Updated on 2025/03/14


Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title



Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences

  • 2017.04

    The University of Tokyo

  • 2016.05

    The National Center for University Entrance Examinations   Research and Development

  • 2012.10

    The National Center for University Entrance Examinations   Research and Development

  • 2007.10

    The National Center for University Entrance Examinations   Research and Development

  • 2006.04

    株式会社リクルート   ワークス研究所   研究員

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Committee Memberships

  • 2023.10

    日本教育学会  研究推進委員会委員

  • 2023.07

    独立行政法人大学改革支援・学位授与機構  国立大学教育研究評価委員会委員

  • 2023.05

    中央教育審議会大学分科会  臨時委員

  • 2022.05

    最高裁判所  司法修習委員会委員

  • 2021.05

    日本高等教育学会  理事

  • 2019.07

    一般財団法人東京学校支援機構  評議員

  • 2019.04

    中央教育審議会大学分科会大学院部会  臨時委員

  • 2017.10

    日本教育社会学会  理事

  • 2020.06

    中央教育審議会大学分科会質保証システム部会  臨時委員

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Professional Memberships











Research Areas

  • Sociology of education

Research Interests

  • 高等教育

  • 学歴

  • 教育効果

  • 教育費

  • 大学院

  • 高大接続

  • 大学進学

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  • 第37回労働関係図書優秀賞受賞


    Winner: 濱中淳子

  • 第4回日本教育社会学会奨励賞(著書の部)


    Winner: 濱中淳子



  • 文理のジェンダーギャップを問い直す


    教育学年報   ( 14 ) 385 - 397  2023.08  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • —Self-Learning among Working Women in Japan : The Problem of Constraints and Combined Learning—特集 大学は生涯学習社会に参加できるか

      25   89 - 107  2022.08  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • —Problems in the Curriculum of the Faculty of Education Exposed by the Development of ICT in Japan : Based on interviews with one undergraduate student

      ( 13 ) 137 - 154  2022.08  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • Aimlessly Drifting University Entrance Examination Reform: Various Issues of Proponents and Researchers

    Junko HAMANAKA

      87 ( 2 ) 14 - 26  2020.06  [Refereed]  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 学力トップ層の教育とキャリア―卒業生調査を用いた所得関数の計測から


    名古屋高等教育研究   ( 20 ) 235 - 252  2020.03  [Invited]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 研究大学の高大接続―英国オックスフォード大学の訪問調査から


    大学評価研究   ( 18 ) 45 - 51  2019.11  [Invited]

  • —Research on Higher Education : Why are our findings not drawn as significant?

      ( 11 ) 387 - 412  2019.08  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 教育の社会経済的効果をめぐる研究の展開

    濱中淳子, 日下田岳史

    教育社会学研究   101   185 - 214  2017  [Refereed]  [Invited]

  • 高大接続改革と教育現場の断層―『善意』の帰結を問う


    教育学研究   83 ( 4 ) 29 - 40  2016.12  [Refereed]

  • Reasons for the Failure of the Articulation Policy between Upper Secondary Education and Higher Education in Japan: Focusing on the Results of "Good Intentions"

    HAMANAKA Junko


     View Summary

    <p> In Japan, the number of high school students applying for university education has remained at approximately 50%. As a result of the poor functioning of selection in university entrance examinations, enabling a smooth transition from upper secondary education to higher education constitutes a problem. Since the late 1990s, various measures have been examined and implemented while there has been severe social criticism of university education. However, there is one common element identified as the basis of this diversity: the "good intentions" of everyone involved. However, good intentions, in all probability, do not always bring about desirable results. In this paper, through an analysis of a questionnaire survey targeting university and high school students, which was carried out by the Research Division of the National Center for University Entrance Examinations, we examine what kind of results have been achieved by efforts and considered "good" by those involved, toward developing articulation between upper secondary education and higher education.</p><p> In this article, we analyze four concrete questions. First, do current university students face difficulty in their university study? Second, how can we understand the relations between the difficulty and the practice of learning? Third, to what extent do high school students acquire the practice of learning? Fourth, how can we understand the reasons why middle-class high school students, in particular, cannot master the practice of learning?</p><p> The following three points have been observed from the results. First, probably as a result of significant accommodations, based on "good intentions," by the university staff, current university students feel interested in and are able to advance learning while thinking that it will be useful in the future. Second, in contrast, students are not necessarily learning with motivation; this situation has thus prevailed since high school. Data analysis revealed that 70% of middle-class high school students, in particular, only studied for 30 minutes a day in the first half of their time in high school. Third, the good intentions of those involved are also visible in the context in which a majority of the students currently have not been able to acquire the practice of learning during their high school education. In other words, various measures that focus on personality and aptitude for high school students whose aim is entrance into university at times distance high school students from learning.</p><p> In addition, in this article, we examine several points on which to focus when considering the conditions of articulation between upper secondary schools and higher education.</p>

