早稲田大学 国際教養学部 教授
明治大学 ガバナンス研究科 特任准教授
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早稲田大学 国際教養学部 教授
明治大学 ガバナンス研究科 特任准教授
新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科 新潟大学大学院現代社会文化研究科 博士(経済学)
ハバロフスク国立経済法律アカデミー大学院 経済科学研究科・修士課程 経済ガバナンス
ハバロフスク国立経済法律アカデミー National Economy Governance 経済と生産管理学科
Enerugī Anzen Hoshō Kyōdō Kenkyū. Research Group on Energy Security.
renewable energy
conventional energy: oil and gas
energy integration
energy policy
Russia, Eurasia
institutional economics
comparative economics
Energy Transition Enhancement in Emerging Economies: EU's and Japan's Strategies for Central Asia
Elena Shadrina
Green and Low-Carbon Economy 2025年01月
Cooperation in Renewable Energy
Elena Shadrina
Central Asia in a Multipolar World: Internal Change, External Actors, Regional Cooperation. Jakob Lempp and Sebastian Mayer (eds.) 2024年
ソビエト・ロシアにおける階層型都市 構造の変遷 [Hierarchical Urban Systems in Soviet Russia Revisited]
Elena Shadrina
経済研究 [The Economic Review] 2023年10月
Energy and other natural resources in Russia-Japan relations: Russian perspective
Elena Shadrina
Handbook of Russia-Japan Relations. Kazuhiko Togo and Dmitri V. Streltsov (eds.) 2023年
Energy security along the new silk road. Energy law and geopolitics in Central Asia
Elena Shadrina
Eurasian Geography and Economics 63 ( 3 ) 1 - 3 2022年05月
Internationalisation of Higher Education in Japan and COVID-19 Pandemic
Elena Shadrina
Higher Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-national perspectives on the challenges and management of higher education in crisis times. 2022年
On the Evolution of Hierarchical Urban Systems in Soviet Russia, 1897–1989
K Kumo, E Shadrina
Sustainability 13 ( 20: 11389 ) 2021年 [査読有り]
Shadrina Elena
Energies (Web) 13 ( 11 ) 2963 - 2963 2020年06月
Post-Soviet Integration: Case of Eurasian Economic Union
シャドリナ エレナ
Waseda Global Forum 2020年03月 [査読有り]
Chapter 8 "Energy Integration in Eurasian Economic Union: Preliminary Study on Progress and Policy Implications" in 30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Turns and Twists in Economies, Politics, and Societies in the Post-Communist Countries
Elena Shadrina
Palgrave Studies in Economic History 2020年
シャドリナ エレナ
ロシア・ユーラシアの経済と社会 2020年 [査読有り]
Chapter 8 “Energy Cooperation and Security in Central Asia: The Possible Synergy between Hydrocarbon Rich and Water Rich Countries”. In “Achieving Energy Security in Asia: Diver-sification, Integration, and Policy Implications” ed. by Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Naoyuki Yoshino, Young Ho Chang and Aladdin Rillo, World Scientific Press, 2019.
Elena Shadrina
Energy Policies of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan: Case for Energy Security through Cooperation, Waseda Global Forum, 2019, 15: 23-55
Elena Shadrina
Waseda Global Forum, 2019, 15: 23-55 15 23 - 55 2019年06月 [査読有り]
シャドリナ エレナ
Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia 7 ( 1 ) 105-137 - 137 2018年 [査読有り]
Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present
Shadrina, E.
Population studies 72 ( 2 ) 279 - 282 2018年 [国際誌]
Shadrina, E.
Energy Policy: Perspectives, Challenges and Future Directions 135 - 178 2018年
Inclusive Economic Growth: Comparing Achievements of Russia, Central Asia and Caucasus.
シャドリナ エレナ
Meiji Journal of Governance Studies 13 91-119 2017年 [査読有り]
A Comparative Check on Inclusiveness of Economic Growth and Development: Russia vis-à-vis some Post-Soviet Economies.
シャドリナ エレナ
Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies 16 ( 8-45 ) 2017年 [査読有り]
Russia's Oil and Gas for Northeast Asian Markets: Means and Ways vs Realities.
Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics. 5 ( 1 ) 34 - 79 2017年 [査読有り]
シャドリナ エレナ
ガバナンス研究 12 ( 12 ) 83-98 - 98 2016年 [査読有り]
Choices to Diversify: EU’s Regulations, Sanctions and Russia’s Gas Policy. Near East University Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. IX, No. 1, 2016, pp. 45-84.
シャドリナ エレナ
Near East University Journal of Social Sciences. IX ( 1 ) 45-8 2016年 [査読有り]
Can Russia Succeed in Energy Pivoting to Asia? Institute for Energy Markets and Policies.
Elena Shadrina
“Country Analyst for PRIX Index on politics and oil exports”
2016年 [招待有り]
External Factors for Russia's Economic Growth. An Overview of Relevant Theoretical and Empirical Studies.
Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies 14 30 - 71 2016年 [査読有り]
Institutional Transformations in Russia’s Gas Policy: Impact of the Ukrainian Crisis.
Journal of Governance Studies. Graduate School of Governance Studies Meiji University 11 95-128 2015年 [査読有り]
Turkish Stream for Russia's Eurasian Gas Policy.
Institutional Transformations in Russia's Gas Policy: Impact of the Ukranian Crisis.
Shadrina Elena
ガバナンス研究 ( 11 ) 95 - 128 2015年
ウクライナ危機がロシアのエネルギー政策に与える影響:北東アジアでのロシアの天然ガス政策を中心に. ERINA REPORT. No. 124, June 2015. pp. 21-22, 34 (Japanese)
Shifts in Russia’s Pipeline Gas Policy: An Insight into Premises and Consequences. Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies. No. 12, 2015, pp. 8-43.
2015年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Russia's Pivot to Asia: Rationale, Progress and Prospects for Oil and Gas Cooperation
Region. Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2015 ( 4 ) 95-128 - 128 2015年 [査読有り]
Russia's Hydrocarbons for Northeast Asia: Dynamics and Dilemmas.
Shadrina Elena
ガバナンス研究 2014 ( 10 ) 139 - 139-178 2014年 [査読有り]
Russia's Gas Policy in Asia: The Driving Forces and the Nature of Institutional Changes
International Journal of Business and Management 2014 ( II ) 4 - 60-79 2014年 [査読有り] [招待有り]
Russia’s Dilemmas about China’s Gas Market.
Elena Shadrina
The Northeast Asian Economic Review. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 39-62. 2014 ( 2 ) 2 - 39-62 2014年 [査読有り]
Russia's Oil and Gas in Northeast Asia: Fait Accompli. Fait Favorable?
Proceedings of 4th Humanities Korea International Conference "Changes and Challenges in Glocalising Russia and Northeast Asia". Institute of Russia Studies Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul 2013 2013年10月 [査読有り] [招待有り]
State Capitalism and Russia's Energy Policy in Northeast Asia.
Near East University Journal of Social Sciences. VI ( 2 ) 65-123 2013年10月
Russia’s state capitalism and energy geopolitics of Northeast Asia.
Elena Shadrina
Turku School of Economics, Pan European Institute, Finland. PEI. 2013 2013年01月
Russia’s Energy Governance in Transition: Explaining New Direction.
Journal of Governance Studies. Graduate School of Governance Studies Meiji University(forthcoming). 1 ( 1 ) 49-75 2013年
Russia's Oil and Gas in Northaest Asia: Institutional Setting and Policy Implications.
2013 ( II ) 2-3 - 135-161 2013年 [査読有り]
Japanese Energy Policy after Fukushima. Transition or U-turn?
Journal of Governance Studies. Graduate School of Governance Studies Meiji University 2013 ( 9 ) 31 - 31-72 2013年
Deregulation of Japanese Electricity Market after Fukushima.
2013 ( 11 ) 1 - 1-25 2013年 [査読有り]
Government and Governance: Traditional and Novel Research Agenda.
Japan's Pre- and Post-3/11 Energy Policy: Distressing Lessons and Blurred Prospects.
Near East University Journal of Social Sciences, October, 2012. pp. 94-136 Vol.V ( No. 2 ) 2012年
Elena Shadrina
Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies. IFS Insights. 11.2010 2010年11月
Russia’s Foreign Energy Policy: Norms, Ideas and Driving Dynamics
Elena Shadrina
Turku School of Economics, Pan European Institute PEI 2010 2010年
Modelss for Post-Crisis Development: Global War or New Consensus
International Research Paper 2010年 [招待有り]
Russia and the “Great Recession”
Intenrational Affairs. No. 2 2010年
Russia’s New Energy Strategy 2030: Reflections on Novelty, Impediments and Implications.
