Updated on 2024/10/24


INOUE, Noriyuki
Faculty of Human Sciences, School of Human Sciences
Job title
Ph.D. ( Columbia University )
M.A. ( Columbia University )
M.Ed. ( Harvard University )

Noriyuki Inoue, Ph.D. specializes in educational psychology, educational research methods and educational system development. At Waseda University, he teaches educational sciences, educational innovation, educational system development as well as educational research seminars. ​His recent research focuses on action research, lesson study, inquiry-based teaching, teacher expertise development, cultural educational epistemology and motivation to learn. His journal articles have appeared in Learning and Instruction, Teaching and Teacher Education, Individual Differences and Learning, Journal of Education for Teaching, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Educational Action Research, among other sources. In 2012, he published a book titled "Mirrors of the mind: An introduction of mindful ways of thinking education" from Peter Lang Publishing (New York, NY). His second book, "Beyond Actions: Psychology of Action Research for Mindful Educational Improvement" was released from Peter Lang Publishing in 2015. Dr. Inoue began his career in Japan as a mathematics teacher where he developed a variety of interests in human cognition and development. During these years, his initial interests in mathematics education evolved into an interest in human cognition and development, which he increasingly became convinced were one of the most fundamental issues in education. In 1991, he received a Fulbright Scholarship to study in the U.S., and received an M.Ed. from Harvard University, and continued his graduate studies that resulted in receiving an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. He has been teaching and conducting a series of research at Waseda University as a Professor since 2017. He has served as a reviewer for several journals in learning sciences as well as a consultant for schools and universities. He is now actively involved in advancing scholarship in the area of teacher expertise development using action research as the theoretical and methodological framework to uncover new ways of thinking learning and teaching. He welcomes inquiries from international researchers as well as potential graduate students interested in working with him. (He accepts graduate theses and dissertations written in English.)

Research Experience

  • 2017.04

    Waseda University   Faculty of Human Sciences   Professor

  • 2017.01

    University of Cambridge   Faculty of Education   Visiting Scholar

  • 2003.08

    University of San Diego   School of Leadership and Education Sciences   Associate Professor

  • 2001.08

    University of Saint Joseph   Department of Child Study, Education and Special Education   Assistant Professor

  • 1998.09

    Teikyo Post University   School of Arts and Sciences   Instructor

Education Background

  • 1995.09

    Columbia University   Teachers College  

  • 1991.09

    Harvard University   Graduate School of Education  

  • 1981.04

    Osaka University   School of Engineering Science   Department of Mechanical Engineering  

Committee Memberships

  • 2020

    Japan Association of Research on Educator Transformation  Board member (2020-) Editor-in-chief (2023-)

  • 2017

    International Journal for Transformative Research  Editorial Advisory Board

Professional Memberships


    World Association of Lesson Study


    International Journal for Transformative Research


    Japan Association of Educators for Human Development


    American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Research Areas

  • Educational psychology   Educational Psychology

Research Interests

  • Educational Psychology

  • Action Research

  • Inquiry-based lessons

  • Teacher Development

  • Non-cognitive Development

  • Educational Research Methods

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  • University Professorship Award

    2014   University of San Diego  

  • Distinguished Faculty Award

    2010   University of San Diego, School of Leadership and Education Sciences  

  • Fulbright Scholarship

    1992   JUSEC (Fulbright Japan)  



  • Epistemic justice in classroom dialogues: Coming to know the ‘other’ with non-Western epistemological lenses.

    Inoue. N

    In M. Meredith (Ed.), Universities and epistemic justice in a plural world: Knowing better.     95 - 105  2024

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Beyond the linear standard: What circular models can teach us about teachers’ continuing professional learning needs in Australia, England, Japan and The Netherlands

    Van der Lans, R. M, In de Wal, J. J, Daas, R, Durksen, T. L, Inoue, N, Wilson, E, Cornelissen, F

    Teaching and Teacher Education   138  2024  [Refereed]

  • Catalyzing humanistic inquiries into contemporary social agendas: An introduction to the new Educational Innovation and Communication Studies Master’s Program

    Inoue, N

    Waseda Journal of Human Sciences   35   275 - 280  2022  [Invited]

  • Guiding educational innovation to promote children's non-cognitive abilities to succeed: implementation of the Sesame Street curriculum in Japan

    Inoue, N, Light, D

    International Journal of Lesson and Learning   11   245 - 259  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Linking theories and actions-in-practice: Infusing n=1 action research projects into educational psychology courses

    Inoue, N

    Teacher Development   26 ( 3 ) 397 - 410  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Lead author

  • The impact of pre-service teachers' pedagogical beliefs on teaching science as inquiry: A silent antagonist for effective inquiry-based science lessons

    Nawanidbumrung, W., Samiphak, S., Inoue, N.