    DOI CiNii

  • Barriers to Graduate School Reform in Japan

      18   69 - 87  2015  [Refereed]  [Invited]


  • 高校一年次の学習時間 : そのばらつきと背景を探る

    濱中 淳子, 山村 滋, 鈴木 規夫

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   ( 24 ) 15 - 20  2014.03  [Refereed]


  • The Graduates of Kaisei Academy in Business : What are the School Experiences to Lead to Social Success?

    濱中 淳子

    Works review : リクルートワークス研究所研究報告   9   66 - 77  2014  [Refereed]


  • 現代高校生「学びからの逃走」の内実 : 受験回避行動に着目して

    濱中 淳子, 山村 滋, 鈴木 規夫

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   0 ( 22 ) 21 - 26  2012.03  [Refereed]


  • Reconsideration of the "Effect of University Education" : An analysis using the "practice of learning" hypothesis on economics graduates

    濱中 淳子

    Research in higher education   43   189 - 205  2011  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Many studies have looked at the effectiveness of university education. It can be said that this research has involved mainstream themes, such as the sociology of education and the economics of education. In a previous research project a &quot;practice of learning&quot; hypothesis was constructed from an analysis of a survey of engineering graduates, that considered how current learning related to university studies, leading to better performance at work and increased income. This paper aims to compare and verify the results of the analysis of a survey of engineering graduates, to test the validity of this &quot;practice of learning&quot; hypothesis and whether similar results could be obtained in the field of economics.This paper uses two types of data. The first is that of a questionnaire survey of 976 engineering graduates undertaken in 2004. The second is that of a questionnaire survey of 596 economics graduates conducted in 2009. Both of these surveys were carried out with a random sampling of graduates at the same national university.The main points resulting from the analysis are as follows: firstly, it was confirmed that educational benefits were derived from the practice of learning among economics graduates but that overall these benefits were smaller than those for engineering graduates. In other words, the benefits of a link to studying shown in the practice of learning hypothesis was confirmed among economics graduates, but in their case, this was because the knowledge obtained during time spent at university had a directly negative effect on income that could not be ignored. More specifically, it was discovered that economics graduates felt that the knowledge and skills they had acquired at university were more of a hindrance. Secondly, however, the negative effects of the knowledge and skills learned at university disappeared over time, and as a result, the educational benefits we are accustomed to seeing among economics graduates are particularly striking from middle-age onwards. In general, the occupational positions held by economics graduates and engineering graduates, differ. Most economics graduates work in white collar occupations, such as administration or sales, whereas most engineering graduates become technicians. To put it another way, on the one hand economics graduates occupy positions that do not have a direct connection with what they studied at university, whereas engineering graduates occupy positions that can be said to be an extension of their time at university. Such differences appeared immediately when those who had studied engineering began work, but it is possible that this may be connected to the differences in the practice of learning accumulated in the fields of engineering and economics. The results for economics graduates seemed to gradually manifest themselves as their careers progress.Finally, we also investigated the graduates&#039; own recognition of the outcomes of their education. As stated above, it was also confirmed that a university education really did benefit economics graduates, but few of the graduates were themselves aware of these benefits, probably due to the time it took for the effects of education to become manifest. In Japan, particularly in relation to the Arts, there is often skepticism about the effectiveness of a university education, but possibly the kind of mechanism considered above, exists behind the scenes.

