Updated on 2025/01/25


Faculty of International Research and Education, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies
Job title
Ph.D. (Political Science) ( Kobe University )

Research Experience

  • 2019.04

    Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University   Professor

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University

  • 2010.04

    Iwate Prefectural University   Faculty of Policy Studies

  • 2007.04

    Iwate Prefectural University   Faculty of Policy Studies

Research Areas

  • Area studies / Politics

Research Interests

  • Southeast Asia

  • Indonesia

  • Islam

  • Gender

  • Masculinity

  • Social movement

  • comparative politics

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  • 井植記念アジア太平洋研究奨励賞


    Winner: 見市建



  • Indigenizing Islamism in Indonesia: Prosperous Justice Party’s Approaches Towards Traditionalist Muslims

    Ken Miichi

    Politics, Religion and Ideology    2023  [Refereed]

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    Islamist groups, based on their philosophical and associational genealogy, are considered to be Salafist in outlook and hostile to or, at best, ignorant of traditionalist Muslim teachings and customs. In contrast to this common understanding of Islamists, support for the Prosperous Justice Party in Indonesia’s traditionalist Muslim constituencies has grown. This article investigates the conditions that favour the broad alignment between Islamist and traditionalist Muslims, focusing on the Islamist party’s approaches toward traditionalist Muslim constituencies based on an examination of the party’s internal documents and interviews with key individuals. Particularly in regions where traditionalist Muslim associations predominate yet have weak ties to political parties, the newly emerging Islamist party has a bigger chance to rise. Moreover, in successful cases, Islamist activists have individually built grassroots networks and expanded the voices of traditionalist Muslims. By showing the changes in the social anchoring of Islamists in Indonesia, this article reverses the dichotomy between Islamists and traditionalists and asserts the Islamists’ indigenization.



  • Post-Islamism Revisited: The Response of Indonesia’s Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) to Gender-Related Issues

    Ken Miichi

    Muslim World   110 ( 4 ) 589 - 604  2020.09  [Refereed]  [International journal]



  • インドネシア女性ウラマー会議(KUPI)『公式資料:過程と結果』 -解題と抄訳


    アジア太平洋討究   40   121 - 143  2020


  • ジェンダーの政治と大統領選挙――分極化の犠牲となった性暴力排除法案――


    2019年インドネシアの選挙――深まる社会の分断とジョコウィの再選――     81 - 98  2020  [Refereed]

  • The Politics of Religious Pluralism in Indonesia: The Shi'a Response to the Sampang Incidents of 2011-12

    Ken Miichi, Yuka Kayane

    TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia   8 ( 1 ) 51 - 64  2020  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    Copyright © Institute for East Asian Studies, Sogang University 2019. An increasing number of reports and studies on offenses against religious minorities has been published in Indonesia since the country's democratic transition in 1998. While the literature on intolerance unveils the young democracy's institutional problems which have undermined and eroded minority rights, such as direct elections and the lack of judicial independence, it leaves many critical questions to address. Although the number of victims of religious intolerance increased, in the same institutional settings, a large number of religious minorities has managed to prevent escalating violence and avoid being targeted by intolerant groups. Under what circumstances and how do minorities deter attacks in a time of heightened tension against them under a democratic system that has afforded them little protection? This article sheds light on the case of the Shi'a who suffered a series of attacks in Sampang, Madura in the East Java province, but have since gradually developed resilience. A series of attacks in Sampang in 2011-12 was one of the most destructive events against religious minorities in Indonesia. Examining the Sampang incidents, this article argues that if the religious minority can develop a cohesive network with elements of the majority capable of mobilising state power, it would build a safety net preventing attacks by intolerant groups. Thus, this article aims to develop our understanding of how religious minorities address violence caused by hostile socio-political forces and adapt to Indonesia's democracy.



  • Urban Sufi and politics in contemporary Indonesia: the role of dhikr associations in the anti-‘Ahok’ rallies

    Ken Miichi

    South East Asia Research   27 ( 3 ) 225 - 237  2019.07  [Refereed]  [International journal]

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    © 2019, © 2019 SOAS University of London. Huge rallies organized by Islamists at the end of 2016 in Jakarta attracted scholarly debate, with some arguing that the influence of Islamists is rising. However, members of those Islamist groups are still a minority in Indonesia. Examination of Islamist groups alone hardly explains why so many middle-class individuals outside these organizations supported and took part in the rallies. This article argues that the Islamist leaders of rallies intentionally created a dhikr assembly-like atmosphere to attract dhikr followers and other ordinary Muslims to take part. I then scrutinize the response of Majelis Rasululluah (The Prophet’s Assembly, MR), one of the biggest Sufi dhikr litany associations in Jakarta. The MR leadership gave in to the overwhelming demand from its followers who wished to take part in such activities, called the political rally a ‘dhikr event’ and announced its permission to participate. Although relationships between Islamists and Sufis have been conventionally understood as antagonistic, this Indonesian case demonstrates that their temporary alliance can be possible.



