早稲田大学 文学学術院 教授
ハーバード大学ライシャワー日本研究所 客員研究員
早稲田大学 文学学術院 准教授
ハーバード大学エンチン研究所 招へい研究員
フロリダ国際大学 現代語学学科 助教授
2025/01/22 更新
早稲田大学 文学学術院 教授
ハーバード大学ライシャワー日本研究所 客員研究員
早稲田大学 文学学術院 准教授
ハーバード大学エンチン研究所 招へい研究員
フロリダ国際大学 現代語学学科 助教授
コロンビア大学 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 東アジア研究科
東京大学 大学院人文社会系研究科 英語英米文学研究室
イェール大学 英文学
Association for Japanese Literary Studies
American Comparative Literature Association
Association for Asian Studies
Envisioning Community Through Women’s Spaces: Body, Precarity, and Language in Kawakami Mieko’s Breasts and Eggs
由尾 瞳
Reading Desire in a New Generation of Japanese Women Writers, edited by Nina Cornyetz and Rebecca Copeland. Routledge 86 - 105 2023年 [査読有り]
Reimagining the Past, Present, and the Future of Reproductive Bodies in Contemporary Japanese Women’s Fiction: Mieko Kawakami’s Breasts and Eggs and Sayaka Murata’s Vanishing World
フリアナ・ブリティカ・アルサテ, 由尾 瞳
The Palgrave Handbook of Reproductive Justice and Literature, edited by Beth Widmaier Capo and Laura Lazzari, Palgrave Macmillan 465 - 486 2022年 [査読有り]
Food as Feminist Critique: Osaki Midori, Kanai Mieko, and Ogawa Yoko
由尾 瞳
Handbook of Modern and Contemporary Japanese Women Writers, edited by Rebecca Copeland. Amsterdam University Press 176 - 191 2022年 [査読有り]
Globalizing Japanese Culture: Japanese Literature in English Translation
WASEDA RILAS Journal No.6 41 - 47 2018年10月
The Ideal Woman and Jogaku zasshi: Translating Womanhood in Late 19th Century Japan
由尾 瞳
WASEDA RILAS Journal 5 13 - 25 2017年10月
由尾 瞳
多元文化 7 210 - 219 2017年02月
Performing the Woman Writer: Literature, Media, and Gender Politics in Tamura Toshiko's Akirame and "Onna sakusha"
由尾 瞳
Japanese Language and Literature 48 205 - 236 2014年 [査読有り]
Envisioning Women Writers: Female Authorship and the Cultures of Publishing and Translation in Early 20th Century Japan
由尾 瞳
Columbia University 2012年10月
Osaki Midori's "Kôrogijô" & Other Works: The Infiltration of European Modernism into the Japanese Literary Discourse in the 1920s and 30s
由尾 瞳
Columbia University 2007年05月
Ambiguous Waters: The Myth of Matrilineage in Virginia Woolf’s Novels
由尾 瞳
University of Tokyo 2005年03月
Virginia Woolf’s Obituaries in Japan on the Brink of the Pacific War
由尾 瞳
Virginia Woolf Bulletin 16 18 - 23 2004年
由尾 瞳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 災厄と日常―震災後文学としての川上未映子作品)
明石書店 2021年02月
( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: 尾崎翠『アップルパイの午後』(作家・作品解説))
松籟社 2020年03月
Reading The Tale of Genji: Sources From the First Millennium
由尾 瞳( 担当: 分担執筆, 担当範囲: Introduction to "Virginia Woolf, "The Tale of Genji: The First Volume of Mr. Arthur Waley's Translation of a Great Japanese Novel by the Lady Murasaki")
Columbia University Press 2015年
NHK中学生の基礎英語 1 「英語で読む、日本文学絵巻」(連載)
由尾瞳, 高井詩穂
“Interview with Mieko Kawakami by Hitomi Yoshio.” Wasafiri 102: Japan: Literatures of Remembering (June 2020)
Keynote Roundtable with Fujino Kaori, Kendall Heitzman, Hitomi Yoshio, Rosa van Hensbergen
Association for Japanese Literary Studies
発表年月: 2024年05月
Beyond the Novel: New Forms, New Infrastructures, and New Possibilities in Translating Japanese Literature
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
発表年月: 2024年03月
Women’s Voices in Modern Japan: Translation, Canonization, Literary History
由尾瞳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2023年04月
Translation as a Feminist Act: Examination of Sagawa Chika and Osaki Midori (Panel: Transnational Feminisms, Translation, and Women’s Voices in Japanese Literature)
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
発表年月: 2023年03月
Translating the Mother Tongue: A Conversation with Hitomi Yoshio
由尾瞳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2023年02月
Genre and Gender Politics of Translation in Literary Publishing (Panel: What Gets Translated?—Macro and Micro Perspectives on Translations of Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature)
