Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system clearly overestimated the concentration of fine particulate nitrate in the Greater Tokyo Area of Japan, which was attributed to overestimation of production of ammonium nitrate. Sensitivity analyses were conducted for factors associated with the model performance for nitrate. Ammonia emission and dry deposition of nitric acid and ammonia may be key factors for improvement of the model performance.



  • Multi-Model Analyses of Dominant Factors Influencing Elemental Carbon in Tokyo Metropolitan Area of Japan

    Satoru Chatani, Yu Morino, Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami, Yasuaki Mori, Kansuke Sasaki, Mizuo Kajino, Takeshi Yokoi, Tazuko Morikawa, Toshimasa Ohara

    AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH   14 ( 1 ) 396 - 405  2014.02  [Refereed]

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    The first phase of the Urban air quality Model InterComparison Study in Japan (UMICS) has been conducted to find ways to improve model performance with regard to elemental carbon (EC). Common meteorology and emission datasets are used with eight different models. All the models underestimate the EC concentrations observed in Tokyo Metropolitan Area in the summer of 2007. Sensitivity analyses are conducted using these models to investigate the causes of this underestimation. The results of the analyses reveal that emissions and vertical diffusion are dominant factors that affect the simulated EC concentrations. A significant improvement in the accuracy of EC concentrations could be realized by applying appropriate scaling factors to EC emissions and boundary concentrations. Observation data from Lidar and radiosonde suggest the possible overestimation of planetary boundary layer height, which is a vital parameter representing vertical diffusion. The findings of this work can help to improve air quality models to that they can be used to develop more effective strategies for reducing PM2.5 concentrations.



  • The relationships between ground-based PM2.5 observation and space-borne aerosol optical depth

    Itahashi Syuichi, Hayami Hiroshi, Shimadera Hikari, Uno Itsushi

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   49 ( 3 ) 149 - 156  2014

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    Ground-based PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; observations were compared with the space-borne observed aerosol optical depth (AOD). Decadal-scale observations at 5 sites in Japan and the observation by the U.S. embassy at Beijing in China were utilized. Measurements by MODIS onboard Terra and Aqua have been detecting AOD from space since February 2000 and July 2002, respectively. The monthly averaged PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; and AOD at each site corresponded with correlation coefficients around 0.7 both in the morning and afternoon except for Osaka and Beijing. The coverage threshold of monthly data in MODIS dataset was considered as an important factor to evaluate the correspondence of AOD with ground-based PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt;, especially at Beijing. When the threshold value of MODIS monthly coverage was set at 40%, the averaged correlation coefficient at 6 sites in Japan and China showed correlation coefficient of 0.63 with a statistically significance level. PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; and AOD also had a spatial correlation. As an example of application, on the basis of sound relationships between PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; and AOD, episodic events of high PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; concentrations in Beijing occurred during January 2013 were assessed, and the results indicated that a dramatic increase of PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; around Japan were not found during that episode.

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  • Numerical simulation of extreme air pollution by fine particulate matter in china in winter 2013

    Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami, Toshimasa Ohara, Yu Morino, Akinori Takami, Satoshi Irei

    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment   8 ( 1 ) 25 - 34  2014  [Refereed]

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    In winter 2013, extreme air pollution by fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in China attracted much public attention. In order to simulate the PM2.5 pollution, the Community Multiscale Air Quality model driven by the Weather Research and Forecasting model was applied to East Asia in a period from 1 January 2013 to 5 February 2013. The model generally reproduced PM2.5 concentration in China with emission data in the year 2006. Therefore, the extreme PM2.5 pollution seems to be mainly attributed to meteorological (weak wind and stable) conditions rather than emission increases in the past several years. The model well simulated temporal and spatial variations in PM2.5 concentrations in Japan as well as China, indicating that the model well captured characteristics of the PM2.5 pollutions in both areas on the windward and leeward sides in East Asia in the study period. In addition, contribution rates of four anthropogenic emission sectors (power generation, industrial, residential and transportation) in China to PM2.5 concentration were estimated by conducting zero-out emission sensitivity runs. Among the four sectors, the residential sector had the highest contribution to PM2.5 concentration. Therefore, the extreme PM2.5 pollution may be also attributed to large emissions from combustion for heating in cold regions in China.



  • Comprehensive sensitivity analyses on air quality model performance for PM<inf>2.5</inf> simulation

    Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami, Satoru Chatan, Taz UKo Morikawa, Yu Morino, Toshimasa Ohara, Yasuaki Mori, Kazuyo Yamaji, Seiji NakatsUKa

    HARMO 2014 - 16th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Proceedings     119 - 123  2014

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    © Crown Copyright 2014 Dstl. The urban air quality model inter-comParison study in Japan (UMICS) was conducted in order to improve the Community Multiscale Air Quality model (CMAQ) performance of the for PM2.5 simulation. UMICS consist of three phases including the first phase focusing on elemental carbon, the second phase focusing on major ionic components (sulfate, nitrate and ammonium) and the third phase focusing on organic aerosol (OA) (UMICS1, 2 and 3). The results of UMICS3 for improvement of substantial OA underestimation were described in this paper. Because primary OA accounted for most of OA in the participating models, changes in volatile organic compounds emissions caused only slight changes in OA concentrations. Meanwhile, additional primary OA emissions because of a large amount of semi-volatile organic compounds and condensable organic compounds emissions substantially increased OA concentrations. The results emphasized the importance of emission sources that were not considered in the existing emission data. In addition, sensitivity analyses on various processes including meteorology and emission were conducted in order to show errors of PM2.5 simulation originating from model input data and configurations. The results indicated that the importance of model input data is comparable to, or greater than that of model configurations in improvement of model performance for PM2.5 simulation.

  • Analysis of summertime atmospheric transport of fine particulate matter in Northeast Asia

    Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami, Yu Morino, Toshimasa Ohara, Satoru Chatani, Shuichi Hasegawa, Naoki Kaneyasu

    ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES   49 ( 3 ) 347 - 360  2013.05  [Refereed]

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    In Northeast Asia, the effect of long-range transport of air pollutants is generally pronounced in spring and winter, but can be important even in summer. This study analyzed summer-time atmospheric transport of elemental carbon (EC) and sulfate (SO4 (2-)) with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model driven by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The WRF/CMAQ modeling system was applied to regions ranging from Northeast Asia to the Greater Tokyo Area in Japan in summer 2007. In terms of EC, while the model simulated well the effect of long-range transport, the simulation results indicated that domestic emissions in Japan dominantly contributed (85%) to EC concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. In terms of SO4 (2-), the simulation results indicated that both domestic emissions (62%) and long-range transport from the other countries (38%) substantially contributed to SO4 (2-) concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. Distinctive transport processes of SO4 (2-) were associated with typical summer-time meteorological conditions in the study region. When a Pacific high-pressure system covered the main island of Japan, domestic emissions, including volcanic emission, dominantly contributed to SO4 (2-) concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. When a high-pressure system prevailed over the East China Sea and low-pressure systems passed north of Japan, synoptic westerly winds associated with this pressure pattern transported a large amount of SO4 (2-) from the continent to Japan. In addition, although heavy precipitation and strong wind decreased SO4 (2-) concentrations near the center of a typhoon, peripheral typhoon winds occasionally played an important role in long-range transport of SO4 (2-).



  • One-year, regional-scale simulation of Cs-137 radioactivity in the ocean following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

    D. Tsumune, T. Tsubono, M. Aoyama, M. Uematsu, K. Misumi, Y. Maeda, Y. Yoshida, H. Hayami

    BIOGEOSCIENCES   10 ( 8 ) 5601 - 5617  2013  [Refereed]

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    A series of accidents at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant following the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011 resulted in the release of radioactive materials to the ocean by two major pathways: direct release from the accident site and atmospheric deposition. A 1 yr, regional-scale simulation of Cs-137 activity in the ocean offshore of Fukushima was carried out, the sources of radioactivity being direct release, atmospheric deposition, and the inflow of Cs-137 deposited into the ocean by atmospheric deposition outside the domain of the model. Direct releases of Cs-137 were estimated for 1 yr after the accident by comparing simulated results and measured activities adjacent to the accident site. The contributions of each source were estimated by analysis of I-131/Cs-137 and Cs-134/Cs-137 activity ratios and comparisons between simulated results and measured activities of Cs-137. The estimated total amounts of directly released I-131, Cs-134, and Cs-137 were 11.1 +/- 2.2 PBq, 3.5 +/- 0.7 PBq, and 3.6 +/- 0.7 PBq, respectively. Simulated Cs-137 activities attributable to direct release were in good agreement with measured Cs-137 activities not only adjacent to the accident site, but also in a wide area in the model domain, therefore this implies that the estimated direct release rate was reasonable. Employment of improved nudging data by JCOPE2 improved both the offshore transport result and the reproducibility of Cs-137 activities 30 km offshore. On the other hand, simulated Cs-137 activities attributable to atmospheric deposition were low compared to measured activities. The rate of atmospheric deposition into the ocean was underestimated because of a lack of measurements of deposition into the ocean when atmospheric deposition rates were being estimated. Simulated Cs-137 activities attributable to the inflow of Cs-137 deposited into the ocean outside the domain of the model were in good agreement with measured activities in the open ocean within the model domain after June 2012. The consideration of inflow is important to simulate the Cs-137 activity in this model region in the later period of the simulation. The contribution of inflow increased with time and was dominant (more than 99 %) by the end of February 2012. The activity of directly released Cs-137, however, decreased exponentially with time and was detectable only in the coastal zone by the end of February 2012.



  • エアロゾル質量分析計を用いた大気中微小粒子の観測 − 2011年夏季関東都市・郊外における有機エアロゾルの特性化 −

    萩野 浩之, 森川 多津子, 長谷川 就一, 米持 真一, 関口 和彦, 熊谷 貴美代, 山口 直哉, 飯島 明宏, 嶋寺 光, 速水 洋

    JARI Research Journal    2012.08

  • Influence of development of mixing layer for ozone concentration in inland Kanto area in summertime

    KIRIYAMA Yusuke, HAYAMI Hiroshi, AWASAKI Takane, MIURA Kazuhiko, KUMAGAI Kimiyo, YAMAGUCHI Naoya

    Journal of Japan Society of Atmospheric Environment   47 ( 2 ) 81 - 86  2012.03  [Refereed]

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    In recent years, the increasing photochemical oxidant concentration in Japan has been discussed as one of the social issues. In the Kanto area in the summer, the effect of transboundary air pollution is not very high, therefore, a domestic pollutant source could effect this issue. Based on previous studies, a high concentration of inland ozone results from the transportation of ozone from the south, the Tokyo Bay area and the Pacific Ocean driven by sea breezes. However some studies have shown that a high concentration of ozone was observed in the northern Kanto area, before the ozone from south arrives. To understand this ozone elevation in the northern Kanto area, we consider the contribution of the upper-layer ozone to the ground-level ozone by a box model with no chemical reactions. The difference between the simulated results and observed results at 12:00 is 30-60ppb. This difference would be caused by chemical reactions. From the doppler lidar observations and observations of the ozone concentration at Mt. Akagi, the ozone concentration was almost constant and about a 4 to 5 m/s horizontal wind blew on the night of July 27&lt;SUP&gt;th&lt;/SUP&gt; and August 4&lt;SUP&gt;th&lt;/SUP&gt; at a 1300m height. These results would mean that the northern Kanto area was covered by a constant concentration ozone and transported by the wind.

    DOI CiNii

  • Characteristics in gas/aerosol partitioning of activated -carbon denuder

    Hiroshi Hayami, Tatsuhiro Mori, Ryota Kikuchi, Sayako Ueda, Kazuhiko Miura


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    Organic carbon (OC) is a major component of PM2.5. Filer-sampled OC is often contaminated by gaseous organic carbons. The contamination likely varies with time and location. Before investigating it, we evaluate collection efficiencies of gases and particles by denuders, which may reduce the contamination. The collection efficiency is quite low for coarse particles and below 4 % even for sub-micron particles. Organic gases are mostly captured by the denuder.

  • Numerical simulation of transport of black carbon aerosol by the East Asian winter monsoon

    H. Shimadera, H. Hayami, Y. Morino, T. Ohara, S. Chatani, N. Kaneyasu, Y. Kanaya

    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012     7 - 8  2012  [Refereed]

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    Long-range transport of black carbon (BC) aerosol by the East Asian winter monsoon was simulated using the WRF/CMAQ modeling system. The temporal variations of observed and simulated BC concentrations were well agreed with each other at Fukue-jima and Chichijima. The results indicated that the model generally simulated the Asian outflow by the winter monsoon, which ensured the validity of the long-range horizontal advection process of the model. The concentration level of simulated BC tended to be lower than that of observed BC at Fulcue-jima but be close to at Chichijima. Therefore, the model may underestimate the magnitude of the vertical diffusion on ocean.

  • PMF analysis of aerosol mass spectra at urban and rural sites in the Kanto area during summer of 2011

    Hiroyuki Hagino, Tazuko Morikawa, Shuichi Hasegawa, Shinichi Yonemochi, Kazuhiko Sekigichi, Ryo Morita, Kimiyo Kumagai, Naoya Yamaguchi, Akihiro Iijima, Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami

    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012     101 - 102  2012  [Refereed]

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    Simultaneous measurement of ambient aerosols was carried out using three aerosol mass spectrometers in the Kanto area during summer of 2011. Organic aerosol (OA) was detected as major component in this sampling campaign. The organic aerosol mass spectra was divided into two types of OA components, oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) and hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA), using positive matrix factorization (PMF). The OOA was ubiquitous in various atmospheric environments, on average accounting for 44%, 49% and 55% of the total OA in Saitama (urban), Kazo (rural), and Maebashi (rural), respectively.

  • Simultaneous high-time resolution observations of PM2.5 components in Kanto area in summer and winter

    Shuichi Hasegawa, Shinichi Yonemochi, Kimiyo Kumagai, Naoya Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki Hagino, Kazuhiko Sekiguchi, Akihiro Iijima, Hikari Shimadera, Hiroshi Hayami

    29TH SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2012     259 - 260  2012  [Refereed]

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    Simultaneous high-time resolution observations of PM2.5 components were carried out at four sites in Kanto area in summer and winter in order to get data sets for evaluation of air quality models and analyze factors of variation of PM2.5. The variations of PM2.5 were generally similar in both summer and winter. However, an increasing trend with higher concentrations of NO3, SO4 and NH4 was observed at Komae on July 28-29. In summer, particulate NO3 was low concentration whereas gaseous NO3 obviously increased in daytime and decreased in nighttime. The ratios of gaseous to total NO3 in nighttime were &gt;0.6 at Komae and almost zero at Maebashi probably due to temperature and humidity. In winter, the ratios of gaseous to total NO3 were much lower than in summer. SO4 generally indicated similar variations spatially and temporally in both summer and winter. Periodical variations of EC and OC were observed in summer, whereas

  • Sea breeze blowing into urban areas: Mitigation of the urban heat island phenomenon

    Yoichi Kawamoto, Hiroshi Yoshikado, Ryozo Ooka, Hiroshi Hayami, Hong Huang, Viet Nam

    Ventilating Cities: Air-flow Criteria for Healthy and Comfortable Urban Living     11 - 32  2012.01  [Refereed]

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    Currently, about 50% of the world’s population is living in urban areas, and that figure is predicted to continue to increase (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division, Population Estimates and Projections Section (2009) World urbanization prospects: the 2009 revision). On the other hand, many cities are facing problems caused by urbanization. The urban heat island phenomenon, one of the urban climate problems, is a typical environmental problem encountered in dense urban areas in summer. The use of the sea breeze to mitigate the urban heat island phenomenon has attracted attention in coastal cities. Some statistics show that about 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 km of the coast (World Resources Institute, Fisheries (2007) Population within 100 km of coast). Further investigation of the environment in the urban area near the coast is, therefore, important. In this chapter, Tokyo is targeted for investigation. Tokyo is the Japanese capital, and its surrounding region, the Tokyo metropolitan area, comprises a circular area with a radius of 50 km and a population of over 30 million. Within this area, the sea breeze from Tokyo Bay is an important factor mitigating the air temperature rise in summer. However, ongoing urbanization could be changing not only the mechanism of the energy balance on the urban surface but also the sea breeze system in the region. To clarify the effects of urbanization, a mesoscale meteorological model was adopted for analysis. Simulation results suggest that expansion of the Tokyo metropolitan area from the 1970s to the 1990s has induced a temperature rise near the ground and that the difference is largest in inland areas. Moreover, the time of sea breeze penetration is delayed in suburban areas. These results suggest that the ongoing urbanization process could raise the air temperature and change the sea breeze system in the Tokyo metropolitan area.



