Updated on 2024/10/24


KOYAMA, Shukuko
Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences
Job title
Associate Professor
PhD ( The University of Bradford )

Research Experience

  • 2022.09

    Waseda University   Faculty of Social Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2021.04

    Toyo University   Faculty of Regional Development Studies   Associate Professor

  • 2019.04

    Waseda University   Center for International Education   Associate Professor

  • 2019.09

    World Economic Forum   Global Future Council on Japan   Fellow

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Center for International Education   Assistant Professor

  • 2016

    The Cabinet Office, Japan   The Secretariat of the International Peace Cooperation Headquarters   Programme Adviser

  • 2011

    International Labour Organisation (ILO)   Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific   Crisis Specialist

  • 2007

    International Labour Organisation (ILO)   ILO Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction   Crisis Coordination and Knowledge Development Specialist

  • 2005

    United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC)   DDR/DDRRR Division   Civil Affairs Officer

  • 2002

    United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)   Weapons for Development Project   Project Officer

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Professional Memberships


    International Studies Association





Research Areas

  • International relations

Research Interests

  • paramilitaries

  • paramilitarism

  • Security Sector Reform

  • Peacebuilding

  • Georgia


  • 第9回Waseda e-Teaching Award(2020年度科目対象)

    2021.03   早稲田大学  

    Winner: 梅森直之早稲田大学政治経済学術院教授、小山淑子早稲田大学留学センター准教授

  • Akino Memorial Research Fellowship

    2004   United Nations University  

    Winner: KOYAMA Shukuko

  • Akino Yutaka Award

    2000   Akino Yutaka Eurasia Fund  

    Winner: KOYAMA Shukuko

Media Coverage

  • 感情を認めて共有する「対話」からソーシャルイノベーションを起こす

    Newspaper, magazine

    Author: Other  


    No.25, pp.24-27  




  • “The potential of transnational history education: Attempts at university teaching practice in East Asia”

    Shukuko Koyama

    Memory Studies   16 ( 6 ) 1663 - 1670  2023.12  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • “Demobilising paramilitaries in the pursuit of power consolidation: The Republic of Georgia, 1992 – 2003”

    Shukuko Koyama

       2023.09  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Security Sector Reform in Georgia, 1985 - 2008

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    University of Bradford    2018.12

  • “Backfiring liberalism: security sector reform in post-conflict societies”, a conference paper presented at International Conference on Liberal Peace: Value-based External Models and Local Alternatives, Paris: Sciences Po.

    KOYAMA Shukuko


  • “Weapons collection: lessons learned from the Weapons for Development Projects in Mali”, a paper presented at the e-conference entitled “Afghanistan: Assessing the Process of Security Sector Reform: One Year after the Geneva Conference”, Bonn: Bonn Intern

    KOYAMA Shukuko


  • Disarmament, Development and the Programme of Action: Experiences and Challenges on the Ground

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Disarmament Forum   4   75 - 82  2001

  • The Peacebuilding Process in Georgia: A Special Focus on Security Sector Reform

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Peace and Conflict in the Eurasia   1   39 - 56  2001


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Books and Other Publications

  • 国際関係論の新しい学び : 英語を用いた学習者主体の授業実践

    上杉, 勇司, 大森, 愛( Part: Contributor, キャンパス・アジアという国境を越えた学び)

    明石書店  2024.04 ISBN: 9784750357171

  • アポリアとしての和解と正義ー歴史・理論・構想

    梅森直之( Part: Contributor, 和解学の教育手法ーキャンパス・アジアENGAGEの教育実践からの考察)

    明石書店  2023.03

  • The sustainable development goals : diffusion and contestation in Asia and Europe

    Bacon, Paul (Lecturer in international relations), Chiba, Mina, Ponjaert, Frederik( Part: Contributor, Diffusion of labour rights: Georgia 2003-2019)

    Routledge  2023.01 ISBN: 9781032072180

  • Paramilitary groups and the state under globalization : political violence, elites, and security

    Hristov, Jasmin, Sprague, Jeb, Tauss, Aaron( Part: Contributor, Non-state armed actors and state-building: the symbiotic relationship between paramilitary forces and the state in post-Soviet Georgia (1991-2012))

    Routledge  2022.01 ISBN: 9780367233532

  • ハイブリッドな国家建設

    藤重博美, 上杉勇司, 古澤嘉郎( Part: Contributor, ジョージア(グルジア)―不均衡な改革履行の力学と課題)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2019

