Updated on 2025/02/05


YAMAGUCHI, Katsunori
Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering
Job title
博士(工学) ( 東北大学 )

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   School of Creative Science and Engineering

  • 2009.04

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Industrial Science

  • 2007.04

    Iwate University   Faculty of Engineering

  • 2005.04

    The University of Tokyo   Institute of Industrial Science

  • 2000.07

    Iwate University   Faculty of Engineering

  • 2005

    - Researcher

  • 1990.04

    Iwate University   Faculty of Engineering

  • 1989.04

    Tohoku University

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Education Background

  • 1986.04

    東北大学大学院   工学研究科   金属工学専攻博士前期2年の課程  

  • 1982.04

    Iwate University   Faculty of Engineering  


  • 技術賞

    2017.12   環境資源工学会   手解体等の省力化を目指した使用済みモーターからのレアアースの回収

    Winner: 山口 勉功

  • 第1回 研究部門 優秀者賞

    2015.04   岩手大学  

    Winner: 山口 勉功

  • 論文賞

    2014.03   資源・素材学会   1573KにおけるFeOx-SiO2系スラグの白金の溶解度

    Winner: 馬場啓充, 山口勉功

  • ゴールド賞

    2013.03   TANAKAホールディングス(株)   ルテニウム含有銅合金におけるイリジウムの偏析挙動

    Winner: 山口 勉功

  • 資源・素材学会奨励賞

    2002.03   資源・素材学会   新素材とリサイクルのプロセッシングに関する熱力学に基づいた平衡論的研究

  • 資源・素材学会論文賞

    1999.03   資源・素材学会   Fe-Cu-C系2液相分離による低品位スクラップからの銅の濃縮

    Winner: 山口勉功, 武田要一

  • 原田研究奨励賞

    1996.11   財団法人金属研究助成会   Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半導体材料の化学熱力学的研究

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  • Dynamics of reactions inhibiting epitaxial growth of Si(100) surfaces via interaction with hydrogen chloride

    Kunioshi Nilson, Fujimura Yoshiki, Fuwa Akio, Yamaguchi Katsunori

    COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE   155   28 - 35  2018.12  [Refereed]



  • Novel pathways for elimination of chlorine atoms from growing Si(100) surfaces in CVD reactors

    Nílson Kunioshi, Sho Hagino, Akio Fuwa, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    Applied Surface Science   441   773 - 779  2018.05  [Refereed]

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    Reactions leading to elimination of chlorine atoms from growing Si(100) surfaces were simulated using clusters of silicon atoms of different sizes and shapes, and at the UB3LYP/6–31 g(d,p) level of theory. The reactions of type SiCl2(s) + 2 H2(g), where (s) indicates an adsorbed species at the surface and (g) a gas-phase species, were found to proceed in two steps: SiCl2(s) + H2(g) → SiHCl(s) + HCl(g) and SiHCl(s) + H2(g) → SiH2(s) + HCl(g), each having activation energies around 55 kcal/mol, a value which is comparable to experimental values published in the literature. In addition, the results suggested that H-passivation of Si(100) surfaces support reactions leading to canonical epitaxial growth, providing a plausible explanation for the convenience of passivating the surfaces prior to silicon deposition. The reactions analyzed here can therefore be seen as important steps in the mechanism of epitaxial growth of Si(100) surfaces.



  • Distribution Ratios of Copper between Fe-C alloy and Bi-Cu alloy

    関本 英弘, 恵茂田 大樹, 山口 勉功

    銅と銅合金 : 銅及び銅合金技術研究会誌 = Copper and copper alloy : journal of Japan Research Institute for Advanced Copper-Base Materials and Technologies   55 ( 1 ) 262 - 267  2016  [Refereed]


  • Effects of Slag Composition and Oxygen Potential on Distribution Ratios of Platinum Group Metals between Al2O3-CaO-SiO2-Cu2O Slag System and Molten Copper at 1723 K

    Waki Nishijima, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   78 ( 7 ) 267 - 273  2014.07  [Refereed]

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    The demand of platinum group metals (PGM) such as platinum, rhodium and palladium is recently increasing for a catalyst for decomposition of toxic gases in automobiles. The worldwide scarcity and high price of PGM accelerate the PGM recycling. The liquid copper has been used as a collector metal in one of the major methods for the recovery of PGMs from scraps of the automobile catalyst. With the aim of the minimization of the loss of PGM into slag phase, the distribution ratios of platinum, rhodium and palladium between the molten copper and the Al2O3-CaO-SiO2-Cu2O slag under MgO saturation with Q=0.36 and 0.52 (Q=(mass%CaO + mass%MgO) / (mass%CaO + mass%MgO + mass%SiO2)) were investigated at 1723 K in the range of the oxygen partial pressure 10(-8) to 10(-3) kPa. The copper solubility in the slag increases with increasing the oxygen potential, and liquid Cu2O separated from the Al2O3-CaO-SiO2-Cu2O slag with the oxygen partial pressure of 10(-3) kPa. When the distribution ratio of PGMs between the slag and liquid copper was defined as L-PGM(s/Cu) = (mass%PGM in slag) /[mass%PGM in Cu], L-PGM(s/Cu) for platinum, rhodium and palladium were almost constant with increasing the oxygen potential up to 10(-6)-10(-5) kPa and increased in the range of higher oxygen partial pressure. Based on these distribution ratios, activity coefficients of Pt and Pd oxides in the slag were thermodynamically calculated. The activity coefficients increase with increasing the oxygen potential.

    DOI CiNii


  • Development of a New Recycling Process for Neodymium Permanent Magnet Using B2O3 Flux

    SEKIMOTO Hidehiro, KUBO Takahiro, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori

    Journal of MMIJ   130 ( 10 ) 494 - 500  2014  [Refereed]

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    In order to develop a new recycling process for neodymium permanent magnet generated in town, equilibrium relations between B2O3 slag, RExOy-B2O3 slag (RE = rare earths), and molten Fe-C alloy were experimentally investigated. When neodymium magnet was melted together with B2O3 and Fe-C alloy in graphite crucible, the sample was separated to 3 liquid phases of B2O3 slag, RExOy-B2O3 slag and molten Fe-C alloy. The concentration of RE in RExOy-B2O3 slag was increased with the decrease of the melting temperature, while that in B2O3 slag was increased with the decrease of the melting temperature. Cr, P, Ni, Co, and Cu were enriched in molten Fe-C alloy. Si and Al were enriched in B2O3 slag and RExOy-B2O3 slag. Utilizing such phenomena, a novel recycling process consisting of melting treatment with B2O3 and hydrometallurgical treatment using oxalic acid was proposed. The recovery rate of RE with the proposed process was over 99 %.

    DOI CiNii

  • Thermodynamic Assessment of MnO and FeO Activities in FeO-MnO-MgO-P2O5-SiO2(-CaO) Molten Slag (vol 53, pg 1325, 2013)

    Sun-Joong Kim, Jun Takekawa, Hiroyuki Shibata, Shin-ya Kitamura, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Youn-Bae Kang

    ISIJ INTERNATIONAL   54 ( 6 ) 1456 - 1456  2014  [Refereed]



  • The Solubility of Platinum in the FeO_x-SiO_2 Slag at 1573K

    BABA Keiju, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori

    Journal of MMIJ   129 ( 5 ) 208 - 212  2013.05  [Refereed]

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    There is an increasing trend in the copper smelters to recycle electronic materials, which contain relatively high concentration of platinum group metals. Platinum group metals lost in the slag is increasing with increasing of treated scrap amount. To determine the portion of the platinum group metals chemically dissolved in the slag will be a key factor to improve the recovery of those metals. An experimental study was carried out to determine the solubility of platinum in FeOx-SiO2 slag equilibrated with a pure platinum and the liquid Pt-Cu alloy at 1573 K and the range of oxygen partial pressure from 10-9 to 10-6. The solubility of platinum in the slag tends to increase with increasing oxygen partial pressure and content of copper in the slag. Based on the measured platinum solubility, activity coefficients of platinum oxide in the FeOx-SiO2 slag were derived. The activity coefficients decrease by increasing copper contents in slag. Therefore, lower copper content in the slag tend to lower precious metals dissolution in the slag.

    DOI CiNii

  • Thermodynamic Assessment of MnO and FeO Activities in FeO-MnO-MgO-P2O5-SiO2(CaO) Molten Slag

    Sun-Joong Kim, Jun Takekawa, Hiroyuki Shibata, Shin-ya Kitamura, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Youn-Bae Kang

    ISIJ INTERNATIONAL   53 ( 8 ) 1325 - 1333  2013  [Refereed]

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    The activity coefficients of MnO and FeO in an FeO-MnO-MgO-P2O5-SiO2(-CaO) slag system were measured on the basis of the equilibrium between Ag and molten slag at 1 673 K under a controlled atmosphere. On the basis of experimental results, the activity coefficients of MnO and FeO in this multicomponent slag were evaluated using a regular solution (RS) model, FactSage, and an empirical formula. In the case of the RS model, the interaction energies and conversion factors to fit the calculated values to experimental results were reassessed. By the used of the empirical formula, FactSage and the regular solution model of present work, the activity coefficient ratio of MnS and FeS in a Fe-Mn-O-S matte that was equilibrated with a FeO-MnO-MgO-P2O5-SiO2 slag system was evaluated. When the RS model was used to calculate the gamma(MnO)/gamma(FeO) ratio, the gamma(MnS)/gamma(FeS) ratio decreased slightly with an increase in the X-MnS/X-FeS ratio. In contrast, when the empirical formula and FactSage were used, the gamma(MnS)/gamma(FeS) ratio was almost constant when the X-MnS/X-FeS ratio was increased.



  • Influence of Slag Basicity and Temperature on Fe and Mn Distribution between Liquid Fe-Mn-Ca-O-S Matte and Molten Slag

    Sun-Joong Kim, Jun Takekawa, Hiroyuki Shibata, Shin-ya Kitamura, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    ISIJ INTERNATIONAL   53 ( 10 ) 1715 - 1724  2013  [Refereed]

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    We have proposed a novel process for recycling Mn wasted in steelmaking slag via sulfurization to separate P from Mn. For clarifying the efficient recovery of Mn from steelmaking slag, the influences of slag basicity and temperature on the distributions of Mn and Fe between the Fe-Mn-Ca-O-S matte and FeO-MnO-MgO-P2O5-SiO2-CaO slag were investigated. The distributions of Fe and Mn between the matte and the slag increased with an increase in the slag basicity. Moreover, when log P-S2 (P-S2: partial pressure of S) was more than -2, the Mn distribution increased to be more than 10 as the slag basicity increased beyond 1.7. Even though the effects of slag basicity and P-S2 on the Mn content in the matte were small, the behavior of Mn in the matte was dependent on temperature. In order to understand the behavior of Mn and Fe in steelmaking slag and matte, the relationship between the activity coefficient ratio of MnS and FeS (gamma(MnS)/gamma(FeS)) and the mole fraction ratio of MnS and FeS for the matte was investigated. To evaluate gamma(MnS)/gamma(FeS) for the matte, the activity coefficient ratio of MnO and FeO (gamma(MnO)/gamma(FeO)) was estimated using an empirical formula and the RS model, and the mole fractions of MnS and FeS in the matte were calculated on the basis of mass balance. The results revealed that the values of gamma(MnS)/gamma(FeS) for the Fe-Mn-S-O matte were about twice those for the Fe-Mn-Ca-S-O matte. Moreover, gamma(MnS)/gamma(FeS) for the Fe-Mn-Ca-S-O matte decreased with an increase in temperature.