    DOI CiNii

  • 大学教員が語る大学入学最低学力--「学力担保のためのテスト」の可能性とその意味

    濱中 淳子, 山村 滋, 鈴木 規夫

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   ( 20 ) 1 - 6  2010.03  [Refereed]


  • Occupational attainment of graduates of Senmon Gakko: analysis of the expected effect of vocational education

    濱中 淳子

    The Japanese journal of labour studies   51 ( 7 ) 34 - 43  2009.07  [Refereed]


  • <大学適応観>の構造--高大接続対策の効果を探る

    濱中 淳子, 山村 滋, 鈴木 規夫

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   ( 19 ) 115 - 120  2009.03  [Refereed]


  • Self-learning of middle-aged workers: analysis on their learning structure in free time

    濱中 淳子

    Works review   3   88 - 101  2008  [Refereed]


  • "Research on higher education policy" and "policy research of higher education"

    Hamanaka Junko

    Research in higher education   40   147 - 161  2008  [Refereed]


  • Incomes, experiences, and abilities of the human resources in customer contact jobs

    濱中 淳子

    Works review   2   104 - 117  2007  [Refereed]


  • 工学系大学院の拡大と教授=学習システム(博士論文)


    東京大学    2006  [Refereed]

  • Why Don't High School Students Go to University?:Determinants of the Demand for Higher Education

    YANO Masakazu, HAMANAKA Junko

    The Journal of Educational Sociology   79 ( 0 ) 85 - 104  2006  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Since 1976, the application rate of high school students for university has remained level at around fifty percent, and this seems to have contributed to the excess supply of higher education caused by the demographic decline. However, previous research has not clarified the reason why students do not go on to university despite the ease if access.&lt;BR&gt;This paper examines the extent to which economic factors underlie the stabilization of the application rate at 50%, through an analysis of the determinants of entrance rates for senmon gakko (technical schools) and employment rates after high school graduation from 1970 to 2004.&lt;BR&gt;The results of the analysis of the obvious demand factors indicate that household income has a strong positive impact, the price of private university tuition has a negative impact, and the unemployment rate has a positive impact on the application rate. Statistically, these results are weak, as they have a low value on the D. W. criteria, so the author uses the chow test approach to this problem solving. The test shows that there are structural changes in the trend of the determinants factor of the application rate during three decades, meaning that it would be better to divide it into three period times, 1970-1975, 1976-1996 and 1997-2004. In the first period, household income increases demand withoutan influence from price, and in the second period there was a positive effect of income, negative effect of price, and positive effect of the unemployment rate. In the third period, only unemployment had an impact, and there was no effect of income and price.&lt;BR&gt;It is possible to understand the leveling off of demand for higher education by considering household budget conditions, the rapid price increases since 1975, and in particular the high unemployment rate since 1997. However, the demand for higher education is actually higher than the application rate, since there are students who find employment or go to technical schools as a substitute for going to university. In order to consider this latent demand for higher education, an analysis of the determinants of the employment rate and entrance rate for technical schools is introduced.&lt;BR&gt;This analysis shows that there are individuals who find employment instead of going to university for the reason of the high price, and who go to technical schools for the reason of the high prices and low acceptance rate for entrance examinations. This result indicates that, considering this latent demand, the demand for higher education is larger than that indicated by the application rate. One policy implication of this study is that the application rate will increase in the near future as the economic recovery makes the latent demand obvious. Second, since there is still inequality of educational opportunities, low tuition and student aid should be introduced to equalize enrollment difference based on family income.


  • Masters Programs in Engineering Education


      7   177 - 199  2004.05  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author


  • Students'and Teachers'Orientations to Graduate School Education : The Relationship between Both in Masters Programs in Engineering Education

    HAMANAKA Junko

    Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo   44   469 - 482  2004

     View Summary

    This paper attempts to describe the relationship between students&#039;and teachers&#039;orientation to reform in engineering education, where the delivery of these programs has reached the &quot;&quot;massification stage&quot;&quot;. This relationship is analyzed using two indices of orientation to education reform : type 1 is the systemization of coursework into a common program for all students, and type 2 is a release of students to explore independent research. This study demonstrates the gap between students&#039;and teachers&#039;orientations to the 2 types of reform. We collected data from a questionnaire survey conducted in January and February of 2002, and obtained the following three findings : 1) Students&#039;orientations are uniform throughout all institutions surveyed. A lot of students responded more negatively to the type 1 reform and more positively to the type 2 reform than teachers. 2) Teachers&#039;orientations differ according to institutional type. While teachers at elite institutions are negative to both types of reform, teachers at mass institutions are more positive to both types of reform. Therefore, the study found that the teachers&#039;orientation determined the size of the gap between students&#039;and teachers&#039;orientations to reform. 3) Teachers at mass institutions tend to take a more progressive approach - - a reaction to the decline of students&#039;academic competencies - - and feel the necessity for reform.