Oil, Gas and Energy Law Intelligence. 2009 Vol. 7 – Issue 4. 2009年
Japan`s Energy Relations with Russia and Kazakhstan.
Shingetsu Electronic Journal of Japanese-Islamic Relations (SEJJIR). March 2009. pp. 64-94 Vol. 5 2009年
『石油分野における日露間の協力: 現状・展望・提言集』
Environmentally Friendly Tourism and Emission Free Activities.
5th International Forum on Northeast Asia Tourism (IFNAT) & Eastern Circle in Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2008年10月
Considerations of Sustainable Development in Japan's RTA.
Workshop on Sustainability in FTAs. NDRC,China. 2008年06月
Russia`s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy: Analytical Notes in the Light of the 2008 G8 Summit.
Submitted to the Northeast Asia Economic Forum. 2008年03月
Staying West. Going East. Russia`s energy politics
Pan-European Institute 20th Anniversary Conference Energy Challenges in Northern Europe, November 27-30, 2008, Turku, Finland. Conference proceedings. 2008年
Energy Policy as a Factor of Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia.
Shadrina Elena
Gendai shyakai bunka kenkyuu (Journal of Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture). 2008. pp. 167-200. No. 42. ( 42 ) 167 - 200 2008年
Energy Cooperation in NEA: an Insight into Frameworks and Dimensions.
Shadrina Elena N.
Journal of Northeast Asian Studies. 2008. pp. 143-159. Vol. 14. ( 14 ) 143 - 159 2008年
Energy Cooperation Impact on Integration: EU Experience’s Applicability for Northeast Asia.
13th Conference of the The Association for the Japan Sea Rim Studies. 2007年12月
Regionalism and Energy Cooperation: in Attempt to Look at NEA through Comparative Prism.
Shadrina Elena
Gendai shyakai bunka kenkyuu (Journal of Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture). 2007. pp. 189-222. ( No. 39. ) 189 - 222 2007年
Regionalization and Regionalism: Featuring Northeast Asia.
Shadrina Elena
Gendai shyakai bunka kenkyuu (Journal of Niigata University Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture). pp. 403-436. 37 ( No. 37 ) 403 - 436 2006年
Is Pacific Oil Pipeline to Breathe New Life into the Far Eastern economy?
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan Institute of International Affairs. Report 2004 2005年03月
Energy cooperation in Northeast Asia as an Impetus for intraregional Integration
Shadrina Elena N.
The Journal of Economics. Niigata University. The Society of Economics in Niigata University. Niigata, Japan. 78 ( No. 78 ) 69 - 95 2005年03月
Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia.
The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Tokyo. JIIA 2004年
The Problems and Economic Outcome Associated with Construction of Trans-Siberian Pipeline (from the Russian Far East’s standpoint) (Part I, II)
Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law Herald, KHAEL. ( No 1, 3 ) 2004年
Japan’s Oil Policy: A Changing Stance? )
Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law Herald, KHAEL. No 2 2004年
Shadrina, E. (2022). Internationalisation of Higher Education in Japan and the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Higher Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic (pp. 101-123). Brill.
Elena Shadrina( 担当: 分担執筆)
Renewable Energy in Central Asian Economies: Role in Reducing Regional Energy Insecurity
シャドリナ エレナ( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: In “Energy Insecurity in Asia: Challenges, Solutions, and Renewable Energy”, Naoyuki Yoshino, Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Young Ho Chang, and Thai-Ha Le, eds.)
ADBI Press 2020年
Energy Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union: A Preliminary Study on Progress and Policy Implications
シャドリナ エレナ( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: In “Economies, Politics and Societies in the Post-Communist Countries: Thirty Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall”, eds. Gennadi Kazakevitch and Alexandr Akimov.)
Palgrave Macmillan 2020年
Energy Cooperation and Security in Central Asia: The Possible Synergy between Hydrocarbon Rich and Water Rich Countries
シャドリナ エレナ( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: In “Achieving Energy Security in Asia: Diversification, Integration, and Policy Implications” ed. by Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Naoyuki Yoshino, Young Ho Chang and Aladdin Rillo.)