  • Influence of Partial Pressure of Sulfur and Oxygen on Distribution of Fe and Mn between Liquid Fe-Mn Oxysulfide and Molten Slag

    Sun-Joong Kim, Hiroyuki Shibata, Jun Takekawa, Shin-Ya Kitamura, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Youn-Bae Kang


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    The authors proposed an innovative process for recovering Mn from steelmaking slag. The process starts with the sulfurization of steelmaking slag to separate P from Mn by the formation of a liquid sulfide phase (matte). Then, the obtained matte is weakly oxidized to make a Mn-rich oxide phase without P. High-purity Fe-Mn alloys can therefore be produced by the reduction of the Mn-rich oxide phase. However, to the authors' knowledge, the sulfurization of molten slag containing P and Mn has not been sufficiently investigated. It was recently found that P was not distributed to the matte in equilibrium with the molten slag. To gain knowledge of the process's development, it is important to investigate the influence of the partial pressures of sulfur and oxygen on the equilibrium distribution of Mn and Fe between the matte and the molten slag. In the current work, a mineralogical microstructure analysis of the matte revealed that the existence of the oxysulfide and metal phases was dependent on the partial pressure of sulfur and oxygen. The Mn content of the matte increased with partial pressure of sulfur while the O content of the matte decreased. In contrast, the ratio of Mn/Fe in the matte was constant when the metal phase of the matte was observed at a log below -11. These results also corresponded to the relationship between the activity coefficient ratio of MnS/FeS and the mole fraction of MnS/FeS in the matte. The gamma (MnS)/gamma (FeS) value decreased exponentially as the mole fraction of MnS/FeS increased.



  • Thermodynamic properties of lead oxide in a mixture of stainless steelmaking and nonferrous smelting slags

    Nobuhiro Maruoka, Shigeru Ueda, Hiroyuki Shibata, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Shin-Ya Kitamura

    High Temperature Materials and Processes   31 ( 3 ) 273 - 279  2012.06  [Refereed]

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    In our previous paper, a slag modification process involving the mixing of stainless steelmaking and nonferrous smelting slags was proposed for preventing the disintegration of the stainless steelmaking slag. In order to use this method, the behavior of heavy metals especially PbO contained in the nonferrous slag has to be assessed. In the present study, the activity coefficient of PbO in CaOSiO 2- Fe tO-Al 2O 3-MgO and CaO-SiO 2-Fe tO slags saturated with iron was measured at 1673 K. The results showed that the activity coefficient of PbO increased with basicity and had a maximum value when the basicity was approximately 1.0. The equilibrium PbO content in the modified slag had a minimum value that corresponded to a mixing ratio of 0.6. The trend was similar to the change in the removal ratio of PbO observed in the previous study. Therefore, the change in the oxygen potential and the change in the activity coefficient of PbO can be considered the cause of this trend. © 2012 De Gruyter.



  • High Temperature Enthalpy Measurement of SUS340 Stainless Steel

    Katsunori Yamaguchi, Shigeru Ueda

    HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES   30 ( 6 ) 569 - 572  2012.01  [Refereed]

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    High-temperature heat content of stainless steel of SUS304 was measured over the temperature range 600 to 1850 K using a drop-calorimeter. The enthalpy of fusion of SUS304 was determined as 230 +/- 0.18 J g(-1) at the liquidus point of 1719 +/- 3 K. The heat content and heat capacity equations were derived by Shomate function for the solid compounds and least square method for the liquid phase.


  • Novel Recycling Process of Mn by Sulfurization of Molten Slag from a By-Product of Steelmaking Process

    Sun-Joong Kim, Hiroyuki Shibata, Nobuhiro Maruoka, Shinya Kitamura, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES   30 ( 4-5 ) 425 - 434  2011.08  [Refereed]

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    We propose a novel process to recycle Mn from steelmaking slag. The first step is to sulfurize the slag, producing a liquid sulfide phase (matte) without P. High-purity Fe-Mn alloys can then be made by desulfurizing the matte. However, to our knowledge, there have been no reports to date concerning the sulfurization of P and Mn contained in molten slag. Therefore, knowledge of the distribution of Fe, Mn and P between the matte and the molten slag is required to determine the feasibility of this process. In this study, the equilibrium distributions of Mn, Fe, Ca and P between a FeS-MnS matte and FeO-MnO-SiO2-MgO-P2O5 slag with/without CaO are investigated under controlled partial pressures of oxygen and sulfur. It was found, as P is not present in the matte, that a separation of P from Mn was accomplished. The increament of (CaO+MgO)/SiO2 in slag can improve the concentrations of Mn and Fe in the matte. The content of Ca in the matte was less than 2 mass%, even when the concentration ratio of CaO/SiO2 in the slag was unity.



  • Lead Solubility in FeOx-CaO-SiO2-NaO0.5 and FeOx-CaO-SiO2-CrO1.5 Slags under Iron Saturation at 1573 K

    Dai Matsura, Shigeru Ueda, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES   30 ( 4-5 ) 441 - 446  2011.08  [Refereed]

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    The sodium and chromium contents in copper or lead smelting slags are increasing with the increase in waste recycling. The lead solubility in the slag is important from both an economical and environmental perspective. As a fundamental study, experiments have been carried out to determine the equilibria between the FeOx-CaO-SiO2-5mass% NaO0.5 or FeOx-CaO-SiO2-5mass%CrO1.5 slags and lead metal in iron crucibles at 1573 K. It has been found that addition of soda decreases the lead solubility in SiO2 rich side of the slag, while soda increases the solubility in CaO rich side. Chromium in the slag decreases the lead solubility in the FeOx-CaO-SiO2 slag. The activity coefficients of PbO in the FeOx-CaO-SiO2-5mass%NaO0.5 or FeOx-CaO-SiO2-5mass%CrO1.5 slags were compared with those of the CaO-SiO2-FeOx ternary system.



  • Formation of CaSO4 in the CaO-FeOx-Cu2O Slags

    Sinichi Sato, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES   30 ( 4-5 ) 447 - 449  2011.08  [Refereed]

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    Continuous converting of copper matte based on calcium ferrite slag of the CaO-FeOx-Cu2O system is an attractive technology for copper smelting This slag containing approximately 20 mass% CaO can prevent the excess magnetite precipitation, but sometimes tends to separate CaSO4 under a high oxygen potential required to produce copper metal.
    To clarify the mechanism of gypsum formation, the precipitation of CaSO4 in the CaO-FeOx-Cu2O slag system equilibrating with blister copper has been determined at 1473, 1523 and 1573 K under the SO2 partial pressures of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 1 atm. It was found that the formation of CaSO4 in the CaO-FeOx-Cu2O slags is enhanced with decreasing temperature, increasing SO2 partial pressure or CaO content and also increasing oxidation degree of the blister copper. The behavior of CaSO4 formation in the slag is also discussed thermodynamically based on the free energy calculations combining with the activity data derived from Prof. Takeda's data on the CaO-FeOx-Cu2O ferrite slag diagram. Both of experimental and thermodynamical results show good agreements in general.
    It is found that the decreasing temperature, increasing CaO content or SO2 pressure, and extensive oxidation of the blister copper tend to separate CaSO4.



  • Distributions of Sn, Sb, and Bi between Ag-Pb Alloy and PbO Based Melt at 1273 K

    Shigeru Ueda, Ryo Katsube, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   50 ( 7 ) 1820 - 1823  2009.07  [Refereed]

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    Distributions of Sn, Sb, and Bi between Ag-Pb alloy and PbO based melt were investigated at 1273 K. A chemical equilibrium technique was used in order to measure the distributions. The oxygen partial pressure equilibrated with the melts was measured by an EMF method. The distribution ratios were defined as the weight ratios of Sn, Sb, and Bi in PbO divided by those in the Ag-Pb phase. The obtained distribution ratios were plotted against the logarithm of the oxygen partial pressure. The plots showed that the distribution ratios of Sn, Sb, and Bi increased with an increase in the oxygen partial pressure. Taking the slope of these plots, the oxide forms of the minor elements dissolved in the PbO based melt could be estimated. Sn dissolves in PbO based melts as SnO2 in the oxygen partial pressure range, P-O2 = 10(-7.5)-10(-4). Depend on the concentration of Sn in PbO and that in Ag, the activity coefficient of SnO2 in the PbO based melt at 1273 K was determined to be 62,000. The activity coefficient of BiO1.5 decreases with increasing oxygen partial pressure and that of SbO1.5 increases with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The distribution behavior of such minor elements was compared with that of Ag, and the efficiency of oxidation in the removal of such impurities from Ag was investigated. [doi: 10.2320/matertrans.M2009117]



  • Activity Coefficient of AgO0.5 in PbO-NaO0.5 and PbO-CaO Melts at 1273 K

    Shigeru Ueda, Tomomasa Kumagai, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   50 ( 6 ) 1457 - 1461  2009.06  [Refereed]

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    The equilibration of a Ag-Pb-based melt with PbO-NaO0.5 and PbO-CaO melts at 1273 K was investigated. A chemical equilibrium technique was used to carry out measurements. The oxygen partial pressure was measured by an electromotive force (EMF) method. The activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in the PbO-NaO0.5 and PbO-CaO melts and that of PbO in the PbO-NaO0.5 melt was derived. The addition of NaO0.5 to the PbO-based melt resulted in a slight decrease in the activity coefficient of AgO0.5. However, the activity coefficient of PbO decreased remarkably with an increase in the concentration of NaO0.5 in the PbO-based melt. Therefore, improved phase separation of Ag from the PbO-based melt was achieved by the addition NaO0.5. The addition of CaO in the PbO-based melt did not cause any change in the activity coefficient of AgO0.5. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2009036]



  • Formation of CaCl2 and CaF2 from CaSO4 and Plastics Containing Halogen Element

    Shigeru Ueda, Yuuki Hatakeyama, Koji Uotani, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Takahiro Okura

    TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN   95 ( 5 ) 387 - 392  2009.05  [Refereed]

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    Waste gypsum from construction materials have to be recycled legally in Japan.
    Combustion of plastics containing halogen may generate halide gas. Stabilization treatment of halogen element should be done. In the present study the reaction between the plastics and gypsum generating calcium halide Such as CaCl2 or CaF2 had been investigated. Reaction condition was evaluated thermodynamically, and experiment for generating CaCl2 and CaF2 was conducted. CaCl2 was formed from CaSO4 and chloroethylene at 1273K. CaF2 was formed over 1173K. Crystal water of CaSO4 accelerates the reaction Forming CaF2.