  • Long Term Trend in the Chemical Composition of Precipitation at Komae, Tokyo

    FUJITA Shin-ichi, HAYAMI Hiroshi, TAKAHASHI Akira, MITSUSE Hikotetsu, MIURA Kazuhiko, IDETA Tomoyoshi

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   25 ( 1 ) 26 - 36  2012

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    The Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) constructed a nationwide monitoring network to survey acidic deposition in Japan in October 1987. Although the monitoring network was closed in September 1996, monitoring at Komae, Tokyo has been continued over than last two decades. On the basis of the monitoring data collected between October 1987 and September 2010, we analyzed (i) long term trend in the chemical composition of precipitation, (ii) effect of precipitation amounts on the seasonal variation of concentrations, and (iii) influence of changes in precursor′s emissions on precipitation quality in the metropolitan area.&lt;BR&gt;The equivalent ratio of non sea-salt sulfate to nitrate in precipitation significantly increased by 88% during the period from 1987 to 1999, suddenly decreased in the summer of 2000, and did not change during the period from 2002 to 2010. The equivalent ratio of sulfate, nitrate, and chloride to total non sea-salt anion were 31: 53: 16 for the end of 1980′s, 48: 44: 8 for the end of 1990′s, and 40: 56: 4 for the end of 2000′s, respectively. There was a strong effect of precipitation amounts on monthly concentrations of sulfate and nitrate in the warm season. Eruption of Miyake-jima volcano impacted concentrations of sulfate and chloride during the period from 2000 to 2001. The decrease in the concentration of chloride was considered to be related the reduction in hydrochloric acid emissions from industrial waste incinerators in the metropolitan area.

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  • Source apportionment of ambient fine particle using a receptor model combined with radiocarbon content in Northern Kanto area

    Takahashi Katsuyuki, Fushimi Akihiro, Morino Yu, Iijima Akihiro, Yonemochi Shin-ichi, Hayami Hiroshi, Hasegawa Shuichi, Tanabe Kiyoshi, Kobayash Shinji

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   46 ( 3 ) 156 - 163  2011

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    In order to understand the source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols using a receptor model, we examined the source contribution of fine particles. The observation was done in the summer of 2007 at Maebashi and Kisai. Samples were collected every 6 hours (during the daytime) and 12 hours (during the nighttime), and the following chemical components were analyzed: carbonaceous compounds, ionic components, inorganic elements and radiocarbon content. The Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) method was applied to these data to estimate the source contribution into 10 sources. The carbonaceous compounds were apportioned into the 10 sources using these results, and elemental carbon (EC) was almost entirely diesel-exhaust derived. On the other hand, there was limited primary particle contribution in the organic carbon (OC), and it was estimated as either unknown or secondary particles. The EC and OC were divided into fossil-fuel-derived carbon and biogenic-derived carbon based on the value of the pMC (percent modern carbon) of individual sources derived from the literature. For the secondary organic carbon (SOC), it was found that although the ratio of the fossil-fuel-derived carbon to the biogenic-derived carbon was around 1:2 during the daytime, the fossil-fuel-derived carbon transported from metropolitan area decreased and the ratio dropped to 1:10 during the nighttime, and the observed pMC of total carbon (=EC+OC) increased. As the biogenic-derived-carbon accounted for 70 % of the SOC during the daytime, it was shown that biogenic-derived-carbon provided the major contributions to the SOC.

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  • Influence of meteorological conditions on summer ozone levels in the central Kanto area of Japan

    Ryozo Ooka, Mai Khiem, Hiroshi Hayami, Hiroshi Yoshikado, Hong Huang, Yoichi Kawamoto

    URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2010   4   138 - 150  2011  [Refereed]

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    We investigated the influence of meteorological factors that affect ozone in summer using both measurement analysis and numerical simulation. The results show that there is a close relationship between changes in meteorological conditions and variations in ozone concentrations over the central Kanto area. In summer, up to 84% of long-term variations in peak ozone concentrations may be accounted for by changes in the seasonally averaged daily maximum temperatures and seasonally averaged wind speeds. The ozone episodes in the Kanto region are dominated by three major patterns, of which Patterns I and II are regular summertime pressure patterns with a 26% and 16% frequency of occurrence, respectively. A detailed process analysis of ozone formation under urban heat island (UHI) at two areas in the Kanto region - urban and rural area - indicates that ozone formation is mainly controlled by chemistry, dry deposition, vertical transport, and horizontal transport processes. The ground-level ozone concentrations are enhanced mainly by the vertical mixing of ozone - rich air from aloft, whereas dry deposition process mainly depletes ozone. Horizontal transport and chemistry processes play opposite roles in the net change of ozone concentration between the two areas. The results of numerical simulations also indicate that the sea breeze has significant effects on the ozone accumulation and distribution in the Kanto area. The high ozone was first observed in urban area and then was transported to the rural area by sea breeze. At rural area, the highest ozone concentrations were found in late afternoon, about two hours later in comparison with the urban area. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier BV



  • A numerical study of summer ozone concentration over the Kanto area of Japan using the MM5/CMAQ model

    Mai Khiem, Ryozo Ooka, Hong Huang, Hiroshi Hayami

    JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES   23 ( 2 ) 236 - 246  2011  [Refereed]

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    We assessed the ability of the MM5/CMAQ model to predict ozone (O-3) air quality over the Kanto area and to investigate the factors that affect simulation of O-3. We find that the coupled MM5/CMAQ model is a useful tool for the analysis of urban environmental problems. The simulation results were compared with observational data and were found to accurately replicate most of the important observed characteristics. The initial and boundary conditions were found to have a significant effect on simulated O-3 concentrations. The results show that on hot and dry days with high O-3 concentration, the CMAQ model provides a poor simulation of O-3 maxima when using initial and boundary conditions derived from the CMAQ default data. The simulation of peak O-3 concentrations is improved with the JCAP initial and boundary conditions. On mild days, the default CMAQ initial and boundary conditions provide a more realistic simulation. Meteorological conditions also have a strong impact on the simulated distribution and accumulation of O-3 concentrations in this area. Low O-3 concentrations are simulated during mild weather conditions, and high concentrations are predicted during hot and dry weather. By investigating the effects of different meteorological conditions on each model process, we find that advection and diffusion differ the most between the two meteorological regimes. Thus, differences in the winds that govern the transport of O-3 and its precursors are likely the most important meteorological drivers of ozone concentration over the central Kanto area.



  • Process analysis of ozone formation under different weather conditions over the Kanto region of Japan using the MM5/CMAQ modelling system

    Mai Khiem, Ryozo Ooka, Hiroshi Hayami, Hiroshi Yoshikado, Hong Huang, Yoichi Kawamoto

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   44 ( 35 ) 4463 - 4473  2010.11  [Refereed]

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    We have assessed the contributions of individual physical and chemical atmospheric processes on ozone formation under different weather conditions during a typical summer month (August 2005) using the MM5/CMAQ modelling system. We found that the ozone episodes in the Kanto region are dominated by three major patterns, of which Patterns land II are regular summertime pressure patterns with a 26% and 16% frequency of occurrence, respectively. A process analysis at two typical sites in the Kanto region - one located in the central region of Tokyo and the other located in the rural areas of Kanto - indicates that ozone formation is mainly controlled by advection, vertical diffusion, dry deposition, and chemical processes. The ground-level ozone concentrations are enhanced mainly by the vertical mixing of ozone-rich air from aloft, whereas the dry deposition and chemical processes mainly deplete ozone. By investigating the effects of each process under different weather conditions, we found that the significant decrease in ozone removal due to the chemical and advection processes under conditions of high stagnation is the most important cause of the enhanced levels of ozone in the central region of Tokyo. The results of this study can contribute to a better understanding of ozone formation in the Kanto region, and they may be valuable for local policy makers for further development planning. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Inter-comparison of Chemical Transport Models and Evaluation of Model Performance for O3 and PM2.5 Prediction

    Morino Yu, Chatani Satoru, Hayami Hiroshi, Sasaki Kansuke, Mori Yasuaki, Morikawa Tazuko, Ohara Toshimasa, Hasegawa Shuichi, Kobayashi Shinji

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment / Taiki Kankyo Gakkaishi   45 ( 5 ) 212 - 226  2010

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    The inter-comparison of chemical transport models (CTMs) of four research groups was conducted for O&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt; and PM&lt;SUB&gt;2.5&lt;/SUB&gt; simulations in the Kanto area in summer 2007. Three groups used CMAQ v4.6 and the other employed CMAQ v4.5; each group used different emissions data. The results clearly showed that all the CTMs reproduced well the temporal variation of O&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt; (r &gt; 0.5 at all four sites), but all the CTMs underestimated PM&lt;SUB&gt;2.5&lt;/SUB&gt; concentrations and did not reproduce the PM&lt;SUB&gt;2.5&lt;/SUB&gt; temporal variation (r &lt;0.5) at suburban sites. Among the PM&lt;SUB&gt;2.5&lt;/SUB&gt; species, the concentration and temporal variation of SO&lt;SUB&gt;4&lt;/SUB&gt;2&lt;SUP&gt;-&lt;/SUP&gt; was predicted well by all the CTMs (within a factor of 2 and r &gt; 0.5 in most cases). By contrast, the elemental carbon (EC) and organic aerosol (OA) concentrations were underestimated by all the CTMs. The predicted NO&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt;&lt;SUP&gt;-&lt;/SUP&gt; concentrations showed a high variability (up to a factor of 10) among the four CTMs. Differences in the predicted concentrations of the primary products were explained well by the differences in their emission rates. However, differences in the secondary products, including O&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt;, TNO&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt; (= HNO&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt;+ NO&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt;&lt;SUP&gt;-&lt;/SUP&gt;), and the secondary organic aerosols, were not explained by the differences in the precursors&#039; emission rates or in boundary conditions.

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  • Evaluation of ensemble approach for O3 and PM2.5 simulation

    Yu Morino, Satoru Chatani, Hiroshi Hayami, Kansuke Sasaki, Yasuaki Mori, Tazuko Morikawa, Toshimasa Ohara, Shuichi Hasegawa, Shinji Kobayashi

    Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment   4 ( 3 ) 150 - 156  2010  [Refereed]

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    Inter-comparison of chemical transport models (CTMs) was conducted among four modeling research groups. Model performance of the ensemble approach to O3 and PM2.5 simulation was evaluated by using observational data with a time resolution of 1 or 6 hours at four sites in the Kanto area, Japan, in summer 2007. All groups applied the Community Multiscale Air Quality model. The ensemble average of the four CTMs reproduced well the temporal variation of O3 (r=0.65-0.85) and the daily maximum O3 concentration within a factor of 1.3. By contrast, it underestimated PM2.5 concentrations by a factor of 1.4-2, and did not reproduce the PM2.5 temporal variation at two suburban sites (r=~0.2). The ensemble average improved the simulation of SO4 2-, NO3 -, and NH4 +, whose production pathways are well known. In particular, the ensemble approach effectively simulated NO3 -, despite the large variability among CTMs (up to a factor of 10). However, the ensemble average did not improve the simulation of organic aerosols (OAs), underestimating their concentrations by a factor of 5. The contribution of OAs to PM2.5 (36-39%) was large, so improvement of the OA simulation model is essential to improve the PM2.5 simulation.



  • Analysis of the Relationship between Changes in Meteorological Conditions and the Variation in Summer Ozone Levels over the Central Kanto Area

    Mai Khiem, Ryozo Ooka, Hong Huang, Hiroshi Hayami, Hiroshi Yoshikado, Yoichi Kawamoto

    ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY   2010  2010  [Refereed]

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    An increasing trend in ground-level ozone (O-3) concentrations has recently been recognized in Japan, although concentrations of ozone precursors, nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) have decreased. In this paper, the relationship between meteorological factors (temperature and wind speed) and ground-level ozone concentrations in the summer over the central Kanto area of Japan was examined using both statistical analyses and numerical models. The Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5) and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model were employed in this study. It was found that there is a close relationship between meteorological conditions and ground-level ozone concentrations over the central Kanto area. In summer, up to 84% of the long-term variation in peak ozone concentrations may be accounted for by changes in the seasonally averaged daily maximum temperature and seasonally averaged wind speed, while about 70% of the recent short-term variation in peak ozone depends on the daily maximum temperature and the daily averaged wind speed. The results of numerical simulations also indicate that urban heat island (UHI) phenomena can play an important role in the formation of high ozone concentrations in this area.


  • Numerical simulation of relationship between climatic factors and ground ozone concentration over Kanto area using the MM5/CMAQ Model (<Featured Theme>Towards the Establishment of Safer and More Comfortable Urban Systems (ICUS))

    Khime Van Mai, Ooka Ryozo, Huang Hong, Hayami Hiroshi

    Monthly journal of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo   60 ( 3 ) 83 - 92  2008.05

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In recent years, the urban atmospheric pollution is still an important environmental problem due to the rapid urbanization and industrial development. It is found that atmospheric pollutant concentration can be strongly affected by some local climatic factors (e.g., temperature, humidity, wind, radiation, etc.). In this study, we use the MM5/CMAQ model to examine relationship between these climatic factors and ground ozone (O3) concentration over Kanto (Japan) area. The nested grid system which cover a region of Kanto with grid resolutions of 9 km, 3 km, and 1 km respectively, have been employed to this study. The relationship between the simulated O3 concentration with temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind were analyzed over the August 2005, representing typical summer climate. The numerical simulation shows O3 concentration as function of temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity and wind direction. The positive correlation was found between O3 concentration with temperature and solar radiation, while the negative correlation was found between O3 concentration and relative humidity. The result of this study suggests that O3 concentration has a close relationship with climatic factors over Kanto area.

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  • MICS-Asia II: The model intercomparison study for Asia Phase II methodology and overview of findings

    G. R. Carmichael, T. Sakurai, D. Streets, Y. Hozumi, H. Ueda, S. U. Park, C. Fung, Z. Han, M. Kajino, M. Engardt, C. Bennet, H. Hayami, K. Sartelet, T. Holloway, Z. Wang, A. Kannari, J. Fu, K. Matsuda, N. Thongbooncho, M. Amann

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   42 ( 15 ) 3468 - 3490  2008.05  [Refereed]

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    Results from the Model Intercomparison Study Asia Phase II (MICS-Asia II) are presented. Nine different regional modeling groups simulated chemistry and transport of ozone (O-3), secondary aerosol, acid deposition, and associated precursors, using common emissions and boundary conditions derived from a global model. Four-month-long periods, representing 2 years and three seasons (i.e., March, July, and December in 2001, and March in 2002), are analyzed. New observational data, obtained under the EANET (the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia) monitoring program, were made available for this study, and these data provide a regional database to compare with model simulations. The analysis focused around seven subject areas: O-3 and related precursors, aerosols, acid deposition, global inflow of pollutants and precursor to Asia, model sensitivities to aerosol parameterization, analysis of emission fields, and detailed analyses of individual models, each of which is presented in a companion paper in this issue of Atmospheric Environment. This overview discusses the major findings of the study, as well as information on common emissions, meteorological conditions, and observations. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • MICS-Asia II: Model intercomparison and evaluation of particulate sulfate, nitrate and ammonium

    Hiroshi Hayami, T. Sakurai, Z. Han, H. Ueda, G. R. Carmichael, D. Streets, T. Holloway, Z. Wang, N. Thongboonchoo, M. Engardt, C. Bennet, C. Fung, A. Chang, S. U. Park, M. Kajino, K. Sartelet, K. Matsuda, M. Amann

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   42 ( 15 ) 3510 - 3527  2008.05  [Refereed]

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    Eight chemical transport models participate in a model intercomparison study for East Asia, MICS-Asia II. This paper analyzes calculated results for particulate matter of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium through comparisons with each other and with monthly measurements at EANET (the acid deposition monitoring network in East Asia) and daily measurements at Fukue, Japan.
    To the EANET measurements, model ensemble means better agree with model individual results for sulfate and total ammonium, although total nitrate is consistently and considerably underestimated. To measurements at Fukue, the models show better agreement than for the EANET measurements. This is likely because Fukue is centered in many of the model domains, whereas the EANET stations are mostly in Southeast Asia and Russia. Moreover, it would be important that Fukue is in Northeast Asia, where the emission inventory is more reliable than Southeast Asia.
    The model-model comparisons are made in view of the total amount in the atmosphere, vertical profile, coefficient of variation in surface concentrations, and transformation changes with distance. All the models show reasonable tendencies in vertical profiles and composition ratios. However, total amounts in the atmosphere are discrepant among the models. The consistency of the total amount in the atmosphere would influence source-receptor analysis. It seems that model results would be consistent, if the models take into account the primitive processes like emission, advection/diffusion, chemical transformation and dry/wet deposition, no matter the processes are modeled simply or comprehensively.
    Through the comparison study, we learned that it would be difficult to find any problems from one comparison (model-observation comparison with one data or many but at one station or in a short period). Modelers tend to examine model performances only from model-observation comparisons. However, taking budget in a certain or whole model domain would be important, before the models are applied to source-receptor analysis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • MICS-Asia II: Model intercomparison and evaluation of ozone and relevant species

    Z. Han, T. Sakurai, H. Ueda, G. R. Carmichael, D. Streets, H. Hayami, Z. Wang, T. Holloway, M. Engardt, Y. Hozumi, S. U. Park, M. Kajino, K. Sartelet, C. Fung, C. Bennet, N. Thongboonchoo, Y. Tang, A. Chang, K. Matsuda, M. Amann

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   42 ( 15 ) 3491 - 3509  2008.05  [Refereed]