World Scientific Press 2019年
“Institutionalisation of the Common Gas Market in the Context of Institutional Evolution of the Eurasian Economic Union” in Energy Policy: Perspectives, Challenges and Future Directions/ ed. by Sreekanth. K. J., Nova Science Publishers, Inc., June 2018, I
シャドリナ エレナ( 担当: 分担執筆)
シャドリナ エレナ( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 「北東アジアのエネルギー安全保障。東を目指すロシアと日本の将来」/杉本 侃 編者. ERINA北東アジア研究叢書-5.)
日本評論社. 2016年
Russia`s Role in Northeast Asia Economies` Development. Khabarovsk: Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, 2007. 218 p. (in Russian).
Lysenko Vladimir, Shlyk Nadezhda( 担当: 共著, 担当範囲: Chapter 2. “Russia`s Economic Cooperation with Northeast Asian States”. pp. 43-87)
Asia-Pacific Regionalization: Russia’s Involvement. Khabarovsk: Publishing House of the Far Eastern State Transport University, 2006. 160 p. (in Russian).
Bury Anatoly, Kochemasova Anna( 担当: 共著, 担当範囲: Section 1.1. “Globalization of World Economy”; Section 1.2. “Concepts and Grounds for Asia-Pacific Regionalism” in Chapter 1. “Asia-Pacific Region in the Globalizing World” (pp. 5-18); Chapter 3. “Russia and Northeast Asia: Perspectives for Closer Integra)
極東鉄道輸送国立大学、ハバロフスク 2006年
Russian-Japanese trade: current state and prospects. Vladivostok: Publishing House of Fareast University, 2003. 248 p. (in Russian).
( 担当: 単著)
Challenges to Russia's Gas Export Diversification. Asian Gas Infrastructure Conference. Singapore. 18-19 November 2015.
( 担当: 単著)
Asian Markets and Russian LNG: Considering Important Trends.
Japan's LNG Policy. Interview by Sergey Kapitonov for "Oil and Gas Journal"
by Anatoly Medetsky, Moscow Times (Quoted in: Putin Launches Pacific Oil Terminal, Moscow Times, December 29, 2009)
Post-Soviet Integration: Case of Eurasian Economic Union. 17th Asia Pacific Conference 2019 “Governance in the Asia Pacific: Politics, Economics, Business and Environment”. Beppu, Japan, November 30 - December 1, 2019.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2019年12月
What to Expect for Russia-Japan Relations: Contemplation against a Backdrop of Social and Economic Situation in Russia. Public Lecture “Japan and Russia: Contemporary Political, Economic, and Military Relations”. Temple University, ICAS, Tokyo, October 17
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2019年10月
Energy Cooperation and Security in CAREC Region: The Possible Synergy between Hydrocarbon Rich and Water Rich Countries. ADB & CAREC Institute Work-shop: Achieving Energy Security in Asia: Diversification, Cooperation and Renewable Energy. Almaty, Kazakhs
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2019年10月
Eurasian Economic Union: Benefits and Costs of Membership. The XXth East Asian Conference on Slavic Eurasian Studies. Tokyo, June 28 – June 30, 2019
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2019年06月
Energy Integration in the Eurasian Economic Union: Progress, Asymmetry of Interests and Implications for the European Union. Australasian Association for Communist and Post-Communist Studies 14th Biennial Conference. Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2019年02月
Policies to Promote Renewable Energy and Enhance Energy Security in Central Asia. Session 8: Roundtable Discussion. ADB & CAREC Institute Workshop: Achieving Energy Security in Central Asia: Role of Renewable Energy. Baku, Azerbaijan. March 13, 2018.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2018年03月
Renewable Energy in Central Asia: Current Role and Possibilities for Regional Cooperation. Session 6: Enhancing Regional Power Trade in Central Asia: Role of Regional Integration and Cooperation. ADB & CAREC Institute Workshop: Achieving Energy Security i
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2018年03月
Institutionalisation of the Common Gas Market of the Eurasian Economic Union: Actors, Interests and Progress. The 8th East Asian Conference “Conflict and Harmony in Eurasia in the 21st Century: Dynamics and Aesthetics”. Seoul, South Korea. June 3-4, 2017.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2017年06月
Powers and/or Streams: Russia’s Gas Strategies in Asia and Europe. European Gas Transmission Conference. Berlin, Germany. November 3-4, 2016.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2016年11月
Energy Resources for Russian Economy: Curse, Addiction or…? Energetika XXI: Economy, Policy, Ecology. The Role for Russian Resources under Changed Energy Prices and De-carbonization. Saint Petersburg. November 9-11, 2016.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2016年11月
