2025/03/14 更新


マキュワン マヤ
マキュワン 麻哉
教育・総合科学学術院 教育学部


  • 外国語教育


  • An fMRI study examining the role of the extended amygdala and amygdala in emotion and inhibitory control in native versus second language processing.

    Maya Sugita-McEown, Michiru Makuuchi, Taiga Naoe, James Ellinger, W L Quint Oga-Baldwin, Kristopher McEown

    PloS one   19 ( 11 ) e0310129  2024年  [国際誌]


    The role of the extended amygdala and amygdala in mediating emotion and inhibitory control in native language versus second language processing is currently not well understood. The current study examined activity in the extended amygdala and amygdala when twelve healthy young adults were exposed to emotional-linguistic stimuli in either their native language (i.e., Japanese) or in a second language (i.e., English) using a go/no-go task while undergoing fMRI scans. Data was bootstrapped using random resampling. A significant interaction was observed for the amygdala and extended amygdala activity for language (English vs. Japanese), emotional-linguistic valence (positive, negative, neutral) and inhibitory control (go/no-go condition). Furthermore, main effects were observed for language and valence for the amygdala and extended amygdala. Main effects were observed for inhibitory control for the extended amygdala and right amygdala but not for the left amygdala, which did not show a main effect for inhibitory control. Significant interactions and main effects were also observed for behavioral outcomes (go/no-go reaction time and accuracy scores) for the amygdala and extended amygdala. Post hoc analyses found that under conditions of inhibitory control participants had less activation in the extended amygdala and amygdala when processing emotional information in English (i.e., second language) compared to Japanese (i.e., native language). In summary, our findings suggest that the amygdala and extended amygdala may mediate emotion and inhibitory control when participants process information in their native (Japanese) versus a second language (English).

    DOI PubMed

  • The role of trait emotional intelligence in predicting academic stress, burnout, and engagement in Japanese second language learners

    Kristopher McEown, Maya Sugita McEown, W. L. Quint Oga-Baldwin

    Current Psychology    2023年02月



    The current study examined the relationship between trait emotional intelligence (TEI), academic stress, burnout, and engagement in Japanese undergraduate students learning English as a second language. One hundred eighty-four participants (females = 87, mean age = 19.7 years) completed two questionnaires, one administered at the beginning of the academic semester (i.e., baseline), and one administered at the end of the academic semester (i.e., follow-up). Structural equation modeling revealed that TEI factors predicted engagement and negatively predicted academic stress, while stress strongly predicted burnout. Cluster analysis and ANOVA revealed that participants with high TEI reported significantly lower scores for stress and burnout and higher scores for academic engagement (i.e., emotional and agentic) compared to participants with low TEI. In addition, exhaustion significantly increased between baseline and follow-up for participants with low TEI but not for participants with high TEI. For participants with high TEI, inadequacy significantly decreased whereas emotional engagement significantly increased between baseline and follow-up. Results suggest that increasing TEI may reduce academic stress and burnout while increasing engagement among second language learners in a Japanese context.



  • The Importance of an Autonomy-Supportive Workplace and Engaged Students for Language Teachers’ Self-Determination and Engagement

    Xijia Zhang, Kim Noels, Maya Sugita-McEown


  • The role of positive and negative psychological factors in predicting effort and anxiety toward languages other than English

    Kristopher McEown, Maya Sugita-McEown

    Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development   43 ( 8 ) 746 - 758  2022年


    The role of positive and negative psychological factors in predicting effort and foreign language anxiety for languages other than English (LOTE) is not well understood. Therefore, two hundred twenty-one students attending a private university in Tokyo, Japan participated in a research study. Participants were studying one of four LOTEs, specifically Chinese (n = 41), Spanish (n = 76), French (n = 62) or German (n = 42). Students spent, on average, more than two years studying each respective LOTE. Questionnaire surveys were used to assess the following constructs: integrative orientation, intrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, teacher and parental support, intended effort for learning the LOTE and LOTE anxiety. Descriptive statistics and regression analyses were conducted to assess the data. Complex and diverse interrelationships among teacher and parental supports, positive and negative orientations, and outcome variables (intended effort and anxiety) were observed in each LOTE.