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    Eight regional Eulerian chemical transport models (CTMs) are compared with each other and with an extensive set of observations including ground-level concentrations from EANET, ozone soundings from JMA and vertical profiles from the TRACE-P experiment to evaluate the models' abilities in simulating O(3) and relevant species (SO(2), NO, NO(2), HNO(3) and PAN) in the troposphere of East Asia and to look for similarities and differences among model performances. Statistical analysis is conducted to help estimate the consistency and discrepancy between model simulation and observation in terms of various species, seasons, locations, as well as attitude ranges. In general, all models show a good skill of simulating SO(2) for both ground level and the lower troposphere, although two of the eight models systematically overpredict SO(2) concentration. The model skills for O(3) vary largely with region and season. For ground-level O(3), model results are best correlated with observations in July 2001. Comparing with O(3) soundings measured in the afternoon reveals the best consistency among models in March 2001 and the largest disparity in O(3) magnitude in July 2001, although most models produce the best correlation in July as well. In terms of the statistics for the four flights of TRACE-P experiment, most models appear to be able to accurately capture the variability in the lower troposphere. The model performances for NO(x) are relatively poor, with lower correlation and with almost all models tending to underpredict NO(x) levels, due to larger uncertainties in either emission estimates or complex chemical mechanism represented. All models exhibit larger RMSE at altitudes &lt; 2 km than 2-5.5 kin, mainly due to a consistent tendency of these models towards underprediction of the magnitude of intense plumes that often originate from near surface. Relatively lower correlation at altitudes 2-5.5 km may be attributed to the models' limitation in representing convection or potential chemical processes. Most of the key features in species distribution have been consistently reproduced by the participating models, such as the O(3) enhancement in the western Pacific Ocean in March and in northeast Asia in July, respectively, although the absolute model values may differ considerably from each other. Large differences are found among models in the southern parts of the domain for all the four periods, including southern China and northern parts of some Southeast Asia countries where the behaviors of chemical components and the ability of these models are still not clearly known because of a lack of observational databases. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • MICS-Asia II: Model inter-comparison and evaluation of acid deposition

    Zifa Wang, Fuying Xie, T. Sakurai, H. Ueda, Zhiwei Han, G. R. Carmichael, D. Streets, M. Engardt, T. Holloway, H. Hayami, M. Kajino, N. Thongboonchoo, C. Bennet, S. U. Park, C. Fung, A. Chang, K. Sartelet, M. Amann

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   42 ( 15 ) 3528 - 3542  2008.05  [Refereed]

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    This paper focuses on the comparison of chemical deposition of eight regional chemical models used in Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia (MICS-Asia) II. Monthly-mean depositions of chemical species simulated by these models, including dry deposition of SO(2), HNO(3), NH(3), Sulfate, nitrate and ammonium and wet deposition of SO(4)(2-), NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+), have been provided for four periods (March, July, December 2001 and March 2002) in this work. Observations at 37 sites of the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) are compared with SO(4)(2-), NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+) wet deposition model results. Significant correlations appeared between the observation and computed ensemble mean of participant models. Also, differences among modeled sulfur and nitrogen dry depositions have been studied at the EANET sites. Based on the analysis of acid deposition for various species from different models, total depositions of sulfur (SO(2) and sulfate) and nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) have been evaluated as the ensemble mean of the eight models. In general, all models capture the observed spatial distribution' of sulfur and nitrogen deposition, although the absolute values may differ from measurements. High deposition often occurs in eastern China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia. The magnitude of model bias is quite large for many of the models. In examining the reasons for model-measurement disagreement, we find that differences in chemical processes, deposition parameterization, and modeled precipitation are the main reasons for large model disparities. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • MICS-Asia II: Impact of global emissions on regional air quality in Asia

    Tracey Holloway, Tatsuya Sakurai, Zhiwei Han, Susanna Ehlers, Scott N. Spak, Larry W. Horowitz, Gregory R. Carmichael, David G. Streets, Y. Hozumi, Hiromasa Ueda, S. U. Park, Christopher Fung, M. Kajino, Narisara Thongboonchoo, Magnuz Engardt, Cecilia Bennet, Hiroshi Hayami, Karine Sartelet, Zifa Wang, K. Matsuda, Markus Amann

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   42 ( 15 ) 3543 - 3561  2008.05  [Refereed]

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    This study quantifies the seasonality and geographic variability of global pollutant inflow to Asia. Asia is often looked to as a major source of intercontinental air pollution transport with rising emissions and efficient pollutant export processes. However, the degree to which foreign emissions have been imported to Asia has not been thoroughly examined. The Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia (MICS-Asia) is an international collaboration to study air pollution transport and chemistry in Asia. Using the global atmospheric chemistry Model of Ozone and Related Tracers (MOZART v. 2.4), and comparing results with a suite of regional models participating in MICS-Asia, we find that imported O-3 contributes significantly throughout Asia. The choice of upper boundary condition is found to be particularly important for O-3, even for surface concentrations. Both North America and Europe contribute to ground-level O-3 concentrations throughout the region, though the seasonality of these two sources varies. North American contributions peak at over 10% of monthly mean O-3 during winter months in East Asia, compared to Europe's spring- and autumn-maxima (5-8%). In comparison to observed data from the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET), MOZART concentrations for 03 generally fall within the range of the MICS models, but MOZART is unable to capture the fine spatial variability of shorter-lived species as well as the regional models. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • MICS Asia Phase II - Sensitivity to the aerosol module

    K. N. Sartelet, H. Hayami, B. Sportisse

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   42 ( 15 ) 3562 - 3570  2008.05  [Refereed]

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    In the framework of the model intercomparison study-Asia Phase II (MICS2), where eight models are compared over East Asia, this paper studies the influence of different parameterizations used in the aerosol module on the aerosol concentrations of sulfate and nitrate in PM10.
    An intracomparison of aerosol concentrations is done for March 2001 using different configurations of the aerosol module of one of the model used for the intercomparison. Single modifications of a reference setup for model configurations are performed and compared to a reference case. These modifications concern the size distribution, i.e. the number of sections, and physical processes, i.e. coagulation, condensation/evaporation, cloud chemistry, heterogeneous reactions and sea-salt emissions.
    Comparing monthly averaged concentrations at different stations, the importance of each parameterization is first assessed. It is found that sulfate concentrations are little sensitive to sea-salt emissions and to whether condensation is computed dynamically or by assuming thermodynamic equilibrium. Nitrate concentrations are little sensitive to cloud chemistry. However, a very high sensitivity to heterogeneous reactions is observed.
    Thereafter, the variability of the aerosol concentrations to the use of different chemistry transport models (CTMs) and the variability to the use of different parameterizations in the aerosol module are compared. For sulfate, the variability to the use of different parameterizations in the aerosol module is lower than the variability to the use of different CTMs. However, for nitrate, for monthly averaged concentrations averaged over four stations, these two variabilities have the same order of magnitude. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Dominant aerosol processes during high-pollution episodes over Greater Tokyo

    K. N. Sartelet, H. Hayami, B. Sportisse

    Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres   112 ( 14 )  2007.07  [Refereed]

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    This paper studies two high-pollution episodes over Greater Tokyo: 9 and 10 December 1999 and 31 July and 1 August 2001. Results obtained with the chemistry transport model (CTM) Polair3D are compared to measurements of inorganic particulate matter (PM&lt
    ). To understand to which extent the aerosol processes modeled in Polair3D impact simulated inorganic PM&lt
    , Polair3D is run with different options in the aerosol module, i.e., with/without heterogeneous reactions. To quantify the impact of processes outside the aerosol module, simulations are also done with another CTM (community multiscale air quality, CMAQ). In the winter episode, sulfate is mostly impacted by condensation, coagulation, long-range transport, and deposition to a lesser extent. In the summer episode, the effect of long-range transport largely dominates. The impact of condensation /evaporation is dominant for ammonium, nitrate, and chloride in both episodes. However, the impact of the thermodynamic equilibrium assumption is limited. The impact of heterogeneous reactions is large for nitrate and ammonium and, taking heterogeneous reactions into account, appears to be crucial in predicting the peaks of nitrate and ammonium. The impact of deposition is the same for all inorganic PM&lt
    . It is small compared to the impact of other processes although it is not negligible. The impact of nucleation is negligible in the summer episode and small in the winter episode. The impact of coagulation is larger in the winter episode than in the summer episode because the number of small particles is higher in the winter episode as a consequence of nucleation. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union.



  • Dominant aerosol processes during high-pollution episodes over Greater Tokyo

    K. N. Sartelet, H. Hayami, B. Sportisse

    JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES   112 ( D14 )  2007.07  [Refereed]

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    [1] This paper studies two high-pollution episodes over Greater Tokyo: 9 and 10 December 1999 and 31 July and 1 August 2001. Results obtained with the chemistry transport model (CTM) Polair3D are compared to measurements of inorganic particulate matter (PM2.5).To understand to which extent the aerosol processes modeled in Polair3D impact simulated inorganic PM2.5, Polair3D is run with different options in the aerosol module, i.e., with/without heterogeneous reactions. To quantify the impact of processes outside the aerosol module, simulations are also done with another CTM (community multiscale air quality, CMAQ). In the winter episode, sulfate is mostly impacted by condensation, coagulation, long-range transport, and deposition to a lesser extent. In the summer episode, the effect of long-range transport largely dominates. The impact of condensation/evaporation is dominant for ammonium, nitrate, and chloride in both episodes. However, the impact of the thermodynamic equilibrium assumption is limited. The impact of heterogeneous reactions is large for nitrate and ammonium and, taking heterogeneous reactions into account, appears to be crucial in predicting the peaks of nitrate and ammonium. The impact of deposition is the same for all inorganic PM2.5. It is small compared to the impact of other processes although it is not negligible. The impact of nucleation is negligible in the summer episode and small in the winter episode. The impact of coagulation is larger in the winter episode than in the summer episode because the number of small particles is higher in the winter episode as a consequence of nucleation.



  • Relationships between Emission Reduction to Anthropogenic Burning Sources and Ambient Concentrations of Secondary Inorganic Aerosol in Greater Tokyo

    HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution   42 ( 4 ) 234 - 252  2007

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    The relationships between changes in secondary inorganic aerosol concentrations (SIA) and emission reductions in Greater Tokyo were investigated through numerical simulations. First of all, it was confirmed that the numerical model used in the simulations showed an acceptable performance in reproducing measurements. It was shown by analyzing the simulated results that both annual mean concentrations and high-episodic daily concentrations decreased with reduced emissions. The reduction of SIA concentrations appeared mostly in summertime, but the concentrations in wintertime increased with decreasing emissions in some cases. These changes in the SIA concentrations largely depended on the changes in nitrate concentrations.

    DOI CiNii

  • Relationship between oxidant-based AOT40 and forest environmental conditions of damaged Japanese cedars in the kanto plains

    Ishii, T., Matsumura, H., Hayami, H., Kohno, Y.

    Journal of Global Environment Engineering   12   51 - 61  2007  [Refereed]

  • Numerical simulation of local weather for a high photochemical oxidant event using the WRF model

    H Kusaka, H Hayami


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    We evaluated the performance of the newly developed atmospheric mesoscale model, WRF, for the simulation of urban-scale weather in the Tokyo metropolitan area during a high photochemical Oxidant event. The simulation clearly shows that WRF represents the spatial distribution of surface air temperature during the daytime, although the model temperature is lower than the observations in the late afternoon to evening in the urban area. The wind system can be well reproduced in WRF. Simulated convergence zone moves toward the inland areas located to the northwest of the coastal area during the three hours. These results are consistent with the observations of temperature and Photochemical Oxidant, indicating that WRF has enough potential to predict the ongoing Oxidant concentration.



  • Development and preliminary validation of a modal aerosol model for tropospheric chemistry: MAM

    KN Sartelet, H Hayami, B Albriet, B Sportisse

    AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY   40 ( 2 ) 118 - 127  2006.02  [Refereed]

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    This paper presents a modal aerosol model (MAM) developed to be used in three dimensional air quality models. MAM, which represents the aerosol distribution with four modes, has the advantage of simplicity and speed efficiency associated to modal models, while mass transfer is modeled with a dynamic approach. To assess the ability of MAM to represent mass transfer, MAM is compared to a size-resolved model based on the dynamic approach and to a version of MAM based on an equilibrium approach. Comparisons are done using measurements of inorganic species made in Japan as initial conditions. Furthermore, it is shown that MAM combined with a well chosen mode splitting scheme is able to deal accurately with the simultaneous occurrence of strong nucleation/condensation and coagulation, as may be observed in high nucleation episodes.



  • Field Study on Sizing Performance of Preseparator for NILU Filter Holder System in Application to Aerosol Sampling for Chemical Analysis


    Earozoru Kenkyu   21   66 - 71  2006


  • Measurements of Ozone Vertical Distribution at Mt. Fuji Using a Passive Sampler

    MUROSAKI Masafumi, FUJITA Shin-ichi, TAKAHASHI Akira, HAYAMI Hiroshi, MIURA Kazuhiko

    Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution   41 ( 6 ) 347 - 354  2006

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    In order to obtain information on the vertical distributionof ozone concentration in the lower atmosphere, field experiments were conducted at Mt. Fuji located on the prefecture boundary of Shizuoka and Yamanashi. The ozone concentration was monitored by Ogawa passive samplers at 20points from base to top of Mt. Fuji during the period from 12 to 20 July, 2005. The temporal variation of ozone concentration was also analyzed by the automatic monitoring data at three urban points on the base of Mt. Fuji and the top of Tanzawa about 30 km East from Mt. Fuji.&lt;BR&gt;The estimated average ozone concentrations were about 20 ppbv for the mixing layer and about 40 ppbv for the free atmosphere; these values agreed with the recently reported values observed at mountainous areas in the summer season. The estimated average ozone concentrations were about 20 ppbv for three urban points and about 40 ppbv for the top of Tanzawa, with a significant diurnal variation. It was considered that the mid-slop of Mt. Fuji was influenced by local air pollution occasionally depending on the meteorological condition.&lt;BR&gt;The passive sampler would be useful by coupling an UV-photometric monitor to analyze the transport of ozone and oxidant in the lower atmosphere.

    DOI CiNii

  • Interannual Variability in PM_<2.5> Mass and Inorganic Ionic Components Measured in Komae, Tokyo

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, FUJITA Shin-ichi

    Earozoru Kenkyu   21 ( 4 ) 354 - 358  2006  [Refereed]

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    Concentrations of PM2.5 mass and inorganic ionic components measured in Komae, Tokyo, from FY1998 to FY2005 are analyzed for studying the interannual variability. It is found that the mass concentration tends to decrease annually, and this tendency is pronounced in winter. It is considered from the comparisons with other studies in South Kanto that the decreasing tendency is a relatively large-scale phenomenon, and the PM2.5 mass concentration is being uniformed in the area.<BR> Inorganic ionic species do not show such decreasing tendency in general. As a result, concentration ratios of secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA) to PM2.5 mass tend to increase. This could lead to the uniformity in PM2.5 mass concentration. The SIA concentration is high, very close to the US Air Quality Standard for PM2.5. Therefore, the SIA should be more concerned in order to reduce the PM2.5 mass concentration.

    DOI CiNii

  • 化学分析用粒子サンプリングにおけるNILUフィルタホルダ用プリセパレータの分粒性能の野外試験

    速水 洋, 中澤 里美, 藤田 慎一, 三浦 和彦, 白井 忠, 宮本 高志, 宇田川 智

    エアロゾル研究   21   66 - 71  2006  [Refereed]

  • Behavior of secondary inorganic species in gaseous and aerosol phases measured in Fukue Island, Japan, in dust season

    H Hayami

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   39 ( 12 ) 2243 - 2248  2005.04  [Refereed]

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    The denuder/filter-pack sampling system has been used to simultaneously measure the daily concentrations of inorganic compounds of fine and coarse aerosol and related gases in Fukue Island, Japan, in three springs (March-April of 2000-2002). Gaseous nitric acid concentrations are low, and gas-to-total (gas + aerosol) fractions of nitrate are also low. The gas-to-total fraction of ammonium and the production of non-sea-salt (nss)-sulfate on coarse aerosol increase with dust loading. Total nitrate concentration correlates with both total ammonium concentration and total aerosol nss-sulfate concentration, although these species are differently partitioned among the gas and fine- and coarse-aerosol phases. In some dust events, there is a time lag between an increase in nss-sulfate concentration and an increase in dust loading. Trajectory analysis shows that one of the dust events with a time lag is composed of nss-sulfate from the east affected by volcanic plumes and dust from the northwest passing over the loess areas in the Asian continent. &COPY; 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Relationship between nation wide distribution of AOT40 and forest decline:Red pine, Larch, and Beech forest

    ISHII Takashi, MATSUMURA Hideyuki, HAYAMI Hiroshi, KOHNO Yoshihisa

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G   13   257 - 262  2005

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    Europe has already established tentative critical levels of air pollutants based on the dose responses. Current ozone level has the potential adverse impact to plants. However, the relation with air pollutants is not clarified. The purpose of this study make GIS database to evaluate the relationship between air pollutants and forest decline, quantitatively and visually, and proposes critical level mapping method. The observation data, such as the forest decline monitoring data, the long term monitoring data of air pollutants and the meteorology data was collected. Geostatistical analysis (kriging method) was applied for making oxidant based accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb (A0T40) map from 1975 to 2001. And, the relation between air pollutants and Red pine, Larch, and Beech forest decline was analyzed using GIS database. Trials to present excess maps of pollutants would help a risk assessment of the impacts on forests health using critical levels evaluated by exposure experiments. AOT40 seemed to be effective as an index of the vegetation influence evaluation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurements of Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compounds Using the Open Light Path Spectrometer

    SHIMOTA Akiro, HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Atmospheric Environment   40 ( 1 ) 21 - 31  2005

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    Measurable spectral regions of the open light path spectrometer developed by CRIEPI contain absorption bands of volatile organic compounds (VOC) which deeply relate to the formation of SPM that influences human health. In the report, we concentrated on the retrieval of 7 species of VOC, ozone, and sulfur dioxide. In the retrieval procedures, gas concentrations were determined by correlated linear least-squares fit, and a correction for the oxygen absorption structure was added to ensure higher accuracy of the retrieval results. For the evaluation of the retrieved concentrations, comparisons were carried out with gas concentrations that were simultaneously measured from directly trapped atmosphere. The results of the comparisons showed good correlations for all species excepting one VOC that existed as an undetectable concentration between the measurement periods. Furthermore, time variations of the retrieved VOC concentrations corresponded with those of the nitrogen oxide concentration of mobile exhaust emission are most likely the largest contributor.