  • Looking at links and nodes: How Jihadists in Indonesia survived

    Miichi Ken

    Southeast Asian Studies   5 ( 1 ) 135 - 154  2016.04  [Refereed]

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    © Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. The major militant Islamist network in Indonesia, comprising the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) and its associated groups, was believed to have been responsible for dozens of violent incidents after 2000, including the Bali bombings of 2002 and 2005. Generally JI sympathized with al-Qaeda’s ideology, openly supported al-Qaeda and other militant ideologues by translating and publishing their work in Indonesia, and sent hundreds of fighters (mujahidin) to Afghanistan for training. The Indonesian militant Islamist groups were not foreign controlled, but they shared some features with a broader militant Islamist network. This essay takes as its point of departure Albert-Laszlo Barabasi’s characterization of al-Qaeda as a matrix of self-organized networks, not a military organization with structured divisions. In Barabasi’s theorization of networks, al-Qaeda appears as a “scale-free network” of a limited number of persons who had accumulated many nodes in a scattered and self-sustaining web. Hence, JI was loosely organized and yet hierarchical, composed of small cells held together by personal loyalties, family, school, and other friendly connections. Faced with intensifying police assaults, militant Islamists increasingly fell back on their networks. Using published reports and the author’s own interviews with relevant individuals, this essay traces the links and nodes of the militant Islamic networks in Indonesia and examines why and how jihadists in Indonesia tenaciously sustained their violent activities.



  • Saving folk performing arts for the future: Challenges for Unotori Kagura after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011

    Ken Miichi

    The consequences of disasters: Demographic, planning, and policy implications     157 - 167  2016

  • Playful relief: Folk performing arts in Japan after the 2011 Tsunami

    Ken Miichi

    Asian Ethnology   75 ( 1 ) 139 - 162  2016  [Refereed]

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    © Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture. This article explores the roles of folk performing arts within the wider context of disaster relief in Japan following the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disasters. It focuses on two Shinto-based troupes located along the devastated Sanriku coastal region-Kadonaka-gumi Toramai and Unotori Kagura. Both groups perform ludic, entertaining acts as part of their repertoires. Their playful ritual practices draw upon elements of local religious traditions as they provide a form of relief to aid the victims of disaster by helping them rebuild their lives and communities.



  • 大統領選挙―庶民派対エリートの大激戦

    川村晃一, 見市建

    川村晃一編『新興民主主義大国インドネシア―ユドヨノ政権の10年とジョコウィ大統領の誕生』アジア経済研究所     73 - 93  2015  [Refereed]

  • イスラームと政治―ユドヨノ期の「保守化」とジョコウィ政権の課題


    川村晃一編『新興民主主義大国インドネシア―ユドヨノ政権の10年とジョコウィ大統領の誕生』アジア経済研究所     245 - 267  2015  [Refereed]

  • Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization

    Ken Miichi, Omar Farouk

    Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization     1 - 271  2014.12  [Refereed]

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    This volume investigates the appropriate position of Islam and opposing perceptions of Muslims in Southeast Asia. The contributors examine how Southeast Asian Muslims respond to globalization in their particular regional, national and local settings, and suggest global solutions for key local issues.



  • Democratization and 'Failure' of Islamic Parties in Indonesia

    Ken Miichi

    Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization     127 - 144  2014.12  [Refereed]



  • The Role of Religion and Ethnicity in Jakarta's 2012 Gubernatorial Election

    Ken Miichi

    Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs   33 ( 1 ) 55 - 83  2014.04  [Refereed]


  • Conclusion

    Miichi, K., Farouk, O.

    Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization    2014



  • Introduction

    Miichi, K., Farouk, O.

    Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization    2014



  • 変わるインドネシアのイスラーム地図 (特集 中東から変わる世界) -- (「アラブの春」に見る軍・宗教・メディア : 地域間比較から)

    見市 建

    地域研究   12 ( 1 ) 159 - 173  2012.03  [Refereed]


  • イスラーム化の進行とイスラーム系政党弱体化の矛盾


    本名純・川村晃一編『2009年インドネシアの選挙』アジア経済研究所     109 - 130  2010  [Refereed]

  • Islamization and politicians in Indonesia: An analysis of the 1999 and 2004 regional people's representative council elections

    Ken Miichi

    Southeast Asian Studies   45 ( 1 ) 98 - 114  2007.06  [Refereed]

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    The ruling Golkar party dominated the political scene during the Suharto era, but recently political power has been contested among various parties, including Islamic parties that emerged in the 1999 election. Some analysis of that election is still focused on a dichotomy between secular and Islamic parties, the so-called "aliran" politics of the 1950s. There is also an argument that political elites formed during the Suharto era have persisted even after the "reformasi" in 1998. This article, through an analysis of profiles of members elected to the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) in 1999 and 2004, argues that aliran politics has been fading away and that new politicians have been emerging slowly. Although no longer dominant, Golkar has widened its base and absorbed some Islamic votes, while the new Islamic parties attract the relatively higher educated and some business elites. Thus Islamization is not directly related to the emergence of Islamic parties. Old political elites have also maintained their influence within both secular and Islamic parties, and various organizations dating from the Suharto era have been recruiting local elites. The increasing number of swing votes, largely consisting of urban people, is accelerating the shift in political elites.