  • Nepal 2015 Earthquake: Rebuilding Sustainable Livelihoods

    KOYAMA Shukuko( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    ILO Country Office for Nepal  2015

  • “Just a matter of practicality: women’s usefulness in weapons collection programmes” in Vanessa Farr, Henri Myrttinen and Albrecht Schnabel (eds.), Sexed Pistols: The Gendered Impacts of Small Arms and Light Weapons, Tokyo: United Nations University Press

    KOYAMA Shukuko


  • Chapter 3: Georgia

    ( Part: Contributor)


  • “Unintended consequences of peace operations on Timor Leste from a gender perspective"

    KOYAMA Shukuko


  • Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Methodologies in Weapons Collection Programmes

    KOYAMA Shukuko( Part: Sole author)

    United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research  2005

  • Security Sector Reform in Georgia, London: Saferworld, London

    KOYAMA Shukuko


  • “The relevance of women’s role in microdisarmament: examples from UNIDIR’s Mali case study”, in Marine Vlachova and Lea Biason (eds.), Women in An Insecure World, Geneva: the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces

    KOYAMA Shukuko


  • Research on Employment and Labour Measures in the Post-Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Process

    KOYAMA Shukuko( Part: Supervisor (editorial))

    ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 

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  • 国境を越えた歴史教育実践の可能性と課題


    2023年度 ORIS 第9回国際シンポジウム『和解を求めて 分断化と戦争の時代における歴史/記憶の意味』 

    Presentation date: 2023.11

  • Demobilising paramilitaries in the pursuit of power consolidation: The Republic of Georgia, 1992 – 2003

    Annual Conference, Conflict Research Society 

    Presentation date: 2023.09

  • The potential of transnational history education: Attempts at university teaching practice in East Asia

    The 4th Annual IARS Conference, International Association for Reconciliation Studies 

    Presentation date: 2023.08

  • Global Human Resource Development for Conflict Resolution: The Potential and Challenges of Active Learning that Crosses National Boundaries

    Shukuko Koyama  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2022.11

  • “The role of higher education institutions in peacebuilding and reconciliation in East Asia: An example of Waseda University’s Campus Asia Program”


    Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum 2021: “Peacebuilding and Democratic Governance in an Era of Uncertainty” 

    Presentation date: 2021.11

  • 「ポストコロナの参加型授業―紛争解決ワークショップの改良と効用」

    上杉勇司, 小林綾子, 小山淑子


    Presentation date: 2021.10

  • 「ロールプレイ導入事例から学ぶ」



    Presentation date: 2021.09

  • "Campus Asia Program – Review and Look Forward”


    Yuanpei Forum 2021: East Asian Civilization and the Vision of Liberal Education, Peking University and Shaoxing City, China 

    Presentation date: 2021.07

  • “Peacebuilding through higher education: Reflecting on the CAMPUS Asia ENGAGE Program as a track-two imitative”


    7th Public Diplomacy Forum, Waseda Institute of Korean Studies 

    Presentation date: 2021.02

  • 「紛争後社会における規範伝播の政治性:コンゴ民主共和国における治安部門改革を実例として」

    国際安全保障学会 年次大会・分科会1 

    Presentation date: 2020.12

  • Introducing Performing Arts to Teaching Histories and Conflict Resolution in East Asia

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Asian Studies Conference in Japan 

    Presentation date: 2019.06

  • Applying Qualitative Research Methods in Peace and Security Studies: Its Comparative Advantages and Ethnographic Reflections

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Canadian Sociological Association 

    Presentation date: 2019.04

  • Security sector reform in Georgia: Political Dynamics and Challenges of the Unbalanced Implementation

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    The Japan Association of International Relations 

    Presentation date: 2018.11

  • Towards Establishing the Reconciliation Studies

    KOYAMA Shukuko  [Invited]

    Presentation date: 2017.12

  • Employment-led Recovery: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake

    KOYAMA Shukuko  [Invited]


    Presentation date: 2015.10

  • Livelihood and Employment Recovery: Lessons from Japan, New Zealand and the Philippines

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Public Seminar, World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 

    Presentation date: 2015.03

  • Working Out of Disasters: Job-led Recovery After Natural Disasters

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Working Out of Disasters: Job-led Recovery After Natural Disasters, Tokyo: ILO 