Inclusive Economic Growth: Comparing Achievements and Prospects of Russia, Central Asia and Caucasus. The 7th East Asian Conference on Slavic-Eurasian Studies. New Opportunities and New Challenges in the Greater Eurasia. Shanghai, China. September 25-25,
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2016年09月
Innovation for Empire: Pre-war Japan’s Search for Alternative Liquid Fuel and Its Post-war Legacies Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability: Historical and Contemporary Narratives. Session S3D “From Grey to Green: Sustainable Energy”. ICOHTEC. 43th Ann
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2016年07月
Oil prices and Sanctions: Impact of External Factors on Russia’s Economic Growth. Association of Comparative Economic Systems. 56th Annual Conference. Hirosaki University. June 4-5, 2016.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2016年06月
Challenges to Russia’s Gas Export Diversification. Asian Gas Infrastructure Conference. Singapore. 18-19 November 2015.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2015年11月
Choices to Diversify: EU’s Regulations, Sanctions and Russia’s Gas Policy. Panel I-4-26 “Theorising Russia’s Resources and Rules: Choices in Changing Global Energy Markets” IX ICCEES World Congress, Makuhari, Japan. August 3-8, 2015
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2015年08月
Turkish Stream for Russia’s Pivot to Asia. Eurasian Natural Gas Infrastructure Conference. Istanbul, Turkey. 9-10 June 2015.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2015年06月
Impact of the Ukrainian Crisis on Russia’s Energy Policy Towards Northeast Asia. ERINA, Niigata. February 27, 2015.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2015年02月
Russia’s Gas Policy in Asia: The Driving Forces and the Nature of Institutional Changes. 14th International Academic Conference. Malta, 28-31 October 2014.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2014年10月
Russia’s Dilemmas in China’s Gas Market. IV International Conference "Eastern Siberia and Russian Far East Oil and Gas", Moscow, 17-18 April 2014.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2014年04月
Russia’s Gas in Northeast Asia: Fait accompli. Fait Favorable? 4th Humanities Korea International Conference “Changes and Challenges in Glocalizing Russia and Northeast Asia” Institute of Russian Studies Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea,
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2013年10月
Russia’s Gas Policy in Northeast Asia. 13th Annual Aleksanteri Conference in Helsinki “Russia and the World”, Panel 2C “Russia's energy foreign policy between Eastern and Western vector”, Helsinki, Finland. October 24, 2013
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2013年10月
Forecast for China's Gas Supply and Demand. Quantitative Parameters of Russian Gas Supply to China. 17th Annual Sakhalin Oil & Gas Conference Session “The Transformation of Global Energy Markets”, September 23-26, 2013, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2013年09月
発表年月: 2013年07月
Japan-Russia Territorial Dispute. Perceptions in Russia’s West and East. Guest Lecture at Narita University, Japan (日露間の領土問題、ロシアの西と東で認識. 成田社会人大学), July 13, 2013.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2013年07月
Russia’s Oil and Gas in Northeast Asia: Inter-regional and Intra-Regional Comparisons// Symposium “European and Asian Energy Markets: Too Many or Too Few Institutions?” April 9-10, 2013, Tokyo.
シャドリナ エレナ
発表年月: 2013年04月
Russia’s Energy Governance Transition: Focus on the Far East.
Conference “Energy Transitions: Regulation of Energy Markets at National, European And International Levels”. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
発表年月: 2013年03月
Russia’s State Capitalism and Energy Geopolitics of Northeast Asia. Panel 22 “National and Transnational Dimensions of Russia’s Relations in the Asian Region”.
Conference “Competition and Good Society – The Eastern Model” Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki.
発表年月: 2012年11月
apan's Pre- and Post-3/11 Energy Policy: Distressing Lessons and Blurred Prospects.
Annual Meeting of Association of American Geographers. New York, NY
発表年月: 2012年02月
Kyrgyzstan’s Way Toward Sustained Growth and Sustainable Development.
National Institute for Strategic Studies of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek.
発表年月: 2012年02月
Russia’s Energy Governance Transition in the XXIst Century: The Narrative of the (Clumsy) Bear and the (Canny) Dragon.