    DOI CiNii

  • Meteorological Factors Influencing Low-Concentration Episodes of Suspended Particulate Matter in Kanto in Summer of 1999

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, UCHIDA Satoshi, SAKURAI Tatsuya, FUJITA Shin-ichi, MIURA Kazuhiko

    Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution   40 ( 5 ) 193 - 200  2005

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    In Japan, the nation-wide annual-mean concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) dramatically decreased, and the achievement rate of the air quality standard of SPM was considerably improved in FY1999. This study shows the actual conditions and meteorological causes of the low concentration. The nation-wide monthlymean concentration of SPM was low in April, from June to August, and in February in FY 1999. In July and August, the SPM concentration was remarkably low in Kanto, where the SPM concentration was characterized with very low concentrations continuing for as long as a week or more. Meteorological factors were analyzed for the low concentrations in Kanto in July and August, 1999. On a monthly basis, these two months of 1999 were characterized by stronger wind speeds and more precipitation than the five years around 1999, which could be causes of the low concentration. In the very low concentration weeks, however, such low concentrations were related to the mostly constant wind direction, which brought maritime air from the Pacific Ocean.

    DOI CiNii

  • A study of atmospheric ammonia by means of modeling analysis in the Kanto region of Japan

    T Sakurai, S Fujita, H Hayami, N Furuhashi

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   39 ( 2 ) 203 - 210  2005.01  [Refereed]

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    To evaluate the primary factor for the seasonal variation and the level of atmospheric ammonia concentration in the local scale, the emission, transport, and deposition of atmospheric ammonia were analyzed in the Kanto region of Japan, which has an area of about 40,000 km(2), by means of an atmospheric transport model. In the analysis of episodes of high concentration, the model reproduced an observed concentration of NH3 and NH4+ particles during a 5-day 4 observation period in the summer of 2002. In the annual simulation, the calculated concentration showed reasonable agreement with the spatial distribution and seasonal variation of the annual observation in 2000. The NH3 concentration strongly reflected the effect of local emission sources because of its short lifespan in the atmosphere. Moreover, it is found from the simulation results that atmospheric ammonia was transported over long distances when it existed as a particulate. The calculated deposition amount of NH3 and NH4+ particles was about the same as the emission amount of NH3 throughout the year. Moreover, the model simulation showed that there was little contribution from sources outside the Kanto region. These findings suggest that the concentration and the deposition in the Kanto region mainly originated from the emission sources in itself. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • NILUフィルターホルダー用分粒器のPM_<2.5>分粒性能評価

    中澤 里美, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 桜井 達也, 大平 智章, 三浦 和彦, 宮本 高志

    大気電気研究   64   64 - 65  2004.03


  • GIS analysis of Cryptomeria japonica tree decline in the Kanto plains using AOT40.

    ISHII Takashi, MATSUMURA Hideyuki, HAYAMI Hiroshi, KOHNO Yoshihisa

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G   12   253 - 258  2004

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    ABSTRACT; Europe has already established tentative critical levels of air pollutants based on the dose responses, however, not yet in the Asia. The critical levels are becoming needed for evaluating plant responses to air pollutants in the East Asia. Current ozone level has the potential adverse impact to plants. On the other hand, Forestry Agency in Japan carried out forest health monitoring survey. However, the relation with air pollutants is not clarified. This study analyzed observation data by using GIS to evaluate the relationship between air pollutants and decline, quantitatively and visually. Study areas are Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) forests in the Kanto plains, where many surveys and reports have been done. Geostatistical analysis (kriging method) was applied for making oxidant based AOT40 (Ox) map in the forest monitoring period of Forestry Agency. The distribution and range of AOT40 (Ox) were compared with daytime and nighttime, and different monitoring period. Furthermore, AOT40 (0x) values were extracted and analyzed at each monitoring point, to examine the relationship between the mean decline index and climate normals (ATP, Precipitation index) or land use (e. g. forest rate).

    DOI CiNii

  • Concentrations and Gas-Aerosol Partitioning of Semi-Volatile Inorganic Species Measured with Denuder/Filter-Pack Sampling System in Tokyo.

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, FUJITA Shin-ichi

    Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution   39 ( 2 ) 77 - 88  2004

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    The denuder/filter-pack sampling system has been used for three years since September 1998, in order to measure daily concentrations of nitrate, chloride and ammonium in the gas and fine-and coarse-aerosol phases in Tokyo.&lt;BR&gt;Total nitrate concentration does not vary seasonally, but its partitioning ratio shows remarkable seasonality with increases in the gas phase in summertime and in the fine-aerosol phase in wintertime. Total chloride concentration is high in wintertime due to non-sea-salt chloride in the fine-aerosol phase. Total ammonium concentration varies a little with season as well as its partitioning ratio.&lt;BR&gt;Those measurements are analyzed for the partitioning of nitrate, ammonium and chloride between the gas and fine-aerosol phases. It was found that estimates based on equilibrium reactions in a multi-component system are very comparable to measured concentration products of gaseous components. This suggests that the gaseous components are in equilibrium with corresponding components in internally-mixed fine aerosol. In wintertime, however, the concentration products are also well predicted by equilibrium coefficients in a single component system, which implies that external mixture of fine aerosol can be applied.

    DOI CiNii

  • Determination of Atmospheric Constituents Using Open Light Path Spectrometer Equipped with a 2D CCD and Multiderivative Spectra Procedures.

    SHIMOTA Akio, HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution   39 ( 1 ) 43 - 52  2004

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    An analytical procedure to which the multiderivatives of the atmospheric absorption spectrum and of absorption cross section spectra are applied has been proposed in order to retrieve atmospheric constituent concentrations. In this study, the proposed method was evaluated by applying it to real atmospheric absorption spectra. Preceding the evaluation, an open light path spectrometer for acquiring atmospheric absorption spectra was developed. The instrument consisted of an artificial light source, a telescope for both emitting and receiving light, a reflector, and a spectrometer. Absorption spectra can be acquired in the spectral region from UV to visible. The instrument can achieve a high signal to noise ratio and high-speed sampling because it is equipped with a two-dimensional CCD detector. To evaluate the applicability of the proposed procedure, measurements of concentrations of NO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt;, O&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt;, SO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt;, and HCHO were carried out together with other instruments. The results of the comparisons showed good agreement for all species.

    DOI CiNii

  • A case study of high ammonia concentration in the nighttime by means of modeling analysis in the Kanto region of Japan

    T Sakurai, S Fujita, H Hayami, N Furuhashi

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   37 ( 31 ) 4461 - 4465  2003.10  [Refereed]

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    The emission strength of ammonia based on the volatilization generally increases as the temperature rises. Thus, the concentration of NH3 in the atmosphere is higher in summer, and the peak tends to appear in the daytime. However, in observations of atmospheric ammonia in summer 2002, although a high concentration of NH3 was observed in the daytime at Akagi, which is located in an agricultural area in the northern Kanto region, a high concentration was observed in the nighttime at Kagurazaka, which is located in the Tokyo urban area. This study evaluates the high concentration of NH3 in the nighttime at Kagurazaka by means of modeling analysis. The concentration of NH3 was simulated using Models-3/CMAQ with the meteorological fields of MM5. As a result, the calculated concentrations showed a good agreement with the observed concentrations for each site. The appearance of high concentration of NH3 in the nighttime at Kagurazaka, was consistent with the results of a simulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Profiling of SO2, NO2, and O-3 in the lower troposphere by multiwavelength differential absorption lidar

    T Fujii, T Fukuchi, T Nayuki, H Hayami, K Nemoto, N Takeuchi


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    We performed SO2, NO2, and O-3 measurements in the lower troposphere using a multiwavelength differential absorption lidar (MDIAL) system. Measurement results are compared with results of airborne and ground-based in-situ measurements performed simultaneously with lidar measurement. Vertical concentration variation Of SO2 with 0-7 ppb for 1000-1700 in altitude was measured by dual-DIAL, and those of NO2 and O-3 with 0-50 ppb for 700-2000 in altitude were measured by 2-wavelength DIAL quasi-simultaneously. Measurement results suggest that NO2 was trapped below the inversion layer, which induced the reduction of O-3 concentration by the reaction with NOx. Comparison of results obtained by DIAL and by in-situ methods showed that the MDIAL system had sufficient accuracy for verification of long-range transport models of sulfur compounds and for observation of chemical reactions of oxidants and nitrogen oxides. We also performed simultaneous profiling of NO2 and O-3 in the lower troposphere using a stable, high power transmitter for NO2 measurement. Concentration variations of NO2 and O-3 for 900-1350 m altitude were measured for a continuous time interval of 24 hours without maintenance.



  • Energy Consumption and Emission Control Scenarios in East Asia and Forecast of Future Acidic Depositions in Japan.

    ICHIKAWA Yolchi, HAYAMI Hiroshi, SUGIYAMA Talshi

    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE   15 ( 4 ) 275 - 279  2002

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    Future acidic depositions in Japan were forecasted for various energy consumption and emission control scenarios. In the case of the current legislation scenario and the economic reform scenario, sulfur and nitrogen depositions in Japan would increase by approximately 10-20 percent and 30 percent, respectively, from 1995 to 2030. In the case of the hypothetical worst-case scenario for China, sulfur deposition in several sites, facing the Sea of Japan would double by 2030. It can be deduced that the increase in acidic deposition is mainly due to the increase in emissions of air pollutants in the area surrounding Bo Hai and Huang Hai, which are located west of the Korean Peninsula.

    DOI CiNii

  • The MICS-Asia study: model intercomparison of long-range transport and sulfur deposition in East Asia

    GR Carmichael, G Calori, H Hayami, Uno, I, SY Cho, M Engardt, SB Kim, Y Ichikawa, Y Ikeda, JH Woo, H Ueda, M Amann

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   36 ( 2 ) 175 - 199  2002.01  [Refereed]

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    An intercomparison study involving eight long-range transport models for sulfur deposition in East Asia has been initiated, The participating models included Eulerian and Lagrangian frameworks, with a wide variety of vertical resolutions and numerical approaches. Results from this study, in which models used common data sets for emissions, meteorology, and dry, wet and chemical conversion rates, are reported and discussed. Model results for sulfur dioxide and sulfate concentrations, wet deposition amounts, for the period January and May 1993, are compared with observed quantities at 18 surface sites in East Asia. At many sites the ensemble of models is found to have high skill in predicting observed quantities. At other sites all models show poor predictive capabilities. Source-receptor relationships estimated by the models are also compared. The models show a high degree of consistency in identifying the main source-receptor relationships, as well as in the relative contributions of wet/dry pathways for removal. But at some locations estimated deposition amounts can vary by a factor or 5. The influence of model structure and parameters on model performance is discussed. The main factors determining the deposition fields are the emissions and underlying meteorological fields. Model structure in terms of vertical resolution is found to be more important than the parameterizations used for chemical conversion and removal, as these processes are highly coupled and often work in compensating directions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Sensitivity of long-range transport of sulfur compounds to vertical distribution of sources

    H Hayami, Y Ichikawa

    WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION   130 ( 1-4 ) 283 - 288  2001.08  [Refereed]

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    Numerical experiments using a long-rage transport model of suffer compounds were carried out to investigate influences of vertical distribution of sources on deposition fields in East Asia.
    Monthly dry depositions of SOx emitted from a source placed at the center of the domain were insensitive to the vertical distribution of the source, with increasing distance from the source. The depositions at the source grid strongly reflected the emission intensity in the lowest layer. The vertical distribution of sources affected the source-receptor relationships at receptors near locally large emissions but not so much at remote receptors. It was presented that long-rage transport was not influenced by the vertical distribution of sources, i.e., far sources may be treated as either area sources or elevated sources.



  • Long-term trends in the chemical composition of precipitation over western Japan

    SI Fujita, A Takahashi, H Hayami, T Sakurai

    WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION   130 ( 1-4 ) 415 - 420  2001.08  [Refereed]

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    Wet deposition monitoring was conducted at six rural stations in western Japan, during the period from 1987 through 1996. Long-term trends in the concentration of non-sea salt ions were analyzed on the basis of the data obtained. The monitoring results indicated that annual average concentrations of NO3- and NH4+ in precipitation significantly increased on the order of 45%, and that of nss-Ca2+ and nSS-SO42-, concentrations did not change over the past 10 years. The ratio of NO3-/nss-SO42- in precipitation significantly increased, the ratio of NO3-/NH4+ showed no marked fluctuations, and the ratio of [nss-Ca2++NH4+]/[nss-SO42-+NO3-] slightly increased during the period. These findings suggested that the wet deposition of NO3- and NH4+ in western Japan, particularly that in the winter season, was influenced by the long-range transport of nitrogen oxides and ammonia from the Asian continent.



  • Forecast of sulfur deposition in Japan for various energy supply and emission control scenarios

    Y Ichikawa, H Hayami, T Sugiyama, M Amann, W Schopp

    WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION   130 ( 1-4 ) 301 - 306  2001.08  [Refereed]

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    In order to contribute to the analysis and solution of regional scale environmental problems in East Asia, we developed a tool for the comprehensive assessment of alternative policy options to improve air quality. This tool projects the future regional energy supply, calculates the emission levels of sulfur dioxide and estimates the geographical pattern of sulfur deposition resulting from emissions. Sulfur deposition in Japan through 2030 was forecasted for various energy supply and emission control scenarios using the analysis tool. Future sulfur depositions were calculated from the source-receptor matrix for 1995 and the growth rate of emission for the source subregion. In the case of the current legislation scenario, anthropogenic SO2 emissions in East Asia would grow by 34 percent and sulfur deposition in Japan would increase by approximately 20 percent between 1995 and 2030. This increase in sulfur deposition over these 35 years is slightly less than the contribution from volcanic emission to sulfur deposition in Japan. In the case of the hypothetical dirty scenario for China, sulfur deposition in several grids which face the Sea of Japan would double by 2030.



  • Estimation of Ammonia Emissions in Japan.

    KANNARI Akiyoshi, BABA Tsuyoshi, HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution   36 ( 1 ) 29 - 38  2001

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    Ammonia emissions are important for the study of atmospheric transport and reaction models, because of their effects on the acidification processes of NO&lt;SUB&gt;x&lt;/SUB&gt; and SO&lt;SUB&gt;x&lt;/SUB&gt; in the atmosphere. Previously no sufficient ammonia emissions data were available for Japan. We have estimated ammonia emissions in Japan during 1994FY and determined their time-space variations. Estimated total ammonia emissions were 0.52 Mt/y, and the greatest contribution, 0.34 Mt/y, was from the agricultural sector, while 0.15 Mt/y was attributed to urban activities. Our estimated molecular ratio of ammonia to NO&lt;SUB&gt;x&lt;/SUB&gt; in total emissions was 0.83, and 2.3 to SO&lt;SUB&gt;x&lt;/SUB&gt;. The fine-spase disaggretion of estimated emissions was shown to be consistent with the NH&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt;/NO&lt;SUB&gt;x&lt;/SUB&gt; ratio by comparison with previosly measured total NH&lt;SUB&gt;3&lt;/SUB&gt;/total NO&lt;SUB&gt;x&lt;/SUB&gt; concentration ratio in the atmosphere.