  • The role of parental factors and the self in predicting positive L2 outcomes among Japanese learners of English

    Maya Sugita-McEown, Kristopher McEown

    Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development   40 ( 10 ) 934 - 949  2019年11月


    The current study had two objectives: (a) to quantitatively investigate whether Japanese language learners of English have inclusive second language (L2) self-related motivations, and how inclusive L2 self-related motivations contribute to English learning effort and self-rated English ability, and (b) to qualitatively examine how Japanese learners of English incorporate parental expectations and values about English into their L2 self during each stage of their English learning experience, and how higher and lower English proficiency learners incorporate parental values and opinions into their L2 self. We found that an inclusive L2 self-related motivation explained the interaction between social/contextual factors and English learning effort or self-rated English ability. A gap was observed between higher and lower English proficiency groups regarding the degree of incorporating parental expectations, values, and feelings about English into their sense of L2 self. Having an inclusive L2 self successfully introduces different viewpoints into current self-related motivational frameworks within language learning contexts, which to date have only emphasised individual levels of self perspectives to the exclusion of inclusive self figures derived from social surroundings.



  • Self-determination for all language learners: New applications for formal language education.

    Sugita-McEown, Oga-Baldwin, W. Q

    System   86   102 - 124  2019年



  • Individual, parental and teacher support factors of self-regulation in Japanese students

    Maya Sugita McEown, Kristopher Scott McEown

    Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching   13 ( 4 ) 389 - 401  2018年



  • Foreign Language Learning Motivation in the Japanese Context: Social and Political Influences on Self

    Maya Sugita McEown, Yasuyo Sawaki, Tetsuo Harada

    The Modern Language Journal   101 ( 3 ) 533 - 547  2017年



  • Students' self-determined and integrative orientations and teachers' motivational support in a Japanese as a foreign language context

    Maya Sugita McEown, Kimberly A. Noels, Kristie D. Saumure

    SYSTEM   45 ( 1 ) 227 - 241  2014年08月  [査読有り]


    To support students' motivation to learn a foreign language, teachers should understand the reasons why their students wish to learn the language and incorporate this information in their teaching practice. The survey of 128 Canadian learners of Japanese focused on three questions: What are students' orientations for wanting to learn Japanese, and how are these orientations interrelated? Do orientations differently predict learning engagement and academic outcomes on the one hand, and language community engagement, on the other? What aspects of teachers' support best facilitate students' self-determination and intercultural integrativeness? The results showed that self-determined orientations were the best predictors of learning engagement and academic outcomes, but cultural knowledge development and intercultural interaction best predicted Japanese community engagement. Students who perceived their teacher as supporting competence and relatedness also reported greater self-determination. These results underscore the motivational significance of self-related and integrative orientations for learning a foreign language, even in settings where there is little opportunity for interaction with members of the target language community. These findings emphasize that foreign language teachers can foster students' motivation by supporting their sense of competence, relatedness and cultural understanding, although these supports may differ in their importance depending on the students' level of self-determination. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Learning from authoritarian teachers: Controlling the situation or controlling yourself can sustain motivation

    Chaffee, Noels, Sugita McEown

    Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching   4   355 - 387  2014年

  • Motivational strategies in EFL classrooms: How do teachers impact students’ motivation?