  • The Mechanism of Enrollment Expansion in Master Programs in Social Sciences : Government Policy and Reality


    教育社会学研究   71   47 - 66  2002  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The expansion of graduate education has been one of the major policy priorities in the area of higher education in recent years. Meanwhile, enrollments in graduate courses, especially in MSS (master programs in social sciences) have been rising rapidly. This paper attempts to analyze the mechanism of the expansion of MSS programs. For this purpose, the following two questions are posed. (1) Has the actual expansion conformed to the governmental framework? (2) If not, how can the mechanism behind the expansion of MSS enrollments be explained? On the first question, the following findings are made. At the end of the 1980s, there was a significant shift in government policy, encouraging the expansion of MSS programs. At the time, the government had two preconceptions about MSS. One was that students with a high motivation for study would apply for admission, and another that the social demand for students who had completed MSS programs was increasing. The government assumed that a significant amount of talent would be developed through MSS courses if the enrolment capacity expanded. However, the actual expansion fell below these expectations. On the second question, a methodological strategy was used of analyzing the interaction between students (demand side) and each individual university (supply side) as suggested by Craig and Archer. From this analysis, coupled with the findings for the first question, the following expansion mechanism was obtained : Following the shift in government policy at the end of the 1980s, national and private universities that already had MSS courses began to expand their admission capacities around 1990. This brought an expansion in demand among students for admission to MSS courses. However, in contrast to the expectation of the government, the social demand for students who had completed MSS programs did not increase much, and many of the students who entered MSS courses actually did not have a high motivation to study. There was also an expansion in the latter part of 1990s, because many private universities that had not focused much on MSS courses until the middle of the 1980s built up admission capacity based on the expected demand among students. Thus, an autonomous expansion among private universities occurred. These findings imply and suggest the following : (1) The actual expansion in MSS enrolments did not conform to the policy aim because the government did not judge student motivations correctly and did not take into consideration what private universities might do. In order to ensure the policy aims of such an expansion, some devices would be required to restrict the type of new students. (2) It was found that it was the steps taken by individual universities that had the greatest effect on how actual expansions occurred. The conclusion is that when analyzing expansions of enrolment, it is imperative to include measures that take into account actions by individual universities that increase supply.


  • 国立大学大学院拡大の過程と構造


    東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要   39   213 - 223  2000

  • 日本における大学院拡大の過程と構造(修士論文)


    東京大学    1999  [Refereed]

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Books and Other Publications

  • 大学でどう学ぶか (ちくまプリマー新書 482)

    濱中 淳子

    筑摩書房  2025.02 ISBN: 4480685146


  • 〈学ぶ学生〉の実像: 大学教育の条件は何か

    濱中 淳子 (編集), 葛城 浩一 (編集)( Part: Edit)

    勁草書房  2024.12 ISBN: 4326654465


  • 教育学年報15 生涯学習 (教育学年報 15)

    丸山, 英樹, 濱中, 淳子, 青木, 栄一, 石井, 英真, 下司, 晶, 仁平, 典宏

    世織書房  2024.09 ISBN: 4866860375


  • 教育学年報14 公教育を問い直す (教育学年報 14)

    岡野 八代, 佐久間 亜紀, 吉田 敦彦, 徳永 智子, 丸山 英樹, 後藤 武俊, 石井 英真, 油布 佐和子, 青木 栄一, 柏木 智子, 倉石 一郎, 森 直人, 堀口 悟郎, 関根 宏朗, 髙宮 正貴, 神代 健彦, 阿内 春生, 田中 怜, 齋藤 崇德, 濱中 淳子, 仁平 典宏

    世織書房  2023.08 ISBN: 4866860324


  • 教育学年報13 情報技術・AIと教育

    石井, 英真, 仁平, 典宏, 濱中, 淳子, 青木, 栄一, 丸山, 英樹, 下司, 晶

    世織書房  2022.08 ISBN: 4866860294


  • 国家 (教育学年報12)

    青木, 栄一, 丸山, 英樹, 下司, 晶, 濱中, 淳子, 仁平, 典宏, 石井, 英真

    世織書房  2021.09 ISBN: 4866860200


  • 文系大学院をめぐるトリレンマ (高等教育シリーズ 177)