  • Thermodynamic Properties of Selenium in Ag-Pb Alloy and Lead Oxide Phases at 1273 K

    Shigeru Ueda, Ryo Katsube, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   50 ( 5 ) 1148 - 1151  2009.05  [Refereed]

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    The distribution ratio of Se between Ag-Pb alloy and PbO phases was investigated at 1273 K. A chemical equilibrium technique was used for the measurement. The oxygen partial pressure was in equilibrium with both the phases, and it was measured by an EMF method. The distribution ratio, defined as the mole fraction of Se in PbO to the mole fraction of Se in metal, was plotted against the oxygen partial pressure. The distribution ratio decreased with an increase in the oxygen partial pressure. The slope of the plot indicates that Se dissolves in the PbO phase as oxide, which is unreasonable. The activity coefficient of Se in the Ag-Pb alloy was also measured, and it was found to decrease with an increase in the concentration of Ag. Se dissolved in the PbO phase in the non-oxide form. The activity coefficient of Se in Ag was estimated as 0.0009 at 1273 K. [doi: 10.2320/matertrans.M2009021]



  • Formation of CaCl2 and CaF2 from CaSO4 and Plastics Containing Halogen Element

    Ueda Shigeru, Hatakeyama Yuuki, Uotani Koji, Yamaguchi Katsunori, Okura Takahiko

    Tetsu-to-Hagane   95 ( 5 ) 387 - 392  2009

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    Waste gypsum from construction materials have to be recycled legally in Japan.<br>Combustion of plastics containing halogen may generate halide gas. Stabilization treatment of halogen element should be done. In the present study, the reaction between the plastics and gypsum generating calcium halide such as CaCl<sub>2</sub> or CaF<sub>2</sub> had been investigated. Reaction condition was evaluated thermodynamically, and experiment for generating CaCl<sub>2</sub> and CaF<sub>2</sub> was conducted. CaCl<sub>2</sub> was formed from CaSO<sub>4</sub> and chloroethylene at 1273K. CaF<sub>2</sub> was formed over 1173K. Crystal water of CaSO<sub>4</sub> accelerates the reaction forming CaF<sub>2</sub>.


  • Formation of CaCl2 and CaF2 from CaSO4 and Plastics Containing Halogen Element

    Ueda Shigeru, Hatakeyama Yuuki, Uotani Koji, Yamaguchi Katsunori, Okura Takahiko

    Tetsu-to-Hagane   95 ( 5 ) 387 - 392  2009  [Refereed]


  • Reduction Process of Gypsum with Polyethylene at High Temperature

    UOTANI Koji, UEDA Shigeru, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, OKURA Takashi

    Journal of MMIJ   124 ( 10 ) 659 - 662  2008.11

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    Most of waste plaster board, which contains gypsum has been buried in the landfill. However, this treatment of waste gypsum board is becoming a serious problem due to lack of landfill capacity, and secondary pollution by toxic substance. In this study, we focused a recycle of calcium resources as CaO or CaS from the waste gypsum, and developed a reduction process of the gypsum using plastics at high temperature. Reduction behavior of CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> by Polyethylene at temperature from 1273 to 1573K was studied with gravimetry and X-ray diffraction analysis. From the experimental results, we found that increasing CaSO<SUB>4</SUB>-CH<SUB>2</SUB> gas interface tend to advance the reduction of CaSO<SUB>4</SUB>. Furthermore, direct formation of CaS from CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> was observed only at temperature of 1273K without an intermediate compounds stage, and the reduction sequence was CaSO<SUB>4</SUB>→CaO→CaS at temperatures higher than 1373K. Finally, the sequence of reduction process for CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> was discussed on the potential diagram of the Ca-S<SUB>2</SUB>-O<SUB>2</SUB> system.

    DOI CiNii

  • Reduction Process of Gypsum with Polyethylene at High Temperature

    UOTANI Koji, UEDA Shigeru, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, OKURA Takashi

    Journal of MMIJ   124 ( 10 ) 659 - 662  2008.11  [Refereed]

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    Most of waste plaster board, which contains gypsum has been buried in the landfill. However, this treatment of waste gypsum board is becoming a serious problem due to lack of landfill capacity, and secondary pollution by toxic substance. In this study, we focused a recycle of calcium resources as CaO or CaS from the waste gypsum, and developed a reduction process of the gypsum using plastics at high temperature. Reduction behavior of CaSO4 by Polyethylene at temperature from 1273 to 1573K was studied with gravimetry and X-ray diffraction analysis. From the experimental results, we found that increasing CaSO4-CH2 gas interface tend to advance the reduction of CaSO4. Furthermore, direct formation of CaS from CaSO4 was observed only at temperature of 1273K without an intermediate compounds stage, and the reduction sequence was CaSO4→CaO→CaS at temperatures higher than 1373K. Finally, the sequence of reduction process for CaSO4 was discussed on the potential diagram of the Ca-S2-O2 system.

    DOI CiNii

  • Distribution of Cobalt between MgO-Saturated FeOx-MgO-CaO-SiO2 Slag and Fe-Cu-Co Molten Alloy

    Shin-ya Kitamura, Hideki Kuriyama, Nobuhiro Maruoka, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Akira Hasegawa

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   49 ( 11 ) 2636 - 2641  2008.11  [Refereed]

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    During the decommissioning phase of a nuclear reactor, most of the steel-reinforced concrete shielding around a pressure vessel is considered as low-level radioactive waste. It is highly desirable to reduce the radioactivity level of this waste to below the clearance level. Normally, the radioactivity of steel after irradiation is found to be proportional to the cobalt content. In this study, for the production of low-activation steel in steelmaking process, cobalt distribution between MgO-saturated FeOx-MgO-CaO-SiO, slag and Fe-Cu-Co molten alloy was investigated. The results are summarized as follows: (1) the distribution ratio increases with decreasing temperature and (2) the activity coefficient of CoO decreases with increasing temperature and decreasing slag basicity. Although low temperature and low basicity are suitable conditions for refining, it is extremely difficult to decrease the Co content by an oxidation reaction, because of a very small distribution ratio of cobalt. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.MAW200831]



  • Growth kinetics of intermediate phase layers in an early stage of hot dip galvanizing at 450 degrees C

    Shigeru Ueda, Osamu Taguchi, Yoshiaki Iijima, Gou Takahashi, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE   43 ( 16 ) 5666 - 5668  2008.08  [Refereed]



  • Activity coefficient of strontium in liquid copper and the standard free energy of formation for SrO center dot 6Al(2)O(3) and SrO center dot 2Al(2)O(3)

    Shigeru Ueda, Keita Utagawa, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   49 ( 6 ) 1338 - 1341  2008.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The activity coefficient of strontium in a copper melt has been investigated by a chemical equilibrium technique in the temperature range from 1473 to 1773 K. A graphite crucible was used to control the oxygen partial pursuer in CO gas. The activity coefficient was derived from the standard free energy of formation of SrO, the oxygen partial pressure, and the concentration of strontium in copper.
    The standard free energies of formation for Sr0.6Al2O3 and Sr0.2Al2O3 at 1723 K are also derived by equilibrating Al2O3, SrO center dot 6Al(2)O(3), and SrO center dot 2Al(2)O(3) with Cu.



  • Thermodynamic investigation of the Cu-Zr system

    Katsunori Yamaguchi, Young-Cheol Song, Toshiaki Yoshida, Kimio Itagaki

    JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS   452 ( 1 ) 73 - 79  2008.03  [Refereed]

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    High temperature heat contents of the Cu-Zr system alloys were measured over temperature range from 880 to 1470 K using a drop calorimeter. The enthalpies of fusion of some solid compounds were determined by the heat content-temperature plots and the entropies of fusion were calculated. Enthalpies of mixing in the liquid Cu-Zr system were measured by high temperature reaction calorimetry in the concentration range of x(Zr) = 0.182-0.667 at 1443 K. This system has negative enthalpies of mixing over the measured concentration range. The standard enthalpies of formation at 298.15 K of Cu9Zr2, Cu51Zr14, Cu8Zr3, Cu10Zr7 and CuZr2 compounds were determined from the obtained data for the heat contents and enthalpies of mixing. Based on the experimental data, published thermodynamic and phase diagram data, the Cu-Zr binary system was analyzed using Redlich-Kister polynomial equation. The thermodynamic properties and the phase diagram calculated from the optimized parameters agree well with the experimental data. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



  • Phase equilibrium and activities of Fe-S-O melts

    Shigeru Ueda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Yoichi Takeda

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   49 ( 3 ) 572 - 578  2008.03  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Phase equilibrium and oxygen partial pressure for the Fe-S-O system from eutectic temperature to 1673 K were investigated by chemical equilibrium techniques and the EMF method. The liquid phase is saturated with Fe, FeO, Fe3O4 and FeS. The partial pressure of oxygen increases remarkably with departing from the liquidus saturated with Fe. According to the Gibbs-Duhem equation and Schumann's method, the activities of Fe and the partial pressure of S-2 for the liquid phase are derived.



  • Activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in the PbO-SiO2 melt at 1273 K

    Shigeru Ueda, Tomomasa Kumagai, Katsunori Yamaguchi

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   48 ( 6 ) 1458 - 1462  2007.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in PbO-SiO2 melt equilibrated with Ag-Pb alloy in an alumina or a magnesia crucible was investigated at 1273 K. A chemical equilibrium technique was applied to the measurement. The oxygen partial pressure was also measured by an EMF method. The activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in the PbO-SiO2 melt was derived.
    The addition Of SiO2 in the PbO melt decreases dissolution of Ag into the oxide phases. However, the activity coefficient of AgO0.5 increases slightly with an increase in the concentration of SiO2 in the PbO melt.



  • Recovery of CaO and CaS from CaSO_4 using waste plastics

    UEDA Shigeru, HATAKEYAMA Yuuki, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, NAKAMURA Isao, OKURA Takahiko

    Shigen-to-Sozai   122 ( 9 ) 456 - 461  2006.10

     View Summary

    Waste gypsum from construction materials have to be recycled legally in Japan. The waste gypsum contains CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> and other materials such as papers. And thus it is impossible to reuse them directly as a CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> resource. A treatment at higher reaction temperature seems to be suitable for recycling a large quantity of the gypsum. However, CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> is rather stable even at high temperature, therefore cost-intensive reactants are necessary.<BR>Re-generation of CaO or CaS from CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> was investigated using waste plastics, which were considered as reduction agent. Thermodynamic simulation was employed to find optimal conditions for reduction of CaSO<SUB>4</SUB>. Reduction experiments were conducted using reagents of CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> and polyethylene. CaO was formed from CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> and polyethylene mixture over 1273K in air. Crystal water of CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> accelerates the reaction forming CaO. Plastics can be successfully used to produce CaO and CaS from CaSO<SUB>4</SUB> in controlled atmosphere.

    DOI CiNii

  • Recovery of CaO and CaS from CaSO_4 using waste plastics

    UEDA Shigeru, HATAKEYAMA Yuuki, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, NAKAMURA Isao, OKURA Takahiko

    Shigen-to-Sozai   122 ( 9 ) 456 - 461  2006.10  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Waste gypsum from construction materials have to be recycled legally in Japan. The waste gypsum contains CaSO4 and other materials such as papers. And thus it is impossible to reuse them directly as a CaSO4 resource. A treatment at higher reaction temperature seems to be suitable for recycling a large quantity of the gypsum. However, CaSO4 is rather stable even at high temperature, therefore cost-intensive reactants are necessary.<BR>Re-generation of CaO or CaS from CaSO4 was investigated using waste plastics, which were considered as reduction agent. Thermodynamic simulation was employed to find optimal conditions for reduction of CaSO4. Reduction experiments were conducted using reagents of CaSO4 and polyethylene. CaO was formed from CaSO4 and polyethylene mixture over 1273K in air. Crystal water of CaSO4 accelerates the reaction forming CaO. Plastics can be successfully used to produce CaO and CaS from CaSO4 in controlled atmosphere.