    DOI CiNii

  • Model intercomparison study of long range transport and sulfur deposition in East Asia (MICS-ASIA)

    GR Carmichael, H Hayami, G Calori, Uno, I, SY Cho, M Engardt, SB Kim, Y Ichikawa, Y Ikeda, H Ueda, M Amann

    WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION   130 ( 1-4 ) 51 - 62  2001  [Refereed]

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    To help improve the use of models in science & policy analysis in Asia it is necessary to have a better understanding of model performance and uncertainties. Towards this goal an intercomparison exercise has been initiated as a collaborative study of scientists interested in long-range transport in East Asia. An overview of this study is presented in this paper. The study consists of a set of prescribed test calculations with carefully controlled experiments. Models used the same domain, emission inventory, model parameters, meteorological conditions, etc. Two periods (January and May 1993) were selected to reflect long-range transport conditions under two distinct seasons. During these periods measurements of sulfur concentrations and deposition were made throughout the study region using identical sampling and analysis protocols. The intercomparison activity consists of four tasks (Blind Test, Fixed Parameter Test, Source Receptor test, and Tuning Test). All participants were asked to do Task A, and as many of the other tasks as possible. To date seven different models have participated in this study. Results and key findings are presented.



  • Wet Deposition of Nitrate and Ammonium over the Japanese Archipelago

    慎一 藤田, 章 高橋, 洋 速水, 達也 櫻井

    環境科学会誌    2000  [Domestic journal]


  • 日本列島における硝酸イオンとアンモニウムイオンの湿性沈着量

    藤田 慎一, 高橋 章, 速水 洋, 櫻井 達也

    環境科学会誌   13   491 - 501  1999  [Refereed]

  • Evaluation of long-range transport models for acidic deposition in East Asia

    MJ Phadnis, GR Carmichael, Y Ichikawa, H Hayami

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY   37 ( 10 ) 1127 - 1142  1998.10  [Refereed]

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    A comparison between transport models is done to study the sulfur deposition in East Asia. A single-layer Lagrangian model with simple chemistry is compared to a multilayered 3D Eulerian model. The comparison is done for two-month-long episodes of winter (February) and summer (August) 1989. The model-predicted sulfur deposition is about 0.1 g S (m(2) month)(-1) for regions with the largest emissions. A comparison between the model-predicted and the observed values at a network of monitoring stations in Japan shows similar temporal trends. The sulfur deposition due to volcanic emissions in Japan has been shown to be about 20% of the total deposition in that country.


  • A long-range transport model for East Asia to estimate sulfur deposition in Japan

    Y Ichikawa, H Hayami, S Fujita

    JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY   37 ( 10 ) 1364 - 1374  1998.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A long-range transport model for East Asia was developed to estimate the sulfur deposition in Japan. The model is a hybrid type that combines a trajectory model for distant sources with a Eulerian model for nearby sources. The processes of transport and diffusion, chemical reactions, cloud scavenging, transfer of sulfate from cloud water to rainwater, and dry and wet depositions are considered. The emission distribution of sulfur dioxides in East Asia, with approximately 80 km X 80 km resolution, was updated. The emission distribution in Japan on a grid system with resolution in both the horizontal and vertical directions three times higher than that of the grid system for East Asia was also estimated for the Eulerian part of the hybrid model. The important assumption used in the hybrid model is that substances emitted from distant sources are well mixed during the long-range transport and are uniformly distributed in the vertical direction. This assumption was confirmed from the result of airplane measurements in the area of the sea northwest of Kyushu Island in Japan. The results obtained using the hybrid model were evaluated through comparison with observed data of acidic deposition. Observations were conducted at 21 stations throughout Japan during one year. The calculated amount of total sulfur deposition in Japan was 0.43 Tgy(-1) (Tgy(-1) = 10(12) g per year) in sulfur equivalents, while the observed amount was 053 Tgy(-1). The long-range transport model can predict more than 80% of observed sulfur deposition. The tendency of underprediction could be improved by changing the treatment of mass transfer to liquid phases. The sources contributing to the total sulfur deposition in Japan were estimated using the hybrid model. The contributions of Japanese anthropogenic sources. volcanic eruptions, and Asian continental sources were 40%, 20%, and 40%, respectively.


  • Factors influencing the seasonal variation in particulate nitrate at Cheju Island, South Korea

    H Hayami, GR Carmichael

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   32 ( 8 ) 1427 - 1434  1998.04  [Refereed]

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    The seasonal variation in measured particulate nitrate at Cheju island, South Korea, is analyzed and shown to exhibit high concentrations from February to June and in October, and low values from July to September. Total nitrate concentrations, which are not monitored, are estimated with a gas-aerosol equilibrium model with two-size bins. The total nitrate concentrations are shown to be maximum in June and minimum in August, and these differences are associated with air-mass trajectories. The fraction of particulate to total nitrate is estimated and shown to be sensitive to the total nitrate concentrations and the coarse-mode composition that is dominated by non-volatile species. The particulate nitrate fractions are found to vary within a relatively narrow range around the annual-mean value, indicating that the particulate nitrate concentrations behave similarly to the total nitrate concentrations. Exceptions are found for April, June and July. For April the largest particulate nitrate fraction is found in association with very high concentrations of nss-calcium, an indicator of mineral aerosol. The smallest particulate nitrate fractions occur in June and July and are the result of a combination of low concentrations of nss-calcium, sea salt and total nitrate, and high concentration of nss-sulfate. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Analysis of aerosol composition at Cheju Island, Korea, using a two-bin gas-aerosol equilibrium model

    H Hayami, GR Carmichael

    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT   31 ( 20 ) 3429 - 3439  1997.10  [Refereed]

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    Aerosol chemical composition data measured at Cheju Island, Korea from March 1992 to December 1994 are analyzed with a gas-aerosol equilibrium model. The aerosol composition is divided into fine and coarse modes, with each mode assumed to be in equilibrium with the gas phase. The model represents the mean aerosol composition. The particulate ammonium is found to exist mostly in the fine mode to neutralize nss-sulfate, and the particulate nitrate and chloride are present mostly in the coarse mode and compete with each other to share sea salt and mineral cations. This means little formation of ammonium nitrate and chloride. Sensitivity analyses suggest that the aerosol in this region will be more deficit in chloride due to dechlorination and ammonium nitrate associated with the fine mode may become important. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.



  • Modeling aerosol composition at Cheju island, Korea

    H Hayami, CH Song, LL Chen, GR Carmichael


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    Thirty-two months of aerosol chemical composition measured at Cheju Island, Korea, are analyzed with a gas-aerosol equilibrium model. The aerosol composition is divided into the fine and coarse sections, with each section assumed to be in equilibrium with the gas phase, which was supported by the calculations. The particulate ammonium is found to exists in the fine section to neutralize nss-sulfate, and the particulate nitrate and chloride is present in the coarse section and competes with each other to share sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

  • Development of hybrid LRT model to estimate sulfur deposition in Japan

    H Hayami, Y Ichikawa

    WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION   85 ( 4 ) 2015 - 2020  1995.12  [Refereed]

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    We have developed a hybrid long-range transport (LRT) model to estimate long-term sulfur deposition amounts in Japan. This model combines a trajectory model for the LRT with an Eulerian model for the short-range transport and deposition. The hybrid model shows the ability to predict concentrations influenced by large nearby sources, which the trajectory model we previously developed consistently underestimated. The hybrid model is designed as an engineering model, which allows for longterm estimation without the requirements of detailed data on meteorology, surface condition, and emission over the whole domain, and huge computer resources required for comprehensive Eulerian models.




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Books and Other Publications

  • 越境大気汚染の物理と化学

    藤田, 慎一, 三浦, 和彦, 大河内, 博, 速水, 洋, 松田, 和秀, 櫻井, 達也( Part: Joint author)

    成山堂書店  2021.02 ISBN: 9784425513635


  • 大気環境の事典

    大気環境学会( Part: Joint editor)

    朝倉書店  2019.09 ISBN: 9784254180541

  • 越境大気汚染の物理と化学

    藤田 慎一, 三浦和彦, 大河内博, 速水洋, 松田和秀, 櫻井達也( Part: Joint author)

    成山堂書店  2014.03 ISBN: 4425513614


  • Ventilating Cities: Air-flow Criteria for Healthy and Comfortable Urban Living

    Kawamoto Y, Yoshikado H, Ooka R, Hayami H, Huang H, Nam V( Part: Contributor, Sea breeze blowing into urban areas: Mitigation of the urban heat island phenomenon)

    Springer  2012

  • よくわかるエアロゾル用語集

    速水 洋( Part: Contributor, 地域規模環境モデルとエアロゾル)

    京大学術出版会  2004


  • 大気汚染常時監視局メタン濃度から推測される発生源分布



    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • 首都圏小規模森林域における大気中揮発性有機化合物がPM2.5濃度に及ぼす影響(4)

    高橋立, 大河内博, 速水洋, 宮崎あかね


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 大気中フミン様物質の動態・起源・環境リスクに関する研究(6)

    篠原和将, 大河内博, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 富士山太郎坊における越境汚染の通年観測手法の開発

    佐藤颯人, 和田龍一, 定永靖宗, 加藤俊吾, 大河内博, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 小林拓, 皆巳幸也, 鴨川仁, 松見豊, 梶野瑞王, 松本淳, 米村正一郎, 速水洋, 畠山史郎, 畠山史郎


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 関東地域におけるオゾン生成感度レジーム指標のモデル再現性評価

    速水洋, 大河内博, 和田龍一, 渡辺幸一, 米持真一


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 富士山体を利用した自由対流圏および大気境界層における雲水化学観測(9)

    押見基央, 大河内博, 王一澤, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 皆巳幸也, 米持真一, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 竹内政樹, 土器屋由紀子, 畠山史郎, 畠山史郎, 山田佳裕


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 富士山体を利用した大気境界層上層および自由対流圏における酸性ガスおよびエアロゾルの長期観測(7)

    本間旭陽, 大河内博, 矢田崇将, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 皆巳幸也, 小林拓, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 竹内政樹, 戸田敬, 米持真一, 土器屋由紀子, 畠山史郎, 畠山史郎


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 山間部局地豪雨の化学組成と大気汚染物質の影響評価(4)

    近藤優名, 大河内博, 米戸鈴美香, 藤原博伸, 速水洋, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 山田佳裕, 鴨川仁


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの起源・動態・健康影響(9):太平洋側都市大気と日本海側遠隔大気に及ぼす海洋マイクロプラスチックの影響

    谷悠人, 大河内博, 吉田昇永, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 樫本真央, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 北野洸太朗, 山口高志, 池盛文数, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 森林由来一次・二次有機エアロゾルの動態と豪雨形成に及ぼす影響(5)

    篠崎大樹, 大河内博, 速水洋, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの起源・動態・健康影響(10):首都圏および熱帯都市大気の特徴

    小野塚洋介, 大河内博, 谷悠人, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井祐介, 竹中規訓, 山口高志, 池盛文数, 勝見尚也, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘, 櫻井昌文, 齊藤純一, 小林紘子, POTY Lay, PHORSDA Hanpo, 石塚充雅, 中川武, 松井敏也


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • AMΦプロジェクト:プラスチック大気汚染はどこまで解明されたのか?

    大河内博, 谷悠人, 小野塚洋介, 王一澤, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 宮崎あかね, 須永奈都, 羽山伸一, 徳長ゆり香, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 池盛文数, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘


    Presentation date: 2023.09

    Event date:
  • 大気汚染常時監視局メタン濃度の発生源寄与解析



    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • 関東地域におけるオゾン生成と感度レジーム指標の関係

    速水洋, 大河内博, 和田龍一, 渡辺幸一, 米持真一


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 森林由来一次・二次有機エアロゾルの動態と豪雨形成に及ぼす影響(4)

    篠崎大樹, 大河内博, 速水洋, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • Sulfur trackingモデルを用いた船舶燃料油硫黄分規制強化による瀬戸内地域の大気質変化の評価

    平井賢治, 嶋寺光, 荒木真, 櫻井達也, 茶谷聡, 速水洋, 板橋秀一, 松尾智仁, 近藤明


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの起源・動態・健康影響(6): 雲水中マイクロプラスチック

    王一澤, 大河内博, 吉田昇永, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 環境研究総合推進費:大気中マイクロプラスチックの実態解明と健康影響評価

    大河内博, 谷悠人, 吉田昇永, 藤川真智子, 趙鶴立, 小野塚洋介, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 樫本真央, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 北野洸太朗, 宮崎あかね, 須永奈都, 羽山伸一, 徳長ゆり香, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 池盛文数, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘, 小林華栄, 浦山憲雄


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 富士山頂と富士山5合目太郎坊におけるNO、NO2、NOy濃度の計測

    佐藤颯人, 和田 龍一, 定永靖宗, 加藤俊吾, 大河内博, 森樹大, 三浦和彦, 小林拓, 鴨川仁, 皆巳幸也, 松見豊, 梶野瑞王, 松本淳, 米村正一郎, 速水洋, 畠山史郎


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの起源・動態・健康影響(5)

    谷悠人, 大河内博, 吉田昇永, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 樫本真央, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 北野洸太朗, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 森林由来一次・二次有機エアロゾルの動態と豪雨形成に及ぼす影響 (4)

    篠崎大樹, 大河内博, 速水洋, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • 大気中フミン様物質の動態・起源・環境リスクに関する研究 (5)

    篠原和将, 大河内博, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2022.09

  • Aerosol Spatial Distribution Observed by a Mobile Vehicle Lidar with Optics for Near Range Detection

    Masanori Yabuki, Kazuhiko Miura, Tatsuhiro Mori, Hiroshi Hayami, Hiroaki Kuze

    The 30th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC) virtual conference 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 首都圏小規模森林域における大気中揮発性有機化合物がPM2.5濃度に及ぼす影響(2)

    髙橋立, 大河内博, 土屋裕, 速水洋, 宮崎あかね


    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの起源・動態・健康影響(4) :自由対流圏大気中マイクロプラスチックの特徴

    小野塚洋介, 大河内博, 吉田昇永, 谷悠人, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘


    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 山間部局地豪雨の化学組成と大気汚染物質の影響評価(2)

    近藤優名, 大河内博, 米戸鈴美香, 速水洋, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 三浦和彦, 山田佳裕


    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの起源・動態・健康影響(3) :日本全国におけるAMPs濃度および大気沈着量分布

    谷悠人, 大河内博, 吉田昇永, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 樫本真央, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 北野洸太朗, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘


    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 森林由来一次・二次有機エアロゾルの動態と豪雨形成に及ぼす影響 (3)

    篠崎大樹, 大河内博, 速水洋, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • 大気中フミン様物質の動態・起源・環境リスクに関する研究 (4)

    篠原和将, 大河内博, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • A mobile vehicle lidar for observing aerosol spatial distributions with high-range resolutions

    Masanori YABUKI, Kazuhiko MIURA, Tatsuhiro MORI, Hiroshi HAYAMI, Hiroaki KUZE

    The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • Occurrence, behavior, fate, and health impact of airborne microplastics (2): Characteristics of AMPs at the summit of Mt. Fuji in the free troposphere

    Norihisa YOSHIDA, Hiroshi OKOCHI, Yuto TANI, Hiroshi HAYAMI, Masaki TAKEUCHI, Atsuyuki, SORIMCHI, Yusuke FUJII, Norimichi TAKENAKA, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Naoya KATUSMI, Atsushi MATSUKI, Mizuo KAJINO, Kouji ADACHI, Yasuhiro ISHIHARA, Yoko IWAMOTO, Yasuhiro NIIDA

    The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • Occurrence, behavior, fate, and health impact of airborne microplastics (1): Distribution of concentration and deposition flux in Japan

    Yuto TANI, Hiroshi OKOCHI, Norihisa YOSHIDA, Hiroshi HAYAMI, Masaki TAKEUCHI, Atsuyuki, SORIMCHI, Yusuke FUJII, Norimichi TAKENAKA, Takashi YAMAGUCHI, Naoya KATUSMI, Atsushi MATSUKI, Mizuo KAJINO, Kouji ADACHI, Yasuhiro ISHIHARA, Yoko IWAMOTO, Yasuhiro NIIDA

    The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • Effect of VOCs on PM2.5 concentration in a small urban forest in the Tokyo metropolitan area: Observation-based analysis

    Yutaka Tsuchiya, Hiroshi Okochi, Hiroshi Hayami, Akane Miyazaki

    The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • Primary and secondary organic aerosols in forest atmosphere and their impact on heavy rainfall formation (2)

    Hiroki SHINOZAKI, Hiroshi OKOCHI, Hiroshi HAYAMI, Kei TODA

    The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 

    Presentation date: 2022.06

    Event date:
  • Airborne microplastics and health impact

    大河内博, 吉田昇永, 藤川真智子, ZHAO Helli, 谷悠人, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 宮崎あかね, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子


    Presentation date: 2022

    Event date:
  • Airborne Microplastics and Health Impact (AMΦ project)

    大河内博, 吉田昇永, 藤川真智子, ZHAO Heli, 谷悠人, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井祐介, 竹中規訓, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 勝見尚也, 宮崎あかね, 高田秀重, 緒方裕子, 板谷庸平, 新居田恭弘, 小林華栄, 浦山憲雄


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 関門海峡沿岸における船舶燃料油硫黄分規制の大気環境改善効果

    伊賀悠太, 速水洋, 板橋秀一, 櫻井達也


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 富士山南東麓における無人航空機を用いた揮発性有機化合物の鉛直観測(1)

    石川翔, 大河内博, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 皆巳幸也, 竹内政樹, 戸田敬, 加藤俊吾, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 小林拓, 和田龍一, 南齋勉, 土器屋由紀子, 畠山史郎, 山本祐志, 三阪和弘