    吉田 文, 村澤, 昌崇, 村山, 詩帆, 二宮, 祐, Tanaka, Masahiro, 濱中, 淳子, 福留, 東土, 李, 敏, 黄, 梅英

    玉川大学出版部  2020.08 ISBN: 4472405938


  • 教育研究の新章 (教育学年報11)

    下司, 晶, 丸山, 英樹, 青木, 栄一, 濱中, 淳子, 仁平, 典宏, 石井, 英真, 岩下, 誠

    世織書房  2019.08 ISBN: 4866860073


  • 大学入試改革は高校生の学習行動を変えるか:首都圏10校パネル調査による実証分析 (MINERVA社会学叢書)

    山村 滋, 濱中淳子, 立脇洋介

    ミネルヴァ書房  2019.06 ISBN: 4623086437


  • 教育社会学事典


    丸善出版  2018.01 ISBN: 4621302337


  • 教育劣位社会――教育費をめぐる世論の社会学

    矢野 眞和, 濱中 淳子, 小川 和孝

    岩波書店  2016.12 ISBN: 4000611690


  • 「超」進学校 開成・灘の卒業生: その教育は仕事に活きるか (ちくま新書 1174)

    濱中 淳子

    筑摩書房  2016.03 ISBN: 4480068791


  • 「再」取得学歴を問う: 専門職大学院の教育と学習

    吉田, 文

    東信堂  2014.10 ISBN: 4798912433


  • 検証・学歴の効用

    濱中 淳子

    勁草書房  2013.06 ISBN: 4326653817


  • 大衆化する大学――学生の多様化をどうみるか (シリーズ 大学 第2巻)

    伊藤 彰浩, 濱中 義隆, 居神 浩, 濱中 淳子, 八木 匡, 苅谷 剛彦

    岩波書店  2013.04 ISBN: 4000286129


  • よくわかる教育社会学 (やわらかアカデミズム・わかるシリーズ)

    酒井, 朗, 多賀, 太, 中村, 高康

    ミネルヴァ書房  2012.04 ISBN: 4623062937


  • 社会学事典

    日本社会学会, 社会学事典刊行委員会

    丸善  2010.06 ISBN: 462108254X


  • 大学院改革の社会学: 工学系の教育機能を検証する

    濱中 淳子

    東洋館出版社  2009.03 ISBN: 4491024383


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Research Projects

  • The Characteristics of Higher Education Sytem in East Asia from the View Point of Curriculum Management: A Comparison of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 人文社会科学系研究者のジェンダー平等の実態と改善に関する研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    宇井 美代子, 村澤 昌崇, 濱中 淳子, 坂無 淳, 稲葉 昭英, 伊藤 公雄

  • 現代日本における「大学生の学習行動」に関する総合的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)

    Project Year :


    濱中 淳子, 吉田 文, 山内 乾史, 葛城 浩一

     View Summary

    具体的には,2020年11月から2021年2月にかけ,学生30人を対象に,ひとりあたり2~4時間ほど,高校時代のことや大学・学部選び,大学進学以降の授業への取り組み方,課外活動,アルバイト,インターンシップ,大学への要望等に関して聞き取りを行った. 文系中心のインタビューとなったが,およそ聞かれたのは,「就職活動に成績が参照されることがないから学習しない」「受験勉強で燃え尽き,学びに向かわなくなっている」といった語られ方では説明しきれない学生たちの姿である.同時に,徐々に学習から遠のきつつも,大学での学びに意義を見出すことができる理由をめぐる興味深い語りも得ることができた.2021年度はこれらデータを吟味し,さらなるインタビュー調査もしくは質問紙調査に発展させる予定である.

  • 公立進学校の教育効果―高校時代の経験とキャリアとの関連性をめぐる実証的研究


    Project Year :



  • How Working Adults Graduate Students ar not evaluated in labor market?-The Trilennma among Graduate Students, Eduction of Graduate Schools and Labor Markets

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YOSHIDA AYA, FUKUTOME Hideto, KO Baiei, Li Bin

     View Summary

    The aim of this research is to analyze how graduate students (specifically masters' course of study in humanities and social sciences) are evaluated by labor markets from the viewpoint of three countries (Japan, US, China). The framework of this study is the relationship the following three actors: education in graduate schools, ability of graduate students, and labor markets and the purpose of this study is where the bottle neck is among three actors.
    As a result of this study, we have found the characteristics of Japan compared with the US and China: Graduate education in Japan does not think much of relevant of labor market, graduate students do not think much of using their education in labor markets and labor markets do not rely on graduate education rather than their in-house training. The case of the US and China have the a little bit of the same problem but they try to solve it from university side.