  • Catatan dari Penjara: Untuk Mengamalkan dan Menegakkan Dinul Islam

    Ken Miichi

    Asian Journal of Social Science   35 ( 4-5 ) 716 - 717  2007


  • Islamization and Politicians in Indonesia:

    Miichi Ken

    Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies   45 ( 1 ) 98 - 119  2007  [Refereed]

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    The ruling Golkar party dominated the political scene during the Suharto era, but recently political power has been contested among various parties, including Islamic parties that emerged in the 1999 election. Some analysis of that election is still focused on a dichotomy between secular and Islamic parties, the so-called “aliran” politics of the 1950s. There is also an argument that political elites formed during the Suharto era have persisted even after the “reformasi” in 1998. This article, through an analysis of profiles of members elected to the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) in 1999 and 2004, argues that aliran politics has been fading away and that new politicians have been emerging slowly. Although no longer dominant, Golkar has widened its base and absorbed some Islamic votes, while the new Islamic parties attract the relatively higher educated and some business elites. Thus Islamization is not directly related to the emergence of Islamic parties. Old political elites have also maintained their influence within both secular and Islamic parties, and various organizations dating from the Suharto era have been recruiting local elites. The increasing number of swing votes, largely consisting of urban people, is accelerating the shift in political elites.

    DOI CiNii

  • Penetration of "moderate" Islamism in contemporary Indonesia

    Ken Miichi

    Popular Movements and Democratization in the Islamic World     126 - 142  2006.09  [Refereed]



  • 「イスラーム票」はどう動いたか−南カリマンタン州における福祉正義党の躍進から


    松井和久・川村晃一編『インドネシア総選挙と新政権の始動』アジア経済研究所     176 - 201  2005  [Refereed]

  • Islamic left and intellectual network in Indonesia

    Miichi Ken

    Southeast Asian Studies   40 ( 1 ) 42 - 73  2002.06  [Refereed]

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    An "Islamic left" has emerged in Indonesian politics since the 1990s, which is opposed to the rightist Islamists and seeks a religiously plural nation. Islamic leftists work with nonreligious and leftist social-political movements and read leftist books, from Marx and Gramsci to Foucault. Yet, they don't discard religious motivations. The author collected their writings, observed them closely, and conducted many interviews. In this article, through three profiles of young activists affiliated with Nahdlatul Ulama, the author draws out the characteristics and political significance of the Islamic left in contemporary Indonesia. These activists are critical of religious authority (persons, texts, and history), especially the "one and only" and "pure and glorious" Islam, and try to revive plural Islamic traditions using post-modern Islamic studies in Europe. They have inherited the intellectual leftist tradition in Indonesia, but the Islamic left does not limit its activities to intellectual circles. It consciously fights a "war of position" against the Islamists and tries to mobilize popular support. Since it does not deny popular un-Islamic traditions, the Islamic left has the potential to attract indigenous, spiritual, and mystic "islams," including among ex-Communists in rural areas. The Islamic left therefore has huge potential in a democratized Indonesia in which a new ideology is necessary in order to attract popular political participation.


  • 民主化期におけるイスラーム主義の台頭

    見市 建

    日本比較政治学会年報   4 ( 0 ) 97 - 129  2002  [Refereed]


  • Two Streams of Islamic Civil Society Theories in Indonesia

    Miichi Ken

    Journal of international cooperation studies   8 ( 2 ) 159 - 179  2000.11

    DOI CiNii

  • 現地報告 ポスト・アブドゥルラフマン・ワヒド時代への継続と変化--第30回ナフダトゥル・ウラマー全国大会(東ジャワ・クディリ)より

    見市 建

    アジア経済   41 ( 5 ) 85 - 93  2000.05  [Refereed]


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Books and Other Publications

  • ソーシャルメディア時代の東南アジア政治

    ( Part: Joint editor)

    明石書店  2020.03

  • Southeast Asian Muslims in the era of globalization

    見市, 建, Farouk, Omar( Part: Joint editor)

    Palgrave Macmillan  2015 ISBN: 9781137436801

  • 新興大国インドネシアの宗教市場と政治

    見市, 建( Part: Sole author)

    NTT出版  2014.12 ISBN: 9784757143371

  • インドネシア : イスラーム主義のゆくえ

    見市, 建

    平凡社  2004 ISBN: 4582842224

  • アジア法整備支援叢書 インドネシア 民主化とグローバリゼーションへの挑戦

    島田, 弦( Part: Contributor, イスラーム法の現代的展開)