    DOI CiNii

  • Copper enrichment of iron-base alloy scraps by phase separation in liquid Fe-Cu-P and Fe-Cu-P-C systems

    Katsunori Yamaguchi, Takuya Ohara, Shigeru Ueda, Yoichi Takeda

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   47 ( 7 ) 1864 - 1868  2006.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A clear phase separation into liquid iron-rich and copper-rich alloys was observed when a mixture of Fe, Cu and P was melted in an alumina or carbon crucible at 1373 K. Since this phase separation is considered to be useful for recovering valuable copper from iron-base alloy scraps, the phase equilibrium in the Fe-Cu-P and Fe-Cu-P-C systems was investigated in this study. The effect of carbon to the phase separation was determined in the concentration range of phosphorous between 7 and 11 mass% at 1373 K. It was found that the addition of carbon enlarged the miscibility gap of the Fe-Cu-P system. Distribution ratios of some minor elements of An, Ag, Pd, Pt, Rh, Cr, Mn and Ni between the liquid iron-rich and copper rich phases were also measured at 1373 K. It was found that An, Ag and Pd were enriched in the copper-rich phase, while Pt and Mn were distributed in both phases, and Rh, Cr and Ni preferentially in the iron-rich phase.



  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOx-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect Of SiO2 and CaO on the melting temperature is quantified.
    The effect Of CU2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus CU(2)o and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, CU2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    Some discussions are also presented taking into account plant observations and important conclusions are drawn for copper smelting and converting
    If the ferrous calcium silicate slags and the so called "fayalite" slag are looked as continuation of each other it can be seen that lime at the start increases the liquidus temperature in the magnetite field but decreases it if higher lime is added and we get closer to the ferrous calcium silicate slag. It should be noted that these conclusions should not be generalized since different conditions in various furnaces and various minor oxides such as alumina and magnesia may completely change the above stated relationships.
    It also should be kept in mind that in the industrial practice the liquidus surface is important along with other factors such as slag volume, refractory protection, copper metal recovery, OF blister composition etc. and these factors need to be taken all into consideration when a proper slag composition is chosen. These are subject of the author's previous and continuous research.

  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOx-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect of SiO2 and CaO on the melting temperature is quantified.
    The effect of Cu2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus Cu2O and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, Cu2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    Some discussions are also presented taking into account plant observations and important conclusions are drawn for copper smelting and converting.
    If the ferrous calcium silicate slags and the so called "fayalite" slag are looked as continuation of each other it can be seen that lime at the start increases the liquidus temperature in the magnetite field but decreases it if higher lime is added and we get closer to the ferrous calcium silicate slag.
    It should be noted that these conclusions should not be generalized since different conditions in various furnaces and various minor oxides such as alumina and magnesia may completely change the above stated relationships.
    It also should be kept in mind that in the industrial practice the liquidus surface is important along with other factors such as slag volume, refractory protection, copper metal recovery, blister composition etc. and these factors need to be taken all into consideration when a proper slag composition is chosen. These are subject of the author's previous and continuous research.

  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOx-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect of SiO2 and CaO on the melting temperature is quantified.
    The effect Of Cu2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus Cu2O and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, Cu2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    Some discussions are also presented taking into account plant observations and important conclusions are drawn for copper smelting and converting.

  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOx-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect Of SiO2 and CaO on the melting temperature is quantified.
    The effect of Cu2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus Cu2O and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, CU2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    Some discussions are also presented taking into account plant observations and important conclusions are drawn for copper smelting and converting.

  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOx-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect Of SiO2 and CaO on the melting temperature is quantified.
    The effect of Cu2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus Cu2O and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, CU2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    Some discussions are also presented taking into account plant observations and important conclusions are drawn for copper smelting and converting.

  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOX-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect of SiO2 and CaO on the mclting temperature is quantified.
    The effect of Cu2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus Cu2O and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, Cu2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    Some discussions are also presented taking into account plant observations and important conclusions are drawn for copper smelting and converting

  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOx-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and FE/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect Of SiO2 and CaO on the melting temperature is quantified.
    The effect Of CU2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus CU2O and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, Cu2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    Some discussions are also presented taking into account plant observations and important conclusions are drawn for copper smelting and converting.
    If the ferrous calcium silicate slags and the so called "fayalite" slag are looked as continuation of each other it can be seen that lime at the start increases the liquidus temperature in the magnetite field but decreases it if higher lime is added and we get closer to the ferrous calcium silicate slag.
    It should be noted that these conclusions should not be generalized since different conditions in various furnaces and various minor oxides such as alumina and magnesia may completely change the above stated relationships.
    It also should be kept in mind that in the industrial practice the liquidus surface is important along with other factors such as slag volume, refractory protection, copper metal recovery, blister composition etc. and these factors need to be taken all into consideration when a proper slag composition is chosen. These are subject of the author's previous and continuous research.

  • Liquidus relations of calcium ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slag in continuous copper converting

    Florian Kongoli, Ian McBow, Akira Yazawa, Yoichi Takeda, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Robert Budd, S. Llubani


     View Summary

    While calcium ferrite slags have been successfully used in continuous copper converting for the last 30 years, ferrous calcium silicate slag was proposed about 8 years ago as an additional alternative for copper smelting. Although both slags are normal extensions of each other their phase relations have not been completely clarified. In this paper the liquidus relations of both slags have been quantified at various areas that cover both of them.
    The existing experimental data have been first reviewed and discussed in relation to the solidification procedure. An original physical model is then used to predict various diagrams of the liquidus surface of both slags.
    It is shown that the ternary liquidus diagrams normally used for FeOx-SiO2-CaO system are not suitable for industrial slags. The new model diagrams of Fe/CaO versus SiO2 and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO as well as Fe/CaO versus Temperature and Fe/SiO2 versus temperature are proven to be much more convenient for ferrite and ferrous calcium silicate slags. Based on these diagrams the effect of SiO2 and CaO on the melting temperature is quantified.
    The effect of Cu2O is also quantified through the model. Some Fe/CaO versus Cu2O and Fe/SiO2 versus CaO at various copper contents are predicted and the results show good agreement with the experimental data. It is also shown that in the presence of liquid copper, Cu2O is dissolved in the slag depending on the oxidation degree of the system and might lower the liquidus temperature.
    If the ferrous calcium silicate slags and the so called "fayalite" slag are looked as continuation of each other it can be seen that lime at the start increases the liquidus temperature in the magnetite field but decreases it if higher lime is added and we get closer to the ferrous calcium silicate slag.
    It should be noted that these conclusions should not be generalized since different conditions in various furnaces and various minor oxides such as alumina and magnesia may completely change the above stated relationships.
    It also should be kept in mind that in the industrial practice the liquidus surface is important along with other factors such as slag volume, refractory protection, copper metal recovery, blister composition etc. and these factors need to be taken all into consideration when a proper slag composition is chosen. These are subject of the author's previous and continuous research.

  • Activities of lead and zinc oxides in CaO-SiO2-FeOx-AlO1.5 slag

    Katsunori Yamaguchi, Masami Kudo, Yusuke Kimura, Shigeru Ueda, Yoichi Takeda


     View Summary

    The zinc, lead and alumina contents in copper smelting slag are increasing with the increase in waste recycling. The recovery of base metals such as lead and zinc from copper converter slag is important from both an economical and environmental perspective. As a fundamental study of the metal recovery by reduction process, activity coefficients of ZnO and PbO in the CaO-SiO2-FeOx-5mass%AlO1.5 slag under iron saturation at 1573K are derived from the data of slag-metal equilibrium experiments. On the basis of the obtained data, the activity coefficients of ZnO and PbO in the CaO-SiO2-FeOx-5mass%AlO1.5 slag were compared with those of the CaO-SiO2-FeOx ternary system. Addition of alumina increases activities coefficient of ZnO and PbO in SiO2 rich side of the slag, and decreases them in CaO rich side.

  • Distribution of precious metals (Au, Pt, Pd, Rh and Ru) between copper matte and iron-silicate slag at 1573 K

    Hector M. Henao, Katsunori Yamaguchi, Shigeru Ueda


     View Summary

    There is an increasing trend in the copper smelters to recycle electronic materials, which contain relatively high concentration of precious metals. As a consequence, the amount of precious metals lost in the slag phase is increasing. To determine the portion of the precious metals chemically dissolved and that associated with the mechanically trapped matte in the slag will be a key factor to improve the recovery of those metals. Thus, an experimental study was carried out to determine the distribution of precious metals (Xu, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru) between the equilibrated copper matte and iron-silicate slag phases. The experiments were made in a magnesia crucible at 1573 K and a fixed partial pressure of SO2 of 0.1 atm for the matte grades between 40 and 70 mass% of copper. It was found that the distribution ratios (defined as mass% X in slag/mass% X in matte, where X represents the precious metal) are around 10(-2) for Ru, 10(-3) for An, Pt and Pd and 10(-4) for Rh. The distribution ratios show a tendency to increase when the grade of matte is increased.

  • Elemental sulphur fixation in smelting gas; Is it feasible?

    Takahiko Okura, Shigeru Ueda, Katsunori Yamaguchi


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    Sulphur, with its multiple oxidation states, play critical roles in many processes, ranging from regulating enzymes in plants, to acidifying aquatic systems, and to affecting the global climate. Most of non-ferrous smelters have been contributing to reduce atmospheric emissions of sulfur dioxide to acceptable levels, converting it to sulphuric acid and/or gypsum. However, some amount of SO2 gas is still emitted from isolated smelters. Furthermore, sulphuric acid is competing with involuntary elemental sulphur in the market. This situation puts the non-ferrous metallurgical industries to develop a new sulphur fixation process.
    This paper briefly describes the new technologies for fixation, followed by the novel proposal to convert SO2 gas to elemental sulphur using organic materials. Finally, the feasibility will be presented technologically and economically.

  • Effects of 5th Element Addition to Co-29Cr-6Mo Alloy Containing Impurity Ni on Metal Ion Release

    KUROSU Shingo, NOMURA Naoyuki, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, FUJINUMA Shigeo, CHIBA Akihiko

    Japan Inst. Metals   69 ( 10 ) 886 - 891  2005.10

    DOI CiNii


  • Effects of 5th element addition to Co-29Cr-6Mo alloy containing impurity Ni on metal ion release

    S Kurosu, N Nomura, K Yamaguchi, S Fujinuma, A Chiba

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   69 ( 10 ) 886 - 891  2005.10

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    In order to investigate the effects of 5th element addition to Co-29Cr-6Mo-1Ni alloys on metal ion release, Co-29Cr-6Mo-1Ni-X (X = Ti, Nb, Al, Zr) alloys were immersed in 1 mass% lactic acid solution at 37 degrees C for 7 days and released metal ions were examined by ICP-AES. All of the 5th element added alloys showed less Ni ion quantities released from various alloys than that released from the original Co-29Cr-62vlo-I.Ni alloy. This result suggests that Ni ion release could be suppressed by Ni-fixation mechanism due to the formation of Ni-X compounds (X = Ti, Al, Nb, Zr). Furthermore, the quantities of Co ion from Co-29Cr6Mo-1Ni-X (X Ti, Zr) alloys were a half less than that from the original. Each metal ion quantity released from Co-Cr-Mo-Ni alloys consisting hcp phase is lower than that from the alloys consisting fcc phase. From the relationship between microstructure and released metal ion quantity, Co-&-Mo-Ni alloys consisting hcp phase exhibit low released metal quantities compared to those consisting fcc phase. Therefore, it is likely that metal ion release is suppressed by controlling microstructure through the alloying method.