  • 高校教員の教育戦略に関する実証的研究:定期考査の難易度と教育産業依存に着目して


    Project Year :



  • A study of the mechanism of producing students whose career remain undecided in the transition from short-cycle higher education to work

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Oshima Masao, HAMANAKA Junko

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    This study examines the transition from short-cycle higher education to work. Some students in short-cycle higher education have difficulty in deciding their career though they search their jobs. In order to clarify this issue, I focus on the process of job-hunting. I conducted two surveys. One is the interview survey which targets the staff engaged in supporting students in short-cycle higher education. Another is the questionnaire survey which targets the graduates of short-cycle higher education. The findings are as below. First, classroom teachers play an important role in short-cycle higher education. They support their students in terms of job-hunting in addition to daily school life. Second, classroom teachers fail to support their students in some specific situation that is the end of the job-hunting season although they entirely need to be supported. Consequently, students use a public job placement service and miss their ample opportunity to receive the support.

  • 人材の成長要因に関する実証的研究-学歴と労働経験との関連性に注目して


    Project Year :



  • Sociological Study of Placement Service in High School: Focusing on Selection of Company

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    OSHIMA Masao, HAMANAKA Junko

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    In recent years, it has been difficult for high school students in Japan to find a decent job because of the long-term recession from 1990’s. High schools in Japan provide their students with various placement services such as guidance and offering information of the decent job opportunities. Students who receive a high school placement service have a much better chance of a decent job. A more aggressive expansion of opportunities of a decent job will be needed.

  • Comparative Sociology of Educational Finance and Expenditure

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    YANO Masakazu, KARIYA Takehiko, MARUYAMA Fumihiro, TSUKITA Mizue, SHIMA Sonoko, URATA Hiroaki, YONEZAWA Akiyoshi, ARITA Shin, HAMANAKA Yoshitaka, SHIMA Kazunori, SENOU Wataru, HAMANAKA Junko, NOZAKI Yuko, OHTAWA Naoki, OGAWA Kazutaka, HIGETA Takeshi, YAMAGUTI Yasufumi

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    Research outcome is reported as following four points. First is a part of primary education. We discussed the possibility of improving the student's academic skills by using the estimation of the production function of achievement test and the transition of Japanese equality system reflected in educational finance. Second is a part of high school and higher education. We examined the role of public expenditure from the results of determinants factors to educational expansion. Third is a result of the opinion survey on education in which educational policy has the lowest priority compared with other social policies. Lastly, we showed the problems of Japanese educational finance comparing with international perspectives.

  • 「大学教育とキャリア」関係の日本的形成メカニズム


    Project Year :



  • Data Collection and Simulation Exercises for a Grand Design of Future Higher Education

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KANEKO Motohisa, YANO Masakazu, KOBAYASHI Masayuki, HAMANAKA Junnko, OGATA Naoyuki, HAMANAKA Yoshitaka, OHTAWA Naoki, ASONUMA Akihiro, MOROZUMI Akiko, SATOH Kaori, SHIMA Kazunori, HASHIMOTO Koichi, YUAN Fujie, FUJITSUKA Tomokazu, FUJIMURA Masashi, ITOH Akihiro, YONEZAWA Akiyoshi, URATA Hiroaki, KATOH Takeshi, YOSHIKAWA Yumikko, NAKAMURA Takayasu, YAMAMOTO Kiyoshi

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    Focusing higher education in Japan, this project aimed at 1) conducting large-scale surveys, 2) analyzing the data and comparing the results with similar studies in other countries, and 3) identifying key issues in designing future higher education in Japan. The large scale surveys include: tracer survey on high school seniors (4000 initial samples), college students survey (48 thousand students), college graduates survey (25 thousand persons), college faculty survey (5 thousand respondents), and college administrator survey (6 thousand respondents).