    Presentation date: 2014.02

  • Employment-led Recovery from Mega-Disasters: Global Policy Framework and Lessons from Japan

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Expert Group Meeting and the International Symposium on Employment-led Post-disaster Recovery : Morioka 

    Presentation date: 2013.03

  • Lessons from Tohoku and other Mega Disasters for the Post-2015 Global Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

    KOYAMA Shukuko  [Invited]

    4th Expert Group Meeting on the Great East Japan Earthquake: Lessons from Tohoku and other Mega Disasters for the Post-2015 Global Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, International Recovery Platform: Kobe, Japan 

    Presentation date: 2013.01

  • Decent Work and Natural Disasters

    KOYAMA Shukuko  [Invited]

    The 10th ASEAN and Japan High Level Officials Meeting on Caring Societies, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: Tokyo 

    Presentation date: 2012.10

  • Backfiring Liberalism: Security Sector Reform in Post-conflict Societies

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    International Conference on Liberal Peace: Value-based External Models and Local Alternatives, Sciences Po.: Paris 

    Presentation date: 2008.06

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Research Projects

  • 紛争後社会における規範伝播の政治性に関する実証研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 若手研究

    Project Year :


    小山 淑子

  • 移行期正義論・紛争解決学を応用した東アジア歴史認識問題解決の思想基盤構築

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)

    Project Year :


    梅森 直之, 小林 聡明, 岩崎 稔, 上杉 勇司, 松谷 基和, 野尻 英一, 齋藤 純一, 最上 敏樹, 土佐 弘之, 澤井 啓一, 小山 淑子, 田中 孝彦

     View Summary

    本思想・理論班では、ⅰ)欧米発の紛争解決学や平和学の成果に学びつつ、儒教や仏教などのアジア的な宗教的 理念と紛争・和解との関連を思想的に探求し、あわせて東アジア型近世秩序から近代的な国際法体系への移行の 意味を理論的に検討することで、東アジア型「和解学」の思想的・理論的基礎を確立する、ⅱ)現在世界的に和 解推進の基準となっている移行期正義概念を批判的に検討し、移行期正義の東アジアにおける適用可能性をネー ションの形成と展開の歴史とともに探究することで、移行期正義の東アジア・モデルを創造する、ⅲ)実証的な 歴史学の方法論では対処しきれない記憶の噴出という現在の東アジアの歴史認識問題を理論的に検証し、記憶と 感情の多層的次元を解明する新しい歴史の基礎理論を構築する、ことを目的に、政治思想、国際政治史、紛争解決学、記憶研究の四分野から、重層的に共同研究を推進した。

  • State-building and Security Sector Reform after Conflicts: Examining the Applicability and Efficacy of Liberal-led Approach

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Fujishige Hiromi, Aoki Kenta, Cross Kyoko, Nakauchi Masataka, Koyama Shukuko, Hasegawa Susumu, Uchida Shu, Tanabe Juichiro

     View Summary

    We originally intend to examine the adequacy and efficacy of "Liberal-oriented state-building, but decided to change its focus to "Hybrid state-building" to examine the reality of combining liberal-internationalism and local ownership in state building. In order to scrutinize this topic, we added seven members to the original three. We had the meetings for discussion twice in the first year and also once in the second year. In the third year, we published a co-authored book based on our joint research. In the book, we had three theoretical chapters to examining the validity of "hybrid state-building," followed by six cases, namely, Timor Leste, Sierra Leone, Bosnia, Georgia, Afghanistan and Iraq. In the end, we concluded that the term "hybrid" is the useful concept to understand the reality of state-building but needs further clarification as an analytical tool. In addition to the book, published several academic papers and also made several presentations at academic conferences.