  • Thermodynamic study on the Ag-Pb-O system at 1273 K

    S Ueda, T Kumagai, K Yamaguchi

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   46 ( 8 ) 1861 - 1864  2005.08

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    The phase relations for the Ag-Pb-O system saturated with alumina and the activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in the PbO melt were investigated at 1273 K. A chemical equilibrium technique and an EMF method were applied to the measurement. In this system, there is a miscibility gap between a molten Ag-Pb alloy phase and a Pb-Ag-O oxide phase. The solubility of Ag in the oxide phase and that of Ph in the metal phase were studied as a relation of the partial oxygen pressure. These results suggest that component of silver oxide in liquid PbO phase should be represented as AgO0.5. The activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in the PbO based oxide melt at infinite dilution relative to pure solid AgO0.5 is 0.602 at 1273 K.

    DOI CiNii


  • Thermodynamic study on the Ag-Pb-O system at 1273 K

    S Ueda, T Kumagai, K Yamaguchi

    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS   46 ( 8 ) 1861 - 1864  2005.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The phase relations for the Ag-Pb-O system saturated with alumina and the activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in the PbO melt were investigated at 1273 K. A chemical equilibrium technique and an EMF method were applied to the measurement. In this system, there is a miscibility gap between a molten Ag-Pb alloy phase and a Pb-Ag-O oxide phase. The solubility of Ag in the oxide phase and that of Ph in the metal phase were studied as a relation of the partial oxygen pressure. These results suggest that component of silver oxide in liquid PbO phase should be represented as AgO0.5. The activity coefficient of AgO0.5 in the PbO based oxide melt at infinite dilution relative to pure solid AgO0.5 is 0.602 at 1273 K.

    DOI CiNii


  • Production of elemental sulfur from SO_2 gas and plastics

    UEDA Shigeru, NAKASATO Yosuke, OKURA Takahiko, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, TAKEDA Yoichi

    Shigen-to-Sozai   121 ( 4 ) 5,90-95 - 95  2005.05

     View Summary

    To produce non-ferrous metals, the SO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt; gas is also generated from the raw material such as sulfide or sulfate. A process that produces Elemental sulphur from non-ferrous smelter gas and waste plastics was investigated. &lt;BR&gt;Polyethylene was used as a deoxidizer of SO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt; gas in the present study. The conditions for reaction of SO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt; and polyethylene to make gas mixtures of H&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt;S and SO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt; were calculated thermodynamically. The Claus reaction was applied to produce elemental sulphur from H&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt;S and SO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt; gas mixture. More than 90% sulphur recovered from SO&lt;SUB&gt;2&lt;/SUB&gt; gas in small experimental furnaces used in the present study.

    DOI CiNii

  • Production of elemental sulfur from SO_2 gas and plastics

    UEDA Shigeru, NAKASATO Yosuke, OKURA Takahiko, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, TAKEDA Yoichi

    Shigen-to-Sozai   121 ( 4 ) 90 - 95  2005.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    To produce non-ferrous metals, the SO2 gas is also generated from the raw material such as sulfide or sulfate. A process that produces Elemental sulphur from non-ferrous smelter gas and waste plastics was investigated. <BR>Polyethylene was used as a deoxidizer of SO2 gas in the present study. The conditions for reaction of SO2 and polyethylene to make gas mixtures of H2S and SO2 were calculated thermodynamically. The Claus reaction was applied to produce elemental sulphur from H2S and SO2 gas mixture. More than 90% sulphur recovered from SO2 gas in small experimental furnaces used in the present study.

    DOI CiNii

  • Phase Equilibrium and Thermodynamics Properties of SiO2-CaO-FeOx Slags for Copper Smelting

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, UEDA Shigeru, TAKEDA Yoichi

    Scand. J. Metall.   34 ( 2 ) 164 - 174  2005

    DOI CiNii


  • Phase Equilibrium and Thermodynamics Properties of SiO2-CaO-FeOx Slags for Copper Smelting

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, UEDA Shigeru, TAKEDA Yoichi

    Scand. J. Metall.   34 ( 2 ) 164 - 174  2005  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • Decomposition of CaSO_4 with Waste Plastic


    材料とプロセス : 日本鉄鋼協会講演論文集 = Current advances in materials and processes : report of the ISIJ meeting   17 ( 4 ) 866 - 866  2004.09


  • Thermodynamic Investigation of Zn-Te Alloys by Calorimetry

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori

    Calorimetry and thermal analysis.   31 ( 3 ) 100 - 107  2004.06


  • Thermodynamic Investigation of Zn-Te Alloys by Calorimetry

    Yamaguchi Katsunori

    Netsu Sokutei   31 ( 3 ) 100 - 107  2004

     View Summary

    The heat contents of the ZnTe compound were measured by a drop calorimeter in the temperature range from 750 to 1600K. The enthalpy of fusion of the ZnTe compound was determined as 51.1&amp;plusmn;0.3kJ mol&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt; at corresponding melting point of 1573&amp;plusmn;3K. The heat content and heat capacity equations were derived by Shomate function for the solid compound. The enthalpy of formation of the ZnTe compound and the integral enthalpy of mixing for the liquid Zn-Te system were measured by direct reaction calorimetry at 800, 1173 and 1373K using a high temperature twin calorimeter. The enthalpy of mixing of the liquid Zn-Te phase shows large negative values in the neighborhood of the compound composition. This behavior dependent anomalies is explained by a chemical short range order in liquid alloys. The obtained thermodynamic data for the Zn-Te system was used to reassess the system following CALPHAD standard. An associated solution model for the liquid phase and standard Gibbs energy functions for the three solid phases (Zn, ZnTe and Te) were used. The thermodynamic properties and phase diagram calculated from the reassessed system agree well with the experimental data.

    DOI CiNii

  • Thermodynamic Investigation of Zn-Te Alloys by Calorimetry

    Yamaguchi Katsunori

    Netsu Sokutei   31 ( 3 ) 100 - 107  2004  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Impurity Removal from Carbon Saturated Liquid Iron Using Lead Solvent

    Mater. Trans. JIM   36 ( 12 ) 432 - 437  2003

  • Measurement of high temperature heat content of silicon by drop calorimetry

    K Yamaguchi, K Itagaki

    JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY   69 ( 3 ) 1059 - 1066  2002

     View Summary

    Heat content of silicon has been measured in a temperature range of 700-1820 K using a drop calorimeter. Boron nitride was used as a sample crucible. The enthalpy of fusion and the melting point of silicon determined from the heat content-temperature plots are 48.31 +/- 0.18 kJ mol(-1) and 1687 +/- 5 K, respectively. The heat content and heat capacity equations were derived using the Shomate function for the solid region and the least square method for the liquid region, respectively, and compared with the literature values.

    DOI CiNii


  • Measurement of High Temperature Heat Content of Silicon by Drop Calorimetry


    J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry   69 ( 3 ) 1059 - 1066  2002  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • Measurement of High Temperature Heat Content by Drop Calorimetry.

    Yamaguchi Katsunori, Itagaki Kimio

    Netsu Sokutei   29 ( 4 ) 173 - 180  2002  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii

  • Activity measurement of indium in liquid In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te alloys by EMF method with zirconia solid electrolyte

    S Itabashi, K Yamaguchi, K Kameda

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   65 ( 9 ) 888 - 892  2001.09

     View Summary

    Emf of galvanic cells with zirconia solid electrolyte was measured to determine the activity of indium in the liquid In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te systems in temperature ranges from 970 to 1280 K for the In-Sb-Ag system and for the In-Sb-Te from 870 to 1260 K. The following cells were used: Pt/Ni, NiO \ ZrO2 (+ CaO)\ In-Sb-Ag, In2O3/Re/Pt, Pt/Ni, NiO \ ZrO2 (+ CaO) \ In-Sb-Te, In2O3/Re/Pt. The isoactivity curves in the liquid In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te systems at 1100 K were derived from combining the activity data of the In-Sb. In-Ag and In-Te binary alloys. The shape of isoactivity curves in the liquid In-Sb-Ag exhibits a slight bend to the Sb-Ag binary side, and those of the liquid In-Sb-Te gather from the whole composition range of the In-Sb binary alloy to the intermediate composition of the In-Te system.


  • Activity measurement of indium in liquid In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te alloys by EMF method with zirconia solid electrolyte

    S Itabashi, K Yamaguchi, K Kameda

    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   65 ( 9 ) 888 - 892  2001.09  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    Emf of galvanic cells with zirconia solid electrolyte was measured to determine the activity of indium in the liquid In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te systems in temperature ranges from 970 to 1280 K for the In-Sb-Ag system and for the In-Sb-Te from 870 to 1260 K. The following cells were used: Pt/Ni, NiO \ ZrO2 (+ CaO)\ In-Sb-Ag, In2O3/Re/Pt, Pt/Ni, NiO \ ZrO2 (+ CaO) \ In-Sb-Te, In2O3/Re/Pt. The isoactivity curves in the liquid In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te systems at 1100 K were derived from combining the activity data of the In-Sb. In-Ag and In-Te binary alloys. The shape of isoactivity curves in the liquid In-Sb-Ag exhibits a slight bend to the Sb-Ag binary side, and those of the liquid In-Sb-Te gather from the whole composition range of the In-Sb binary alloy to the intermediate composition of the In-Te system.


  • ジルコニア固体電解質電池法による溶融 In-Sb-Ag系, In-Sb-Te系合金のインジウムの活量測定

    日本金属学会誌   65 ( 7 ) 888 - 892  2001



  • Experimental Determination and Thermodynamic Calculation of the Phase Equilibria in the Cu-In-Sn System


    J. Electro. Mater.   30 ( 9 ) 1093 - 1103  2001

    DOI CiNii


  • Experimental Determination and Thermodynamic Calculation of the Phase Equilibria in the Cu-In-Sn System


    J. Electro. Mater.   30 ( 9 ) 1093 - 1103  2001  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • Measurement and Assessment of the Thermodynamic Properties and the Phase Diagram of the Cd-Te system

    Mater. Trans. JIM   4 ( 7 ) 790 - 798  2000



  • Lead Solubility in FeOx-CaO-SiO2 Slags at Iron Saturation


    Metall. Mater. Trans. B   31B ( 1 ) 15 - 24  2000

    DOI CiNii


  • Lead Solubility in FeOx-CaO-SiO2 Slags at Iron Saturation


    Metall. Mater. Trans. B   31B ( 1 ) 15 - 24  2000  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii


  • Activity of Indium in Liquid In-Bi-Cu and In-Sb-Cu Alloys Measured by an EMF Method Using a Zirconia Electrolyte

    ITABASHI Satoshi, KAMEDA Kazuo, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, KON Toshiko

    J. Japan Inst. Metals   63 ( 7 ) 817 - 821  1999.07

     View Summary

    The activities of indium in liquid In-Bi-Cu and In-Sb-Cu alloys have been determined by emf measurement using a zirconia electrolyte at 982&amp;sim;1259 K and 871&amp;sim;1267 K for fifteen and sixteen different compositions of the two alloy systems, respectively. Combining the binary data on In-Bi and In-Cu alloys in the In-Bi-Cu system, and In-Sb and In-Cu alloys in the In-Sb-Cu system, the isoactivity curves at 1050 and 1200 K, 1100 and 1200 K were obtained in the whole composition ranges, respectively. There seem to be no comparable published data.

