Updated on 2024/10/24

Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, School of Culture, Media and Society
Job title
Ph.D. ( 2006.05 The University of Tokyo )
My major research concerns are on the transnational relations in the Asia region, particularly those of NGOs and Civil Society actors.

Research Experience

  • 2016.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences   Professor

  • 2024.04

    Leiden University   Visiting fellow

  • 2013.10

    Chukyo University   School of International Liberal Studies   Professor

  • 2012.04

    Australian National University, School of Culture, History and Language   Visiting Fellow

  • 2008.04

    Chukyo University   School of International Liberal Arts   Associate Professor

  • 2007.04

    Chukyo University   Associate Professor   Faculty of Liberal Arts

  • 2005.04

    Chukyo University   Faculty of Liberal Arts   Full-time lecturer

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Education Background

  • 1999.04

    The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo  

  • 1997.04

    The University of Tokyo   The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences  

Professional Memberships

  • 2022.01

    International Studies Association




    Peace Studies Association of Japan

Research Areas

  • Area studies

Research Interests

  • Asian Studies, Peace Studies, and NGO Studies


  • 国際ボランティア学会賞(隅谷三喜男賞)

    2017   国際ボランティア学会   『非戦・対話・NGO』新評論

  • Akino Yutaka Prize




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Books and Other Publications

  • Transnational Japan-Korea Studies Series

    2024.08 ISBN: 4779518164


  • グローバルな物語の時代と歴史表象 : 『Pachinkoパチンコ』が紡ぐ植民地主義の記憶

    玄, 武岩, 金, 敬黙, 李, 美淑 (社会学), 松井, 理恵 (環境社会学), Morris-Suzuki, Tessa, 鄭, 炳浩, 姜, 信子, 李, 成市, 伊地知, 紀子, スー, ヒュー, 韓, 東賢, 深沢, 潮, 宮地, 忠彦, 小薗, 崇明, 高, 鮮徽, 武藤, 優, 藤野, 陽平, 倉橋, 耕平, イム, ジョンス, 趙, 慶喜

    青弓社  2024.02 ISBN: 9784787235329

  • 「日韓連帯」の政治社会学 : 親密圏と公共圏からのアプローチ

    玄, 武岩, 金, 敬黙, 松井, 理恵 (環境社会学)

    青土社  2024.01 ISBN: 9784791776214

  • 人類学者がのぞいた北朝鮮-苦難と微笑の国

    金敬黙, 徐淑美( Part: Joint translator)

    青土社  2022.09 ISBN: 9784791773930

  • 教養としてのジェンダーと平和Ⅱ

    風間孝他( Part: Contributor)

    法律文化社  2022.04 ISBN: 9784589042101

  • 北東アジア・市民社会・キリスト教から観た「平和」

    富坂キリスト教センター( Part: Contributor, 第4章 「パブリック・ディプロマシーは北東アジアに平和をもたらし得るのか?」)

    燦葉出版社  2022.04 ISBN: 9784879251459

  • Reconciling Divided States Peace Processes in Ireland and Korea

    ( Part: Joint author, chapter 4)

    Routledge  2022.01 ISBN: 9780367515300

     View Summary

    This chapter assesses how the Korean War has been remembered in Korea and internationally through official memorials, museums, popular culture, and commemorative projects. The chapter focuses on the sharp divergence between collective memories in South Korea and among other countries who took part in the war; apart from the United States, the allies which fought on behalf of South Korea and under the auspices of the UN have been omitted from South Korean public memory. The chapter also considers the case of Zainichi Koreans, people of Korean descent living in Japan, who participated in the Korean War but were subsequently rejected by both South Korea and Japan, and officially forgotten until the beginning of 21st century. The conclusion notes that while closing this memory ‘gap’ present dilemmas, diverging memories among the parties to the Korean War and within the Korean diaspora are stumbling blocks to contemporary peace efforts.