    Maya Sugita McEown, Osamu Takeuchi

    Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching   8 ( 1 ) 20 - 38  2014年01月



  • What can teachers do to motivate their students? A classroom research on motivational strategy use in the Japanese EFL context

    Maya Sugita, Osamu Takeuchi

    Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching   4 ( 1 ) 21 - 35  2010年03月


    In this article, the authors present an empirical study on motivational strategies in English as a foreign language classes at the lower secondary school level. Teachers' actual use of 15 motivational strategies was described on the basis of self-reported frequency data over a two-month period. Furthermore, the relationships between the frequency of these 15 motivational strategies and the strength of students' motivation were investigated. The overall results showed that (1) teachers used these motivational strategies in a variety of ways
    (2) there were only a few motivational strategies which showed a significant correlation with students' motivation. In addition, the authors found that (3) the effectiveness of some motivational strategies varied according to students' English proficiency level. Implications of these findings are discussed at the end of the article. © 2010 Taylor &amp



  • Motivational influences surrounding:Secondary school EFL students

    Maya Sugita, Osamu Takeuchi

    外国語教育メディア学会紀要   47   181 - 203  2010年


    The purpose of the present study is to provide implications on how teachers can make students be more motivated in EFL learning outside the classroom. For this purpose, the present study focuses on; 1) the construct of motivational influences on English learning outside the classroom perceived by 1,141 Japanese secondary school students of EFL; 2) the relationship between these influences and students' English proficiency levels; and 3) teachers' perception of these motivational influences. A questionnaire was administered to obtain the factors for motivational influences which affected the students' motivation for English learning outside the classroom. Through the factor analysis, six factors were found. The results of correlation and MANOVA analyses showed that each factor was found to be more or less related to students' English proficiency levels. These findings were then compared with EFL teachers' perception obtained through interviews. The comparisons suggested that there existed some discrepancies between the empirical realities and the teachers' perception. Implications of these findings are then discussed.

    DOI CiNii

  • A review on language learning motivation research: To explore the issues for future research

    外国語教育学研究科紀要『千里への道』   7  2009年

  • On the motivational influences that cause positive EFL learning outside the classroom

    Maya Sugita

    JACET Journal   47 ( 47 ) 81 - 93  2008年


  • 中学校英語授業における動機づけ方略: 教員の視点から

    英語授業実践学の展開-斎藤栄二先生御退職記念論文集    2007年

  • Verbal encouragements for motivating EFL learners: A classroom research

    Maya Sugita, Osamu Takeuchi

    JACET Bulletin   43 ( 43 ) 59 - 71  2006年


    This paper presents the results of an empirical study examining the encouragements used by teachers in EFL classes. To find out the actual use of encouragements, the authors first adopted the following two steps : 1) classroom video-observations of verbal encouragements by teachers in schools ranging from elementary to university level ; and 2) a questionnaire survey to obtain students' attitudes and preferences toward encouragements. The frequency data shows that elementary school teachers tend to give more encouragements than those at other schools. Also, high school teachers are liable to provide fewer encouragements. Apart from teachers in junior high, teachers in senior high school and university directed more encouragements at individuals than at the whole class. In addition, huge differences between teachers' use and students' preferences of encouragements are found.




  • Culture, autonomy and the self in language learning. in The impact of self-concept on language learning

    K. Csizer, M. Magid( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Multilingual Matters  2014年

  • At the interface of the socio-educational model, self-determination theory, and the L2 motivational self system model in The impact of self-concept on language learning

    K. Csizer, M. Magid( 担当: 分担執筆)

    Multilingual Matters  2014年

  • 外国語教育研究ハンドブック―研究手法のより良い理解のために第7章分散分析入門(2) -独立変数が2つ以上ある場合には

    編著者, 竹内理, 水本篤 著者, 杉田麻哉



  • Self-regulatory processes among Japanese EFL learners in CLIL course contexts

    Sugita McEown, McEown

    The Third International Conference on Situating Strategy Use   (Japan) 

    発表年月: 2019年10月

  • 大学英語学習者を対象とした内容言語統合型学習に関する縦断調査


    基盤研究B シンポジウム  

    発表年月: 2019年03月

  • Self-determination for all language learners

    Maya Sugita McEown, Quint Oga Baldwin

    Psychology of Language Learning conference (PLL3)  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • Incorporating the Inclusive L2 Self into Self-Related Motivations in a Japanese EFL Context