    DOI CiNii


  • Copper Enrichment of Scrap by Phase Separation in Liquid Fe-Cu-C System

    Metallurgical Review of MMIJ   15 ( 1 ) 26 - 37  1999

  • 低濃度スクラップからの銅の濃縮

    武田 要一, 山口 勉功

    資源・素材   1998 ( 3 ) 137 - 140  1998.11


  • Free Energy of Mixing and Vapour Pressure of the Liquid Ga-As, In-As, Ga-P and In-P Alloys

    Z. Metallkde.   82 ( 4 ) 279 - 285  1998

  • Copper Enrichment of Scrap by Phase Separation in Liquid Fe-Cu-C System

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, TAKEDA Yoichi

    Shigen-to-Sozai   113 ( 12 ) 1110 - 1114  1997.12

     View Summary

    A mixture of iron, copper and carbon was melted in a carbon crucible at 1, 453 K. The top layer which was rich in iron and the bottom layer which was rich in copper were clearly separated in the crucible. We could thus make fundamental experiment to carry out a phase separation for copper recovery from iron scrap containing copper. One of the focuses is the effect on the phase separation and the suspension of an extra element to the Fe-Cu-C ternary system. We added Cr, Mn, Al, Si or S to Fe-Cu-C ternary system, and determined the compositions of miscibility gap at 1, 453 K under carbon saturation. In some cases scrap contains precious metal. On this account the recovery distribution ratios of precious metal were also measured.&lt;BR&gt;The alloy compositions on the miscibility gap in the Fe-Cu-C system are 91.1% Fe-4.7% Cu-4.2%C and 96.7%Cu-3.3% Fe. Addition of aluminum, Silicon or sulfur causes the gap to narrow. An increase in carbon solubility in the phase rich in iron reduces copper solubility, which affects recovery of copper from scrap. The relation between copper and carbon solubility in the phase rich in iron is&lt;BR&gt;(% Cu)=0.68 (%C) 2-7.26 (%C) +22.77&lt;BR&gt;Gold, silver and palladium are enriched in the phase rich in copper. Platinum distributes both phases equally. The activity coefficients of Ag, Au, Pd and Pt were estimated from the distribution ratios.

    DOI CiNii

  • Copper Enrichment of Scrap by Phase Separation in Liquid Fe-Cu-C System

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, TAKEDA Yoichi

    Shigen-to-Sozai   113 ( 12 ) 1110 - 1114  1997.12  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A mixture of iron, copper and carbon was melted in a carbon crucible at 1, 453 K. The top layer which was rich in iron and the bottom layer which was rich in copper were clearly separated in the crucible. We could thus make fundamental experiment to carry out a phase separation for copper recovery from iron scrap containing copper. One of the focuses is the effect on the phase separation and the suspension of an extra element to the Fe-Cu-C ternary system. We added Cr, Mn, Al, Si or S to Fe-Cu-C ternary system, and determined the compositions of miscibility gap at 1, 453 K under carbon saturation. In some cases scrap contains precious metal. On this account the recovery distribution ratios of precious metal were also measured.<BR>The alloy compositions on the miscibility gap in the Fe-Cu-C system are 91.1% Fe-4.7% Cu-4.2%C and 96.7%Cu-3.3% Fe. Addition of aluminum, Silicon or sulfur causes the gap to narrow. An increase in carbon solubility in the phase rich in iron reduces copper solubility, which affects recovery of copper from scrap. The relation between copper and carbon solubility in the phase rich in iron is<BR>(% Cu)=0.68 (%C) 2-7.26 (%C) +22.77<BR>Gold, silver and palladium are enriched in the phase rich in copper. Platinum distributes both phases equally. The activity coefficients of Ag, Au, Pd and Pt were estimated from the distribution ratios.

    DOI CiNii

  • Activity of Indium in Molten In-Pb-Ag and In-Bi-Sb Alloys Measured by EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrolyte

    KAMEDA Kazuo, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, KON Toshiko

    J. Japan Inst. Metals   61 ( 5 ) 444 - 448  1997.05

     View Summary

    The activities of indium in liquid In-Pb-Ag and In-Bi-Sb alloys have been determined by the emf measurement using a zirconia electrolyte at 1012&amp;sim;1263 K and 886&amp;sim;1179 K for fifteen different compositions of the two alloy systems, respectively. Combining the binary data on In-Pb and In-Ag alloys in the In-Pb-Ag system, and In-Bi and In-Sb alloys in the In-Bi-Sb system the isoactivity curves at 1100 and 1200 K, 1000 and 1100 K were obtained in the whole composition ranges, respectively. There seem no published data to be compared with.

    DOI CiNii


  • Low Temperature Specific Heat of CaP, InP, GaAs and InAs Compounds

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, CHIBA Yoshiyuki, YOSHIZAWA Masahito, KAMEDA Kazuo

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials   60 ( 12 ) 1182 - 1186  1996.12

     View Summary

    Low temperature specific heats of the GaP, InP, GaAs and InAs compounds were measured over the temperature range 4.5 to 298.15 K using an adiabatic calorimeter. The Debye temperatures were derived from the obtained specific heat data. The curves of Debye temperature as a function of temperature for the GaP, InP, GaAs and InAs compounds exhibit a minimum in the temperature range of 15&amp;sim;30 K and a maximum at somewhat higher temparatures (approximately 130&amp;sim;180 K). The standard entropies of the GaP, InP, GaAs and InAs compounds determined from the specific heat data were 50.5, 62.1, 64.1 and 75.5 J/(mol&amp;middot;K), respectively. A relation was found between the standard entropy and the cohesive energy. The standard entropies of the III-V compounds decreased linearly with increasing cohesive energy per bond.


  • Low Temperature Specific Heat of CaP, InP, GaAs and InAs Compounds

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, CHIBA Yoshiyuki, YOSHIZAWA Masahito, KAMEDA Kazuo

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials   60 ( 12 ) 1182 - 1186  1996.12  [Refereed]


  • ジルコニア固体電解質電池法による2,3の溶融インジウム系3元合金のインジウムの活量測定

    中内 誠, 亀田 和夫, 山口 勉功, 武田 要一

    資源・素材   1996 ( 1 )  1996.10


  • Activity of Indium in Liquid In-Bi-Ag and In-Bi-Te Alloys Measured by EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrolyte

    KAMEDA Kazuo, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, GOMI Toshiyuki

    J. Japan Inst. Metals   60 ( 5 ) 452 - 456  1996.05

     View Summary

    The activities of indium in liquid In-Bi-Ag and In-Bi-Te alloys have been determined by the emf measurement using zirconia electrolyte at 896&amp;sim;1297 K and 816&amp;sim;1111 K for 15 and 18 compositions of the alloys, respectively. Combining the binary data of In-Bi and In-Ag alloys in In-Bi-Ag system, In-Bi and In-Te alloys in In-Bi-Te system for this study, isoactivity curves at 1100 K and 1200 K. 900 K and 1000 K were obtained in the whole composition range, respectively. There seem no published data to be compared with.

    DOI CiNii




    Calphad   20 ( 4 ) 439 - 446  1996

    DOI CiNii




    Calphad   20 ( 4 ) 439 - 446  1996  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii




    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   59 ( 6 ) 634 - 639  1995.06  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The emf values obtained for both systems showed a good stability with time and linear relationships with temperature.
    The activities of the components in the Zn-In alloys at 900 and 1000 K and in the In-Cd alloys at 850 and 900 K exhibit moderately positive deviations from Raoult's; law over the entire concentration ranges, respectively. The activities of zinc and indium in the liquid Zn-In alloys were evaluated in a higher temperature range than those in the published data. Considering the temperature dependence, the positive deviations of activities from Raoult's law in the Zn-fn alloys are a little smaller than the previous values. The published data on the activities of indium of the liquid In-Cd alloys have been derived from the activities of cadmium based on a Gibbs-Duhem integration. In this study, the activities of indium of the In-Cd alloys art: measured by a direct method. The behavior of activities of the In-Cd alloys in this study is similar to the previous data. The activity values of indium are in good agreement with the result by Heumann et al.
    The activities of the components in the Zn-Ln alloys show reasonably greater positive deviations than those in the In-Cd alloys, owing to the larger differences of atomic radius factor in the Zn-In alloys.


  • Heat Content and Heat of Formation Measurement of R2Ni5 (R : La,Ce,Pr,Nd)Compounds and Heat Balance in a Reduction - Dittusion Process


    J. Alloys and Compounds   221 ( 1/2 ) 161 - 168  1995

    DOI CiNii


  • Activity Measurements of Liquid Zn-In and Cd-In Alloys by an EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrolytes

    J.Japan Inst.Metals   59 ( 6 ) 634 - 639  1995



  • Enthalpy Measurements and Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Al-Sb System

    Meter. Trans. JIM.   36 ( 3 ) 432 - 437  1995



  • Heat Content and Heat of Formation Measurement of R2Ni5 (R : La,Ce,Pr,Nd)Compounds and Heat Balance in a Reduction - Dittusion Process


    J. Alloys and Compounds   221 ( 2 ) 161 - 168  1995  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii




    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS JIM   35 ( 9 ) 596 - 602  1994.09

     View Summary

    The heats of formation of six III-V compounds of GaP, InP, GaAs, InAs, GaSb and InSb were determined at 773 K from the heats of dissolution of these compounds and the components in a liquid tin solvent, using a Calvet-type twin solution calorimeter. The standard heats of formation at 298.15 K, DELTAH(f,298.15)-degrees, are: GaP (P: red) - 103.2 +/- 7 kJ/mol, InP (P: red) - 70.2+/-4.4 kJ/mol, GaAs - 87.7+/-0.5 kJ/mol, InAs -60.0+/-1.0 kJ/mol, GaSb - 45.9+/-0.3 kJ/mol and InSb - 34.1+/-0.6 kJ/mol. A relation was found between the heats of formation and the bond formation energy, and the overlap interaction in the cohesive energies of these compounds. DELTAH(f,298.15)-degrees decreased linearly with increasing bond formation energy and overlap interaction energy per bond.



  • Measurements of High Temperature Heat Content of the II-VI and IV-VI Compounds

    Meter. Trans. JIM.   35 ( 2 ) 118 - 124  1994





    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   57 ( 7 ) 774 - 780  1993.07  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A study of thermodynamic properties of the liquid Te-Pb alloys has been carried out by the galvanic cells of -W/Pb (1) \PbCl2(KCl, LiCl)\Te-Pb (1)/W+ for N(pb)=0.10-0.20 at 689 to 1079 K). and -W/Pb (1) \PbCl2(NaCl, KCl)\Te-Pb (1)/W+ (for N(Pb)=0.30-0.90 at 950 to 1268 K).
    The reliable values of E.M.F. were obtained for the alloys.
    Activities of lead at 1210 K show remarkably negative deviations from Raoult's law in the wide concentration range and abruptly increase from negative to positive around N(Pb)=0.45-0.65 and show slightly positive deviations on the lead-rich side. Activities of tellurium at 1210 K exhibit significantly negative deviations from Raoult's law over the whole concentration range. a(Pb) values agree well with the data measured by Moniri and Petot but a(Te) values differ from those of Predel et al.
    The gamma(Pb)degrees and gamma(Te)degrees, values are estimated to be 6.4 x 10-3 and 3.1 x 10(-2) at 1210 K. From the features of alpha functions of lead for the system, the alloys are not considered as regular solutions. The minimum values of the heat of mixing for the system are -27.2 kJ/mol at about N(Pb)=0.48.
    It is observed that the anomalous behaviors in heats of mixing, xi function, entropy of mixing and concentration fluctuation at long wave length limit at the composition of PbTe are affected by the stable compound in the liquid state.