      33 ( 1 ) 112 - 121  2022  [Refereed]

    Authorship:Last author

  • Final commentary. In M. Impedovo, Identity and teacher professional development: A reflective, collaborative and agentive learning journey (pp.97-101). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

    Inoue, N


    Authorship:Lead author

  • 教師が自己成長できるために:アクション・リサーチャーを育てる

    井上 典之

    浅田 匡・河村 美穂 (編) 教師の学習と成長: 人間教育を実現する教育指導のために ミネルバ書房    2021

    Authorship:Lead author

  • Enhancing Pre-service Teachers’ Reflective Quality on Inquiry-based Teaching Through a Community of Practice

    Ketsing, J, Inoue, N, Buczynski, S

    Science Education International   31 ( 3 ) 367 - 378  2020  [Refereed]

  • Deconstructing teacher expertise for inquiry-based teaching: Looking into consensus building pedagogy in Japanese classrooms

    Inoue, N, Asada, T, Maeda, N, Nakamura, S

    Teaching and Teacher Education   77   366 - 377  2019  [Refereed]

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    What does it take for teachers to effectively teach inquiry-based lessons? We videotaped a series of mathematics lessons that involve whole class consensus building discussions (neriage) taught by leading teachers at Japanese elementary schools followed by teacher interviews. The triangulated data analysis revealed that the teachers facilitated class discussions to achieve the lesson goals effectively, but they made modifications to their lesson plans on the spot to bring all the students together while promoting their whole person development. Based on these, we argue that the teacher expertise to teach inquiry-based lessons effectively involves holistic envisioning, adaptability and inclusiveness.



  • Bringing life to educational psychology through cross-cultural experiences. In K. Keith (Ed.), Culture across the curriculum: A psychology teacher's handbook. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

    Inoue, N


  • Educational epistemology, culture and history: Response to Joan Walton.

    Inoue, N

    International Journal for Transformative Research   3   29 - 32  2016  [Invited]

  • The role of subjectivity in teacher expertise development: Mindfully embracing the “black sheep” of educational research.

    Inoue, N

    International Journal for Transformative Research   3   16 - 23  2016  [Refereed]

  • Learning to overcome epistemological challenges: A case of a cross-cultural action research exchange program between the United States and Japan

    Inoue, N

    ACTION RESEARCH   13 ( 2 ) 154 - 169  2015.06  [Refereed]

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    Cross-cultural experiences can offer unique opportunities to examine our assumptions that underlie our worldviews. This paper discusses a cross-cultural action research program in which US and Japanese university students mutually presented and discussed their action research projects in Tokyo. Planning and organizing the program involved a series of dialogues with the Japanese partner that had led to mutual agreement to frame the cross-cultural exchange as ba, a Japanese cultural concept that implies intersubjective and open communicative arena to co-develop a new understanding. This paper discusses what the US students and faculty group experienced and learned in the cross-cultural program. Through the program, the students encountered different styles of communicating meanings and epistemology and made sense of new ways of viewing the world. During the program, the US faculty group experienced an unanticipated disconnect with the Japanese partner about restructuring the discussion format to elicit more participations of the Japanese students, but it was eventually overcome though a series of reflective dialogues regarding the nature of silece and voicing one's opinions. This paper discusses how encountering different modes of communications and social dynamics in cross-cultural dialogues can help us become aware of various assumptions that underlie our action research endeavers.



  • Developing soft skills in action research: A cross-cultural approach with East-Asian epistemology.

    Inoue, N

    Sage Handbook of Action Research (3rd edition).    2015

  • Social and personal development

    Inoue, N

    Educational psychology reader: The art and science of how people learn     251 - 169  2014

  • Reflective practice and motion sickness: Thoughts on the first North American Action Research Study Day.

    Lowell, R, Inoue, N, Getz, C

    Educational Action Research   22   251 - 269  2014  [Refereed]

  • Creation and initial validation of the motivation belief inventory: Measuring leaders’ beliefs about employee motivation using for motivation theories.

    Facer, D. C, Gallaway, F, Inoue, N, Zigarmi, D

    Journal of Business Administration Research   3   1 - 18  2014  [Refereed]

  • A cultural analysis of trends and directivity of U.S. teacher education and educational research: What can we learn from there?

    Inoue, N

    The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development   34 ( 3 ) 87 - 94  2013  [Refereed]

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    This paper first introduces a set of recent trends of U.S. teacher education and educational research, and then discusses its directivity and structural issues that underlie the trends. Historically speaking, teacher education in the U.S. has dynamically shifted its focus as it involved a number of new initiatives and explorations to meet diverse needs of the dynamically changing society. This paper discusses some of the most important trends and discussions in U.S. teacher education and educational research, from which it points to meaningful educational and policy implications for future educational research, teacher education and subject education in Japan and other cultures.


  • Achievement motivation, assimilation, decenter, locus of control, schema, Yin and Yang.

    Inoue. N

    In K. D. Keith (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/Blackwell.    2013

  • Zen and the art of neriage: Facilitating consensus building in mathematics inquiry lessons through lesson study.

    Inoue, N

    Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education   14   5 - 23  2011  [Refereed]

  • Lost in translation: L2 learners' struggle to communicate cultural meanings of L1-specific expressions.

    Inoue, N, Molina, S

    CATESOL Journal   22   10 - 23  2011  [Refereed]

  • You asked open-ended questions, and now what?: Understanding the nature of stumbling blocks in mathematical inquiry lessons.