    旬報社  2020.06

  • 教養の東南アジア現代史

    川中, 豪, 川村, 晃一( Part: Contributor, 宗教)

    ミネルヴァ書房  2020.03 ISBN: 9784623086672

  • 中東・イスラーム諸国 政治変動ハンドブック2019

    松本, 弘( Part: Contributor, インドネシア共和国)


  • 東南アジア文化事典

    信田, 敏宏, 綾部, 真雄, 岩井, 美佐紀, 加藤, 剛, 土佐, 桂子( Part: Contributor, 「テロリズム」「イスラームと国家」)

    丸善出版  2019.10 ISBN: 9784621303900

  • アジアに生きるイスラーム

    笹川平和財団( Part: Contributor, 「英雄の街」スラバヤの宗教と市民社会)

    イースト・プレス  2018 ISBN: 9784781616582

  • 21世紀東南アジアの強権政治 : 「ストロングマン」時代の到来

    外山, 文子, 日下, 渉, 伊賀, 司, 見市, 建

    明石書店  2018 ISBN: 9784750346632

  • 中東・イスラーム研究概説 : 政治学・経済学・社会学・地域研究のテーマと理論

    私市, 正年, 浜中, 新吾, 横田, 貴之( Part: Contributor, 第6章「時間と空間を超えたネットワーク」)

    明石書店  2017 ISBN: 9784750344942

  • 東南アジア地域研究入門 3 政治

    山本, 信人( Part: Contributor, 宗教)

    慶應義塾大学出版会  2017 ISBN: 9784766423969

  • 連邦制の逆説? 効果的な統治制度か

    松尾秀哉( Part: Contributor, インドネシアの連邦制なき「世界一の地方分権化」)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2016

  • 東南アジアのイスラーム

    床呂, 郁哉, 西井, 凉子, 福島, 康博( Part: Contributor, 出版業にみる福祉正義党の「市場戦略」)

    東京外国語大学出版会  2012 ISBN: 9784904575208

  • 中東・イスラーム諸国民主化ハンドブック

    松本, 弘( Part: Contributor, 「インドネシア共和国」)

    明石書店  2011 ISBN: 9784750334257

  • 映像にやどる宗教、宗教をうつす映像

    新井, 一寛, 岩谷, 彩子, 葛西, 賢太( Part: Contributor, 「東南アジアにおけるイスラーム主義武装闘争派の映像戦略—インドネシアを中心に」)

    せりか書房  2011 ISBN: 9784796703055

  • ユダヤ教・キリスト教・イスラームは共存できるか : 一神教世界の現在

    森, 孝一, 同志社大学一神教学際研究センター( Part: Contributor, 「「テロリスト」の来歴 インドネシアにおける武装闘争派の思想と行動」)

    明石書店  2008.12 ISBN: 9784750329031

  • 東南アジアを知る事典

    桃木至郎他編( Part: Joint editor)

    平凡社  2008

  • EUとイスラームの宗教伝統は共存できるか : 「ムハンマドの風刺画」事件の本質

    森, 孝一, 同志社大学一神教学際研究センター( Part: Contributor, 第7章「東南アジア 国家-宗教関係が投影された反応」)

    明石書店  2007 ISBN: 9784750324722

  • Radikalisasi Gerakan Mahasiswa: Kasus HMI-MPO

    Ubedilah Badrun(Pegantar)

    Media Rausanfekr  2006

  • The consequences of disasters : demographic, planning, and policy implications

    James, Helen, Paton, Douglas(“Saving Folk Performing Arts for the Future: Challenges for Unotori Kagura after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011”)

    Charles C Thomas  ISBN: 9780398090975

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Research Projects

  • Political Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis: Building a Southeast Asian Regional Model for the Innovation of Comparative Politics

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • 紛争影響地域における信頼・平和構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 学術変革領域研究(A)

    Project Year :


    石井 正子, 小副川 琢, 見市 建, 飛内 悠子, 鈴木 啓之, 武内 進一, 日下部 尚徳, 熊倉 潤, 佐原 哲也

  • Feminist movements and Islam in Indonesia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Resurgent Islamic Jurisprudence and New Trends in Politics and Economics in Contemporary Islam: The Main Stream Confronting the Extreme

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


  • Comparative Studies on Presidential Impeachment

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • Politics of Accountability in Southeast Asia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Miichi Ken

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    This research project analyzed accountability reforms and the rise of populist politicians in Southeast Asia and examined the impact on democracy. As an outcome, it published the book "Southeast Asian Politics in the era of Social Media" (in Japanese, Akashi Shoten, March 2020). It demonstrated that the negative impact of social media because of the increasing usage and abuse of social media by political elites and various social groups.