  • ジルコニア固体電解質電池法による溶融Tl-Bi系合金の活量測定

    亀田 和夫, 山口 勉功, 昆 利子

    日本金属学会誌   56 ( 8 ) 900 - 906  1992.08  [Refereed]


  • ジルコニア固体電解質電池法による溶融Tl-In系合金の活量測定

    亀田 和夫, 山口 勉功

    日本金属学会誌   56 ( 1 ) 69 - 66  1992.01  [Refereed]


  • ジルコニア固体電解質電池法による溶解Pb-Tl系合金の活量測定

    亀田 和夫, 山口 勉功

    日本金属学会誌   55 ( 9 ) 951 - 956  1991.09  [Refereed]




    ZEITSCHRIFT FUR METALLKUNDE   82 ( 8 ) 591 - 598  1991.08  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    The heat content of the binary As-Zn and As-Cd systems were determined by a drop calorimeter in the concentration range from x(As) = 0.04 to 0.48 in the As-Zn system and in the As-Cd system from x(As) = 0.10 to 0.40. The temperature range for the zinc system was from 800 K to 1450 K and for the cadmium system from 750 K to 1250 K. The method of the thermodynamic analysis was applied to derive the other thermodynamic properties from the heat content measurements of both binary systems. In the As-Zn system the heat of mixing has a peaked minimum at approximately x(As) = 0.43 and the parabolic curve of the entropy of mixing exhibit a depression at the same composition. These strongly temperature dependent anomalies are explained by the existence of some sort of chemical short range order in the liquid. With increasing temperature these associates begin to dissociate.

  • 金属ヒ化物およびアンチモン化物(MxAsy,MxSby(M=Cu,Fe,Co,Ni))の熱測定

    Espeleta Antonio K, 山口 勉功, 板垣 乙未生

    資源と素材   107 ( 9 ) 658 - 663  1991.08  [Refereed]


  • ジルコニア固体電解質電池法による溶融Ag-Bi系合金の活量測定

    亀田 和夫, 山口 勉功

    日本金属学会誌   55 ( 5 ) 536 - 544  1991.05  [Refereed]




    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   55 ( 5 ) 529 - 535  1991.05  [Refereed]

     View Summary

    A study of thermodynamic properties of the liquid Te-Tl alloys has been carried out by the galvanic cell of -W/Tl(l) \TlCl(KCl, LiCl) \Te-Tl(l)/W+ (for N(Tl) = 0.15-0.90 at 768 to 981 K).
    The reliable values of E. M. F. were obtained for the alloys.
    Activities of thallium show negative deviations in the wide concentration range and abruptly increase from negative to positive around N(Tl) = 0.65-0.70 and show positive deviations from Raoult's law in the thallium-rich side. Activities of tellurium exhibit negative deviations from Raoult's law over the whole concentration range. The activities of both components approach the ideal lines with increasing temperature.
    From the features of alpha functions of thallium for the system, the alloys are not considered as regular solutions.
    It is observed that the anomalous behaviors in DELTA-HBAR(Tl) and DELTA-SBAR(Tl) at the composition of TeTl2 are affected by the stable compound in the liquid state. The minimum values of the heat of mixing for the system are -25.3 kJ/mol at about DELTA-N(Tl) = 0.65.
    In addition, other thermodynamic functions were calculated on the basis of the results obtained.




    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA   163   287 - 294  1990.06  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii




    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA   163   1 - 12  1990.06  [Refereed]

    DOI CiNii




    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   53 ( 11 ) 1140 - 1147  1989.11  [Refereed]


▼display all

Books and Other Publications

  • Comprehensive Handbook of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis

    John Wiley & Sons  2004

  • Comprehensive Handbook of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis

    John Wiley & Sons  2004

  • 熱分析の基礎と応用(第3版)

    リアライズ社  1994

  • 熱分析の基礎と応用

    リアライズ社  1989


▼display all

Research Projects

  • 非鉄製錬スラグの再資源化技術


    Project Year :


  • Slag Cleaning

    Energy Conservation Technology Research and Development

    Project Year :



  • 講演 平衡論に基づいたリサイクル原料の銅製錬に及ぼす影響 (第37回 リサイクル製錬原料の高品質化技術の開発)

    山口 勉功

    環境資源工学会シンポジウム「リサイクル設計と分離精製技術」発表資料集   37  2019.02


  • 貴金属のリサイクル技術 (特集 貴金属・レアメタルのリサイクル技術や環境技術(上))

    山口 勉功

    金属   87 ( 8 ) 676 - 683  2017.08


  • Nonferrous Pyrometallurgy in Recycling of Metals

    山口 勉功

    ふぇらむ = Bulletin of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan : (一社)日本鉄鋼協会会報   21 ( 4 ) 156 - 161  2016


  • Recent Progress with Techniques for Recovering Rare Earth Elements from Neodymium Magnet

    関本 英弘, 山口 勉功

    まぐね   11 ( 1 ) 21 - 26  2016


  • Trends Sand Some Issues in Recycling of Rare Metals

    山口 勉功

    Journal of the Society of Inorganic Materials, Japan : セッコウ・石灰・セメント・地球環境の科学   21 ( 373 ) 441 - 445  2014.11


  • The recovery of the rare earth elements from used motors without a manual dismantling

    山口 勉功

    環境資源工学 = Resources processing : 資源処理技術   61 ( 4 ) 218 - 221  2014


  • Behavior of heavy metals in temporary disaster waste storage sites

    Hareyama Wataru, Kishimoto Kohei, Narumi Takayuki, Yamaguchi Katsunori, Okawara Masafumi, Nakazawa Hiroshi

    Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management   23 ( 0 ) 161 - 161  2012

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    東日本大震災により、岩手、宮城、福島の沿岸市町村で推計1879万9千トンの災害廃棄物が発生した。これらの災害廃棄物は、ほぼ全て仮置場に収集されており、順次処理が行われている。災害廃棄物は、様々な物質の混合物であり、有害物質を含有している可能性がある。そこで本研究では、災害廃棄物仮置場直下の土壌および仮置場周辺の水を採取し、重金属濃度を測定するとともに、災害廃棄物中に含まれる重金属量を測定することにより、災害廃棄物仮置場における重金属の挙動を検討した。災害廃棄物仮置場周辺地域の水質のPbとB濃度を測定した結果、比較的水の流れの少なくサンプリング地点において、PbとBが検出された。また、仮置場の直下の土壌には、Pbが、表層10~20 cmよりも、比較的表層5 cm以内に多く含有していることが分かった。災害廃棄物の混合物分別土中のPb含有量を測定した結果、土壌よりも高いPb含有量が検出された。

    DOI CiNii

  • Behavior of lead in the steelmaking slag mixed with non-ferrous smelting slag

    丸岡 伸洋, 北村 信也, 柴田 浩幸, 植田 滋, 山口 勉功

    Bulletin of the Advanced Materials Processing Building, IMRAM, Tohoku University   65 ( 1 ) 7 - 12  2009.12


  • Utilization of Thermodynamics in Extractive Metallurgy

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori

    Calorimetry and thermal analysis.   36 ( 5 ) 255 - 262  2009.11



    TANAKA Takuya, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori

    Thermophysical properties   30   214 - 216  2009.10


  • Thermodynamic Analysis for Vapour Epitaxial Growth of III-V Solid Solution Semiconductors

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori

    Journal of MMIJ   125 ( 6 ) 375 - 380  2009.07

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    The group III-V compound semiconductors and their solid solutions are important materials used in high speed electronic and optical electronic devices. Crystal growth of these semiconductor materials involves processes between the solid and liquid phases or solid and gas phase at near equilibrium conditions. Therefore, knowledge of thermodynamic and thermochemical properties for the semiconductor systems is important for providing optimum conditions in the analysis of processes for the crystal growth. In this report, some thermodynamic and thermochemical data such as heat capacity, standard entropy, heat and free energy of formation of compounds and heat of mixing of solid solutions on calorimetry are summarized. Base on these data, the vapor epitaxial growth of the III-V solid solution crystal are analyzed thermodynamically. The calculated compositions of the alloys have been compared with experiment, showing remarkably good agreement.


  • 特別講演 プラスチックを還元材として用いた石膏の再資源化

    山口 勉功, 植田 滋, 大藏 隆彦

    環境資源工学   53 ( 4 ) 228 - 233  2006


  • Behavior of Minor Species during Oxidation Smelting of Lead Concentrate

    Lead and Zinc 2005   2   1231 - 1245  2005

  • 第5版 実験化学講座 温度・熱,圧力

    丸善    2005

  • Behavior of Minor Species during Oxidation Smelting of Lead Concentrate

    Lead and Zinc 2005   2   1231 - 1245  2005

  • Extraction of Valuable Metals from Incineration Metal Residue in Molten State

    Global Symposium on Rcycling, Waste Treatment and Tchnology   2   1629 - 1636  2004

  • Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Cu-Zr System and Treatment of Zirconium Base Alloy Wastes by Using Molten Copper

    Global Symposium on Rcycling, Waste Treatment and Tchnology   3   2579 - 2588  2004

  • Extraction of Valuable Metals from Incineration Metal Residue in Molten State

    Global Symposium on Rcycling, Waste Treatment and Tchnology   2   1629 - 1636  2004

  • Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Cu-Zr System and Treatment of Zirconium Base Alloy Wastes by Using Molten Copper

    Global Symposium on Rcycling, Waste Treatment and Tchnology   3   2579 - 2588  2004

  • Removal of Minor Elements in Copper Smelting

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, TANAHASHI Mitsuru, TSUKIHASHI Fumitaka, NAGASAKI Hidenori, HATTORI Yasumasa, OISHI Toshio

    Shigen-to-Sozai   119 ( 10/11 ) 683 - 686  2003.11

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    Recently, several removal technologies of minor elements in copper smelting have been developed along with the degradation and the diversification of copper concentrates and also for assuring the quality of cathode. This article reviews the current and new elimination technologies of minor elements for copper smelting based on the recently published papers focusing specifically on arsenic, antimony, bismuth, lead and nickel among various impurities. In this article, the removal technologies in copper smelting are classified into five categories; (1) pre-treatment, (2) extraction from matte or copper, (3) dust treatment, (4) anode doping and (5) purification of electrolyte. Vacuum refining which is not established as a current industrial process is also described in this article.

    DOI CiNii

  • Current Situation and Problems of Slags Generated in Non-Ferrous Metals Production Industry

    TANAHASHI Mitsuru, TSUKIHASHI Fumitaka, YAMASHITA Satoshi, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, MITARAI Tsuyoshi, SAKAI Tetsuro, OKABE Susumu

    Shigen-to-Sozai   119 ( 10 ) 687 - 692  2003.11

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    A large quantity of slag containing various harmful and heavy metal impurities is generated in non-ferrous metal production industry every year. In order to achieve sustainable development of the industry in Japan during the 21st century, prompt measures should be taken to deal with the ever-increasing quantities of slags. To resolve the slag issues, great efforts have been made to develop their new applications and usage. As a part of the activity of the &quot;Committee for the Investigation Research on Development of Innovative Non-Ferrous Metals Smelting Technologies in the 21st Century&quot;, the current situation and problems on this matter are reviewed focusing on slags generated in copper, lead, zinc, and ferronickel production.

    DOI CiNii

  • Current Situation and Problems of Slags Generated in Non-Ferrous Metals Production Industry

    TANAHASHI Mitsuru, TSUKIHASHI Fumitaka, YAMASHITA Satoshi, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, MITARAI Tsuyoshi, SAKAI Tetsuro, OKABE Susumu

    Journal of MMIJ   119 ( 10・11 ) 687 - 692  2003

     View Summary

    A large quantity of slag containing various harmful and heavy metal impurities is generated in non-ferrous metal production industry every year. In order to achieve sustainable development of the industry in Japan during the 21st century, prompt measures should be taken to deal with the ever-increasing quantities of slags. To resolve the slag issues, great efforts have been made to develop their new applications and usage. As a part of the activity of the "Committee for the Investigation Research on Development of Innovative Non-Ferrous Metals Smelting Technologies in the 21st Century", the current situation and problems on this matter are reviewed focusing on slags generated in copper, lead, zinc, and ferronickel production.