    Inoue, N, Buczynski, S

    Mathematics Educator   20   10 - 13  2011  [Refereed]

  • Omoi vs. thinking in action research

    Inoue, N

    The California School Counselor   14  2011

  • Developing a policy for an international experience requirement in a graduate teacher education program: A cautionary tale.

    Buczynski, S, Inoue, N, Lattimer, H, Alexandrowicz, V

    Teaching Education   21   33 - 46  2010  [Refereed]

  • A cross-cultural approach to deconstructing cognitive processes in the mathematics classroom.

    Inoue, N

    In K. D. Keith (Ed.), Cross-cultural psychology: A Contemporary reader (pp. 198–209). Hoboken, NJ:    2010

  • The issue of reality in word problem solving.

    Inoue, N

    In B. Greer & L. Verschaffel (Eds.), Words and worlds: Modelling verbal descriptions of situations. New Directions in Mathematics and Science Education (pp.195-209). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publisher.    2009

  • Rehearsing to teach: Content-specific deconstruction of instructional explanations in pre-service teacher trainings.

    Inoue. N

    Journal of Education for Teaching   35   47 - 60  2009  [Refereed]

  • Minimalism as a guiding principle: Linking mathematical learning to everyday knowledge.

    Inoue, N

    Mathematical Thinking and Learning   10   1 - 32  2008  [Refereed]

  • Why face a challenge?: The reason behind intrinsically motivated students' spontaneous choice of challenging tasks

    Noriyuki Inoue

    LEARNING AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES   17 ( 3 ) 251 - 259  2007  [Refereed]

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    In a task choice situation, why do some students spontaneously choose challenging tasks while others do not? In the study, 114 undergraduate students were first asked of their perceived competence and interest in solving number puzzles at both individual and situational levels, and then asked to choose one puzzle from four difficulty levels. They received no performance feedback throughout the session. Regression analyses indicated that the students with higher individual interest levels chose more challenging puzzles, while the students with higher levels of perceived competence and low levels of individual interest did not necessarily choose difficult puzzles. The students who chose more challenging puzzles attributed their choices to interest rather than perceived competence. The study suggests a limitation of relying on students' self-reported confidence in their ability and the importance of conceptualizing individual interest as the reason behind the choice of challenging tasks in a low-pressure task choice environment. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



  • The realistic reasons behind unrealistic solutions: the role of interpretive activity in word problem solving

    N Inoue

    LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION   15 ( 1 ) 69 - 83  2005.02  [Refereed]

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    It is known that school-aged children have a strong tendency to solve mathematical word problems by mechanically calculating numbers even if their calculational answers seem unrealistic. The present study found that undergraduate students also demonstrate this tendency, but many of them could justify their "unrealistic" responses with sensible rationales. In-depth clinical interviews revealed that some of the "unrealistic" responses stemmed from simply an unanticipated, but realistic understanding of the problem situations, while others stemmed from intentionally conforming to the culture of schooling. It is suggested that cognitive functioning in problem solving is highly dependent on an individual's contextual interpretation of the activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



  • Young children doing mathematics: Observation of everyday activities.

    Ginsburg, H.P, Inoue, N, Seo, K

    In J. V. Copley (Ed.), Mathematics in the Early Years. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.    1999

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Books and Other Publications

  • Creating a teacher collective: Professional development within the group, the community, and the network

    Impedovo, M, Ferreira-meyers, K, Inoue, N( Part: Joint author)

    Rowman & Littlefield  2023 ISBN: 1475869363

  • Beyond actions: Psychology of action research for mindful educational improvement.

    Inoue, N

    New York: Peter Lang Publishing  2015

  • Mirrors of the mind: An introduction of mindful ways of thinking education

    Inoue. N

    New York: Peter Lang Publishing  2012

Research Projects

  • International development of lesson study to promote elementary school students' non-cognitive skills

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

    Project Year :




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Overseas Activities

  • 教育システム研究の方法論・教育心理学の理論と実践について


    フランス   エクス-マルセイユ大学


  • Faculty of Human Sciences   School of Human Sciences (Online Degree Program)

  • Faculty of Human Sciences   Graduate School of Human Sciences

  • Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences   School of Education

Internal Special Research Projects

  • 児童の非認知能力の促進を目的とした授業研究・アクション・リサーチの国際的展開

    2023   Elaine Wilson, Maria Impedovo, Rikkert van del Lans, Frank Cornelissen, Margaret Meredith

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  • 算数教育において非認知的能力を促進する方法を解明するためのアクションリサーチ研究


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  • 教師の専門技能発達のための批判的内省の内容・意味の研究


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    このプロジェクトでは教師の専門技能発達のために不可欠と考えられている教師の批判的省察 (criticalreflection)の性質をより深く理解するために申請者が米国の大学の教員養成プログラムにおいて収集したデータの分析を行い、2017年 8 月にコペンハーゲンで行われたヨーロッパ教育学会(European Conferenceon Educational Research)で研究結果の発表を行なった。現在学会で得られたフィードバックをベースに、欧米の学会誌に研究内容を投稿する準備を行なっている。