  • Governance of Development in Metropolitan Southeast Asia and the Transformation of State Role

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



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    The purpose of this research project was to analyze the governance on development in the metropolitan Southeast Asia in the era of globalization and ASEAN. Our research members conducted collaborative researches in the four metropolitans, Manila (the Philippines), Jakarta (Indonesia), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Bangkok (Thailand). One of the main focuses was the role of the state in the Metropolitan development. The research results suggest that the following simple dichotomy cannot be applicable to the land management in the metropolitan areas: the role of the state is bigger if the regime is authoritarian and centralistic while the role of the state is weaker if the regime is democratic and decentralistic. The extent of the state power in the Metropolitan land development is also decided by other factors such as the authority of local government(s), the layers and numbers of local governments in the metropolis, actors other than government such as developers and royal family.

  • Recovery of Traditional Performing Arts and Dark Tourism at Disaster Sites

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki

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    The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the noteworthy power and the role of folk performing arts by fieldwork in the reconstruction and revitalization of communities that have suffered catastrophic blows, and as a mechanism to sustain its effect, to examine ways to introduce disaster-stricken tourism. Unotori Kagura based in Fudai village in Iwate prefecture was taken up as a case. Although the struggle of the Kagura members after the Great East Japan Great Earthquake is common to the groups of folk performing arts around coastal areas, Unotori Kagura supported by wide-ranging belief has a great social impact and its trend is worth watching. This research gathered information and analyzed data on the tour record after the Great East Japan Earthquake and verified the possibility of disaster-stricken tourism as some help for community revival.

  • Religious Tradition and Folk Arts in Java, Aceh and the Rikuchu Coast: Video recording and sharing experiences

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    MIICHI Ken, NAKAGAWA Shin, HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki, CHINO Tsunehide

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    There are three main results. First, the research team has conduct field research on folk arts. Miichi published on roles of folk performing arts in the disaster affected area in the Rikuchu Coast, Iwate, Japan. By comparing Unotori Kagura and Kadonaka-gumi Toramai, he argued importance of the "ludic" element of fork arts. Second, the team organized a performance and workshop of Unotori Kagura in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in March 2015, and several other workshops using video recording. These workshops provided opportunities to share the experience among disaster affected communities and folk art practitioners. Third, the team recorded folk performing arts in the Rikuchu Coast and digitalized analog films of Unotori Kagura.

  • The Effects of the Spread of Pro-Democracy Movements in Arab States on Non-Arab Muslim Societies

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



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    This study examines the effects that the pro-democracy movements that began in 2011 in various Arab states are having on non-Arab Muslim societies, specifically examining the following: (1) Egypt, which became the core of the pro-democracy movements; (2) Turkey, which set a precedent in implementing democratic reforms; (3) Iran and Afghanistan, where democratization and structural reform are of key significance in terms of security; (4) Indonesia, which has the highest Muslim population in the world; and (5) Muslim migrant societies in Western Europe, which keep a keen watch on the democratization of their home countries. Accordingly, along with the retrogressive trend now manifesting in Turkey’s democratization and the rise of Islamic State (IS, also referred to as ISIS and ISIL) seen in the latter stages of the research period, it is evident that the order of the territorial nation states of the Middle East is currently being shaken to its very foundations.

  • The Crisis of Folk Performing Arts and the Possibility of Its Education: with the Aim of Reviving the Traditional Culture in the Coastal Area of Iwate

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    KAWAGUCHI Akiko, KIMURA Naohiro, MIICHI Ken, HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki, CHINO Tsunehide, NAKAGAWA Shin, IWASAWA Takako

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    This study attempted to present an educational program to revive the traditional culture in Iwate after the Northeast Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, by documenting the process of developing successors of folk performing arts supported by the cooperation between schools and the local areas.The concrete approaches taken were (1) to research the critical conditions related to folk performing arts,(2) to analyze their transmitting processes from the point of view of dynamic preservation and socio-cultural context, taking Unotori Kagura at Fudai Village and Nakano Nanazu-mai at Iwaizumi Town in Rikuchu Coast as case studies, and (3) to verify the questionnaire results of folk preforming arts education targeted at elementary and junior high schools in Iwate conducted in 2014.The importance of the traditional culture and its education was recognized.

  • Social Media and Political Impacts

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research

    Project Year :


    KIMURA Kan, IGA Tsukasa, MIICHI Ken, UEDA Tomoaki, HAMANAKA Shingo, IWATA Takuo, YOKOYAMA Takeshi, TAKIDA Go, TAMADA Yoshifumi

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    This stuyuThis study is about to analyze the impacts of social media into political arena. We picked up the cases of Japan, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Middle East and African countries and analyzed the impacts with using participant observation methodology. As a result of the study, we found that SNS has deeper impacts on political arena when the old media were controlled by governments.