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
発表年月: 2022年03月
李琴峰, 榊原理, 由尾瞳 [招待有り]
発表年月: 2021年11月
Empathy, Reading, and Translation: Envisioning Community through Kawakami Mieko's Writings (Panel: Reading and Empathy: Textual Analyses of Connection, Community and Critique)
由尾 瞳
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
発表年月: 2021年03月
Kawakami Mieko’s Writings as Post-3.11 Literature
由尾 瞳 [招待有り]
International Symposium: Texts of the Heisei Era. Readings of Contemporary Literature, Goethe University, Frankfurt
発表年月: 2019年06月
Dreams of Love, Etc.: The Imagined Community of Women in Kawakami Mieko’s Fiction
由尾 瞳 [招待有り]
UCLA-Waseda International Symposium: The Woman in the Story: Female Protagonists in Japanese Narratives, UCLA, Los Angeles
発表年月: 2019年03月
Catastrophe and the Mundane: Kawakami Mieko’s Poetic Response to 3.11
由尾 瞳
3.11後文学を今日的に考える (INALCO、パリ)
発表年月: 2018年06月
The Birth of ‘Women Writers’: Advertising and the Media in Early 20th-Century Japan
由尾 瞳
Book Advertising Studies Workshop (Waseda University)
発表年月: 2018年04月
The Ideal Woman and Jogaku zasshi: Translating Womanhood in Late 19th Century Japan
由尾 瞳 [招待有り]
Translation and Translators in East Asia (Oxford University)
発表年月: 2017年09月
Translating the Classics: Modern Translation of Ichiyô and Kawakami Mieko’s Chichi to ran
由尾 瞳
Association of Japanese Literary Studies (Rikkyo University)
発表年月: 2017年07月
Birth of “Women Writers” in Japan
由尾 瞳 [招待有り]
Rethinking Authorship in East Asia and Europe: International Symposium (Columbia University)
発表年月: 2017年03月
Modernizing Ichiyô: Kawakami Mieko’s Breasts and Eggs
由尾 瞳
American Association of Teachers of Japanese (Toronto)
発表年月: 2017年03月
Rethinking Japanese Women's Literature: Media, Translation, Literary History
由尾 瞳 [招待有り]
International Symposium on New Horizons in Japanese Literary and Cultural Studies (Columbia University)
発表年月: 2015年03月
Writing the Body: Gender, Language, and Cultural Memory in Kawakami Mieko's Breasts and Eggs
由尾 瞳
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
発表年月: 2015年03月
Osaki Midori & Japanese Literary Modernism
由尾 瞳 [招待有り]
Southern Japan Seminar (Florida International University)
発表年月: 2015年02月
Macho Men and Carnivore Women: Gender and the Politics of Translating East Asia
由尾 瞳
American Literary Translators Association (Milwaukee)
発表年月: 2014年11月
The Art of Forgetting: National Literature, Authorship, and Gender in Natsume Sôseki's Kusamakura
由尾 瞳
Sôseki's Diversity Conference (University of Michigan)
発表年月: 2014年04月
Modernizing Ichiyô, Translating Kawakami Mieko
由尾 瞳 [招待有り]
Southern Japan Seminar (Florida International University)
発表年月: 2014年03月
In the Realm of the Seventh Sense: Gender, Genre, and Global Imagination in Osaki Midori's Writings
由尾 瞳
American Comparative Literature Association (New York University)
発表年月: 2014年03月
Performing the Woman Writer: Tamura Toshiko and the Media in Early 20th Century Japan (Panel: Writing Women, Making Men: Gender in Japanese-Language Literature from Early to Postwar Modernity)
由尾 瞳
Association of Asian Studies (San Diego)
発表年月: 2013年03月
Japanese Women's Writing as World Literature: Translation, Literary History, and New Media (Panel: Translation and Cross-Cultural Literary Production in Early Twentieth-Century Japan)
由尾 瞳
Association of Asian Studies (Toronto)
発表年月: 2012年03月
Thinking Back Through Our Mothers: Envisioning Women's Literary History in 1920s Japan
由尾 瞳
American Comparative Literature Association (Vancouver)
発表年月: 2011年04月
Osaki Midori and Nyonin geijutsu: Gender, Genre, and Media Technology
由尾 瞳
Association of Japanese Literary Studies (Yale University)
発表年月: 2010年11月
Women Writers, Publishing, and Translation in Modern Japan
アメリカ ハーバード大学
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