  • China and human rights in North Korea : debating a "developmental approach" in Northeast Asia

    He, Baogang, Hundt, David, Pan, Chengxin

    Routledge  2021.11 ISBN: 1032006005


  • 新たな時代の「日韓連帯」市民運動

    玄, 武岩, 金, 敬黙, 李, 美淑(社会学), 小田川, 興, 寺西, 澄子, 明石, 薫

    寿郎社  2021.03 ISBN: 9784909281333

  • 歴史としての日韓国交正常化I〈新装版〉: 東アジア冷戦編

    李, 鍾元, 木宮, 正史, 浅野, 豊美( Part: Joint author)

    法政大学出版局  2020.02 ISBN: 9784588377167

  • 越境する平和学 : アジアにおける共生と和解

    金, 敬黙

    法律文化社  2019.10 ISBN: 9784589040312

  • 入門政治学365日

    中田, 晋自, 大園, 誠, 松尾, 秀哉, 臼井, 陽一郎, 金, 敬黙, 平賀, 正剛, 森分, 大輔, 石川, 裕一郎, 柳原, 克行( Part: Edit)

    ナカニシヤ出版  2018.04 ISBN: 9784779512803

  • 非戦・対話・NGO : 国境を越え、世代を受け継ぐ私たちの歩み

    大橋, 正明, 内田, 聖子, 谷山, 博史, 宇井, 志緒利, 金, 敬黙, 中村, 絵乃, 野川, 未央, 木口, 由香, 小泉, 雅弘, 田村, 雅文, 満田, 夏花, 渡部, 朋子

    新評論  2017.12 ISBN: 9784794810816

  • 探査ジャーナリズムとNGOとの協働

    渡辺, 周, 花田, 達朗, 金, 敬黙, 野中, 章弘, 加地, 紗弥香, ワセダクロニクル

    彩流社  2017.10 ISBN: 9784779123924

  • 大学と地域社会の連携 : 持続可能な恊働への道すじ

    渋谷, 努( Part: Joint author)

    石風社  2016.04 ISBN: 9784883442638

  • 大学と地域社会の連携

    中京大学社会科学研究所, 羅, 一慶, 金, 敬黙, 桑原, 英明, 渋谷, 努, 成, 元哲, 石川, 真作

    中京大学社会科学研究所,石風社  2016.03 ISBN: 9784908282034

  • コモンウェルスにおけるレガシーの光と影

    中京大学社会科学研究所, 金, 敬黙, 奥村, みさ, 中西, 眞知子, 石堂, 典秀, 中原, 聖乃, 中田, 靜( Part: Joint author)

    中京大学社会科学研究所,ナカニシヤ出版  2016.02 ISBN: 9784908282027

  • 私、北朝鮮から来ました : ハナのストーリー : 日英対訳・バイリンガル平和教育教材 = A North Korean refugee in Japan : Hana's stories : Japanese-English, bilingual edition

    金, 敬黙, Bell, Markus, Menadue‐Chun, Susan

    アジアプレス・インターナショナル出版部  2016 ISBN: 9784904399118

  • 教養としてのジェンダーと平和

    風間孝, 加治宏基, 金敬黙編著

    法律文化社  2016 ISBN: 9784589037565

  • 平和の人類学

    小田, 博志, 関, 雄二, 栗本, 英世, 福武, 慎太郎, 福島, 在行, 内海, 愛子, 辰巳, 頼子, 金, 敬黙

    法律文化社  2014.03 ISBN: 9784589035639

  • Politics of conflict and reconciliation

    ( Part: Joint author)

    2013.05 ISBN: 9784779507588

  • 国際協力のレッスンー地球市民の国際協力論入門

    牧田 東一( Part: Joint author)

    学陽書房  2013.04 ISBN: 431334022X


  • 民際力の可能性

    渋谷, 努( Part: Joint author)

    国際書院  2013.02 ISBN: 9784877912437

  • NGOの源流をたずねて : 難民救援から政策提言まで


    めこん  2011 ISBN: 9784839602444

  • グローバル化・変革主体・NGO : 世界におけるNGOの行動と理論

    美根慶樹編, 大橋正明, ほか] 著

    新評論  2011 ISBN: 9784794808554

  • ユーラシアの紛争と平和

    広瀬, 佳一, 小笠原, 高雪, 上杉, 勇司( Part: Joint author)

    明石書店  2008.07 ISBN: 9784750328133

  • 越境するNGOネットワーク : 紛争地域における人道支援・平和構築


    明石書店  2008 ISBN: 9784750327280

  • 国際協力NGOのフロンティア : 次世代の研究と実践のために

    金敬黙, ほか] 編著

    明石書店  2007 ISBN: 9784750326337

  • 戦後日本の国際文化交流

    戦後日本国際文化交流研究会, 平野, 健一郎( Part: Joint author)

