Updated on 2025/03/13


YAMAUCHI, Masakazu
Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, School of Education
Job title
修士(理学) ( 東京大学 )
博士(学術) ( 東京大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2022.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences

  • 2010.04

    National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

  • 2007.10

    National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

  • 2003.08

    National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

Education Background

  • 1999.04


  • 1997.04


Committee Memberships

  • 2022.06

    日本人口学会  広報委員会

  • 2017.02

    日本地理学会  編集専門委員会委員

  • 2020.06

    日本人口学会  学会賞選考委員会

  • 2016.04

    日本地理学会  集会専門委員会委員

  • 2013.05

    漁業経済学会  常任理事

  • 2012.04

    日本地理学会  財務委員会委員

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Professional Memberships















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Research Areas

  • Human geography / Geography

Research Interests

  • Family and household study

  • Social research methods

  • Fishery social science

  • Demography/Population study

  • Geography


  • 日本人口学会学会賞

    2022.06   日本人口学会   ⻄岡八郎・江崎雄治・小池司朗・山内昌和(編)『地域社会の将来人口: 地域人口推計の基礎から応用まで』東京大学出版会.

    Winner: 西岡八郎, 江崎雄治, 小池司朗, 山内昌和

  • 漁業経済学会奨励賞

    2012.05   漁業経済学会  



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Books and Other Publications

  • 人口減少社会の家族と世代

    福田 亘孝( Part: Contributor, 追加出生のメカニズムと規定要因(pp.23-45), 東京大都市圏における低い結婚出生力とそのメカニズム(pp.73-92))

    東京大学出版会  2025.02 ISBN: 4130561286


  • Japanese Population Geographies II: Minority populations and future prospects

    Yoshitaka Ishikawa ed( Part: Contributor, Examining Geographic Distribution of LGBTs in Osaka City, Japan)

    Springer  2023.06 ISBN: 9789819920754


  • Community-Based Integrated Care and the Inclusive Society

    Miyazawa, H, Hatakeyama, T. eds( Part: Contributor, Temporal Changes and Regional Differences in Demographic Structure and Health in Japan)

    Springer  2021.03 ISBN: 9789813344723  [Refereed]


  • Future population on regional society

    ( Part: Joint editor)

    2020.02 ISBN: 9784130502009

  • 家族・世帯/出生

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    石川義孝編『地図でみる日本の外国人 改訂版』  2019.01 ISBN: 9784779513497

  • 人口の集中度の測定/地域将来人口推計の出生仮定/地域将来人口推計の国際比較

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    日本人口学会編『人口学事典』丸善出版  2018.11

  • 小呂島ー玄界灘に浮かぶ活気あふれた島

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    平岡昭利・須山聡・宮内久光編『図説 日本の島 76の魅力ある島々の営み』朝倉書店  2018.10 ISBN: 9784254163551

  • 中高年期の高齢期の親に対する支援・援助の規定要因

    西岡八郎, 山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    津谷典子・阿藤誠・西岡八郎・福田亘孝『少子高齢時代の女性と家族-パネルデータから分かる日本のジェンダーと親子関係の変容』慶應義塾大学出版会  2018.03 ISBN: 9784766424980

  • 漁業集落別にみた漁業の現状

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    農林水産省への 農林水産省編『わが国水産業の環境変化と漁業構造:2013年漁業センサス構造分析書』農林統計協会  2017.06 ISBN: 9784541041425

  • 人口の変化/世帯の家族類型

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    宮澤仁編『地図でみる日本の健康・医療・福祉』明石書店  2017.03 ISBN: 9784750344997

  • How accurate are Japan’s official subnational population projections? Comparative analysis of projections in Japan, English-speaking countries and the EU

    Yamauchi, M, Koike, S, Kamata, K( Part: Contributor)

    The frontiers of applied demography, ed. Swanson,D., Springer  2016.11 ISBN: 9783319433271

  • The fertility contribution of foreign women to Japan

    Yamauchi, M( Part: Contributor)

    International Migrants in Japan: Contributions in an Era of Population Decline, ed. Y. Ishikawa, Trans Pacific Press  2015.04 ISBN: 9781920901912

  • 就業者の推移からみた自営漁業の生産力の将来見通しと政策課題

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    山下東子編『漁業者高齢化と十年後の漁村』北斗書房  2015.03 ISBN: 9784892900297

  • 若い担い手の多い小呂島での調査

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    林紀代美編『漁業、魚、海をとおして見つめる地域:地理学からのアプローチ』冬弓社  2013.03 ISBN: 9784925220323

  • 家族・世帯/出生

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    石川義孝編『地図で見る日本の外国人』ナカニシヤ出版  2011.04 ISBN: 9784779505478