  • New Development of Southeast Asian Local Politics in the Era of Globalization : Capital City, Energy and the Border研究代表者岡本正明(Okamoto Masaaki)

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    OKAMOTO Masaaki, MIZUNO Kosuke, PATRICIO N Abinales, HONNA Jun, UBUKATA Fumikazu, MIICHI Ken, KUSAKA Wataru, AIZAWA Nobuhiro

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    Southeast Asian countries have overcome the post-cold war Asian economic crisis in 1997 and have been experiencing the rapid social, political and economic transformation with the expansion of global business and/or ideological networks. One thing that is clear from this research is the fact that Southeast Asian local level has seen the emergence of new type of politico-economic actors or the political actors that employ new political style. It is especially true for newly decentralized Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia where the local heads have obtained a wider authority. The era of globalization and information gave them chances of gaining new political and economic resources including information and fashioning new and smarter way of grabbing and maintaining their political power.

  • Ideology and Practices of Radical Islamists in Indonesia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

    Project Year :


    MIICHI Ken

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    Through collecting and reading of their documents and continual interviews with activists, I revealed ideological traits and social backgrounds of militant Islamists. I also researched and published on usage of videos and internet by militants and publication business by cadres of moderate Prosperous Justice Party(PKS). Islamist movements adjusted market tendency and "commodify" their ideology and packaged as VCD, books and web contents in order to promote and realize their aim.

  • Changhing Local Politico-Economic Structure in the democratizing and decentralizing Indonesia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    MIZUNO Kosuke, SHIRAISHI Takashi, HONNA Jun, OKAMOTO Masaaki, MIICHI Ken, AIZAWA Nobuhiro

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    The fall of Suharto in 1998 has changed the politico-economic structure with the introduction of democratization and decentralization. This project has the aim to investigate this change, focusing on the local level. Each researcher has made researches on local politics in his own research area and the project has also collected the sociological profiles of local elites in collaboration with the Center for Political Sciences, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). By the end of March 2008, we have successfully collected the data on 3455 local parliamentarians in 95 districts/cities and one province out of 464 districts/cities and 33 provinces in Indonesia (around 20.5%). With the institutional change of local head election system from the indirect one to the direct one in 2004, it is assumed that the sociological profiles of local head have changed significantly, so we have collected the data on the candidates of local heads and local vice heads in 64 areas out of 297 local areas where the local head elections were implemented by early 2008. One thing that we can say cleare at the moment is the fact that the Islamist welfare justice party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, PKS) rose its influence rapidly. PKS got the support from the urban middle class at first, but Later on the party successfully widened its political power base even to the rural area. This success is partly caused by their emphasis on the clean and good governance based on the Islamic ethics and partly by the proper selection of local head and vice head candidates. PKS chose famous and popular persons as candidates.

  • インドネシア・イスラームの国内的および国際的ネットワークの研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    見市 建

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  • Changing Local Politics in the Democratized Indonesia

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :



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    This research project aimed to make clear the changing local politics in the democratized and decentralized Indonesia from 1998 on. The special emphasis was put on the collection and analysis of the data on the local parliamentarian that were elected in the 1999 and 2004 general elections.
    This project successfully collected the data of almost sixty percent of all the local parliamentarians all over Indonesia that were elected in 1999 and also gathered the data of local parliamentarians that were elected in 2004 from more than 100 local assemblies in Indonesia. This collection is worth mentioning because there has been no research in the world t could marvelously collect so many data on the local parliamentarians in the democratized Indonesia.
    The results of the analysis based on the data base on the local parliamentarians have been already published. Kosuke Mizuno published an article on the West Java province, Masaaki Okamoto on the Banten province, Jun Honna on three provinces of the Java island, and Ken Miichi on the South Kalimantan province. And also Takashi Shiraishi, Jun Honna and Masaaki Okamoto have already published articles on the electoral politics and decentralization while Ken Miichi wrote about the relationship between the local politics and the revival movement of Islam.
    The analysis based on the data base actually covered many aspects of local politics and decentralization in the democratized Indonesia. At least we can now tentatively summarize the analysis as follows : 1)The number of local parliamentarians from the business sector has increased rapidly. 2)The rich guys now can easily rise politically at the local level and have an easy access to the political and economic resources. Actually many of these politically rising guys already had access to the political and economic resources during the authoritarian Suharto period. 3)Apolitical party that highly espouses the realization of pure and clean politics based on the Islamic ethic is dominated by the younger and educated generation. 4)In the rural area where the Golkar party is dominant, the younger potential politicians tend to choose the political parties without seniority-system than the seniority-system oriented Golkar party.

  • インドネシアのムスリムにおける都市と農村のネットワークと「社会」観の形成

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 特別研究員奨励費

    Project Year :


    見市 建

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  • 第6回 政治YouTuberの台頭とインドネシアの民主主義


    IDE スクエア -- 世界を見る眼     1 - 7  2024.07


  • Studi Islam dan Politik di Indonesia pada Era Polarisasi

    Ken Miichi

    Alif.id    2020.11

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • 書評:市岡卓『シンガポールのムスリム—宗教の管理と社会的包摂・排除』(明石書店、2018)


    法制史研究   69  2020

    Book review, literature introduction, etc.  