Conference “The Dragon and the Bear: Strategic Choices of China and Russia” Aleksanteri Institute, Panel 13 “Energy Governance Challenges”. Helsinki
発表年月: 2011年11月
Russia’s Energy Strategy towards Northeast Asia.
Seminar at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies “Russian Foreign Energy Policy: Politics or Economics?” Oslo, Norway.
発表年月: 2010年04月
EU- Russia Dialogue: Lines of Separation & Points of Cohesion// Deepened EU- Russia Dialogue. Meeting of the Permanent EU – Russian Working Group. Panel 3: Economic Dialogue and Political/ Security Issues: Separation or Tangle?
Energy Dialogue. Vienna, Austria.
発表年月: 2010年02月
Energy cooperation in Northeast Asia: Impact on region formation.
Seminar at the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, Oslo, Norway
発表年月: 2009年11月
Staying West. Going East... Russia`s Energy Politics.
Pan-European Institute 20th Anniversary Conference Energy Challenges in Northern Europe. Turku, Finland.
発表年月: 2008年11月
Environmentally Friendly Tourism and Emission Free Activities.
The 5th International Forum on Northeast Asia Tourism (IFNAT) & Eastern Circle in Ulaanbaatar. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
発表年月: 2008年10月
Considerations of Sustainable Development in Japan’s Regional Trade Agreements.
The Roundtable Workshop on Sustainability in Free Trade Agreements. Institute for International Economic Research National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Beijing, China.
発表年月: 2008年06月
Russia`s Northeast Asia Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy
2008 Working Group on Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia, by the Northeast Asia Economic Forum (NEAEF), Honolulu, Hawaii.
発表年月: 2008年03月
Energy Cooperation Impact on Integration: EU`s Experience Applicability for Northeast Asia.
13th Conference of the Association for Pacific Rim Studies, Oita, Japan.
発表年月: 2007年12月
Energy Cooperation in NEA: Speculating about its Integrative Impact
Young Leaders Training and Research Program in Re-gional Cooperation and Development. Toyama city, Japan.
発表年月: 2007年10月
Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia.
Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA), Tokyo, Japan.
発表年月: 2004年02月
Environmental Trailblazers and Laggards: Global, International and National Perspectives on Climate Change Action
Waseda University
Elena Shadrina
Global Energy Transition: Challenges and Responses of Post-Soviet Hydrocarbon Exporters
Waseda University
Elena Shadrina
The Changing Patterns of Hierarchical Urban Systems in the Post-Soviet Economies: Analysis and Predictions
Waseda University
Elena Shadrina
Resource Curse or Institutions Curse? Evidence from Hydrocarbon Rich Post-Soviet Economies. 2019R-069.
シャドリナ エレナ
Eurasian Economic Union: Benefits and Costs of Membership. 2019C-620
シャドリナ エレナ
Energy, Growth and Development in post-Soviet Economies: Incorporating Perspectives from Institutional Theory and Comparative Economic Studies
Waseda University 2018B-312
シャドリナ エレナ
Energy, Growth and Development in post-Soviet Economies
Waseda University 2018K-388
シャドリナ エレナ
Curse or Blessing? Energy Resources for Economic Growth and Development in post-Soviet Countries. 2017S-158
シャドリナ エレナ
Structure of Russian Foreign Trade and Prospects for Economic Coopetition with the Northeast Asian Countries”「ロシアの貿易構造と環日本海経済関係の展望」Structure of Russian Foreign Trade and Prospects for Economic Coopetitロシアの貿易構造と環日本海経済関係の展望
全国銀行学術研究振興財団, 研究助成
シャドリナ エレナ
Impact of International Economic Factors on the Russian Economy in the 2000s
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
シャドリナ エレナ
Evolving Asian Gas Market: Players and Rules
Meiji University
Elena Shadrina
The Market Entry of Russian Natural Gas in Northeast Asia: From Institutional Convergence to New Forms of Institutionalisation
Meiji University
Elena Shadrina
Book Review Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Population Studies
シャドリナ エレナ
Population Studies 77 ( 2 ) 279-282 - 282 2018年
Karabchuk, Tatiana, Kazuhiro Kumo and Ekaterina Selezneva, Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present
Elena Shadrina
Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics 55 ( 1 ) 63-66 2018年
カーボンニュートラル社会研究教育センター 兼任センター員
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