  • 出生

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    石川義孝・井上孝・田原裕子『地域と人口からみる日本の姿』古今書院  2011.03 ISBN: 9784772252539

  • 漁業・水産業の動向

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    経済地理学会編『経済地理学の成果と展望 第Ⅶ集』日本経済評論社  2010.04 ISBN: 9784818820968

  • 中国・四国地方における1990~2000年の人口変化と自然・社会条件との関係-メッシュデータを用いた標高・都市圏規模・公共施設の有無に基づく分析-

    山内昌和, 江崎雄治, 小口高( Part: Contributor)

    小口高・村山祐司編『シンフォニカ研究叢書 人口・居住と自然-GISによる分析-』(財)統計情報研究開発センター  2009.04

  • 沿岸域の環境再生に向けた市民の役割-神奈川県川崎市を事例として-

    除本理史, 山内昌和, 香川雄一( Part: Contributor)

    磯野弥生・除本理史『地域と環境政策-環境再生と「持続可能な社会」をめざして-』勁草書房  2006.11 ISBN: 9784326601981

  • 壱岐・長島の漁業の持続性と漁業者の集団的機能

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    平岡昭利編著『離島研究Ⅱ』海青社  2005.09 ISBN: 9784860992125

  • 1980年代以降の経済地理学的な漁業研究の成果と今後の課題

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    漁業経済学会編『漁業経済研究の成果と展望』成山堂書店  2005.05 ISBN: 9784425882212

  • 小呂島の人口維持と漁業の持続性

    山内昌和( Part: Contributor)

    平岡昭利編著『離島研究Ⅰ』海青社  2003.06 ISBN: 9784860992019

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Research Projects

  • Constructing a Demography of Sexual Orientation and Gender and Identity: Nationwide Random Sampling Survey

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Reconstruction of Japan's population geography in the era of depopulation and post-corona

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • Local Contexts, Lifecourse Trajectories, and Migration of Middle-Aged and Older Adults

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


  • 人口減少時代における地方圏の人口分布変動に関する地理学的研究

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)

    Project Year :


    山内 昌和

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  • Construction of fundamental data for the elucidation of multilevel geographical phenomena

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    Hanibuchi Tomoya

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    People's attitudes and behaviors are shaped by the region in which they live. In order to quantitatively understand the relationship between individuals and regions, this study constructed a multilevel geographical data that combines both types of information, conducted statistical analysis, and made the data publicly available. The study collected data on 30,000 residents of major cities in Japan, and based on detailed address information, clarified various regional differences in people's attitudes and behaviors, as well as the factors that have contributed to such regional differences. In addition, as related basic research, the impact of declining response rates in social surveys on regional analysis and the usefulness of new survey methods using the Internet environment were clarified.

  • A Comparative Study on Generations and Gender in Ageing Society

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    Fukuda Nobutaka

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    This research attempts to examine Japanese partnership, marriage, fertility, and inter-generational relations from an international comparative perspective. More specifically, we firstly conducted the Japanese Generations and Gender Panel Survey (GGS) and collected micro-data concerning Japanese family relations and formation. In the second place, we collected macro-data on labour policy, welfare policy, family policy, wages, education, and employment in Japan. We analyzed partnership formation, childbearing, child-rearing and inter-generational support in Japan by combining the micro-and macro-data we collected. Furthermore, thanks to a comparative analysis between Japan and other developed countries, we draw policy implications for the sustainable development of Japanese society undergoing lowest-low fertility with an ageing and shrinking population.

  • Demography of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Building a Foundation for Research in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    Kamano Saori

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    Despite the need for reliable information on sexual orientation and gender identity, there is a lack of knowledge based on quantitative data in Japan. This research developed questions to capture sexual orientation and gender identity (cisgender or transgender) through focus groups and other methods. Using a questionnaire that includes SOGI questions and questions on employment status, economic status, mental and physical health, suicidal ideation, attitudes toward gender, family, and SOGI-related policies, and experience of being bullied, a mail survey was administered to 15,000 randomly selected residents of Osaka City in 2019. 4,285 responses were collected, and results of analysis by SOGI comparison of educational attainment, income, and physical and mental health were presented in academic conferences and papers. The research indicated the significance of including SOGI in random sampling surveys.

  • Geographical studies on regional fertility differentials and migration in Japan

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Yamauchi Masakazu

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    With many of subnational areas undergoing accelerated depopulation and population aging, there have been growing concerns about the future sustainability of population reproduction at the regional level in Japan. This study investigated the spatial aspects of low fertility rates in Japan. The main results are summarized as follows:(1) we confirm that the fertility rate of foreigners has suppressed the TFR in most prefectures despite the recent growth in the foreign population; (2) we suggest that the lower fertility rate of the Tokyo Metropolitan Areas cannot be largely attributed to in-migrants from other part areas of the country; (3)we found that Okinawa Prefecture’s experience with regard to fertility does not offer an appropriate pro-fertility policy model for the mainland Japan.
    In order to facilitate solid understanding of these issues in an era of low fertility, we have published a book on the methodology of subnational population projections for practitioners and researchers.