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 2019~2020年の瀬戸内地域におけるPM2.5の大気質モデルによる再現性の評価

    嶋寺光, 荒木真, 平井賢治, 櫻井達也, 茶谷聡, 速水洋, 板橋秀一, 松尾智仁, 近藤明


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 首都圏近郊山間部森林域における渓流水の化学特性と大気沈着の影響評価(6)

    浅見匠洋, 大河内博, 速水洋, 井川学, 山田佳裕, 佐瀬裕之, 諸橋将雪, 中野孝教


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 富士山体を利用した大気境界層上層および自由対流圏における酸性ガスおよびエアロゾルの長期観測(4)

    矢田崇将, 大河内博, 大力充雄, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 皆巳幸也, 小林拓, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 加藤俊吾, 和田龍一, 竹内政樹, 戸田敬, 米持真一, 荒井豊明, 福島颯太, 土器屋由紀子, 畠山史郎


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • マルチコプタを利用した瀬戸内地域における海面上PM2.5鉛直濃度分布の測定

    板橋秀一, 速水洋, 嶋寺光, 櫻井達也


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 大気質モデルを用いた船舶燃料油硫黄分規制強化による瀬戸内地域のPM2.5濃度低減効果の評価

    平井賢治, 嶋寺光, 荒木真, 櫻井達也, 茶谷聡, 速水洋, 板橋秀一, 松尾智仁, 近藤明


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 光熱変換赤外分光法(O-PTIR)を用いた冬季富士山南東麓における大気中マイクロプラスチック観測の特徴

    趙鶴立, 大河内博, 吉田昇永, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 竹内政樹, 宮崎あかね, 緒方祐子, 板谷庸平, 小林華栄, 浦山憲雄, 新居田恭弘, 高田秀重


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 富士山南東麓森林域におけるNOx酸化物質(NOz)の特徴の解明

    和田龍一, 定永靖宗, 加藤俊吾, 大河内博, 森樹大, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 小林拓, 鴨川仁, 皆巳幸也, 松見豊, 梶野瑞王, 松本淳, 米村正一郎, 速水洋, 土器屋由紀子, 畠山史郎, 畠山史郎


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの分析法確立と動態解明(3):雲水および雨水を中心に

    吉田昇永, 大河内博, 速水洋, 新居田恭弘, 小林華栄, 浦山憲雄, 緒方裕子, 勝見尚也, 皆巳幸也, 宮崎あかね, 竹内政樹, 戸田敬, 三浦和彦, 三浦和彦, 加藤俊吾, 小林拓, 和田龍一, 高田秀重


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • Primary and secondary organic aerosols in forest atmosphere and their impact on heavy rainfall formation (1)

    篠崎大樹, 大河内博, WU Bendao, 長谷川朝香, 村上周平, 速水洋, 戸田敬, 宮崎あかね


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • The behavior, origin, and environmental risk of humic-like substances in the atmosphere (3)

    篠原和将, 大河内博, 光川彩夏, 速水洋, 勝見尚也, 松木篤


    Presentation date: 2021

    Event date:
  • 地上観測データによる 国内メタンインベントリ検証可能性

    速水 洋


    Presentation date: 2020.11

  • ガス・微小粒子・粗大粒子同時測定による無機イオン成分の動態

    速水 洋  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • 瀬戸内地域でとらえた船舶燃料油規制強化前後の大気質の変化

    速水 洋, 板橋秀一, 中村篤博, 金澤啓三, 伊藤武志, 高木 洋


    Presentation date: 2020.09

  • A mobile vehicle lidar to observe atmospheric aerosols with high spatio-temporal resolutions

    矢吹正教, 藤井一輝, 三浦和彦, 速水洋


    Presentation date: 2020

    Event date:
  • 二次大気汚染物質のモニタリングとモデリング

    速水 洋  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 瀬戸内地域のPM2.5組成について

    速水 洋, 板橋秀一, 中村篤博, 伊藤武志, 高木 洋, 櫻井達也


    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • 地表面付近における ガス状・粒子状物質の鉛直濃度勾配の測定

    速水 洋

    第36回 エアロゾル科学・技術研究討論会 

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Monitoring, Emission Inventory, and Modeling for Atmospheric Environmental Management

    Hiroshi HAYAMI  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2019.09

  • Why air quality model will underestimate sulfate aerosol in winter?

    板橋秀一, 速水洋, 山地一代, 茶谷聡


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • High-range resolution lidar for observing aerosol spatial distributions including near ranges

    矢吹正教, 北藤典也, 速水洋


    Presentation date: 2019

    Event date:
  • Relationships between ground- and upper-level concentrations of gases and particles in Tokyo

    Hiroshi HAYAMI

    15th IGAC Science Conference 

    Presentation date: 2018.09

  • 瀬戸内地域におけるPM2.5高濃度事例の解析(2)―大気質モデルによる再現計算―

    嶋寺光, 荒木真, 櫻井達也, 板橋秀一, 中村篤博, 速水洋


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 瀬戸内地域におけるPM2.5高濃度事例の解析(1)―観測データによる現況把握―

    荒木真, 嶋寺光, 櫻井達也, 板橋秀一, 中村篤博, 速水洋


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 自動船舶識別装置(AIS)情報を利用した船舶排ガスデータベースの構築

    櫻井達也, 速水洋, 板橋秀一, 嶋寺光, 荒木真, 中村篤博


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 2016年12月に観測されたPM2.5濃度上昇のモデル再現性について

    山地一代, 茶谷聡, 北山響, 板橋秀一, 斎藤正彦, 滝川雅之, 森川多津子, 神田勲, 渡邊茂, 櫻井達也, 嶋寺光, 浦西克維, 藤原禅, 菅田誠治, 桐山悠祐, 秦寛夫, 齊藤伸治, 山神真紀子, 池盛文数, 久恒邦裕, 長田和雄, 速水洋


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • 高時間分解自動モニタで捉えた関東南部におけるPM2.5炭素成分の時間・空間変動

    速水洋, 齊藤伸治, 長谷川就一


    Presentation date: 2018.08

  • Measured vertical gradients of particulate matter over ground surface



    Presentation date: 2018

  • Recent changes in air quality in Japan

    Hiroshi HAYAMI  [Invited]

    Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment 

    Presentation date: 2017.10

  • 大気質モデル間相互比較研究J‐STREAMの概要

    茶谷聡, 菅田誠治, 永島達也, 森野悠, 山地一代, 速水洋, 板橋秀一, 櫻井達也


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 東京スカイツリーで捕らえた2017年3月中旬におけるPM2.5高濃度イベントの解析

    田中清敬, 速水洋, 速水洋, 齋野広祥, 齊藤伸治, 三浦和彦


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 化学物質輸送モデルの冬季の硫酸塩過小評価要因の検討

    板橋秀一, 速水洋, 山地一代, 茶谷聡


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • 上空大気の観測プラットホームとしての小型無人機の利活用



    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • PM2.5高濃度時における炭素成分の1時間値解析

    齋野広祥, 速水洋, 速水洋, 三浦和彦


    Presentation date: 2017.08

  • Surface Flux of Particle Numbers and Ionic Species Measured over Rice Paddy in Greater Tokyo

    Hiroshi HAYAMI, Syuichi Itahashi, Hiroaki Saino, Kentaro Hayashi, Keisuke Ono

    Asia Aerosol Conference 

    Presentation date: 2017.07

  • 大気モデル相互比較に基づく福島原発事故起源の137Csの動態解析

    森野悠, 北山響, 滝川雅之, 中島映至, 速水洋, 永井晴康, 寺田宏明, 斉藤和雄, 新堀敏基, 梶野瑞王, 関山剛, DIDIER Damien, MATHIEU Anne, 大原利眞, 鶴田治雄, 鶴田治雄, 海老原充, 大浦泰嗣, 柴田徳思


    Presentation date: 2017.04

  • Three-dimensional Analysis of Haze by PM2.5 and Other Pollutants Based on Ground- and Elevated-level Monitoring in Central Tokyo: Example in Early Part of December 2015

    田中清敬, 速水洋, 速水洋, 齋野広祥, 三浦和彦, 板橋秀一, 齊藤伸治


    Presentation date: 2017.03

  • 大気質モデル間相互比較研究J-STREAMの概要

    茶谷聡, 菅田誠治, 永島達也, 森野悠, 山地一代, 速水洋, 板橋秀一, 櫻井達也


    Presentation date: 2017

    Event date:
  • 富士山頂におけるエアロゾルの新粒子生成,成長と雲生成に関する研究

    三浦和彦, 片岡良太, 桃井裕広, 岩本洋子, 矢吹正教, 永野勝裕, 加藤俊吾, 小林拓, 速水洋, 大河内博, 植松光夫


    Presentation date: 2017

  • 中国の排出量変化に伴う東アジアスケールの降水成分濃度の長期変動

    板橋秀一, 速水洋, 藤田慎一, 弓本桂也, 鵜野伊津志


    Presentation date: 2017

  • Evaluation of performance of simulated secondary air pollutants by using air quality models for the Kanto area in summer 2011

    YAMAJI Kazuyo, UEDE Hirokazu, CHATANI Satoru, HAYAMI Hiroshi, SHIMADERA Hikari


    Presentation date: 2016

    Event date:
  • 都市域を対象とした大気質モデルによる二次大気汚染物質の再現性の評価

    山地一代, 上出広和, 茶谷聡, 速水洋, 嶋寺光


    Presentation date: 2016

    Event date:
  • B311 トレーサー法を用いた東アジア域の硫酸塩に対する中国の省別の発生源寄与の推定(物質循環II,一般口頭発表)

    板橋 秀一, 速水 洋, 弓本 桂也, 鵜野 伊津志


    Presentation date: 2015

  • D204 排出量強度に対するオゾン濃度応答の非線形性の数値解析(環境気象・大気境界層,一般口頭発表)

    板橋 秀一, 速水 洋, 鵜野 伊津志


    Presentation date: 2015

  • D102 ポテンシャルオゾンに適用した発生源寄与評価手法の相互比較(環境気象,一般口頭発表)

    板橋 秀一, 速水 洋, 鵜野 伊津志


    Presentation date: 2014

  • P224 人為的NOx、VOC排出量の減少がオゾン濃度に与える効果(ポスターセッション)

    桐山 悠祐, 速水 洋, 板橋 秀一, 嶋寺 光, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2014

  • D204 東アジア域における硫黄化合物の収支解析(物質循環,口頭発表)

    板橋 秀一, 速水 洋, 鵜野 伊津志


    Presentation date: 2014

  • ドップラーライダの信号とエアロゾル濃度との対応および混合層高度の推定

    桐山 悠祐, 速水 洋, 嶋寺 光, 河野 なつ美, 三浦 和彦

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2013.04

  • 大気質モデルによるPM2.5主要成分の再現性向上のための感度解析

    嶋寺光, 速水洋, 茶谷聡, 森川多津子, 大原利眞, 森康彰, 山地一代, 中塚誠次


    Presentation date: 2013

    Event date:
  • P414 ドップラーライダを用いたエアロソン膿度、混合層高度の推定および化学輸送モデルとの比較(ポスター・セッション)

    桐山 悠祐, 速水 洋, 嶋寺 光, 河野 なつ美, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2013

  • C104 東アジア域光化学オゾンの発生源寄与評価手法の比較(物質循環I,口頭発表)

    板橋 秀一, 速水 洋, 鵜野 伊津志


    Presentation date: 2013

  • 富士山大気の鉛直構造

    三浦 和彦, 上田 紗也子, 府川 明彦, 桐山 悠祐, 永野 勝裕, 速水 洋, 小林 拓, 速水 洋, 佐竹 晋輔, 櫻井 達也

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2012.11

  • 活性炭デニューダのガス・粒子分配特性

    速水洋, 森樹大, 菊地亮太, 上田紗也子, 三浦和彦


    Presentation date: 2012.08

    Event date:
  • 粒子状炭素に対するアーティファクトの影響評価

    森 樹大, 速水 洋, 三浦 和彦, 上田 紗也子, 桐山 悠祐, 菊地 亮太

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2012.03

  • 1C1506 A study on construction of environmental information systems in the ambient air(1 Space-4 urban/area,General Presentations)

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, FUJITA Shinichi


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 2C1100 Performance of an air quality model for simulating major components of PM2.5 in the Kanto area in winter 2010 and summer 2011(1 Space-4 urban/area,General Presentations)

    SHIMADERA Hikari, HAYAMI Hiroshi, CHATANI Satoru, MORINO YU, OHARA Toshimasa, MORIKAWA Tazuko


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 2C1113 Sensitivity analysis of air quality models to improve performance for PM2.5 nitrate simulation(1 Space-4 urban/area,General Presentations)

    SHIMADERA Hikari, HAYAMI Hiroshi, CHATANI Satoru, MORINO Yu, MORI Yasuaki, MORIKAWA Tazuko, YAMAJI Kazuyo, OHARA Toshimasa


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 3F1039 Simultaneous high-time resolutional observation of inorganic ions of PM2.5 in Kanto plain (2) : comparison between summer and early winter(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    YONEMOCHI Shinichi, HASEGAWA Shuichi, HAGINO Hiroyuki, YAMAGUCHI Noaki, KUMAGAI Kimiyo, SEKIGUCHI Kazuhiko, IIJIMA Akihiro, HAYAMI Horoshi


    Presentation date: 2012

  • P321 夏と秋に測定した粒子状炭素に対するアーティファクトの影響評価(ポスター・セッション)

    森 樹大, 速水 洋, 三浦 和彦, 上田 紗也子, 桐山 悠祐, 菊地 亮太


    Presentation date: 2012

  • P327 夏季関東内陸部における午前中の高濃度オゾンのシミュレーション(ポスター・セッション)

    桐山 悠祐, 速水 洋, 嶋寺 光, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2012

  • P347 小型軽量オゾンセンサの上空大気観測への適用性評価(ポスター・セッション)

    菊地 亮太, 速水 洋, 三浦 和彦, 桐山 悠祐


    Presentation date: 2012

  • P137 土地利用データの変更による気象・大気質予測への影響(ポスター・セッション)

    嶋寺 光, 速水 洋, 茶谷 聡, 森野 悠, 大原 利眞, 森川 多津子, 森 康彰


    Presentation date: 2012

  • 富士山大気の鉛直構造に関する研究

    三浦 和彦, 上田 紗也子, 永野 勝裕, 速水 洋, 小林 拓, 村山 利幸, 鴨川 仁, 加藤 俊吾, 植松 光夫

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2011.10

  • P234 夏季関東内陸部における混合層の発達とオゾンの鉛直分布の関係(ポスター・セッション)

    桐山 悠祐, 阿波崎 たかね, 速水 洋, 田村 英寿, 豊田 康嗣, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2011

  • P427 初冬季のつくば市における粒子状物質の鉛直分布(ポスター・セッション)

    田村 勇一, 速水 洋, 香月 壮亮, 桐山 悠祐, 三浦 和彦, 栗林 正俊, 長谷川 就一, 森野 悠, 大原 利眞


    Presentation date: 2011

  • 近年の夏季首都圏における高濃度オゾンの発生と気象要素の関係について : 内陸部における大気質と気象要素の関係

    桐山 悠祐, 阿波崎 たかね, 速水 洋, 三浦 和彦

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • 近年の夏季首都圏における高濃度オゾンの発生と気象要素の関係について : 都心部と内陸部における大気質の特徴

    阿波崎 たかね, 桐山 悠祐, 速水 洋, 三浦 和彦

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2010.04

  • P207 近年の夏季首都圏内陸部における高濃度オゾンの気象的生成要因について(ポスターセッション)

    桐山 悠祐, 阿波崎 たかね, 速水 洋, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2010

  • 40325 Study on Progress of Large Scale Heat Island Phenomenon (Part 1) : Outline of Analysis and Basic Case

    YOSHIKADO Hiroshi, 大岡 龍三, 黄 弘, 川本 陽一, Khiem M. V, 速水 洋

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water  Architectural Institute of Japan

    Presentation date: 2009.07

    Event date:
  • 富士山におけるエアロゾルの鉛直分布観測

    藤代 恵史, 瀬戸 規之, 上原 誠也, 小野寺 卓博, 三浦 和彦, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 小林 拓

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2009.03

  • 40326 Study on Progress of Large Scale Heat Island phenomenon (Part 2) : Influence of Urbanization to Heat Island Phenomenon

    KAWAMOTO Yoichi, Khiem M. V

    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. D-1, Environmental engineering I, Room acoustics and acoustic environment noise and solidborne sound environmental vibration light and color water supply and drainage water 

    Presentation date: 2009

  • 1H1730-2 Intercomparison of Chemical Transport Model for Evaluation of Model Performance for PM2.5 Prediction : Case Study on Kanto Area in Summer 2007(Toward intercomparison of meso-scale air quality simulations,8: Subcommittee on Modeling of Urban Atmos

    Morino Yu, Chatani Satoru, Hayami Hiroshi, Sasaki Kansuke, Mori Yasuaki, Morikawa Tazuko, Ohara Toshimasa, Kobayashi Shinji