    Maya Sugita McEown, Kristopher Scott McEown

    International Symposium on Education and Social Sciences  

    発表年月: 2018年06月

  • What is 'self" in the Japanese EFL context

    Maya Sugita McEown


    発表年月: 2017年04月

  • The importance of a supportive workplace and engaged students for ESL instructors' teaching motivation

    Kimberly Noels, Dayuma Vargas Lascano, Maya Sugita McEown

    Psychology of Language Learning conference (PLL2)  

    発表年月: 2016年08月

  • Research on motivation From practice to theory


    発表年月: 2016年06月

  • A comparison of self-determined language learning motivation in Japan and Canada

    Chaffee, K. E, Kimberly Noels, Maya Sugita McEown, Atsushi Mizumoto, Osamu Takeuchi

    The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology  

    発表年月: 2014年07月

  • Learning from authoritarian teachers: Controlling the situation or controlling yourself can sustain motivation

    Chaffee, K. E, Kimberly Noels, Maya Sugita McEown

    The International Association of Language and Social Psychology  

    発表年月: 2014年06月

  • Accommodating to the learning environment: secondary control, self-determined motivation, and academic engagement

    The society for personality and social psychology  

    発表年月: 2013年01月

  • Motivating students to learn a second language

    ATESL Conference 2012  

    発表年月: 2012年11月

  • Motivational flow and teachers teaching styles: Self- determination theory

    TESL Canada 2012  

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Changes in perceptions: Motivation, teaching styles, engagement

    TESL Canada 2012  

    発表年月: 2012年10月

  • Motivational strategy: Its effectiveness and features in the EFL classroom.

    The 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics  

    発表年月: 2011年08月



  • Emotional intelligence as a mediator between positive and negative emotions and neuro-cognitive performance among Japanese EFL learners




    The research project will explore the interplay between emotional intelligence and neurocognitive performance among language learners using novel questionnaire survey and neuro-cognitive measures