  • Study for Construction of Community-based Care System by "Geography of Social Security"

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

    Project Year :


    MIYAZAWA Hitoshi, HIRAI Makoto, THANG Leng Leng, NISHI Ritsuko, MIURA Naoko

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    In this study, to establish geographical studies of social security, Japanese geographers who typically work individually cooperated to conduct an empirical study on the construction of community-based care systems, which is a major focus of social security policy in Japan. First, using techniques of geo-visualization in GIS, we systematically elucidated the large regional disparities in welfare, medical services, and social resources in Japan. Second, we clarified the characteristics, construction processes and problems of community-based care systems of various municipalities with different regional characteristics as well as care targets from the viewpoint of local governance. The results yielded by this collaborative approach exceed in scope and complexity those that can be achieved by conventional research by individuals working on their own.

  • Multi-angle Study of Changes in Japanese Families: An Attempt at Integrative Data Analysis

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    Kamano Saori, CHITOSE Yoshimi, KOYAMA Yasuyo, YAMAUCHI Masakazu, FUSE Kana, NOGUCHI Haruko, YAMATO Reiko

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    We compiled a database of survey questions used in quantitative family research in Japan. The database is organized by topics and includes a list of questions and response categories and details of the data collection method. From the database, we identified themes that can be analyzed using “integrative data analysis.” Such themes include the division of and time spent on housework and childcare; communication, companionship and decision-making between partners; relationship satisfaction; and ideas regarding families. In addition, we undertook an Internet survey (n=1271) in order to compare the response patterns when different response categories are used on the same question and when different questions are asked on the same phenomenon. We also conducted face-to-face interviews with 6 married couples on the survey questions in order to understand these response patterns.

  • Study on woman's labor in fishery under globalization

    Project Year :


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    In Japan, Almost of female fisher have been engaged in the self-management fishery Although woman succession of fishery management like France was not seen, in heavy reduction of fishers in recent years, female employed fisher and female started fishery as spontaneous job selection raised existence . Change of the deregulation measure of fishery entry, or a resource control policy which can change the state of a fishing a lot is not supported from the small-scale fishery managements in which women exist also in EU. It is required to advance fishery female research in the world from the viewpoint of the industrial research built this time

  • Study on woman's labor in fishery under globalization

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

    Project Year :


    MIKI Atsuko, MIWA Chitoshi, SOEJIMA Kumi, OTANI Makoto, KASE Kazutoshi, YAMAUCHI Masakazu

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    In Japan, Almost of female fisher have been engaged in the self-management fishery Although woman succession of fishery management like France was not seen, in heavy reduction of fishers in recent years, female employed fisher and female started fishery as spontaneous job selection raised existence . Change of the deregulation measure of fishery entry, or a resource control policy which can change the state of a fishing a lot is not supported from the small-scale fishery managements in which women exist also in EU. It is required to advance fishery female research in the world from the viewpoint of the industrial research built this time.


    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

    Project Year :


    ESAKI Yuji, NISHIOKA Hachiro, KOIKE Shiro, YAMAUCHI Masakazu, SUGA Keita

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    This study focuses on the methodology of local population projections. The main results are as follows. (1) The cohort component method was widely used for local population projections in national and international governments. (2) The cohort component method was applied to provide more accurate forecast than net migration models. (3) The questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain assumptions that fertility rates will change. (4) The fertility and mortality of foreign people had little influence on local population projections in Japan. (5) The household projections by municipality were examined and its practical problems were discussed.

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Social Activities

  • RESAS等を活用したテーマ別研修

    内閣官房まち・ひと・しごと創生本部事務局/内閣府地方創生推進事務局  【人口減少対策】 人口減少時代の人口分析の考え方  (RESAS、V-RESASの解説動画) 


  • 過疎問題懇談会委員



  • 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所研究プロジェクト委員



  • 「田園回帰」に関する調査研究会委員



  • 総務省統計研修所講師(専科「人口推計」のうち「推計のための人口基礎理論」)

    総務省統計研修所  (総務省統計研修所) 


  • 2013年漁業センサス分析業務検討委員



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  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   Graduate School of Education

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 人口減少時代における持続的な地方の構築に関する人口地理学的研究


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  • 自然・社会増減別にみた人口変化要因の時空間パターンの変容に関する地理学的研究


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