  • インドネシア大統領選挙「二極化」の虚実

    見市 建

    外交 = Diplomacy   55   72 - 75  2019.05


  • TREND 2017 : The truth behind "conservative tilt" of Indonesian Islam : the case of Jakarta Governor's trial

    見市 建

    外交 = Diplomacy   44   82 - 85  2017.07


  • ユドヨノの保守的宗教政策とジョコウィ政権における変化 (特集 インドネシア : ユドヨノの10年とジョコウィの1年)

    見市 建

    アジ研ワールド・トレンド   21 ( 11 ) 25 - 27  2015.11


  • Democratization and the Changing Role of Civil Society in Indonesia

       2015.10  [Invited]

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

  • 書評 Mitsuo Nakamura, The Crescent Arises over the Banyan Tree : A Study of the Muhammadiyah Movement in a Central Javanese Town, C.1910S-2010, 2nd Enlarged Edition

    見市 建

    アジア経済 = Quarterly journal of Institute of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization   56 ( 2 ) 122 - 125  2015.06


  • Book Reviews : Akiko Morishita. Resources, Politics and Violence : Local Politics in Contemporary Indonesia

    見市 建

    アジア・アフリカ地域研究 = Asian and African area studies   ( 15 ) 129 - 132  2015

    DOI CiNii

  • The Great East Japan Earthquake and Folk Performance Arts in Coastal Iwate Prefecture

    見市 建, 編, 橋本 裕之, 阿部 未幸

    総合政策 = Journal of policy studies   15 ( 1 ) 91 - 109  2013.11

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  • 現代インドネシアにおけるイスラーム、メディアと政治 (特集 変わるインドネシア)

    見市 建

    ワセダアジアレビュー   ( 14 ) 60 - 65  2013


  • Radical Islaimsts in the Indonesian Social and Political Context

    見市 建

    海外事情   60 ( 4 ) 61 - 73  2012.04


  • 中間層の拡大とイスラームの「商品化」 (特集 注目のインドネシア)

    見市 建

    りそなーれ   9 ( 8 ) 9 - 11  2011.08


  • イスラーム主義政党は変質したのか?―インドネシアにおける福祉正義党の発展と適応

    見市 建, ミイチ ケン, MIICHI Kenichi

    Field+ : フィールドプラス : 世界を感応する雑誌 / 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 [編]   ( 4 ) 7 - 7  2010.07


  • グローバル化とムスリム社会の食文化 (特集 巨大な未開拓市場--イスラム市場の開拓)

    見市 建

    明日の食品産業   2010 ( 4 ) 12 - 18  2010.04


  • <Book Reviews>Yasuko Kobayashi. Islam in Indonesia: Localization and Revitalization of a Global Religion

    MIICHI Ken

    The southeast asian studies   47 ( 1 ) 111 - 112  2009.06

    DOI CiNii

  • 趣旨説明(パネル2「イスラームとマーケット」,第79回研究大会報告)

    見市 建

    東南アジア学会会報   0 ( 89 ) 25 - 25  2008.11


  • <Book Reviews> Kikkawa Takuro. Isur?mu Seiji to Kokumin Kokka: Ejiputo Yorudan ni okeru Musurimu D?h?dan no Senryaku (Islamic Politics and Nation State: The Strategies of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Jordan).

    見市 建

    Kyoto bulletin of Islamic area studies   2 ( 1 ) 288 - 291  2008.09

    DOI CiNii

  • Book reviews: R. Michael Feener, Muslim legal thought in modern Indonesia

    見市 建

    Monthly journal of Institute of Developing Economies   49 ( 9 ) 69 - 73  2008.09


  • 巻頭鼎談 グローバル化と宗教回帰の間で急速に変貌する--倉沢愛子×村井吉敬×見市建 (特集 変わりゆくインドネシア)

    倉沢 愛子, 村井 吉敬, 見市 建

    をちこち   ( 24 ) 10 - 21  2008.08


  • イスラーム化をどう考えるか (特集 インドネシアの民主化10年--その成果と課題)

    見市 建

    アジ研ワールド・トレンド   14 ( 7 ) 16 - 18  2008.07


  • Book reviews: Abu Baker Ba'asyir, Notes from prison: for the enforcement of Islamic law (in Indonesian)

    見市 建

    アジア経済   48 ( 6 ) 106 - 111  2007.06


  • イスラームの商品化とメディア (ジャカルタのいまを読む) -- (亀裂とコントラストの社会)