  • Employment-focused Disaster Risk Management and Reconstruction in Asia and the Pacific: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Disasters in India, Japan, Nepal, and the Philippines

    The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 

    Project Year :


    KOYAMA Shukuko

  • Research on Employment and Labour Measures in the Post-Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Process

    The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 

    Project Year :


    KOYAMA Shukuko


  • 平和構築プロセスとしてのキャンパス・アジアプログラムー方法論からの観察

    ワセダアジアレビュー   21   112 - 113  2019.03

  • Importance of SALW Collection in Peacebuilding

    KOYAMA Shukuko


    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)  

  • Nurturing Life After Japan’s Tsunami

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    ILO Blog: Work in Progress    2013.09


  • Post-disaster Recovery: Lessons from Japan

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Yomiuri Shimbun    2013.03


  • Self-reliant Recovery through Decent Work

    KOYAMA Shukuko

      3   55 - 65  2012


  • Nepal: Gaps in the Peacebuilding Process

    KOYAMA Shukuko

    Eurasia Watch   ( 187 )  2010


  • Introduction on Georgia: Its Geography, Languages, History and Politics

    KOYAMA Shukuko

      29   66 - 68  2005

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)  

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Teaching Experience

  • Decent Work 2

    School of Social Sciences, Waseda University  


  • Decent Work 1

    School of Social Sciences, Waseda University  


  • Critical Development Studies

    School of Social Sciences, Waseda University  


  • Development Studies

    School of Social Sciences, Waseda University  


  • Social Innovation in Global Asia

    School of Social Sciences, Waseda University  


  • Synthesis of Conflict Resolution and Social Innovation

    School of Social Sciences, Waseda University  


  • Human Security

    Waseda University  

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  • Faculty of Social Sciences   Graduate School of Social Sciences

Research Institute

  • 2024

    Institute of Asian Studies   Director of Research Institute

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 平和構築における国際規範間の関係変容メカニズムの解明


     View Summary

    本研究は、紛争後社会における平和構築の取組を国際規範の伝播の試みとして捉え、コンストラクティビズムの視座から、「国際機関による平和構築支援は、何故、成功もしくは失敗するのか」という問いを検証する。具体的には、紛争後社会における平和構築の取組を国際規範の伝播の試みとして捉え、コンストラクティビズムの視座からこの問いを検討する。本研究は、国際社会における「平和と安全」領域の国際規範のうち、特に「治安部門改革(SSR)」と「元兵士の武装解除・動員解除・社会復帰(DDR)」に着目する。その上で、それら国際規範の相互作用、同一問題領域の競合する異なる国際規範、それらの上位に位置する原則的規範との間の相互作用を検証し、国際規範の間の関係性の変容メカニズムの解明を目指す。本研究は、3段階に分け以下の通り実施される。第一段階(2022年度):国際規範の生成・変容過程の検証を行う。第二段階(2023年度):SSRとDDRの関係性の変容過程を批判的に検討した共同ペーパーの国際学術誌発表を目指す。第三段階(2024年度):研究成果の英文書籍での発表を目指す。国内外研究者との共同プロジェクト・チームを組織し、本国際共同研究の更なる強化のため科研費国際共同研究加速基金・国際共同研究強化(B)などの競争的研究資金の獲得を目指す。第二段階にあたる2023年度は、SSR・DDRに関する国際共同研究の準備として、共同研究者・研究協力者とのネットワーク構築・強化を行った。DDRに関する研究成果発表を研究成果の一部は、The Conflict Research Society (CRS) 年次大会(ロンドン、2023年9月11~13日)にて発表を行った。現在、発表に際して得られたフィードバックを反映し、分析の精緻化を行っている。並行して、SSRに関する研究成果の一部を英文書籍として発表する準備を進めている。また本研究成果の一部を収めた単著論文が、英文編著書籍(の一章として近日中にPeter Langより出版予定である。

  • 平和構築における国際規範間の関係変容メカニズムの解明

    2022   Uğur Ümit Üngör, Iva Vukušić, Glaucia Boyer

     View Summary

    初年度にあたる2022年度は、「国際規範の生成・変容過程の検証」に注力した。具体的には、関連する先行研究の精査に加え、規範の伝播を専門とする研究者たちとの共同プロジェクトの参画した。このプロジェクトにおいては、国際規範の生成・変容過程の理論的検証を、他の国際規範(SDGsおよびそれらに包摂されるに至った労働権)の伝播過程に応用し、分析を行った。この作業を通じ、規範の伝播に関する理論的理解と分析枠組みの精緻化が進んだ。これら研究作業と並行し、2023年度に実施するSSR・DDRに関する共同研究を円滑に進めるため、オンライン・対面会議を通じ、共同研究者・研究協力者とのネットワーク構築・強化を行った。研究成果の一部は、The Conflict Research Society (CRS) 年次大会(ロンドン、2023年9月11~13日)にて発表予定。