  • A Study on Education and Social Function of New Type of Professional Schools:Referring to the U.S. Professional Schools

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :



  • 技術者にみる大学教育と職場教育の接続関係-職務とキャリアの差異に着目して-

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    濱中 淳子

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  • 大学院におけるリカレント教育


    IDE 現代の高等教育   ( 660 ) 55 - 59  2024.05

  • 人文社会系修士課程の現状と課題―修了者の就職問題を考える


    IDE 現代の高等教育   ( 648 ) 43 - 47  2023.02

  • インタビュー AIは日本の雇用をどう変えるのか?—特集 情報技術・AIと教育

    岩本 晃一, 石井 英真, 仁平 典宏, 濱中 淳子

    教育学年報   ( 13 ) 255 - 282  2022.08

  • パネル討論 高度職業人材をめぐる企業ニーズと大学院教育のマッチングのあり方について—企業の人材ニーズと大学院教育のマッチングを考えるシンポジウム

    村田 治, 木村 一尋, 濱中 淳子, 長谷川 知子, 山田 礼子

    KPC news : 関西生産性本部機関誌   49 ( 494 ) 14 - 16  2022


  • 書評 中村高康編『大学入試がわかる本』岩波書店


    教育学研究   88 ( 3 ) 104 - 105  2021.09

    Authorship:Lead author


  • オンリー・ワンのイベントで接点を最大化しアプリでコミュニケーションを継続する/龍谷大学


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   ( 225 ) 30 - 31  2020.11

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 迅速な意思決定で進化を続ける医療系総合大学/森ノ宮医療大学


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   ( 224 ) 60 - 63  2020.09

  • 一般教員が経験した遠隔(オンライン)授業


    IDE 現代の高等教育   ( 623 ) 32 - 35  2020.08

  • 私立大学初のデータサイエンス学部をトリガーにAI-Ready-Universityを目指す/武蔵野大学


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   ( 223 ) 26 - 29  2020.07

    Authorship:Lead author

  • 中西啓喜氏の『大学入試改革は高校生の学習行動を変えるか:首都圏10校パネル調査による実証分析』の書評に応えて

    濱中 淳子, 山村 滋, 立脇 洋介

    教育社会学研究   106   217 - 218  2020.05


  • 高校生の心理と行動に寄り添う多様なアプローチ/桜美林大学


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   ( 219 ) 30 - 33  2019.11

  • 座談会 外国との比較を通して研究の連携へ : 比較教育学をめぐって—教育研究の新章(ニュー・チャプター)

    丸山 英樹, 下司 晶, 青木 栄一, 濱中 淳子, 仁平 典宏, 石井 英真, 岩下 誠

    教育学年報   ( 11 ) 373 - 384  2019.08

  • 座談会 環境の変化にどう対峙するのか : 高等教育論をめぐって—教育研究の新章(ニュー・チャプター)

    濱中 淳子, 下司 晶, 青木 栄一, 仁平 典宏, 石井 英真, 岩下 誠

    教育学年報   ( 11 ) 439 - 448  2019.08

  • 書評 中村高康『暴走する能力主義―教育と現代社会の病理』ちくま新書


    IDE 現代の高等教育   ( 606 )  2018.12

  • これからの教育を考えるための要点は何か―政策・エビデンス・対話


    全普高会誌   66   20 - 27  2018.06

  • eシラバスとAI活用で、一歩先行く主体的学習と自己成長を支援/金沢工業大学


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   ( 209 ) 30 - 34  2018.05

  • 先駆性を軸にした徹底した社会人マーケティングと教育設計/敬心学園 日本医学柔整鍼灸専門学校


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   ( 210 ) 32 - 35  2018.05

  • 書評 読売新聞教育部『大学入試改革―海外と日本の現場から』中央公論新社


    IDE 現代の高等教育   ( 592 ) 70 - 71  2017.07

  • 大学入試は、企業の採用面接から何を学べるか③ ルーブリックはどのように有益なのか


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   35 ( 203 ) 52 - 55  2017.03


  • 大学入試は、企業の採用面接から何を学べるか② 『求める学生像』への示唆


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   35 ( 202 ) 36 - 39  2017.01


  • 大学入試は、企業の採用面接から何を学べるか① なぜ、新卒採用に注目するのか


    リクルート カレッジマネジメント   34 ( 201 ) 46 - 49  2016.11


  • アドミッション・ポリシー政策の効果

    山村 滋, 鈴木 規夫, 濱中 淳子

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   ( 25 ) 103 - 109  2015.03