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 3A1324 Observation of suburban aerosol using an aerosol mass spectrometer and an annular denuder-filter pack system(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    SHIMADA Satoru, OSUGA Keita, TAKADA Tomonori, MORIKAWA Tazuko, SHIMO Nobuo, MINOURA Hiroaki, HAYAMI Hiroshi, SEKIGUCHI Kazuhiko, SAKAMOTO Kazuhiko


    Presentation date: 2009

  • P231 富士山頂および太郎坊におけるエアロゾルの粒径分布と元素分析

    三浦 和彦, 藤代 恵史, 瀬戸 規之, 小林 拓, 永野 勝裕, 加藤 俊吾, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 五十嵐 康人


    Presentation date: 2009

  • 対流圏中・下層におけるオゾン/オキシダントの動態

    藤田 慎一, 室崎 将史, 速水 洋, 三浦 和彦

    大気電気学会誌 = / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan 

    Presentation date: 2008.11

    Event date:
  • 富士山におけるエアロゾルの粒径分布の鉛直分布観測(2)

    藤代恵史, 三浦和彦, 室崎将史, 小林拓, 速水洋, 藤田慎一, 五十嵐康人


    Presentation date: 2008.05

    Event date:
  • 富士山周辺の自由空間の気温と山頂の気温の違い

    三浦和彦, 永野勝裕, 小林拓, 藤田慎一, 速水洋, 兼保直樹, 高橋宙, 五十嵐康人


    Presentation date: 2008.04

    Event date:
  • 1J1700-4 Modeling and performance for seconrary inorganic aerosol in air quality model(Trends and Problems of PM2.5 in Japan,10. Aerosol Subcommittee and Subcommittee on Modeling of Urban Atmospheric Environment,Subcommittee Meetings)

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Shuichi, YONEMOCHI Shinichi, UMEZAWA Natsumi, IIJIMA Akihiro, KUMAGAI Kimiyo


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 1J1300 Fine Aerosol Measurement and Modeling in Kanto Area (1) : Outline of the measurement(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    HASEGAWA Shuichi, KOBAYASHI Shinji, OHARA Toshimasa, TANABE Kiyoshi, HAYAMI Hiroshi, YONEMOCHI Shinichi, UMEZAWA Natsumi, IIJIMA Akihiro, KUMAGAI Kimiyo


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 1J1312 Fine Aerosol Measurement and Modeling in Kanto Area : An observation of aerosol chemical compositions using a high time resolution method (Q-AMS)(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    TAKAMI Akinori, HASEGAWA Shuichi, KOBAYASHI Shinji, TAKADA Tomonori, SHIMO Nobuo, SHIMONO Akio, HIKIDA Toshihide, HAYAMI Hiroshi, KUBOTA Tsutomu, SEKIGUCHI Kazuhiko, SAKAMOTO Kazuhiko, OGINO Hiroyuki


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 1J1324 Fine Aerosol Measurement and Modeling in Kanto Area (FAMIKA) (3) : Analysis of particle composition and its behavior in Kisai and Maebashi sites using an AMS(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    KUBOTA Tsutomu, SEKIGUCHI Kazuhiko, SAKAMOTO Kazuhiko, OGINO Hiroyuki, TAKAMI Akinori, HASEGAWA Shuichi, KOBAYASHI Shinji, TAKADA Tomoji, SHIMO Nobuo, SHIMONO Akio, HIKIDA Toshihide, HAYAMI Hiroshi


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 1J1336 Fine Aerosol Measurement and Modeling in Kanto Area (4) : Temporal and spatial variations of carbonaceous particles(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    HASEGAWA Shuichi, TAKAMI Akinori, KUBOTA Tsutomu, SEKIGUCHI Kazuhiko, SAKAMOTO Kazuhiko, TAKADA Tomonori, SHIMO Nobuo, SHIMONO Akio, HIKITA Toshihide, YONEMOCHI Shinichi, UMEZAWA Natsumi, IIJIMA Akihiro, KUMAGAI Kimiyo, TAKAHASHI Katsuyuki, HAYAMI Hiroshi


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 1J1348 Fine Aerosol Measurement and Modeling in Kanto Area (FAMIKA) : Concentration variations of sulfate in summer and comparison with those in winter(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    YONEMOCHI Shinichi, HAYAMI Hiroshi, UMEZAWA Natsumi, IIJIMA Akihiro, KUMAGAI Kimiyo, TAKAHASHI Katsuyuki, OHARA Toshimasa, HASEGAWA Shuichi


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 1J1400 Fine Aerosol Measurement and Modeling in Kanto Area (FAMIKA) (6) : Source Apportionment of PM2.5 by Receptor Models(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    IIJIMA Akihiro, YONEMOCHI Shinichi, HAYAMI Hiroshi, KUMAGAI Kimiyo, TAKAHASHI Katsuyuki, TANABE Kiyoshi, OHARA Toshimasa, HASEGAWA Shuichi


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 1J1424 Fine Aerosol Measurement and Modeling in Kanto Area : Reproducibility by the regional air quality simulation(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    CHATANI Satoru, SHIMO Nobuo, TAKADA Tomonori, MORIKAWA Tazuko, YONEMOCHI Sinichi, UMEZAWA Natusmi, KUBOTA Tsutomu, SEKIGUCHI Kazuhiko, SAKAMOTO Kazuhiko, HAYAMI Hiroshi, HASEGAWA Shuichi, KOBAYASHI Shinji


    Presentation date: 2008

  • P-02 Vertical distribution and seasonal variation of concentrations of ozone and nitorogenoxides at Mt. Fuji(Poster (Academic Promenade))

    FUJITA Shinichi, MUROSAKI Masafumi, HAYAMI Hiroshi, MIURA Kazuhiko


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 3E1018 Characteristic of size distribution of aerosols at the summit of Mt. Fuji(5 Substance-2 particulate matter,General Presentations)

    MIURA Kazuhiko, KOBAYASHI Hiroshi, HAYAMI Hiroshi, FUJITA Shinichi, IGARASHI Yasuhito


    Presentation date: 2008

  • P248 富士山周辺の自由空間の気温と山頂の気温の違い

    三浦 和彦, 永野 勝裕, 小林 拓, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 兼保 直樹, 高橋 宙, 五十嵐 康人


    Presentation date: 2008

  • P388 富士山における粒子輸送量の定量評価の可能性

    藤代 恵史, 三浦 和彦, 室崎 将史, 小林 拓, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 五十嵐 康人


    Presentation date: 2008

  • 富士山を利用したエアロゾルの鉛直的観測研究2005‐2006―概要

    五十嵐康人, 高橋宙, 篠田佳宏, 三浦和彦, 永野勝裕, 兼保直樹, 小林拓, 皆巳幸也, 大河内博, 片山葉子, 永淵修, 横田久里子, 速水洋, 藤田慎一, 加藤俊吾


    Presentation date: 2007.08

    Event date:
  • 富士山におけるオゾン濃度と二酸化窒素濃度の鉛直分布の測定

    室崎 将史, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2007.05

    Event date:
  • 都市キャノピーにおける大気汚染物質の動態に関する研究(2) : 建物近傍におけるO_3とNO_2濃度の空間分布

    菊地 典彦, 萩野 元輝, 室崎 将史, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2007.05

    Event date:
  • 都市キャノピーにおける大気汚染物質の動態に関する研究(1) : パッシブサンプラーによるO_3とNO_x濃度の測定方法の検討

    萩野 元輝, 菊地 典彦, 室崎 将史, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2007.05

    Event date:
  • 富士山におけるエアロゾルの粒径分布の鉛直分布観測

    藤代恵史, 三浦和彦, 小野寺卓博, 室崎将史, 小林拓, 速水洋, 藤田慎一, 五十嵐康人


    Presentation date: 2007.05

    Event date:
  • 富士山頂で測定したエアロゾル粒径分布への谷風の影響

    藤代恵史, 三浦和彦, 室崎将史, 小林拓, 速水洋, 藤田慎一, 五十嵐康人


    Presentation date: 2007.04

    Event date:
  • P102 富士山におけるオゾン濃度と二酸化窒素濃度の鉛直分布の測定

    室崎 将史, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2007

  • P108 富士山頂で測定したエアロゾル粒径分布への谷風の影響

    藤代 恵史, 三浦 和彦, 室崎 将史, 小林 拓, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 五十嵐 康人


    Presentation date: 2007

  • P113 富士山におけるオゾン濃度と二酸化窒素濃度の動態解析

    室崎 将史, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2007

  • Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Pollution over Kanto area using the MM5/CMAQ Model : Simulation of ozone concentration between two different climatic days

    Khiem M. V, Ooka R, Huang H, Hayami H


    Presentation date: 2007

     View Summary

    In this study, we use the MM5/CMAQ model to investigate influence of climatic change on the atmospheric pollution over Kanto area with two case studies for mild weather day, and hot and clear weather day associated with urban heat island event (UHI). Numerical simulation results showed that atmospheric pollution over Kanto area was strongly effected by UHI.

  • 富士山を観測塔と見立てたオゾンと二酸化硫黄の鉛直分布の測定

    室崎 将史, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2006.03

    Event date:
  • デニューダ法を用いたアンモニア測定法の検討

    勢島 直, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2006.03

    Event date:
  • P222 パッシブサンプラーを用いた富士山におけるオゾンと二酸化硫黄の鉛直分布の測定

    室崎 将史, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 三浦 和彦

    大会講演予講集  日本気象学会

    Presentation date: 2006

    Event date:
  • P309 富士山を利用したエアロゾルの粒径分布の鉛直分布観測

    三浦 和彦, 室崎 将史, 小林 拓, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 五十嵐 康人


    Presentation date: 2006

  • PM2.5の水溶性無機成分と質量濃度の関係

    宮崎 真希, 真野 佑輝, 内田 敬, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2005.03

    Event date:
  • ガス状・粒子状物質の測定方法の比較 : デニューダ/フィルタパック法の短時間評価を中心として

    真野 佑輝, 宮崎 真希, 内田 敬, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2005.03

    Event date:
  • P258 夏季の関東内陸部におけるPM2.5の水溶性無機成分と質量濃度の関係

    宮崎 真希, 真野 佑輝, 内田 敬, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 三浦 和彦

    大会講演予講集  日本気象学会

    Presentation date: 2005

    Event date:
  • P257 関東内陸におけるガス状・粒子状物質の測定方法の比較検討

    真野 佑輝, 宮崎 真希, 内田 敬, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 三浦 和彦

    大会講演予講集  日本気象学会

    Presentation date: 2005

    Event date:
  • Relationship between nation wide distribution of AOT40 and forest decline:Red pine, Larch, and Beech forest

    ISHII Takashi, MATSUMURA Hideyuki, HAYAMI Hiroshi, KOHNO Yoshihisa

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G 

    Presentation date: 2005

     View Summary

    Europe has already established tentative critical levels of air pollutants based on the dose responses. Current ozone level has the potential adverse impact to plants. However, the relation with air pollutants is not clarified. The purpose of this study make GIS database to evaluate the relationship between air pollutants and forest decline, quantitatively and visually, and proposes critical level mapping method. The observation data, such as the forest decline monitoring data, the long term monitoring data of air pollutants and the meteorology data was collected. Geostatistical analysis (kriging method) was applied for making oxidant based accumulated exposure Over a Threshold of 40 ppb (A0T40) map from 1975 to 2001. And, the relation between air pollutants and Red pine, Larch, and Beech forest decline was analyzed using GIS database. Trials to present excess maps of pollutants would help a risk assessment of the impacts on forests health using critical levels evaluated by exposure experiments. AOT40 seemed to be effective as an index of the vegetation influence evaluation.

  • わが国西端から流入する大気汚染

    速水 洋


    Presentation date: 2004.10

  • 1999年度夏期の大気汚染物質の低濃度現象

    内田 敬, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 大平 智章, 桜井 達也, 三浦 和彦


    Presentation date: 2004.03

    Event date:
  • C212 東アジアにおける水素イオンの湿性沈着量と降水のpH分布の推定(環境気象)

    内田 敬, 児島 紘, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一

    大会講演予講集  日本気象学会

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • P113 1999年度夏期の大気汚染物質の低濃度現象

    内田 敬, 大平 智章, 桜井 達也, 三浦 和彦, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一

    大会講演予講集  日本気象学会

    Presentation date: 2004

    Event date:
  • GIS analysis of Cryptomeria japonica tree decline in the Kanto plains using AOT40.

    ISHII Takashi, MATSUMURA Hideyuki, HAYAMI Hiroshi, KOHNO Yoshihisa

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G 

    Presentation date: 2004

     View Summary

    ABSTRACT; Europe has already established tentative critical levels of air pollutants based on the dose responses, however, not yet in the Asia. The critical levels are becoming needed for evaluating plant responses to air pollutants in the East Asia. Current ozone level has the potential adverse impact to plants. On the other hand, Forestry Agency in Japan carried out forest health monitoring survey. However, the relation with air pollutants is not clarified. This study analyzed observation data by using GIS to evaluate the relationship between air pollutants and decline, quantitatively and visually. Study areas are Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) forests in the Kanto plains, where many surveys and reports have been done. Geostatistical analysis (kriging method) was applied for making oxidant based AOT40 (Ox) map in the forest monitoring period of Forestry Agency. The distribution and range of AOT40 (Ox) were compared with daytime and nighttime, and different monitoring period. Furthermore, AOT40 (0x) values were extracted and analyzed at each monitoring point, to examine the relationship between the mean decline index and climate normals (ATP, Precipitation index) or land use (e. g. forest rate).

  • 都市大気中における半揮発性無機成分のガス・粒子分配

    朝野 晃司, 桜井 達也, 三浦 和彦, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 藤田 慎一


    Presentation date: 2003.04

    Event date:
  • 対流圏下層における高濃度オゾンの解析

    伊原 千晶, 桜井 達也, 大平 智章, 速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 三浦 和彦, 松田 和秀


    Presentation date: 2003.04

    Event date:
  • Atmospheric transport and budget for reduced nitrogen compounds in East Asia

    Fujita Shinichi, Takahashi Akira, Hayami Hiroshi, Sakurai Tatsuya

    Presentation date: 2003

    Event date:
  • Summertime aerosol composition in Greater Tokyo-inorganic ionic compounds

    Hayami H


    Presentation date: 2003

  • Budget Analysis of ammonia in the Kanto region by means of model simulation

    Sakurai Tatsuya, Fujita Shinichi, Hayashi Hiroshi, Furuhashi Noritaka


    Presentation date: 2003

  • Estimation of deposition velocity of particles to a forest

    Takahashi Akira, Hayami Hiroshi, Fujita Shinichi


    Presentation date: 2003

  • Determination of atmospheric constituents using open light path spectrometer and multiderivative spectra procedure

    Shimota Akiro


    Presentation date: 2003

  • デニューダ・フィルタパック法によりとらえた大気中半揮発性成分の濃度の挙動について

    速水 洋


    Presentation date: 2002.10

  • 東アジアにおける主要化学成分の湿性沈着量の推定

    大平 智章, 舘野 繁彦, 桜井 達也, 三浦 和彦, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 藤田 慎一


    Presentation date: 2002.05

    Event date:
  • 関東地方の大気中における塩化物の動態解析

    舘野 繁彦, 大平 智章, 桜井 達也, 三浦 和彦, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 藤田 慎一


    Presentation date: 2002.04

    Event date:
  • 東アジアにおける主要化学成分の湿性沈着量の推定

    大平 智章, 舘野 繁彦, 桜井 達也, 三浦 和彦, 速水 洋, 高橋 章, 藤田 慎一


    Presentation date: 2002.04

    Event date:
  • P17 Measurements of atmospheric chlorine and chloride by denuder sampler

    Sakurai Tatsuya, Tateno Shigehiko, Miura Kazuhiko, Hayami Hiroshi, Takahashi Akira, Fujita Shin-ichi, kaneyasu Naoki


    Presentation date: 2002

  • 2D1030 Dry deposition of acidifying components in Japan

    Takahashi A, Hayami H


    Presentation date: 2002

  • 関東地方におけるアンモニアの動態解析

    清野 能弘, 桜井 達也, 三浦 和彦, 中江 茂, 藤田 慎一, 高橋 章, 速水 洋


    Presentation date: 2001.03

    Event date:
  • 関東地方におけるアンモニアの収支

    桜井 達也, 清野 能弘, 三浦 和彦, 中江 茂, 藤田 慎一, 高橋 章, 速水 洋


    Presentation date: 2001.03

    Event date:

    ICHIKAWA Yoichi, HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G 

    Presentation date: 2001

     View Summary

    A tool for forecasting future acidic depositions in Japan was developed. This tool (the TRAJEC: TRAns-sea of Japan and East China sea system) projects the future regional energy supply, calculates the emission levels of sulfur dioxides (SO2) and nitrogen compounds, and estimates the geographical pattern of acidic deposition resulting from these emissions. Future acidic depositions in Japan were forecast using the TRAJEC. Sulfur deposition through 2030 was calculated from the source-receptor matrix for 1995 and the growth rate of emissions for the source subregion. In the case of the current legislation (CLE) scenario, anthropogenic SO2 emissions in East Asia would grow by 34% and sulfur deposition in Japan would increase 16% between 1995 and 2030. This increase of sulfur deposition over these 35 years is slightly less than the contribution of volcanic emissions to overall sulfur deposition in Japan. In the case of the hypothetical worst-case scenario for China, sulfur deposition in several site, facing the Sea of Japan would double by 2030. In the case of the CLE scenario, nitrogen oxides emissions in East Asia would grow approximately 50% and nitrogen deposition in Japan would increase approximately 30%.