  • 大学英語学習者を対象とした内容言語統合型学習に関する縦断調査

    日本学術振興会  科学研究費助成事業



    西田 理恵子, マキュワン 麻哉, RYAN STEPHEN, 入江 恵, 八島 智子, オオガボールドウィン クィント


    今年度は当初の予定通り以下の国際学会発表、特別講演企画、データ分析、出版企画と出版を行っている。(1)国際学会発表:研究代表者、分担者がそれぞれに、クロアチア、韓国、香港(2件)にて発表を行った。しかし2020年3月に予定をしていた国際学会発表の一部は、新型コロナの影響のため延期となったため、次年度以降に発表予定としている。 (2) 特別講演企画:海外から、5月にSarah Mercer氏 (University of Graz), 10月にPeter MacIntyre氏(Cape Breton University)を招待した。 (3)書籍出版:大修館書店:「動機づけ研究の理論と実践:動機づけを仕掛けて(仮題)」と題して、大修館書店から代表者・分担者が執筆を行っており、2020年度に出版予定である。2021年度には、Multilingual Mattersから「The psychological experience of integrating language and content」と題して書籍出版が予定されている。本書では代表者が執筆と編集を行っており、分担者(Stephen Ryan氏)がSeries Editorを務めている。さらにStephen Ryan氏が「Innovation in English Education in Japan」(Palgrave Macmillan)「Palgrave handbook of motivation for language learning」(Palgrave Macmillan)を出版した。(4)調査の状況:調査に関しては、大阪大学・早稲田大学・学習院大学・関西大学にて最終的には約800名の学習者を調査対象とし、データ収集を終了した。大阪大学(約600名)、早稲田大学(約50名)、学習院大学(約100名)、関西大学(約60名)が調査対象者となった。(5)シンポジウム企画:第3回企画シンポジウム(2020年3月3日):大阪大学にて全体研究会を行う予定であったが新型コロナの影響にて延期することとなった。 (6)代表者のネット上のホームページを随時更新し、上記の研究の状況を公開している。本研究が3年目であり、データ収集が終了した。大阪大学・早稲田大学・学習院大学・関西大学にて質問紙調査を実施し、質的データ収集(半構造化面接、自由記述、Motigraph、リフレクションシート)を行い、約800名のデータ収集を行った。大阪大学・早稲田大学・学習院大学・関西大学の一部のデータについては既に分析を開始しており、今後さらに統計分析と質的データ分析を進めている。さらにデータの一部を使用して、研究代表者、分担者がそれぞれに出版を行う、あるいは、出版に向けて執筆を行った。研究代表者、分担者がそれぞれに一部のデータを使用して国際学会発表、国内学会発表にて研究成果を発表しており、今後の研究の在り方や方向性について活発な議論を行っている。2020年3月以降は新型コロナの影響で海外出張ができていないことから、2020年度春夏に予定していた国際学会発表、国内学会発表、シンポジウム企画は、2021年度に延期となった。今年度に入手した質問紙調査と質的データの分析を統計分析・質的データ分析によって分析を行い、結果を公表していく予定である。また、代表者・分担者が国内外学会発表にて成果報告を行う予定であり、年に1度企画されている第3回公開シンポジウムにて議論を行う。更に、質問紙・言語運用能力に関わる分析結果について学術誌を中心として出版を行っていく。さらに大修館書店から「動機づけ研究の理論と実践―教育実践を通した動機づけの仕掛け」(仮題)と題して、書籍刊行に向けて執筆を行い、2020年10月には出版予定である。さらに "The psychological experience of integrating language and content“と題してMultilingual Matters (英国)からの書籍出版も決まっている。国際学会発表、国内学会発表、シンポジウム企画については新型コロナの影響によって延期されることとなったため、2021年度に学会発表を予定している。したがって本研究の研究計画を変更する必要はなく、今後、本研究を遂行するうえでの問題点はない

  • 「大学英語学習者を対象とした内容言語統合型学習に関する縦断調査




  • Language Motivation and Culture beyond Personality Traits





    2019年度は、前の年度に実施した質問紙から得られたデータを分析し、執筆した。具体的な研究内容は、英語以外の外国語学習(スペイン語、フランス語、中国語、ドイツ語)に着目し、その心理的要因と環境的要因の関係性を探った。質問紙の測定項目は、Intrinsic motivation、Introjected regulation、Integrative orientation、L2 anxiety、parental support, teacher autonomy support などであった。分析には分散分析と重回帰分析が用いられ、心理的要因と環境的要因の関係性や、それぞれの要因の影響の度合いを測定した。主な分析結果として2種類の動機づけ(Intrinsic motivation と Integrative Orientation)は、 学習言語の種類(スペイン語、フランス語、中国語、ドイツ語)に関係なく、いくつかの学習者要因を説明しているということが分かった。これら結果は、国際誌 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-13. に掲載された。この結果をもとに考えられるのは、英語以外の外国語における心理的要因や環境的要因のプロセスには共通点があるということであり、今回応用した理論的枠組みは、研究対象言語の種類によらず応用可能な枠組であるということが言えるだろう

  • Language Motivation and Culture beyond Personality Traits




    The researcher investigated language learners’ individual differences factors that considered various social influences and educational contexts.In 2018, the researcher conducted data collection and analysis. The main results obtained in this project indicated that articulating others’ dimension in a sense of self is very important in a language learning context in Japan: that is parental expectation and values influenced the development of a sense of self in language learners, which in turn had various effects on students’ motivation to learn a language and language learning outcomes. These results were presented in a conference and research session. In addition, these data were also published in a peer-reviewed international journal.These data were successfully collected and published in 2018. Additional data, especially focusing on languages other than English contexts or other educational contexts, will be collected and analyzed during the remaining period.Additional data, especially focusing on languages other than English contexts or other educational contexts, will be collected and analyzed during the remaining period. Additional qualitative data are required (and will






  • 教育・総合科学学術院   大学院教育学研究科