    勁草書房  2005.01 ISBN: 4326601795

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  • "Cultural Exchange and Peace Tourism as Non Governmental Diplomacy Japanese NGOs Engagement with North Korea"

    KIM Kyungmook

    ISA 64th Conference 

    Presentation date: 2023.03

Research Projects

  • 親密圏と公共圏からみる〈日韓連帯〉の政治社会学

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業

    Project Year :


    玄 武岩, 金 敬黙, 福島 みのり, 金 誠, 本庄 十喜, 李 美淑, 倉橋 耕平, 松井 理恵, 森 類臣, 呉 世宗, 金 明柱

  • Political Sociology of the Korea-Japan Solidarity

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


  • A study of the transnational civil networks on the Japan-Korea relations.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    KIM Kyungmook

     View Summary

    This project had examined the Japan-Korea relations from the view point of civil society movements and international understanding education program. Over the past 30 years, the relations between Japan and South Korea have experienced both good and bad situations due to historical perception and education, territorial disputes and so on. In this research project, the key assumptions were set that grassroots movement and civil society might affect more than the governmental policies of both countries.
    Gender gaps and generation gaps are found as the obstacles of diplomatic tensions, and thus there require further researches to promote reconciliation and trust-building between two countries as neighbors.

  • A Comparative Study between Japan and Korea on the Receptivity of Migrant Communities of the Civil Society :From a Human Security Perspective.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    MUSHAKOJI Kinhide, SUN Wonsuk, HUA Li, HAYAO Takanori, OGURA Toshimaru, HANOCHI Seiko, NODA Masato, KAJIMURA Miki, MATSUBARA Hiroko, SUZUKI Eriko, SHIOBARA Yoshikazu, KIM Kyungmook, SATAKE Masaaki, KONDO Atsushi, HAMA Kunihiko

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    The present research project studied the feminization of global labour migration in Japan and Korea, with emphasis on the cooperation between the diaspora communities and the local civil society. Vietnam and the Philippines were selected as sending countries. The research studied the insecurity of women migrants in their public and intimate lives and indicated the importance of developing new concepts about the trans-border public domain taking account of their double livelihood in the communities they live in and the ones they left behind

  • Joint Research with multi-archival documents for the Treaty of Normalization between Japan and ROK (Republic of Korea) : Decolonization and Cold War in Asia.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :


    ASANO Toyomi, IKEDA Shintaro, KIM Kyungmook, LEE Jongwno, KIMIYA Tadashi, ISOZAKI Noriyo, YAMANOUCHI Yasuhide, OTA Osamu, HAYASHI Natsuo, YOSHIZAWA Fumitoshi, NISHINO Junya, KOBAYASHI Reiko, FUJII Kenji, NAGASAWA Yuko

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    I have published a series of documents related with the normalization between Japan and Korea from the publishing company of GendaiShiryo Shuppan. This series will be continued even after the project ended, following the schedule of the publishing company. Also two of the project members and I edited two volumes of the monograph, entitled 'The normalization between Japan and Korea as a history,' to be soon published by Hosei University Press with assistance of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Then, in January 2010, I organized a public symposium entitled "Modern Historical Meanings of the Normalization between Japan and Korea," with generous assistance of the Asahi and Toa Ilbo newspaper companies. Its aim was to propagate the accomplishments of our project in the context of contemporary public concerns, including the process of normalization between North Korea and Japan in 2010. Finally, I organized two panels at the annual conventions of academic associations : Japan International Studies' Association in Tsukuba in 2008 and Association for Asian Studies in Chicago in 2009 (together with Korean project members), with an aim to receive feedback from other scholars in the related academic fields






  • Affiliated organization   Global Education Center

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 「北朝鮮問題」と日本の市民社会-トランスナショナル関係を中心に-


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  • アジアの共通課題の市民社会-「北朝鮮問題」に関わる日本のNGO・市民運動の実践-


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     「北朝鮮問題」の複雑化、長期化をめぐり、日本の市民社会がどのような動機やメカニズムで関わっていくのかという問いについて、人道支援、交流事業、脱北者支援などの事例分析から、実証分析・質的研究に取り組んだ。 総じては、具体的な実証分析のデータをより集める作業を繰り返しつつ、理論的な分析(トランスナショナルNGOネットワーク論など)に発展させる努力を行うための基礎的な準備に取り組むことができた。–