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of High Temperature Heat Content by Drop Calorimetry

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, ITAGAKI Kimio

    Calorimetry and thermal analysis.   29 ( 4 ) 173 - 180  2002.09


  • levitation melting

    山口 勉功

    熱測定 : netsu = Calorimetry and thermal analysis   29 ( 4 ) 180 - 180  2002.09


  • twin unit differential calorimeter

    山口 勉功

    熱測定 : netsu = Calorimetry and thermal analysis   29 ( 4 ) 180 - 180  2002.09


  • Measurement of High Temperature Heat Content by Drop Calorimetry.

    Yamaguchi Katsunori, Itagaki Kimio

    Netsu Sokutei   29 ( 4 ) 173 - 180  2002

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    Accurate data for high temperature heat contents and heat capacities of substances are valuable for the study of materials and processes at elevated temperature. The heat contents and heat capacities of solids and liquids above 1000K are determined experimentally by drop calorimetry and the use has been extended to higher temperatures by using modern techniques for measuring and controlling temperature. The general requirements for the drop method are described in terms of furnace assembly, temperature measurement, calorimeter and sample container. Heat capacities can be determined from relative heat content measurements. Shomate function and qusai-local linear regression (QLLR) are useful to accurately derive the heat capacities from the heat contents. Several applications of the heat content measurements are described.

    DOI CiNii

  • 冶金熱力学の現状と将来--新しい利用を求めて (特集 世紀をつなぐ--金属の今とこれから) -- (金属を知る科学の今とこれから)

    山口 勉功

    金属   71 ( 9 ) 885 - 888  2001.09


  • 山口 勉功

    東北大学素材工学研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University   56 ( 1 ) 149 - 149  2001.03


  • 冶金熱力学の現状と将来

    金属   71 ( 9 ) 885 - 888  2001

  • Activity of Indium in Molten In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te Alloys Measured by EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrolyte

    Activity of Indium in Molten In-Sb-Ag and In-Sb-Te Alloys Measured by EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrolyte   65 ( 7 ) 888 - 892  2001

  • 熱量測定・熱分析ハンドブック

    丸善    1998

  • Thermodynamic Investigation of the III-V Alloys by Calorimetry

    YAMAGUCHI Katsunori, KAMEDA Kazuo

    まてりあ : 日本金属学会会報   35 ( 12 ) 1317 - 1324  1996.12

    DOI CiNii

  • Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半導体のリサイクリングに関する熱力学的検討 (素材プロセス研究 希少金属素材の再資源化) -- (レアメタル)

    日野 光久, 山口 勉功, 板垣 乙未生

    金属   1996 ( 0 ) 93 - 104  1996.08


  • Low Temperature Specitic Heat of GaP, InP, GaAs, InAs Compounds

    J. Japan Inst. Metals   60 ( 12 ) 1182 - 1186  1996


  • Thermodynamic Investigation of the III-V Alloys by Calorimetry.

    Yamaguchi Katsunori, Kameda Kazuo

    Materia Japan   35 ( 12 ) 1317 - 1324  1996

    DOI CiNii

  • Measurement of Thermodynamic Properties of the Liquid III-V Systems by Calorimetry

    ITAGAKI Kimio, YAMAGUCHI Katsunori

    Netsu Sokutei   22 ( 3 ) 178 - 179  1995.07

    DOI CiNii

  • D. Y. Kim, S. Surapunt, R. R. Vazquez, C. M. Nyamai

    東北大学素材工学研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University   49 ( 1 ) 148 - 149  1994.03


  • <Review Article>Vapour Pressure of III-V Alloys and Gas Phase Processing for Crystal Growth of III-V Compound Semiconductors

    Katsunori YAMAGUCHI, Kimio ITAGAKI

    Bulletin of the Institute for Advanced Materials Processing, Tohoku University   49 ( 1 ) p89 - 100  1993.12


  • Vapour Pressure of III-V Alloys and Gas Processing for Crystal Growth of III-V Compound Semiconductors

    Bulletin of Institute Advanced Materials Processing Tohoku Univ.   49 ( 1 ) 89 - 100  1993

  • Activity Measurements of Liquid Te-Pb Alloys by an EMF Method

    J. Japan Inst. Metals   57 ( 7 ) 774 - 780  1993


  • Activity Measurements of Liquid Te-Bi Alloys by an EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrlytes

    J. Japan Inst. Metals   57 ( 2 ) 158 - 163  1993


  • Activity Measurements of Liquid Tl-Bi Alloys by an EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrolyters

    J. Japan Inst. Metals   56 ( 8 ) 900 - 906  1992




    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   56 ( 1 ) 60 - 66  1992.01

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    The activity of the liquid Tl-In alloys has been determined by the emf measurements of the following galvanic cells: + Pt/Ni(s), NiO(s)\ZrO2(+ CaO)\Tl-In(1), In2O3(s)/Ir/Pt - (for N(In) = 0.60 approximately 0.90 at 878 to 1273 K), + Pt/Ni(s), NiO(s)\ZrO2(+ Y2O3)\Tl-In(1), In2O3(s)/Ir/Pt - (for N(In) = 0.20 approximately 0.50 at 830 to 1081 K).
    The activities of indium and thallium in the liquid Tl-In alloys show very slight positive deviations from Raoult's law and do not agree with the result by Kundys and Terpilowski but agree well with the result by Zheng and Kozuka. The gamma-degrees(In) and gamma-degrees(Tl) values are estimated to be 1.28 and 1.21 at 900 K and 1.25 and 1.16 at 1050 K, respectively. The alpha-function of indium against N(In) does not show a constant value, suggesting no regular solution behavior.
    The free energy of mixing at 900 K shows slightly smaller positive values than DELTA-G(id), and the peak value of DELTA-G is -4.69 kJ/mol at about N(In) = 0.49. The heat of mixing shows very small positive values, in close agreement with the result by Wittig and Muller. The peak value of DELTA-H is 0.55 kJ/mol at about N(In) = 0.58. It is shown that the zeta-function in liquid Tl-In alloys is a linear equation with composition and the entropy is closer to that of an ideal solution. Hence the properties of this system appear to be similar to those of a subregular solution.




    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   55 ( 9 ) 951 - 956  1991.09

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    The emf measurements of the following galvanic cells have been carried out to determine the standard free energy of formation of PbO(s) and the thermodynamic quantities of liquid Pb-Tl alloys: -Pt/Ni(s), NiO(s) \ZrO2 (+ Y2O3) \Pb-Tl (l), PbO(s)/Ir/Pt+ (for N(Pb) = 0.10 approximately 0.90 at 805 to 1130 K), -Pt/Ni(s), NiO(s) \ZrO2 (+ Y2O3) \Pb(l), PbO(s)/Ir/Pt+ (at 810 to 1104 K).
    The standard free energy of formation of PbO(s) was determined as follows: DELTA-G-(PbO(s))-Degrees /J.mol-1 = -217580 + 98.7 T +/- 200 in the temperature range 810-1104 K.
    Activity of lead in liquid Pb-Tl alloys at 850 and 950 K show slightly smaller positive and negative deviations from the Raoult's law. The activity of thallium at the same temperature exhibits a smaller negative deviation from the Raoult's law over almost all the concentration range except for the thallium rich region. It is nearly in agreement with the ideality in the thallium rich side of the system. The gamma-Pb-degrees and gamma-Tl-degrees values are estimated to be 0.62 and 0.69 at 850 K and 0.65 and 0.74 at 950 K, respectively. The alpha functions of lead against N(Pb) never show a constant value, suggesting no regular solution behavior.
    The free energy of mixing at 950 K shows slightly smaller negative values than DELTA-G(id), and the peak value of DELTA-G is -6.3 kJ/mol at about N(Pb) = 0.49. The heat of mixing shows very small negative values. The peak value of DELTA-H is -1.3 kJ/mol at about N(Pb) = 0.50.




    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   55 ( 5 ) 536 - 544  1991.05

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    The emf measurements of the following galvanic cells have been carried out to determine the standard free energy of formation of Bi2O3(s) and the thermodynamic quantities of liquid Ag-Bi alloys: (-)Pt/Ni(s), NiO(s) \ZrO2(+ CaO)\Ag-Bi(1), Bi2O3(s)/Ir/Pt(+) (for N(Bi) = 0.20 approximately 0.90 at 886 to 1068 K), (-)Pt/Ni(s), NiO(s) \ZrO2(+ CaO)\Bi(1), Bi2O3(s)/Ir/Pt(+) (at 888 to 1065 K). The standard free energy of formation of Bi2O3(s) are determined as follows; DELTA-G(Bi2O3(s)-degrees/J.mol-1 = -582520 + 293.94T +/- 530 between 888 and 997 K DELTA-G(Bi2O3(s)-degrees/J.mol-1 = -549700 + 261.06T +/- 460 between 997 and 1065 K.
    The concentration dependence of activities of bismuth shows a positive moderate deviation from the Raoult's law. Activities of silver show both positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law. Our data for bismuth do not agree with the result by Gregorczyk but roughly do well with that by Aldred et al. and Predel et al.
    The order of magnitude of both activities and heats of mixing IB metals (Cu, Ag and Au)-bismuth binary alloys in the intermediate composition range is approximately the same as that in the Periodic Table (i.e., Cu, Ag and Au). The activities and the heats of mixing of the Au-Bi alloys show small negative deviations and smaller exothermic values, respectively, over the whole concentration range. Such a affinity of Au-Bi alloys may be ascribed to the larger differences in the electronegativities in the gold alloys.
    In addition, the results of both activities and heats of mixing measurements in the liquid binary alloys composed of IB metals and bismuth and those composed of IB metals and other typical normal metals (i.e., Zn, Cd, Al, Ga, In, Sn and Sb etc.,) have been compared and discussed in connection with the electronic structure of the elements and with the alloy theory by Engel concerning the phase stability of solid solution between IB metals and typical normal metals.


  • Thermodynamic Investigation of Liquid Te-Tl Alloys

    J.Japan Inst.Metals   55 ( 5 ) 529 - 535  1991




    THERMOCHIMICA ACTA   163   1 - 12  1990.06

    DOI CiNii

  • Activity Measurements of Liquid Zn-In and Te-In Alloys by an EMF Method Using Zirconia Electrolytes

    J.Japan Inst.Metals   54 ( 11 ) 1222 - 1227  1990


  • Thermochemical Properties of Some liquid III-V Alloys

    Thermochimica Acta   163   287 - 294  1990

    DOI CiNii

  • Termodynamic Investigation of the Liquid Ga-P and In-P Systems by the Use of a Drop-Calorimeter

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals   53 ( 11 ) 1140 - 1147  1989


  • High Temperature Heat Content Measurements of the III-V Compounds

    Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals   53 ( 8 ) 764 - 770  1989


  • Ⅲ-Ⅴ化合物半導体の熱力学的研究

    資源・素材関係合同秋季大会分科研究会資料   S-2   9 - 12  1988



    JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS   52 ( 10 ) 966 - 972  1988


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Research Institute

  • 2022

    Waseda Research Institute for Science and Engineering   Concurrent Researcher

  • 2022

    Waseda Center for a Carbon Neutral Society   Concurrent Researcher