  • P13 Long-term trend in the chemical composition of precipitation over Western Japan

    Fujita S, Takahashi A, Hayami H, Sakurai T


    Presentation date: 2001

  • 2G1030 Emission control scenarios in East Asia and forecast of future acidic depositions in Japan

    Ichikawa Y, Hayami H, Sugiyama T, Amann Markus


    Presentation date: 2001

  • P22 A Long-rangetransport model for acidic deposition

    Hayami H


    Presentation date: 2001

  • 西日本地域におけるカルシウム濃度の季節変化と経年変化

    藤田 慎一, 高橋 章, 速水 洋, 清野 能弘


    Presentation date: 2000.10

    Event date:
  • 代理表面法を用いた乾性沈着量の推定

    松本 健, 中江 茂, 三浦 和彦, 藤田 慎一, 高橋 章, 速水 洋


    Presentation date: 2000.03

    Event date:
  • 2G1145 Numerical experiments on long-range transport in East Asia : Emission height and deposition map

    Hayami H


    Presentation date: 2000

  • Year-long measurements of gaseous and fine-and coarse-aerosol nitrate with denuder/filter-pack sampling system

    HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Presentation date: 1999.07

    Event date:
  • Comparative Study on the Dry Deposition of Acidic Substances for Surrogate Surface Method and Inferential Method

    MATSUMOTO Takeru, NAKAE Shigeru, MIURA Kazuhiko, FUJITA Shin-ichi, TAKAHASHI Akira, HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Presentation date: 1999.07

    Event date:
  • 1L16 Comparative study on the measurement of atmospheric ammonia

    Sakurai T, Miura K, Nakae S, Fujita S, Takahashi A, Hayami H


    Presentation date: 1999

  • 3C08 Estimation of NH_3 emissions in Japan

    Hayami H, Kannari A


    Presentation date: 1999

  • Concentrations of Gaseous Nitric Acid and Particulate Nitrate Measured with Denuder/Filter-Pack Samplers

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, FUJITA Shin-ichi, TAKAHASHI Akira

    Presentation date: 1998.08

    Event date:
  • デニューダ法による大気中硝酸、硝酸塩濃度に関する研究

    勝亦 健, 松田 和秀, 中江 茂, 藤田 慎一, 速水 洋, 高橋 章


    Presentation date: 1998.04

    Event date:
  • 2A1045 Estimation of Dry Deposition of chemical component using Surrogate Surface

    Matsumoto T, Nakae S, Miura K, Fujita S, Takahashi A, Hayami H


    Presentation date: 1998

  • 3C1245 On Long-Range Transport of Nitrogen Compounds in East Asia

    Hayami H, Fujita S, Ichikawa Y


    Presentation date: 1998

  • 九州北西海域上を輸送される汚染気塊のスケールについて

    速水 洋, 藤田 慎一, 高橋 章


    Presentation date: 1997.10

    Event date:
  • Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Components in Winter in the Northwest of Kyusyu, Japan

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, FUJITA Shin-ichi

    Presentation date: 1997.08

    Event date:
  • 東アジアを対象とした硫黄酸化物の長距離輸送モデルの評価 (京都大学環境衛生工学研究会 第19回シンポジウム講演論文集(1997年7月24日・25日,京都)) -- (一般講演)

    市川 陽一, 速水 洋

    環境衛生工学研究  京都大学環境衛生工学研究会

    Presentation date: 1997.07

    Event date:

▼display all

Research Projects

  • Validation of air quality model to indicator ratios for ozone formation regimes

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 2020年船舶燃料硫黄分規制強化による大気質改善効果の評価

    環境省  環境研究総合推進費

    Project Year :


    櫻井 達也

  • 大気中の二次汚染物質に対する発生源寄与推計と対策立案に資する規範的モデルの確立

    環境省  環境研究総合推進費

    Project Year :


    茶谷 聡

  • Atmospheric transport modeling of radioactive fallout materials and understanding of its transfer process

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)

    Project Year :


    Nakajima Teruyuki, HAYAMI Hiroshi, MORINO Yu, NAKAMURA Hisashi, TAKEMURA Toshihiko, WAKAZUKI Yasutaka, YUMIMOTO Keiya, KONDO Hiroaki, TSURUTA Haruo, UCHIDA Junya, MISAWA Shota, HIRAO Shigekazu, MIYASAKA Takefumi

     View Summary

    Retrieval methods were developed for atmospheric concentration of radioactive materials from SPM and NaI(Il) data. From these data analyses, a new emission scenario was proposed. Three model simulations were performed and compared with observed values to depict plume routs and their dynamics. A model evaluation was also performed to evaluate the amount of re-suspension of the deposited radioactive materials in a form of mineral dust and organic materials from vegetation and found the removal of radioactive materials from the environmental system through re-suspension is two to three order smaller than those of other removal processes. We contributed to the international model inter-comparison of Science Council of Japan. In cooperation with the Japan Meteorological Society and other academic communities, we also contributed to issuing recommendations for numerical model use of the radiation protection operation. We held three numerical model training courses for young scientists.

  • わが国都市部のPM2.5に対する大気質モデルの妥当性と予測誤差の評価

    環境省  環境研究総合推進費

    Project Year :


    速水 洋

  • Study on comprehensive impact assessment and countermeasures for a large-scale urban heat island in the climate changing ages

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    YOSHIKADO Hiroshi, OOKA Ryozo, KAWAMOTO Yoichi, YONEKURA Tetsushi, SUMI Akimasa, SHIMADA Tomohide, HAYAMI Hiroshi

     View Summary

    Large-scale urban heat islands, typically observed in the Tokyo metropolitan area, require to investigate their specially large structure and formation mechanisms. Three phases of research have been evolved to develop a prediction technology for future trend and environmental impact assessment of countermeasures to be proposed:1) statistical analyses of meteorological data from the Tokyo metropolitan area in summers during last 20 years, 2) intensive summertime observations of thermal conditions within the city and over the urban-suburban areas, and 3) development of a numerical model for regional thermal environment.

▼display all


  • Occurrence, behavior, fate, and health impact of airborne microplastics (AMPs) (18); Characterization of Sub-100 μm Marine Microplastics in the Surface Seawater and Their Potential for Atmospheric Dispersion

    小松萌音, 大河内博, 谷悠人, 小野塚洋介, 速水洋, WANG Yize, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 勝見尚也, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 小林拓, 加藤俊吾, 新居田恭弘, 中嶋亮太, 矢吹彬憲

    環境化学討論会要旨集(CD-ROM)   32nd  2024


  • Occurrence, behavior, fate, and health impact of airborne microplastics (AMPs) (22): Characterization of airborne microplastics in cloud water and their origins

    WANG Yize, 大河内博, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 勝見尚也, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 小林拓, 加藤俊吾, 新居田恭弘

    環境化学討論会要旨集(CD-ROM)   32nd  2024


  • AMΦプロジェクト:プラスチック大気汚染はどこまで解明されたのか?

    大河内博, 谷悠人, 小野塚洋介, 王一澤, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 宮崎あかね, 須永奈都, 羽山伸一, 徳長ゆり香, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 池盛文数, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘

    大気環境学会誌   59 ( 1 ) A32 - A34  2024


  • 環境研究総合推進費:大気中マイクロプラスチックの実態解明と健康影響評価

    大河内博, 谷悠人, 吉田昇永, 王一澤, 趙鶴立, 小野塚洋介, 藤川真智子, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 樫本真央, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 北野洸太朗, 宮崎あかね, 須永奈都, 羽山伸一, 徳長ゆり香, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 池盛文数, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘, 小林華栄, 浦山憲雄

    大気環境学会誌   58 ( 1 ) A29 - A34  2023


  • Current Status and Issues of Plastic Air Pollution

    大河内博, 谷悠人, 小野塚洋介, Wang Yize, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 竹中規訓, 宮崎あかね, 須永奈都, 羽山伸一, 徳長ゆり香, 山口高志, 勝見尚也, 松木篤, 池盛文数, 梶野瑞王, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子, 新居田恭弘

    エアロゾル研究   38 ( 3 ) 145 - 159  2023


  • 大気中マイクロプラスチックの実態解明と健康影響評価(AMΦプロジェクト)

    大河内博, 速水洋, 竹内政樹, 反町篤行, 藤井佑介, 梶野瑞生, 足立光司, 石原康宏, 岩本洋子

    大気環境学会誌   58 ( 5 )  2023


  • 2020年船舶燃料油硫黄分規制強化による大気質改善効果の評価 : 船舶排ガスを対象とした大気汚染の数値シミュレーションに基づく評価—特集 船舶等交通機関由来の排ガスによる大気環境影響の評価

    嶋寺 光, 荒木 真, 平井 賢治, 櫻井 達也, 茶谷 聡, 速水 洋, 板橋 秀一, 松尾 智仁, 近藤 明

    Marine engineering : journal of the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering = マリンエンジニアリング :日本マリンエンジニアリング学会誌   57 ( 5 ) 593 - 600  2022.09

  • 米国環境保護庁モデリング手引書「Modeling Guidance for Demonstrating Air Quality Goals for Ozone, PM2.5, and Regional Haze」抄訳 オゾンとPM2.5を中心に

    速水 洋

    大気環境学会誌   56 ( 3 ) 57 - 67  2021.03  [Refereed]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • トレーサー法を用いたわが国のPM₂.₅濃度に対する発電所の寄与評価

    板橋 秀一, 速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告. 研究報告. 電力中央研究所環境科学研究所 編   ( 14005 ) 巻頭1 - 3,1-17  2015.04


  • What the Trans-Boundary Air Pollution Gave Me

    速水 洋

    環境技術   44 ( 2 ) 85 - 89  2015.02


  • 化学輸送モデルを用いたPM2.5の発生源解析の現状と課題

    森野悠, 茶谷聡, 嶋寺光, 森川多津子, 速水洋, 大原利眞

    全国環境研究所交流シンポジウム予稿集(Web)   29th  2014


  • Present Performance and Improvement of Air Quality Models for PM2.5

    Hayami Hiroshi

    Journal of Japan Society for Safety Enginennring   52 ( 6 ) 383 - 387  2013

     View Summary

    &lt;p&gt;The national air quality standard for PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; is not attained at many of the monitoring stations. To improve the attainment, simulations by air quality models are required. This study aims at establishment of air quality models as a utility tool in policy making for PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; control by improving the predictability mainly of secondary aerosol. It is confirmed that present air quality models tend to overestimate particulate nitrate concentrations underestimate organic aerosol concentrations, and, by setoff of those, well predict PM&lt;sub&gt;2.5&lt;/sub&gt; mass concentrations. Thus, we focus on particulate nitrate and organic aerosol. It is shown that nitrate predictions are improved by using new ammonia emissions, which reflect timing of fertilization, and reduced dry deposition velocities of gases. Also, it is presented that organic aerosol predictions are considerably improved by considering semi-volatile organic carbons and condensable dusts, which are not involved in any emission inventories. Air quality models would be improved through further studies on above-mentioned terms.&lt;/p&gt;

    DOI CiNii

  • Summary Report of the 2011 Northeast Asian International Seminar on Air Quality Improvement

    HAYAMI Hiroshi, AKIYAMA Masayuki

    Journal of Japan Society of Air Pollution   47 ( 3 ) 135 - 136  2012.05

     View Summary

    The 2011 Northeast Asian International Seminar on Air Quality Improvement was held in Seoul on Sep. 29, 2011, to improve the air quality in Northeast Asian cities and share ideas for future direction of policy and international cooperation.

    DOI CiNii

  • Domestic and foreign source apportionment analysis for ozone in Japan

    速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告. 研究報告. 電力中央研究所環境科学研究所 編   ( 11053 ) 巻頭1 - 3,1-13  2012.05


  • Atmospheric transport and deposition modeling of radioactive materials released from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

    速水 洋, 佐藤 歩, 津崎 昌東

    電力中央研究所報告. 研究報告. 電力中央研究所環境科学研究所 編   0 ( 11054 ) 1 - 16,巻頭1-3  2012.05


  • 大気モデル―第3講 広域輸送モデル―

    速水 洋

    大気環境学会誌   46 ( 1 ) A1 - A5  2011

    DOI CiNii

  • Sensitivity of secondary particulate matter in Greater Tokyo to foreign and domestic emissions of air pollutants

    速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告   ( 7020 ) 1 - 11,巻頭1〜3  2008.07


  • Atmospheric environmental issues by secondary pollutants and their prediction and assessment

    HAYAMI Hiroshi

    Environmental conservation engineering   36 ( 12 ) 866 - 871  2007.12


  • 大気質モデルの性能評価について

    岡本 眞一, 速水 洋

    大気環境学会誌   42 ( 4 ) A23 - A33  2007

     View Summary

    大気質モデルとは, 大気中に放出される物質の放出量と環境濃度の関係を数式等で記述した模型 (モデル) であり, コンピュータの利用を前提とした今日では, 環境中での濃度あるいは沈着量などを予測するためのソフトウェアとほぼ同義であるといえる。最近の大気質モデルは, 各物理・化学過程を精緻に表現 (モデル化) するため全体として巨大化する傾向にある。加えて開発・更新のスピードも速く, モデルは &quot;作るもの&quot; から &quot;使うもの&quot; になりつつある。また, こうしたモデルは行政での使用も考慮しており, ユーザーのすそ野は広がりつつある。モデルを適用するにあたっては, 当然ながら事前にその精度を確認しておく必要がある。そのため今後は, 性能評価の機会も増大すると考えられる。&lt;BR&gt;性能評価の方法は, すでに多数提案されている。大気環境学会の都市大気環境モデリング分科会では, まずこれらを整理し, 最近の動向を把握することに努めてきた。その成果の一部を解説としてここに報告する。&lt;BR&gt;本解説は二部構成とし, 第I部では「拡散モデルに関する動向」として拡散モデルに関する性能評価をめぐる動向を, 第II部では「都市・広域モデルの性能評価」としてオゾンや粒子状物質の濃度予測に使用される大気質モデルの性能評価について解説する。

    DOI CiNii

  • 首都圏における大気中二次粒子の発生源寄与評価

    速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告   ( 5029 ) 1 - 20,巻頭1〜4  2006.07


  • 東アジアを対象とした水銀の輸送モデルの開発

    津崎 昌東, 速水 洋, 朝倉 一雄

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告   ( 5014 ) 1 - 13,巻頭1〜4  2006.05


  • 東アジア大気質モデル比較試験(MICS-Asia)の解析結果--粒子状物質と関連ガス成分の地表付近濃度の解析

    速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告   ( 4024 ) 1 - 22,巻頭1〜3  2005.06


  • 東アジアを対象とした水銀の湿性沈着量予測モデルの開発

    津崎 昌東, 速水 洋, 坂田 昌弘

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告   ( 4005 ) 1 - 17,巻頭1〜3  2004.12


  • 開光路型分光計の大気中揮発性有機化合物測定への適用

    下田 昭郎, 速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告 T 研究報告   ( 3028 ) 1 - 14,巻頭1〜4  2004.03


  • 大気中二次粒子の濃度予測手法の開発

    速水 洋, 小林 伸治

    電力中央研究所報告 T 研究報告   ( 3037 ) 1 - 17,巻頭1〜4  2004.03


  • 開光路型分光計と多重微分スペクトル法を用いた大気中気体濃度の計測法の開発

    下田 昭郎, 速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告T   ( 2011 ) 1 - 13,巻頭1〜4  2003.03


  • 三カ年の連続観測にもとづく首都圏都市域における大気中微小粒子(PM2.5)の実態とその変動要因の把握

    速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告T   ( 2006 ) 1 - 13,巻頭1〜4  2003.02


  • わが国における窒素化合物の沈着量評価手法の開発

    速水 洋

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告 T   ( 46 ) 1 - 20,巻頭1〜4  2001.04


  • 東アジアの長距離輸送モデルの国際比較計算プロジェクト:MICS-ASIA

    市川陽一, 速水洋

    資源環境対策   37巻 ( 16 ) 1597 - 1605  2001


  • ガスおよび微小・粗大エアゾル別に捉えた大気中硝酸・硝酸塩の特徴--3相同時捕集を可能とする新測定法による長期観測結果

    速水 洋, 高橋 章, 櫻井 達也

    電力中央研究所報告 研究報告 T   ( 99029 ) 1 - 4,1〜12  2000.04


  • Report on "Workshop on the Transport of Air Pollutants in Asia"

    Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment   34 ( 6 ) A53 - A56  1999.11


  • 東アジアを対象とした硫黄酸化物の長距離輸送モデルの評価

    市川陽一, 速水洋

    環境衛生工学研究   12巻 ( 1 ) 5 - 14  1998


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