    見市 建

    アジア遊学   ( 90 ) 117 - 127  2006.08


  • 『インドネシア--イスラーム主義のゆくえ』に関する大形里美氏の書評に応えて

    見市 建

    アジア経済   47 ( 3 ) 111 - 115  2006.03


  • 海外の教育事情 インドネシアにおける教育の現状と課題--国民、宗教と国際交流

    見市 建

    留学交流   17 ( 9 ) 16 - 19  2005.09


  • インドネシア都市中間層にとってのイスラーム--バンドゥンにおける出版動向から

    見市 建

    創文   ( 470 ) 16 - 20  2004.11


  • インドネシアの大統領選挙とイスラーム主義

    見市 建

    月刊百科   ( 504 ) 16 - 19  2004.10


  • インドネシアにおけるイスラーム主義と国民統合の行方(第71回研究大会報告)

    見市 建

    東南アジア史学会会報   ( 81 ) 30 - 31  2004


  • インドネシアにおけるイスラーム主義とモダニティの交錯 (特集 グローバル化とアジア社会の変容--東南アジア地域研究の視点から)

    見市 建

    地域研究論集   5 ( 2 ) 61 - 78  2003.03


  • Islamic Publications in Moderan Southeast Asia(Part1:Aspects of Southeast Asia from the Viewpoint of the Jawi document)(<Special Issue>Study of Jawi Documents)

    MIICHI Ken

    The Journal of Sophia Asian studies   20 ( 20 ) 75 - 92  2002.12

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    This article evaluates the phenomenon of the extraordinary growth of Islamic publications in contemporary Southeast Asia. It briefly describes the historical development of Islamic publications in modern Southeast Asia and highlights the significance of the publication boom since the 1980s. The oldest Arabic manuscript in Southeast Asia was written in the beginning of 14th century, and the Kitabs (books written in Arabic or Jawi} inherited generation to generation. Most of these books were translations or annotations of classical texts. The Kitabs were copied by hand and the printing of the Kitabs only started at the end of 19th century. The Kitabs circulated to formal and informal Islamic educational institutions such as Quran-reading schools for children and Mosques where lessons for adults were periodically conducted. The Kitabs served as the intermediary between formal and informal education. With the spread of modern education and the development of national languages, Islamic books written in the Roman script gained a wider readership. The expanded Islamic book market contained many works by Islamists who came to prominence since the 1980s. Islamism seeks the reestablishment of the past Islamic civilization and emphasizes the totality of Islam. The Islamists expounded Islamic political theories and concepts and the idea of the Islamic state to religious activists in universities and advocated the adoption of the Islamic way of life in the modern world to the wider public.


  • Bibliography of Indonesian Catalogues on Jawi Documents(Part2:An Introduction to the Bibliography, Catalogues, and Material Concerning the Jawi)(<Special Issue>Study of Jawi Documents)


    The Journal of Sophia Asian studies   20 ( 20 ) 231 - 241  2002.12

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    The purpose of this article is to provide some useful and practical information on the Indonesian Jawi documents by introducing twenty-three catalogues which contain Jawi documents. Jawi documents in this article refer to documents written in the Arabic script in the various vernacular languages in Indonesia. To date, there is no one single catalogue containing all the Jcnvi documents. We have selected twelve catalogues here for discussion. These catalogues include not only those published in Indonesia but also elsewhere. We try to give an outline of these catalogues on the basis of the different vernacular language categories while also providing information on how Jawi documents have been incorporated into these. We also suggest ways on how to search for Jawi documents in these catalogues. Finally, in addition to the above twelve catalogues we also introduce the bibliography of eleven other related catalogues.


  • インドネシア--反米デモが起きた背景 (特集 イスラームを理解するために) -- (世界のイスラーム)

    見市 建

    外交フォーラム   15 ( 2 ) 62 - 66  2002.02


  • 『味の素事件』の背景


    世界    2001.03

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Internal Special Research Projects

  • 現代インドネシアにおける社会運動


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    本研究は現代インドネシアにおける社会運動の政治的影響力を明らかにすることを目的としている。とくにジェンダー関連法案におけるフェミニスト運動の役割に注目している。その事例として、インドネシアで2019年に実現した女性結婚最低年齢の引き上げにおける、フェミニスト運動の役割について研究した。成果はInternational Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS)で発表し、近日中に論文を国際誌に投稿予定である。

  • インドネシア首都圏中間層における宗教的保守化


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    近年インドネシアでは「イスラームの保守転回」(conservative turn)がいわれている。2016年末以降のジャカルタ州知事の「宗教冒涜」発言に対する抗議運動は、その最も顕著な現象であるとされる。本研究は抗議運動の中心となったジャカルタ首都圏の中間層における「保守化」の実態を明らかにした。具体的には、新興の宗教集団マジェリス・ラスルッラー(預言者の会)メンバーによる抗議運動参加の過程、州知事への抗議運動の大統領選挙への発展過程とその政治的インパクトを分析した。とくに前者の研究は、これまでのイスラーム主義とスーフィズムの二項対立を克服し、「保守化」のみならず、インドネシアのイスラーム運動の捉え方に一石を投ずる研究である。

  • インドネシアにおける地方政治の変容とその比較研究


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