  • 首都圏公立高校生の学習時間 : 大学入試センターパネル調査の分析(I-7部会 高校生の学習と進路,研究発表I)

    濱中 淳子, 山村 滋

    日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録   ( 67 ) 98 - 101  2015


  • 3. 進学中堅校に通う高校一年生の勉強時間 : 彼/彼女らの学習動機は何か(II-4部会 学力・学習(1),研究発表II)

    濱中 淳子, 山村 滋

    日本教育社会学会大会発表要旨集録   ( 65 ) 132 - 135  2013


  • 書評 望月由起「著」『現代日本の私立小学校受験 : ペアレントクラシーに基づく教育選抜の現状』

    濱中 淳子

    教育社会学研究   91   128 - 130  2012.12


  • 現代高校生の進路選択における入試の位置づけ

    山村 滋, 鈴木 規夫, 濱中 淳子

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   ( 22 ) 27 - 33  2012.03


  • 女子学生の「まじめさ」を問う (女性が変える大学)

    濱中 淳子

    IDE   ( 534 ) 61 - 65  2011.10


  • 小方直幸著『企業からみた専門学校教育(高等教育研究叢書108)』

    濱中 淳子

    大学論集   42   390 - 391  2011.03


  • 大学入試システムの改善等に関する意識調査

    鈴木 規夫, 山村 滋, 濱中 淳子

    大学入試研究ジャーナル   ( 20 ) 7 - 12  2010.03


  • ポスドク就職難民問題--解決のための処方箋は何か (特集 ポストドクター支援)

    濱中 淳子

    大学と学生   ( 56 ) 14 - 20  2008.07


  • 学びに見出した2つの類型 高度な学習法は身につくか (特集 展望 ミドルのブレイクスルー) -- (更なる成長への処方箋 人脈、学び、キャリア統合--成長促す3つの焦点)

    濱中 淳子

    Works   14 ( 2 ) 31 - 33  2008.06


  • 高等教育における専修学校の役割--「入口」と「出口」からの検証(3)専修学校卒業生の所得と働き方

    濱中 淳子

    IDE   ( 495 ) 67 - 72  2007.11


  • 高等教育における専修学校の役割--「入口」と「出口」からの検証(2)卒業生の職業分布からみた専修学校の特質

    濱中 淳子

    IDE   ( 493 ) 70 - 75  2007.08


  • 高等教育における専修学校の役割--「入口」と「出口」からの検証(1)高校生の進学行動からみた専修学校

    濱中 淳子

    IDE   ( 492 ) 73 - 77  2007.07


  • 大学院は出たけれど--夢を追い続ける「高学歴就職難民」2万人

    濱中 淳子

    論座   ( 145 ) 128 - 135  2007.06


  • 検証 大学教育の効果を計測する(1)検証1 大学の教育は出世に関係するか

    矢野 眞和, 濱中 淳子

    カレッジマネジメント   24 ( 3 ) 34 - 38  2006.05


  • 工学系修士課程教育の問題点 (今月のテーマ 技術者教育の曲がり角)

    濱中 淳子

    IDE   ( 470 ) 47 - 52  2005.05


  • 学生の経済生活の変化 (今月のテーマ 問われる学費)

    濱中 淳子

    IDE   ( 454 ) 34 - 37  2003.11


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  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 「社会人の学び直し」ニーズをめぐる探索的分析


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     本研究は、期待が寄せられる一方でなかなか浸透しない「社会人の学び直し」を取り上げ、そのニーズの姿を描くことを目的としている。方法として用いたのは、(1)進学志願者数の急増が目立つ社会人大学院への訪問調査、(2)首都圏の企業に勤務する302人を対象にした質問紙調査、の2つである。 (1)訪問調査からは、対象機関の志願者増の重要な背景には「標準化されたカリキュラム」等あることがうかがえた。さらに(2)質問紙調査からは、社会人の学び直しの多くは、「語学」や「資格」領域で展開されていること等が抽出された。ともに学び直しのキーワードが「みえやすさ」であることを示唆するデータであり、今後、学び直しのあり方を考えるには、こうした現状にどう対峙するのかについて吟味する必要があることが指摘された。